Contact Senathipathi Kalimuthu (Former Senior Environmental Scientist – RTI International, ) M-2, Plot No. C-14, Shabiya-10 (ME-10) Mohammed Bin , Abu Dhabi, UAE. Tel.: +971 25548777 Mob.: +971 567535789 Email: [email protected] Web Site:

About Us Adept is a multidisciplinary environmental consulting firm specialized in environmental, health and safety field and providing services in variety of sectors including industries, oil and gas chemical, petrochemical, industrial and infrastructure development projects. Our consultants have excellent work experience with environmental regulatory authority and various international environmental, Health and Safety projects. Our team’s clear vision and core values allow Adept to continually deliver the highest quality of service and value to our clients across all of our consulting engagements. This has been achieved through the implementation ISO 9001-2015, ISO 14001-2015 and OSHAS 18001- 2007.

We work with our clients to develop sustainable, practical and ethical solutions to the environmental challenges they face and add value to our client’s businesses by delivering excellence and innovation. Our team aims to assist our clients to ensure that the environment, workplace and communities in which they operate are mutually beneficial and safe.

Mission Adept Environmental Consultancy is committed to provide cost effective, innovative, and sustainable Environment, Health and Safety (EHS) consulting services that address our client’s requirements and comply with international best practices.

Vision Through achieving commercial success and full satisfaction for our clients, we seek to build a quality and sustainable future for all the stakeholders in the community by applying analytical research and providing innovative solution.

Our Values • People First - create safe and respectful environment • Integrity – do the right thing • Devotion – to goals, client service, and company • Collaboration - value the power of diversity and our capabilities • Client – to ensure complete satisfaction while creating opportunities for long-term mutual success. • Sustainability –to protect environment and improve economy through innovative solution

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Our Services Environmental Consultancy

• Environmental Permitting Services • Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) • Environmental Baseline Studies • Preliminary Environmental Review (PER) • Environmental Management Plan (CEMP, OEMP & DEMP) • Environmental Action Plan (EAP) and Mitigation Plan • Consulting and Design Pollution Control Equipment (Pulse Jet Bag Filter, Paint Booths, Sand Blasting Booth, Scrubber, Cyclone, Etc.,) • Pollution / Emission Control Study • Environmental Audit and Due Diligence • Emission Estimation (PM, gases pollutant, liquid & solid waste) • Corporate GHG and Carbon Footprint Studies • Sustainability Consulting • Energy Audit • Contaminated Site Cleanup and Remediation • Solid and Hazardous Waste Management • Waste Minimization Plans • Waste Audit

Ecological Survey

• Terrestrial Ecological Survey • Marine and Coastal Studies • Marine Ecological Survey • Habitat Mapping • Mangrove Management Plan for Coastal Project • Marine Mammal Monitoring • Impacted Site/Habitat/Ecosystem Recovery/Rehabilitation Page 3 of 45

Pollutant Dispersion Modeling

• Air Dispersion Modeling • Odor Dispersion Modeling • Noise Dispersion Modeling • Hydrodynamic Modeling, • Sediment Transport Modeling • Oil Spill Modeling • Mud Spill Modeling, • Quantitative Risk Assessment & Modeling

• H2S Emission Estimation Modeling from Sewer • Flare Dispersion and Radiation Study

Environmental Monitoring

• Ambient Air Quality Monitoring • Ambient Noise Monitoring • Stack Emission Monitoring • Workplace Air Quality Monitoring • Breathing Air Quality Monitoring • Personnel Air and Noise Monitoring • Light Monitoring • Occupation Noise Monitoring • Underwater Noise Monitoring • Odour Monitoring • Soil Sampling and Analysis • Groundwater Sampling and Analysis • Water and Wastewater Sampling and Analysis • Seawater Quality Analysis • Drinking Water Sampling and Analysis • Buoy Installation and Monitoring • Sediment Sampling and Analysis • Waste Classification and Analysis

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Occupational Safety and Health

• Development of Abu Dhabi Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OSHAD) • OSH Management System Audit (OSHAD) • Hazard Evaluations • HSEIA Screening • HAZID/ENVID/OHRA • Hazard and Operability Study (HAZOP) • Safety Integrity Level (SIL) Assessment and Verification • Simultaneous Operations Studies (SIMOPS) • Control of Major Accident Hazards (COMAH) • Pre-startup Safety Review (PSSR) • PHSER Reviews • Process Hazard Analysis • Risk Assessment • Consequence Analysis • Emergency Management Plan • Fire Safety Analysis Review • Passive Fire Protection Study • Ergonomic Study • Incident Investigation

HSE Training

• Environmental Permit Condition Implementation Training • Occupational Health Safety Training • Hazardous Materials Handling, Storage and Management Training • Pollution Prevention and Control Training • Solid and Hazardous Waste Management Training • Emergency Management Training • Safe Operation Training

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Project Management

• Construction Environmental Management • Preparation of Plans and Procedures • Project Inspection and Monitoring • Overall Project Environmental, Health and Safety Management

Management Systems

Development, Gap Analysis and Implementation of Management Systems including:

• ISO-45001 Occupational Health and Safety Management System • ISO-14001 Environmental Management System • ISO-50001 Energy Management System • ISO-9001 Quality Management System

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Our Clients

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Profession: Manager – Environment, Sustainability, Health and Safety (15+ years)


Mr. Senathipathi is the Manager of Adept Environmental Consultancy and he has more than 15 years of experience as an Environmental Regulator and Consultant. Mr. Senathipathi has maintained effective relationship with industrial entities, developers in Abu Dhabi while working with EAD Project to comply the legal requirements of noncompliance industries/projects. His expertise includes the following.  Regulatory review & approval of TOR, EIA, PER & EMP  Environmental / OSHAD Inspection & Audit  Prepare HSEIA, ESIA, EIA, EMP, ERP & HSE plan  Incident/Complaint Investigation as a regulator  Prepare Risk Assessment, HSE Procedure and Polices  Solid & Hazardous Waste Management  Proficient in ISO-14001, ISO-45001 / OSHAS 18001 MS  Contaminated Site Assessment & Remediation  Emission Estimation, Air & Noise Dispersion Modeling  Prepare Technical & Commercial proposal  Familiarity with local & international regulations (IFC)  Project Management & Contract Negotiation

CAREER HISTORY January 2019 to Till Date Company Name: Adept Environmental Consultancy, Abu Dhabi, UAE. Position : Manager – Environment, Health and Safety Duties and Responsibilities: • Manage environmental projects, including managing staff and budgets and coordinating activities. • Direct staff in providing excellent customer service to all external and internal customers. • Plan, direct and coordinate, through subordinate level staff; assign projects and programmatic areas of responsibility; review and evaluate work methods and procedures • Coordinate with industrial clients to achieve compliance and close all non-conformance that they received from regulatory authorities. • Provide consulting services for selection of pollution control equipment which are economic and energy efficient. • Analyzing the current practices of contracted clients and identifying points where environmental sustainability improved. • Attend and participate in professional group meetings; stay abreast of new trends and innovations in the field of environmental services. • Prepare of Environmental Assessment Studies and Environmental Management Plan (EMP) for various industries. • Prepare and review Marine and terrestrial ecological survey report. • Prepare technical and commercial proposal and execution of awarded projects. • Managing HSE implementation for the awarded industrial facility and ensure legal compliance. • Conduct periodic inspection and compliance audit for the various industrial facilities for the requirement of OSHAD and EAD. Page 12 of 45

• Train HSE staff of various contracted companies in terms environmental permit condition, pollution prevention, waste management, emergency management, hazardous material handling and storage. • Perform air & noise dispersion modeling, emission estimation & engineering calculation for greenhouse gases (GHG) and other criteria pollutants for almost all industrial sectors. • Develop & implement HSE (OSHAD) policy, plan and procedures for various industries.

October 2014 to December 2018 Project : Environment Agency-Abu Dhabi (EAD)), UAE Position : Senior Environmental Scientist Company Name: RTI International Project Scope : Develop Policies, Procedures, Guidelines, Training and Transferring Knowledge; Setting Industrial Specific Standards Duties and Responsibilities: • Reviewed environmental assessment studies (Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA), Terms of Reference (TOR), Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA), and Preliminary Environmental Review (PER), Environmental Action Plan (EAP), Environmental Management Plans (CEMP, OEMP & DEMP) and Environmental Audit & Monitoring Reports for issuing regulatory Permit. • Conducted regulatory HSE compliance and enforcement inspection/audit (conducted over 800+ firms /projects) using Inspection and Compliance Tool (ICT) for various industrial and development projects throughout Abu Dhabi Emirates (ICAD I, II, III, Industrial Area, KIZAD and western region) to assess compliance with the legal requirements and enforce the incompliant facilities to compliant. • Maintained professional relationship between the industrial facility management and EAD for timely closing of all violations and increasing of compliance rate. • Data and trend analysis to make decision on inspection, compliance and enforcement program. • Prepare environmental permit conditions, inspection checklist, violations statement and Best Management Practices (BMPs) for various industrial sectors. • Applied analytic skills to research various types of industrial processes, associated control system design, operation, costs, and environmental regulatory requirements. • Conducted Hazard Evaluation using RiCHEs (a Data Collection Tool) to rank the risky industrial and commercial facilities in Abu Dhabi Emirate to prioritize and implement Risk Based Inspection. • Define, investigate, formulate, and execute approaches and solutions to the most complex problems in projects/programs and/or cross-functional problems faced by the organization and its clients. • Participated in improving the design of the Environmental Theater (ET) which is a new tool introduced by EAD to combine, manage and analyze all environmental mentoring results including air quality, marine water quality to help EAD management to make better decision. • Investigated of environmental complaints /incidents (such as odor, air quality issues, illegal dumping, etc.,) from public / facility and making sure the closing of issues. • Reviewed of electronic deliverable data (EDD) which are submitted as part of environmental studies and monitoring reports for the input of Environmental Theater. • Updated Technical Guidance Document (TGD) and Standard Operating Procedures. • Mentored Inspections, Compliance and Enforcement Section Staffs of EAD.

February 2014 to October 2014 Company Name: Hyder Consulting Middle East Limited- Abu Dhabi, UAE. Position: Environmental Consultant Page 13 of 45

Project: STEP Deep (40-80m) Tunnel, Samsung C&T Corporation of South Korea, UAE Duties and Responsibilities: • Revised & implemented Construction Environmental Management Plan for the Deep Tunnel project. • Conducted environmental inspection and audit to ensure compliance with federal and local regulations. Prepared & submitted periodic environmental audit reports to regulatory authority. • Monitored air, soil, ecology, noise level, dewatered water, waste and wastewater and advised crew management on corrective actions as and when required. • Conducted environmental awareness training, liaison with the stock holders and regulatory agencies. Managed environmental contracts (waste management, laboratories & emergency material supplier) • Ensured proper management of hazardous and waste material in construction site. Guided waste management for elimination, source reduction, segregation, reuse, recycle and minimum disposal.

