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Alumni Powwow 6J-n _ :v y, ,. " ~ ee1leae LibtarJ 1_0-;-0-/ 0he "Washington eState College Alumni Powwow 5-lomecoming ct1ssue CChis and CChat By Joe Caraher, '35 1k \Vhat little editorial comment is con­ tained herewith comes directly from Ta­ coma, \Vashington; \vhel'e this writer. absentee secretary of the W.S.c. Alumni WashiK9toH. ~tate Association, is doing his stint for Uncle Sam in the Air Corps as in contrast to hustling up a few doings in the interests cf the State College of \Vashington, its graduates and former students. alumKi POWWOW However it is a rare experience to be on the outside looking in, so to speak. be­ cause that has been the situation here. Getting mixed I,P with alumni activities, Vol: XXX Number 7 of course, is not a contagious proposition and not an interest which may be aband­ September, 1941 oned recklessly. On the other hand it is refreshing to see what keen enthusiasm is displayed by those Cougar die-hards who long since have departed from the Col­ Joe F. Caraher, '35, Secretary John Pitman, '39, Editor lege on the Hill. I speak with reference to the Pierce County Alumni club. comprised of some of the most radical backers of the Crimson SEPTEMBER CONTENTS and Gray I yet have had the pleasure of being thrown into direct contact with­ Page if I make myself clear. " Remember the Eleventh" 3 These folks in the City of Destiny and \Vhat's in store for returning Cougars at Homecoming. the surrounding territory are rabid. as a re!'lort of their wonderful picnic staged 4 with much fanfare on August 14, will Cougar Sports - testify. (See page 7 for complete details). Roundup of WSC's football chances. For a month preceding the picnic the committee in charge met on an average How to Get Ahead in This Old World - 5 of at least once per week and your cor­ Success stories in worlds of agriculture and m!l ~ jc. respondent was on hand to tune in on all of the preliminaries. And no sooner They're in the Army Now 6 had the affair been accomplished when Forty young grads help Uncle Sam. another swarm of hustlers moved in to lay the foundation for the promotion of the big football classic which will head­ Association Affairs 7 line all grid meetings in Tacoma this fall, Busy season for alumni clubs. namelv the scheduled contest between \Vashi-ngton State and the Texas Aggies. Around the Tower 8 The machinery which will make this pig­ What's happening on college hill. skin embroglio a terrific success already has been thrown into gear at this writing In This Alumni World 9 and ~eighbors Earl Foster and High Pres­ "'ho. \Vhat. " -here. \Vhcn and \Vhy of Alumni Everywhere. sure H. Burton Greer. who handles the ne\\'s releases for the Associated Students. may rest assured no stone will be left 1'nturned to pack the Stadium Bowl on December 6. Indeed the Tacoma alumni w. S. C. ALUMNI ASSOCIATION are behind the plan one hundred and fif­ OFFICERS 1941-42 teen per cent and they're going to get the Thad Byrne, '25, Spokane, President job done. Herb Ashlock, '33, Spokane, C. L. Hix, '09, Pullman, Tacoma alumni, alon~ with the local 1st Vice President Treasurer Gyro club and the South Tacoma Ki­ Kay Steward, '36, Portland, Joe F. Caraher, '35, Pullman, wanis club. combined are taking the re­ 2nd Vice P res id ent Executive Secretary sponsibility of raising $2,500 to insure the Directors-at-Large game being played at this flourishing CO Gney KI-om11l. '25. Aberdeen Fred Schroeder. '21, Portland metropolis on the shores of Puget Sound. Ray Sandegren, '32. Tacoma ~1. R. Ebner, '27, Pullman Bonds are to be sold to individuals and Kenyon T. Bement, '34, Spokane business houses. If the game is a finan­ cial boon the contributors will have the Athletic Council option of having their "savings bonds" Asa V . Clark, '16, Pullman Harry Goldsworthy, '08, Rosalia Earl V. Foster, '23, Pullman paid back in full or they may turn them into the Cougar Club fund. Thev can't Executive Committee lose either way! For their good s pi~it they Thad Byrne, '25, Spokane H. M. Chambers. '13 Pullman CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 Amy Lewellen, '17, Pullman Eri B. Parker, '18, Pull~an Bud Madsen, '43, Goldendale Tho Washington State Alumni Powwow. publisred monthly except in July and AU~l!st. Established in 1910 the magazine is a digest of news devoted to the State CoUege of Washington and its alumni. The magazine is published h¥ t,. Alumni Association of the State CoUege of Washington, Pullman, Washing­ ton. Suhscription price is $1.50 per year. Entered as second class matter June 1~, 1919, at the postomce, PuUman, Washington, under act of Congress March 3, 1879. Address aU communications concerning the magoazine to Room 211. Administration building, Pullman, Washington. National advertising rep­ res..ntative: The Graduate Group, 30 RockefeUer Plaza, New York City, Me.nbcr American Alumni Council. 