Automatic classification of Furnariidae from the Paranaense Littoral region using speech-related features and machine learning∗

Enrique M. Albornoz,∗,a, Leandro D. Vignoloa, Juan A. Sarquisb, Evelina Leonb

aResearch Institute for Signals, Systems and Computational Intelligence, sınc(i), UNL-CONICET. bNational Institute of Limnology, INALI, UNL-CONICET

Abstract Over the last years, researchers have addressed the automatic classification of calling species. This is important for achieving more exhaustive environmental monitoring and for managing natural resources. Vocalisations help to identify new species, their natural history and macro-systematic relations, while com- puter systems allow the bird recognition process to be sped up and improved. In this study, an approach that uses state-of-the-art features designed for speech and speaker state recognition is presented. A method for voice activity detection was employed previous to feature extraction. Our analysis includes several clas- sification techniques (multilayer perceptrons, support vector machines and random forest) and compares their performance using different configurations to define the best classification method. The experimental results were validated in a cross-validation scheme, using 25 species of the family Furnariidae that inhabit the Paranaense Littoral region of Argentina (South America). The results show that a high classification rate, close to 90%, is obtained for this family in this Furnariidae group using the proposed features and classifiers. Key words: Bird sound classification, computational bioacoustics, machine learning, speech-related features, Furnariidae.

1 1. Introduction 13 number of problems associated with them, such as

14 poor sample representation in remote regions, ob-

2 Vocalisations are often the most noticeable man- 15 server bias [4], defective monitoring [5], and high

3 ifestations of the presence of avian species in dif- 16 costs of sampling on large spatial and temporal

4 ferent habitats [1]. have been widely used 17 scales, among others.

5 to indicate biodiversity since they provide critical 18 Bird vocalisations have become an important re-

6 ecosystem services, respond quickly to changes, are 19 search field, influencing ethology [6, 7],

7 relatively easy to detect and may reflect changes 20 [8, 9, 10] and evolutionary biology [11, 12]. One of

8 at lower trophic levels (e.g. insects, plants) [2, 3]. 21 the main activities that benefits from vocalisation

9 Technological tools (such as photographic cameras, 22 identification is ecosystems monitoring, where the

10 video cameras, microphones, mass storage disks, 23 technological advances allow registering and pro-

11 etc.) are useful for collecting data about several 24 cessing the recordings, and improving the data col-

12 patterns of bird populations. However, there are a 25 lection in the field [13]. This makes possible to

26 gather data in large and disjoint areas, which is

27 essential for conducting reliable studies. $Facultad de Ingenier´ıa y Ciencias H´ıdricas, Ciu- 28 Although some works describe vocalisation dad Universitaria, Paraje El Pozo, (S3000) Santa Fe (Argentina). Tel.: +54 (342) 457-5233/39 ext 191; 29 changes in certain Furnariidae species [14, 15, 16, ) Research Center for Signals, Systems and Computational Intelligence ( i 30 17, 18], none of them simultaneously evaluates sev- ∗ sinc( Enrique M. Albornoz, Leandro D. Vignolo, Juan A. Sarquis & Evelina Leon; "Automatic classification of Furnariidae species from the Paranaense Littoral region using speech-related features and machine learning " Ecological Informatics , Vol. 38, No. pp. 39 - 49, 2017. Corresponding author. 31 eral vocalisations of Furnariidae species from South Email addresses: [email protected] 32 America. In this study, vocalisations belonging (Enrique M. Albornoz), [email protected] (Leandro D. Vignolo), [email protected] (Juan 33 to 25 Furnariidae species that are distributed in A. Sarquis), [email protected] (Evelina Leon) 34 the Paranaense Littoral region (see Figure 1) are Preprint submitted to Ecological Informatics January 25, 2017 62 during their lifetime [24]. The family Furnariidae

63 produces several songs and some species manifest

64 these as duets. It represents a synchroniation of

65 physiological rhythms in a natural behaviour, which

66 adds more complexity to the analysis. In addition,

67 some species of the same family show similar struc-

68 tures in their songs. These similarities are mani-

69 fested in introductory syllables or in the trill for-

70 mat, while the complexity of duets within the fam-

71 ily makes the analysis and classification of vocalisa-

72 tions more difficult. Previous studies demonstrated

73 that there are differences in tone and note intervals

74 between males and females [25, 17, 16, 15]. For this

75 family, the complexity of vocalisations was proved

76 by means of playback experiments. These showed

77 that the different taxa express dissimilar responses

78 to similar patterns.

79 It should be noted that environmental condi-

80 tions (humidity, wind, temperature, etc.) may

81 alter the recording process, modifying the fea-

82 tures that are present in the structure of songs

83 and in the calls (e.g. frequency, duration, ampli- Figure 1: Paranaense Littoral region (Argentina). 84 tude, etc.) [26, 27, 28]. Since these conditions 85 may lead to errors and distort subsequent analy-

86 ses and results, researchers usually use recordings

35 analysed. This region comprises the Argentinian 87 from known databases. Even though these registra-

36 Mesopotamia (Misiones, Corrientes and Entre R´ıos 88 tions can be also affected by environmental issues,

37 provinces) along with the provinces of Chaco, For- 89 their attributes and labels are validated by the sci-

38 mosa and Santa Fe, and it is lapped by great rivers 90 entific community and consequently, they are more

39 of the Plata basin [19]. Over the last years, this 91 reliable than ”homemade” records.

