Serving the State The Weather University of Iowa C1e1llb wHIt U.lat ra1a or .... Wa,.. C....,.. eoId. Campus and "' ......... ,. .... ,. ... .u...... 1 ...w nvrles 1ft6k4. m.h War. n ; Iowa City ow·an ..... ft. III.Jh Fricla,., U; Ie .IL Esi. 1868 - ." leoud Wlte. Wirephoto - five Cents Iowa City. Iowa. Saturdoy. March 27. 1954 'What Do We Do Next?' GOP Head Lists Election I·ssues ApplicationsO~n I Han(her Affirms Belief in Youth's Says M~(arihYr For Hawkeye Editor Army Flah ===EF..:~;·:Abilitv To Handle World Problems Hurl Party We4Ae8da,. A ......UO. ma,. be A::!tW., ~ tl.~::: sur President Vir,i1 M. Han her ~ ~ from th ir own e)'es. Thenlunlversll.Y president commented: OMAHA. (,tP) - GOP N.Uonal Co_MaleaUo.. Coter. • • Frld y told educ lars meeting in they will ha¥ the rllbt to com· Th y will be ret.ined only by Chllrman Leonard W. Hall II ld Ch &:all> that dulls should look at pl.ln of the mote that 1$ In lbelr tho! who have the cours, and Friday the tussle ot Sco. Joseph C......... ,. &he ",,",-n mIlA th if own .Ihortcomlnp and ,top broth r'. )'e." vlC\lance to facc th same l1'.ve Mc:OIrthy (R-Wis.) with th ar- IaaVl! .... JI'IbUea ..... nllU'leaot, crltkWn, the youn,. Alain I minI at critics, he stat· dan , mY haa hurt. Then he ~t down lIan .._aavaled 8entln aWl· H nche.-, speakln at th con· led : "Ttl thinp 1 h ve m~Uoned Earlier in the day, UnIversity of th prime lt~ camplIllPI IlISues lb.......... Illcl be. In , ... Khelu-lventJon of the North Centrll A • are symptomatic ot the dy of M. innMOta President J.mes L. lIS the economic well·beina of the tie ata..... soclaUon or Collelcs and Second. lour tlmes-th lack of wisdom, the torrlll told the delegates Ha.wrry n.Uon .nd the "never-endlnl" Allpljea............. _ 10 .rtl· ary Schoola, said: "It ls not the deficiency In moral ense-whlch proccsslon of prof ors.nd teach. b.ttle wIth communlSm. I... , a""-d &e tlte ....rd ., yo r n rail n that brou,ht I makes It posaible tor men to hold rs have 50Ulhl th heltcr ot the "Tho dispute h hurt. Any dla- Weo' hWleatle , IDe., aa. on t -0 world wars, • d pr on anoth~r I neratlon to standards Fifth amendm 01" In testimony pute hUN." be said in an Intcr- .... be aclCOlII!P8oJd b, eerUll· and a boom." whicb Ih y Id nol meet them- bct'or con ere anal commit( vi w. eaUoD of aracle palut nera&e trotll "U Invone Is on trial, It l.I our ~ve.. Investlgatln, communam. "McC.rthy h. done more harm uae rullwar'. oMet. , Mralon and lh chools which 'That way II InJU t c and Wh ther they actually required tban ,.00<1," H.1l added. "HI ,n- roduccd us. Why did th . choots tyranny wlthln ",'b tram work protection or the Constitution to Ite CCectJvt'o has diminished tall to teU you that there.r such no education wort~y of Ihe nam avoid e1!-incrhntnaUon or Just re. in th past tow week ." thin IS InternaUon.1 rclaUoM can be earri on. (~ 10 answer out oC "quixotic Hall picked tbe top campalin Nobel Prize Winner and Int maUonal /lood manner,'" Hancher d that when people perversity," Morrill 5<JJd, lbey bave 1 ues In an address Frld.y night he a&ked, "or 10 te ch )'ou the elif· aaked him about today'. schooJ.l. n.v done old ply dam.,in, dis· before a dinner for the Midwest To Lecture Monday ference between rl ht .nd truth he liv them thl answer: ervlce to the tellows of thelr and Rodey Mountain R publican and JUl11c on on hand and pow- • 1m ooncl~' prof Ion." Stat Chairmen', a oclallon. er and wealth .nd presti e on the '" h ve the utmo t confidence In DtJe Eeonomr ............ At Medical School other?" the capacity Ind chlracter of the "On the first core,"-the 0- -J" r COaJlr I.", .......1... .. ..n 0' .....) II · • lu Tide or rUt 1ft ),oun, r ,en r.tlon. Min tor man M h M h nomlc Wt'llbeln, at the natlon- JOE SLIGO, G, SOMERSET. omo, riehl, reulve! lome cood natured chldlnc Irom lUI wife, M.r. Nobel Prl:l \ Inn r Hanl A. He referred to a "rlsln, tide of and woman ror woman they are anc ester of er Hall uJd "r believe lbe ruerlte, left, and l\lrs. Ellen Stouch', a neichbor. lIro. who doe n" eire for lelevlslon prOlrra_. Krebs will m t on oC his form· crltid.m all In$t the .chools and Car belt r ClqU pped to Uve In the hower admlnlstr.tlon -program, 11'&1 awarded a TV set afler Mn. Swulrht ubmlt& ed bls Dame In KXIC's eonleli to peas the total er sludents and • 9(:lates Mon- colle' ," He point d out Ihat Cew modern world th n were we at I'n 'Fal"r' Condl·tl"on flOW movin& throulh cqngre.ss Is number of polnls the 16 teams In lilt week', boy s' state ba ke'ball tournament would core. The d y at sur, where th not d cl· n. lIons-Ru In perhaps ext' pt d th ir aa . Is dealen d to keep Ul lOuod eco- lola I she. ubmltled under 511&'0" name w •• one of four correct ones, but bore the urlle t post mark. enlist will d liver lecture In th -liv areat r upport to educ::l- "If we ,Ivi th m h If a chane . nomic.l1y by bulldln, more In- collelle of medicln . tion Ihan we do. th y wlll do a better Job than w Following Shooting dUltry, mol' Jobs .nd I healthy · TV S t Prot. Reinhold Ben h, or th Yet, he laid, ( w I'OPulalio!li .re have don . Th peopl who [rl ht- apieulture. bl~heml5try departm nl, .tudled mor t1v to hat ~ueaU n lh m r ;you- their part'nUl "At the aame tim It contains Houser I Wolfe I 5 tu d ent W I ns e , and conducted r earch und r can do or more critical of wbal It and srandp rents, nd th people A Mandie ter mother or two flJIlpL Sl ~ &\lards .,aJnst ceo- . ' . I.. Krebs In 1942 at \.he University ot d . To rortif), hi Itt ck, h said: of my a n rallon. It w don't blow chUdr n s In f Ir condition at nomLe erner, ncl , Rem mber Get Doesn't like Te eVISlon Shettleld, tn,land. "To Ie m to reRd lind wrltc and -clviliuton In a thouaand fra,- Unlv r tty hospitals In Iowa City thl: in 11152 wh n th country Krebs will ipellk at 4:10 p.m. 6pell. to I rn 10 extr ct. tooth or.m n bcC e the younl r a~DI~ra- mldnlCht Frld )' ICler beln, abot WIlJ underlolnr It, pr _- Kor an "I P , Monday in th medical .mphl- to r move an appendix I. ap· -1 on rows old ~ough to take by her hu bind tollowlng a qu rrel adIUltment, the Truman·Democrat ounci osts An SUI graduate student who th ater. His subject wl\l be "Sam proved, but to be conccrn d about1over, [ bell '"' that ther Is hope.t \.h Ir hom Friday. admlnl tratlon co'" red I ey I." doesn't like television was award· ACter failin, to let JCX! Intere.t· Aspect. of th En TIY Tran.tor. Iruth or beauty or lloodn s or \.he for veryon." Mrs. Wilt I m Murray, about 76, Befen to Co_anllt ae Pork Davidson A3 Fairfield ed a TV set tb1$ week after 6 ed in (.he conies!, ahe as!led him mallon in Llvln, Malter." n.ture of th social order ,Iv~ The SUJ pr Ld~nt v.- nt on to 15 b ln, lr too tor a bull t wound R ferrin, to "th never.cndlng , , .' friend submitted his name In II If it would be ali right it ahe sub· La t c r lh ak r .har d rli to un asln I. 'new g da 1.1 sa that th school of todBy are In th lower abdomcn. baW allIlnsL communism both at Rou~r'lf A~3 D~S :o~nes, guess· the· total· basketball· mltled a total In his nam. H th NO~l ";'Izc !o:Cmedlcin and .nd old platilUde' 11 the saft not perf ct and thal no one e1alnu H r 28- ear-old hu band il be- home Ind on lh ,lob 1 (ront," o c, , es a nes, score contest. agrl.'ild. She submitted • tolal of h j;lolo with Dr Fritz Albert motto." they arc. H said It Is an occupa· l.oi held It the Mllnchester Jail Hall .ald: ,.nl'Otou". etd I~~er~:t~rn~tYcrepr~i Joe Sligo, G, Somer et, Ohio, 1,827 becaU!e she Iho\ijtht It "Wall fl:man:rof HnvI;d university' a " Ibtllt 1«. f'r,Hdom tlonal dbell e with educators ne- County Attorn), William Gillee; "We have at long I si developed at: I uf ~~O ~~~cts who complained to apartment a ,ood round number." school of mcdlcin Rancher sold educ.tlon I r pon· ver to bell y that they bave found ha, filed a chare of. ualt willi a truly Amerlc.n foreJpl policy as a a a a a a house neighbors at 714 Melrose SInce wlnnln' the ct, th SUo .
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