INTRODU CING: "Campus and Classroom Echoes of Old College Days." ------

OTHER FEATURES : $7,000,000 Enlargement Program Announced; Sons and Daughters of Alumni Enrolled; With the Colors; New Members of Alumni Association; The 1916 Basketball Team; Paschal's History of W.F.C.; Four Alumni Receive Notion -wide Recognition; Football; Questions and Answers on Christian Education. October l"Sne WAKIC FOREST COLL EGE A L t' ~l;\'1 ;\' ~~ W S Pa ge Two


Tlr. l'>h•drl to n frr•hman "Shut th<' S ikr•>: "l>or• tm·. I ""Pi'"'" it 1~ill lw By JASPER L. MEMORY, JR . '21 door." right lwre> nf '\akt• Forf'"l t: T'm l'P~i-.:­ Th" fn·,hmnn kir·kr•rl it shut. t!• t'P ntot'lltng I'll bnn• to nw..;r inlc>llig-Put Pncl." !!in• yon what !lw ll nl,,· Spirit rlin·r·ts llr. HPid: " WnkP F or est is ll l' itlw r a me to say; this P\'ening I'll hP better kincll'r_gu r·tr-11 . a n·f CJ rma tor· ,v. nnr uu Stncl,.nt ull Tlr. '' L. Pot<•nt\ hiol­ pt'<'llllrerl. '' nq,lu1nngP.·· o~y r•lu~': " .. hut. lloC'!or. I nm Plltitled llr. Kitt·hi11: "You llCNln't PX!J N 'f el·er,Y­ tu my opinion." WISDO!U AND WIT llr. l'otront: ":\[~­ ho cly to hP with .von ~h·nr Sir. no 1nnn lw ... FPlltn''· in eut.'lt 'llh'e•prt-\nt i ... ..,n<~ ni TilE \lA )t:\1 ~E\lS we on ,.,·er,vthing. ,J "'""· "aut to rnu '\0111(' oi the "i'tlom :nul nit ui \\Hk(l Fore..,t •.., llU a ri!!ht lo hi-.. opinion Jf'U r ... ' hi ... tor) th E> sort oi thin,:r ulumni tnlk uhttUf fhe tu fiif) yon know, didn' t luti'C until he ha, Pxnmined Jf'Hr.., nifPr th<"ir ~.r rnrluafion, und ''~ nnnt JOU mrn to nrite it 8lld hnt 11 nnt of U who .. ign it •.Jn ~ t ..:cml ) our storie "" iu to lilt>, and \H•'ll he g-rcutl) tlw "'·idrnr·c•." ohtlg-<·<1 • . IInke "<'Ill ,,,icy 1111<1 tn th~ pnlnt. In thJ, ic• ntnr~ . 11e can ,tncu l hy llim." pre,t•n t' inr rw,f<-ritr .. nmt•t hiug " u rt hn II ilr. anti at t ht' ,flmt> tinu• llltH1 iuu r(>nctin'f it. Thm1k' n lnt .J.t..:lt. !Jr. E1·er~tt (:ill. for Hr 1·. Eu 2:r np Olin•. ::0 _YNli'S S11)1!2ll"i11tPI111 t'O itc ·.~ c· c· ha pl nin: "lu c·nt of Bnpti t ~[i, tlfi ~ ti111P of wnr. WC' ... ion~ 111 all of EnrnpP nncl nnw~~ n·~l J>r. Thurman l\: itr·ltin c·nH "t c·ntTV a :o;lwuld haY£' c·nol hPad s ancl Wnt of the town of "TnkP l'orpst. said tnnr· in a tar l:ut'ket hut like. In whistle· hearts." n·<·Pntly in a pra,n•r nt "-nnclny s('hnol· "What 11 Frieurl "'<· 11 ,.,.,. ill .l c· r. S lerlcl. on a trip to Engluwl tn­ :~-, big ns u bnx c·n r !., fP I'\"iPwPd Hhakr•S )WU I'c•\ g:hnsl. Hl wkrs­ llr. l!nhc·rt I'ntPHr. who for tunny f'P:lt"P: "\\pll, who Hl'P you~" I Jr. ~I PU d . ucldrP:-.sin g- :c ~ r nrlt • Jit nn JPHI'.s rlirp<'f£'rl 1\'ake b'or£'st /(IP" r·luhs Ol rl S li ek: " l 'm B,.n S lc•rlcl fmnt En~ li slr d nss who hurl his fro<'! c·nr·kr-cl and or<'hestrn' that hncl plr•nt.> nf g-lPP \l'ake Fon·st."' up ag-ninst tlw wood stovr : '"~l1· . .lnJu .... , 111 them, had rnn ont nf e1u•ores nt n Hhukc·~pf'arp; ".\li J·i:. .dll, you ndl nw if yon don't m or P your fPPI .Yoll 1nig-ht •·onc·c·rt nnP night. " 'la·n tlw anclii'IH'ro ·Siwk<.' and I'lll'all ynn · IJ..n.' ancl we'll lmkP yom brain." kept upplatHling. he walked out unci ~pf down to busi llP~s" n ncl ~u on. for .J ones : ''D rw lnr. IIIHyllC' WP ull Hl"l'll.l pln_wrl n trnmbon<' solo ContinnPcl ap­ :30 minutc•s of rrfn•:-;)du~ n•partPc· made.. nli kP .·· plausp finaii,Y l'£'Sillterl in his playing a I> r. S h irl : " Thank Gnrl." ptN'{' on rac·h instru1nent :in rhe orf'hc·:-o­ ]Jr. Lyn<'h; " ~I t·. S ikc·.s. whr·;·r· do.""" trn. Still thP uuclicm·r· upplauclt·cl. '\ot PX)IPl't to :-o pend Pternity t· l)r_ W. R. GwnltnP_Y, l""tor of tho• nntclnnr. l h-. Hubert appearPcl " Tn kr• F ort's! Bnptist C'hm<'h again ancl put his whnlr· fist in tlw I '-I 90's. Hli11011111'f'd frutn in hi- mouth. t he pulpit ; "God willin!!. HeX! ~und ny wro'll hnl'£' th£' bnpti>­ [Jr. ('harlc·s E. T aylor: lll al ~pnr iN• ; thr nl'xt ~nnday "Wore], should b,. lik,. buiiPt,, ,n .'ll lull'<' it nnyhuw." 1101 fpather': thf',l' shou]cl hit thP tn!lrk."' Th".'' hit tlw mark l>r. Iluhrt·t l'otrnt: ''[\·,. wlw11 llr. Taylor was inter­ .. }JPHt )calf of lll,Y )jfp wuitin!! YiP\\ ing: tlw late .Jahrz A . Host­ 1111 l' ow', tnib.'' { .\ row\ tail wic·k, whosP bPnefac·tinu... to j, th l' ln ... t man to show np fur \\' akP Fnrv:-.r amnnntP•l to t! l'ollp netinty nnd i~ n~ttnll.' · $2,000,000. III'OU IHI la te. ) l> r. " "· H. <• waltn<·y. p:"tor of thr \l"ukr Fon•st Bapti>t 1 )r. ( ;ullc·y; "Why IS thi< <'hnn·h 111 tlJC' ! .~flO's, I.rgnn h is rl111 .. , nnd whnt 1" rhr c·nthP of Hnn cl ny 1 11 01'11111~ di~c·o nr ~t·: Tic,-. t hn ... in P.~~ ?" October Issue WAKE FOREST COLLEGE ALU?IINI NEWS Page Three ------

Dr. ledd: ""\nybody can pass as wa s eated on the rostrum in old Win­ James L. Lake, William Loui Poteat, b<>ing au ed ucatPC! man if hP is a good gatP auditorium waiting to addre • the Charles K Brewer, J. Heury High­ oral rea der, know the simp!<' rule of Wake Fore t s tudent body. Walter N. smith, E. B. Earn ha w, Darius Eat­ grammar, spells well, and i fairly well .John on, then pa tor at Wake Forest, man, all(l Hubert U . Poteat. Their po ted on history and current l'vent ." \\ ns introducing Archi bald: '~\ s I go most poptllar ong was "The Beauti­ up and dom1 the tatP," he said, "peo­ ful Land." ome others they sang are Dr. Gulle~- : "Hard work nc,·er hurt ple ask me if I nm related to the e dark­ "W onderful Penc(','' "Take Time to a man; it' fighting again t it that c-o mplexioned John ons, .\ rrhibald and Be Iloly," "The Riehl's of Grace," "The hurt." Li,·ingston. I tell them: 'Xo; I'm a Old Wayside Cros .. " Of the group of white mau.' Your .peaker today i• singers, Dr. W. L. Poteat, Dr. Brewer, Dr. Lym·h used to preach an oft­ .\ rc-hibald Johnson." and Professor Eatman are now in "the quoted ermon on " Tweh e Evidences .\ quick a a fla h, .\ r chibald re­ Beautiful Laud." Dr. Highsmith is of the Divinity of Chri t." torted: "I thank God l don't haYe to direc·tor of the di vi ion of In tructional tell people I'm a white mnn !" There en-icc of the X orth Carolina Depart­ Dr. "Bill" Spea : " I wouldn't gi''<' wn 11 roar of laughter. ment of Public Instruction. Profe or two cents for a buJH'l of grapps at a Lake has retired fr om teaching, and storp; I like to tand under the Yin<' and BARBECUE Mr. Earnshaw and Dr. Hubert Poteat !'Ut '<>m as T ]11111 'em." .\ student enrolled in Dr. P t>arson's are till on the college facult_v. ·'History of the , outh" was making 1111 Dr. W. L. Poteat: "The mo t Jm­ oral report. Tie made rPf('renep to Bar­ WI NDOW JU MPERS portant thing about writing or peak­ becue Church in IIarn('tt County. Look­ Dr. Gorrell in 1920 had a class m ing- is to ha,·e something to ay." ing up from hi ~ notes, the tudent enior • panish. It was in the sp1·ing of nsk!>d: "Doctor, do ~-ou know how the the year and the Doctor hadn't been Prof. E. W. Timb<>rlak<>, Jr., has a cln11·rh got iL name?" late for class the whole year, but on fine speech on 'Citizen.hip," in which Dr. Pearson: "Xo. Do yon?" thi partirular da~· the econd hell had h!' quotes Fos ' poem, "IIousc by tudeut, enthusia tirall,v: "Y es, ir." alread,v rung and seYeral magnolia th(' , ide of the Road." Dr. Pear on: "We ll , procred with still eparated him from his rlassroom _YOur report." in the .\lumni building.• \ ftt>r a brief l~rof(' ~~o r-emeritu s J aml's L. J_,ake eaur1ts, all of us jumped out a back used to he a crackerjack ba.eba ll player. HOLY GROUND window and tood under the eaves until the Doctor hac! returnt>d home. H e has •en•ral broken fing<>r s as e\·i­ Dr. Binkl e~·. in a pr11yrr-merting talk X ext morning we showed up earl~· for dence of having handled som!' fast halls at Wake Fore t, wa di~c·us ing the let­ cla. s, hoping for the best. "\fter calling in hi day. ter to the Philippian . Tit> rallt>d attE-n­ the roll, Dr. Gorrc>ll said: "If I had tion to the fat·t thnt Paul thankt>d the time thi morning, young men, I should Dr. Sledd: "It is a marvpllous tran - Christian at Philippi for thPir kincl­ like to preach you n sermon on tht> ub­ formation that take place in students ne to him, encouraged thrm to endure ject, 'When I Berame a :'~Ian I Put dming a year of fre hman English hardship bravel,Y, and urged them to be .\way Childish Thing '!"Ed Folk, Turk at \Yake Fores t: When the~- come here true and faithful in thE>ir de,·otion to K esler, W .•\. Qupen, ~\r thur Helms. tlw,v ~a.v 'I een it and tuk it'; at the <'lui t. HP aid that W(' are gratt>fnl Ben Dodd, Chris Crittenden and a Pnd of th<> yea1·, they .ay '[ se<'n it for the memory of te:whers at W uke dozen others, including my~<>lf, were and tuken it'." Forest who \\·ere humblr srn ·nnts and the> culprits. It <'Ost us a box of rigar . able interpreter of Christ. Ur added: Dr. ledd wa teaching English one ''We want to earry forward the TEARS day in the .\Jumni buildinA' when his spirit of intellectual quc>st and religi­ Dr. Thurman Kitchin: "I'm not X egro cook turk lu"r head in the door ous dPYotion which we hn \'C rereiYed and said: "Dortor, Mr . Slec!tl aid for from them. Whcm I walk a<'ro the c-atching a rold; the.v art> just tears run­ ning down the in,;idt>." Tie had blown hi . .vou to . t> nd her ~·o ur pocketbook." Old Wake Foret campu I fc:el a, though nose>, lick dumped out what money he had I am walking on hol.v ground." and wp \H're s('at€'cl nt a table in the King on the table, handed the pocketbook to C'otton ('off('e shop in Greens­ horo. the cook and aid: ".\ 11 right, there it THE BEAUTIFUL LAND ts ; take it to her." " I c·o uldn't be any ~adder if I had "\ k any old-timer the fin e t mu ic just been told that m;; ,,-ife and all my he e,·er heard and he'll likely tell you boys had bPen killed." The in,;pector of A WHITE MAN "The Wake Forest ('ollPge fa<'ulty th e .\ meric·an ::'lfedic•al .\ ssociation hat! .\rchibalil John on, late editor of quartet." Per onnel of the group Ya­ laid down the law that all two-~ · ear ( ' harii!J and ChildrPn (and father of ried from year lo year, hut the e are medical sc·hool were . hortl,v to be G<>ralrl. Kate. ::'lfamie. Loi~, and Ella) the men who ang on it at YAriou time : (Continuecl 011 )Jage twenty-two) October Issue WAKE FOREST COLLEGE ALm!Nl NEWS Page Fou1·

DEAN HOUSE OF U.N.C. PRAISES WAKE FOREST Blake 1J1nrest Jwi':R '10...... Wake Fo•·est, N. C. Fi1·st Vice Presi:W>:R '10, Chmn... Wake Forest, N. C. Dn. 0 . T. BINKLEY '28 ...... Wake Forest, N. C. ~\lien Ensley and daughter of Dr. A. T. Robertson' 5 noted D. E. Bt·cKNEll '17 . ... Greensboro, N. C. Dn. TllLR>L\X KrrCJJI:< '05. .Wake Forest, N. C. Greek scholar, wrote in her diary December 29, 194;, soon On. ll!. C. :\I.\DoREY '27...... Roanoke Rapids, N. C. after the Pearl IT arbor attack: "This coming .vear will see J uom; Jou:< A. 0-'TES '95...... Fayetteville, N. C. DR. C. V. TY:< ER '14...... Leaksville, N. C. more of orrow and tragedy than we have ever known. I am C. C. w.-no '15...... Rocky Mount, N. C. re olved to fill this book with the beauty and happine that Dn. GEoncg WATKJ~S '12 ...... Durham, N. C. rome my way.'' She went away in Ma,v, 1942. Tho e who knew he•· say that she herself was the personification of WEDDING BELLS b~autiful things. Come spring of the year, wedding bell · are going to ring orertime at 'Yake Forest if the number of diamonds being ftu,hed along now is a fair indication. The number of young ladies who'll get their ::IIRS.'s along with their B ..\.'s has LIVINGSTON JOHNSON '78 eaused considerable comment. This term there are 53 co-eds on the campus, and every C. J. Jack on '09, director of Wake Foret's :f;7,000.000 one registered last year and eligible to return to sehool this Enlargement Program, told us of an interesting incident in fall did return. connection with Dr. Livingston Johnson, late editor of For e\·e r~- girl registered, there are eight men registered The Biblical Recorder. in the eollege of liberal art and 16 men in the ,\rmy Finance In the spring of 1901 Dr. John on made a tnlk in Winter­ School. ,·illc before the Woman' :;\[issionary ociety of the Bapti t :Mi ss Lois J obnson, dean of women, is having to de1·ote Church. an increa~ingly large proportion of her time to di pensing adril'P on etiquette pertinent to bPtrot.hals. Prof. G. E. Lineberry, then principal of the Winterville High School, im·ited Dr. Johnson to talk in chapel to his stu­ dent body. Among the students was C. J. Jack on. So effeetiYe A COLLEGE MAN was Dr. Johnson's talk on the nbject, "Know E1·crything .\bout Something and Something .\bout Everything," that Here is what Ilerbert Peele '0 , now editor of the Eliza­ P•·ofe sor Lineberry arranged for him to speak that night at beth Cit~· Daily Ad1·ance. wrote in the April, 190 , Student the Baptist Church . ..lt this service Johnson preached on the l'Onl'eming the qualification a coll ege man should pos ess: outlined the plan of sah·ation so "What sort of person should n college student be? ... He 8th chapter of Romans and should be a man. H e should go with head erec·t, step cia tic, sincerely, simply, and graphically that 60 people came for­ P,,·e st ea dy, conscience cleiii'. His superior advantages should ward to profess conversion. The sixtieth person was Jackson make him peculiarly sensitive to every imputation of wrong­ him elf. Those who "came forward" the following day unci doing. Honor should be with him a passion." night welled tbe total to approximately 100, J acksou said. Page Fl\·e October I sue WAKE FOREST COLl-EGE ALI.:~Il\'1 XEWS


By DR. 0 . T. BINKLEY '28 2. R e ligion has an important plac<' in thorough \York, sincere WOI'"hip. and in the curriculum. Ten quarter hours de>oted liYing. In recent years, meet­ 1. The tru tee and admini tratiYe in religion are required for gradua­ in"' han' been held regularly in dormi­ officer- of the college are interested in tion and in addition man,v student torie;;, fratemitiE's, and rooming houses the spiritual deYelopment of the tudent elect cour es in the Department of Re­ for the stud,> and di;cn<::;ion of religion and u e the facilitie and re ource of ligion. In 1942, for example, 412 stu­ in life. Last year the.e meeting· were the college to train an ad h,Y more than twenty (different) and laj· leadership for the chw·ches. Religion. member- of the faculty. E'·ery tudent who enter· the college i 3. True religion i, a Yitnl factor in It i; interesting to note that for the giYen an opportunit.v to become ac­ the ]i,·e of teachers and tudent .. past three year in addition to the regu­ quainted with the Chri tian religion, (The,,- hnve a de ire for righteou - lar chapel ervice , the tudent haYe not only a a field of tudy, but al o as 11<'-S and for the pread of righteou - planned and participated m daily >e.­ a way of life. In normal year , there ness in modern life.) It finds e:xpres ion per enice . 1lre more than 100 mini terial • tudents in the college. Thi· year there are 76 mini. tcrial tudents. ( eYenteen pl'r Cl'nt of the total tudcnt body are minis­ terial tudent thi year.) Thl' c stu­


Professor Aycock Tells Students at Chapel That Informed and Sympa­ thetic Guidance is Avaliable at Wake Forest.

