St Albans City Archive Catalogues - Transcription


The City Archive is one of the main sources of primary material for anyone researching the history of the city. However, understanding what is in the archive is daunting as the key finding aid, the catalogue produced by William Le Hardy in the 1940s, does not match the standard of modern catalogues.

Improvements are underway. The City Archive has been held at Archives & Local Studies (HALS) in Hertford since the 1990s. HALS are currently engaged in an extensive project to improve access to its catalogues via the internet. The City Archive is part of this project but it is likely to be several years before the fully revised catalogue is available on-line.

In light of this and with HALS’ agreement, the St Albans & Hertfordshire Architectural & Archaeological Society (SAHAAS) has opted to publish the following transcription of Le Hardy’s catalogue together with relevant material from the ‘Interim’ catalogue. (The latter represents a further deposit by St Albans City Council in the 1990s).

For the benefit of SAHAAS members, most of whom live closer to St Albans than to Hertford, we have noted on the transcript the following additional information:

1. Microfilm numbers: much of the pre-1830 archive has been microfilmed. Copies of these films are held in the Local Studies filing cabinets at St Albans Central Library. (See column marked Microfilm/Book) 2. A transcription of the St Albans Borough Quarter Sessions Rolls, 1784-1820, was published by the Hertfordshire Record Society (HRS) in 1991. (See column marked Microfilm/Book)

Finally, some of the items catalogued by Le Hardy were not subsequently deposited by the City Council. Where we are aware of these, we have noted the fact as “Not Transferred” in the same column in the transcript. Additionally, Le Hardy himself described some items as being missing. We have annotated the transcription to reflect this by adding in the same column “Missing (per WLH)”

If you find material you wish to look at, please follow this process for ordering material from the staff at HALS:

1. Check if it has been microfilmed or published as a book. If it has then you can access the relevant microfilm or book at St Albans Central Library. 2. If it has not been microfilmed or otherwise published, then phone HALS (currently 0300 123 4049) and quote the following details: a. Accession reference number OFF ACC 1162 b. The reference numbers of the item(s) you wish to view. See Column marked “No.”. HALS will confirm if the items are available to view and produce them for you on the day of you visit. 3. Pre-ordering items is recommended as HALS requires 24 hours notice to produce some items.

Lastly, although all reasonable steps have been taken to produce a true copy of Le Hardy’s catalogue, you may well encounter errors with this transcription. If you do, please notify us via [email protected].

John Cox Member of SAHAAS and formerly Hon. Archivist, St Albans City Council

Jon Mein Volunteer, SAHAAS Library

October 2012 St Albans City Archives Catalogues Transcription

Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book

Plea of trespass by Edward Bensted, Thomas Knyghton, Richard Sevyer, George Grauncays, George Ginston, Richard Bull, William Mynerd, John Camswell, Robert None, John Bereby, Thomas Master and William Lathbury against John Lathbury Miscellaneous and Joan his wife, Edward Lathbury, Joan Hold, Joan Dey, William Hold, Robert 1 papers 145 Trinity 1513 1513 Butler and Robert Goodshepe for breaking into their close and house at Hertford A1 Miscellaneous Inventory of the goods of Richard Rainshawe esquire of St Albans (HMC 5th report, 1 papers 148 18-Jun 1572 1572 p.565) A1

Commission to Sir Nicholas Bacon, knight, Lord Keeper of the Great Seal, William Lord Burleigh Treasurer of , Ralph Saler, Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, the Mayor of St Albans, and Sir Richard Read, knight, Sir John Butler, knight, John Brockett, George Hersey, and William Doddes, esquires, and John Puckeridge, esquire, Steward of the said town, and John Lockey and John Sibley, burgesses of the town, to muster soldiers in the town. Attached is "a direction for Miscellaneous the Commissioners for the musters in the town of Saint Albones now they shall 1 papers 149 25-May 1573 1573 proceed in the execution of the said Commission". Great Seal (damaged) A1

Notes of various properties given to the Mayor and Burgesses: a messuage in the Flesh Shambles, and Clock House, Richard Martyn's house (for the use of the Usher of the Free School), two houses given by Agnes Leverocke, Thomas Miscellaneous Beeston's house, two tenements given by Mr Latheburie for the use of the poor, a 1 papers 139 - 1582 1587 rent for drawing water at the Counter house well, and a tenement in Fishpool Street A1 Copy of letters patent to Sir James Crofte, knight, comptroller of the household, Miscellaneous granting him authority to search out what manors etc should, by attainder or any 1 papers 109-113 10-Aug 1583 1583 other reason, have descended to the Crown A1 Letters to the Mayor & Burgesses of St From Charles Morryson to continue to Mr Comforte (sic Comporte) in the office of 1 Albans 47 18-Feb (1580s) (1580s) Chamberlain and clerk of the papers, in the absence of Mr Rydley. Undated A1

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 1 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Letters to the Mayor & From John Thomas "Hylocymius" (ie of Bois le Duc. Holland, Master of the Burgesses of St Grammar School, St Albans) to ask permission for the parson to beg a collection for 2 Albans 21 21-Nov 1583 1583 "Goodman Kente" (HMC 5th Report p.566) A1 Letters to the Mayor & Burgesses of St From John Richards, vicar of Thornborough (co. Buckingham) and twelve 2 Albans 5 08-Dec 1583 1583 inhabitants concerning swine stolen. 13 seals A1 Letters to the Mayor & From Paul Dayrell to the Mayor and to Mr Goodridge of the Black Bull commending Burgesses of St the bearers, his neighbours of Thornborough, who have had 21 hogs stolen from 2 Albans 6 08-Dec 1583 1583 them (HMC 5th Report, p.567) A1 Letters to the Mayor & Burgesses of St 2 Albans 48 22-Dec 1583 1583 From John Rede commending the bearer, his servant A1 Letters to the Mayor & Burgesses of St From William Lee asking that Robert Smith, in prison in St Albans, may be allowed 2 Albans 20 16-Feb 1583/4 1583/4 bail A1 Letters to the Mayor & Burgesses of St From Sir John Brockett and Sir John Cutts concerning a licence for Roger Be?he 2 Albans 22 02-Mar 1583/4 1583/4 "to kill Fleshe this lente" (HMC 5th Report p.567) A1 Letters to the Copy of a letter of request signed by Thomas Bramley, chancellor, Francis Earl of Mayor & Bedford and others asking for collections to be made for the inhabitants of Burgesses of St Nantwich, co. Chester, whose houses have been destroyed by fire. (HMC 5th 2 Albans 15 11-Mar 1583/4 1583/4 Report, p.566) A1 Letters to the Mayor & Burgesses of St 2 Albans 88 28-Mar 1584 1584 From William Jakeman concerning John Woode, his servant, who has left him A1 Letters to the Mayor & Burgesses of St Contemporary copy of letter of William Lord Burleigh and others concerning 2 Albans 45 12-Apr 1584 1584 musters A1 Letters to the Mayor & Burgesses of St From Robert (?) Bagsha concerning a debt due to the bearer, a brother of William 2 Albans 48a 29-Apr 1584 1584 Bartlat A1 Miscellaneous Receipt by John Puckeringe to the Mayor and Burgesses for his half year's rent or 2 papers 118 30-Apr 1584 1584 annuity A1

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 2 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Agreement by John Clarke, one of the principal burgesses of the borough of St Albans, that he will pay certain monies to John Comport of the same in connection Miscellaneous with the keeping of post horses. Endorsed "The Post Masters agreement for 3 papers 1 25-May 1584 1584 keeping Horses" (HMC 5th Report p.566) A1 Miscellaneous Letter from Thomas Haule with addition by William Cocke concerning "those poore 3 papers 14 28-May 1584 1584 cottages" apparently the subject of a lawsuit A1 Miscellaneous 3 papers 18 11-Jun 1584 1584 Letter from William Cooke excusing himself from attending a meeting A1 Miscellaneous 3 papers 2 21-Jun 1584 1584 Letter from Francis Heydon concerning the "money collected for Nantwiche" A1 Miscellaneous Letter from Sir John Cutts concerning a collection made on the marriage of one of 3 papers 13 12-Aug 1584 1584 this servants (HMC 5th Report p.567) A1 Miscellaneous 3 papers 18a 16-Aug 1584 1584 Letter from L. Rydley complaining of his losses in various lawsuits A1 Miscellaneous "A Remembrance of those that have payd William Warren, that payd not to the 3 papers 108 - (1584) (1584) constables towards the traynynge in Mr Babbes tyme" A1 Miscellaneous "The note of ye chargis of ye ministars that doths preche one of the sattardays 3 papers 28 - 1584 1584 sence ye xi of Jenyary to mychelmas" A1 Miscellaneous Letters from Sir John Brockett suggesting that Roger Dudley be appointed 3 papers 3 21-Jan 1584/5 1584/5 Chamberlain and Clerk of the papers A1 Miscellaneous 7, 8, 11, Letters from Sir John Brockett and Sir John Cutts concerning the training and 3 papers 12, 24 28/5 - 10/7 1584 1586 equipment of soldiers in St Albans (HMC 5th Report, p.567) A1 Miscellaneous 3 papers 26 19-20 Jul 1585 1585 Account of charges of training soldiers at St Albans A1 Miscellaneous Precept by Reginald Basse, Under-sheriff, for the election of burgesses to serve in 4 papers 93 10-Oct 1585 1585 Parliament A1 Writ to the sheriff of Middlesex to cause John Turke, M.A., and Thomas King of Miscellaneous Moreton, co. Essex, to appear in Chancery in connection with a debt of John Legatt 4 papers 140 21-Jun 1586 1586 of Hornchurch, co. Essex A1 Miscellaneous 4 papers 147 21-Jun 1585 1585 Duplicate of 140 A1 Bond by Thomas Ramridge of Luton, tailor, to Barnaby Laurence and Richard Miscellaneous Whelpley for the same Thomas not to live in the borough of St Albans or trade there 4 papers 19 25-Mar 1587 1587 as a tailor (HMC 5th Report, p.566) A1 Miscellaneous 4 papers 10 12-Oct (1580s) (1580s) Letter from Sir John Cutts commending Elizabeth Lawrence, widow A1 Letter from Francis Duke of Bedford (1554-85) concerning the examination of one Miscellaneous Dorothy Grymes at the suit of an old servant of the Lord Keeper's. Undated. (HMC 4 papers 25 29-Jan (1580s) (1580s) 5th Report, p.567) A1 Miscellaneous Letter from Robert Spenser commending the widow Evans who uses the "trade of 4 papers 4 13-Oct 1593 1593 classes" for getting her living (HMC 5th Report, p.566) A1

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 3 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book

Miscellaneous late 16th late 16th 4 papers 29 - cent. cent. Glazier's bill for work done at the Town Hall. Undated A1 Miscellaneous Proposals by Steven Langley, clothier, "for setting the poor to spin in the Burrough" 4 papers 9 02-May 1618 1618 (HMC 5th Report, p.566) A1 Miscellaneous Receipt by Edward Morrant to Christopher Smith for "Composissione colles for the 4 papers 35 12-Jun 1618 1618 towne of St Albones" A1 Miscellaneous 4 papers 136 03-Feb 1619 1620 Survey of the ways of gutters in the borough A1

Miscellaneous Papers in connection with a writ of quo warranto brought against the Mayor and 4 papers 101-106 - 1621 1623 Burgesses concerning the market measures which differed from the standard A1 Miscellaneous Receipt by Francis Chapman for payment by Robert Skelton, mayor of St Albans, 5 papers 144 28-Aug 1622 1622 for "one gilt round Salt". Endorsed "Gift to Mr Skelton" A1 Miscellaneous 5 papers 37 - 1623 1623 Bill of charges in connection with a grant to the town of St Albans A1 Miscellaneous Printed notices to the Mayor and Burgesses "His Majestyes Feefarmer of the 5 papers 119 24-Jul 1623 1623 Towne of St Albans" to appear before Justinian Povey, the king's auditor A1 Miscellaneous 5 papers 66, 67 14-Jan 1623/4 1623/4 Bill for food, undated, and for drink 14 January 1623 A1 Miscellaneous 5 papers 124 02-Jul 1673 1673 Opinion of Francis Pemberton as to the title of a house in Holywell Street A1 Order by the Bishop of confirming arrangements for seating the Aldermen's Miscellaneous wives in the Abbey Church. Signed by Richard Newcourt, Deputy Registrar (HMC 5 papers 23 12-Nov 1679 1679 5th Report, p.566) A1

Agreement between Thomas Grubb of the parish of St Albans, baker, John Sheppard of the same, shoemaker, John Woolman of the same, yeoman, Ralph Gladman of the same, baker, Henry Dobyns of St Peter's, apothecary, and ten others, 1st, and John Hockley of Ware, flaxdresser, 2nd, for the last named, being governor of the House of Correction for the borough of St Albans, to supply flax, Miscellaneous etc. and tools to be used in a workhouse for the poor of St Albans, St Peter's and St 5 papers 115 27-Aug 1680 1680 Michael's. Note endorsed "He ran away with the money" A1 Receipt of Christopher Williams, citizen and innholder of London, on behalf of the Mayor and Aldermen of St Albans, to Daniel Man of London, gentleman, keeper of Miscellaneous the Guild Hall an sealer of the weights and measures, for one brass bushell and 5 papers 128 14-Nov 1693 1693 other measures of corn A1 Miscellaneous (17th (17th "A note of all the Speneres names and what they heave spone from mechelmas 5 papers 134 - cent) cent) until kersames" A1 Miscellaneous (17th (17th Like note (see 134) for work done from "kersames" to the Annunciation of the 5 papers 135 - cent) cent) Blessed Virgin Mary A1

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 4 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Miscellaneous (17th (17th "Rules and Orders to be observed in ye Court of Record in St Albans". Signed T 6 papers 143 - cent) cent) Richards A1 Miscellaneous (17th (17th Receipt for rents paid by Raphael Pemberton for the Hospital of St Julian, for the 6 papers 141 - cent) cent) Cross Keys in St Albans and Ewoodfeilds A1 Miscellaneous (17th (17th Note of the goods of Richard Plomer, apprehended for felony in the town of St 6 papers 133 - cent) cent) Albans A1 Miscellaneous (17th (17th 6 papers 129 - cent) cent) Incomplete "Proposalls made for setting the Poor at Works" A1 Miscellaneous (17th (17th "The Booke of Oathes" to be taken by Mayors, assistants, constables and other 6 papers 117 - cent) cent) borough officers A1 Miscellaneous (17th (17th 6 papers 125 - cent) cent) Rough notes of some controversy concerning a butcher's shop in St Albans A1 Miscellaneous Quit-claim of all actions etc by the Aldermen and Burgesses to Edward Seabrooke, 6 papers 53 02-Feb 1705 1706 late mayor A1 Miscellaneous 6 papers 127 - 1710 1731 Notices concerning Land Tax arrears to be paid by the borough A1 Miscellaneous (18th (18th Printed copy of the oath of a burgess and freeman of the borough. Note endorsed 6 papers 123 - cent) cent) as to whether Mr Beaumont Brewer shall be made free. 4 May 1720 A1 Miscellaneous Copy of oaths to be taken by the Mayor and freemen. Endorsed with notes 6 papers 146 - 1719 1719 concerning the election of aldermen 2 May 1719. Names given A1 Miscellaneous Account of monies due from successive mayors to the executors of Edmund 6 papers 75, 99 - 1720 1730 Ayleward, gentleman, common clerk of the borough A1

Miscellaneous "An estimate made of rebuilding ye dwelling house late in ye possession of James 6 papers 116 01-Aug 1720 1720 Martin of ye parish of St Albans…farrier". Agreed to by John Gape and others A1 Miscellaneous 7 papers 30-32 - 1722 1725 Notes of accounts between the Corporation and Mr Appleby - apparently legal fees A1 Miscellaneous 7 papers 56 13-May 1722 1722 Note of money to be paid by the Corporation to John Ironmonger A1 Miscellaneous 38-40, 7 papers 44 & 46 - 1722 1723 Receipt in connection with work done at "Harolds Wood Farme", co. Essex A1 Miscellaneous Letter from Christopher Appleby to Mr Aylward with reference to the name of 7 papers 27 01-Apr 1723 1723 commissioners (? of the Peace) A1 Miscellaneous 41, 43, April & 7 papers 50-52 October 1723 1723 Receipts for Land Tax paid by William Carter A1 Miscellaneous 7 papers 61 10-Jan 1723-24 1723-24 Letter from W Neales to Mr Appleby concerning a letter to the Mayor A1 Miscellaneous 7 papers 76 19-Oct 1726 1726 Receipt of Land Tax paid by John Smith A1 Miscellaneous Note of payments made to Thomas Ayleward by Edward Seabrooke, esquire, 7 papers 36 - (c.1729) (c.1729) mayor A1

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 5 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Miscellaneous 7 papers 73 - 1730 1733 Account of receipts and payments endorsed "Cross Keys Account" A1 Miscellaneous Receipt by Edmund Ayleward to Thomas Robins for payment for business done for 7 papers 74 03-Feb 1730/1 1730/1 the Corporation A1 Miscellaneous Receipt for rent paid by the trustees of the poor of St Albans for a tenement in 7 papers 114 23-Oct 1731 1731 Fishpoole Ward "for his Majesty's use" A1 Covering paper and receipt by Francis Child to the Corporation of St Albans for a Miscellaneous contribution "to be distributed to the poor sufferers by Fire at Blandford, Tiverton 7 papers 16, 17 23-Nov 1731 1731 and Ramsey" A1 Miscellaneous 7 papers 33 26-Jan 1731/2 1731/2 Plumbers bill for work done at the Town Hall by the order of Mr Stone, mayor A1 Miscellaneous 8 papers 94 01-Mar 1731/2 1731/2 "An order (as in the Ledger) to remove one Alderman and to elect another" A1 Miscellaneous Certificate by William Niccols, mayor, and Thomas Humphreys and Francis Carter 8 papers 34 19-Aug 1732 1732 of the election of Richard Robinson, gentleman, common clerk A1 Miscellaneous Draft of indenture on the election of a burgess to sit in Parliament. Endorse: election 8 papers 54 23-Jan 1732/3 1732/3 of John Merrill A1 Miscellaneous 8 papers 49 19-Apr 1734 1734 Copy of a precept for the election of two knights of the Shire and two burgesses A1 Receipt of Joshua Pembroke, Receiver General of the County of Hertford and of Miscellaneous the Borough of St Albans, for Land Tax collected by Charles Newton and John 8 papers 107 12-Sep 1737 1737 Crenor A1

Declaration concerning weights received by Samuel Read of London, scale beam Miscellaneous maker, from the Court of Receipt of the Exchequer to be delivered to Thomas 8 papers 97 15-Sep 1740 1740 James, Mayor of St Albans "to be kept and used within the said town" A1 Miscellaneous Resignation of Henry Gregory of the offices of Common Clerk, Chamberlain and 8 papers 96 18-Oct 1742 1742 Coroner A1 Miscellaneous 8 papers 92 19-Oct 1742 1742 Resignation of Daniel Tombes of the office of Alderman A1 Miscellaneous 8 papers 55 05-Oct 1743 1743 Resignation of Hunt Everett, one of the Aldermen of the Borough A1 Miscellaneous 8 papers 57 07-Jul 1760 1760 Resignation of James West, esquire, of the office of Recorder of the Borough A1 Miscellaneous 8 papers 60 31-Jan 1786 1786 Resignation of George Pembroke of the office of alderman A1

Extract from Chauncey's History of Hertfordshire relating to almshouses in Chipping Miscellaneous Barnet, The two oldest aldermen of St Albans to be among the governors. 9 papers 130 23-May 1786 1786 Endorsed "Writings brought in by William Pembroke Esq. May 23rd 1786" A1

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 6 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Petition of 104 inhabitants of the parish of St Alban to the Mayor that John Miscellaneous Nicholson, clerk, late of Christ Church, , shall be appointed rector of St 9 papers 126 November 1796 1796 Albans and master of the Grammar School A1 Miscellaneous 89-91, (18th (18th 9 papers 98 - cent) cent) Fragments of miscellaneous accounts A1 Miscellaneous (18th (18th "Ground plan of the house belonging to Andrew Coy's widow". Adjoining premises 9 papers 142 - cent) cent) described A1 Miscellaneous (18th (18th Receipt of Richard Crenor for "the tollmens quartridge" paid him by the Mayor". 9 papers 121 - cent) cent) Dated 27 March A1 Papers concerning the 81, 85, 9 Grammar School 86 - 1606 1711 Notes of rents and deeds connected with the Free School A1 Papers concerning the 78, 79, 9 Grammar School 82-84 - 1722 1735 Accounts and estimates for repairs done to the Free Grammar School A1 Papers concerning the 9 Grammar School 80 18-Oct 1725 1725 Receipt of John Fothergill, master of the Free School, for his salary A1 Papers concerning the 9 Grammar School 77 10-Nov 1725 1725 Receipt of John Rumney for part of his salary as usher of the Free Grammar School A1 Papers concerning the 9 Grammar School 42 12-Oct 1726 1726 Receipt of Ann Rochford for quit rent paid by the Governors of the Free School A1 Extracts from the Register Book of the Abbey parish produced in a case in Papers in Law Chancery between William Stone and others against Peter Fulwood and Thomas 9 Suits etc 137, 138 - 1703 1723 Kettle A1 Papers in Law 10 Suits etc 59 - (c.1722) (c.1722) Notes of interrogatories in connection with a lawsuit A1 62-65, Papers in Law 68-72, 10 Suits etc 87 - 1722 1724 Papers in connection with lawsuits A1 Papers in Law 10 Suits etc 131 30-May 1722 1722 Copy of Decree concerning trustees of borough charities A1 Papers in Law 10 Suits etc 58 01-Mar 1722/3 1722/3 The names of respondents in a lawsuit A1 Papers in Law 10 Suits etc 120 - 1723 1723 Fragment of notes concerning lawsuits A1 Papers in Law Notes concerning a case brought by the Mayor and Aldermen against Kettle and 10 Suits etc 132 26-May 1737 1737 others A1 Papers in Law (17th (17th 10 Suits etc 234 - cent) cent) Note of "leases and other writings" (in regard to the property of the Corporation) A1

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 7 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Papers in Law Acknowledgment by the Mayor, Aldermen and Burgesses of a debt to Dorothy 10 Suits etc 233 25-Aug 1714 1714 Carter, spinster A1

- See also pp 80-82 ------

10 Mayor's Accounts 150 - 1583 1585 Mayor's Accounts 3819

10 Mayor's Accounts 151 - 1608 1609 Mayor's Accounts 3819

10 Mayor's Accounts 152 - 1609 1610 Mayor's Accounts 3819

10 Mayor's Accounts 153 - 1610 1611 Mayor's Accounts 3819

10 Mayor's Accounts 154 - 1612 1613 Mayor's Accounts 3819

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10 Mayor's Accounts 156 - 1615 1616 Mayor's Accounts 3819

10 Mayor's Accounts 157 - 1617 1618 Mayor's Accounts 3819

10 Mayor's Accounts 158 - 1619 1620 Mayor's Accounts 3819

10 Mayor's Accounts 159 - 1620 1621 Mayor's Accounts 3819

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10 Mayor's Accounts 161 - 1624 1625 Mayor's Accounts 3819

10 Mayor's Accounts 162 - 1625 1626 Mayor's Accounts 3819

10 Mayor's Accounts 163 - 1626 1627 Mayor's Accounts 3819

11 Mayor's Accounts 164 - 1627 1628 Mayor's Accounts 3819

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11 Mayor's Accounts 166 - 1640 1641 Mayor's Accounts 3819

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11 Mayor's Accounts 168 - 1642 1643 Mayor's Accounts 3819

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11 Mayor's Accounts 169 - 1645 1646 Mayor's Accounts 3819

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11 Mayor's Accounts 171 - 1647 1648 Mayor's Accounts 3819

11 Mayor's Accounts 172 - 1648 1649 Mayor's Accounts 3819

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11 Mayor's Accounts 182 - 1658 1659 Mayor's Accounts 3819

11 Mayor's Accounts 183 - 1659 1660 Mayor's Accounts 3819

11 Mayor's Accounts 184 - 1664 1665 Mayor's Accounts 3819

11 Mayor's Accounts 185 - 1673 1674 Mayor's Accounts 3819

11 Mayor's Accounts 186 - 1674 1675 Mayor's Accounts 3819

11 Mayor's Accounts 187 - 1675 1676 Mayor's Accounts 3819

11 Mayor's Accounts 188 - 1676 1677 Mayor's Accounts 3819

11 Mayor's Accounts 189 - 1677 1678 Mayor's Accounts 3819

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11 Mayor's Accounts 190 - 1678 1679 Mayor's Accounts 3819

11 Mayor's Accounts 191 - 1679 1680 Mayor's Accounts 3819

11 Mayor's Accounts 192 - 1681 1682 Mayor's Accounts 3819

11 Mayor's Accounts 193 - 1682 1683 Mayor's Accounts 3819

11 Mayor's Accounts 194 - 1684 1684 Mayor's Accounts 3819

11 Mayor's Accounts 195 - 1684 1685 Mayor's Accounts 3819

11 Mayor's Accounts 196 - 1687 1688 Mayor's Accounts 3819

12 Mayor's Accounts 197 - 1688 1689 Mayor's Accounts 3819

12 Mayor's Accounts 198 - 1690 1691 Mayor's Accounts 3819

12 Mayor's Accounts 199 - 1691 1692 Mayor's Accounts 3819

12 Mayor's Accounts 200 - 1692 1693 Mayor's Accounts 3819

12 Mayor's Accounts 201 - 1694 1695 Mayor's Accounts 3819

12 Mayor's Accounts 202 - 1696 1697 Mayor's Accounts 3819

12 Mayor's Accounts 203 - 1697 1698 Mayor's Accounts 3819

12 Mayor's Accounts 204 - 1698 1699 Mayor's Accounts 3819

12 Mayor's Accounts 205 - 1699 1700 Mayor's Accounts 3819

12 Mayor's Accounts 206 - 1700 1791 Mayor's Accounts 3819

12 Mayor's Accounts 207 - 1701 1702 Mayor's Accounts 3819

12 Mayor's Accounts 208 - 1702 1703 Mayor's Accounts 3819

12 Mayor's Accounts 209 - 1708 1709 Mayor's Accounts 3819

12 Mayor's Accounts 210 - 1709 1710 Mayor's Accounts 3819

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12 Mayor's Accounts 211 - 1712 1713 Mayor's Accounts 3819

12 Mayor's Accounts 212 - 1713 1714 Mayor's Accounts 3819

12 Mayor's Accounts 213 - 1714 1715 Mayor's Accounts 3819

12 Mayor's Accounts 214 - 1715 1716 Mayor's Accounts 3819

12 Mayor's Accounts 215 - 1716 1717 Mayor's Accounts 3819

12 Mayor's Accounts 216 - 1717 1718 Mayor's Accounts 3819

12 Mayor's Accounts 217 - 1718 1719 Mayor's Accounts 3819

12 Mayor's Accounts 218 - 1719 1721 Mayor's Accounts 3819

12 Mayor's Accounts 219 - 1721 1722 Mayor's Accounts 3819

12 Mayor's Accounts 220 - 1722 1723 Mayor's Accounts 3819

12 Mayor's Accounts 221 - 1724 1724 Mayor's Accounts 3819

12 Mayor's Accounts 222 - 1724 1725 Mayor's Accounts 3819

12 Mayor's Accounts 223 - 1725 1726 Mayor's Accounts 3819

12 Mayor's Accounts 224 - 1726 1727 Mayor's Accounts 3819

12 Mayor's Accounts 225 - 1728 1729 Mayor's Accounts 3819

12 Mayor's Accounts 226 - 1730 1731 Mayor's Accounts 3819

12 Mayor's Accounts 227 - 1732 1732 Mayor's Accounts 3819

12 Mayor's Accounts 228 - 1733 1734 Mayor's Accounts 3819

12 Mayor's Accounts 229 - 1737 1738 Mayor's Accounts 3819

13 Mayor's Accounts 230 - 1738 1739 Mayor's Accounts 3819

13 Mayor's Accounts 231 - 1743 1744 Mayor's Accounts 3819

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 11 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book

13 Mayor's Accounts 232 - 1746 1747 Mayor's Accounts 3819

The names of the Mayor, the Jury for Holywell Ward, Middle Ward, Fishpool Ward, Court Books of St Peter's Ward and of Freeholders are set out at the commencement of each the Court Leet of court. Presentment of the Jurors are made under Wards in regard to the repair of 13 the Borough - - - - highways, footpaths, not keeping streets clean, names of roads and lands etc - See "Corporation Records of St Albans" by AE Gibbs. Gibbs & Bamforth 1890 for Mayor's Court extracts from these books. Muster for troops to defend England against Armada 27 13 Book 312 - 1586 1633 February 1587-88 - Court Book of the Leet of the 13 Borough 235 - 1663 1663 Court Book of the Leet of the Borough 3817-3819 Court Book of the Leet of the 13 Borough 236 - 1751 1751 Court Book of the Leet of the Borough 3817-3819 Court Book of the Leet of the 13 Borough 237 - 1753 1753 Court Book of the Leet of the Borough 3817-3819 Court Book of the Leet of the 13 Borough 238 - 1755 1755 Court Book of the Leet of the Borough 3817-3819 Court Book of the Leet of the 13 Borough 239 - 1756 1756 Court Book of the Leet of the Borough 3817-3819 Court Book of the Leet of the 13 Borough 240 - 1757 1757 Court Book of the Leet of the Borough 3817-3819 Court Book of the Leet of the 13 Borough 241 - 1758 1758 Court Book of the Leet of the Borough 3817-3819 Court Book of the Leet of the 13 Borough 242 - 1760 1760 Court Book of the Leet of the Borough 3817-3819 Court Book of the Leet of the 13 Borough 243 - 1762 1762 Court Book of the Leet of the Borough 3817-3819 Court Book of the Leet of the 13 Borough 244 - 1764 1764 Court Book of the Leet of the Borough 3817-3819

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 12 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Court Book of the Leet of the 13 Borough 245 - 1765 1765 Court Book of the Leet of the Borough 3817-3819 Court Book of the Leet of the 13 Borough 246 - 1766 1766 Court Book of the Leet of the Borough 3817-3819 Court Book of the Leet of the 13 Borough 247 - 1767 1767 Court Book of the Leet of the Borough 3817-3819 Court Book of the Leet of the 13 Borough 248 - 1773 1773 Court Book of the Leet of the Borough 3817-3819 Court Book of the Leet of the 13 Borough 249 - 1774 1774 Court Book of the Leet of the Borough 3817-3819 Court Book of the Leet of the 13 Borough 250 - 1775 1775 Court Book of the Leet of the Borough 3817-3819 Court Book of the Leet of the 13 Borough 251 - 1776 1776 Court Book of the Leet of the Borough 3817-3819 Court Book of the Leet of the 13 Borough 252 - 1777 1777 Court Book of the Leet of the Borough 3817-3819 Court Book of the Leet of the 13 Borough 253 - 1787 1787 Court Book of the Leet of the Borough 3817-3819 Court Book of the Leet of the 13 Borough 254 - 1788 1788 Court Book of the Leet of the Borough 3817-3819 Court Book of the Leet of the 14 Borough 256 - 1790 1790 Court Book of the Leet of the Borough 3817-3819 Court Book of the Leet of the 14 Borough 257 - 1791 1791 Court Book of the Leet of the Borough 3817-3819 Court Book of the Leet of the 14 Borough 258 - 1792 1792 Court Book of the Leet of the Borough 3817-3819 Court Book of the Leet of the 14 Borough 259 - 1794 1794 Court Book of the Leet of the Borough 3817-3819

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 13 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Court Book of the Leet of the 14 Borough 260 - 1795 1795 Court Book of the Leet of the Borough 3817-3819 Court Book of the Leet of the 14 Borough 261 - 1796 1796 Court Book of the Leet of the Borough 3817-3819 Court Book of the Leet of the 14 Borough 262 - 1797 1797 Court Book of the Leet of the Borough 3817-3819 Court Book of the Leet of the 14 Borough 263 - 1799 1799 Court Book of the Leet of the Borough 3817-3819 Court Book of the Leet of the 14 Borough 264 - 1800 1800 Court Book of the Leet of the Borough 3817-3819 Court Book of the Leet of the 14 Borough 265 - 1801 1801 Court Book of the Leet of the Borough 3817-3819 Court Book of the Leet of the 14 Borough 266 - 1803 1803 Court Book of the Leet of the Borough 3817-3819 Court Book of the Leet of the 14 Borough 267 - 1804 1804 Court Book of the Leet of the Borough 3817-3819 Court Book of the Leet of the 14 Borough 268 - 1805 1805 Court Book of the Leet of the Borough 3817-3819 Court Book of the Leet of the 14 Borough 269 - 1806 1806 Court Book of the Leet of the Borough 3817-3819 Court Book of the Leet of the 14 Borough 270 - 1807 1807 Court Book of the Leet of the Borough 3817-3819 Court Book of the Leet of the 14 Borough 271 - 1808 1808 Court Book of the Leet of the Borough 3817-3819 Court Book of the Leet of the 14 Borough 272 - 1809 1809 Court Book of the Leet of the Borough 3817-3819 Court Book of the Leet of the 14 Borough 273 - 1810 1810 Court Book of the Leet of the Borough 3817-3819

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 14 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Court Book of the Leet of the 14 Borough 274 - 1810 1810 Court Book of the Leet of the Borough 3817-3819 Court Book of the Leet of the 14 Borough 275 - 1811 1811 Court Book of the Leet of the Borough 3817-3819 Court Book of the Leet of the 14 Borough 276 - 1812 1812 Court Book of the Leet of the Borough 3817-3819 Court Book of the Leet of the 14 Borough 277 - 1813 1813 Court Book of the Leet of the Borough 3817-3819 Court Book of the Leet of the 14 Borough 278 - 1814 1814 Court Book of the Leet of the Borough 3817-3819 Court Book of the Leet of the 14 Borough 279 - 1815 1815 Court Book of the Leet of the Borough 3817-3819 Court Book of the Leet of the 14 Borough 280 - 1817 1817 Court Book of the Leet of the Borough 3817-3819 Court Book of the Leet of the 14 Borough 281 - 1818 1818 Court Book of the Leet of the Borough 3817-3819 Court Book of the Leet of the 14 Borough 282 - 1819 1819 Court Book of the Leet of the Borough 3817-3819 Court Book of the Leet of the 14 Borough 283 - 1820 1820 Court Book of the Leet of the Borough 3817-3819 Court Book of the Leet of the 14 Borough 284 - 1821 1821 Court Book of the Leet of the Borough 3817-3819 Court Book of the Leet of the 14 Borough 285 - 1822 1822 Court Book of the Leet of the Borough 3817-3819 Court Book of the Leet of the 14 Borough 288 - - - Portion of expired lease used as cover 3817-3819 Draft minutes books of the 14 Borough Court 289 - 1612 1613 Draft minute book of the Borough Court 3817-3819

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 15 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Draft minutes books of the 14 Borough Court 298 - 1619 1620 Draft minute book of the Borough Court 3817-3819 Draft minutes books of the 15 Borough Court 296 - 1628 1629 Draft minute book of the Borough Court 3817-3819 Draft minutes books of the 15 Borough Court 295 - 1629 1629 Draft minute book of the Borough Court 3817-3819 Draft minutes books of the 15 Borough Court 197 - 1621 1621 Draft minute book of the Borough Court 3817-3819 Draft minutes books of the 15 Borough Court 294 - 1647 1648 Draft minute book of the Borough Court 3817-3819 Draft minutes books of the 15 Borough Court 293 - 1663 1664 Draft minute book of the Borough Court 3817-3819 Draft minutes books of the 15 Borough Court 292 - 1681 1682 Draft minute book of the Borough Court 3817-3819 Draft minutes books of the 15 Borough Court 291 - 1683 1684 Draft minute book of the Borough Court 3817-3819 Draft minutes books of the 15 Borough Court 290 - 1685 1685 Draft minute book of the Borough Court 3817-3819 Draft minutes books of the 15 Borough Court 299 - 1697 1721 Draft minute book of the Borough Court 3817-3819 15 Registers etc 286 - 1628 1630 Books of Enrolments of Apprentices 3821 15 Registers etc 287 - 1697 1730 Books of Enrolments of Apprentices 3821 List of Burgesses 15 etc 300 - 1835 1835 List of freemen of the borough with date of admission 3828-29 List of Burgesses 15 etc 301 - 1835 1835 List of freemen of the borough with date of admission 3828-29 List of Burgesses Roll of burgesses in alphabetical order with descriptions, addresses and properties 15 etc 303 - 1835 1837 held 3828-29 List of Burgesses Roll of burgesses in alphabetical order with descriptions, addresses and properties 15 etc 304 - 1838 1841 held 3828-29 List of Burgesses Roll of burgesses in alphabetical order with descriptions, addresses and properties 15 etc 302 - 1841 1847 held 3828-29

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 16 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book List of Burgesses Roll of burgesses in alphabetical order with descriptions, addresses and properties 15 etc 305 - 1847 1856 held 3828-29 List of Burgesses Roll of burgesses in alphabetical order with descriptions, addresses and properties 15 etc 306 - 1856 1865 held 3828-29 List of Burgesses Roll of burgesses in alphabetical order with descriptions, addresses and properties 15 etc 307 - 1873 1877 held 3828-29 List of Burgesses Roll of burgesses in alphabetical order with descriptions, addresses and properties 15 etc 308 - 1877 1879 held 3828-29 Roll of burgesses in alphabetical order with descriptions, addresses and properties List of Burgesses held (Trans: date correct from Le Hardy's catalogue but probably 1880-82 - needs 15 etc 309 - 1800-82 confirming) 3828-29 List of Burgesses Roll of burgesses in alphabetical order with descriptions, addresses and properties 15 etc 310 - 1882 1882 held 3828-29 Miscellaneous 15 books 313 - 1634 1732 Election of Mayor, principal burgesses and aldermen 3819 Miscellaneous 15 books 311 - 1655 1672 Poor Rate Book Abbey Parish 3821 Miscellaneous 15 books 314 - 1732 1813 The Ledger 3819-20 Miscellaneous 15 books 315 - 1815 1835 Election of Mayors and Aldermen 3829 Miscellaneous 16 books 316 - 1776 1783 Court of Requests; Court proceedings 3829 Miscellaneous 16 books 317 - 1731 1820 Mayor's Accounts A1 Miscellaneous County Court Minute Book giving names of plaintiffs and defendants and nature of 16 books 318 - 1851 1855 claim - Mayor's Court 16 Book 319 - 1721 1736 Mayor's Court Book A2 Mayor's Court 16 Book 320 - 1737 1765 Mayor's Court Book A2 Mayor's Court 16 Book 321 - 1765 1800 Mayor's Court Book A3 Mayor's Court 16 Book 322 - 1801 1835 Mayor's Court Book A3 Minutes of the 16 Court of Record 324 - 1739 1741 Minutes of the Court of Record 3821-25 Minutes of the 16 Court of Record 325 - 1741 1745 Minutes of the Court of Record 3821-25 Minutes of the 16 Court of Record 326 - 1748 1752 Minutes of the Court of Record 3821-25

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 17 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Minutes of the 16 Court of Record 327 - 1752 1758 Minutes of the Court of Record 3821-25 Minutes of the 16 Court of Record 328 - 1759 1765 Minutes of the Court of Record 3821-25 Minutes of the 16 Court of Record 329 - 1765 1779 Minutes of the Court of Record 3821-25 Minutes of the 16 Court of Record 334 - 1779 1789 Minutes of the Court of Record 3821-25 Minutes of the 16 Court of Record 332 - 1766 1778 Entries of actions 3821-25 Monthly Court of 16 the Mayor 330 - 1753 1767 Monthly Court of the Mayor 3821-25 Monthly Court of 16 the Mayor 331 - 1767 1776 Monthly Court of the Mayor 3821-25 Monthly Court of 16 the Mayor 333 - 1776 1784 Monthly Court of the Mayor 3821-25 Monthly Court of 16 the Mayor 335 - 1784 1790 Monthly Court of the Mayor 3821-25 Monthly Court of 16 the Mayor 336 - 1791 1800 Monthly Court of the Mayor 3821-25 Monthly Court of 16 the Mayor 338 - 1800 1817 Monthly Court of the Mayor 3821-25 Monthly Court of 16 the Mayor 339 - 1817 1827 Monthly Court of the Mayor 3821-25 Monthly Court of Monthly Court of the Mayor (contains papers relating to perambulations of the 16 the Mayor 340 - 1827 1835 Borough boundary) 3821-25 16 Freemen 337 - 1796 1835 List of freemen with dates of admission - Miscellaneous 16 books 341 - 1845 1845 Town Clerks Society: forms and proceedings - Miscellaneous 16 books 342 15-Jan 1711/2 1711/2 Charge to Grand Jury at Borough of Liberty Quarter Sessions pp. 1-12 -

Lease and release of a farm in Hornchurch in the Liberty of Havering at Bower co. Miscellaneous Essex called Harrolds Wood House, sometimes called Legattes and late Jacksons 16 books 342 7-8 July 1724 1724 appointing new feoffees for the benefit of the poor of St Albans pp.13-20 - Lease and release to create new feoffees of Mr Ranshaws gift of lands held of the Miscellaneous manor of New Lane alias New Lane Squillers in 1686 for the benefits of the Free 16 books 342 22-23 May 1711 1711 School of St Albans pp. 21-27 - Miscellaneous Mr William Carr's wine licence for 28 years for the support of a school master to 16 books 342 23-Jun 1725 1725 teach in the Free School of the Borough pp. 29-36 - Miscellaneous Licence to Agnes Carr widow of William Carr to assign her wine licence to John 16 books 342 27-Sep 1733 1733 Fletcher pp 37-41 -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 18 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Miscellaneous 16 James 1: Bargain and sale from Mathew Smale to William Pennyman of the 16 books 342 04-Apr (1619) (1619) Cross Keys In and other property pp. 42-59 - Miscellaneous 16 books 342 - - - Remainder of pages blank - Miscellaneous 16 books 344 - - - Translation of the Constitutions of 1667 in tooled leather binding - Miscellaneous 16 books 345 - - - Translation of the Constitutions of 1667 in tooled leather binding in vellum cover - Translation of charters: Edward VI; Elizabethan wine charter 1569; James 1 wine Miscellaneous charter; Petition of Mayor and burgesses of Charles 1 for new charter; Report of 16 books 346 - - - Attorney General; Charter of Charles 1; will of Jane Nicholas 1708 - Miscellaneous Not 17a books 347 - 1721 1721 Schedule of documents in Corporation Chest transferred Miscellaneous 17a books 343 - 1878 1878 School attendance committee. Rough minute book - Miscellaneous Calendar of victuallers' recognisances. Gives names of victualler, sign of house and 17a books 354 - 1822 1828 names of sureties - Treasurer's 17a Accounts 356 - 1764 1807 Treasurer's Accounts - Treasurer's 17a Accounts 357 - 1807 1827 Treasurer's Accounts - Treasurer's 17a Accounts 358 - 1827 1837 Treasurer's Accounts - Treasurer's 17a Accounts 359 - 1831 1836 Treasurer's Accounts - Treasurer's 17a Accounts 348 - 1845 1851 Draft Treasurer's Accounts - Treasurer's 17a Accounts 349 - 1851 1858 Draft Treasurer's Accounts - Treasurer's 17a Accounts 350 - 1858 1865 Draft Treasurer's Accounts - Treasurer's 17a Accounts 351 - 1873 1888 Draft Treasurer's Accounts - Treasurer's 17a Accounts 352 - 1836 1873 Draft Treasurer's Accounts - Treasurer's 17a Accounts 353 - 1873 1887 Draft Treasurer's Accounts - Treasurer's 17a Accounts 361 - 1829 1836 Treasurer's Accounts (Court House) - Treasurer's 17a Accounts 362 - 1828 1835 Enrolment book of securities for the building of the Court House -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 19 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book

Borough Quarter 17a Sessions Records 355 - 1829 1836 Recognisance Book 3826

Borough Quarter Gaol and House of Correction Calendar. This books also records indictments and 17a Sessions Records 360 - 1819 1828 recognisances 3826

Borough Quarter 17a Sessions Records 363 - 1819 1824 Draft minute book 3826

Borough Quarter 18 Sessions Records 364 - 1824 1830 Draft minute book 3826-27

Borough Quarter 18 Sessions Records 365 - 1830 1836 Draft minute book 3826-27

Borough Quarter 18 Sessions Records 367 - 1819 1831 Sessions book 3826-27

Borough Quarter 18 Sessions Records 366 - 1832 1836 Sessions book 3826-27

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 407A - 1784 1784 Michaelmas Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 407 - 1785 1785 Epiphany Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 408 - 1785 1785 Easter Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 409 - 1785 1785 Midsummer Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 410 - 1785 1785 Michaelmas Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 411 - 1786 1786 Epiphany Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 412 - 1786 1786 Easter Session Roll HRS Book

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 20 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 413 - 1786 1786 Midsummer Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 414 - 1786 1786 Michaelmas Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 415 - 1787 1787 Epiphany Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 416 - 1787 1787 Easter Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 417 - 1787 1787 Midsummer Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 418 - 1787 1787 Michaelmas Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 419 - 1788 1788 Epiphany Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 420 - 1788 1788 Easter Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 421 - 1788 1788 Midsummer Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 422 - 1788 1788 Michaelmas Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 423 - 1789 1789 Epiphany Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 424 - 1789 1789 Easter Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 425 - 1789 1789 Midsummer Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 426 - 1789 1789 Michaelmas Session Roll HRS Book

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 21 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 427 - 1789 1789 Epiphany Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 428 - 1790 1790 Easter Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 429 - 1790 1790 Midsummer Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 430 - 1790 1790 Michaelmas Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 431 - 1791 1791 Epiphany Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 432 - 1791 1791 Easter Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 433 - 1791 1791 Midsummer Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 434 - 1791 1791 Michaelmas Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 435 - 1792 1792 Epiphany Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 436 - 1792 1792 Easter Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 437 - 1792 1792 Midsummer Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 438 - 1792 1792 Michaelmas Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 439 - 1793 1793 Epiphany Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 440 - 1793 1793 Easter Session Roll HRS Book

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 22 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 441 - 1793 1793 Midsummer Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 442 - 1793 1793 Michaelmas Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 443 - 1794 1794 Epiphany Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 444 - 1794 1794 Easter Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 445 - 1794 1794 Midsummer Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 446 - 1794 1794 Michaelmas Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 447 - 1795 1795 Epiphany Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 448 - 1795 1795 Easter Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 449 - 1795 1795 Midsummer Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 450 - 1795 1795 Michaelmas Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 451 - 1796 1796 Epiphany Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 452 - 1796 1796 Easter Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 453 - 1796 1796 Midsummer Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 454 - 1796 1796 Michaelmas Session Roll HRS Book

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 23 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 455 - 1797 1797 Epiphany Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 456 - 1797 1797 Easter Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 457 - 1797 1797 Midsummer Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 458 - 1797 1797 Michaelmas Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 459 - 1798 1798 Epiphany Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 460 - 1798 1798 Easter Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 461 - 1798 1798 Midsummer Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 462 - 1798 1798 Michaelmas Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 463 - 1799 1799 Epiphany Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 464 - 1799 1799 Easter Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 465 - 1799 1799 Midsummer Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 466 - 1799 1799 Michaelmas Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 467 - 1800 1800 Epiphany Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 468 - 1800 1800 Easter Session Roll HRS Book

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 24 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 469 - 1800 1800 Midsummer Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 470 - 1800 1800 Michaelmas Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 471 - 1801 1801 Epiphany Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 472 - 1801 1801 Easter Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 473 - 1801 1801 Midsummer Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 474 - 1801 1801 Michaelmas Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 475 - 1802 1802 Epiphany Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 476 - 1802 1802 Easter Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 477 - 1802 1802 Midsummer Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 478 - 1802 1802 Michaelmas Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 479 - 1803 1803 Epiphany Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 480 - 1803 1803 Easter Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 481 - 1803 1803 Midsummer Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 482 - 1803 1803 Michaelmas Session Roll HRS Book

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 25 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 483 - 1804 1804 Epiphany Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 484 - 1804 1804 Easter Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 485 - 1804 1804 Midsummer Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 486 - 1804 1804 Michaelmas Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 487 - 1805 1805 Epiphany Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 488 - 1805 1805 Easter Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 488A - 1805 1805 Midsummer Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 489 - 1805 1805 Michaelmas Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 490 - 1806 1806 Epiphany Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 491 - 1806 1806 Easter Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 492 - 1806 1806 Midsummer Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 493 - 1806 1806 Michaelmas Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 494 - 1807 1807 Epiphany Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 495 - 1807 1807 Easter Session Roll HRS Book

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 26 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 496 - 1807 1807 Midsummer Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 497 - 1807 1807 Michaelmas Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 498 - 1808 1808 Epiphany Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 499 - 1808 1808 Easter Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 500 - 1808 1808 Midsummer Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 501 - 1808 1808 Michaelmas Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 502 - 1809 1809 Epiphany Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 503 - 1809 1809 Easter Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 504 - 1809 1809 Midsummer Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 505 - 1809 1809 Michaelmas Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 506 - 1810 1810 Epiphany Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 507 - 1810 1810 Easter Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 508 - 1810 1810 Midsummer Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 509 - 1810 1810 Michaelmas Session Roll HRS Book

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 27 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 510 - 1811 1811 Epiphany Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 511 - 1811 1811 Easter Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 512 - 1811 1811 Midsummer Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 513 - 1811 1811 Michaelmas Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 514 - 1812 1812 Epiphany Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 515 - 1812 1812 Easter Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 516 - 1812 1812 Midsummer Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 517 - 1812 1812 Michaelmas Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 518 - 1813 1813 Epiphany Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 519 - 1813 1813 Easter Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 520 - 1813 1813 Midsummer Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 521 - 1813 1813 Michaelmas Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 522 - 1814 1814 Epiphany Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 523 - 1814 1814 Easter Session Roll HRS Book

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 28 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 524 - 1814 1814 Midsummer Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 525 - 1814 1814 Michaelmas Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 526 - 1815 1815 Epiphany Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 527 - 1815 1815 Easter Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 528 - 1815 1815 Midsummer Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 529 - 1815 1815 Michaelmas Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 530 - 1816 1816 Epiphany Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 531 - 1816 1816 Easter Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 532 - 1816 1816 Midsummer Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 533 - 1816 1816 Michaelmas Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 534 - 1817 1817 Epiphany Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 535 - 1817 1817 Easter Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 536 - 1817 1817 Midsummer Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 537 - 1817 1817 Michaelmas Session Roll HRS Book

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 29 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 538 - 1818 1818 Epiphany Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 539 - 1818 1818 Easter Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 540 - 1818 1818 Midsummer Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 541 - 1818 1818 Michaelmas Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 542 - 1819 1819 Epiphany Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 543 - 1819 1819 Easter Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 544 - 1819 1819 Midsummer Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 545 - 1819 1819 Michaelmas Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 546 - 1820 1820 Epiphany Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 547 - 1820 1820 Easter Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 548 - 1820 1820 Midsummer Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 549 - 1820 1820 Michaelmas Session Roll HRS Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 550 - 1821 1821 Epiphany Session Roll -

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 551 - 1821 1821 Easter Session Roll -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 30 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 552 - 1821 1821 Midsummer Session Roll -

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 553 - 1821 1821 Michaelmas Session Roll -

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 554 - 1822 1822 Epiphany Session Roll -

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 555 - 1822 1822 Easter Session Roll -

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 556 - 1822 1822 Midsummer Session Roll -

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 557 - 1822 1822 Michaelmas Session Roll -

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 558 - 1823 1823 Epiphany Session Roll -

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 559 - 1823 1823 Easter Session Roll -

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 560 - 1823 1823 Midsummer Session Roll -

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 561 - 1823 1823 Michaelmas Session Roll -

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 562 - 1824 1824 Easter Session Roll -

Inserted Borough Quarter Not page Sessions Records 563 - - - - available

Inserted Borough Quarter Not page Sessions Records 564 - - - Midsummer Session Roll available

Inserted Borough Quarter Not page Sessions Records 565 - - - Michaelmas Session Roll available

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 31 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book

Inserted Borough Quarter Not page Sessions Records 566 - - - Epiphany Session Roll available

Inserted Borough Quarter Not page Sessions Records 567 - - - Easter Session Roll available

Inserted Borough Quarter Not page Sessions Records 568 - - - Midsummer Session Roll available

Inserted Borough Quarter Not page Sessions Records 569 - - - Michaelmas Session Roll available

Inserted Borough Quarter Not page Sessions Records 570 - - - Epiphany Session Roll available

Inserted Borough Quarter Not page Sessions Records 571 - - - Easter Session Roll available

Inserted Borough Quarter Not page Sessions Records 572 - - - Midsummer Session Roll available

Inserted Borough Quarter Not page Sessions Records 573 - - - Michaelmas Session Roll available

Inserted Borough Quarter Not page Sessions Records 574 - - - Epiphany Session Roll available

Inserted Borough Quarter Not page Sessions Records 575 - - - Easter Session Roll available

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 576 - 1828 1828 Midsummer Session Roll -

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 577 - 1828 1828 Michaelmas Session Roll -

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 578 - 1829 1829 Epiphany Session Roll -

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 579 - 1829 1829 Easter Session Roll -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 32 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 580 - 1829 1829 Midsummer Session Roll -

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 581 - 1829 1829 Michaelmas Session Roll -

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 582 - 1830 1830 Epiphany Session Roll -

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 583 - 1830 1830 Easter Session Roll -

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 584 - 1830 1830 Midsummer Session Roll -

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 585 - 1830 1830 Michaelmas Session Roll -

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 586 - 1831 1831 Epiphany Session Roll -

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 587 - 1831 1831 Easter Session Roll -

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 588 - 1831 1831 Midsummer Session Roll -

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 589 - 1831 1831 Michaelmas Session Roll -

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 590 - 1832 1832 Epiphany Session Roll -

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 591 - 1832 1832 Easter Session Roll -

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 592 - 1832 1832 Midsummer Session Roll -

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 593 - 1832 1832 Michaelmas Session Roll -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 33 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 594 - 1833 1833 Epiphany Session Roll -

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 595 - 1833 1833 Easter Session Roll -

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 596 - 1833 1833 Midsummer Session Roll -

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 597 - 1833 1833 Michaelmas Session Roll -

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 598 - 1834 1834 Epiphany Session Roll -

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 599 - 1834 1834 Easter Session Roll -

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 600 - 1834 1834 Midsummer Session Roll -

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 601 - 1834 1834 Michaelmas Session Roll -

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 602 - 1835 1835 Epiphany Session Roll -

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 603 - 1835 1835 Easter Session Roll -

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 604 - 1835 1835 Midsummer Session Roll -

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 605 - 1835 1835 Michaelmas Session Roll -

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 606 - 1836 1836 Epiphany Session Roll -

