Nell Police Load

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Nell Police Load load Job Vol. 15, Xo. 50 Thursday . Dec. 9, 1976 Twenty Cents illrntral !Uninr'.e Brrkly N rws ilagnzin.e The Selectmen and Town Manager Dale Green would llke to take this opportunity to say "thank you" to th.e public works department of the town for continuing to do an excellent ]ob of cleaning the downtown business area of snow and keeping the sidewalks and streets well sanded. The citizens of M~lo Nell Police Cont'd on Page 3 RECREATION NEWS - MILO No Derby dance this week. .._·I Next dance December 17th. We would like more 6th and· 7th grade basketball players at the Penquis gym Dec. 11, at 9:00. Teams wlll be chos­ en this week. The Arts & Crafts class has been suspended because of the lack of interest.· MEN'.S VOLLEYBALL STANDINGS: W L Yankees 8 1 Floaters 6 .3 Penquis 5 4 · Teachers 4 5 .. Dubs 3 6 . Angels 1 7 WOMEN'S VOLLEYBALL STANDINGS: W L Superstars 8 1 Hogan's Heroes 6 3 Raiders 3 6 Dizzy Dames 1 s Playoffs for girls Sunday, Dec. 12, at 1:00 p. m. Milo's n~v Police force now has new uniforms and posed for our photographer. They are Officer Alan Hendricks, from Bucksport, Police Chief Steve Vermette from Houlton and Officer Terry Thompson from Newport. The Town Crier wishes to welcome them to their new positions. (Photos by Claude Trask) 13 Shopping days left. ---------~--· --------~------- T HE TOWN CRIER Page 2 December 9. 1976 HOSPITAL INSPECTION SET FOR DECEMBER .16 - 17 THE TOWN CRIER is published each Thursday FRIENDS OF HOSPITAL TO KICK OFF MORE evening by the Milo Printing Company. We hope to FUND RAISING PROJECTS be of help to the citizens of fhe towns in our cover­ After a delay in arranging a compatible date for state an age through NEWS, INFORMATION, AND LOW PRIC­ federal inspectors, the long-awaited Medicare inspection for ED ADVERTISING. the Milo Community Hospital will occur on December 16- 17, 1976. If the hospital passes the inspection, it will the We accept no financial responsibility for errors in· Medicare in-patient coverage it lost two years ago. It is ex­ advertising but will gladly print corrections. pected that Traveller s will and Blue Cross should foll?w suit Copies of mostphotos appearing in THE TOWN CRI­ upon reinstatement of Medicare or soon after, meaning that ER may be obtained through·our office. all in-patient coverage should once again be available at the If you have nevs or available photos of any sort we Milo Hospital. Ufge you to call or drop in. Deadline will be Monday Hospital boosters are aware that prospects .of regaining Noon but we would appr_eciate copy received earlier Medicare under the September 9, 1976 agreement are very in the week. good , but "Friends" President Galen Carey warned ''t~at fund raising must continue in order to assure that the hospital re­ Classified ad's 50 cent minimum including up -~ 12 gains fi nancial stability." The next in a ser~es of public words, 3 cents for each additional word. Display suppers will. be held Saturday, December 11, o-7 .P· ~ ·, at. ad space by the column inch. the Milo Town Hall. Fund raising cans will soon be distributed to any businesses or individuals willing to display them f?r CALL 943-7384 for Ad Space or with News t he collection of small contributions. A Christmas Party will Joanne Brigham, Editor be held at the next "Friends" meeting on Thursday, December 9, 7 :30 p. m. at the C D Center, and a discussio n is planned concerning new .fund raising projects. FOR SALE MILO SELECTMEN MEET WITH INDUSTRIAL EBEEMEE DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE & PLANNING BOARD U you want to BUY, SE LI , Log cabin on leased shore At a special Selectmen's meeting held at the Milo Town Hall RENT or SWAP, try "Town lot. Beautiful view of Ebee­ November 11, the Milo Selectmen met witli the Planning Board Crier" Classlfle4. mee Mtn. Good high location and Industrial Development Committee for the purpose of dis­ FOR RENT with sand beach - $4500. cussing several items pertaining to the town which were: . Wheelchairs, Walkers, Canes F. French - 943- 2688 1. That the town apply to the state for an abatement due to Crutches, for sale or rent at -' the recent state evaluation of l\Iilo. · Daggett's Pharmacy in Milo. • 2. That the town develop a new taxation system that would Call 943-7780. CARD OF THANKS substantially reduce the difference between the highest ar~_J We wish to thank all our lowest taxes paid. This policy would be aimed at particularly-­ FLOWE RS !friends and neighbors who reducing the taxes on new homes. we have Fresh and Artificial•have cont 7ibuted with the ~r 3. That the