Profe~ or .\. Lewi .\yt'ock '26. indi­ c·ated at a ehapel ·e1Tice thi. week that his talk had grown out of hi ex­ perient'e in talking with tudent who ha,·e fl'lt free to discu with him their i·C'ligiotB problems. From John 6, he read the tory of the di. ciples who were ]paYing .Ten and then called att<'ntion to Peter's answer for the hn>lw: ''Lord, to whom hall we go? Thou hast the word of eternal life.' L'sing , imon Peter's an wer as a basis for hi~ dis­ eussion, the speaker . uggested that many college tudent face a rea I rl'­ ligiou problem, that there i - a real rPnson for the problem, and that there Here J a. Yiew of the pire to the n ew chapel. The roof ls on, and tlte window are ln. Contributions, very greatly n eeded now, should be ent to l£, A. Huggin , ( Conti111ted on JXIUe twentv·th,·ee) Balelgh, N. C. October Issue WAKE FOREST COLLEGE A L UMNI NEWS Page Six


Last Two Volumes to Come From The volum es will cons titute nn cx­ tions, bu t e''en those who have di - Press November 1 ocllent referen ce set. The,v c·onta in ngreed w ith him on que tions w ill testi­ na me of e'·ery p r ofes or who h as eYer fy that the lines in his face are pleas­ Thank to George Washington Pas­ taugh t in the co ll ege, name of n u mer­ ant, and that his eye ha, ·e a wannth c·hal '92, and the Board of Trustees of ous students, li sts of gi fts, detailed da ta of feeling that ha rbor no bitterne s t o­ the College, Wake Forest, on NoYem­ about organizations and nC'I ivities, et<'. "'al·d those with whom he di sagrees. brr 1, will have its complete history iJl In f act, there is noth ing about the One of the fin est thing that ca n be hook form (3 volumes), from it be­ ~ollege, good or bad, cont1·oversial or said about Dr. P aschal and Mrs. ginning in 1 3± down to the Year of otherwi e, that D r. P aschal has not P a chal, who wa the former :M i s handled. 0111' Lord 19±3. La ura Allen, of South Ca rolina, is that Competent critic have >nid that the Dr. P ascha l, now in hi s 75t h year, they have rea red ten r espectable c hil­ histories "contain more details of peo­ is at pre ent engaged in writing his dren-six ons a nd four daug hters. Fi,·c ple and eYents, artivitie' of student , scC"ond volume of the History of N orth of the bo,Y are in militar .Y ervicc-­ nnd of relationships of dc•uominational C'm·olina Bapti t s, and is also writing one :Major , three Lieutenants, and a nnd private coll ege to the state instit u­ the H istor;v of the Fo1·e ign ~ r i ss i o n Serg ea nt. :Major George Wa hington tions than an,v other rollrgr ],i,fories Bonrd of the Southern Ba pti•t Co n­ P a chal, Jr., is c hief s urgeon of the e,·er written." Yention. 3 th Gener al H ospital at Ca iro, Eg,vpt. The first volmne co,·ers I he period Retired from the college faculty Sgt. IWbert Allen Pa chal is •tationed from 1 54 to 1 65; the ~rroml volume three years ago, Dr. P usc· hal has had at Ca mp Camel, K eutuck,v. Lt. (j .g.) from 1865 to J 90;), through President no id le moments. \\"hen he is not writ­ .Joel F ranci I'a chal is in the U. Taylor's administra6on; the third vol­ ing h i -torics, he hu plenty else to do. X avy. Lt. Paul Shorey P aschal is in ume from 190.3 io the present, includ­ X o member of the faculty is called the l. S. Transport Servi ce. 1-t. H a rry ing the administrations of Presidents upon to uppl,v gratis as much i nfor­ E' of the co llege evN' to Forest, X. C. reeei,·e the su mma cum laude diploma (n,·erage abo,·c !) ), Dr. P nschal could Rend the e r ad io "I nformat ion, Please" George Wash ington Paschal hrain-trusters to the foot of the line, By Dr. Charles G. Smith '13 nnd it does not matter what fi eld of Professor of Eng lis h, Ba ylor Unive rsi ty learning ~·ou ask him about. H e cnn tell you the b~st way to make dough­ Lo1•er of Teaming, star to youth and aye, nuts, the pri(·e of a hay rah in J 70. l'our la.•k has bePn to build n monu­ r·•m discuss inte lli ~e n t l .v the fi ne shades ment of meaning in the produt·t ion• of the Of shaping lrulhs.lu.•ly but rr1•erenl. Greek and Roman poe t•. and is well l!amered in bool.-s. ll'ilh oll'hemy of posted on th ~ Bible and mn .ior l c~ i s ln ­ sage tiou today co nfr o ntin ~ the United lnd independent mind you di.w•ngnge States Congress. lleauly imprisonNI deep in u•nrds, con- I n n ingle i sue of Thr .Yew J" ork lent 'l'imes some mouths ago there were To li••e a life of l'anlemplulion spent I wo open fo rum letters from Dr. P as­ On fundamental N!lues. On lh<' page ehal taking issue wi th so me historians Of la.sling memory your gift commands in other pa rt• of the ('OUutt·y o\·er ecr­ 11/umined splendor. Jfirrorrrl in the tnin pha es of .\ meric·nn histor y. lives Lawrence Sta llings '16, once told him, Of youth ,liOUr lol'e of h•orning ll'ill "D octor, instead of ba,·ing been a beget G1·cek teacher, you should hn,·e heen a ln after rloys a radi(lnl'f !hal ,,un·il'es c·ont r o ,~ers i a li f.'' The buf}'elings of lime. 1-o ur record It i t rue that Dr. P usdwl ],,, been stands in a g~·e at many crap s, as is c·harac ter­ 8r•r'11re. an en1·irrble coronet. istic of man,v men wi th deep convic- Dr. George Wa sWngt.on Paschal Page Seven October Issue WAKE FOREST COLLEGE ALU:\INI NEWS -----


Of These, 112 Are New Members and C. Roy Smith '06, Timmonsville, S. C. 132 Are Renewals. $5.00 Sent ta Dr. Furman Y. Sorrell '2 , Wadesboro, H. W . Baucom, Wake Forest, N. C., N: C. Gilbert T. Ste)}henson '02, 14 N. Broom Will Put You in Good Standing. St.. Wilmington, Del. Names, Years of Graduation, and Dr. P. D. Stout '20, Box 301, Bristol, Va. Present Addresses Follow : Charles W. Thomas, Jr. '01, Quincy, Fla. E. W. Timberlake, Jr. '06, Wake Forest, N.C. XEW XEMBER' Dr. J . B. Turner '43 , Laurinburg, N. C. J. Clyde Turner '99, Greensboro, 1 • C. Charles I Allen '11, Wadesboro, N. C. Rev. J. L. Vipperman, Dallas, N. C. H. P. Allen '30 Lumberton, N.C. Dr. Robert L. Waddell '27, Shinuiston, Dr. J. C. Anders '22, 520 E. St .. San Diego, W. Ya. Calif. Barney W. Walker '27, Spray, N. C. Rev. Victor L. Andrews '1 , :\1ocksville, C. :1!. Wall, Honorary, Lexington, N. C. N.C. Dr. Casper C. Warren '21, 2017 Gaines St., T. A. A Yera '15, Rocky :\Iount, N. C. Little Rock, Ark. Dr. C. W. Bailey, '23, Rocky 1\lount, N. C Frank H. Watson '37, North. Wilkesboro. Dr. :11. H. Bailey '29, Elizabeth, N. C'. N.C. Re''· Smart Baker '32, Spencer, X C. H. l\I. Watson '17-'20. Sanford. Fla. E. D. Banks '20. Anniston, A.la. W. H. Weatherspoon '06, Raleigh, X. C. B. N. Barnes '26, Kings :11ountain. K C. Rev. W. F. West '43. Roxboro. :-<. C. C. E. Baucom '!!9, Concord, N. C. Dr. J . B. Wheless '33, Louisburg, N. C. C G. Berry '24, 1902 Perry Ave.. Wilming­ J . A. Williams, Weeksville, N. C. ton. N.C. Jesse Williams ·o1, Wa.xhaw, N. C. James H. Blackmore '37. Warsaw, N. C. Wayne W. Williams '20, Swannanoa. N. C. Dr. G W Blackshear '21, Box 26, Opelika, • Wait Brewe r, sh own a bo,·e. i pr e i· J. Lee Wilson '30, Lexington, N. C. Ala. de nt oi Wa.li.e F ore t's genera l alumni Daniel T. Winston ' , Buffalo Junction, Dr Joseph R. Blalock '1 . :\!arion. Va u;, ·ociation. A greut-grund>on oi W a.li.P Ya.. RFD No. 2. T. E. Bobbitt '12. Wake Forest. N. C. For est's first pre. i dent, Dr. , amuel Wait. P. H. Winston '27, Clarksville, Va. James B. Brower '35, Liberty, X. C. he has liTed at Wa.li.e For est a ll hi' liie E. ?11. Wyatt '3 , Box 631, Raleigh, N. C W. C. Byrd '21, Angier, l\. C. a nd is now e n ga~red in t ht> nu.> rc.a ntil«> W. J . Wyatt '24, Wake Forest, N.C. J. L. Camp. Jr. '15, Franklin, Va. IJu ~ ln e•s . Dr. J . L. Young '24, Summerville, N. J. Carlyle Campbell '11, Raleigh, N. C. William H. Causey '33, Nicaro, Oriente. \Y, H. Hofler '29. Durham. N. C RE:\'EWAL Cuba. John :\L Hough '29, Wilson. N. C. Dr. W. S. Chadwick '26, Beaufort, N. C. W. F. Jarvis '22. Spindale, '· C. Dr. G. A. Aiken '17, 1\larshall, 1\lo. Chaplain Robert L. Costner '39. Arruv Air Ira T . Johnston '15. Jefferson, N . C J . Edward Allen '07, Warrenton, N. C. Base. Delhart, Texas. · Capt. Otis H. Jone '31. 3 th, E\'al•uation J. Leroy Allen '15, Raleigh, :-.: . C. Bennie Crawford '31, 3597 Griffin St.. Hosp. APO 763 c o PM. New York. Lee H. Battle '90, Chattanooga, Tenn. Port mouth. Ya. J . Foy Justice '0 . Hendersonville. ':\'. C. Rev. H. W. Baucom, Jr. '34, Statesville, D. C. Crutchfield '34, Thomas,·iiJe. N. C. J . Reid Key '27 . 10017th t.. N E . Wa h­ N.C. Egbert Davis, Jr. '33. Box 100 1, Win ton­ inl(ton. D. ('. Re,·. H. W. Baucom. Sr. '09, Wake Forest, Salem, N.C. William Langford Royal '06. Wake Forest. N.C. G P. Da,·is '30, Conway, l\. C. ~-c. Dr. S. A. Bell '32, Hamptonville, N. C. Dr. Geo. H. Davis '14, 623 th Ave., Brook­ J. L. Lake. Honorary, Wake Forest, X C. Dr. G. :\!. Billings '15, ;'l!organton, N. C. lyn, N. Y B. S. Lile '1 . Badin. ~- C Dr. 0. T. Binkley '2 , Wake Forest, N. C Judge William A. Devin '90. Raleigh, N. C G. E. Linebeny '97. Raleigh, X C. Dr. F . A. Blanchard '19. Bishopville, S. C. W. G. Dotson '15. 3527 1st St., Jackson Capt. George H. 1\IcNeill '29. Washington. G. W. Blanton '93. Shelby, N. C. Heights.. •. Y. D. C. Dr. J. Grady Booe '16. :lied. Bldg., Bridge- A. Yates Dowell '17, 115 :\!un ey Bldg., C. G. ?lladdrey '26, Ahoskie. N C. port, Conn. Washington. D. C. Roger R. Marshall '20, Raleigh, K. C. Dr. J . S. Brewer '17, Roseboro, N. C. Rev. James R. Everette '21. Washington, J. '\V. l\ lanin '34. Macclesfield. •'· S. Wait Brewer '10, Wake Forest, X. C. X. C. Re,·. N. A. ?~!elton '09, Hendersonville. T. 1\~. Brewer '03, 313 S. Wilmington St. Henry F. Faucett '13, 104 W. Hargett St., N.C. Raleigh. N. C. Raleigh, K C. L. L. :\!organ '25. Raleigh, N. C. Dr. F . F. Brown '0 , Box 1104, Knoxville, A I. Ferree '16, Asheboro, N. C. C. T. Murchison '11, 320 Broadway, New Tenn. Horace E. Flack '01, City Hall. Baltimore, York, New York. Ennis Bryan '19, Scotland Neck, N. C. .\!d. Rev. I. T. Newton '93, Whiteville, N . C. D. E. Buckner '17. Greensboro, :-<. C. A. L. Fletcher '07, Raleigh. N. C. Dr. Robert B. Outland '2 • Rich Square. Dr. R. :IL Buie '12, Greensboro, •. C. Chaplain Charles Arthur Francis '3 , N.C. Dr. C. C. Carpenter '22, Winston-Salem, 0496277 3rd Bn. lUst lnf. APO 36, Benjamin W. Parham '0 , Oxford. l\. C X. C. :\'ew York 1\'. G. Parker '25. Long Beach, Calif. Dr. Kenan Casteen '16. Leaksville, N. C. J W. Franre '05, Belmont, N. C. G S. Patter on '24, Wake Forest, N C Dr. S. C. Chaplin '20, Columbia. N. C. J . Bruce Futrell '01, Winston-Salem, N. C. J. W. Pearce '34. Durham, N. C Dr. Walter E. Clark '20, Asheville, N. C Dr. L. :II. Futtrell '10, :Murfreesboro. N. C. James E. Peters '33. Salem, Ya. Dr. J. E. Collier '29. 07 W. Franklin St. Joseph A Gill '30. Elizabeth City, N. C. Chap. Alfred L. Pollock '23, Red Oak, N. C. Richmond, Va. gt. Joel \\'. Griffin '35, Box 449, :l!onroe, Dr. Frank K. Pool '13. Greenville, S C. W. J. Conrad. Jr. '13, Winston-Salem, X. C R. Hunter Pope '09, Enfield, N. C. N. C Dr. W S. Hadley '19. Norfolk, \'a. E. E. Priore '33. Loris. S. C. Rev. T. S. Crutchfield '00, :l!ason St., .Albe­ Dr. John C. Hamrick '33. Shelby, N. C Robert Randolph '29. Lynchburg, Ya. marle, 1. C. Dr. C. F. Hawes '30. Rose Hill, N. C. Burton J. Ray. '04. Franklin. Ya. E. L. Davis, Sr '04, Win ton-Salem, X. C. H. A. Helms '20. Raleigh. N. C. J. C. Roberts, Durham, N. C. William Henley Deitrick '16, Raleigh, Capt J B. Helms '26. Fort Oglethorpe. C. H. Robertson '13, Leaksville. X. C. N.C. Ga. James K. Robinson, Jr., 424 X. 19th St., L. R. Doffermyre '35. Dunn. N. C. Rev. J C. Herring '39, Columbus. ?l lo. Philadelphia. Pa. W. Carey Dowd, Jr. '13. Charlotte, N. C. Carey P Herring '34. Fairmont, N. C. Rev. E. J. Rogers '11, Kansas City, :1\Io. Dr. James Carr Eagle '92, Spencer, N. C. Dr. William Hobson ·woody '20, Baltimore, James W. Sawyer '31. 15 Fifteenth St., E. B. Earnshaw '06, Wake Forest, N . C. :lid. N. W., Washington, D. C. Dr. R. E. Earp '24, Selma, ' . C. October Issue WAKE FOREST COLLEGE ALlJ~ll'lr l'IEWS Page Eight

M. W. Egerton 'li Bank Bldg., Knoxville, Tenn. ALUMNI TO MEET NOV. 17 AT WINSTON­ Rev. W. A. Elam '17, Shelby, N.C. Dr. B. W. Fassett, Honorary, Durham, N.C. SALEM AT BAPTIST STATE CONVENTION Dr. J. S. Feraca '22, 783 Grove St., New York, X. Y. By H. W. BAUCOM '09 tions. This has been gr~atly appreciat­ Rev. Robert C. Foster '26, Leaksville, Alumni Secreta ry and we hnYe ·e,·eral students here N.C. crl, Dr. S. C. Garrison '11, Nashville, Tenn. lweause of our <'ont,~e•t at the e plu<·es. Rev. A. L. Goodrich '22, Box 530, Jackson, Tt has been ,e,·eu months todn,v .inre Miss. The next mcPting of thP .\ lumni .\ s­ my to Lt. John W. Gore '25, Atlanta Univ., At- I ga1·c up work in .\she\'ille ,o<·intion is to be held during the Bnp­ lanta, Ga. become Executi1·e , ecretar,\' of the H. C. Griffin '12, Raleigh, N. C. tist tate Conwntiou at \V'inston­ 0. V. Ilarurlck '10, Shelby, N. C. .\.ltmmi .\ sociation. I f(reatly appre­ .'a!Pm, Xo1·Pmber 16, 17, and 1 .l'lea e Col. G. F. Hankins '92, Lexington, N. C. ciate the man.' letters fi'Om old friends, Lt. E. L. Hansell '36, Healey Bldg., Atlan- meet us at the Robert E. Lee Hotel at ta, Ga. plerlgin~ loyalt.v to me us I work for one o'elock, W' cdne da,v, X o1·ember -17, Dr. Irving Hardesty '92, 1301 Pine St .. the C'ollege we all love. :\ew Orleans, La. for a good lunch, fine fellow-hip, and Edward T. Harrell '32, Newton, N. C. ~[y ;erretary and I arc doing our good speaking. H. Russell Harris '03, Seaboard, N C. S. G. Hasty '03. Salisbury, N. C. best to bring our mailing list up to W. T. Hatch '2 , Raleigh, N. C. date and to keep it that way. But when Fred B. Helms '22, Charlotte, N. C. ~·on men mo\'e and do not let us know Judge T. F. Hqbson '22, St. Petersburg, GOOD REASONING Fla. it, we find it difficult to keep a list that James F. Hoge '22, 41 E. 42nd St., New A friend from Fayette1·ille ent a York City. we at·e sati lied with. Please drop us a Dr. W. A. Hoover '31, Petrie Hospital, line when you rbauge ~·o ur address. contribution to the chapp] fund and Murphy, N. C. wrote: "I ba,-e heard too many good R. P. Holding '16, Smithfield, N. C. We ba,-e bad man.v im-itations to sup­ 0. L. Horton '26. ~lorganton, N. C. pi~· pulpits and to peak for Wake preacher. from W' ake For·<·' I not to R. F. Hough '16, Salem. Va. make another c·ontribution." Or. J. Rufus Hunter '85, Raleigh, N. C. Forest College at the District A socia- C. J. Jackson '09, Wake Forest, N. C. Jesse A. Jones '19. Kinston, N. C. Leland Jones '2 , Wake Forest, N. C W. J. Jones '0 . Salemburg, N. C. Dr. H. M. Poteat '0 , Wake Forest, N. C. G. W. Kane, Honorary, Durham, N. C Rev. J . Louis Price '20, Hickory, N. C. Dr. Irvin C. Kitchin '31 (Overseas). Capt. Jesse F. Rhodes '21, Army Med. Schl., Dr. Thurman Kitchin '05, Wake Foresl, Washington, D. C. 1:\. c. A. P. Rogers '22, Tabor City, N. C. Thurman Kitchin, Jr '30, Wake Forest. Dr. C. Ray Sharpe '12, Lexington, N. C. N.C. Dr. C. G. Smith '17, Baylor University, Dr. Walton Kitchin '36 (Overseas). \Vaco, Texas. Dr. Henry J. Langston '13, Danville, Va. E. C. Snyder '27, Wake Forest, N. C. Dr. H. C. Lennon '27, Greensboro, N. C. D. W. Sorrell '02, Box 1266, Durham, N C. J. H. LeRoy '20, Elizabeth City, N. C. L. P. Spencer '27, Seaboard, N. C. W. L. Lumpkin '22, Louisburg, N. C. Dr. B. W. Spilman '91, Kinston, N. C. Dr. R. A. ~lcBrayer '11, Sanatorium, N. C E. M. Stanley '31, Southeastern Bldg., V. V. McGuire '13, Asheville, N. C. Greensboro. N. C. Robert A. Mcintyre '20, Lumberton, N. C W P. Stradley ' 7. Oxford, l'l. C. Dr. P. A. :\lcLendon '13, 2002 R St., N.W., Dr. 0. L. Stringfield '14, 1416 Bedford St., Washington. D. C. Stamrord, Conn. Rev. 0. W. Mc~fanus '09, Gibson, N. C. Dr. B. T. Talley '19, Albemarle, N. C. Rev. J. A. ~~c~lillan '02, Thomasville, Dr. S. A. Thompson '1 , 50 Park Ave., N.C :-lew York City. R. H. Mcl'leill '97, 1627 K St, N.W, Wash­ Glenn Tucker '33, Bolivia. N. C. ington, D. C. B. Y. Tyner '0 , Meredith College, Ra- Dr. ~~ C. ~laddre)· '27, Roanoke Rapids. leigh, N.C. N.C. Dr. Carl V. Tyner '14, Leaksville, N. C. LeRoy Martin '26, Raleigh, N. C. Hugh El. Tyner '42, Winston-Salem, N. C. Santrord Martin '09, Winston-Salem, N. C Kenneth Tyner '41, Winston-Salem, N. C. W. Reid ~!arlin, Honorary, Raleigh, N. C. Dr. H. i\1. Vann '15. Bowman-Gray Med. 'Theeler Martin '11, Williamston, N. C. Schl., Winston-Salem, N. C. Or. Hight C. Moore '90, Nashville, Tenn. L. R. Varser '99. Lumberton. N. C. Lex ~Iarsh '22, 120 E. 4th St., Charlotte. Dr. James W. Vernon '07, ~ l organton, N.C. N.C. C. C. Ward '15, Roclry Mount, N. C. Dr. C. Hunter Mol'icle '36, Leaksville, N. C. IV. T. Ward '23, W. Columbia, S. C. Her e is old Jim Turner ( Dr. J . B.) who Lt. J. E. Morgan '31, Greenway Apts., B. ~I Watkins '15, Durham, N. C., Geer has just returned t{) North Carolina to Washington, D. C. Bldg. become pa tor o! the Laurinburg Baptist J R. Morgan '05. Waynesville, N. C. G. T . Watkins '13. Durham, N. C. Church. Tire Griffin, G eorgia, Baptists 0. ~!. )lull '02, Shelby, N. C. Or. W. ~!. Watkins '21, Durham, N. C hated to give hlru up, but they just don't Carl Murchison '09. ProYincetown, Mass. Dr T. ~!. Watson '17, Greenville, N. C. !mow bon glad we are to have him back. Rap- H. D. :-Iewton '90, Box 71, Arlington, N.J. Dr. Bahnson Weathers '15, Roanoke ome r efer to Jim as being the greatest Judge John A. Oates '95, Fayetteville, ids, 1:\. C. N. C Canol! W. Weathers '22, Raleigh, N. C. athlete Wake F or e t ba ever Jlroduced, Dr. J . P. Parke•· '35, Elizabeth City, N. C Dr. R. B. Wilkins '09, Durham. N. C. other s •pe ak or his lmon-pnre br and of H. R. Paschal '16. Washington. N. C. Dr. L. P. Williams '03, Box 424, Edenton, r e ligion, but "The Al umni News" th inks W. H. Paschal '22. Siler City, N. C. ::-;,c. of ltitn as be ing E xl1lbit A when It comes Dr C. 1:\. Peeler '01, Charlotte, N. C. J. B. Wyche '03. Hallsboro, N. C. to being a two- fi sted, Go d·fe nring, whole· Rev. W. D. Poe '06, Oxford, N. C. A. M. Yates '93, Lenoir, N. C. s ouled Wnke Forester. Page 'ine October Issue WAKE FOREST COLLEGE ALUl\INI NEWS

