My Tree™ GEDCOM Extensions

Document version 3.1 Date 16 Jan 2021 My Family Tree version(s)

This document provides details of all GEDCOM extensions used in GEDCOM files produced by the version(s) of My Family Tree specified above.

Conditions of use

© Chronoplex Software 2017-2021. This document and the information contained within is made available for private use by end users of My Family Tree for the sole purpose of interpreting the form of GEDCOM extensions in GEDCOM files produced by My Family Tree.

All other rights, including, but not limited to, redistribution, reproduction, modification, and public review, are reserved.

Disclaimer The information in this document is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind. Chronoplex Software does not accept any responsibility or liability arising from the use of this document.

1 My Family Tree GEDCOM files

GEDCOM files produced by My Family Tree are LINEAGE-LINKED GEDCOM 5.5.1 files which use Unicode (UTF-8) encoding with a byte mark.

In the interests of interoperability, files deviate from the GEDCOM 5.5.1 specification in the following cases:

1. ignores the 30-character limit and uses up to 246-characters before the value is split over multiple lines. This ensures maximum compatibility with other applications. 2. is extended to permit any valid file format. 3. is extended to permit ‘X’ for ‘other’. The term ‘other’ is to be used to describe the biological sex of a person whose biological sex is not exclusively ‘male’ or ‘female’ e.g. intersex. 4. is extended to permit ‘guardian’, ‘step’, and ‘other’. This ensures maximum compatibility with other applications. 5. The INDI.EVEN and FAM.EVEN generic events use an line value. 6. The INDI.RESI and FAM.RESI residence attributes use an line value. 7. uses a compass direction N or S and a number 0 to 90. uses a compass direction E or W and a number 0 and 180 inclusive. This is in line with the examples in the specification. The numerical part of the coordinate is given to 6 decimal places which is equivalent to ~1 m distance on the ground and more than enough for genealogical purposes. The GEDCOM 5.5.1 specification erroneously limits these fields to size {5:8}, the correct sizes are {2:10} and {2:11} respectively.

Some of these behaviours can be adjusted by manually editing the user.config in the local application data. The following settings are provided:

Setting Default GedcomExport_UseXSexValue True GedcomExport_UseNonStandardPedigreeLinkageTypes True GedcomExport_UseLongLineValuesForMultimediaFileReference True GedcomExport_UseFileExtensionsForMultimediaFormat True GedcomExport_UseEvenLineValue True GedcomExport_UseResiLineValue True

2 Record Structures of Lineage-Linked Form which have been extended Extensions to existing structures are shown in highlight mode.

HEADER:= n HEAD ⋮ _TITL {0:1} ⋮

RECORD:= [ n <> {1:1} | n <> {1:1} | n <> {1:1} | n <> {1:1} | n <> {1:1} | n <> {1:1} | n <> {1:1} | n <> {1:1} ]

FAM_RECORD:= n @@ FAM {1:1} ⋮ +1 _PRIVATE {0:1} +1 _READONLY {0:1} +1 _MSTAT {0:1} ⋮

3 INDIVIDUAL_RECORD:= n @@ INDI {1:1} ⋮ +1 _UID {0:1} +1 _PRIVATE {0:1} +1 _READONLY {0:1} +1 SEX {0:1} +1 <> {0:M} +1 <> {0:M} +1 <> {0:M} +1 _IEOT Y {0:1} +1 _PHOTO @@ {0:1} +2 _FACE {0:1} +1 _CREST @@ {0:1} ⋮

MULTIMEDIA_RECORD:= n @@ OBJE {1:1} ⋮ +1 _PRIVATE {0:1} +1 _READONLY {0:1} +1 FILE {1:1} +2 _FDTE {0:1} +2 _FRTG {0:1} +2 _FPLC {0:1} +2 FORM {1:1} ⋮

Pointers to multimedia records are always used, rather than inline multimedia links.

