NEWS of LONG AGO. Don't Strike Back for a Single Shell. More Food
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DAVIE COUNTY’S ODDEST NEWSPAPER-THE PAPER THE PEOPDE READ 1WRE SHALL THE THE PEOPLE’S RIGHTS MAINTAIN! UNAWED BY BED BY GAIN.” VOLUMN XLIII.. MOCKSVILLE. NORTH CAROLINA.’WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 4 . 1 9 4 2 NUMBER 2 9 NEWS OF LONG AGO. Don’t Strike Back For A Single Shell. Artificial Shortages Little Stingers. Seen Along Main Stieet Rev. W alter E. Isenhour. Hiddenite. N. C. The Christian Science Monitor re There are shortages of certain FromTbeYellowJacket By The Street Rambler. V b ftv Was Happening; In Davie If you would win the victory minds that it takes from 60 to 140 articles which we have been using You can’t expect much when 000000 Biilsire The New Deal Used Up don’t strike back. If you would gallons of ethyl alcohol to manu practically every dav and there will people leave their government to Shoedropping out of farmer’s be other shortages. politicians, their charities to orga. hip pocket as he crossed tbe square The Alphabet, Drowned The be a conqueror and a hero, don’t facture the 1,000 to 1,500 pounds strike back. God’s wav is always ot smokeless powder required to a. But sqme of the shortages can be nizations, their religion to paid —Mrs. Wilson Brown and little Hogs and Plowed Up The best. We never go wrong by 0. single shell from a battleship’s tur averted if the public docs not stam. preachers more interested in their daughter parked in big anto near : Cotton and Corn. beying Him, and by following in ret, and therefore calls it highly im. ped| and buy more than usual. souls. bank—Miss Eriene Wilson drink Have you ever stopped to think If somebody don’t begin to fill (Davie Record, Jan. 31, 1917) the footsteps of our Savior. Jesus portant that (the . distillers divert ing chocolate milk—Yonng fellows that a shortage can be created in up the-holes and cracks wherq^ tbe celebrating after drinking several E. H. Morris spent Fridav in thesaid: “ Whosoever shall smite thee tbeir time and energy from brew ing dynamite:] for humans, to the almost any line of merchandise? substance of ,the country isleaking bottles of-beer Yonng girl hug- \ Twin-Citv on business. on thv right cheek, torn to Lim the Suppose, for instance, that word thru, something terrible isgoi^ig to ging anto. driver on South Main R M. Ijames spent the week end other also. And if any man will production of something that is so was to get out that there was go happen. A stitch in]: time saves street—Three school girls wearing with his daughter in Salisbn y. sue thee at the law. and take awav essential to victory. The liqdorljindustrv, easier than ing to be a serious shortage of nine. happy smiles on tbeir way home— Ns;' B. Dyson, of Sheffield, made thv coat, let him have thv doke sugar The late.S.nator Borah once Said: Frank Fowler polishing front of ,a business trip to Winston Satnr also. And whosoever shall compel any other can divert.Sixty per cent of its energies as the Office of Pro Now, mind you, we said suppose “ When a country becom s indiffer Princess Theatre —Sam Latham car day thee to, go a mile, go with him the word was' to get out that there ent to injustice^]when it loses j its rying fnll jng across street—May. Miss Esther Horn is spending a twain.” (Matt. 5:39 41.) duction has prescribed. By'admis- sion of one of its spokesmen there would be a shortage ot that com capacity for indignation and apger, nard sisters going into postoffice— few days In Winston-Salem wi h Human nature, apart from God is on hand in warehouses a five, modity, The truth of tbe matter it has begun to decay.” Yes,’and Advance teacher driving around to friends. and godliness, .is to strike back, or is, there will be plenty of sugar for tbe trnth of that-remark is in-evid. various stores buying sugar—Girl Clyde Ijames spent a few davs return evil for’ evil. God’s plan vear supply of distilled liquors. In SljrlT1Je people. ence today on a grand scale. walking the streets watching for the past week with friends in the for our lives is to retiffe-.good for a pinch we could let all of it stav there and age, while 100 per cent . But if everybody was scared that Don’t yon tbink things have her soldier sweetheart to arrive in village of Statesville. evil. This will always bring ns the distillery business is requisticn- there would be a shortage, three- come