Facilities Management Data Input, Editing and Management

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Facilities Management Data Input, Editing and Management FacilitiesFacilities ManagementManagement DataData Input,Input, EditingEditing andand ManagementManagement Adrien Litton OverviewOverview ••WhatWhat isis FMFM inin GIS?GIS? ••DataData inputinput ••DataData editingediting ••DataData managementmanagement SupportingSupporting thethe RealReal PropertyProperty LifeLife--CycleCycle GIS Integrates the Facility Management Enterprise Common Planning Site Operating Selection Picture Real Estate Continuity of Portfolio Operations Management Performance Code Management Enforcement Dashboards IWMS GIS CAFM Emergency Permitting Planning and Response Construction Site EAM ERP Management Security Management Maintenance Management Environmental Health & Safety Management Facility Management Energy Space Management Asset Management Management WhatWhat isis FacilitiesFacilities ManagementManagement inin GIS?GIS? •• RequiresRequires multiplemultiple datadata modelsmodels •• AllAll thethe problemsproblems ofof aa locallocal governmentgovernment ––AddressingAddressing ––UtilitiesUtilities ––EmergencyEmergency ServicesServices •• PlusPlus specializedspecialized needsneeds ––RunwaysRunways ––OfficeOffice spacespace WhatWhat isis FacilitiesFacilities ManagementManagement inin GIS?GIS? •• IntegrationIntegration withwith multiplemultiple systemssystems •• PortabilityPortability ofof datadata •• SpecializedSpecialized analysisanalysis –Interior space –Ingress/egress –Efficiency –Proximity to other facilities •• DataData inputinput –Development area –Source data –Data model –Data capture DataData editingediting •• GISGIS vs.vs. CADCAD •• DataData integrityintegrity •• DataData exchangeexchange •• WhatWhat aboutabout 3D?3D? DataData managementmanagement •• DataData storagestorage •• IntegrationIntegration •• ExportExport •• AnalysisAnalysis DataData InputInput • Choose Functional Solution Areas – Master Planning – Real Estate Portfolio Mgmt – Maintenance Mgmt – Space Mgmt – Work Order/Project Mgmt – Asset Mgmt – Energy/Sustainability – Safety & Security • Information often crosses functional areas DataData InputInput • Identify your source data – Facilities with no data – Paper drawings – Non-standard CAD drawings – Standardized CAD drawings – BIM files – Data stored in external systems – Existing GIS data • Each type of data requires its own handling method SourceSource DataData • Facilities with no data – Field data collection – Locate as-built drawings – Photographs – Automated collection (robots) • All collection approaches are valid SourceSource DataData • Paper drawings – Scan and batch vectorize – Consider drafting individual layers – Manually digitize • Spatial reference must be considered SourceSource DataData • Non-standard CAD drawings – Identify layers – Consider ETL tools – Can be very complex • If CAD files provided by contractor, consider mandate for standardized data SourceSource DataData • Standardized CAD drawings – Map layers to GIS – One ETL to import all • Consider benefits of importing vs. managing in CAD SourceSource DataData • BIM files – Consider the exchange format – Custom ETLs required to import to GIS • Data loss is a great concern when going from BIM to GIS SourceSource DataData • Data stored in external systems – Interoperability issues – Data synchronization problems – Incompatible analysis models • Consider whether to migrate or interoperate SourceSource DataData • Existing GIS data – General best case scenario – Security and access is easier to manage • Remember that not all functional areas are GIS-aware DataData InputInput •• DataData modelmodel –Consider your target location –Database schema must support business rules –Support source data –Support application logic •• LeverageLeverage existingexisting modelsmodels –BISDM –Utilities –Parcels –Land management • Address • Historic Preservation GeoDatabaseGeoDatabase DataData ModelsModels • Agricultural & Archaeology Standardized Templates for Many Fields • Atmospheric • Homeland Security • Base Map • Hydro • Biodiversity • IHO • Census-Admin • Land Parcels • Boundaries • Local Government • Defense-Intel • Marine • Energy Utilities • National Cadastre • Environmental • Petroleum • Forestry • Pipeline • Geology • Telecommunications • Groundwater • Transportation • Health • Water Utilities • Building Interior Space Simple feature class Geometry Point Contains M values No Haul Contains Z values No Allow Prec- Field name Data type nulls Default value Domain ision Scale Length OBJECTID Object ID SHAPE Geometry Yes HAULJOIN Long integer No 0 VESSELCODE Long integer No 0 CRUISE Long integer No 0 HAUL Long integer No 0 STATION_ID String No 7 SSTEMP Float No 0 0 BOTTOMTEMP Float No 0 0 EFFORT Float No 0 0 DataSourceID String Yes 50 Relationship class Table