FOX VALLEY REGION PORSCHE CLUB OF AMERICA - - - - - - - - JULY 2007 JULY 2007 PAGE 2 FVR CALENDAR OF EVENTS JULY 2007 CALENDAR FOX VALLEY REGION— 2007 ACTIVITIES July 14th - 11am -Tour and picnic at Trout Springs Winery Please RSVP to Rick Slater at
[email protected] no later than Tuesday July 10th Trout Springs Winery, 8150 River Road, Greenleaf, WI 54126 Phone: (920) 864-7761 Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa Directions: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 August 12th— Sunday—25th Annual Manitowoc Car Show 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 For Additional Information: Contact Laura Prellwitz, 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Fox Valley PCA at
[email protected] 29 30 31 OR Keith Schultz, Kiwanis member, (920) 684-1785 Refer to additional information on page 5. Bring friends and family. September 3rd — Monday—Annual Labor Day Picnic - Road America Porsche Park September 11th— Tuesday—Auto Clinic Tech Session th th September 14 to 16 — Friday to Sunday Michigan– Wisconsin Fall Tour with Milwaukee and FVR PCA Across and Around Lake Michigan (see details on page 6) Please reserve and confirm early to Laura Prellwitz October Open Inside this month’s November Open issue….. December Open SPECIAL EVENT: FVR Calendar of Events 2 From the President 3 Steve DeBaker, one of our members is holding the following event for the general public: Trout Springs Winery will host a special event on Sat. July 7th from 5:30 pm to 10pm for the "Music on the Vine” series, this year featuring Fat Brass band.