40 region has become an interesting place for study- 92 As mentioned in [29], new frontiers have been

41 ing bird vocalisations [16, 17, 20, 21]. In addition, 93 opened in ecology (besides the analysis performed

42 the work of researchers from the National Institute 94 by expert ecologists) due to the propagation of 1 2 43 of Limnology (INALI) along with the availability 95 projects like Xeno-canto and EcoGrid . The ac-

44 of Furnariidae species would allow us to record and 96 cess to multimedia data has promoted an inter-

45 analyse these species in real-life conditions in future 97 disciplinary and collaborative science for analysing

46 studies. Recently, some authors have researched the 98 the environment. Although human experts (who

47 vocalisations and the natural history of Furnariidae. 99 are sufficiently trained) can recognise bioacoustic

48 Zimmer et al. [15] used morphometric analysis, 100 events with a high performance, this is a labori-

49 behavioural data and vocalisations to analyse the 101 ous and expensive process that would be more ef-

50 Pseudoseisura cristata. The role of several habitats 102 ficient if they had the technical support of a semi-

51 as well as natural history, taxonomy, morphology, 103 automatic tool [30]. Finally, the goal pursued is

52 vocalisations and evolution for the sat- 104 the development of an automatic classifier that pro-

53 uratior was studied in [16, 17]. 105 vide a high accuracy and involve the expert only

54 Recognition of species in passeriformes is a chal- 106 for evaluating the results. Automatic tools allow

55 lenging task because to they produce complex songs 107 simultaneous studies to be conducted and diverse

56 and can adapt their content over time. It is inter- 108 bird communities to be monitored in several areas ) Research Center for Signals, Systems and Computational Intelligence ( i 57 esting to note that the song content can be changed 109 at the same time, in order to identify when and sinc( Enrique M. Albornoz, Leandro D. Vignolo, Juan A. Sarquis & Evelina Leon; "Automatic classification of Furnariidae species from the Paranaense Littoral region using speech-related features and machine learning " Ecological Informatics , Vol. 38, No. pp. 39 - 49, 2017. 58 depending on the audience, for example, when the 110 how the species vocalise. In addition, said tools

59 receiver is male or female [22], or in order to match 60 it with that of their neighbours [23]. Furthermore, 1 2 61 they can take possession of new songs or syllables 2 111 could be used to create complete inventories of bird 163 the current relevance of this topic is shown in some

112 communities in unknown or restricted areas, which 164 recent works [32, 43]. However, none of these works

113 are essential for conservation or management plans. 165 has addressed the vocalisation recognition of species

114 In particular the bird call identification task can 166 belonging to the Furnariidae family, which present

115 be used in two ways [31]: call retrieval (detec- 167 similar parameters in their vocalisations. More-

116 tion) and call classification. In the call retrieval 168 over, only a small part of the state-of-the-art speech

117 task, the objective is to identify one or more calls 169 features have been employed in bird classification

118 in an audio recording, which can contain multiple 170 tasks. In [49], a large set of state-of-the-art speech

119 calls of different species overlapped or at different 171 features is described, comprising more than 6000

120 times. In the classification task, a set of call classes 172 features, and many of these are considered within

121 must be defined and the classifier will be trained 173 this task for the first time in this work.

122 to recognise this fixed set. In this way, every in- 174 This study proposes the development of a bird

123 put audio (expected to contain only one call) will 175 call recognition model for dealing with the fam-

124 be classified to one of those classes. A classification 176 ily Furnariidae from the Paranaense Littoral re-

125 scheme can be defined as a pipeline of three mod- 177 gion of Argentina, which is the first approach for

126 ules: preprocessing, feature extraction and classi- 178 these species. Our model is designed to use state-

127 fication. The first one depends strongly on the 179 of-the-art classifiers with speech-related parameter-

128 recording process and involves filtering, segmenta- 180 isations, and some feature selection techniques are

129 tion and enhancement of audio signals. Further- 181 used to reduce dimensionality while maximising ac-

130 more, automatic methods for voice activity detec- 182 curacy. As a first step, a method for performing the

131 tion (VAD) have been recently incorporated [32]. 183 VAD is included. The model is tested in a cross-

132 Regarding feature extraction, time- and frequency- 184 validation scheme in all cases. Furthermore, the

133 based information was employed [30, 1, 33, 34]. In 185 best results are discussed, and the confusion matrix

134 addition, characteristics that were originally devel- 186 is analysed to introduce the misclassification and

135 oped for speech analysis are used in the context of 187 how some similarities among some species could be

136 bird call recognition. Some of the features present 188 addressed in order to improve the performance.

137 in the literature are mel frequency cepstral coeffi- 189 The following section introduces the proposed

138 cients (MFCCs) [35], linear frequency cepstral co- 190 features and classifiers. Section 3 deals with the ex-

139 efficients (LFCCs) [36], and standard functionals 191 perimental setup, presents the implementation de-

140 (mean, standard deviation, kurtosis, etc.) com- 192 tails and describes the validation scheme. The re-

141 puted over these [32, 37, 38]. Various techniques 193 sults are presented and discussed in Section 4. In

142 have been applied to bird call classification: Gaus- 194 addition, the implementation of a web-demo and

143 sian mixture model (GMM) [39], gaussian mixture 195 an android application for testing the model is ex-

144 model-universal background model (GMM-UBM) 196 plained. Finally, conclusions are summarised and