NOTE_RECORD:= n @@ NOTE {1:1} ⋮ +1 _NCHT Y {0:1} ⋮

REPOSITORY _RECORD:= n @@ REPO {1:1} ⋮ +1 _UID {0:1} ⋮

SOURCE_RECORD:= n @@ SOUR {1:1} ⋮ +1 _UID {0:1} ⋮

4 Record Structures of Lineage-Linked Form which are new


n @@ _TASK {1:1} +1 _TTIL {0:1} +1 _TDSC {0:1} +1 _TCOM {0:1} +1 _TRST {0:1} +1 _TLOC {0:1} +1 _TSDT {0:1} +1 _TRDT {0:1} +1 _TCDT {0:1} +1 _TSTS {0:1} +1 _TPTY {0:1} +1 _TTPE {0:1} +1 _TCAT {0:1} +1 SOUR @@ {0:1} +1 REPO @@ {0:1} +1 INDI @@ {0:M} + <> {0:1}

Tasks may include a single cross-reference to a source and/or repository, and one or more cross-references to any individuals relating to the task.

5 Substructures of Lineage-Linked Form which have been extended Extensions to existing structures are shown in highlight mode.

PERSONAL_NAME_STRUCTURE:= n {1:1} ⋮ +1 _FIRN {0:1} +1 _MIDN {0:1} +1 _PATN {0:1} +1 _MATN {0:1} +1 _RUFNAME {0:1} +1 _PRIVATE {0:1} +1 _READONLY {0:1} ⋮

GEDCOM 5.5.1 does not make any distinction between a person’s first , middle names, names, matronymic names, or call names, and instead combines them in the NAME tag value or the GIVN tag value. However separate identification of each of these name parts is essential if genealogy applications are to correctly display a person’s name according to cultural rules associated with that name. Additional tags are therefore provided to ensure that all parts of a person’s name can be correctly interpreted.

Use of the _FIRN and _MIDN tags is restricted to the case when the GIVN tag value cannot be split at the first white space character to obtain the first name(s) and (s). This avoids unnecessary duplication of information, whilst ensuring complete compatibility with GEDCOM readers which do not support these tags. The _MIDN tag is only used with the _FIRN tag, in other words, a middle name is not permitted without a first name. The combined _FIRN and _MIDN tag values must equal the GIVN tag value i.e.

= [ | ]

Any other use of the _FIRN and _MIDN tags is not supported.

6 EVENT_DETAIL:= ⋮ n _RELTYPE {0:1} n _PRIVATE {0:1} n _READONLY {0:1} n _DESC {0:1} ⋮ n <> {0:M} ⋮ n DATE {0:1} n _DATI {0:1} ⋮

The _RELTYPE tag is used only with MARR events which include a user defined type. It is used to flag whether the MARR.TYPE line value is a type of other marriage or a type of other relationship.

The _DESC tag is used to preserve information stored on an EVEN or RESI tag value in versions of GEDCOM which do not support this.

Events may contain references to individuals who witnessed the event in some capacity using the EVENT_WITNESS_STRUCTURE.

The _DATI tag is used to store the data required to completely reconstruct the date and time information associated with an event. It is always included in addition to the standard DATE tag. My Family Tree permits date information to be stored in many different calendars and therefore not all dates can be validly expressed using the standard DATE_VALUE. An associated DATE_TIME_INFO value is used to store all the information required to represent the date. If a _DATI tag and value is present, the corresponding DATE tag and value is ignored. The DATE tag value will store a valid GEDCOM representation of the date, where that is possible.

7 Substructures of Lineage-Linked Form which are new

M_DNA_STRUCTURE:= n _MTDNA {1:1} +1 _MDSC {0:1} +1 _MNAM {0:1} +1 _MHAP {0:1} +1 _MREF {0:1} +1 _MSEQ {0:1} +1 <> {0:M} +1 <> {0:M}

The results of a mitochondrial DNA test.