February 2012 to February 2014 Company Name: Construtora Norberto Odebrecht, Abu Dhabi, UAE Position: HSSE Engineer Duties and Responsibilities: • Developed and implemented Environment, Health and Safety policies, procedures, construction environmental management plan, OSHAD CoP, Estidama pearl and LEED sustainability requirements. • Ranked environmental aspects & impacts, risks, implemented objectives & targets, assessed KPIs. • Participated in preparation project HSE plan, procedure, construction environmental management plan (CEMP), waste management plan (WMP), spill control response plan & indoor air quality plan. • Obtained required permits from regulatory authority. Prepared & submitted periodic KPI reports. • Monitored air quality, soil, noise level, dewatering activities and waste management and advice crew management on corrective actions required. Ensured proper management of hazardous and waste material. Implemented waste hierarchy and minimum wastes disposal (<20%). • Managed environmental contracts (waste management, laboratories and environmental consultancy). Planned and implemented Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiative, sustainability and utilization of renewable energy. Guided purchasing of environmentally sustainable products. • Developed and implemented project specific workplace monitoring programs for chemical, physical and biological hazards. Identified appropriate control measures required to reduce or eliminate the risk of illness / injury from exposure to occupational health hazards. • Prepared required HSE training modules and conducted HSE awareness training. Prepared risk assessment, Job Safety Analysis (JSA), incident & accident investigation report; monitored unsafe acts & sub-contractor EHSMS system. July 2010 to January 2012 Company Name: Kharafi National, Abu Dhabi, UAE Position: Environmental Engineer Duties and Responsibilities: • Implemented environmental management system (EMS) 14001, construction environmental management plan & OSHAD procedures and plans. Ranked environmental aspects and impacts, implemented objectives and targets. Obtained required permits from regulatory authority. • Conducted audits to assess the effectiveness of the EMS to identify the required improvements. Managed environmental monitoring including air, soil, noise level, dewatered water and wastewater. • Managed environmental service contracts (waste management, laboratory analysis, consultancies);

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• Prepared and conducted HSE training modules, Incident investigation reports, etc.

September 2006 to June 2010 Company Name : Alsafa Environmental Technical Services LLC, Muscat, Oman. Position : Environmental Consultant (Air Quality Specialist) Duties and Responsibilities: • Prepared environmental and social impact assessment (ESIA) studies, climate impact assessment (CIA) study, environmental management plan (EMP) and emergency response plan (ERP) for various industries including oil and gas, mining, chemical, petrochemical, infrastructure, tourism, steel, aluminum, and thermal power plants. Conducted environmental baseline studies (EBS). • Performed air & noise dispersion modeling, emission estimation & engineering calculation for greenhouse gases (GHG) and other criteria pollutants for almost all industrial sectors. • Planned/managed major contracts and projects in preparation of proposals of significant technical complexity and contract value and execution of awarded projects. • Performed environmental audit and monitoring (stack emission, air quality, water quality at marine/freshwater, noise level, solid wastes) for various industries. • Operated and maintained ambient air quality monitoring stations (AAQMS) and prepared AAQMS reports and presentation for Petroleum Development of Oman (PDO) Ministry of Environment and Climate Affairs (MECA), Sultanate of Oman. Ensured proper calibration, quality data collection, data processing, analyzing and reporting as international best practices. • Conducted assessment of oil contaminated sites and supervised soil cleanup & remediation program. Planned required soil and ground water sample and assured success of remediation. • Liaison with pollution control boards and other regulatory authorities. March 2005 to September 2006 Company Name : Mineral Engineering Services, Bangalore, India. Position : Senior Environmental Chemist Duties and Responsibilities: • Conducted Environmental Baseline Survey, Prepared EIA and EMP for industries and mining companies. • Conducted ambient air quality and noise monitoring. Performed air dispersion modeling. • Prepared different maps (land use, drainage, habitat map) using GIS software for the EIA reports. • Carried out analysis of air, water, food and soil samples for physical, chemical & microbial parameters. • Liaison with Indian Environmental Authority; Conducted public hearing for mining companies; April 2004 to March 2005 Company Name : Vimta Labs Ltd., India. Position : Technical Assistant (Project: PPN Power Plant, Thirukadaiyur, Tamil Nadu.) Duties and Responsibilities: • Ambient air quality monitoring, analysis of water & air samples, stack emission & flue gas monitoring. • Ensure environmental compliance with local regulations; Liaison with TNPCB.

TRAINING AND CERTIFICATION OBTAINED • ISO 45001:2018 OHSMS Lead Auditor certificate, BSI India, 2018. • Process Hazard Analysis (PHA ) for Team Leader by PrimaTech at Chicago, USA , 2017. Page 15 of 45

• Air Dispersion Modeling ( AERMOD & CALPUFF ) by Lakes Environmental, 2017. • OSHA General Industry Safety, EI Group (USA), 2015. • Hazardous Waste Operations and Emergency Response" ( HAZWOPER ), EI Group (USA), 2015. • Interpreting Hydrodynamic Modeling for Environmental Regulator by HR Wallingford (UK), 2015. • NEBOSH-IGC International Certificate Safety & Health, Chess Safety Consultancy, UAE, 2013. • ISO 14001:2004 Lead Auditor & ISO 9001:2008 Internal Auditor certificate, TUV Oman, 2011.

• O&M training on Air Quality Monitoring Station for the analyzer of CH 4, non CH 4 HC, SO 2, H 2S, NOx, NH 3, CO, and CO 2 conducted by Thermo Fisher Scientifics at Boston, ( USA ), 2009. • Health, Safety and Environmental procedures & Hydrogen Sulfide awareness and escape procedures conducted by Petroleum Development Oman (PDO), Sultanate of Oman, 2007.

ANALYTICAL INSTRUMENTS HANDLED • GC, IC, AAS, UV-visible Spectrophotometer, Flame photometer, Turbidity meter, Flue gas analyzer, pH meter, Conductivity meter, titrimetric, CTD, noise level meter, High Volume Air Sampler and Continuous AAQM station analyzers SO 2, H 2S, NO X, O 3, NH 3, CO 2, CO, CH 4 and non CH 4 HC.

IT EXPERIENCE • Environmental Software : ISC-AERMOD, CALPUFF, ALOHA, PHA works, CAUSTIC & ArcGIS. • Other Software : Excellent knowledge in MS Office & basic knowledge of C, C++, Java & SQL plus.

EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS • M.Sc. Environmental Sciences from Bharathiar University, Coimbatore India, 2004. • B. Sc. Zoology /Chemistry from Madurai Kamaraj University, Mudurai, India, 2002. • Diploma in E. commerce from CSC Computer software college, Coimbatore, India, 2004.


 2019 – PER Terrestrial Ecological Plan of construction new road linking Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Road (E- 84/E- 102) and Al Showaib Roundabout (E-60/E-55), , Abu Dhabi, UAE - ongoing  2019-HSEIA Screening Report, HAZID, ENVID, OHID for Fender Replacement works, ADNOC Logistics and Services, Abu Dhabi, UAE.  2019-Site Investigation for the BU-332 P-960 Triton Operational Facilities, US Army Corps Engineer, Al Dhafra Airbase, Abu Dhabi, UAE.  2019-CEMP Audit of Hudayriat Island Camp Site Landscaping and Infrastructure Works, Abu Dhabi, UAE.  2019-OEMP Audit for Al Dhafra Paper Mill Company LLC, ICAD III, Abu Dhabi, UAE  2019-OEMP for Al Dhafra Landfill, Al Dahfra, UAE – ongoing  2019-OEMP for Ittihad Paper Mill, Abu Dhabi, UAE – ongoing  2019-CEMP for Ain Al Fayda, Al Ain, UAE  2019-CEMP for Design and Construction of Concrete Ramp for Landing Craft, ADNOC Logistic and Services, Abu Dhabi, UAE  2019 – EAP for Al Ghaith Industries, ICAD I, Abu Dhabi, UAE  2019 – EAP for Ajmal Steel Tubes and Pipe Industries LLC, ICAD I, Abu Dhabi, UAE  2019 – EAP for United Industries, ICAD III, Abu Dhabi, UAE  2019 – Environmental Consultancies Star Paper Mills, Abu Dhabi, ICAD II, UAE  2019 – EAP for Galva Protec Galvanizing Factory, ICAD II, Abu Dhabi, UAE  2019 –Environmental Training United Marble & Granite Factory, ICAD III, Abu Dhabi, UAE Page 16 of 45

 2019 –EAP for Penta Global Engineering Company, ICAD III, UAE  2019 –Dust and VOC Control Plan for Deco Wood, ICAD I, UAE

DEVELOPMENT AND IMPLEMENTATION OF OSHAD MANAGEMENT SYSTEM  2019 – Bin Mansoor Plastic Factory, M-41, Abu Dhabi, UAE  2019 – Al Reyad Plastic Factory, ICAD I, Abu Dhabi, UAE  2019 – Abu Mansoor Plastic Factory, ICAD I, Abu Dhabi, UAE  2019 – Al Hilal Advanced Plastic Factory, ICAD I, Abu Dhabi, UAE ENVIRONEMNTAL STUDIES REVIEWED FOR ENVIRONMENTAL PERMITTING

 2018 - EIA of Ramhan 3D Seismic Survey (EIA), Abu Dhabi, UAE

 2018 - EIA of Alain Hazardous and Medical Waste Incinerator, Abu Dhabi, UAE

 2018 - EIA of Taweelah IWP Seawater Reverse Osmosis Plant, Taweelah, Abu Dhabi, UAE

 2017 - EIA of Manayef Residential Complex, , Abu Dhabi, UAE

 2017 - EIA of Al Ghasha 3D Seismic Survey, Abu Dhabi, UAE

 2016 - EIA Update of EMAL, Kizad, UAE.

 2015 - EIA of Ducab Aluminium Rod/conductor Plant KIZAD Abu Dhabi, UAE

 2015 - EIA and TOR of Tacaamol Aromatics Project (ChemaWeyaat), Ruwais, Abu Dhabi, UAE

 2015 - EIA of Sichem ICAD-3 Project, , Abu Dhabi, UAE

 2015 - EIA of Emirates Steel (update), Abu Dhabi, UAE

 2015 - EIA of Fluid Cracking Catalyst Plant (Grace) KIZAD, Abu Dhabi, UAE

 2015 - EIA of Hail Oil Field Development

 2014 –EIA of Shaheen Alumina Refinery Project (Revised EIA), Kizad, UAE

 2014 - EIA of Taweelah Aluminium Extrusion (TALEX), Kizad, UAE

 2014 - EIA of AD Light Rail Transit/Tram, Abu Dhabi, UAE

 2014 - EIA of Project, Abu Dhabi, UAE

 2016 - TOR of Physical Framework Plan, Abu Dhabi, UAE

 2015 - PER of Infrastructure Works for New Industrial Area, Abu Dhabi, UAE

 2015 - Marine Impact and Compensation Report for Mirfa IWPP, Abu Dhabi, UAE

 2015 - PER of Upgrade Infrastructure at Al Qua'a, Wadi Al Flare and Al Hayer in Al Ain

 2018 - OEMP Al Dhafra Paper Manufacturing Company LLC, ICAD III, Abu Dhabi, UAE

 2017 - OEMP Al Taweelah Alumina Refinery and Bauxite Residue Storage Area, Kizad, UAE

 2015 – OEMP of KIZAD Aluminium Recycling Facility


 2015 - CEMP of New Abu Dhabi- Road, UAE

 2017 - Environmental Monitoring for the Development of the Hail Oil Field

 IGD – E (PHASE-1) - 42” Offshore Pipeline Project

 2015 - Monitoring and Audit report of Shams 1 Power Plant Madinat Zayed, Abu Dhabi, UAE

 2015 - Monitoring and audit report of Taweelah Aluminium Extrusion (TALEX), Abu Dhabi, UAE

 2015 - Monitoring and audit report of project, Western Region, Abu Dhabi, UAE

 2014 - – Mina Zayed 24” Gas Pipeline

 2015 to 2018 Environmental Action Plan for various industrial sectors.