HaulHasFishCatch FishCatch TypeSimple Forward label FishCatch Allow Prec- CardinalityOne to many Backward label Haul Field name Data type nulls Default value Domain ision Scale Length NotificationNone OBJECTID Object ID Origin feature class Destination table HAULJOIN Long integer No 0 Name Haul NameFishCatch SPECIESCODE Long integer No 0 Primary keyHAULJOIN LATINNAME String No 28 Foreign keyHAULJOIN COMMONNAME String No 21 No relationship rules defined. WEIGHTCPUE Double No 0 0 NUMBERCPUE Double No 0 0 Relationship class DataSourceHasHaul Table DataSource Type Simple Forward label Haul Cardinality One to many Backward label DataSource Allow Prec- NotificationNone Field name Data type nulls Default value Domain ision Scale Length Origin table Destination feature class OBJECTID Object ID NameDataSource NameHaul DESC_ String Yes 35 Primary key DataSourceID SOURCE String Yes 35 Foreign key DataSourceID CONTACT String Yes 20 No relationship rules defined. PREC String Yes 20 CREATE_DATE Long integer Yes 0 LAST_UPDATED Long integer Yes 0 DataSourceID String Yes 50 www.esri.com/fm GeodatabaseGeodatabase EntitiesEntities ••ObjectObject ClassesClasses – Collection of attribute rows and columns ••FeatureFeature ClassesClasses – Collection of spatial features ••FeatureFeature DatasetDataset – Collection of like feature classes ••TopologyTopology ••RelationshipRelationship ClassesClasses ••RasterRaster DatasetDataset ••AnnotationAnnotation – Feature Linked and Stand-Alone ObjectObject ClassesClasses ••TablesTables ••StoresStores nonnon--spatialspatial datadata ••CanCan havehave behaviorbehavior ––SubtypesSubtypes ––DomainsDomains ––DefaultDefault ValuesValues ••Examples:Examples: ––MasterMaster AddressAddress FileFile (MAF)(MAF) ––StreetStreet NameName DictionaryDictionary (SND)(SND) ––SpecialSpecial AddressAddress FileFile (SAF)(SAF) FeatureFeature ClassesClasses ••StoresStores geographicgeographic datadata ••StoresStores geometrygeometry inin SHAPESHAPE attributeattribute ••CollectionCollection ofof similarsimilar featuresfeatures ––SameSame geometrygeometry typetype ––SameSame attributesattributes ––SameSame spatialspatial referencereference ––SameSame behaviorbehavior ••Examples:Examples: ––CenterlineCenterline ––BuildingsBuildings ––AdministrativeAdministrative BoundariesBoundaries FeatureFeature DatasetDataset ••CollectionCollection ofof featurefeature classesclasses thatthat havehave ––TheThe samesame spatialspatial referencereference ––ExplicitExplicit spatialspatial relationshipsrelationships (i.e.(i.e. topology,topology, transportationtransportation network)network) ••SupportsSupports multiplemultiple geometrygeometry typestypes ••NotNot intendedintended toto bebe aa containercontainer forfor logicallogical organizationorganization ofof datadata withwith similarsimilar themesthemes TopologyTopology ••TopologyTopology rulesrules describedescribe thethe spatialspatial interactioninteraction betweenbetween featuresfeatures ••FeaturesFeatures participatingparticipating inin topologytopology mustmust bebe inin thethe samesame featurefeature datasetdataset ••TopologyTopology rulesrules areare enforcedenforced duringduring datadata validationvalidation andand whenwhen editingediting usingusing thethe topologytopology editingediting toolstools ••Examples:Examples: – Election District boundaries must be coincident with centerlines – Intersection points must connect to centerline endpoints RelationshipRelationship ClassesClasses • Persistent link between feature and object classes • Stores: – Origin and destination tables – origin and foreign keys – Cardinality (1:1, 1:*, *:*) • Differ from joins and relates in that they are not linked to an ArcMap document • Traversed in ArcMap through the identify dialog • Examples: – Streets have names – Common places have street centerline segments – Complexes have access points AnnotationAnnotation ClassesClasses ••SupportSupport AnnotationAnnotation ClassesClasses – Different types of anno can have different properties ••FeatureFeature LinkedLinked – Related to a spatial feature class via relationship class – Dynamically updated • Annotation Value • Position – Can be created from labels ••StandStand AloneAlone – Independent from other entities SubtypesSubtypes • A way of classifying features to a smaller level of granularity within a feature class • Applicable to features that… –Share Attribution Scheme –Share Geometry Type –Differ in their specific characteristics • Designing featuresfeatures toto useuse subtypessubtypes is preferable to designing multiple feature classes (performance) • Example: – Centerlines can be • Streets • Highways • Ramps • Bridges DomainsDomains ••ValidValid valuevalue listlist similarsimilar toto aa looklook--upup tabletable ••StoredStored asas aa geodatabasegeodatabase propertyproperty ••AppliedApplied toto attributeattribute
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