Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1954-03-27
Serving the State The Weather University of Iowa C1e1llb wHIt U.lat ra1a or .... Wa,.. C....,.. eoId. Campus and "' ......... ,. .... ,. ... .u...... 1 ...w nvrles 1ft6k4. m.h War. n ; Iowa City ow·an ..... ft. III.Jh Fricla,., U; Ie .IL Esi. 1868 - ." leoud Wlte. Wirephoto - five Cents Iowa City. Iowa. Saturdoy. March 27. 1954 'What Do We Do Next?' GOP Head Lists Election I·ssues ApplicationsO~n I Han(her Affirms Belief in Youth's Says M~(arihYr For Hawkeye Editor Army Flah ===EF..:~;·:Abilitv To Handle World Problems Hurl Party We4Ae8da,. A ......UO. ma,. be A::!tW., ~ tl.~::: sur President Vir,i1 M. Han her ~ ~ from th ir own e)'es. Thenlunlversll.Y president commented: OMAHA. (,tP) - GOP N.Uonal Co_MaleaUo.. Coter. • • Frld y told educ lars meeting in they will ha¥ the rllbt to com· Th y will be ret.ined only by Chllrman Leonard W. Hall II ld Ch &:all> that dulls should look at pl.ln of the mote that 1$ In lbelr tho! who have the cours, and Friday the tussle ot Sco. Joseph C......... ,. &he ",,",-n mIlA th if own .Ihortcomlnp and ,top broth r'. )'e." vlC\lance to facc th same l1'.ve Mc:OIrthy (R-Wis.) with th ar- IaaVl! .... JI'IbUea ..... nllU'leaot, crltkWn, the youn,. Alain I minI at critics, he stat· dan , mY haa hurt. Then he ~t down lIan .._aavaled 8entln aWl· H nche.-, speakln at th con· led : "Ttl thinp 1 h ve m~Uoned Earlier in the day, UnIversity of th prime lt~ camplIllPI IlISues lb.......... Illcl be.
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