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 Emirates Steel, Abu Dhabi, UAE


 Al Jaber Group Companies

 National Petroleum Construction Company (NPCC)

 Adyard Abu Dhabi L.L.C

 Ali and Sons Marine Engineering Factory L.L.C

 Exceed Group Companies

 Tiger Steel Industries LLC

 Abu Dhabi National Paper Mill

 Jotun Abu Dhabi L.L.C

 National Cement Factory - L L C

 Arabian Cement Industry LLC

 Halliburton Worldwide Limited, Abu Dhabi.

 Abu Dhabi Fertilizer Industries Co. W.L.L

 Crown Paper Mill Ltd. - Abu Dhabi Branch

 Medisal For Pharmaceutical Industries L.L.C

 ETP and STP in Abu Dhabi Emirates

 Readymix and Hot mix Asphalt facilities in Abu Dhabi Infrastructure and Development Project

 New Abu Dhabi Dubai Road (Development Project)

 Midfield Terminal Building and Car Park Construction (Abu Dhabi AirPort Expansion Project)

 Improvement of Mafraq to Al Ghwaifat Border Post Highway Section

 Al Qana Development Project


 Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP), STEP Deep Tunnel & Deep Pumping Station (P- 01) Project, Abu Dhabi Sewerage Service Company (ADSSC), Abu Dhabi, UAE, 2012-13. Involved in review & update of CEMP in line with Environmental Agency of Abu Dhabi guidelines

th  HSEIA of ADGAS 8 Power Generation in , UAE, 2012. Involved emission estimation, Air and noise dispersion modeling, impact assessment, environmental action plan as per ADNOC code of practices and preparation of HSEIA Report.

 Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP), STP-2 Project, Tourism Development Investment Company), Abu Dhabi, UAE, 2011. Involved in review & update of CEMP in line with Environmental Agency of Abu Dhabi guidelines

 EIA of Khartoum Refinery (Expansion) for Khartoum Refinery Company, Sudan, 2010 Involved in Environmental Baseline Survey and Analysis of waste streams

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 EIA of Independent Water and Power Plant (IWPP) for Sempcorp Industries Pvt. Ltd (Singapore), at Salalah, Oman, 2009 to 2010. Involved in Environmental Baseline survey, Greenhouse gas emission estimation, Air and noise dispersion modeling, impact assessment and preparation of environmental management plan as per IFC, World Bank guideline, Public Consultation, EIA Report preparation

 Operational phase EMP and Emergency response plan, Barka II power plant, Oman, 2008. Involved in data collection, site investigation, Impact analysis, assessing existing mitigation measures, preparation of Environmental Management Plan, implementation and training

 EIA Update of Fertilizer plant for Oman India Fertilizer Company (OMIFCO), Oman, 2007. Involved in Environmental Baseline survey including marine survey , Gaseous Emission Estimation, Air dispersion modeling, Impact assessment, Environmental management plan & Report preparation

 EIA of Seismic and Exploration activities in BLOCK-A for Sudapak at Malakal, Sudan, 2009. Involved in environmental baseline description, Air and noise dispersion modeling, Impact Assessment

 EIA of Seismic and Exploration activities in BLOCK-11 for Sudapak, Sudan, 2009. Involved in Air & noise dispersion modeling and report preparation

 EIA of Seismic and Exploration activities in BLOCK-9 for Sudapak, Sudan, 2009. Involved in Air & noise dispersion modeling and report preparation

 EIA of Exploratory Drilling in Block-15 at Jabal Aswad forTethys Oil, Oman, 2007. Involved in Air dispersion modeling and GIS Mapping

 EIA of Fiber Glass Manufacturing Facility for Gulf Petrochemical Services Co. LLC, Oman, 2009. Involved waste stream analysis, air and noise modeling and report preparation

 Preliminary EIA of Uyun Limestone Mine for Al Rimal Mining LLC (TATA Group), Oman, 2009. Involved in Environmental Baseline survey, Impact assessment, EMP and Report preparation

 EIA of Gas Pipeline Construction Project for Gulf Petrochemical Services Co. LLC, Oman, 2008. Involved in Environmental Baseline survey, Impact assessment, Quantitative Risk Assessment & EMP

 EIA of Gas Pipeline Construction Project for Larson & Turbo Electro Mech., Oman, 2008. Involved in Environmental Baseline survey, Impact assessment, EMP and Report preparation

 EIA of Block 18 Offshore Exploratory Drilling Project for Reliance Industries Ltd, Oman, 2007. Involved in Impact assessment, Environmental management plan & Report preparation. Marine Mammal observatio

 EIA of Chrome ore upgradation plant for Gulf Group of Mining Companies, Oman, 2008. Involved in Environmental Baseline survey, Impact assessment, EMP and Report preparation

 Preliminary EIA of Independent Water and Power Plant at Salalah for General Electricals (GE) USA, Oman, 2008. Involved in Environmental Baseline survey and Report preparation

 EIA of steel plant at Sohar for Modern Steel Mills LLC, Oman, 2008. Involved in Environmental Baseline survey, Air and noise dispersion modeling, Impact assessment, Environmental management plan & Report preparation

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 EIA of Aluminium Dross recycling plant for Takamul Investment Company, Oman, 2008. Involved in Environmental Baseline survey, Air and noise dispersion modeling, Impact assessment, Environmental management plan & Report preparation

 EIA of Steel plant at Sur for Zoom developers LLC, Oman, 2008. Involved in Environmental Baseline survey, Air and noise dispersion modeling, Impact assessment, Environmental management plan & Report preparation

 EIA of Aluminium Billet and Extrusion plant for Takamul Investment Company, Oman, 2007. Involved in Environmental Baseline survey, Air and noise dispersion modeling, Impact assessment, Environmental management plan & Report preparation

 Construction phase EMP and Site contingency plan, L&T Heavy Engi.LLC, Oman, 2007. Involved in data collection, site investigation, analysis of monitoring methodology, plan preparation, implementation and training

 EIA of Aluminium plant at Sohar for Future Metals, Oman, 2007. Involved in Air dispersion modeling, Impact assessment & Report preparation

 EIA of Fly ash processing plant for Advanced Industrial Company LLC, Oman, 2008. Involved in Environmental Baseline survey, Air dispersion modeling, Impact assessment, EMP & Report preparation

 EIA of Aluminium plant for Gulf Aluminium Rolling Company LLC, Oman, 2007. Involved in Air dispersion modeling, GIS Mapping, Impact assessment &Report preparation

 EIA of Aluminium plant at Sohar for Zoom Developers India, Oman, 2008. Involved in Air dispersion modeling, Impact assessment & Report preparation

 EIA of Phasphate mines for Andhra Phosphates, AP, India, 2006. Involved in Environmental Baseline survey

 EIA of Iron ore mine for Tumkur Minerals, KA, India, 2006. Involved in Environmental Baseline survey

 EIA for Pandalgudi Limestone Mines, Madras Cements Ltd, TN, India, 2005. Involved in Environmental Baseline survey, GIS Mapping, & Report preparation

 EIA for Seethainagar Limestone Mines, Chetinad Cement Corporation Limited, TN, India, 2005. Involved in Environmental Baseline survey, GIS Mapping, Public Consultation, Environmental management plan & Report preparation

 EIA for Devermalai Limestone Mines, Chetinad Cement Corporation Limited, TN, India, 2005. Involved in Environmental Baseline survey, GIS Mapping, Public Consultation, Environmental management plan & Report preparation


 Ambient Air Quality Monitoring of Mina Al Fahal, Petroleum Development Oman (PDO) and Ministry of Environment and Climate Affairs (MECA), Oman (2009 to 2010)

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• Performed air dispersion modeling based on source emission data to identify ground level concentrations (GLCs) hotspots in order to select appropriate monitoring locations based on air dispersion modeling results.

• Performed calibration of SO 2, H 2S, NO 2, O 3, NH 3, CO 2, CO, CH 4 and non CH 4 HC analyser and ensured quality data throughout the monitoring period in compliance with ISO 17025, USEPA and best available practices • Ensured quality data collection at a minimum of 90% valid data capture rate per air quality parameter per month. • Ensured collection of meteorological data at a minimum of 98% valid data capture rate per meteorological parameter per month. • Ensured collection noise data at a minimum of 90% valid data capture rate per station per month. • Analysed data, prepared monthly reports and presentation monitoring results to PDO and MECA. • Determined long-term air pollution trends and the effectiveness of pollution control strategies for Mina Al Fahal refineries, oil tanking and loading terminal activities. • Presented the monitoring trends to Ministry of Environment and Climate Affairs (MECA), Oman.

 Ambient Air Quality Monitoring in response to the emergency complaints from Kuboot village, PDO, Oman (2009) • Conducted air dispersion modeling using AERMOD software to identify ground level concentrations (GLCs) hotspots and buffer zone of the complained area to select appropriate location for AAQM.

• Performed calibration of SO 2, H 2S, NO 2, O 3, NH 3, CO 2, CO, CH 4 and non CH 4 HC analyser and ensured quality data throughout the monitoring period in compliance with ISO 17025, USEPA and best available practices. • Ensured quality data collection at a minimum of 90% valid data capture rate per air quality parameter per month. • Ensured collection of meteorological data at a minimum of 98% valid data capture rate per meteorological parameter per month. • Analysed data, prepared AAQM report, presented the findings and recommendations to the PDO for reducing pollution and avoid complaints from local community.

 Performance Test Monitoring at Barka II power and desalination plant, Oman, 2009. Involved in GT’s stack emission monitoring (using US EPA method 5, 6, CTM 13A, 34) including PM, SO 2, NO X, CO, CO 2 and Hydrocarbons, Noise monitoring, seawater influent and effluent sampling.