CHECK UP ON YOUR CLASSMATES Benj. C. Ingram '16, is now living in Hartsville, S. C. James D. Trolley '1 , is located at 725 N.E. 82nd Street, 1\Tiami, Fla. Percy H. Wilson '20, and Wm. Bickett '23, have announced the formation of a partnership in the practice of law under the firm name of Wilson and Bickett, with offices in the Insurance Building at Ra­ leigh. Wilson taught French at Wake Forest for a good many years and was one of the founders of Old Golcl cr11cl Black. Bickett, solicitor of the Seventh Judicial District, is a son of the late Gov T. W. Bickett. T. Frank Hob on '22, is Judge of the 6th Judicial District of the State of Florida. His address is Box 591, St. Petersburg, Florid a. He recently con­ cluded an opinion and Final Decree with reference to the constitutionality of the Barbers' Sanitary Commission of Florida. Dr. DCIIIIISey Bunte · '23, of Asheboro. died early in September at Duke Hos­ pital in Durham after a lingering illness. Since 1934, he had practiced with Dr. H. L. Griffin in the Barnes-Griffin Clinic. He is survived by his wife, two sons, James Pktured abol'e In his libmry is Dr. Charles Lee Smith ' 4. Pre ident of T he Edwards and Charles, and a brother, Dr. Tiffany & Broughton Company of Raleigh, Barnes. Dr. SmiU1 Is the personification of cordiality ancl culture. ' o man in this area has read more widely or travelled more eden ively. llr. E. L. Spivey '23, of Mooresville, has He has been entertained by Uoyalty been el ected general missionary of the in nlliDerous countrie , but has never lost t11e Baptist State Convention for the Piedmont common tOtJch. Competent judges have s poken ol Jt.l s libmry u being the finest Section of orth Carolina, with head­ 11rhnte lilJrary south oi naltimore. quarters at Charlotte. Spivey was an excellent sprint man on the track team J. T. "Jnke" Hn ·ty '3;;, is located at Jack n. Bagwell '42, is pastor of a field in his college days. 1512 Sunnyside Avenue, Charlotte. or country churches in Western North Aclrian J. Ncmton '25, is Clerk of the Robert S. Cahoon '36, is engaged in the Carolina. His address is Box 1, Fairview. N. C. Supreme Court at Raleigh. practice of law at Wilmington, with offices Carl E. Co mpton '42, is supply pastor of Debnns T. Pulley '21>, was recently in the Murchison Building. the Baptist Church at Clifton Forge, photographed in the Richmond News­ llr. W. L. McLeod '36, is practicing Virginia. Leacle,. for having become a grandfather medicine al Norwood. H. L. Verhul t '42, is principal of Sioux at the age of 36. His son, Waller, Is in J. Woodrow Castelloe '37, is a Home Center Christian School, Sioux Center, the Marines and is stationed at New River, Missionary at Weirton Christian Center, Iowa. 1\. C. The new Pulley bas not been named Weirton, West Virginia. Jame L. Rose '43, or ewton Grove, is yet. Je•se ;n. Wester '37, is pastor of Wood­ the new cashier or the Branch of Durham Seymour Hurt '26, is principal of the land Baptist Church, 65th Street, below Bank and Trust Company, at Creedmoor. public schools in Uriah, Alabama. Woodland Avenue, Philadelphia, Pa. A. C. Holloway '27, of Holly Springs Jnme Mcnay Johnson •a , is pastor of is teaching at Bunnlevel, N. C. Durham Memorial Church, 2530 Rochelle It is !lOll' time for all .\lumni Chap­ n. H. Wca\er '27, is pastor of the Baptist Street. Church at Valdese. Edwin G. Jone '3 , Is pastor of Grassy ter to hold their fall mPetings. Many 0. Jack Murphy '30, is pastor of the Pond Baptist Church, at Gaffney, S. C. letters ha I'C come to the •\luumi Secre­ First Baptist Church, at Lafollette, Tenn. Da,·icl Palmer Brooks •;~!), is pastor of Jack writes that he has "a little two-year­ Salem Baptist Church, at Weeksville. tar,v expt·es ing apprt'riation for what old boy who is already a Wake Forest man. J. C. Herrin '89, of 206 E. Parkway, the ollege ha done for them, and I trust that he shall have the privilege Columbia, Missouri, is the rather of a or meeting you as he enrolls as a student daugh ter, Cynthia Lou, born June 24th, have dedared their willingne s to do in 1958." 1943. Herrin recently graduated from what the,Y can for the College. It will W. }' . McGinni '31, is pastor or Dysart­ Union Seminary of Columbia University, ville Baptist Church. New York. rertainly be of help to get all the old James W. awyer '31, was recently Wm. S. Hick , Jr. '39, or Raleigh, was W ake Forest men tog<'ther occa ionally, made a Certified Public Accountant in married September 5, to Miss lola Washington, D. C. His address is 815 Holmes Chase of Mechanics Falls, Maine. and keep the collegt' ~pirit bru-ning in 15th St. N. W. W. Chas. 'f"iddy '39, of Raleigh, was their hrart . ll. }'rnnkBn Biggs '32, of Lumbel'lon, married in early summer to Miss Rachael is owner of the Biggs l\Iutual Insurance Brower, of Los Angeles, California. omct imc during the winter you Agency. Uoger W. Willett · '39, is e mployed at coulcl hal't' the Jiigh School l'Iilton Ru sell '32, has been call ed by the Naval supply base, Box 111, Williams­ seniors the army, but his job as reference libra­ burg, Va. with you for a good • upper and to rian in the Virginia State Library will T. J. Sharpe '40, is he a Ith officer at be open, for his wife carries on in his Hickory. hear about the old ollegc. They are absence. A. L. Smith '!0, is pastor of Red Banks to be a good part of our rollege en­ Aubrey K. Cheek '34, is enrolled at the Baptist Church, in Chattanooga, Tenn. rollmeut next year. Southern Theological Baptist Seminary T. A. Hoyle '40, is chemist for the B. B. at Louisville, Kentucky. Goodrich Company at Borger, Texas. Make your piau for a meeting, and Henderson '. Fox '34, is pastor of a J. Paul Bullock '41, is located at 1733 I<. Baptist Church at Dallas, Texas. His ad­ Street, N. W., Washington, D. C. if the .\luruni ccretary or any member dress is 1825 Rieger Avenue. .T. llr. Long '41, is attending the Southern of the faculty can be of help, feel free I,. U. Doiiermyre '35, is practicing medi­ Theological Baptist Seminary at Louis­ cine at Dunn. ville, Kentucky. to call on u~.-II.W.B. Ot•tober l'"ue WAKE FOREST COLLEGE ALl')J:-/ 1 l'\E\\'S Page Ten


.\ program to raise li'7.000,000 for \ \' uke For~st College is well uudorway with ('.. J • .Jarkson, originally from \\'iut<'t-villr. u.s <'ampaigu clirertor, and Hobert 1'. Holding, president of the First-('itizeth Bank and Tnht ('o. of Smithfi,Jd. as /!<'Hera! chairman. Tlw sl'iwdule proYides that ;·;,,ooo.ooo will I c• added to the collegr's endowment and that .;:1,000.000 will lw usrd in the t·mtslrm·tiou of 10 building. whid1 to­ gPther with the present plant will :w­ t•onJlllo $i,OOO.OOO enlargement progrnm. !folding, who i• pre ldent of tbe Fir t. minist•·ation building), Gore g,nnua­ Citizens Dank and Tru't ro. oi Smithfieitl and president la st year of the North ('aroiina Bankers .A s;ociation, i' gene ral chairman oi tbe progrnm. Jackson, originally ~ium, Ornye~ stadiun1. Simmon~ dortni~ from \\'in ten ille. i' CHIIIJ!aign director. tory, William .\mos .Johmon l're­ nwdic·al building, and ~ [ usic·-Rrligion builcling ..\ new chapel with 11 sc•ating raised for four new buildings and suh­ dent of the K o rth C'a rolina Ba nkers,\,;­ ('UJ>al'ity of 2,400 i lleHI'ingo !'OmpJc•• stantial addition to the endowment. sociation . • \ son of the la te T . E. IIold­ tion. lloluing gr uduated from " ·akc F or­ ing and ne phew of the la te Dr. W . B. "\\'ith lc'S than 50 per c·ent as large est in 1916, and pl ayed that ,venr on R oyall, who for 63 years ta ul!ht G reek u proportion of Baptist youth of ::\orth its basketball team wh ich won the at W ake Forest, "B ob." a he is k nown ('urolina nitending any college as utteJHI outh-.\ tlantic championship. H is bank to W ake F oresters, " i rtua ll.v grew up from other denominations. Wake }'orest hns 2:3 branches o1·er Eastern ::\ orth on the campus wh en he Ji ,·ed !H'rOs< the College is <-onfronted with an unparal­ Carolina. La>t year he -en·ed as presi- street as a small boy. lrlPd opportunit.v." .Jackson >aid. "The Jlt'W buildings furnish mal!llifit·cnt me­ morial opportunities." PLAIN THINKING AND SIMPLE FIGURING '·On tlw carupn there is 110 d~ubt By C. J. JACKSON '09 that the :i,OOO,OOO will be rni,ed," oue Bul. unfonmately, it is n ot a- simple offic·ial c·mnmentrd ..\. fac·tor whieh con­ There are probably 1,000 people· now as all that. One thou sand dollar s each tt·iLutc•s to this confidenc•e is that the li1•ing who ha,·e l·eeu students nt W akr is onl.v au a1·erage. X ow. ma~·be you are two men who lead the progrum haYe Forest <'ollege. The college needs $2.- able to gi1·e mu eh abo1·e t he aver ag e. llPYPI' failed in any ut·h undertaking-. 000.000 for new building>; and ;·;,,ooo.- Maybe not. ~[ a~· be less. ome former ,J at•kson, who gradna ted from W nke 000 additional endowment, making a >tudents are not able to help a t a ll i n a Forest in 1!100 aJHl \\'US presfnlly direNrd the pro­ to do in a creditable manner what it rare. f"nder sut·h eirt·umstnnce,, h ow­ gram for a lJ;2.000,000 red of us than wa required in the more plac·id year of our hi. tor~·- It behooYe~ u' who c·an Yisual­ i<'-e the ,-alue of Chri,tian idPals and standards and ciYilization itself to faet> thi matter quarPI,v and with clC'termi­ nation. ::\' othing short of our bc•st will meet this situation for Christ nne! eountry. The goYernment w1der whieh we liYe B,\ , KETBALL VAR ITY t'OH. 191 6-Bottom ro" left to right: Kyle Yatl' • F. rec·ognize the importanee of Chri. tian "Bill" Feezor, W. W. "llill" Holding, Jr., WilU ::nn "Bill" Dick,on, Leo Frank~ . Education throue;h the chureh-relntNl '1.'011 row: Dr. Richord ('rozier, Coach: Tl. E. Roh ley. R. P. "Boh" Holding, ..Uex. llnll, Hugh Beam. "olh•ge.. You are privileged to gi,·e up to Li per et>nt of your taxable inrornP to your chun·h and college and take 1916 BASKETBALL VARSITY c·rrdit on ,vour federal inc·ome tux re­ turns for the gifr. It i possible that Unsurpassed in College Annals . hip~. and piled up a total of 0-! points ,vour gifts may throw you into a lower 111 1 game" lll{ainst 3 2 points scored ]'erC'entae:e bracket. thPreby making pos­ The ,elec·tion of Rob!'l't I'. ·'Bob" by opponent,, siblE> g1·eater savings ou your tnxps, Holding as chairman of thl' .''i,OOO,OOO l'C'rsonn!'l of the> elub and their pres­ You tan give out of capital RC'!'Ount EnlargPment Campaign has c·ansl'd old­ <·nt aclclrc>s. P follow: or of propert,Y and avoid all taxe on timN> around the c·ampns to l'l'\ iew the Kyle Yates, Pa,;tor of '\\'nimH treet , of unu ·ual and tnggering respon ihility ,'mit hfic•ld. re ting upou W ake Fore t College by ognizing all of tlwse facts, wr must face .\lpx Hall, ~foultriP, (Jporgia, hard­ virtue of the fact that it represents thi< c·a~e as one worth5• of prn,verful and ware clPalpr. thr ough the Bapti t denomination a intelligPnt thought unci of saui£cial Dr·. Ungh Bc·am, Roxboro physician. c·on tituency which i very largE>, yet a giYing to the rnd that whut ought to be This tlub whippPd the Durham ,·pry mall proportion of wbiC'h e,·er donl' through Wake Forest ( 'ollPge ma,v YJfC.\, :;6 to 27; Gni,·p rsit~~ of Xorth goe to college--a constituenc;v whic·h LP clouP in a manner worthy of a great Carolina, 27 to 22; Triuit,Y College, 2- cover ewry walk of life; thrrefore. rec- c·ollc•gp and a grt>at cause. (Continued 011 page tu·en ty·llll·ee) October Issue \\'AKE FOREST COLLEGE ALU)INI NEWS Page Twelve


By C. J. JACKSON '09 up to the cultural and iutellcC'!nal as of the Baptist youth of North C"aro­ Growth well as piritual leaders hip in hi com­ lina attend college as attend from other munity. There wa a day when thi denomination . . \. reno,med educator In the past half century Bnptists standard was maintained. It is impor­ has said, "In the present generation i< have incren ed in Xorth Carolina from tant toda~· that our stake be strength­ wrapped up the whole future of lm­ approximately HO,OOO to 540,000. The ened to hold the ever-lengthening cords. manity." .\ pt·opbet in the day of old population of the state has jumped There a •·c notable exceptions, of warned that "where there i no ,.i.ion. from 1.61, ,000 to 3,572,000. course, but generall~- speaking, a c·ol­ the people perish." urely, no more Tn the same half centmy the num­ lcge-trained pastor a well as hoard intelligent and far-reaching mi ionary ber of student in North Carolina col­ exeruti,·es and others has muc·h greater work can be done in "orth Carolina lege has multiplied fifteen times. The opportunit,,· for Christian se n · ice. for today than that of bringing a great state has climbed up the ladder in its umelfish •cn ·i ce to all of the people in host of our Baptist youth into our col­ literacy cla- ification from next to the his t•omm nnity. than the pnstor who leges where they will receive inspira­ bottom to eighth place. bas had no such ad,·antage . . \ nd, too, tion and training for en•ice a. pa tor· it i not eonduci,·e to a succes> ful pro­ and leaders in every department of our Trend Against Us gram within a church for the member­ denominational life. ship to have to apologize for n poor!,\' The number of students attending qualified pastor. ::\Iinisterinl students HELOW: A tlew l'omillnr to all old­ Wake Fore,;! College. howe>er, in the timers- the lleck-Willlnms library and and the sons and daughters of ministe•·s past fifty year~ has multiplied only Ia" huildintr in the foreground; back­ reeei,·c free tuition at Wake Forest Col­ gro uncl- two buildings that burne1l, Ut e four times a. compared wit b fifteen old administration bulliling, in cluiling Eo. lege as an aid to a better educ·atcd miu­ times for the .tate a a whole. and Phi. end • and Win gate ouilitorium. iotry. Xormall.v, about one hundred HIGHT : -"e" ll'ait Hall (ndminl tratlon The proportionate increase in other IJujJdin . The record for the outhcrn Bap­ other Fangelical de­ ti ·t C'om·ention shows the significant nomination< combined. fad that S per cent of the leaders in But hould we be satis­ the places of greatest responsibilit.v fi ed merely with num­ \Wrc educ·ated in privatel,v endowed ber. i Emphatically. Christian colleges as contrasted with l2 X o ! Should we not per c·c11t from all other sourt·e<, inclurl­

Though numericali.Y a strong a a ll Christian Education to help combat imperative if we are to hold our right­ others, we have le than half a much the problems wh ich confront us at home ful place of leadership in "orth Caro­ money invested in our colleges a the and a broad. lina and properly serve our people, and other denominations have in their , and through them support the Christian this exclusive of Duke Univer ity. Have To Change the Trend ideal at home and abroad in this new we been fair to our Baptist youth in The Enlargement ampaign now in era. North C'm·olina? HaYe we been fair to ])!'Ogres for Wake Forest College is Two million dollar for new build­ thr fu turr of our denomination? designed to help change the unfa,•or­ ings and :five million dollars for added ThesP factg should cause <'I'Pr.v intelli­ able trend in our denominational life endowment, making a total of seven gent Baptist to ponder eriously thr sit­ through a better educated ministry up­ million dollars, is the :fi cal objective uation in whirh wr find ourselvPs. Nev­ ported by nn educated lai ty. of the campaign. Nothing short of 2,000 er in the hi tory of the state, nation, Such a change i timely-such a students at Wake Forest will meet our and world wa there greatPr need for ('hange is oppol'tune- uch a rhange is denominational needs in North Caro­ lina. One million dollars of the endow­ ment will be set aside in a special fund for the School of Religion. It is note­ worthy that the enrollment in this de­ partment has greatly increased in re­ cent years. In 1942, a total of 412 stu­ dent were in the School of Religion, thereb,y better qualifying them elves for in te lligen t Christian leade1·sh i p. ,\ million dollars has been designated fo1· additional endowment for the Bow­ man Gray School of Medicine of Wake Fore. t College at Win ton-Salem.