M_DNA_SNP_ STRUCTURE:= n _MSNP {1:1} +1 _MDIF {1:1}

A difference between a person’s mitochondrial DNA full sequence compared to a reference mitochondrial DNA sequence.

Y_DNA_STRUCTURE:= n _YTDNA {1:1} +1 _YDSC {0:1} +1 _YNAM {0:1} +1 _YHAP {0:1} +1 <> {0:M} +1 <> {0:M} +1 <> {0:M}

The results of a Y-chromosome DNA test.

Y_DNA_STR_ STRUCTURE:= n _YSTR {1:1} +1 _YMRK {1:1} +1 _YRPT < STR_REPEAT> {1:1}

A short tandem repeat (STR) is a section of DNA which repeats several times in a row on a DNA strand. The STRs present and the number of times they repeat is used distinguish one DNA sample from another.

Y_DNA_SNP_ STRUCTURE:= n _YSNP {1:1} +1 _YRSID {1:1} +1 _YPOS {1:1} +1 _YGEN {1:1}

A single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) DNA sequence variation occurring when a single nucleotide adenine (A), thymine (T), cytosine (C), or guanine (G) in the genome (or other shared sequence) differs between members of a species or paired chromosomes in a person.

8 A_DNA_STRUCTURE:= n _ATDNA {1:1} +1 _ADSC {0:1} +1 _ANAM {0:1} +1 <> {0:M} +1 <> {0:M} +1 <> {0:M}

The results of an autosomal DNA test.

A_DNA_STR_ STRUCTURE:= n _ASTR {1:1} +1 _AMRK {1:1} +1 _ARPT < STR_REPEAT> {1:1}

A short tandem repeat (STR) is a section of DNA which repeats several times in a row on a DNA strand. The STRs present and the number of times they repeat is used distinguish one DNA sample from another.

A_DNA_SNP_ STRUCTURE:= n _ASNP {1:1} +1 _ARSID {1:1} +1 _ACRO {1:1} +1 _APOS {1:1} +1 _AGEN {1:1}

A single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) DNA sequence variation occurring when a single nucleotide adenine (A), thymine (T), cytosine (C), or guanine (G) in the genome (or other shared sequence) differs between members of a species or paired chromosomes in a person.

EVENT_WITNESS_STRUCTURE:= [ n _WITN @@ {1:1} +1 _WTPE {0:1} +1 <> {0:M} +1 <> {0:M}

| n _WITN {1:1} +1 _WTPE {0:1} +1 <> {0:M} +1 <> {0:M} ]

Witnesses can be used to describe individuals who witnessed the event in some capacity. These can be either cross-references to individuals in the GEDCOM file or the name of an individual. For example, an aunt or uncle who is a god parent at the christening of a person may be included in that person’s christening event using a cross-reference to that person in the GEDCOM file. The religious official who conducted the christening would not normally be included in the family tree but can be referenced by name.

9 Primitive Elements of the Lineage-Linked Form which have been changed Changes to existing elements are shown in highlight mode.

Caution The GEDCOM specifications do not permit changes to primitive elements in the standard GEDCOM form. A GEDCOM reader encountering an unsupported or invalid value it cannot handle should produce an error.

SEX_VALUE:= {Size=1:1} [ M | F | X | U ] A code that indicates the sex of the person:

M = Male F = Female X = Other U = Unknown (undetermined from available records and quite sure that it can’t be)

The term ‘other’ is to be used to describe the biological sex of a person whose biological sex is not exclusively ‘male’ or ‘female’, for example intersex.

PEDIGREE_LINKAGE_TYPE_VALUE:= {Size=5:8} [ adopted | birth | foster | sealing | guardian | step | other | ] A code used to indicate the child to family relationship for pedigree navigation purposes:

adopted = indicates adoptive parents. birth = indicates birth parents. foster = indicates child was included in a foster or guardian family. sealing = indicates child was sealed to parents other than birth parents. guardian = indicates child was included in a guardian family. step = indicates stepparents. other | = any other description of the child to family relationship.