 Measurement of Ocean physicochemical parameters for Independent Power and Desalination Project at Salalah, SEPCO III, Oman, 2010. Involved in deployment of instrument and collection of data such as wave and current data (ADCP), Tide (Tide gauge), Conductivity, and Temperature Dissolved Oxygen (CTD); Analysis of historical data of physicochemical parameters such conductivity, temperature, TSS, sedimentation, tide, wave and current, climate, tsunami, etc.,

 Marine Ecological Monitoring during Dredging of Marine Intake and Outfall for Independent Power and Desalination Project at Salalah, SEPCO III, Oman, 2010. Monitored marine water quality and ecology (flora and fauna). Ensure that the impact from the dredging activity in compliance with environmental permit conditions.

 Marine Mammal Observation (MMO) for Block 18 Offshore seismic and Exploratory Drilling Project for Reliance Industries Ltd, Oman, 2007.

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Monitored and recorded Marine mammal activity and other species (flora and fauna) of concern identified by the project environmental impact assessment during the course of the project. Communicated deviations to company and contractor designated personnel.

 Construction phase Environmental Audit and Monitoring at Phase–II Oiltanking Odfjell Terminals & Co LLC, Oman, 2007 to 2008. Involved in Environmental audit and monitoring and preparation of audit report

 Air Quality monitoring at Modern Steel Mills, Oman, 2009. Ambient Air Quality, Stack emission monitoring including PM, SO 2, NO X, CO, CO 2 and Hydrocarbons and Noise monitoring

 Construction phase Health, Safety and Environmental Monitoring and Audit, Sembcorp Salalah Power & Water Company, Oman, 2010. Involved in Health, Safety and Environmental audit and monitoring; preparation of audit report

 Environmental Audit and Monitoring for Construction and Operation phase at Oman Formaldehyde Chemical Company, Oman, 2007 to 2010. Involved in Environmental audit and monitoring and preparation of audit report

 Construction phase Env. Audit and Monitoring at Aromatics Oman LLC, Oman, 2008 to 2010. Involved in Environmental audit and monitoring and preparation of audit report

 Construction phase Environmental Audit and Monitoring at Phase–I Oiltanking Odfjell Terminals & Co LLC, Oman, 2007 to 2008. Involved in Environmental audit and monitoring and preparation of audit report

 Construction phase Env. Monitoring and Audit, Barka II power plant, Oman, 2007 to 2009. Involved in Environmental audit and monitoring and preparation of audit report

 Indoor Air Quality Monitoring at Royal Oman Police Forensic Laboratory, Oman, 2007. Involved in indoor air sampling and decontamination


 Contaminated Site Investigation and Remediation Plan for Al Faya Hazardous Waste Storage Facility, Oasis Environmental Solution, Abu Dhabi, UAE. 2020 ongoing. Involved in preparation of Action Plan, Site investigation and remediation plan.

 Site Investigation Report for the Soil Contamination at Storm Water Basin in Al Dhafra Air Base, Abu Dhabi, UAE. 2020 Involved in preparation of site investigation plan, Execution of sampling program and Site Investigation Report preparation as per EAD guidelines Client: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) Contractor: Al Sahraa General Transport & Clearance

 Environmental Action Plan and Remediation of Contaminated Site for Al Ghaith Industries LLC, ICAD-I, Abu Dhabi, UAE. 2019 Involved in preparation of Action Plan, Site investigation and remediation plan.

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 Environmental Consultancy Services for Bid Bid Oil Contamination Restoration Project, PDO, Oman, 2008. Involved in soil, ground and surface water sampling and analysis, impact assessment and advice on restoration activities

 TPH Contaminated Soil Remediation/Cleanup Project at Zauliyah 16, Oman 2006 to 2007 Preparation of project progress report and demobilization plans and management of the demobilization work at site.

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Dr. Piriti Raval M.Sc., P.hD., Profession: Environmental Consultant (6+ years) Summary

Dr. Priti Raval is a doctorate in Environmental Sciences and having 6 years of working experience in Environmental Consulting and Research field. Dr. Priti Raval worked in various Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) project and Environmental Audit and Monitoring. She has vast experience in Recycle & Reuse of Industrial Effluent Waste Material. Dr. Priti Raval is currently working with Adept Environmental Consultancy as an Environmental Consultant to manage environmental projects. CAREER HISTORY September 2019 to Till Date Company Name: Adept Environmental Consultancy, Abu Dhabi, UAE. Position : Environmental Consultant Duties and Responsibilities: • Prepare of Environmental Assessment Studies and Environmental Management Plan (EMP) for various industries. • Perform Terrestrial and marine ecological survey, flora and fauna identification. • Coordinate with industrial facilities to achieve regulatory compliance and close all non-conformance that they received from regulatory authorities (EAD). • Prepare pollution control studies and plan • Prepare technical and commercial proposal. • Prepare Environmental Action Plan. • Prepare Waste Management Plan and Emergency management Plan. • Conduct Environmental Compliance Audit. October 2010 to December 2013 Company Name: Eco Group of Companies, Surat, Gujarat, India Position : Environmental Scientist Duties and Responsibilities: • Associated in preparing ISO/IEC 17025:2005 & ISO 14001 (EMS) related documents like Quality Manual, Quality Procedure, laboratory Standard Operating Procedures, Quality Format. • Associated in maintaining all laboratory records as per the requirement of ISO/IEC 17025:2005 • Associated in testing & preparing test reports of various parameters of Water, Waste Water & Ambient Air Samples • Associated in Environment Audit Report Preparation as per the requirement of Gujarat Pollution Control Board • Assisted in preparing Environment Impact Assessment report. October 2010 to December 2013 Company Name: Eco Group of Companies, Surat, Gujarat, India Position : Environmental Scientist Duties and Responsibilities: • Analysis of water & waste water as per Indian Standard and APHA. Page 24 of 45

• Ensure wastewater compliance with MoEF Standard. • Submit Periodic report to management. EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS • Ph.D. in Chemistry subject with title “Recycle & Reuse of Industrial Effluent Waste Material” from V.N.S.G.U, Surat, Gujarat, India, 2015. • M.Sc. in Environmental Science from V.N.S.G.U, Surat, Gujarat, India, 2009. • B.Sc. in Microbiology from V.N.S.G.U, Surat, Gujarat, India, 2007. • Completed CCC (Course on Computer Concepts), Gujarat, India. CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES • Completed Dissertation on “Comparative Study of Underground Water Quality Determination of Surat City-2008-09” and presented & published the abstract in International Conference on Recent Advances in Environmental Protection RAEP – Agra, India, 2009. • Presented a research paper on “Phytoremediation of Heavy Metals by Using Brassica juncea (Indian mustard)” at INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH – 2008, GOA, India . PUBLICATIONS

International/ Name of the Journal, Vol & Issue No. National Level UGC No., Page No. Title of the Research Paper Impact Factor Publisher Year of & Citation ISSN No. Publication Potential of anionic • International Journal of Research surfactant modified alumina • International and Analytical Reviews (IJRAR) • 6(1) in removal of crystal violet • Impact • IJRAR19J3961 • 145-158 from aqueous solution Factor: 5.75 • ISSN (E) 2348-1269 • March 2019 • ISSN (P) 2349-5138 Potential of cationic • International Journal of surfactant modified silica gel • International Environment, Ecology, Family • 6(1) in removal of • IF: 3.0965 and Urban Studies (IJEEFUS) • 25-38 organophosphate pesticide • ICV:3 • ISSN (P) 2250-0065 • February – Monocrotophos from • NAAS Rating: 3.63 • ISSN (E) 2321-0109 2016 aqueous solution • Trans Stellar Publisher • • International Journal of Removal of anionic International • 7(2A) • Environmental Research and surfactant sodium dodecyl IF: 4.301 • 851-862 • Development, sulphate (SDS) from aqueous RG Journal • Oct- Dec • JERAD Publication solution by using Alumina. Impact: 0.54 2012 • PARIS ISSN :0973-6921 LIST OF ENVIRONMENTAL STUDIES, REPORT AND PLAN

 2019 – PER Terrestrial Ecological Plan of construction new road linking Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Road (E- 84/E- 102) and Al Showaib Roundabout (E-60/E-55), Al Ain, Abu Dhabi, UAE - ongoing  2019 – OEMP Audit of Al Dhafra Paper Manufacturing Company LLC, ICAD III, Abu Dhabi, UAE - ongoing  2019 – OEMP Al Dhafra Landfill, Al Dhafra, UAE - Ongoing  2019 – OEMP of Ittihad Paper Mill, Abu Dhabi, UAE – Ongoing

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 2019 –VOC Control Plan and Wastewater Control Plan for United Iron and Steel Company LLC, ICAD III, UAE  2019 – Fugitive Dust Control Plan for Al Jaber Iron and Steel Company LLC, Mussafah, Abu Dhabi, UAE

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Dr. Vijayabaskara Sethubathi

Profession: Environmental Coordinator / Marine Biologist (9 years)


Dr. Vijayabaskara Sethubathi has more than 9 years of experience as an environmental coordinator, scientific consultant, marine biologist, research associate and professor. His research is primarily focused on the marine biology and conservation ecology. He also interested in seagrass and endangered species conservation. I especially like to work in offshore oil and gas industry and deep-sea research in environmental impact assessments. His expertise includes the following.  Environmental Impacts Assessment (EIA)  Bioremediation of Oil Contaminated Site  Marine Ecology  Mangrove Restoration and Management  Mangrove, seagrass assessment  Microbial Taxonomy  Benthos analysis  Water quality analysis CAREER HISTORY

March 2020 to Till Date Company Name: Adept Environmental Consultancy, Abu Dhabi, UAE. Position : Marine Ecologist Duties and Responsibilities: • Prepare of Environmental Impact Assessment Studies • Plan and run field studies and experiments • Study the impact of pollution on marine life • Marine Ecological Survey, Marine water quality sampling, sediment sampling, sea grass monitoring, phytoplankton, zooplankton, fish larvae, benthic infauna and epifaunal sampling, classification and identification. • Observe and research marine plants and animals in their natural environment. December 2019 – February 2020 Company Name: HUTA Hegerfeld, Abu Dhabi, UAE. Position : Marine Ecologist Duties and Responsibilities: Conduct the site inspection, prepare periodic report for the marine project activities. • Prepare environmental plan and reports. • Monitor the marine fauna’s survey and analyzing the environmental parameters. • Followed dredging guidelines mitigation protocols; trained and guided vessel crew in marine conservation related practices. April 2018 – December 2019 Org. Name : JESU arts and Science College, Alangudi, Tamilnadu, India . Position : Environmental coordinator Duties and Responsibilities: • Coordinate and supervise the monitoring program and data analysis from researchers • Improve student’s analytical skills by utilizing computer program technologies. Page 27 of 45

• Conducting environmental conservation awareness to adjoining school and colleges. • Handled disciplinary issues and developed improvement plans.

