Statistical release P6441

Hotels: trading statistics

November 2001

Co-operation between Statistics Embargo: 13:00 (Stats SA), the citizens of the country, the private sector and government institutions is essential Date: 17 January 2002 for a successful statistical system. Without continued co-operation and goodwill, the timely release of relevant and reliable official statistics will not be possible.

Stats SA publishes approximately three hundred different releases each year. It is not economically viable to produce them in more than one of South Africa’s eleven official languages. Since the releases are used extensively, not only locally, but also by international economic and social-scientific communities, Stats SA releases are published in English only.

1 P6441

Key figures for the month ended November 2001

Actual estimates % change % change % change between between November November between September 2000 to January 2000 to 2000 2001 November 2000 November 2000 November 2000 and and and November 2001 September 2001 to January 2001 to November 2001 November 2001

Room occupancy rate (%) 57,8 59,5 2,9 0,9 1,1

Bed occupancy rate (%) 37,9 38,9 2,6 0,8 0,6

Hotel income (R million) 504,1 524,2 4,0 1,7 2,2

Key findings for the month ended November 2001

The room occupancy rate and the bed occupancy rate of hotels in South Africa for November 2001 increased by 2,9% and 2,6% respectively, compared with November 2000. Increases in the room occupancy rates were recorded in 6 of the 9 provinces. North West recorded the largest increase in the room occupancy rate (+5,3%), followed by Mpumalanga (+5,1%) and Gauteng (+4,6%). Increases in the bed occupancy rates were recorded in 6 of the 9 provinces. Mpumalanga recorded the largest increase in the bed occupancy rate (+6,7%), followed by Gauteng (+5,3%) and North West (+4,7%). The total hotel income for November 2001 increased by 4,0% compared with November 2000.

Increases in the room occupancy rate were recorded in 15 of the 25 tourism regions for November 2001 compared with November 2000 (cf. table B, column 2). Johannesburg and Rest of Gauteng tourism region recorded the largest increase in the room occupancy rate (+7,5%), followed by Drakensberg tourism region (+6,4%) and tourism region (+6,3%). Large decreases were recorded by Rest of Eastern Cape tourism region (-12,1%), Pietermaritzburg and Midlands tourism region (-7,8%), Northern Province tourism region (-7,8%) and Breede River tourism region (-7,3%).

Increases in the bed occupancy rate were recorded in 15 of the 25 tourism regions during the above-mentioned period (cf. table B, column 3). Johannesburg and Rest of Gauteng tourism region recorded the largest increase in the bed occupancy rate (+7,9%), followed by Algoa tourism region (+6,7%), Mpumalanga tourism region (+6,7%) and Durban and Umhlanga tourism region (+6,1%). Large decreases were recorded by Rest of Eastern Cape tourism region (-13,3%), Pietermaritzburg and Midlands tourism region (-7,8%), Breede River tourism region (-7,8%), West Coast tourism region (-6,8%) and Northern Province tourism region (-6,8%).

Increases in total hotel income were recorded in 16 of the 25 tourism regions during the above-mentioned period (cf. table B, column 4). Rest of Northern Cape tourism region recorded the largest increase in total hotel income (+10,3%), followed by Overberg tourism region (+7,8%) and Johannesburg and Rest of Gauteng tourism region (+7,6%). However, decreases in hotel income were reported by hotels in Rest of Eastern Cape tourism region (-12,9%), Pietermaritzburg and Midlands tourism region (-7,4%), East Rand tourism region (-7,2%) and Northern Province tourism region (-7,2%).

2 P6441

Key findings for the period September 2001 to November 2001

The room occupancy rate of hotels in South Africa for the period September 2001 to November 2001 increased by 0,9% compared with the period September 2000 to November 2000, while the bed occupancy rate increased by 0,8% during the above-mentioned period. The total hotel income for the period September 2001 to November 2001 increased by 1,7% compared with the period September 2000 to November 2000.

Key findings for the period January 2001 to November 2001

The room occupancy rate and the bed occupancy rate of hotels in South Africa for the period January 2001 to November 2001 increased by 1,1% and 0,6% respectively, compared with the period January 2000 to November 2000. Increases in the room occupancy rates were recorded in 6 of the 9 provinces. KwaZulu-Natal recorded the largest increase in the room occupancy rate (+4,5%), followed by North West (+4,1%) and Free State (+3,8%). Increases in the bed occupancy rates were recorded in 6 of the 9 provinces. KwaZulu-Natal recorded the largest increase in the bed occupancy rate (+4,5%), followed by Mpumalanga (+3,8%) and North West (+3,4%). The total hotel income for the period January 2001 to November 2001 increased by 2,2% compared with the period January 2000 to November 2000.

Increases in the room occupancy rate were recorded in 15 of the 25 tourism regions for the period January 2001 to November 2001 compared with the period January 2000 to November 2000 (cf. table D, column 2). Drakensberg tourism region recorded the largest increase in the room occupancy rate (+7,4%), followed by Algoa tourism region (+7,0%) and Durban and Umhlanga tourism region (+6,1%). Large decreases were recorded by Pietermaritzburg and Midlands tourism region (-10,4%), Little and Central Karoo tourism region (-6,7%) and Wineland tourism region (-6,2%).

Increases in the bed occupancy rate were recorded in 16 of the 25 tourism regions during the above-mentioned period (cf. table D, column 3). Algoa tourism region recorded the largest increase in the bed occupancy rate (+11,5%), followed by Durban and Umhlanga tourism region (+6,9%) and Drakensberg tourism region (+6,1%). Large decreases were recorded by Pietermaritzburg and Midlands tourism region (-10,5%), Wineland tourism region (-6,5%) and Little and Central Karoo tourism region (-6,0%).

Increases in total hotel income were recorded in 16 of the 25 tourism regions during the above-mentioned period (cf. table D, column 4). Algoa tourism region recorded the largest increase in total hotel income (+14,4%), followed by Mpumalanga tourism region (+7,3%) and Durban and Umhlanga tourism region (+7,2%). However, decreases in hotel income were reported by hotels in Pietermaritzburg and Midlands tourism region (-9,2%), Bloemfontein and Transgariep tourism region (-7,4%) and Little and Central Karoo tourism region (-6,0%).

3 P6441

Table A - Percentage change in the room and bed occupancy rates and total hotel income for November 2001 compared with November 2000 according to star grading

Number of participants Percentage increase (+) or decrease (-) Star grading November November Room Bed Total hotel 2000 2001 occupancy occupancy income1/ rate rate Ungraded 255 252 1,9 1,2 3,6 One and two star 35 34 13,6 15,0 13,1 Three star 98 93 5,3 5,9 -1,4 Four star 28 28 6,7 9,6 9,8 Five star 14 14 -2,5 1,0 6,1 Total 430 421 2,9 2,6 4,0 1/ Not adjusted for inflation

Table B - Percentage change in room and bed occupancy rates and total hotel income for November 2001 compared with November 2000 according to province and tourism region

Percentage increase (+) or decrease (-) Province and tourism region Room Bed Total hotel occupancy occupancy income1/ rate rate 2,6 1,6 3,7 Cape Metropole 3,4 2,0 4,6 Wineland -4,7 -3,1 -2,3 West Coast -6,6 -6,8 -5,6 Little and Central Karoo -3,1 -4,1 -4,4 Garden Route 1,4 2,4 3,8 Overberg 6,3 5,5 7,8 Breede River -7,3 -7,8 -6,5 Eastern Cape -2,0 -3,9 -3,6 Border 2,3 3,5 3,8 Algoa 5,7 6,7 7,4 Rest of Eastern Cape -12,1 -13,3 -12,9 Northern Cape -1,1 -1,8 8,6 Griqualand West 4,5 3,6 5,8 Rest of Northern Cape -4,3 -4,9 10,3 Free State 3,5 2,0 3,3 Bloemfontein and Transgariep 2,4 1,3 3,4 Rest of Free State 5,5 4,4 3,2 KwaZulu-Natal 3,1 3,4 4,6 Durban and Umhlanga 5,3 6,1 6,7 South Coast and Interior 5,5 6,0 6,7 Pietermaritzburg and Midlands -7,8 -7,8 -7,4 Drakensberg 6,4 5,5 6,9 Rest of KwaZulu-Natal -5,2 -6,7 -4,3 North West 5,3 4,7 6,6 Gauteng 4,6 5,3 5,7 Pretoria 4,5 5,5 5,9 Johannesburg & Rest of Gauteng 7,5 7,9 7,6 East Rand -6,6 -5,7 -7,2 Mpumalanga 5,1 6,7 4,0 Northern Province -7,8 -6,8 -7,2 Total 2,9 2,6 4,0 1/ Not adjusted for inflation 4 P6441

Table C - Percentage change in the room and bed occupancy rates and total hotel income for January to November 2001 compared with January to November 2000 according to star grading

Number of participants Percentage increase (+) or decrease (-) Star grading November November Room Bed Total hotel 2000 2001 occupancy occupancy income1/ rate rate Ungraded 255 252 0,8 0,3 2,3 One and two star 35 34 0,2 5,3 0,9 Three star 98 93 4,6 3,4 0,2 Four star 28 28 -2,1 -2,2 0,9 Five star 14 14 1,5 3,9 6,9 Total 430 421 1,1 0,6 2,2 1/ Not adjusted for inflation

Table D - Percentage change in room and bed occupancy rates and total hotel income for January to November 2001 compared with January to November 2000 according to province and tourism region

Percentage increase (+) or decrease (-) Province and tourism region Room Bed Total hotel occupancy occupancy income1/ rate rate Western Cape -1,3 -2,4 -0,4 Cape Metropole -1,6 -2,9 0,0 Wineland -6,2 -6,5 -3,7 West Coast 0,2 0,1 0,8 Little and Central Karoo -6,7 -6,0 -6,0 Garden Route 1,8 1,1 1,6 Overberg -1,0 -1,2 -2,0 Breede River -2,0 -1,8 -1,3 Eastern Cape 0,7 0,3 1,5 Border 0,9 1,2 2,8 Algoa 7,0 11,5 14,4 Rest of Eastern Cape -4,1 -4,7 -5,7 Northern Cape 1,8 1,9 3,9 Griqualand West 3,0 3,0 3,1 Rest of Northern Cape 1,5 1,9 4,4 Free State 3,8 3,3 -4,1 Bloemfontein and Transgariep 4,3 3,9 -7,4 Rest of Free State 4,9 1,5 5,3 KwaZulu-Natal 4,5 4,5 5,1 Durban and Umhlanga 6,1 6,9 7,2 South Coast and Interior 2,3 2,2 3,8 Pietermaritzburg and Midlands -10,4 -10,5 -9,2 Drakensberg 7,4 6,1 6,8 Rest of KwaZulu-Natal 4,0 3,1 3,2 North West 4,1 3,4 3,6 Gauteng -0,5 0,0 2,2 Pretoria -2,2 -2,2 -2,9 Johannesburg & Rest of Gauteng 0,1 0,6 3,5 East Rand -0,4 1,2 0,5 Mpumalanga 3,6 3,8 7,3 Northern Province -1,1 -1,7 2,5 Total 1,1 0,6 2,2 1/ Not adjusted for inflation 5 P6441 Figure 1 - Room and bed occupancy rates of hotels









25 J M M J S N J M M J S N J M M J S N J M M J S N J M M J S N 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001

Room occupancy rate Trend Bed occupancy rate

Figure 2 - Total hotel income





200 J M M J S N J M M J S N J M M J S N J M M J S N J M M J S N 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001

Actual values Trend

Source:Stats SA

pp P J Lehohla Statistician-General: Statistics South Africa

6 P6441



Notes ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 8


Table 1 - Summary of trading statistics of hotels in South Africa …………………………………… 16

Table 2 - Percentage change in trading statistics of hotels in South Africa ………………………….. 16

Table 3 - Trading statistics of hotels according to star grading: November 2001 …..………...…..... 17

Table 4 - Percentage change in trading statistics of hotels according to star grading: November 2001 17

