![Download: Wake Forest College Alumni News [October 1943]](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
OCTOBER VOL. XIII 1943 NO.1 INTRODU CING: "Campus and Classroom Echoes of Old College Days." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ OTHER FEATURES : $7,000,000 Enlargement Program Announced; Sons and Daughters of Alumni Enrolled; With the Colors; New Members of Alumni Association; The 1916 Basketball Team; Paschal's History of W.F.C.; Four Alumni Receive Notion -wide Recognition; Football; Questions and Answers on Christian Education. October l"Sne WAKIC FOREST COLL EGE A L t' ~l;\'1 ;\' ~~ W S Pa ge Two CAMPUS AND CLASSROOM ECHOES OF OLD COLLEGE DAYS Tlr. l'>h•drl to n frr•hman "Shut th<' S ikr•>: "l>or• tm·. I ""Pi'"'" it 1~ill lw By JASPER L. MEMORY, JR . '21 door." right lwre> nf '\akt• Forf'"l t: T'm l'P~i-.:­ Th" fn·,hmnn kir·kr•rl it shut. t!• t'P<l. .'·on kn ow, fo t· the B .. \. d r•gt·er·." O lrl Sli"k; "That\ right, nsro ,l'ntll' "Bt·rt lll·rn, tbi> ntot'lltng I'll bnn• to nw..;r inlc>llig-Put Pncl." !!in• yon what !lw ll nl,,· Spirit rlin·r·ts llr. HPid: " WnkP F or est is ll l' itlw r a me to say; this P\'ening I'll hP better kincll'r_gu r·tr-11 . a n·f CJ rma tor· ,v. nnr uu Stncl,.nt ull Tlr. '' L. Pot<•nt\ hiol­ pt'<'llllrerl. '' nq,lu1nngP.·· o~y r•lu~': " .. hut. lloC'!or. I nm Plltitled llr. Kitt·hi11: "You llCNln't PX!J N 'f el·er,Y­ tu my opinion." WISDO!U AND WIT llr. l'otront: ":\[~­ ho cly to hP with .von ~h·nr Sir. no 1nnn lw ... FPlltn''· in eut.'lt 'llh'e•prt-\nt i ... ..,n<~ ni TilE \lA )t:\1 ~E\lS we on ,.,·er,vthing. ,J "'""· "aut to rnu '\0111(' oi the "i'tlom :nul nit ui \\Hk(l Fore..,t •.., llU a ri!!ht lo hi-.. opinion Jf'U r ... ' hi ... tor) th E> sort oi thin,:r ulumni tnlk uhttUf fhe tu fiif) yon know, didn' t luti'C until he ha, Pxnmined Jf'Hr.., nifPr th<"ir ~.r rnrluafion, und ''~ nnnt JOU mrn to nrite it 8lld hnt 11 nnt of U who .. ign it •.Jn ~ t ..:cml ) our storie "" iu to lilt>, and \H•'ll he g-rcutl) tlw "'·idrnr·c•." ohtlg-<·<1 • . IInke "<'Ill ,,,icy 1111<1 tn th~ pnlnt. In thJ, ic• ntnr~ . 11e can ,tncu l hy llim." pre,t•n t' inr rw,f<-ritr .. nmt•t hiug " u rt hn II ilr. anti at t ht' ,flmt> tinu• llltH1 iuu r(>nctin'f it. Thm1k' n lnt .J.t..:lt. !Jr. E1·er~tt (:ill. for Hr 1·. Eu 2:r np Olin•. ::0 _YNli'S S11)1!2ll"i11tPI111 t'O itc ·.~ c· c· ha pl nin: "lu c·nt of Bnpti t ~[i, tlfi ~ ti111P of wnr. WC' ... ion~ 111 all of EnrnpP nncl nnw~~ n·~l J>r. Thurman l\: itr·ltin c·nH "t c·ntTV a :o;lwuld haY£' c·nol hPad s ancl W<ll'lll clt>nt of the town of "TnkP l'orpst. said tnnr· in a tar l:ut'ket hut like. In whistle· hearts." n·<·Pntly in a pra,n•r nt "-nnclny s('hnol· "What 11 Frieurl "'<· 11 ,.,.,. ill .l c·<ns." "(rnd, gl\'l' 11:-- Yit·tory. nin• Us }lf'Ut"P· l i P c·an nnc·tiotlC'C' I" ,vour tohnc·c·o. too. in ]Jr. ( 'nllolll: '':\Ir. I'r·r·kius. how a just pPH('C' .• \nrl gn·c· lb u IIWH..,\11"£' of thr lu•'i H al ifax ( 'onnty dwnt. largP was X onh · ~ arkt' pro~pPrit,Y not too tllllf'h: it wouldn't ( ·.,. Pc·rkins: " " '" h~· . ]Jm·t u J'. it WH .. hP gom1 for 11~ ... I> r. S lerlcl. on a trip to Engluwl tn­ :~-, big ns u bnx c·n r !., fP I'\"iPwPd Hhakr•S )WU I'c•\ g:hnsl. Hl wkrs­ llr. l!nhc·rt I'ntPHr. who for tunny f'P:lt"P: "\\pll, who Hl'P you~" I Jr. ~I PU d . ucldrP:-.sin g- :c ~ r nrlt • Jit nn JPHI'.s rlirp<'f£'rl 1\'ake b'or£'st /(IP" r·luhs Ol rl S li ek: " l 'm B,.n S lc•rlcl fmnt En~ li slr d nss who hurl his fro<'! c·nr·kr-cl and or<'hestrn' that hncl plr•nt.> nf g-lPP \l'ake Fon·st."' up ag-ninst tlw wood stovr : '"~l1· . .lnJu .... , 111 them, had rnn ont nf e1u•ores nt n Hhukc·~pf'arp; ".\li J·i:. .dll, you ndl nw if yon don't m or P your fPPI .Yoll 1nig-ht •·onc·c·rt nnP night. " 'la·n tlw anclii'IH'ro ·Siwk<.' and I'lll'all ynn · IJ..n.' ancl we'll lmkP yom brain." kept upplatHling. he walked out unci ~pf down to busi llP~s" n ncl ~u on. for .J ones : ''D rw lnr. IIIHyllC' WP ull Hl"l'll.l pln_wrl n trnmbon<' solo ContinnPcl ap­ :30 minutc•s of rrfn•:-;)du~ n•partPc· made.. nli kP .