145 [40], support vector machines (SVM) [41], random 197 future work is commented in the last section. 146 forest (RF) [42], among others. In [32], LFCC fea-

147 tures were used along with GMM-UBM to identify

148 some subjects from the same bird species. 198 2. Proposed features and classifiers

149 A similar approach was proposed in [43] for recog-

150 nising a single bird species using MFCCs. An in- 199 This section introduces the feature extraction

151 teresting strategy based on the pairwise similar- 200 process, two different feature selection techniques

152 ity measurements, computed on bird-call spectro- 201 and the classifier models. 153 grams, was evaluated in [33], where the authors

154 used different classifiers to recognise four species. In 202 2.1. Feature extraction 155 [37], thirty-five species were classified using a SVM

156 classifier and six functionals were obtained from 203 As mentioned above, the use of speech-based

157 each MFCC. A different approach was proposed 204 features is known in bird call analysis, identifica- ) Research Center for Signals, Systems and Computational Intelligence ( i 158 in [44], where a classifier based on hidden Markov 205 tion and classification. For these tasks, the LFCCs sinc( Enrique M. Albornoz, Leandro D. Vignolo, Juan A. Sarquis & Evelina Leon; "Automatic classification of Furnariidae species from the Paranaense Littoral region using speech-related features and machine learning " Ecological Informatics , Vol. 38, No. pp. 39 - 49, 2017. 159 models (HMMs) was used to recognise bird calls 206 and MFCCs sets (standards in speech recognition)

160 through their temporal dynamics. Previous works 207 showed good performances [37, 32]. An extended

161 developing full-automatic methods for vocalisation 208 state-of-the-art set of features related to human

162 recognition can be examined in [45, 46, 47, 48], and 209 speech is introduced below. 3 Table 1: Low-level descriptors (LLDs) [51]. +∆ means that 210 2.1.1. Speech inspired features the first derivative is computed and appended, to the feature 211 In the speech processing area, researchers have vector computed for each analysis frame. 212 made a great effort to find the best set of features

213 for speech recognition, speaker recognition, emotion Low-level descriptors

214 recognition, illness state detection, etc. [50, 51, 52]. Sum of auditory spectrum (loudness) + ∆ Sum of RASTA-style filtered auditory spectrum + ∆ 215 In the INTERSPEECH 2013 ComParE Challenge RMS Energy + ∆ 216 [50], a set of 6373 features was presented which is harmonic-to-noise ratio (HNR) + ∆ 217 considered the state-of-the-art in speech processing. Zero-Crossing Rate + ∆ RASTA-style filtering. Bands 1-26 (0-8 kHz) + ∆ 218 The feature set is built from 65 low-level descriptors MFCC 1-14 + ∆ 219 (LLDs) such as energy, spectral, cepstral (MFCC), Spectral energy 25-650 Hz, 1 k-4 kHz + ∆ 220 voicing-related characteristics (F0, shimmer, jitter, Spectral Roll Off Point 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 0.90 + ∆ 221 etc.), zero crossing rate, logarithmic harmonic-to- Spectral Flux, Entropy, Variance + ∆ Skewness, Kurtosis, Slope + ∆ 222 noise ratio (HNR), spectral harmonicity, psychoa- F0, Probability of voicing + ∆ 223 coustic spectral sharpness, and their deltas (i.e. Jitter (local, delta) + ∆ 224 their first temporal derivatives). These features are Shimmer (local) + ∆ 225 computed on a time frame basis, using a 60-ms win- 226 dow with 10-ms step for F0 (pitch) and zero crossing 227 rate. The remaining features are computed using 260 improved performance. Feature or attribute se- 228 a window size of 20 ms and the time contour of 261 lection is commonly carried out by searching the 229 each attribute is smoothed by a moving average fil- 262 space of feature subsets, and each candidate subset 230 ter. Specific functionals are then computed for each 263 is evaluated according to some criteria [54]. 231 LLD set. These include the arithmetic mean, maxi-

232 mum, minimum, standard deviation, skewness, kur- 264 In this study, the performance of two well-

233 tosis, mean of peak distances, among others. Ta- 265 known attribute selection methods is compared:

234 bles 1 and 2 provide an exhaustive enumeration of 266 best first (BF) [55] and linear forward selection

235 all the LLDs and functionals used to constitute the 267 (LFS) [56]. The BF method performs a greedy

236 complete feature vector. In addition to the com- 268 hill climbing using backtracking, which means that

237 plete feature set obtained by combining all LLDs 269 it can search forward through a specified number

238 and functionals (Full-Set), this work also proposes 270 of non-improving nodes before the algorithm goes

239 a subset consisting of the complete set of function- 271 back. This algorithm has proven to guarantee the

240 als computed only from the MFCCs, which results 272 best global subset without exhaustive enumeration,

241 in a set of 531 attributes (MFCC+Fun). 273 given that the criterion used satisfies monotonic- 274 ity. The LFS algorithm is an extension of BF, 242 To the best of our knowledge, no suitable baseline 275 which aims to reduce the number of evaluations per- 243 models are available for comparing the performance 276 formed during the search process. The number of 244 of our proposal. In order to create the baseline, pre- 277 attribute expansions is limited in each forward se- 245 vious works [37, 53] were considered to define the 278 lection step, which drastically improves the runtime 246 classifiers and feature sets for the bird song identi- 279 performance of the algorithm [56]. Both feature se- 247 fication task. The first 17 MFCCs, their deltas and 280 lection methods need a criterion to evaluate each 248 acceleration coefficients were computed using over- 281 considered subset; therefore the correlation-based 249 lapped frames. Then, the mean and variance for 282 feature subset evaluation (CFS) method [54] was 250 each feature (over the entire song) were calculated, 283 applied. This method assesses the predictive ability 251 which resulted in a 102-dimensional vector for each 284 of each attribute in the subset, and also considers 252 recording. 285 the redundancy among them. Finally, the method

