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MHrC'.l HSBSt Zrji tiaBVaaBBBaVf f?fHJf Tho Forman .Company Box 6C ' Monmouth, 111 61I4.62 Larrib 4Abb J Leader-New- II s if JwCoiiniy ci LITTLEFIELD, LAMB COUNTY, TEXAS, 1976 m. r-'- SUNDAY, AUG. 29, 1 fj VOLUME 54 NUMBER 34 18 PAGES, 2 SECTIONS TAX INCLUDED - 5 Football Pioneer Reunion contest draws begins crowd Leader-New- for The s 27th meeting annual spon- eenBBBnBBsssaij Almost 300 Lamb Countv Dioneers jBBBBJBSBjBjBBBBBnBJBB sored Football Contest begins la" the most years, and the person said he liked the prayer prayed by on registered for tho 27th annual er .IBBBBBBB'BBBBBBBBBB this issue of the paper. So traveling the longest distance to old man who said, Oh Lord, keep me fjfj. pigskin at the Ag and Community nrOffnostlrnlnrn nnrl arm auena. alive while I'm still living. Building hero Tuesday, and chair quarterbacks, get your I approxi- Mrs. Elizabeth Schlottman was the "We need a revival of the spirit of 'bhbhbhbhbbbI mately 100 more late comers ate '"'MaanHP oliiciai entry blanks and fill them oldest woman present, but since she the people who gave life to the barbecued brisket, beans, potato salad out. had won a prize for this in previous American way," he said. He said we and fresh cobblers. This year tho years, Lula needed)-contribution- weekly first prke Powell was presented with still have time to make the s Emily Peterman presented gifts to is $10, a $3 check goes to the a pair of bicentennial cups. W. V. for a free America. He tho eldest woman present, the eldest second place winner, and $2 goes Douglass received the prize for being was applauded when he added thit he man, the person living in county rfcrht. hnn to the third place winner each the the oldest man present. paiitpil 'been Lions Queen Contest here wished schools would teach what 1 in Liitiefield week. W. B. Dickinson ....an nnrf Debb! Burks is in April. They of Olton who has America is and indoctrinate our own ore modeling the new lived L,. Cummulative scores will be in Lamb County since 1904 before they indoctrinated by nf tip Earlv Risers Lions denim vests being distributed by the are kept through the season, and the Enrollment was recognized, and the prize went to fcrthe 1976-7- 7 term. These two Early Riser Lions members. someone else. grand prize winner will receive, Bob Smith who has lived in Lamb the Uistnci Wear added is fit two ducats to the Cotton Bowl County since 1904 since Mr. Dickinson that Americanism a increases way of life and is game on New Year's Day plus had received a prize at a past reunion. that if that ever lost Littlefield it will not be lost S25 expense money. schools have almost 100 Ouida Simpson Padden of Fair- on a battle field but' more students will be lost in the and lives of 1-- Weekly winners will be chosea this year than last. banks, Alaska won out over Paulette hearts There were the American people, and that if we Meats tie Post, 1 according to the total number of a total of 1,856 students Hay Ryan from Anchorage, Alaska for registered this lose this we will have nothing. game winners guessed. Tie week, compared to traveling the longest distance. All 1,758 enrolled Old songs like "Down heir second scrimmage of tho down. Baiza then charged for three breaker scores will be used to last year. This is an were presented with collectors' coffee Yonder," increase From ootball season, the Littlefield nnd Ayola got four more steps before break ties only. of 98. mugs. "I'm Texas, Too," "Home on Most of the increased the Range," and "Let the Rest of the is lied the Post Antelopes with tho Antelopo defense stopped the Only one entry is allowed per enrollment is In a short business session, D. W. in the kindergarten World Go By," were presented by ichdown each at Post rridny. In drive. person. and primary, Bawcom was elected president for a h' Elementary I D.. group that included Mr. and Mrs. ;eam effort, the local squad cut Post was soon stopped on downs Contestants may mail in the and Elementary 1977, Bub Holt of Olton was elected An additional Weldon Findley, Joe Dunn, r nntrh in their record bv nnd in Littlofield's first possession, their entries or bring them by the 34 students are en- vice president, Bill Jeffries was named John in Dunn, Ivy, - 32-ya- Leader-New- s rolled primary and kindergarten for Connie Dutch Larue, ?.g Post and scoring one touch- Ayala bombed to Smith for a before 5:30 p.m. treasurer, and Gladys Yohner is a total of 458 Leldon Phillips, Don Atkins, Truman pass play that ended on tho Antelope