Table 5 - Trading statistics of hotels according to province: November 2001 ………………….….. 18

Table 5.1 - Western Cape …………………………………………………………...…….. 1 8 Table 5.2 - Eastern Cape ………………………………………………………..……..…. 18 Table 5.3 - Northern Cape ………………………………………………………...………. 19 Table 5.4 - Free State ……………………………………………………………..………. 19 Table 5.5 - KwaZulu-Natal …………………………………………………………..…… 20 Table 5.6 - North West …………………………………………………………...……….. 20 Table 5.7 - Gauteng ………………………………………………………………..……… 21 Table 5.8 - Mpumalanga …………………………………………………………..……… 21 Table 5.9 - Northern Province ……………………………………………………...……... 22

Table 6 - Trading statistics of hotels according to tourism region and star grading: November 2001.. 23

Table 6.1 - Cape Metropole ………………………………………………………...….. .. 2 3 Table 6.2 - Wineland ……………………………………………………………..……… 23 Table 6.3 - West Coast ……………………………………………………………..……. 24 Table 6.4 - Little and Central Karoo ………………………………………………..…… 24 Table 6.5 - Garden Route ………………………………………………………..………. 25 Table 6.6 - Overberg ………………………………………………………..…………... 25 Table 6.7 - Breede River ……………………………………………………..………….. 26 Table 6.8 - Border . ………………………………………………………..…………….. 26 Table 6.9 - Algoa ……………………………………………………………...…………. 27 Table 6.10 - Griqualand West …………………………………………………..………… 2 7 Table 6.11 - Rest of Eastern Cape ……………………………………………..………….. 28 Table 6.12 - Rest of Northern Cape …………………………………………….………… 28 Table 6.13 - Bloemfontein and Transgariep …………………………………...………….. 29 Table 6.14 - Rest of Free State ……………………………………………….…………… 29 Table 6.15 - Durban and Umhlanga ………………………………………….…………… 30 Table 6.16 - South Coast and Interior ……………………………………………….……. 30 Table 6.17 - Pietermaritzburg and Midlands …………………………………..………….. 31 Table 6.18 - Drakensberg ………………………………………………….……………… 31 Table 6.19 - Rest of KwaZulu-Natal ……………………………………………..……….. 32 Table 6.20 - North West ………………………………………………………..…………. 32 Table 6.21 - Pretoria ……………………………………………………………….……… 33 Table 6.22 - Johannesburg ………………………………………………………….…….. 33 Table 6.23 - East Rand……………………………………………………………….……. 34 Table 6.24 - Rest of Gauteng ………………………………………………………….….. 34 Table 6.25 - Mpumalanga ……………………………………………………………….... 35 Table 6.26 - Northern Province………………………………………………………….… 35

Table 7 - Ratios of trading statistics of hotels in South Africa ……………………………………….. 36

Table 8 - Classification of towns and cities according to the 26 tourism regions and nine provinces... 37

7 P6441

Additional information

Explanatory notes………………………………………………………..………………….. 41

Technical notes…………………………………………………………..………………….. 42

Glossary ………………………………………………………………….…………………. 43

For more information………………………………………………………………….………………… 44 8 P6441


Forthcoming issues Issue Expected release date

December 2001 14 February 2002 January 2002 20 March2002 February 2002 18 April 2002 March 2002 16 May 2002 April 2002 13 June 2002 May 2002 18 July 2002 June 2002 15 August 2002

Purpose of the survey The Survey of Trading Statistics of Hotels is a monthly survey covering a sample of private establishments in the formal accommodation industry in South Africa. The results of the survey are used to compile estimates of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and its components, which are used to develop and monitor government policy. These statistics are also used by the private sector in analyses of comparative business and industry performance. The results are published monthly in statistical release P6441 – Hotels: trading statistics.

New questionnaire The Survey of Trading Statistics of Hotels was re-engineered in consultation with major stakeholders with the purpose of incorporating users' needs. This resulted in the change of some data items on the old questionnaire.

The new questionnaire only collects the following data items -

• room income; • income from catering; • income from bar-sales; • income from off sales; • other income (sundries); • total number of rooms available; • total number of room nights sold; • total number of beds available; and • total number of bed nights sold.

Changes regarding After consultation with major stakeholders in the hotel industry, the following changes tourism regions regarding tourism regions were made and the first results were published in statistical release P6441 - Hotels: trading statistics, January 2000 on 16 March 2000:

• Current tourism regions are grouped according to towns and cities, while the previous tourism regions were grouped according to magisterial districts (cf. table 8). • Hotels in Sandton which were previously included in the Rest of Gauteng tourism region, are now included in Johannesburg tourism region. • Jacaranda tourism region is called Pretoria tourism region. • The Lowveld and Escarpment tourism region and the Rest of Mpumalanga tourism region have been combined and is now called Mpumalanga tourism region. • The Rest of Gauteng tourism region and the Johannesburg tourism region were combined for comparison purposes in table B (cf. page 2). As a result of this, Stats SA now reports on 25 tourism regions in table B instead of 26 tourism regions. For more information, see table C, page 9.

New sample According to international best practice and in order to train the relevant respondents in using the new questionnaire, to validate the information received and to avoid a break in the time series published in this statistical release, Stats SA decided to introduce the new questionnaire as the first step in the re-engineering process. Stats SA will in due course, as the second step, introduce a new sample.

9 P6441

Currently Stats SA is busy re-engineering the register of businesses which serves as the sampling frame, in collaboration with the South African Revenue Service and the Departments of Trade and Industry and Labour. The process will take some time, since there are hundreds of thousands of businesses, many of whom are, in any given period, changing ownership, closing, or being registered. As soon as this improvement in the listing and classification of businesses has been implemented, Stats SA will draw a new sample.

10 P6441

Table C - Classification of towns and cities according to the new and old tourism regions

New tourism region New towns and cities Old tourism region Magisterial districts Cape Metropole , Bloubergstrand, Cape Metropole Cape Town, Bloubergstrand, Wynberg, Milnerton, Kommetjie, Wynberg, Milnerton, Kommetjie, Sunnydale, Scarborough, Fish Sunnydale, Scarborough, Fish Hoek, Ocean View, Simon’s Hoek, Ocean View, Simon’s Town, Bellville, Durbanville, Town, Bellville, Durbanville, Kraaifontein, Parow, Belhar, Kraaifontein, Parow, Belhar, Elsies River, Kuils River, Elsies River, Kuils River, Black- Blackheath, Brackenfell, Penhill, heath, Brackenfell, Penhill, Faure, Faure, Rustdal, Scottsdene, North Rustdal, Scottsdene, North Pine, Pine, Blue Downs. Blue Downs.

Wineland Somerset-West, Sir Lowry’s Pass, Wineland Somerset-West, Sir Lowry’s Pass, Khayalitsha, Macassar Beach, Khayalitsha, Macassar Beach, Paarl, Franschhoek, Klapmuts, Paarl, Franschhoek, Klapmuts, Mbekweni, Faure, Kylemore, Mbekweni, Faure, Kylemore, Jamestown, Kayamandi, Stellen- Jamestown, Kayamandi, Stellen- bosch, Wellington. bsch, Wellington.

West Coast , , Vanrhyns- West Coast Vredendal, Lutzville, Vanrhyns- dorp, , , Clan- dorp, Bitterfontein, Klawer, Clan- william, , , william, Citrusdal, Graafwater, Lamberts Bay, , Aurora, Lamberts Bay, Piketberg, Aurora, , , , Eendekuil, Elands Bay, Velddrif, Porterville, Redelingshuys, Wit- Porterville, Redelingshuys, Wit- water, , St Helena water, Vredenburg, , Hopefield, , Sal- Bay, Hopefield, Langebaan, Sal- danha, Malmesbury, Darling, danha, Malmesbury, Darling, Melkbosstrand, Philadelphia, Rie- Melkbosstrand, Philadelphia, Rie- beek-Kasteel, Riebeek-West, beek-Kasteel, Riebeek-West, , Atlantis, , Yzerfontein, Atlantis, Abbotsdale, , . Moorreesburg, Koringberg.

Little and Central Laingsburg, Prince Albert, Beau- Little and Central Laingsburg, Prince Albert, Beau- Karoo fort-West, Merweville, Sidesavi- Karoo fort-West, Merweville, Sidesavi- va, Oudtshoorn, De Rust, Dyssel- va, Oudtshoorn, De Rust, Dyssel- dorp, Bongolethu, Ladismith, Van dorp, Bongolethu, Ladismith, Van Wyksdorp, Calitzdorp, Uniondale. Wyksdorp, Calitzdorp, Uniondale.

Garden Route Heidelberg, Witsand, Riversdale, Garden Route Heidelberg, Witsand, Riversdale, Albertinia, Gouritsmond, Still Albertinia, Gouritsmond, Still Bay, Mossel Bay, Hartenbos, Her- Bay, Mossel Bay, Hartenbos, bertsdale, Klein Brakrivier, Rhee- Herbertsdale, Klein Brakrivier, bok Strand, KwaNonqaba, Rheebok Strand, KwaNonqaba, George, Herolds Bay, Hoekwil, George, Herolds Bay, Hoekwil, Great Brack River, Wilderness, Great Brack River, Wilderness, Pacaltsdorp, Thembalethu, Knys- Pacaltsdorp, Thembalethu, Knys- na, Buffalo Bay, Keurboom- na, Buffalo Bay, Keurboom- strand, Nature’s Valley, Pletten- strand, Nature’s Valley, Pletten- berg Bay, Sedgefield, Wittedrift, berg Bay, Sedgefield, Wittedrift, Belvedere, Msobomvu. Belvedere, Msobomvu.

11 P6441

Table C - Classification of towns and cities according to the new and old tourism regions (continued)

New tourism region New towns and cities Old tourism region Magisterial districts Overberg Caledon, Betty’s Bay, Bot River, Overberg Caledon, Betty’s Bay, Bot River, , , , Grabouw, Greyton, Kleinmond, Pringle Bay, , Pringle Bay, Riviersonderend, , Teslaarsdal, Middle- Villiersdorp, Teslaarsdal, Middle- ton, , Gans Bay, Stan- ton, Hermanus, Gans Bay, Stan- ford, Onrus River, , Bre- ford, Onrus River, Hawston, Bre- dasdorp, Agulhas, Waenhuis- dasdorp, Agulhas, Waenhuis- krans, Napier, , Struis krans, Napier, Gansbaai, Struis Bay, , , Bay, Swellendam, Barrydale, Bonnievale. Bonnievale.

Breede River Tulbach, Gouda, Wolseley, Wor- Breede River Tulbach, Gouda, Wolseley, Wor- cester, De Doorns, Rawsonville, cester, De Doorns, Rawsonville, Touws River, Zweletemba, Prince Touws River, Zweletemba, Prince Alfred Hamlet, Ceres, Robertson, Alfred Hamlet, Ceres, Robertson, Mcgregor, Montagu, Ashton, Mcgregor, Montagu, Ashton, Zolani. Zolani.

Border East London, Beacon Bay, Border East London, King Williams Eureka, Gonubie, Kidd’s Beach, Town, Stutterheim, Cathcart, Macleantown, Winterstrand, Cint- Queenstown sa, Cambridge, Gompo Town, King Williams Town, Kei Road, Ginsburg, Stutterheim, Cathcart, Hogsback, Queenstown, Mlungi- si.

Algoa Port Elizabeth, Sea View, Thees- Algoa Port Elizabeth, Uitenhage. combe, Blue Horizon Bay, Col- leen Glen, Kini Bay, Sardinia Bay, Colchester, Motherwell, Kwamagxaki, Kwadwesi, Uiten- hage, Despatch, Kwanobuhle.

