Serving the State The Weather University of Iowa C1e1llb wHIt ra1a or .... Wa,.. C....,.. eoId. Campus and "' ...... ,. .... ,. ... .u...... 1 ...w nvrles 1ft6k4. m.h War. n ; Iowa City ow·an ..... ft. III.Jh Fricla,., U; Ie .IL Esi. 1868 - ." leoud Wlte. Wirephoto - five Cents Iowa City. Iowa. Saturdoy. March 27. 1954 'What Do We Do Next?' GOP Head Lists Election I·ssues ApplicationsO~n I Han(her Affirms Belief in Youth's Says M~(arihYr For Hawkeye Editor Army Flah ===EF..:~;·:Abilitv To Handle World Problems Hurl Party We4Ae8da,. A ...... UO. ma,. be A::!tW., ~ tl.~::: sur President Vir,i1 M. Han her ~ ~ from th ir own e)'es. Thenlunlversll.Y president commented: OMAHA. (,tP) - GOP N.Uonal Co_MaleaUo.. Coter. • • Frld y told educ lars meeting in they will ha¥ the rllbt to com· Th y will be ret.ined only by Chllrman Leonard W. Hall II ld Ch &:all> that dulls should look at pl.ln of the mote that 1$ In lbelr tho! who have the cours, and Friday the tussle ot Sco. Joseph C...... ,. &he ",,",-n mIlA th if own .Ihortcomlnp and ,top broth r'. )'e." vlC\lance to facc th same l1'.ve Mc:OIrthy (R-Wis.) with th ar- IaaVl! .... JI'IbUea ..... nllU'leaot, crltkWn, the youn,. Alain I minI at critics, he stat· dan , mY haa hurt. Then he ~t down lIan .._aavaled 8entln aWl· H nche.-, speakln at th con· led : "Ttl thinp 1 h ve m~Uoned Earlier in the day, UnIversity of th prime lt~ camplIllPI IlISues lb...... Illcl be. In , ... Khelu-lventJon of the North Centrll A • are symptomatic ot the dy of M. innMOta President J.mes L. lIS the economic well·beina of the tie ata..... soclaUon or Collelcs and Second. lour tlmes-th lack of wisdom, the torrlll told the delegates Ha.wrry n.Uon .nd the "never-endlnl" Allpljea...... _ 10 .rtl· ary Schoola, said: "It ls not the deficiency In moral ense-whlch proccsslon of prof ors.nd teach. b.ttle wIth communlSm. I... , a""-d &e tlte ....rd ., yo r n rail n that brou,ht I makes It posaible tor men to hold rs have 50Ulhl th heltcr ot the "Tho dispute h hurt. Any dla- Weo' hWleatle , IDe., aa. on t -0 world wars, • d pr on anoth~r I neratlon to standards Fifth amendm 01" In testimony pute hUN." be said in an Intcr- .... be aclCOlII!P8oJd b, eerUll· and a boom." whicb Ih y Id nol meet them- bct'or con ere anal commit( vi w. eaUoD of aracle palut nera&e trotll "U Invone Is on trial, It l.I our ~ve.. . Investlgatln, communam. "McC.rthy h. done more harm uae rullwar'. oMet. , Mralon and lh chools which 'That way II InJU t c and Wh ther they actually required tban ,.00<1," H.1l added. "HI ,n- roduccd us. Why did th . choots tyranny wlthln ",'b tram work protection or the Constitution to Ite CCectJvt'o has diminished tall to teU you that there.r such no education wort~y of Ihe nam avoid e1!-incrhntnaUon or Just re. in th past tow week ." thin IS InternaUon.1 rclaUoM can be earri on. (~ 10 answer out oC "quixotic Hall picked tbe top campalin Nobel Prize Winner and Int maUonal /lood manner,'" Hancher d that when people perversity," Morrill 5atl In, hlm and requ tlng lh detaIls Benesch', slllllature was all of c1sm Is no ncw thlna. He laid It assembly, of wor.hip, .nd, ~Bt arlUment, the .heriff .ald. He The natlon.l ch.lrman Id th t the same as usual, frllternity ran and is looking forward to on the "mathcmatlcal Iystem" be 'ho Inscribed on a ailv r traY has b en lodlCd In our society for rna t unU!u81 freedom of all, th report d that veral 22-caU~r Republicans can win In 19114 If oWcials said. wl';"hlnp '(ome". lused to gu s th carr ct talll, which was prt8ented to KrebS on more than a century, but "today tr and open lOci ty'." cartrld, s w r (ound ncar th ~hey be.stlr themselv , work as Lyman Waller, Mrs. Ellen Stought, apartment 'Didn't Uke' beha!! of his profession. I friends we e It In one ot its u,lIer and Hanch r Id thal the trec- houle .nd bull i hot were dls- hard as they did In 1952 and leU C3, Grinnell, AI· house neJghbor and a nurse ~l SIi-io, who Is worklnl toward a and assocl.tes when he rcc:elved crueler moods." dOmJ had been purch d by those covered in Ihe woodwork. the story ot Lhe Eiaenhowcr ad- pha Tau Omega, Veterans hospital. submitted 511- Ph.D. in education, commented on the coveted award. Polnl of Atla4:k wlllln, to lutter ImprLsonm nt .nd When the rlUment started mInistration. 