·· plausp finaii,Y l'£'Sillterl in his playing a I> r. S h irl : " Thank Gnrl." ptN'{' on rac·h instru1nent :in rhe orf'hc·:-o­ ]Jr. Lyn<'h; " ~I t·. S ikc·.s. whr·;·r· do.""" trn. Still thP uuclicm·r· upplauclt·cl. '\ot PX)IPl't to :-o pend Pternity t· l)r_ W. R. GwnltnP_Y, l""tor of tho• nntclnnr. l h-. Hubert appearPcl " Tn kr• F ort's! Bnptist C'hm<'h again ancl put his whnlr· fist in tlw I '-I 90's. Hli11011111'f'd frutn in hi- mouth. t he pulpit ; "God willin!!. HeX! ~und ny wro'll hnl'£' th£' bnpti>­ [Jr. ('harlc·s E. T aylor: lll al ~pnr iN• ; thr nl'xt ~nnday "Wore], should b,. lik,. buiiPt,, ,n .'ll lull'<' it nnyhuw." 1101 fpather': thf',l' shou]cl hit thP tn!lrk."' Th".'' hit tlw mark l>r. Iluhrt·t l'otrnt: ''[\·,. wlw11 llr. Taylor was inter­ .. }JPHt )calf of lll,Y )jfp wuitin!! YiP\\ ing: tlw late .Jahrz A . Host­ 1111 l' ow', tnib.'' { .\ row\ tail wic·k, whosP bPnefac·tinu... to j, th l' ln ... t man to show np fur \\' akP Fnrv:-.r amnnntP•l to t! l'ollp netinty nnd i~ n~ttnll.' · $2,000,000. III'OU IHI la te. ) l> r. " "· H. <• waltn<·y. p:"tor of thr \l"ukr Fon•st Bapti>t 1 )r. ( ;ullc·y; "Why IS thi< <'hnn·h 111 tlJC' ! .~flO's, I.rgnn h is rl111 .. , nnd whnt 1" rhr c·nthP of Hnn cl ny 1 11 01'11111~ di~c·o nr ~t·: Tic,-. t hn ... in P.~~ ?" October Issue WAKE FOREST COLLEGE ALU?IINI NEWS Page Three ---------------------- Dr. ledd: ""\nybody can pass as wa s eated on the rostrum in old Win­ James L. Lake, William Loui Poteat, b<>ing au ed ucatPC! man if hP is a good gatP auditorium waiting to addre • the Charles K Brewer, J. Heury High­ oral rea der, know the simp!<' rule of Wake Fore t s tudent body. Walter N. smith, E. B. Earn ha w, Darius Eat­ grammar, spells well, and i fairly well .John on, then pa tor at Wake Forest, man, all(l Hubert U . Poteat. Their po ted on history and current l'vent ." \\ ns introducing Archi bald: '~\ s I go most poptllar ong was "The Beauti­ up and dom1 the tatP," he said, "peo­ ful Land." ome others they sang are Dr. Gulle~- : "Hard work nc,·er hurt ple ask me if I nm related to the e dark­ "W onderful Penc(','' "Take Time to a man; it' fighting again t it that c-o mplexioned John ons, .\ rrhibald and Be Iloly," "The Riehl's of Grace," "The hurt." Li,·ingston. I tell them: 'Xo; I'm a Old Wayside Cros .. " Of the group of white mau.' Your .peaker today i• singers, Dr. W. L. Poteat, Dr. Brewer, Dr. Lym·h used to preach an oft­ .\ rc-hibald Johnson." and Professor Eatman are now in "the quoted ermon on " Tweh e Evidences .\ quick a a fla h, .\ r chibald re­ Beautiful Laud." Dr. Highsmith is of the Divinity of Chri t." torted: "I thank God l don't haYe to direc·tor of the di vi ion of In tructional tell people I'm a white mnn !" There en-icc of the X orth Carolina Depart­ Dr. "Bill" Spea : " I wouldn't gi''<' wn 11 roar of laughter. ment of Public Instruction. Profe or two cents for a buJH'l of grapps at a Lake has retired fr om teaching, and storp; I like to tand under the Yin<' and BARBECUE Mr. Earnshaw and Dr. Hubert Poteat !'Ut '<>m as T ]11111 'em." .\ student enrolled in Dr. P t>arson's are till on the college facult_v. ·'History of the , outh" was making 1111 Dr. W. L. Poteat: "The mo t Jm­ oral report. Tie made rPf('renep to Bar­ WI NDOW JU MPERS portant thing about writing or peak­ becue Church in IIarn('tt County. Look­ Dr. Gorrell in 1920 had a class m ing- is to ha,·e something to ay." ing up from hi ~ notes, the tudent enior • panish. It was in the sp1·ing of nsk!>d: "Doctor, do ~-ou know how the the year and the Doctor hadn't been Prof. E. W. Timb<>rlak<>, Jr., has a cln11·rh got iL name?" late for class the whole year, but on fine speech on 'Citizen.hip," in which Dr.
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