As Christian Statesmen We Should Face the Facts and Act The fundamental purpo e of the cam­ paign is to put Wake Fore tin a posi­ tion to do it part in training the Bap­ tist youth of North Carolina, under such an environment that the,y will furnish a well qualified ministerial and lay leader hip to cope with the inten i­ fied problem' of life a they confront the Baptist denomination, uml all other C'hristian denominations in this great and pro. peron. stat<>. and bpyond. 1t is high time we squarely face the facts a Christian state men and make it possible for our chool and colleges to give our youth as great an oppor­ tnnil.Y for Chri tian Education as b atl'orded the other youth of the state by their denominations. The responsibility is our,,. ll'e should mal.-e our plans as indiz·iduals and as a denomination to meawre up lo this l'ilal Christian obli­ gation. October Issue WAKE FOREST COLLEGE ALU;\li'•;t i>.'EWS Page Fourteen

FALL TERM BEGINS AT WAKE FOREST 440 in College of Liberal Arts; l'itie· and , nnda.v -chon! c•lu"' officials eighty years ago enjoyed his life there and valued his opportunities beyond measure. 164 in Medicine, Five in Low, were umong those ro welc·nmc the new I wondered beneath which or those stately -I ndents to join their resJwC'fh·l' oJ·gani­ trees he had studied, thought, and 939 in Army Finance School; dreamed .. . . zntion~. You will like Randy, l'm sure. He is a There Are 50 WACs and 53 fine boy. with a lot of personality. Al­ Co-eds. though hailing from Brooklyn, he is at heart a Soutbemer. It's in his blood. as it is in all of his ramlly. With l,;i3 stud~nts ~nrolll'd on its :\Iy sincere regards. c·omhined campn:;es, Wake Foret has Yours very truly, c·ompleted th!' fb·st month of its llOth (:\Irs.) 1\IAY 1\"F.Y ~' lllTE. S£' ·ston. .\ breakdown of the total shows -HO GENERAL ARMSTRONG enrolled in the eollege of liberal arb at DECORATED AGAIN W nke Fore t, 16± in the Bowman Gra)' chool of )fedicine of W nkc Forest l ondon .•\ ug. 10-(~\ P) - Brig. Gen. College at 1\'inston- alcm, and fh·e in Frank A .•\rm stro ng 'i5, X ashl'ille, the <-Ombined Duke-1'\'akc Forest law X. C., llllti,·e and Wake Fore'! ollege s!'l10ol at Durham. In adrlition, there graduate, wa awarded the Distin­ arc 939 enrolled in the .\ rmy Finance guished eni<·e Cros today for gallan­ .'c·hool at Wake Forest. Fifty of these tr.Y in action in the heai'Y e. S. Bomber are WACs. ,·aid on .'lmsterdam . \ p~il ;;, when 150 r-netny fighters attacked the formation, Co-eds at Wake Forest, n ow c·oncentrating on the l ending plane numbering 53, have established which in a single year a record that the was flo1171 by the General. men have never attained : Every T loi < lad' gr eat-grandfather. Dr. F. 11. H e kept the plane under control one of them who was en rolled h cy, graduated from Wake Forest In through 22 attacks in whieh the plane 1 60. The boy, enrolled in our freshman here last session and eligible to class, is Ruo dOIJlh Ne ln" of Broo klyn, wa bit five times. Then he left hi po t return to college this session d id Xe" York. 'l'he followin g left l'r of Intro­ to administer first aid to the wounded return. duc tion fr om his grandmother i' one we'll Jlrcscn e in the atrchh es : na1·igator, saving hi life, and helped The enrollment, including H5 fresh- and cheered otl1er 11·ounded members of 384 Sterling Place men, i, about 20 per cent higher than Brooklyn. New York I he cre1v. officials predicted. June 2, 194 3 The -HO underg1·aduutc 'tudents ~ lr , E. B. Earnshaw, Bursar Frank, on furlough to the U. S. in c•ome from 13 •tates and U X orth Wake Forest. :"'orth Carolina • eptemb~ r. appeared in R aleigh with Carolina countie'. Eight)'-fil·e per cent· Dear ~lr. Earnshaw: "Dr. I. Q." as the feature attraction come from Xorth Carolimt. outh l am ''ery happy that my grandson. Randy :"/elms. bas selected Wake Forest. at a war bond sale rally. Bonds aggre­ Carolina with 2+ and lirginin with He expects to arrive there next Monday. gating a million or o dollar were sold. nine lead the out-of-state contingent. Perhaps, to some degree. 1 have been instrumental in ha,·ing him ma ke this illnong the X orth Carolina eounties, de<:ision. though be has followed his own PISTOL PETE Wnkr, 11·ith 56, naturally leads. Others inclinations, and his p arents have ap­ pro,•ed. following in order are Forsyth 20, It was always in the mind of my dear W. )f. "Pdol P ete" Jenkin '31 of Franklin 1±, Xa h 13, Cleveland li, father. Dr. F. H. I vey. that it he bad a .\ hoskie in Oc tober " 'as made . uperin­ son he was to be educated at \Vake Forest. Johnston 11, Rockingham 10. There Unfortunately I was the only child, and tendent of schools of Durham Countv. are nine each from Gaston and Ruth­ when I came of college age, ''Co-eds" were P ete (no 1·elation to " Pistol PacJ..-1;,. unheard of. erfol'!l, eight each from Durham. The next best bet was that my son lfama" of mdio fame) made an en­ Northampton, Robeson, Wayne, W il­ should go there, but when he was seven· ,·iable record a prim·ipnl of . \ yden teen the first World War came about. He son; se1·eu carL from Cnbarrus, Colum­ enlisted in the Navy and after the war, High chool. For the pn•t two vea1· bus, Richmond, , ampson. he did as many other boys and secured a l1 e has been a si taut upcrintend~nt of Job which precluded further efforts to­ During the orientation program the wards a college edur.a.tion. Durham County school ', W e are not new student,. were guests at a rcc·eptiou Now the fourth generation has come surprised at his e lection; he i• a thor­ along, and Randy the younger or my two sponsored hy the Baptist , Indents grandsons, will soon be on his way to ough-going wide-awake chool man. Union, and through au o 1·i entation register at his great-grandfather's Alma Hi election gi,·es W ake Fore t Mater. program hal'!' bPcome aequninted with A couple or years ago I motored through around 2± or 25 of the 100 county su­ the 1·arious phases of college life. Lead­ Wake Forest, and as I passed the beautiful perintendents of schools in .'orth Caro­ eampus, my thoughts turned lovingly to ers in the college's hi,torie litl'rlll',V so- the grave young student who more than lina. Page Fifteen October Issue WAK.El FOREST COLLEGE ALU:IINI :NEWS


Forebears of Students Now En­ Dr. C'. L. herrill '12, E. C. hoe '29, '35, J. T. Xichol '42, J. L. Xorthing­ rolled Are Listed. . II. buford ... , Dr. W. ~\ . ower '21, ton '4:3 . lifton Parker '43, 11. B. Patl', • \. P. tephen '20, iii. T. T>l1111<'r '12, Jr. '43, Ray Pittman '40, Dr. J .•\ . Pruett .\ t the time of rl'gistration our stu­ Dr. R. II. Ta,vlor '16, . Wall '17, ... , K emp Reece '43, William Robbin. '48 Oti :M . ._ acrinit,v '43, dl•n t· wpre requested to li t any rela­ Balm. on Weather '15, J. B. Whitley '16. Richard G. aiPeb.~ '4:3, F. berrill tives who had attf.'nded Wake Forpst. rr. BROTHERS '43, ITarr,v huford .... , Elbert outh­ Thl' following list, W€'1'1.' madt> from the ard '3!1, Alan tansbur,v '43, Eugene information uppliecl. Therf.' are un­ Gilbert Billings '43. Roscoe Bolton tansbury '3 ~ , Worth tephens '43, doubtedly omis '32. Dr.. T. R Ed­ L. UNCLES ward , .Jr. ., .John . Farrar, Jr. '43, GREAT GRANDFATHERS ('harll's Freeman '42, John Frf.'eman .J. R. .\lford '29, Emest .lnder~on D1· . .Tame· Herring Lane (1 -!1), and ':3-.. , Thoma' Frel'nHlll '41, D. L. Friday, '16, . \bner Baker , Dr. C". G. Baker Dr. F. II. hey '60. .Jr. '42, W. C. Friday '3 , E. W . (heene 'Oi, Gl'orge Black '36. D1·. Isaac BooP ':31. R. E. Ilardaway, Jr. ':39. Y. II. '2.;, Richmond Boone '21. Robert GRANDFATHERS Hanell, Jr. '41, Harold L. Hawkins Boone '2!1, )I. G. Bo.~ette 22, R. A. .J ohn Bivens ' 3, William Brunt '62. '42, apt. J. )I. Jia,ves . .Jr. '40, Clyde Bradll','l' , Dr. John Brigg;:; .... , Bryan Dr. Josinh Crudup '90, J. J. Lane\ I, Ifa,ve· '35, Kyle llayl' '31, ,J. . H elm Booe '22. ,J. D. Canady '16, J. . Cana­ tephen )IclntYJ·e '93 I decea ed Oct. '32, ,Joseph Ilesier '42, R. ll. IT olllin dy '3;i, )Iurphy Canady ':35, Crawford 1 , 1925), J. L. :Memory ' 4, R. L. '3 7, Fred B. Ilolme· '42. Charle· E. Coble 1 , John Coppedge "i3, Commo­ )Ioore '92, J. B. Xewton · 4 (dec•ea·ed ,Johnson '31, Lt. 1\. )L ,J oii,Y '37, dore Hunter Creech, Paul Daniel '17, 12-16-16), F. L. Peacock '03, Dr. "\ . T. R W. King '3\ W. G. King '2;;, Robert Frank Deaton '29, C". L. Denton '25, R obertson ' .; , Dr. George\\atkin• ' 9. W. Lide '4:3, Lt. E. II. LilPs '41, .\ . )I. ..llhl'rt K. Dickens '32. II. C. Dockery '0!1, W. E. Docker,v '01, Dr. J. FATHERS ~k~Iillan '3 , J. .J. ~k~Iillan '43, Claude )fc·Xf.' ill, Jr. '40, W .•J. )Im·tin Ezell '3 . G. H. FPrguson '15, Willis ,J. LeHo~· .\llen '15. Capt. Fleetwood '0 . W. E. Futrell '11, Black 'J . Dr. John Grad,v Booe '16, .\. . Gay . , B. . Gay '07. H. C. William ,', Boone '22. T. f'. Britt '1!1. "''M GOING TO DUKE" Ga,v _ . Dr. J .•\. Gill '30, Dr. J . B. L. G. Bullard '12. W. C. B,vrd '21, Haml'r '34, Lt. T. X. Ilamer '36, Dr. ,J. G. Carroll '0 . Cola CaMello '11. Xew of tbe pa ing of Mis \\.• \. Ilamer ::llinn.ie K. Dunn, oi Enfi<'ld, wa '2 . Dr. H. B. Hardawav Rev. Thomas X. C-ooper ':31, F. G. receiHd on tbe Wake Fore't campu '04. J. . Hardaway, Jr. '0.5, Lt. Coi. Collin .. , C. C. row '35, J. )I. Dal~­ with more than common concern. W. T. Ilardaw During tbe ix or eight ummer e - a.v 'L3, Paul Hart­ '16, ,J. L. Darden '1 '-, Dr. J. )I. Davis ion. that lt e attended here s be sell '22, ..1. T. Ilawkins '23, Judge '11. _\. L. Denton '16.. \ . C. Edwards bad made lot · of friends. hr lmd Johnson J. Ha:re;:; '09, .J. )I, llave '17 tnught in the pnbHc cbool~ of Jlall· .•T. B. Eure 'H. W. II. Fishl'r '1.;, i~'l: County for many years and was 0. L. Ilenry •is. Dr. T. 13. He~ry '13: ,J. .\.Fleetwood '19, laude T. IIall '13, Dr. Kitchin' teacher when be wa Paul Higltin '2. , Truett in tbe fir>t f?l'ade. High '3 . \. H. IIarrell '1:1, W. H. llartsell '13. A. few year ago, in pn ing .\. T. Ilipps 'H, J. B. Hipp '07, Re~. . G. llasty '03, Rev. J. )I. IIa,ve. '11, through Enfield, I dropped hy the G. L. Ilocut '2 , Rev. II. )I. Hocutt '32, public school building to peak to 0. L. Henr,v '15, T. B. ITenr.v '1:3, Xi~ l[ionie. chool "a in sr ion Ollie Holliday .. , harles H. Hoo~er Dr. J. R. He ter ... W. II. IIipp · '09, and I iound Iter in the fifUt gracle Jr. '37, Randolph Jeffries .., Rev. J. L. room. 1\1Jen be re ponded to my W. D. Hollida.v '10. Elbert X. Johnson knock on I be door and aw "bo I Jenkins '1 0, Elbert X. J ohn;:ou '10, '10, Dr. \\. :M. John~on '05, II. B. "a~. he turned to the cla~s and L. L. John on '1 , E. :;\', John on .... , said: "Boys and girl , ltere i• a J ones '1 0, Joseph II. Jones '1 I (de­ man from the fine st in titut ion on J. L .•Jone s '21, John R. Jones '09, c·ea.l'd )fay ,193 ), T. IT. King '9,, the ince of the eartlt." Gra,v King '9i, .\rthur Lide '04, Dr. On e little boy in Ut e rc>ar of the James Graham Lane '14. Mott Mc­ room poke up :mcl aiel: ":Ui T. '"· Long '32, tepht'n )[clntyre '9:3, Brayer .... , Robert .\. :Hcint;vre '20, Jiinnie. when J go to college, I am J ..\. }Ic:Millan '02, R. L. )Ic)Iillan going to Dltke!" H. II. )Ic)Iillan ·o. , Carl .\. :Mill ,- '24, )lios )Unnie: "Son, if you want '09, J.A>ro,Y )Im·tin '26, J obn . )!em­ Dr. J. 0. Xewell '01, Owen Odum '12, to go to a real colle.re. go to Wake ory '29, J. L. }Icmor,v, .Jr. '21, C .•\. Foreot." Xo re fl ection on Duke. R. )I. Oli~e '11, Dr. D. R. Perry '16, -J.L.JI. ~fills ... r. '24. E. . }Ioore '3:3, R ev. R L. Pittman '0:3. E. X. Riddle '22, ( Co11tinuecl 011 page t lCCIIty-tllree) October Issue WAKE FOREST COLLE_G_E_AL__ U_li_IN_I_N_E_W_s ______P_ a_:g:._e_S_Ix_t_ee_n


During the registration per·iod this Buies Creek; T. T. H amilton, Jr. Spring ; John G. Coley, Raleigh; fnll the students gn,·e the names of '23. Wilmington; J.P. JTarmon, :Mar­ T. D. Collins '10, Durham; W. B. people who influenced them to enroll ,on; Oeorge Tiill, Oakboro; E. .J. Cone '40, Char·lotte; T. N. Cooper '31. at Wake Forest. .\ questionnaire the.v JTold er '37; R. E. Howard '2 , Woods­ Calypso; C. C. Crow '33, Ellenboro; were given asks: "What people iniiu­ dale; P. W. Tiutchins ':3 1, :Morganton; W. R. Cullum '92, Wake Forest; .J. :M. erH'ed you to enroll at Wake Forest? Da,·id R. Johnson '36, t. Paul ; Dw1ean '06, Murfreesboro; GivP names, profe sions, and ad­ F. T ..Johnson '16, IIertford; .J. G. John Edwards '43, Louisburg; W ..\ . dresses." John on '1 ; :Minnie ,Johnston, New­ Elam ' 17, Shelby; IIugh A. Ellis, We pass along to ~·ou below, classi­ port; TI .•\ . Jones '08, Wnke Fore·t; Wil on; S. J. Ezell '3 , Gaffney, . C.; fied by professions, names and addresse H. B. Jone '10, Wake Fore t; Donald X. C. Foster, Lenksville; E1•e rett GilL of those listed. Of course, other name .Jordon ':3,, Laurinburg; B.S. Kendall, Wake Fore t; E. G. Godwin, Selma; would have occurred to the students if liallsboro; Thurman Kitchin '05, W. F. Green, IIenderson; Earl S. the)' lrar Roll" as this one. ..o:E'X; F. D. H emphill '35. Durham; Ralph .J. L. 'Ml•mor,v, Jr. '21, Wake Fore B. IToward '22. drews '24. Lexington; )[iss Doroth~· ,Jr. ·~ 1. 11iami. Fla.; Clyde :l[ozingo Buie's Creek; ~L . IIuske, Reid - ,\ycot·k, l{aleigh ; :Mis. ha Bnrde11. '41, Kenly; D. S. ~f cCormirk, Fayette­ ,·ille; ,J. L. Jones '21, Rose ITill; ~I. J. Raleigh; 0. T. Binkley '2 , Wake For­ ,.ille; .r. B. McDuffie '3 , Fayetteville; .Jone (deceased), Snlemburg; Troy est; II o,\'t Blackwell '2:>, :Mars Hill; )[rs. ,J. W'. Xeal, Louisbmg; II. P. .J one- '30, Red Springs; .\ . D. Kinnett E. T. Bo,vette '22. Wendell; \'. R. Naylor ·~:3, Roseboro: D. B. Pnrrish '2 1, Burlington; Cah•in Knight '43. Brantle\' '27, Raleigh; Thomns ] l. ':30, .\ she; R. :If. P eele '23, Harrisburg; Wake Forest; R. C. Knox, Columbia Briggs ''96, New York City; H. D. 1L B. Dry '96. Car,Y; Rev. Z. G. Fni1·er ity; Judson Lennon '43, Louis­ Brown, Clinton; Rupert Bryan '3 , R a>· '2,. ,\ sh; I •. Owc·n Ren, Wake l'ille, Ky.; liarold ~ki>Ianu s '·H, ~Ial­ Wilmington; W. R. Byrd '37, Bunn Forest; .John N. Reed, Xorth Brad­ c·ome ~I c :r air '37, Tarboro; Level; C. C. Carpenter '22, 'Winston­ doc•k, Pa.; Paul Syhs '27, Durham; R. F. Mar hburn, Salemburg; J. L. Salem; I. K. Carr, ~Iar IIill; )fitch­ nL L. Skaggs, Chapel Hill; Eunice Middleton '40, Chester, Pa.; W. G. ell Carr, Dallas; .\.nthon.v Cernugel, Shields, nfurphy; Joe Smith '43, Al­ :Moore '11, umter, S. C.; Eugene Olive High Point; Frank Clark ':l;i, Plcns­ lentown, Pa.; Grad~· A. outhrr '31; '10, Wake Fore t; C. L. Ousle,v '35. antl'ille, 'Y.. T.; W. S. Cla~·ton '39. Joe Talley '!2, Roanoke Rapids; iler Cit,v; C. E. Parker, Winston­ Burlington; Warren Coble '43, Oak­ H. H. Taylor '16, Greenville, S. C.; Salem; .\ . D. Parrish '36, Zebulon; boro; C. Wayne Collier '40, Linden; .M. Thompson, Burgn w; IT erhert V an11 B. B. Uarrish '30, .\ sir; G. L. Pearce . W. R. Cullom '92, Wake Forest; E. C. '1.3, Win ton-Salem; D. ('. Walker, Roanoke Rn pid -; E. D. Poe '09, Roan­ Cunningham, Zebulon; Wake Fore.!; C. II. Wh eath l~.v. Leaks­ oke, Va.; Ernest Eugene Po ton '43. .\.. C. Dicksm1, Boiling Springs; ,·ille; Y. R. White '43, Raeford; J. A. Wake Fore t; James Rawls, Baltimore, Wallv Dunham, Winston-, alem; .Jolm Woodward '2.5, Winston-Salem. 1ld.; Z. G. Ray '2 (decea.ed), .\ h: L Dupree '31, Kannapolis; C. B. .T. H . aunders, Greensboro; F. H. Earp '26, Wake Forest; B. G. Fleet­ MINISTERS Scofield '36, Wake Forest; E. C. hoe wood '35, Se>ern; William H. Flowe J. B .•\ lexander, Cary; G. X . .d h­ '2!l, Tn)•lorsville; .\. P. Stephens '20, '41, Concord; William Fost, Gaffne,v; ley '2,, Salemburg; C. E. Baker '31, Burlington; J. W. , uttle, helby; ,J W. Fosler '3 , Gaffney, . C.; Wilmington; M. L. Barnes '12, Gas­ W. V. Tarlton '2.3, Cliffside; N. C. ,J ohu Freeman '3 , Wake Forest; T. TI. tonia; l,vde E. Baucom '29, Concord; Teague, Lexington; Clyde Turne1· '99. Gillis '40, Virgilina, \a.; Forrest Gla."EWS

