
NEWS FOR OPERATORS AND OWNERS olume 2, number 1 June 1989 Masters Workshop Proposed for Europe

Thef ollowing is a notefrom Nicola Pecorini , who is organizing the next Master 's workshop . -Ed.

Steadicam has certainly gone a long way since its creation. Thanks to the technological achieve ments and to the efforts and research of the first pio­ neers, prati cally all techni cal limits have been overcome, video assists exist that are more sensitive than the film stock, servo systems and radio systems are as accurate as possible, nuclear 12 volt batteries rema in charged for years. Two factors have fueled its devel­ The Contraption Wars opment: the passion and enthu siasm of early operators who dedicated their best years and energies to the cause and to Ripojfs, Copies, and Imitations the workshop experience. It's at the workshops, in fact, that There are piles of onion skin, files up in my patent searc h. (l wonder if we exchange experiences , technical of agreements, briefs, patent s, lawsuits, that 's his likeness in the patent draw­ soluti ons, spare parts, electronic gadg­ drafts, blue wrappers, torts and retorts ings, holding his invention? My drafts­ ets; venture hypotheses to be experi­ stowed all over my house in Philadel- man sort of drew me, after all, including enced by the individual and verified at phia. In decorated folders are seven the period haircut!). the next workshop. Without the work­ U.S.A. and forty-two foreign patent s, shops and the attitude of the partici ­ plus divi sion al cases, continuations, Wars continued on page 2 pants, Steadicam would have had a re-issues and pending applications for a tougher adolescence and would n'tbe so dozen more . I imagine that if all of this popular. paper were round ed up and stacked, the We want to raise the level of con­ pile would reach the roof. . ~() aw..,M frontation, research, aesthetics, to go More than ju st my 18-year stint as ~./ r-L J< -e- 1.~ :, /~ beyond the current bounds: the goal is a sometime-inventor is documented c .....oJ/i ~lJ .? 'l .~ '~'_....-.:;~;;;:;C<~S:"...,. /? ,-.', to advance the state of the art. The tool here - the chara cter of the whole great ". is the Masters Workshop. stream of human inventiveness can be ...... ?';: ~\~ !kt~~~~R1~ The first ever Steadicam Masters inferred by examin ing its contents, We ~~ ' L Work shop was held in Jun e 1988 in advance on the strength of what has >< '""..",,.. ," Rockport, Maine. With all the limits of been discovered before, with many a world premier, it has been a great small steps and j ust a few great leaps success and nobody walked away unsa­ and much re-invent ing of things now tisfied and unrewarded. Unfortunately forgotten. Here around me are copies of June is one of the busiest months in hundreds of other-people 's patents - the Europe and Rockp ort is not exactly ghosts of earlier thinkers on matters around the corner. Few European op­ related to the stabilization of cameras. erators were able to attend. Here's good old Howard K. Dear­ Together with the Steadicam Op­ born, inventor. I once thought a gre at erators Association, we therefore de­ deal about this guy and his patent. My H.K. Dearborn c. 1960 cided to repeat the experience on this earliest "pole rig" vers ion was aban­ doned partly becau se his ghost turned Masters continued on page 6 Page 2

