TWO-DAY AUCTION - Fine Chinese Art / 中 國藝術集珍 / & Hinduism (CA0321) Sat, 6th Mar 2021 Lot 580

Starting price: €750 Estimate: €1500 A OF , 19TH CENTURY 十九世 紀金剛瑜伽母唐卡 Tibet. Gold and distemper on cloth. The goddess standing naked but for white bone jewelry, hoop earrings, and a garland and crown of demonic skulls. Surrounded by a flaming mandorla, stepping to the left in the alidha posture, holding a flaying knife (kartika) in her right hand and drinking from a blood-filled skullcap () in her left.

Provenance: Marcelle and Pierre Grossenbacher, acquired between 1989 and 1996 in Beijing and Chengdu. Condition: Good condition with wear, soiling, creasing.

Dimensions: Size 99 x 74 cm

A khatvanga staff with severed heads rests on her left shoulder. Two deities, Bhairava and Kalarati, are trampled underfoot, pinned to an oval lotus flower pedestal. The central depiction surrounded at the top by many flanking a temple with Buddha Amitabha above three Chakrasamvaras in yab-yum, to the sides by two and eight wrathful deities, and below by various deities and holding attributes and auspicious symbols, all above a mountain landscape with various depictions of different stages in the Buddha’s life.

Vajrayogini, the archetypal female Buddha-deity and embodiment of Tibetan Buddhist wisdom, associated with the Chakrasamvara tantra cycle, appears here in a form particular to the school known as Kechara or ‘Sky Wanderer’, passed down through the lineage of the mahasiddha .

Auction result comparison: Compare with a related thangka at Christie’s New York in Indian, Himalayan & Southeast Asian Works of Art on 11 September 2019, lot 391, sold for USD 25,000.

十九世紀金剛瑜伽母唐卡 西藏。布面金彩膠畫。女神裸身曲腿站立,身挂白骨長鏈,大耳 環,頭戴花環與惡魔頭骨的冠冕。身後曼陀羅包,右手拿著一把 匕首,左手拿著充滿血液的卡巴拉碗裏正準備喝。

來源:Marcelle 與Pierre Grossenbacher私人收藏,1989至 1996年間購於北京與成都 圖片:Marcelle 與Pierre Grossenbacher 品相:狀況良好,有磨損,污漬和摺痕。

尺寸:99 x 74 厘米

拍賣結果比較:一件相近唐卡見紐約佳士得Indian, Himalayan & Southeast Asian Works of Art 拍場2019年9月11日 lot 391, 售價USD 25,000.