83 votes; go's name In radio stallon KXIC's th small amount he has used the Krebs, who II Iltlll on lh Un I· In d crlbln, criUdsm of edu· torture, death and m rt rdom. The the ,heriCf lold Mrs Murra), went (Deep I. Ute na-"" Kappenstein, contest to guess the total number ,set. He said: "I've be n pretty verslly of Shef[ield faculty, also c.tional Institutions, h said: "Tbe --- n xl door .nd telephoned a family "I am not tcllin, you thJs to 2, Bra a k I Y n, of points the 16 hiah school teams busy and I jUlt didn't Ilke the won a Lasker Award In It1l3. The point of their attack 1! that the L I Y trl nd Ralph NcuhaUl She asked promote I foelln, ot over-optl- ~. Y., Alpha .Ep- would score In la t week's boys' programs I'd .seen betor we reo American Public Health IIssocl- schools do not teach t}le funda- oca oungster him t~ come OVer and' talk to her ml m," Hall said. "It's not my na. o Siion PI, received tournament held In Iowa Cily. celved our set." . atlon makes these awards annual- mentals. The attack is m by B. b M k t hu band ture or my pollUca! training to 65 votes and - - His win through Mrs. Stought's ly 10 Individuals and eroup!l for men and women of our encra· Itten y US ra ' underestlmote problems, Wc al- Ken n e 1 h J. M M T Id of Carts was the first since hc was "outstandlnr contributions In reo tion nd th fundamentals at Mrs, Murr y entered th house ready are deep In the fl,ht and , C3, Ida rs. OSS 0 In eighth grade. Sligo sold he search related to dlseasea which which they and we learned In A 10.year-old Iowa City youth • .hort tim later and Murray it Is ,oln, well" Grove, Delta Tau T R t t J b drew a poster for a hpalth con· are the main causes ot death and sehool a quartcr of II century lind wos bltlen on the hand by II musk· Ihot at ber, according to the sber- Ea U H 11' aid La th int Delta, had 63 for 0 e urn 0 0 test In 1938 and waa awarded dIsability ..." more 0110. rat Frld.y nlCht abUut 8 after hls llrr. Re·enterln, the hou , she. r er a s 1 I er- the defeated can· WASHINGTON (JP}-The anny eight (ree art Ie ons, but hasn't The

04 ':1" '. - It • 11.-8a'.. Mar. !T. It3c.....PU'f. 3

., ••R· .. sophy Professor I Scouts Take a Compass -Reading ,Orcltesis Presen's Variety of Dances iO Women To I ke ·Parl in Plays at Annual festival today Marxism Sin. 'ill take par in ------~ In Annual ~once" 14 play n p t l t dub. nd ~ 2!ftb annual Play Production f - Knob," 1 rei F Lecture B DIlAIlZ . lABltY . b \·.al at the Unh'~r Jty theatre \\'iIliamsburc. . Or h , UI d nee orcaruza- Friday and lOOay. Aftern n '" will ~cin at Fa ,F irfi Id Lilt !'rOt. Joheps L. Cobitz of the lion tor men nd 'omrD" presenl- This Is a 40 per 2 'ith "H PP. Joume.' to Tren- cutting from -Death Tak a Holi- Product • ptrtment oC philosophy spoke to ~ its annWlI con rt ot IOterpre- In en ' a rer 1 play lOll:' ' av fly Woman's club; da)," atine Community The- onda. lib hi&b schools all ludience ot 50 Friday night on live dill\! Fr! da~ nllht in Mac- f tival. ··GIrls !u t Talk..·· Marshalltown atr ; "For ch Man Kil .. b) plannin~ to participate in the f _ alantism and Existentialism" at bride hall auditorIUm. Pro), will be&in 9:50 Worn n' club; "Who Will Re- th d m laboratory up ot the th·at. P y 'Will be prHented .!tl house. The d , ... ·ith choreography un. with "te Under the me m b t r:' BriJhton Federated SiOux City department of rfftea- every morrun" an moon nd eve- tit described the Marxist phil­ by m~bers of Orch ,wen! of Skin." by Stanwood Juni Wom- dub. and MGr y Br~ad," Clear ti n. ning, \dth the exception ot F ri- jIIOphy as "scientific, material­ • wid~ v ri ty, m rious, .ome an' club; '·CoD..<:olation." le- k Worn n dub. Th day and Saturday mominJS, ~c. and pragmatic." He explain· in aUght. humerous ,'ein. eli that Marx viewed the effects • contrary to the thou,t! of some Chi _ men's desire on history as col· people. interpN'tive d neln~ 1s not Unloa, and not individual. entirely "hichbrow." Some 01 the eve existentialism, Cobitz said W~ or numbers could be adapted for use key words are "loneliness, an· on televisloll or in a musical com· SPrin, 0' tlnd estrangement." Choice edy produl'tJon. "'hat determines meaning in Guild t, and each man must make his The number, "Mldnilht In the Shall!. .n choices. ,ToYJhop" falls In this da '. It is CObitz poInted up the differ­ the tory or tb actions of toys TAKE THE WORK OUT OF SELLING