Swan and Helena Rivers Management Framework Heritage Audit and Statement of Significance • FINAL REPORT • 26 February 2009
Swan and Helena Rivers Management Framework Heritage Audit and Statement of Significance • FINAL REPORT • 26 FEbRuARy 2009 REPORT CONTRIBUTORS: Alan Briggs Robin Chinnery Laura Colman Dr David Dolan Dr Sue Graham-Taylor A COLLABORATIVE PROJECT BY: Jenni Howlett Cheryl-Anne McCann LATITUDE CREATIVE SERVICES Brooke Mandy HERITAGE AND CONSERVATION PROFESSIONALS Gina Pickering (Project Manager) NATIONAL TRUST (WA) Rosemary Rosario Alison Storey Prepared FOR ThE EAsTERN Metropolitan REgIONAL COuNCIL ON bEhALF OF Dr Richard Walley OAM Cover image: View upstream, near Barker’s Bridge. Acknowledgements The consultants acknowledge the assistance received from the Councillors, staff and residents of the Town of Bassendean, Cities of Bayswater, Belmont and Swan and the Eastern Metropolitan Regional Council (EMRC), including Ruth Andrew, Dean Cracknell, Sally De La Cruz, Daniel Hanley, Brian Reed and Rachel Thorp; Bassendean, Bayswater, Belmont and Maylands Historical Societies, Ascot Kayak Club, Claughton Reserve Friends Group, Ellis House, Foreshore Environment Action Group, Friends of Ascot Waters and Ascot Island, Friends of Gobba Lake, Maylands Ratepayers and Residents Association, Maylands Yacht Club, Success Hill Action Group, Urban Bushland Council, Viveash Community Group, Swan Chamber of Commerce, Midland Brick and the other community members who participated in the heritage audit community consultation. Special thanks also to Anne Brake, Albert Corunna, Frances Humphries, Leoni Humphries, Oswald Humphries, Christine Lewis, Barry McGuire, May McGuire, Stephen Newby, Fred Pickett, Beverley Rebbeck, Irene Stainton, Luke Toomey, Richard Offen, Tom Perrigo and Shelley Withers for their support in this project. The views expressed in this document are the views of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the EMRC.
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