United States Patent (19) (11) Patent Number: 5,051,189 Farrah 45) Date of Patent: Sep

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United States Patent (19) (11) Patent Number: 5,051,189 Farrah 45) Date of Patent: Sep United States Patent (19) (11) Patent Number: 5,051,189 Farrah 45) Date of Patent: Sep. 24, 1991 54 METHOD OF REMOVING ANUNWANTED Earth Modified by In Situ Precipitation of Metallic IMPURITY FROMAN AQUEOUS Salts', Z. Gesamte Hyg., vol. 34, No. 9, pp. 520-521 MATERIAL (1988). Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the American Soci (75) Inventor: Samuel R. Farrah, Gainesville, Fla. ety for Microbiology, Q-136, p. 306 (1986). (73) Assignee: University of Florida, Gainesville, Edwards et al., “Adsorptive Filtration Using Coated Fla. Sand: A New Approach for Treatment of Metal-Bear (21) Appl. No.: 441,518 ing Wastes”, Journal WPCF, vol. 61, No. 9, pp. 1523-1533 (1989). 22 Filed: Nov. 27, 1989 Akiyama et al., "Prophylaxis of Indwelling Urethral Catheter Infection: Clinical Experience With a Modi Related U.S. Application Data fied Foley Catheter and Drainage System', The Journal 63 Continuation-in-part of Ser. No. 304,130, Jan. 31, 1989, of Urology, vol. 121, pp. 40-42 (1979). abandoned, which is a continuation-in-part of Ser. No. Maki et al., “An Attachable Silver-Impregnated Cuff l66,365, Mar. 10, 1988, abandoned, which is a continu for Prevention of Infection with Central Venous Cathe ation of Ser. No. 868,553, May 30, 1986, abandoned. ters: A Prospective Randomized Multicenter Trial", (51) Int. Cl............................................... B01D 15/00 The American Journal of Medecine, vol. 85, pp. 307-314 (52) U.S. Cl. .................................... 210/679; 210/681; (1988). 210/683; 210/691; 210/694 Schaffer et al., "Effect of Silver Oxide/Tri 58 Field of Search ............ 210/679, 691, 694, 502.1, chloroisocyanuric Acid Antimicrobial Urinary Drain 210/503-506, 508, 681, 683, 685 age System on Catheter-Associated Bacteriuria', The (56) References Cited Journal of Urology, vol. 139, pp. 69-73 (1988). U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS Primary Examiner-Ivars Cintins 3,222,277 12/1965 Joyce .................................. 210/679 Attorney, Agent, or Firm-Kerkam, Stowell, Kondracki 3,499,837 3/1970 Jaunarajs ..... ... 210/679 & Clarke 4,361,486 il/1982 Hou et al. ........................... 210/505 57 ABSTRACT OTHER PUBLICATIONS A method of modifying the adsorptive characteristics of Farrah et al., “Concentration of Viruses from Water by an adsorptive surface comprising the in situ precipita Using Cellulose Filters Modified by In Situ Precipita tion of Ferric and Aluminum Hydroxides', Applied and tion of a polyvalent metal salt from a solution in contact Environmental Microbiology, Dec. 1985, pp. 1502–1504. with the adsorptive surface; the adsorptive product Toranzos et al., "Virus Adsorption to Microporous produced thereby and methods for the removal of im Filters Modified by In Situ Precipitation of Metallic purities from aqueous materials by contact with the Salts', Wat. Sci. Tech., vol. 18, No. 10, pp. 141-148 adsorptive product. (1986). Farrah et al., "Adsorption of Viruses to Diatomaceous 11 Claims, 1 Drawing Sheet U.S. Patent Sep. 24, 1991 w 5,051,189 5,051,189 1 2 METHOD OF REMOVING AN UNWANTED constructed from a slurry of cellulose fibers and magne sium peroxide. This process and system, however, are IMPURITY FROMAN AQUEOUS MATERIAL limited to filters that have magnesium peroxide incorpo RELATED APPLICATIONS rated therein during the manufacturing process. There 5 exists a need in the art for a system which permits modi This is a continuation-in-part of application Ser. No. fication of pre-formed filters to enhance their adsorp 304,130, filed Jan. 31, 1989, which is a continuation-in tive capacity. part of application Ser. No. 166,365, filed Mar. 10, 1988 Silver and other heavy metals are effective antimicro which is a continuation of application Ser. No. 868,553, bial agents and have been used in medicine for such filed May 30, 1986, all now abandoned. 