June 2016- April 2018 Org. Name : J.J. College of arts and science, Pudukkottai), Tamilnadu, India . Position : Scientific consultant Duties and Responsibilities: • Collection and data analysis of marine water and sediment sample collection in seagrass and mangrove ecosystem. • To developing the research programmes and monitor researcher progress for the report writing. • Relate historical concepts to current events and situations to help students develop an appreciation for Science.

December 2013 – December 2015 Org. Name : Jaya College of arts and science, Thiruninravur, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India . Position : Assistant professor/Environmental coordinator Duties and Responsibilities: • Conducting various environmental awareness programme and attending environemt meeting with government official for the student programs. • Deliver the research new curriculum and implement new concepts and ideas into the classroom. • Teach a minimum of 5 Classes per year performing all teacher duties in each one • Train new teachers in classroom conduct and requirements

September 2009 - March 2012 Org. Name : ANNAMALAI UNIVERSITY, CAS in Marine Biology Parangipettai, TamilNadu, India Position : Senior Research Fellow Duties and Responsibilities: • Participated in various offshore surveys in the field of Chlorophylls and EIA studies. • Identification and analysis of Phyto and Zooplankton in laboratory under microscope. • Routine sample collection, analysis of the physico-chemical properties of water and sediment samples. • Conducting survey with team to cleaning of coral reef environment and calculate of sedimentation for Gulf of Mannar, India.

August 2007 - September 2009 Org. Name : ANNAMALAI UNIVERSITY, CAS in Marine Biology Parangipettai, TamilNadu India Position : Junior Research Fellow Duties and Responsibilities: • Monthly survey on ecology and microbial diversity of microorganisms of Andaman and Nicobar • Islands, India. • Estimate the microbial diversity comparison in live and dead coral colonies of Island ecosystem. • Identification of plankton and estimate the population in coral reef environment. • Estimation of Particulate and organic carbon in sediment. • Plantation of mangrove in degraded areas of Andaman and Nicobar Islands, India. Page 28 of 45

• Conducting various offshore surveys, relevant to the sea cow conservation in Bay of Bengal, India.

ADDITIONAL EXPERIENCE • Contributed various impact assessment and macro benthic surveys in different lagoon ecosystems of India. • Assessment of shoreline birds survey of east coast of Tamilnadu, India.

ACHIEVEMENTS Award winning Best paper publication award 2013- INDIAN SOCITY OF REMOTE SENSING.

PATENT Bioelectricity production by Marine Actinobacterial Fuel Cell using industrial effluent as substrate – Indian Patent, 2406/CHE/2011.

PUBLICATIONS Book Revathi, P., S.T. Soumasundaram, K. Sivakumar and G. Vijaya baskara sethupathi , 2010. Isolation and anti- pathogenic activity of marine actinobacteria from Rutland of Andaman and Nicobar Islands. Recent Trends in Biodiversity of Andaman and Nicobar Islands,Chapter 43, 495-502.

Scientific Journals Thangaradjou, T., S. Raja, E. Dilipan and G. Vijaya Bhaskara Sethupathi, 2010. Economic value fish trap fishery, Palk Bay, INDIA, Seagrass Watch. 19

Thangaradjou, T., G. Vijyabaskara Sethubathi, S. Raja, D. Poornima, R. Shanthi, T. Balasubramanian, K. N. Babu and A. K. Shukla, 2012. The influence of environmental variables on Phytoplankton florists’ pattern along the shallow coasts of southwest Bay of Bengal. Journal of Algal research, 1. 143-154pp.

Poornima, D., R. Shanthi, S. Raja, G. Vijyabaskara Sethubathi , T. Thangaradjou, K. N. Babu and A. K. Shukla, 2013.Understanding the spatial variability of Chlorophyll-a and total suspended matter distribution along the southwest Bay of Bengal using in-situ and OCM-2 &MODIS- Aqua measurements. Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing, DOI.. 10.1007.

Shanthi R., D. Poornima, S. Raja, G. Vijyabaskara Sethubathi , T. Thangaradjou, T. Balasubramanian, K. N. Babu and A. K. Shukla, 2013. Validation of OCM-2 Sensor performance in retrieving Chlorophyll and TSM along the southwest Bay of Bengal Coast. International Journal of Remote Sensing. No2. 479-489.

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Profession: Environmental Consultant (28 years)


Dr. Pragatheeswaran has more than 28 years of experience as an Environmental Consultant, Research associate and professor. He has 17 years international experience in various countries including (UAE, USA, Bahrain, Qatar, Kuwait, Mauritius, Eritrea, Libiya and Indonesia. His expertise includes the following.  Environmental Impacts Assessment (EIA)  Bioremediation of Oil Contaminated Site  Environmental Pollution Monitoring  Mangrove Restoration and Management  Integrated Solid Waste Management  Coastal Zone Management Program  Impacts of Thermal Pollution  Conservation of Endangered Species CAREER HISTORY

Duration: July 2019 to Till Date Name of the Post: Freelancer to Adept Environmental Consultancy Responsibilities: Provide consulting services for marine and terrestrial ecology.

Duration: August 2015 to September 2017 Name of the Post: Environmental Engineer Employer: Strabag-Archirodon Joint Venture Port Louis, Mauritius Responsibilities: Project Coordinator for Port Louis Harbour Extension Project • EIA for Port Louis harbour coastal water; • Daily, Weekly, Monthly & Quarterly Environmental Monitoring program of Construction activities • Construction Waste Management; • Assessment of Seawater Quality at dredging site; • Assessment of Marine Sensitive Species; • Assessment of Water Birds Count; • Air Quality Assessment Management at Construction site • Noise Quality Assessment at Construction site

Duration: May 2014 to July 2015 Name of the Post: Manager for Environmental Projects Employer: Nature Environmental Studies & Consultations Services W.L.L Bahrain & Qatar Responsibilities: Project Manager for • EIA for Sitra Housing Project Reclamation site, Bahrain • EIA for East Sitra Industrial Reclamation site, Bahrain • EIA for New Industrial Sitra Reclamation site, Bahrain • EIA for Al Nakheel Channel Dredging, Bahrain • EIA for One & Only Bahrain 5 Star Hotel & Resort • EIA for Bapco Refinery extension site, Bahrain • EIA for Al Bidaa Park Doha, Qatar • EIA for Lusail Hotel and Resort, Qatar

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• Construction Waste Management; • Assessment of Seawater Quality at dredging site; • Assessment of Marine Sensitive Species; • Assessment of Water Birds Count; • Air Quality Assessment Management at Construction site • Noise Quality Assessment at Construction site

Duration: Nov. 2011 to Nov. 2013 Name of the Post: Environmental Engineer Employer: Abu Dhabi Oil Company Ltd. (Japan) Abu Dhabi, UAE Responsibilities: Project Coordinator for the following Environmental Programme Hail Oil Field Environmental Monitoring Programme, Environmental Management Plan (EMP) for Hail oil field development, Hail 6 appraisal well drilling impacts assessment, EIA of Dhabi 2 drilling activities, Environmental Baseline Study (EBS) for Hail Oil Field, Environmental Impacts Assessment for 3D Seismic Survey of Hail Oil Field, ADNOC’s Environmental COPs Review, EIA of offshore oil pipeline for Hail oil Field, EIA of artificial island construction for oil Exploration, Oil Spill Contingency Plan (OSCP) for Hail Oil Field Mubarraz oil field waste disposal and Management and Bioremediation programme for oil sludge treatment (Annexure I).

Duration: March 2011 to November 2011 Name of the Post: Senior Environmental Consultant Employer: Wataniya Environmental Services Company State of Kuwait Responsibilities: Project Coordinator for Dorra Oil Field Environmental Baseline Studies (EBS), Mangrove Restoration, EIA for Shuwaikh SWRO Desalination Plant, Failaka Port dredging activities, EIA of China Harbour activities in Boubyan Island, Sheikh Jaber Al Ahmed Al Sabah Causeway Project, Al- Kheran Extension Power & Desalination plant and KOC harbour project (Annexure II)

Duration: Sep. 2009 to February 2011 Name of the Post: Senior Environmental Consultant Employer: Mass Environmental Consultancy Services, Madurai - 625012, Tamil Nadu State, India Responsibilities: Project Coordinator for Environmental Impacts Assessment (EIA) of Ennore Oil Refinery, Chennai, India, EIA of EIA Cochin Oil Refinery, India, Thermal Power station, EIA Tuticorin harbour, EIA of Shrimp Farming in India, Marine Pollution studies around southeast coast of India, Restoration of Mangrove, and depleted natural fisheries resources and Biodiversity and Coastal Zone Management Program. Duration: Nov. 2008 to August 2009 Name of the Post: Associate Professor , Employer: Faculty of Medical Technology, Al Fatha University, Tripoli, Libya Responsibilities: Project Coordinator for Page 31 of 45

• Heavy Metal Pollutants around the Libyan Coastal Environment • Impacts of Microbial and Chemical Contaminants on Tripoli Drinking Water System • Sewage Pollution Impacts on Tripoli ground water table • Impacts of Carbonate in Drinking Water on Kidney Stone Formation in Human

Duration: December 1999 to December 2007 Name of the Post: Adviser for Environmental Assessment & Management Projects Employer: Ministry of Land, W a t e r and Environment, Asm ara, Eritrea, Northeast Africa. Responsibilities: Project Coordinator for Impacts of Asseb Oil Refinery around the Red Sea coastal water, and Mangrove Ecosystem, Impacts of Massawa harbour dredging, Impacts of Hirgigo Thermal Power Plant, Impacts of Sewage and Shrimp Farming around Masswa Red Sea, Impacts of Saltwater intrusion on the Eritrea coastal towns drinking water systems, Impacts of Sewage on Asmara city drinking water distribution system, Impacts of Mercury Pollution around the Anseba Gold Mine, Solid Waste Assessment and Management, Harbour Waste Assessment, Marine Pollution Monitoring around the Eritrea Red Sea coastal environment, Marine Microbial Pollution status around the Eritrean Red Sea, Status of Eritrean Coastal and Marine Ecosystem, Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) for Eritrean Red Sea Coastal Environment, Eritrean Coastal, Marine and Island Biodiversity, Mangrove Wetland Restoration, Survey on the endangered Green Turtle species population and nesting ground (Annexure III).

Duration: Nov.1994 to Nov. 1999: Name of the Post: Environmental Consultant Employer: Mass Environmental Consultancy Services, Madurai - 625012, Tamil Nadu State, India Responsibilities : Project Coordinator for Impacts of Thermal Pollution, Oil Pollution, Harbour Dredging, Sewage Pollution, Shrimp Farming, Solid waste and Petrochemical industries around the Southeast coastal environment of India. Marine Pollution Monitoring & Mangrove Wetland Restoration.

Duration: April 1994 – October 1994 Name of the Post: Academic Consultant , Marine Pollution & Toxicology Specialist Employer: Indonesian Ministry of Education Responsibilities: Marine Science Curriculum Development, Marine Education Project, University of Riau, Pekanbaru – 28293, Riau, Indonesia (Annexure– V).