Pana vision

The Steadicam® patent describes perhaps the most fundamental mecha­ nism known so far that perm its a hu­ man-carried object to be in "controlled isolation" as we know it. To date, no other device has been able to approach these results without infringment (by combining: "ex panded camera equip­ ment , remote viewfinder, and piv­ otable/rotatable connections between camera, 'support means, ' and opera­ tor"). Man y, however, have tried... was first up to bat. Chairman Rob ert Gottschalk had seen my early filmed demo and was ev i­ dentl y in a fevert odevisea machin e that could do the same trick. He stalled me by saying he was interested, and began what reportedly became a 2.4 million dollar effort to prevail over Cinema Products, who had quickly become my Craig DiBona demonstrates... licensee. At first Panavi sion had no idea how we did it, and Gottsch alk 's engi­ Check this ou t: Indu strial espio­ neers were instructed to make a proto­ nage! I'm shooting "Marathon Man " type based on the spring-suspended in New York - the scene where the truck fish-carrying devices Robert had seen explodes in flam es on 76th Street. I : on bicycles in the Orient. Friends in the never leave my prototype rig alone for a business reported that the resulting moment, but as the truck starts burning, gizmo, with camera suspend ed by bunji one of the team sters tells me there 's a cords, made an appearance on "Black stream ofgasoline leakin g from the tank G.W. Brown c. 1974 Sunday" for John Alonzo, DP, who later of my car which is parked up the street. told the Committee The gas is runnin g down the street that he had seen the "Panaglide"! (Yo!) toward thefire! I hastily drive away and Wars continued from page 1 find a repair place across town where they plug the hole somebody stabbed in The Patent Office threw Dearborn my tank with an awl. The moment I and 45 other inventors at me, forcing leave,guys with bent noses show up and me to "distinguish" overthem all. Since take lots ofph otos of the rig! (Wo w l) then my own patents have been "cited" Another round finds us secretly dozen s of times against inventions that demonstrating the Steadicam for John came later, and to the extent that these Boorm an at Burbank Studios. Sud­ inventors ' efforts were scuttled as a denl y Gottschalk himself and an engi­ result, I' m sure they cursed my name, neer are caught hidin g behind the scen­ without necessarily believin g that their ery taking pictures and are summ arily work was in any way derivative. It is ejected, protesting that they just "h ap­ human nature to be convinced of the pened along..." originality ofones own stuff. And now All of this info and more was of course all of us lie in wait on the cranked into the stream of protot ypes shelv es in Washington to arise and irri­ being pounded out in Tarzana, with tate futur e practitioners of "the art," as every attempt presumeably being made the Patent Office caJis it, and spur them to differentiate their work from ours, on to invent around us; and the Stream but the darned things kept turnin g out to will continue to flow on beyond even resemble Steadi cam s if they worked at the memory of our obscure contrap­ all. tions . By the time CP sold our first pro­ Meanwhile... Here's a chronicle of duction version, one would think that "The Contraption Wars," plus Bizarre even Robert would have admitted de­ Imitations, Astonishing Kno ck-offs feat, but the great human ration alizing and one shameful Excess of Defensive A pre-panaglide "missing link" powers I referred to earlier must have Zeal... from Tarzana kicked in and post-fl ashed his mind , for Page 3

have entered the Panaglide for some Shinko sort of religious award, because of its miraculous resemblance to the Stead­ Suddenly, at Photokina in Co­ icam!) logne, friends began telling us of a Finally his attorneys pointed out camera stabilizer hidden in the booth at that these machinations practically Shinko Electric. Various spies volun­ guaranteed that triple damages would teered to get a look and collect bro­ be awarded for the harm done to Stead­ chures, and we decided to march on icam, and he capitulated at last and over there. Of course, Ed DiGiulio and settled out ofcourt. Panavision has paid I were recognized immediately, and us a royalty ever since on all reported they tried to cover the thing up. rentals of the Panaglide, and the Oscar was a shoo-in a year later because the Technical Committee was so steamed. Incidentally, Gottschalk's at­ tempts to patent the Panaglide were emasculated (as it were) by the priority of my patent, to the extent that the only allowed "claim" was for an LED level indicator! This was World War I! After win­ ..."tilting" a bottom-heavy ning this one, we thought that no future Panaglide for lawyers infringer could even bring on a sweat! Indeed some of them proved to be bor­ derline comical... by the time the 'Glide appeared in Canada in 1976 on "Days of Heaven", he was proudly emphasizing that its arm used different springs than ours and its camera was silent and light. (The latter item is still its great virtue - see our letter to Instructor from the Maine Shinko Panavision in this issue!) Workshop "treating smoothly" took over as DP and found it in the cam­ era truck and soon sent some Ultimately we had to bring suit in photos which astounded and Japan, which is an experience in and of angered us. We immedi­ itself. It requires a Japanese attorney, ately authorized Weiser & deep pockets and lots of time, but the Stapler, my trusty patent at­ good news is that the Japanese generally torneys, to commence legal respond fairly and will honor your Japa­ proceedings.. nese patent if your claims have over­ What a shock. Ifound it whelming moral force. After several hard to believe that this leg­ years of expensive maneuvers, we re­ ':::'".::. . endary film-equipment guy ~ ." . . ceived a beautifully hand written docu­ ~)(;.:.- and his famous company ment of capitulation. Accompanying it ~k could do this to us - and .:.':._:' I, . was a wretched typewritten translation more! For instance ·of"': ... '. saying in part: "...we also stopig the Gottschalk actually had the production and the sale concering the nerve to demonstrate the products which are douhtful to he any 'Glide in contention for the related with said both patents... our .' ,' .. Oscar, and when the Techni­ company desires to treat smoothly with cal Committee spurned him . :', .:..... sincerity based upon the respect ofthe and voted for us, he per­ .', " 1'1 industrial prorietary." .. " ,'. :' .. suaded the Academy Board '.1 . Looking at the photos, you may be of Governors to overturn the less than astounded to find out that it vote and delay our award for was our arm patent that prevailed. Al­ a year because of the pend­ though the Shinko device appeared to ing suit. (One wit on the .' . be ineffective, we had to defend our committee observed that "industrial prorietaries" or leave the perhaps Gottschalk should field open to others. Pana-patent, c. 1976. Check the shoes Wars continued on page 8 Page 8