WITH Gr;sa !!Ice hetween the 19th century I aft r the toy ~ hop ha do . Joan WANT ADS ~tentiallst, Soren Kierkegaard humann. A2, Waterloo. did the t Denmark, who felt thal thel choreorraphy on this in ddlbon AD Wanted W~ ~t final choice of man w.,s to cUn, the part of the doll in the WANT RATES • ,and the contemporarYf kit. Sp~ rrench exjstential1st. Jean Paul I Other numb€'r that w nt over 0 ...., _ Ie .... ".r. , rlre, whose philosophy is athe­ well with the audience ot appl'Ox· TIwee 0,.1 __ l~ per wen) Grill iSlic. imateiy 200 included the medley oC PIn ..,. __lISe IIU ..... Marxism and existentialism are popul r tunes. RnG a 'ulte of tolk 'l'H .. tie IIU " .... Ialik e, he said, in their view of son£'l. ,a _ 0.. Hea&II _ He pel' wert J)ln as estranged trom his proper I Mu. ie "" pla~'ed, and in alar, part written. by the student ot ~~ ~r x said modern industrial SUI's music department. tthods caused man to be spir- Jean Minnis Smith, instructor In I ituallY and materially lost. Kierk­ j women's phylcal education. dl- /jClaard found man's frustrations CLASSlI'1ED DlSPLA Y CD'''T I ..... PIo. , •• ~r 01<1, PItH..... ) \recl~ the affair and provided the s ID $pring from his separation from 000, caused by man's limited be· DAVE PRICE, RIGHT, dl trlct eout exe utlve, 100 on a three :;:Id~n~ hand In much ot the chor- One int, and God's infinity. Sartre Iowa City explorer seout. Gary laru. Bob VanEpps, and l\larcUll r p y. "ve in ertiom peT month, I finds man ridden by anxiety be­ Powell, ldt to rtcht, take a eompa readinr dul'inc the dutrld ex:· Th dance cone rt will be pre- per insertion._.. aBc per inch ______(luse he will not make and be plorer seoul practice moblllJaUoD Friday nlJ:M. Tbe IICOU&s art par. s nted acaln tonl,hl. (OOtent with his own IndIvidual ticlpatlnr In a. U-hour moblllution. l\lore thAn 40 couts took pa.rt tboiees and val ues. In the all nl,bt affair which wa helel at lbe Rotary ('Imp two cobitz concluded that the Marx. mUes west of Iowa Cliy. Nominations Open bls had a new and useful methods /or "thinking'" the problems of --- For SUI Moth.r l110dern life, but that the exist· Campua houslnl units are beln, !lltiallsts "feel" the problems Scouts Practl1ce Mobl1111zall1on I ked to nominate their candldatLt more deeply. ••t •• A ...... 1t ~ ,... Dan, ••••• a.1I om .. He said a synthesis between the l tOI' SUI Moth 1'. R(' I'e. nlatlve- _Hi II ... :' Or '.U Itwo philosophies, despite Marxist About 45 Explorer Scouts from I within two or thr hours aCt r Son and Rl'pr l'n Uve Dllu,ht r. :O bjecti~it.Y" " . and Existential a two and one half county area tht' orders we opened. The Ihr will be Introduced al subjectiVlty IS not out of thelheld an all night practice mobillUl- Th b t t th Eld n HI- luncheon Saturday, Mar. 8 In con- uestion . oys me a e 0 q • tion FrldllY nJ ghl. Scouls trom ler trucking termlllaL on the we t junction with Mother's day week- 4191 Johnson, Washin,ton, and the cde or Iowa C~lY on highway 6. cnd tvenls. sur Group To Attend south half of Iowa counties spent They then hiked to th camPln,\ Letter about the conte t w r • 'the night engaged In map rcadln8 spot. mall d to hO\llip, \lnl~ Friday by Typlnp Ames Home Ec Meeting and First aid exercises at the Rot· The exercise will be 0" r to- Mort r Board senior women', TVPI O. , _" • . IIry camp IWo miles west ot Iowa nI,M when the scout will return ' ______.,..-,,-'--..,...... - _~--~--:__...;... __--- Eight members of the SUI Home City home honorary and IIpon. or of Mother's MA..'lV nJPT .nd 'Jlae.l. 1)'1) nco Economics club an~ three mem- . . day w ekend activit! ~I'dal t Mr, Quuan ..u.. En Loan. bers of the SUI home economics The exercise is part ot an over- To quality for th Explorer '!action. It_nable. 1'24 1.;.:·...:....------department faculty will attend all Explorer training cour e to Scout.. a boy mu I be 14 . or of Mother nomlnatioll. liN' du r~III1~:~:... :u~~.'l:: ~~;:~l~':"Dcei I State Day workshop ot the Col. prepare the scout tor any l!I1ler· ai or older. Tuesday, Aprll 6, ot the offle of Auto. For Sol. - Us.d Ita. Ignition lege Clubs department ot the Iowa gency m?bilizotion they might <'n· student Cfalr. , Unlver 'ity hall. 1M' S1'tJDI:RAKItIl Commander Lo.... -1]"";"r;D-TV--L'-1-2-"-"--I-"-"-f4-~-"-S-.-t'-I.