Duration: July1993 to April 1994 Name of the Post: Post-Doctoral Fellow Employer: Skidaway Institute of Oceanography, 10, Ocean Science Circle, Savannah, GA 31411, USA.

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Responsibilities: Evaluation of Polychlorinated bi-phenyls (PCBs) & Hexachlorobenzene source in Bab cock St. Sewer District Buffalo, USA – EPA sponsored Project.

Duration: April 1991 to July 1993 Name of the Post: Research Associate , Employer: Offshore Platform for Marine Electrochemistry Research, Tuticorin – 628 004, Tamil Nadu State, India Responsibilities: Project Coordinator for Impacts of Oil Refinery around, Impacts of Tuticorin & Chennai Thermal Power Stations and Petrochemical Industries around Southeast coast of India. Marine Pollution Mapping Programme, Studies on Heavy Metals, Pesticides and Petroleum Hydrocarbon pollution around the Southeast coast of India.

Duration: March 1989 to April 1991 Name of the Post: Scientific Pool Officer (Assistant Professor) Employer: Central Electrochemical Research Institute, Karaikudi – 630 006, Tamil Nadu, India Responsibilities: Impacts of Tuticorin Thermal Pollution, Impacts of Sewage Pollution and Harbour Waste Assessment around Tuticorin Coastal Environment.

Duration: January 1986 to December 1988 Name of the Post: Senior Research Fellow Employer: Centre for Advance Study in Marine Biology, Annamalai University, Porto Novo – 608 502, Tamil Nadu State, India. Responsibilities: Heavy Metal Pollutants assessment around the Porto Novo coastal water.

Duration: November 1982 to December 1985 Name of the Post: Junior Research Fellow Employer: Centre for Advance Study in Marine Biology, Annamalai University, Porto Novo – 608 502, Tamil Nadu State, India. Responsibilities: Impacts of Heavy Metal Pollutants on marine animals.

Academic Qualification: Ph.D. Marine Biology- Annamalai University, India– 1988 M.Sc. Marine Biology - Annamalai University, India – 1982 (First Class) B.Sc. Zoology - Madurai Kamaraj University, India – 1979 (First Class) OHSEMS - Internal Audit Training Certificate, UAE – 2012 Ph .D. Thesis Title: Effect of zinc, copper and mercury on Ambassis commersoni Cuvier. ( Marine Pollution and Toxicology ) Annexure – I

Project Coordinator the following Environmental Programme in Abu Dhabi Oil Company (Japan), Abu Dhabi

• Hail Oil Field Environmental Monitoring programme Page 33 of 45

• Hail Oil Field Environmental Baseline Study (EBS) • Hail 6 Oil Well Appraisal Drilling Impacts Assessment • EIA of Offshore Oil Pipeline Dredging • ADNOC’s Environmental COPs Review • Hail Oil Field Environmental Management Plan (EMP) Development • EIA for the Hail Island Dredging and Reclamation Activities • Mubarraz Oil Field Waste Disposal and Management • Bioremediation Programme for ADOC Oil Sludge Treatment • EIA for the Dredging activities for Mubarraz Island extension • Mangrove Restoration in Mubarraz Island • Construction Waste Management; • Assessment of Seawater Quality at dredging site; • Assessment of Marine Sensitive Species; • Assessment of Water Birds Count; • Air Quality Assessment Management at Construction site • Noise Quality Assessment at Construction site

Annexure – II Project Coordinator for the following Projects in Kuwait • EIA for Dorra Offshore Oil Field • Dorra Offshore Oil Field Environmental Baseline Study (EBS) • EIA for Kuwait Oil Company (KOC) Oil terminal harbour project • EIA of Shuwaikh SWRO Desalination Plant on Kuwait coast • EIA of China Harbour activities on Boubyan Island • EIA for Failaka Port Dredging activities • EIA for Sheikh Jaber Al Ahmed Al Sabah Causeway Project • EIA for Al-Kheran Extension Power & Desalination plant • Mangrove Restoration Programme

Annexure – III Principal Project Coordinator to the following Projects in Eritrea: • Impacts of Asseb Oil Refinery on Red Sea coastal Biodiversity* • Impacts of Asseb Oil Refinery Oil Sludge on mangrove Ecosystem • Impacts of Massawa harbour dredging around the Massawa Red Sea coast* • Impacts of Hirgigo Thermal Power Plant around the Massawa Red sea coast * • Impacts of Sewage pollution around the Massawa coastal environment* • Impacts of Shrimp Farming around Masswa Red Sea coastal environment* • Impacts of Saltwater intrusion on the coastal cities drinking water systems* • Impacts of Sewage on Asmara city drinking water distribution system* Page 34 of 45

• Impacts of the Industries wastes around Asmara city* • Impacts of Mercury Pollution around the Anseba Gold Mine, Eritrea* • Solid Waste Assessment and Management for Massawa and Mendefera, Eritrea* • Harbour Waste Assessment in Eritrea • Marine Pollution Monitoring around the Eritrea Red Sea coastal environment • Marine Microbial Pollution status around the Eritrean Red Sea Coast* • Microbial Pollution around Massawa Red Sea Coastal water* • Status of Eritrean Coastal and Marine Ecosystem* • Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) for Eritrean Red Sea Coastal Environment • Coastal, Marine and Island Biodiversity * • Mangrove Wetland Restoration through community participation* • Survey on the endangered Green Turtle species population and nesting ground* • Suitable Aquaculture sites selection in Red Sea, State of Eritrea* *Reports submitted to the Ministry of Land, Water and Environment, Government of Eritrea, Africa

Annexure – IV Coordinator for the following Environmental Projects in India • Environmental Impacts Assessment (EIA) of Ennore Oil Refinery, India, • EIA of Cochin Oil Refinery, India, • EIA of Shrimp Farming in India, • Marine Pollution studies around southeast coast of India, • Biodiversity, Restoration Coastal Zone Management Programme • Impacts of Thermal Pollution on Coastal Biodiversity • Impacts of Oil Pollution on Mangrove Wetlands • Impacts of Sewage Pollution on drinking water distribution system • Impacts of Harbour Dredging on Coral Reef Biodiversity • Impacts of Shrimp Farming around South Indian Coastal Environment • Impacts of Nagarjuna Petrochemical Industries around Southeast coast of India • Impacts of Solid Waste Assessment and Management • Marine Pollution studies around southeast coast of India • Mangrove Wetland Biodiversity Restoration • Shrimp assessment and management in South India • Chief consultant for seawater shrimp farms in South India • Freshwater fish culture pond construction and management in Tamil Nadu State, India

Annexure – V

Technical Reports Submitted to the Indonesian Ministry of Education • Pragatheeswaran, V. 1994. Manual of Methods in Aquatic Environment Research I. Analytical Procedure for Heavy Metals, Pesticides and Petroleum hydrocarbon. 43pp Page 35 of 45

• Pragatheeswaran, V. 1994. Manual of Methods in Aquatic Environment Research II. Analytical Procedures for Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) and Hexachlorobenzene (HCB). 22pp. • Pragatheeswaran, V. 1994. Practical Laboratory Guide for Natural Water Analysis. 64 pp. • Pragatheeswaran, V. 1994. Selected Physical Methods for Water Parameter & Methods for Estimation of Plankton and Primary Production. 42 pp • Pragatheeswaran, V. 1994. Manual of Research Methods for Animal Bio- chemistry. 50 pp. • Dinnel, P.A. and V.Pragatheeswaran, 1994, Status and needs for the University of Riau Dumai Marine Laboratory, 39 pp.

Publications: • Subramanian, AN. and V.Pragatheeswaran , 1985. Accumulation of iron by mangrove plants and sea weed. In: Proc. All India Symposium on Marine Plants (V.Krishnamurthy, Editor) Dona Poula, Go, India, pp. 133-136 • Pragatheeswaran, V ., B.Loganathan, A.Ramesh & V.K.Venugopalan,1986. Distribution of heavy metals and organic carbon in sediments off Madras and Visakhapatnam. Magasagar Bull. N.I.O., 19(1): 39-44. • Pragatheeswaran, V., B.Loganathan, R.Natarajan and V.K.Venugopalan, 1987. Cadmium induced vertebral deformities in Ambassis commersoni Cuvier. Proc. Acad. Sci. 96 (1): 389- 393. • Pragatheeswaran,V,, P.Anbazhagan, E.Karthikeyan and R.Natarajan,1987. Distribution of iron and manganese in Kodiakarai swamp, Palk Strait and Bay of Bengal. Bull. Electrochem. 3(5): 375-378. • Narayanan, K., V.Pragatheeswaran, S.AjmalKhan and R.Natarjan, 1987. Cadmium induced black pigmentation in Scylla serrata (Forskal). Sea Food Export Journal, 19(7): 23-26 • Pragatheeswaran, V ., P.Anbazhagan, R.Natarajan & T.Balasubramanian, 1988. Distribution of copper and zinc in the Kodiakarai coastal environmental. Magasagar Bull. N.I.O. 1(3): 179-182. • Pragatheeswaran, V., B.G.Loganathan, R.Natarajan and V.K.Venugopalan, 1989. Cadmium induced malformation in eyes of Ambassis commersoni Cuvier. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 43:755-760. • B.G.Loganathan, K.N.Irvine, K.Kannan, V.Pragatheeswaran & K.Sajwan, 1997. Distribution of selected PCBs sources in CSO discharging to the Buffalo River New York. Archives of Environ Contamination Toxicology 33: 130 – 140

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VANDA MARIA DOMINGOS MENDONCA Ecological Specialist / Expert / Project Manager SUMMARY Dr. Vanda Maria is an Ecological Specialist and she has more than thirty years of experience as an Ecological Consultant, researcher and academic trainer. Dr. Vanda Maria conducted terrestrial and marine ecology survey for various Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) projects in UAE, Oman, China, Japan, Tanzania, Sudan, Morocco, Mozambique, UK, USA and Canada. Present position: Freelance Environmental Consultant (Biodiversity Enhancement, Ecotourism, Environmental Impact Assessment, EIA, Renewable Energies, Sustainable Eco-Resorts), Qirad Middle East, Dubai (AE) and Adept Environmental Consultancy. Professional experience: Date from – Location Company& reference Position Description Date to person August 2018 – UAE, Qirad Middle East & Dr Environmental Biodiversity Enhancement, PRESENT Oman Michael Muller, CEO Consultant Ecotourism, Environmental (OM) and Impact Assessment, Zanzibar, Renewable Energies Qirad is Tanzania a Real Estate company who (TZ) wants to provide Sustainable Eco- Resorts Sep. 2017 – PT Freelancer Consultant Science & Technology of PRESENT Environment June 2017 – Germany International Panel on Reviewer Biodiversity and Ecosystem PRESENT (DE) Biodiversity and Services Ecosystem Services (IPBES) March 2014 - United General Council, U Voting High Education PRESENT Kingdom Aberdeen, Scotland Member Jan 2013 – Switzerla International Union for Expert Biodiversity Conservation Member PRESENT nd (CH) Conservation of Nature (IUCN) June 1998 – PT Marine Science Centre, U Research Environmental Research PRESENT Algarve & Professor Associate Adelino Canario, Head of CCMAR October 2016 – Canada Visitor to Local Volunteer Experience with 5 Native August 2017 (CA) Communities in Northern (Local American Tribes and Wildlife of Canada & Communities) Boreal & Polar Ecosystems e4c, Edmonton