Inserted Borough Quarter page Sessions Records 607 - 1836 1836 Easter Session Roll -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 34 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book

Borough Quarter 18 Sessions Records 608-627 - 1827 1828 Briefs in cases before Borough court (DD: 608 includes plan) A4

Borough Quarter 18 Sessions Records 628 - 1827 1827 Plan of St Albans A4

Borough Quarter 18 Sessions Records 629 - 1822 1823 Rolls of Fines - Land Tax 18 Records 368 - 1767 1767 re Land Tax - Land Tax 18 Records 369-406 - 1786 1824 Land Tax returns 3827 Recites letters patent 17 December 8 Chas. 1 by which the King ordered the Mayor and Burgesses of the Borough to make a perambulation in accordance with the bounds agreed upon the reign of Edward III between the Abbot and the convent of St Albans and the Mayor. (Bounds fully set out). This writing witnesses that the Mayor and Burgesses have made the perambulation and set out afresh the bounds. Bounds of the Bounds fully set out with identification of old bounds. Signatures of the jury. Seals 18 City 630 10-Apr 1635 1635 missing A4 11 11 Bounds of the Charles Charles Exemplification under the Great Seal (Missing) by Charles 1 of the perambulation in 18 City 631 17-Jun 1 1 no. 630 A4 Instrument of investiture of Thame Legh (sic) Bishop of Rochester to be first Bishop Not 18 Charters 632A - 1877 1877 of St Albans transferred 19 Charters 633 - 1553 1553 Charter of Incorporation by Edward VI - 19 Charters 634 - 1560 1560 Charter by Queen Elizabeth confirming charter ref. no. 633 - 19 Charters 635 - 1570 1570 Grant by Queen Elizabeth of licence to sell wine date at Gorhambury - 19 Charters 636 - 1610 1610 Grant by James 1 of additional licence to sell wine; not illuminated - Not 19 Charters 637 - 1632 1632 Further Charter of Incorporation by Charles 1 transferred 19 Charters 638 - 1663 1663 Charter by Charles II - 19 Charters 639 - 1634 1634 Constitution of the Borough - 19 Charters 639a - 1667 1667 New constitution of the Borough - 19 Charters 640 - 1685 1685 New Charter of Incorporation by James II - 19 Charters 632 - 1877 1877 Charter of Queen Victoria that the Borough be a City - Church Street - Miscellaneous Deeds - Grant by Stephen le Hatters of St Albans to John le Brewere of the same of his Corporation messuage in "le Cherchestret". Thursday before the feast of St Katherine the Virgin, 19 Property 641 November 1358 1358 32 Edward III. Witnesses named. Seal shipped A4

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 35 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Church Street - Lease by Robert Sadleir of St Peters esquire, and 6 other trustees, to Nicholas Miscellaneous Pricklove of St Albans, shoemaker, of a messuage in Church Street, which with Deeds - other property is held in trust for half the profits to go towards the repairing of the Corporation Abbey Church and half to the relief of the poor of St Peters parish. Signature. Seal 19 Property 750 20-Nov 1665 1665 missing A4 Moot Hall - Miscellaneous Deeds - "A Box of several deeds and writings concerning two shops made into a tenement Corporation in the Flesh market near Botheling-stook, and called by the name of Moot-Hall 19 Property 642 02-Feb 1412/3 1412/3 writings" A4 Grant by Master Alan Wombe, Chaplain, William Wyches, Robert Briggewater and Moot Hall - John Doye of the town of St Albans to Richard Potter of Essendon of two shops in Miscellaneous the Flesh-market next "Brothelyngstoke", between the shop called "le Stokhouse' Deeds - and the shop late of John atte Hall, abutting at one end on the highway and at the Corporation other on "Bothelestrate". Witnesses named (numbered 4). 2 seals attached, 2 19 Property 646 02-Feb 1412/3 1412/3 missing A4 Moot Hall - Miscellaneous Letter of attorney by William Wryght, William Pejoun, Robert Batell and John Toky Deeds - of Hatfield to John Langeley and John Lokke to deliver seisin to Robert Forster the Corporation elder, Robert Forster the younger of Hatfield and Henry Loefort of the two shops 20 Property 645 30-Apr 1470 1470 granted in 643 (numbered 3) 4 seals A4 Moot Hall - Grant by Robert Forster the younger of Hatfield and Henry Lodeford of Essendon to Miscellaneous Roger Porter, butcher, of St Albans, John Smyth of Sandridge, Thomas Erle of the Deeds - same, butcher, and Rose his wife of two shops in the Flesh market next Corporation "Bothelyngstok", abutting at one end on the highway and at the other on 20 Property 643 10-Jan 1471/2 1471/2 "Bothelestrete". (Numbered 1) 3 seals A4 Moot Hall - Miscellaneous Deeds - Corporation 20 Property 644 10-Jan 1471/2 1471/2 Counterpart of 643; (numbered 2). 5 seals A4 Moot Hall - Grant by Henry Ludfford of Essendon to John Forster, sone of Robert Foster the Miscellaneous younger of Hatfield, John Foster, sone of Robert Foster the elder of Bayford, John Deeds - Palmer and Thomas Rodgers of St Albans of the two shops granted above (William Corporation "Pegeon" being given as one of the former grantors".) Witnesses named. 20 Property 647 15-May 1489 1489 (Numbered 5). Seal A4 Moot Hall - Miscellaneous Grant by John Foster the younger of Hatfield, John Palmer and Thomas Rogers the Deeds - elder to John Grene, cutler, William Hawes, William Grene, John Nuny and William Corporation Watson of the two shops in the Flesh Market. Letter of attorney to John Cowele to 20 Property 648 08-Mar 1505/6 1505/6 deliver seisin. (Numbered 6). 1 seal attached, 2 missing A4

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 36 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Moot Hall - Miscellaneous Deeds - Grant by John Grene, cutler, to William Norton, citizen and haberdasher of London, Corporation John Palmer and John Pursse, of the two shops in the Flesh Market (Numbered 7) 20 Property 649 12-Oct 1513 1513 Seal A4

Moot Hall - Grant by William Norton, citizen and haberdasher of London, John Palmer of St Miscellaneous Albans, yeoman, and John Purs of the same, gentleman, to John Archer, Richard Deeds - Archer, Richard Myller, fletcher, and John Archer sone of William Archer, of the two Corporation shops in the Flesh-market. Letter of Attorney to John Grene, cutler, and John 21 Property 650 22-Nov 1517 1517 Cowley to deliver seisin. (Numbered 8) 2 seals attached, 1 missing A4 Moot Hall - Miscellaneous Deeds - Corporation Copy of probate of the will of John Archer of Hatfield leaving a house in St Albans. 21 Property 653 25-Sep 1520 1520 Dated 19 November 1519. (Numbered 11) A4 Moot Hall - Miscellaneous Deeds - Bond between John Warner of Ramsbury, co. Wiltshire, barber, and Henry Gape, Corporation tanner, for quiet enjoyment by the letter of a tenement next the Moot Hall lately sold 21 Property 652 11-May 1536 1536 to him by the same John Warner. (Numbered 10). Fragment of seal A4 Grant by Richard Miller, fletcher, of St Albans (at the request of Henry Bowsfell of Roydon, co. Essex, husbandman and (blank) his wife, late wife of John Archer, Moot Hall - deceased, and John Archer, sone and heir of the said John Archer) to John Warner Miscellaneous of St Albans, barber, William Chapman and Christopher Plough, yeoman, of a Deeds - tenement and garden formerly called two shops in the Fleshmarket, between the Corporation tenement of Roger Semer and the Stokhouse otherwise "let Mootehall". (Numbered 21 Property 651 20-May 1536 1536 9). Seal missing A4 Clock House - Miscellaneous Deeds - Corporation "Box of all the deeds and writings belonging to the Clock-House". (Three of the 21 Property 654 - 1385 1586/7 deeds here listed are now missing). A4 Clock House - Miscellaneous Quitclaim by Alice, daughter and heir of Roger Essex of St Albans, a widow, to John Deeds - Pentyng and Alice his wife of her interest in a vacant place in French Row opposite Corporation the tenement of John Pykebon. Monday after Circumcision, 9 Richard II. Witnesses 21 Property 655 January 1385/6 1385/6 named. Seal missing (Numbered 2) A4

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 37 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Clock House - Miscellaneous Deeds - Grant by John Pentyng of St Albans and Alice his wife to John Pykebon of the same Corporation and Maud his wife of a vacant place quit-claimed above (see No. 655). Thursday 21 Property 656 January 1385/6 1385/6 before Epiphany, 9 Richard II. Witnesses named. (Numbered 3). 2 seals (broken) A4

Quitclaim by Alice, widow of Ralph atte Lee, to Dom Geoffrey Fylynden, Chaplain, John Rolond, clerk, Thomas Thorneburgh, Edmund Brook, Master Richard de la Clock House - Pantre, Richard Walyngford, Thomas Gyden and William Galeshale of her interest Miscellaneous in a vacant place in French Row otherwise Cordwainers Row opposite the tenement Deeds - of John Pykebon, which the said Dom Geoffrey Fylenden and others lately had of Corporation the grant of William Pykebon, son and heir of John Pykebon. SS Peter and Paul, 4 22 Property 657 29-Jun 1403 1403 Henry IV. (Numbered 7) Seal A4 Grant by Robert Halgate of Beverley co. York, to Nicholas Talbot, William atte Clock House - Wode, John Mylkstrat, John Hewet, Robert Culverhows and Robert Luffenham of a Miscellaneous tenement in Cordwainers Row between the tenement of John Germyn and a vacant Deeds - place late of Maud Pykebon now "Clockhows", for the life of Joan, wife of Robert Corporation Halgate. Saturday in Easter week, 14 Henry IV. Witnesses named. (Numbered 5). 22 Property 658 09-Apr 1412 1412 Seal A4 Clock House - Miscellaneous Quitclaim by Henry Fouchere, Henry Dyper, Thomas Burdale, William Todd, William Deeds - Mytcheman, John Bernewelle, William Crofton and John Germayne of St Albans to Corporation Thomas Volvey and John Peny of the same of their interest in the Clockhouse. 22 Property 664 10-Dec 1426/7 1426/7 (Numbered 14, corrected to 8). 4 seals. A4 Grant by Thomas Wolveye of St Albans, gentleman, and John Peny of the same, yeoman, to Henry Fouchere, Henry Dyper, Thomas Burdale, William Todd, John Germayne, John Bernewelle, William Hycheman, William Crofton, Edmund Westby, Robert Thorne, Thomas Bromley, John Barbour, John Turnour, William Burgeys, John Acreman, William Skele, Robert Sartrey, Simon Bernewelle, John Browne, William Wyghthills, William Cowper, Philip Skynner, Thomas Sone, John Wayneflete, Richard Fuller, John Brekendene, William Boure, Almeric West, Walter Scharpe, Thomas Brekespere, Richard Wygge, Richard Nunny, John Atkins, John Hale, Christian Cut, John Bradcrofte, Nicholas Clares, Nicholas Challey, John Smyth, Thomas Bromlye, Thomas Man, Thomas Cowper, Hugh Machon, John Clock House - Clobbe, Robert Marchal, George Barbour, William Redye, Richard Stodlay, John Miscellaneous Newbury, William Colton, John Grove, Henry Maiot, John Hasteler, Henry Deeds - Farnecombe, John Chapman, Robert Newman, Hugh Carpenter, John Marche, Corporation mason, Richard Gowle, John Bryghte, John Bocher, Thomas Colyn, John Adam, 22 Property 659 06-Jan 1485/6 1426/7 John Anketylle, John Cony, William Toky, John Valentyne, John Bromley, Richard B A4

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 38 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Clock House - Miscellaneous Lease by John Newbury, esquire, William Skypwith and other feoffees of the Deeds - Clockhouse (named) to Robert Gravesmith, of the Clockehouse on condition that Corporation he "kepe make and rewle" the clock, ring the bell, etc (Numbered 10). Seals 23 Property 660 25-Feb 1485/6 1485/6 missing A4 Clock House - Miscellaneous Deeds - Corporation Similar lease by Sir Richard Lee, knight, and other feoffees to Thomas Lokkey of St 23 Property 661 31-Oct 1547 1547 Albans, draper. (Numbered 11). Seals mainly missing A4 Clock House - Miscellaneous Deeds - Corporation 23 Property 662 31-Oct 1547 1547 Counterpart of no. 661 above. (Numbered 12). Seals (broken) A4 Clock House - Miscellaneous Deeds - Further lease by Sir Richard Lee and other feoffees by Robert Wolley of St Albans, Corporation tailor: the Clockhouse being described as in Clock House Row between Cross 23 Property 663 25-Mar 1549 1549 Cheping and French Row. (Numbered 3). Seal missing A4 Clock House - Miscellaneous Deeds - Lease by Henry Gape, mayor of St Albans and the Burgesses of the same to Corporation Robert Woolley of the same, yeoman, of the Clockhouse, with usual conditions as 23 Property 665 27-Mar 1555 1555 to maintenance and bell-ringing. (Numbered 15). Seal A4 Clock House - Grant by John Sybley, son and heir of John Sybley, late one of the principal Miscellaneous burgesses of St Albans, deceased, who was surviving feoffee of the Clockhouse, to Deeds - William Rolfe, mayor, Nicholas Kempe, esquire, steward, Robert Carter and other Corporation principal burgesses of St Albans (named) of the Clockhouse in Cordwainers Row 23 Property 666 21-Feb 1586/7 1586/7 for the public use. (Numbered 16). Clock House - Miscellaneous Lease by the Mayor and Burgesses to Robert Woolley, one of the principal Deeds - burgesses, of "all that tenement shopp, shedd rooms and buildings commonly Corporation called by the name of the Clockhouse". Wooley is to provide a "sufficient person to 24 Property 667 10-Dec 1594 1594 kepe the Clock ordelye" and ring the bell. (Numbered 17). Fragment of seal. A4 Clock House - Lease by the Mayor, aldermen and burgesses of the St Albans to John Winstanley, Miscellaneous citizen and painterstainer of London, of the Clockhouse "over against the late Deeds - Crosse" and adjoining a tenement of the Mayor, Aldermen and Burgesses called Corporation the Rose and Crown; the Clock and Town Bell being excepted from the lease. 24 Property 669 14-Jun 1676 1676 (Numbered 2). Seal A4

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 39 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Clock House - Miscellaneous Deeds - Corporation 24 Property 668 14-Jun 1676 1676 Bond in connection with above (No. 669) A4 Holywell Street - Miscellaneous List of "deeds and writings of the house in Holywell Street now in the occupation of Deeds - the Widow Bigg given to the Mayor and Aldermen and their successors to maintain Corporation the state of the Corporation Dated 18 December 10 Eliz" (AD 1567). (All now 24 Property 670 - 1469 1573/4 missing except the following deed) A4 Holywell Street - Miscellaneous Bargain and sale by John Burges and Edward Wotton of London, doctors of Deeds - medicine to John Atkins, dyer, of their tenement in Holywell Street abutting on the Corporation Charnal House, formerly parcel of the possession of the monastery of St Albans. 24 Property 671 26-Dec 1538 1538 (Numbered 10). 2 seals (see also pp 27-28) A4

Parsonage House - Miscellaneous Deeds - Corporation "Box of all the writings of the Parsonable House belonging to the parish of St 24 Property 672 - 1571 1675 Albans". (Some deeds listed here are now missing) A4

Parsonage House - Miscellaneous Grant by Sir Richard Lee of Sopwell, knight, to Richard Collett of St Albans, Deeds - yeoman, of a messuage in Holywell Street, opposite the White Hart Inn. Letter of Corporation attorney to Robert Shrympton of St Albans to deliver sesin. (Numbered 1). 24 Property 673 01-Sep 1571 1571 Signature. Seal missing A4

Parsonage House - Miscellaneous Deeds - Corporation 24 Property 674 01-Sep 1571 1571 Bond in connection with above (No. 673). Signature. Seal A4

Parsonage House - Miscellaneous Deeds - Corporation Probate of the will of Richard Collett of St Albans, yeoman, dated 3 July 1583. 25 Property 675 19-Nov 1588 1588 (Numbered 2). Seal missing A4

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 40 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book

Parsonage House - Miscellaneous Deeds - Corporation 25 Property 676A 07-Jan 1593/4 1593/4 Bond in connection with the following (nos. 676 & 677?). Signature. Seal

Parsonage House - Miscellaneous Bargain and sale by Thomas Coomes of Ebbesborne, co. Wilts, freemason (Brother Deeds - and heir of Joan Jackson, deceased, late wife of Anthony Jackson of St Albans, Corporation and some time wife of Richard Collett of the same, deceased) to the said Anthony 25 Property 676 07-Jan 1593/4 1593/4 Jackson of a messuage in Holywell Street. (Numbered 3). Signature. Seal A4

Parsonage House - Miscellaneous Deeds - Corporation 25 Property 677 07-Jan 1593/4 1593/4 Bargain and sale as above (no. 676). Signature. Seal A4

Parsonage House Bond between James Coomes of Fordingbridge, co. Hants, yeoman, Edward - Miscellaneous Dowman of New Sarum, co. Wilts., yeoman, and Margery his wife, 1st, and Anthony Deeds - Jackson of St Albans yeoman, 2nd, for Margery to claim no dower out of the Corporation messuage in Holywell Street sold to Anthony Jackson by Thomas Coomes, her 25 Property 678 02-Nov 1601 1601 former husband. (numbered 4). Signatures. Seals A4

Parsonage House - Miscellaneous Quitclaim by James Combes of Fordinbridge, co. Hants., yeoman, son and heir of Deeds - Thomas Combes, late of Ebbesborne, co. Wilts, freemason, to Anthony Jackson of Corporation St Albans, yeoman, of his interest in the messuage in Holywell Street sold to the 25 Property 679 12-Apr 1608 1608 last named by Thomas Coombes. (Numbered 5). Signature. Seal (broken) A4

Parsonage House Covenant between Anthony Jackson of St Albans, grocer, 1st, and Henry - Miscellaneous Willoughby, of the Inner Temple, London esquire, and William Pitchforde of St Deeds - Albans, gentleman, 2nd, to levy a fine to settle tenements in St Peter's parish and in Corporation Holywell Street on the said Anthony Jackson and Rebecca his wife. (Numbered 6). 25 Property 680 11-Feb 1621/2 1621/2 Signatures. 1 seal attached. 1 missing A4 Covenant between Richard Ruth the elder of St Albans, grocer, and Alice his wife, Parsonage House and Anthony Jackson of the same, chandler, 1st, Edward Rambridge of the same, - Miscellaneous yeoman, and William Tisdale of Cowley, co. Middlesex, glover, 2nd, and Roger Deeds - Smyth of London, gentleman, and William Ellis of St Albans, gentleman, 3rd, for the Corporation conveyance to Rambridge and Tisdale of the messuage in Holywell Street. 25 Property 682 13-Nov 1638 1638 Signatures. Seals. (Numbered 8) A4

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 41 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Bargain and sale (enrolled) by Richard Ruth of St Albans, gentleman, and Alice his Parsonage House wife to Edward Rambridge of St Albans, yeoman, and William Tisdale of Cowley, - Miscellaneous co. Middlesex, glover, of a messuage on the west side of Holywell Street, adjoining Deeds - a lane leading from the street to the Free School. (Anthony Jackson joins with Corporation Richard Ruth in the covenants but is not given as a party to the deed). Signature. 2 26 Property 681 13-Nov 1638 1638 seals. (Numbered 7) A4

Parsonage House - Miscellaneous Deeds - Corporation Exemplification of recovery in connection with the above (No. 681). Seal missing. 26 Property 683 28-Nov 1638 1638 (Numbered 9) A4

Parsonage House - Miscellaneous Deeds - Bargain and sale by Anthony Jackson of St Albans, chandler, and Rebecca is wife Corporation to Henry Jackson, a son of the above, and Isabel his wife of a messuage in 26 Property 684 26-Jan 1652/3 1652/3 Holywell Street. Signature. Seals missing. (Numbered 10). A4

Parsonage House - Miscellaneous Deeds - Mortgage by Anthony Jackson of St Albans chandler and Rebecca his wife to Corporation Robert Newe of the same, draper, of a messuage in Holywell Street. Seals missing. 26 Property 685 28-Jan 1653/4 1653/4 (Numbered 11) A4

Parsonage House - Miscellaneous Mortgage by Anthony Jackson of St Albans grocer and Rebecca his wife and Henry Deeds - Jackson, citizen and haberdasher of London, and Isabell his wife to Richard Corporation Williams, citizen and innholder of London of a messuage in Holywell Street. 26 Property 686 31-May 1655 1655 Signatures. 4 seals. (Numbered 12) A4

Parsonage House - Miscellaneous Deeds - Corporation 26 Property 728 31-May 1655 1655 Bond in connection with the above (No. 686). Signatures. 2 seals A4

Parsonage House Assignment by Alice Williams of St Mary Bothaw, London, widow and administrix of - Miscellaneous Richard Williams, citizen and innholder of London, to John Basford of Coleman Deeds - Street London, tobacconist of a mortgage on a messuage in Holywell Street Corporation previously made to Richard Williams by Anthony Jackson and Rebecca his wife and 26 Property 688 16-Jul 1669 1669 Henry Jackson and Isabel his wife. Seal. (Numbered 14) A4

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 42 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book

Parsonage House - Miscellaneous Assignment by William Stanton and dyer of London to John Basford of Coleman Deeds - Street, London, tobacconist of a mortgage on a messuage in Holywell Street, Corporation previously made to William Stanton by Richard Williams. Signature. Seal. 27 Property 687 16-Jul 1669 1669 (Numbered 13) A4

Parsonage House - Miscellaneous Deeds - Release by Rebecca Jackson of St Peter's, St Albans, widow to John Basford, Corporation citizen and farrier of London of her interest in a messuage on the west side of 27 Property 689 06-Aug 1669 1669 Holywell Street. Seal. (Numbered 15). A4

Parsonage House - Miscellaneous Lease and release by Walton Jackson of St Albans, gentleman, son and heir of Deeds - Henry Jackson, late citizen and haberdasher of London, to Edward Carter of St Corporation Albans, clerk, of a messuage on the west side of Holywell Street, at the corner of a 27 Property 690, 691 30-Jul 1673 1673 lane leading to the Free School. Signature. Seal. (Numbered 16) A4 Holywell Street - Miscellaneous Lease by Robert Robotham of St Albans, esquire, and four of the aldermen, Deeds - trustees of the premises below for charitable uses, to Edmund How, the younger of Corporation the same, lathrender, of a messuage at the north end of Holywell Street, between a 27 Property 748 05-Dec 1673 1673 messuage called the Paradice and the yard of the Cross Keys Inn. Signature. Seal A4 Assignment by Temperance Basford, widow, executrix of John Basford late of Coleman Street, London, tobacconist (at the request of Walton Jackson of St Holywell Street - Albans) to Thomas Heyward, mayor the borough, gentleman, William Marston the Miscellaneous younger of S Albans, gentleman, and John New the younger of the same, pewterer, Deeds - in trust for Edward Carter of St Albans, clerk, of a mortgage and messuage in Corporation Holywell Street originally made by Anthony Jackson and others to Richard Williams. 27 Property 692 31-Mar 1674 1674 Signature. Seal. (Numbered 19) A4 Holywell Street - Miscellaneous Deeds - Bargain and sale by Edward Carter of St Albans, clerk, to Thomas Ouldham of the Corporation same, innholder, of a piece of the orchard of his messuage (in Holywell Street). 27 Property 956 10-Sep 1675 1675 Signature. Seal missing. (Numbered 20) - Holywell Street - Miscellaneous Bargain and sale by Edward Carter of St Albans, clerk, rector the parish church of Deeds - St Albans, to Samuel Grimston of Gorhambury, St Michaels, esquire, and ten other Corporation trustees, of a messuage in Holywell Street in trust for the same Edward Carter and 28 Property 959 04-Feb 1675/6 1675/6 succeeding rectors. Signature. Seal missing. (Numbered 21) -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 43 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Fishpool Street - Miscellaneous Deeds - Corporation Grant by Henry Gape of St Albans, yeoman, to Thomas Plotte of Pray (Lee praye) 28 Property 723 11-Nov 1563 1563 husbandman, of his tenement in Fishpool Street (Numbered 1) A4 Fishpool Street - Miscellaneous Deeds - Corporation Grant by Edmund Stoneham of St Albans, tanner, to John Gape of the same, 28 Property 724 11-Nov 1563 1563 yeoman, of a tenement in Fishpool Street otherwise "Salypathe". (Numbered 2) A4 Fishpool Street - Miscellaneous Deeds - Grant by Edmund Stoneham of St Albans, tanner, to John Gape of the same, Corporation yeoman, of his messuage with "Lekyllnehouse" and "le Millnehouse" in St Michaels 28 Property 725 10-Feb 1564/5 1564/5 Street previously granted to the same Edmund Stoneham by Richard Cordell A4 Fishpool Street - Miscellaneous Grant by John Gape of St Albans, yeoman, now mayor, to Edward Fayrechilde of Deeds - the same, miller, of a messuage with "Les Kyllnehouse" and "Myllhouse" at Corporation "Gounelstone" in "Sallipathe" otherwise St Michael's Street otherwise Fishpool 28 Property 726 02-Sep 1573 1573 Street. (Numbered 4) A4 Fishpool Street - Miscellaneous Deeds - Bargain and sale by Richard Graunge of St Albans, yeoman, and Alice his wife to Corporation Henry Wade of the same, joiner, of the reversion of a messuage in Fishpool Street. 28 Property 693 18-Mar 1574/5 1574/5 Seals missing. (Numbered 1) A4 Fishpool Street - Miscellaneous Deeds - Grant by Richard Grange of St Albans, yeoman, to John Gape and John Clerke, Corporation two principal burgesses, of a tenement and parcel of land in St Albans to the use of 28 Property 719 23-Sep 1587 1587 the mayor and burgesses. (Numbered 2) A4 Bargain and sale (enrolled) by John Fairechilde, citizen and barber-surgeon of London, Thomas Fairechilde of the city of Westminster, co. Middlesex, pewterer Fishpool Street - and Edward Fairechild, citizen and barber-surgeon of London to Thomas Turner of Miscellaneous Crofte, Co. Lincoln, gentleman, of their reversion (after the death of Joan, wife of Deeds - George Rose of Gaddesden, co. Hertford) to two messuages and an orchard at Corporation "Gomolston" in Sallypath otherwise St Michaels Street, otherwise Fishpool Street. 29 Property 732 07-Nov 1594 1594 Seals missing. (Numbered 6) A4 Fishpool Street - Miscellaneous Deeds - Corporation Quitclaim by Henry Wade to the mayor and burgesses of the messuage in Fishpool 29 Property 721 09-Mar 1601/2 1601/2 Street (to be leased to him below - no. 722). Seal missing A4

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 44 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Fishpool Street - Miscellaneous Deeds - Corporation Lease by the mayor and burgesses to Henry Wade of St Albans, joiner, of a 29 Property 722 10-Mar 1601/2 1601/2 messuage in Fishpool Street A4 Fishpool Street - Miscellaneous Bargain and sale by John Shadd of St Albans, tanner, to Edmund Goodacre of St Deeds - Michaels, innholder, and Margaret his wife of a barn in St Michaels Street otherwise Corporation Fishpool Street which descended to John Shadd under the will of Robert Shadd, his 29 Property 694 29-Oct 1622 1622 grandfather. Signature. (Numbered 7B). A4 Fishpool Street - Miscellaneous Deeds - Corporation 29 Property 695 29-Oct 1622 1622 Bond in connection with the above (No. 694). (Numbered 8) A4 Fishpool Street - Miscellaneous Deeds - Corporation Lease by the mayor and burgesses to Edmund Howe of St Albans, lathrender, of a 29 Property 696 06-Jul 1664 1664 messuage in Fishpool Street. Seal missing (Numbered 7) A4 Fishpool Street - Miscellaneous Deeds - Corporation 29 Property 697 06-Jul 1664 1664 Bond in connection with above (No. 696) Seal missing. A4 Fishpool Street - Miscellaneous Deeds - Lease by the mayor, aldermen and burgesses to Robert Griggorie of St Albans, Corporation labourer, of a newly built messuage between the highway and a void place of 29 Property 698 07-Aug 1672 1672 ground in Fishpool Street called Roome Land. Seal. (Numbered 7) A4 Fishpool Street - Miscellaneous Deeds - Corporation Lease by the mayor, aldermen and burgesses to Ellen Wilkinson of St Albans, 30 Property 699 13-Oct 1697 1697 widow, of a messuage in Fishpool Street. Seal. (Numbered 20). A4 St Peters Street - Miscellaneous Deeds - Lease by the mayor and burgesses to William Retchford of St Albans, clerk, of the Corporation parcel of ground before his new-built house in St Peter's Street whereon the porch 30 Property 700 23-Apr 1656 1656 of house stands. Signatures. Seal missing. (Numbered 16) A4

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 45 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book St Peters Street - Miscellaneous Lease by the mayor and burgesses to Thomas Watts of St Albans, butcher, of a Deeds - parcel of ground in the "Streete of the Borrough" (? St Peters Street) near the Hay Corporation Market whereupon part of the house of Thomas Watts stands. Fragment of seal. 30 Property 701 27-Aug 1656 1656 (Numbered 19) A4 St Peters Street - Assignment by Barnaby Lythale of St Albans, butcher, to Richard Stuttosbury of the Miscellaneous same, chandler, of a lease of a newly built tenement in St Peters Street, adjoining Deeds - the Townhouse and Woodyard originally made by Gilbert Stoughton, one of the Corporation principal burgesses to William Golston alias Golson alias Fuller, carpenter. 30 Property 702 22-Aug 1587 1587 Signature. Fragment of seal. (Numbered 24) A4 St Peters Street - Miscellaneous Deeds - Lease by Philip Tarbox, Thomas Marston and William Arnold, churchwardens of St Corporation Peters, to Edmund Howe of St Albans, lathrender, of two messuages on lands in St 30 Property 749 22-Jun 1670 1670 Peters Street belonging to the parish of St Peters. 3 seals. A4 St Peters Street - Miscellaneous Deeds - Lease by the mayor, aldermen and burgesses to Thomas Watts of St Albans, Corporation butcher, of a tenement in St Peters Street, abutting on a place called the Woodyard. 30 Property 703 31-May 1676 1676 (Numbered 18). Seal A4 St Peters Street - Miscellaneous Deeds - Corporation 30 Property 704 31-May 1676 1676 Bond in connection with the above (No. 703) A4 St Peters Street - Miscellaneous Lease by the mayor, aldermen and burgesses to John Andrews of St Albans, Deeds - shoemaker, of a newly built shop adjoining to the north side of the Engine House in Corporation St Peters Street. Interlineated to form draft of a further lease to Walter Beech, tallow 30 Property 705 19-Dec 1683 1683 chandler dated 15 June 1720. Signature. Seal A4 St Peters Street - Miscellaneous Deeds - Lease by the mayor, aldermen and burgesses to Elizabeth Watts of St Albans, Corporation widow, of a tenement in St Peter's Street abutting on a place formerly called the 31 Property 706 01-Mar 1698 1698 Woodyard. A4 Stalls - Miscellaneous Deeds - Lease by the mayor, aldermen and burgesses to Richard Martin, victualler, Thomas Corporation Watts, butcher, Margaret Kinder, widow, and George Feild, tanner, of a stall room in 31 Property 707-710 - 1676 1697 the market. Seals A4

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 46 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Fish Shambles - Miscellaneous Deeds - Corporation 31 Property 712 19-Mar 1672 1672 Bond in connection with the following (No. 711?) A4 Fish Shambles - Miscellaneous Lease by Thomas Cowley of St Albans, now mayor, John Gape and other trustees Deeds - of the property of the poor of the parish of St Albans to John Holland of St Albans, Corporation currier, of a messuage in the Fish Shambles adjoining the highway leading from the 31 Property 711 19-Mar 1672 1672 malt market towards the hay market on the east. Seal. (Numbered 14) A4 Fish Shambles - Miscellaneous Deeds - Corporation Further lease of the same (see 711) by John Gape and Thomas Cowley, two of the 31 Property 714 23-Aug 1693 1693 aldermen, to Edward Wilson of St Albans, innholder. Signature. Seal A4 Fish Shambles - Miscellaneous Deeds - Corporation Draft of a lease by Thomas Wooley, mayor, and ten of the principal burgesses, to 31 Property 713 20-Jan 1582/3 1582/3 William Harvey of St Albans, butcher, of a messuage in the Fish Shambles. A4 Dagnall Lane - Miscellaneous Grant by Richard Purs, smith, and John Broke, yeoman, to Edmund West, Thomas Deeds - Smyth, colourmaker, Thomas West, John Hole and William Drayton of a messuage Corporation and garden in Dagnall Lane adjoining the garden of the Abbot and Convent of the 31 Property 730 12-Jul 1482 1482 Monastery. One seal attached, one missing. (Numbered 12) A4 Dagnall Lane - Miscellaneous Deeds - Lease by the mayor, aldermen and burgesses to William Dobson of St Albans, Corporation esquire, of a tenement in Dagnall Lane; a previous lease of the same, made to 31 Property 744 01-Feb 1612/3 1612/3 Edward Smith having been surrendered. Signature. Seal A4 Dagnall Lane - Miscellaneous Deeds - Lease by the mayor, aldermen and burgesses to Susan Kinder of St Albans, widow, Corporation of a stable adjoining a lane leading from the north end of the Butchers Shambles to 31 Property 755 29-Mar 1672 1672 the hay market, and of a yard in Dagnall Lane. Seal missing. A4 Cross Keys - Miscellaneous Unexecuted covenant between John Brand of the precinct of St Martin's Le Grand, Deeds - London, tailor, and Raphael Pemberton of Sopwell, esquire, concerning the Corporation purchase by the former of the Cross Keys a cottage and tenement in St Albans 32 Property 953 24-Jul 1610 1610 (used as a wrapper for 'Sundry Accounts') -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 47 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Cross Keys - Miscellaneous Deeds - Corporation 32 Property 954 Trinity 1618 1618 Copy of Exchequer order to discharge the Cross Keys Inn of a debt - Cross Keys - Miscellaneous Deeds - Corporation Copy a lease by John Howland, esquire, and seven others to Thomas Dawlton alias 32 Property 751 24-Mar 1642/3 1642/3 Symons of St Albans, innholder, of the Cross Keys Inn A4

Various properties - Miscellaneous Deeds - Grant by Agnes Laverock of St Albans, widow, kinswoman and heir of Stephen Corporation Mamie, deceased to Ralph Done, mayor and 9 others of her 7 messuages in St 32 Property 735 08-Oct 1558 1558 Albans. (Numbered 19) A4

Various properties - Miscellaneous Deeds - Corporation Indenture of fine between William Frances, plaintiff and John Clerke and Elizabeth 32 Property 734 Michaelmas 1561 1561 his wife, defendants, of a messuage etc in St Albans A4

Various properties - Miscellaneous Lease by Robert Woolley, mayor, and ten principal burgesses to Nicholas Deeds - Studdyburye of St Albans, barber, of a tenement and garden over against the Pillory Corporation at the upper end of the butchery. Endorsed "Gilbert Stoughton his graunt of a 32 Property 731 06-May 1562 1562 tenement to the maior and burgesses". A4

Various properties - Miscellaneous Bond between Richard Platt, citizen and brewer of London, 1st, and Richard Sealle Deeds - of St Albans, gentleman, and Robert his son, 2nd, for the performance of covenant Corporation in a bargain and sale (? of a property in St Albans) dated 15 October 1569. Seals 32 Property 720 04-Feb 1569/70 1569/70 missing. A4

Various properties - Miscellaneous Deeds - Corporation 32 Property 727 17-Apr 1582 1582 Bond in connection with the following (Nos. 733 & 729?) A4

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Various properties - Miscellaneous Deeds - Corporation Letter of attorney by the mayor and burgesses to Thomas Wolley of St Albans, 32 Property 733 21-Sep 1582 1582 mercer, to receive seisin of the messuage to be conveyed by Gilbert Stoughton. A4

Various properties - Miscellaneous Deeds - Bargain and sale by Gilbert Stoughton the elder of St Albans, butcher, to the Mayor Corporation and burgesses of his messuage "in the utter ende of the Flesh-shambles" next St 32 Property 729 21-Sep 1582 1582 Peter's Street. Seal missing (Numbered 23). A4

Various properties - Miscellaneous Deeds - Copies of a court roll of the manor of Newland Squillers: admission ot Leonard Corporation Woolley, Robert Ivory and Ralph Pemberton to Great and Little Bulloms and lands 33 Property 716-718 - 1631 1632 in Burrough Field as trustees for the Free School. (Numbered 3, 4 & 5) A4

Various properties - Miscellaneous Deeds - Copies of court rolls of the manor of Newland Squillers; licence to let and admission Corporation to Great Bullams and Little Bullams closes and land Borroughfeild (held in trust for 33 Property 957, 958 - 1632 1675 the Free School) (Numbered 7 & 8; 4th April 1632 & 14th October 1675 only) -

Various properties - Miscellaneous Lease by John Robotham of St Peter's, esquire, to Nicholas Sparlinge of St Albans, Deeds - haberdasher, of the messuages in which the latter lives: which, with other property Corporation is held in trust for half the profits to go towards the repairing of the Abbey church 33 Property 752 01-Oct 1635 1635 and half to the relief of the poor of St Peter's parish. Seal. A4

Various properties Deed of gift by Anne Goldsmyth of St Albans, widow of Francis Goldsmith, esquire, - Miscellaneous late of High Holborn, co. Middlesex, to Richard Ruth, mayor of St Albans, Ralph Deeds - Pollard, one of the principal burgesses, John Sympson and Fromabove Dove of Corporation twenty pounds in trust for the profits from it to be used for the relief of the poor of St 33 Property 761 18-Jun 1641 1641 Albans parish. Signature. Seals missing. A4

Various properties - Miscellaneous Deeds - Lease by the mayor and burgesses to Thomas Hayward of St Albans, ironmonger, Corporation and Raphe Bradberrie of the same, grocer, of the xxx lately made up in the market 33 Property 736 22-Jan 1650 1650 house, under the stairs which go up to the cornshops of the said market house. A4

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Various properties - Miscellaneous Deeds - Lease by the mayor, aldermen and burgesses to John Kinge of St Albans, esquire, Corporation of the parcel of ground in the street before the house of the said John Kinge. 33 Property 743 14-Dec 1653 1653 Signature. Seal missing. A4

Various properties - Miscellaneous Deeds - Lease by the mayor, aldermen and burgesses to Thomas Aris of St Albans, doctor Corporation in physic, of the ground before the dwelling house of the said Thomas Aris in 33 Property 741 12-Aug 1657 1657 Bowgate, St Albans. Signature. Seal missing. A4

Various properties - Miscellaneous Leases by the mayor, aldermen and burgesses to Geofrey Scholfeild, fellmonger, Deeds - Thomas Ouldham, innholder, Anthony Wilson, innholder, and Francis Halford, Corporation 757-759; gentleman, respectively of the cornshops in the upper room of the Market House. 33 Property 762 - 1672 1712 Signatures. Seals. A4

Various properties - Miscellaneous Leases by the mayor, aldermen and burgesses to John Dixon of St Albans, Deeds - husbandman, and John Cowley of the same, baker, respectively of a messuage Corporation formerly called the Rose & Crown, abutting on the Market Place towards the east 34 Property 738 - 1673/4 1694/5 and French Row towards the west. Signatures. Seals (broken). A4

Various properties - Miscellaneous Deeds - Lease by John Roberts of Ridge, gentleman, and Mary his wife to Samuel Turner of Corporation St Albans, miller, of a windmill in Sandridge in a field adjoining Barnett Heath. 34 Property 760 16-Oct 1675 1675 Signatures. 1 seal attached. 1 missing A4

Various properties - Miscellaneous Lease by the mayor, aldermen and burgesses to William Pembroke of St Albans, Deeds - ironmonger, of the parcel of ground in the street on the south side of the latter's Corporation house, with liberty to fence the same. Endorsed "Mr Wm Pembroke lease of a plott 34 Property 754 17-Apr 1678 1678 of ground in ye Leather Markett on wch his Buttery stands". Signature. Seal missing A4

Various properties - Miscellaneous Deeds - Corporation Lease by the mayor, aldermen and burgesses to Richard Fearnsley of St Albans, 34 Property 763 31-Mar 1680 1680 carpenter, of a messuage, now divided in two, in Sopwell Lane. Signature. Seal A4

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Various properties - Miscellaneous Lease by the mayor, aldermen and burgesses to John Sollioke of St Albans, Deeds - gentleman, of a plot of ground near the Cross whereon the sign post of his inn, the Corporation Red Lion, stands, and of the liberty to have two "sinks" issuing out of the inn into the 34 Property 737 29-Aug 1683 1683 highway. Signature. Seal. A4

Various properties - Miscellaneous Deeds - Lease by the mayor, aldermen and burgesses to Nicholas Sparlinge of St Albans, Corporation haberdasher, of a parcel of ground in the street on the north side of the dwelling 34 Property 745 19-Dec 1683 1683 house of the said Nicholas Sparling with liberty to fence the same. Signature. Seal A4

Various properties - Miscellaneous Deeds - Lease by the Mayor, Aldermen & Burgesses to John Grover of Sopwell, St Peter's, Corporation yeoman, of a messuage now divided into two, in Cooks Row, adjoining the George 34 Property 746 15-Oct 1684 1684 Inn on the east and the Flower de Luce on the north. Seal. A4

Various properties - Miscellaneous Deeds - Corporation 34 Property 747 15-Oct 1684 1684 Bond in connection with the above (No. 746). A4

Various properties - Miscellaneous Deeds - Corporation Lease by "Raphell" Pemberton of Sopwell, esquire, and Elizabeth his wife to John 35 Property 753 21-Apr 1684 1684 Woolled of St Albans, surgeon, of a house in Middle Street. Seal missing A4

Various properties - Miscellaneous Lease by Thomas Eccleston, deputy mayor, and seven of the aldermen, trustees of Deeds - the lands of the Free School, to Robert Robotham of St Peter's, esquire, of Great Corporation Bullams and Little Bullams closes in St Peter's, near the Borough of St Albans. 35 Property 715 13-Jul 1686 1686 Signature. Seal. A4

Various properties Lease (for a peppercorn rent) by the Mayor, Aldermen & Burgesses to Anthony - Miscellaneous Farrington, serjeant at law and Recorder of St Albans, of "those severall bays of Deeds - buildings in one entire range" fronting Spicer Street, to be made into a habitation for Corporation the poor persons in pursuance of the will of Richard Reinshaw dated 1569. 35 Property 756 08-Apr 1691 1691 Signature. Seal. A4

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Various properties - Miscellaneous Lease by the Mayor, Aldermen & Burgesses to William Beastney and to Robert Deeds - Robinson, both of St Albans, butchers, of a messuage over against the Corporation Counterhouse or Common Hall. Endorsed "lease of the house against the Pillory". 35 Property 739 08-Dec 1697 1697 Signature. Seal (Broken) A4

Various properties - Miscellaneous Lease by the Mayor, Aldermen & Burgesses to William Beastney and to Robert Deeds - Robinson, both of St Albans, butchers, of a messuage over against the Corporation Counterhouse or Common Hall. Endorsed "lease of the house against the Pillory". 35 Property 742 24-Mar 1674/5 1674/5 Signature. Seal (Broken) A4

Various properties Lease by the Mayor, Aldermen & Burgesses to John Midwinter of the Borough, - Miscellaneous barber surgeon, of two messuages formerly in the tenure of William Martin and now Deeds - in the occupation of xxx Wildes, widow, and John Leonard, tailor of Cooks Row Corporation between the George Inn and the "Flower de Luce" Inn for 41 years at a rental of £3 35 Property 764 17-Mar 1702 1702 a year. A4 Lease by the Mayor etc. to Thomas Ramridge of St Albans, barber surgeon, of a Various properties messuage or tenement between the messuage of Elizabeth Watts, widow, and a - Miscellaneous lane leading from the Butchers Shambles to the Hay Market for 21 years, at a rental Deeds - of 30s yearly. Signature of William Stone. Armorial seal of the Borough. Endorsed Corporation with covenant allowing the lessee to remove various brewing implements if he so 35 Property 765 05-Sep 1705 1705 desires. A4

Various properties - Miscellaneous Lease by Richard Floyd of St Albans, innholder, to William Kilby of the same, Deeds - gardener, of "all those rooms, chambers, closets, cellars" etc belonging to an inn Corporation called the Cross Keys in a street called Holywell Street. (Description of rooms 36 Property 766 04-Apr 1708 1707 given) For 18 years. Rental £6 yearly. Signature. A4

Various properties - Miscellaneous Deeds - Lease by the Mayor etc to William Lockey senior of St Albans, farrier, of a tenement Corporation and stable next a tenement of Andrew Coy, butcher, in a lane from Butchers 36 Property 767 01-Dec 1708 1708 Shambles to Haymarket. Term 21 years. Rental 30s a year. Signature. Seal. A4

Various properties Lease by Mayor etc to Edmond Ayleward of St Albans, gentleman, of a plot of - Miscellaneous ground adjoining an inn called the "Christopher" in Dagnall Lane extending from the Deeds - Bowling Green of Mr Joseph Marshall to a lane leading to the said inn. Term 60 Corporation years. Rental 2s 6d a year. Document cut. Part of signature of xxx Hubbard Mayor. 36 Property 768 19-Jul 1710 1710 No seal. A4

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Various properties - Miscellaneous Deeds - Corporation 36 Property 769 19-Jul 1710 1710 Counterpart of above (no. 768). Signature. Seal. A4

Various properties - Miscellaneous Deeds - Abstract of title of mortgage of two messuages in St Peters with a "pightell of Corporation pasture ground" extending from a ditch called Towneman Ditch showing various 36 Property 770 - 1711 1821 assignments down to the trustees of Mary Bennworth (sic) A4

Various properties - Miscellaneous Deeds - Corporation 36 Property 771 - 1711 1827 Fuller abstract of title of the premises described in no. 770 above A4

Various properties - Miscellaneous Deeds - Corporation 36 Property 772 - 1711 1821 Original mortgage described in no.770 above. Signatures. Seal. A4

Various properties - Miscellaneous Deeds - Will and probate in the PCC of John Rose of St Pauls Shadwell about to go on a Corporation voyage to the coast of Barberry in the "good ship called the Rose Capt Joseph 36 Property 773 19-Jan 1712/3 1712/3 Batchelor. Commander". Bequeaths property at St Albans to William Cordier. A4

Various properties - Miscellaneous Deeds - Sale by Charles Turner of St Albans, butcher, to George Cooke, surgeon, of a Corporation messuage and garden and land called Bottons mead and Crabb Tree in the parish 36 Property 774-775 26-Feb 1712 1712 of St Peters. Signature. Seal. A4

Various properties - Miscellaneous Deeds - Corporation Mortgage of above (no. 774-775) to John Gape of St Albans, esquire. Signatures. 36 Property 776 02-Mar 1713 1713 Seals. A4

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Various properties - Miscellaneous Deeds - Corporation 37 Property 777 01-Mar 1713 1713 Sale of above (no. 776?) to John Gape. Signature. Seal A4

Various properties - Miscellaneous Deeds - Corporation 37 Property 778-779 Easter term 1714 1714 Fines relating to the same property (Nos. 774-775) A4

Various properties - Miscellaneous Sale by John Gape, Charles Turner and Sarah his wife to Charles Middleton of St Deeds - Albans, gentleman, of the same property. (Nos. 774-775). Signatures. Seals. Corporation Endorsed receipt by "S Marlborough", one of the executors of John Duke of 37 Property 780-781 03-May 1715 1715 Marlborough dated 23 June 1726 A4

Various properties Lease by John Gape, esquire, Thomas Gape, esquire, Francis Carter, William - Miscellaneous Neale, James Agutter, and John Midwinter, gentlemen, and the Rev. John Cole, Deeds - rector of St Albans to John Lockey of St Albans, blacksmith, of a messuage in the Corporation Fish Shambles between the highway leading from the "Malt Markett" to the 37 Property 782 12-May 1719 1719 Haymarket. Term: 21 years. Rental £10 yearly. Signature. Seals A4

Various properties - Miscellaneous Lease by Mayor etc. to Walter Beech of St Albans, grocer, of a piece of waste Deeds - ground in Malt Market formerly called by the name of the sign of the Bare and Corporation Ragged Shaft and abutting on a lane called Rosemarly Lane. Term 99 years. 37 Property 783 15-Jun 1720 1720 Rental 4d. Signature. Seal (Broken) A4 Lease by John Gape of St Albans, esquire, Thomas Gape, esquire, Francis Carter, Various properties William Neale, James Agutter and John Midwinter, gentlemen, four of the aldermen - Miscellaneous of the Borough, and Rev John Cole, Rector of the parish church to John Lockey of Deeds - St Albans, blacksmith, of a messuage into two tenements divided in Fish Shambles Corporation between the Malt Market and the Maymarket for 21 years. Rent £10. Signature. 37 Property 784 12-May 1719 1719 Seal. A4 Lease by Gilbert Stoughton a burgess to William Golston alias Golson alias Fuller Various properties of St Albans, carpenter, of a new builded tenement or hall in St Peters Street - Miscellaneous adjoining "nigh to the Townehouse and Woodyards there between a butchers Deeds - shoppe" on the south and the Town Hall on the west and the dwelling house of Corporation Nicholas Stutteburye on the east for 21 years. Rent 13s 4d. The mark of Gilbert 37 Property 785 01-Aug 1580 1580 Stoughton. A4

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Various properties - Miscellaneous Deeds - Corporation Lease by the Mayor etc to Thomas Norris of St Albans, mealman of a piece of 37 Property 786 02-Aug 1676 1676 ground in St Albans in Dagnall Lane for 60 years. Rent 5s. Signature. Seal broken. A4

Various properties Lease and release by Sarah Turner, widow, James Turner, her son, and xxx - Miscellaneous Middleton, spinster, only daughter of Charles Middleton deceased, to Edmund Deeds - Pelham of St Martin in the Fields, laceman, of a messuage known by the name of Corporation the Crabtree in the occupation of Thomas Chandler and John Tristram near Upper 38 Property 787-788 22-Jul 1726 1726 Gumbards. Signatures. Seals (Armorial) A4 Marriage settlement on marriage of John Ashwell of Grove Mill, Watford, and Sarah Turner of St Albans, spinster, whereby a messuage n Church Street alias Cook Various properties Row in St Albans (left to Ann Turner now Reeves, the said Sarah and Mary Turner, - Miscellaneous all sisters by Michael Sanders) and a water mill Mansion House etc called Abbey Deeds - Mills (after the death of Ann Thomas mother of the said Sarah) are settled upon Corporation Thomas Dagnal of Watford Mill, millwright, and Samuel Dagnal of New Barnes Mill, 38 Property 789 24-Feb 1731 1731 miller. Signatures. Seals (armorial) A4

Various properties - Miscellaneous Lease by the Mayor etc to John Gape of the Borough, esquire, in consideration of Deeds - the money laid out by the said John Gape in the repair of a well in St Peters Street Corporation next the house of Adam Munn, of the said well for 99 years at a peppercorn rent. 38 Property 790 14-Feb 1732 1732 Signature. Seal (Armorial) A5

Various properties Lease by the Mayor etc to Andrew Coy of the Borough, yeoman, of a messuage - Miscellaneous divided into two tenements in St Peters Street abutting a place called the Woodyard Deeds - and the highway leading from St Peters Church to the Flesh Shambles, together Corporation with the liberty to place on butchers stall in the street on Market days and fair days. 38 Property 791 10-May 1732 1732 Terms 31 years. Rent 52s 8d. Mark of Andrew Coy. A5

Various properties - Miscellaneous Deeds - Corporation 38 Property 792 10-May 1732 1732 Counterpart of the above (no. 791) with Mayoral seal A5

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Various properties - Miscellaneous Deeds - Lease by the Mayor etc to William Lockey the elder of St Albans, farrier, of a stable Corporation in the land leading from the north end of the Butchers Shambles to the May market 38 Property 793 07-Mar 1732 1732 for 21 years. Rent 30s. Signature. Seal (armorial) A5

Various properties - Miscellaneous Deeds - Corporation Lease by the Mayor to William Lockey the elder, farrier, as in No. 793. Terms 21 38 Property 794 01-Dec 1708 1708 years. Rent 30s. Signature of Joseph Marshall, mayor and Mayor Seal. A5

Various properties - Miscellaneous Lease by Mayor Francis Carter, Thomas Gape of Dunstable and John Smith of St Deeds - Peters to William Niccoll esquire, one of the Aldermen of the Borough of a Corporation messuage called the Cross Keys Inn for 21 years. Rent £5. Signature. Seal 38 Property 795 09-Sep 1733 1733 (Armorial). A5

Various properties - Miscellaneous Deeds - Lease by William Niccoll, mayor, and others, trustees of the Cross Keys charity to Corporation Thomas Goodson of St Albans, innholder, of he messuage or inn called the Cross 39 Property 796 28-May 1735 1735 Keys for 7 years. Rent £35. A5

Various properties - Miscellaneous Deeds - Corporation Lease by the Mayor etc to Francis Halford of St Albans, gentleman, of a cornshop 39 Property 797 23-Jul 1712 1712 or upper room in the market house of the Borough for 31 years. Rent 5s. A5

Various properties - Miscellaneous Deeds - Lease leading to a release by Susanna Bates of St Albans, widow of Thomas Corporation Bates, late of St Albans mealman, to Mathew Iremonger of St Albans, grocer of a 39 Property 798 26-May 1740 1740 messuage in St Peters Street. Signature. Seal. A5

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 56 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Letters Patent of George II exemplifying an inquisition held in the house of John Adams of Fleet Street St Dunstans in the West, London, to enquire whether James Edmonds the elder, late of the Minnings in the parish of St Stephens, co. Hertford, Various properties but late of St Dunstans aforesaid whereby it was found that the said James - Miscellaneous Edmonds was a lunatic. Custody of he person and lands of the same James Deeds - Edmonds is granted to John Edmonds of Minnings aforesaid, yeoman, Thomas Corporation Heath of St Clements Danes mathematical instrument maker and Thomas Killy of 39 Property 799 14-Dec 1738 1738 St Andrews, Holborn, coffee man. A5

Various properties - Miscellaneous Deeds - Corporation Copy of act of administration of goods of William Gape of St Albans esquire granted 39 Property 800 02-Jul 1742 1742 to Thomas Gape his son, Hester Gape widow renouncing A5