Rest of Eastern Cape Kirkwood, Addo, Somerset East, Rest of Eastern Cape Kirkwood, Somerset East, Cra- Cookhouse Bhongweni, Lingeli- dock, Middelburg, Steynsburg, hle, Cradock, Middelburg, Kwa- Hofmeyer, Tarkastad, Sterk- nonzame, Steynsburg, Hofmeyr, stroom, Joubertina, Humansdorp, Tarkastad, Zola, Sterkstroom, Hankey, Graaff-Reinet, Aber- Joubertina, Louterwater, Two deen, Willowmore, Steytlerville, Rivers, Humansdorp, Jeffreys Jansenville, Pearston, Alexandria, Bay, Kareedouw, Storms River, Bathurst, Albany, Bedford, Cape St Francis, Paradise Beach, Adelaide, Fort-Beaufort, Venter- St Francis Bay, Kruisfontein, stad, Albert, Molteno, Aliwal Woodlands, Hankey, Patensie, North, Woodhouse, Lady Grey, Thornhill, Umzamomhle, Graaff- Indwe, Barkly East, Elliot, Reinette, Nieu-Bethesda, Umasi- Maclear, Komga. zakhe, Aberdeen, Willowmore, Rietbron, Steytlerville, Vuyolwe- thu, Jansenville, Klipplaat, Pear- ston, Alexandria, Boesmansrivier- mond, Boknesstrand, Paterson, Cannon Rocks, Bathurst, Port Alfred, Kenton-on-Sea, Seafield,

12 P6441

Table C - Classification of towns and cities according to the new and old tourism regions (continued)

New tourism region New towns and cities Old tourism region Magisterial districts Rest of Eastern Cape Grahamstown, Alicedale, Rie- (continued) beek-East, Bedford, Cookhouse, Adelaide, Fort-Beaufort, Venter- stad, Molteno, Aliwal North, Jamestown, Lady Grey, Indwe, Barkly East, Rhodes, Elliot, Mac- lear, Ugie, Komga, Haga-Haga, Kei Mouth, Morgan’s Bay.

Griqualand West Barkly West, Delportshoop, Griqualand West Barkly West, Warrenton, Windsorton, Warrenton, Jan Hartswater, Kimberley. Kempdorp, Valspan, Hartswater, Kimberley, Ritchie.

Rest of Northern Upington, Van Zylsrus, Kakamas, Rest of Northern Cape Carnarvon, Aughrabies, Brand- Cape vlei, Calvinia, Fraserburg, Da- niëlskuil, De Aar, Philipstown, Douglas, Strydenburg, Garies, Norvalspont, Kuruman, Victoria West, Vosburg, Olifantshoek, Loeriesfontein, Griquatown, Ask- ham, Okiep, Nieuwoudtville, Postmasburg, Prieska, Hopetown, Port Nolloth, Noupoort, Suther- land, Colesberg, Britstown, Pe- trusville, Van Wyksvlei, Rich- mond, Nababeep, Williston, Pof- adder, Groblershoop, Hanover, Kamieskroon, Kenhardt, Spring- bok, Vanderkloof. Bloemfontein and Bloemfontein, Bain’s Vlei, Bloemfontein and Bloemfontein, Exelsior, Brand- Transgariep Bloemspruit, Mangaung, Exel- Transgariep fort, Boshof, Jacobsdal, Petrus- sior, Tweestruit, Brandfort, Ver- burg, Koffiefontein, Fauriesburg, keerdevlei, Soutpan, Boshof, Jagersfontein, Edenburg, Red- Dealsville, Hertzogville, Jacobs- dersburg, Dewetsdorp, Tromps- dal, Petrusburg, Koffiefontein, burg, Bethulie, Smithfield, Roux- Jagersfontein, Edenburg, Red- ville, Philippolis. dersburg, Dewetsdorp, Tromps- burg, Bethulie, Springfontein, Smithfield, Rouxville, Philippolis, Waterkloof. Rest of Free State Welkom, Hennenman, Hoopstad, Rest of Free State Welkom, Hennenman, Hoopstad, Bultfontein, Theunissen, Win- Bultfontein, Theunissen, Win- burg, Koppies, Ventersburg, Vir- burg, Koppies, Ventersburg, Vir- ginia, Parys, Wesselsbron, Oden- ginia, Parys, Wesselsbron, Oden- daalsrus, Allanridge, Bothaville, daalsrus, Bothaville, Kroonstad, Kroonstad, Edenville, Viljoens- Viljoenskroon, Vredefort, Zas- kroon, Vredefort, Zastron, Wepe- tron, Wepener, Ladybrand, Clo- ner, Van Stadensrus, Ladybrand, colan, Marquard, Senekal, Ficks- Hobhouse, Clocolan, Marquard, burg, Fouriesburg, Bethlehem, Senekal, Paul Roux, Ficksburg, Quaqua, Harrismith, Vrede, Reitz, Fouriesburg, Bethlehem, Clarens, Lindley, Heilbron, Frankfort, Kestell, Harrismith, Warden, Sasol. Vrede, Cornelia, Memel, Reitz, Lindley, Arlington, Petrus Steyn, Steynsrus, Heilbron, Oranjeville, Frankfort, Tweeling, Villiers, Sasolburg, Deneysville. 13 P6441

Table C - Classification of towns and cities according to the new and old tourism regions (continued)

New tourism region New towns and cities Old tourism region Magisterial districts Durban, Umhlanga Central Business District of Dur- Durban, Umhlanga Durban, Umhlanga Rocks. ban, Marine Parade, Esplanade, and all other suburbs, Aman- zimtoti, Umbogintwini, Kings- burgh, Canelands, Glen Anil, Tongaat, Mount Edgecombe, Um- dloti Beach, Duff’s Road, Ottawa, Verulam, Umhlanga Rocks, Stanger, Ballito Bay, Blythedale Beach, Darnall, Zinkwazi, Um- hlali Beach, Shakaskraal, Tugela, Pinetown, Westville, Everton, Gillitts, Hillcrest, Kloof, Mariann- hill, New Germany, Klaarwater.

South Coast and Illovo Beach, Umzinto, Clansthal, South Coast and Illovo Beach, Umzinto, Port Interior Umkomaas, Willow Glen, Widen- Interior Shepstone, Alfred, Mount Currie, ham, Hibberdene, Mtwalume, Ixopo. Ocean View, Park Rynie, Pen- nington, Scottburgh, Saiccor, Ifafa Beach, Craigieburn, Port Shepstone, Marina Beach, Mel- ville, Munster, Port Edward, Southbroom, Ramsgate, Umten- tweni, Umzumbe, Uvongo, Shelly Beach, Marburg, San Lameer, Harding, Mount Currie, Kokstad, Cedarville, Matatiele, Ixopo, Creighton, Margate.

Pietermaritzburg Pietermaritzburg, Ashburton, Hil- Pietermaritzburg Pietermaritzburg, New Hanover, and Midlands ton, Plessislaer, Ashdown, Albert and Midlands Lions River, Mooi River, Um- Falls, Dalton, Wartburg, New voti, Weenen, Kranskop. Hanover, Howick, Hilton, Brunt- ville, Lions River, Mooi River, Umvotikloof, Greytown, Wee- nen, Kranskop.

Drakensberg Klip River, Ladysmith, Steadville, Drakensberg Klip River, Bergville, Estcourt, Bergville, Estcourt, Colenso, Impendle, Underberg. Winterton, Impendle, Underberg, Himeville.

Rest of KwaZulu- Eshowe, Mtunzini, Lower Umfo- Rest of KwaZulu- Eshowe, Mtunzini, Lower Umfo- Natal lozi, Richards Bay, Mtubatuba, St Natal lozi, Hlabisa, Ubombo, Babanan- Lucia, Hlabisa, Ubombo, Baba- go, Mtonjaneni, Camperdown, nango, Melmoth, Camperdown, Pinetown, Inanda, Lower Tugela, Assagay, Botha’s Hill, Cato Glencoe, Dundee, Dannhauser, Ridge, Ashburton, Drummond, Newcastle, Utrecht, Vryheid, Hammarsdale, Sterkspruit, Pine- Ngotshi, Paulpietersburg. town, Inanda, Lower Tugela, Glencoe, Hattingspruit, Wasbank, Dundee, Dannhauser, Newcastle, Charlestown, Utrecht, Vryheid, Louwsburg, Paulpietersburg.

14 P6441

Table C - Classification of towns and cities according to the new and old tourism regions (continued)

New tourism region New towns and cities Old tourism region Magisterial districts North West Zeerust, Groot-Marico, Ottos- North West Marico, Brits, Rustenburg, Swart- hoop, Brits, Kosmos, Hartbees- ruggens, Koster, Lichtenburg, poort, Letlhabile, Rustenburg, Coligny, Christiana, Bloemhof, Marikana, Swartruggens, Borole- Wolmaransstad, Klerksdorp, Ven- lo, Koster, Lichtenburg, Biesies- tersdorp, Potchefstroom and the vlei, Ottosdal, Coligny, Christia- Rest of North West. na, Bloemhof, Wolmaransstad, Leeudoringstad, Makwassie, Wit- poort, Klerksdorp, Hartbeesfon- tein, Orkney, Stilfontein, Venters- dorp, Fochville, Potchefstroom, Babelegi, Mmabatho, Mafikeng, Pilanesberg, and the Rest of North West.

Pretoria Pretoria, Atteridgeville, Wonder- Jacaranda Pretoria, Wonderboom. boom, Akasia, Hammanskraal, Roodeplaat, Mamelodi, Halfway House, Midrand, Centurion.

Johannesburg Central Business District of Jo- Johannesburg Johannesburg. hannesburg, Randburg, Chartwell, Fourways, Soweto, Rosebank, Sandton, Alexandra, and all other suburbs (excluding Bruma and Eastgate).

East Rand Germiston, Alberton, Boksburg, East Rand Germiston, Alberton, Boksburg, Kempton Park, Benoni, Brakpan, Kempton Park, Benoni, Brakpan, Bedfordview, Springs, Edenvale, Springs. Vosloorus, Daveyton, Wattville, Johannesburg International Air- port, Eastgate.

Rest of Gauteng Westonaria, Bekkersdal, Lenasia, Rest of Gauteng Westonaria, Roodepoort, Kru- Roodepoort, Dobsonville, Kru- gersdorp, Randfontein, Oberhol- gersdorp, Magaliesburg, Mulders- zer, Randburg, Halfweghuis, drift, Kagiso, Munsieville, Rand- Fourways, Muldersdrift, Bronk- fontein, Carletonville, Rayton, horstspruit, Cullinan, Nigel, Hei- Oberholzer, Muldersdrift, Bronk- delberg, Vereeniging, Vanderbijl- horstspruit, Cullinan, Nigel, Hei- park. delberg, Vereeniging, Vanderbijl- park, Evaton, De Deur, Randvaal, Meyerton, Walkerville, Enner- dale, Sharpeville.

15 P6441

Table C - Classification of towns and cities according to the new and old tourism regions (concluded)

New tourism region New towns and cities Old tourism region Magisterial districts Mpumalanga Lydenburg, Dullstroom, Water- Lowveld and Lydenburg, Dullstroom, Water- val-Boven, Waterval-Onder, Bar- Escarpment val-Boven, Barberton, Nelspruit, berton, Nelspruit, White River, White River, Pilgrimsrest. Pilgrimsrest, Sabie, Wakker- stroom, Delmas, Balfour, Stander- ton, Volksrust, Amersfoort, Bethal, Witbank, Groblersdal, Middelburg, Belfast, Carolina, Ermelo, Piet Retief, Burgersfort, Ohrigstad, Hectorspruit, Komati- poort, Malelane, Hazyview, Gras- kop, Balfour, Greylingstad, Dullstroom, Machadadorp, Bad- plaas, Amsterdam, Breyten, Chrissiesmeer, Morgenzon, Paardekop, Ogies, Vandyksdrift, Marble Hall, Hendrina, Pongola.