to a heck of a pass wbtjn : town—Farmers carrying bags of - ■ Miss Lunn Brown went to Hfck our right. It will not onty give ed for WartUse. fourths of the people wonld , rush man without a union card has a. sngar to parked antos. orv Wednesday to spend a few us victory, but it brings to us peace, The Monitor raises th is point: out and buy a six-months’ supply. bout as much chance to be a free A- davs witb relatives and friends: joy and happiness also. We- feel glad when we go God’s way, but point: “ Are we thus to be treated What would be tbe result? merican and secure a job as a sw>w. One Way Around. G.]1,A. Aliison returned Sunday After such a stampede of buy ball has of becoming an Icicle injtbe from a short visit to bis daughter we feel bad, mean and little when to the spectacle of highly paid war The American people are having workers being unable to buy many ing, there would be a temporary infernal regions? and son' at Charlotte. we go the way of sin and the devil. tire trouble. There is the pros You mav stride back, or return e- things which have become necessi shortage and some would be unable Speaking of tbe power of liquor pect that they will bave more of it, Mr. and Mrs. -J. P Green re to get it. in influencing men to evil, suggests turned Monday from a short visit vil for evil, and get the best of the ties, vet .able to buy without stint and maybe worse, before tbe situa that which: is capable of slowing up On tbe other hand, it people this question: . Wbat notable] A to the ThomasviIIe Orphanage. other fellow for the time, but you tion gets b etter.In the meantime will lose later on. war production? Rationing tires, bought as usual without any stam. mericao was baselv murdered by a they are turning theireyes longing- Attorney E. L. Gaither and pede and rush, .there would be no If somebody mistreats you. don’t sngar, automobiles, washing ma man who was bribed to commit the Iv to the noisy, lumbering old in- daughters Misses Jane Haden and shortage at any time. strike back.' If you a r . opposed chines and scores of useful materi crime inconsideration of a barrel of teruban railways, most of which are Dorothy, spent Thursday in Win A shortage of sugar developed a as a Christian; fought and perse als, yet permitting liquor to flow rum? Send ns a club along with rusting from disuse. And the rail ston shopping; few days ago f r a very brief time cuted, don’t strike back. If some freely is a national absurdity worthy your answer roads, after all, may not be able to J. L. Sheek spent several days in Winston-Salem because of rum. one tells a falsehood on you don’t of Gilbertian treatment. ” ’ Old Hitter keeps informing Joe yank tbeir trains off unprofitable In,Lytichburg last week transact Ors of a sngar shortage As a re strike back. Let the lie alone It Other and more importa. t indus Stalin that bis Russian armieshave runs aud tear np their tracts to pro. ing business. suit, stocks were depleted, many will break its own neck If you tries than] the liquor business haye been annihilated, but Stalin pre vide steel for other, and more urgent Mrs. Ida Nail went to Winston stores were out of sugar and some are evil spoken of, don’t strike bad much more severely to curtail tends be is an illiterate cuss find purposes. Friday, to spend a few days with people had diffiulty finding some can’t read or understand German, her son andjdaughter, Mr. and Mrs. back. While the other fellow speaks normal activities in the interests of Likewise there is tbe . prediction ] evil of you, and has a guilty con the war effort or even to shut down There was an accufe shortage of so he keeps on fighting. It’s bard that the population trend to towns AbittinL NailSf sugar during the first World War. to lick a man that hasn’t got sense ■Mrs. j. .F; "Moore carried her lit-1 science', just pray for him. You’ll altogether. Certainly tbett the en and cities will be baited, if not re. At that time a greater part of enough to know when he’slickeq. - tie daughter to Long’s Sanatorinm feel good and glad while he will tire distilling business can be spared,' versed.' Mechanics and artisons who our sugar supplies came from Cuba See where a war correspondent, at Statesville Friday to have her feel mean and miserable. Let God without upsetting the balances, now are earning their keep in the and there was lack of transporta says that the lowly louse may de; throat examined'.