P. T. Worrell '30, 1 oung Yille; Y J. E. Pruette, .\ shland Ky. ; X orman Columbia, ... C.; Roy B. DaYi< '30, Yates ':30, Kannapoli ; ReeYes '2 , W'e terport, :Md.; Ray­ Philadelphia, Pa.; .Albert K. Dieken - mond Reeve '31, We. terport, ~ld.; 32, Castalia· Clyde Dowdy '43. Wake LAWYERS Willis Robert on, Damille, \a.; W. D. Fore~t; Dallas Drake, Biscoe; arl Carl Baile,Y '19, Plymouth; B. Roger '11, 'iVarrenton · W. ?IL cruggs Dull 39; E. B. Earn haw '06, Wake Booe '25. Win ton- alem; J. D. an­ '12, Charlotte· L. B. haw tate Yille; Fore t; 0. G. Edward - '42; Ben H. ad,v '16, 't. Pauls; Waldo Cheek '34, W . ...\.. ower 21, Lexington; IIerbert Elliott '3 . :liemphi., Tenn.; Bernard _\ heboro; L. P. Dixon '16, iler ity; \"ann '15, Win ton- alem; L. _\.. War­ Faulkner, Red Oak; J.D. Franks, o­ _\ , Dunn '0;:, (decea ed), cotland rick '20, Goldsboro; B. Weathers 15, lumbu, , Miss.; Charles Freeman '42, Xeck; . E. Edwards 17, Win ton- Roanoke Rapid ; E. White '24, Kan­ Gatlinburg, Tenn.; Thomas Freeman alem · W. II. Fisher '15, linton; napolis. '39, Wilmington; D. L. Friday '42, .\. W. Ghol-on, Render on; T . P. OTHERS Dallas; Elliott Galloway '42; Joe Gar­ Ghol on, Render on; J. J. Hayes '09, Lewi .Al exander 42, Kannapoli ; ner '43, Wi11ston- alem; Mr . G. W. Wilke boro; 0. L. Henry '15, Lum­ J. E .•lliderson 43, Wake Fore t; Coit Griffin, Ea t Bern tadt, Ky.; berton; W'. H. Hipp '09, . \. beville · .\ uten '43; J .•\..Bak er, Ro eboro ·Thad Ladd IIamrick '1 , Win ton- alem; W. M. Jolly '37, Loui burg; G. IT. Bank '42, Cary; Carlyle Batten '43, e)­ R. E. Hardaway '39, harlotte; Mrs. King '15, .\sheboro; Robert .A. :Mc­ rna · harlie Batten '3 i, :Micro· II. F. II. H. Harri , Wake Fore t; BUJ"nette Int,vre '20, Lumberton; Walter Pitt­ Beck, Lexington; . Black '1 'l, Fort Haney '43, Erwin, Te1m. · J. hl. man '34, Wil on; Jim Poole '23, mith­ Benning, Ga.· Ro coe Bolton '42, Badin; IIayes '1 7, Xew Ri,•er; Woodrow Hay­ field; li. J . Rhode '21, Burlington; J arne Bond '42, Kannapolis; Thoma wood '33, High Point· J. M. He ter E. X. Riddle '22, Jack on; T. L . .'mith E. Bower- '41, Walnut Ridg-e . .Ark.; '17, Wendell; La\\Tence IIighfill '43, '99, ...\. beboro: .John tevens '1 i , Wil­ B. W. Brown '41, Bailey; )fr,. Wade Loui ville. K~'.: • •. B. Hill, Ro eboro; mington. Bryant, Lenoir; Lynwood herry '43, D. D. Hocutt, HendC'rm; Last year' 1942 edition of the Nov. 25. South Carolina (pending) ('ola Castello '11, Wind -o r; ~fan· in Demon Deacon football team. which at Charlotte, N. C. ,'late '26. High Point; John W. clo-ed it. !'a on •econd highest in the Dennin<>', C'amp Tryon, Tt>rul.; .\. L. Co tly defensiH• mistake, b.• inex­ ,_out bern onference, is now almo .. t llt-nton '16, as tali a; L. R. Doffer­ pl'rienred playt>N enusell u. to lo,;(• the wholly in military senirl.'. m.vre '3,5. Dunn; J. A. FlC"etwood '19, fi rdgpeth '31, Lumbl'rton; J. B. (men rejected on account of physical in thE' Rose Bowl. rpfprred to our play­ Helms '26. )lorganton; J. R. lie ter, defect«). and 1 i-year-old frt>shmen. PI's a;; hl'ing "a' tough as ,ix keg;; of enrlell: Fred B. IIohne« '42, Winston­ "T From la t year' quad only two regu­ .pikl'. . " ' alem; William ,J arobs, Fort lar- remain, Bill tarfonl and Rns•ell .\ Xe\\· York Time· ;;ports columnist Bragg; Wingate )L Johnson '0;3, Win­ Perry; and i\YO substitutl's. Elmer Bar­ wrote recently: "If Duke ha;; a good ,ea­ ston- alem; Julius Jordan. Charles­ bour and Jeff Brogden. son tbi, ypar, Wnh Fore.t can claim ton, . C.; one. too." becan.,e ,i,, llll'll DO\\' in Blue Fred Ketn!'r '26, Concord ; Ernl'st Results of games played follow: De,-il uniform played for Wake For­ LPrn er, La.; C. 1". Lynn, J,cak ville; Wake Forest 20, Camp Davis 24. est Ia t year . • \fter being inducted in Doue;la )fcXnir '40; D . R. )fartin, Wake Forest 7, Uni. of Md. 13. military ;;en-ice, they were sent to Dnke Wake Forest 0, Uni. of Ga. 7. Carrollton, Ill.; F. L. Martin. 2.fullin , for training in the )farine detachment. Wake Forest 54, N. C. State 6. William J. 2.fartin , . C.; '35, 2\Iurray­ Wake Forest 21, V.M.I. 0. Thrr>e st artc>d the Duke game again t ,.i]le, Ill.; Ray hlorri '42, Concord; X n,·y- Pre ton, Copl('y, and acrinity. Games yet to be played are: E. L. )[os , Cliff ide; Kemp N'eal, Ra­ The otht>r,; are Ilnrr;> Clark, Fletcher leigh; Dr. J. 0. X ewell '01, Franklin­ Oct. 30. Clemson at Clemson, S. C. Wall. and J obnny Perry. Pat Pre-ton ton; . 0. X olan, Kannapolis; H.. )f. Nov. 6. N.C. Pre-flight at Chapel Hill. eems to be beaded for .\.11-.\.merican Oli,·e '11, Fayetteville; D. R. Perry '17, Nov. 20. Camp Lejeune at New Riv­ honor;:. IIe ha . parked Dnke' attack Durham; }f. A. Pittman '19, Wil on; er, N.C. so far. October Issue WAKE FOREST COLLEGE ALU)INI NEWS Page Eighteen


Li,ts are arranged hy yenr alumnus graduat~d. _r arne of .\lurunn li\ Student Jle1nllon Address alumnus and his addrr" is gi,·en together w1th student' 1908 name and relation. J . G. Carroll-Margaret Carroll, daughter-Wake Forest Willie Fleetwood- Joseph A. Fleetwood, nephew- Jackson II. H. ~lcMillan -Cam pb e ll McMillan, son-China \lunmu., Student lleln tion Addres 1 60 1909 Dr. F. H. Tvey- S. R. :\elms, great grandson-deceased H. C. Dockery- Ozmer L. Henry. Jr., nephew-Charlotte Wade Hamptou- Sarall Ann Inuman, cousin-Washington, D. C. 1 62 J . J . Hayes-William Hayes, ne phew-Wilkesboro William Brunt-Manly Y Brunt, grandson-deceased J . ,J Hayes-Robert H. Mc/l:eill, nephew- Wilkesboro J . J. Hares-Harold Hayes. nephew- Wilksboro 1 73 W. H. Hlpps-Bryan Hipps, sou-Asheville John Coppedge-John 0. :\ewell, grand-nephew-R al eigh J o hn R. Jones-Charles G. Young, grand-nephew- North Wilkes­ boro R. L. ;llcMillan- Campbell ~l ci\ lillan , nephew- Raleigh John w. Bivins-Margaret Carroll, granddaughter-deceased 1910 1 ! J. L. Memory-Campbell Mc>\lillan, grandson-Whiteville W, D. Ho lliday· ·Ma ry A. Holliday, daughter- Wake Forest J . B. Newton-James G. Pittman, grandson-deceased Rev. J. L . J e nkins-Robert S. Jones. ne phew- Boiling Springs Elbert Johnson-Elbert Neil Johnson, Jr., son-Fair Bluff ;; H B. J ones-Elizabeth Jones. daughter-Wake Forest Dr. A. T . Robertson-Charlotte Easley, granddaughter-deceased Eugene Olive-Clarence S. Olive, ne phew-Wake Forest Nancy Easley Paul Powell-B. A. Powell, cousin-deceased Ca~ · l H . Ragland-Arthur Lee Cash, nephew- Oxford 1887 R. L. Wall-Carroll C. Wall. Jr.. nephew- Durham J. J. Lane-Rebecca A. Lane. granddaughter-Raleigh 1911 1 9 Cola Costellow-William L. Costellow, son-Windsor Dr. George Watkins-Fred W. Isaacs, grandson-deceased Dr. J. l\1. Davis-James Davis. Jr., son-Wadesboro 1 90 W. E. Futrell-R. V. Nelson, Jr .. nephew- R. Jl! Olive-Clarence Olive, son-Fayetteville Josiah Crudup-!. T.P-slie Fowler, granddaughter-deceased D. B. Oliver-Street Jones. nephew -Pine Le1·e1 1912 1892 L. C. Bullard Lesli e G. Bullard, Jr., son-Raleigh Rev. R. S. Lennon-Leona Peterson, cousin-Wake Forest R . L ~loore-David ~~ Roberts, grandson-~ l ars Hill Owen Odum- Lois Odum, daughter-Coats 1893 Dr. C. L. Sherrill-Marianna Sherrill, daughter-deceased Stephen i\lclutyre-R. A. :l!c l ntyre, gl'andson-deceasea Dr. C. L. Sherrill-William McLain Sherrill, son-deceased Dr Stephen Mclntyre-R. A. Mcintyre. nephew- Lumberton Dr. G<>orge Walkins, Jr.-Fred W. Isaacs, nephew-Durham l\L E. 'Vins ton- Frances E. Wins ton , neice-Wilmington 1897 1913 Gray R. King-Charlotte ~!. Boone. niece-Xashville Claude T. Hall-John L. Hall, son- Roxboro I 9 W. H . Harrell-Dwight Hanell, sou-Winston-Salem T H King-Herbert T. King, son- Wake Forest W. H. Hartseli-Bruce V. Hartsell, son-deceased T. B. He nry- T. B. Henry, Jr.. son-Rockingham 1900 Dr. T B. Henry-Ozm er L. H e nry, Jr., nephew- Rockingham Rev. E. F. ~lumford-B. T Jolly, nel>hew-High Point 19H 1901 J . D. EUI·e-James B. Eure. son-Whiteville Dr. J. 0. Newell-John 0 . :\ewell, son Franklinton A T. Hipps-Bryan Hipps, nephew-Asheville Joseph R Taylor-William T Smith, nephew-i\lartinsville, Va. James G. Lane-Rebecca A. Lane, daughter- Raleigh 1902 191;; J "' )fc)lillan-Campbell. nephew Thomasville J. Le roy Allen Ler oy Allen, Jr.. son-Raleigh Gilbert Stephenson-Joseph A. Fleetwood, cousin-Wilmington. G. H . Ferguson-Charles 0. Whitley, nephew· Raleigh Delaware W. H. Fisher-Joseph F. Fisher, son-Clinton 1903 Lt. Col. W. T. Hardaway-John S. Hardaway, nephew- Camp S. G Hasty-Stephen G. Hasty, sou-Salisbury Attesburg, Ind. F L. Peacock-William Lee Whitley, grandson-Fr emont 0 . L. H e nry- Ozmer L. Henry, Jr., son-Lumberton R. L. Pittman-Jarues G. Pittman, sou-Fairmont 0 . L. H e nry- T. B. Henry, nephew- Lumberton Basil Watkins-Fred W. Isaacs, nephew-Durham 1904 Bahnson W eathers- Harry H. Weathers, son-;-Roauoke Rapids Dr. H B. H ardaway-JohnS. Hardaway, nephew Chatham , Va. Dr. Ed Williams- Betty Lou Williams, cousin-Monroe Arthur Lide-Betty Lide, neice-Wake Forest :-!Ina Lide 1916 190~ Earnest Anderson-B. A. Powell, nephew- Mullins. S. C. J S. Hardawa)-, Jr.-John S. Hardaway, nephew Bonita Springs, Dr. J Grady Booe-John G. Booe, Jr.. son-Winston-Salem Florida J D. Canady-F. B. Bryan, nephew--St. Pauls Dr \\' ;ll. Johnson-Livingston Johnson, son-Winston-Salem .T. Jl! Daly- Roswald Daly, son-Kinston A. L. Deuton- A. L. Denton. Jr.. son-Castalia 1906 Lee Parker-Charles C. Parker, nephew-Raleigh 'l'ernon Weathers- Harry H. Weathers, nephew- Ashland, Ky. Dr. D. R. Perry- D. Russell Perry, Jr., son-Durham Dr. D. R. Pe rry- Mack D. Perry, Jr., nephew-Durham 1907 Dr. Gra1·es Poole-Rebecca A. Lane, neice-Kinston Dr. C G. Baker-Herbert X. Baker, nephew-Eureka, Cal. Dr. R. H. Taylor- Richard B. Taylor. son-Greenville, S. C. W. E. Dockery-Ozmer L. Henry, Jr.. nephew-Rockingham Dr. R. H. Taylor- James A . Taylor, son-Greenville, S. C. B. S. Gay-\Vray Bradley, nephew- J ackson J . B. Whitley-Charles 0 . Whitley, son-Siler City J. B. llipps-Bryan Hipps, nephew-Asheville E. P Whitley-Charles 0 . Whitley, nephew- Grand Rapids, Mich. Page Nineteen Octoher Issue WAKE FOREST COLLEGE ALUI\INI NEWS

Alumnn Sfntl ent Uel atiou Addre Alumnus St udent Jl.c latiou Address 1917 1929 Dr. G. M. Billings- James W. Billings, son- 1\forganton J . R. Alford- Stephen D. Stallings, Jr., nephew-Zebulon Dr. J. S. Brewer- Paul B. While, cous in- Roseboro Robert S. Boone-Charlotte M. Boone, neice- Shelby Paul Daniel- Robert H. Shacke lford, ne phew-Raleigh Frank Deaton-James F. Denton, Jr., nephew-Long Isl and J. M. Hayes-William Hayes, nephew Winston-Salem John C. Memory-Campbell McMillan, nephew-Raleigh Rev. J . M. Hayes-Ha rold Hayes, son- Winston-Salem E . C. Shoe--Elma L. Shoe, daughter-Taylorsville Rev. J . M. Hayes-Robert H. McNeill, ne phew- Winston-Salem Joseph H . Jones-Robert S. Jones, son- d eceased 1930 C. C. Wall-Canoll C. Wall, Jr .. son-Lexington Roy B. Davis- H eidi Davis, Jr., brother- Philadelphla, Pa. R. G. Wallace-Walter Eli Porter, J1·., nephew-Carthage Dr. J. A. Gill-Guy McBride Smith, nephew- Elizabeth City, N.C. Rev. Guy Wa lker-Bruce G. E . Whitaker, cousin-Chesnee, S. C. I91S Ed. Williams-Rober t D. Walden, cousin-Mount Holly Capt. C. S. Black- Betty Jean Black, daughter- Fort Benning, Georgia 1931 Crawford Coble-Jack L. Coble, nephew- Oaksboro Rev. 'l'homas Cooper-Gordon Cherry, son-Calypso J. IJ. Darden- Thomas H. Darden, son- Ahoskie Kyle Hayes- William Hayes, brother-! . Wilkesboro T . T. Johnson-Elbert N. Johnson, Jr., nephew-Delway Cha rles E. Johnson- William H. Johnson, brother- Hertford E. C. Robinson-Paul B. White, cousin-Roseboro Dr. Raymond Reeves-Henry G. R eeves, Jr., ne phew- Western- Dr. R. G. Sowers-Wade P. Sowers, nephew-Camp Croft, S. C. port, 1\Jd. 1932 HH9 Dr. J. L. Cathe ll- Wade P. Sowers, cousin-Lexington T. C. llritt-Tilman C. Britt, Jr., son-Mt. Airy Clifton Davis-Heidi Davis, Jr., brother -Columbia, S. C. J. A. Fleetwood- Joseph A. Fleetwood, son-Conway Albert K . Dickens-Carl W. Dickens, nephew-Castalia J . T. Hutchins-Leslie G. Bullanl, Jr., cousin-Raleigh Lany P. Eagles- Guy K. Eagles, brother-Austra lia A. V. Nolan- Roy G. Burrus, Jr., nephew- Marshall William Green- Robert A. Green, cousin-Upper l\Jarion, Pa. Dr. J . C. Sowers- Wade P. Sowe r s, ne phew- deceased J. A. Helms-Jack L. Coble, bi·other- Raleigh 1920 Rev. H. M. Hocutt, neice- Biltmore Dr. T. W. Long- Guy McBride Smith, ne phew-Army L. C. Bridger-Edgar H. Bridger, cousin-Bladenboro Dr. T. L. Umphlett-Wallace W. Umphlett, Jr., cousin-Raleigh A. P. Stephens- John A. Stephens, son-Burlington 1933 1921 Daniel B. Bryan, Jr.-Elizabeth Bryan, s ister-Washington, D. C. Dr. W. C. Byrd- William C. Byrd, J1·. , son-Angier Murphy Canady-F. B. Bryan, nephew--Goldsboro J . L. Jones-Fred E. Bishop, nephew-Rose Hill C. C. Crow-John B. Crow, son-Texas J. L. M emory, Jr.-Campbell McMillan, nephew-Wake Forest E. C. Moore--David M. Roberts, nephew-Enka Cary Robertson-'Charlotte Easley, neice- Louisville, Ky. Zeno Wall, .Jr.- Woodrow Wall, brother -Asheville Nancy Easley Alton J . Ward-Harry P. Ward, bl'Other- Goldsboro Dr. W. A. Sowers-Wade P. Sowers, son-Lexington F . H . Wall-Carroll C. Wall, Jr., nephew·-Lexington 1934 Dr. William Watkins- Fred W. Isaacs, ne phew- Durham Dr. J . B. Hamer- William T . Hamer, ne phew-Cha rlotte J. Winston Pearce-Joseph W. Pearce, cousin-Durham 1922 Walter J. Pittman-Boward B. Jllartin, cousin-Wilson Bryan Booe-John Grady Booe, Jr., ne phew-Winston-Salem William S. Boone-Charlotte M. Boone, daughter-Castalia 1935 M. G. Boyette-Ernest W. Boyette, Jr., nephew-Carthage J. S. Canady-F. B. Bryan, nephew-Concord Paul Hartsell-Bruce V. Hartsell, nephew-Abbeville, S. C. G. H. Ferguson, Jr.-Cbarles 0. Whitley, cousin-Raleigh Robert A. Mclntyre-R. A. Mclnty1·e, son-Lumberton Clyde Hayes-William Hayes, brother-N. \Vilkesboro Dr. Glenn Poole-Rebecca A. Lane, ne ice-Winston-Sa lem William J. l\lartin-Clarence H . Martin, brother-Murrayville, E. N. Riddle-Eugene N. Riddle, Jr., son- Jaclcson Illinois Yates Wall- Woodrow Wall, brother-Charlotte 1923 Howard Williams- Betty Lou Williams, cousin-Monroe A. T. Hawkins-Guy McBride Smitl;, ne phew-Goldsboro Dr. M. F. Townsend-James L. Pate, nephew-Lumberton 1936 C. M. Wall, Jr.-Carroll C. Wall, Jr., nephew-Lexington Geo1·ge Black--Betty J ean Black, neice -Bessemer City J ames Brunt- Manly Y. Brunt, cousin-Winston-Salem 1924 T. C. Council, Jr.-Leslie G. Bullard, Jr., cousin-Raleigh C. A. Mills, Sr.-John Patterson Arrowood, nephew-Concord Lt. T. N. Hamer- William T. Hamer, nephew-U. S. Navy Carl A. Mills-Carl A. Mills, Jr., son-Concord Ernest Lupton- John N. Bridgman, Jr., cousin-Burlington Rev. A. D. Panish-Charles G. Parrish, nephew- Z ebulon 1925 Euphemia Platt-Elizaheth Bryan, sister-Collegeville, Pa. Dr. Isaac Booe-John Grady Booe, Jr., ne phew- King Dr. Leroy Reeves- H enry G. Reeves, Jr., cousin-Hope Mills, Dr. E. J. Cathell-Wade P. Sowers, cousin-Camp Jackson, S. C. N.C. C. L. D enton-A. L. Denton, Jr .. ne phew- ashville Dr. John N. Denning- William L. De nning, brother-Camp W. G. King-Herbert T. King, brother-Clinton Tyson, Tenn. Dr. R. G. Townsend-James L. Pate, nephew-St. Pauls R. H. Hoffiin- J. G. Hottlin, brother-England Charles H. Hoover-Charles H . Carpenter, ne phew-Lincolnton 1926 ,J. T . Hutchins, Jr.-Leslie G. Bullard, Jr., cousin-Raleigh Floyd Gray- Bryce B. Iley, cousin-Charlotte Lt. W. M. Jolly-B. T . Jolly, brother- Army Ingraham Hedgepeth-Ozmer L. Henry, Jr., cousin-Lumberton Dr. A. 1\'I. Mumford- B. T. Jolly, cousin-Army Leroy Martin-James H. Brendle, ne phew-Raleigh 1938 1927 Dr. S . .T. ill-'/.ell - Bruce G. E. Whitaker, ne phew-Birmingham, Richmond H. Boone-Charlotte 1\1. Boone, neice-Nashville Alabama S. L. Lamm-Alb e·rt S. Lamm, cousin-Cockren, Ga. William Foster- Bruce Whitaker, cousin-Gaffney, S. C. Grady Townsend- James L. Pate, nephew- Lumberton John Freeman-David F. Freeman, brother- Wake Forest Lt. B. G. Weathers-Lewis D. Pruett, nephew- Stanley William Clyde Friday-Grady L. Friday, Jr., Cousin-Nor- folk, Va. 1928 W . L. Friday- R. R. Friday, brolher-Unknow11 Dr. W. A. Hamer-William T. Hame r, nephew-Charlotte Truett High- Sam High, nephew- Boston, Mass. Carey Hedgpeth- Ozmer L . H e nry, Jr., cousin-Lumberton Durwood Jones-Robert L. Edwards, cousin-Raleigh Paul Higgins-A. David Harris, Jr., nephew- Winston-Salem Donald Jordan-Riley M. Jordan, cousin-Laurinburg Rev. G. L. Hocutt- Ruth Hocutt, neice-Charlotte A. Memory McMillan-Campbell Mcl\Iillan. brother-China Dr. Norman Reeves-Henry G. Reeves, nephew- W esternport, Erwin Ross-F. B. Bryan, cousin- Hope Mills Maryland (Oontinuea on 11age twenty-folw) October Issue WAKE FOREST CO LLEGE ALU~INI NEWS Page Twenty