Rest of Mpumalanga Wakkerstroom, Delmas, Balfour, Standerton, Volksrust, Amers- foort, Bethal, Witbank, Groblers- dal, Middelburg, Belfast, Caro- lina, Ermelo, Piet Retief. Northern Province Potgietersrus, Pietersburg, Kgo- Northern Province Potgietersrus, Pietersburg, Lebo- mo, Messina, Soutpansberg, Pha- wa, Messina, Soutpansberg, Pha- laborwa, Magoebaskloof, Letaba, laborwa, Gazankulu, Venda, Ma- Warmbad, Waterberg, Ellisras, goebaskloof, Letaba, Warmbad, Thabazimbi, Giyani, Thohoyan- Waterberg, Ellisras, Thabazimbi. dou, Tzaneen, Nylstroom, Hoed- spruit, Kruger National Park from Satara Camp northwards, Na- boomspruit, Roedtan, Dendron, Haenertsburg, Nancefield, Louis Trichardt, Alldays, Soekmekaar, Gravelotte, Duiwelskloof, Letsi- tele, Pienaars River, Belabela, Vaalwater, Northam, Leeupoort.

16 P6441

Table 1 - Summary of trading statistics of hotels in South Africa

November September October November January 2000 January 2001 Particulars Unit 2000 * 2001 * 2001 * 2001 to to November 2000 November 2001

Room statistics Room nights available per day Number 52 618 52 449 52 574 52 605 586 474 577 628 Room nights available per month Number 1 578 540 1 573 470 1 629 794 1 578 150 17 860 881 17 539 265 Room nights sold per month Number 912 574 866 259 919 142 939 026 9 429 380 9 357 120 Room occupancy rate % 57,8 55,1 56,4 59,5 52,8 53,4 Bed statistics Bed nights available per day Number 109 767 110 176 110 421 110 477 1 217 826 1 211 473 Bed nights available per month Number 3 293 010 3 305 280 3 423 051 3 314 310 37 088 275 36 785 805 Bed nights sold per month Number 1 248 664 1 208 736 1 273 752 1 289 623 13 000 200 12 994 659 Bed occupancy rate % 37,9 36,6 37,2 38,9 35,1 35,3 Income statistics Room income R'000 303 761 272 181 308 623 321 443 2 947 802 3 066 894 Income from catering R'000 120 195 101 590 112 917 125 167 1 095 038 1 107 031 Income from bar sales R'000 47 998 38 121 38 994 47 379 442 310 428 534 Other income R'000 32 134 26 931 28 903 30 230 321 424 311 889 Total hotel income R'000 504 088 438 823 489 437 524 219 4 806 574 4 914 348 * Revised figures

Table 2 - Percentage change in trading statistics of hotels in South Africa

% change % change % change % change between between between between January 2000 to Particulars Unit September 2000 October 2000 November 2000 November 2000 and and and and September 2001 October 2001 November 2001 January 2001 to November 2001 Room statistics Room nights available per day % -0,5 -0,1 0,0 -1,5 Room nights available per month % -0,5 -0,1 0,0 -1,8 Room nights sold per month % -1,0 0,1 2,9 -0,8 Room occupancy rate % -0,4 0,2 2,9 1,1 Bed statistics Bed nights available per day % 0,6 0,8 0,6 -0,5 Bed nights available per month % 0,6 0,8 0,6 -0,8 Bed nights sold per month % -0,3 1,3 3,3 0,0 Bed occupancy rate % -0,8 0,5 2,6 0,6 Income statistics Room income % 3,5 3,1 5,8 4,0 Income from catering % -1,5 0,2 4,1 1,1 Income from bar sales % -3,7 -5,5 -1,3 -3,1 Other income % -12,2 -16,9 -5,9 -3,0 Total hotel income % 0,6 0,3 4,0 2,2

17 P6441

Table 3 - Trading statistics of hotels according to star grading: November 2001

Particulars Unit Ungraded One and Three Four Five Total two star star star star

Room statistics Room nights available per day Number 40 278 3 030 5 703 2 530 1 064 52 605 Room nights available per month Number 1 208 340 90 900 171 090 75 900 31 920 1 578 150 Room nights sold per month Number 750 064 37 508 85 701 45 580 20 173 939 026 Room occupancy rate % 62,1 41,3 50,1 60,1 63,2 59,5 Bed statistics Bed nights available per day Number 85 417 6 796 11 124 5 061 2 079 110 477 Bed nights available per month Number 2 562 510 203 880 333 720 151 830 62 370 3 314 310 Bed nights sold per month Number 1 013 262 56 591 123 306 64 310 32 154 1 289 623 Bed occupancy rate % 39,5 27,8 37,0 42,4 51,6 38,9 Income statistics Room income R'000 252 017 7 587 21 602 20 273 19 964 321 443 Income from catering R'000 90 629 4 375 14 234 9 047 6 882 125 167 Income from bar sales R'000 33 575 3 094 4 938 2 760 3 012 47 379 Other income R'000 23 506 425 2 240 1 575 2 484 30 230 Total hotel income R'000 399 727 15 481 43 014 33 655 32 342 524 219

Table 4 - Percentage change in trading statistics of hotels for November 2001 compared with November 2000 according to star grading

Particulars Unit Ungraded One and Three Four Five Total two star star star star

Room statistics Room nights available per day Number 0,4 -4,1 -2,9 6,7 -0,2 0,0 Room nights sold per month Number 2,3 8,9 2,1 13,9 -2,7 2,9 Room occupancy rate % 1,9 13,6 5,3 6,7 -2,5 2,9 Bed statistics Bed nights available per day Number 0,8 -0,6 -1,3 4,3 -0,3 0,7 Bed nights sold per month % 2,1 14,4 4,4 14,3 0,7 3,3 Bed occupancy rate % 1,2 15,0 5,9 9,6 1,0 2,6 Income statistics Room income % 5,2 15,5 1,6 10,9 10,7 5,8 Income from catering % 3,9 11,7 4,9 6,1 -0,5 4,1 Income from bar sales % -3,5 7,2 -2,9 4,2 15,9 -1,3 Other income % -2,1 37,2 -39,4 31,5 -15,1 -5,9 Total hotel income % 3,6 13,1 -1,4 9,8 6,1 4,0

18 P6441

Table 5 - Trading statistics of hotels according to province: November 2001

Table 5.1 - Trading statistics of hotels: Western Cape

% change % change between between Particulars Unit November September October November November January 2000 to 2000 * 2001 * 2001 * 2001 2000 November 2000 and and November January 2001 to 2001 November 2001 Room statistics Room nights available per day Number 11 504 11 614 11 687 11 720 1,9 -0,2 Room nights available per month Number 345 120 348 420 362 297 351 600 1,9 -0,5 Room nights sold per month Number 212 063 166 881 204 068 221 625 4,5 -1,7 Room occupancy rate % 61,4 47,9 56,3 63,0 2,6 -1,3 Bed statistics Bed nights available per day Number 23 468 23 862 24 012 24 076 2,6 1,0 Bed nights available per month Number 704 040 715 860 744 372 722 280 2,6 0,7 Bed nights sold per month Number 311 992 243 283 297 402 325 300 4,3 -1,6 Bed occupancy rate % 44,3 34,0 40,0 45,0 1,6 -2,4 Income statistics Room income R'000 89 779 56 607 82 433 95 313 6,2 1,9 Income from catering R'000 27 680 18 974 23 858 27 412 -1,0 -5,3 Income from bar sales R'000 9 131 5 880 7 082 9 206 0,8 -5,2 Other income R'000 8 212 5 541 7 479 7 826 -4,7 -3,2 Total hotel income R'000 134 802 87 002 120 852 139 757 3,7 -0,4

Table 5.2 - Trading statistics of hotels: Eastern Cape

% change % change between between Particulars Unit November September October November November January 2000 to 2000 * 2001 2001 2001 2000 November 2000 and and November January 2001 to 2001 November 2001 Room statistics Room nights available per day Number 4 276 4 311 4 311 4 311 0,8 -1,6 Room nights available per month Number 128 280 129 330 133 641 129 330 0,8 -1,9 Room nights sold per month Number 75 868 69 418 76 742 74 959 -1,2 -1,1 Room occupancy rate % 59,1 53,7 57,4 58,0 -2,0 0,7 Bed statistics Bed nights available per day Number 9 959 10 105 10 105 10 105 1,5 -0,1 Bed nights available per month Number 298 770 303 150 313 255 303 150 1,5 -0,3 Bed nights sold per month Number 106 987 103 179 108 653 104 286 -2,5 0,1 Bed occupancy rate % 35,8 34,0 34,7 34,4 -3,9 0,3 Income statistics Room income R'000 21 045 18 692 20 689 20 806 -1,1 3,5 Income from catering R'000 9 824 8 200 8 958 8 422 -14,3 -1,1 Income from bar sales R'000 4 876 3 555 3 673 3 961 -18,8 -11,8 Other income R'000 1 551 1 436 1 791 2 757 77,7 28,5 Total hotel income R'000 37 296 31 883 35 111 35 946 -3,6 1,5 * Revised figures 19 P6441

Table 5.3 - Trading statistics of hotels: Northern Cape

% change % change between between Particulars Unit November September October November November January 2000 to 2000 * 2001 2001 2001 2000 November 2000 and and November January 2001 to 2001 November 2001 Room statistics Room nights available per day Number 1 830 1 824 1 824 1 824 -0,3 -1,0 Room nights available per month Number 54 900 54 720 56 544 54 720 -0,3 -1,3 Room nights sold per month Number 27 591 26 714 28 510 27 186 -1,5 0,5 Room occupancy rate % 50,3 48,8 50,4 49,7 -1,1 1,8 Bed statistics Bed nights available per day Number 4 077 4 111 4 111 4 114 0,9 0,0 Bed nights available per month Number 122 310 123 330 127 441 123 420 0,9 -0,3 Bed nights sold per month Number 32 956 35 138 38 119 32 677 -0,8 1,7 Bed occupancy rate % 26,9 28,5 29,9 26,5 -1,8 1,9 Income statistics Room income R'000 5 891 6 007 6 543 6 009 2,0 3,4 Income from catering R'000 1 281 1 484 1 363 1 671 30,4 9,3 Income from bar sales R'000 801 775 804 967 20,8 -1,6 Other income R'000 179 184 198 205 14,7 6,2 Total hotel income R'000 8 152 8 450 8 908 8 852 8,6 3,9

Table 5.4 - Trading statistics of hotels: Free State

% change % change between between Particulars Unit November September October November November January 2000 to 2000 * 2001 2001 2001 2000 November 2000 and and November January 2001 to 2001 November 2001 Room statistics Room nights available per day Number 2 842 2 753 2 753 2 753 -3,1 -3,2 Room nights available per month Number 85 260 82 590 85 343 82 590 -3,1 -3,5 Room nights sold per month Number 32 901 35 469 37 025 32 990 0,3 0,0 Room occupancy rate % 38,6 42,9 43,4 39,9 3,5 3,8 Bed statistics Bed nights available per day Number 5 802 5 702 5 702 5 702 -1,7 -1,4 Bed nights available per month Number 174 060 171 060 176 762 171 060 -1,7 -1,7 Bed nights sold per month Number 44 319 53 320 52 799 44 407 0,2 1,4 Bed occupancy rate % 25,5 31,2 29,9 26,0 2,0 3,3 Income statistics Room income R'000 7 009 8 243 8 966 7 713 10,1 5,3 Income from catering R'000 1 757 2 056 2 079 1 796 2,2 -16,7 Income from bar sales R'000 1 150 1 053 968 995 -13,4 -26,9 Other income R'000 608 377 402 368 -39,4 -29,8 Total hotel income R'000 10 524 11 729 12 415 10 872 3,3 -4,1 * Revised figures

20 P6441

Table 5.5 - Trading statistics of hotels: KwaZulu-Natal

% change % change between between Particulars Unit November September October November November January 2000 to 2000 * 2001 * 2001 * 2001 2000 November 2000 and and November January 2001 to 2001 November 2001 Room statistics Room nights available per day Number 9 035 8 986 9 044 9 044 0,1 -3,8 Room nights available per month Number 271 050 269 580 280 364 271 320 0,1 -4,1 Room nights sold per month Number 157 222 176 812 163 760 162 181 3,2 0,2 Room occupancy rate % 58,0 65,6 58,4 59,8 3,1 4,5 Bed statistics Bed nights available per day Number 19 310 19 244 19 350 19 350 0,2 -2,8 Bed nights available per month Number 579 300 577 320 599 850 580 500 0,2 -3,1 Bed nights sold per month Number 223 791 257 172 236 100 231 948 3,6 1,3 Bed occupancy rate % 38,6 44,5 39,4 40,0 3,4 4,5 Income statistics Room income R'000 43 616 51 956 46 413 46 079 5,6 8,1 Income from catering R'000 20 839 18 781 19 222 21 023 0,9 -1,1 Income from bar sales R'000 7 081 6 713 6 320 7 547 6,6 -0,9 Other income R'000 5 318 6 660 5 783 5 707 7,3 12,6 Total hotel income R'000 76 854 84 110 77 738 80 356 4,6 5,1