-I CARBURETORS Home Economics association to· counter III the tuture. K. k J II N eel Thoe lor son and dau,ht rare ",11- e. f4U Will tnd •. ..;P~h:!::I)~.,..~.;,!.4~III5~J;;;;-;;7;~-;:;::;::::::::::::;:-:::;-;=:;;:; GENERATORS STARTERS day In Ames. The plan Is to have the scouts "enaa am due Wedne da" rll 14 lit lh IUNcOloN v.ji ....~--cb:ib COllp<'. Ex~I· roOR, I ~2 ' aaby paroJoHt. Ilnd c.n.rl~ •• BOARD JOBS " "11 I I d I i J' , Jen~ t'Ondlllon. 1:1 rl~ .... Indo.. · Wh'lt l_~o~...... :::: ....,;.. ______8riggl & Slratton Motors ,.,tudents attending WI nc u e ready to work In cooperat on w th A • t· H d oUie. Ilde .... II ... PI'1o. WANTED: N...... clul.lWljlln .... Plton# Work Wont.d 621 S. Dubuque Dial 5723 on ,h. Private Dining Room new preSident of the State Coil Ile district cout executive. Price w Dr. Walter Klrkendall, 701 ...... 1. Cr.w • . . Excellent ,Meals du bs. Helen Richmann, A3, Mar- in charge ot the Friday niahl ex. Grant st.. chief 01 medical crvic~ ~ ion, newly elected president of ercl e. at Veterans hospital. Thursday was For foot dlmfor' ..• ... a•• 1 Working Condltlonl .• . Ille SUI Home Economics club Th t 1 15 1\ elected president of the Johnson Nfl wjJ] also attend. Miss Borts wi]l. the scou s rom i some 1 ~n s County Tuberculosl and Health For new .hoe look ••• I Apply in person at !Iv. '--d th d" In e area were g ven sea e or- a ocililion at their annual m t- boOltlll 1<4 one of e ISC~SSIOn g.roups ders over a week a,o. to be opened In PICTURE FRAMING do 51 at the workshop thiS mornang. Friday at 5:30 p. m., tIling them i· Dining Service Office o.TnlnC41 Neatly Done . . . Reolonably PlI, Faculty members accom.Pllnying ot the exercl e. Price sold the Georg<, 1?an<', R.R. 4, was f<,- ED SIMPSON'SI Iowa Memorial Union I ... the students are Profs. SybIl Wood- s outs were expected 10 l'<'port elected chairman ot the Chrl tma..s -~---.. Prlc:ed a ... ruft, head of the SUI home ec- c S aJ campaign in 1954 at the me t. WAl'ITl:D. Baby .lIIln• • Dial ... =1., I Shoe and Service 13 ': onomlcs department; Lula Smith - -- lng which attended by ap- wa~ WILL me for eNid In hom. DI.l'.153I Stillwell Paint Store 1 Ulowa Ave. Sl! ..... md Ruby Smith. The meeting wi:! H.S. Teachers Set proximately 65 persons ill the JAeJ( .nd JUI rl.,.... IIooI . 1>1.1 ,.IItO. 216 E. Washington Dial 96~3 o .. be held at Iowa State College. I Maytlo er Inn. We Carry A Campi te Line or Other students attending the IE I· h C f I Prof. Fronk Top. head of the BABY Il"~ Dial 4JI1. All .. for AI'IClIe. workshop are Betty Kunik, A2, n9 IS on erence dcpattment of ' hygiene and pre. ENDICOTT JOHN N Washington ; Genice SteffeJ1 son, ventive medicin , spoke on the Cash men', dr shoe. . AS , Cedar Rapids; Beverly Baeur, The annual conference "Un[inished TO'k In TB Contro!." FOR ANY S cond-Hond Department n A2 West Des Moines; Marydaie for ~owa hlg.h .chool teachers at. __.. _ .. '. 2 Id G . Y rendmg, writing and speakin,l FURNITURE BARGAINS .oJ .. ernll, A, a rove. and vonne 'II b h Id t th I C t /Typograph Group RENT·A·CAR - Waskow, A2, Cedar Rapids. WI e. e ,a e own en cr y Purpose EXCEPTIONAL INCOME PLA TFORM ROCKER Ifl. for Continuation Study April 23- To Hear Coleman OR Flor 1 Tnp try Small {ooW;, Paymenta. SMALL INVESTMENT REFRIGERATOR The philosophy, prac· Prot. Can'oll Coleman, of the l, Record 24 ef!ec~,and 1 RENT-A-TRUCK MEN OR WOMEN 6 C ubit' Flo t~cal classroom uses"of The En • chool of journalism, will partlci­ Federal Discount J!!tl I1sh Language Arts, a recent and pate in a typography conference DRESSER BASE DEATHS inlluential publication of the Na- held In t. Louis. Mo. today and lO"aU, ope,..Un, fp()I'IUon. lHERn Dri:~-Ur SYSTEM III ... be,.. 0' CHAMBER 0 .. COM­ o k Flni h 9.9 . tional Council of Teachers of Eng· lSunday. Mf:flCl:. 1lJINl< , ~"' . . .. o~nlnl K~y Rlchards~ n, .2, lish, will be the major topic ofl ., . . " ...... oUll"lo lor W}f0 "r..p: m • CIlINA CABINET Friday at UmverSlty the conference, explains PI'Ot. Coleman ""II parl1clpate III I!'e r LICENSED thandt. ,, our T bl and 4 Chalrl , 9.~ day at Universi ty hospitals. terence chairman. Iarl'a clubs of the International Phon. 9696 m-.,hl . THIS I NOT A Grr· RICH·QUICK bu.ln" but hQuld GAS RANGE BffiTHS Prof. Dora Smith of the Unlver- ot Printing Hous NOTICE ASS~Ciati on 111\# .)011 0 TEAOY PROFIT­ Table Top Slyle in Mt. and Mrs, James L. Eastman, sHy of Minnesota, who led tht! Cra !.smen. SPARE TIME INCOME A Bl.