10 purposes for many years. Conventionally, solutions of BACKGROUND OF INVENTION salts of the metals are applied topically to the area of 1. Field of Invention treatment. A major disadvantage of this type of proce The present invention relates to adsorbent materials dure is the requirement for frequent applications of the having enhanced adsorptive properties and a method treating reagents. for their manufacture. 15 Deitch et al, Antimicrob. Agents Chemother., Vol. 2. Prior Art 23, pp. 356-359 (1983) developed nylon coated with Unwanted impurities such as viruses, bacteria, prote metallic silver for use as a bandage. Fabrics composed ins and metals have been recovered from water using of silver nylon cloth have been found to possess antimi different types of filters and adsorption-elution proce crobial activity in vitro and in vivo Deitch et al, J. dures Gerba, Advances in Applied Microbiology 30 20 Trauma, Vol. 27, pp. 301-304 (1987)). i33-158 (1984); Farrah et al, In: C. P. Gerba and S. M. Geldreich et al, Jour. AWWA, Vol. 27, pp. 72-80 Goyal (ed.), Methods in Environmental Virology, Mar (1985) and Reasoner et al, J. AWWA, Vol. 79, pp. cel Dekker, N.Y. (1982); Farrah et al, Appl. Environ. 60-66 (1987) studied several commercially available Microbiol. 31:221-226 (1976); Goyal et al, In: B. J. granular activated carbon (GAC) filters with and with Dutka (ed.) Membrane Filtration, Marcel Dekker, N.Y. 25 out impregnated silver; however, none of the products (1981); Hill et al, Water Res. 5:967-995 (1971); Payment consistently provided water with low bacterial counts. et al, Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 47:591-592 (1984); It is an object of the present invention to provide Singh et al, Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 45:232-237 (1983); Sobsey et al, Can. J. Microbiol. 23:770-778 adsorbent materials having enhanced adsorptive prop (1977); Vilagines et al, Can. J. Microbiol. 28:783-787 30 erties which are not subject to the above-noted disad (1982); Wallis et al., J. Am. Water Wrks. Assoc. vantages and methods for their manufacture and meth 64:189-196 (1972); Wallis et al, J. Am. J. Epidemiology ods for their utilization as adsorptive and antimicrobial 85:459-468 (1967); Wallis et al, Annu. Rev. Microbiol. materials. 33:413–437 (1979); Liu et al, Appl. Microbiol. SUMMARY OF THE INVENTION 21:405-410 (1971) and Melnick et al, Am. J. Hyg., 35 59:185-195 (1954). The use of filters has permitted The above and other objects are realized by the pres recovery of small amounts of impurities from relatively ent invention which provides novel adsorbent materials large volumes of water. Impurities can also be recov having enhanced adsorptive characteristics produced ered from solutions by adsorption to insoluble precipi by forming a stable association between the surface of tates of metallic ions. In particular, insoluble salts of 40 the adsorbent material and a substantially water-insolu aluminum, calcium, and magnesium have been found to ble polyvalent metal salt. efficiently adsorb a variety of contaminants. The present invention also provides an improved Ferric chloride has been used to enhance the forma method of removing an unwanted impurity from an tion of virus-adsorbing flocs in solutions that have been aqueous material wherein the aqueous material is con used to elute viruses adsorbed in membrane filters. 45 tacted with a surface having an adsorptive capacity for These flocs and precipitates have been formed in rela the impurity; the improvement comprising contacting tively small volumes of water or other liquid and col the aqueous material with the above-described adsorp lected by centrifugation or filtration. The need to use tive product, whereby the impurity is adsorbed by the centrifugation and the limited capacity of filters to col surface. lect flocs before clogging has limited the volume of 50 water that can be easily sampled using these flocs for DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE virus adsorption. Since certain insoluble salts efficiently. INVENTION adsorb