Table 5.6 - Trading statistics of hotels: North West

% change % change between between Particulars Unit November September October November November January 2000 to 2000 2001 2001 2001 2000 November 2000 and and November January 2001 to 2001 November 2001 Room statistics Room nights available per day Number 3 297 3 084 3 080 3 079 -6,6 -6,0 Room nights available per month Number 98 910 92 520 95 480 92 370 -6,6 -6,3 Room nights sold per month Number 58 474 56 267 60 472 57 493 -1,7 -2,4 Room occupancy rate % 59,1 60,8 63,3 62,2 5,3 4,1 Bed statistics Bed nights available per day Number 6 572 6 151 6 147 6 144 -6,5 -5,7 Bed nights available per month Number 197 160 184 530 190 557 184 320 -6,5 -6,0 Bed nights sold per month Number 96 788 87 133 100 593 94 700 -2,2 -2,8 Bed occupancy rate % 49,1 47,2 52,8 51,4 4,7 3,4 Income statistics Room income R'000 30 206 31 544 36 287 30 174 -0,1 4,0 Income from catering R'000 14 965 12 895 15 303 19 169 28,1 5,9 Income from bar sales R'000 7 889 7 063 5 518 6 730 -14,7 -0,5 Other income R'000 2 313 2 730 3 167 2 947 27,4 -0,6 Total hotel income R'000 55 373 54 232 60 275 59 020 6,6 3,6 * Revised figures

21 P6441

Table 5.7 - Trading statistics of hotels: Gauteng

% change % change between between Particulars Unit November September October November November January 2000 to 2000 * 2001 * 2001 * 2001 2000 November 2000 and and November January 2001 to 2001 November 2001 Room statistics Room nights available per day Number 15 851 15 912 15 910 15 910 0,4 0,2 Room nights available per month Number 475 530 477 360 493 210 477 300 0,4 -0,1 Room nights sold per month Number 281 883 269 736 279 201 295 982 5,0 -0,5 Room occupancy rate % 59,3 56,5 56,6 62,0 4,6 -0,5 Bed statistics Bed nights available per day Number 32 623 33 077 33 071 33 071 1,4 1,1 Bed nights available per month Number 978 690 992 310 1 025 201 992 130 1,4 0,8 Bed nights sold per month Number 341 723 337 806 345 859 364 931 6,8 0,9 Bed occupancy rate % 34,9 34,0 33,7 36,8 5,3 0,0 Income statistics Room income R'000 89 233 82 826 89 139 98 110 9,9 3,6 Income from catering R'000 33 946 29 337 31 783 35 472 4,5 5,8 Income from bar sales R'000 13 146 9 154 10 675 13 967 6,2 -1,7 Other income R'000 11 549 7 999 8 306 8 735 -24,4 -15,2 Total hotel income R'000 147 874 129 316 139 903 156 284 5,7 2,2

Table 5.8 - Trading statistics of hotels: Mpumalanga

% change % change between between Particulars Unit November September October November November January 2000 to 2000 * 2001 2001 2001 2000 November 2000 and and November January 2001 to 2001 November 2001 Room statistics Room nights available per day Number 2 482 2 478 2 481 2 479 -0,1 -2,4 Room nights available per month Number 74 460 74 340 76 911 74 370 -0,1 -2,7 Room nights sold per month Number 42 585 42 793 47 066 44 711 5,0 0,9 Room occupancy rate % 57,2 57,6 61,2 60,1 5,1 3,6 Bed statistics Bed nights available per day Number 5 299 5 291 5 296 5 290 -0,2 -2,8 Bed nights available per month Number 158 970 158 730 164 176 158 700 -0,2 -3,1 Bed nights sold per month Number 58 083 61 442 63 659 61 888 6,6 0,6 Bed occupancy rate % 36,5 38,7 38,8 39,0 6,7 3,8 Income statistics Room income R'000 10 829 10 528 12 175 11 252 3,9 5,2 Income from catering R'000 6 055 5 987 6 745 6 459 6,7 6,1 Income from bar sales R'000 2 751 2 912 2 927 2 867 4,2 18,3 Other income R'000 1 043 905 985 923 -11,5 7,9 Total hotel income R'000 20 678 20 332 22 832 21 501 4,0 7,3 * Revised figures

22 P6441

Table 5.9 - Trading statistics of hotels: Northern Province

% change % change between between Particulars Unit November September October November November January 2000 to 2000 * 2001 2001 * 2001 2000 November 2000 and and November January 2001 to 2001 November 2001 Room statistics Room nights available per day Number 1 500 1 488 1 485 1 486 -0,9 -1,7 Room nights available per month Number 45 000 44 640 46 035 44 580 -0,9 -2,0 Room nights sold per month Number 23 986 22 169 22 298 21 900 -8,7 -3,0 Room occupancy rate % 53,3 49,7 48,4 49,1 -7,8 -1,1 Bed statistics Bed nights available per day Number 2 657 2 634 2 627 2 624 -1,3 -0,3 Bed nights available per month Number 79 710 79 020 81 437 78 720 -1,3 -0,6 Bed nights sold per month Number 32 025 30 264 30 568 29 486 -7,9 -2,2 Bed occupancy rate % 40,2 38,3 37,5 37,5 -6,8 -1,7 Income statistics Room income R'000 6 154 5 778 5 979 5 987 -2,7 5,6 Income from catering R'000 3 847 3 876 3 606 3 741 -2,8 7,4 Income from bar sales R'000 1 172 1 017 1 028 1 139 -2,8 -14,8 Other income R'000 1 361 1 098 793 761 -44,1 -7,4 Total hotel income R'000 12 534 11 769 11 406 11 628 -7,2 2,5 * Revised figures

23 P6441

Table 6 - Trading statistics of hotels according to tourism region and star grading: November 2001

Table 6.1 - Trading statistics of hotels: Cape Metropole

Particulars Unit Ungraded One and Three Four Five Total two star star star star

Room statistics Room nights available per day Number 5 559 313 436 911 541 7 760 Room nights available per month Number 166 770 9 390 13 080 27 330 16 230 232 800 Room nights sold per month Number 118 614 5 550 9 529 18 955 10 979 163 627 Room occupancy rate % 71,1 59,1 72,8 69,4 67,6 70,3 Bed statistics Bed nights available per day Number 11 311 557 873 1 697 1 064 15 502 Bed nights available per month Number 339 330 16 710 26 190 50 910 31 920 465 060 Bed nights sold per month Number 163 665 9 323 12 548 28 359 17 884 231 779 Bed occupancy rate % 48,2 55,8 47,9 55,7 56,0 49,8 Income statistics Room income R'000 46 916 1 221 2 147 9 723 13 807 73 814 Income from catering R'000 9 234 603 809 2 933 3 452 17 031 Income from bar sales R'000 2 292 3 167 1 090 1 674 5 226 Other income R'000 3 724 175 192 615 1 477 6 183 Total hotel income R'000 62 166 2 002 3 315 14 361 20 410 102 254

Table 6.2 - Trading statistics of hotels: Wineland

Ungraded, one, Particulars Unit two, three, Total four and five star Room statistics Room nights available per day Number 458 458 Room nights available per month Number 13 740 13 740 Room nights sold per month Number 8 320 8 320 Room occupancy rate % 60,6 60,6 Bed statistics Bed nights available per day Number 917 917 Room nights available per month Number 27 510 27 510 Bed nights sold per month Number 13 237 13 237 Bed occupancy rate % 48,1 48,1 Income statistics Room income R'000 4 540 4 540 Income from catering R'000 3 072 3 072 Income from bar sales R'000 1 113 1 113 Other income R'000 712 712 Total hotel income R'000 9 437 9 437

24 P6441

Table 6.3 - Trading statistics of hotels: West Coast

Particulars Unit Ungraded One and Three, four and Total two star five star

Room statistics Room nights available per day Number 255 141 20 416 Room nights available per month Number 7 650 4 230 600 12 480 Room nights sold per month Number 2 991 1 501 250 4 742 Room occupancy rate % 39,1 35,5 41,7 38,0 Bed statistics Bed nights available per day Number 477 329 40 846 Bed nights available per month Number 14 310 9 870 1 200 25 380 Bed nights sold per month Number 4 836 2 470 325 7 631 Bed occupancy rate % 33,8 25,1 27,1 30,1 Income statistics Room income R'000 674 176 28 878 Income from catering R'000 542 391 11 944 Income from bar sales R'000 245 143 4 392 Other income R'000 100 9 0 109 Total hotel income R'000 1 561 719 43 2 323

Table 6.4 - Trading statistics of hotels: Little and Central Karoo

Particulars Unit Ungraded One and Three, four and Total two star five star

Room statistics Room nights available per day Number 467 207 49 723 Room nights available per month Number 14 010 6 210 1 470 21 690 Room nights sold per month Number 7 469 1 592 1 143 10 204 Room occupancy rate % 53,3 25,6 77,8 47,0 Bed statistics Bed nights available per day Number 1 084 535 99 1 718 Bed nights available per month Number 32 520 16 050 2 970 51 540 Bed nights sold per month Number 11 681 2 368 1 922 15 971 Bed occupancy rate % 35,9 14,7 64,7 31,0 Income statistics Room income R'000 1 783 238 306 2 327 Income from catering R'000 762 83 81 926 Income from bar sales R'000 208 31 3 242 Other income R'000 47 1 3 51 Total hotel income R'000 2 800 353 393 3 546

25 P6441

Table 6.5 - Trading statistics of hotels: Garden Route

Particulars Unit Ungraded One and Three, four and Total two star five star

Room statistics Room nights available per day Number 841 129 432 1 402 Room nights available per month Number 25 230 3 870 12 960 42 060 Room nights sold per month Number 14 263 1 003 6 465 21 731 Room occupancy rate % 56,5 25,9 49,9 51,7 Bed statistics Bed nights available per day Number 1 684 275 1 097 3 056 Bed nights available per month Number 50 520 8 250 32 910 91 680 Bed nights sold per month Number 23 926 1 848 10 993 36 767 Bed occupancy rate % 47,4 22,4 33,4 40,1 Income statistics Room income R'000 3 821 121 3 230 7 172 Income from catering R'000 1 247 195 1 082 2 524 Income from bar sales R'000 343 205 343 891 Other income R'000 152 6 184 342 Total hotel income R'000 5 563 527 4 839 10 929

Table 6.6 - Trading statistics of hotels: Overberg

Ungraded, one, Particulars Unit two, three, Total four and five star Room statistics Room nights available per day Number 564 564 Room nights available per month Number 16 920 16 920 Room nights sold per month Number 9 324 9 324 Room occupancy rate % 55,1 55,1 Bed statistics Bed nights available per day Number 1 269 1 269 Bed nights available per month Number 38 070 38 070 Bed nights sold per month Number 14 426 14 426 Bed occupancy rate % 37,9 37,9 Income statistics Room income R'000 5 873 5 873 Income from catering R'000 2 375 2 375 Income from bar sales R'000 967 967 Other income R'000 314 314 Total hotel income R'000 9 529 9 529