& Income lor tbe 1'. I of your IIf... A CA II J VEST)lENT of whit enamel 49.'" Solon, a girl Tuesday at Mercy NCTE committee which prepared Th workshop wlll be conduct· Relioble person to er 'lte Auto~ lorge deepfreete. electric stove, IICO or mor.. I 011 that I requlncI; hospital. the report, will be a principal ed by typog.raphers and designers malie Merchandise Dispensers in d h d f ' U11 I 0 by In rnlOr • MIRRORS this coun~y. Full or port Ii ". ryef, wos er, an re rtgeralor, YOU 00 NOT BUY IACIUNES! Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hoi!, 325 speaker. Iowa teachers who will from the ChIcago ar a. w. wUI uppl)" brllnd 1'1e rna ... Size 15" 22 " with Finkbine, a girl Friday at Mercy participate on panels includel-- • o Overhead • No Sellin, - /voice recording-record chong. ch'",," "~OLlITI:L Y nUE OF metal frame .. 1.9~ InunedJate InClOme I d ' "'11 I CHAROI:. NO SELLINO OR SO· hospital. Elizabeth Almen, Algona; Rich· ~£W...... - .. _ ,Qualified person will have oppor- ng ro .0. ~ are near y n.w WClTtNG nOCtilar O! our ...,. p.,..' obt.in_ aU locallon. POLICE COURT ard Hootman, Collax; Ruth Good· ,~~~ tunlty to care $5.000.00 and up olong wilh all household fur­ Inc M" liP ""'te ror )'Oil In your Easy Budget Terms Roy S. Chumbley, Des Moines rich, Fort Dodge; Margaret Ding- yearly. Small inveslm nl of $590.00 n'sh'ngl which will go ot on .rc• . If 10U 11.\ e • !Iou,," J)ff k NO MONEY DOWN !ruck driver, fined $17.50 on a man, Cedar Rapids (Roosevelt); cash requlred, secured b inven. ' I 10 par.... are 01 exc.e1l<,nl cllaru. FOR ter #nd cra:lJt .....ncll"c. nwn 0 ear. Take a Full Year tlITRlST n ,/(ct( rul applicant was James S. :no \\ A!>tlll'.GTui'O :-.T. 6 ~anuey, A4, Olin. -"'JIIIII!IJ!III~II!!I--JI!IIIIII!III!--

~'. ~ , ....'lv. --~ ~ ... .., .... )

.... P." j-TJO DAILY JOWAN-Iewa etb', &:-15a...... 17, · 1154

BUCKY'S AMBITIOUS... • By Alan Mav•• 3 ~ Iowa Men Ferguson Pulls Heel Muscle, Raschi Seen The Dafl Iowan ..... As Jig Hope Gain Notch , Won't. Run In Chicago ' Relays ~owa's star distance runner, Square Garden in 1948. for Cardinals On NCAA ·Mat Rich Ferguson, was forced to Other ace performers inclIJdt NORMAN, Okla. (A»- Iowa sent withdraw from the Chicago Daily Fred Wilt and Horace Asb.enteit. Br JACK HAND three men Into the NCJ\A wrestl- News Relays Friday because of an cr, FBI men dueling in the I injured heel. The injury was de- mile; Harrison Dillard, . ~ PEn;RSBURG, Fla. (IP) _ ing Quarterfinals Friday night at ,sr. scribed by doctors as a pulled his eighth straight hieh h~ "Buy a Yanke& to beat Brooklyn." Norman, Okla. Cornell college and tendon at the bail ot the title; middle distanc~ star l1li That's the -born theo- ISC placed two men each; Warl- Testing the Tickers - ry behlnd tbe purchase of Vic Ras- burg and Iowa Teachers, one heel. Whitfieid; high jumper Ken ""- chi by the St. Louis Cardinals who /JACK" 1921, each. The injury occurred ner, and pole vaulter Bob ~ didn't beat Brooklyn once all last /JOc,id, ,A~ Richard Govig ot Iowa de<;i- time trial Wednesday ards. season at Ebbets Field. .,-111£ '/JoY sioned Stephan Levin of the Col- at the field house, but did Santee, who romped a 4:11.1 . 'J the Cards had reversed their I'IONPe'I?' lege of the City of New York in gin to pain until that evening. mile on an eight-lap dirt track. lowing a thorough examination Michigan . State last monih,. liad O-J I record at Brooklyn, they t+fAI'IA6e~ I Ithe 123 pound class; Terrance Mc- c'euld.have closed the 22-game gap IJ~O[/6I1r Cann of Iowa drew a bye in the Friday morning he was ordered to rated a fine prospect to run tht . ~P8rating them trom the Dodg- WA511IN(51'01i U5 pound division; and Streeter stay off his feet for three or four storied rOllr-minute mile. His be.! ~s " lJ)Btcad ' of a third-place tie /-r~ Shining decisioned Loren Reid of days. time is 4:02.4 at Compton, ~ ' Hh',the Pllillies, they miwht have rlRGr Colorado AM in the 191 pound Ferguson stated in his room last June. <7" 51' ?eIlI'lAN-r- Friday evening that he would at- To endanger Dodds' ll-Iap t.., 0\1 ~!le ., l\jmnant. '770PPI1/6 class. _ ~ .'Mana ~ddie S tan k y, of r/TI£ YAI'IK~ Edwin Reeney. Syracuse's lone tempt to work out Tuesday after- rec,ord, Sante~ also must crack" noon to prepare for an