Various properties - Miscellaneous Lease by Mayor etc in consideration of £12 7s 6d paid to Thomas Allen of St Deeds - Albans gentleman of a plot belonging to the Christopher Inn in Dagnall Lane Corporation stretching from the "Bowling Green" of Archibald Finney to the passage leading to 39 Property 801 24-Aug 1743 1743 the said inn for 99 years at a peppercorn rent. A5

Various properties - Miscellaneous Deeds - Lease by Mayor etc to James Long the elder of St Albans, grocer, of a messuage Corporation etc in Holywell Hill abutting west upon the Abbey Orchard for 39 years. Rent 6d. 39 Property 802 01-Jun 1743 1743 Signature. Seal. A5

Various properties - Miscellaneous Deeds - Corporation Opinion of John Fonblanque as to property in St Albans devised under the will of 39 Property 803 27-Oct 1821 1821 Edmund Pelham. A5

Various properties - Miscellaneous Deeds - Corporation 39 Property 804 - 1821 1821 Abstracts of title submitted with No. 803 A5

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 57 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book

Various properties - Miscellaneous Deeds - Corporation Abstract showing descent of estate vested in Benjamin Benion and Martha Pelham 39 Property 805 - 1754 1754 under will of Edmond Pelham A5

Various properties - Miscellaneous Deeds - Corporation 39 Property 806 23-Jun 1748 1748 Copy of will of Edmond Pelham A5

Various properties - Miscellaneous Deeds - Corporation Copy of administration of goods of Benjamin Benion of St Pauls, Covent Garden, to 40 Property 807 10-Jul 1754 1754 Mary his widow A5

Various properties - Miscellaneous Deeds - Corporation 40 Property 808 - 1758 1763 Abstract of title to property in St Peters Street A5

Various properties - Miscellaneous Deeds - Corporation Attested copy of lease and release of above property; Mote Lancaster and Alice his 40 Property 809 24-Nov 1758 1758 wife to John Reynolds A5

Various properties - Miscellaneous Deeds - Corporation 40 Property 810 30-Jun 1760 1760 Office copy of will of Mary Pelham of St Albans, spinster A5

Various properties - Miscellaneous Deeds - Corporation 40 Property 811 26-Jan 1763 1763 Office copy of will of Martha Pelham of St Martins in the Fields, widow A5

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 58 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book

Various properties - Miscellaneous Deeds - Attested copy of indenture between Elizabeth Battell of Kimpton, widow 1st and Corporation John Reynolds of St Albans, victualler. Premises in St Peters Street between the 40 Property 812 24-Jun 1763 1763 "Old Crab Tree" and the tenement late of John Hall but now of Joseph Hall. A5

Various properties - Miscellaneous Deeds - Corporation Office copy of letters of administration of the estate of Benjamin Benion of St Pauls, 40 Property 813 24-Mar 1764 1764 Covent Garden, granted to Mary his widow A5

Various properties - Miscellaneous Deeds - Lease and release and fines: John Benyon of Bedford Row, co. Middlesex, Corporation gentleman and Mary his wife 1st AND Walter Parks of St Albans, woolcomber, 2nd. 40 Property 814-817 30-Sep 1766 1766 Premises known as the Crab Tree in St Peters Street. Signatures. Seals (armorial) A5

Various properties - Miscellaneous Deeds - Corporation Mortgage. Walter Parks of St Albans, woolcomber, to Frederick Vander Meulen of 40 Property 818 21-Jul 1769 1769 the same, esquire. Crab Tree estate in St Peters Street. Signature. Seal. A5

Various properties Attested copy of lease and release by Commissioners of Land Tax appointed for St - Miscellaneous Albans 1st, John Reynolds of St Albans, victualler 2nd, Walter Parks of the same, Deeds - woolcomber, 3rd, George Pembroke of the same, esquire, Receiver General of the Corporation said Borough, 4th. A messuage containing half an acre adjoining Crab Tree in St 40 Property 819 19-Aug 1769 1769 Peters Street. A5

Various properties - Miscellaneous Deeds - Lease. Mayor etc of St Albans to Henry Norris of the same, mealman. Property Corporation abutting upon the Clock House south and the "Womans Market" west. 21 years. 40 Property 820 02-May 1770 1770 Rent £8 per annum. Signature. Seal. A5

Various properties - Miscellaneous Lease: Robert Baskerfield of St Albans, draper, Francis Carter Niccoll of the same, Deeds - esquire and Thomas Kinder of the same, esquire, to John Byrchmore of the same, Corporation cooper. Premises in Church Street alias Cook Row. 21 years. Rent £2 10s 0d p.a. 41 Property 821 22-Jun 1771 1771 Signatures. Seals (Armorial) A5

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 59 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book

Various properties - Miscellaneous Deeds - Corporation Assignment of mortgage mentioned in No. 818 to Elizabeth Taylor, widow, now of 41 Property 822 23-Jul 1771 1771 St Albans but late of St Michaels. Signature. Seal A5

Various properties - Miscellaneous Deeds - Lease: Mayor etc of St Albans to Thomas Wilkins of the same, cordwainer. Corporation Messuage commonly called the Clock House. Term 21 years. Rent £8 p.a. 41 Property 823 04-Aug 1773 1773 Signature. Seal A5

Various properties - Miscellaneous Deeds - Lease and release by way of mortgage. Walter Parks of St Albans, gentleman, 1st Corporation and John Howard of the same, gentleman, of Crab Tree property. Bond. Signature. 41 Property 824-826 - 1773 1774 Seal A5

Various properties - Miscellaneous Deeds - Corporation Attested copy of Will of John Howard formerly of Southend in the parish of 41 Property 827 05-Dec 1775 1775 Redbourn but "now of St Albans" A5

Various properties - Miscellaneous Deeds - Agreement between Walter Parks of St Albans, gentleman, and Thomas Corporation Benniworth of St Albans, watchmaker, for sale of various properties in St Peters 41 Property 828 10-Jun 1778 1778 Street A5

Various properties - Miscellaneous Lease and release: Sarah Howard of St Albans, widow of John Howard, William Deeds - Howard of Flamstead, labourer, eldest brother and heir at law of the said John Corporation Howard, and Walter Parks of St Peters, gentleman,1st and Thomas Benniworth, 41 Property 829-831 29-Aug 1778 1778 watchmaker, 2nd. The Crab Tree Estate. Bond. Signature. Seals A5

Various properties - Miscellaneous Deeds - Corporation Lease by Mayor etc of St Albans to Charles Clarke, innholder, of premises in Cook 41 Property 832 05-Mar 1783 1783 Row next the George Inn. Term 21 years £1 7s 0d p.a. Signature. Seal A5

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 60 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book

Various properties - Miscellaneous Deeds - Corporation 41 Property 833 29-Aug 1778 1778 Deed of covenant in connection with Nos. 829-831. Signature. Seal A5

Various properties - Miscellaneous Deeds - Corporation 41 Property 834 10-Aug 1783 1783 Copy will of Thomas Benniworth of St Albans, watchmaker A5

Various properties - Miscellaneous Deeds - Corporation Lease: Mayor etc of St Albans to Henry Norris of the same. Premises abutting upon 41 Property 835 06-Jun 1791 1791 the Clock House. Term 21 years. Rent £10 p.a. Signature. Seal A5

Various properties - Miscellaneous Deeds - Corporation Lease: Mayor etc of St Albans to Thomas Wilkins of the same, cordwainer, of the 42 Property 836 06-Aug 1794 1794 Clock House. Term 21 years. Rent £9 9s 0d p.a. Signature. Seal A5

Various properties - Miscellaneous Deeds - Corporation 42 Property 837 06-Aug 1794 1794 Copy of No. 831 A5

Various properties - Miscellaneous Deeds - Lease: Mayor etc of St Albans to John Kentish of the same esquire of messuage in Corporation Dagnall Lane. Term 21 years. Rent £3 10s p.a. Signature. Seal. The original with 42 Property 838-839 20-Jul - 1799 the mayoral seal and sketch of property in the margin. A5

Various properties - Miscellaneous Deeds - Corporation 42 Property 840 09-Oct - 1799 Copy of letters of administration of estate of Thomas Gape of St Albans, esquire A5

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 61 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book

Various properties - Miscellaneous Deeds - Lease by Edward Strong, citizen and mason of London, to Mary Younge of St Corporation Albans, widow, of the Spread Eagle Inn in St Albans. Terms 31 years. Rent 30s p.a. 42 Property 841 30-Oct - 1741 Signature A5 42 Ledgers 842 - 1889 1891 Ledgers - 42 Ledgers 855 - 1891 1895 Ledgers - 42 Ledgers 843 - 1895 1899 Ledgers - 42 Ledgers 844 - 1899 1902 Ledgers - 42 Ledgers 845 - 1902 1906 Ledgers - 42 Ledgers 846 - 1906 1907 Ledgers - 42 Ledgers 847 - 1907 1910 Ledgers - 42 Ledgers 848 - 1910 1912 Ledgers - 42 Ledgers 859 - 1914 1916 Ledgers - 42 Ledgers 849 - 1916 1918 Ledgers - 42 Ledgers 850 - 1918 1920 Ledgers - 42 Ledgers 851 - 1920 1921 Ledgers - 42 Ledgers 852 - 1922 1924 Ledgers - 42 Ledgers 853 - 1924 1926 Ledgers - 42 Ledgers 854 - 1926 1928 Ledgers - 42 Ledgers 856 - 1917 1921 Sundry subsidiary accounts - 42 Ledgers 857 - 1879 1890 Mortgages - 42 Ledgers 858 - 1919 1923 Housing Account - 43 Minute Books 860 - 1894 1896 Clarence Park Recreation Grounds Committee Minute Book - 43 Minute Books 861 - 1902 1906 Diseases of Animals Committee - 43 Minute Books 862 - 1905 1911 Plans and Nuisances Sub-committee - 43 Minute Books 863 - 1917 1920 Local Food Control Committee - 43 Minute Books 864 - 1919 1925 Town Council rough minute book - 43 Minute Books 865 - 1915 1918 Lord Derby's recruiting scheme, local tribunal - 43 Minute Books 866 - 1843 1873 Paving and Lighting - 43 Minute Books 867 - 1898 1902 Urban authority and General Purposes Committee - 43 Minute Books 868 - 1902 1906 Urban authority and General Purposes Committee - 43 Minute Books 869 - 1906 1909 Urban authority and General Purposes Committee - 43 Minute Books 870 - 1909 1914 Urban authority and General Purposes Committee - 43 Minute Books 871 - 1914 1920 Urban authority and General Purposes Committee - 43 Minute Books 872 - 1920 1923 Urban authority and General Purposes Committee - 43 Minute Books 873 - 1911 1914 Highways etc Sub Committee - 43 Minute Books 874 - 1914 1918 Highways etc Sub Committee - 43 Minute Books 875 - 1918 1920 Highways etc Sub Committee - 43 Minute Books 876 - 1920 1922 Highways etc Sub Committee - 43 Minute Books 877 - 1922 1925 Highways etc Sub Committee -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 62 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book 43 Minute Books 878 - 1907 1910 Finance Committee - 43 Minute Books 879 - 1910 1915 Finance Committee - 43 Minute Books 880 - 1915 1921 Finance Committee - 43 Minute Books 881 - 1910 1926 Finance Committee draft - 43 Minute Books 882A - 1906 1912 Town Council Book 9 - 43 Minute Books 882 - 1912 1915 Miscellaneous Committees - 43 Minute Books 883 - 1915 1919 Miscellaneous Committees - 43 Minute Books 884 - 1919 1921 Miscellaneous Committees - 43 Minute Books 885 - 1921 1924 Miscellaneous Committees - 44 Minute Books 886 - 1835 1846 Council Minute Book 1 - 44 Minute Books 887 - 1846 1860 Council Minute Book 2 - 44 Minute Books 888 - 1860 1873 Council Minute Book 3 - 44 Minute Books 889 - 1873 1879 Council Minute Book 4 - 44 Minute Books 890 - 1879 1887 Council Minute Book 5 - 44 Minute Books 891 - 1887 1894 Council Minute Book 6 - 44 Minute Books 892 - 1894 1900 Council Minute Book 7 - 44 Minute Books 893 - 1900 1906 Council Minute Book 8 - 44 Minute Books 894 - 1906 1912 Council Minute Book 9 - 44 Minute Books 894A - 1912 1916 Council Minute Book 10 - 44 Minute Books 895 - 1852 1862 Watch Committee - 44 Minute Books 896 - 1862 1874 Watch Committee - 44 Minute Books 897 - 1881 1890 Watch Committee (draft) - 44 Minute Books 898 - 1883 1894 Watch Committee - 44 Minute Books 899 - 1894 1899 Watch Committee - 44 Minute Books 900 - 1899 1902 Watch Committee - 44 Minute Books 901 - 1902 1905 Watch Committee - 44 Minute Books 902 - 1903 1908 Watch Committee - 44 Minute Books 904 - 1912 1922 Watch Committee - 44 Minute Books 905 - 1846 1859 Town Council (draft) - 44 Minute Books 906 - 1860 1874 Town Council (draft) - 44 Minute Books 907 - 1874 1879 Town Council (draft) - 44 Minute Books 908 - 1879 1888 Town Council (draft) - 44 Minute Books 909 - 1887 1895 Cash Book - 44 Cash Books 910 - 1895 1900 Cash Book - 44 Cash Books 911 - 1900 1905 Cash Book - 44 Cash Books 912 - 1905 1907 Cash Book - 44 Cash Books 913 - 1907 1909 Cash Book - 44 Cash Books 914 - 1913 1916 Cash Book - 44 Cash Books 915 - 1916 1919 Cash Book - 45 Cash Books 916 - 1919 1922 Cash Book - 45 Cash Books 917 - 1922 1924 Cash Book - 45 Cash Books 918 - 1924 1926 Cash Book -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 63 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book 45 Cash Books 919 - 1926 1928 Cash Book - 45 Cash Books 920 - 1918 1921 St Albans Model National Kitchen - 45 Cash Books 921 - 1860 1899 Piccage and stallage - 45 Cash Books 922 - 1836 1858 Declaration Books of Officers of the City - 45 Cash Books 923 - 1858 1870 Declaration Books of Officers of the City: Oaths as to qualifications combined - 45 Cash Books 924 - 1858 1870 Declaration Books of Officers of the City - 45 Cash Books 925 - 1871 1879 Declaration Books of Officers of the City - 45 Cash Books 926 - 1880 1884 Declaration Books of Officers of the City - 45 Cash Books 927 - 1732 1805 Register of Apprenticeships - 45 Cash Books 928 - 1721 1721 Schedules of documents in the Corporation Chest - 45 Cash Books 929 - 1721 1721 Schedules of documents in the Corporation Chest - 45 Cash Books 930 - 1848 1848 Schedules of documents in the Corporation Chest - A Book of Survey, having reference to a map of St Peter's Parish and Map 45 Cash Books 931 - 1826 1826 (Photocopied) 3829/3830 45 Poll Book 932 - 1820 1820 Poll Book 3829/3830 45 Poll Book 933 - 1821 1821 Poll Book 3829/3830 45 Poll Book 934 - 1830 1830 Poll Book 3829/3830 45 Poll Book 935-940 - 1831 1831 Poll Book 3829/3830 45 Poll Book 941 - 1832 1832 Poll Book 3829/3830 45 Poll Book 942 - 1832 1832 Poll Book 3829/3830 45 Poll Book 943 - 1832 1832 Poll Book 3829/3830 45 Poll Book 944 - 1832 1832 Poll Book 3829/3830 45 Poll Book 945 - 1835 1835 Poll Book 3829/3830 45 Poll Book 946 - 1835 1835 Poll Book 3829/3830 45 Poll Book 947 - 1765 1800 MS Index of the Borough Court Minute Books 3829/3830 45 Poll Book 947A - 1817 1826 MS Notes (? From the Borough Court Minute Books 3829/3830 45 Miscellaneous 948 - 1728 1729 Printed copy of the Bribery Act, 2 Geo II cap. 24 - Report of Magistrates and physicians appointed to inspect houses for the reception 45 Miscellaneous 949 - 1792 1819 of lunatics - 45 Miscellaneous 950-953 - 1573 1587 Bonds entered into by parties to conveyances -

Lease by the Mayor, Aldermen and Burgesses to Thomas Richardes of St Albans, 46 Leases etc 960 14-Jul 1680 1680 gentleman, of all the corporation properties, set out fully. Signature. Seal -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 64 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book

Licence by the Mayor, Aldermen and Burgesses to James Bennett of Sopwell, esquire. Recites licence dated 29 Sept. 8 Wm III to William Yarnold of New Woodstock co. Oxon to supply the Borough with water using Holywell River and to "digg or break up the soil or pavement of any waste grounds streets and lanes" within the borough for laying pipes of lead or timber to convey water but that the said William Yarnold could not find a convenient place for erecting a water engine in Holywell river and therefore selected a place in Sopwell River. Recites also that by deed dated 10 Feb. 9 Wm III he assigneth his interest in the undertaking to James Bennett and that in 10 Wm III Sir Samuel Grimstone of Gorhambury, baronet, Lord of the Manor of Sopwell sold to Bennett the plot of ground whereon the engine stood. Bennett has now found it necessary to improve the engine and to relay some of the pipes. There is a certain highway called the Tonman Ditch alias Moon Ditch leading from Sopwell Lane through "Keyffeild and Levys Land towards Long Butt 46 Leases etc 961 31-Jul 1699 1699 Lane alias Shropshire Lane through Long Butterfield and Wall Close to Cock Lane w - Mortgage by the Mayor, Aldermen and Burgesses to Richard Budworth of Little Queen Street, St Giles in the Fields, co. Middlesex, coachmaker, of the rents of various corporation property (names of tenants given) and of the tolls and profits of 46 Leases etc 962 28-Sep 1750 1750 the market - Assignment of above mortgage to Hon. John Spencer of Althorpe, co. Northampton, esquire. Endorsed with cancellation of the mortgage dated 25 April 46 Leases etc 963 25-Aug 1756 1756 1757 - 46 Leases etc 964-969 - 1583 1583 Miscellaneous accounts - 970- Receipts for rents paid for properties belonging to the poor in St Albans and for 46 Leases etc 1116 - 1642 1659 rates for raising troops for the Civil War and repairs to the Abbey - Dispensation by Gilbert Archbishop of Canterbury to Edward Carter M.A. for holding the Rectory of the Abbey of St Albans in the Diocese of London as well as the 46 Leases etc 1117 23-Sep 1670 1670 perpetual vicarage of Kings Langley in the Diocese of Lincoln A6 Recites recent grant by John Gape the younger of St Albans to Thomas Richards of St Albans, gentleman, of the annual fee farm of £10 issuing out of the Town of St Albans paid by the Mayor, Aldermen and Burgesses of the borough. The present indenture witnesses that the said Thomas Richards was acting on behalf of the 47 Miscellaneous 1118 30-Oct 1684 1684 Mayor etc to whom he, Richards, surrenders all rights A6 1119- 47 Miscellaneous 1160 - 1574 1847 Apprenticeship deeds (To be catalogued and indexed separately) A6 1161- 47 Miscellaneous 1175 - c.1700 c.1900 Declarations relating to City Charities A6 47 Legal Papers 1176 - 1777 1777 Mr Dunning's opinion re. Freemen of the City A6 47 Legal Papers 1177 - 1805 1805 Petition of Freemen of St Albans re. Free Grammar School A6 47 Legal Papers 1178 - 1814 1814 Case for opinion of validity of certain by-laws A6

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 65 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Case and opinion of George Watlington, Recorder of St Albans, re. freemen's 47 Legal Papers 1179 - 1820 1820 Quarterage A6 47 Legal Papers 1180 - 1826 1826 Petition for reduction of market tolls A6 Account of money collected and distributed in connection with renewing the charter 47 Legal Papers 1181 - 1631 1631 of Charles I. Total received £231 4s; total disbursed £231 4s 1d A6 Opinions of William Segar, Garter King of Arms, as to the Precendency of the 47 Legal Papers 1182 - c.1617 c.1617 Mayoress before other Gentlewomen A6 47 Legal Papers 1183 - - - Cover to No. 1182 with garter's seal A6 Miscellaneous 47 papers 1184 - 1818 1818 List of Corporation Plate. 12 items A6 Miscellaneous 47 papers 1185 19-Nov 1617 1617 Surrender by William Frowick of Stewardship of the Borough A6 Miscellaneous Surrender by Thomas Lord Ellesmere of "Sheriffs Steward" of the Borough 47 papers 1186 14-Sep 1616 1616 (armorial seal) A6 Miscellaneous Appointment by George III under his sign manual, of George Watlington of the Inner 47 papers 1187 11-Mar 1811 1811 Temple, to be Recorder of St Albans A6 Miscellaneous 47 papers 1188 - 1830 1831 Redemption of Land Tax by Mayor in respect of property in St Peters Street A6 Miscellaneous 1189- 47 papers 1194 - 1830 1831 Correspondence and forms relating to above A6 Bonds for performance of various civic offices, indemnifying the Borough against Miscellaneous 1195- cost of upkeep of bastard children, warrants to distrain unlawful persons trading in 48 papers 1202 - 1582 1650 the Borough, not being freemen etc. A6 Miscellaneous Renouncement by John Pen of Coddicott co. Hertford gentleman of position of 48 papers 1203 13-Apr 1658 1658 freeman of Borough. Witnesses: William Ellis and William Ellis junior A6 Miscellaneous 1204- 48 papers 1217 - 1673 1725 Bonds to perform covenants in leases etc A6 Miscellaneous 1218- 48 papers 1222 - 1730 1731 Warrants to distrain non-freemen trading in the Borough A6 Miscellaneous Certificate of conviction of certain persons of St Stephen for having in their 48 papers 1223 10-Jul 1732 1732 possession a new for taking fish A6 Agreement by the Mayor etc to pay to executors of Mr Edmund Ayleward all sums Miscellaneous of money due, on condition they hand over all books, records and papers late in his 48 papers 1224 11-Aug 1732 1732 posession A6 Miscellaneous 48 papers 1225 - 1732 1732 Draft of No. 1224 above A6 Miscellaneous Certificate under the hand of the Clerk of the Peace of certain persons convicted of 48 papers 1226 24-Jul 1732 1732 having nets for fishing in their possession A6 Miscellaneous Certificate under the hand of the Clerk of the Peace of certain persons convicted of 48 papers 1227 24-Jul 1732 1732 having nets for fishing in their possession (copy?) A6 Miscellaneous 48 papers 1228 06-Dec 1732 1732 Bond by the Mayor etc to repay loans A6

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 66 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Miscellaneous 48 papers 1229 06-Dec 1732 1732 Warrants to distrain non-freemen trading in the Borough A6 Miscellaneous 48 papers 1230 06-Jul 1734 1734 Bond by Thomas Sims of St Albans, cordwainer, to perform the office of Serjeant A6 Miscellaneous 48 papers 1231 19-Jun 1735 1735 Warrants to distrain non-freemen trading in the Borough A6 Miscellaneous 48 papers 1232 - 1735 1735 Bill for repairs of the Free School A6 Miscellaneous Bond by Henry Graves of St Albans, gentleman, to account for receipts of the 48 papers 1233 11-Aug 1745 1745 turnpikes of St Albans & South Mimms (co. Middlesex) A6 Miscellaneous Bond by James Ring of St Albans tallow chandler to be Compter Keeper and Under 48 papers 1234 15-Oct 1743 1743 Gaoler A6 Miscellaneous 49 papers 1235 03-Dec 1743 1743 Bond by James Ring of St Albans tallow chandler to be Serjeant at Mace A6

Miscellaneous Bond of George Bickerton of Redbourn, apothecary, as Treasurer of the Turnpike 49 papers 1236 11-Apr 1744 1744 from Black Bull in Dunstable co. Bedford, to Shafford House, co. Hertfordshire A6 Miscellaneous Bond of Richard Robinson, gentleman, as Treasurer of the Turnpike from Black Bull 49 papers 1237 06-Jan 1749 1749 in Dunstable co. Bedford, to Shafford House co. Hertfordshire A6 Miscellaneous 49 papers 1238 - n.d. n.d. Note of legal costs A6 Miscellaneous Bond by William Beastney of St Albans, woolcomber, to perform covenants in a 49 papers 1239 24-Mar 1674 1674 lease A6 Miscellaneous 49 papers 1240 08-Oct 1768 1768 Bond of William Hunt, Serjeant at Mace, to execute his office A6 Miscellaneous 49 papers 1241 16-May 1770 1770 Bond of John Bowley of St Albans, painter A6 Miscellaneous 49 papers 1242 15-May 1770 1770 Bond of Mrs Mary Bowley, widow, as Compter Keeper A6 Miscellaneous 49 papers 1243 15-May 1770 1770 Bond of William Hunt as Serjeant at Mace A6 Miscellaneous Resignation of Thomas Parker of the Inner Temple, London, esquire, as Alderman 49 papers 1244 15-Aug 1770 1770 of the Borough A6 Miscellaneous 49 papers 1245 - (1766) (1766) Approval under sign manual of George III of Joseph Pembroke as Common Clerk A6 Miscellaneous 49 papers 1246 31-Jul 1773 1773 Bond by James Holmes of St Albans, woolcomber, as Serjeant at Mace A6 Miscellaneous 49 papers 1247 29-Aug 1776 1776 Bond by James Twitchell of St Albans, labour, as Serjeant at Mace A6 Miscellaneous 49 papers 1248 11-May 1779 1779 Bond by John Sharpless of St Albans, victualler, as Compter Keeper A6

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 67 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Miscellaneous 49 papers 1249 05-May 1780 1780 Bond by John Sharpless of St Albans, victualler, as Serjeant at Mace A6 Miscellaneous Resignation of Sir Richard Sutton of Northwood Park, co. Notts, Bart, as Recorder 49 papers 1250 16-Sep 1782 1782 of the Borough A7 Miscellaneous 49 papers 1251 11-Feb 1784 1784 Bond of Samuel Lines of St Albans, victualler, as Serjeant at Mace A7 Miscellaneous 49 papers 1252 03-Sep 1784 1784 Bond of John Sharpless as Compter Keeper A7 Miscellaneous 50 papers 1253 03-Sep 1784 1784 Bond of John Sharpless as Serjeant at Mace A7 Miscellaneous 50 papers 1254 08-Oct 1784 1784 Bond of James Deayton as Compter Keeper A7 Miscellaneous 50 papers 1255 05-Sep 1788 1788 Resignation of James Shipton esquire as Alderman of the Borough A7 Miscellaneous Bond by James Deayton, carpenter, to perform covenants in lease of the market 50 papers 1256 04-Dec 1793 1793 tolls A7 Miscellaneous Bond by James Deayton, carpenter, to perform covenants in lease of the market 50 papers 1257 01-Oct 1794 1794 tolls A7 Miscellaneous Bond by James Deayton, carpenter, to perform covenants in lease of the market 50 papers 1258 01-Oct 1795 1795 tolls A7 Miscellaneous Bond by James Deayton, carpenter, to perform covenants in lease of the market 50 papers 1259 05-Oct 1797 1797 tolls A7 Miscellaneous 50 papers 1260 12-Mar 1802 1802 Bond by John Deayton as Serjeant at Mace A7 Miscellaneous Bond by James Deayton, carpenter, to perform covenants in lease of the market 50 papers 1261 05-Oct 1804 1804 tolls A7 Miscellaneous Bond by James Deayton, carpenter, to perform covenants in lease of the market 50 papers 1262 02-Oct 1805 1805 tolls A7 Miscellaneous 1263- 50 papers 1265 - 1807 1807 Resignation of many of the nobility of office of Aldermen A7 Miscellaneous Bond by James Deayton, carpenter, to perform covenants in lease of the market 50 papers 1266 07-Oct 1807 1807 tolls A7 Miscellaneous 50 papers 1267 27-Oct 1807 1807 Approbation under Sign Manual of George III of Viscount Grimston as High Steward A7 Miscellaneous Bond by James Deayton, carpenter, to perform covenants in lease of the market 50 papers 1268 05-Oct 1808 1808 tolls A7 Miscellaneous Approbation under Sign Manual of George III of Viscount Grimston as High Steward 50 papers 1269 19-Oct 1809 1809 (similar to…) A7 Miscellaneous Resignation of Isaac Piggott as Clerk of the Court of Requests at St Albans and 50 papers 1270 05-Feb 1825 1825 Watford A7 Miscellaneous 50 papers 1271 24-Oct 1826 1826 Letter to TW Blagg re fees of coroner and treasurer A7

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 68 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Miscellaneous 50 papers 1272 01-Dec 1824 1824 Bond of Jeremiah Deayton to perform office of Deputy Bailiff A7 Miscellaneous Bond of James Whitron of Hadley, co. Middlesex, bricklayer, to perform office of 50 papers 1273 30-Jan 1830 1830 Deputy Bailiff A7 Miscellaneous Bond by John Savage, builder, to perform contract to build a house etc in Victoria 51 papers 1274 07-Jul 1874 1874 Road A7 Miscellaneous 51 papers 1275 09-Nov 1875 1875 Bond by Thomas Heskin Osborn of St Albans as rate collector A7 Miscellaneous 51 papers 1276 17-Sep 1831 1831 Bond by Thomas Deayton of St Albans, yeoman, as Serjeant at Mace A7 Miscellaneous 1277- 51 papers 1283 - 1836 1843 Printed abstracts of Treasurers' Accounts A7 Miscellaneous 1284- 51 papers 1292 - 1786 1786 Leases of the Tolls etc A7 Miscellaneous 1293- Notice of commencement of Market. Removal of stalls and other orders relating to 51 papers 1302 - 1804 1828 the conduct of the market A7 Bye-laws Drafts & 1303- 51 Printed 1345 - 1836 1912 Bye-laws, drafted and printed A7 Bye-laws Drafts & 1346- 51 Printed 1355 - 1931 1933 Correspondence re provision of bread for House of Correction - Bye-laws Drafts & 51 Printed 1356 - 1734 1734 Indenture of Sheriff of return of Members of Parliament - Bye-laws Drafts & 51 Printed 1357 - 1747 1747 Indenture of Sheriff of return of Members of Parliament - Bye-laws Drafts & 51 Printed 1358 - 1761 1761 Indenture of Sheriff of return of Members of Parliament - Bye-laws Drafts & 51 Printed 1359 - 1768 1768 Indenture of Sheriff of return of Members of Parliament - Bye-laws Drafts & 51 Printed 1360 - 1774 1774 Indenture of Sheriff of return of Members of Parliament - Bye-laws Drafts & 51 Printed 1361 - 1780 1780 Indenture of Sheriff of return of Members of Parliament - Bye-laws Drafts & 51 Printed 1362 - 1783 1783 Indenture of Sheriff of return of Members of Parliament - Bye-laws Drafts & 51 Printed 1363 - 1784 1784 Indenture of Sheriff of return of Members of Parliament - Bye-laws Drafts & 51 Printed 1364 - 1790 1790 Indenture of Sheriff of return of Members of Parliament - Bye-laws Drafts & 51 Printed 1365 - 1796 1796 Indenture of Sheriff of return of Members of Parliament - Bye-laws Drafts & 52 Printed 1366 - 1802 1802 Indenture of Sheriff of return of Members of Parliament -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 69 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Bye-laws Drafts & 52 Printed 1367 - 1806 1806 Indenture of Sheriff of return of Members of Parliament - Bye-laws Drafts & 52 Printed 1368 - 1826 1826 Indenture of Sheriff of return of Members of Parliament - Bye-laws Drafts & 52 Printed 1369 - 1830 1830 Indenture of Sheriff of return of Members of Parliament - Bye-laws Drafts & 52 Printed 1370 - 1832 1832 Indenture of Sheriff of return of Members of Parliament - Bye-laws Drafts & 52 Printed 1371 - 1835 1835 Indenture of Sheriff of return of Members of Parliament - Bye-laws Drafts & 52 Printed 1372 - 1837 1837 Indenture of Sheriff of return of Members of Parliament - Bye-laws Drafts & 52 Printed 1373 February 1841 1841 Indenture of Sheriff of return of Members of Parliament - Bye-laws Drafts & 52 Printed 1374 June 1841 1841 Indenture of Sheriff of return of Members of Parliament - Bye-laws Drafts & 52 Printed 1375 - 1846 1846 Indenture of Sheriff of return of Members of Parliament - Bye-laws Drafts & 52 Printed 1376 - 1847 1847 Indenture of Sheriff of return of Members of Parliament - Bye-laws Drafts & 52 Printed 1377 - 1850 1850 Indenture of Sheriff of return of Members of Parliament - Oaths & 52 Commissions 1378 - 1753 1816 Oaths of Justices of the Peace - Oaths & 52 Commissions 1379 08-Mar 1800 1800 Commissions of the Peace - Oaths & 52 Commissions 1380 - 1825 1825 Commissions of the Peace - Oaths & 52 Commissions 1381 14-Dec 1830 1830 Commissions of the Peace - Oaths & 52 Commissions 1382 - 1836 1836 Commissions of the Peace - Oaths & 52 Commissions 1383 - 1837 1837 Commissions of the Peace - Oaths & 52 Commissions 1384 - 1837 1858 Oaths of Justices of the Peace - Oaths & 52 Commissions 1385 - 1873 1873 Oaths of Justices of the Peace - Oaths & Oaths of Office taken by non-Roman Catholics (11 signatures); oaths by Roman 52 Commissions 1386 - 1831 1833 Catholics (no signature) - Oaths & 52 Commissions 1387 - 1883 1883 Oaths of Justices of the Peace -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 70 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book 53 Wine Licences 1388 - 1575 1575 Wine licences - 53 Wine Licences 1389 - 1592 1592 Wine licences - 53 Wine Licences 1390 - 1647 1647 Confirmation by Charles I of Charter of Henry VIII - 53 Wine Licences 1391 - 1673 1673 Wine licence - 53 Wine Licences 1392 - 1813 1813 Wine licence - 53 Wine Licences 1393 - 1833 1833 Wine licence - 53 Wine Licences 1394 - 1833 1833 Wine licence - 53 Wine Licences 1395 - 1833 1833 Wine licence - 53 Wine Licences 1396 - 1833 1833 Wine licence - 53 Wine Licences 1397 - 1833 1833 Wine licence - 53 Wine Licences 1398 - 1839 1839 Wine licence - 53 Wine Licences 1399 - 1839 1839 Wine licence - 53 Wine Licences 1400 - 1839 1839 Wine licence - 53 Wine Licences 1401 - 1841 1841 Wine licence - 53 Wine Licences 1402 - 1841 1841 Wine licence - 53 Wine Licences 1403 - 1841 1841 Wine licence - 53 Wine Licences 1404 - 1874 1874 Wine licence - 53 Wine Licences 1405 - 1874 1874 Wine licence - 53 Wine Licences 1406 - 1892 1892 Wine licence - 53 Wine Licences 1407 - 1892 1892 Wine licence - 53 Wine Licences 1408 - 1895 1895 Wine licence - 53 Wine Licences 1409 - 1898 1898 Wine licence - 53 Wine Licences 1410 - 1921 1921 Wine licence - Papers re wine Typewritten translations of Charters to St Albans re. granting of wine licences made 54 licences 1411 - 1875 1875 by Edward Scott - Papers re wine Copy of typewritten translations of Charters to St Albans re. granting of wine 54 licences 1412 - 1875 1875 licences made by Edward Scott (No. 1411 above) - Papers re wine 54 licences 1413 - c.1908 c.1908 Notes by Town Clerk re wine charter - Papers re wine 54 licences 1414 - c.1908 c.1908 Copy of notes by Town Clerk re wine charter (No. 1413 above) - Papers re wine 54 licences 1415 - c.1908 c.1908 Notes re wine licences - Papers re wine 54 licences 1416 - 1875 1875 Printed copies of translations of charters in no. 1411 above, re wine licences - Papers re wine 54 licences 1417 - 1908 1914 Bundle of correspondence re wine charter - Papers re wine 54 licences 1418 22-Jun 1908 1908 Opinion by RJN Neville re wine licences - Papers re wine 54 licences 1419 22-Jun 1908 1908 Typewritten copy of Neville's opinion re wine licences (see No. 1418 above) -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 71 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Papers re wine 54 licences 1420 - 1916 1916 Typewritten copy of case and opinion (re wine licences) - Papers re wine 54 licences 1421 - 1911 1911 Memorial to Treasury re wine licences - Papers re wine 54 licences 1422 - 1911 1911 Memorial to Treasury re wine licences - Papers re wine 1424- 54 licences 1425 - 1911 1911 Draft copies of memorials to Treasury re wine licences (see No. 1421 above) - Papers re wine Bundle of correspondence re wine charter. Copy of Act 12-13 Geo V cap. 36 and of 54 licences 1426 - 1920 1922 Bill. Report of Select Committee. Article in Notes & Queries re same - Large bundle of papers in the case of Mayor & Corporation of St Albans v. Papers re wine 1427- Fothergill, Fulwood and others re. administration of charities in St Albans. 54 licences 1484 - c.1722 c.1722 Commission of charitable uses. -

Documents Bundles of deeds, abstracts of titles, mortgages and copies of the Act of Parliament relating to Court 1485- relating to the site on which the present Town Hall stands, late Clarks Almshouses. 54 House 1495 - 1829 1831 Some of the deeds go back to 1607. Plans of site and site of new Almshouses. -

Documents Bundles of deeds, abstracts of titles, mortgages and copies of the Act of Parliament relating to Court 1496- relating to the site on which the present Town Hall stands, late Clarks Almshouses. 54 House 1588 - 1829 1831 Some of the deeds go back to 1607. Plans of site and site of new Almshouses. - Documents relating to Court 1589- 55 House 1636 - 1854 1855 Dispute over use of Corporation Room in Town Hall (see also 1640-44 below) - Documents relating to Court 1637- 55 House 1639 - 1881 1881 Agreement for carrying out alterations to Town Hall - Documents relating to Court 1640- 55 House 1644 - 1854 1855 Dispute over use of Corporation Room in Town Hall (see also 1589-1636 above) - Documents relating to Court 55 House 1645 - 1883 1883 Newspaper reports - Documents relating to Court 1646- Not 55 House 1652 - 1831 1831 Mr Dean's accounts for building the Town Hall transferred Boundary 55 extension 1653 27-Nov 1912 1912 St Albans Boundary Extension: Memorial to Local Government - Miscellaneous St Albans Boundary Extension: Print of Proceedings and Evidence at Local 55 papers 1654 09-Jan 1913 1913 Government Enquiry Vol. 1 (2 copies) - Miscellaneous St Albans Boundary Extension: Print of Proceedings and Evidence at Local 55 papers 1655 09-Jan 1913 1913 Government Enquiry Vol. 2 (2 copies) -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 72 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Miscellaneous 55 papers 1656 09-Jan 1913 1913 St Albans Boundary Extension: Ward Map - Miscellaneous 55 papers 1657 04-Nov 1912 1912 St Albans Boundary Extension: Report of Sewerage - Miscellaneous 55 papers 1658 04-Nov 1912 1912 St Albans Boundary Extension: Papers and Estimates - Miscellaneous 55 papers 1659 04-Nov 1912 1912 St Albans Boundary Extension: Messrs Cash Stores & Co's Tables - Miscellaneous St Albans Boundary Extension: claim of Mr RW Brabant in respect of loss of office 55 papers 1660 - 1914 1915 (2 copies) - Miscellaneous 55 papers 1661 - 1914 1915 St Albans Boundary Extension: Map - Miscellaneous 55 papers 1662 - 1914 1915 St Albans Boundary Extension: Plan - Miscellaneous 55 papers 1666 - 1912 1922 Account Book: Market Tolls - Miscellaneous 55 papers 1667 - 1909 1912 St Albans Cemetery: Memorials - Miscellaneous 55 papers 1668 - 1884 1912 Register of Burials. St Albans Cemetery - Miscellaneous 56 papers 1669 - 1884 1894 Fee Book: St Albans Cemetery - Miscellaneous 56 papers 1670 - 1894 1901 Fee Book: St Albans Cemetery - Miscellaneous 56 papers 1671 - 1901 1905 Fee Book: St Albans Cemetery - Miscellaneous 56 papers 1672 - 1906 1909 Fee Book: St Albans Cemetery - Miscellaneous 56 papers 1673 - 1910 1913 Fee Book: St Albans Cemetery - Miscellaneous 56 papers 1674 - 1913 1916 Fee Book: St Albans Cemetery - Miscellaneous 56 papers 1675 - 1907 1907 Receipt Book: St Albans Cemetery - Miscellaneous 56 papers 1676 - 1906 1906 Receipt Book: St Albans Cemetery - Miscellaneous 56 papers 1677 - 1906 1907 Receipt Book: St Albans Cemetery - Miscellaneous 56 papers 1678 - 1917 1917 Receipt Book: St Albans Cemetery - Miscellaneous 56 papers 1679 - 1917 1917 Receipt Book: St Albans Cemetery -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 73 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Miscellaneous 56 papers 1680 - 1903 1909 Grant Book - Miscellaneous 56 papers 1681 - 1915 1917 Grant Book - Miscellaneous 56 papers 1682 - 1921 1923 Grant Book - Miscellaneous 56 papers 1683 - 1923 1925 Grant Book - Miscellaneous 56 papers 1684 - 1925 1926 Grant Book - 56 Miscellaneous 1685 - 1912 1912 Pamphlet: Public House Trust - 56 Miscellaneous 1686 - 1925 1925 AAA Meeting Clarence Park - 56 Miscellaneous 1687 - n.d. n.d. Official Guide, St Albans - 56 Miscellaneous 1688 - n.d. n.d. PSPS "St Albans as an Educational Centre" - 56 Miscellaneous 1689 - 1905 1905 Corporation Plate of City of St Albans - 57 Miscellaneous 1690 - 1891 1891 City Charities - Not 57 Miscellaneous 1691 - c.1912 c.1912 Account of the aims of the Public House Trust transferred 57 Miscellaneous 1692 - 1914 1914 Prospectus of Verulam Golf Club - 57 Miscellaneous 1693 - 1920 1920 City of St Albans. Abstract of Accounts - 57 Miscellaneous 1694 - 1921 1921 City of St Albans. Abstract of Accounts - 57 Miscellaneous 1695 - 1922 1922 City of St Albans. Abstract of Accounts: 2 copies - 57 Miscellaneous 1696 - 1923 1923 City of St Albans. Abstract of Accounts: 2 copies - 57 Miscellaneous 1697 - 1924 1924 City of St Albans. Abstract of Accounts: 2 copies - 57 Miscellaneous 1698 - 1925 1925 City of St Albans. Abstract of Accounts: 2 copies (see no. 1782) - 57 Miscellaneous 1699 - 1850 1858 Solicitors fee book - 57 Miscellaneous 1700 - 1851 1859 Solicitors note book of attendances in London - St Albans Union Minute Book (Trans: item now with St Albans Poor Law Union 57 Miscellaneous 1700A - 1841 1850 collection at HALS) - 57 Miscellaneous 1701 - 1899 1915 Town Clerk's Petty Cash Book - 57 Miscellaneous 1702 - 1850 1852 Solicitors fee book - 57 Miscellaneous 1703 - 1853 1853 Petty Cash Book - 57 Miscellaneous 1704 - 1850 1864 Solicitors' Petty Cash Book - 57 Miscellaneous 1705 - 1922 1924 Town Clerk's Petty Cash Book - 57 Miscellaneous 1706 - 1859 1860 Solicitors' Fee Book - 57 Miscellaneous 1707 - 1848 1857 Account Ledger - 57 Miscellaneous 1708 - 1851 1851 Town Clerk's Diary - 57 Miscellaneous 1709 - 1852 1852 Town Clerk's Diary - 57 Miscellaneous 1710 - 1853 1853 Town Clerk's Diary - 58 Miscellaneous 1711 - 1854 1854 Town Clerk's Diary - 58 Miscellaneous 1712 - 1855 1855 Town Clerk's Diary - 58 Miscellaneous 1713 - 1856 1856 Town Clerk's Diary -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 74 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book 58 Miscellaneous 1714 - 1857 1857 Town Clerk's Diary - 58 Miscellaneous 1715 - 1858 1858 Town Clerk's Diary - 58 Miscellaneous 1717 - 1901 1910 Petty Cash Book - 58 Miscellaneous 1718 - 1873 1873 Diary - 58 Miscellaneous 1719 - 1900 1900 Diary - 58 Miscellaneous 1720 - 1901 1901 Diary - 58 Miscellaneous 1721 - 1902 1902 Diary - 58 Miscellaneous 1722 - 1903 1903 Diary - 58 Miscellaneous 1723 - 1908 1908 Diary - 58 Miscellaneous 1724 - 1909 1909 Diary - Year Books - City 58 of St Albans 1726 - 1887 1887 Year Book - Year Books - City 58 of St Albans 1727 - 1889 1889 Year Book - Year Books - City 58 of St Albans 1728 - 1890 1890 Year Book: 2 copies - Year Books - City 58 of St Albans 1729 - 1892 1892 Year Book - Year Books - City 58 of St Albans 1730 - 1894 1894 Year Book: 2 copies - Year Books - City 58 of St Albans 1731 - 1895 1895 Year Book: 2 copies - Year Books - City 58 of St Albans 1732 - 1896 1896 Year Book: 2 copies - Year Books - City 59 of St Albans 1733 - 1897 1897 Year Book: 2 copies - Year Books - City 59 of St Albans 1734 - 1898 1898 Year Book: 2 copies - Year Books - City 59 of St Albans 1735 - 1899 1899 Year Book: 2 copies - Year Books - City 59 of St Albans 1736 - 1900 1900 Year Book - Year Books - City 59 of St Albans 1737 - 1901 1901 Year Book: 2 copies - Year Books - City 59 of St Albans 1738 - 1902 1902 Year Book: 2 copies - Year Books - City 59 of St Albans 1739 - 1903 1903 Year Book: 2 copies - Year Books - City 59 of St Albans 1740 - 1904 1904 Year Book: 2 copies - Year Books - City 59 of St Albans 1741 - 1905 1905 Year Book: 2 copies - 1 leather -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 75 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Year Books - City 59 of St Albans 1742 - 1906 1906 Year Book: 2 copies - Year Books - City 59 of St Albans 1743 - 1907 1907 Year Book: 2 copies - 1 leather - Year Books - City 59 of St Albans 1744 - 1908 1908 Year Book: 2 copies - 1 leather - Year Books - City 59 of St Albans 1745 - 1909 1909 Year Book: 2 copies - 1 leather - Year Books - City 59 of St Albans 1746 - 1910 1910 Year Book: 2 copies - 1 leather - Year Books - City 59 of St Albans 1747 - 1912 1912 Year Book: 2 copies - Year Books - City 59 of St Albans 1748 - 1913 1913 Year Book - Year Books - City 59 of St Albans 1749 - 1914 1914 Year Book: 2 copies - 1 leather - Year Books - City 59 of St Albans 1750 - 1915 1915 Year Book: 2 copies - 1 leather - Year Books - City 59 of St Albans 1751 - 1916 1916 Year Book - Year Books - City 59 of St Albans 1752 - 1916 1916 Year Book - leather - Year Books - City 59 of St Albans 1754 - 1917 1917 Year Book - leather - Year Books - City 59 of St Albans 1755 - 1917 1917 Year Book: 2 copies - leather with pencil - Year Books - City 60 of St Albans 1756 - 1918 1918 Year Book - Year Books - City 60 of St Albans 1757 - 1919 1919 Year Book - Year Books - City 60 of St Albans 1758 - 1919 1919 Year Book - leather - Year Books - City 60 of St Albans 1759 - 1920 1920 Year Book: 2 copies - Year Books - City 60 of St Albans 1760 - 1921 1921 Year Book: 2 copies - 1 leather - Year Books - City 60 of St Albans 1761 - 1922 1922 Year Book: 2 copies - 1 leather - Year Books - City 60 of St Albans 1762 - 1923 1923 Year Book: 2 copies - 1 leather - Year Books - City 60 of St Albans 1763 - 1924 1924 Year Book: 2 copies - 1 leather -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 76 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Year Books - City 60 of St Albans 1764 - 1925 1925 Year Book: 2 copies - 1 leather - Year Books - City 60 of St Albans 1765 - 1926 1926 Year Book - leather with pencil - Year Books - City 60 of St Albans 1766 - 1927 1927 Year Book - leather with pencil - Year Books - City 60 of St Albans 1767 - 1928 1928 Year Book - Year Books - City 60 of St Albans 1768 - 1929 1929 Year Book - leather with pencil - Year Books - City 60 of St Albans 1769 - 1930 1930 Year Book - leather with pencil - Year Books - City 60 of St Albans 1770 - 1931 1931 Year Book - Year Books - City 60 of St Albans 1771 - 1932 1932 Year Book - leather with pencil - Year Books - City 60 of St Albans 1772 - 1933 1933 Year Book - leather with pencil - Year Books - City 60 of St Albans 1773 - 1934 1934 Year Book - Year Books - City 60 of St Albans 1774 - 1935 1935 Year Book - Year Books - City 60 of St Albans 1775 - 1936 1936 Year Book - Year Books - City 60 of St Albans 1776 - 1937 1937 Year Book - Year Books - City 60 of St Albans 1777 - 1938 1938 Year Book - Year Books - City 60 of St Albans 1778 - 1939 1939 Year Book - Year Books - City 60 of St Albans 1779 - 1940 1940 Year Book - Year Books - City 60 of St Albans 1780 - 1941 1941 Year Book - 61 Accounts 1781 - 1901 1917 Returns in accordance with Local Government of City's finances - As no. 1781 above: 1883/4, 1888/9, 1889/90, 1892/3, 1894/5, 1895/6, 1899/1900, 61 Accounts 1781A - - - Mar-Sept 1903, 1904/5 - 61 Accounts 1782 - 1905 1906 Abstract of accounts. See 1693 - 61 Accounts 1783 - 1906 1907 Abstract of accounts - 61 Accounts 1784 - 1907 1908 Abstract of accounts - 61 Accounts 1785 - 1908 1909 Abstract of accounts - 61 Accounts 1786 - 1910 1911 Abstract of accounts -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 77 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book 61 Accounts 1786A - 1913 1914 Abstract of accounts - 61 Accounts 1786B - 1914 1915 Abstract of accounts - 61 Accounts 1787 - 1915 1916 Abstract of accounts - 61 Accounts 1787A - 1916 1917 Abstract of accounts - 61 Accounts 1787B - 1917 1918 Abstract of accounts - 61 Accounts 1788 - 1918 1919 Abstract of accounts - 61 Accounts 1788A - 1919 1920 Abstract of accounts - 61 Accounts 1789 - 1909 1909 Surveyor's Report - 61 Accounts 1790 - 1910 1910 Surveyor's Report - 61 Accounts 1791 - 1911 1911 Surveyor's Report - 61 Accounts 1792 - 1902 1917 Draft Minute Book Council - 61 Accounts 1793 - 1893 1898 Minute Book of Urban Sanitary Authority and General Purposes Committee - 61 Accounts 1794 - 1921 1924 Draft Minute Book. Various Committees mostly in shorthand - 61 Accounts 1795A - 1911 1927 Minute Book Library Committee - 61 Accounts 1795B - 1881 1896 Minute Book Library Committee. MS. -