26 P6441

Table 6.7 - Trading statistics of hotels: Breede River

One, two, Particulars Unit Ungraded three, four Total and five star

Room statistics Room nights available per day Number 276 120 396 Room nights available per month Number 8 280 3 600 11 880 Room nights sold per month Number 1 526 2 150 3 676 Room occupancy rate % 18,4 59,9 31,0 Bed statistics Bed nights available per day Number 539 230 769 Bed nights available per month Number 16 170 6 900 23 070 Bed nights sold per month Number 2 662 2 827 5 489 Bed occupancy rate % 16,5 41,0 23,8 Income statistics Room income R'000 205 507 712 Income from catering R'000 145 396 541 Income from bar sales R'000 196 179 375 Other income R'000 21 93 114 Total hotel income R'000 567 1 175 1 742

Table 6.8 - Trading statistics of hotels: Border

Particulars Unit Ungraded One and Three, four and Total two star five star

Room statistics Room nights available per day Number 599 209 328 1 136 Room nights available per month Number 17 970 6 270 9 840 34 080 Room nights sold per month Number 12 025 2 960 6 293 21 278 Room occupancy rate % 66,9 47,2 64,0 62,4 Bed statistics Bed nights available per day Number 1 756 413 680 2 849 Bed nights available per month Number 52 680 12 390 20 400 85 470 Bed nights sold per month Number 12 694 3 832 8 952 25 478 Bed occupancy rate % 24,1 30,9 43,9 29,8 Income statistics Room income R'000 4 099 431 938 5 468 Income from catering R'000 924 188 518 1 630 Income from bar sales R'000 333 109 86 528 Other income R'000 176 23 83 282 Total hotel income R'000 5 532 751 1 625 7 908

27 P6441

Table 6.9 - Trading statistics of hotels: Algoa

One, two, Particulars Unit Ungraded three, four Total and five star

Room statistics Room nights available per day Number 1 356 93 1 449 Room nights available per month Number 40 680 2 790 43 470 Room nights sold per month Number 25 723 1 871 27 594 Room occupancy rate % 63,2 67,1 63,5 Bed statistics Bed nights available per day Number 3 515 188 3 703 Bed nights available per month Number 105 450 5 640 111 090 Bed nights sold per month Number 33 185 2 829 36 014 Bed occupancy rate % 31,5 50,2 32,4 Income statistics Room income R'000 6 941 800 7 741 Income from catering R'000 1 891 498 2 389 Income from bar sales R'000 790 156 946 Other income R'000 396 64 460 Total hotel income R'000 10 018 1 518 11 536

Table 6.10 - Trading statistics of hotels: Griqualand West

Particulars Unit Ungraded One and Three, four and Total two star five star

Room statistics Room nights available per day Number 475 57 30 562 Room nights available per month Number 14 250 1 710 900 16 860 Room nights sold per month Number 9 093 1 333 176 10 602 Room occupancy rate % 63,8 77,9 19,6 62,9 Bed statistics Bed nights available per day Number 1 096 228 48 1 372 Bed nights available per month Number 32 880 6 840 1 440 41 160 Bed nights sold per month Number 11 507 1 489 242 13 238 Bed occupancy rate % 35,0 21,8 16,8 32,2 Income statistics Room income R'000 1 966 325 47 2 338 Income from catering R'000 414 40 22 476 Income from bar sales R'000 220 6 42 268 Other income R'000 160 14 1 175 Total hotel income R'000 2 760 385 112 3 257

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Table 6.11 - Trading statistics of hotels: Rest of the Eastern Cape

Particulars Unit Ungraded One, two, three, Total four and five star

Room statistics Room nights available per day Number 1 370 356 1 726 Room nights available per month Number 41 100 10680 51 780 Room nights sold per month Number 22 238 3 848 26 086 Room occupancy rate % 54,1 36,0 50,4 Bed statistics Bed nights available per day Number 2 570 982 3 552 Bed nights available per month Number 77 100 29460 106 560 Bed nights sold per month Number 34 142 8 652 42 794 Bed occupancy rate % 44,3 29,4 40,2 Income statistics Room income R'000 6 271 1 327 7 598 Income from catering R'000 4 004 398 4 402 Income from bar sales R'000 1 780 707 2 487 Other income R'000 1 976 38 2 014 Total hotel income R'000 14 031 2 470 16 501

Table 6.12 - Trading statistics of hotels: Rest of the Northern Cape

Particulars Unit Ungraded One, two, three, Total four and five star

Room statistics Room nights available per day Number 691 571 1 262 Room nights available per month Number 20 730 17 130 37 860 Room nights sold per month Number 9 794 6 790 16 584 Room occupancy rate % 47,2 39,6 43,8 Bed statistics Bed nights available per day Number 1 534 1 209 2 743 Bed nights available per month Number 46 020 36270 82 290 Bed nights sold per month Number 11 011 8 427 19 438 Bed occupancy rate % 23,9 23,2 23,6 Income statistics Room income R'000 1 816 1 855 3 671 Income from catering R'000 839 355 1 194 Income from bar sales R'000 515 184 699 Other income R'000 29 2 31 Total hotel income R'000 3 199 2 396 5 595

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Table 6.13 - Trading statistics of hotels: Bloemfontein and Transgariep

Particulars Unit Ungraded One, two, three, Total four and five star

Room statistics Room nights available per day Number 1 083 439 1 522 Room nights available per month Number 32 490 13 170 45 660 Room nights sold per month Number 20 306 4 918 25 224 Room occupancy rate % 62,5 37,3 55,2 Bed statistics Bed nights available per day Number 2 259 862 3 121 Bed nights available per month Number 67 770 25 860 93 630 Bed nights sold per month Number 27 736 6 555 34 291 Bed occupancy rate % 40,9 25,3 36,6 Income statistics Room income R'000 5 121 951 6 072 Income from catering R'000 399 566 965 Income from bar sales R'000 128 151 279 Other income R'000 195 109 304 Total hotel income R'000 5 843 1 777 7 620

Table 6.14 - Trading statistics of hotels: Rest of the Free State

Ungraded, one, Particulars Unit two, three, Total four and five star

Room statistics Room nights available per day Number 1 231 1 231 Room nights available per month Number 36 930 36 930 Room nights sold per month Number 7 766 7 766 Room occupancy rate % 21,0 21,0 Bed statistics Bed nights available per day Number 2 581 2 581 Bed nights available per month Number 77 430 77 430 Bed nights sold per month Number 10 117 10 117 Bed occupancy rate % 13,1 13,1 Income statistics Room income R'000 1 641 1 641 Income from catering R'000 831 831 Income from bar sales R'000 717 717 Other income R'000 64 64 Total hotel income R'000 3 253 3 253

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Table 6.15 - Trading statistics of hotels: Durban and Umhlanga

Particulars Unit Ungraded One, two, three, Total four and five star

Room statistics Room nights available per day Number 4 212 198 4 410 Room nights available per month Number 126 360 5940 132 300 Room nights sold per month Number 90 958 3 594 94 552 Room occupancy rate % 72,0 60,5 71,5 Bed statistics Bed nights available per day Number 9 035 359 9 394 Bed nights available per month Number 271 050 10770 281 820 Bed nights sold per month Number 123 767 5 214 128 981 Bed occupancy rate % 45,7 48,4 45,8 Income statistics Room income R'000 26 594 1 384 27 978 Income from catering R'000 8 476 535 9 011 Income from bar sales R'000 2 146 222 2 368 Other income R'000 2 450 128 2 578 Total hotel income R'000 39 666 2 269 41 935

Table 6.16 - Trading statistics of hotels: South Coast and Interior

Particulars Unit Ungraded One, two, three, Total four and five star

Room statistics Room nights available per day Number 873 346 1 219 Room nights available per month Number 26 190 10380 36 570 Room nights sold per month Number 16 754 4 823 21 577 Room occupancy rate % 64,0 46,5 59,0 Bed statistics Bed nights available per day Number 2 065 716 2 781 Bed nights available per month Number 61 950 21480 83 430 Bed nights sold per month Number 28 932 6 658 35 590 Bed occupancy rate % 46,7 31,0 42,7 Income statistics Room income R'000 5 721 840 6 561 Income from catering R'000 3 736 577 4 313 Income from bar sales R'000 1 514 276 1 790 Other income R'000 998 59 1 057 Total hotel income R'000 11 969 1 752 13 721

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Table 6.17 - Trading statistics of hotels: Pietermaritzburg and Midlands

Particulars Unit Ungraded One, two, three, Total four and five star

Room statistics Room nights available per day Number 464 178 642 Room nights available per month Number 13 920 5340 19 260 Room nights sold per month Number 7 192 2 790 9 982 Room occupancy rate % 51,6 52,3 51,8 Bed statistics Bed nights available per day Number 906 377 1 283 Bed nights available per month Number 27 180 11310 38 490 Bed nights sold per month Number 11 320 3 692 15 012 Bed occupancy rate % 41,7 32,6 39,0 Income statistics Room income R'000 1 176 482 1 658 Income from catering R'000 904 616 1 520 Income from bar sales R'000 523 630 1 153 Other income R'000 173 13 186 Total hotel income R'000 2 776 1 741 4 517

Table 6.18 - Trading statistics of hotels: Drakensberg

Particulars Unit Ungraded One, two, three, Total four and five star

Room statistics Room nights available per day Number 499 427 926 Room nights available per month Number 14 970 12810 27 780 Room nights sold per month Number 7 745 6 833 14 578 Room occupancy rate % 51,7 53,3 52,5 Bed statistics Bed nights available per day Number 1 213 902 2 115 Bed nights available per month Number 36 390 27060 63 450 Bed nights sold per month Number 13 313 11 996 25 309 Bed occupancy rate % 36,6 44,3 39,9 Income statistics Room income R'000 3 297 2 117 5 414 Income from catering R'000 2 143 1 362 3 505 Income from bar sales R'000 910 441 1 351 Other income R'000 948 337 1 285 Total hotel income R'000 7 298 4 257 11 555

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Table 6.19 - Trading statistics of hotels: Rest of KwaZulu-Natal

Particulars Unit Ungraded One, two, three, Total four and five star

Room statistics Room nights available per day Number 1 315 531 1 846 Room nights available per month Number 39 450 15930 55 380 Room nights sold per month Number 15 131 6 363 21 494 Room occupancy rate % 38,4 39,9 38,8 Bed statistics Bed nights available per day Number 2 747 1 030 3 777 Bed nights available per month Number 82 410 30900 113 310 Bed nights sold per month Number 19 078 7 978 27 056 Bed occupancy rate % 23,1 25,8 23,9 Income statistics Room income R'000 2 883 1 584 4 467 Income from catering R'000 1 369 1 306 2 675 Income from bar sales R'000 419 465 884 Other income R'000 358 243 601 Total hotel income R'000 5 029 3 598 8 627

Table 6.20 - Trading statistics of hotels: North West

Particulars Unit Ungraded One, two, three, Total four and five star

Room statistics Room nights available per day Number 2 582 497 3 079 Room nights available per month Number 77 460 14910 92 370 Room nights sold per month Number 52 431 5 062 57 493 Room occupancy rate % 67,7 34,0 62,2 Bed statistics Bed nights available per day Number 5 222 922 6 144 Bed nights available per month Number 156 660 27660 184 320 Bed nights sold per month Number 87 079 7 621 94 700 Bed occupancy rate % 55,6 27,6 51,4 Income statistics Room income R'000 29 064 1 110 30 174 Income from catering R'000 18 166 1 003 19 169 Income from bar sales R'000 6 308 422 6 730 Other income R'000 2 842 105 2 947 Total hotel income R'000 56 380 2 640 59 020

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Table 6.21 - Trading statistics of hotels: Pretoria

One, two, Particulars Unit Ungraded three, four Total and five star

Room statistics Room nights available per day Number 2 394 684 3 078 Room nights available per month Number 71 820 20 520 92 340 Room nights sold per month Number 46 932 12 737 59 669 Room occupancy rate % 65,3 62,1 64,6 Bed statistics Bed nights available per day Number 5 380 1 271 6 651 Bed nights available per month Number 161 400 38 130 199 530 Bed nights sold per month Number 61 984 15 306 77 290 Bed occupancy rate % 38,4 40,1 38,7 Income statistics Room income R'000 11 600 2 987 14 587 Income from catering R'000 3 552 2 505 6 057 Income from bar sales R'000 1 329 596 1 925 Other income R'000 920 460 1 380 Total hotel income R'000 17 401 6 548 23 949