invitation- ChIcago StadIum mark of Uti Sur I 't expect Raschi, to AFreR en\ry in the 24th annual NCAA perform such a rIlE/'t:> Woll wrestling tournament, set a new ai meet next weekend at Montreal by Dodds in 1944. miracle all by ~ 1# A ROW. collegiate grappling record better- Canada. ' 1-;;:;;;;;;;; ___iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. - DOORS OPEN 1:15 _ himselt. ing by 7 seconds the fastest fa 11 on At 4:15 Friday afternoon track Shortstop and record. Francis Ccetzmeyer left by first base are the Reeney, who went Into the tour- train with the remainder of his big stories in the nament with an undefeated sea- team that will participate tonight Cards' camp this of 17 victories, pinned John In the Chicago Stadium. Il iId !liij spring, for the Michigan, in 3t sec- • NOW "ova tit wealthy brewery of their 157-pound second They included Leroy Ebert in WIII-. owners dished up DUCKY bOLit. The old record was 38 the 600-yard run, Les Stevens in YOU'LL QUIVER abo u t $200,000 HAlfRIS recorded by Alan Rice ot the high jump, and the mile relay AND QUAKE . • . cash to strength- OF rHE ' who pinned George team consisting of Ebert, Stan SHIMMY and SHAKE Levinson, Bruce Nolf, and Ira · MUSI~L en the two posi- WASHIN6rON ' Wyoming, in the 128-pound AT THEIR VERY •.• tions durin, the winter. SItNA TORS WIIO'£:) division in 1949, Dunsworth. VERY LATESTI Also Grammas, the new short- LIKe "'1"0 eel-ceRAre III '08 POR'TI?RFI£lO All&> The Oklahoma Aggies, favored DR. JOHN H. PRIBBLE (left), Illinois State Athletic commission, '+!ICK£y,+fcf)£RMorr CHICAGO (JP) - The spotlight stop, cost about $100,000 from the flIE ~()f'II A#NlV;;R5A~Y to win their 17lh NCAA wrestling was jus~ a spectator Friday as weUerweJrht kill&' Kid Gavtlan * * * First Time In Cincinnati organization, A .S07 hit- 0;: /lIS oestJr A~ A 11/£ f;£NA"-O!?1j M/~II-r title, placed seven of their men in (center) and mlddlewehrht champ Carl (8obo) Olso.n listen to each centers on mUer Wes Santee of -- W' at Kansas City last season Ir1ANA6ER. wlrl! A f"1,R~r CtJ/fIE UP i'I!..,.1I1JItWIt f'IP~1 the quarterfinals, Penn State, the other's hearts. The flrhters were pronounced all set for their mJd­ Kansas in the Chicago Daily News ()olor By owhen he hit only two homers, t>lVISIOIt' NR7"11. PAIR ac- 20-6At+f£ tVINN£Rt; defending champion, had all five dlewelrht title bout a.t the Chlcalo StadJum April 2. Relays, closing major meet of the TECHN1COlOR prammas supposedly ls a slicker ~NC£ 1P~3-rll~11(tA,,- CilAMF"S. of its entries go into the quarter- indoor track season, at the Chica-['-__-::-_-:- __'"":"'_--J .tielder than Solly Hemus who hit lIWIrlhl,4" ..., , .._ iM.~""'" finals. go Stadium tonight. , .. homers and batted .279 last sea- The three defending champions K -d G -I 01 T A capacity erowd of 17,000 Son. It remains to be seen whether in this year's tourney won their I aVI an son ry hopes to see Santee, running the (irammas can hit big league pitch- preliminary matches, run oft in , famed Banker's >Mile, shatter tng. H· . R II ' B k the University of Oklahoma field . •. recognized II-lap board record of 4:05.3. The Norvard Nalan, Michigan's 130- ~(I~eAI!~~~:0~~_::;'St:5b;:~~Oa:it~ a r"15 ' eca ·s rea Staring Act At Weigh-in set by Gil Dodds in •.297 '!lVerage at San Diego last ' pound champion. registered two !I!ar. He can field rings around I 1924 W Id ' S · pins. [n the first round he pinned By JERRY LISKA ' ~teve Bilke, the .251 hitting 1953 n ' 0 r e r 1e S David Simmons, Oklahoma A&M, ,CHICAGO(IP)-. Bobo Olson and sta~~~g"Y figt~~e/etfoeretehelefaadrSthtehset REICHS CAFE d tegular,• but once again comes the I.. in 7:20, In the second round he K I .G av il an t ~Ie, d t 0 s t are "eac h corner and. then picks up the toll Question of hitting. (.w. il the first of 16 "rUc1es • pinned Bob Beattie, Tcxas A&M, othcl "down Fnda~, ~nd a lW1g of the offIcial counter. However, t Ray Jablonski has StanleY's nod written for the Associated Press ill thing, in the late stages of a close in 1:49. count so~~how ~ot. mto the a~t Chicago hasn't had any real trou- ~s ' the :hlr'd baseman,. and Red which maJer learue manarel'l dis- game Giant Manager John Mc- at. an of~lclal pnmmg. for theIr ble on this score since Referee ScJ:toendlen t, 01 course, IS the sec- CUb Important pia)'•. ) Graw normally s hit ted Ross •• mIddleweIght bout Apnl 2, 'Dave Barry's famed "long count" ~nd baseman. By Youngs, the right fielder, and Senators Ph,ll,es The scene was the office of the over Gene Tunney against Jack r ,Stan Musial is the left fielder Manarer, Wuhln&'ton Senators Meusel This time he didn't do it. ' '.. ~ 1l1inois State ~thletic commission Dempsey in 1927. WIth Rip Repulski in center and They were calling me the Boy Ruel scored and we won the Yanks, C,nc,nnat, where both fIghters were pro- F""=':="'=;::;""'=';======'::" ~ld dependable.Enos Slaughter, 38, Wonder back in 1924 when Wash- game, 4-3, beating relief pitcher R II f v. . nounced in excellent physical con- ~ right. Ington won thl! Jack Bentley, It gave Johnson and 0 0 . ICtorles dition f?r their 15~round battle at DANCELAND SPECIAL· TONIGHT Del Rice, Sal Yvars and either pennant in my first year as, a Washington their first World Se- the ChIcago stadIum. Codar Ral.ld , l.w. eick Rand or Bill Sarni will do manager, I was 27. I must have ries victory. The Boston Red Sox grabbed a A phalanx of photographers 1 ....• • Smarl •• , BallrooID Chicken Fried Rice ~e catching. seen 5,000 ball games since then. J3esides Gowdy's unfo tun t one-fun lead over the Washington made 160-pound champion Oison "\\,I.. ardT:~I~~~ Or,an" Roll & BuHer ~ Raschi's' 13-6 record last season Yet I've got to go back to the (for the viants) step in~o ~l= Senators in the second inning, but and. 14~-titlehold~r Gav~lan strike Bobby Lindeman Oolong rea ~ctua,lly won't do much more than against the Gi- mask, the thing that [ never again were helpless as the S~nators a flghtmg pose In boxm~ gloves and His Orchestra SSe make, UP for the loss of Vinegar ants to find one of the most im- want to see happen to anyone was pushed across J 0 runs to wm 10-1 a!ld trunks .ror some 15 minutes , ...turln, Send Mizell (13-11) now in the portant plays ever to come up in Meusel's trick of putting the ball at Sar~sota , Fla. Bob ?ldis of pIcture taking. . lb. 57 ,000.00 Ht.mrnond Or,.n aI'my, Raschi, Gerry Staley (18-9) an inning. _ l' n hl's hip pocket. He should have CIty. caught the entIre game . All the time, the, taut. and lith Nnl Wednesday t W h gt t ht I k d ht t h Con,onlal "OVER ~8 - NIOIIT" R and Harvey Haddix (20-9) are One of the funniest things hall- thrown home. There's no telling or as m on. Ig ~rs 00 e pg 10 0 eac Jack Cole EI(H SCA FE the certain starters. Tom Poholsky, pened in the 12th inning of the but what Ruel might have tallen * * * other s eyes. and His Host of Stars back from the army, Joe Prcsko seventh and final game at GrU- down. Olson seemed more ill at ease : ~:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;=:;;;;~;;;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 1 (6-\3) and :Stu Miller (7-8) pl'ob- fith Stadium. , , our Such a play actually happened The Philadelphia Phillie, spread than the nonchal~nt Gavilan ll abl", will be the other starters. Al catcher had made only one hit in' th 1945 Wocld S' d t enough scoring over tour innings throughout the phYSIcal examma- ST Brazle ($-1) will be in the bullpen. the six previous games. 1l came ~etr:it a game agai::St:; C~~~. to defeat the Detroit Tigers 6-2 tlo~ and briefing on Illinois rules ARTS NEXT THURSDAY in his previous time at bat. Chuck Hostetler of the Tigers fell o~ a well-placed barrage of nine which followed . at ~iI This time he hit a foul pop lly. rounding third and .nad to go back hIts at Lakeland, Fla. The "long count" subject came .., .1 , y ~ ~ -:.J • 'drop Tops Konno Hank Gowdy, the Giants' catcher, to the bag. He never did score that * ~~has CO~~iSS~O~hmtember JkOhnnk _.1. -J - , L - ~ camped under the ball but stepped inning. r exp alOe a on iI . noc - War · k d d Th * * down, the referee can dIsregard MIDWEST PREMIERE on h IS mas an ropped the ball. However ' getting back to the e New York Yankees. spotted the 0 ffl"cIa I coun ter I' f th e b oxer R 1 h Filmed from the Broadway Hit ue t en, doubled.. hWalter John- 1924" classic in fairness to Meusel ,.B ro.oklyn. two runs In the second on hI' 5 feet d ecl' mes t 0 go t·a th c Top Banana Is In• NCAA 220 Race son, our great Pllc er who that even if he had thrown the ball he mmng, then moved away t~ dou- farthest corner. The referee then Tops! "SYRACUS' E ' . year had won 23 games at 36 years never would have