286 picks up the subsets whose attributes are highly cor-

253 2.1.2. Feature selection 287 related within the class and have low intercorrela-

254 Feature selection techniques were defined in or- 288 tion among classes. Both feature selection methods ) Research Center for Signals, Systems and Computational Intelligence ( i 3 255 der to reduce the dimensionality of data while keep- 289 were implemented using WEKA library [57]. sinc( Enrique M. Albornoz, Leandro D. Vignolo, Juan A. Sarquis & Evelina Leon; "Automatic classification of Furnariidae species from the Paranaense Littoral region using speech-related features and machine learning " Ecological Informatics , Vol. 38, No. pp. 39 - 49, 2017. 256 ing the most relevant information. This allows less

257 complex models to be generated, which reduces the 258 number of parameters to estimate in the model and 3Software available at 259 the computing cost, and provides a similar or even ml/weka/ 4 Table 2: Functionals applied to LLDs [51].

Base functionals quartiles 1-3 3 inter-quartile ranges 1 % percentile (≈ min), 99 % percentile (≈ max) percentile range 1 %-99 % arithmetic mean, standard deviation skewness, kurtosis mean of peak distances standard deviation of peak distances mean value of peaks mean value of peaks - arithmetic mean linear regression slope and quadratic error quadratic regression a and b and quadratic error simple moving average contour centroid duration signal is below 25 % range duration signal is above 90 % range duration signal is rising/falling gain of linear prediction (LP) Figure 2: Example of a MLP network model. Linear Prediction Coefficients 1-5 F0 functionals percentage of non-zero frames is a function (linear or nonlinear) as mean, max, min, std. dev. of segment length input duration in seconds n ! X y = F ωixi + θ . (1) i=1 290 2.2. Classifiers 302 The output of the MLP (i.e. the output of the

291 Several techniques from machine learning and 303 neurons in the last layer) is decoded to provide the

292 computational intelligence have been used in bird 304 predicted label for a given input example. The

293 call identification [32]. Based on previous studies, 305 backpropagation method [58] is commonly used to

294 the analysis in this work was focused on some of 306 obtain the synaptic weights for the connections in 295 the most commonly used classification algorithms. 307 the network (ωi). This method computes the gra- 296 The following subsections briefly introduce three 308 dient of a loss function, with respect to all network

297 techniques: multilayer perceptron, random forest 309 weights. The weights are then updated according

298 and support vector machines. WEKA and Scikit- 310 to the gradient, with the aim of minimising the loss 4 299 Neuralnetwork libraries were employed to apply 311 function (usually the mean square error). Since the

300 these classifiers. 312 method requires a desired output for each training

313 input in order to calculate the error, it is considered

314 as a supervised learning technique. 301 2.2.1. Multilayer perceptron 315 In this work, three architectures were considered: A multilayer perceptron (MLP) is a class of arti- 316 one hidden layer with the number of neurons set as ficial neural network that consists of a set of process 317 (Num. of inputs+Num. of outputs)/2 (MLP1), units (simple perceptrons or neurons) arranged in 318 one hidden layer with the number of neurons set layers. In the MLP, the nodes are fully connected 319 to the number of inputs (MLP2), and two hid- between layers without connections between units 320 den layers set as in MLP2 and MLP1, respectively in the same layer (Figure 2). The input of the MLP 321 (MLP3). is the feature vector (x), which feeds each of the neurons of the first layer, the outputs of this layer 322 2.2.2. Random forest feed into each of the second layer neurons, and so 323 Classification and regression tree (CART) mod-

) Research Center for Signals, Systems and Computational Intelligence ( on [58]. The output of a neuron is the weighted sum i of its inputs plus the bias term, and its activation 324 els, the so-called decision trees, are widely known in sinc( Enrique M. Albornoz, Leandro D. Vignolo, Juan A. Sarquis & Evelina Leon; "Automatic classification of Furnariidae species from the Paranaense Littoral region using speech-related features and machine learning " Ecological Informatics , Vol. 38, No. pp. 39 - 49, 2017. 325 machine learning and data mining [59]. Some rele-

326 vant properties include their robustness to different 4Software available at http://scikit-neuralnetwork. 327 feature transformations, such as scaling, and their 328 ability to discriminate irrelevant information while 5 t t t t x[1] > a 340 where {x , r } is a pattern with r = −1 if x is t 341 class #1, or r = +1 in the other case. It is known that a nonlinear problem could be x[3] > b x[2] > c solved as a linear problem in a new space by making a nonlinear transformation [61]. The new dimen- sions are then computed using the basis functions R R x[1] < d 1 x[3] < e 2 by inner product. The kernel trick is a method that solves this problem without mapping the features in

R3 R4 R5 R6 the new space; therefore, the kernel function is ap- plied to the original space [61]. Some of the more Figure 3: Example of CART using feature vector ∈ R3. popular kernels used in SVMs are the polynomial of degree q:

329 producing easily analysable models. These models K(xt, x) = (xT xt + 1)q (4) 330 are constructed by recursive partitioning the input

331 space and region-specific models are then defined and radial-basis functions: 332 for the resulting scheme [42]. This can be repre-  t  t D(x , x) 333 sented with a tree, where the nodes indicate the K(x , x) = exp − (5) 2s2 334 decision functions and each leaf stands for a region

335 (Figure 3). t t 342 where x is the centre, s is the radius and D(x , x) is Random forest (RF) is an ensemble learning 343 a distance function. In our experiments, the SVMs method whose decision is based on the average 344 were trained using the sequential minimal optimisa- of multiple CARTs, which are trained on different 345 tion algorithm and considering the polynomial ker- parts of the same training set, with the aim of re- 346 nel. ducing the variance of CART overfitting. The com- putation can be expressed in terms of the bagging technique [59] as 347 3. Experiments

K 348 This section describes the experimental frame- 1 X f(x) = t (x) (2) 349 work used in this study. First, a discussion on K k k=1 350 why and how the bird species were selected from 351 the known databases. Then, the implementation 336 where t is the k-th tree. Here, the RF was imple- k 352 details of the feature extraction and classifiers are 337 mented following [42], considering 10 and 100 trees 353 presented. Finally, the validation scheme used to 338 with unlimited depth. 354 evaluate the models is explained. A general scheme

355 of the whole process for the experiments is shown 339 2.2.3. Support vector machine 356 in Figure 4. A support vector machine (SVM) is a supervised

learning method that is widely used for pattern 357 3.1. Study area and target species classification and is supposed to have good general- 358 The study area is located between isation capabilities [60]. Its aim is to find a hyper- ◦ 0 ◦ 0 ◦ 0 ◦ 0 359 22 25 S 62 12 W and 38 0 S 57 26 W (Figure plane that can separate input patterns in a suffi- 360 1), and comprises several ecoregions along the ciently high dimensional space. The distances from 361 Paran´a River. These regions are Dry Chaco, the hyperplane to the patterns that are closest to it, 362 Espinal, Pampa, Iber´aWetlands, and Delta and on each side, is called a margin. This margin needs 363 Islands of the Paran´a River [2]. The family to be maximised to reach the best generalisation. 364 Furnariidae presents diverse vocalisations and In the binary case, this is done finding the w and 365 some species can even sing male-female duets. w0 parameters by means of a standard quadratic 366 In spite of that, the experts are usually able to ) Research Center for Signals, Systems and Computational Intelligence ( i optimisation [61, 60]: 367 identify them, reaching a good performance. The sinc( Enrique M. Albornoz, Leandro D. Vignolo, Juan A. Sarquis & Evelina Leon; "Automatic classification of Furnariidae species from the Paranaense Littoral region using speech-related features and machine learning " Ecological Informatics , Vol. 38, No. pp. 39 - 49, 2017. 368 vocalisations obtained from species of this family 1 2 min k w k 369 might be similar and thus difficult to classify. In 2 (3) subject to 370 addition, the vocalisations from one species can t T t r (w x + w0) ≥ +1, ∀t 371 change depending on its geographical location. 6 Figure 4: Conceptual flowchart of the general whole process for the experiments.

372 The family Furnariidae includes 68 genera com- Anumbius annumbi

373 posed of 302 species [62]. Being distributed in A. baeri Asthenes 374 South America and in a region of Central Amer- A. hudsoni

375 ica [63], it is one of the most impressive examples Certhiaxis cinnamomeus

376 of continental adaptive radiation. This family has Coryphistera alaudina 377 probably the highest morpho-ecological diversity in C. sulphurifera 378 birds, living in diverse habitats such as desert or Cranioleuca C. pyrrhophia 379 arid regions, rocky coasts, ravines, swamps, grass- Furnarius rufus 380 lands and forests [64, 65]. The characteristics de- Geositta cunicularia 381 scribed above plus the large number of studies

382 about its taxonomy, the biological and natural his- Leptasthenura platensis 383 tory [64, 66, 67, 68, 65, 17] and our own experi- Limnoctites rectirostris 384 ence at INALI make the family Furnariidae an in-

385 teresting and open challenge to study. Figure 5 Furnariidae Limnornis curvirostris P. ruber 386 shows the tree structure of the 25 studied Furnari- Phacellodomus P. sibilatrix 387 idae species/genera. P. striaticollis Phleocryptes melanops 388 3.2. Bird call corpus Pseudoseisura lophotes 389 To obtain a suitable number of vocalisations for

390 training the classifiers and evaluating the perfor- Schoeniophylax phryganophilus 391 mance, records from two well-known databases were Spartonoica maluroides 392 selected, obtaining a total of 206 recordings. From S. albescens

393 these, 90 recordings were selected from the Xeno- Synallaxis S. frontalis 5 394 canto database [69, 1, 70] and 116 recordings were S. spixi SyndactylaSyndactila rufosuperciliatarufosuperciliata 395 taken from the Birds of Argentina & Uruguay: A

396 Field Guide Total Edition corpus [71, 21, 72]. This Upucerthia dumetaria 397 combination of different data sources involves an Tarphonomus certhioides 398 additional complexity that the model should be 6 399 able to handle . Figure 5: Tree structure of the 25 studied Furnariidae species. 400 3.3. Feature extraction

