NEWS of LONG AGO. Crop Control Solving the Problem. Oot of Contol
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ttife bAVIE AfccoRb lS TfeE 6LDEST PAPER IN DAVIE CDUNtV AND CIRCULATES IN 30 CF THE 48 STATES. THE PAPER THAT THE PEOPLEftftAD. “HERE SHALL THE PRESS. THE PEOPLE’S RIGHTS MAINTAIN: UNAWED BY INFLUENCE AND UNBRIBED BY GAIN.*’ VOLUMN X L. MOCKSVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA, WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 1 . 1939 ; *- ' NUMBER 2 8 NEWS OF LONG AGO. Crop Control No Women In Tbe Legis Some Little Stingers W hat’s the Answer? 44 Years Ago. Far bo it from us to tell the far By EDWARD FINCH From The'Yeliow Jacket. From The Yellow Jacket. Vhal V at Happening In Davie lature. mers of the tobacco and cotton belt WANTED: To know where Folks boiled coffee and;settled it The North Carolina General As Before The New Deal Used Up how big an acreage they shall plant President Roosevelt has laid bis with an egg. sembly is without a woman mem but it sfems that the Lord placed unbalanced budget. 'Ladies rqjfle .on'side-saddles. The Alphabet, Drowned The ber for the first time in 10 years the land here to raise the bountiful The Republican Elephant boosts Little Johnnie worse brasstoeb and the third t :me during the. '10 Hogs and Plowed Up The crons and it is not up to mere man business, upward; the New Deal boots and daddy wore brogans. regular sessions since woman suff Cotton and Corn. to say what he shall plant, how Jackass tears it down Leeches operated more frequently rage went into effect 18 years ago much he shall plant, and the kind Did yon ever stop to realize that than the surgeon's knife. (Davie Record, Feb. 8 , 17 0 6 I. Six women, one senator and five of crops he shall plant. it takes $2 4 ,0 0 0 of invested capital When a preacher said a truth the C. G. Bailey, of Advance, was a representatives, have been in. seven When a nation undertakes to up to insure one man a steady job. people said Amen.': visitor here Monday. of the regular sessions of the Gen set the plans of the Almight as was Romance and roses are too often Left-over noon vituals were flu Rev. F. M. Allen is visiting his eral Assemble since women began done in the case of killing the little followed by Reno and remoTse as shed at supper time. family at Edisto Island, S. C. pigs, plowing up the cotton and voting Augnst 2 6 . 1920 . Three of the Roosevelt family can testify. Mrs. C. C. Sanford left Friday Neighbors asked about your burning the wheat, somebody is them served two terms, FDR'S idea of “humanitarian to visit her daughter, Mrs. Lanra IVlHY DO IAYTtEtH family and ment it. bound to suffer from it and did and Miss Exum Clement, of Bun ism” and “economic reform,” is Faucette, at Durham. CHATTER WHEN Merry Go Rounds were called is still suffering. Witness the thous combe couty, became North Caro I AfA COLD T almost as interesting as it is nnim Mrs. T. R. Walsh left Monday Flying Jennies. ands ou the dole today and the sit lina’s first woman legslator in Jan-, portant. for Charleston, S. C., to visit her Folks usep toothpicks and were uation is getting worse all the time. nary, 192 1 . When she returned | \X7HAT really happens when your Don’t judge a man’s politics by father, who is quite sick. still polite. Could this have been a judgment for a special session the next De T teeth “chaffer” is a series of the way he hollers; it’s what he Leonard Dixon, of near Pino, spasms caused by the reaction of Ladies’ dresses reached from her sent on the people of the United cember, she had changed her name does in the voting booth that, tells fell dead on his way home from H. the cold on the muscles of the jaw. neck to the heel. States for the way crops and live to Mrs. Stafford. These spasms occur so repeatedly the tale. L. Shelton’s Sunday evening about Hags were stopped on butter stock was disposed of a few years No woman went to the Legisla as to cause the chattering sound. To advocate the philosophy of 5 o'clock His son went to hunt You cannot control these muscles milk. ago—since Roosevelt came in pow ture in 1923 , but in 1925 there was scarcity when there is one man, him and found him lying in the by force of your will because It took twentw minvtes to shine er?