MULTIMEDIA_FILE_REFERENCE:= {Size=1:248} A complete local or remote file reference to the auxiliary data to be linked to the GEDCOM context. Remote reference would include a network address where the multimedia data may be obtained. The file path is case sensitive (since GEDCOM files may be used on operating systems with support for case sensitive file paths) and should include the file extension. If the file path is greater than 246 characters, it will be split over multiple GEDCOM lines using CONC. The maximum length of a file path is dependent on the operating system and version. File paths up to 259 characters are always supported by My Family Tree on the Windows operating system. My Family Tree supports longer file paths when running on versions of Windows where the MAX_PATH limitations have been removed.

MULTIMEDIA_FORMAT:= {Size=1:248} Indicates the format of the multimedia data associated with the specific GEDCOM context. This allows processors to determine whether they can process the data object. Any linked files should contain the data required, in the indicated format, to process the file data. Where the format is not one supported by GEDCOM 5.5.1, the file extension is used instead.

10 Primitive Elements of the Lineage-Linked Form which are new

CROP_REGION:= {Size=7:23} [ ,,,] A representation of a crop region of an image. where = number of pixels from left edge of image to left edge of crop rectangle = number of pixels from top edge of image to top edge of crop rectangle = pixel width of crop rectangle = pixel height of crop rectangle

DATE_TIME_INFO:= {Size=43:248} [VT< DATE_TYPE >SET] A representation of date and time information. This representation can be used for almost any calendar system used in genealogical records. where = version [00 .. 99] = a date descriptor [00 .. 99] where 00 = default, 01 = about, 02 = before, 03 = after, 04 = estimated, 05 = calculated, 06 = interpreted, 07 = to only, 08 = from only, 09 = span, 10 = range, 11 = text only, 12 = either … or … = = = text representing the date, can be empty where = < TIME> where = calendar type [00 .. 99] where 00 = Gregorian, 01 = Julian, 03 = French Republican, 04 = Swedish, 05 = Icelandic, 06 = Hebrew, 07 = AstronomicalSolarHijri, 08 = LunarHijri, 09 = UmmAlQura, 10 = ISO, 11 = Armenian, 12 = Bahá’í, 13 = HinduSolar, 14 = HinduLunisolar, 15 = ThaiBuddhist, 16 = TibetanLunisolar, 17 = Japanese, 18 = JapaneseLunisolar, 19 = Korean, 20 = KoreanLunisolar, 21 = Taiwan, 22 = TaiwanLunisolar, 23 = ChineseLunisolar, 24 = VietnameseLunisolar, 25 = Coptic, 26 = Ethiopic, 27 = Egyptian, 28 = Quaker = a zero padded era [00 .. 99], the first era in a calendar is denoted with a zero = a zero padded day [00 .. 99], the day is unspecified if the value is zero = a zero padded month [00 .. 99], the month is unspecified if the value is zero* = a zero padded year [0000 .. 9999], the year is unspecified if the value is zero = is leap day [0 .. 1], 1 if the day is a leap day in a lunisolar calendar, zero otherwise = is leap month [0 .. 1], 1 if the day is a leap month in a lunisolar calendar, zero otherwise = is dual year [0 .. 1], 1 if the year is a dual year in the Gregorian or Julian calendar, zero otherwise

* the is interpreted as a week number in the ISO calendar.

11 DNA_FULL_SEQUENCE:= {Size=1:248} A DNA sequence, described as a sequence of characters representing single nucleotides of adenine (A), thymine (T), cytosine (C), or guanine (G).

DNA_TEST_DESCRIPTION:= {Size=1:248} The description of this DNA test.

DNA_TEST_NAME_OF_PERSON:= {Size=1:248} The name of the person for whom this DNA test relates to.