Minute Book, Book (Sub) Committee of Library Committee. (At back of book is one 61 Accounts 1795C - 1904 1920 report of Lectures Sub-committee, 29 October 1920. Signed 14/1/21) MS. - 62 Accounts 1796 - 1908 1912 Attendance Book of various Committees - 62 Accounts 1796A - 1912 1914 Attendance Book of various Committees - 62 Accounts 1797 - 1921 1924 Attendance Book of various Committees - 62 Accounts 1798 - 1924 1929 Draft minute book. Various Committees - 62 Accounts 1799 - 1922 1922 Analysis of expenditure and income - 62 Accounts 1800 - 1920 1920 "Housing ledger". Only few entries - 62 Accounts 1801 - 1922 1923 City Housing Account. Rent Book - 62 Accounts 1802 - 1922 1923 Housing Account vouchers - 62 Accounts 1803 - 1923 1924 Rent Book. Housing account vouchers - 62 Accounts 1804 - 1923 1924 Vouchers - 62 Accounts 1805 - 1920 1921 Housing account vouchers. Analysis of expenditure - 62 Accounts 1805A - 1921 1924 Housing account vouchers - 62 Accounts 1805A - 1927 1929 Housing account vouchers - 62 Accounts 1805A - 1930 1931 Housing account vouchers - 62 Accounts 1806 - 1875 1885 Register of mortgages - 62 Accounts 1807 - 1881 1910 Register of slaughter houses - 62 Accounts 1808 - 1909 1918 Register of slaughter houses - 62 Accounts 1809 - 1895 1908 Verification book. Weights & measures - 62 Accounts 1810 - 1884 1889 Declaration Book of Corporate Oaths - 62 Accounts 1811 - 1889 1900 Declaration Book of Corporate Oaths - 62 Accounts 1812 - 1900 1912 Declaration Book of Corporate Oaths - 62 Accounts 1813 - 1916 1918 Military Service Act 1916. Register of Cases - 62 Accounts 1814 - 1916 1916 Military Service Act 1916. Register of Cases - 62 Accounts 1815 - 1916 1918 Military Service Act 1916. Register of Cases -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 78 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Correspondence relating to persons desirous of being released from Military 82 Accounts 1816 - 1918 1918 Service - 63 Accounts 1817 - 1928 1928 Local Government Bill. Memoranda and exploratory papers - 63 Accounts 1819 - 1927 1927 Swimming bath time tables - 63 Accounts 1820 - 1928 1928 Swimming bath time tables - 63 Accounts 1821 - 1929 1929 Swimming bath time tables - 63 Accounts 1826 - 1914 1914 Sewerage contracts - 63 Accounts 1827 - 1915 1915 Sewerage contracts - 63 Accounts 1828 - 1886 1907 Correspondence relating to City Charities - 63 Accounts 1829 - 1926 1926 The Coal & General Strikes; papers relating to - Petition by inhabitants to the Mayor and Alderman that Rev. Dr Bowen who has 63 Accounts 1831 - 1817 1817 been curate at the Abbey may become Rector. Many signatures - Testimonial to Mr G.A. Wright late station master at the Midland Railway Station at 63 Accounts 1832 - 1905 1906 St Albans - 63 Accounts 1833 - 1922 1923 Correspondence etc re amalgamation of the Police Forces - 63 Accounts 1834 - 1902 1902 Correspondence etc re Education Act - "Caen Illustre" par Paul Carbonnier published Caen 1896. Copy presented in 64 Miscellaneous 1835 - 1909 1909 celebration of visit by Mayor of Caen to St Albans 10 June - 7 July - Bundle of correspondence relating to official visit Mayor etc of Caen - Mayor etc St 64 Miscellaneous 1836 - 1909 1909 Albans - Bundle of correspondence relating to official visit Mayor etc of Caen - Mayor etc St 64 Miscellaneous 1837 - 1909 1909 Albans - Printed copy of speech of Mr M Faulkner, Mayor of St Albans, on above occasion 64 Miscellaneous 1838 - 1909 1909 (see Nos. 1835-36) - 64 Miscellaneous 1839 - 1760 1850 "A collection of Election Literature" - 64 Miscellaneous 1840 - 1893 1903 Town clerk's postage book - 64 Miscellaneous 1841 - 1857 1858 Town clerk's Day Book - 64 Miscellaneous 1842 - n.d. n.d. George Debenham's Book of Precedents Vol. 1 - 64 Miscellaneous 1843 - n.d. n.d. George Debenham's Book of Precedents Vol. 2 - 64 Miscellaneous 1844 - - - Education newspaper cutting book - 64 Miscellaneous 1845 - 1892 1897 Newspaper cutting book - 64 Miscellaneous 1846 - 1897 1904 Newspaper cutting book - 64 Miscellaneous 1847 - 1906 1906 Register of voters, Hertford Division, County of Hertford - 64 Miscellaneous 1848 - 1912 1912 List of citizens - 1849- 64 Miscellaneous 1886 - 1934 1934 Register of electors, St Albans Division - 64 Miscellaneous 1887 - 1925 1925 Register of electors, St Albans Division - 64 Miscellaneous 1888 - 1888 1892 Town Clerk's Out Letter Book - 64 Miscellaneous 1889 - 1893 1897 Town Clerk's Out Letter Book - Town Clerk's 65 Letter Books 1890 - 1897 1900 Town Clerk's Out Letter Book -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 79 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Town Clerk's 65 Letter Books 1891 - 1900 1902 Town Clerk's Out Letter Book - Town Clerk's 65 Letter Books 1892 - 1902 1904 Town Clerk's Out Letter Book - Town Clerk's Missing 65 Letter Books 1893 - 1904 1906 Town Clerk's Out Letter Book (per WLH) Town Clerk's 65 Letter Books 1894 - 1906 1907 Out Letter Book - Town Clerk's 65 Letter Books 1895 - 1907 1908 Out Letter Book - Town Clerk's 65 Letter Books 1896 - 1908 1909 Out Letter Book - Town Clerk's 65 Letter Books 1897 - 1909 1910 Out Letter Book - Town Clerk's 65 Letter Books 1898 - 1910 1911 Out Letter Book - Town Clerk's 65 Letter Books 1899 - 1912 1913 Out Letter Book - Town Clerk's 65 Letter Books 1900 - 1913 1914 Out Letter Book - Town Clerk's 65 Letter Books 1901 - 1914 1915 Out Letter Book - Town Clerk's 65 Letter Books 1902 - 1915 1917 Out Letter Book - Town Clerk's 65 Letter Books 1903 - 1917 1919 Out Letter Book - Town Clerk's 65 Letter Books 1904 - 1919 1920 Out Letter Book - Town Clerk's 65 Letter Books 1905 - 1920 1921 Out Letter Book - Town Clerk's 65 Letter Books 1906 - 1921 1921 Out Letter Book - Town Clerk's 65 Letter Books 1907 - 1921 1922 Out Letter Book - Town Clerk's 65 Letter Books 1908 - 1922 1922 Out Letter Book - Town Clerk's 65 Letter Books 1909 - 1922 1922 Out Letter Book - Town Clerk's 66 Letter Books 1910 - 1922 1923 Out Letter Book - Town Clerk's 66 Letter Books 1911 - 1923 1923 Out Letter Book -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 80 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Town Clerk's 66 Letter Books 1912 - 1923 1923 Out Letter Book - Town Clerk's 66 Letter Books 1913 - 1923 1924 Out Letter Book - Town Clerk's 66 Letter Books 1914 - 1924 1924 Out Letter Book - Town Clerk's 66 Letter Books 1915 - 1924 1925 Out Letter Book - Town Clerk's 66 Letter Books 1916 - 1925 1925 Out Letter Book - Town Clerk's 66 Letter Books 1917 - 1925 1925 Out Letter Book - Town Clerk's 66 Letter Books 1918 - 1925 1926 Out Letter Book - Town Clerk's 66 Letter Books 1919 - 1926 1926 Out Letter Book - Town Clerk's 66 Letter Books 1920 - 1926 1927 Out Letter Book - Town Clerk's 66 Letter Books 1921 - 1927 1927 Out Letter Book - Town Clerk's 66 Letter Books 1922 - 1927 1927 Out Letter Book - Town Clerk's 66 Letter Books 1923 - 1927 1927 Out Letter Book - Town Clerk's Missing 66 Letter Books 1924 - 1927 1928 Out Letter Book (per WLH) Town Clerk's 66 Letter Books 1925 - 1928 1928 Out Letter Book - Town Clerk's 66 Letter Books 1926 - 1928 1928 Out Letter Book - Town Clerk's 66 Letter Books 1927 - 1928 1928 Out Letter Book - Town Clerk's Missing 66 Letter Books 1928 - 1928 1928 Out Letter Book (per WLH) Town Clerk's Missing 66 Letter Books 1929 - 1929 1929 Out Letter Book (per WLH) Town Clerk's 66 Letter Books 1930 - 1929 1929 Out Letter Book - Town Clerk's 66 Letter Books 1931 - 1930 1930 Out Letter Book - Town Clerk's Missing 66 Letter Books 1932 - 1930 1930 Out Letter Book (per WLH)

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 81 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Town Clerk's Missing 66 Letter Books 1933 - - - Out Letter Book (per WLH) Town Clerk's Missing 66 Letter Books 1934 - 1930 1930 Out Letter Book (per WLH) Town Clerk's 67 Letter Books 1935 - 1930 1930 Out Letter Book - Town Clerk's 67 Letter Books 1936 - 1930 1931 Out Letter Book - Town Clerk's 67 Letter Books 1937 - 1931 1931 Out Letter Book - Town Clerk's 67 Letter Books 1938 - 1931 1931 Out Letter Book - Town Clerk's 67 Letter Books 1939 - 1931 1931 Out Letter Book - Town Clerk's 67 Letter Books 1940 - 1888 1889 Corporation Out Letter Book. Mainly to Government Departments - Town Clerk's 67 Letter Books 1941 - 1898 1903 Corporation Out Letter Book. Mainly to Government Departments - Town Clerk's 67 Letter Books 1942 - 1904 1906 Corporation Out Letter Book. Mainly to Government Departments - Town Clerk's 67 Letter Books 1943 - 1912 1920 Corporation Out Letter Book. Mainly to Government Departments - Town Clerk's 67 Letter Books 1944 - 1903 1911 (No title) - Town Clerk's 67 Letter Books 1945 - 1920 1926 Corporation Out Letter Book - Town Clerk's 67 Letter Books 1946 - 1899 1912 Market Toll Book - Town Clerk's 67 Letter Books 1947 - 1889 1920 Corporation Letters - Town Clerk's 67 Letter Books 1947 - 1897 1897 Corporation Letters - Town Clerk's 67 Letter Books 1947 - 1898 1898 Corporation Letters - Town Clerk's 67 Letter Books 1947 - 1900 1901 Corporation Letters - Town Clerk's 67 Letter Books 1947 - 1901 1901 Corporation Letters - Town Clerk's 67 Letter Books 1952 - 1894 1904 Clarence Park Out Letter Book - Town Clerk's 67 Letter Books 1953 - 1904 1907 Clarence Park Out Letter Book -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 82 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Town Clerk's 67 Letter Books 1954 - 1907 1909 Clarence Park Out Letter Book - Town Clerk's 67 Letter Books 1955 - 1909 1913 Clarence Park Out Letter Book - Town Clerk's 67 Letter Books 1956 - 1913 1916 Clarence Park Out Letter Book -

Licence by Mayor etc. of John Sellioke of St Albans, gentleman, to keep an inn and sell wine. Consideration £12 13s 4d. Term 21 years towards maintaining a 67 Wine Licences 1957 - 1683 1684 schoolmaster at the school within the Borough. Signature. Seal (Armorial) - Bond to perform the covenants in the above licence (see no. 1957). Signature. Seal 68 Wine Licences 1958 - 1683 1684 (Armorial) -

Licence to Mayor etc. of St Albans to Thomas Eccleston of the same, gentleman, to 68 Wine Licences 1959 27-Feb 1683 1683 keep an inn and to sell wine. Consideration £15. Term 21 years. As above - Similar licence to the said John Selioke and Thomas Eccleston to keep one further 68 Wine Licences 1960 27-Mar 1683 1683 inn jointly, on similar terms (see Nos. 1957 & 1959 above) - Renewal of lease to John Selioke (see No. 1957) for 21 years. Consideration £14 68 Wine Licences 1962 11-Aug 1703 1703 4s 6d - Renewal of lease of Thomas Eccleston (see No. 1959) for 21 years. Consideration 68 Wine Licences 1963 27-Oct 1703 1703 £14 14s 6d. - Licence to Thomas Ranridge of St Albans, barber surgeon, to keep an inn and sell 68 Wine Licences 1964 05-Sep 1705 1705 wine as above. Term 21 years. Consideration £14 4s 6d. Signature. Seal. -

68 Wine Licences 1965 05-Sep 1705 1705 Counterpart of above (no. 1964). Signature William Stone, mayor. Seal missing - Licence to James Agutter, gent, similar to document No. 1757 etc as above. Term 68 Wine Licences 1968 13-Jun 1722 1722 31 years. Consideration £14 4s 6d. Signature. Seal. - Licence as above to Charles Cole of St Albans, gent. Signature. Seal (see no. 68 Wine Licences 1969 13-Jun 1722 1722 1968) - Receipt of 2s rent paid by the Mayor of St Albans to the King for a tenement in 68 Wine Licences 1970 23-Oct 1731 1731 Dagnall Lane. Paid at the White Hart Inn. - 68 Wine Licences 1971 09-Mar 1741 1741 Receipt by George Pembroke for Land Tax - Licence as in No. 1969 to Archibald Finney of St Albans, innholder for the Red Lion. 68 Wine Licences 1972 04-Apr 1753 1753 Term 7 years. Consideration £14 4s 6d p.a. Signature. Seal. - Licence as in No. 1972 to Edward Langford of St Albans, esquire, for the White 68 Wine Licences 1973 04-Apr 1753 1753 Hart. Term 21 years. Consideration £14 4s 6d p.a. Signature. Seal. - Licence as above to Jonathan Dean of St Albans. Innholder, for the Bull. Term 3 69 Wine Licences 1974 07-May 1765 1765 years. Consideration £15 p.a. Signature. Seal - Licence as above to Ralph Page of St Albans, innholder for the Woolpack. Term 3 69 Wine Licences 1975 04-Aug 1765 1765 years. Consideration £15 p.a. Mark. Seal. - Licence as above to David Jones of St Albans for the Bull. Term 3 years. 69 Wine Licences 1976 24-Dec 1779 1779 Consideration £15 p.a. Seal of the Borough -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 83 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Licence as above to Mary Langford of St Albans, innholder, for a wine tavern. Term 69 Wine Licences 1977 02-Apr 1780 1780 3 years. Consideration £15 p.a. Signature. Seal - Licence as above to Ralph Page for wine tavern (Inn sign not named). Term 3 69 Wine Licences 1978 07-Aug 1782 1782 years. Consideration £15. Mark. Seal. - Licence as above to William Ward of St Albans, innholder, for the Bull. Term 3 69 Wine Licences 1979 07-Aug 1782 1782 years. Consideration £15 p.a. Signature. Seal - Lease of wine licence to Mary Langford of the Borough of St Albans, innholder of 69 Wine Licences 1980 06-Oct 1784 1784 the White Hart. Unexecuted (see no. 1981) - 69 Wine Licences 1981 - - - Counterpart of above (no. 1980). This and the above were unexecuted. -

69 Wine Licences 1982 01-Jul 1790 1790 Lease of wine licence to Thomas Peete Wimberley, innholder of the Bull. Signature. - Lease of wine licence to Ann Curtis, widow, innholder of the White Hart. 69 Wine Licences 1983 01-Jan 1791 1791 Corporation Seal. - 69 Wine Licences 1984 05-Oct 1791 1791 Lease of wine licence to Joseph Atwell, innholder of the Bull. Unexecuted - 69 Wine Licences 1985 05-Oct 1791 1791 Counterpart of above licence to Joseph Atwell (no. 1984). Unexecuted. -

69 Wine Licences 1986 21-Apr 1792 1792 Lease of wine licence to Samuel Butler, innholder, of The Angel. Signature. Seal - 69 Wine Licences 1987 01-Nov 1793 1793 Lease of wine licence to Ralph Page, innholder of the Woolpack. Mark. Seal. - 69 Wine Licences 1988 01-Nov 1796 1796 Lease of wine licence to Ralph Page, innholder of the Woolpack. Mark. Seal. -

70 Wine Licences 1989 01-Dec 1796 1796 Lease of wine licence to Hannah Butler, innholder of the Angel. Signature. Seal. -

70 Wine Licences 1990 26-Jan 1798 1798 Lease of wine licence to Isaac Newton, innholder of the White Hart. Signature. Seal -

70 Wine Licences 1991 09-Nov 1798 1798 Lease of wine licence to John Page, innholder of the Woolpack. Signature. Seal - Lease of wine licence to John Rudman Hayward, innholder of the White Hart. 70 Wine Licences 1992 18-Jan 1804 1804 Signature. Seal -

70 Wine Licences 1993 25-Jan 1804 1804 Lease of wine licence to Ann Smith, innholder of the Woolpack. Signature. Seal - 70 Wine Licences 1994 25-Jan 1804 1804 Lease of wine licence to Ann Marks, innholder of the Peahen. Signature. Seal - 70 Wine Licences 1995 04-Feb 1807 1807 Lease of wine licence to Ann Marks, innholder of the Peahen. Signature. Seal -

70 Wine Licences 1996 04-Feb 1807 1807 Lease of wine licence to Ann Smith, innholder of the Woolpack. Signature. Seal - Lease of wine licence to John Rudman Hayward, innholder of the White Hart. 70 Wine Licences 1997 04-Feb 1807 1807 Signature. Seal -

70 Wine Licences 1998 03-Jan 1810 1810 Lease of wine licence to Ann Smith, innholder of the Woolpack. Signature. Seal - Lease of wine licence to Ann Marks, innholder of the Peahen, for 3 years. 70 Wine Licences 2000 03-Jan 1810 1810 Signature. Seal - Lease of wine licence to John Rudman Hayward, innholder of the White Hart. 70 Wine Licences 2001 03-Jan 1810 1810 Signature. Seal -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 84 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Lease of wine licence to John Rudman Hayward, innholder of the White Hart. 70 Wine Licences 2002 01-Feb 1813 1813 Signature. Seal - Wine licence to John Kinder, gentleman, to sell wine at his tenement called the 70 Wine Licences 2006 01-Feb 1816 1816 Horse Loaves. Signature. Seal - Counterpart of No. 2002. (lease of wine licence to John Rudman Hayward of White 70 Wine Licences 2007 01-Feb 1813 1813 Hart) - 70 Wine Licences 2008 01-Feb 1813 1813 Wine licence to Mrs Ann Smith, innholder of the Woolpack. - Wine licence to William Nimmo, gentleman and William Trelfo, esquire, tenants of 71 Wine Licences 2009 02-Nov 1813 1813 the Horse Loaves. Signature of Trelfo. Seal. - 71 Wine Licences 2010 20-Oct 1815 1815 Wine licence to Mrs Ann Marks, innholder of the Peahen - Wine licence to John Rudman Hayward, innholder of the White Hart. Signature. 71 Wine Licences 2011 20-Oct 1815 1815 Seal - 71 Wine Licences 2012 20-Oct 1815 1815 Wine licence to Humphrey Foster, innholder of the Bell. - 71 Wine Licences 2013 05-Nov 1817 1717 Wine licence to Thomas Munday, innholder of the Bell - 71 Wine Licences 2014 07-Oct 1818 1818 Wine licence to Thomas Marks, innholder of the Peahen - 71 Wine Licences 2015 07-Oct 1818 1818 Wine licence to Thomas Munday, innholder of the Bell - 71 Wine Licences 2016 07-Oct 1818 1818 Wine licence to John Rudman Hayward, innholder of the White Hart - 71 Wine Licences 2017 22-Sep 1821 1821 Wine licence to Thomas Marks, innholder of the Peahen - 71 Wine Licences 2018 22-Sep 1821 1821 Wine licence to Thomas Munday, innholder of the Bell - Wine licence to Isaac Newton Hayward, innholder, and Miss Elizabeth Hayward, 71 Wine Licences 2019 22-Sep 1821 1821 spinster, of the White Hart - 71 Wine Licences 2020 25-Mar 1822 1822 Wine licence to George Mitchell, innholder of the Bell - 71 Wine Licences 2021 22-Sep 1821 1821 Wine licence to Thomas Munday, innholder of the Bell - 71 Wine Licences 2022 29-Sep 1824 1824 Wine licence to George Mitchell, innholder of the Bell - 71 Wine Licences 2023 29-Sep 1824 1824 Wine licence to Isaac Newton Hayward, innholder of the White Hart - 71 Wine Licences 2024 29-Sep 1824 1824 Wine licence to Thomas Marks, innholder of the Peahen - 72 Wine Licences 2025 29-Sep 1824 1827 Wine licence to William Ivory, innholder of the Woolpack - 72 Wine Licences 2026 29-Sep 1824 1827 Wine licence to George Mitchell, innholder of the Bell - Miscellaneous Act of Parliament 10 & 11 William III; "an act for settling Augmentations on certain 72 papers 1961 - 1698 1698 vicarages for ever" (relates to parishes in Guildford, Surrey) -

Papers in law suit. William Stone, William Neale, Francis Carter, Charles Turner Miscellaneous and James Agutter vs. William Viscount Grimston and other commissioners for 72 papers 1966 30-May 1722 1722 property given to charitable uses in the Borough of St Albans - Miscellaneous 72 papers 1967 30-May 1722 1722 Copy of above papers in law suit (No. 1966) -

Printed copy of Act 44 George III cap.8 for paving the footpaths and crosspaths for Miscellaneous cleansing, lighting, watching and regulating the streets etc. in St Albans. (With mss. 72 papers 1999 23-Mar 1804 1804 List of commissioners appointed March 1804 - April 1857) - Miscellaneous (18th (18th 72 papers 2003 - cent) cent) Revenues of the Borough -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 85 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Miscellaneous (18th (18th 72 papers 2004 - cent) cent) Jury List - Miscellaneous (18th (18th 72 papers 2005 - cent) cent) Jury List - Miscellaneous 72 papers 2027 - 1836 1836 Roll of oaths taken by Justices of the Peace for the Borough - Miscellaneous 72 papers 2028 15-Sep 1840 1840 Declaration of Trust by Edward Boys, treasurer of the Borough - Miscellaneous 72 papers 2029 01-Sep 1859 1859 Printed account of Mr Edward Boys, treasurer of the Borough - Miscellaneous 72 papers 2030 20-Apr 1867 1867 Transfer of powers from Paving and Lighting Commissioners to Town Council - Miscellaneous 72 papers 2031 - 1870 1870 Roll of oaths taken by Justices of the Peace for the Borough - Miscellaneous 72 papers 2032 25-Mar 1878 1878 Lease to George Annesley, esquire, of No. 2 Victoria Street - Miscellaneous 73 papers 2033 05-Apr 1878 1878 Lease of William Meston, tobacconist, of No.1 Victoria Street - Miscellaneous Counterpart to lease of William Meston, tobacconist, of No.1 Victoria Street (see no. 73 papers 2034 05-Apr 1878 1878 2033) - Miscellaneous Notification by the Mayor that the City has adopted the provisions of the Public 73 papers 2035 07-Mar 1878 1878 Libraries Act. Majority for 190, against 27 - Miscellaneous 73 papers 2036 01-Sep 1887 1887 Roll of oaths taken by Justices of the Peace for the Borough - Miscellaneous 73 papers 2037 23-Oct 1731 1731 Receipt for 18d for rent of Halliwell Ward due to the King - Miscellaneous 73 papers 2038 01-May 1828 1828 Printed copy of act for building New Court House at St Albans - Lease by Nicholas Bradwin of St Albans, milliner, and William his son and Ann his Miscellaneous wife to John Green of Clements Inn, gent., of a messuage called the Black Boy in 73 papers 2039 01-Oct 1734 1734 Fishpool Street. Signatures. Seals (armorial). See No. 2040 Missing? Release relating to above lease by Nicholas Bradwin of St Albans, milliner, and Miscellaneous William his son and Ann his wife to John Green of Clements Inn, gent., of a 73 papers 2040 02-Oct 1734 1734 messuage called the Black Boy in Fishpool Street. (see No. 2039) - Lease by the Mayor etc to John Reynolds of piece of ground adjoining the Miscellaneous Greyhound for 99 years. Signature. Seal armorial. Attested. Copy of lease and 73 papers 2041 26-Mar 1735 1735 release (see also No. 2050) - JA Bucknall of Oxley Place, Watford, to Hon. Harbottle Grimston of messuage in St Miscellaneous Peters Street adjoining Cock Lane and land of the late Dowager Duchess of 73 papers 2042 02-Jan 1774 1774 Marlborough (see also No. 2050) - Miscellaneous Attested copy of lease and release by Hon. Rev. H Grimston to William Kilby of St 73 papers 2043 13-Jan 1810 1810 Albans, carpenter. Same property (as in No. 2042?) -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 86 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Miscellaneous Lease by the Mayor etc to Sarah Baker, widow. Messuage abutting on the Clock 73 papers 2044 04-Dec 1811 1811 Tower and on the "Womens Market". 10 years. Signature. Seal - Miscellaneous Lease by the Mayor etc to Joseph Stirrup of St Albans, dealer in earthen ware. 73 papers 2045 06-Oct 1813 1813 Same property. 14 years. Signature. Seal - Miscellaneous Lease. William Benniworth of St Albans, gent., to William Lewin, grocer. Messuage 74 papers 2046 10-Feb 1814 1814 in St Peter's Street. 14 years. Signature - Miscellaneous Lease by Mayor etc to Thomas Wilkins, cordwainer of the Clock House (except the 74 papers 2047 12-Jul 1815 1815 Telegraph Chamber, the Town Clock and bell). 7 years. Signature. - Miscellaneous 74 papers 2048 05-Aug 1815 1815 Copy of will of William Benniworth of St Albans, gent. Proved 8 May 1821 -

Feoffment by William Henry Shephard of St Albans, gent, to Thomas Kinder of St Miscellaneous Albans, gent, and others of slaughter house etc in St Peters Street opposite the 74 papers 2049 10-Jun 1816 1816 dwelling house and brewhouse of Thomas Kinder. Signatures. Seals - Miscellaneous Abstract of title of William Kilby to property described in Nos. 2042 & 2042 from 74 papers 2050 - 1818 1818 1774. - Miscellaneous Lease and release. William Kilby to James Cottle of St Albans, millwright. Plan in 74 papers 2051 21-Dec 1818 1818 the margin. Shows the Cock Pond in St Peters Street. Signatures. - Miscellaneous Proclamation by the King "for the encouragement of Virtue and for the Prevention 74 papers 2052 12-Feb 1820 1820 and punishing of vice profaneness and immorality". - Miscellaneous Copy of memorandum of agreement. Miss Mary Benniworth and Joseph Fowler to 74 papers 2053 11-Jun 1821 1821 sell property in St Peters Street -

Miscellaneous Copy of indenture of fine dated Hil. 32 Geo II (1759) John Reynolds plaintiff and 74 papers 2054 11-Jun 1821 1821 Mote Lancaster and Alice his wife deforciants of a messuage etc in St Albans - Miscellaneous Copy of opinion of C. Venner on the title of Mary Benniworth to the "Crab Tree" and 74 papers 2055 29-Aug 1821 1821 piece of land in St Peters Street (see no. 2056) - Miscellaneous Answers to Mr Venner's opinion. Embraces pedigree of the Howard family (see No. 74 papers 2056 29-Aug 1821 1821 2055) - Miscellaneous Administration of the will of William Gape esquire deceased with will attached. 74 papers 2057 01-Sep 1821 1821 Dated 23 May 1735 - Rev. James Carpenter Gape to James Taylor of Furnivals Inn, gent. Assignment of Miscellaneous remainder of term of 1000 years in property in St Peters Street to Miss Mary 74 papers 2058 01-Sep 1821 1821 Benniworth - Miscellaneous In re Joseph Burn, infant. Copy of order of reference to Court of Chancery concerns 75 papers 2059 02-Nov 1821 1821 estate of Mary Benniworth - Miscellaneous In re Joseph Burn, infant. Office copy of Report by Master in Chancery, concerns 75 papers 2060 15-Dec 1821 1821 estate of Mary Benniworth - Miscellaneous In re Joseph Burn, infant. Office copy of Order of Court of Chancery, concerns 75 papers 2061 17-Dec 1821 1821 estate of Mary Benniworth - Miscellaneous 75 papers 2062 - 1821 1821 Estate of Miss Benniworth. Solicitors fees -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 87 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Miscellaneous 75 papers 2063 - 1821 1821 Copy of letters by Joseph Fowler to Miss Benniworth - Miscellaneous Lease and release. Joseph Fowler to Thomas Hill, esquire. Conveyance of Crab 75 papers 2064 22-Jan 1822 1822 Tree and other property in St Peter's Street. Signature. - Miscellaneous James Taylor to William Smorthwaite assignment of term of 1000 years in (Crab 75 papers 2065 19-Jan 1822 1822 Tree and other) property. Signatures - Miscellaneous Marry Benniworth to Joseph Fowler. Feoffment of the (Crab Tree and other) 75 papers 2066 19-Jan 1822 1822 property. Signatures - Miscellaneous 75 papers 2067 - 1822 1822 Table of Constables Fees - Miscellaneous 2068- Thomas Hill by direction of Joseph Fowler to Mr Joseph Bibbins. Transfer of 75 papers 2069 03-Sep 1823 1823 mortgage in property mentioned in No. 2066 - Miscellaneous William Smorthwaite to John Samuel Storey. Assignment of mortgage on property 75 papers 2070 03-Sep 1823 1823 as above (No.2066?). Signature - Miscellaneous 75 papers 2071 03-Sep 1823 1823 Joseph Fowler to Joseph Bibbins. Bond. See Nos. 2068-69 above. Signature. - Miscellaneous 75 papers 2072 21-Oct 1826 1826 Particulars of sale of property in and Bullings Green in St Albans. - Miscellaneous 75 papers 2073 21-Feb 1827 1827 "Plan of Mr Fowler's Land". St Peter's Street - Lease and release. Joseph Bibbins and Joseph Fowler of Bernards Heath, Miscellaneous brickmaker, to Joseph Reynolds of St Albans, draper and tailor. Property in St 75 papers 2074 25-Aug 1827 1827 Peters Street. - Miscellaneous Isaac Piggott and Joseph Russell. Agreement for sale of property in St Peters 76 papers 2075 02-Oct 1827 1827 Street. Signatures - Miscellaneous Fair copy: Isaac Piggott and Joseph Russell. Agreement for sale of property in St 76 papers 2076 - 1827 1827 Peters Street. Signatures -

Miscellaneous Joseph Bibbins and Joseph Fowler to Isaac Piggott of St Albans, gent., and John 76 papers 2077 25-Oct 1827 1827 Horner Rumball, surveyor, of property in St Albans. Plan as in No. 2076. Signatures - Miscellaneous Isaac Piggott to Joseph Russells of St Albans, draper and tailor. Property in St 76 papers 2078 30-Nov 1827 1827 Peters Street. Plan. Signature - Miscellaneous Fine between William Jenkins plaintiff and Mary Benniworth deforcient of 76 papers 2079 November 1821 1821 messuages etc in St Albans - Miscellaneous Counterpart of above - No. 2079. (Fine between William Jenkins plaintiff and Mary 76 papers 2080 November 1821 1821 Benniworth deforcient of messuages etc in St Albans) - Miscellaneous 76 papers 2081 29-Aug 1829 1829 Office copy of will of James Cottle of St Albans, millwright - Miscellaneous 76 papers 2082 29-Aug 1829 1829 Another copy of No. 2081 - will of James Cottle - Miscellaneous 76 papers 2083 13-Apr 1830 1830 Richard William Brabant of St Albans, gent., to Mrs Mary Partridge -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 88 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Miscellaneous 76 papers 2084 07-Jul 1830 1830 Certificate of freedom of Joseph Parsons, tallow chandler and grocer - Miscellaneous Joseph Fowler and Joseph Bibbins to Alexander Small of London Colney, gent. 76 papers 2085 07-Aug 1830 1830 Lease of release of property in St Peters Street. Signatures - Miscellaneous 76 papers 2086 - 1830 1835 Notes of payments to Borough Offices - Miscellaneous Return of overseers under population act for parishes of St Albans, St Peters and 76 papers 2087 29-Jul 1831 1831 St Michaels - Miscellaneous 76 papers 2088 21-Jun 1832 1832 Specification of work to be done at Free Grammar School. Lewis Wyatt, architect - Miscellaneous Certificate of Redemption of land tax by Joseph Russell for property in St Peters 76 papers 2089 04-Dec 1830 1830 Street - Miscellaneous Letter relating to Certificate of Redemption of Land Tax by Joseph Russell (No. 77 papers 2090 - 1830 1830 2089 above) - Miscellaneous 77 papers 2091 23-May 1839 1839 Advertisement of Sale by Auction of Romeland - Miscellaneous Advertisement inviting tenders from bakers for the supply of bread to the poor and 77 papers 2092 25-Oct 1833 1833 to prisoners in the Gaol and House of Correction - Miscellaneous Auctioneers' advertisement of sale of grocer's shop in St Peters Street in tenure of 77 papers 2093 25-Jan 1835 1835 John Edmonds - Miscellaneous Lease and release. Alexander Small to Joseph Russell of property in St Peters 77 papers 2094 27-Apr 1835 1835 Street including above (grocer's shop in No. 2093?). Plan. Signatures - Miscellaneous 77 papers 2095 12-Oct 1836 1836 Printed copy of Trust Deed of Infant School, St Albans - Miscellaneous Conveyance by Guardians of the Poor to James Cottle of property in St Peters 77 papers 2096 03-Dec 1836 1836 Street on south side of Hatfield Road. Signatures. - Miscellaneous 77 papers 2097 - 1836 1836 Draft bye-laws of the Borough of Marlborough, co. Wiltshire - Miscellaneous Case for the opinion of the Attorney General as to the jurisdiction of the Borough 77 papers 2098 04-Dec - - under the Municipal Corporations Amendment Act - Miscellaneous 77 papers 2099 08-Feb 1838 1838 Claim by Thomas Ward Blagg, gent., as coroner - Miscellaneous Lease and release. Mrs Mary Partridge to James Partridge. Premises in St Peters 77 papers 2100 12-Nov 1838 1838 Street. Signatures. - Miscellaneous Bond commissioners under St Albans Paving and Lighting Act to Sarah Shirley of 77 papers 2101 05-Mar 1839 1839 49 Salisbury Square, London, widow for loan. Signatures - Miscellaneous 77 papers 2102 23-Apr 1839 1839 Abstract of title 1812; 1839 to part of Romeland - Miscellaneous Agreement. Francis James Osbaldestone to Joseph Russell in respect of part of 77 papers 2103 03-Jul 1839 1839 Romeland - Miscellaneous 77 papers 2104 16-Jul - - Declaration by Town Clerk in regard of ownership of Romeland -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 89 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Miscellaneous Feoffment by the Mayor and others to Joseph Russell of two plots of Romeland. 77 papers 2105 09-Aug 1839 1839 Plan. Signatures. Seals - Miscellaneous Agreement by Joseph Russell to buy part of Romeland. Cheque drawn by Russell 78 papers 2106 30-Aug 1839 1839 on St Albans Bank (John Samuel Storey) - Miscellaneous 78 papers 2107 August 1839 1839 Solicitors fees incurred by Joseph Russell in purchasing part of Romeland - Miscellaneous 78 papers 2108 01-Mar 1841 1841 Declaration of election of Borough auditors and assessors -

Draft petition to H.M. to patronize a Horse Race at Gorhambury. This sets out that H.M.'s uncle entered two of his best horses, "Colonel" and "Hindustan" and was Miscellaneous declared the winner. Original petition to William IV enclosed. The Petition to Queen 78 papers 2109 - 1842 1842 Victoria recalls her recent visit to Earl Cowper at . - Miscellaneous 78 papers 2110 March 1842 1842 Voting paper for auditor - Miscellaneous 78 papers 2111 March 1843 1843 Voting paper for auditor - Miscellaneous 78 papers 2112 01-Mar 1843 1843 Declaration of election of Borough auditors and assessors - Miscellaneous 78 papers 2113 28-Oct 1843 1843 Announcement of the election of four councillors - Miscellaneous 78 papers 2114 01-Mar 1844 1844 Voting paper for auditor - Miscellaneous 78 papers 2115 01-Apr 1844 1844 Voting paper for auditor -

Miscellaneous Copy of marriage settlement of Harriett Cottle, daughter of late James Cottle, to 78 papers 2116 06-Apr 1844 1844 George Fellingham of the City of Bath, cabinet maker. Premises in St Peters Street - Miscellaneous 78 papers 2117 01-Mar 1844 1844 Voting paper for assessor - Bundle of correspondence with Town Clerks of other Boroughs in regard to bye- laws and as to jurisdiction of Mayor and Town Council. Includes case for opinion Miscellaneous and other papers re. the right of the Borough of Hastings to apply their funds for 78 papers 2118 01-Mar 1844 1844 improving Corporation property. - Miscellaneous Appointment by Edward Gibson assessor for the Borough and of Joseph Russell of 79 papers 2119 31-Oct 1844 1844 Holywell Hill as his deputy. - Miscellaneous 79 papers 2120 30-Jul 1846 1846 Certified copy of the baptism of Thomas Machell on 14th September 1825 - Miscellaneous Certified copy of the baptism of George son of Thomas Fitzgerald of Colney House, 79 papers 2121 25-Jun 1841 1841 gardener, from registers - Miscellaneous Certified copy from the registers of St Andrew Holborn, London, of the marriage of 79 papers 2122 23-Jul 1819 1819 Richard Gutteridge and Jane Smith -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 90 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book

Miscellaneous Certified copy from the parish registers of St Peters of the baptism of Richard 79 papers 2123 20-May 1820 1820 Charles, son of Richard Gutteridge of St Peters, auctioneer, on 20th May, 1820 -

Miscellaneous Certified copy from the registers of South Mimms of the marriage of Thomas Heath 79 papers 2124 30-Jul 1846 1846 of Abbey parish to Rosy Annabella Machell of South Mimms on 19 May 1824 - Miscellaneous Letter from Town Clerk announcing the election as councillor of Joseph Russell in 79 papers 2125 08-Feb 1847 1847 place of John Coales - Miscellaneous 2126- 79 papers 2128 06-Mar 1847 1847 Voting paper for Councillor - Miscellaneous 2129- 79 papers 2135 06-Mar 1847 1847 Voting paper for assessor - Miscellaneous Advertisement for Sale by Auction at the Woolpack Inn of seven newly built dwelling 79 papers 2134 23-Feb 1847 1847 houses in Hatfield Road - Miscellaneous Declaration by Thomas Howard of St Albans, bricklayer, as to the houses above 79 papers 2135 22-Mar 1847 1847 described (No. 2134 - in Hatfield Road) - Miscellaneous Abstract of title of James William Cottle to seven freehold houses (No. 2134 - in 79 papers 2136 - 1836 1847 Hatfield Road) - Miscellaneous Conveyance. James William Cottle to Thomas Dilworth Causton of St Albans, 79 papers 2137 03-Apr 1847 1847 grocer, of the above property. (No. 2134 - in Hatfield Road). Signatures - Miscellaneous 79 papers 2138 06-Aug 1847 1847 Administration with Will attached of James Partridge, late of Chesham, Co. Bucks. - Miscellaneous George Fellingham of Walcot, Bath, and Harriett his wife to Thomas Dilworth 80 papers 2139 07-Nov 1848 1848 Causton. Conveyance of three cottages in Cock Lane. - Miscellaneous Press copy of schedule of deeds relating to cottages on the south side of Hatfield 80 papers 2140 - 1847 1847 Road - Miscellaneous 2141- 80 papers 2143 - 1847 1847 Certified copies of parish register entries relating to the Cottle family - George Fred. Cottle of Walcot, Somerset, shoemaker, to Thomas Dilworth Causton Miscellaneous of St Albans, grocer. Conveyance of cottages in Cock Lane. Copy of will of James 80 papers 2144 10-May 1849 1849 Causton dated 29 August 1824 enclosed Missing? Miscellaneous William Partridge to Mrs Mary Somes and Mrs Eliza Harding. Deed of gift of 80 papers 2145 24-Sep - - premises in St Peters Street - Miscellaneous Abstract of title of Mrs Mary Somes and Mrs Eliza Harding to premises in St Peters 80 papers 2146 - 1849 1849 Street, 1830-1849 - Miscellaneous Mrs Mary Somes and James Harding and Eliza his wife to Francis Robert Silvester. 80 papers 2147 29-Jan 1850 1850 Conveyance of property in St Peters Street - Miscellaneous Declaration of identity of the above premises James Cottle deceased (No. 2147 - St 80 papers 2148 30-Jan 1850 1850 Peters Street?) - Miscellaneous Abstract of title of James William Cottle to the above premises, 1818-1850 (no. 80 papers 2149 30-Jan 1850 1850 2147 - St Peters Street?) -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 91 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Miscellaneous 80 papers 2150 05-Feb 1850 1850 Solicitors bill of costs re above premises (No. 2147 - St Peters Street?) - Miscellaneous Certified copy of entry in marriage register of St Mary le Bow of James Cottle to 80 papers 2151 01-Feb 1850 1850 Mary Ann Lough 9 December 1811 - Mortgage. James William Cottle to Joseph Essam of Desborough, co. Northants. Miscellaneous Premises in St Peters Street fronting the Cock and 7 and 8 Marlborough Place. 80 papers 2152 02-Feb 1850 1850 Signature. Seals - Miscellaneous 80 papers 2153 29-Apr 1850 1850 Certified copy of death of Thomas George Bullen in Bury St Edmunds, co. Suffolk. - Miscellaneous Consent of Joseph Essam to sale by auction of property contained in No. 2152 (St 80 papers 2154 27-Sep 1850 1850 Peters Street) - Miscellaneous 80 papers 2155 01-Feb 1850 1850 Certificate of burial of James Cottle 30 August 1837 at St Peters - Miscellaneous 81 papers 2156 18-Jan 1850 1850 Certificate of baptism of James William Cottle at St Peter 11 February 1825 - Miscellaneous Bundle of correspondence relating to the estate of the late Thomas George Bullen 81 papers 2157 - c.1851 c.1851 of Bury St Edmunds, co. Suffolk - Miscellaneous 81 papers 2158 - c.1850 c.1850 Accounts of the estate of Thomas George Bullen - Miscellaneous Conveyance of James William Cottle to Thomas Dilworth Causton of premises in St 81 papers 2159 15-Jan 1851 1851 Peters Street and Marlborough Place. See No. 2152. Signatures. Seals - Miscellaneous 2160- 81 papers 2167A - 1844 1852 Treasurer's Accounts - Miscellaneous 81 papers 2168 - c.1852 c.1852 Bundle of correspondence relating to the estate of Thomas George Bullen - Miscellaneous Conveyance by Joseph Essam to Thomas D Causton of premises. Signatures. 81 papers 2169 28-Jan 1853 1853 Seals - Miscellaneous 81 papers 2170 - 1853 1853 Legal charge re. above (No. 1853 - Essam to Causton?) - Miscellaneous 81 papers 2171 13-May 1853 1853 Additional bye-laws - Miscellaneous 81 papers 2172 13-May 1853 1853 Draft of additional bye-laws in No. 2171 - Miscellaneous 81 papers 2173 25-Jul 1853 1853 Letter from Secretary of State acknowledging copy of the Bye-laws - Miscellaneous Case and opinion of Mr Welsly, Counsel, in regard of the right of the Corporation to Not 81 papers 2174 07-Nov 1854 1854 use the Council or Corporation Chambers in the Town Hall. transferred Miscellaneous Receipt for Land Tax redemption for Thomas Dilworth Causton in respect of Little 81 papers 2175 07-Jun 1855 1855 Croft, St Peters - Miscellaneous 81 papers 2176 March 1856 1856 Accounts re. estate of Thomas George Bullen -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 92 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Miscellaneous Abstract of title 1783-1852 to premises belonging to Joseph Cheeseman of 81 papers 2177 - 1857 1857 Redbourne. Auction particulars. - Conveyance of John Somes of High Wycombe, co. Bucks., and Elizabeth his wife Miscellaneous to George Henry Brabant of premises on the east side of St Peters Street. 81 papers 2178 23-Mar 1858 1858 Signature. Seals - Miscellaneous 81 papers 2179 - 1853 1853 Accounts of the estate of the late Thomas George Bullen - Miscellaneous 82 papers 2180 12-Feb 1859 1859 Printed notice as to hours of business in the Corn Market - Conveyance. (1) John Horner Rumball (2) William Henry Ablett of Holloway co. Middlesex, and Richard Colyer Battyall of Brixton (3) Fred. John Ablett of Stoke Newington and Eleanor his wife and (4) the Mayor etc of St Albans, of land near the Miscellaneous Court House opposite the brewery premises of Messrs Kinder and Debenham, St 82 papers 2181 02-May 1861 1861 Peters. Plan. Signatures. Seals (See No. 2182) - Mortgage. Mayor etc of St Albans to William Nightingall of Hatfield of the site of the old Market House commonly called the New Corn Exchange and all market rights of Miscellaneous the Cock House (sic - Clock House?) and ground adjoining and the property 82 papers 2182 03-May 1861 1861 mentioned in No. 2181 above. Signatures. Seals - Miscellaneous 82 papers 2184 - 1861 1862 Treasurer's account - Miscellaneous Conveyance. Francis Robert Silvester to Henry Brabant of premises in St Peters 82 papers 2185 18-May 1864 1864 Street abutting Shropshire Lane. Signature. Seal - Miscellaneous 82 papers 2186 13-Nov 1866 1866 Abstract of title 1825-1865 of property in Redbourne - Miscellaneous Draft bargain and sale by Thomas Stone and James Vass to Joseph Thorogood of 82 papers 2187 28-Dec 1866 1866 premises in Redbourne (see No. 2188) - Miscellaneous 82 papers 2188 28-Dec 1866 1866 Documents relating to above (No. 2187?) - Miscellaneous Declaration of Trust. Isaac Newton Edwards, George Ashwell and John Parrott to 82 papers 2190 02-Nov 1867 1867 Mayor etc for the appointment of George Ashwell as treasurer - Miscellaneous Leaflet explaining to workers against the Factory Act Extension, as applicable to the 82 papers 2191 - c.1867 c.1867 straw manufacturing trade - Conveyance by British Land Co Ltd to William Else of piece of land in parish of St Peters in New London Road. Plan. Mark. Birth certificates of John Else, and Miscellaneous marriage of William Else and Martha Marsden, 24 October 1841. (see also Nos. 82 papers 2192 04-Aug 1866 1866 2193-94) - Miscellaneous Abstract of title 1728-1855 of land mentioned in No. 2192 above. Plans. pp. 26, 30, 83 papers 2193 - 1857 1857 31 & 33 (New London Road) - Miscellaneous 83 papers 2194 - 1856 1865 Abstract of title to land mentioned in No. 2192 above (New London Road) - Miscellaneous 83 papers 2195 - c.1860 c.1860 MSS list of inhabitants under names of streets -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 93 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Miscellaneous 83 papers 2196 - 1870 1870 Ordnance sheets Sandridge Ward and Bernards Heath Ward, St Albans - Miscellaneous 83 papers 2196A 27-Apr 1870 1870 Contract to TW Haselgrove for paving Upper Dagnall Lane - Miscellaneous 83 papers 2197 - 1874 1874 Draft order repealing Local Act 44 Geo. II re paving of footpaths - Miscellaneous 83 papers 2198 01-Feb 1875 1875 Declaration of Town Clerk as to the assets of the Borough - Miscellaneous 83 papers 2199 03-Feb 1875 1875 Mortgage. Mayor etc to Thomas Chapman of Borough Rates - Miscellaneous 83 papers 2200 05-Apr 1875 1875 Bond. Henry Brabant etc to Mayor etc. for execution of office of treasurer - Conveyance. John Henry Buckingham to the Mayor of a piece of land in Victoria Miscellaneous Street east of Lattimore Road. Plan. Seal. Signature. Enclosed in above 83 papers 2201 22-Apr 1875 1875 conveyance 18 June 1870 British Land Co to JH Buckingham - Miscellaneous 83 papers 2202 14-May 1875 1875 Notice by Town Clerk to Francis Parsons to quit premises in Sweet Briar Lane - Miscellaneous 83 papers 2203 01-Nov 1875 1875 Mayor etc to Henry Ingram. Agreement to perform office of Borough Surveyor etc - Miscellaneous 83 papers 2204 - 1875 1875 Printed Act relating to explosives. 38 Vic. Cap.17 - Miscellaneous 83 papers 2205 10-Feb 1876 1876 Printed copy of Borough Bye-laws - Miscellaneous 83 papers 2206 08-Feb 1876 1876 Letter from Local Government Board re salary of Inspector JF Colbron - Miscellaneous 83 papers 2207 16-Mar 1876 1876 List of subscribers for Building Fund of Public Library - Miscellaneous 83 papers 2208 13-Apr 1876 1876 Case for Opinion of Counsel as to rates -

Miscellaneous Conveyance by Isaac Newton Edwards to Mayor etc of piece of land in parish of St 84 papers 2209 06-Apr 1877 1877 Peters between Victoria Street and Chequer Street. Plan. Signature. Seal - Miscellaneous Conveyance. John Henry Brabant to the Mayor etc. on north side of Victoria Street. 84 papers 2210 09-Feb 1877 1877 Plan. Signature. Seal - Miscellaneous Declaration by Henry Brabant as to the above property (See No. 2210 - Victoria 84 papers 2211 26-May 1877 1877 Street) - Miscellaneous 84 papers 2212 26-May 1877 1877 Copy of sanction of a loan of Local Government Board - Miscellaneous 84 papers 2213 10-Oct 1877 1877 Appeal for funds on behalf of proposed public library. Printed - Miscellaneous 84 papers 2214 07-Mar 1878 1878 Printed notice showing voting in favour of adopting the Public Libraries Act -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 94 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Miscellaneous 84 papers 2215 17-Apr 1877 1877 Schedules of title deeds of property referred to in No. 2210 (Victoria Street) - Miscellaneous 84 papers 2216 25-Mar 1878 1878 Lease by the Mayor etc to George Annesley of 2 Victoria Street. Signatures. Seals - Miscellaneous 84 papers 2217 30-Mar 1878 1878 Agreement for collection of refuse; Alfred Mardell - Miscellaneous 84 papers 2218 09-Apr 1878 1878 Printed letter from Principal Secretary of State re pensions - Miscellaneous 84 papers 2219 - c.1878 c.1879 Draft copy. City of St Albans Extension Bill - Miscellaneous 84 papers 2220 - c.1879 c.1879 Draft copy. City of St Albans Extension Bill - Miscellaneous 84 papers 2221 30-Jan 1878 1878 Agreement by the Mayor etc to William Maston for tenancy of 1 Victoria Street - Miscellaneous 84 papers 2222 January 1878 1878 Application for shops at top of Victoria Street - Miscellaneous 84 papers 2223 23-Feb 1878 1878 Printed Home Office letter re. the Justices Clerks Act - Miscellaneous 84 papers 2224 22-Feb 1878 1878 Bond by Frank Giffen, rate collector - Miscellaneous 84 papers 2225 February 1878 1878 Correspondence re the late Mr JH Osborns, rate collector - Miscellaneous 84 papers 2226 05-Oct 1878 1878 Printed notice re construction of the sewers - Miscellaneous 85 papers 2227 - c.1879 c.1879 Petition re construction of sewage works - Miscellaneous 85 papers 2228 July 1879 1879 Report re sewerage - Miscellaneous 85 papers 2229 22-Apr 1879 1879 Evidence re the St Albans City Extension - Miscellaneous 85 papers 2230 - c.1879 c.1879 Printed Act to extend City of St Albans - Miscellaneous Printed letter from Local Government Board to Earl of Verulam re sewerage 85 papers 2231 - 1879 1879 scheme - Miscellaneous 85 papers 2232 23-Aug 1880 1880 Proof of bye-laws for slaughter houses in St Albans - Miscellaneous 85 papers 2233 19-Nov 1879 1879 Bond by William James Pike as inspector of weights and measures - Miscellaneous 85 papers 2234 December 1879 1879 Printed letter from Local Government Board to Frederick Gray (similar to no. 2231) - Miscellaneous 85 papers 2235 December 1879 1879 Printed letter and schedule re sewerage scheme (similar to nos. 2231 & 2234) -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 95 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Miscellaneous Agreement by Stephen Vizard Rede Adey to let premises in Victoria Street to St 85 papers 2236 05-Dec 1877 1877 Albans Public Baths Co. - Miscellaneous 85 papers 2237 - 1878 1885 Accounts of St Albans sewerage - Miscellaneous Correspondence etc. re sewerage works Act of Parliament confirming provisional 85 papers 2238 - 1880 1880 orders. Estimates of costs etc - Miscellaneous 85 papers 2239 03-Sep 1880 1880 Local Government Board to Town Clerk confirming bye-laws - Miscellaneous 85 papers 2240 13-Mar 1880 1880 Petition that Highway Board be dissolved - Miscellaneous 85 papers 2242 13-Mar 1880 1880 Local Government Board to Town Clerk re slaughter houses - Miscellaneous Draft petition to Local Government Board for authority to put in force the Land 85 papers 2243 January 1880 1880 Clauses for compulsory purchase of lands. Schedules of lands attached - Miscellaneous 85 papers 2244 20-Apr 1880 1880 Local Government Board to Town Clerk forwarding provisional orders - Miscellaneous 86 papers 2245 18-Oct 1880 1880 Local Government Board to Town Clerk re raising loan for sewerage works - Miscellaneous 86 papers 2246 - 1880 1880 Printed copy of Act confirming provisional orders - Miscellaneous 86 papers 2247 - 1880 1880 Papers re sewerage scheme - Miscellaneous 86 papers 2250 - 1880 1892 Bundle of papers re sewerage scheme - Miscellaneous 86 papers 2251 - 1881 1881 Surveyors bill of cost re land required for sewerage scheme - Miscellaneous 86 papers 2253 - 1881 1881 Printed pro forma of Provisional Orders - Miscellaneous 86 papers 2254 - 1881 1881 Printed pro forma of Provisional Orders addressed to various land owners - Miscellaneous 86 papers 2255 - 1881 1881 Printed pro forma of Provisional Orders addressed to various land owners - Miscellaneous Sewerage scheme. Book of reference to landowners whose lands are to be 86 papers 2256 - 1881 1881 requisitioned in the parish of St Stephens - Miscellaneous Agreement by Frederick Gray to allow an easement in connection with sewerage 86 papers 2259 11-May 1881 1881 scheme in parish of St Stephen. Plans. - Miscellaneous 86 papers 2260 - 1881 1881 Agreement for easements in connection with sewerage scheme - Miscellaneous 86 papers 2261 - 1881 1881 Agreement for easements in connection with sewerage scheme with some plans - Miscellaneous Pro forma claim form to be used by landowners whose land is requisitioned for Not 86 papers 2262 - 1881 1881 sewerage scheme transferred

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 96 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Miscellaneous 86 papers 2263 14-Apr 1881 1881 Sewerage scheme. Notice to treat. - Miscellaneous 87 papers 2264 30-Mar 1881 1881 Sewerage scheme. Notice to treat. - Miscellaneous 87 papers 2266 - 1881 1881 Draft agreement for purchase of an easement required for sewerage scheme - Miscellaneous Mortgage: William Strofton of Chequer Street, grocer, and Sarah his wife of Henry 87 papers 2268 02-Feb 1888 1888 Joseph Leedham of Harpenden of cottages in Cock Lane etc. Signature - Miscellaneous 87 papers 2270 - 1881 1881 Draft agreement to purchase easement from Mr AJQ Grey for sewerage scheme - Miscellaneous Letter from Lord Rendlesham as to his land required for purchase for sewerage 87 papers 2271 19-May 1881 1881 scheme in Colney Street. - Miscellaneous 87 papers 2272 11-May 1881 1881 Mortgage of city rates to Prudential Assurance Co. - Miscellaneous Agreement to purchase easement from Major James John Gape for sewerage 87 papers 2273 03-Aug 1881 1881 scheme - Miscellaneous Draft list of landowners whose land is required for sewerage scheme. Similar 87 papers 2274 - 1881 1881 agreement with FW Silvester - Miscellaneous Draft list of landowners whose land is required for sewerage scheme. Similar 87 papers 2278 06-May 1881 1881 agreement with Edmund Hinton - Miscellaneous 88 papers 2287 - n.d. n.d. City sewage. Draft. Unsigned Notice to Treat - Miscellaneous 88 papers 2288 - 1881 1881 Drafts. Agreement for purchase of easement. George Annesley and Mayor etc - Miscellaneous City sewage. To Thomas Dallow Cartwright. Notice to treat. St Julians Farm, St 88 papers 2291 04-Apr 1881 1881 Stephens. Signed - Miscellaneous 88 papers 2292 - 1881 1881 City sewage. Copies of various notices served - Miscellaneous Copy of letter from Drivers and Co to Harding & Eve re Cartwright's Land. Also 88 papers 2293 08-Jun 1881 1881 Town Clerk's letter - Miscellaneous Francis William Silvester of St Albans and Mayor. Agreement in respect of 88 papers 2294 25-May 1881 1881 Easement with plan. Signed by Silvester -