decisively over Continental. In the end The Russians the Body-mount was either abandoned or just withered away. We never got to Patents in the USSR used to be of court, and never had a formal surrender dubious value. I know. In the begining ceremony with ritual humiliations and we so ld ten Stead icams to various So­ pillag ing, but eve ntually their attorneys viet studios and I met several eastern must have advi sed slinking off, and bloc operators at shows like Photokina. suddenly it was over. One Bulgarian guy was terrifi c and Th e co urse of this struggle pro­ strong like bull , but sweated so pro­ vided a great lesson in obsc ure offe n­ fuse ly that he had to freq uently empty II sive and defensive maneuvers over in­ his shoes. tellectual pro perty. Many people don't Anyway, whe n Jimm y Ca rter understand that eve n if a device is pat­ pulled out of the O lympics and em bar­ ented it may still be infringing on an rassed the Soviets ove r Afg hanistan, earlier patent. Your application can our curren t order for ten more units was only "claim" wha t's new and different instantly cancelled . We soon heard that abo ut your invention, but if any aspect they were building them in Bulgaria, of what you' re selling is previously and that they were made of iron 'and cla imed in someone else's patent, for heavy as hell. The Russian operators Continental Body-mount example, you may ge t to meet the local supposedly preferred to use our old version of the redou btable Weiser & ones. Stap ler! Unless of co urse you are a large Wars continued from page 3 globa l superpower...

The next insta llme nt was notice­ ably devoid of humour.. . "One BUlgarian guy was Continental Camera terrific and strong like bull, but sweated so profusely Th is one required a real battle ­ that he had to frequently long, cost ly, and acr imonious. Maybe empty his shoes." the Stea dicam patent is difficult to understand , or may be attorneys tend to be overly optimistic about their clients' chances of avoiding infringement suits, but in ma ny cases our adversaries seem to em bark upon these unstable seas with abo ut the same gr ip on reality as the Spanish Armada! Jo hn Carroll and Ernst Nettmann believ ed their " Body-mount" was dif­ fere nt. It sort of hung sideways, after all, and didn ' t use an actua l ann, and Bulqarian-carn in missionary their feel ings were hurt when we con­ position cluded that they infringed and asked them to desis t. Although we didn 't believe that the device was ofmuch use, or commerciaIly threatening, it couldn 't Several years later I fina lly saw a remain unchallenged, so I had to fly picture of it on a brochure posted in the from an award ceremony for Steadicam Soviet booth at the London show . The at the BKSTS banque t in London dire ct operator might have been the Bulgar­ to a rooftop shootout in LA mit attor­ ian. (He looked damp!) neys in order to dem onstrate infringe­ Rumours have foretold new Rus­ ment beyond a shadow of doubt. They sian orders for years, but none have were n't convi nced . ma ter ialized . Perhaps perestroika will The resu lt was a paper war that turn this around. I can assure yo u that spanned years, and produ ced chal­ we won' t be suing anyo ne for infringe­ lenges to my pate nt which persuaded us men t. I don't want any adversaries with to have it re-examined and reissued by nuclear wea pons. Continental haircut, c 1980 the Patent Office in order to prevail Who is this guy? " Page 9 Imita tions So me are whims ical and ex peri­ There have been an astonishing mental, and others appear to be serious number of imitations, and some are functioning mac hines whose own ers quite sophisticated. When the original sho uld just lie low and no t adve rtise! sells for as much as a pair of BMW's, Of the who le co llection, the most there is definitely an incentive to build interest ing knock-offs are third- worJd. yourown. As long as they are n' t offered Whil e in Bangkok to give Steadica m for sale or flaunted as ren tals, I person­ lessons, I di scovered a brilliantl y-made ally am for it. I can 'tanswer for CP , but leather and alum inum copy of the vest, perhaps someday we ca n come up with and a weighted, fe atureless dum my an amnesty program and trade them in sled built in the machine shop of Th ai for the genu ine article. film maker Prince Bhanu for the sa le purpose of preventin g his camerame n "Practice " vest and sled for the from I. sweating up the brand-new CP Thai Steadic am Workshop vest, and 2. falling do wn and denting the rea l sled! The vest was fa bulous and much he opened the door and appeared to rec­ more desirable than the plastic and ve l­ ognize me immed iately (fro m Cinema­ cro one we se ll, but it was way out ofmy tographer art icles, I heard later) be­ price range - it cos t the prince $25 to cau se he started laughin g hysterically. bu ild it! After I strang led him for a while, Th e most rem arkable of all imita­ he showed me his equipment including tions was buil t in Sri Lan ka by a very a fabulous Steadicam knock- off made gifted JocaJengineer and machinist who of steel, canvas and an a iel ChrysJer copies (by eye) any piece of film equi p­ torsion- bar. He apo logized inces santly ment , includi ng Elemacks. cra nes, and because it was rusting, but ex plained lights for renting out locally. Wh iJe that alumi num,ve lcro, titanium, etc.are there to work on "Indiana Jo nes II," I unobtainable in Sri Lanka. Even lead kept hearin g abo ut this guy and his can ' t be foun d, hence the huge crane Whimsical-cam copy ofthe Steadicarn ! One evening on weights made from lengths of rai Iroad the way back to the hotel in Kand y I track. Ca n you imag ine? For that mat­ spotte d what looked like a Tulip Crane ter, imagine working 12,000 miles from with an oversized rear end parked out­ both CP and Sei tz ! ("Ju st kidding... side a shop along the main road . In the Wheres everybody goi ng? Come window was a profusion of film gear, baaack! ") and we figured this had to be "the guy." I knocked at the hou se in back, and Wars continued on page 1a