FILE_DATE:= {Size=43:248} The date associated with a file. For a photograph, this might be the date taken. For a newspaper cutting this may be the publication date of the article.

FILE_NAME:= {Size=1:248} The friendly file name of a file.

FILE_PLACE:= {Size=1:248} The place a depicted in an image.

FILE_RATING:= {Size=1:1} A number from [0 .. 5] which describes the star rating of a multimedia item.

NAME_PIECE_CALLNAME:= {Size=1:120} [ | , ] Call name. Different call name parts are separated by a comma.

NAME_PIECE_FIRSTNAME:= {Size=1:90} [ ] First name.

NAME_PIECE_MATRONYMIC:= {Size=1:120} [ | , ] Matronymic name. Different matronymic name parts are separated by a comma.

NAME_PIECE_MIDDLENAME:= {Size=1:90} [ ] Middle name.

NAME_PIECE_PATRONYMIC:= {Size=1:120} [ | , ] Patronymic name. Different patronymic name parts are separated by a comma.

12 M_DNA_HAPLOGROUP:= {Size=1:248} A human mitochondrial DNA haplogroup. The name should correspond with those found in the phylogenetic tree of global human mitochondrial DNA variation.

M_DNA_DIFFERENCE:= {Size=1:10} A difference between the mitochondrial DNA reference sample and the test subject’s mitochondrial DNA.

M_DNA_REFERENCE_SAMPLE:= {Size=1:248} The reference sample used for determining human mitochondrial DNA SNPs and haplogroups. Current reference samples include:

RSRC = The Reconstructed Sapiens Reference Sequence RCRS = The revised Cambridge Reference Sequence CRS = The Cambridge Reference Sequence

CROP_REGION:= {Size=7:23} [ ,,,] A representation of a crop region in an image.

READONLY_FLAG:= {Size=1:1} [ Y ] The information in the associated record or substructure should be treated as read-only.


Describes the current status of a relationship.

RELATIONSHIP_TYPE:= {Size=1:1} [ M | R ] A flag used to interpret MARR.TYPE values.

M = User defined ‘other marriage’ type R = User defined ‘other relationship’ type

My Family Tree recognises ten predefined TYPE values for the marriage event and internally maps them to localized values in the user interface. Users can also define custom types of other marriage or other relationship. This custom type is stored in the MARR.TYPE record. The relationship type flag is used to exclusively with MARR events and enables My Family Tree to retain the distinction between other types of marriage and other types of relationship whilst maintaining a high level of compatibility with other applications using GEDCOM.

SNP_CHROMOSOME:= {Size=1:2} [||X|Y] The of a chromosome which, for humans, is a number [1 .. 22], X, or Y.

SNP_GENOTYPE:= {Size=1:2} The genotype present at a given position on a chromosome.

13 SNP_POSITION:= {Size=1:120} The position of a genotype on a chromosome.

SNP_RSID:= {Size=1:248} The Reference SNP cluster ID of the SNP.

STR_MARKER:= {Size=1:248} The identifying name of a single tandem repeat (STR) on a DNA strand.

STR_REPEAT:= {Size=1:10} [|] The number of times a single tandem repeat (STR) marker repeats on a DNA strand.

TASK_CATEGORY:= {Size=1:248} The category of a task.

TASK_COMMENTS:= {Size=1:248} The comments about a task.

TASK_COMPLETED_DATE:= {Size=43:248} The completed date of a task.

TASK_DESCRIPTION:= {Size=1:248} A detailed description of a task.

TASK_LOCATION:= {Size=1:248} The location of a task.

TASK_PRIORITY:= {Size=3:6} [ LOW | NORMAL | MEDIUM | HIGH | ] The completion priority of a task.

TASK_RESULTS:= {Size=1:248} The results of a task.

TASK_REVIEW_DATE:= {Size=43:248} The review date of a task.