401 As mentioned earlier, the step prior to feature

402 extraction is usually the preprocessing and it is car- 406 utterances have an initial silence, the noise could 403 ried out to standardise the audio signals. A Wiener- 407 be modelled. 404 based noise filter [73] was applied to the audio sig- ) Research Center for Signals, Systems and Computational Intelligence ( i 408 405 nals to reduce noise in the recordings. As all of the The acoustic activity detection (where the infor- sinc( Enrique M. Albornoz, Leandro D. Vignolo, Juan A. Sarquis & Evelina Leon; "Automatic classification of Furnariidae species from the Paranaense Littoral region using speech-related features and machine learning " Ecological Informatics , Vol. 38, No. pp. 39 - 49, 2017. 409 mation is contained) is an active area of research

410 [74]. In this work, the endpoints of acoustic activ- 5 6The list of audio files used in this work was included as 411 ity were computed using a voice activity detector supplementary material. 412 (VAD) based on Rabiner and Schafer’s method [75]. 7 413 The openSMILE toolkit [76] was used to extract 441 4. Results and discussion

414 the state-of-the-art features [50] mentioned in the

415 previous section. This is a feature extraction tool 442 The baseline feature set and the proposed fea-

416 that allows a large set of audio features to be ex- 443 ture sets were evaluated using all the classifiers de-

417 tracted, and it is distributed free of charge for re- 444 scribed in Section 2.2, considering the normalised 7 418 search and personal use . 445 attributes explained in Section 3.4. Also, LFS and 446 BF feature selection methods were used to reduce

447 the size of the Full-Set (6373 features), maximising 419 3.4. Validation 448 accuracy while keeping the most relevant informa- 420 Coefficients in vectors were normalised using the 449 tion. Tables 3 and 4 present the results obtained in 421 maximum and minimum values (for each dimen- 6 450 terms of accuracy and UAR, respectively . Table 422 sion) in the training set as follows: 451 3 shows that the baseline set (102 features) pro-

452 vides high accuracy rates while the proposed sets norm (Ci,j − Cmin,j) Ci,j = , (6) 453 improve these results, and the best results are close (Cmax,j − Cmin,j) 454 to 90%. However, the performance is lower when

norm 455 the Full-Set is used because the models cannot be 423 where Ci,j is the normalised coefficient j from 424 recording i, Ci,j represents the original value, while 456 properly trained. This means that the complexity 425 Cmin,j and Cmax,j represent the minimum and 457 of the classifiers is increased due to the high num- 426 maximum values of coefficient j from all the train- 458 ber of inputs (especially in the case of MLP), and

427 ing recordings. 459 the small amount of data available is not enough

428 The recognition rate estimation may be biased 460 for appropriately training them, which causes poor

429 if only one training partition and one test parti- 461 performance.

430 tion are used. To avoid these estimation biases, 462 In order to assess how the imbalance of classes

431 a cross-validation was performed with the k-fold 463 affects the results, the UAR values should be anal-

432 method [77]. For each experiment the classification 464 ysed, taking into account the hit rates for each

433 results by 10-fold stratified cross-validation (SCV) 465 class (Table 4). This table presents similar results,

434 were computed, where each fold was composed of 466 where the proposed feature sets improve the base-

435 90% of data for training and the remaining 10% was 467 line performance. The MFCC+Fun set (531 fea-

436 used for testing. Finally, the results were computed 468 tures) performs better than the baseline for almost

437 and averaged over the 10 test sets. 469 all classifiers, whereas both feature selection meth- Several classification measures were computed 470 ods applied over the Full-set achieve the best per- for accurately visualising the performance of the 471 formances. It is interesting to note that MLPs and models. The weighted average recall or accuracy 472 SVMs produce better results than RF for all the (ACC) is the number of correctly classified in- 473 feature sets. Finally, one can be conclude that the stances divided by the total number of instances. 474 best performance is obtained using the multilayer Although this measure is widely used, it can be 475 perceptron (MLP1) and applying the LFS method biased when the classes are not balanced. If the 476 over the Full-Set. classes (species) are unbalanced, the unweighted av- 477 The dimension of the best feature set is 153, erage recall (UAR) gives a more accurate estima- 478 thus the system has kept a very low dimensional- tion of the performance [78]. The UAR was com- 479 ity in addition to achieving the best rates. The puted as the average of all class accuracies as: 480 retained features include mostly spectral and cep- 481 stral coefficients as described next. Thirty-six fea- K 482 tures were computed based on the MFCC coeffi- 1 X Aii UAR = , (7) K PK 483 cients and some functionals (quartiles, percentiles i=1 j=1 Aij 484 and mean, among others). Eleven features obtained

485 from the first derivative of MFCC (delta MFCC) 438 where K is the number of classes and Aij is the 486 [79] and the same functionals. Twenty-four spectral

) Research Center for Signals, Systems and Computational Intelligence ( 439

i number of instances belonging to class i that are 487 features were selected, including roll-off (percentile 440 classified as j. sinc( Enrique M. Albornoz, Leandro D. Vignolo, Juan A. Sarquis & Evelina Leon; "Automatic classification of Furnariidae species from the Paranaense Littoral region using speech-related features and machine learning " Ecological Informatics , Vol. 38, No. pp. 39 - 49, 2017. 488 of the power spectral distribution), slope (which