Miscellaneous Abstract of title of John Gape to Bell Meadow and two other pieces of land abutting 88 papers 2295 - 1865 1881 on and road leading from St Albans to (copy) - Miscellaneous City sewage. Draft notices of intention to construct sewers within the district in three 88 papers 2296 - 1881 1881 months - Miscellaneous 88 papers 2297 01-Apr 1881 1881 City sewage. Copy of notice served on Major Gape - Miscellaneous 88 papers 2298 - 1881 1881 City sewage. Draft Notice to Treat. -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 97 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Miscellaneous 89 papers 2299 - 1893 1893 Accounts of Infectious Hospital - Miscellaneous 89 papers 2300 - 1881 1881 Draft agreement for purchase of easement. Hazelgrave and Mayor etc - Miscellaneous Agreement with occupiers of land in respect of easement. Thomas Mead, Park 89 papers 2301 06-May 1881 1881 Street, St Stephens, and Mayor etc. Signed Thomas Mead - Miscellaneous Agreement with occupier of land in respect of easement. Mrs Charlotte Day, St 89 papers 2302 25-May 1881 1881 Albans, and Mayor etc. Plan - Miscellaneous 89 papers 2303 - 1881 1881 City sewage: Draft Notice to Treat. Thomas Cartwright - Miscellaneous 89 papers 2304 24-Jan 1881 1881 Bond. John Chapple of St Albans to Mayor etc for George Ford. Surveyor - Miscellaneous George Bell of Park Lane Gateshead on Tyne. Agreement re contract for 89 papers 2305 21-Jun 1881 1881 construction of sewers - Miscellaneous 89 papers 2306 - 1881 1881 City sewage. Draft notice to Treat. St Julians Farm. Thomas Dullow Cartwright - Miscellaneous 89 papers 2307 - 1881 1881 City sewage. Various accounts - Miscellaneous 89 papers 2309 - 1882 1882 City sewage. Questionnaires to contractors and accounts of work done - Miscellaneous Draft affidavit in support of Summs for Judgement in the High Court. Mayor etc. 89 papers 2310 - 1882 1882 William Nicholson. Repayment of bond - Miscellaneous 89 papers 2311 - 1882 1882 City sewage. Sureties for contractor - Miscellaneous 89 papers 2312 - 1882 1882 City sewage. Questionnaire and references re contractor - Miscellaneous 89 papers 2313 - 1882 1882 City sewage. Questionnaire and references re contractor - Miscellaneous In High Court of Justice. Mayor etc vs. Johnson Coulson re non-completion of 89 papers 2314 - 1882 1882 sewage works - Miscellaneous 89 papers 2315 29-Mar 1882 1882 Notice of meeting re sewage - Miscellaneous 89 papers 2316 - 1882 1882 City sewage. Question for sureties to answer - Miscellaneous 90 papers 2317 26-Apr 1882 1882 Bond to carry out sewage works. James Dickson of Swansea and Mayor etc - Miscellaneous Agreement between Committee of Public Library and John Chamberlain of Victoria 90 papers 2318 12-Apr 1882 1882 Street on his engagement as caretaker - Miscellaneous High Court of Justice. Joseph Joel Ellis vs. Corporation. Taxation of Bill of Costs on 90 papers 2319 25-Oct 1882 1882 14 August 1882 - Miscellaneous 90 papers 2320 10-Jan 1882 1882 Agreement. Contractor George Bell and Mayor etc. Sewage works -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 98 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Miscellaneous Agreement. Alfred Mardell, St Albans and Mayor etc re sewage works by George 90 papers 2321 28-Jun 1882 1882 Lord - Miscellaneous Draft agreement for Purchase of Easement. Isaac Long, London Road St Albans, 90 papers 2322 15-Apr 1882 1882 and Mayor etc. Signed Isaac Long - Miscellaneous 90 papers 2323 06-Nov 1882 1882 City sewage. Account and receipt for fees - Miscellaneous Agreement for Purchase of Easement. Martha Margaret Lydekker, The Lodge, 90 papers 2324 01-Dec 1882 1882 Harpenden and Mayor etc. Plans. Signatures - Miscellaneous 90 papers 2325 17-Feb 1882 1882 Agreement for Purchase of Easement. Charge Woollam St Albans and Mayor etc - Miscellaneous 90 papers 2329 26-Apr 1882 1882 City sewage. James Dickson of Swansea and Mayor etc. Sewage works - Miscellaneous Counterparts of leases. William Randolph Kingham and Alice Maud Day and Mayor 90 papers 2329A - 1892 1893 etc. Premises in Victoria Street - Miscellaneous 90 papers 2330 - 1882 1882 City sewage. Questions for sureties - Miscellaneous 90 papers 2331 13-Feb 1882 1882 City sewage. Contracts for sewerage works - Miscellaneous Agreement for Purchase of an Easement. Isaac Long, Old London Road, St Albans 91 papers 2332 15-Apr 1882 1882 and Mayor etc. Plan. Signed. Isaac Long - Miscellaneous 91 papers 2334 09-Nov 1883 1883 City sewage. City Surveyors Report - Miscellaneous 91 papers 2335 - 1883 1883 Annual report and balance sheet of the St Albans Gas Co. - Miscellaneous Agreement re sewage works. James Dickson and Mayor etc. Signed J Dickson and 91 papers 2336 13-Nov 1883 1883 George Ford - Miscellaneous 91 papers 2338 04-May 1883 1883 Release re. City sewage - Miscellaneous 91 papers 2340 10-Sep 1883 1883 Letter to Town Clerk re re-instatement of gates to Christopher Yard - Miscellaneous 91 papers 2341 22-Nov 1883 1883 Deeds re purchase of land. Charles Willis Wiltshire and Mayor etc. Plans - Miscellaneous 91 papers 2343 25-Sep 1883 1883 Agreement re purchase of land. Charles Willis Wiltshire and Mayor etc. Plans - Miscellaneous 91 papers 2344 26-Jun 1883 1883 Agreement for tenancy 4 Victoria Street. Mayor etc and Eliza Whisson - Miscellaneous 91 papers 2345 15-Mar 1883 1883 Agreement re contract for works. George Capper and Mayor etc - Attested copy of transfer of mortgage. House in Chequer Street £100. Thomas Miscellaneous Weedon Kent by direction of Henry & Rozanna Thomson to Albert John Atkins and 91 papers 2347 08-Aug 1883 1883 Robert Ed. Josiah Matthew -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 99 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book

Miscellaneous Attested copy of transfer of mortgage. Also conveyance (attested copy) Albert John 92 papers 2348 - 1883 1890 Aitkens 5 Market Buildings, Mincing Lane, London to Henry Woodcock Ryland - Miscellaneous 92 papers 2349 25-Nov 1882 1882 Letter from Whitehall re Promissory Oaths Act - Miscellaneous Release. Edmund Nichols and Thomas Bowden to Mayor etc. Works material. 92 papers 2350 04-May 1883 1883 Signed - Miscellaneous 92 papers 2351 31-Jan 1883 1883 Treasurer's Account - Miscellaneous 92 papers 2352 20-Jul 1883 1883 Secretary of State to City. Letter re Burgess Bill - Miscellaneous 92 papers 2353 31-Dec 1883 1883 Treasurer's Balance Sheet - Miscellaneous City sewage. Draft agreement for purchase of easement (George Debenham). 92 papers 2354 - 1883 1883 Piece of land at end of Beaconsfield Road - Miscellaneous Declarations on becoming JPs. John Chapple, Sidney Longhurst and Frederick 92 papers 2355 17-Jan 1883 1883 Phillips - Miscellaneous 92 papers 2356 24-Feb 1883 1883 Agreement re Sewage contract. James Dickson, St Albans, and Mayor etc - Miscellaneous 92 papers 2357 13-Jul 1883 1883 Draft grant of easement. Mrs Fanny Debenham and Mayor etc. Plans - Miscellaneous Draft agreement to purchase easement. Mark Beauchamp Peacock and Mayor etc. 92 papers 2358 12-Dec 1883 1883 Plan - Miscellaneous Mortgage of City Fund and City Rates for £1365. Mayor etc to the Prudential 92 papers 2359 18-Apr 1883 1883 Assurance Co Ltd - Miscellaneous 92 papers 2360 17-Oct 1884 1884 Mr Shirley Murphy's Report on outbreak of enteric fever at St Albans - Miscellaneous 92 papers 2360A - 1884 1884 City sewage. Claim for damages to Osierbed by Gentle - Miscellaneous 92 papers 2361 19-May 1884 1884 Mortgage on General Rates. Mayor etc Sir William Bowman. Signed and sealed - Miscellaneous 92 papers 2362 19-May 1884 1884 Mortgage on General Rates. Mayor etc Sir William Bowman. Signed and sealed - Miscellaneous William Robert Russell to Mayor etc. Conveyance of a piece of land on Romeland, 93 papers 2364 15-Nov 1884 1884 St Albans. Signed and sealed - Miscellaneous Mrs Rosanna Thomson to Henry Woodcock Ryland. Conveyance of two cottages 93 papers 2365 18-Oct 1886 1886 etc on north side of Cock Lane. Attested copy - Miscellaneous Bond. William Cox Hazelgrove of Luton and others to Mayor etc for carrying out 93 papers 2366 - - - sewage works. Signed - Miscellaneous 93 papers 2367 26-Sep 1884 1884 Mortgage on General Rates. Mayor etc Sir William Bowman -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 100 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Miscellaneous 93 papers 2367A 19-Nov 1886 1886 Workmen's Receipts - Miscellaneous 93 papers 2368 09-Nov 1886 1886 Apportionment of expenses in Upper Lattimer (sic) Road re paving - Miscellaneous 93 papers 2369 29-May 1886 1886 Notice of Action. Mrs Sarah Brewer. Claims damages - Miscellaneous 93 papers 2371 25-Jan 1886 1886 Conveyance for above. Signed and sealed (which property?) - Miscellaneous 93 papers 2372 05-Mar 1885 1885 Mortgage of General Rates. Mayor etc to Sir William Bowman - Miscellaneous 93 papers 2373 02-Jul 1885 1885 Mortgage of General Rates. Mayor etc to Sir William Bowman - Miscellaneous 93 papers 2374 29-Oct 1885 1885 Mortgage of General Rates. Mayor etc to Sir William Bowman - Miscellaneous Conveyance. Mrs Dorcas Manlove to Mayor etc. Piece of land in Catherine Lane. 93 papers 2375 27-Jul 1888 1888 Plans. Signed and sealed - Miscellaneous 93 papers 2377 - 1885 1885 Police holidays - Miscellaneous Exchange of land in Albert Street. Mayor etc and Mr William Brewer. Plan. Sealed 93 papers 2378 19-Mar 1885 1885 and signed - Miscellaneous 94 papers 2380 29-Aug 1885 1885 Agreement for tenancy 4 Victoria Street. Mayor etc and Mr Walter Smart - Miscellaneous 94 papers 2381 29-Jul 1885 1885 Mayor etc to Mrs Eliza Whisson. Counterpart and lease of 2 & 3 Victoria Street - Miscellaneous Draft agreement. Tenancy of meadows adjoining river at Park Street. John 94 papers 2382 13-Jul 1885 1885 Sansome of Redbourn and Mayor etc - Miscellaneous Abstract of title (Copy) of William Albert Fisher to the Folly Meadow, junction of 94 papers 2384 - 1886 1886 Folly Lane and Union Lane etc - Miscellaneous 94 papers 2386 24-Sep 1886 1886 Requisitions in Title on sale of land. Hemel Hempstead. W.A. Fisher to Hull. Plans. - Miscellaneous 94 papers 2387 - 1886 1886 Plan of Folly Meadow - Miscellaneous 94 papers 2388 05-Oct 1886 1886 Draft conveyance of Folly Meadow - Miscellaneous 94 papers 2389 06-Jul 1885 1885 Catalogue of Folly Meadow - Miscellaneous 94 papers 2392 March 1887 1887 Account of City to Smith's work - Miscellaneous 94 papers 2393 - 1881 1881 Recommendation of Dobb and Gunner, St Albans - Miscellaneous 94 papers 2394 28-Feb 1887 1887 Notice of apportionment of expenses for paving in St Peter's Road to GF Arnold -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 101 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Miscellaneous Deed of covenant as to drainage of premises in Sopwell Lane. Stephen Vizard 94 papers 2395 01-Dec 1887 1887 Rede Adey and Samuel Monckton White and Mayor etc - Miscellaneous 94 papers 2396 04-Aug 1887 1887 Case. Brewer and wife vs. Mayor etc - Miscellaneous 95 papers 2397 - 1887 1904 Orders of Local Government Board re appointment of overseers - Miscellaneous 95 papers 2398 - 1887 1887 Recognisances for paving streets - Miscellaneous Agreement. Governors of St Albans Grammar School and Mayor etc re overflow 95 papers 2399 25-Mar 1888 1888 pipes - Miscellaneous Bond. Albert Hubert Debenham and sureties to Mayor etc on appointment as Town 95 papers 2400 07-Aug 1888 1888 Clerk - Miscellaneous Deed of covenant. Mary Ann Bassel and Mayor etc to building over a sewer 95 papers 2401 07-Apr 1888 1888 situated in Albert Street - Miscellaneous 95 papers 2402 18-Jan 1888 1888 Agreement. George Capper and Mayor etc. Work in Granville Road - Miscellaneous Conveyance. William Nuttory to Mayor etc. Freehold land in or near Old London 95 papers 2403 08-Oct 1886 1886 Road. Plan. Signed and sealed - Miscellaneous Conveyance. James Paul to Mayor etc. Land in Catherine Lane. Plan. Signed and 95 papers 2404 07-Jan 1888 1888 sealed - Miscellaneous Conveyance. Samuel Monckton White to Mayor etc. Land in Watsons Walk. Plan. 95 papers 2405 08-Feb 1888 1888 Signed and sealed. - Miscellaneous 95 papers 2406 16-Mar 1888 1888 Agreement. Mayor etc to Thomas Young for tenancy of land in London Road - Miscellaneous 95 papers 2408 - c.1888 c.1888 Schedule of deeds belonging to the Corporation of St Albans - Miscellaneous 95 papers 2410 18-Jan 1888 1888 Agreement. George Capper and Mayor etc re Stanhope Road - Miscellaneous 95 papers 2411 23-Aug 1888 1888 Ditto 2409 (2409 not catalogued by Le Hardy so entry uncertain) - Miscellaneous 95 papers 2412 09-Nov 1883 1883 Mayor etc to Charles Frederic Pond. George Hotel. Copy Wine Licences - Miscellaneous 95 papers 2413 - 1868 1868 Election for Hertfordshire. State of poll. Cowper, Brand, Smith, Surtees - Miscellaneous 96 papers 2415 30-Nov 1899 1899 Letter from Treasury re custody of documents - Miscellaneous 96 papers 2418 08-Oct 1886 1886 Police pay list - Miscellaneous 96 papers 2419 - 1837 1838 Draft accounts - Miscellaneous 96 papers 2420 - 1894 1894 Royal Agricultural Show Resolutions -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 102 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Miscellaneous 96 papers 2421 10-Jan 1879 1879 City Extension Bill. 42 & 43 Vict. 1878-79 - Miscellaneous 96 papers 2422 08-Oct 1886 1886 Sewerage. Farm pay list - Miscellaneous 96 papers 2423 18-Jun 1899 1899 Letter to Town Clerk re Bacteria Beds - Miscellaneous 96 papers 2425 03-Feb 1898 1898 Letter from Local Government Board re Parochial Charities - Miscellaneous 96 papers 2426 10-Sep 1899 1899 Draft contract. Ezra Dunham and Mayor etc. New fire station - Miscellaneous 96 papers 2428 09-Nov 1899 1899 Notices of apportionment of expenses in Bardwell Terrace - Miscellaneous Agreement. Charles Frederick Pond and Mayor etc. to pay rent according to 96 papers 2429 09-Nov 1899 1899 condition of wine licences - Miscellaneous 96 papers 2430 24-Dec 1899 1899 Duplicate grant. Mayor etc to Henry Gibson. Space before Town Hall - Miscellaneous 96 papers 2431 08-May 1889 1889 Contract. George Capper and Mayor etc. to make Bardwell Terrace - Miscellaneous Conveyance. Locks and Smith and Mortgagee to Mayor etc. Ground bounded on 97 papers 2432 17-Oct 1889 1889 east side of St Peters Street and in north by Catherine Lane - Miscellaneous Letter. Letter Government Board re Exemption from Provisions of Markets and 97 papers 2433 13-May 1889 1889 Fairs Act 1887 - Miscellaneous Special case. Herbert Howard Booth vs. Abraham Howell. NB. Booth was a 97 papers 2435 - - - nuisance by playing a noisy instrument - Miscellaneous 97 papers 2436 - 1889 1889 Plan - Miscellaneous 97 papers 2437 August 1889 1889 Cemetery Fees - Miscellaneous 97 papers 2439 - 1889 1889 Plan. Suggested site for Market Place - Miscellaneous 97 papers 2440 - 1889 1889 Draft particulars from Local Government Board re outstanding loans - Miscellaneous 97 papers 2441 - 1889 1889 Plan sewerage - Miscellaneous 97 papers 2442 - 1889 1889 Copy of special conditions of sale of Romeland - Miscellaneous 97 papers 2443 - n.d. n.d. St Albans Extension Bill. Evidence I.N. Edwards - Miscellaneous 97 papers 2444 - n.d. n.d. Extension to City - Miscellaneous 97 papers 2445 - n.d. n.d. Plan. Sewerage works -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 103 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Miscellaneous 97 papers 2446 - n.d. n.d. Petition to Mayor etc to reconsider claim on property in St Peters Road - Miscellaneous 97 papers 2448 - n.d. n.d. Fire brigade - Miscellaneous 97 papers 2449 - n.d. n.d. James Mansergh. Report on drainage - Miscellaneous 97 papers 2450 - n.d. n.d. St Albans Sewage. Book of Reference for St Michaels - Miscellaneous 97 papers 2451 - n.d. n.d. Times for street lighting - Miscellaneous 98 papers 2452 - n.d. n.d. Inhabitants request for public baths - Miscellaneous 98 papers 2453 - n.d. n.d. Plan for Public convenience - Miscellaneous 98 papers 2454 - n.d. n.d. Local Government Board's Provisional Orders - Miscellaneous 98 papers 2455 - n.d. n.d. Ratepayer's petition for abatement of nuisances arising out of manholes - Miscellaneous 98 papers 2458 05-Aug 1890 1890 Surveyors apportionment of expenses for paving etc Kent Street - Miscellaneous 98 papers 2459 - 1890 1890 Police Act. Table of Fees approved by Home Secretary - Miscellaneous 98 papers 2460 06-May 1890 1890 Surveyors' apportionment of expenses of draining Thorpe Road - Miscellaneous 98 papers 2461 04-Jun 1890 1890 Contract. George Rogers and Mayor etc to make Kent Street - Miscellaneous 98 papers 2464 - 1881 1891 City of Hertford. Expenditure under Contagious Diseases (Animals) Act - Miscellaneous Draft grant. George Henry Edwards to Mayor etc. Right of maintenance of 98 papers 2465 04-Apr 1891 1891 ventilating shaft in Temperance Street - Miscellaneous 98 papers 2466 09-Jan 1891 1891 Bond. George Walter Blow to Mayor etc. on his appointment as City Treasurer - Miscellaneous Grant. Aubrey Rumball to Mayor etc. Right of user and maintenance of ventilating 98 papers 2467 04-Apr 1891 1891 shaft in College Place - Miscellaneous 98 papers 2468 - 1891 1891 St Albans claim re Contagious Diseases (Animals) Act - Miscellaneous Agreement. Hertfordshire County Council and Mayor etc as to maintenance and 99 papers 2469 09-Jun 1891 1891 repair of main roads Missing? Miscellaneous 99 papers 2470 04-May 1891 1891 Clerk of the Peace to Town Clerk. Letter re Contagious Diseases (Animals) Act - Miscellaneous 99 papers 2471 November 1891 1891 Petition of ratepayers re election (Local) -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 104 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Miscellaneous Copy draft agreement. Mayor etc of Borough of Hertford and Mayor etc for use of 99 papers 2472 19-Aug 1891 1891 steam roller - Miscellaneous 99 papers 2473 - 1891 1891 Table of fees to be taken by the Clerk to the Justices of the Peace, St Albans - Miscellaneous 99 papers 2475 - 1892 1892 Mayor etc to J Sander. Draft grant of right to connect a drain to Corporation's sewer - Miscellaneous Agreement (Sewerage). Thomas Wilkie and Mayor etc. for permission to work on 99 papers 2477 25-Jun 1898 1898 land. Plans. - Miscellaneous 99 papers 2478 - 1892 1892 Bricket Wood Common. Papers re proposed enclosure of. - Miscellaneous Copy draft mortgage. Mayor etc to Trustees of Royal London Friendly Society to 99 papers 2479 15-Sep 1892 1892 secure £3200 and interest - Miscellaneous Contract. Charles Chamberlains and Mayor etc to build rooms for Technical 99 papers 2480 22-Oct 1892 1892 Instruction at Public Library - Miscellaneous Claim on Hertfordshire County Council for recompense of proportion of expenses 99 papers 2481 - 1893 1893 during year ending 31 March 1893 - Miscellaneous Not 99 papers 2483 02-Feb 1892 1892 Surveyors' apportionment of expenses on Sandridge Road transferred Miscellaneous Mayor etc and National Telephone Co. Agreement as to underground line in 99 papers 2484 - 1892 1892 Victoria Street and Works in Surveyor's Yard - Miscellaneous 99 papers 2485 03-May 1892 1892 Surveyors' apportionment of expenses in providing proper means of lighting - Miscellaneous 100 papers 2486 - 1893 1893 Abstract of Title of George Ford to freehold land in Catherine Lane 1866-92 - Miscellaneous 100 papers 2487 09-Aug 1893 1893 Contract. George Capper and Mayor etc for sewering etc Albion Road - Miscellaneous Letter from Local Government Board re smallpox at S Preston's, Heath Terrace, 100 papers 2488 16-Feb 1893 1893 Bernards Heath - Miscellaneous Grant of easement. Hon. William Grimson of Gorhambury and Mayor etc. 100 papers 2489 01-Feb 1893 1893 "Breakspear" Field. Plan. Signed and sealed. - Miscellaneous Samuel Norman to Mayor etc. Conveyance of land in Catherine Lane. Signature. 100 papers 2490 28-Feb 1893 1893 Seal - Miscellaneous Grant. Mayor etc to Frederick Sander. Right to connect drain with sewer in Camp 100 papers 2491 31-Jan 1893 1893 Lane. Plan. Signed. Sealed. - Miscellaneous 100 papers 2492 24-Apr 1894 1894 Contract. James Dickson and Mayor etc. Sewering Grosvenor Road East - Miscellaneous 100 papers 2493 - 1893 1893 Draft conveyance. Sampson John Rumball and Mayor etc. Land on Catherine Lane - Miscellaneous Grant of easement. Frederick Conrad Sander and wife to Mayor etc. Land adjoining 100 papers 2494 30-Dec 1893 1893 GNR. Plan. Signed. Sealed. - Miscellaneous 100 papers 2495 13-Sep 1893 1893 Cost of Infectious Hospital 4 February to 13 September 1893 -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 105 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Miscellaneous Conveyance. Sampson John Rumball and Mayor etc. Land adjoining Catherine 100 papers 2496 16-Sep 1893 1893 Lane. Plan. Signed and sealed - Miscellaneous 100 papers 2497 14-Mar 1893 1893 Appointment of I.W. Savage as Inspector of Nuisances - Miscellaneous 100 papers 2498 15-Sep - - Declaration of Sampson John Rumball re piece of ground on Catherine Lane - Miscellaneous Conveyance. George Ford to Mayor etc. Strip of land on Catherine Lane. Plan. 100 papers 2499 28-Feb 1893 1893 Signed and sealed. - Miscellaneous Case. Mayor etc and Edward Arnold. Papers and brief for plaintiffs to recover cost 100 papers 2500 - 1893 1893 of his female domestic servants treatment in Hospital - Miscellaneous 101 papers 2501 01-Feb 1893 1893 Agreement. Mayor etc and National Telephone Co re way leave - Miscellaneous Application of Miss Alice Rees for post of Matron of Sisters Hospital for Infectious 101 papers 2503 - 1893 1893 Diseases - Miscellaneous 101 papers 2504 02-Jun 1894 1894 Contract. George Capper and Mayor etc. for sewering etc. Grosvenor Road - Miscellaneous Conveyance. William Henry Brown and another to Mayor etc. Strip of land in 101 papers 2506 17-Apr 1894 1894 Victoria Street. Plan. Signed. Sealed - Miscellaneous Mortgage. Mayor etc to Liverpool Legal Friendly Society to secure £1800 and 101 papers 2507 09-Jan 1894 1894 interest - Miscellaneous Claim by St Albans on Hertfordshire County Council for proportion of expenditure 101 papers 2508 December 1894 1894 under Diseases of Animals Act - Miscellaneous 101 papers 2509 01-May 1893 1893 Surveyor's apportionment of expenses in respect of sewerage etc. Albion Road - Miscellaneous Surveyor's apportionment of expenses in respect of sewerage etc. Grosvenor Road 101 papers 2510 15-Feb 1895 1895 East - Miscellaneous Hertfordshire County Council Notice under Local Government Act re parish of St 101 papers 2511 - 1894 1894 Peter Rural (Camp Ward) - Miscellaneous 101 papers 2515 02-Jun 1894 1894 Contract. George Capper and Mayor etc. for sewering etc. Ridgmont Road - Miscellaneous 101 papers 2516 - 1894 1894 Case. Henry William Wilkins and Mayor etc. Claim for damages to bedding etc. - Miscellaneous Draft contract. William Sparrow of Harpenden and Mayor etc. for erection of an 102 papers 2519 22-Sep 1896 1896 Engine House at Sewage Farm - Miscellaneous 102 papers 2521 13-Aug 1895 1895 Licence. Mayor etc. to Albert Coles. Access of light - Miscellaneous 102 papers 2522 09-Dec 1896 1896 Papers re Freedom of City presented to Henry Joseph Fordman - Miscellaneous Draft lease. Mayor etc to Hertfordshire County Council building situate in Chequer 102 papers 2523 17-Apr 1895 1895 Street - Miscellaneous Deed of covenant. Jabez Thomas Bennett re workshop in Priory Park. Signed. 102 papers 2524 28-Jan 1896 1896 Sealed. -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 106 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Miscellaneous 102 papers 2525 07-May 1895 1895 Contract. George Capper and Mayor etc to sewer. Beaconsfield Road - Miscellaneous 102 papers 2526 20-Oct 1896 1896 Mortgage. Mayor etc to the Yorkshire Penny Bank - Miscellaneous 102 papers 2527 24-Oct 1896 1896 Contract. George Capper and Mayor etc to sewer. Heath Road - Miscellaneous Letter Board of Agriculture to Town Clerk re case of rabies in a dog belonging to Mr 102 papers 2529 17-Nov 1896 1896 Deacon, 8 Sopwell Lane - Miscellaneous 102 papers 2531 - 1895 1895 Expenses in respect of Grosvenor Road - Miscellaneous 102 papers 2532 - 1895 1896 Expenses of Mayor and Corporation on River Party to Maidenhead etc - Miscellaneous Mayor etc to Hertfordshire County Council. Counterpart lease of building. West side 102 papers 2533 17-Apr 1895 1895 of Chequer Street - Miscellaneous Draft deed of covenant. Charles Pew and Charles Somerset Booth and Mayor etc 103 papers 2534 31-Aug 1896 1896 as to drainage of premises in Marlborough Road - Miscellaneous Draft. Conveyance. Aubrey Rumball and others to Mayor etc. Piece of freehold land 103 papers 2536 07-Aug 1895 1895 in St Peter's Park. Conveyance. Plan. Signed and sealed. - Miscellaneous 103 papers 2537 01-Feb 1875 1875 Draft declaration by Town Clerk (St Albans Loan) - Miscellaneous Claim by St Albans on Hertfordshire County Council for proportion of expenditure 103 papers 2538 December 1895 1895 under Diseases of Animals Act 1894 - Miscellaneous 103 papers 2539 29-Jan 1895 1895 Contract. George Capper and Mayor etc to sewer etc. Lemsford Road - Miscellaneous Conveyance (and Abstract of Title). Christopher Miskin to Mayor etc. Strip of land in 103 papers 2540 21-Oct 1896 1896 Sandpit Lane. Plan. Signed and sealed. - Conveyance. Emma Manton and another to George Walter Blow. Land north of Miscellaneous Catherine Lane also agreement G.W. Blow and Mayor etc. for sale of land. Signed 103 papers 2541 24-Jun 1896 1896 and sealed. - Miscellaneous 103 papers 2542 13-Aug 1896 1896 Application of George Ford to connect private drain with main sewer Cannon Street - Miscellaneous Deed of covenant. LNWR and Mayor etc. as to drainage of premises. New cottages 103 papers 2543 07-Aug 1896 1896 at St Albans Station. Plan - Miscellaneous 103 papers 2544 02-Jan 1896 1896 Case re poor milk. Wells vs. Slaughter - Miscellaneous Conveyance. William Paul and another to Mayor etc. Strip of land in Sandpit Lane. 103 papers 2545 02-Nov 1896 1896 Plan. Signed and sealed. - Miscellaneous Contract. William Savage and Mayor etc. for building loose boxes in Corporation 103 papers 2546 15-Feb 1896 1896 Yard - Miscellaneous 103 papers 2548 27-Mar 1896 1896 Contract. Mayor etc and Josiah Smart for work at Clarence Park Recreation Ground -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 107 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Miscellaneous Contract. Thorpe and Collings and Mayor etc. for erecting a wrought iron fence 104 papers 2549 30-Oct 1896 1896 around St Peters Green - Miscellaneous Draft deed of covenant. Louisa Catherine Tomlins of Hertford and John Allen 104 papers 2552 11-Mar 1896 1896 Pedder as to drainage of premises in Victoria and Beaconsfield Roads. Plan - Miscellaneous Duplicate agreement. George Walter Blow and Mayor etc for sale 87 St Peter 104 papers 2554 23-Jun 1896 1896 Street - Miscellaneous Conveyance. Prison commissioners and Mayor etc. Strip of land for widening 104 papers 2555 09-Nov 1896 1896 Grimston Road. Plan. Signed and sealed - Miscellaneous 104 papers 2556 09-Nov 1896 1896 Various letters from Corporation to residents re "nuisances" - Miscellaneous 104 papers 2557 - 1896 1907 Notices, papers and licences for Hackney Carriages - Miscellaneous 104 papers 2558 29-Sep 1897 1897 Terms and conditions re sewer connections - Miscellaneous 104 papers 2559 27-Apr 1897 1897 Contract. George Capper and Mayor etc for sewering etc Ashwell Street - Miscellaneous 104 papers 2560 27-Apr 1897 1897 Contract. George Capper and Mayor etc. for paving Grimston Road - Miscellaneous Agreement. William Marks and others and Mayor etc. re purchase cottage and 104 papers 2561 26-May 1897 1897 premises, 66 New London Road. Plans. Signed - Miscellaneous Agreement. William Marks and others and Mayor etc. 66 New London Road (as per 104 papers 2562 26-May 1897 1897 no. 2561) - Miscellaneous Agreement. George Young and Mayor etc re piece of land east side of Watsons 104 papers 2563 06-Jul 1897 1897 Walk re widening road - Miscellaneous 104 papers 2564 09-Aug 1897 1897 Contract. George Capper ad Mayor etc. re sewering etc. St Peters Road - Miscellaneous Contract. David Arnold and Herbert Arnold and Mayor etc. for painting etc. at 105 papers 2565 09-Aug 1897 1897 Sisters Hospital - Miscellaneous 105 papers 2566 09-Nov 1897 1897 Surveyors apportionment of expenses for paving etc Grimston Road - Miscellaneous Letter from Factory Dept, Home Office, re complaint of sanitary condition of J. 105 papers 2567 11-Oct 1897 1897 Freshwater, Lower Dagnall Street, boot manufacturers - Miscellaneous High Court of Justice. Burchmore and Strofton re trusts and surplus sale moneys 105 papers 2568 28-Oct 1897 1897 held under mortgage. Finding - surplus to defendants - Miscellaneous Draft deed of covenant. George Young and others and mayor etc. as to drainage of 105 papers 2569 14-Dec 1897 1897 premises on Watsons Walk and Paxton Road - Miscellaneous 105 papers 2570 25-Jun 1897 1897 Papers. Expenses etc. entertainment Sir J Blundell Maple - Miscellaneous 105 papers 2571 - 1897 1897 Book of reference of Great Northern Railway. Additional lands at St Albans - Miscellaneous 105 papers 2572 06-Jan 1898 1898 Letter re house in Paxton Road on non-completion of contract by William Savage -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 108 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Miscellaneous 105 papers 2573 07-Jan 1898 1898 Certificate of redemption of tithe rent charge. St Peters - Miscellaneous 105 papers 2575 - 1898 1898 Papers re unification of parishes - Miscellaneous 105 papers 2578 05-Jul 1898 1898 Contract. George Capper ad Mayor etc. re sewering etc. Hillside Road - Miscellaneous 106 papers 2579 05-Jul 1898 1898 Contract. George Capper ad Mayor etc. re sewering etc. Avenue Road - Miscellaneous Deed of covenant. Charlotte Silvester of Hedges Farm and others and Mayor etc. 106 papers 2581 December 1898 1898 as to drainage of premises in Whitehall Gardens, Lower Paxton Road - Miscellaneous 106 papers 2583 08-Nov 1898 1898 Memorial of deed covering land on Heath Road - Miscellaneous 106 papers 2584 05-Aug 1899 1899 Income Tax return of Corporation for 1898 - Miscellaneous 106 papers 2585 - 1898 1898 Surveyors report of expenses for sewering etc. Hillside Road - Miscellaneous 106 papers 2586 26-Feb 1898 1898 Claim on Hertfordshire County Council for proportion of expenses 1894 & 1896 - Miscellaneous 106 papers 2588 13-Dec 1898 1898 Letter from Local Government Board re bad report on sewage farm - Miscellaneous 106 papers 2590 30-Dec 1898 1898 Agreement Mayor etc and John Cable for housing the fire engine etc - Miscellaneous Conveyance. William Marks and others and Mayor etc. 66 London Road. Signed 106 papers 2591 30-Dec 1898 1898 and sealed - Draft. Conveyance and other papers. Albert Balding and Thomas Gowland Page of Miscellaneous 57 Coleman Street, London, and Alfred Herbert Debenham. South side of Victoria 106 papers 2593 - 1898 1904 Street - Miscellaneous 106 papers 2594 30-May 1889 1889 Contracts. George Capper and Mayor etc for making etc. various roads - Miscellaneous Draft grant. William Stewart to Mayor etc. of right of use and maintenance of 107 papers 2596 - 1899 1899 ventilating shaft in Catherine Lane - Miscellaneous Draft conveyance. Susanne Batchelor and others to Mayor etc. Freehold land 107 papers 2597 01-Mar 1899 1899 adjacent Catherine Lane - Miscellaneous Bond. Edgar Crowhurst and his surety to Mayor etc. on Crowhurst's appointment as 107 papers 2598 04-Mar 1899 1899 Collector of Market Tolls - Miscellaneous 107 papers 2600 - 1899 1899 St Albans Gas Act - Miscellaneous Counterpart lease. Mayor etc. to Charles Henry Pearce of portion of the Clock 107 papers 2601 21-Mar 1899 1899 Tower - Miscellaneous 107 papers 2602 March 1899 1899 Surveyor's apportionment of expenses on lighting Heath Road -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 109 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Miscellaneous Conveyance. Ann Gibson and Mayor etc. Two strips of freehold land in Union Lane. 107 papers 2603 13-Apr 1899 1899 Plan. Signed and sealed - Miscellaneous 107 papers 2609 May 1899 1899 Bye-laws as to lighting vehicles - Miscellaneous Contracts. George Capper and Mayor etc for sewering etc. Folly Lane and Walton 107 papers 2610 06-Jun 1899 1899 Street - Miscellaneous Duplicate agreement. Mayor etc and Herbert Winters and Frederick Catlin for 108 papers 2612 11-Aug 1899 1899 tenancy of 7 Victoria Street - Miscellaneous Agreement. Hertfordshire County Council and Mayor etc. re contribution for upkeep 108 papers 2613 01-Aug 1899 1899 of highways - Miscellaneous Draft agreement. Hertfordshire County Council and Mayor etc. re contribution Not 108 papers 2615 01-Aug 1899 1899 towards upkeep of highways transferred Miscellaneous 108 papers 2616 09-Aug 1899 1899 Contract. George Capper and Mayor etc for sewering etc. Manor Road - Miscellaneous Grant. Henry Rose to Mayor etc. Right of use and maintenance of ventilating shaft 108 papers 2618 05-Nov 1899 1899 in Bernard Street - Miscellaneous 108 papers 2619 30-Nov 1899 1899 Corporation dinner. Papers and expenses - Miscellaneous 108 papers 2620 - 1899 1899 Police pay sheets - Miscellaneous 108 papers 2622 11-Jul 1899 1899 Surveyors apportionment of expenses for lighting West View Road - Miscellaneous 108 papers 2623 - n.d. n.d. Petition of citizens begging that site chosen for Infectious Hospital be altered - Miscellaneous 108 papers 2624 02-Mar 1900 1900 Letter re sewage disposal from Beesley Son and Nichols, civil engineers - Miscellaneous Draft agreement. Henry Charles Windols and Mayor etc. for diversion of sewer. 108 papers 2625 13-Feb 1900 1900 Plan - Miscellaneous Conveyance. Henry Woodcock Ryland to Mary and Elizabeth Causton 11, 13 & 15 108 papers 2626 11-Apr 1900 1900 Hatfield Road - Miscellaneous Acknowledgment. William Samuel Green to Misses M & E Causton of right of 109 papers 2627 03-May 1900 1900 production of deeds and undertaking for their safe keeping. Mortgage etc. - Miscellaneous 109 papers 2629 19-May 1900 1900 Estimate and details. Sewerage work - Miscellaneous Duplicate agreement. Mayor etc and Julia Marian Morton Glover and Mary Lloyd for 109 papers 2631 09-Jun 1900 1900 tenancy in Victoria Street - Miscellaneous 109 papers 2633 18-Jul 1900 1900 Case for opinion and opinion of Mr R.D. Muir, Oster Street - Miscellaneous 109 papers 2637 31-Jul 1900 1900 Contract. James Dickson and Mayor etc for sewering etc. Ramsbury Road - Miscellaneous Acknowledgment of letter from Whitehall of message of sympathy to H.M. on death 109 papers 2638 17-Aug 1900 1900 of Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, Duke of Edinburgh -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 110 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Miscellaneous 109 papers 2639 30-Aug 1900 1900 Sandpit Lane. Common Land right of way. Plan - Miscellaneous Letter from Local Government Board re report on application to borrow for sewage 109 papers 2640 17-Oct 1900 1900 disposal works - Miscellaneous 109 papers 2641 30-Jul 1900 1900 Act to authorise City Waterworks to acquire further lands etc - Miscellaneous Acknowledgment. William Samuel Green to Misses M & E Causton of right to 110 papers 2643 18-Jan 1901 1901 production of deeds of property in Hatfield Road - Miscellaneous Copy agreement. Mayor etc. and William Joseph Dibdin and George Thudicham 110 papers 2644 19-Mar 1901 1901 consulting chemist re sewerage projects - Miscellaneous Draft terms of engagement. Mayor etc. and John Henshaw in post of engineer to 110 papers 2645 22-Mar 1901 1901 fire brigade - Miscellaneous Contract. Edwin Whitby and Francis Jervis and Mayor etc. for building a mortuary in 110 papers 2646 25-Mar 1901 1901 Victoria Street - Miscellaneous Letter from Beesley, Son and Nichols Civil Engineers London Road payments for 110 papers 2650 08-May 1901 1901 sewage works - Miscellaneous 110 papers 2651 08-May 1901 1901 Reception of returning volunteers. Subscriptions etc - Miscellaneous 110 papers 2653 09-May 1901 1901 Duplicate contract. Mayor etc and William Cunliffe for sewage disposal works - Miscellaneous 111 papers 2656 28-Jun 1901 1901 Copy draft mortgage. Mayor etc. and Secretary of Public Works. Loan - Miscellaneous 111 papers 2657 22-Jun 1901 1901 Engineers certificates. Work done at Sewage Disposal - Miscellaneous Case. Mayor etc vs. Ernest Watson re showcase encroaching on public footpath on 111 papers 2658 - 1901 1901 Holywell Hill and opinion of Mr Glen - Miscellaneous Draft contract. Horace William Savage and Mayor etc for painting and repairs Public 111 papers 2659 19-Aug 1901 1901 Library - Miscellaneous 111 papers 2660 28-Sep 1901 1901 Contract. William Deamer and Mayor etc. for sewering etc. Heath Road - Miscellaneous 111 papers 2662 28-Sep 1901 1901 Terms of engagement. Mayor etc and John Pugh as engineer to Fire Brigade - Miscellaneous 111 papers 2664 10-Oct 1901 1901 Home Office letter re Efficiency Certificate of Police Force - Miscellaneous Draft agreement. Luton and Leighton Buzzard monthly meeting of Society of 111 papers 2665 October 1901 1901 Friends to the Mayor etc. Premises in Victoria Street. - Miscellaneous 111 papers 2666 20-Dec 1901 1901 Charity Commission re Victoria Playing Fields - Miscellaneous 111 papers 2667 20-Dec 1901 1901 Charity Commission re Victoria Playing Fields - Miscellaneous 111 papers 2668 - - - Case. Wine charter for opinion. Mr R.J. Neville -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 111 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Miscellaneous 111 papers 2669 22-Dec 1901 1901 St Albans Grammar School. Case and opinion. Mr J. Vaughan Hawkins and opinion - Miscellaneous Application and testimonials Insp. William Henry Smith for Head Constableship and 111 papers 2670 08-Aug 1901 1901 list of applicants - Miscellaneous 112 papers 2671 - 1901 1901 Factory and Workshops Act 1901. Regulations as to underground workshops - Miscellaneous 112 papers 2673 - 1901 1914 Various letters re wine licences and charters - Miscellaneous 112 papers 2674 - 1912 1914 Various letters re wine licences and charters - Miscellaneous 112 papers 2675 11-Sep 1901 1901 Letter of agreement. F.A. Giffen to Town Clerk to sell field at back of Cotlands - Miscellaneous Copy of the Advertiser and Times 28 December 1901 and various letters re 112 papers 2676 - 1902 1902 Redbourn Field for Hospital for Infectious Diseases. Plan - Miscellaneous 112 papers 2678 13-Jun 1902 1902 Agreement. Water Works Co. and Mayor etc. for supply of water for watering roads - Miscellaneous Contracts. Charles Blow and Herbert Peters and Mayor etc. for painting and repairs 112 papers 2680 04-Jul 1902 1902 to Corn Exchange - Miscellaneous Letter from Adams Patent Sewage Lift Co. re automatic apparatus supplied 112 papers 2682 18-Jul 1902 1902 through William Cunliffe -

Miscellaneous Draft agreement. Hertfordshire County Council and Mayor etc. as to contributions 113 papers 2685 10-Oct 1902 1902 by County Council to cost of certain work on highways in St Albans - Miscellaneous Contract. William Vail and Henry Albert Wilkinson and Mayor etc. for erection of 113 papers 2686 09-Dec 1902 1902 pavilion in Clarence Park Recreation Ground - Miscellaneous 113 papers 2687 - 1902 1903 Correspondence re City Sewage - Miscellaneous Contract. Ezra Dunham and Sisters Hospital Joint Committee for alterations and 113 papers 2688 27-Jan 1903 1903 additions to Hospital - Miscellaneous G.W. Blow. Certificate of Stock also Certificate of Stock purchased in name of 113 papers 2689 17-Feb 1903 1903 Corporation 1889-1891 - Miscellaneous Contract. Samuel William Brown and Sisters Hospital Joint Committee for providing 113 papers 2691 27-Feb 1903 1903 and fixing heating apparatus - Miscellaneous Case for opinion of Mr Bernard Lailey. Non-fulfilment of contract for sewage beds 113 papers 2692 14-Mar 1903 1903 (see also no. 2693) - Miscellaneous 113 papers 2693 23-Mar 1903 1903 Mr Bernard Lailey's opinion re sewage beds (see no. 2692) - Miscellaneous 113 papers 2696 04-Mar 1903 1903 Board of Education Order re Index Street Infant School - Miscellaneous 113 papers 2697 20-Jul 1903 1903 Deed of covenant. John Edey Hayes and Mayor etc for erection of warehouses -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 112 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Miscellaneous 113 papers 2699 12-Oct 1903 1903 Application of post (of surveyor?) from Frederick Turney Negus - Miscellaneous Counterpart lease. William Robert Russell and Raymond Greenfield for tenancy of 114 papers 2700 14-Dec 1903 1903 30 St Peters Street. Plan. Signed and sealed - Miscellaneous Conveyance. Frank Charles to Mayor etc. of portion of premises in St Peters Street, 114 papers 2702 04-Mar 1905 1905 also abstract of title from 1854. Signed and sealed. - Miscellaneous Draft contract. A Barnes and Sons and Mayor etc. for repairs to water vans and 114 papers 2703 06-Mar 1905 1905 cards - Miscellaneous 114 papers 2704 03-Mar 1905 1905 Corporation re F.J. Preece Assistant Overseer. Opinion of Austin F. Jenkin - Miscellaneous 114 papers 2705 22-Mar 1905 1905 St Albans Petty Sessions. Macara vs. Eatwell re milk sale - Miscellaneous Draft contract and contract. James Thomas Bushell and Mayor etc for construction 114 papers 2706 20-Apr 1905 1905 of public swimming baths etc at Cotton Mill Lane - Miscellaneous Agreement. Corporation and Hertfordshire County Council for exchange of freehold 114 papers 2710 17-Jul 1905 1905 land in St Albans - Miscellaneous 114 papers 2711 29-Jul 1905 1905 P.O. telegraphs re overground line Chequers Street and Sandridge Road - Miscellaneous Board of Education Authority to exchange real estate, part of playground of Garden 114 papers 2712 02-Oct 1905 1905 Fields School - Miscellaneous 114 papers 2713 04-Oct 1905 1905 P.O. telegraphs re poles along Victoria Street - Miscellaneous Receipt from B. Knight for payment against a strip of land. South side of Catherine 115 papers 2714 04-Oct 1905 1905 Street - Miscellaneous 115 papers 2715 27-Oct 1905 1905 Quarter Sessions. Eatwell and Macara - Miscellaneous Agreement. Corporation and W. Male and Sons Co. re Illustrative Guide to St 115 papers 2717 03-Nov 1905 1905 Albans - Miscellaneous 115 papers 2717A 31-Mar 1905 1905 Rates collected. Amount - Miscellaneous 115 papers 2718 28-Nov 1905 1905 Corporation dinner. Plan of tables - Miscellaneous 115 papers 2719 28-Nov 1905 1905 Corporation dinner. Vouchers - Miscellaneous 115 papers 2720 - 1905 1905 Papers re Motor Car Act 1903 - Miscellaneous 115 papers 2721 01-Jan 1906 1906 Papers re "unemployed" - Miscellaneous Petty Sessions. Macara vs. Hammonds. Summons under s.6 Sale of Food & Drugs 115 papers 2722 15-Feb 1906 1906 Act 1875 - Miscellaneous 115 papers 2723 20-Mar 1906 1906 Deposit receipt. Alfred E. Slough -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 113 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Miscellaneous Draft deed of exchange. Mayor etc. and Hertfordshire County Council. Freehold 115 papers 2725 12-Apr 1906 1906 land in or near Catherine Street - Miscellaneous 115 papers 2726 25-Apr 1906 1906 Draft Charity Commission order re church lands - Miscellaneous 115 papers 2727 11-May 1906 1906 Draft Charity Commission order re church lands - sealed copy - Miscellaneous 116 papers 2730 June 1906 1906 Fire brigade demonstration. Balance sheet - Miscellaneous 116 papers 2731 July 1906 1906 Draft of regulations proposed to be made by St Albans Water Co. - Miscellaneous 116 papers 2732 24-Aug 1906 1906 Sewage firms report of Messrs Dodd & Dodd - Miscellaneous Agreement. Hertfordshire County Council and Mayor etc. for improving a footpath in 116 papers 2733 25-Sep 1906 1906 St Albans - Miscellaneous Agreement. Chief Constable of Hertfordshire and Chief Office of Police of St Albans 116 papers 2735 25-Oct 1906 1906 as to service of county police lent to City - Miscellaneous 116 papers 2736 11-Dec 1906 1906 Corporation dinner. Vouchers - Miscellaneous 116 papers 2737 - 1906 1907 Corporation and Brewer. Brewer's claim. Mr Austin F. Jenkins' opinion - Miscellaneous 116 papers 2739 01-Mar 1906 1906 P.O. Telegraphs Underground Line. Chequer Street and Sandridge Road - Miscellaneous 116 papers 2740 - 1906 1906 Letters re telegraph poles and lines - Miscellaneous 116 papers 2741 04-Jul 1906 1906 Fire policy. Miss Mary Causton and George Henry William Bird on 14 cottages - Miscellaneous Agreement. William George Marshall and Mary J Thorpe for tenancy of "Harlech", 116 papers 2742 - 1906 1906 Watson's Walk - Miscellaneous Agreement. William George Marshall and Pinnock for tenancy of "Fritton", Paxton 116 papers 2743 - 1906 1906 Road - Miscellaneous 116 papers 2744 - 1906 1906 1906. Agreement made by Town Council - Miscellaneous 117 papers 2745 09-Feb 1907 1907 Bond. Benjamin Seebohm on his appointment as treasurer - Miscellaneous Agreement. Ann Pring Martin and Mayor etc. for tenancy of pits adjoining Sandpit 117 papers 2746 28-Feb 1907 1907 Lane - Miscellaneous 117 papers 2749 05-Mar 1907 1907 Agreement as to dissolution of partnership of Herbert Vintners and Frederick Catlin - Miscellaneous Draft agreement. Mayor and Corporation and William Randolph Kingham for 117 papers 2750 10-Apr 1907 1907 tenancy of no.1 Victoria Street - Miscellaneous Bond. George Ernest Martin to Mayor etc on his appointment as treasurer altered to 117 papers 2751 28-Mar 1907 1907 Seebohm -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 114 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Miscellaneous Agreement. North Metro Electric Power Supply Co. and Mayor etc. for refuse 117 papers 2752 03-May 1907 1907 destructor (see also no. 2753) - Miscellaneous 117 papers 2753 - 1907 1907 Papers re. refuse destructor (see no. 2752) - Miscellaneous 117 papers 2755 24-Jun 1907 1907 Agreement. Harry Finch Reynolds Mayor etc for cartidge of clinkers - Miscellaneous 117 papers 2756 28-Jul 1907 1907 Apportionment of expenses for sewerage etc. Waddington Road - Miscellaneous Agreement. Frederick Shane and Mayor etc. to pay rent according to conditions of 117 papers 2757 10-Sep 1907 1907 wine licence - Miscellaneous 117 papers 2758 21-Nov 1907 1907 Corporation dinner - Miscellaneous 117 papers 2759 21-Nov 1907 1907 Corporation dinner. Plan of tables - Miscellaneous 117 papers 2760 27-Apr 1907 1907 Apportionment of expenses for lighting Russell Avenue - Miscellaneous 118 papers 2761 21-Nov 1907 1907 Apportionment of expenses for levelling, lighting etc. Stapley Road - Miscellaneous 118 papers 2762 16-Jul 1907 1907 Certificate of the contract for the Redemption of Land Tax - Miscellaneous 118 papers 2763 16-Jul 1907 1907 Certificate of the contract for the Redemption of Land Tax - Miscellaneous 118 papers 2766 - 1907 1907 Draft regulations of St Albans Water Co - Miscellaneous 118 papers 2767 - 1907 1907 Small Holdings Act 1907 - Miscellaneous 118 papers 2768 - 1907 1907 Correspondence re Bells Meadow - Miscellaneous 118 papers 2769 - 1907 1907 Papers re Pageant - Miscellaneous Draft conveyance. Henry Steers to Mayor etc. Land in St Peters Street (see also 118 papers 2770 07-Jan 1908 1908 no. 2771) - Miscellaneous 118 papers 2771 07-Jan 1908 1908 Title deeds to above land in St Peters Street (see no. 2770) - Miscellaneous Draft agreement. Mayor etc. and Frederick Catlin for tenancy of nos. 3 & 5 Victoria 118 papers 2772 11-Feb 1908 1908 Street - Miscellaneous Draft conveyance. J.G. Kirshaw & Co (in liquidation) and William Nicholson of 118 papers 2774 01-Mar 1908 1908 freehold premises in Victoria Street - Miscellaneous 118 papers 2775 21-Mar 1908 1908 Glanders or Farcy Order 1907 - Miscellaneous 119 papers 2778 05-May 1908 1908 LNW Railway Jubilee Dinner. Papers -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 115 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Miscellaneous Agreement. Mayor etc. and Thomas Slater as to sale of refreshments at the 119 papers 2779 06-May 1908 1908 Clarence Park Recreation Ground - Miscellaneous Duplicate agreement. Corporation and St Albans Rural District Council for tenancy 119 papers 2780 26-May 1908 1908 of pits near Sandpit Lane - Miscellaneous St Albans Petty Sessions. Macara vs. Hammond & Sons. Sales of Food & Drugs 119 papers 2781 28-May 1908 1908 Acts - Miscellaneous 119 papers 2782 22-Jun 1908 1908 Mayor etc. vs. Holt. Negligent driving - Miscellaneous 119 papers 2783 02-Jul 1908 1908 St Albans Petty Sessions. Macara vs. Harriet Lovekin. Sale of Food & Drugs Act - Miscellaneous 119 papers 2786 15-Jul 1908 1908 Sewage works. Local Government Board enquiry. Proof of George Ford - Miscellaneous Agreement. Hertfordshire County Council and Mayor etc. for widening St Peters 119 papers 2787 28-Jul 1908 1908 Street - Miscellaneous Duplicate agreement. Corporation and Hertfordshire County Council for warming, 119 papers 2788 28-Jul 1908 1908 lighting and cleaning School of Art - Miscellaneous Bond and contract. George Bell and Sons and Mayor etc. for construction of storm 119 papers 2790 10-Aug 1908 1908 water filter beds at sewage works - Miscellaneous Agreement. Mayor etc and North Met. Electric Power Distributing Co. respecting 119 papers 2791 18-Aug 1908 1908 certain feeder and filters - Miscellaneous Draft contract. Frederick Woodward Stanley and Mayor etc. for erection of works at 120 papers 2792 19-Aug 1908 1908 Sisters Hospital - Miscellaneous 120 papers 2793 29-Sep 1908 1908 Copy draft mortgage. Mayor etc to Secretary of Public Works Loan Commissioners - Miscellaneous 120 papers 2795 27-Oct 1908 1908 Tender for collecting house refuse - Miscellaneous 120 papers 2796 19-Nov 1908 1908 Motor car cases. Speeding - Miscellaneous 120 papers 2797 04-Dec 1908 1908 Corporation dinner - Miscellaneous 120 papers 2798 03-Dec 1908 1908 Motor car cases. Speeding - Miscellaneous Draft conveyance. Philip Scott and others and Mayor etc. Piece of land in Avenue 120 papers 2800 04-Jan 1909 1909 Lane - Miscellaneous 120 papers 2801 27-Jan 1909 1909 Corporation vs. Harry Birch Killon re sewage works - Miscellaneous Draft conveyance. Mary Hannah Rumball and sisters to Mayor etc. Slope of land 120 papers 2802 02-Feb 1909 1909 adjoining Gombards Alley - Miscellaneous Copy draft mortgage. Mayor etc. to Secretary of Public Works Loan Commissioners 120 papers 2803 02-Feb 1909 1909 for securing £3235 and advance up to £5356 - Miscellaneous Draft conveyance. Richard Durnford and Mayor etc. Freehold lands and 120 papers 2804 14-Mar (1909) (1909) hereditaments in Catherine Street -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 116 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Miscellaneous 120 papers 2805 January (1909) (1909) Plan of proposed widening of Catherine Street - Miscellaneous Petty Sessions. Macara vs. A.C. Wells. Summons under s.6 of Sale of Food & 120 papers 2806 17-Mar (1909) (1909) Drugs Act 1875 - Miscellaneous 121 papers 2807 20-Mar 1909 1909 Contract. Teesdale Bros. Ltd, Darlington, and Mayor etc. for gas engines etc - Miscellaneous Draft conveyance. Harriet Blakey to George Ford. Freehold nos. 2 & 4 St Peters 121 papers 2808 19-May 1909 1909 Street. Papers - Miscellaneous 121 papers 2809 08-Jun 1904 1904 Agreement. Mayor etc. and St Albans Gas Co. Street lighting - Miscellaneous 121 papers 2810 28-Jun 1904 1904 M.O. Health. Information re Arthur Peace's workshop - Miscellaneous Atlas Fire Policy. Mary Causton and Trustees of Good Intent Lodge of Oddfellows 121 papers 2811 07-Jul 1909 1909 covering shops and houses - Miscellaneous Mortgage. Mary Causton to George Henry William Bird of freehold cottages nos. 1- 121 papers 2812 12-Jul 1909 1909 13 & 15 Hatfield Road (see no. 2823) - Miscellaneous Abstract of title. Miss Mary Causton to freehold premises nos. 50, 52 & 54 St Peters 121 papers 2813 12-Jul 1909 1909 Street and 1 Hatfield Road - Miscellaneous Acknowledgment and undertaking as to deeds. Mary Causton to trustees of Good 121 papers 2814 13-Jul 1909 1909 Intent Lodge of Oddfellows. Great Berkhamsted district - Miscellaneous Hertfordshire County Council and Mayor etc. Agreement for improvements of 121 papers 2815 25-Jul 1904 1904 footpaths adjoining main roads - Miscellaneous 121 papers 2816 26-Jul 1904 1904 Draft mortgage. Mayor etc to Barclay & Co Ltd of rates and charges to secure £400 - Miscellaneous 121 papers 2817 - 1904 1906 Letters re Garden Fields C.C. School - Miscellaneous Petty Sessions. Macara vs. Bacon. Summons under s.6 of Sale of Food & Drugs 121 papers 2812 22-Jul 1904 1904 Act 1875. Convicted and fined 10s and costs or 14 days - Miscellaneous Bond. Edward Percy Debenham and sureties to Mayor etc. on appointment as 121 papers 2819 07-Aug 1909 1909 Town Clerk (see no. 2820) - Miscellaneous Draft bond. Edward Percy Debenham and sureties to Mayor etc. on appointment as 121 papers 2820 07-Aug 1909 1909 Town Clerk (see no. 2819) - Miscellaneous Bond. George Ernest Martin and Barclay & Co. Ltd to Mayor etc on appointment as 122 papers 2821 12-Aug 1909 1909 treasurer to Sisters Hospital Joint Committee - Miscellaneous 122 papers 2822 19-Aug 1909 1909 Petty Sessions. Macara vs. Thomas Oakley s.6 of Sale of Food & Drugs Act 1875 - Miscellaneous 122 papers 2823 12-Jul 1909 1909 Attested copy mortgage. Miss Mary Causton to G.H.W. Bird (see no. 2812) - Miscellaneous 122 papers 2824 30-Oct 1909 1909 Duplicate agreement. Mayor etc and National Telephone Co. wayleave - Miscellaneous 122 papers 2825 06-Dec 1904 1904 Corporation dinner. Vouchers -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 117 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Miscellaneous 122 papers 2826 06-Dec 1904 1904 Corporation dinner. Table plan - Miscellaneous 122 papers 2827 09-Dec 1909 1909 Petty sessions. Whitbread vs. William Richards re premises used for betting - Miscellaneous 122 papers 2828 09-Dec 1909 1909 Corporation dinner. Vouchers - Miscellaneous Appointment of Frederick John Preece as Assistant Overseers of Poor Parish of St 122 papers 2829 28-Mar 1904 1904 Albans - Miscellaneous Abstract of title. Miss Elizabeth Hannah Burchmore to premises in Chequer Street 122 papers 2830 28-Mar 1904 1904 and cottages in Hatfield Street - Miscellaneous 122 papers 2831 19-Oct 1881 1881 St Albans Public Library. Schedule of deeds - Miscellaneous 122 papers 2832 28-Feb 1893 1893 Appointment of Arthur F. Blatch as Head Constable. Testimonials and application - Miscellaneous 122 papers 2833 22-Aug 1890 1890 PCs Phillips and Groom. Appointments, papers and testimonials -