been able to get ble the Dodger score and Win 8-4 'can give his own count , ' N. Y. (If»- Mlchl- of age yet lost his first two starts Ruel at home, at St. Petersburg, Fla, The Dodgers ' . gan s Jack Wardrop pulled the up- in the Series was sate on a ball hit 10 safeties while the Yanks of the ti)eet here Friday night hit to Travis Jackson at short. The nine. "DOORS OPEN 1:15 P.M." w,hen he beat Ford Konno of Ohio ball was hit In front of Ruel and 5 hiD .. * * * St~te by biches in the 220-yard he had to hold up at second. C 0 Z eelslons The Cincinnati Redlers scraped free st~le final of the NCAA eham- Earl McNeely, our centerflelder, A d E'I b;f the 51.. Louis Cards 3-2 Friday :1!1 ' ~1 t) pl.o,nShlPs Bnd set new Intercol- hit a ball at Freddie Lindstrom, n rews aSI Y night at Tampa, Fla. on only five ,i' -ENDS leglate anGbNCAA records of 2:05 Giant third baseman, and as soon hits. The Cards gOl eight, but could • NOW ~IONDAY- fla1.. ~t. bettered the world mark as it IcCt the bat it looked like a NEW "YO~~ IIP)- Undefeated not place them at the right time. unoUlclally. routine play at any base. The ball Gust~v Bubl, Scholz Of,Germany ;;;;;;;;;;;---...-"""-----...-=====- Wardrop's twin brother, Bert, hit a pebble and bounced over the got hiS ,Amencan rampalJill off to NOW! 1---- plunged into the pool to greet the surprised Lindstrom's head into a winmng sta;t Friday night by ENGAGEMENT! giant-killer. Konno, an Olympic leU field for a . sc.o~lng a UI'lammous 10-round de­ Ends Monday! champion, had been heavily fav- I was in the "on deck" circle and C!SloWn ?ver /MI Ad~drewSs of suGPer- d Hi f 2 05 3 ed b h' d . i or IS. ar a 1son quare ar- ore. s Ime was : .. mov e In the plate to wave d' S' h I 3 1 f 't Wardrop clipped five-tenths of a Ruel home. Ruel, a slow runner, e~. COl, a - avon e, second off the intercollegiate and was moving straight up and down: weIghed 1561/~L Andrews 1551/•. "':: NCAA records held by John Mar- He was trying to force himself to PAN -or shall of Yale and set in March, run and getting nowhere. I ·thought 1951. Unofficially, it broke the he would never score. You can --- world reco.rd of the same time Then I noticed Emil (Irish) I .... ,.,. ANO.,..~i"'l!~~nIU~_~1 : which Marshall has held since I Meusel, playing left field lor tpe I BMRCOUNiRY I "TKH"'COLO.~ 1950. Giants, put the ball in his hip ...... ,.. IIw...... , ...... ·'-.a_ _ COMPLETELY HILARIOUS Yoshi Oyakawa, Olympic team- pocket after fielding it. Funny ------FUNNY ROUGHHOUSE mate of Ko.nno beat o.ut Larry * Helm of Stantord to retain his 200- Ed dS R ' )(" Fd . bac~tf~ke title in 2:09.8. He war . ose- ScrtI STARTS w9n, by ifI~"es: STARTS J.' Heim w¥' caught in 2:10.2. Bert Most people '-ke UIelr favorlie W'hrdrop of Michigan was third in vitamin all thru the year-that SUNDAY SCOOP! SUNDAY 2:12' riat. , ' . seema the sensible thln&' to dO- ; , , We carry 'he tmpot1an' Branda ... Colortoon & News ... , Dick Cl eland, another BuC'k- of Vi'-mJn. - we prepare a eye, picked up a seven-point lirst number of formulu which COl' when .he 'Won the 50-yard free YOU le_k UI about &bem­ s{yle in 0:22.3, two-tenths shy of we are a Friendly Pharmacy- lOW! LATE ACADEM)I: AWARD SHOW SHOW the American record whieh he ' matched I~st month. DRUG SHOP ;;~~;;;..!~~~~~!!~!!~~~~~~T~ONITE Michigan's detending champion • 1" S. Dubu,ue 8 .. FOR For Don.. . ,Hlll was. second in 0:22.6. 'Roman . Holiday' 'Sfalag 17' I for lat. Information on Hello, this is i • I availability of tickets for -AWARDS­ -AWARDS­ Betty ,Grabl •.•• AUDREY HEPBURN WILLIAM I'll be seeing I, MINIEAPOLIS SYMPHONY you soon in_~ Best Actress of the Year, HOLDEN ORCHESTRA ", ( INIYASeUP' * ~st Costume Design • BEST ACTOR e OF THE YEAR P. S. And so will Apply tlck.t dHk ..,... * Best Story ••• Marilyn Monro. arJ FOR HIS ROLE AS , I Iowa Union lobby AUDREY HEPBURN AS Laur.n 8oc:all in ' The Runaway Princell 20th C,ntury.Foa', Or call Exton.lon 2041 ...; ~~ .... IN How 10 MARiI1 ." ... AMILUONAai with the irraiItible force of ' l '~ ()l\L\~ I-J()l J I )l\Y TECHNICOlOI' *** lile it.ell inacribe .. a Dew Concerts will begin promptly eIIa.- ia che auaIa of the A acreeaJ POlltlvely Ends Today , . II On New Wide 20", Wedn ••day, 2:30 and 1100 '.M. , Everelt,:'The Conq'u_lt of ~ !,1 ~ , (' j ,, Panoramic ' ~~ I'." :! In Technlcolor Scr ••n

- 1 . '