Journalism Is Still SERIOUS, JUST Different

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Journalism Is Still SERIOUS, JUST Different 22 B O S TONIA Summer 2014 Journalism Is Still SERIOUS, JUST Different New York Times columnist David Carrr and Bloomberg’s Andrew Lack talk about how technology is making media more interesting In September, New York Times (CFA’68) and from the Sherry their thoughts about the future of media columnist David Carr will and Alan Leventhal Family Foun- journalism. Their discussion was convene his first class at BU’s Col- dation. Carr’s weekly Times “Me- moderated by Thomas Fiedler lege of Communication, where he dia Equation” column routinely (COM’71), dean of COM and for- is the inaugural Andrew R. Lack reports on the technologies and mer executive editor of the Miami Professor, a post dedicated to the business models that are trans- Herald. The three got together in exploration of new business mod- forming journalism. early February in a newsroom at els that might support serious Bostonia asked Lack, whose Bloomberg Media. The dialogue journalism in the years ahead. responsibilities have included the that follows has been excerpted Carr is well suited for the posi- pursuit of business models that from their conversation. It is not tion, which was created last year would sustain Bloomberg Me- a verbatim transcript. The discus- by gifts from Bloomberg Media dia without support from other sion is available in full in a video Group chairman Andrew Lack business units, and Carr to share at 23 B O S TONIA Summer 2014 Fiedler: Andy, what were you trying to ad- dress when you created Every this professorship? day at the New Lack: I’ve been York Times at four hanging around o’clock our leadership journalism and the gets together and decides business of media what are the seven for a long time, and most important that intersection has stories in Western interested me for the civilization. last 20 years. The more you see how I that intersection has am dying to got a fair number see what Bezos does of traffic jams, but with the Washington at the same time Post in a digital world. And wonderful things those who were circling these new opportunities are happening, you with distributing and start to think: who producing content in a is talking about digital world. this for the next generation in ways that stimulate new thinking? What are david carr we doing? And COM seemed like a great place to get that What tended conversation going. to be the purview Fiedler: So where are of major established we going, maybe 10 legacy news organizations— years from now? investigative reporting, which Lack: All we know is very expensive and requires a is there are a lot of sophisticated talent to do it—now we’re starting to see a start-up things going on that like BuzzFeed, which is not andrew lack David is writing a start-up anymore, about and that we jumping in. are all talking about that are making us think differently about the basic tools of our craft as well as the work we’re producing. Carr: I think that WEB EXTRA we could agree Watch David that anyone who’s Carr and in the business of Andrew Lack predicting the fu- discuss the ture of journalism future of thomas fiedler journalism is going to get clob- at bered. If you told bostonia. me that Amazon founder and CEO Jeff Bezos is going PHOTOGRAPHS OF DAVID CARR, ANDREW LACK, AND THOMAS FIEDLER BY PAUL QUITORIANO 24 B O S TONIA Summer 2014 to buy the Washington is not a start-up anymore, sounds pretty sexy to me. ism. We’re walking into Postt, the founder of eBay jumping in. Can it be taken I haven’t used it yet. Have the best of all possible eras is going to put $250 seriously? you used it? for what we do for a living. million into a new news Carr: Of course it can be. Carr: No, but I know that Carr: So the Summly thing, a blogger from the It used to be you had old- Paper itself is a wonderful guy goes to Yahoo! and he Guardian will break the line media, new media, technology. It’s got very comes up with the digest— biggest story of the year and then old-line media high resolution. It’s totally what it means is news is a [on National Security started adopting some of searchable. You can turn list on your phone. That Agency whistle-blower the discourse of what was the page and look through brings a lot of fundamental Edward Snowden], I would going on. And then much what you want. It’s very questions in terms of what have started laughing. of digital media started portable; you can carry it the hierarchy of that is: is There are so many to think, we kind of have wherever you want. it recent, is it important, models out there. We’re to get it right to do well. Lack: It sounds fabulous or is it relevant to me, is at Bloomberg now, where And then anytime they to me, but do you want it relevant to my context, a core terminal business get a little money—this is to cast this as a what’s where am I sitting right is funding journalism, true of Huffington Postt, happening on these plat- now? That’s a whole new and it’s something that true of Vox Media, this is forms that are killing set of questions that are is of use to the users, true of BuzzFeed—what other forms of news fundamentally different. giving them real-time they do is they go out and consumption? I think You know, every day information that’s going hire journalists. The New that’s a tough way to at the New York Times at QUITORIANO PAUL to be efficacious and York Times is busy with look at this. four o’clock our leader - useful. That’s one way to video, busy with blogging. Summarizing news, ship gets together and de- go. You have Huffington We talk a lot about con- for example. Maybe you cides what are the seven Postt at the other end, vergence, but this is one followed the 18-year-old most important stories in where it’s not a narrow that’s really happening kid who was 17 when he Western civilization. They user base; it’s the broadest to the point where 20 sold the app Summly to establish a hierarchy of user base possible. You years from now I’m not Yahoo! president and images and headlines. It’s have BuzzFeed, which sure you’ll be able to tell CEO Marissa Mayer. not like that doesn’t have is taking viral content the difference. He came up with some value. It has extreme value and then overlaying it Lack: I think old media, software, and correct me to me because everything with a skin of serious new media, those walls on this, that effectively is whooshing by me. I news. You have a lot of are coming down. It’s takes long-form stories know what happened, mainstream journalists all storytelling. There and summarizes them but I don’t know why like Ezra Klein, formerly are principles around in a few sentences. And or what was important. of the Washington Postt, storytelling. There are then this is the technology Somewhere between all Kara Swisher and Walt different use cases behind something called that news zooming by on Mossberg leaving Dow around storytelling, Yahoo News Digest, which a digest or on Twitter and Jones and striking out and there are different has the premise of being the full-stop NYT, this on their own or in alli- experiences around the offered twice a day, like is what we decided was ances with nonlegacy way you consume news your morning newspaper important, more or less a companies. There are all and information. And in a or evening newspaper in daily magazine. There is these bets all over the digital world you consume previous generations. This a whole lot of territory in table and nobody knows it differently than we did. all is of a piece to me. between, and that is part what’s going to work and My parents consumed And I think, to David’s of what your students, what’s not going to work. it differently than I do. point, these changes are and now my students, are Fiedler: BuzzFeed has gone This is part of the natural part of what we should be going to be negotiating. out in search of three more evolution of the great use expecting and enjoying Lack: So what the New investigative reporters. What cases of the technologies and using and discovering York Times does, what tended to be the purview of our time. in ways that make the David’s column does for of major established legacy Interestingly, this is passion that we feel for me as a reader, it takes news organizations—inves- what I think all of us are journalism and the oppor- me into what they think tigative reporting, which is finding particularly amus- tunity as a business that is important, one of the very expensive and requires a ing just in terms of the it creates on all of these seven important stories sophisticated talent to do it— nomenclature. You’ve different platforms, as we of the day, in the way now we’re starting to see a got Facebook creating a describe them, as maybe that I rely on the Times start-up like BuzzFeed, which new app call Paper, which the golden age of journal- to take me.
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