Miscellaneous Local Government Act 1888. Hertfordshire County Council and Mayor etc. Copy 122 papers 2834 - 1897 1903 draft agreement and papers re maintenance and repair of St Albans Road - Miscellaneous 122 papers 2835 29-Jan 1896 1896 Appointment of Nurse Elizabeth Haly as Matron of Sisters Hospital - Miscellaneous 123 papers 2836 - 1898 1899 Recommendations of Edgar Crowhurst for post of beadle at Corn Exchange - Miscellaneous Acknowledgment. Jabez Thomas Bennett and William Henry Bennett for payment 123 papers 2838 25-Jul 1900 1900 for Right of Easement. Plan. - Miscellaneous 123 papers 2839 - 1909 1909 Motor Car Acts - Miscellaneous 123 papers 2840 - n.d. n.d. List of fees paid to Counsel & solicitors - Miscellaneous 123 papers 2841 02-Aug 1908 1908 Local Government Board. Sanction to loan for sewage disposal works - Miscellaneous Draft agreement. Mayor etc. and North Met. Electric Power Distribution Co re 123 papers 2843 18-Aug 1908 1908 feeder and selection filllers - Miscellaneous Mortgage. Miss Mary Causton to Ralph Pattison of nos. 50, 52 & 54 St Peters 123 papers 2844 13-Jan 1909 1909 Street and Plan 1 Hatfield Road. Signed and sealed - Miscellaneous Grant. John Henderson to St Albans Rural District Council of liberty to lay down etc. 123 papers 2846 17-Jan 1910 1910 pipes under property in Battlefield Road. Signed and sealed. Plan - Miscellaneous 123 papers 2847 01-Feb 1910 1910 Mayor etc. and National Telephone Co. Duplicate. Wayleave agreement - Miscellaneous 123 papers 2848 08-Feb 1910 1910 Mayor etc. and National Telephone Co. Duplicate. Wayleave agreement -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 118 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Miscellaneous Papers re Tudor House, Alma Road. Application for registration as a Common 123 papers 2849 - 1910 1910 Lodging House - Miscellaneous Draft conveyance. George Walter Blow and Mayor etc. Freehold land in Catherine 123 papers 2850 28-Apr 1910 1910 Street. Plan - Miscellaneous Contract. Ezra Dunham and Mayor etc. for stables etc. at 96 Victoria Street. Signed 124 papers 2852 09-May 1910 1910 and sealed. - Miscellaneous Agreement. Mayor etc. and Alfred Barnes for tenancy of land in London Road. 124 papers 2854 02-Jun 1910 1910 Signed and sealed - Miscellaneous Agreement. Hertfordshire County Council and Mayor etc. for improvement of roads 124 papers 2855 21-Jun 1910 1910 in St Albans - Miscellaneous 124 papers 2857 04-Jul 1910 1910 Contract. Henry Williams and Mayor etc. for road-making at the Smallpox Hospital - Miscellaneous Counterpart lease. William Robert Russell of Aberdeenshire and Earl Ash Day of 124 papers 2859 11-Aug 1910 1910 Shop and Premises in St Peters Street - Miscellaneous 124 papers 2860 15-Aug 1910 1910 Contract etc. Owen Baruch Drever and Mayor etc. for erection of public library - Miscellaneous 124 papers 2861 22-Aug 1910 1910 Case. St Albans Wine Charters. Opinion of George Elliott K.C. Settled - Miscellaneous 124 papers 2863 11-Oct 1910 1910 Draft contract. Owen Baruch Drever and Mayor etc. for erection of a strong room - Miscellaneous 124 papers 2863A 27-Oct 1910 1910 New public library. Foundation and stone laying - Miscellaneous 125 papers 2867 21-Dec 1910 1910 Agreement. Mayor etc and National Telephone Co re way leave. Plan - Miscellaneous Duplicate agreement. Mayor etc. and Great Northern Railway Co. as to 125 papers 2868 30-Dec 1910 1910 maintenance of footpath and road on London Road railway bridge - Miscellaneous 125 papers 2869 - 1910 1910 Motor cases. Speeding - Miscellaneous Return as to attendances of members of Town Council at Committee and Sub- 125 papers 2872 - 1910 1911 committee meetings - Miscellaneous Contract bond. James Thomas Bushell and Mayor etc. for erection of Infectious 125 papers 2873 31-Jan 1911 1911 Diseases Hospital at Folly Mead - Miscellaneous 125 papers 2874 18-Mar 1911 1911 Contract. William Sarp and Mayor etc. at fire station, Victoria Street - Miscellaneous Police Act, 1890. Table of fees to be taken by constables as approved by Home 125 papers 2875 28-Mar 1911 1911 Secretary - Miscellaneous 125 papers 2876 30-Mar 1911 1911 Petty Sessions case. Whitbread vs. Massar re Lotteries Act - Miscellaneous Draft conveyance and other papers. Mayor etc. and Board of Education to 125 papers 2878 23-May 1911 1911 Hertfordshire County Council. Freehold premises in Victoria Street - Miscellaneous 125 papers 2879 25-May 1911 1911 Petty Sessions case. Whitbread vs. Robinson "White Swan" used for betting -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 119 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Counterpart agreement. William Robert Russell, Aberdeenshire, with Miss Alice Miscellaneous Mary Crew for tenancy of a garden, ground and meadow land at rear of St Peters 126 papers 2882 01-Jun 1911 1911 Street - Miscellaneous National Health Insurance Act 1911. Certificate of Exemption. St Albans City Police 126 papers 2884 - 1911 1911 Force - Miscellaneous Petty Sessions case. Macara vs. R.E. Hammond. Summons under s.6 of Sale of 126 papers 2885 03-Aug 1911 1911 Food & Drugs Act, 1875 - Miscellaneous 126 papers 2886 26-Oct 1911 1911 Contract. Harry Finch Reynolds and Mayor etc. for collecting house refuse - Miscellaneous 126 papers 2888 18-Dec 1911 1911 Agreement. Great Northern Railway Co. and Mayor etc. as to laying of a sewer - Miscellaneous 126 papers 2889 December 1911 1911 Letters re wine charter - Miscellaneous 126 papers 2890 - 1911 1911 Frederick John Preece. Assistant Overseer guarantee policies - Miscellaneous 126 papers 2891 - 1911 1911 King Edward Memorial Fund - Miscellaneous 126 papers 2892 - 1912 1912 Papers re cemetery - Miscellaneous Agreement. George Henry Makins and another and Mayor etc. for widening roads 126 papers 2894 19-Feb 1912 1912 in Danesfield. Plan. Sealed. - Miscellaneous Copy draft. Agreement. George Henry Makins and another and Mayor etc. for 126 papers 2895 19-Feb 1912 1912 widening roads in Danesfield. Plan. Sealed. (see no. 2894) - Miscellaneous 127 papers 2896 February 1912 1912 Letters re alteration of road, corner of Beaconsfield Road and Victoria Street. Plan - Miscellaneous 127 papers 2897 10-Apr 1912 1912 Complementary dinner to H.J. Toulmin - Miscellaneous Petty Sessions case. St Albans City Police vs. William Shepperson. Dangerous 127 papers 2898 23-May 1912 1912 driving of a motor car - Miscellaneous Draft contract. Mayor etc. and Merryweather and Sons, London, for work on steam 127 papers 2899 06-Jun 1912 1912 fire engine - Miscellaneous Contract. Mayor etc. and Merryweather and Sons, London, for work on steam fire 127 papers 2900 06-Jun 1912 1912 engine (see also no. 2899) - Miscellaneous 127 papers 2901 31-Jul 1912 1912 Plan of White Hart estate. St Albans - Miscellaneous 127 papers 2902 25-Oct 1912 1912 Draft security for Loan Trustees of "Church Lands" Charity to Samuel Ryder - Miscellaneous 127 papers 2903 November 1912 1912 St Albans City Extension Statistics and Financial Particulars - Miscellaneous 127 papers 2905 - 1912 1912 List of citizens of St Albans -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 120 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Miscellaneous Petty Sessions case. Macara vs. Thomas Thompson. Summons under s.6 of Sale 127 papers 2906 22-Jan 1914 1914 of Food & Drugs Act, 1875 - Miscellaneous Petty Sessions case. Macara vs. Henry Sear under s.6 of Sale of Food & Drugs 127 papers 2907 22-Jan 1914 1914 Act, 1875 - Miscellaneous 127 papers 2909 09-Feb 1914 1914 Local Government Board enquiry as to Hertford County Council Election Divisions - Miscellaneous 128 papers 2912 31-Mar 1914 1914 Annual report of City engineer and surveyor - Miscellaneous Agreement. Mayor etc. and Trustees of Herts Architect and Archaeological Society 128 papers 2914 07-Apr 1914 1914 (sic) for tenancy of the Clock Tower - Miscellaneous 128 papers 2915 30-Apr 1914 1914 Agreement. Mayor etc. and John Cable Ltd as to horsing fire engine - Miscellaneous Draft agreement. Mayor etc. and Edward John Burrow and Co. Ltd re Official Guide 128 papers 2917 06-May 1914 1914 to City - Miscellaneous Agreement. Mayor etc. and Edward John Burrow and Co. Ltd re Official Guide to 128 papers 2918 06-May 1914 1914 City - Miscellaneous Surrender of lease. Hertfordshire County Council etc. of freehold premises in 128 papers 2919 15-May 1914 1914 Chequer Street - Miscellaneous Draft surrender of lease. Hertfordshire County Council etc. of freehold premises in 128 papers 2920 15-May 1914 1914 Chequer Street (see no. 2919) - Miscellaneous Agreement. John Cable Ltd and Mayor etc. re removal of patients and bedding to 128 papers 2921 26-May 1914 1914 and from Sisters Hospital - Miscellaneous Draft agreement. John Cable Ltd and Mayor etc. re removal of patients and bedding 128 papers 2922 26-May 1914 1914 to and from Sisters Hospital (see no. 2921) - Miscellaneous Agreement. Hertfordshire County Council and Mayor etc as to improvement of 128 papers 2924 16-Jun 1914 1914 footpath adjoining Harpenden Road - Miscellaneous 128 papers 2925 29-Jun 1914 1914 Order of Quarter Sessions as to diversion of a footpath in parish of St Albans - Miscellaneous 128 papers 2926 16-Jul 1914 1914 Undertaking by Richard Taylor re wall at Priory Press - Miscellaneous Petty Sessions case. Macara vs. F.C. Riches. Summons under s.6 Sale of Food & 129 papers 2929 01-Oct 1914 1914 Drugs Act, 1875 - Miscellaneous Petty Sessions case. Corporation vs. Butterfield. Summons under s.6 of Sale of 129 papers 2930 19-Nov 1914 1914 Food & Drugs Act, 1875 - Miscellaneous Petty Sessions case. Corporation vs. Addington. Summons under s.6 of Sale of 129 papers 2931 November 1914 1914 Food & Drugs Act, 1875 - Miscellaneous Contract. J. Hammond & Son and Mayor etc. for erection of public convenience on 129 papers 2932 05-Dec 1914 1914 Fire Station Yard - Miscellaneous 129 papers 2933 23-Dec 1914 1914 Agreement. Mayor etc. and St Albans Waterworks Co. re fixing of fire hydrants - Miscellaneous 129 papers 2934 31-Dec 1914 1914 Vouchers for reception of Dean. Canon Blenkin -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 121 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Miscellaneous 129 papers 2935 - 1914 1914 Electricity Bill - Miscellaneous 129 papers 2937 01-Jan 1914 1914 Guarantee Policy. John Ashurst, City Surveyor - Miscellaneous 129 papers 2939 - 1914 1914 Sewage Scheme. Schedule of contracts - Miscellaneous 129 papers 2940 - 1913 1913 Local Government Board Session re. Sect. 64 of Local Government Act 1888 - Miscellaneous Agreement. Mayor etc. and Hertfordshire County Council for financial aid in 129 papers 2941 08-Mar 1913 1913 connection with extension of boundaries of St Albans - Miscellaneous Agreement. Hertfordshire County Council and Mayor etc. for laying drain in St 129 papers 2942 18-Mar 1913 1913 Stephens Road - Miscellaneous Agreement. Hertfordshire County Council and Mayor etc. for contributions to 129 papers 2943 18-Mar 1913 1913 maintenance etc. of certain roads - Miscellaneous Agreement. Hertfordshire County Council and Mayor etc. re Court House St Albans. 130 papers 2944 11-Apr 1913 1913 Supplement to agreement dated 1 August 1899 - Miscellaneous Draft conveyance etc. Frederick Hull to Mayor etc. Freehold land near junction of 130 papers 2945 16-Apr 1913 1913 Union Street and Catherine Street - Miscellaneous 130 papers 2946 30-Apr 1913 1913 Contract. John Cable Ltd and Mayor etc. for collection of house refuse - Miscellaneous Agreement. Thomas Eaton and Mayor etc. to pay rent according to condition of 130 papers 2947 30-Aug 1913 1913 wine licence - Miscellaneous 130 papers 2948 - 1913 1913 Employment of Children Act 1903. City of St Albans, bye-laws - Miscellaneous 130 papers 2949 02-Aug 1913 1913 Appointment of Arthur Cecil Sampson as Inspector of Weights & Measures - Miscellaneous Petty Sessions case. Macara vs. Thomas Oakley. Summons under s.6 Sale of 130 papers 2950 06-Nov 1913 1913 Food & Drugs Act, 1875 - Miscellaneous 130 papers 2951 December 1913 1913 Francis Alfred Giffen. Claim for loss of office - Miscellaneous Representatives of Corporation on Local Enquiries under Local Government Act, 130 papers 2952 09-Jan 1913 1913 1888 - Miscellaneous Draft contract. Aveling and Porter, Rochester, and Mayor etc. for supply of steam 130 papers 2953 - 1913 1913 rollers - Miscellaneous 130 papers 2954 09-Feb 1915 1915 Allotments. Sealed copy of rules - Miscellaneous 130 papers 2955 March 1915 1915 Fire insurances - Miscellaneous 130 papers 2958 July 1915 1915 Corporation projects. Prov. Valuations - Miscellaneous 130 papers 2959 04-Aug 1915 1915 Announcements. Public meetings. Anniversary of Declaration of War -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 122 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Miscellaneous 131 papers 2960 October 1915 1915 Lord Derby's recruiting scheme - Miscellaneous 131 papers 2962 24-Jan 1916 1916 Guarantee agreement. Mayor etc. and Frederick Turney Negus on his employment - Miscellaneous Contract. The Ames Cresta San. Eng. Co. and Mayor etc for erection of 4 revolving 131 papers 2963 28-Jun 1916 1916 sewage distributors - Miscellaneous Herts Midsummer Quarter Sessions. Mayor etc and Hertfordshire County Council. 131 papers 2964 03-May 1916 1916 Notice of Appeal against County Rate Basis and a County Rate - Miscellaneous Memorial of East Ward Ratepayers' Association and others to Local Government 131 papers 2967 July 1916 1916 Board re cleaning cesspools - Miscellaneous 131 papers 2969 27-Jun 1916 1916 Draft grant of easement. Very Rev. Dean of St Albans and another and Mayor etc - Miscellaneous 131 papers 2969A 01-Aug (1916) (1916) Contract. William Sharp and Mayor etc. for bathroom at The Lodge, Clarence Park - Miscellaneous 131 papers 2970 05-Aug 1916 1916 Contract. Arnolds and Mayor etc. for painting at Clarence Park Recreation Ground - Miscellaneous 131 papers 2971 04-Aug 1916 1916 Papers re public meeting on second anniversary of war - Miscellaneous Agreement. Hertfordshire County Council and Mayor etc re repairs etc to Sutton 131 papers 2972 16-Sep 1916 1916 Road - Miscellaneous Copy draft agreement. Hertfordshire County Council and Mayor etc re repairs etc to 131 papers 2973 19-Sep 1916 1916 Sutton Road (see no. 2972) - Miscellaneous 131 papers 2974 22-Nov 1916 1916 Mayor etc. Case for Opinion of Mr Neville, re wine charters - Miscellaneous 132 papers 2975 - 1915 1916 Refuse collection and Nuisance Committee Reports - Miscellaneous 132 papers 2976 - 1916 1916 Slaughter House. Bye-laws. Papers - Miscellaneous Draft agreement. Mayor etc. and Midland Railway for maintenance etc. of a footpath 132 papers 2977 - 1916 1916 on Victoria Street Bridge - Miscellaneous Draft mortgage. Samuel Handford and John Austin Vickers on freehold premises. 132 papers 2978 - 1916 1916 Hatfield Road - Miscellaneous 132 papers 2979 - 1916 1916 Mayor waste paper fund account - Miscellaneous 132 papers 2981 - 1917 1917 Papers re suggested establishment of a creche - Miscellaneous 132 papers 2982 28-Apr 1917 1917 Procedure under Sale of Food & Drugs Act 1875 - Miscellaneous 132 papers 2983 11-May 1917 1917 Certificate of contract. Land for public library. Plan - Miscellaneous 132 papers 2984 28-Aug 1917 1917 Agreement. Mary Causton and Ernest John Gaddington re no. 50 St Peters Street -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 123 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Miscellaneous 132 papers 2985 03-May 1917 1917 St Albans Petty Sessions. Macara vs. Henry Seer. Sale of Food & Drugs Act, 1875 - Miscellaneous St Albans Petty Sessions. Macara vs. Slimmon. Sale of Food & Drugs Act, 1875. 132 papers 2986 07-Jun 1917 1917 Case dismissed - Miscellaneous 132 papers 2988 July 1917 1917 Draft memorial. Mayor etc to H.M. Treasury re wine licences - Miscellaneous Draft agreement. Hertfordshire County Council and Mayor etc. re maintenance of 132 papers 2989 13-Sep 1917 1917 certain highways in St Albans - Miscellaneous Agreement. Hertfordshire County Council and Mayor etc. re maintenance of certain 132 papers 2990 13-Sep 1917 1917 highways in St Albans city - Miscellaneous Agreement. Hertfordshire County Council and Mayor etc. re maintenance of certain 133 papers 2991 13-Sep 1917 1917 highways in St Albans urban district - Miscellaneous 133 papers 2993 10-Nov 1917 1917 Letters re wine charter - Miscellaneous 133 papers 2994 - 1917 1917 Control of meat prices - Miscellaneous 133 papers 2996 07-May 1918 1918 St Albans Reports of Committees and Officers - Miscellaneous 133 papers 3000 05-Apr 1918 1918 Representation of the Peoples Act 1918 s.20. Proportional representation etc. - Miscellaneous 133 papers 3008 - 1918 1918 St Albans National Kitchen papers. Establishment and opening - Miscellaneous 134 papers 3009 - 1918 1918 Police pay etc - Miscellaneous Butler vs. Corporation. Hertfordshire County Court claim over loss of horse. 134 papers 3013 17-Feb 1919 1919 Judgement for defendants - Miscellaneous 134 papers 3014 25-Feb 1919 1919 Mortgage. Mayor etc. for Food Controller for securing £778 - Miscellaneous 134 papers 3015 March 1919 1919 William Collins, Supt Clarence Road Park. Appointed March 1919 - Miscellaneous 134 papers 3016 - 1890 1920 Justices Clerk Return Lady Day 1919. Fines and fees. Some years only - Miscellaneous 134 papers 3018 June 1919 1919 Draft contract. Aveling and Porter and Mayor etc. to supply 8 ton steam roller - Miscellaneous 134 papers 3025 18-Nov 1919 1919 Contract. Howard Farrow and Mayor etc. for sewering work etc. - Miscellaneous 134 papers 3026 18-Dec 1919 1919 Meat. Tea given by Cr. W.G. Bennett to fire brigade - Miscellaneous Contract. George Henson and Son Ltd and Mayor etc. for completion of works at St 134 papers 3027 22-Dec 1919 1919 Albans sewage farm - Miscellaneous 135 papers 3030 - 1903 1920 Sundry estimates; some years only -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 124 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Miscellaneous 135 papers 3034 - 1920 1920 Miss Mary Causton to Mayor etc. List of property - Miscellaneous 135 papers 3035 - 1920 1920 M.C. Report re Back Cottages, Victoria Street - Miscellaneous Conveyance. Mrs Eliza Strofton to Miss Mary Causton, 14 Hatfield Road. Signed 135 papers 3036 31-Jan 1920 1920 and sealed - Miscellaneous Draft agreement. Viscount Grimston and Mayor etc. for letting land in St Peter's 135 papers 3038 20-Mar 1920 1920 Parish for allotments. Plan - Miscellaneous 135 papers 3040 07-Apr 1920 1920 Enthronement of Dr Edgar Jacob as Lord - Miscellaneous Contract. Messrs Arnold and Mayor etc. for repairs, painting etc. at offices, 96 135 papers 3041 15-Apr 1920 1920 Victoria Street - Miscellaneous Contract. Ames Cresta, Sanitary Engineering Co Ltd. and Mayor etc for provision 135 papers 3042 11-May 1920 1920 and erection of sewage dist. at Sewage Disposal Works, Park Street - Miscellaneous 136 papers 3044 03-Aug 1920 1920 Contract. Arnolds and Mayor etc. for painting at Cemetery Chapel - Miscellaneous 136 papers 3045 - 1920 1920 re. Bricket House Nursing Home - Miscellaneous Bond. Rudolf B. Seebohm to Mayor etc. on appointment as Treasurer to the Local 136 papers 3046 27-Aug 1920 1920 Authority - Miscellaneous Contract. Rusten and Hornsby and Mayor etc. for Gas Engines and other plant at 136 papers 3047 18-Oct 1920 1920 Sewage Disposal Works - Miscellaneous 136 papers 3048 24-Oct 1920 1920 Dedication of Great War Cross, St Albans Cemetery - Miscellaneous Re. proposal cinema in Stanhope Road. Order prohibiting erection and appeal 136 papers 3049 October 1920 1920 thereon - Miscellaneous 136 papers 3052 - 1920 1921 Police. Non-pensionable bonus - Miscellaneous Contract. Ames Cresta, Sanitary Engineers and Mayor etc. for provision and 136 papers 3053 25-Feb 1921 1921 erection of two sewage dists. at Sewage Disposal Works - Miscellaneous 136 papers 3055 07-Mar 1921 1921 Application of A.E. Dugwell, 1st Assistant, Town Clerk's Department - Miscellaneous 136 papers 3056 11-May 1921 1921 Copy telephone agreement. City Police Stations - Miscellaneous 136 papers 3057 11-May 1921 1921 Copy telephone agreement. Surveyors office - Miscellaneous 136 papers 3058 11-May 1921 1921 Copy telephone agreement. Sewage farm - Miscellaneous 137 papers 3060 - 1921 1921 National Appeal for Volunteers for Vital Industries - Miscellaneous 137 papers 3061 - 1920 1922 Townsend Housing Scheme -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 125 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Miscellaneous 137 papers 3063 14-Oct 1921 1021 Claim by General P.O. in respect of removal of poles in Waverley Road - Miscellaneous 137 papers 3063A 20-Sep 1921 1921 Draft. Mortgage. Mayor etc. to H. Savage and others re. 22 Victoria Street - Miscellaneous 137 papers 3064 20-Oct 1921 1921 Agreement. Hertfordshire County Council and Mayor etc. re main roads in City - Miscellaneous 137 papers 3065 - 1921 1921 St Albans War Memorial. Drawing and specification - Miscellaneous Draft copy agreement. Hertfordshire County Council and Mayor etc. re main roads 137 papers 3066 20-Oct 1921 1921 in City - Miscellaneous Duplicate agreement. Mayor etc. and United Services Club (St Albans) Ltd. For 137 papers 3067 28-Oct 1921 1921 tenancy of Corn Exchange - Miscellaneous Draft agreement. Mayor etc. and United Services Club (St Albans) Ltd. For tenancy 137 papers 3068 28-Oct 1921 1921 of Corn Exchange - Miscellaneous 137 papers 3069 11-Nov 1921 1921 Remembrance Day - Miscellaneous 137 papers 3070 - 1921 1921 Waverley Road. Unemployment Scheme - Miscellaneous 137 papers 3073 - 1921 1922 Camp Road. Proposed widening - Miscellaneous Draft agreement. Hertfordshire County Council and Mayor etc. to construct highway 138 papers 3074 11-Jan 1922 1922 near Beech Bottom - Miscellaneous Duplicate agreement. Mayor etc. and Trustees of St Albans & Hertfordshire 138 papers 3075 28-Feb 1922 1922 Architectural & Archaeological Society for tenancy of Clock Tower - Miscellaneous 138 papers 3076 - 1922 1923 Estimate and receipt of expenditure - Miscellaneous 138 papers 3078 31-May 1922 1922 Gas Regulation Act, 1920 - Miscellaneous Contract. Henry J Jackson and Mayor etc. for extension main drainage in Hatfield 138 papers 3079 28-Jul 1922 1922 Road - Miscellaneous 138 papers 3080 31-Jul 1922 1922 Contract. Arnolds & Mayor etc for painting and decorating Public Library - Miscellaneous Copy draft agreement. Hertfordshire County Council and Mayor etc re improvement 138 papers 3082 21-Sep 1922 1922 of main roads in City - Miscellaneous 138 papers 3083 03-Oct 1922 1922 Contract. Arthur Cole Ltd and Mayor etc. re. underground public conveniences - Miscellaneous 138 papers 3085 October 1922 1922 Superannuation. Local Government and other officers - Miscellaneous 139 papers 3089 - 1922 1922 Re. official salaries - Miscellaneous Inter-departmental Court of Inquiry into Thomas Conservancy Board and Lee 139 papers 3090 - 1922 1922 Conservancy Board -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 126 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Miscellaneous 139 papers 3091 - 1922 1922 Industrial development - Miscellaneous 139 papers 3092 - 1923 1923 Hertfordshire County Council. Map of proposed arterial roads - Miscellaneous Duplicate agreement. Mayor etc. and North Metropolitan Electric Power Supply Co. 139 papers 3095 08-May 1923 1923 re lighting stalls in market - Miscellaneous 139 papers 3095A - 1923 1923 Proposed cattle market in Victoria Street - Miscellaneous Contract. Richard Garrett and Mayor etc. for provision of Elec. Vehicle for collection 139 papers 3097 07-Jun 1923 1923 of house refuse. - Miscellaneous 139 papers 3099 26-Jul 1923 1923 Appointment of trustees of St Albans Prize Silver Band - Miscellaneous 139 papers 3101 27-Jul 1923 1923 Contract. Ditto (No. 3099?) - Miscellaneous 139 papers 3102 23-Aug 1923 1923 Duplicate agreement. Prison commissioners and City of St Albans - Miscellaneous 139 papers 3103 13-Sep 1923 1923 Procedure. Re. diversion and stopping-up of a public footpath - Miscellaneous Copy draft agreement. Hertfordshire County Council and Mayor etc. for 140 papers 3104 19-Sep 1923 1923 improvement in main road in City - Miscellaneous Copy draft agreement. Hertfordshire County Council and Mayor etc. for 140 papers 3105 18-Sep 1923 1923 improvement in main road in City - Miscellaneous 140 papers 3106 September 1923 1923 Tithe redemption. Cemetery and Clarence Park - Miscellaneous Draft agreement. Mayor etc. and John Smith. Drainage of premises in Hatfield 140 papers 3108 19-Oct 1923 1923 Road into main sewer - Miscellaneous 140 papers 3109 - 1923 1924 Remembrance Day - Miscellaneous 140 papers 3110 27-Nov 1923 1923 Tithe Acts 1836-1918; certificate of redemption. St Michael's, Hertford - Miscellaneous 140 papers 3112 - 1923 1923 Bye-laws and regulations re. sanitary conveniences - Miscellaneous Re. the Black Lion and the Goat. Alterations on registrations as Common Lodging 140 papers 3113 - 1923 1923 Houses - Miscellaneous 140 papers 3114 - 1923 1926 Diversion of footpath in Palfrey Close - Miscellaneous Russell Estate Lot 2 Corporation Purchase, 57 & 59 St Peters Street and land at 140 papers 3115 30-Jan 1924 1924 rear - Miscellaneous Copy draft agreement. Hertfordshire County Council and Mayor etc. for widening 140 papers 3116 15-Jan 1924 1924 main road, St Albans to Harpenden - Miscellaneous 140 papers 3117 February 1924 1924 Workmen's wages -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 127 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Miscellaneous 140 papers 3119 - 1924 1924 Hertfordshire County Council and St Albans. Certificate for Redemption of Land Tax - Miscellaneous 140 papers 3120 - 1924 1924 Hertfordshire County Council and St Albans. Certificate for Redemption of Land Tax - Miscellaneous 141 papers 3121 - 1924 1924 Cattle market site. 57 & 59 St Peter's Street and land at rear - Miscellaneous 141 papers 3122 16-Feb 1924 1924 Cancellation of mortgage of 9 January 1894 - Miscellaneous 141 papers 3123 09-Apr 1924 1924 Copy. Case re. cattle market - Miscellaneous 141 papers 3125 30-Apr 1924 1924 Public health - Miscellaneous 141 papers 3126 22-Mar 1924 1924 Draft mortgage. Security £2000. Mayor etc. and Barclays Bank (Paid off) - Miscellaneous 141 papers 3128 June 1924 1924 Cattle market site - Miscellaneous 141 papers 3129 22-Apr 1924 1924 Estate of Joseph Russell (deceased). Lot 2 - Miscellaneous Copy draft agreement. M.R. Russell to Mayor etc. Freehold premises 57 & 59 St 141 papers 3130 10-Apr 1924 1924 Peters Street - Miscellaneous 141 papers 3131 - 1924 1924 Letters re. cattle market transfer - Miscellaneous 141 papers 3133 13-May 1924 1924 Public inquiry re. cattle market - Miscellaneous 141 papers 3134 June 1924 1924 Appointment. F.A. Moore as deputy City Engineer and Surveyor - Miscellaneous Copy draft conveyance. Mayor etc. and Mr James Frederick Russell. Freehold land 141 papers 3136 07-Aug 1924 1924 at rear of 28 Russell Avenue. Plan - Miscellaneous 142 papers 3137 07-Aug 1924 1924 Copy draft agreement. Mayor etc and John Horman as above. 26 Russell Avenue - Miscellaneous 142 papers 3138 07-Aug 1924 1924 Copy agreement. Mayor etc. and J.F. Russell. As above. 24 Russell Avenue - Miscellaneous 142 papers 3139 07-Aug 1924 1924 Copy agreement. Mayor etc. and J.F. Russell. As above. 30 Russell Avenue - Miscellaneous Copy draft agreement. Mayor etc. and John Thompson. As above. Rear of "the 142 papers 3140 02-Sep 1924 1924 Chalet", Russell Avenue - Miscellaneous Not 142 papers 3142 - 1924 1924 Claim of R.J. Penketh. Accident to car (not admitted) transferred Miscellaneous Copy draft agreement. Hertfordshire County Council and Mayor etc. re annual sum 142 papers 3143 15-Oct 1924 1924 for cost of maintenance of main roads - Miscellaneous 142 papers 3145 October 1924 1924 Copy conveyance. Mayor etc. and Earl Ash Day. 57 St Peters Street -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 128 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Miscellaneous 142 papers 3146 - 1924 1924 St Albans housing. Inquiry Missing? Miscellaneous 142 papers 3147 16-Nov 1924 1924 Re. Trooping the Colours - Miscellaneous 142 papers 3148 - 1924 1924 Public health meat regulations - Miscellaneous 142 papers 3149 - 1924 1924 Cattle market site - Miscellaneous Copy draft lease. The Misses Emily and Sarah Graham Fish and Mayor etc. Land 143 papers 3154 21-Mar 1925 1925 for allotments, gardens, Hatfield Road part Beaumonts Farm - Miscellaneous Lease. The Misses Emily and Sarah Graham Fish and Mayor etc. Land for 143 papers 3155 21-Mar 1925 1925 allotments, gardens, Hatfield Road part Beaumonts Farm - Miscellaneous Not 143 papers 3156 15-Apr 1925 1925 Accident to A.J. Chalkley transferred Miscellaneous 143 papers 3157 25-Apr 1925 1925 Loans for new cattle market - Miscellaneous 143 papers 3158 23-May 1925 1925 Clarence Road. Telephone pole plan - Miscellaneous 143 papers 3159 12-Jun 1925 1925 Cost of Redemption of Tithes. Townsend Housing Estate - Miscellaneous 143 papers 3160 13-Jun 1925 1925 Cost of Redemption of Tithes. Townsend Housing Estate - Miscellaneous 143 papers 3161 21-Jul 1925 1925 Fire brigade. New scale of charges - Miscellaneous Draft agreement. Mayor etc and Mrs Elizabeth H.M. Husband. Drainage of 143 papers 3163 18-Aug 1925 1925 premises in Sandpit Lane in City Main Sewer - Miscellaneous 143 papers 3164 - 1925 1926 Cattle market. Correspondence re loan - Miscellaneous Copy draft mortgage. Mayor etc. to Secretary of Public Works Loan Commissioners 143 papers 3165 24-Sep 1925 1925 for securing £4219 - Miscellaneous Request for diversion of road etc. (C.F. Sander, K Sander & L.L. Sander to Mayor 143 papers 3166 20-Oct 1925 1925 etc.). Plan Grimston Roads, Breakspear Estate. - Miscellaneous 143 papers 3167 October 1925 1925 Public Health Act 1925. Adoption Papers -

Miscellaneous Forms of precept for use prior to the coming into operation of Rating & Valuation 143 papers 3168 October 1925 1925 Act. St Albans Improvement Act 1879 and St Albans Extension Order 1931 - Miscellaneous 144 papers 3169 October 1925 1925 Papers re. collection of trade refuse - Miscellaneous 144 papers 3170 - 1925 1926 Papers re market tolls -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 129 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Miscellaneous 144 papers 3171 07-Nov 1925 1925 Y.M.C.A. Work. Visit of H.H. Princess Helena Victoria - Miscellaneous 144 papers 3175 27-Nov 1925 1925 Memorial service for Queen Alexandra (died 20 November 1925) - Miscellaneous 144 papers 3176 31-Dec (1925) (1925) Copy deed of grant (15 January 1926) of Easements. 57 St Peters Street. Plan - Miscellaneous 144 papers 3177 31-Dec 1925 1925 Plan. Line of new wall between Mr Butler's Orchard and Cattle Market - Miscellaneous Copy evidence. Hertfordshire County Court. Order as to enrolment of certificate re. 144 papers 3180 05-Feb 1926 1926 new public highway - Miscellaneous 144 papers 3181 05-Feb 1926 1926 Re. diversion of public footpath leading from Camp Road south-easterly - Miscellaneous Order of Quarter Sessions as to diversion of a public footpath Breakspear's Estate. 144 papers 3182 Easter 1926 1926 Plan - Miscellaneous Not 144 papers 3183 25-Feb 1926 1926 Petty Sessional Division of St Albans. Diversion of Footpath. Gaol Meadow transferred Miscellaneous 144 papers 3184 30-Mar 1926 1926 Preliminary Report of Market Sub-committee of 30 March 1925 - Miscellaneous Draft contract. Mark Draper and Sons and Mayor etc. Ext. painting etc. at Public 145 papers 3185 22-Mar 1926 1925 Library - Miscellaneous 145 papers 3187 13-Apr 1926 1926 Draft certificate. Diversion of footpath - Miscellaneous 145 papers 3188 - 1926 1926 Re. diversion of footpath. Camp Road - S.E. - Miscellaneous 145 papers 3189 22-Apr 1926 1926 Copy agreement. LNER and Mayor etc. for renting siding at Fleetville - Miscellaneous 145 papers 3190 - 1926 1926 Bye-laws re Slaughterhouses - Miscellaneous 145 papers 3191 July 1926 1926 Street collections regulations - Miscellaneous Not 145 papers 3192 - 1928 1928 See 3218A transferred Miscellaneous Contract. Mayor etc and S.G. Hannaford for letting refreshment pavilion at Clarence 145 papers 3193 13-Aug 1926 1926 Park Recreation Ground - Miscellaneous 145 papers 3194 August 1926 1926 The Camp. Diversion of footpath by Earl Verulam - Miscellaneous 145 papers 3196 11-Nov 1926 1926 Remembrance Day. Cathedral Service Sunday 14 November 1926 at 3pm - Miscellaneous 145 papers 3197 - 1926 1926 Jubilee Celebrations at Blackpool & Luton - Miscellaneous 145 papers 3199 - 1926 1926 Humane slaughtering -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 130 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Miscellaneous 145 papers 3201 24-Feb 1927 1927 Copy draft mortgage. Mayor etc. to Secretary of Public Works Loan Commissioners - Miscellaneous 146 papers 3203 - 1927 1927 Re. complaints, Sandridge Road Corporation Refuse Depot - Miscellaneous 146 papers 3207 19-Jul 1927 1927 Draft mortgage. Mayor etc. to Barclays Bank to secure £3614 and interest - Miscellaneous Copy draft agreement. Hertfordshire County Council and Mayor etc. re maintenance 146 papers 3209 01-Sep 1927 1927 etc. of certain roads in City - Miscellaneous 146 papers 3212 11-Nov 1927 1927 Remembrance Day - Miscellaneous Draft contract. A.W. Sharp and Mayor etc. for work at 36 & 38 St Peters Street to 146 papers 3214 24-Jan 1928 1928 adapt for use as Municipal Offices - Miscellaneous 146 papers 3215 February 1928 1928 L.M.& S. Railway (road transport) - Miscellaneous 146 papers 3216 April 1928 1928 Re. tax on taxis. Hackney Carriage bye-laws - Miscellaneous 147 papers 3218 - 1928 1929 Whit Monday Sports - Miscellaneous 147 papers 3218A 11-Nov 1928 1928 Copy agreement. Hertfordshire County Council and Mayor etc. re roads in City - Miscellaneous 147 papers 3219 11-Nov 1928 1928 Remembrance Day - Miscellaneous 147 papers 3221 December 1928 1928 Distressed mining areas. Relief fund. Audited accounts - Miscellaneous 147 papers 3223 - 1928 1930 Correspondence with G.P.O. re telegraphic posts - Miscellaneous 147 papers 3229 23-Jun 1929 1929 celebrations at Runnymede - Miscellaneous 147 papers 3230 07-Jul 1929 1929 Thanksgiving Service for King's Recovery - Miscellaneous Copy draft agreement. Hertfordshire County Council and St Albans re main roads in 147 papers 3231 15-Aug (1929) (1929) City - Miscellaneous 147 papers 3232 19-Sep 1929 1929 Sir Alan Cobham's Flight - Miscellaneous 148 papers 3234 - 1929 1930 Housing Act (1925) re. no. 17 Spicer Street. Closing and Demolition Orders - Miscellaneous 148 papers 3235 31-Mar 1930 1930 Estimate of Income and Expenses. Year to 31 March 1930 - Miscellaneous Contract. Mayor etc. and Alan Manners for letting refreshment pavilion at Clarence 148 papers 3237 29-Jul 1931 1931 Park Recreation Ground - Miscellaneous 148 papers 3238 July 1931 1931 City Council's representatives on "outside" bodies of Trustees Commissioners etc -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 131 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Miscellaneous Draft agreement. Mayor etc. and St Albans Gas Co. for lighting public street lamp in 148 papers 3239 01-Aug 1930 1930 City - Miscellaneous Returns of attendance of members of council as representative on trustee and other 148 papers 3240 - 1930 1930 bodies - Miscellaneous 148 papers 3241 - 1930 1931 Places of Entertainment. Bye-laws re stink bombs etc. - Miscellaneous 148 papers 3242 November 1930 1930 Service, Poppy Day - Miscellaneous 148 papers 3245 - 1931 1931 Market Tolls - Miscellaneous Duplicate agreement. Mayor etc and F.W. Dean. Yearly tenancy of St German's 148 papers 3246 25-Jun 1931 1931 Farm - Miscellaneous Returns of attendance of members of council as representative on trustee and other 148 papers 3249 30-Sep 1931 1931 bodies - Miscellaneous 149 papers 3250 November 1931 1931 Service organised by British Legion at Cathedral. Poppy Day - Miscellaneous 149 papers 3252 - 1931 1931 Re official salaries - Miscellaneous 149 papers 3253 - 1931 1931 Re Central School, Hatfield Road - Miscellaneous 149 papers 3254 - 1931 1932 Bye-laws re loudspeakers, gramophones, noisy organs etc - Miscellaneous 149 papers 3258 21-Jun 1931 1931 Free Grammar School. Repairs. Specification - Miscellaneous Draft agreement. Mayor etc. and Richard Smith as to drainage of premises in 149 papers 3259 24-Jan 1932 1932 Sandpit Lane into City Main Sewer - Miscellaneous 149 papers 3260 June 1932 1932 Re memo of Town Clerk re rates etc. - Miscellaneous Draft agreement. Mayor etc. and Charles Bowles as to drainage of premises in 149 papers 3261 22-Jul 1932 1932 Sandpit Lane into City Main Sewer - Miscellaneous Draft agreement. Mayor etc. and Charles Bowles as to drainage of premises in St 149 papers 3262 20-Sep 1932 1932 Stephens into City Main Sewer - Miscellaneous Draft agreement. Mayor etc. and Charles Bowles as to drainage of premises in 149 papers 3263 23-Sep 1932 1932 Hatfield Road into City Main Sewer - Miscellaneous Draft agreement. Mayor etc. and A.W. Webber as to drainage of "Clissold" in 149 papers 3265 04-Oct 1932 1932 Hatfield Road into City Main Sewer - Miscellaneous 150 papers 3266 October 1932 1932 Memorandum on greater publicity being given to Council meetings - Miscellaneous Draft agreement. Mayor etc. and W.C. Lewis and others as to drainage of premises 150 papers 3267 18-Nov 1932 1932 in Batchwood Drive into City Main Sewer - Miscellaneous Draft agreement. Mayor etc. and J.H.F. Sewell as to drainage of premises in 150 papers 3268 01-Dec 1932 1932 Watford Road into City Main Sewer -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 132 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Miscellaneous Draft agreement. Mayor etc. and Henry William Smith and another as to drainage of 150 papers 3269 02-Jan 1933 1933 premises in Batchwood Drive into City Main Sewer - Miscellaneous 150 papers 3270 10-Jan 1933 1933 Appointment of Public Analyst C.W. McHugo. Appointed 31 January 1933 - Miscellaneous Draft agreement. Mayor etc. and J.H.F. Sewell as to drainage of premises in 150 papers 3271 10-Feb 1933 1933 Watford Road into City Main Sewer - Miscellaneous Draft agreement. Mayor etc. and H. Godman as to drainage of premises in Watford 150 papers 3272 02-Mar 1933 1933 Road into City Main Sewer - Miscellaneous Draft agreement. Mayor etc. and H. Godman as to drainage of premises in Watford 150 papers 3273 04-Apr 1933 1933 Road into City Main Sewer - Miscellaneous Draft agreement. Mayor etc. and Mrs R.A. Hill as to drainage of premises in 150 papers 3273A 18-Apr 1933 1933 Watford Road into City Main Sewer - Miscellaneous Draft agreement. Mayor etc. and D. Davidson as to drainage of premises in Watford 150 papers 3274 28-Apr 1933 1933 Road into City Main Sewer - Miscellaneous Draft agreement. Mayor etc. and T.L. Beeby as to drainage of premises in Watford 150 papers 3275 08-May 1933 1933 Road into City Main Sewer - Miscellaneous Draft agreement. Mayor etc. and H.C. Kent as to drainage of premises in Watford 150 papers 3277 01-Jul 1933 1933 Road into City Main Sewer - Miscellaneous Draft agreement. Mayor etc. and Mrs Edith Francis Hope as to drainage of 150 papers 3278 19-Jul 1933 1933 premises in King Harry Lane into City Main Sewer - Miscellaneous Draft agreement. Mayor etc. and Henry William Smith as to drainage of premises in 151 papers 3281 30-Aug 1933 1933 King Harry Lane into City Main Sewer - Miscellaneous Memo. of Cancellation of Agreement. Mayor etc. and St Albans Rediffusion Service 151 papers 3282 12-Sep 1933 1933 Co. giving permission to carry wires over streets - Miscellaneous Draft agreement. Mayor etc. and G.W. Langford as to drainage of premises in 151 papers 3283 25-Oct 1933 1933 Watford Road into City Main Sewer - Miscellaneous Draft agreement. Mayor etc. and Mrs P. Nott as to drainage of premises in 151 papers 3284 06-Nov 1933 1933 Batchwood Drive into City Main Sewer - Miscellaneous Draft agreement. Mayor etc. and Mrs Sybil Sydney as to drainage of premises in 151 papers 3285 09-Nov 1933 1933 Watford Road into City Main Sewer - Miscellaneous Draft agreement. Mayor etc. and Miss E.F. Hope as to drainage of premises in King 151 papers 3287 06-Dec 1933 1933 Harry Lane into City Main Sewer - Miscellaneous Draft agreement. Mayor etc. and John Doig Duncan as to drainage of premises in 151 papers 3288 27-Mar 1934 1934 Watford Road into City Main Sewer - Miscellaneous 151 papers 3289 April 1934 1934 Restoration of Economy Deduction from Official Salaries - Miscellaneous Draft agreement. Mayor etc. and H. Williams as to drainage of premises in Watford 151 papers 3290 18-Apr 1934 1934 Road into City Main Sewer - Miscellaneous Draft agreement. Mayor etc. and J. Godfrey as to drainage of premises in King 151 papers 3291 07-May 1934 1934 Harry Lane into City Main Sewer - Miscellaneous Draft agreement. Mayor etc. and W.L. Lloyd as to drainage of premises in Hatfield 151 papers 3292 29-May 1934 1934 Road into City Main Sewer -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 133 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Miscellaneous Draft agreement. Mayor etc. and J.H.F. Sewell as to drainage of premises in King 151 papers 3293 12-Jan 1934 1934 Harry Lane into City Main Sewer - Miscellaneous Draft agreement. Mayor etc. and A. Clarke as to drainage of premises in 151 papers 3294 02-Jul 1934 1934 Batchwood Drive into City Main Sewer - Miscellaneous 152 papers 3295 30-Sep 1934 1934 Returns of attendance of City Councillors serving as trustees and on other bodies - Miscellaneous Draft agreement. Mayor etc. and H. Godman as to drainage of premises in St 152 papers 3296 21-Oct 1934 1934 Stephens into City Main Sewer - Miscellaneous Draft agreement. Mayor etc. and F.H. Vince as to drainage of premises in 152 papers 3297 08-Jan 1935 1935 Homewood Road at its junction with Sandpit Lane into City Main Sewer - Miscellaneous 152 papers 3298 01-Apr 1935 1935 Revision of salaries as from 1 April 1935 - Miscellaneous 153 papers Missing - - - - - 154 Correspondence 3343 - 1901 1901 Correspondence - Various - Not 154 Correspondence 3344 - 1902 1902 Correspondence - Various transferred Not 154 Correspondence 3345 - 1903 1903 Correspondence - Various transferred Not 154 Correspondence 3346 - 1905 1905 Correspondence - Various transferred Not 154 Correspondence 3347 - 1906 1906 Correspondence - Various transferred Not 154 Correspondence 3348 - 1907 1907 Correspondence - Various (May-Sep) transferred Not 154 Correspondence 3349 - 1907 1907 Correspondence - Various transferred Not 154 Correspondence 3350 - 1908 1908 Correspondence - Various (Jan-Mar) transferred Not 154 Correspondence 3351 - 1908 1908 Correspondence - Various (Jul-Sep) transferred Not 154 Correspondence 3352 - 1912 1912 Correspondence - Grammar School transferred 154 Correspondence 3353 - 1904 1904 Correspondence - Corporation - Not 154 Correspondence 3354 - 1905 1905 Correspondence - Corporation (Jan-Jun) transferred Not 154 Correspondence 3355 - 1906 1906 Correspondence - Corporation (Jul-Dec) transferred Not 154 Correspondence 3356 - 1907 1907 Correspondence - Corporation (Sep-Dec) transferred Not 154 Correspondence 3357 - 1908 1908 Correspondence - Corporation (Apr-Jun) transferred

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 134 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Not 154 Correspondence 3358 - 1908 1908 Correspondence - Corporation (Oct-Dec) transferred Not 154 Correspondence 3359 - 1909 1909 Correspondence - Corporation (Jan-Apr) transferred Not 154 Correspondence 3360 - 1909 1909 Correspondence - Corporation (May-Jul) transferred Not 154 Correspondence 3361 - 1909 1909 Correspondence - Corporation (Aug-Dec) transferred Not 155 Correspondence 3362 - 1910 1910 Correspondence - Corporation (Jan-May) transferred Not 155 Correspondence 3363 - 1910 1910 Correspondence - Corporation (May-Aug) transferred Not 155 Correspondence 3364 - 1910 1910 Correspondence - Corporation (Sep-Dec) transferred Not 155 Correspondence 3365 - 1911 1911 Correspondence - Corporation (Jan-May) transferred Not 155 Correspondence 3366 - 1911 1911 Correspondence - Corporation (Jun-Sep) transferred Not 155 Correspondence 3367 - 1911 1911 Correspondence - Corporation (Oct-Dec) transferred Not 155 Correspondence 3368 - 1912 1912 Correspondence - Corporation (Jan-Mar) transferred Not 155 Correspondence 3369 - 1912 1912 Correspondence - Corporation (Apr-Jun) transferred Not 155 Correspondence 3370 - 1912 1912 Correspondence - Corporation (Jul-Sep) transferred Not 155 Correspondence 3371 - 1912 1912 Correspondence - Corporation (Oct-Dec) transferred Not 155 Correspondence 3372 - 1913 1913 Correspondence - Corporation (Sep-Jan) transferred Not 155 Correspondence 3373 - 1913 1913 Correspondence - Corporation (Sep-Jan) transferred Not 155 Correspondence 3374 - 1913 1913 Correspondence - Corporation (Sep-Jan) transferred Not 155 Correspondence 3375 - 1913 1913 Correspondence - Corporation (Sep-Jan) transferred Not 155 Correspondence 3376 - 1914 1914 Correspondence - Corporation (Jan-Mar) transferred Not 155 Correspondence 3377 - 1914 1914 Correspondence - Corporation (Apr-Jun) transferred Not 155 Correspondence 3378 - 1914 1914 Correspondence - Corporation (Jul-Sep) transferred

