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Lincoln: A Novel

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Dtails sur le produit Rang parmi les ventes : #209823 dans eBooksPubli le: 2011-04-13Sorti le: 2011-04- 13Format: Ebook Kindle | File size: 70.Mb

Par Gore Vidal : Lincoln: A Novel before purchasing it in order to gage whether or not it would be worth my time, and all praised Lincoln: A Novel:

Commentaires clientsCommentaires clients les plus utiles3 internautes sur 3 ont trouv ce commentaire utile. Ce qui gache tout...Par VavavoumCe qui gche tout, c'est la traduction bancale voire parfois incohrente de cet excellent roman, croire que personne n'a relu... Et c'est la raison pour laquelle il perd 2 toiles sur les 5.0 internautes sur 0 ont trouv ce commentaire utile. Biographie romance d'Abraham LincolnPar Tate AlainEn Anglais, trs bonne biographie d'. Plus facile lire pour un non-anglophone du fait que l'ouvrage sous forme romance, mais fidle la vrit. Je l'ai choisie plutt qu'un ouvrage d'historien en anglais pour cette approche plus facile de la vie du grand homme. Ceci aprs avoir vu le film de Spilberg "Lincoln". Je le recommande vivement.

Description du produitGore Vidal's Narratives of series spans the history of the United States from the Revolution to the post-World War II years. With their broad canvas and large cast of fictional and historical characters, the novels in this series present a panorama of the American political and imperial experience as interpreted by one of its most worldly, knowing, and ironic observers.To most Americans, Abraham Lincoln is a monolithic figure, the Great Emancipator and Savior of the Union, beloved by all. In Gore Vidal's Lincoln we meet Lincoln the man and Lincoln the political animal, the president who entered a besieged capital where most of the population supported the South and where even those favoring the Union had serious doubts that the man from Illinois could save it. Far from steadfast in his abhorrence of slavery, Lincoln agonizes over the best course of action and comes to his great decision only when all else seems to fail. As the Civil War ravages his nation, Lincoln must face deep personal turmoil, the loss of his dearest son, and the harangues of a wife seen as a traitor for her Southern connections. Brilliantly conceived, masterfully executed, Gore Vidal's Lincoln allows the man to breathe again.

Prsentation de l'diteurLincoln is the cornerstone of Gore Vidal's fictional American chronicle, which includes , 1876, Washington, D.C., Empire, and . It opens early on a frozen winter morning in 1861, when President- elect Abraham Lincoln slips into Washington, flanked by two bodyguards. The future president is in disguise, for there is talk of a plot to murder him. During the next four years there will be numerous plots to murder this man who has sworn to unite a disintegrating nation. Isolated in a ramshackle White House in the center of a proslavery city, Lincoln presides over a fragmenting government as Lee's armies beat at the gates. In this profoundly moving novel, a work of epic proportions and intense human sympathy, Lincoln is observed by his loved ones and his rivals. The cast of characters is almost Dickensian: politicians, generals, White House aides, newspapermen, Northern and Southern conspirators, amiably evil bankers, and a wife slowly going mad. Vidal's portrait of the president is at once intimate and monumental, stark and complex, drawn with the wit, grace, and authority of one of the great historical novelists. With a new Introduction by the author.From the Hardcover edition..comLincoln is a masterwork of historical fiction, in which Gore Vidal combines a comprehensive knowledge of Civil War America with 20th-century literary technique, probing the minds and motives of the men surrounding Abraham Lincoln, including personal secretary and scheming cabinet members William Seward and Salmon P. Chase, as well as his wife, Mary Todd. It is a book monumental in scope that never loses sight of the intimate and personal in its depiction of the power struggles that accompanied Lincoln's efforts to preserve the Union at all costs--efforts in which the eradication of slavery was far from the president's main objective. As usual, there's plenty of room for Vidal's wickedly humorous deflation of American icons, including a comic interlude in a Washington bordello in which Lincoln's former law partner informs Hay that Lincoln had contracted syphilis as a young man and had, just before marrying Mary Todd, suffered what can only be described as a nervous breakdown. (Protestors should note that Vidal is only passing along what that former partner had written in his own biography of Lincoln.) Don't be intimidated by the size of Lincoln; if you like historical fiction, you should read this book at the first opportunity. --Ron HoganRevue de presse"Superb . . . a grand entertainment. . . . A plausible and human Lincoln, of us and yet beyond us." --Harold Bloom"A portrait of America's great president that is at once intimate and public, stark and complex, and that will become for future generations the living Lincoln, the definitive Lincoln. . . . Richly entertaining . . . history lessons with the blood still hot." --The Washington Post"[Lincoln] is in Vidal's version at once more complex, mysterious and enigmatic, more implacably courageous and, finally, more tragic than the conventional images, the marble man of the memorial. He is honored in the book." --Chicago Tribune