BAILEY, BROUGHTON, HUMBER, AND McMILLAN RECEIVE NATION-WIDE RECOGNITION The pre s throughout the nited World Federation Author Salisbury bar he le ft for military erv­ tales in recent weeks has made compli­ ice. Dr. Robert L. llumber, wm·ld diplo­ ment AI',\' referenc·e to actions of at least ·willinm Edgar ~Jar shall, fo1· whom mat and Rhodes sc·holar of P aris, fOUl' W'ake Fore ters: T.;', en a tor the Wake F orest ~I e di ca l ociet.v is of ~orth France, is the author of a doc ument ,J. W. Bailey '93, Govemo1· ~far;ha ll , acting entitled "The Federation oft he " ' orld," named, and Roger P. Carolina Jo,;eph :Jfeh-i ll e Broughton hea d of the English Department of ' l 0, lJr. Robert Lee Humber '1 , and which bas been adopted by 26 state X. C. tate College, both Wake Foret Robert LeRoy :McMillan '09. legislatures. It is a plan for reconstruc­ tion of the \\'orld following the war, graduates, are sons of the deceased. This li >t is by no menu exhaustive, designed to maintain peace. X orth Car­ Our sincere sympathy to the e men and other names will be added from olina was the first tate to approve this and to their families. time to time. plnn, and at the present time it is be­ enator Bailey, ever a lute, level­ ing prepared a a bill in the United headed and forceful, ha introduced a States enate. PENICILLIN bill in the Congre s which provides that The election of R. L. :McMillan, of the list of able-bodied men of draft age, When Dr. J. J. Parker '35, of Eliza­ Raleigh as vice of the Na­ now in Federal employment, be <·are­ beth Oit,Y, recently administered the tional American Legion was an honor, fu ll,\- >t'l'utinized before pre-Pearl llnr­ new wonder drug, penicillin, to Grover the Charlotte Obser1•er ed itor say , hor fnther,; are drafted. "whi ch he em in ently deserved and one Hill of Elizabeth City, his treatment GoYcrnor Broughton is be ing promi­ which will be appreciated by his friend constituted probably "the first injection nently mentioned as a likely Democratic in North Carolina. of penicillin to be given a patient in nominee fo 1· the Vice Pres idency of ":\Ir. :J[c:\Iillan, a former comman­ ~ orth Carolina," John Peele '36, of the United tates. Tii addre s some der of th e Korth Carolina Legion , now Elizabeth City, wrote us. 111onths ago on tate R ight before the director of the Ci,;lian Defcn e Or­ .\ ssocintion of Governor of the United gan ization in thi Stale, ha long been States, and his intelligent effort to cor­ rated and recognized among his own LINEBERRY MADE HEAD OF rect discriminatory legislation regard­ peopl e a a s uperb lea der and a man NATIONAL COUNCIL ing freight rate in the South, have of great integrity. given him excellent opportunitie to G. E. Lineberry '97, veteran superin­ " lfe is u patriot of the first magni­ demon ·trate hi ability and qualitie tendent of The State School for the tude and if it should happen that his o£ leadership throughout the length an<] Blind and Deaf and for many years a time shall come to sc n ·e the .\merican brcnth of the land. member of Wake Forest's Board of Legion as its chieftain during the Post­ The Chadotle Obserl'er, eptcmber Trustees, ha been ac·corded the highest war period, that organization could 25, said in part, editorially: "Few gov­ honor that can be be towed by his col­ have found no more thorough-goinl(' ernors of X orth Carolina in a full gen­ league- in the United tate . At a meet­ and forth-right head for uch a critical eration have grown so rapid l,v in the ing last summer in Columbu , Ohio, time." estimntion of their own people and those he was made chairman of the National f1·om afar as the pre·cnt Chief :Magi ­ Council of State Superintendents and trate. PRITCHARD S. CARL TON Principals of Blind Schools in the ''(l oYcmor Broughton has been at­ WILLIAM FURNEY MARSHALL United tates. tPnding all the meetings of the Go,·­ . ernors Conference since he went into In the recent pas ing of Pritrhnrd the mnnsion in Raleigh and on each Carlton '99 of Salisbury and William MARTIN GOES TO MEREDITH oc•easion has come away with top hon­ Fume.v :Marshall ' 3 of Raleigh, Wake Fore t has lo t two of her most di tin­ of Marion, has been or.-.. Zeno Martin '26, '·II <' has spoken to hi s fe llow­ gui•hed and beloved sons. elected Bursar and Trea urer of Mere­ statc•smen in sane and profound fash­ Both of them made excellent records dith College to fill the vacancy created ion during thi period on the e\·cral in C'ollege and were equally a - snccess­ by the death of Fuller Broughton Ram­ ubjects a•signed him for discu. sion and fnl in later life, Pritchard in law and rick. uniformly kept his feet on the ground Mar shall in journalism. Zeno is one of five brother who holds as he faced the current questions and P. . Carlton, Jr., is a rerent gradu­ theWake Fore t diploma, the others be­ problems of gove rnment and the crisis ate of the Wake Forest Law School. ing Santford, Leroy, Albert, and in world affairs." hortly after being admitted to the Jo eph. Pae:-e Twenty-one October Issue WAKE FOREST COLLEGE ALV?.!Nl NEWS


Questions by Robert N. Simms '97; for the Christian college to say what But in order to tran late effecti,·ely Answers by Dr. Thurman Kitchin '05 the tate College can and cannot be. these benefits into life and Io give them There hould be no di po ition on the a wide di tribution organization is 1. What is Christian Education? part of the Christian college to di - nece ary. ..lccordingly, we have the hri tian Education i- Christianity parage the work of the tate in titu­ organization of the churche . X ow, ju·t operating in the field of enlighten­ tion or to ugge t that its influence may as the church is neces ary to the full ment through educational in titu­ not be morally and piritually xcel­ realization of the fruits of religion, tiono. Accordingly, it i committed lent. so the hri tian college is ueces ary to an uncomprom1 mg loyalty to The denomination, however, cannot to the welfare of the church. In titu­ truth o far a it i, known and to rely upon the tate College to furnish tions of higher learning are not inci­ an unrelenting earch for truth yet to an education with a sufficient moral dental in denominational life. They be di covered, all of thi in the name and piritual empha is. are in no en e ornamental appendage ; of hri t and for the ervice of man­ The hri tian religion ha one unique they are bone and sinew; and therefore kind. contribution to make to the education fundamental and ne<'essary in every C'lui tian Education is complete of thE' race, namely, the Chri tian great denominational enterpri e. cduration. hristian educational in­ Go pel, and it· application in per onal Hi tory how that every denomi­ _titution are no le - concerned than and re exi ·ted in thing and how will the denomina­ maintenance or existence of our de­ the day. of operniru . nnd later in tional school furnish it? nominational schools in North Caro­ the da_,·s of Gallileo, C'hnrrh-related We recognize that tate chools are lina? If not, why not? sc·hool whi<'h were . uffiei!'ntl.v ver;;ed e 'Pnfinl in a democrary and it is not Th<' bpnefits of religion are admitted . in the e entials of both cience and October Issue WAKE FOREST COLLEGE ALt:~INI NEWS P88e Twenty-two

religion, to ha\'e interpreted for their endowment that are ne<•e ary but '"e ,-ita! chapte1· in the de,·elopment of time the new Yiews and hnYc shown can easily get amounts from the de­ Wake Forest's magnificent four-~·ca r how they ,-iolated no real truth or reY­ nomination annually equal to the in­ standard medical college in Winston- elation. and if such institutions had t•ome from th<> million< we cannot get. alem, now being ably admini tered by been sufficiently free to giYc expt·e - \Ve rnu t have current income com­ Dr. Kitchin's protege, Dean Coy C. sion to thi interpretation, the unl1appy parable, but on a smaller 'cale. of Carpenter. dinsion might haYe been a\·erted; and course, to the taxes that upport the incidentally many a scientist might state chools. AIR PRESSURE han• 1><-Pn saYed to the church and the X ow the Ioftinet ('ollv!(P in Winston-• alvm, upon au erroneous Yiew of an entirely tutions to fulfill their mission the,\' likes to tell one about the time when he secondary matter, which Yiew it has mu>t be adequatE'l.v equipJ>!'d and had a com·,p in phy,ics under Profc,­ been fon·ed to abandon. properly power thc>e in titutions, and bow yaJuable nis hall cut half in two). Tie pre"ed of moral di>crimination in the intere t the training they gi,·e, it will he of no them to.~ether and started his little of righteousne>s. of justice, of unsel­ ..-alne unles< we attract tudent to our air pump whid1 ran throughout the fishnes;. and of a )oye thm would bless rampusPs to recei,-e these benefits. night. pumping the air out of the iron Hery inclindual in eYery race and na­ Hi tory, present-day problems and ball. The ne xt morning he said: "Xow. tion with that fullness of life which future hope· eloquently argue for the clas , you ee these two Ettie iron the Lord of Life came to impart. Chri tian chool. If we recapture the e and the ropes attached n our forefathers bad, and equip hemi pber Our Christian colleges were founded Yisio our chools in line with modern de­ to each side. Xow, nothing is ho lding for the purpose of helping to build and support them properl,v, these two hemi ·pheres together except ('hristiuu character in Xorth Caro­ mands, they will continue to benefit the youth the air pressure from the outside. I lina youth. ancl in so doing to help land and through them the en­ want you to elect two of your strong­ build a Christian world order. Cer­ of the tire world. est men to ('orne forward and take tainly there was ue\'er uch need a X ow, :lir. imms, I realize thet bet·ome education conscious. bad ah,-ays thought of the medical ( now principal of thl' Kannapolis IIigh .\ud our edu~ational institutions must ,;chool a hi< baby and bad nurtured it chool) let into the ball a Ettie air be -upported by currE'nt incomP from throughout the year<. X ow the big hot through a jet on it side. Profe"or Lake the denomination just as foreign mis­ were ready to gi..-e it the axe. then turned to the football linemen sion>. home mita,-e them and said: "C'ome on, men, you know other c.,sPntial phases of the entire off until the Bo\1-man Gray money be­ you can pull that little ball apart." Christian program. Endowments are came a\·ailable i a matter we'll leave The,\' picked up the ropes again and nece<•nry but not enough The income to future hi torians to narrate; but. the hemisph!'re came a part ! f1·om thpm is shrinking and unrelia­ ,uflke it to sn,Y, he got the job done-­ Professor Lake: ", omebod."' · been ble. We cannot get the million 10 the l'e<·ord of which will con titute a cheating on 1nc." Page Twenty-t hree October Issue WAKE FOREST COLLEGE ALUi\INI NEWS

SPIRITUAL GROWTH mabie young women, is llli s Laura Wall '23, 1<'. II. Wall '21, H. L. Wall (Oontinuea from ]JO{/e five) H el en P a <"hal, tea<"hE'r in thr Raleigh ' 10, R. G. Wallace '17, Basil }f. Wat­ Hig h S('hool, who last ea on, influ­ kins '15, lh. Georg<> Watkins, .Jr. ' 12, is an adequate and atisfying solution. enced more students to enroll at \Vakp Dr. William Watkins '21, B. G. Wc•ath• The problem is that of religious 7 l<'or es t than any single a lumnus (or f'I'S '27, \ ernon \Vl'ath<>rs '06, E. l'. g r owth and maturity iu a period of ahunna) of the Collrgr .•\ question Whitlc·y ' 16, J,rwis Wh itl<·y , M. E. rapid me11tal dev<'lopment. vVhat some that we a k the new studrn ts eac·h vrnr Winston '12. students are prone to describe as " l os­ is, "\\Tho inliurnced yon to rnroil af COU SINS ing" their religion i' actuall y a mat­ 1\'nkc Fore t1" The number from Ra­ trr of spiritual malnutrition.' Thr rC'­ ( 'arlyle Batten , ('harlrs Hattc·n oo., lrigh who listed l\Ii s Pascha 1 bobbed ligion is not lost; it is nndrmom­ \\roOI'OII' BattC'n 00 , Donald Brarlshrr np with pleasing regnla1·ity. Dr. Pas­ i h ed. '42. Dr. ,J. S. Brewer ' J 7, L. C'. J3rirlg-er ('hal and all ten of hi children arc The rra on for thi condition is not ':W. James Brunt ':36, Boyer Canady graduates of Wake Forest and haYe '-ll, purgeon 'anad,v hard to find, continued the speaker. Col­ '42, Dr. E ..J. nma. ('d a total of 17 degree from the <'athrll '25, Dr. J. L. CathC'Il ':3z, lt'g<' tudl'nt~, e. prcially tlu• diligl'nt

<"o llege. Lynwood C'heny '-!3, ,j 0 C'hl·istiHn one , experience r apid mental g1·owth n. lhn·i ng hi ·H years a a mcm br1· of ':39, l\Lans£ eld Christ ian '+0, Moriah and intellertual dcvelopmC'nt. When the Wak<:' Foret Coll rgc fac·nlt,v, 1 9G­ (' lnyton , \VHIT('II ('oblr '4:3, Siehl<'~ ' there is an accompanying piri t ua I I!J40, Dr. Paschal taught the Grerk ('oopcr .. 00 , T. C. C'onnC'il, .Jr. ':36, D,wid growth, the re ult i a well-r o undPd language to more stud0nt than any L. Friday '+2, G. Fridu~·, C'lll'i tian. \Vhen, however, there is 11ot L .Jr .. , ot hrr living man. Ilc is still going Hutherford R. Frida,r '4:3, William the accompanying piritual growth, the Rl rong and ha ome of t hP hP t ~7 E'lll's of <'lydr Friday '3 , J. FPrgnson ..Jr. re ult L ometimes tragic. H. hi. life ah€>ad of him. ';3.3. 1\'illiam Fo ter ':3X Uovd Grn,· " One doe not outgrow God; he may '26, William Green '32, H am1;_ and frequently does outgi·ow hi c·hild­ 'wad~ ton '09, Carey Iledgpeth '2S, Ingrahm hood conception of God." the peakf'r 1916 BASKETBALL VARSITY Hedgpeth '26, H em,\' llollinp;sworth rontinue ; hnn·h Ifill ,\ tlllctic Club 'I :2, .) oyrc Lewi , , Dr. Emmett Lup­ tions at 'Wake Fore t College ronduehr (Rit"hmond, Virginia), 62 to 19 and 71> ton ':36, C. ,\, l.lill~, Jr. '4:3, G. G. to piritual growth and a sm·Nl hi~ to !~:> ; Vir ginia :Mili tary Inst itute, +O il[organ, Jr. '41, Dr.• \. ilL illnmfonl li -teners that in C'haplain Eugrnr to 16; Ric·hmond H owit7.rrs, 7 1 to 22. ':li. If. G. :Mumford '4J, Harold L. Olh'e, in Dr . Binkley and Ea~ley of Th<' rlub lost to Roano]{(' ('oll('o-e ·M<"Manns '41 Beth PelT~ ' '43, 1>. L the D epartment of Religion, and in tllC' (Virginia ), 36 to 18; and to Yirgini'a H.eaYis '-H, Ned Thomas ·~:3. W. Xclson other member of the CollegE' facult,Y Polytec hnic In titute, 30 to 2 . Thomas, .Jr. '3!1, Pridmore Thomas '40, they will fi nd informNl and ~ympa­ Oilbcrt Stephenson '02, Canoll D. thetic counsellor. . From thPir stnrl.v ' tewart Le tcr tewart '4:l, and the ric·hne of their exprrit' nc·es 1943 HONOR ROLL '±1, .L .T. \Yinston P ea rce ':l±, llrnry Pittmnn the,v havr lrarned to an. wer witl1 Prtr1·: ( Contimtecl j1·om pa(fe fiflee11) '40, WnltC'r J. Pittman ';l4, .Paul Pow­ " Lorcl, to whom shall we go 1 Thon hast E. F. }fnn.ford '00, .\ . Y. ::i'olan '36, C'll '10, Dr. LeRoy H<'rl'<'' '36, R. B. thr worcJq of eternal life.'' Eugrnc Olil'e ' 10, ll. H. Oli,·c· I· '!Hl, T.c>C' Reeves .oo , E. C. Rohinson '18, ErYiu ParkPr ' JG , R <'l'. A. D. l'arri ~h ':36, Ro.s '3R, Dr. 'I'. L. Pmphlett '32, RcY. T. R. Prrry 0000 , Dr. Glrn P oo lr '22 COMPLETES W. F. Gu.v W alker ':30, ])r. Brlwanl Williams Dr. Ganc>s, P ool '1 G, II. ],, J'opr : 'l;i. ll ownrd \\7 illiams ':l5. COLLEGE HISTORY C'nrl Hagland '10, Dr. :Xorman Hc•pl'rs (Oo?llinuecl from ;wye si::r) '2,, Dr. H aymond R rr1·rs 31, D.,\ . hall playN who in 1919 rstablislwd n RoLrrtson ' J :; , L . R. , ham .. , nr. WINTER QUARTER BEGINS world r ecord in punting a football 110 ,J. C'. Oll'<' l's ' l!l, Dr. R. G. ,'owrr., ' IR. DECEMBER 29 yards again. t State College in R a leigh ) l.f. T. Spic·er .... , R obr rt Strphrns ·~n. For Information write : is located at Camp Gordon .Johnso n, .1 oqrph R. R a ~· lor '01, Grad,y T oii'IISPIHl WAKE FOREST COLLEGE Florida. '27, :M. F. Towl1Send '23, H.. G. Toll'n­ Among fhc four daughter s, all esti- send '25, :i\1: . :M. Turner '4 1, 0. l\1. Wake Forest, N. C. October Issue WAKE FOREST COLLEGE ALU~lNl NEWS Page Twenty-tour

