Issue # 39 April 2011 Central Illinois Teaching with Primary Sources Newsletter EASTERN ILLINOIS UNI VERSITY SOUTHERN ILLINOIS UN IVERSITY EDWARDSVILLE Fast Pitch: Softball & Baseball INSIDE THIS ISSUE: Topic Introduction 2 Connecting to Illinois 3 Close to Home 3 Learn More with 4 American Memory In The Classroom 6 Test Your Knowledge 9 Image Sources 10 CONTACTS Melissa Carr
[email protected] Editor Cindy Rich
[email protected] Amy Wilkinson
[email protected] P a g e 2 B a s e b a l l F a s t P i t c h Welcome to the Central Illinois Teaching with Primary Baseball has had its share of controversies. In the Sources Newsletter. Our goal is to bring you topics that 1800s, professional and amateur connect to the Illinois Learning Standards as well as teams were segregated, with very few introduce you to amazing items from the Library of integrated professional league Congress. Baseball is mentioned specifically within the teams. In July 1887, the following Illinois Learning Standards (found within goal, International League banned standard, benchmark or performance descriptors). 21- contracts with black players Develop team building skills by working with others altogether. African-Americans through physical played in the short lived ―negro activity. There are leagues‖ formed in the late 1800s. numerous amounts of Some interracial games occurred Information from the when major league white teams Library of Congress on played black teams in baseball and softball. ―barnstorming‖ games. In If I were to include Mexico, Cuba and other parts of everything this would Latin America, professional turn into a book rather baseball was not segregated.