TASK_START_DATE:= {Size=43:248} The start date of a task.

14 TASK_STATUS:= {Size=9:10} [ NEW | NOTSTARTED | INPROGRESS | POSTPONED | CANCELED | PROBLEM | ] The status of a task.

TASK_TITLE:= {Size=1:248} The of a task.

TASK_TYPE:= {Size=1:248} The type of a task.

UID:= {Size=36:36} A Universally Unique ID (UUID) of 32-hexadecimal digits followed by a 4-hexadecimal digit checksum.

WITNESS_NAME:= {Size=1:248} The name of a witness to an event.


= any other text which describes the role of a witness.

XREF:TASK:= {Size=1:22} A pointer to, or a cross-reference identifier of, a task record.

Y_DNA_HAPLOGROUP:= {Size=1:248} A human Y-chromosome DNA haplogroup. The name should correspond with those found in the phylogenetic tree of global human Y-chromosome DNA variation.

15 Lineage-Linked GEDCOM Tag Definitions which are new

_ACRO {AUTOSOMAL_CHROMOSOME}:= A universally unique ID.

_ADSC {AUTOSOMAL_DNA_TEST_DESCRIPTION}:= The description of an autosomal DNA test.

_AGEN {AUTOSOMAL_GENOTYPE}:= The genotype of an SNP in an autosomal DNA test result.

_AMRK {AUTOSOMAL_DNA_MARKER}:= The marker name of an STR in an autosomal DNA test result.

_ANAM {AUTOSOMAL_DNA_TEST_NAME_OF_PERSON}:= The name of the person for whom an autosomal DNA test result relates to.

_APOS {AUTOSOMAL_DNA_POSITION}:= The position of a genotype on an autosomal DNA strand.

_ARPT {AUTOSOMAL_DNA_REPEAT}:= The number of repeats of an STR on an autosomal DNA strand.

_ARSID {AUTOSOMAL_DNA_REFERENCE_SNP_CLUSTER_ID}:= The reference SNP cluster ID of a single nucleotide polymorphism on an autosomal DNA strand.

_ASNP {AUTOSOMAL_DNA_SNP}:= A single nucleotide polymorphism on an autosomal DNA strand.

_ASTR {AUTOSOMAL_DNA_STR}:= A short tandem repeat on an autosomal DNA strand.

_ATDNA {AUTOSOMAL_DNA_TEST_RESULT}:= An autosomal DNA test result.

_CREST {FAMILY_CREST}:= A link to a multimedia record which is to be used as a person’s family crest.

_DESC {DESCRIPTION}:= The text description of a RESI and FACT attribute or event.

_FACE {FACE_CROP_REGION}:= The region of an image file representing a face.

_FIRN {FIRST_NAME}:= A name piece used to store the first name(s).

_FPLC {FILE_PLACE}:= A place a depicted in an image.

16 _FRTG {FILE_RATING}:= The star rating of a file.

_IEOT {INDIVIDUAL_END_OF_TREE_FLAG}:= A flag indicating that the associated person terminates their respective branch in the family tree.

_MATN {MATRONYMIC_NAME}:= A name piece used to store the matronymic name.

_MDIF {MITOCHONDRIAL_DNA_DIFFERENCE}:= A difference between the mitochondrial DNA reference sample and the test subject’s mitochondrial DNA.

_MDSC {MITOCHONDRIAL_DNA_TEST_DESCRIPTION}:= The description of a mitochondrial DNA test.

_MHAP {MITOCHONDRIAL_DNA_HAPLOGROUP}:= The human mitochondrial DNA haplogroup of a person.

_MIDN {MIDDLE_NAME}:= A name piece used to store the middle name(s).

_MNAM {MITOCHONDRIAL_DNA_TEST_NAME_OF_PERSON}:= The name of the person for whom a mitochondrial DNA test result relates to.