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June – August UK Spelthorne Museum, Museum Volunteer Educator 2016 London, UK Educator (Quaternary – Ice Age to Modern Times) January 2010 – PT Several Private Schools in Science & Teaching Secondary & May 2016 Olhao Area & Eng Joao English Tertiary Education Levels Martins, the last boss at Teacher Grande Genio April – October OM Ministry of Tourism & Dr Environmental Protected Areas 2009 Thuraya Al Sariri, Researcher Director General (DG) of Nature Conservation in the Omani Ministry of Environment and Climate Affairs (MECA) October 2007 OM School for International Honorary Subject: Marine Biology – Training (SIT), World Lecturer Sustainable Ecotourism Learning, United States university campus in Muscat & Dr Elizabeth Langsley

June 2006 – OM Alsafa ETS & Dr Environmental Terrestrial and Marine Ecologist. EIA March 2009 Thuraya Al Sariri, MECA Engineer preparation, Conservation & Restoration March – April OM While Expert in MECA for Expert Lecturer Lecturing & Marking 2003 Sutan Qaboos U (SQU) (subject: Coastal students & Dr Zone Thuraya Al Sariri, MECA Management) June 2002 – OM MECA & Dr Thuraya Al Environmental Advisor, Biodiversity, Coastal Zone June 2006 Sariri Expert Management, Conservation & Restoration, EIA, Country Reports June 1998 - PT CCMAR & Prof Karim Replacing Field Instructor 2001 - 2003, 2003 Lecturer (subject: Replacing Lecturer March 2000 & Population Project Marker June Dynamics) 1998 October 1994 – UK U Aberdeen & Prof David Biology Teaching & Report Marking June 1997 Raffaelli, at the time Senior Demonstrator Lecturer of Zoology, (subjects: currently Head of Community Environment Department, U Ecology, York, UK Invertebrate Life & Vertebrate Zoology January 1994 – UK U Aberdeen & Prof David PhD Researcher Trophic Dynamics in Food Webs February 1998 Raffaelli November 1989 PT Ministry of Education Science Teacher Science Educator & Related – December Administrative Tasks 1993

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Worldwide experience: AFRICA Date from – Date to Reason Zanzibar, August 2018 - PRESENT Doing an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of a Tanzania Sustainable Eco-Resort for Qirad Middle East, Dubai, UAE (TZ) Sudan (SU) and June 2008 – March 2009 Doing an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) of a South Sudan Seismic Activities of Sudapak for AlSafa ETS, Oman (SS) Guine June 1992 Mission to Report about Native Tribes for the Bissau (GW) Portuguese Ministry of Foreign Affairs Madeira April 1991 Expedition to the Laurisilva Forest Island (PT) Morocco (MA) 1986 - 1990 During my teens I used to travel there with family members Mozambique October 1966 – The candidate was born to Portuguese parents while the (MZ) September 1976 father was serving the Portuguese Army ASIA Date from – Date to Reason China (CL) June 2019 - PRESENT I’m publishing Research Papers with Academia Sinica, Taiwan, dealt online United Arab August 2018 - PRESENT Environmental Consultancy for Qirad Emirates Japan (JP) July 2014 - September I have a book chapter in an IUCN UNESCO publication on 2016 Biological Conservation in Asia, dealt online Oman (OM) April 2009 - February Environmental Consultancy, Professionals LLC 2010 China (ZH) October 2006 to I published 3 Research Papers with Academia Sinica, December 2010 Taiwan, dealt online Oman (OM) April to October 2009 Environmental Researcher, Ministry of Tourism Oman (OM) June 2006 to March 2009 Environmental Engineer, Alsafa ETS Oman (OM) October 2007 Lecturer of Marine Biology – Sustainable Ecotourism Oman OM) June 2002 to June 2006 Environmental Expert, Ministry of Environment and Climate Affairs Japan (JP) March to April 2003 Environment Consultancy Oman (OM) October 1999 to June Environmental Researcher, as Postdoc of the University of the Algarve, Portugal, on the field in Oman 2002 EUROPE Date from – Date to Reason NW Europe 1992 - PRESENT I’m traveling to France, Germany, Spain & UK, did the PhD in Scotland and I’m publishing with Elsevier & Springer SW Europe 1976 - PRESENT During my teens, I lived in Southern Portugal but used to travel with family members in Portugal & Spain and the BSc and MSc in Portugal United 2000 - PRESENT I did a paid Review for Elsevier US, I’m publishing with States (US) Elsevier US, did publish with Springer US and did attend Sea Turtle Simposia in Florida and Philadelphia Canada (CA) October 2016 – I lived in Canada as a visitor to know 5 Native Tribes and August 2017 becoming familiar with Boreal and Polar wildlife

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EDUCATION Degrees and Diplomas obtained University of the Algarve, Portugal, from 1988 to 2001 Postdoc in Conservation Biology with research into Tropical Ecosystems University of Aberdeen, United Kingdom, from 1994 to 1998, PhD Degree in Zoology specialising in awarded in June 1999 Ecology with thesis on Functional Ecology of Subarctic Ecosystems University of the Algarve, from October 2018 to present, not MSc Degree in Marine Biology yet awarded specializing in Environmental DNA with thesis on Metagenomics University of the Algarve, from October 1986 to June 1992, BSc Hons Degree in Marine Biology and awarded in June 1992 Fisheries specializing in Ecology with thesis on Temperate Ecosystems CERTIFICATION Certification obtained Financial Literacy, e4c, Edmonton, Canada; with ATB Financial Empower U: Financial Literacy Certificate Water Quality Standards Academy, Environmental Protection Water Quality Standards Academy Agency (EPA), United States, awarded in September 2015 Certificate Watershed Management Certificate, EPA, United States, Watershed Management Training awarded in September 2013 Certificate Programming with R, Marine Science Centre, University of the R Diploma Algarve, in April 2013 Health, Safety & Environment (HSE) Certification, Petroleum HSE Certification Development Oman (PDO), Oman, awarded in June 2008 Basic Emergency Response to H2S Certification, PDO, Oman, H2S Certification awarded in June 2008 Instituto do Emprego e Formação Profissional (IEFP) Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) Certification, Portugal, awarded in June 1998, awarded in Certification March 1999 Food Technology Certification, University of the Algarve, With my BSc Hons Degree in Marine Portugal, as part of the Pre-Bologna BSs Degree in Marine Biology and Fisheries Biology and Fisheries, awarded in 1992

Publications: Publications Book Chapters • Mendonca V, Abi -Aoun B, El Baradey M. 2016. Past and present biocultural significance of sea turtles for local communities on the Arabian Peninsula in Western Asia. In Verschuuren B, Furuta N (eds) Asian Sacred Natural Sites: Asian Sacred Natural Sites, Philosophy and Practice in Protected Areas and Conservation. IUCN UNESCO, pp 246-256 • Mendonca V, Abi Aoun B, El Baradey M. 2016. Online Case Studies: Sacred Sites. Asian Network Project. IUCN UNESCO The Water Network Online Publication

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• Mendonca V. 2015. Why Boreal Forests & Peatlands may soon become Earth's remaining 'lungs'? The Water Network. Research Papers • Mendonca V, Sprung M, Castro M. Measurement in situ and in laboratory of filtration rates of benthic communities: Advantages and disadvantages of each approach. Re-submitted • Mendonca V, Raffaelli D, Boyle P, Emes C, Abella E. Carbon transference in a subarctic coastal lagoon: The European brown shrimp in regulating intertidal meiofauna; and the importance of chironomid larvae. Re-submitted • Mendonca V, Al Kiyumi A, Al Saady S. Grobler H, Erzini K, Bicho R. Critically endangered hawksbill turtles and seabirds in the Gulf of Oman are responding to rising sea surface temperatures across the Indian Ocean. Zool. Stud. • Mendonca V, Sprung M, Castro M. 2011. Particle retention efficiency by a coastal ecosystem in the northeastern Atlantic Ocean: Impact of benthic communities on plankton and particulate matter, based on filtration rates, water flow, and tidal regime. Wetlands 31: 1175-1185 • Mendonca V, Al Saady S, Al Kiyumi A, Erzini K. 2010. Interactions between green turtles (Chelonia mydas) and foxes (Vulpes vulpes arabica, Vulpes rueppellii sabaea, and Vulpes cana) on turtle nesting grounds in the northwestern Indian Ocean: Impacts of the fox community on the behaviour of nesting sea turtles at Ras Al Hadd Turtle Reserve, Oman. Zool. Stud. 49 (4): • Mendonca V, Al Jabri M, Al Ajmi I, Al Muharrami M, Al Areimi M, Al Aghbari H. 2010. Persistent and expanding population outbreaks of the corallivorous starfish Acanthaster planci in the NW Indian Ocean: Are they really a consequence of unsustainable starfish predator removal through overfishing in coral reefs, or a response to a changing environment? Zool. Stud. 49(1): 108-123 • Mendonca V, Raffaelli D, Boyle P, Emes C. 2009. Trophodynamics in a shallow lagoon off NW Europe (Culbin Sands, Moray Firth): Spatial and temporal variability of epibenthic communities, their diets, and consumption efficiency. Zool. Stud. 48(2): 196-214 • Mendonca V, Raffaelli D, Boyle P, Hoskins S. 2008. Spatial and temporal characteristics of benthic invertebrate communities at Culbin Sands lagoon, Moray Firth, NE Scotland, and impacts of the disturbance of cockle harvesting. Sci. Mar. 72 (2): 265-278 • Mendonca V, Raffaelli D, Boyle P, Emes C. 2007. The ecological role of overwintering fish in the food web of the Culbin Sands lagoon ecosystem, NE Scotland: Identifying major trophic links and testing effects of fish Pomatoschistus microps (Pallas) on benthic invertebrates. Sci. Mar. 71(4): 649-660 • Mendonca V, Raffaelli D, Boyle P. 2007. Interactions between shorebirds and benthic invertebrates at Culbin Sands lagoon, NE Scotland: Effects of avian predation on their prey community density and structure. Sci. Mar. 71(3): 579-591 UN Reports • Mendonca V, Al Muzaini M, Al Sariri T, Al Jabri M. 2004. Oceanography of the Sultanate of Oman – Country Report. Ministry of Regional Municipalities, Environment & Water Resources. Muscat, Sultanate of Oman. 107 pp • Mendonca V, Jupp B, Al Jabri M, Al Sariri T, Al Muzaini M, Shoji T.2003. National Report On the State of the Marine Environment. Marine Pollution and Coastal Zone Management Section/ Ministry of Regional Municipalities, Environment & Water Resources. Muscat, Sultanate of Oman. 96 pp Conference Proceedings • Mendonca V, Bicho R, Al Saady S. 2010. Where did the loggerhead Caretta caretta nesting female population of Masirah Island (Arabian Sea) go? Proceedings of the 28th International Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation, January 2008, Loreto, Baja California, Mexico. NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-SEFSC 602:177 • Mendonca V, Bicho R, Al Kiyumi A, Al Jabri M. 2008. Occurrence of mutant hatchlings in a population of green turtles (Chelonia mydas) in the NW Indian Ocean. In Kalb H, Rohde A, Gayheart K, Shanker K