town seek a line budgeting system for the schools, Flowers for all occasions tears, the tr prayers, and m in cooperation with the other towns in the school district. MILO FLOWER SHOP ON.Maii <tny other way with their min­ 4, That the town seek to reduce its own budget for future Street, Milo 943-2638. ;stries in an effort to mend years. the broken heart. The Superintendent of Schools, Mr. Sawyer, of MSAD #4 1 VILLAGE GIFT SHOPPE The family of met with the Selectmen to give an update on the Scabies situ­ For the unusual and different Edna Treworgy ation at the school. Mr. Sawyer mentioned that it is not just visit the Village Gift Shoppe, local and he gave the attendance statistics. After a lengthy Spring Stree, Milo. CARD OF IBANKS discussion, the Selectmen recommended that Town Manager I would like to thank all our Dale Green write an article for the newspapers informing WANTED friends and neighbors for the town's people of the critical situation of the Scabies outbreak Club Secretaries, earn cash many acts of kindness shown and the Selectmen's concern of this problem wl)ich has pre­ value for merchandise. Con­ us during the loss of my viously been printed in the newspaper s. tact Town & Country Clothing father, Elbridge J. Drake. Milo Police Chief Stephen Vermette gave his budget re­ Store in Milo. 943- 2251. Sincerely, quests for 1977 and also gave an update of the department since Hilda M, Morr ill his appointment. Selectman Robert Zozus asked tliat the min­ SERVICE utes stale that the department be co mplimented fo r the wo rk BROWNVILLE REC. DEPT. Carpenter for hire by the being done. Also, that the radar be continued and that the TO HOLD XMAS DANCE hour. Remodeling, shop work crackdown on speeding· be commended. This received full and finish. The Brownville Recreation support of the Selectmen. Dept. is presenting the 3rd Call H. R. Roy at 965- 8456 Town Manager Dale Green presented a pay plan for the Pub­ annual Christ mas Dance on lic Works Foreman's wages. After discussion, the Selectmen Saturday, the 18th of Decem­ instead voted unanimously in favor of a $20 a week raise be­ SERVICE ber. ginning January 1, 1977. This will be retroactive to January Will care for a child in my Advance tickets may be pur­ 1, 1977 since the funds will not be released until after the home weekdays. chased for the dance at the annual town meeting in March of 1977. The Selectmen asked Call - 943-7471 - Milo following places: Jones Mar­ that Green pre.sent their recommendation to the Public Works FOR SALE ket in Milo; Per ry's Market Fore man which has been done as requested. Lovely African Violets fo r in Brownville Junction; and Town Manager Green stated that .he and Milo Fire Chief J Christmas. $1. 50 Alee set at the Recreation Department. Albert Perkins have discussed possible renovations downstairs-.../ of Childcraft - 15 volumes Music will be supplied by the in the Town Hall to assist the Fire Department in obtaining some never opened. Excel­ "Nighthawks" and the dance mo re room for the department. The Selectmen agreed to the lent gift for children $45. wlll be held at the Grange Hall renovations as long as these renovations would not weaken the M. Brockway 943- 7457 in Brownville from 9 to 12. building. Decembe~ 9, 1976 Page 3 Jc·t. F.ire MILO NURSES GUILD'S MONEYMAKING PROJECT Brownville Jct. and Brownville Village Fire Departments FOR SCHOLARSHIP FUND turned out in the wee hours of Saturday morning to fight a The Afghan made and donated by Annie Leavitt was won by fire of undetermined origin in the borne of Fred Worcester, Ethelyn Doane (r) and presented by President Jayne Sharrow. Jr. of Brownville Jct. The home was a total loss and Mr. Plllows were won by Jane Prescott, Mrs. Frank Stanchfield Worcester was hospitalized for smd>ke inhallation. The fire and June Marsh. (Photo by Claude Trask) proof siding caused most of the fire to be confined Inside, it was reported. MILO NURSES GUILD The Milo Nurses Guild met at the home of Elinor Chase GOOD JOB Cont'd from Page 1 Monday, November 29, with Jayne Shar-row presiding. There were ten members present. can be very proud of the Public Works Dept. Town manager 1\1'.embers were asked to help on the Swine Flu Clinic, .ue­ Dale Green states that the snow remo1ial and sanding are cember 3, at the Middle School Cafetorium. superior-·to any other town in the county. The Public Works Two amendments to the bylaws were read and accepted. Dept. is capably handled by Harold "Spike " Burto.n,. Hts crew Members were reminded to bring items for the Christmas consists of Harold Kroemer, Frank Colson.
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