489 describes how rapidly the amplitudes of successive 7Software available at 490 component change), harmonicity (which evaluates research/opensmile/ 491 the total strength of harmonic structure) and flux 8 Table 3: Weighted average recall (accuracy) [%]. Feature vector MLP1 MLP2 MLP3 RF10 RF100 SVM Baseline 85.92 86.89 78.64 68.45 80.10 84.95 MFCC+Fun 89.32 88.83 79.61 69.42 83.01 85.92 Full-Set 74.27 65.05 08.25 68.93 80.10 83.50 Full-Set + LFS 89.32 86.89 80.58 76.70 86.41 87.38 Full-Set + BF 89.32 89.32 80.58 76.70 86.41 87.38

Table 4: Unweighted average recall (UAR) [%]. Feature vector MLP1 MLP2 MLP3 RF10 RF100 SVM Baseline 77.24 79.21 72.06 58.25 67.00 74.07 MFCC+Fun 79.96 80.85 69.16 58.08 70.43 75.18 Full-Set 61.90 53.55 05.06 55.74 65.24 72.46 Full-Set + LFS 82.21 78.74 68.65 64.20 73.65 77.82 Full-Set + BF 82.10 80.25 70.42 64.20 73.35 77.82

Table 5: Confusion matrix for the MLP1 and Full-Set+LFS. References for the classes are included in the supplementary material. Species CeC CoA CrP CrS FuR GeC LiC LiR PhM SpM TaC UpD AnA AsB AsH LeP PhR PhS PhSt PsL ScP SyA SyF SyR SyS # CeC 11 11 CoA 13 13 CrP 4 1 5 CrS 6 6 FuR 1 0 1 2 GeC 2 1 3 LiC 4 1 1 1 7 LiR 9 1 10 PhM 1 3 1 1 6 SpM 5 5 TaC 11 1 12 UpD 8 8 AnA 1 14 15 AsB 1 7 8 AsH 7 7 LeP 1 7 8 PhR 9 1 10 PhS 1 1 1 1 4 PhSt 1 2 3 PsL 4 4 ScP 9 9 SyA 1 18 19 SyF 15 15 SyR 1 3 4 SyS 12 12 # 206

492 (a measure that indicates how quickly the power 504 puted as functionals from the auditory spectrum

493 spectrum of a signal is changing) [76]. Twelve fea- 505 filtered with RASTA [80]. Twelve features com-

494 tures computed as functionals from frequency band 506 puted from the root mean square energy, voicing,

495 energies, particularly in bands of 250-650Hz and 507 harmonic-to-voice ratio, jitter and zero crossing

496 1000-4000Hz. Forty-four features obtained by ap- 508 rate.

497 plying functionals to 26 spectral bands filtered with 509 498 RASTA (RASTA uses bandpass filtering in the log As the performance obtained is highly satisfac- 510 499 spectral domain to remove slow channel variations) tory (close to 90%) and the amount of data is lim- ) Research Center for Signals, Systems and Computational Intelligence ( i 511 500 [80]. Eleven features computed from the auditory ited, a test of statistical significance like the paired sinc( Enrique M. Albornoz, Leandro D. Vignolo, Juan A. Sarquis & Evelina Leon; "Automatic classification of Furnariidae species from the Paranaense Littoral region using speech-related features and machine learning " Ecological Informatics , Vol. 38, No. pp. 39 - 49, 2017. 512 501 spectrum, which is inspired by psychoacoustic stud- T-test [81] is not relevant. However, our results 513 502 ies on human primary auditory cortex and produces suggest that 5 samples per species are required for 514 503 a time-frequency representation. Five features com- properly training the model (see Table 5). Evi- 515 dently, patterns from the same species present some 9 516 differences, therefore analyses where only one sam- 565 (see FuR, GeC, PhS and PhSt in Table 5). The re-

517 ple is used to represent the species (as in [37]) could 566 maining confusions may be explained by the acous-

518 be not very reliable. Furthermore, confusions may 567 tic likeness between species. By contrast, species

519 be explained by certain similarities in vocalisations, 568 of the same are not confused. Nevertheless,

520 such as waveform shapes, harmonic content, place- 569 a deeper acoustic analysis would be very useful to

521 ment and separation of syllables, among others. 570 define these “similarities”. The acoustic similari-

522 These should be deeply explored in future analy- 571 ties could be exploited to define groups of species

523 ses and modelled in order to improve the results. 572 without taking into account information from the

524 Since the limited amount of data might make the 573 traditional taxonomy of the bird family. Therefore,

525 result obtained through 10-fold cross validation un- 574 a hierarchical classification scheme could be defined

526 stable, the performance using leave-one-out cross 575 [82, 83], which allows the mistakes to be addressed

527 validation (LOOCV) was also evaluated. LOOCV 576 more efficiently, classifying these groups at a first

528 was performed for the alternative with the best 577 stage and then, the more confusing species within

529 performance (Full-Set + LFS features with MLP1 578 the groups.