Friday. Mailed entries must be students. Elementary I secretary for the coming year. has an addition of 21 Cotton, Jean Parkman, and Coy Dunn. le fust sencs of downs, Litfle 32. Wood charged for four and Ayala postmarked before game time. students for a District Judge Pat Boone Jr. pre- total of 290, and grabbed a couple of bulleted to Smith for another 12 yards See page 3, section 2, in this Elementary II has 30 sented the memorial service. He moro wns with tyuarieroacK nuay before the 'Cats lost the ball on a issue for the contest, and get a students, for a total of 333. admonished those present to be Junior high rambling for eight yards and fumble. head start on weekly fun nnd gained only six students conscious of their blessings as well as for a total enrollment of 318, uine for the first to tho 40. Littlefield regained the football nri7lft finrt It Ir'tn In Tlnllna nn and high the sorrows in the passing of neigh- quare school has t first down was achieved when when Jeff Birkelbach recovered an t Januury 1. seven more students reg- bors, and to be conscious that winning istered this year rambled for another 10 to tho Antelope fumble on the seven. Baiza for a total enrollment out over adversity added to the of 457. :!d stripe and climaxed the drive drovo for five yards in next enjoyment of the old days. IS the two hootin' 50 yard pass play to iludolph downs to set the ball on the two. On Judge Boone introduced Dr. and tho sprinted out and then went the third down the Wildcats fumbled Mrs. Carl Nowlin who presented a Tidwell way for the first score. the bail which was saved by Ayala. Commissioners meet Tuesday memorial in song as they sang a duet by Jerry Ilee broke up tho Post drive by The 'Cats did lose the ball when Post of "Pearly White City." and "The ftfine an Antelope nass. intercepted a pass on the goal line on Five items are on the agenda when aDDear retrardinir time for riifttrihutlnri Love of God" with Mrs. Pat Boone Jr. You are if you do , Meld gave up the balliorLdowna Hj4ktunQSt. play. - She Lamb County Commissioners' .rnployees p.checla.&ijiijjs them' on the pian- o- - educated crn what ' m labegarrto district Weldon Findley enter- - you ougBtwaVterVou want to dd it take notlcedTOneV ' Tho'Antelopes charged; back . the clerk has reauested an Drovided the ,'"loathe or not. , at, Donnie Green, a younc 5 40 and were stopped by the 'Cats who month session. appearance regarding office equip- tainment for the afternoon with lively --SS- ISO pound sophomore as he took control on the ball as the clock ran ment needs. old tunes played on guitars, mandolin, Highway patrolmen in Lamb County Think our hospitals and doctors Ithrough the Post lines in three out. Bills will be presented from three violins, piano, banjo and uke. will appear to request tho purchase of aren't important to the area economy? pmve plays to drop the Ante-- According to tho statistician, the agencies, and General Telephone is Bob Wear of Hereford and formerly a camera to take pictures of wrecks for The annual payroll of the two hospitals lor a total of 10 yards. Wildcats gained 120 yards in the first requesting permission to bury cable in of Littlefield drew applause from the evidence files. is estimated to be $1 million. Cats lost the ball during their the county right of way near Spring-lak- e crowd in a short patriotic speech Tho county clerk and treasurer will outlining We need to explore all possible knes of downs when Post re- - See WILDCATS. Page 2 A and Sudan. America's first 25 years. He rumble ways to get us a new hospital built. la Post then tied 4 the Times-a-wasti- in an over neht tackle run hv -- SS- Iback for 21 yards. One man's favorite start-of-scho- ol Weld took control on the ball story concerns the father and his and Baiza charcim? for fivn son. It ight yards be was Michael's first day of school. respectively, ninkf. Experimental honey His father decided to walk with the bulled five yards down the young boy to the assembly point where to make a seennd nml fivn he was to catch school bus. a for the Tats, the When they arrived the bus was i bombed to Ralnh MnnHn nn "V waiting, fringed by a tight cluster of rd pass plav in which MpiiHot little boys eyeing each newcomer with pe fancy reverse footwork in is suspicion. o sweet catch idea the operation short pass for a first "Michael," said the man in a loud voice, "I want you to come straight By NILAH RODGERS "You've got to leave so much honey ter she starts laying, she won't eat any him out of the hive and he starves to home after school.