viruses at pH values near neutrality, attempts The present invention is predicated on the discovery have been made to use flocs trapped on filters to con that the adsorptive properties of adsorbent material centrate viruses from large volumes of water using 55 surfaces are greatly enhanced where water-insoluble flow-through systems. See U.S. Pat. No. 4,048,028; polyvalent metal salts are precipitated or formed in situ 3,816,304; Myagkii, Chem. Abs., Vol. 100, 161369a from an aqueous solution in contact with the adsorbent (1984); Hou, Chem. Abs, Vol. 100, 126947R (1984) and surfaces. The in situ precipitation or formation of the Homma et al, Chem. Abs., Vol. 83,91749d (1975), See metal salt results in the formation of a stable association ley and Primrose, J. Appl. Bac., Vol. 46, p. 103 (1979). in the nature of a chemical bond between the polyvalent These attempts have been unsuccessful, however, metal salt and the adsorbent surface. because filters with large pores did not retain the flocs The exact nature of the association between the poly whereas filters with pores small enough to retain the valent metal salt and the adsorbent surface is not pres flocs rapidly became clogged during the filtration pro ently known. cedure. 65 Since the salt is precipitated or formed in situ in the Gerba et al J. Environ. Sci. Health, A23:41-58 presence of the adsorbent material, it is formed and (1988) describes a system for inactivating bacteria in an bonded to all surfaces of the adsorbent material rather aqueous medium by passing the latter through a filter than merely collected at the outer surfaces as is the case 5,051,189 3 4. in those instances where attempts are made to trap flocs anion in an aqueous medium in contact with the adsorp or gels thereof in the pores of adsorbent materials by tive surface to form the precipitated salt of the polyva filtration. The stable bond-like associations of the inven lent metal and the second anion in stable association tion are not formed in these prior art methods or any with the adsorptive surface and a substantially water similar method where pre-formed salts are applied to soluble salt of the cation and the first anion.
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    FedEx Ground Package Systems Inc. is committed to the safe transportation of hazardous materials. It is very important that each person engaged in the transportation of hazardous materials has the proper training and is thoroughly familiar with the Title 49CFR (Code of Federal Regulations) and/or USPS Publication 52. This guide is intended only to assist you in your preparation of hazardous materials shipped via FedEx Ground Package Systems Inc. It is the shipper’s responsibility to ensure each hazardous material package is in compliance with applicable Department of Transportation (D.O.T.) regulations and FedEx Ground Package Systems Inc. requirements. Failure to comply with these regulations and requirements may subject the shipper and carrier to fines and penalties. Improperly prepared hazmat packages or documentation may be subject to an additional charge(s) due to the unexpected hanlding associated with these shipments. Due to the changing nature of D.O.T. regulations and other information, it is impossible to guarantee absolute accuracy of the material contained in this guide. FedEx Ground Package Systems Inc., therefore, cannot assume any responsibility for omissions, errors, misprinting, or ambiguity contained within this guide and shall not be held liable in any degree for any loss or injury caused by such omission or error presented in this publication. Shippers should consult the most current version of the hazardous material regulations. Training is mandatory for those shipping hazardous materials, including limited quantity and other exceptions. The www.shipsafeshipsmart.com battery and hazmat training programs offer shippers an economical source of basic ground battery and/or hazardous materials shipping as well as addressing FedEx Ground specific issues.
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