530 classifier) and the baseline with best performance 579 Figure 6 shows spectrograms of vocalisation

531 (baseline features with MLP2 classifier). As a re- 580 segments from species Limnoctites rectirostris

532 sult, UARs of 85.09% and 80.18% were obtained 581 (LiR), Phleocryptes melanops (PhM), Upucerthia

533 for the proposed features and the baseline, respec- 582 dumetaria (UpD), and Phacellodomus sibilatrix

534 tively. The accuracy achieved was 91.75% and 583 (PhS). Examples from these species were selected

535 88.35% forthe proposed features and the baseline, 584 because they are highly confused by the model, as

536 respectively. Therefore, the results obtained with 585 as presented in Table 5. The spectral characteris-

537 LOOCV show an even better improvement (almost 586 tics of all the four vocalisations are very similar. For

538 5% for UAR) of the proposed approach over the 587 example, they show successive high energy peaks,

539 baseline. Moreover, the performances for both al- 588 which are regular in time and centred around 5000

540 ternatives were improved comparing the results ob- 589 Hz. Similarly, all the spectrograms present some

541 tained with LOOCV and 10-fold cross validation. 590 weaker energy peaks around 10kHz, which are also

542 Given the small amount of data available, it is rea- 591 regular in time. Since most of the features we con-

543 sonable that the higher number of training exam- 592 sidered are based on the spectrum, the auditory 8 544 ples used in each LOOCV iteration helps the clas- 593 spectrum and the spectrogram, it is reasonable that

545 sifier to provide a better performance. These results 594 these species be misclassified. Therefore, in order

546 suggest that the overall performance could be fur- 595 to obtain high a performance for these four species,

547 ther improved if more data was available for train- 596 it would probably be appropriate to include some

548 ing the classifiers. 597 features based on temporal dynamics of the vocal-

549 The results can be further analysed by using con- 598 isations, or to consider a dynamics models for the

550 fusion matrices. Confusion matrices give a good 599 classification, like hidden Markov models [84]. 551 representation of the results per each class, which

552 allows making a detailed analysis of performance

553 and finding the main classification errors. The con- 600 5. Conclusions and future work

554 fusion matrix (adding all partitions) of our best

555 model (MLP1 and Full-Set + LFS) is shown in 601 The identification of bird species is of increas-

556 Table 5. The rows correspond to the actual class 602 ing importance for ecologists in order to moni-

557 labels, the columns show the predicted labels of 603 tor the terrestrial environment, as it reflects im-

558 bird species, and the main diagonal indicates the 604 portant ecosystem processes and human activities.

559 species that are correctly recognised. In this ma- 605 This study explores the bird call classification using

560 trix there are no-major errors and the unbalance 606 speech-related features, and compares the perfor-

561 between the number of examples per species can 607 mance using different classification techniques and

562 be noticed. Some confusions (underlined numbers) 608 configurations. Species from the family Furnari- ) Research Center for Signals, Systems and Computational Intelligence ( i 563 might be due to the small amount of available pat- 609 idae in the Paranaense Littoral region were anal- sinc( Enrique M. Albornoz, Leandro D. Vignolo, Juan A. Sarquis & Evelina Leon; "Automatic classification of Furnariidae species from the Paranaense Littoral region using speech-related features and machine learning " Ecological Informatics , Vol. 38, No. pp. 39 - 49, 2017. 564 terns for these species when the model is trained 610 ysed, which are well-known in the community but

611 were never studied considering a big group. In ad- 8It is compared to the number of training examples in 612 dition, our work was motivated by the hypothesis each fold for 10-fold cross validation. 613 that an extended state-of-the-art feature set, de- 10 Figure 6: Spectrograms of vocalisation segments from species Limnoctites rectirostris (LiR), Phleocryptes melanops (PhM), Upucerthia dumetaria (UpD) and Phacellodomus sibilatrix (PhS).

614 fined for speech-related tasks, would obtain a better 638 effort of manually reviewing recordings of Furnari-

615 performance than the feature set used at present. 639 idae species for labelling. Moreover, it would enable

616 The research demonstrated that the baseline re- 640 ornithologists to perform remote and simultaneous

617 sults can be improved using additional LLDs, keep- 641 monitoring in different areas.

618 ing low-dimensional data. The results were poorer 642 In future research, the model will be improved to

619 when the Full-Set was used, which is expectable due 643 detect more than one species in each audio file, per-

620 to the high dimensionality of data and the num- 644 forming a dynamic analysis of the vocalisations, i.e.

621 ber of samples used to train the multi-class models. 645 frame by frame instead of using static (averaged)

622 This means that the large number of inputs makes 646 features. This could be achieved by matching every

623 the model more complex, and the scarce number of 647 frame with short “templates” [85] that should be

624 examples available is not enough for appropriately 648 first obtained for the species. Said matching could

625 training it. Finally, the best performances (ACC 649 be done in terms of cross correlation [86] or dynamic

626 and UAR) were obtained, keeping a low dimension- 650 time warping [87]. Then, a “dictionary” should be

627 ality, when feature selection techniques were used. 651 built including several templates that capture the

628 This indicates that said techniques are appropriate 652 characteristics of each species. In addition, it would

629 for extracting the more discriminative information 653 be interesting to extend this research to perform the

630 from the full set of features, and exhibit a good 654 classification considering a large number of families

631 behaviour with unbalanced data. Particularly, the 655 with all the genus and species included. A hierar-

632 best result is reached using a MLP classifier and the 656 chical classification scheme could also be used, in ) Research Center for Signals, Systems and Computational Intelligence ( i 633 LFS technique. From an ecological monitoring and 657 which the first step would classify bird families, the sinc( Enrique M. Albornoz, Leandro D. Vignolo, Juan A. Sarquis & Evelina Leon; "Automatic classification of Furnariidae species from the Paranaense Littoral region using speech-related features and machine learning " Ecological Informatics , Vol. 38, No. pp. 39 - 49, 2017. 634 management point of view, our approach would be 658 second step would classify genus and the last step

635 useful for developing autonomous tools that allow 659 would determine the species. This means that the

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