2 POWWOW, September, 1941 1Cemember the Eleventh A bit of action from the last Cougar-Husky Homecoming clash on Rogers field, which W.S.C. won, 6-0 The eleventh is a day for all Cougar alumni to mark on their calendars. For October 11, Washington State's mitories, ending up in Rogers field, year. Only, according to Babe Hol­ 28th annual Homecoming will truly where a gigan tic pep rally will take lingbery, it will be more so. be the day-of-days in the matter of place. Following the game, a new type of thrills, excitement, camaraderie and Then comes the eleventh. The get-together will be held in the Cou­ friendshi p-renewals. women's gym has been selected as the gar Roundtable Club just over Of course, the focal point of all headquarters for all the grads, form­ Struppler's cafe in the downtown sec­ attention will be the Big Game­ er students and their friends to meet, tion. The room is spacious and will Cougar vs. Husky. Jimmy Phelan will renew acquaintances and talk over offer an ideal place for alumni and lead his band of gridders across the the "good old days." Registration will their friends to gather and talk over state, bent on bringing the same woe begin at 9 :00 a.m., and the annual the game before the trek homeward. down on WSC's head that they Homecoming luncheon will start at The celebration will be topped off brought down last year. And likewise 11 :30 sharp and continue until 1 :30 Saturday evening with the annual Babe Hollingbery and his Cougars p.m. The alumni board of directors Homecoming dance, sponsored by the will be here to prevent such a woeful will meet at the Golf Club house at Associated Students to be held in the happening from occuring again, and 8 :00 a. m. and map out the policies and Men's and Women's gym, beginning to duplicate their feat of two years program of the association for the at 9 o'clock. Tickets may be obtained ago: that of whitwashing the coming year. at all the registration-centers. Huskies. The object of everyone's attention To further supplement the alumni To those alumni, friends and all -the big game-will start at 2:00 program, fraternities and sororities manner of Cougar boosters, who are o'clock in Rogers field and a sure­ are also planning week-end affairs planning to come here early, a full fire thriller it will certainly prove to of their own for the enjoyment of schedule of events has been planned be. The Huskies, minus the services the returning grads and former stud­ for Friday, October 10. Following of big all-American, Rudy Mucha, ents. registration which will begin at 3:30 who graduated to the pro ranks, will So plan to attend Washington in the Alumni office in the Adminis­ offer their usual brand of tough, State's 28th annual Homecoming cele­ tration Building, the group houses speedy football. And the Cougars, bration. It'll be an affair such as even and dorms will conduct Open House, Hollywood would have difficulty to led by Billy Sewell, passing, kicking beginning at 6 o'clock. The annual find adequate superlatives to de­ Homecoming noise parade will start and running ace de-luxe, will present scribe. at 7 :30 and wind through Greek row the same fast, wide open passing and Remember the eleventh and the and past the men's and women's dor­ running attack they introduced last 28th annual Homecoming! Rally scenes like these from the last Homecoming contest here will be re - enacted when Washington invades the cam­ pus October 11. POWWOW, September, 1941 3 Cougar Sports • By George Blakkolb '34 CENTER: Earle Stone and Francis Sewell led the collegiate passers of SEPTEMBER I, 1922 is already a Rish are gone. Bill Remington, who the nation. Herb Godfrey and Joe day to be reckoned with in the family underwent a major operation early in Hemel, both lettermen, are both good of Orin Ercel (Call me Babe) Holling­ July, is the best bet. Bill is a made­ ends, while Don Burnham and Max bery, and it might be doubly import­ over fullback who held the inter­ Dodge are the best looking sopho­ ant if things develop. That's the day scholastic high hurdle record. Behind mores. Orin Ercel Hollingbery, Jr., "Buster" him come Buster Hollingbery, Don LEFT HALF: Bill Sewell, the best to his acquaintances, was born. What Boyle and George Kobzeff.
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