Monmouth County Bowling Tarlton Bnnlen 21 15R
Weather DISTRIBUTION TODAY 7 «JB. iwopKahm «.. BED BANK My awl tMaentar, wtfli •U* U the 4h. Partly efcwdy tndchty 23,050 tow to Item. Sunday, fair tad JMfHMr ntoumniDAr-m: an mild. See Weather, pegt 1 DIAL 741-0010 Ii«u«4 d«lljr, Kmdur tluoufji Friday, iteomf Clmii ptwuge VOL. 86, NO. 133 Paid at R*d Bask and at AddJUoeil Mailing Olficti. RED BANK, N. J., FRIDAY, JANUARY 3, 1964 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE Propose $6,198,086 Budget MIDDLETOWN — The Board of Education formally intro- The instruction area covers teachers salaries, salaries for The board will set the actual salary hikes for the prin- duced its 1964-1965 budget last night calling for $6,198,086 in principals and supervisors, textbooks, library books, and sup- cipals at a later date. school spending. plies. Funds also have been provided for rajses_for the super- A public hearing on the proposed budget will be held The board has appropriated $3,954,948 an increase of intendent, board secretary and transportation co-ordinator. Jan. 29 at 8 p.m. in the administration building. $423,698 for instruction purposes. The actual amount of the raises will be decided by the board at According to James W. Davidheiser, board secretary, the Last month$|he board adopted a new salary guide rais- a later date. proposed budget will raise the tax rate 19.8 cents per $100 of ing the starting11 salaries in each of the three major degree The transportation account is set at $320,150. This is an assessed valuation. The current tax rate is $2.87.
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