300 ALUMNI Alwunus Student lw l atlon Address (Continued trom J>aUe lli·netecn) Charles Freeman- David F. Freeman, brother- Gatllnburg. Tenn. D. L. F1·iday, Jr.-R. R. F1·iday, brother-Unknown ,\ hunuus t udent Re lation Atldrcs David L. Friday- Grady L. Friday, Jr., cousin-Dallas Harold L. H awkins-Leo F. Hawkins, brolher- Louisvllle, Ky. lcugene Slansbury-Belly S. Stansbury, s ister-Cincinnati, Ohio Joseph McM. H ester- Robert F. Hester, brother-Wendell Bill Ward-Ha ,.,-y P. Ward, b1·other-Goldsboro Fred B. Holmes-Ralph B. Ho lmes, brother- Winston-Salem 19!19 Philip Hutchinson- John R. Green, cousin-Jilt. Gllead DeWitt Kornegay-Roswald Daly, cousin-Seven Springs J. D Christian-B. J . C hristian, cous in- Winston-Salem Hussell Kornegay-Roswald Daly, co usin- Se ven Springs 1Ie1 ·bert Denning-William L. Denning, brother- Wilmington J . T. Nichols- L. R. Nichols, brother- Winston-Salem R E. Hardaway, Jr.-John S. Ha rdaway, brother- Charlotte Carroll Stewart- Ke nneth P. Dixon, cousin- Edenton Dr. Cooper Howard-Henry G. Reeves, Jr., cousin- Army Ca rroll D. Stewart-Lester A. Stewart, brother- Pe nsacola, Fla. Donnie Jones-Franklin Batten, cousin-Selma Lester A. Stewa1·t-Kenneth P. Dixon , cousin-Edenton Joyner Lewis-David L. Chamblee, cousin- Fairmont Helen B. Owen-Elizabeth Bryan, sister- W ake Forest ]943 Elbert Southard-Floyd James Southard, brother-Wilmington Gilbert Billings-James W. Billings, brolher-1\lorganton Robert Stephens-John A. Stephens, nephew-San Francisco, Linwood ChetTy--{)ordon Cherry, cousin-Clinton California Warren Coble-Jack L. Coble, cousin-Oakboro :-/elson Thomas-Thomas D. Long, cousin-Oxford Thomas Da rden- J. L. Darden, Jr., brother-Ahoskie l9JO John S. Farrar -C. William Farrar, brother- Louisvllle, Ky . Rutherford Bowan F1·iday-Grady L. Friday, Jr., cousin- ~lansfield Christian-B. J. Christian, cousin- Wake Forest Capt. J. M. Hayes, Jr.-Harold Hayes, brother- New River R. W. King- He rbert T. King, brother- Army llenry Hollingsworth-Rouse McDonald, cousi n- South Pacific Robert W. Lide- Betly Lide, sister- Navy J. L. Jenkins, Jr.-Roberl S. Jones, c ousin- Australia Nina Lide Claude A. McNeill, Jr.-Robert H. M cNeill, brother- Winston- John J. McMillan-Campbell Mclllillan, brother-Navy Salem C. A. 1\Iills, J1·.- John P. Arrowood, cousin-Concord Henry Pittman-Howard B. Martin, cous in-Army J. S. Northington-Harvey S. Northington, Jr.. brolher- Ray Pittman-James G. Pittman, brother- Seattle, Wash. LaCross. Ya. Pridmo Thomas-Thomas D. Long, cousin- Roxboro Christine Odum-Lois Odum, sister-Coats 1941 Cllflon Parker-Charles C. Parker, brother- Woodland J\1. B. Pate, Jr.-James L. Pale, brother-Winston-Salem Boyce Canady-F. B. Bryan, cousin-St. Pauls Beth Perry-Mack D. Perry, cousin-Wake Forest John A. Easley, Jr -Charlotte Easley, brother-Wake Forest Errol Kemp Reese-Mark H. Reese, nephew- Elkin Nancy Easley Bl!l Robbins- James R. Robbins, brother- Army Thomas Freeman-David F. Freeman, brother-Wilmington Otis M. Sacrinly- :'•licholas Sacrinty, brother- Duke University v. II. Harrell. J1·.-Dwight Harrell, brother- Winston-Sal em Richard G. Saleeby-Aibert G. Saleeby, brother-Philadelphia, Lt. E. H. Liles. Jr.-Lloyd S. Liles, brother-Harvard Univ. Pennsylvania. Harold 1\IcManus-Ernest W. Glass, cousin-Louisville, Ky. H. F. Sherrill- Marianna Sherrill, brother-Wake Forest G. G. Morgan, Jr.-Wallace E. Parham, cous in-Asheville H. V. Sherrill- William McLain Sherrlll, brolher- U. S. Marines II. G. Mumford-B. T. Jolly, cousin-Hopewell, Va. Marianna Sherrill- William McLain Sherrill, sister- Wake M. M. Turner-William W. Tumer, nephew- Zebulon Forest 1912 Alan Stansbury- Betty Stansbury, sister-Wake Forest Worth Stephens-John A. Stephens, brother- Marines Roscoe Bolton-Meredith Bolton, brother- Badin Richard Taylor- James A. Taylor, brother--{)reenville, S. C. Donald Bradsher-Fred W. Isaacs, cous in- Winston-Sa lem Ned Thomas-Thomas D. Long, cousin- Roxboro R. L. Bridger, Jr.-Edgar H. Bridger, brother-Atlanta, Ga. Linney Ray White-Jack H. White, brother-Army Spurgeon Canady-F. B. Bryan, cousin- St. Pauls W. Dean Willis-Iris Willis, brother- Ridgecrest

ALUMNI WHO INFLUENCED fr e~s boro; ~\ . ,J. :McK e ll> in, Halcig h; M. T. Tanner 112, "Wake Fore. t; STU DENTS T. C. l\l cKnight 'li, Elkin; ,John ,J. Richard Tay lor '43, Greenville, S. C.; (Co1ltinuecl from f)age set1enteen) )[c:\lilhm '43, Kotre Dnme, Ind.; H. S. .Mrs. Harvey Vinson, Woodland; .\ mo' Northington '43, La Cros,c. Vn.; Wagner. Sparta; W . . \ . Walden, Kan­ Kanoy. Biscoe; R F. K rnrlall. H alls­ D e wc,v Xye '43, l\Iyrtlc B~ach , , . C.; napolis ; D. C. Walker, Wake Forest; hnro; ,\h. and :\Irs. JJ. ,J. Kirby, Oeorge Nyc, :Mullin , S. C.; C. C. Wall '43, Lexington; C. C. Ward Greensboro; Thurman Kit<• hin '05, 'Li, Ro<·ky Mo unt; E. C. Watson, Sr. W nke Forest; )[argaret Lewis, \\Ten­ :If. B. Pate, Jr. '4:J, Win ton-Salem; '43, Ingold; L. R. White '43; T. J.L dell; ~\fr s. C. E. L ougr, Durham ; II. V. Payne '39 ; Russell l'crry '43, Williams, Monroe; W . T. Will is, Ridgr­ W ake Forest; William R P oe '43; lk Rill )[a rsh a ll , Ri<·hmond, Yn.; c·rcst; G. E. W oodard '43. LcHoy ) f aJ·tin '26, Hnleigh; C. D. lfarold Poore, Pennington, I. J. ; .John :llnthc•ny '31, W ake F orest; B. L. 1 f. Heed, P e nn.; .d. B. R eeves 43, ( 'hnpel l [ill; , am L Rozinson '23, :\fanne.'' ';~, Xewton; Robert )[cans FELLOWS: '-l:l. Wake Forest; C .•\ . )[ills, r. ':H. Hiehmond, V a.; R. G. al ee by '43, Concord; E. C. :Moore ':l3, Enka; E. L. \\Tilsoll; Wilker Saunders, High town, Woke Forest College is inter­ :\fom·e, Franklinton; G. G. )forgan, X. J .; L. King Sherrill, Rutherford­ ested in you. Let us know about your joys and sorrows. War rec­ .Tr. '·!1, :lliami, Fla.; Xcil )[organ '4:l, ton; L. l\L Shields, :Murphy; Harold ords, marriages, births, promotions, W ake Fon•st; Chnrles )forris '43, Wake Sluder '43. Winston- nlem; J. :IL changes in address, etc., ore mat­ .Forrst; L. B. :Morton ' 43, ,J ncksonl'ille; Smith, Sr. '43, 1\' inston- alem; Elbert ters that we wont to record in our B. ) f osrs, Burlington; Bill )[('Bryer, Southard '39, Wilmington; Francis envelopes for each of you at the Rutherfordton; D. S. :McCormic, F a­ Southard, Will ton-Salem; Thelma college. yetteville; :IL W . 1IcGlahorn, :Mur- Southard, Charlotte; Page Twen ty-five October Issue W AKE F ORES'r COLLEGE ALU~INI NEWS ·--- WITH THE COLORS

Brig. Gen. I<' rnnk Armstrong '25, of Hob­ Lt. R ich anl "Roo ter " • good, 47 E. Lock L ane, Richmond, Va. H oyle '41 of Zehulon, 21111 Lt. Harold K. Hnil ~y '4. 1, of Bald ha s grndunt t> d from t h l' Cr eek, 0-798488, APO No. 12260, c o .N:nal Air Training ('en­ Postm aster, New York, N. Y. ter. t'orpus ('h risfi, l'1 t. lrn I •• Baker ':!6, of C hina Grove, Co. 1'exas, all(] has b een B, Reception Center, Ft. J ackson. S. C. ns ign e

('apt. J . I!Bmfllou ll) erl) •;Jt. of Sanford -' ur liBJ n · . ])r ake '42. of Rochester. X. Y., V. W. " Bill" Greene ' I G, of Canton. China, and Goldsboro. Thermal CitY. Calif. 3247 2311, Squadron C. 4 Preflight Tr. bas been reported as being lleld by the ( ( Franci• :U. Brer•. Jr. ' I :!. of Canton Squadron, S.A.A..C.C., San Antonio. Japanese in the Philippines as a prison­ 14137190, Sqdn. E. A.C.P.T T .S .. Seymour Texas. er of war. Johnson Field X. C. Zntl L t. h nac L. ])unla fl • . Jr. '39, of Little 1-il,rf. J oel W. Vrillin ':l;,. of Monroe. 110 Lt. \ lien L. llJrd. :If('. ':!~. or Erwin. Rock, S. C .. Asst. Supply Offi cer, 44th Chemical lmpr e~ma ting Co., Edgewood ll.T.C' Xo. 7. AAFTTC Station Hospital, General Hos pital. Ft. Sill, Okla. Arsenal, Md. ltlantit rity, X J . !,f. Jl erhcrt T. Dupr ee '3!1, or Angier, has Lt. EarlL. lla n >e ll. l'.SS.R. ~16 . or Thom­ ..,h eltnn Cunter ·~:1 . of Wilkesboro. has graduated from the Otllcers Training asville, Offi ce N"aval Procurement, 721- entered the Officers Sc hool. Xorth­ coursEs at Qu antico. Y a .. and has been 731 Healey Bldg., Atlanta. Ca. WE'Stern University. assigned to active duty. J o hn H. Hnrd llicke. Jr. '36. of Wake For­ ( lnrence ('aronan • . Jr. '4U. of Pantego, Lt. Ha lfJh Earnhardt '3!1, or Kannoplis, est. has been advanced in rank to first T. I.S.A .. Radio Shack X.A.S .. Breezy i9th FABX, 69th Dil'., Camp Shelby, lieutenant in the .A.rlUY :l!edical Admin­ Point, Xorfolk. Va. ~Iiss. istrati••e Corps at Fort Benning, Ga. II alter T. ('nq,enter. Jr. 'J;J. of Le noir I' • t . . Jo' e f' h G. Ed n a r d' '4:1. of Bunn. 53rd En,, G. 0 . Hor per '.!2, of Castalia, 227 !.:. S. Xa\'al Resen·e )Jidshipmen 's T.C Class 220. Keesler Field, ~li ss. )liramar Hotel, i\Uami, Fla. Sc·hool. Xotre Dame l'niversity 1' 1 t. Bernard Ei>enberg 'J:I. of Xew York L t. £ . T. Ha rrl•, Jr. '41, of Washington, is City, 4th Rec. Co., Camp lipton. L. I. receiving his commission as a second l'•t. ~ea•) .\. Carroll '40. of F a yetteville t, n,ign He nry .Fra nk Faucette. J r. •-t:l. or li eutenant in the Army rollo"ing grad­ 11 4H9l'i7J )Jed. DeL, 506ih Prcht. lnf. Ralei~. Jr. '41, of Shawboro, C.C R. i\f.R.T.C .. Camp Pickett, Va. Tenn. 5111 C.O.T.P.. Moreh ead City, X. C. l' t Lt. Robert Jl. Halllleld '21. of Mat­ Ell'•·hm '' ill inm Tbomn"' (' hurl e ... '42. of Cha rles A. 'F'rUllci> ~J • of Waynesville. is thews. Judge Advocate General's School. Ahoskie, has completed his course at the now on duty as a chaplain with armed _-\on Arbor, Mi ch. )lidshipmen's School at Xotre Dame. forces in Xorth Africa. ('apt. ,J. Dh in• H e lm• '26, of ~!organ ton. !'1 t. IIn de Jl. ('hi hi' '!:l, of Lincolnton En. ('harle' _\. t' r on eber ger ·~ s . or Gas­ )J.C .. Station Hospital. Fort Oglethorpe, inf. 2nd Bn Co. D. 3rd Platoon. Camp tonia. X. C. State College. Raleigh Ca. Wheeler. Ga. Lt. J . 0 . Fulen whler. Jr. )f.('. ':H. of Mon­ Cn Jll. Chester J o,eph llel•abeek '3 • of \\alter ('. ('lark '42. of Baltimore, >\!d ., roe, Station Hos pital, Fort Benning, Ga . Walnut Cove. was photographed in the Xa•·al Training Station, C'o. 60, Great I'll. Cecil ,\. Fuqu ay '4:1. of Coats, 60th :\lay 1943 issue of CorU!Iry Gentleman Lakes. Ill. Killed in action. Training Group. Flight B. Class 102, for having " leti a de tachment of Hard­ ht Lt. Jame• II. Clontz ';\.,, of Sa lisbury, Keesler Field. ~Us s. hitting T\\in-tailed Billy ~litcheli bomb­ 135 A_.\,A Bn .. Camp Edwards. ;\lass. <"fl l. Robert ' . Go ll imor~ '-t:l. of Lexington, ers'' into action even before his squad­ Jlodl?e ('olliu• ';\.-,, of :\ashville. has been :lied. Detachment. Extension Pharmacy, dron commander had arrived. reported as "missing in action'' since Chanute Field, Ill. Prt_ J o lm M. lle nd ~ r ,o n '24. of Hender­ Sept. 2, 1943. \ . , T. Garne r. III '33, of AsheYille, Sp. (~!l son\'ille, Btry. D, 5th Bn., Fort Eustis, l'1t.. John .J . ('onle) 'J:I. W. Hartford, US:\'R, 3528 Texas Ave., S.E., Washing­ Va. Conn., 1111124 9, G. S. Army Co. A. 31st ton. 20. D. C. ('has. Hlgll • mitlt, Jr. 'JO, of Dunn. Carlyle Bu., C.S.CR.T.C., Camp Crowder ~lo . C'JI I. Henry "Ha nk'' Garrity, Jr. '43. Tren­ Barracks. Pa. ('hnpluin \ihert ,\. ~ - Corpenin l!' '2:\, of ton, X. J .. son of former Demon Deacon .J. A. H oti ge~ ~lJ . of Boone. is located at Chester. Pa.. U. S. Army Office, Chief of Coach "Hank" Garrity. whose teams Chincoteague, Va. Chaplain. War Dept .. Was hington. D. C. beat Carolina four years in a row. writes f'l·t. J o hn )f. Ho lden 'II, of Wake Forest. Sqd. El. Training Troup 54 , Keesler ('hUJllain lloh~rt L. co,( ncr ·an. of Greens- from Fort Jackson, S. C : "When I was boro. AnnY Air Base, Dalhart. Texas. taking my physical a first lieutenant, Field, Miss. upon reading my record. asked where I Lt. E. J. H o lder '3i. of Merry Hill. 410 nr. f' r~!l T. Cra•en ':16. of Raleigh. 60th Bomb. Sqdn .. Green,-ille Army Air Base. :lied. Reg Co. C. Camp Forrest. Camp went to college. When I told him 'Wake Forest: his race beamed all O\'er and he Creemille, S. C. Forrest Tenn. Lt. William \\'. H o ldJn" . Jr. '41. or Wake ('apt. )laurie B. Cree of Concord. said. 'Wh)' I graduated from Wake For­ ·z,. est two years ago.' I didn't have time to Forest, has graduated from the Flying n-364541. l'ilst Station Hosp ., APO 929, School at Brooksfleld, Texas. c ·o Postmaster. San Francisco, Calif lind out who he was. One of my fondest hopes is to return to \Vake Forest after P> t. Wn!Jnm ]). Ho llomo n, Jr. '4:1, of Hul?h )f. Currin of '!S, Oxford. Torpedo the war and graduate." Woodland; 60th Trainin!l' Group, 102 School, l'.. X.. Xewport, R. I " alter Ger.Jr. ])auiel '!l~ . of Oxford. :II.C tending an Engineer Supply School at 1Iajor Jlo!Jert llick;. H o lme' '38, or Lum­ Station Hospital. Camp Stewart. Ca. Camp Swift, Texas berton. 32nd ~ledical Brigade. Carlyle En•. 'f. I. 1la•i• 'JO, of Beaufort, l- S.X.R., 1.1 . Horace ('. GiiJ'on •:1:1 . of Charlotte. Barracks, Pa. Charleston. S. C. Walter Reed General Hos pital. Wash­ ('apt. :U. Drom1 1Iolo mon '28, of Weldon. Pic. " 'm. P. DnYis '4:J, o[ Warrenton. ington. D. C. :ILC., Lawson General Hospital. Atlanta, 416th T S.S., Box 76tl. Gulfport Field, llnl,ert ,\. Go ltl berg '42, of Wilmington, Ga. :lliss. was recently appointed a Xaval Avia­ 'rhoma' .\. H oot! '40, of Turkey, has been I'• t. \. J. nicke"'on 'H. of :lion roe. C'o D. tion Cadet and was transferred to the awarded his wings and commission as 66 Tn Bn. 14 Regt.. Camp Fannin, Tex Xa val .-\ir Training Center at Pensacola. second lieutenant In the Arm)' Air C'tJI. \rtlmr ('. ])jxon 'JII, of Greetisboro. Fla .. for ft igbt training. One of his in­ Forces follo"ing graduation from Sel­ ;\led Det. 593-E.B.T S.R, Ford Ord, structors at Pensacola is Ralph Brumet man Field, lllonroe, La., where he Calif. with whom Bobby teamed at Wake For­ trained as a navigator. p, t • • Jnck I•• ))on nell '43. of Climax. T G est to \\-in many an intercollegiate de­ En>. T ho ma< J:'. Jlornn '41. or Bronx, X. Y.. 611 Sqdr. 4 5 P. Tent Area, St. Peters­ bate. ZP 51. APO 57. c 'o P 111. . Xew York burg. Fla U . Jolm W. Go re '2S. or Rockingham. City. 1'• t. Spurt?eon )f. norton ' 13. of Stanlleld. Army Adm. Scbl Xo. 7, Atlanta tTniv .. Peter Horcltnk '42. of Johnstown. Pa .. Co. A Rec. Ctr .• Fort Jackson. S. C Atlanta, Ca Har\'ard School of Business Administra­ I'll. Yictor S. nontl '43, or Apex. A.S.X Ll. Ed word H. Gr en , ou '40. of Wake For­ tion. Xa\'al Supply School, Chase Hall . 34678430, Sen•. Btry .. 402nd F.A Bn., est, U.S.M.C., U.S.S. Xew Jersey, c o D-41 . Soldiers Field, Boston, Mass. APO 411, Camp Gruber, Okla. Fleet Postmaster, Xew York, K Y. He lf. E. Jlorton '2~ . of Hilton Village, Va .. ('apt. J. Leonard ])n" dt• ·~ 1 . of Raleigh. was married during the early summer ')(o >\I i\1 1 'c. l'. S. :-laval Air Station, is stationed at Camp Hood. Texas. to Mi ss J ean Riddick. of Philadelphia. Pensacola. Fla. l'ic. Wilhur S. Do) le 'J3. of Reids,.ilie. Pa. l'ic. Uohe rt :U. Ho\\ard- :Hi764i9 '40, of 33535619, Base Weather Station, Cod­ Lt. Clyde C. Gt·eene, J r. '3i , of Wadesboro, Gastonia, A.A.S. Co. A, Class 13. William man Field, Fort Knox. Ky Hammond Gen. Hospital. Modesto, Calif. Henry Hotel 202, \Vasl1., Pa. Page Tw~nty-seven October I ssue WAKE FOREST COLLEGE ALUMNI XEWS