Serious-cam Sri Lankan Steadicam awaits shipment of W0-40. Page 10

him. He sent back to us all of the postage he had collected, and all of the xeroxed sheets, and abjec tly promi sed never to do it again or even to go to the movies fo r the rest of his life. It was pathetic. My stupid joke had escalated in absentia into WWIII, and I am ashamed to adm it that I have never been man enough to call him and set it right. I just wake up sometimes in the midd le of the night , picturing what this guy migh t have accomplished in this business if I hadn' t been such a jerk. Jac k, I apol ogize...

Garre tt Brown

This concludes the Early History series. The next issue will be devoted to articles from our international mem­ bers ...... . Garrett greets Sri Lankan inventor . , 'j",",-",,.. Wars continued from page 9 • Jack Imes Jr .

Trade Marks As promised, the Wretched Excess of Defensiveness Award. Not only do we have to protect the It wasn' t deliberate. I was leaving bloody patents, but we must also stop on vacation when someone sent me an unauth orized use of the the precious article from Cinemagic magazine titled word "Steadicam@" or it may get to be "The Flo ating Effect" which offered as ge neric as kleenex . plans for a home-made camera stab i­ For examp le, we must attempt to lizer using a crutch, a shower ball joint, disco urage the Hasbro Toy Com pany hinges, and football pads. Just send from selling "G.I. JOE -Repea ter - the eight stamps to Jack Imes, Iowa city, for Steadi-Cam Machine Gunne r." complete xeroxed instructions. At first glance it seemed to be a joke - there was Jack in his big old shorts, looking very serious, like somebody 's first ad in , but he ' s wearing a junk-caricature of the Steadicam! Upo n closer inspection 1cou ld see that he was serious, and that his cheapo versi on might work ju st fine with light cameras. He had it just right , and he must have been a very clever guy to come up with this ju st so his readers Jack Imes Jr. and the floating effect could "save $16,000!" (Jack, what about the other $24,000?) Unfortunately I showed his article to my sec retary, and jokin gly said "We oughta go after this guy! Show this to Check this thing out- theirdesigner We iser, ha, ha." Then I left for Austra­ must have seen John Ward 's Steadicam lia. I should have know n. arm s in the movie "A liens" This toy She sent it to Weiser who landed _ Sales _ service _ Rental incl udes "Electro-mechanical mach ine on Imes like a Panzer division. Letters, New & Used Systems. Parts. Access. WHITEHOUSE AUDIO VISUAL. gun and body mount ." (Hede n mo tors threats, and dem ands followed in clos e , 1151 / Wesl Pico Boulevard sold separately?) succession. Jack never knew what hit l'! Los Ange les. CA 90064 (213) 479-83 13