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 135 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Not 155 Correspondence 3379 - 1914 1914 Correspondence - Corporation (Oct-Dec) transferred Not 155 Correspondence 3380 - 1915 1915 Correspondence - Corporation (Jan-Mar) transferred Not 155 Correspondence 3381 - 1915 1915 Correspondence - Corporation (Apr-Jun) transferred Not 155 Correspondence 3382 - 1915 1915 Correspondence - Corporation (Jul-Sep) transferred Not 155 Correspondence 3383 - 1915 1915 Correspondence - Corporation (Oct-Dec) transferred 156 Correspondence 3384 - 1916 1916 Correspondence - Corporation (Jan-Mar) - Not 156 Correspondence 3385 - 1916 1916 Correspondence - Corporation (April-1st Oct) transferred Not 156 Correspondence 3386 - 1916 1916 Correspondence - Corporation (1st Oct-1st Jan) transferred Not 156 Correspondence 3386A - 1917 1917 Correspondence - Corporation (1st Jan-1st Mar) transferred Not 156 Correspondence 3387 - 1917 1917 Correspondence - Corporation (1st Mar-1 Jul) transferred Not 156 Correspondence 3388 - 1917 1918 Correspondence - Corporation (1st Jul-28 Feb) transferred Not 156 Correspondence 3389 - 1918 1918 Correspondence - Corporation (28th Feb onwards) transferred Not 156 Correspondence 3390 - 1918 1918 Correspondence - Corporation transferred Not 156 Correspondence 3391 - 1919 1919 Correspondence - Corporation transferred 156 Correspondence 3392 - 1919 1919 Correspondence - Corporation Not 156 Correspondence 3393 - 1919 1919 Correspondence - Corporation transferred 156 Correspondence 3394 - 1920 1920 Correspondence - Corporation - 156 Correspondence xxx - 1920 1921 Correspondence - Corporation - 157 Correspondence 3401 - 1921 1921 Correspondence - Corporation - 157 Correspondence xxx - 1921 1922 Correspondence - Corporation - 157 Correspondence 3414 - 1922 1922 Correspondence - Corporation - 157 Correspondence xxx - 1922 1923 Correspondence - Corporation - 158 Correspondence 3422 - 1923 1923 Correspondence - Corporation - 158 Correspondence xxx - 1923 1924 Correspondence - Corporation - 158 Correspondence 3430 - 1924 1924 Correspondence - Corporation - 158 Correspondence xxx - 1924 1925 Correspondence - Corporation - 158 Correspondence 3441 - 1925 1925 Correspondence - Corporation - 158 Correspondence xxx - 1925 1926 Correspondence - Corporation -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 136 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book 159 Correspondence 3450 - 1926 1926 Correspondence - Corporation - 159 Correspondence xxx - 1926 1927 Correspondence - Corporation - 159 Correspondence 3461 - 1927 1927 Correspondence - Corporation - 159 Correspondence xxx - 1927 1928 Correspondence - Corporation - 160 Correspondence 3474 - 1928 1928 Correspondence - Corporation - 160 Correspondence 3484 - 1929 1929 Correspondence - Corporation - 160 Correspondence xxx - 1929 1929 Correspondence - Corporation - 160 Correspondence 3496 - 1930 1930 Correspondence - Corporation - 161 Correspondence 3502 - 1930 1930 Correspondence - Corporation - 161 Correspondence xxx - 1930 1930 Correspondence - Corporation - 161 Correspondence 3508 - 1931 1931 Correspondence - Corporation - 161 Correspondence xxx - 1931 1931 Correspondence - Corporation - 161 Correspondence 3513 - 1931 1931 Correspondence - Corporation - 161 Correspondence xxx - 1931 1931 Correspondence - Corporation - Miscellaneous 162 papers 3532 - 1892 1923 Council Agenda - Miscellaneous 162 papers 3533 - 1908 1929 Minutes of Committees and Agendas - Miscellaneous Minutes of Council; reports of committees (handwritten amendment to catalogue 12 162 papers 3534A - 1914 1914 August 1994) - Miscellaneous Minutes of Council; reports of committees (handwritten amendment to catalogue 12 162 papers 3534B - 1915 1915 August 1994) - Miscellaneous Minutes of Council; reports of committees (handwritten amendment to catalogue 12 162 papers 3535A - 1916 1917 August 1994) - Miscellaneous Minutes of Council; reports of committees (handwritten amendment to catalogue 12 162 papers 3535B - 1918 1919 August 1994) - Miscellaneous 162 papers 3537 - 1927 1927 Agenda, reports etc - Miscellaneous 162 papers 3538 - 1928 1928 Agenda, reports etc - Miscellaneous 162 papers 3539 - 1929 1929 Agenda, reports etc - Miscellaneous 162 papers 3540 - 1929 1929 Agenda, reports etc - Miscellaneous 162 papers 3541 - 1870 1903 Correspondence on many miscellaneous subjects - Miscellaneous Not 162 papers 3543 - - - Photographs of Town Hall and other properties in St Albans transferred Miscellaneous 162 papers 3544 - 1912 1912 Sisters Hospital. Plan of drains - Miscellaneous Not 162 papers 3545 - 1913 1913 Maps and plans. St Albans & district (other dates as well) transferred

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 137 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Miscellaneous 162 papers 3546 - 1908 1915 Bernard's Heath. Bye-laws and correspondence - Miscellaneous 162 papers 3547 - 1923 1923 Re. appointment of Dr. Paton as Medical Officer of Health - Miscellaneous 162 papers 3548 - 1912 1912 Public Library (See no. 2863A) (New Public Library) - Miscellaneous 162 papers 3549 - 1888 1904 Public Library. Papers - Miscellaneous 162 papers 3550 - - - Batchwood Hall. Papers - Miscellaneous 162 papers 3551 - 1914 1921 Mayor's Relief Fund. List of beneficiaries. East Ward - Miscellaneous 162 papers 3553 - 1914 1921 Mayor's Relief Fund. List of beneficiaries. North Ward - Miscellaneous 162 papers 3554 - 1914 1921 Mayor's Relief Fund. List of beneficiaries. South Ward - Miscellaneous 163 papers 3554 - 1926 1927 Mayor's Relief Fund. Vouchers etc. - Miscellaneous 163 papers 3555 - 1926 1927 Mayor's Relief Fund. Vouchers etc. - Miscellaneous 163 papers 3556 - 1879 1881 St Albans sewerage - Miscellaneous 163 papers 3557 - 1913 1921 St Albans sewerage and sewerage schemes - Miscellaneous 163 papers 3558 - 1935 1935 Slum clearance - Miscellaneous 163 papers 3559 - 1907 1919 St Albans sewerage (1907, 1909 & 1919 only) - Miscellaneous 163 papers 3560 - 1874 1907 St Albans sewerage - Miscellaneous 163 papers 3562 - 1916 1916 War Charities Act. Correspondence. Register - Miscellaneous 163 papers 3563 - 1921 1927 War Memorial. Scholarship schemes - Miscellaneous 163 papers 3564 - 1915 1920 St Albans County Theatre. Play Bills - Miscellaneous 163 papers 3566 - 1916 1920 Housing Committee reports. Other reports. Cattle market charges - Miscellaneous 163 papers 3567 - 1913 1913 Successful application for post of City Surveyor - Miscellaneous 163 papers 3570 - 1924 1924 Successful application for post of Deputy City Engineer -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 138 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Miscellaneous 163 papers 3571 - 1929 1929 Successful application for appointment as Chief Constable - Miscellaneous 163 papers 3572 - 1917 1919 Correspondence - St Albans Hospital - Miscellaneous 163 papers 3573 - 1919 1922 Correspondence - St Albans Hospital - Miscellaneous 163 papers 3574 - 1920 1920 Correspondence - St Albans Hospital - Miscellaneous 163 papers 3575 - 1921 1921 Correspondence - St Albans Hospital - Miscellaneous 163 papers 3576 - 1911 1914 Correspondence - St Albans Hospital - Miscellaneous 164 papers 3579 - 1933 1933 Rotary Club Pageant - Miscellaneous 164 papers 3580 - 1924 1924 Housing survey - Miscellaneous 164 papers 3581 - 1918 1920 National Kitchen - Miscellaneous 164 papers 3582 - 1906 1906 Testimonial to Rev. G.H. Glossop - Miscellaneous 164 papers 3583 - 1919 1921 National Housing and Town Planning - Miscellaneous 164 papers 3584 - 1880 1900 City's Bye-laws - Miscellaneous Not 164 papers 3585 - 1908 1908 St Albans Smallholdings and Allotments transferred Miscellaneous 164 papers 3586 - 1900 1900 Corporation Dinner - Miscellaneous 164 papers 3587 - 1897 1897 Diamond Jubilee Celebrations - Miscellaneous 164 papers 3588 - 1902 1902 Coronation of King Edward VII - Miscellaneous 164 papers 3589 - 1911 1911 Coronation of King George V - Miscellaneous 164 papers 3590 - 1911 1911 Coronation of King George V - Miscellaneous 164 papers 3591 - 1911 1911 Coronation of King George V - Miscellaneous Document presented to members of the St Albans City Council in remembrance of 164 papers 3593 - 1949 1949 their visit to Odense, Denmark, in June 1949. Seal attached -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 139 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book

Miscellaneous Copy of book of photographs of St Albans and its pageant, sent as a souvenir of the Not 164 papers 3594 - 1948 1948 visit of representatives from Odense, Denmark, to St Albans, 21st - 26th June 1948 transferred Miscellaneous 164 papers 3595 - 1952 1952 Proclamation of Queen Elizabeth II at St Albans, 9 February 1952 - Miscellaneous 164 papers 3596 - 1951 1951 Index to St Albans City Council minutes, May 1950 to April 1951 - Hertfordshire County Council. County Record Office. An Elizabethan Exhibition, Miscellaneous 1558-1953; at Hatfield Technical College, 15th June to 4th July 1953. Catalogue 164 papers 3597 - 1953 1953 (printed) and programme of opening ceremony (duplicated) -

Miscellaneous Photographed copy of loyal address to Queen Elizabeth II on the occasion of her 164 papers 3598 - 1953 1953 Coronation, from the Mayor, Aldermen and citizens of St Albans. 2nd June 1953 - Mayors and Aldermen of Great Britain and Provosts and Bailiies of Scotland, compiled and edited by Donald Mackenzie. London, Sir Joseph Causton & Sons Miscellaneous Ltd. His Majesty's Silver Jubilee year, 1935. Photos. (St Albans, pp. 668-669). 165 papers 3599 - 1935 1935 Mayor, William Bird - Miscellaneous Certificate of the Arms of St Albans, issued and signed by Garter, Clarenceux and 165 papers 3600 - 1951 1951 Norroy and Ulster Kings of Arms. 23rd October 1951 - Book about the town of Enger, sent and signed by the Mayor and Town Clerk of Miscellaneous Enger to the City of St Albans, in the year when both places celebrated their 165 papers 3601 - 1948 1948 Millenary (Text and inscriptions in German) -

The St Albans Millenary Pageant, 21st - 26th June, 1948. Minutes of meetings, Miscellaneous December 1946 - February 1948. Folder 1: notes concerning the running of the 165 papers 3602 - 1948 1948 Pageant. Folder 2: documents alluded to (and others of interest) in text of Folder 1 -

The St Albans Pageant "Masque of the Queens" 22nd - 26th June 1953. Minutes of Miscellaneous meetings of the Pageant Committee. Folder 1: note concerning the running of the 165 papers 3603 - 1953 1953 Pageant. Folder 2: documents alluded to in text of Folder 1 (and others of interest) - Miscellaneous Film of St Albans Pageant produced by Gateway Film Productions 800/" 165 papers 3603A - 1953 1953 Kodachrome - Particulars and conditions of sale of the Russell Estate, St Albans. 30th January 1924. Includes property in St Peters Street, Holywell Hill, George Street, Upper Miscellaneous Dagnall Street, Old London Road and Sopwell Lane. (Note: catalogue number out 165 papers 3608 - 1924 1924 of sequence) - Miscellaneous Specification by George Ford, City Surveyor, for repairs to the Corn Exchange, St 165 papers 3604 - 1897 1897 Albans, 2nd January 1897. - Miscellaneous Specification by George Ford, City Surveyor, for repairs to the Corn Exchange, St 165 papers 3605 - 1897 1897 Albans, 6th may 1897 - Miscellaneous 165 papers 3605A - 1899 1915 Corn Exchange Regulations. Applications for use (Various years, 1899 & 1902-15) -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 140 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Miscellaneous 165 papers 3606 - - - Specification from (?). The City Surveyor for work at the Sisters Hospital, St Albans -

Miscellaneous Specification by George Ford, City Surveyor, of work to be undertaken at the Corn 165 papers 3607 - 1902 1902 Exchange, St Albans, with the plan attached. Signed by C. Blow and E. Peters - Miscellaneous Copy of an album presented by the City of St Albans to the City of Durban, South 165 papers 3609 - 1954 1954 Africa, to mark the centenary of Durban. 15th May 1954 - Miscellaneous Notes concerning the preparation and costs of the album sent from the City of St 165 papers 3609A - 1954 1954 Albans to the City of Durban, South Africa. - Miscellaneous 166 papers 3610 - 1942 1942 Year Book (Leather) - Miscellaneous 166 papers 3611 - 1943 1943 Year Book (Leather) - Miscellaneous 166 papers 3612 - 1944 1944 Year Book (Leather) - Miscellaneous 166 papers 3613 - 1945 1945 Year Book (Leather) - Miscellaneous 166 papers 3614 - 1946 1946 Year Book (Leather) - Miscellaneous 166 papers 3615 - 1947 1947 Year Book (Leather) - Miscellaneous 166 papers 3616 - 1948 1948 Year Book (Leather) - Miscellaneous 166 papers 3617 - 1949 1949 Diary insert for Year Book 1st January to 30 June 1949 - Miscellaneous 166 papers 3618 - 1949 1950 Year Book (June to June) - Miscellaneous 166 papers 3619 - 1950 1951 Year Book (June to June) - Miscellaneous 166 papers 3620 - 1951 1952 Year Book (June to June) - Miscellaneous 166 papers 3621 - 1952 1953 Year Book (June to June) - Miscellaneous 166 papers 3622 - 1953 1954 Year Book (June to June) - Miscellaneous 166 papers 3623 - 1954 1955 Year Book (June to June) - Miscellaneous Letter to the Town Clerk from Andrew Carnegie, agreeing to open the Public Library 166 papers 3624 10-Jul 1911 1911 on 10 October 1911. Typescript - Miscellaneous Two plaster casts of decoration on Clock Tower bell, rubbing of the inscription on it, 166 papers 3625 - 1945 1945 and two foolscap sheets of notes on the subject -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 141 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Miscellaneous Book - Bremerhaven survey, 1948-52. Front flyleaf inscribed to Mr Bird, Mayor of St 166 papers 3626 - 1953 1953 Albans, by the Burgomaster of Bremerhaven in 1953 - Miscellaneous Book - Bremerhaven: general description and pictures. Front flyleaf inscribed to Mr 166 papers 3627 - 1951 1951 Bird, Mayor of St Albans, by the Burgomaster in 1953 - Book - Lemgo: a history of the town and its notable inhabitants. Front flyleaf is Miscellaneous inscribed to Mr Byrd (sic), Mayor of St Albans, by the Burgomaster and 166 papers 3628 - 1952 1952 Stadtdirektor of Lemgo, in 1954 - Book - Leopoldinum, Detmold. "50 years at Leopoldinum…published on the Miscellaneous occasion of the 350th anniversary of its foundation as a provincial school". 166 papers 3629 - 1952 1952 (Souvenir of Mayor's visit, 1954) - Miscellaneous Map of area north of Park Street Station, showing names of residents and areas 167 papers 3630 - 1936 1938 available for sale. Scale 1/2500 Missing? Miscellaneous Bank note for £5 issued by St Albans Bank. Signed Henry Edwards; crossed 167 papers 3631 - 1939 1939 "Drawer dead" - Miscellaneous "Lord Grimthorpe, architect and horologist", by Rev. A.J. Nix-Seaman, Typescript 167 papers 3632 - (1954) (1954) carbon copy of an article (contains references to Batchwood Hall) - Miscellaneous The City of St Albans (Wards) Order, 1956. Statutory instrument no. 98, 1956. Seal 167 papers 3633 - 1956 1956 attached - Gutenbery Jahrbuch 1955. Johannes Gutenberg Foundation in Mainz 1955. Miscellaneous (Presented to the Mayor of Oberburgermeister of Mainz when he and members of 167 papers 3634 - 1956 1956 his council and their wives visited St Albans on 24th May, 1956 - Miscellaneous St Albans City Council: An illuminated address presented to Alderman Margaret 167 papers 3635 - 1956 1956 Wix upon her resignation Tuesday 5th April, 1949 - Miscellaneous 167 papers 3636 - 1957 1957 National Registration: Abstract Book, St Albans, 1939 - St Albans City Council: St Albans: The Story of the City and its People, written by Miscellaneous people of the City, ed. By the Earl of Verulam, 2nd ed. 1956. Bound copy for 167 papers 3637 - 1957 1957 presentation to the City of Worms, April 1957 - Miscellaneous 168 papers 3638 - 1947 1947 The Fire Guard Organisation, 1941-44 - Miscellaneous Report of the Public Library Committee and correspondence from the Carnegie 168 papers 3639 - 1906 1906 Trust on the subject of a book grant to the Library - Miscellaneous 168 papers 3640 - 1906 1906 Corporation vs. F.X. Keller at Petty Sessions. Case and plans - Miscellaneous Agreement for tenancy of blacksmith's shop at rear of St Peters Street. R.T. Kent to 168 papers 3641 - 1922 1922 W.J. Hammond - Miscellaneous Agreement and correspondence re tenancy of no.23 Victoria Street. Corporation 168 papers 3642 - 1922 1922 and J. Dennis - Miscellaneous 168 papers 3643 - 1937 1937 Extract from the will of Alderman Faulkner relating to bequests to the Corporation - Miscellaneous 168 papers 3644A - 1925 1925 Rating and Valuation Act (1925). Papers dealing with revaluation -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 142 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Miscellaneous 168 papers 3644B - 1925 1925 Rating and Valuation Act (1925). Papers dealing with revaluation - Miscellaneous 168 papers 3645A - 1925 1926 Rating and Valuation Act (1925) and orders. Vol. 1 - Miscellaneous 168 papers 3645B - 1925 1926 Rating and Valuation Act (1925) and orders. Vol. 2 - Miscellaneous 168 papers 3436 - 1927 1931 Rate Account receipt and payment vouchers - Apportionment notices for Clarence Road, Mount Pleasant, Catherine Street, York Miscellaneous Road, Bedford Park Road, Kimberley Road, Kingsbury Avenue, Jennings Road, 168 papers 3647 - 1886 1932 Beresford Road, Grange Gardens (not all years) - Miscellaneous 168 papers 3648 - 1941 1941 Mayor's speech to America 13 February 1941. BBC recording - Miscellaneous 168 papers 3649 - 1911 1923 Public Library visitors' book - Miscellaneous 168 papers 3650A - 1911 1915 Public Library signature book - Miscellaneous 168 papers 3650B - 1915 1918 Public Library signature book - Miscellaneous 168 papers 3651A - 1894 1909 Sisters Hospital. Receipted accounts (some years only) - Miscellaneous 168 papers 3651B - 1914 1914 Sisters Hospital. Receipted accounts - Miscellaneous 168 papers 3652 - 1898 1898 Papers and statements on grants for maintenance of main roads - Miscellaneous 168 papers 3653 - 1920 1920 Cabinet Roll of Honour at Town Hall. Papers and plans and lists of names - Miscellaneous 168 papers 3654 - 1926 1926 Council proceedings re portraits of ex-Mayors - Miscellaneous 168 papers 3655 - 1923 1923 Tithe redemption papers. St Peters - Miscellaneous 168 papers 3656 - 1898 1899 Receipted accounts including those dealing with St Albans Electric Lighting Scheme - Miscellaneous 168 papers 3657 - 1923 1923 Plan of Hatfield Road improvement and land for sale - Miscellaneous Draft agreement between Governors of St Albans Grammar School and the 168 papers 3658 - 1920 1920 Corporation for letting land in Hatfield Road for allotments - Miscellaneous Letters from John Harris of Hemel Hempstead about his writing on St Albans and 168 papers 3659 - 1900 1900 district - Miscellaneous Notes in manuscript of St Albans charters and their history and press cuttings on 168 papers 3659A - 1872 1924 the same subject by John Harris -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 143 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Miscellaneous 169 papers 3659B - 1900 1900 Lists of Mayors and Bailiffs of St Albans from 1180-1894 compiled by John Harris - Miscellaneous 169 papers 3659C - n.d. n.d. Lists of Abbots and Bishops of St Albans from 793 - 1538 compiled by John Harris - Miscellaneous 169 papers 3659D - n.d. n.d. Calls to St Albans Monastery. Notes in manuscript by John Harris - Miscellaneous Manuscript of an article prepared by John Harris from the press on St Andrews 169 papers 3659E - 1896 1896 Parish Church, St Albans, with a list of its vicars and patrons - Miscellaneous 169 papers 3660 - 1908 1908 List of Baptist churches in Hertfordshire from 1600 - 1901 compiled by John Harris -

Lists of vicars of Hemel Hempstead from 1244 to 1892. Pastors of Box Lane Chapel from 1679 to 1893. Pastors of Marlowes Chapel from 1700 to 1894. Pastors Miscellaneous of Boxmoor Chapel from 1822 to 1873, Hemel Hempstead Congregational Church 169 papers 3660A - n.d. n.d. 1835 to 1863, Boxmoor Church 1829 to 1865. Compiled by John Harris - Miscellaneous Lists of bailiffs of Borough of Hemel Hempstead from 1788 to 1893 compiled by 169 papers 3660B - 1894 1894 John Harris - Lists of Hertford Town Clerks 1589 - 1894. List of St Albans Town Clerks 1246 to Miscellaneous 1888. Town Clerks of Berkhampstead 1637 to 1663. Hemel Hempstead 1623 to 169 papers 3660C - 1903 1903 1898. Compiled by John Harris - Miscellaneous Proposed incorporation of Watford. Some notes on its medieval history by John 169 papers 3660D - 1900 1900 Harris - Miscellaneous Corporation City Fund Vouchers and receipts. Police pay lists and vouchers 169 papers 3661 - 1890 1890 October 1889 - August 1890 - Miscellaneous 169 papers 3662 - 1895 1895 City Fund vouchers and receipts - Miscellaneous 169 papers 3663 - 1900 1900 City Fund vouchers and receipts - Miscellaneous 169 papers 3664A - 1905 1905 City Fund vouchers and receipts (January to March) - Miscellaneous 169 papers 3664B - 1905 1905 City Fund vouchers and receipts (April to December) - Miscellaneous 169 papers 3665A - 1910 1910 City Fund vouchers and receipts (January to March) - Miscellaneous 169 papers 3665B - 1910 1910 City Fund vouchers and receipts (March to June) - Miscellaneous 169 papers 3665C - 1910 1910 City Fund vouchers and receipts (June to September) - Miscellaneous 169 papers 3665D - 1910 1910 City Fund vouchers and receipts (September to December) - Miscellaneous 169 papers 3665E - 1910 1911 City Fund vouchers and receipts (December to March) -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 144 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Miscellaneous 169 papers 3666A - 1915 1915 City Fund vouchers and receipts (January to March) - Miscellaneous 169 papers 3666B - 1915 1915 City Fund vouchers and receipts (March to June) - Miscellaneous 169 papers 3666C - 1915 1915 City Fund vouchers and receipts (June to September) - Miscellaneous 169 papers 3666D - 1915 1915 City Fund vouchers and receipts (September to December) - Miscellaneous 169 papers 3667A - 1919 1920 City Fund vouchers and receipts (September to January) - Miscellaneous 169 papers 3667B - 1920 1920 City Fund vouchers and receipts (January to March) - Miscellaneous 169 papers 3667C - 1920 1920 City Fund vouchers and receipts (March to June) - Miscellaneous 169 papers 3667D - 1920 1920 City Fund vouchers and receipts (June to September) - Miscellaneous 170 papers 3667E - 1920 1920 City Fund vouchers and receipts (September to December) - Miscellaneous 170 papers 3667F - 1920 1921 City Fund vouchers and receipts (December to March) - Miscellaneous 170 papers 3668A - 1924 1925 City Fund vouchers and receipts (November to February) - Miscellaneous 170 papers 3668B - 1925 1925 City Fund vouchers and receipts (February to March) - Miscellaneous 170 papers 3668C - 1925 1925 City Fund vouchers and receipts (April to July) - Miscellaneous 170 papers 3668D - 1925 1925 City Fund vouchers and receipts (July to October) - Miscellaneous 170 papers 3669A - 1930 1930 City Fund vouchers and receipts (January to March) - Miscellaneous 170 papers 3669B - 1930 1930 City Fund vouchers and receipts (April to May) - Miscellaneous 170 papers 3669C - 1930 1930 City Fund vouchers and receipts (May to July) - Miscellaneous 170 papers 3669D - 1930 1930 City Fund vouchers and receipts (July to November) - Miscellaneous 170 papers 3669E - 1930 1930 City Fund vouchers and receipts (November to December) - Miscellaneous Batchwood Hall Golf Course. Official opening. Luncheon menu. Signed by players 170 papers 3670 02-May 1936 1936 giving golf demonstrations - Miscellaneous Secret instructions for the defence of St Albans & district, together with appendices. 170 papers 3671 - n.d. n.d. Deposited 1945 -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 145 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Miscellaneous Wayleave agreements between St Albans Corporation and G.P.O. and National 170 papers 3672 - 1903 1931 Telephone Company - Miscellaneous 170 papers 3673 - 1955 1956 Year Book (Leather) - Miscellaneous 170 papers 3674 - 1956 1957 Year Book (Leather) - Miscellaneous 170 papers 3675 - 1957 1958 Year Book (Leather) with inset - Miscellaneous 170 papers 3676 - 1958 1959 Year Book with inset - Miscellaneous 170 papers 3677 - 1824 1824 Borough of St Albans. Duplicate of assessed taxes. Seal - Miscellaneous 170 papers 3678 - 1825 1825 Borough of St Albans. Additional duplicate of assessed taxes. Seal - Miscellaneous 170 papers 3679 - 1825 1826 Borough of St Albans. Duplicate of assessed taxes. Seal - Miscellaneous 170 papers 3680 - 1825 1825 Innholders Company. Account of quarterages with list of freemen - Miscellaneous 170 papers 3681 - 1825 1825 Mercers Company. Account of quarterages with list of freemen - Miscellaneous 170 papers 3682 - 1949 1949 City of Odense. A Welcome to delegates from the City Council of St Albans. Seal - Miscellaneous Not 170 papers 3683 - 1958 1958 City of Worms. Book - Worms in wechselnden spiel der jahrtausende. Photos transferred Miscellaneous City of Worms. Visit of members of the City Council of Worms-on-Rhine Not 170 papers 3684 - 1958 1958 (programme) transferred Miscellaneous St Albans City Council. Annual report of the Medical Officer of Health and Chief Not 170 papers 3685 - 1957 1957 Public Health Inspector transferred

Miscellaneous St Albans City Council. Opening of the 3000th house built by the Council since Not 170 papers 3686 - 1959 1959 1945 (Copy of the Herts Advertiser for 26th March 1959 and two photographs) transferred 171 Minute Books 3687 - 1916 1920 Council Minute Book - 171 Minute Books 3688 - 1920 1923 Council Minute Book - 171 Minute Books 3689 - 1923 1925 Council Minute Book - 171 Minute Books 3690 - 1925 1927 Council Minute Book - 171 Minute Books 3691 - 1927 1929 Council Minute Book - 171 Minute Books 3692 - 1929 1931 Council Minute Book - 171 Minute Books 3693 - 1931 1933 Council Minute Book - 171 Minute Books 3694 - 1933 1935 Council Minute Book - 171 Minute Books 3695 - 1935 1937 Council Minute Book - 171 Minute Books 3696 - 1937 1938 Council Minute Book - 171 Minute Books 3697 - 1938 1940 Council Minute Book -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 146 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book 171 Minute Books 3698 - 1940 1943 Council Minute Book - 171 Minute Books 3699 - 1943 1945 Council Minute Book - 171 Minute Books 3700 - 1945 1946 Council Minute Book - 171 Minute Books 3701 - 1946 1947 Council Minute Book - 171 Minute Books 3702 - 1947 1948 Council Minute Book - 171 Minute Books 3703 - 1948 1940 Council Minute Book - 171 Minute Books 3704 - 1949 1949 Council Minute Book - 171 Minute Books 3705 - 1949 1949 Council Minute Book - 171 Minute Books 3706 - 1945 1949 Allotments Committee Book - 171 Minute Books 3707 - 1930 1931 Bill Book (1) - 171 Minute Books 3708 - 1935 1946 Batchwood Hall and Golf Course Minute Book - 171 Minute Books 3709 - 1946 1949 Batchwood Hall and Golf Course Minute Book - 171 Minute Books 3710 - 1949 1950 Civil Defence Minute Book - 171 Minute Books 3711 - 1925 1934 Committee Clerk's Notes - 171 Minute Books 3712 - 1934 1942 Committee Clerk's Notes - 171 Minute Books 3713 - 1939 1942 Emergency Committee Minute Book - 171 Minute Books 3714 - 1942 1946 Emergency Committee Minute Book - 171 Minute Books 3715 - 1945 1947 Establishment Committee Minute Book - 171 Minute Books 3716 - 1947 1949 Establishment Committee Minute Book - 171 Minute Books 3717 - 1941 1947 Evacuation Committee Minute Book - 171 Minute Books 3718 - 1920 1924 Finance Committee Minute Book - 171 Minute Books 3719 - 1924 1928 Finance Committee Minute Book - 171 Minute Books 3720 - 1928 1932 Finance Committee Minute Book - 171 Minute Books 3721 - 1932 1944 Finance Committee Minute Book - 171 Minute Books 3722 - 1944 1948 Finance Committee Minute Book - 171 Minute Books 3723 - 1948 1950 Finance Committee Minute Book - 171 Minute Books 3724 - 1939 1955 General Purposes Committee Minute Book - 171 Minute Books 3725 - 1947 1948 General Purposes Committee Minute Book - 171 Minute Books 3726 - 1948 1950 General Purposes Committee Minute Book - 172 Minute Books 3727 - 1949 1950 General Purposes Committee Minute Book - 172 Minute Books 3728 - 1925 1928 Highways Committee Minute Book - 172 Minute Books 3729 - 1928 1930 Highways Committee Minute Book - 172 Minute Books 3730 - 1930 1933 Highways Committee Minute Book - 172 Minute Books 3731 - 1933 1935 Highways Committee Minute Book - 172 Minute Books 3732 - 1935 1938 Highways Committee Minute Book - 172 Minute Books 3733 - 1938 1944 Highways Committee Minute Book - 172 Minute Books 3734 - 1944 1948 Highways Committee Minute Book - 172 Minute Books 3735 - 1948 1950 Highways Committee Minute Book - 172 Minute Books 3736 - 1925 1929 Housing Committee Minute Book - 172 Minute Books 3737 - 1929 1935 Housing Committee Minute Book - 172 Minute Books 3738 - 1935 1935 Housing Committee Minute Book - 172 Minute Books 3739 - 1935 1939 Housing Committee Minute Book -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 147 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book 172 Minute Books 3740 - 1939 1945 Housing Committee Minute Book - 172 Minute Books 3741 - 1945 1947 Housing Committee Minute Book - 172 Minute Books 3742 - 1947 1948 Housing Committee Minute Book - 172 Minute Books 3743 - 1948 1949 Housing Committee Minute Book - 172 Minute Books 3744 - 1949 1949 Housing Committee Minute Book - 172 Minute Books 3745 - 1949 1950 Housing Committee Minute Book - 172 Minute Books 3746 - 1945 1950 Markets Committee Minute Book - 172 Minute Books 3747 - 1893 1898 Miscellaneous Committees Minute Book - 172 Minute Books 3748 - 1898 1902 Miscellaneous Committees Minute Book - 172 Minute Books 3749 - 1924 1927 Miscellaneous Committees Minute Book - 172 Minute Books 3750 - 1927 1930 Miscellaneous Committees Minute Book - 172 Minute Books 3751 - 1930 1933 Miscellaneous Committees Minute Book - 172 Minute Books 3752 - 1933 1937 Miscellaneous Committees Minute Book - 172 Minute Books 3753 - 1937 1939 Miscellaneous Committees Minute Book - 172 Minute Books 3754 - 1939 1940 Miscellaneous Committees Minute Book - 172 Minute Books 3755 - 1940 1941 Miscellaneous Committees Minute Book - 172 Minute Books 3756 - 1941 1945 Miscellaneous Committees Minute Book - 172 Minute Books 3757 - 1945 1950 Miscellaneous Committees Minute Book - 172 Minute Books 3758 - 1950 1950 Miscellaneous Committees Minute Book - 172 Minute Books 3759 - 1938 1950 Museums Committee Minute Book - 172 Minute Books 3760 - 1930 1934 Parks and Open Spaces Committee Minute Book - 172 Minute Books 3761 - 1934 1937 Parks and Open Spaces Committee Minute Book - 172 Minute Books 3762 - 1937 1942 Parks and Open Spaces Committee Minute Book - 172 Minute Books 3763 - 1942 1949 Parks and Open Spaces Committee Minute Book - 172 Minute Books 3764 - 1949 1950 Parks and Open Spaces Committee Minute Book - 172 Minute Books 3765 - 1947 1950 Planning Committee Minute Book - 172 Minute Books 3766 - 1935 1941 Public Health Committee Minute Book - 173 Minute Books 3767 - 1941 1947 Public Health Committee Minute Book - 173 Minute Books 3768 - 1947 1950 Public Health Committee Minute Book - 173 Minute Books 3769 - 1911 1930 Public Library Committee Book - 173 Minute Books 3770 - 1930 1935 Public Library Committee Book - 173 Minute Books 3771 - 1935 1940 Public Library Committee Book - 173 Minute Books 3772 - 1940 1950 Public Library Committee Book - 173 Minute Books 3773 - 1926 1929 Rating and Valuation Committee Minute Book - 173 Minute Books 3774 - 1929 1932 Rating and Valuation Committee Minute Book - 173 Minute Books 3775 - 1932 1935 Rating and Valuation Committee Minute Book - 173 Minute Books 3776 - 1935 1937 Rating and Valuation Committee Minute Book - 173 Minute Books 3777 - 1937 1939 Rating and Valuation Committee Minute Book - 173 Minute Books 3778 - 1939 1944 Rating and Valuation Committee Minute Book - 173 Minute Books 3779 - 1944 1950 Rating and Valuation Committee Minute Book - 173 Minute Books 3780 - 1945 1949 Sewage Disposal Works Minute Book -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 148 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Town Planning Committee Minute Book (See Housing Committee Minutes for 1935- 173 Minute Books 3781 - 1930 1935 1945 when the two committees were combined) - 173 Minute Books 3782 - 1945 1950 Town Planning Committee Minute Book - 173 Minute Books 3783 - 1923 1926 Urban Minute Book - 173 Minute Books 3784 - 1926 1929 Urban Minute Book - 173 Minute Books 3785 - 1929 1934 Urban Minute Book - 173 Minute Books 3786 - 1934 1939 Urban Minute Book - 173 Minute Books 3787 - 1922 1929 Watch Committee Minute Book - 173 Minute Books 3788 - 1875 1881 Watch Committee Minute Book - 173 Minute Books 3789 - 1893 1903 Watch Committee Minute Book - 173 Minute Books 3790 - 1903 1912 Watch Committee Minute Book - 173 Minute Books 3791 - 1930 1932 Watch Committee Minute Book - 173 Minute Books 3792 - 1932 1935 Watch Committee Minute Book - 173 Minute Books 3793 - 1935 1938 Watch Committee Minute Book - 173 Minute Books 3794 - 1938 1941 Watch Committee Minute Book - 173 Minute Books 3795 - 1941 1947 Watch Committee Minute Book - 173 Minute Books 3796 - 1947 1950 Watch Committee Minute Book - 173 Minute Books 3797 - 1912 1923 St Albans & Mid-Herts Hospital and Dispensary Minute Book -

173 Minute Books 3798 - 1942 1942 HMS Verulam plaque. Presented by the Lords Commissioners of the Admiralty - Loyal address to the Queen on the occasion of the birth of Prince Andrew. Reply 173 Minute Books 3799 - 1960 1960 from the Home Secretary - Miscellaneous Great Britain. Parliament. Hertfordshire County Council Act, 1960. 8 & 9 Eliza. 2. 174 papers 3800 - 1960 1960 Ch.xlix - Miscellaneous 174 papers 3801 - 1958 1958 St Albans City Council. St Albans Cemetery. Rules & Regulations - Bacon, Sir Francis. 1st Viscount St Albans. 400th Anniversary Celebrations. Miscellaneous Service at St Michaels Church, St Albans. 22 January 1961. Address by Sir Hugh 174 papers 3802 - 1961 1961 Trevor-Roper (Tape recording). Text in typescript -

Miscellaneous Text of the speech by H.M. Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother, on the occasion of 174 papers 3803 - 1961 1961 her receiving the Freedom of the City of St Albans. 13th April 1961 - Miscellaneous Not 174 papers 3804 - 1894 - Roll of the Honorary Freemen of the City of St Albans transferred Miscellaneous John Ewer Charity. Minute Book of the meetings of Trustees from December 1850 174 papers 3805 - 1850 1951 to November 1951 - Miscellaneous F.M.L Thompson. St Albans School in the Abbey (Abbey Papers No. 2). Issued by Not 174 papers 3806 - 1962 1962 the Fraternity of the Friends of St Albans Abbey transferred Miscellaneous 174 papers 3807 - 1962 1962 Grant of the Honorary Freedom of the City. Order of the Ceremony. 20th May 1962 - Miscellaneous Hans Christian Andersen. The fairy tale of my life. The gift of the City Council of 174 papers 3808 - 1963 1963 Odense, June 1963 -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 149 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Miscellaneous 174 papers 3809 - 1962 1962 City of St Albans. The Corporation plate and insignia, an illustrated handbook. 1962 - Miscellaneous 174 papers 3810 - 1801 1893 Fishpool Street. Nos. 42, 44, 48, 50, 52 & 54. Title deeds - Miscellaneous Queen Victoria. Message from St Albans City Council on the occasion of Her 174 papers 3811 - 1887 1887 Majesty's Golden Jubilee - Property in Market Place, Town Hall Chambers, Messrs Thrales and Mares shops. A package of 31 old deeds relating to property known at one time as Stone Hall. Miscellaneous One of the documents has been transcribed and translated by Dr Toms, it is dated 174 papers 3812 - - - 1544. Another has been transcribed - Miscellaneous City Council. Standing orders with respect to contracts as made and confirmed by 174 papers 3813 - 1965 1965 the Council on 28th April, 1965 - Miscellaneous 174 papers 3814 - 1917 1919 National Union of Women Workers. St Albans Branch Minute Book. - Miscellaneous National Council of Women of Great Britain & Ireland, St Albans Branch. Minute 174 papers 3815 - 1919 1923 Book. - Miscellaneous The Baptist Church of Kensworth and surrounding districts and of St Albans; church 174 papers 3831 - - - records 1675-1811 - Miscellaneous The Baptist Church of Kensworth and surrounding districts and of St Albans; church 174 papers 3831A - - - records 1675-1811; typescript copy - Letter containing the terms upon which the portrait of Joseph Gape, 18th century Miscellaneous mayor of St Albans, was loaned by Major David Gape to St Albans City Council, 21 174 papers 3832 - 1968 1968 May 1968 - Miscellaneous 174 papers 3833 - 1946 1946 Worms Am Rhein. A set of 16 plans and 6 sketches of the City - Miscellaneous 174 papers 3834 - 1968 1968 Magna Carta Commemoration at St Albans. 16th June - 20 photographs - Miscellaneous 174 papers 3835 - 1968 1968 Magna Carta Commemoration at St Albans. 16th June - 24 photographs - Miscellaneous Magna Carta Commemoration Service held at Egham Parish Church, 15 June 174 papers 3836 - 1952 1952 1952. Civic procession. Album of 8 photographs and a news cutting - Miscellaneous Declarations of Acceptance of Office. Mayors, aldermen and councillors of St 174 papers 3837 - 1934 1947 Albans - Miscellaneous 174 papers 3838 - 1914 1924 The Mayors Relief Fund (St Albans Relief Committee) Minute Book - Miscellaneous 174 papers 3839 - 1924 1928 The Mayors Relief Fund (St Albans Relief Committee) Minute Book - Miscellaneous Borough of St Albans. Election of assessors papers. Election of auditors, voting 174 papers 3840 - 1838 1838 papers -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 150 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book St Albans City Sewage. Petition to the Local Government Board. Brief on behalf of the Corporation of the City of St Albans. The Corporation vs. C.W. Whilshere. Miscellaneous Supplementary brief relating to Mr Roper's Scheme of 1878 and the report of 174 papers 3841 - 1880 1880 Colonel Cox - Miscellaneous Documents and correspondence relating to Clarence Park and to the County 174 papers 3842 - 1892 1906 Cricket Club - Corporation of the City of St Albans. St Albans Rural District Council, Harpenden Miscellaneous Urban District Council, Welwyn Garden City District Council. A bundle of 174 papers 3843 - 1894 1936 agreements concerning local hospitals - The Sisters Hospital. Deed of Gift. Sir John Blundell Maple to the Mayor, Aldermen Miscellaneous and citizens of St Albans, Conveyance of a piece of ground…with the hospital and 174 papers 3844 - 1893 1893 other buildings…known as "The Sisters Hospital" - Miscellaneous Sewage Farm, St Albans. Contract between Mr W Sparrow and the Corporation for 174 papers 3845 - 1896 1896 the erection of an engine house at the sewage farm, St Albans - Court House (Town Hall), St Albans. Papers concerning the enlargement of the Miscellaneous Council Chamber. Agreement between St Albans City Council and Hertfordshire 174 papers 3846 - 1899 1899 County Council - Caen - St Albans. Municipal Entente Cordiale. 8 July 1909. A commemorative Miscellaneous postcard. Also an invitation to a Kinomatograph entertainment for the school 175 papers 3847 - 1909 1909 children who participated in the events of 8th July. - Miscellaneous 175 papers 3848 - 1909 1912 St Albans Guild of Help. Division 1. Minute Book - Miscellaneous 175 papers 3849 - - - St Albans Guild of Help. Division 1. Minute Book - Miscellaneous Sisters Hospital. A box of papers and plans concerning the proposed enlargement 175 papers 3850 - 1928 1934 of the Hospital or alternatively the erection of a new hospital - Miscellaneous . Papers regarding proposed excavations; includes reports, minutes 175 papers 3851 - 1930 1936 and correspondence of the Verulamium Excavation Committee - Miscellaneous 175 papers 3852 - 1934 1940 Proposed by-pass south of St Albans and Highway plan for Greater London - Miscellaneous 175 papers 3853 - 1935 1935 Jubilee Celebrations, 6th May 1935; correspondence - Miscellaneous 175 papers 3853A - 1935 1935 Jubilee Celebrations, 6th May 1935; correspondence - Miscellaneous Coronation of King George VI, 12 May 1936. Correspondence and Committee 175 papers 3854 - 1936 1937 Minutes - Miscellaneous Coronation of King George VI, 12 May 1936. Correspondence and Committee 175 papers 3854A - 1936 1937 Minutes -

Miscellaneous Bus station and garage. London Passenger Transport Board. Proposed purchase of 175 papers 3855 - 1937 1937 St Peter's House Site. Plans, conveyance, correspondence, newspaper cuttings -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 151 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Miscellaneous 175 papers 3856 - 1939 1939 Verulamium Museum. Papers concerning the official opening, 8th May 1939 - Miscellaneous 175 papers 3857 - 1938 1941 Air Raid Precautions (A.R.P.) A file of papers and correspondence - Miscellaneous 175 papers 3858 - 1939 1945 Air Raid Precautions (A.R.P.) A file of papers and correspondence - Miscellaneous 175 papers 3859 - 1944 1944 City of St Albans. City Engineer and Surveyor. Interim report on town planning - Miscellaneous Roger Pemberton Almshouses. Specification of work to be executed together with 175 papers 3860 - 1945 1945 copies of agreement and correspondence - Miscellaneous H.R.H Princess Elizabeth. Wedding gift: correspondence between the Mayor of St 175 papers 3861 - 1947 1947 Albans and Buckingham Palace - Miscellaneous Public Transport. Proposals for re-routing public services in St Albans to ease traffic 175 papers 3862 - 1947 1948 congestion - Miscellaneous 175 papers 3863 - 1950 1950 St Albans Gas Works Inquiry. August 1950. Proceedings, evidence, reports etc - Miscellaneous 175 papers 3863A - 1950 1950 St Albans Gas Works Inquiry. August 1950. Proceedings, evidence, reports etc - Miscellaneous 175 papers 3864 - 1951 1951 St Albans War Memorial. Completed forms received from relatives and friends - Miscellaneous 175 papers 3865 - 1951 1953 St Albans War Memorial: folder of plans and correspondence - Miscellaneous H.M. King George VI. Funeral, 15th February 1952. Arrangements for a 176 papers 3866 - 1952 1952 commemorative service. Letter of condolence to the Queen Mother - Miscellaneous H.M. Queen Elizabeth II, visit 20th July 1952. A folder of papers and 176 papers 3867 - 1952 1952 correspondence concerning arrangements - Miscellaneous 176 papers 3868 - 1952 1956 The Home Guard, St Albans. Papers and correspondence - Miscellaneous 176 papers 3869 - 1954 1954 St Albans ward boundaries. Proposals for revision and correspondence - St Albans ward boundaries. Petition to alter the number of boundaries of wards and Miscellaneous number of councillors. Local Inquiry, 27th October, 1955. A folder containing a copy 176 papers 3870 - 1955 1955 of the petition and other papers and plans - Miscellaneous 176 papers 3871 - 1958 1958 The Water Acts 1945 & 1948. Luton Area Water Order, 1958. - Public Inquiry held at the Town Hall, St Albans, 9th June 1958. Minutes of Miscellaneous proceedings - 8 volumes. Evidence, reports, plans, charts. (Presumably relating to 176 papers 3871A - 1958 1958 the Water Acts etc. - see no. 3871) - Miscellaneous A tape recording (presumably relating to Public Inquiry into the Water Acts - see 176 papers 3871B - 1959 1958 no. 3871) - Miscellaneous Hans Heigert. Maisons per la jeunesse: houses for young people. Presented to St 176 papers 3872 - 1963 1963 Albans by the City of Worms. June 1963 -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 152 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book

Miscellaneous Right Reverend Edward Michael Gresford Jones, the Lord Bishop of St Albans. The 176 papers 3873 - 1969 1969 scroll granting Freedom of the City, 1st October, 1969. Two photographs - Miscellaneous Batchwood Hall. Clock designed by Edmund Beckett, Lord Grimthorpe: drawings of 176 papers 3874 - n.d. n.d. the mechanism. Photocopies on two sheets - Miscellaneous 18th 18th Borough of St Albans. Constitutions and Ordinances. A true copy. Joseph Handley, 176 papers 3875 - Cent. Cent. gent. - Miscellaneous 18th 18th Charles II Charter. Translation together with the Constitution and ordinances of the 176 papers 3876 - Cent. Cent. Borough of St Albans and the oaths - Miscellaneous Borough of St Albans. Assistants Minute Book (second part of this book has been 176 papers 3877 - 1813 1814 used for school accounts) - Miscellaneous 176 papers 3878 - 1839 1841 Borough of St Albans, Night Constables Book - Miscellaneous 176 papers 3879 - 1898 1898 St Albans Corp. Electric Lighting. Provisional Order: a bundle of documents - Miscellaneous Electricity Supply. Report by Robert Hammond for the Electric Lighting Committee 176 papers 3879A - 1901 1901 of the City - Miscellaneous St Albans and District Electric Supply Co Ltd and Mayor, aldermen etc of St Albans. 176 papers 3880 - 1905 1905 Deed of Transfer, 25 September, 1905 - Miscellaneous London & Home Counties Electricity District. Inquiry held 14th June - 29th July. 176 papers 3881 - 1921 1921 Decisions by the Electricity Commissioners on the (entry incomplete) - Miscellaneous 178 papers 3882 - 1925 1927 London & Home Counties Electricity District. Electricity Supply, 1925, 1926 & 1927 - Miscellaneous 178 papers 3883 - 1927 1928 London & Home Counties Electricity District. Electricity Supply, 1927-28 - Public Street Lighting. Agreements and correspondence between St Albans City Miscellaneous Council, Watford and St Albans Gas Co. and North Metropolitan Electric Power 178 papers 3884 - 1932 1933 Supply Co - Miscellaneous 178 papers 3885 - 1937 1937 Batchwood Hall Golf Club House. Ground floor plan. Scale 8' to 1" - Miscellaneous Not 178 papers 3885A - 1937 1937 Batchwood Hall Golf Club House. Ground floor plan. Scale 8' to 1" (duplicate) transferred Miscellaneous Elizabeth 1 Wine Charter: translation of 1875 specially printed for the 400th 178 papers 3886 - 1970 1970 anniversary celebrations - Miscellaneous 178 papers 3887 - - - Report of the action by H.M.S. Verulam in 1945 in sinking a Japanese cruiser - Receipt for the bell of H.M.S. Verulam presented to the City signed by the Mayor, Miscellaneous K.S. Hill. Dated 17th December 1970. H.M.S. Verulam withdrawn from service 178 papers 3888 - - - December 1970 - Miscellaneous Charity School List c.1740-1780. List of names of benefactors and pupils of a 178 papers 3889 - - - charity school of St Albans. The name of the school is unknown -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 153 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Miscellaneous Probate of the will of Jane Nicholas dated 14 October 1708. With typewritten notes 178 papers 3890 - - - on the Jane Nicholas Charity - St Albans Club Betting Book. Records of the St Albans Medical Society. The property of the St Albans Medical Society deposited on permanent loan. Agreed Miscellaneous that this book will be available to the Society from time to time at the request of the Not 178 papers 3891 - 1831 1840 Chairman or Secretary transferred Miscellaneous Lease of house in High Street, St Albans, for 21 years of Mr J.K. Wooster and 178 papers 3892 - 1863 1863 Francis Elizabeth his wife to Joseph Humphrey. Dated 29 September, 1863 - Miscellaneous Additional abstract of Thomas Kinder Esq. to several messuages and 179 papers 3893 - 1773 1773 hereditaments (late houses) situate in St Peters Street, St Albans, Herts - Miscellaneous Mss. Letter from William Wells, solicitors, soliciting funds for the proposed Public 179 papers 3894 - c. 1878 c. 1878 Library, Victoria Street, St Albans - Miscellaneous 179 papers 3895 10-Oct 1879 1879 St Albans. Report on sewerage by James Mansergh, M.Inst. C.E. mss. 19p. - Miscellaneous Invitation from the Mayor and corporation of St Albans to the laying of the 179 papers 3896 April 1880 1880 foundation stone of the Public Library, Victoria Street - Miscellaneous Mr W.C. Haselgrove and the Mayor, Aldermen and citizens of St Albans. 179 papers 3897 08-Jul 1884 1884 Agreement for building the Cemetery Chapel -

Miscellaneous Mr C Chamberlain to the Mayor, Aldermen and citizens of St Albans. Agreement for 179 papers 3898 13-Nov 1884 1884 making, kerbing, channelling and paving Oswald Road, St Albans - Miscellaneous James Dickson to the Mayor, Aldermen and citizens of St Albans. Agreement for 179 papers 3899 30-Dec 1884 1884 making, kerbing, channelling and paving Culver Road, St Albans - Miscellaneous 179 papers 3900 06-Oct 1885 1885 Mr Charles Chamberlain and the Mayor etc. Agreement Mount Pleasant - Miscellaneous 179 papers 3901 13-Dec 1885 1885 Town Council of the City of St Albans. Notice for the lighting of Bardwell Terrace - Miscellaneous Mr C Chamberlain to the Mayor etc. Agreement for the making, kerbing, channelling 179 papers 3902 08-Feb 1886 1886 and paving Essex Street, St Albans - Miscellaneous Mr C Chamberlain to the Mayor etc. Agreement for the making, kerbing, channelling 179 papers 3903 08-Feb 1886 1886 and paving Clifton Street, St Albans - Miscellaneous Mr C Chamberlain to the Mayor etc. Agreement for the paving of Culver Road, St 179 papers 3904 13-May 1886 1886 Albans - Miscellaneous Mr H.C. Hazelgrove and the Mayor etc. Agreement for paving Mount Pleasant, St 179 papers 3905 21-Jun 1886 1886 Albans - Miscellaneous Mr C Chamberlain to the Mayor etc. Agreement for the making, paving and 180 papers 3906 22-Jun 1886 1886 completing Liverpool Road, St Albans - Miscellaneous Mr H.C. Hazelgrove and the Mayor etc. Agreement for paving and channelling 180 papers 3907 30-Jul 1886 1886 Dolphin Yard, St Albans - Miscellaneous Charles Woollam and the Corporation of St Albans. Grant of easement for a 180 papers 3908 - 1891 1891 manhole and a ventilating shaft in Holywell Meadow -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 154 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book