Table 6.22 - Trading statistics of hotels: Johannesburg

Particulars Unit Ungraded One, two and Four and Total three star five star

Room statistics Room nights available per day Number 7 220 870 491 8 581 Room nights available per month Number 216 600 26 100 14 730 257 430 Room nights sold per month Number 138 790 9 815 8 069 156 674 Room occupancy rate % 64,1 37,6 54,8 60,9 Bed statistics Bed nights available per day Number 14 383 1 428 990 16 801 Bed nights available per month Number 431 490 42 840 29 700 504 030 Bed nights sold per month Number 168 730 15 551 9 324 193 605 Bed occupancy rate % 39,1 36,3 31,4 38,4 Income statistics Room income R'000 55 473 2 044 3 245 60 762 Income from catering R'000 17 906 639 1 237 19 782 Income from bar sales R'000 7 292 278 294 7 864 Other income R'000 5 071 158 217 5 446 Total hotel income R'000 85 742 3 119 4 993 93 854

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Table 6.23 - Trading statistics of hotels: East Rand

Ungraded, one, Particulars Unit two, three, Total four and five star Room statistics Room nights available per day Number 2 192 2 192 Room nights available per month Number 65 760 65 760 Room nights sold per month Number 40 985 40 985 Room occupancy rate % 62,3 62,3 Bed statistics Bed nights available per day Number 5 156 5 156 Bed nights available per month Number 154 680 154 680 Bed nights sold per month Number 48 615 48 615 Bed occupancy rate % 31,4 31,4 Income statistics Room income R'000 11 252 11 252 Income from catering R'000 2 142 2 142 Income from bar sales R'000 1 006 1 006 Other income R'000 818 818 Total hotel income R'000 15 218 15 218

Table 6.24 - Trading statistics of hotels: Rest of Gauteng

Particulars Unit Ungraded One, two and Four and Total three star five star

Room statistics Room nights available per day Number 1 415 307 338 2 060 Room nights available per month Number 42 450 9 210 10 140 61 800 Room nights sold per month Number 26 880 4 958 6 815 38 653 Room occupancy rate % 63,3 53,9 67,2 62,6 Bed statistics Bed nights available per day Number 3 064 691 708 4 463 Bed nights available per month Number 91 920 20 730 21 240 133 890 Bed nights sold per month Number 30 063 6 734 8 624 45 421 Bed occupancy rate % 32,7 32,5 40,6 33,9 Income statistics Room income R'000 7 210 1 616 2 684 11 510 Income from catering R'000 2 979 1 691 2 821 7 491 Income from bar sales R'000 1 218 1 183 771 3 172 Other income R'000 476 333 281 1 090 Total hotel income R'000 11 883 4 823 6 557 23 263

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Table 6.25 - Trading statistics of hotels: Mpumalanga

Particulars Unit Ungraded One and Three Four and Total two star star five star

Room statistics Room nights available per day Number 1 778 190 284 227 2 479 Room nights available per month Number 53 340 5 700 8 520 6 810 74 370 Room nights sold per month Number 34 609 2 667 3 864 3 571 44 711 Room occupancy rate % 64,9 46,8 45,4 52,4 60,1 Bed statistics Bed nights available per day Number 3 847 444 535 464 5 290 Bed nights available per month Number 115 410 13 320 16 050 13 920 158 700 Bed nights sold per month Number 45 700 4 091 5 958 6 139 61 888 Bed occupancy rate % 39,6 30,7 37,1 44,1 39,0 Income statistics Room income R'000 8 121 532 916 1 683 11 252 Income from catering R'000 4 798 134 716 811 6 459 Income from bar sales R'000 2 209 194 186 278 2 867 Other income R'000 767 16 38 102 923 Total hotel income R'000 15 895 876 1 856 2 874 21 501

Table 6.26 - Trading statistics of hotels: Northern Province

One, two, Particulars Unit Ungraded three, four Total and five star

Room statistics Room nights available per day Number 1 061 425 1 486 Room nights available per month Number 31 830 12 750 44 580 Room nights sold per month Number 16 092 5 808 21 900 Room occupancy rate % 50,6 45,6 49,1 Bed statistics Bed nights available per day Number 1 801 823 2 624 Bed nights available per month Number 54 030 24 690 78 720 Bed nights sold per month Number 20 797 8 689 29 486 Bed occupancy rate % 38,5 35,2 37,5 Income statistics Room income R'000 3 879 2 108 5 987 Income from catering R'000 2 392 1 349 3 741 Income from bar sales R'000 675 464 1 139 Other income R'000 355 406 761 Total hotel income R'000 7 301 4 327 11 628

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Table 7 - Ratios of trading statistics of hotels in South Africa

% change % change between Particulars Unit November September October November between January to 2000 2001 2001 2001 November 2000 November 2000 and and November 2001 January to November 2001

Number of hotels Number 1 281 1 285 1 284 1 284 0,2 0,3

Room statistics Rooms available per month per hotel Number 41 41 41 41 0,0 -1,8 Room occupancy rate % 57,8 55,1 56,4 59,5 2,9 1,1

Bed statistics Beds available per month per hotel Number 86 86 86 86 0,0 -0,8 Bed occupancy rate % 37,9 36,6 37,2 38,9 2,6 0,6

Average hotel income per- Room night sold Rand 332,9 314,2 335,8 342,3 2,8 4,8 Bed night sold Rand 243,3 225,2 242,3 249,3 2,5 4,1

Contribution to hotel income Room income % 60,3 62,1 63,0 61,3 1,7 1,8 Income from catering % 23,8 23,1 23,1 23,9 0,4 -1,1 Income from bar sales % 9,5 8,7 8,0 9,0 -5,3 -5,2 Other income % 6,4 6,1 5,9 5,8 -9,4 -5,1

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Table 8 - Classification of towns and cities according to the 26 tourism regions and nine provinces

Province Tourism region Towns and cities Western Cape Cape Metropole Cape Town, Bloubergstrand, Wynberg, Milnerton, Kommetjie, Sunnydale, Scarborough, Fish Hoek, Ocean View, Simon’s Town, Bellville, Durbanville, Kraaifontein, Parow, Belhar, Elsies River, Kuils River, Blackheath, Brackenfell, Penhill, Faure, Rustdal, Scottsdene, North Pine, Blue Downs.

Wineland Somerset-West, Sir Lowry”s Pass, Khayalitsha, Macassar Beach, Paarl, Franschhoek, Klapmuts, Mbekweni, Faure, Kylemore, Jamestown, Kayamandi, Stellenbosch, Wellington.

West Coast Vredendal, Lutzville, , Bitterfontein, Klawer, Clanwilliam, Citrusdal, Graafwater, Lamberts Bay, Piketberg, Aurora, Eendekuil, Elands Bay, Velddrif, Porterville, Redelingshuys, Witwater, Vredenburg, St Helena Bay, Hopefield, Langebaan, Saldanha, Malmesbury, Darling, Melkbosstrand, Philadelphia, Riebeek-Kasteel, Riebeek-West, Yzerfontein, Atlantis, Abbotsdale, Moorreesburg, Koringberg.

Little and Central Laingsburg, Prince Albert, Beaufort-West, Merweville, Sidesaviva, Karoo Oudtshoorn, De Rust, Dysseldorp, Bongolethu, Ladismith, Van Wyksdorp, Calitzdorp, Uniondale.

Garden Route Heidelberg, Witsand, Riversdale, Albertinia, Gouritsmond, Still Bay, Mossel Bay, Hartenbos, Herbertsdale, Klein Brakrivier, Rheebok Strand, Kwa Nonqaba, George, Herolds Bay, Hoekwil, Great Brack River, Wilderness, Pacaltsdorp, Thembalethu, Knysna, Buffalo Bay, Keurboomstrand, Nature’s Valley, Plettenberg Bay, Sedgefield, Wittedrift, Belvedere, Msobomvu.

Overberg Caledon, Betty’s Bay, Bot River, Grabouw, Greyton, Kleinmond, Pringle Bay, Riviersonderend, Villiersdorp, Teslaarsdal, Middleton, Hermanus, Stanford, Onrus River, Hawston, , Agulhas, Waenhuiskrans, Napier, Gansbaai, Struis Bay, Swellendam, Barrydale, Bonnievale.

Breede River Tulbach, Gouda, Wolseley, Worcester, De Doorns, Rawsonville, Touws River, Zweletemba, Prince Alfred Hamlet, Ceres, Robertson, Mcgregor, Montagu, Ashton, Zolani.

Eastern Cape Border East London, Beacon Bay, Eureka, Gonubie, Kidd’s Beach, Macleantown, Winterstrand, Cintsa, Cambridge, Gompo Town, King Williams Town, Kei Road, Ginsburg, Stutterheim, Cathcart, Hogsback, Queenstown, Mlungisi.

Algoa Port Elizabeth, Sea View, Theescombe, Blue Horizon Bay, Colleen Glen, Kini Bay, Sardinia Bay, Colchester, Motherwell, Kwamagxaki, Kwadwesi, Uitenhage, Despatch, Kwanobuhle.

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Table 8 - Classification of towns and cities according to the 26 tourism regions and nine provinces (continued)

Province Tourism region Towns and cities Rest of Eastern Cape Kirkwood, Addo, Somerset East, Cookhouse Bhongweni, Lingelihle, Cradock, Middelburg, Kwanonzame, Steynsburg, Hofmeyr, Tarkastad, Zola, Sterkstroom, Joubertina, Louterwater, Two Rivers, Humansdorp, Jeffreys Bay, Kareedouw, Storms River, Cape St Francis, Paradise Beach, St Francis Bay, Kruisfontein, Woodlands, Hankey, Patensie, Thornhill, Umzamomhle, Graaff-Reinette, Nieu- Bethesda, Umasizakhe, Aberdeen, Willowmore, Rietbron, Steytlerville, Vuyolwethu, Jansenville, Klipplaat, Pearston, Alexandria, Boesmansriviermond, Boknesstrand, Paterson, Cannon Rocks, Bathurst, Port Alfred, Kenton-on-Sea, Seafield, Grahamstown, Alicedale, Riebeek-East, Bedford, Cookhouse, Adelaide, Fort-Beaufort, Venterstad, Molteno, Aliwal North, Jamestown, Lady Grey, Indwe, Barkly East, Rhodes, Elliot, Maclear, Ugie, Komga, Haga-Haga, Kei Mouth, Morgan’s Bay.

Northern Cape Griqualand West Barkly West, Delportshoop, Windsorton, Warrenton, Jan Kempdorp, Valspan, Hartswater, Kimberley, Ritchie.

Rest of Northern Cape Upington, Van Zylsrus, Kakamas, Carnarvon, Aughrabies, Brandvlei, Calvinia, Fraserburg, Daniëlskuil, De Aar, Philipstown, Douglas, Strydenburg, Garies, Norvalspont, Kuruman, Victoria West, Vosburg, Olifantshoek, Loeriesfontein, Griquatown, Askham, Okiep, Nieuwoudtville, Postmasburg, Prieska, Hopetown, Port Nolloth, Noupoort, Sutherland, Colesberg, Britstown, Petrusville, Van Wyksvlei, Richmond, Nababeep, Williston, Pofadder, Groblershoop, Hanover, Kamieskroon, Kenhardt, Springbok, Vanderkloof.

Free State Bloemfontein and Bloemfontein, Bain’s Vlei, Bloemspruit, Mangaung, Exelsior, Transgariep Tweestruit, Brandfort, Verkeerdevlei, Soutpan, Boshof, Dealsville, Hertzogville, Jacobsdal, Petrusburg, Koffiefontein, Jagersfontein, Edenburg, Reddersburg, Dewetsdorp, Trompsburg, Bethulie, Springfontein, Smithfield, Rouxville, Philippolis, Waterkloof.