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(compilers). Proceedings of the 25th International Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation, January 2005, Savannah, USA. NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-SEFSC 582: 65 • Bicho R, Mendonca V, Al Kiyumi A, Al Habsi A, Al Kindi A. 2008. Accumulation in livers and excretion through eggs of heavy metals in a nesting population of green turtles Chelonia mydas in the NW Indian Ocean In Kalb H, Rohde A, Gayheart K, Shanker K (compilers). Proceedings of the 25th International Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation, January 2005, Savannah, USA. NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-SEFSC 582: 59 • Bicho R, Mendonca V, Al Kiyumi A. 2008. Accumulation of hydrocarbons in the liver of the green turtle (Chelonia mydas) in the Sultanate of Oman. In Mast R, Hutchinson B, Hutchinson A (compilers). Proceedings of the 24th International Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation, 2526 February 2004, Costa Rica. NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-SEFSC 567: 188 • Mendonca V, Al Jabri M, Al Muzaini M, Al Ajmi I, Al Muharrami. 2007. Some impacts of overfishing • on the community structure of the coral reef ecosystem off the Dimaniyat Islands (Oman), with special Interest on trophodynamics between the starfish Acanthaster planci and fish stocks. Proc. • Arabian Seas International Conference (ASIC) on Science and Technologies of Aquaculture, Fisheries and Oceanography (STAFO). University of Miamai, USA, and University of Kuwait. Kuwait, 2007 • Mendonca V, Al Jabri M, Al Muzaini, Al Saady S. Bait Said A. 2007. Ecological implications of accumulation of solid wastes from land-based activities on coastal food webs: examples from nesting grounds for sea turtles in the Sultanate of Oman. Proceedings of the Arabian Seas International Conference (ASIC) on Science and Technologies of Aquaculture, Fisheries and Oceanography (STAFO). University of Miami, USA, and University of Kuwait. Kuwait, 2007 • Bicho R, Joaquim N, Mendonca V, Kiyumi A, Mahmoud I, Kindi A. 2006. Levels of metals, antioxidant enzymes and lipid peroxidation in the green turtle, Sultanate of Oman, Arabian Sea. In Frick M, Panagopoulou A, Rees A, Williams,K. (compilers). Proceedings of the 26th International Symposium on Sea Turtle Biology and Conservation, April 2006, Island of Crete, Greece, pp. 49-50. International Sea Turtle Society. Athens, Greece. • Mendonca V, Al-Kiyumi A, Al Saady S, Grobler H, Erzini K, Bait Said A. Al Hamriy S. 2005. Sea turtles on the Arabian sea shores of the Dhofar region, Oman: nesting and feeding grounds for marine turtles. Proceedings of the 21st International Symposium on Sea turtles Biology and Conservation Philadelphia, USA, 2001. NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-SEFSC 528: 245-246 • Al Kiyumi A, Al Saady S, Mendonca V, Grobler H, Erzini K. 2005. Natural predation on eggs and hatchlings of hawksbill turtles Eretmochelys imbricata on Al Dimaniyat Islands, Gulf of Oman. Proceedings of the 21st International Symposium on Sea turtles Biology and Conservation, Philadelphia, USA, 2001. NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-SEFSC 528: 90-91 • Mendonca V, Al Kiyumi A, Al Saady S, Al Rasbiy A, Erzini K, Bait Said A, Al Hamriy A, Grobler H. 2005. Sea turtle populations on Al Hallaniyat Islands. Proceedings of the 21st International Symposium on Sea turtles Biology and Conservation, Philadelphia, USA, 2001. NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS- SEFSC 528: 248-249 • Mendonca V, Al Kiyumi A, Al Saady S, Erzini K, Al Hamriy S, Bait Said A. 2005. Ecology of the green turtle (Chelonia mydas) on Hino Island and Marbat Area, on the Arabian Sea shores. Proceedings of the 21st International Symposium on Sea turtles Biology and Conservation, Philadelphia, USA, 2001. NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-SEFSC 528: 246-247 • Al Saady S, Al Kiyumi A, Mendonca V. 2005. Oman sea turtle migration routes – evidence from returned tags. Proceedings of the 21st International Symposium on Seaturtles Biology & Conservation, Philadelphia, USA, 2001. NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-SEFSC 528: 91 • Al-Kindi A, Mahmoud I, Mendonca V, Al Kiyumi A, Al Saady S. 2005. Exercise-rest cycles during nesting in green turtles Chelonia mydas at Ras Al Hadd, Sultanate of Oman. Proceedings of the 21st International Symposium on Sea Turtles Biology and Conservation, Philadelphia, USA, 2001. NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-SEFSC 528: 88-90 • Al Muzaini M, Mendonca, Al Sariri T, Al Jabri M. 2004. Wastewater discharge into the marine environment in the Sultanate of Oman: Sources and standards – An overview of the current situation.

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Int ernational Conference on Marine WasteWater Discharges (MWWD) • Al Kiyumi A, Mendonca V, Grobler H, Al Saady S, Erzini K. 2002. The Hawksbill Turtle nesting population of the Dimaniyat Islands, in the Gulf of Oman. Proceedings of the 20th International Symposium on Sea Turtles Biology and Conservation, Florida, USA, 2000. NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-SEFSC 447: 243-244 • Mendonca V, Al Kiyumi A, Al Saady, Grobler H, Erzini K, Bait Said A, SAmriy and A. Al Rasbiy, A. 2001. Dhofar Coast, Oman, on the Arabian Sea shores: the environment on the nesting and feeding grounds for endangered turtle species. In Claereboudt, M., Al Oufi, H., McIlwain, J., and Goddard, S. (eds). Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Aquaculture, Fisheries and Environment in the North West Indian Ocean (NWIO), Muscat, Oman, 2001, Vol. II: 151-159 • Mendonca V, Al Kiyumi A, Al Saady S, Grobler H, Erzini K. 2001. Dimaniyat Islands, Gulf of Oman: the environment on the densest known nesting grounds of the critically endangered hawksbill turtle Eretmochelys imbricata. In Claereboudt M, Al Oufi H, McIlwain J, Goddard S (eds). Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Aquaculture, Fisheries and Environment in the North West Indian Ocean (NWIO), Muscat, Oman, 2001, Vol. II: 160-168 • Mendonca V, Sprung M. 1994. Does the benthos control phytoplankton in Ria Formosa Lagoon, South Portugal? Simposio Iberico del Bentos Marino VIII: 298 -299 Degree Theses • Mendonca V. EXPECTED SUBMISSION DATE: 2019 - 2020. Development of eDNA tools for screening environmental samples for commercially important species. MSc Degree Thesis. University of the Algarve, Faro, Portugal • Mendonca V. 1997. Predator-prey interactions on sandy shore systems in the Moray Firth, NE Scotland. PhD Degree Thesis. The University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, UK, 202 pp • Mendonca V. 1992. Filtration rates of benthic communities in Ria Formosa lagoon, S Portugal. BSi Honours Degree Estagio/Internship/Thesis. University of the Algarve, Faro, Portugal. 56 pp

Membership of professional bodies: Country Date from – Date to (international 2- character country code) Germany (DE) Reviewer, International Panel on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES), 2017-PRESENT Canada (CA) Member, Teacher Advisory Board, 2017 – PRESENT Switzerland (CH) Member, International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), 2017 - PRESENT ✫ Specialist Group on Indigenous Peoples, Costumary & Environmental Laws & Human Rights (SPICEH), 2017-2020 ✫ Commission on Education & Communication (CEC), 2017-2020 ✫ Commission on Environmental, Economic & Social Policy (CEESP), 2017- 2020 (Europe, North America, West Asia): Theme on Human Wellbeing & Sustainable Livelihoods (THWSL), 2013- 2016 (Europe, West Asia): Theme on Environment, Conflict & Security (TECS) Switzerland (CH) Member, The Water Network, 2015 -PRESENT ✫ Treatment Wetlands Group ✫ River Restoration Group

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Country Date from – Date to (international 2- character country code) Switzerland (CH) Member, IUCN, 2013 -PRESENT ✫ Commission on Ecosystem Management (CEM) 2017-2020 (N America): Arctic & Boreal Ecosystems; Wetlands; Islands; Ecosystems Red List; Ecosystem Resilience; Biosphere Reserves, 2013- 2016 (Europe): Coastal Zones; Wetlands; Islands; Management; Restoration; Adaptation & Mitigation ✫ World Commission on Protected Areas (WCPA), 2017-2020 (N America): Climate Change & Protected Areas; Cultural & Spiritual Values; Transboundary Conservation; Wilderness; World Heritage Sites; 2013-2016 (W Europe): Climate Change & Protected Areas; Cultural & Spiritual Values; World Heritage United Kingdom Member, British Ecological Society (BES), 1998 -2008 but can do it again, as (UK) long as I pay the fees Portugal (PT) Member, Ordem dos Biólogos (itself member of the European Biologists Association), 1992-PRESENT

Other skills (e.g. Computer literacy, etc.): Skill Indicate competence on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 – excellent; 5 – basic) Analytical Skills 1 Animal Behaviour 1 Biodiversity 1 Bioinformatics 1 Biological Conservation 1 Biology 1 Biostatistics 1 Communication Skills 1 Climate Change Adaptation 1 Ecological Economics 1 Ecological Restoration 1 Ecology 1 Ecosystems 1 Ecosystem based approach (EbA) 1 Ecosystem Resilience to Climate Change 1 Editing, Reporting & Publishing 1 Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) 1 Environmental Modelling 1 Environmental Parameters Monitoring 1 Experimental Biology 1 Experimental Design 1 Food Webs 1 Field Biology 1

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Skill Indicate competence on a scale of 1 to 5 (1 – excellent; 5 – basic) Integrative Biology 1 Laboratorial Techniques 1 Local Communities 1 Mathematical Modelling 1 Metagenomics 1 Microbiomes 1 MS -OFFICE 1 Native Peoples 1 Natural History 1 Natural Resources 1 Project Management 1 Programming 1 Public Awareness 1 Publishing 1 Remote Sensing Images 1 Renewable Energies 1 Researching 1 Social Impact Assessment (SIA) 1 Science 1 School Administration 1 Science Writer 1 Spatial Ecology 1 Statistical Modelling 1 Stake Holders Importance 1 Teaching 1 Taxonomy 1 Wildlife 1 Zoology 1

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