J,t. Wm. S. Hnmphril' · '3b. of Ro xboro. i ~ son a nnounce tbe birth of twin daugh­ n. ,\. JTC'llr'ayrt· 'II, of Sanatori um. Hq loeated a t Camp Davis, :"\. C. tet·s, Ca rol Ann a nd Cami ll e Sue, at Rex S.O.S. i\led. Sect. APO 871. c o P .;\1., :-.:e w Flight Oi'fic<> r Francis Lee Hunt ·~u , of Hos pita l on A ugust 20. York C ity. Teach e ~·. has been a ss igned to a ctive Lt. Edmoutlll. Liles, .Jr. '11, of Middlesex, lsi Lt. Ar !'hiba ltl Alexander ,\J<·Jrillan ' 41. duty. 1s t Cas. Co .. Hq. Bn .. T.C., Camp Le­ of Ra le ig h, is sta tion ed w ith a combat }:ns. llnrry J,. Hutch eson '10, of Worth­ je une. New Rive r, N. C. unit of the F l eet Marl ne F or ce in t he vi lle, USS Regu l us, c ·o F leet Postoffice, {'nJII. Virg il Lind ~Y '!1, of Was hington, So uth Pacifi c. San Francisco, Calif. has r et u rned fr om the P acifi c War Zone Ar c hibnltl ) l l'mory ~I !•J lillnu ':IS, of So o­ Alden .1f. ,Jack son '2i, of St. Vinton, Vir­ where be was a warded a nd decot·ated. chow. China. is ser v ing in C hina with ginia, has graduated from Recruit H e is a me mber of the fa mous 19 th a n a mbula n ce un it of International Tmining as honor man of his c ompany Bomber Group which r ece ntly h as been China Re lief at the l'. S. :'1/aval Tra ining S tation. te rmed "Ame rica's most honored fight­ En, ign J o lm John>on ) l c)l il lan 'J:l, of Great Lakes , Ill. ing unit.'' He is now serving as a fl y­ Whiteville. U.S. :-.lavy. San Diego, Calif }' ir't Lt •.Jnm es E. J e nning, '4:?. of R a­ ing fortress instructor a t Pyote Army nohPrt LI'HO} ;\frJrillan. ,Jr. 'J:l. of Ra­ Haleigh, is r(' ported by the Wa r De­ Air Base, Texas. lei gh, is now assigned to the Marine partment as " missing in action" in the 1'1 1. Jut) L. Lin A" Ic '4!l, of ;\lon roe. 2nd Bn ., Detachment at Duke l.Jniversity :Xorth African area since July 26 Co. D, Ca mp Wheeler , Ga. ('apt. Georg<' H. :ue:S eil '2!1, of Morehead J):n id H• • Jo hn,on ':J6. of St. Pauls, has Lt. Cl f'o rgP ~ · . Lumpk in '4U, of Raleigh . City 1210 F l oral St.. XW., Washington. been commissioned a second li eutenant V?IISB 141 l\I.A.G. 11 1st Marin e Air­ D. C in the Army Air Forces following c t·a ft Wing, c o Fleet Postoffice. San Lt. \\'. L. :Sant·e '41, of Asheboro. Box 335, 14radua tion f1·om a mete orology course Fra ncisco. Brooks F iel d. Texas. of the AAFTTC at :'-l ew York Univers ity J,t. Huftts Jlars hlmrtt '40, or Rocky Moun t, h.t Lt. A (' t'. B. Neal '10, of Roanoke lOth Tactica l R c n. Squa dron. Abilene Hapids, Franri' .June' ·~z . of As he ville, has been 0566298, D.A.A.F.. Douglas, Ariz. .\ rmy Air Base, Abile n e. Texas. in .\'orth Africa since last Novembe r 1' 1 t. Unlwrl •r. :S1•11 somt' '4:1, of Ahoskie, 1'1 1•• Juliu ~ E. ;\[nrtin ':12, of La lli more. Jlnnt•y "f•. Junt •>, ,Jr. '4:1 , of \Va k e Forest, 301-lth O.B. A.;\1. Co .. !39th O.B.A M. Bn .. Ait· Force. 415 Tra ining Crou p. F ligh t Atlanta Ordnance Depot, At lanta. Ga. has bee n eommissioned a s econd li eu­ E, A. :-.I .F. T.T.C. ll.T.C. :'1/ o. 4, Mi ami tena nt in the Ma rine Corps foll owing E ll b .1. ;'\ot•man '42, of Maiden, Army anrl Beach. Fla :"\avy Gene ra l H ospital t i\ledical Techni­ !'Omple tion of the o ffi cers tra ining J. it• ut. (' om. W. ('. "flll· fin ':? li. o f Li berty. c·onrse at Quantico, Ya. H e will n ow be­ cians School!, Ilot Springs, Ark :"\ C. :'ol a ,•al Air Surgeon. P ensacola. F l a. JA . Com. Frank T. ;\or-rio, •;j(i, of Wake gin a two-months a dvanced course at .lfnjor \1 h<'e lt'r Jfnrt itt, ,Jr. ':ls, of Wi lliams­ Quantico hefot·e being assigned to ac·t ive Forest. Xa''Y doctor. wounded on Guad­ duty ton . at a n impressive <·eremony at a a l canal. has been a warded the Purple Sixth Air F or ce base in the Caribbean Hean medal. fn1•t. flfi, H • • lone ;. '31 , of Wa ke F or est. a t ·ea. r ecentlY was a w arded the Air Hnlw 'nrri' '34, of Wake Forest. has been :lhlh !!;me Ha sp. APO 464. c· o Postmas­ il!eda I fo r me;· itorious achie1•ement He ter. ;-.;ew York, K Y. promoted to the rank of first lieutenant. is comma nder of a squaarcPII is in military service 1\lich .. a nd h as in ;-.;onh Africa. Gu been stationed at F o rt ?ll onroe. Ol d J.l. ,J:wtt•, W. Kc ll) '4fl, of Coats, 395th l'oint. V a. 1' 11. ('harll'' F o rl1rs l' ark!'l' 'J!l, of Enlield, 34669919. Sqd. 486, Bomb Group, 588th Sqdn. A.A B .. l'ilol 1 ' honw~ Jlem ory ':? 1. of Whiteville, Flight Training l~phrata, Was11. Hq. 319th Bomb. GP. APO. <' o Post­ Gr oup 61:!. Tent City, St Petersburg, Fla J,uui' 1'. Kt•rmon '41, of Wi lmington. has mas ter . Ne w Yo rk. ;-.; , Y been promoted from ensign to li euten­ I (' Hornet' W. )filler, .Jr. ' 1:1. ot As h e ville, Lt. t: muJ,on B. Parkl'r '!ll, of Goldsboro. ant tjg) in the ;-.;avy. He is attached to Sqd. G-11, Class H C. A A.F I' F S. Army Signal Corps. Arlin~ton. \'a. He the amphibious force in the Pacific war ( pilotl . Maxwell Field. Al a is one of three brothers in military theat"r ll:tniel n. ;mu, '4:?, ot Cha rlot te. is an service. lapt. Frank ;u. Killian ':!i, of Franklin. avia tion cadet at Sa n Antonio. Texas. .fohn }'. J>arker •:u;. or Goldsboro. l'.S.S Lib 1·a. c o !o'leet ~ t ation Hospital, Greenville Air Base. (' jtl •.J. E. Jlitc he ll '11 :?. of Hassett. \'a .. Postoflk<•, San Fran­ Green ville. S. C. lO Sth Ord. Co. ti\1.1\I.J APO 50~ e o cisco, Calif "n.inr JtoJ K Kin ~ ey ':12, or Coinjock a nd Postmaste r, Sa n F.-ancisco. Calif \1 . <>.l'afker l'S' U, " '"· '2,;. of Kings Peekskill. K Y. M.C .. Sta tion Hos pita l. l'fc. Wnltl'r ('. JTtHJ nt•, .h·. '4 !1, of li;n fi e ld, Mountain, Palace Apartment, 408 Long f'amp Dlauding. Fla. C'o. H. 1st Pla toon (S.?IJ.O .T.). Fitzsim­ Beach. 2, Cali f. ons P1 t. Ua irfl L. J>asdtu l '1!1. or Silet• City, ( II!Jt. W. W. Kitchin 'lib, of Wake J<,or e ~l G<' n er a l Hos pita l. Den ver , Colo. W. llonnhl Jioot'<' '41 . of Cary, U S. :-laval A.A.R.T.C., Bt ry. A, :lrd Btn. T 40H, ,\1.( ' 0-414244 . 50hh Pn·ht. Inf. 82nd Fort Eustis. \'a \ 'B Div. A. P .O. 469, c o Postmas­ V-12 (SI unit. J\Iedi ea l College or \'i r ­ ginia. Richmond )fnjor .l!'. t t', KY. C. , \'a !len. W. J>a,chal, ':?!1. of Wake \ t' llrtt<'(' :11. "!or g an '42, Shelby, 51st Forest and Philadelphia, is c·hief sur Lt. ,Jnml'~ \\'!',11') J\ni ~ ht ':!!), of Maxton. AAFFTO, Sqdn. H2. Tuscaloosa, Al a geon at the 38th Genet·al llo~pilal at :!50tb 1-ldqtrs. & Air Base Sqd., A PO J,t . . E. ) lur Cairo, Egypt :Xo. 838 L.A. 2, ;-.;ew Orleans , La. J. gan •:11 , of Durha m, Greenway .\pl. 204, 3411 A Street S. El .. WasiL. 1'1t. Uujt!'l't (;. l'alt• '11, of Goldsboro. Hq. .liJ ron Kol'Jl(>r '4:!, of Scranton, Pa .. Build­ D. C. Co. S0 1st S T.H .. Camp ~lurphy. Fla . ·ing 29-C, H a llor an Gen. Hosp .. Staten '''il R. ) forgan '-l!l, of Wa ke Fot·pst is at P1t. Hinton 11. l'n11 e r s nn ':!11, of Broadway, Isl and. N. Y . the University of South Car o lina in t he Co. "D." 54th ;\led. Tng. lin. 2nd Platoon. Jlu.,.,t•ll Wingate Knrnt'gay '4:1, of Golds­ :-.: a val Ail· Cadet progr a m Camp Barkely, Texas. boro. Repot·ted in the Army (' IIIJI. Ue1o. . P. )Tnlligau. (' \t' ':?:1. of Wasp­ ('a Jt l. U. ll. l' nfl<'r, on '2i. of Liberty i\Jeuman L:n alit' Lt·l in.,m •.Jr . City, lT.S.X T . S. Co. 946 . Great La k es, A.P.O 650. c o P ostmaster , :'\. Y. C. 'IH. or ~1 nn h atta n Beach. :'\. Y., a nd He n- Ill. 0-17 51!13. October Issue WAKE FOREST COLLEGE ALUMNI NEWS P age Twenty-eight

Ensign Ray Pittman '40, of Fair mont, is E n sign Leon D. Smith '!!!3, of Kelly. Armed Capt•. John Thomas Tyler '39, Ma r ion, of with the Coast Guard in the :-I. Geo. W. Yeitch '42, New Kens ington. Portsmouth, \'a. T ex as. Pa., 409tb Base H q. & A.B. Sqd ., Army Air Base, Clo'l'is, New 1\lexico. J,t, (j.!{.) W. :U. Poteat '40, of Wa ke For est , Cnpt. Gt.\or ge R. S tump'-~ '2i. of Louis burg E nsig n Wm . )I. Walker '41, o! Wilmin gton. C• o the Fleet Postoffice, Xew York City. and Pleasantville, :-< . J . Jll.C., 92nd Sta ­ U.S.S. L.C.l. !Ll No. 76, Atlantic F l eet. Lt. r.ill)('rt :U. Potter of tion Hospital. A.P.O. 611 , c ·o Pos tmas­ '38, Beaufor t, is Postmaster. Xew York, N. Y. with the U. S. Ar my in Engla nd. te r. X. Y. C. oseph Jlurgess L t. ..1. ••J. We aver '31, of Mebane. M.C .. f nJII. Wm. H. I'oneU. ,Jr. ~!;; , of Faye tte­ .I Ste (>h cn •on '!l9, of Se a­ board, bas been promoted to the rank U. S. Xaval Dispensary, Wash in gton, ville. ~I.C., U.S.A., Station Hospital, Fo rt D. C. Sherman, Canal Zon e. of captain in the Army Air Forces at Wlllia 1~t H. ·webb '4!1, or Tarboro, bas been P,-t. Jlol\ land Pruette '4:!. of Wa d esboro. Greenville. Miss.. where he is an in­ structor. appomted to West Poi nt Military Acad­ Co. C, 40th Bu., Camp Cr of t, S. C Charles \\', Ste \ eu s, Jr. '!l8, of Beaufort, emy. 1' 1' ~ . ,Jam es ]{. QuiseniJerr) '43, of W ake has been awarded his wings and com­ {'apt. )lorton H. Weins te in '3!, of Fair­ F01·est. U.S.M.C .. Co. C. Signal Bn ., Camp mission as second lieutenant in the mont, is with the Army M edical Corps Lejeune. ~ew R iver, :'\. C. Army Air Forces fo llowing his gradua­ in Xorth Africa. l' •t. Dtllid L. Ue n• is '42, of Winston­ tion from the twin-motor school at Lt. {'has . R. We lftlre '!18. o! W ins to n­ Salem. 34890024, Reception Center , Fort George Field, La\Vl·enceville, Ill. Salem .. M.C., U.S. :-<.R., Navy 21 6, c 'o Jackson, S. C Lt. H e nry B. Stok es ~J G. of Wins ton­ Atlanttc Fleet P.O., New York City. ('npl. ,Jesse }', Uhodes '2 1, of H ickory, Salem, 551 Bomb Squadron A.A. B., Great A {' James I. Wentz '4:3. of Da nville, Ya .. Sc C. Al'S Army ;\(edical School, Wash., Falls, Montana. S9dn. G-8, A.A.F.P.F .S. (Pilot), Ma xwell D. C Capt. J, W. Straug han, ] [,('. '21, of War­ F1eld, Ala. t'nJII. l'. l'. Hideout '40, of Warrenton, is saw, Camp Shelby, Miss. {'np t. {'lnrence B. 111tiln• '2;;, of W ake located at Camp Da•·is, Xorth Carolina. Lt. Walter D. S utton '38. of La Grange, Forest a~d Atlantic City, :-<. J ., i\I.C., Jfaj. W. ('. '2~. Ril en bark of Xew Orleans, 0 58 126~. D.C.A.A.F.P.S., Box 145, Dodge 8lst Garnson. Battle Creek, i\li ch. La., 64th General Hosp., Fort J ackson . City, Kans. P>t• . Ja mes G. While '4.1, of Dobson. Co. A, s. (' L t. Edgar H. Swann '3i, or Beaufort. has Rec. Center. Fort Jackson, S. C. \\ illium H. Jlohbins '4!!, of Wi nnabow, is a been a dvanced in rating from Ensign to l't Lt. H e nry E. Wltite '32, of Mi dd leburg, c·orporal with the Paratroopers a t Camp Lt. (j.g.) in the Naval Re serve. He has ~,.:' t. Pro. ~1arsha ll. Car lisle Ba rracks. )Jacka II. been ma de assistant oper a tions officer bl Ll. flarence E. Roher!' '39. of Coats, for the Sixth Xa•·al Dis trict and is s ta­ J . Wnrren 1\lli!Psel '4:1. of Washington !34th T D.T B.T.D.R.T.C., :-<.Camp Hood , tioned at Charles ton, South Carolina. D. C., Camp Hood. Texas. ' Texas. L. H. Sl\ in de ll '41. of Washington, Signal L t. Colonel {', '1'. Wilkins on '20, of Wake Bn,ler R<~ok cr '42, :"\ew Orleans lad, who Corps Det. Bks. 76.5, Camp Shanks, Forest, 0\.,. erseas. has been with the :Marine Corps for a Xew York. ('a(ll. Ernes t JI. WiJiiams '3~. of Rocky year and a ha lf recently returned to the Em. W. Samuel Tarlton '!2, of Wingate, lllount, M.C., 0-423091, H 8th G en H osp l'"nited States on furlough. His unit is was married in early summer, at \Yin­ APO 960, c o Postmaster. Sa o' Fr a n ·~ ~iven credit for having taken He nder son gate Baptist Church to Miss Cleo Ba u­ ctsco, Calif., writes that b.e h as been Field from the Japanese. Recent!)• Bus­ com. ~.n the H awaiian Is l ands for a y ear . ter was a guest star on the P hilip ;\!or­ ('apt. B. I. T art, Jr. '3i , of Four Oak s, is So far I ha•·e had t he good f ortune lo ris radio program. on which be was with t he Medical Corps at Camp Bland­ meet Dr . Patterson '29. a s u gar planta­ featured with "Ginny" Sims ing, F la. tion physician here. W e had se\'eral Lt. J'h eodore Salter ':39, of Starey. " At J, E. Tate, Jr. '42. of Winston-Salem, good chats about old W ake F or est days . the West Point of England." T echnical School, A.AFTTC, Sioux Falls. I ~lso saw another cl assmate of mine J:. n,ih'11 D. L. Sunder s '42. of H ubert. 315 S.D. ;\llllard Jones. who was j u st passing ~Iirama r Hotel. llliami, F l a. Lt. Colonel R oy C. Tatum :U.('. '16, of through. Each occasion h as been a r e al I'l l. Phil G. Saw) er, ,Jr. '4:1, E liza­ Sta t es'l'ille. Station Hospital No. 1, Fort morale booster." beth City Co. C, 29th Sig Tug. Bn., Bragg. I'> I. Gr onr S. William' ' 4!1. of Sta t esville C S.C R.T.C., Camp Crowder, Mo. J a m es D. T aylor '38, of Kannu)IOII,, is in Batry. A, 5th Bn. 2nd R eg FAR T c· '"' nl ,\l iation {'udet ,fose(Jh Brewec the Ordnance Depot, Camp McClain, TR 632, Fort Bragg, N. C...... Sc lm artz '40, of Bethesda, Md., has been Miss. <'Ill. J?hn L. Williams '41, of Boone, 30th transferred to the ~ava l .Air Tra ining Wiley H. T a ylor '41. Beaufort (597-349) , Station Hosp., APO 523, c/o P ostmas ter Center at Corpus Ch r i sti, T ex as, a fter C.G.R. 5136, c 'o Capt. Port, Morehead :-I ••Jnrn e' Q. hum om. Jr. '39, of Audu­ Air Forces fol­ lowing graduation from the last of February. H e is with the bon, X. J. ?.led. Dct. 492 nd ARM, F .A. the advanced flying school at Yuma, Ariz. T r ansportation Ser vice Corps. Bn. A. P.O. 261, Camp Ba rke ley, T e xas. CDJJt. P. H. Winston, M.('. '2i, of Clarks­ (' lmrles L. Skarren. Jr. '20, of Beaufort, En > ign Eden n. Thllrringt'on '!!7, of War­ renton, has !ell for the War Zone fol­ \'ille, Ya., 1318th S. Unit, Station Hospi­ American Red Cross assis ta nt fi eld di­ tal, Camp Pickett, Va. rector. wh ose safe a rri\'al in England lowing graduation from the ?.lidship­ men's School at Columbia Univer sity. Lt. H e rman W. Wright '28, or Shiloh. bas been an noun ced. P ror to going over­ M.C., Harsha II F ie ld, F or t Riley, Ka nsas. seas he 'vas bu siness ma nager and co­ Ll. Wm. E. Timberlake '26. of Wake For­ est, received his commission as second Col. Julian E. Yat•s '94, 3803 Huntington ordinator of C.A.A.. \Va r Training Sen •­ St., N. W., W ashington, D. C. ice at South lieutenant at the Tank Offi­ eastern Univers ity, Wash­ 1' > t. RoiJert \\', Yates or Ap ington, D. C cer Candidate School at Camp Hood. '40, ex, 5 th Sig­ nal Corps, Ft. Bragg, N. C. Ll. ('dr. Robert F. Sl edge ' 16, Winston­ Texas, on May 7, 1943. Salem, Xavy Med. Sc hool. Wasil., D. C. l'\1, Jnmes E. Turner '4a, or Landrum. ,\\ iation ('adel t'rnuk Zakim '42, of Pater­ fedric T. S mith '!tl. of Kenly, U.S.S. Hob­ S. C., Co. D, 375 Med. Bn. A PO 151 , Ft. son, N. J .. U. S. :"ola\'a l H osp .. Bethesda, son. Leonard Wood, Mo. Md.