—Statesville Record. Miss Julia Alexander, of Mecklen spasms act independently of the will woman or child hungry, is an in path dead about 8 :5 0 o’clock. He shoes with Mason’s blacking. burg county, and in 1927 that same and those muscles under spasmodic sult to Deity. was 78 years old, and suffered a action cannot respond to the com People served Pot Liquor instead county was represented by Miss mand of the brain. The New Deal party might .do stroke of paralysis eight weeks ago. Solving The Problem. of canned soup. ' Carrie McLean. AU of these three • © W estern N ew spaper U nion. better if it would have a general The body was laid to rest Monday Let us assume—for the sake of Only crooks i-on record were first representatives were licensed trash horning,.aud go back to Jef in Wesley Chapel graveyard. argument, that the South really is Lightning Rod -’agents.. lawyers. There was no woman in ferson and appropriate a few of his I Mrs. L. M. Williams is assisting the hation’s No. I economic prob Attacks Reciprocal Indigestion was called plain belly the 1^29 assembly. - virtues. Prof. Merrell in the Fork Church lem. ache. ' As the first woman senator, Mrs. TradeTreaties. In 1933 FDR gave us a book, school.. If it is, then we are confronted Quinine was taken in coffee, L. McKee, of Jackson' ceunty, Representative Treadway of “On Our Way.” In 1940 he can Miss Nora Carter, of Smithfield, with a problem that must be solved. molasses or tissue paper. made her official appearance in Massachusetts, in an address in add the word “Out” and the job spent a few days this week with How are we going to solve it? Vermillion was- nsed as hearth 1 9 3 T. She had feminine company Congress the past week attacked will be complete. Miss Beatrice Smith, at Fork. Thus far, the procedure has been paint instead of face paint.' in the house in the person of Mrs. the Roosevelt-Hull reciprocal trade The language of the dollar . and . H. S. Davis, of Fotk Church, rather startling. For instance: Babies were rocked in ' cradles Lily Morehead Mebaue, of Rock treaties and predicate.that the pres the thrill for power has brought has had his house repainted, which 1—We are plowing up cotton. without addling their brains. ingham county, who- returned' to ent Republican membership iu Con more enslavement to mankind than adds much to its appearance. 2 —We are plowing up sugar. Doctor worked their, patients the house in 1933 . gress will be ,strong enough in 1940 all other causes. Mr. and Mrs. W. H- Bobbitt, of 3 —We are plowing up tobacco. instead of patients working them.. to repeal the program. Treadway Another thing we fail to admire Moravian. Falls, are visiting Mr. 4 —We have been feeding some Men played mumble peg instead Working For Nothing. said the doubling ot the repres about FDR is that he flirts with and Mrs. Jne Howell, near Pino. scrnb cattle from Wisconsin. of poker. Some business men, after hours entation of the Republican party Big Business men and then fights- W. F. Smith, of Caswell county, 5 —We institute a wage and-bour The neighbors all got fresh meat of headachy labor filling out re in the present Congress shows that their Big Business. is spending a week with his broth law which makes it impossible for at hog killing time.- ports, which usually must be accom- the people are beginning to realize The Democrats say they propose er, J. B. Smith, in Fulton. us to market our lumber. Cotton seed was considered good painid by ' the exact remmittance. what the Ne w Deal is doing to them. to pull together, and the G. O. P.s John Foster has moved his fam-. 6 —We propose to open the doors fertilizer. :*• required, are. made to wonder if ‘In -the next Congress,” said say they propose to.pull the Dem- ily-to the A. M. Garwood farm, to competition from Canada by re A man made tbe same wife do a slavery ended with the’ War Be. Treapway, “we are going to have mies apart next election. ' and L. M. Williams and family ducing the tariff on Canadian lum lifetime. — * more than enough Republicans to Esau did get a mess of pottage ber from $3 .0 0 to $1.5 0 , as contem tween the States. Jacob Coxey and Carh Brown have moved from the Davis house wipe out the present trade treaty plated in the Trade Agreement with The central statistical board, for his birthright, but tbe Southern were leading the “Commonweal to the McCulloh house. program, which is so detrimental Canada. which has as its job the finding out farmers who sold out to the New army” of unemployed to Wash PostoSce receipts at MocksviIle to the interests of o.ur people, and 7 —We have passed a law forbid about snch mutters, has reported to Deal only got a mess.