A Contribution to a Flora of Merioneth
A Contribution to a Flora of Merioneth by PETER BENOIT and MARY RICHARDS 2nd Edition (H A Contribution to a Flora of Merioneth ", in Nature in Wales, 7, 44-66, 92-111 and 146-166 (1961), revised and printed as a separate volume.) Haverfordwest : West Wales Naturalists' Trust 1963 '5 6 7 8 9 '0r4 I '2. 35 j I I 1 / i 1 <i"""1 1 I'S S6-. ~S- ' «,~ i 4 31 HA~~-I~,_1"J; 3 \JV Ty .... y-!)~ 1 f- u",..",ni 2 ,~~A~ P..-RT.do:lU ;) -~ ~... , \ ill- "~{/ \Jf. j) , '\, f MERLO ..ET>I on .. J ..... r of Wl\I..ES r< o \'AJlrJ~ -':;:' MONT(;OltlERYStllRE MAP OF MERJONETH 'OIR~~~~ I '0 02.468MllES 1 I! i l' J \ • I , 02.+681012~S. , loa l\-~"'"'i'" (I I I I, 9 9"5 G 7 8 9 '0 '2 A CONTRIBUTION TO A FLORA OF MERIONETH INTRQDQOTION Merioneth has long been a favourite hunting ground of botanists, and numerous notes and plant lists have as a result been published; 'a valuable historical account of the botanical exploraM tion of the county, by P. W. Carter, appeared in 1955*. Yet Merioneth has neVer had a published Flora. About the end of the last century Daniel Angell Jones (1861-1936), of Machynlleth and Harlech, compiled a manuscript Flora which is now in the National Museum of Wales. But in later life, it seems, he rather neglected the higher plants for bryophytes, on which he became an authority. In sixty years, British plant geography has progressed from infancy to maturity, and much work has been done in Merioneth ; ecology and cytology have been born, and opinions of the taxonomic status of many plants have changed in the light of experimental work.
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