Rest of Free State Welkom, Hennenman, Hoopstad, Bultfontein, Theunissen, Winburg, Koppies, Ventersburg, Virginia, Parys, Wesselsbron, Odendaalsrus, Allanridge, Bothaville, Kroonstad, Edenville, Viljoenskroon, Vredefort, Zastron, Wepener, Van Stadensrus, Ladybrand, Hobhouse, Clocolan, Marquard, Senekal, Paul Roux, Ficksburg, Fouriesburg, Bethlehem, Clarens, Kestell, Harrismith, Warden, Vrede, Cornelia, Memel, Reitz, Lindley, Arlington, Petrus Steyn, Steynsrus, Heilbron, Oranjeville, Frankfort, Tweeling, Villiers, Sasolburg, Deneysville.

KwaZulu- Natal Durban, Umhlanga Central Business District of Durban, Marine Parade, Esplanade and all other suburbs, Amanzimtoti, Umbogintwini, Kingsburgh, Canelands, Glen Anil, Tongaat, Mount Edgecombe, Umdloti Beach, Duff’s Road, Ottawa, Verulam, Umhlanga Rocks, Stanger, Ballito Bay, Blythedale Beach, Darnall, Zinkwazi, Umhlali Beach, Shakaskraal, Tugela, Pinetown, Westville, Everton, Gillitts, Hillcrest, Kloof, Mariannhill, New Germany, Klaarwater.

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Table 8 - Classification of towns and cities according to the 26 tourism regions and nine provinces (continued)

Province Tourism region Towns and cities South Coast and Illovo Beach, Umzinto, Clansthal, Umkomaas, Willow Glen, Interior Widenham, Hibberdene, Mtwalume, Ocean View, Park Rynie, Pennington, Scottburgh, Saiccor, Ifafa Beach, Craigieburn, Port Shepstone, Marina Beach, Melville, Munster, Port Edward, Southbroom, Ramsgate, Umtentweni, Umzumbe, Uvongo, Shelly Beach, Marburg, San Lameer, Harding, Mount Currie, Kokstad, Cedarville, Matatiele, Ixopo, Creighton, Margate.

Pietermaritzburg Pietermaritzburg, Ashburton, Hilton, Plessislaer, Ashdown, Albert and Midlands Falls, Dalton, Wartburg, New Hanover, Howick, Hilton, Bruntville, Lions River, Mooi River, Umvotikloof, Greytown, Weenen, Kranskop.

Drakensberg Klip River, Ladysmith, Steadville, Bergville, Estcourt, Colenso, Winterton, Impendle, Underberg, Himeville.

Rest of KwaZulu-Natal Eshowe, Mtunzini, Lower Umfolozi, Richards Bay, Mtubatuba, St Lucia, Hlabisa, Ubombo, Babanango, Melmoth, Camperdown, Assagay, Botha’s Hill, Cato Ridge, Ashburton, Drummond, Hammarsdale, Sterkspruit, Pinetown, Inanda, Lower Tugela, Glencoe, Hattingspruit, Wasbank, Dundee, Dannhauser, Newcastle, Charlestown, Utrecht, Vryheid, Louwsburg, Paulpietersburg.

North West North West Zeerust, Groot-Marico, Ottoshoop, Brits, Kosmos, Hartbeespoort, Letlhabile, Rustenburg, Marikana, Swartruggens, Borolelo, Koster, Lichtenburg, Biesiesvlei, Ottosdal, Coligny, Christiana, Bloemhof, Wolmaransstad, Leeudoringstad, Makwassie, Witpoort, Klerksdorp, Hartbeesfontein, Orkney, Stilfontein, Ventersdorp, Fochville, Potchefstroom, Babelegi, Mmabatho, Mafikeng, Pilanesberg, and the Rest of North West.

Gauteng Pretoria Pretoria, Atteridgeville, Wonderboom, Akasia, Hammanskraal, Roodeplaat, Mamelodi, Halfway House, Midrand, Centurion.

Johannesburg Central Business District of Johannesburg, Randburg, Chartwell, Fourways, Soweto, Rosebank, Sandton, Alexandra, and all other suburbs (excluding Bruma and Eastgate).

East Rand Germiston, Alberton, Boksburg, Kempton Park, Benoni, Brakpan, Bedfordview, Springs, Edenvale, Vosloorus, Daveyton, Wattville, Johannesburg International Airport, Eastgate.

Rest of Gauteng Westonaria, Bekkersdal, Lenasia, Roodepoort, Dobsonville, Krugersdorp, Magaliesburg, Muldersdrift, Kagiso, Munsieville, Randfontein, Carletonville, Rayton, Oberholzer, Muldersdrift, Bronkhorstspruit, Cullinan, Nigel, Heidelberg, Vereeniging, Vanderbijlpark, Evaton, De Deur, Randvaal, Meyerton, Walkerville, Ennerdale, Sharpeville.

40 P6441

Table 8 - Classification of towns and cities according to the 26 tourism regions and nine provinces (concluded)

Province Tourism region Towns and cities Mpumalanga Mpumalanga Lydenburg, Dullstroom, Waterval-Boven, Waterval-Onder, Barberton, Nelspruit, White River, Pilgrimsrest, Sabie, Wakkerstroom, Delmas, Balfour, Standerton, Volksrust, Amersfoort, Bethal, Witbank, Groblersdal, Middelburg, Belfast, Carolina, Ermelo, Piet Retief, Burgersfort, Ohrigstad, Hectorspruit, Komatipoort, Malelane, Hazyview, Graskop, Sabie, Balfour, Greylingstad, Dullstroom, Machadadorp, Badplaas, Amsterdam, Breyten, Chrissiesmeer, Morgenzon, Paardekop, Ogies, Vandyksdrift, Marble Hall, Hendrina, Pongola.

Northern Province Northern Province Potgietersrus, Pietersburg, Kgomo, Messina, Soutpansberg, Phalaborwa, Magoebaskloof, Letaba, Warmbad, Waterberg, Ellisras, Thabazimbi, Giyani, Thohoyandou, Tzaneen, Nylstroom, Hoedspruit, Kruger National Park from Satara Camp northwards, Naboomspruit, Roedtan, Dendron, Haenertsburg, Nancefield, Louis Trichardt, Alldays, Soekmekaar, Gravelotte, Duiwelskloof, Letsitele, Pienaars River, Belabela, Vaalwater, Northam, Leeupoort.

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Additional information

Explanatory notes

Introduction 1 This publication contains results of the monthly Survey of Trading Statistics of Hotels conducted in November 2001. The survey is designed to obtain information regarding -

• room income; • income from catering; • income from bar-sales; • income from off sales; • other income (sundries); • total number of rooms available; • total number of room nights sold; • total number of beds available; and • total number of bed nights sold.

Scope of the survey 2 The information is collected from a sample of hotels in South Africa and the results are published according to star grading, the nine provinces and 26 tourism regions as indicated in table 8. Stats SA updates the sample and the population of hotels in South Africa regularly as new hotels become operational or others close down. Hotels operating mainly on a time-share basis are excluded.

Classification 3 This publication provides information of trading statistics of hotels according to star grading, nine provinces and 26 tourism regions. The star grading system according to Satour’s National Grading and Classification Scheme, classifies three-, four- and five-star hotels as having very good to outstanding standards, while one- and two-star hotels are classified as comfortable hotels. Ungraded hotels are not of a lesser standard, they just choose not to participate in the National Grading and Classification Scheme of Satour.

4 The 1993 edition of the Standard Industrial Classification of all Economic Activities (SIC), Fifth Edition, Report No. 09-90-02, was used to classify the statistical units in the survey. The SIC is based on the 1990 International Standard Industrial Classification of all Economic Activities (ISIC) with suitable adaptations for local conditions. Statistics in this publication are presented at SIC group (4 digit) level.

Statistical unit 5 The statistical unit for the survey is the smallest economic unit (the hotel and its activities) that functions as a separate entity for which comprehensive financial statements are kept.

Survey methodology 6 Information obtained from Satour provides the sampling frame for the selection of the and design sample of hotels for the monthly Survey of Trading Statistics of Hotels. Hotels in the sample are stratified according to star grading within each tourism region. The survey is collected by mail each month from a sample of approximately 430 hotels in 26 tourism regions. All three-, four-, and five-star hotels are completely enumerated. A systematic sample is drawn from ungraded hotels and one- and two-star hotels.

7 The information received from the sample of hotels is weighted according to the original sample design in order to represent the population of hotels. The number of rooms available per hotel is used as a measure of size for the calculation of weights. Weights are calculated for each star grading within each tourism region. Due to the small representation of some of the hotels according to their star grading within certain tourism regions, Stats SA is obliged to group some of the star gradings together to keep information of individual hotels confidential.

Trend cycle 8 The trend is the long-term pattern or movement of a time series. The X-11 Seasonal Adjustment Program is used for smoothing seasonally adjusted estimates.

Reliability of 9 Data presented in this publication are based on information obtained from a sample of estimates hotels and is, therefore, subject to sampling variability; that is, they may differ from the figures that would have been produced if the data had been obtained from all hotels in South Africa.

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10 Inaccuracies may occur because of imperfections in reporting by enterprises and errors made in collection and processing of the data. Inaccuracies of this kind are referred to as non-sampling error. Every effort is made to reduce non-sampling error to a minimum by careful designing of the questionnaire, pilot studies, editing of data and efficient operating procedures.

Related publications 11 Users may also wish to refer to the following publications which are available from Stats SA:

• Bulletin of Statistics. • SA Statistics.

Unpublished 12 In some cases Stats SA can also make available information which was not published. statistics T h is information can be made available in one or more of the following ways: computer printout, CD or diskette. Generally a charge is made for providing unpublished information.

Rounding-off 13 The figures in the tables have, where necessary, been rounded off to the nearest final digit of figures shown. There may therefore be slight discrepancies between the sums of the constituent items of the totals shown.

Symbols and CD Compact Disk abbreviations ISIC International Standard Industrial Classification of all Economic Activities SIC Standard Industrial Classification of all Economic Activities Stats SA Statistics South Africa * Revised

Technical note

Response rate The response rate for the survey on the trading statistic of hotels for November 2001 is 77,0%.

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Average hotel income Average hotel income per bed night sold is room income divided by the number of bed per bed night sold nights sold.

Average hotel income per Average hotel income per room night sold is room income divided by the number of room night sold room nights sold.

Bed occupancy rate Bed occupancy rate for the survey month is the number of bed nights sold, divided by the product of the number of bed nights available per day and the number of days in the survey month, expressed as a percentage.

Bed nights available per Bed nights available per day refer to the total number of bed nights available per day for day paying guests. A three-quarter bed is counted as one bed available and a double bed as two beds available. Cots are excluded.

Bed nights sold Bed nights sold refer to the total number of beds occupied by visitors during the survey month.

Hotel income Hotel income includes -

• room income; • income from catering; • income from bar sales; and • other income.

Income from bar sales Income from bar sales refers to income from the sale of liquor and beverages at the bar. Income from bar sales also includes the sale of cigarettes and other tobacco products.

Income from catering Income from catering refers to income from meals and banqueting.

Other income Other income (sundries) includes -

• rentals and fees received for offices, shops, garages, billiard rooms and dance floors; • washing, ironing and laundry services; and • telephone and fax services.

Percentage change Percentage change is the change in values of the relevant month compared to values of the same month in the previous year.

Reference month Reference month for the survey refers to one calendar month.

Room nights available per Room nights available per day refer to the total number of room nights available per day day for paying guests.

Rooms available per Rooms available per month per hotel is calculated as the total number of rooms available month per hotel for paying guests per month divided by total number of hotels.

Room nights sold Room nights sold refer to the total number of rooms occupied by visitors during the survey month.

Room income Room income is the income received from the sale of room nights. Where payments are received in advance of, or after the provision of accommodation to visitors, the monthly figure for room income may not necessarily be directly related to the number of room nights sold during the month. Income from meals is excluded from room income.

Room occupancy rate Room occupancy rate for the survey month is the number of room nights sold, divided by the product of the number of room nights available per day and the number of days in the survey month, expressed as a percentage.

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