_MREF {MITOCHONDRIAL_DNA_REFERENCE_SAMPLE}:= The reference sample used for determining human mitochondrial DNA SNPs and haplogroups.

_MSEQ {MITOCHONDRIAL_DNA_FULL_SEQUENCE}:= A full sequence representation of mitochondrial DNA.

_MSNP {MITOCHONDRIAL_DNA_SNP}:= A single nucleotide polymorphism on a mitochondrial DNA strand.

_MTDNA {MITOCHONDRIAL_DTA_TEST_RESULT}:= A mitochondrial DNA test result.

_NCHT {NOTE_CHART_FLAG}:= A flag indicating that the associated person note may be displayed in the family tree chart.

_PATN {PATRONYMIC_NAME}:= A name piece used to store the patronymic name.

_PHOTO {PRIMARY_PHOTO}:= A link to a multimedia record which is to be used as a person’s primary photo.

_PRIVATE {PRIVATE_FLAG}:= A flag indicating that the associated record or substructure should be treated as private.

_READONLY {READONLY_FLAG}:= A flag indicating that the associated record or substructure should be treated as read-only.

17 _RUFNAME {CALL_NAME}:= A name piece used to store the call name.

_TASK {TASK}:= A task record.

_TCAT {TASK_COMMENTS}:= The category of a task.

_TCOM {TASK_COMMENTS}:= The comments about a task.

_TCDT {TASK_COMPLETED_DATE}:= The completed date of a task.

_TDSC {TASK_DESCRIPTION}:= The description of a task.

_TITL {GEDCOM_FILE_TITLE}:= The title of the GEDCOM file.

_TLOC {TASK_LOCATION}:= The location of a task.

_TPTY {TASK_PRIORITY}:= The completion priority of a task.

_TRDT {TASK_REVIEW_DATE}:= The review date of a task.

_TRST {TASK_RESULTS}:= The results of a task.

_TSDT {TASK_START_DATE}:= The start date of a task.

_TSTS {TASK_STATUS}:= The status of a task.

_TTIL {TASK_TITLE}:= The title of a task.

_TTPE {TASK_TITLE}:= The type of task.

_UID {UNIVERSALLY_UNIQUE_ID}:= A universally unique ID and checksum.

_WITN {WITNESS}:= The witness to an event.

_WTPE {WITNESS_TYPE}:= The role a witness played in an event.

18 _YDSC {Y_CHROMOSOME_DNA_TEST_DESCRIPTION}:= The description of an autosomal DNA test.

_YGEN {Y_CHROMOSOME_DNA_GENOTYPE}:= The genotype of an SNP in a Y-chromosome DNA test result.

_YHAP {Y_CHROMOSOME_DNA_HAPLOGROUP}:= The human Y-chromosome DNA haplogroup of a person.

_YMRK {Y_CHROMOSOME_DNA_MARKER}:= The marker name of an STR in a Y-chromosome DNA test result.

_YNAM {Y_CHROMOSOME_DNA_NAME_OF_PERSON}:= The name of the person for whom a Y-chromosome DNA test result relates to.

_YPOS {Y_CHROMOSOME_DNA_POSITION}:= The position of a genotype on Y-chromosome DNA strand.

_YRPT {Y_CHROMOSOME_DNA_REPEAT}:= The number of repeats of an STR on a Y-chromosome DNA strand.

_YRSID {Y_CHROMOSOME_DNA_REFERENCE_SNP_CLUSTER_ID}:= The reference SNP cluster ID of a single nucleotide polymorphism on a Y-chromosome DNA strand.

_YSNP {Y_CHROMOSOME_DNA_SNP}:= A single nucleotide polymorphism on a Y-chromosome DNA strand.

_YSTR {Y_CHROMOSOME_DNA_STR}:= A short tandem repeat on a Y-chromosome DNA strand.

_YTDNA {Y_CHROMOSOME_DNA_TEST}:= A Y-chromosome DNA test result.