Miscellaneous The Mayor, Aldermen etc and the Midland Railway Company. Agreement as to the 180 papers 3909 03-May 1892 1892 maintenance and repair of the approaches to the Hatfield Road railway bridge - Additional document: St Albans Corporation and Midland Railway Co. Supplemental Miscellaneous agreement as to construction of a footpath and maintenance of a road on the 180 papers 3909 06-May 1909 1909 Hatfield Road railway bridge - Specification of works required to be done in erecting proposed new buildings at Miscellaneous Clare Hall, South Mimms, for the Committee of Management of the Smallpox and 180 papers 3910 December 1897 1897 Vaccination Hospital - The County Council of the administrative county of Hertford and the Mayor, Miscellaneous Aldermen etc. of St Albans. Agreement for the adjustment of property and liabilities 180 papers 3911 01-Aug 1899 1899 in respect of the Court House, St Albans - Miscellaneous 180 papers 3912 - 1900 1900 City of St Albans. Bye-laws for lighting vehicles - Miscellaneous The Corporation of St Albans and Mr. W.M. Thorpe. Agreement with reference to 180 papers 3913 20-Feb 1905 1905 the cleaning and upkeep of the fire engine and other appliances - Miscellaneous Estimate proposed swimming bath, Officer etc. in Cottonmill Lane for the Mayor and 180 papers 3914 March 1905 1905 Corporation etc - Miscellaneous 180 papers 3915 March 1905 1905 Proposed swimming bath, Officer etc. in Cottonmill Lane for the Mayor etc - Wilfred Henry Brown Esq. on behalf of Luton & Leighton monthly meeting of the Miscellaneous Society of Friends to the Corporation of St Albans, Tenancy agreement of the 180 papers 3916 14-Dec 1906 1906 Friends Burial Ground, Victoria Street, St Albans. Plan - Miscellaneous Trustees of the St Albans Recreation Ground. (late Mount Pleasant Open Space). 181 papers 3917 - 1907 1966 Minute book and accounts - Miscellaneous 181 papers 3918 June 1907 1907 St Albans Cemetery. Rules and Regulations with a table of fees and charges - Miscellaneous Specification of works required to be done in erecting Infectious Hospital in the 181 papers 3919 November 1907 1907 Follymead Estate, St Albans, for the Mayor etc - Arthur Lewis Esq, to the St Albans Rural Council. Grant of Liberty to lay, maintain Miscellaneous and use a pipe under property at "Sparrowswick", St Albans, for conveying storm 181 papers 3920 02-Sep 1908 1908 water to a disused gravel pit on the said property. Plan -

Miscellaneous Specification of works required to be done in building new stables and alterations to 181 papers 3921 March 1910 1910 the Surveyor's Office and Yard in Victoria Street for the Mayor etc. -

Miscellaneous Charles Woollam Esq. and Mrs Mary Woollam to the Corporation etc., conveyance 181 papers 3922 10-Nov 1913 1913 of a piece of the freehold land situate in Hatfield Road in the City of St Albans etc. - Miscellaneous Hertfordshire County Council and the Mayor etc. Agreement relating to the Court 181 papers 3923 18-Jul 1914 1914 House, St Albans. Supplemental to an agreement of 1st August, 1899 -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 155 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book The Corporation of St Albans to the Rt. Hon. the Earl of Verulam. Lease of the Old Miscellaneous City Police Station, Chequer Street, St Albans, commencing 25 December 1915. 181 papers 3924 16-Nov 1915 1915 Expiring December 1922. Rent £50 p.a. -

Miscellaneous Estimate of the work required to be done in the erection of houses on the 181 papers 3925 June 1920 1920 Townsend site at St Albans for the municipality of the City of St Albans. Bill No. 5 -

Miscellaneous Estimate of the work required to be done in the erection of houses on the 181 papers 3926 June 1920 1920 Townsend site at St Albans for the municipality of the City of St Albans. Bill No. 4 -

Miscellaneous Estimate of the work required to be done in the erection of houses on the 181 papers 3927 June 1920 1920 Townsend site at St Albans for the municipality of the City of St Albans. Bill No. 3 -

Miscellaneous Estimate of the work required to be done in the erection of houses on the 182 papers 3928 June 1920 1920 Townsend site at St Albans for the municipality of the City of St Albans. Bill No. 2 - Rt. Hon. The Viscount Grimston to the Corporation etc. Nunnery Farm. Agreement Miscellaneous for letting land in the parish of St Peters and St Stephens, St Albans, for allotment 182 papers 3929 17-Nov 1920 1920 purposes on a yearly tenancy - The Corporation etc. and the North Metropolitan Electric Power Supply Company. Miscellaneous Agreement with reference to the lighting by electricity of certain stalls in St Albans 182 papers 3930 08-May 1923 1923 market. Plan - Miscellaneous The Corporation to Mr. S Fraser, lease of the Corn Exchange, Market Place for 31 182 papers 3931 - 1924 1924 years - Schedule of prices for the hire of St Saviours Parish Hall, Culver Road, St Peters Institute, Abbey Institute, Adult School, County Hall, Peahen Hotel large room. Also scale of charges in force at: St Albans Cattle Market, Barnet Cattle Market, Hemel Miscellaneous Hempstead Cattle Market, Hertford Cattle Market, Bishop's Stortford Cattle Market 182 papers 3932 - 1925 1925 and Hitchin Cattle Market -

Miscellaneous Re Marshalswick Estate: Draft conveyance and agreement. Also Sandpit Lane 182 papers 3933 - - - allotments. Re proposed purchase of a portion of the Marshalswick estate. Maps - Miscellaneous Regulations for the management of the Corporation's Cattle Market at No. 59, St 182 papers 3934 - 1926 1926 Peters Street -

The Corporation etc. and the North Metropolitan Electric Power Supply Company. Miscellaneous Agreement granting permission to lay underground cables at the Corporation 183 papers 3935 01-Jul 1926 1926 Highways and Sanitary Depot, Sandridge Road, St Albans. Plan (cancelled) - Miscellaneous The Corporation etc. and Mr H.A. Richardson. Agreement for the tenancy of the 183 papers 3936 20-Jul 1926 1926 Clock Tower for 3 years from Michaelmas 1926. Rent £20 p.a. - Miscellaneous The Corporation etc. and Mr H.A. Richardson. Agreement for the tenancy of the 183 papers 3937 20-Jul 1926 1926 Clock Tower for 3 years from Michaelmas 1926. Rent £20 p.a. -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 156 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Miscellaneous Epitome of title of Mrs Emily Higgs to Nos. 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22 & 24 183 papers 3938 - 1927 1927 Christopher Yard, St Albans - Miscellaneous Mrs E.G. Bennett and others to the Mayor etc. Conveyance of freehold property 183 papers 3939 04-Oct 1927 1927 known as Nos. 36 & 38 St Peters Street - Miscellaneous 183 papers 3940 01-Apr 1928 1928 London & Home Counties Joint Electricity Authority Electrical District. Map only - Miscellaneous Mrs M.E. Higgs and St Albans City Council. Agreement relating to Nos. 10, 12, 14, 183 papers 3941 03-Oct 1928 1928 16. 18, 22, 22 & 24 Christopher Yard, St Albans. Plan - Miscellaneous Mrs W. Patten and St Albans City Council. Agreement relating to Nos. 2, 4, 5 & 8 183 papers 3942 12-Oct 1928 1928 Christopher Yard, St Albans. Plan - Miscellaneous Mrs W. Patten and St Albans City Council. Agreement relating to Nos. 2, 4, 5 & 8 183 papers 3943 12-Oct 1928 1928 Christopher Yard, St Albans. Plan - Miscellaneous Mr William Brown and St Albans City Council relating to Nos. 1 & 2 Dog Yard, St 183 papers 3944 14-Nov 1928 1928 Albans. Plan - Miscellaneous Mrs E.E. Kirkby and another and St Albans City Council. Agreement relating to Nos. 183 papers 3945 22-Nov 1928 1928 176 & 178 Fishpool Street, St Albans. Plan -

Miscellaneous The Corporation of St Albans to Mr A.J.E. Harris. Lease of no. 37 Chequer Street, 183 papers 3946 - 1929 1929 St Albans. Commencing 25th December 1929, expiring 25th December, 1950 - Rt. Hon. James Walter, 4th Earl of Verulam to the Mayor etc of St Albans. Miscellaneous Conveyance of freehold property in the City of St Albans, on which a public 184 papers 3947 13-Jun 1929 1929 swimming bath (Cottonmill) is erected. Map - Miscellaneous Not 184 papers 3948 - 07-Oct 12-Apr City of St Albans: plan of 37 Chequer Street. Scale of 4ft to an 1" transferred Hertfordshire County Council and the Corporation of St Albans. Agreement as to Miscellaneous removing railings and utilising strips of land surrounding the Court House, St 184 papers 3949 - 30-Oct 13-Apr Albans. Plan - North Metropolitan Electric Power Supply Company and the Corporation of St Miscellaneous Albans. Agreement for lighting traffic signals. St Peters Street, Victoria Street & 184 papers 3950 - 07-Apr 14-Apr Chequer Street - Miscellaneous The Mayor etc of the City of St Albans and F.W. Dean. Agreement for yearly 184 papers 3951 - 1931 1931 tenancy of St Germains Farm, St Michaels, St Albans. Map - North Metropolitan Electric Power Supply Company and the Corporation of St Miscellaneous Albans. Agreement for lighting traffic signals. St Peters Street, Victoria Street & 184 papers 3952 07-Apr 1931 1931 Chequer Street (By Town Hall) - Miscellaneous Mayor etc to W.H. Rand Esq. lease of No. 96 Victoria Street, St Albans. 184 papers 3953 - 1932 1932 Commencing 24th June 1932. Expiring 24th June, 1939 - Rt. Hon. Albert Edward John Earl Spencer to the Mayor etc. Conveyance of a piece Miscellaneous of freehold land known as Beech Bottom Entrenchment in the parish of Sandridge. Not 184 papers 3954 09-Apr 1932 1932 Plan transferred

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 157 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book The Automatic Electric Company Ltd and the Mayor etc. Agreement for the Miscellaneous installation of Electromatic Traffic Control signals at St Albans. Holywell Hill, High 184 papers 3955 28-Apr 1932 1932 Street, Chequer Street, London Road - North Metropolitan Electric Power Supply Company and the Corporation of St Miscellaneous Albans. Agreement for lighting traffic signals. Holywell Hill, High Street, Chequer 185 papers 3956 04-Aug 1932 1932 Street and London Road - North Metropolitan Electric Power Supply Company and the Corporation of St Miscellaneous Albans. Agreement for lighting traffic signals. Beaconsfield Road, Lemsford Road 185 papers 3957 05-Dec 1932 1932 and Hatfield Road - Miscellaneous 185 papers 3958 - 1933 1933 St Albans Town Planning Scheme. Public enquiry: suggestions, replies etc. Map - Miscellaneous W.N.W. Gape Esq. and others to the Mayor etc. Conveyance of freehold land 185 papers 3959 29-Jan 1934 1934 known as Bell Meadow, St Albans. Map - Tender form and specifications for erection of 2 conveniences and shelters. One Miscellaneous adjoining the Causeway and one in Bell Meadow, St Michaels, St Albans, drainage 185 papers 3960 March 1934 1934 work and all contingent work - North Electric Power Supply Company and the Corporation etc. Agreement for Miscellaneous lighting of traffic signals at the junction of Branch Road and Verulam Road, St 185 papers 3961 24-May 1934 1934 Albans - Rt. Hon. James Walter, 4th Earl of Verulam to the Mayor etc of St Albans. Miscellaneous Conveyance of freehold land situate in the parish of St Michaels, St Albans. Folly 185 papers 3962 28-Sep 1934 1934 Lane, Everlasting Lane area. Maps -

Miscellaneous Adam Maitland, Esq., MP, to the Mayor etc. Conveyance of a piece of freehold land 185 papers 3963 02-Nov 1934 1934 situate at the corner of St Peter's Street and St Peters Close, St Albans. Map - Miscellaneous Mr J.W. Pearce to the Mayor etc. Conveyance of freehold premises known as 17 185 papers 3964 21-Sep 1935 1935 George Street, St Albans. Plan -

Miscellaneous St Albans Branch Post Office. His Majesty's Postmaster General with the Mayor 185 papers 3965 20-Feb 1936 1936 etc. Deed of Dedication of land for street widening at St Peters Street, St Albans - Miscellaneous CCH Development Co. Ltd. Dedication of land in High Street and Waxhouse Gate 186 papers 3966 10-Feb 1937 1937 as part of public highway - F.H. Anderson and H.J. Walker Esqrs., and the Mayor etc. Particulars, special Miscellaneous conditions and contract for the sale of freehold land adjoining Bleak House. Also 186 papers 3967 March 1939 1939 conveyance in respect of land in Union Lane, St Albans. Maps - Miscellaneous St Albans Skating Rink Ltd and the Mayor etc. Agreement as to the use of premises 186 papers 3968 19-Apr 1939 1939 in Holywell Hill as a roller skating rink. Plan - Miscellaneous 186 papers 3969 February 1945 1945 Dog Yard, St Albans. Conveyances to Mr Gentle, owner of Dog Yard - Miscellaneous 186 papers 3970 - 1954 1958 Library Committee Minutes -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 158 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Miscellaneous City of St Albans. Bye-laws made by the Mayor etc. The drainage of existing 186 papers 3971 - n.d. n.d. buildings in the City of St Albans - Miscellaneous 186 papers 3972 - n.d. n.d. St Julian's Estate, St Albans. Proposed diversion of footpath. Map only - Letter from Buckingham Palace acknowledging receipt of loyal and dutiful address Miscellaneous of the City of St Albans on the celebration of the 25th anniversary of the wedding of 186 papers 3973 16-Jan 1973 1973 Her Majesty and HRH the Duke of Edinburgh - Coloured photograph of loyal and dutiful address of the City of St Albans on the Miscellaneous celebration of the 25th wedding anniversary of Her Majesty and HRH the Duke of 186 papers 3974 18-Oct 1972 1972 Edinburgh - umbered f ------Miscellaneous Not - papers 3975 - 1904 1904 Tender for collection of house refuse. John Cable Ltd. No. 81 St Peters Street transferred Miscellaneous Sanction to loan £25940 to be borrowed by St Albans City Council for sewage - papers 3976 17-Feb 1881 1881 works. Sanctioned by Local Government Board - Miscellaneous Extracts made from the Register of Mortgages showing existing mortgages and the - papers 3977 23-Apr 1881 1881 balances remaining due thereon - Miscellaneous Extract from Council Minutes, resolving that £25940 be borrowed from the - papers 3978 13-Apr 1881 1881 Prudential Assurance Co at 4% for sewering the City of St Albans - Statutory Declaration of I.N. Edwards, Esq. Town Clerk, that the assessable property within St Albans amounts to £33387. That the amount remaining due of different sums borrowed on the security of the Borough Rate does not exceed Miscellaneous £4000. That the City Council are about to borrow £25940 from the Prudential - papers 3979 14-May 1881 1881 Assurance Company for sewerage work - No. 3 Town Council of the City of St Albans to the Prudential Assurance Company. Security of the Borough Rate. Notice of payment to Henry Brabant, Treasurer, of Miscellaneous £2000 as part payment of £25940 loan for sewerage works and promise to repay - papers 3980 11-May 1881 1881 £2000 from the City rates - No. 5 Town Council of the City of St Albans to the Prudential Assurance Company. Security of the Borough Rate. Notice of payment to Henry Brabant, Treasurer, of Miscellaneous £2000 as part payment of £25940 loan for sewerage works and promise to repay - papers 3981 02-Sep 1881 1881 £2000 from the City rates - No. 6 Town Council of the City of St Albans to the Prudential Assurance Company. Security of the Borough Rate. Notice of payment to Henry Brabant, Treasurer, of Miscellaneous £4000 as part payment of £25940 loan for sewerage works and promise to repay - papers 3982 03-Oct 1881 1881 £4000 from the City rates - No. 7 Town Council of the City of St Albans to the Prudential Assurance Company. Security of the Borough Rate. Notice of payment to Henry Brabant, Treasurer, of Miscellaneous £2000 as part payment of £25940 loan for sewerage works and promise to repay - papers 3983 02-Jan 1882 1882 £2000 from the City rates -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 159 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Town Council of the City of St Albans to the Prudential Assurance Company. Security of the Borough Rate. Notice of payment to Henry Brabant, Treasurer, of Miscellaneous £2000 as part payment of £25940 loan for sewerage works and promise to repay - papers 3984 03-Feb 1882 1882 £2000 from the City rates - No. 9 Town Council of the City of St Albans to the Prudential Assurance Company. Security of the Borough Rate. Notice of payment to Henry Brabant, Treasurer, of Miscellaneous £4000 as part payment of £25940 loan for sewerage works and promise to repay - papers 3985 10-Nov 1882 1882 £4000 from the City rates - No. 10 Town Council of the City of St Albans to the Prudential Assurance Company. Security of the Borough Rate. Notice of payment to Henry Brabant, Miscellaneous Treasurer, of £2000 as part payment of £25940 loan for sewerage works and - papers 3986 30-Dec 1882 1882 promise to repay £2000 from the City rates - No. 11 Town Council of the City of St Albans to the Prudential Assurance Company. Security of the Borough Rate. Notice of payment to Henry Brabant, Miscellaneous Treasurer, of £2000 as part payment of £25940 loan for sewerage works and - papers 3987 14-Feb 1883 1883 promise to repay £2000 from the City rates - No. 12 Town Council of the City of St Albans to the Prudential Assurance Company. Security of the Borough Rate. Notice of payment to Henry Brabant, Miscellaneous Treasurer, of £2000 as part payment of £25940 loan for sewerage works and - papers 3988 04-May 1883 1883 promise to repay £2000 from the City rates - No. 13 Town Council of the City of St Albans to the Prudential Assurance Company. Security of the Borough Rate. Notice of payment to Henry Brabant, Miscellaneous Treasurer, of £1940 as part payment of £25940 loan for sewerage works and - papers 3989 03-Aug 1883 1883 promise to repay £1940 from the City rates -

Extract from the Council Minutes of 3rd August 1883. Resolving that the final instalment of £1940 borrowed from the Prudential Assurance Co Ltd on account of Miscellaneous the sewerage loan of £25490…being the last instalment agreed to be borrowed - papers 3990 03-Aug 1883 1883 from the Prudential Assurance Co Ltd on account of the sewerage loan of £25940 -

Miscellaneous Letter from the Prudential Assurance Co Ltd, re loan £1940 to St Albans - papers 3991 25-Aug 1933 1933 Corporation , returning discharged mortgage deed and papers relating to the loan… - Letter from St Albans City Council to Prudential Assurance Co acknowledging Miscellaneous receipt of their letter 25th August 1933 and discharged mortgage deed relating to - papers 3992 28-Aug 1933 1933 final loan of £1940 on account of sewerage loan of £25940 -

Extract from minutes of quarterly meeting of Town Council of the City of St Albans Miscellaneous held on 5th May 1882. Resolving that steps be taken for the purpose of purchasing - papers 3993 05-May 1882 1882 the 18 1/4 acres of land from Lord Spencer in the Hatfield Road…for a cemetery -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 160 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book

Extract from Council Minutes of 27th June 1883. Resolving that the Town Clerk be Miscellaneous requested to arrange with the Prudential Assurance Co Ltd for the sum of - papers 3994 27-Jun 1883 1883 £5000…for the purchasing and formation of land for a cemetery for the City - Extract from the Council Minutes of 3rd August 1883. Resolving that a mortgage to the Prudential Assurance Co Ltd of the City Fund and City Rates to secure £3635 repayable by 50 equal yearly instalments of principal and interest of £169 4s 3d. Each be sealed by the Corporation and signed by the Mayor and also that on Miscellaneous authority to the City Treasurer (Mr Henry Brabant) to receive such sum of £3635 be - papers 3995 03-Aug 1883 1883 sealed by the Corporation - Extract from minutes of the quarterly meeting of the Town Council of the City held 4th August, 1882. Resolving that the memorials now produced, be signed and Miscellaneous sealed authorising application to be made to the Local Government Board for - papers 3996 04-Aug 1882 1882 sanction to borrow £5000 for purpose of a cemetery - Authorisation by Mayor etc of their Treasurer Mr Henry Brabant to receive from the Miscellaneous Prudential Assurance Co Ltd the sum of £5000 secured by two mortgages of the - papers 3997 03-Aug 1883 1883 City Fund and City rates - Sanction to loan…Agreement by the Local Government Board to sanction the borrowing by the Mayor etc the sum of £5000 for the cemetery…also sanction to Miscellaneous borrow £3635 for the same purpose, to be repaid with such interest within a period - papers 3998 26-May 1877 1877 not exceeding 50 years from the date of borrowing thereof -

Register of mortgages on the Borough Rate and all other charges and rates which Miscellaneous the Mayor etc. of the Borough acting by the Council as the Urban Sanitary Authority - papers 3999 - 1875 1883 under the Public Health Act 1872 are authorised to mortgage - No. 15 The Mayor etc of St Albans to the Prudential Assurance Co Ltd. Mortgage of Miscellaneous City Fund of City Rates for £3635…to be repaid by 50 equal yearly instalments on - papers 4000 18-Sep 1883 1883 18th September annually until paid off - Letter from the Prudential Assurance Co Ltd, returning discharged mortgage, deed Miscellaneous and paper relating to loan of £3635 in 1883 and letter from St Albans City Council - papers 4001 September 1933 1933 acknowledging the same - The Mayor etc to the Secretary of the Public Works Loan Commissioners. Mortgage Miscellaneous for securing £2500 and further advances not exceeding therewith £10050 and - papers 4002 28-Jun 1901 1901 interest -

Miscellaneous 2nd advance. The Mayor etc to the Public Works Loan Commissioners. Receipt of - papers 4003 24-Sep 1901 1901 £2500. 2nd instalment of loan of £10050 secured by Deed of 28th June 1901 -

Miscellaneous 3rd advance. The Mayor etc to the Public Works Loan Commissioners. Receipt of - papers 4004 26-Nov 1901 1901 £2500, 3rd instalment of loan of £10050 secured by deed of 28th June, 1901 -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 161 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book 4th advance residue. The Mayor etc to the Public Works Loan Commissioners. Miscellaneous Receipt of £2550. 4th instalment and residue of loan of £10050 secured by deed of - papers 4005 04-Mar 1902 1902 28th June 1901 - Miscellaneous Mayor etc to the Secretary of the Public Works Loan Commissioners, Mortgage for - papers 4006 29-Sep 1908 1908 securing £3184 and interest - The Mayor etc to the Secretary of the Public Works Loan Commissioners. Mortgage Miscellaneous for securing £3227 and further advances not exceeding therewith £5356 and - papers 4007 02-Feb 1909 1909 interest - 2nd advance. The Mayor etc. to the Public Works Loan Commissioners. Receipt of Miscellaneous £2199 2nd instalment and a residue of loan of £5356 secured by deed of 2nd - papers 4008 27-Jul 1909 1909 February 1909 -

Miscellaneous The Mayor etc to the Secretary of the Public Works Loan Commissioners. Mortgage - papers 4009 13-Sep 1910 1910 for securing £800 and further advances not exceeding £3320 and interest - 2nd advance residue. The Mayor etc to the Public Works Loan Commissioners. Miscellaneous Receipt of £2520, 2nd instalment and residue of loan of £3320 secured by deed of - papers 4010 14-Mar 1911 1911 13th September 1910 - Miscellaneous The Mayor etc. to the Secretary of Public Works Loan Commissioners. Mortgage - papers 4011 - - - for securing £1837 and interest (surface water drainage) - Miscellaneous No. 35. Mayor etc to the trustees of the Liverpool Victoria Legal Friendly Society. - papers 4012 07-Feb 1914 1914 Mortgage to secure sums amounting to £1212 and interest - The Mayor etc to the Secretary of the Public Works Loan Commissioners. Mortgage Miscellaneous for securing £2000 and further advances not exceeding therewith £10000 and - papers 4013 21-Oct 1914 1914 interest (sewerage) -

Miscellaneous 2nd advance. The Mayor etc. to the Public Works Loan Commissioners. Receipt of - papers 4014 02-Feb 1915 1915 £4000. 2nd instalment of loan of £10000 secured by deed of 21st October, 1914 - 3rd advance residue. The Mayor etc to the Public Works Loan Commissioners. Miscellaneous Receipt for £4000. 3rd instalment and residue of loan of £10000 secured by deed of - papers 4015 20-Jul 1915 1915 21st October 1914 - Miscellaneous The Mayor etc to the Secretary of the Public Works Loan Commissioners. Mortgage - papers 4016 09-May 1916 1916 for securing £3400 and interest. (sewerage) - Rural District Council of St Albans to the Trustees of the Liverpool Victoria Friendly Miscellaneous Society. Mortgage to purchase the sum of £965 and interest…loan for purchase of - papers 4017 03-Dec 1919 1919 land to erect working class dwellings - Mayor etc. to Secretary of Public Works Loan Commissioners. Mortgage for Miscellaneous securing £15000 and further advances not exceeding therewith £38672 and - papers 4018 23-Mar 1920 1920 interest. For sewerage and sewage disposal - City of St Albans. Receipt and order for certificate for £15000 being the 2nd Miscellaneous instalment of the loan of £38672 from the Public Works Loan Commissioners for - papers 4019 12-Jul 1920 1920 works of sewerage and sewage disposal -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 162 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book City of St Albans. Receipt and order for certificate for £18762; being the balance of Miscellaneous a loan of £38672 from Public Works Loan Commissioners for works of sewerage - papers 4020 29-Sep 1920 1920 and sewage disposal - The Mayor etc. the Secretary of the Public Works Loan Commissioners. Mortgage Miscellaneous for securing £15000 not exceeding therewith £55910 an interest for sewerage and - papers 4021 08-Jan 1921 1921 sewage disposal - 2nd advance. The Mayor to the Public Loan Works Loan Commission. Receipt of Miscellaneous £15000 the 2nd instalment of loan of £55910 secured by deed of 8 January 1920 - papers 4022 22-Mar 1921 1921 for sewerage and sewage disposal - 3rd advance. Mayor etc to the Public Works Loan Commissioners. Receipt of Miscellaneous £15000 the 3rd instalment of loan of £55910 secured by deed of 8th January 1921 - papers 4023 02-Jul 1921 1921 for sewerage and sewage disposal -

No. 52. Re. no. 23 Victoria Street. The Mayor etc to Mr H. Savage and others Miscellaneous (Trustees of the St Albans District Ancient Order of Forresters Friendly Society). - papers 4024 29-Sep 1921 1921 Mortgage to secure the sum of £1300 and interest…for police purposes - The Mayor etc. to the Secretary of Public Works Loan Commissioners. Mortgage Miscellaneous for securing £10000 and further advances not exceeding therewith £27950 and - papers 4025 11-Feb 1922 1922 interest. Sewage disposal and surface water drainage - 2nd advance. The Mayor etc to the Public Works Loan Commissioners. Receipt of Miscellaneous £10000; the second instalment load of £27950 secured by deed of 11th February - papers 4026 16-Jan 1923 1923 1922. Sewage disposal and surface water drainage - 3rd advance. The Mayor etc to the Public Works Loan Commissioners. Receipt of Miscellaneous £5000, the third instalment of the loan of £27950 secured by deed of 11th February, - papers 4027 30-Jun 1924 1924 1922. Sewage disposal and surface water drainage - 4th advance. The Mayor etc to the Public Works Loan Commissioners. Receipt of Miscellaneous £2000, the third instalment of the loan of £27950 secured by deed of 11th February, - papers 4028 27-Feb 1925 1925 1922. Sewage disposal and surface water drainage -

4th advance residue. The Mayor etc to the Public Works Loan Commissioners. Miscellaneous Receipt of £10910, the 4th instalment and residue of loan of £55910 secured by - papers 4029 02-Jan 1922 1922 deed of 5th January, 1921. Sewerage and sewage disposal - No 55. The Mayor etc to the Trustees of the United Patriots National Benefit Miscellaneous Society. Mortgage of rates to secure £3000 and interest at £4 15s per cent per - papers 4030 28-Nov 1922 1922 annum. For the provision of public sanitary conveniences -

Miscellaneous The Mayor etc to the Hertfordshire County Council. Mortgage to secure £85000 - - papers 4031 19-Apr 1921 1921 advanced for the purposes of the Housing Acts and interest and other moneys -

Miscellaneous The Mayor etc to the Hertfordshire County Council. Mortgage to secure £2911 9s - papers 4032 23-May 1922 1922 advanced for the purpose of the Housing Acts and interest and other moneys -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 163 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book

Miscellaneous The Mayor etc to the Hertfordshire County Council. Mortgage to secure £7088 10s - papers 4033 29-Nov 1922 1922 advanced for the purposes of the Housing Acts and interest and other moneys - The Mayor etc to the Secretary of the Public Works Loan Commissioners. Mortgage Miscellaneous for securing £5000. And further advances not exceeding therewith £8225 and - papers 4034 18-Jan 1923 1923 interest in connection with the erection of working class dwellings - 2nd advance. The Mayor etc to the Public Works Loan Commissioners. For £1232 Miscellaneous the 2nd instalment of loan of £8225 secured by deed of 16th January, 1923, in - papers 4035 06-May 1924 1924 connection with the erection of working class dwellings - Miscellaneous The Mayor etc to the secretary of the Public Works Loan Commissioners. Mortgage - papers 4036 25-Oct 1924 1924 for securing £3000 and interest. - Miscellaneous The Mayor etc to the secretary of the Public Works Loan Commissioners. Mortgage - papers 4037 03-Feb 1925 1925 for securing £2000 and interest. - Miscellaneous The Mayor etc to the secretary of the Public Works Loan Commissioners. Mortgage - papers 4038 08-Aug 1925 1925 for securing £2000 and interest. - Miscellaneous The Mayor etc to the secretary of the Public Works Loan Commissioners. Mortgage - papers 4039 04-Mar 1925 1925 for securing £920 for the purchase of land for allotments - Miscellaneous The Mayor etc to the secretary of the Public Works Loan Commissioners. Mortgage - papers 4040 30-Aug 1925 1925 for securing £1490 and interest (Small Dwellings Acquisition Acts) - The Mayor etc to the secretary of the Public Works Loan Commissioners. Mortgage Miscellaneous for securing £2400 and further advances not exceeding therewith £3796 and - papers 4041 28-Sep 1925 1925 interest (Small Dwellings Acquisition Act) - The Mayor etc to the secretary of the Public Works Loan Commissioners. Mortgage Miscellaneous for securing £1650 and further advances no exceeding therewith £2145 and interest - papers 4042 23-Nov 1925 1925 (Small Dwellings Acquisition Act) - Miscellaneous The Mayor etc to the Secretary of the Public Works Loan Commissioners. Mortgage - papers 4043 13-Feb 1926 1926 for securing £2000 and interest. (Housing Acts) - The Mayor etc to the secretary of the Public Works Loan Commissioners. Mortgage Miscellaneous for securing £2400 and further advances not exceeding therewith £1305 and - papers 4044 13-Mar 1926 1926 interest (Small Dwellings Acquisition Act) - Miscellaneous The Mayor etc to the secretary of the Public Works Loan Commissioners. Mortgage - papers 4045 13-Mar 1926 1926 for securing £2368 and interest (Small Dwellings Acquisition Act) - Miscellaneous The Mayor etc to the secretary of the Public Works Loan Commissioners. Mortgage - papers 4045A 01-Sep 1926 1926 for securing £2760 and interest (Small Dwellings Acquisition Act) - Miscellaneous The Mayor etc to the secretary of the Public Works Loan Commissioners. Mortgage - papers 4046 04-May 1926 1926 for securing £980 and interest (Small Dwellings Acquisition Act) - The Mayor etc to the secretary of the Public Works Loan Commissioners. Mortgage Miscellaneous for securing £720 and further advances not exceeding therewith £1875 and interest - papers 4047 17-May 1926 1926 (Small Dwellings Acquisition Act) - Miscellaneous The Mayor etc to the secretary of the Public Works Loan Commissioners. Mortgage - papers 4048 05-May 1926 1926 for securing £2000 and interest (Housing Acts) -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 164 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book 2nd advance. The Mayor etc to the Public Works Loan Commissioners. Receipt of Miscellaneous £660, the second instalment of a loan of £1875. Secured by a Deed of 17th May, - papers 4049 25-Jun 1926 1926 1926 (Small Dwellings Acquisition Acts) - Miscellaneous The Mayor etc to the secretary of the Public Works Loan Commissioners. Mortgage - papers 4050 22-Jul 1926 1926 for securing £2000 and interest (Housing Acts) - Miscellaneous The Mayor etc to the secretary of the Public Works Loan Commissioners. Mortgage - papers 4051 06-Sep 1926 1926 for securing £2000 and interest (Housing Acts) - Miscellaneous The Mayor etc to the Secretary of the Public Works Loan Commissioners. Deed for - papers 4052 27-Sep 1926 1926 securing £5340 and interest (Small Dwellings Acquisition Acts) - Miscellaneous The Mayor etc to the Secretary of the Public Works Loan Commissioners. Deed for - papers 4053 29-Jun 1927 1927 securing £3235 and interest (Small Dwellings Acquisition Acts) - Miscellaneous The Mayor etc to the Secretary of the Public Works Loan Commissioners. Deed for - papers 4054 30-Aug 1927 1927 securing £2510 and interest (Small Dwellings Acquisition Acts) - Miscellaneous The Mayor etc to the Secretary of the Public Works Loan Commissioners. Deed for - papers 4055 10-Feb 1927 1927 securing £7390 and interest (Small Dwellings Acquisition Acts) - The Rural District Council of St Albans to the Secretary of the Public Works Loan Miscellaneous Commissioners. Mortgage of the Common Fund to secure £7732 and interest. - papers 4056 24-Feb 1927 1927 (Small Dwellings Acquisition Acts) - Miscellaneous The Mayor etc to the Secretary of the Public Works Loan Commissioners. Deed for - papers 4057 24-Feb 1927 1927 securing £560 and interest (Cattle Market) - The Rural District Council of St Albans to the Secretary of the Public Works Loan Miscellaneous Commissioners. Mortgage of the General Rate and the General Rate Fund to - papers 4058 11-Jun 1927 1927 secure £5746 and interest. (Housing Acts) - Miscellaneous The Mayor etc to the Secretary of the Public Works Loan Commissioners. Deed for - papers 4059 25-Jul 1927 1927 securing £2725 and interest (Small Dwellings Acquisition Acts) - The Rural District Council of St Albans to the Secretary of the Public Works Loan Miscellaneous Commissioners. Mortgage of the General Rate and the General Rate Fund to - papers 4060 07-Sep 1927 1927 secure £7441 and interest. (Small Dwellings Acquisition Acts) - Miscellaneous The Mayor etc to the Secretary of the Public Works Loan Commissioners. Mortgage - papers 4061 01-Nov 1927 1927 for securing £2000 and interest (Housing Acts) - The Rural District Council of St Albans to the Secretary of the Public Works Loan Commissioners. Mortgage of the General Rate and the General Rate Fund to Miscellaneous secure £5000 and further advances not exceeding therewith £9502 and interest. - papers 4062 21-Nov 1927 1927 (Small Dwellings Acquisition Acts) -

2nd advance residue. The Mayor etc to the Public Works Loan Commissioners. Miscellaneous Receipt of £4502; the second instalment and residue of a loan of £9502 secured by - papers 4063 17-Dec 1927 1927 a deed of 21st November, 1927 (Small Dwellings Acquisition Acts_ - Miscellaneous The Mayor etc to the Secretary of the Public Works Loan Commissioners. Mortgage - papers 4064 05-Jan 1928 1928 for securing £2170 and interest (Housing Acts) - Miscellaneous The Mayor etc to the Secretary of the Public Works Loan Commissioners. Deed for - papers 4065 17-Feb 1928 1928 securing £2485 and interest (Small Dwellings Acquisition Acts) -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 165 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Miscellaneous The Mayor etc to the Secretary of the Public Works Loan Commissioners. Deed for - papers 4066 05-Jan 1928 1928 securing £4970 and interest (Small Dwellings Acquisition Acts) - Miscellaneous The Mayor etc to the Secretary of the Public Works Loan Commissioners. Deed for - papers 4067 17-Jul 1928 1928 securing £1415 and interest (Small Dwellings Acquisition Acts) - The Rural District Council of St Albans to the Secretary of the Public Works Loan Miscellaneous Commissioners. Mortgage of the General Rate and the General Rate Fund to - papers 4068 01-Aug 1928 1928 secure £6071 and interest. (Small Dwellings Acquisition Acts) - The Rural District Council of St Albans to the Secretary of the Public Works Loan Miscellaneous Commissioners. Mortgage of the General Rate and the General Rate Fund to - papers 4069 28-Nov 1928 1928 secure £11845 and interest. (Small Dwellings Acquisition Acts) - Miscellaneous No. 49. Mayor etc to Mr F.J. Preece and others. Mortgage to secure the sum of - papers 4070 18-Jan 1928 1928 £700 and interest. Highway purposes - Miscellaneous The Mayor etc to the Secretary of the Public Works Loan Commissioners. Mortgage - papers 4071 22-Jan 1929 1929 for securing £6000 and interest. For municipal offices - Miscellaneous The Mayor etc to the Secretary of the Public Works Loan Commissioners. Deed for - papers 4072 11-Feb 1929 1929 securing £2555 and interest (Small Dwellings Acquisition Acts) - Miscellaneous The Mayor etc to the Secretary of the Public Works Loan Commissioners. Deed for - papers 4073 26-Apr 1929 1929 securing £3450 and interest (Small Dwellings Acquisition Acts) - The Rural District Council of St Albans to the Secretary of the Public Works Loan Miscellaneous Commissioners. Mortgage of the General Rate and the General Rate Fund to - papers 4074 17-May 1929 1929 secure £9520 and interest. (Small Dwellings Acquisition Acts) - Miscellaneous The Mayor etc to the Secretary of the Public Works Loan Commissioners. Deed for - papers 4075 29-Jun 1929 1929 securing £1730 and interest (Small Dwellings Acquisition Acts) - Miscellaneous The Mayor etc to the Secretary of the Public Works Loan Commissioners. Deed for - papers 4076 10-Jul 1929 1929 securing £2381 and interest (surface water drainage etc) - The Rural District Council of St Albans to the Secretary of the Public Works Loan Miscellaneous Commissioners. Mortgage of the General Rate and the General Rate Fund to - papers 4077 08-Aug 1929 1929 secure £9518 and interest. (Small Dwellings Acquisition Acts) - The Rural District Council of St Albans to the Secretary of the Public Works Loan Commissioners. Mortgage of the General Rate and the General Rate Fund to Miscellaneous secure £9155 and further advances not exceeding therewith £15335 and interest. - papers 4078 15-Nov 1929 1929 (Small Dwellings Acquisition Acts) - Miscellaneous The Mayor etc to the Secretary of the Public Works Loan Commissioners. Deed for - papers 4079 15-Nov 1929 1929 securing £4000 and interest (Small Dwellings Acquisition Acts) - 2nd Advance residue. The Rural District Council of St Albans to the Public Works Loan Commissioners. Receipt of £6180 the 2nd instalment and residue of a loan of Miscellaneous £15335 secured by a deed of 15th November, 1929. (Small Dwellings Acquisition - papers 4080 09-Jan 1930 1930 Acts) - Miscellaneous The Mayor etc to the Secretary of the Public Works Loan Commissioners. Deed for - papers 4081 13-Mar 1930 1930 securing £3000 and interest (Small Dwellings Acquisition Acts) -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 166 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book The Rural District Council of St Albans to the Secretary of the Public Works Loan Commissioners. Mortgage of the General Rate and the General Rate Fund to Miscellaneous secure £8400 and further advances not exceeding therewith £13500 and interest. - papers 4082 22-Jul 1930 1930 (Small Dwellings Acquisition Acts) - Miscellaneous The Mayor etc to the Secretary of the Public Works Loan Commissioners. Deed for - papers 4083 26-Aug 1930 1930 securing £6000 and interest (Small Dwellings Acquisition Acts) - Miscellaneous The Mayor etc to the Secretary of the Public Works Loan Commissioners. Deed for - papers 4084 23-Sep 1930 1930 securing £1080 and interest (Allotments) - The Mayor etc to the Secretary of the Public Works Loan Commissioners. Deed for Miscellaneous securing £980 and interest (Public Health Act, 1875). Recreation Ground, - papers 4085 23-Sep 1930 1930 Sandridge Road Playing Field -

2nd Advance residue. The Rural District Council of St Albans to the Public Works Miscellaneous Loan Commissioners. Receipt of £5100 the 2nd instalment and residue of a loan of - papers 4086 15-Nov 1930 1930 £13500 secured by a deed of 22nd July, 1930 (Small Dwellings Acquisition Acts) - Miscellaneous The Mayor etc to the Secretary of the Public Works Loan Commissioners. Deed for - papers 4087 25-Feb 1931 1931 securing £3000 and interest (Small Dwellings Acquisition Acts) - Miscellaneous City of St Albans and the Sun Life Assurance Company of Canada. Mortgage of - papers 4088 15-Jun 1938 1938 revenue to secure the sum of £6460 - The Mayor etc to the Governors of the Bounty of Queen Anne for the Augmentation Miscellaneous of the maintenance of the poor clergy. Mortgage to secure the repayment of a sum - papers 4089 21-Feb 1938 1938 of £1430 and interest - Miscellaneous The Mayor etc to the Secretary of the Public Works Loan Commissioners. Deed for - papers 4090 06-Aug 1948 1948 securing £4890 and interest - Miscellaneous - papers 4091 09-Nov 1950 1950 The Mayor etc to Barclays Bank Ltd. Mortgage of revenues to secure £2050 - Miscellaneous The Mayor etc to the Secretary of the Public Works Loan Commissioners. Deed for - papers 4092 07-Dec 1955 1955 securing £100000 and interest (Small Dwellings Advances) - Miscellaneous St Albans Corporation and Worcester Building Society. Mortgage in the sum of - papers 4093 06-Mar 1956 1956 £40000 - Miscellaneous The Mayor etc to the Secretary of the Public Works Loan Commissioners. Mortgage - papers 4094 19-Sep 1956 1956 for securing £50000 and interest. Housing - Miscellaneous The Mayor etc to the Secretary of the Public Works Loan Commissioners. Mortgage - papers 4094A - - - for securing £50000 and interest. Housing advances - Miscellaneous The Mayor etc to the Secretary of the Public Works Loan Commissioners. Mortgage - papers 4095 04-Apr 1957 1957 for securing £100000 and interest. -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 167 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book

Particulars and conditions of sale of several eligible and valuable freehold and copyhold estates - St Albans, Frogmore, Kings Langley, Chipperfield in the County of Hertford, which will be sold by auction by Robert Nicholls at the Flower-de-Luce Inn in St Albans on Wednesday, the 30th day of June 1790. Messuage on Kings Langley Hill, at Chipperfield, and at Frogmore. Two freehold messuages on Miscellaneous Holywell Hill. Also at the Flower-de-Luce opposite Market Cross. Freehold Not - papers 4096 30-Jun 1790 1790 messuage in Fishpool Street and the Valiant Trooper Public House, St Albans transferred

A particular and conditions of sale of the several freehold and copyhold estates of Mathew Iremonger of St Albans, a bankrupt; which are to be sold by auction by order of his assignees, at Mr Joseph Pedders. At the Chequer Inn, St Albans aforesaid, on Saturday the 22nd day of September, 1770. Tenement or messuage: St Peters Street. Bear & Ragged Staff, Malt Market; Chequer Inn, Malt Market; The Miscellaneous Boars Head, Malt Market; Sleap-side Farm; Smallford Bottom near Hill End; Estate - papers 4097 22-Sep 1770 1770 at Ridge; Estate at Waterside, Kings Langley - Miscellaneous Thomas Pembroke Esq and Thomas Kentish to Thomas Smith, Esq. Lease for a - papers 4098 29-Apr 1728 1728 year, Upper Half Moon - Extracted from the Registry of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury. In the will of Miscellaneous Joshua Lomax, late of St Albans, esquire, deceased, dated the 26th December, - papers 4099 26-Dec 1685 1685 1685 - Miscellaneous Borough of St Albans. Certificate of the contract of redemption of Land Tax with - papers 4100 18-Mar 1799 1799 John Agutter, no. 24. Half Moon Yard - Miscellaneous - papers 4101 - 1835 1835 Municipal List. (Christian names, surnames, qualifications, situations of property) -

An alphabetical copy of the Poll for the Borough of St Albans before Thomas Baker, Miscellaneous esquire, and Mayor of the said Borough by virtue of a Precept to him directed for - papers 4102 27-May 1796 1796 the Election of two Burgesses to serve the next session in Parliament - Miscellaneous Mr Alderman Smith's Gift of Ticket Book. Tickets distributed Monday 20th January - papers 4103 - 1817 1818 1817 and Monday 5th January 1818 -

Abstract of title of John Agutter to a messuage in St Albans. Occupied by John Missenden Baker being part & parcel of a certain messuage heretofore called the Upper Half Moon Inn with the several buildings on the north side of the Half Moon Miscellaneous Yard and also to the adjoining messuage heretofore called the Wheatsheaf and the - papers 4104 39/4 1728 1728 garden close of pasture ground and Rights of Way belonging to the several estates - Mr Wilde's estate. Particulars and conditions of sale of valuable and important freehold and copyhold dwelling houses, maltings and other property at St Albans Miscellaneous (Sopwell Lane) and Chipping Barnet. Late belonging to Mr J Wilde, a bankrupt. Not - papers 4105 23-Aug 1832 1832 Colour map transferred

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 168 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Miscellaneous Mr Rumball's valuation (of the estates of the late Mr Thomas Kent at St Albans, Not - papers 4106 06-Jul 1843 1843 Chequer Street) transferred Miscellaneous Abstract of title of Mrs Jason William Cottle to premises situate in Verulam Street in - papers 4107 - 1848 1848 the Borough of St Albans - Municipal election. City of St Albans. 1st November, 1919. North Ward. Declaration Miscellaneous that George Day and Sidney Hall elected councillors for North Ward and total - papers 4108 01-Nov 1919 1919 number of votes for each candidate (Poster) - City of St Albans. Election of councillors. 1st November 1919. For the South Ward, Miscellaneous North Ward, East Ward. (Poster: names of persons nominated, abode, trade, - papers 4109 01-Nov 1919 1919 proposers, seconders) - City of St Albans. Election of councillors. 1st November 1919. For the South Ward, Miscellaneous North Ward, East Ward. (Poster: names of persons nominated, abode, trade, - papers 4110 01-Nov 1921 1921 proposers, seconders) - Interim Minute Books - - 1902 1902 Coronation Celebration Committee Minutes (1 Volume) - Interim Minute Books - - 1943 1946 St Albans Committee for Music, Drama and the Arts Minutes (1 volume) - Interim Minute Books - - 1947 1972 Road Safety Council Minutes (2 Volumes) - Interim Minute Books - - 1947 1948 St Albans Savings Committee Minutes (1 file) - Interim Rating - - 1855 1856 Poor Rate Assessments - Interim Rating - - 1857 1858 Poor Rate Assessments - Interim Rating - - 1860 1861 Poor Rate Assessments - Interim Rating - - 1872 1874 Poor Rate Assessments - Interim Rating - - 1874 1875 Poor Rate Assessments - Interim Rating - - 1875 1876 Poor Rate Assessments - Interim Rating - - 1877 1880 Poor Rate Assessments - Interim Rating - - 1880 1881 Poor Rate Assessments - Interim Rating - - 1885 1885 Poor Rate Assessments - Interim Rating - - 1885 1886 Poor Rate Assessments - Interim Rating - - 1890 1890 Poor Rate Assessments - Interim Rating - - 1895 1895 Poor Rate Assessments - Interim Rating - - 1900 1900 Poor Rate Assessments - Interim Rating - - 1900 1900 Poor Rate Assessments - Interim Rating - - 1900 1900 Poor Rate Assessments - Interim Rating - - 1879 1880 Poor, General and City Rate Assessments - Interim Rating - - 1895 1895 City & General Rate Assessments - Interim Rating - - 1896 1896 City & General Rate Assessments - Interim Rating - - 1898 1898 City & General Rate Assessments - Interim Rating - - 1899 1899 City & General Rate Assessments - Interim Rating - - 1900 1900 City & General Rate Assessments - Interim Rating - - 1900 1900 City & General Rate Assessments - Interim Rating - - 1901 1901 City & General Rate Assessments - Interim Rating - - 1902 1902 City & General Rate Assessments - Interim Rating - - 1904 1904 Poor & City Rate Assessments -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 169 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Interim Rating - - 1905 1905 Poor & City Rate Assessments - Interim Rating - - 1905 1905 Poor & City Rate Assessments - Interim Rating - - 1907 1907 Poor & City Rate Assessments - Interim Rating - - 1907 1908 Poor & City Rate Assessments - Interim Rating - - 1910 1910 Poor & City Rate Assessments - Interim Rating - - 1913 1913 Poor & City Rate Assessments - Interim Rating - - 1913 1913 Poor & City Rate Assessments - Interim Rating - - 1914 1914 Poor & City Rate Assessments - Interim Rating - - 1914 1914 Poor & City Rate Assessments - Interim Rating - - 1915 1915 Poor & City Rate Assessments - Interim Rating - - 1917 1917 Poor & City Rate Assessments - Interim Rating - - 1918 1918 Poor & City Rate Assessments - Interim Rating - - 1919 1919 Poor & City Rate Assessments - Interim Rating - - 1920 1920 Poor & City Rate Assessments - Interim Rating - - 1924 1924 Poor & City Rate Assessments - Interim Rating - - 1925 1925 Poor & City Rate Assessments - Interim Rating - - 1889 1890 St Michaels Urban - City, Library & School Board Rate Assessments - Interim Rating - - 1890 1891 St Michaels Urban - City, Library & School Board Rate Assessments - Interim Rating - - 1895 1896 St Michaels Urban - City, Library & School Board Rate Assessments - Interim Rating - - 1895 1896 St Michaels Urban - Poor Rate Assessments - Interim Rating - - 1878 1880 St Michaels Urban - City, General & School Board Rate Assessments - Interim Rating - - 1884 1886 St Michaels Urban - City, General & School Board Rate Assessments - Interim General - - 1945 1962 Register of common lodging house licences - Interim General - - 1930 1930 Register of Societies - Interim General - - 1883 1922 Register of Houses connected to public sewers - Interim General - - 1930 1930 Bye-laws as to petroleum filling stations (2 copies) - Interim General - - 1916 1916 St Albans shops order - Interim General - - 1902 1902 Medical Officer of Health's Annual Report - Interim General - - 1905 1925 Medical Officer of Health's Annual Report - Interim General - - 1927 1930 Medical Officer of Health's Annual Report - Interim General - - 1933 1948 Medical Officer of Health's Annual Report - Interim Libraries - - 1905 1973 St Albans Library Annual Reports (incomplete series) - Interim Libraries - - 1946 1951 file concerning Borough Library Committee meetings (including copy minutes) - (19th (19th Interim Libraries - - Cent.) Cent.) Miscellaneous Bookplates - (19th (19th Interim Libraries - - Cent.) Cent.) Gorhambury Library register of books issued - Miscellaneous Interim papers - - 1742 1742 Transcript of James I and Charles II Borough Charters - Miscellaneous (18th (18th Interim papers - - Cent.) Cent.) Transcript of Borough Constitution and Ordinances -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 170 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book Miscellaneous (18th (18th Interim papers - - Cent.) Cent.) Translation of Borough Charters of Edward VI, Charles I and Charles II - Miscellaneous Interim papers - - 1913 1913 City of St Albans, City extension 1913: proceedings of Public Inquiry - Miscellaneous Interim papers - - 1925 1932 Corporation mortgages - Miscellaneous Interim papers - - 1946 1946 Plan of improvements and sewerage to Marshalswick Road - Miscellaneous Certificate of admission of Margaret Annie Wix to the Freedom of the City of St Interim papers - - 1943 1943 Albans - Miscellaneous Interim papers - - 1932 1937 Copies of Herts County Council Non-provided School Grouping orders - Miscellaneous Copies of Herts County Council Articles of Government, St Albans Boys Modern Interim papers - - 1937 1937 and Girls' Grammar Schools - Miscellaneous Correspondence and papers concerning the Municipal Golf Course at Batchwood Interim papers - - 1924 1936 and proposed purchase, part of Gorhambury estate to add thereto - Miscellaneous Interim papers - - 1881 1881 Printed leaflet describing St Peters Charities - Miscellaneous Interim papers - - 1948 1948 St Albans Millenary Pageant: Souvenir Programme - Miscellaneous Interim papers - - 1940 1940 Letter and copy Queen's message of thanks to those taking in evacuees in WWII - 19th & 19th & Miscellaneous 20th 20th Interim papers - - Cents Cents Miscellaneous maps and plans - St Albans Rural Interim District Council - - 1895 1901 Minutes - St Albans Rural Interim District Council - - 1901 1906 Minutes - St Albans Rural Interim District Council - - 1906 1911 Minutes - St Albans Rural Interim District Council - - 1911 1913 Minutes - St Albans Rural Interim District Council - - 1913 1917 Minutes - St Albans Rural Interim District Council - - 1918 1923 Minutes - St Albans Rural Interim District Council - - 1924 1926 Minutes - St Albans Rural Interim District Council - - 1927 1929 Minutes -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 171 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book St Albans Rural Interim District Council - - 1930 1932 Minutes - St Albans Rural Interim District Council - - 1932 1935 Minutes - St Albans Rural Interim District Council - - 1935 1938 Minutes - St Albans Rural Interim District Council - - 1938 1941 Minutes - St Albans Rural Interim District Council - - 1941 1944 Minutes - St Albans Rural Interim District Council - - 1945 1946 Minutes - St Albans Rural Interim District Council - - 1946 1947 Minutes - St Albans Rural Interim District Council - - 1948 1949 Minutes - St Albans Rural Interim District Council - - 1949 1950 Minutes - St Albans Rural Interim District Council - - 1926 1945 Rating Committee Minutes - St Albans Rural Interim District Council - - 1932 1941 Finance and Staff Committee minutes - St Albans Rural Interim District Council - - 1941 1945 Finance and Staff Committee minutes - St Albans Rural Interim District Council - - 1919 1934 Miscellaneous Committee Minutes - St Albans Rural Interim District Council - - 1940 1958 Miscellaneous Committee Minutes - St Albans Rural Interim District Council - - 1934 1939 ARP, Town Planning and other committee minutes - St Albans Rural Interim District Council - - 1940 1944 Town planning, fire brigade and other committee minutes - St Albans Rural Interim District Council - - 1920 1972 Medical Officer of Health's Annual Report (some years only) - Interim General - - - - Microfilm of Meyer's Legend of St Alban (Bodleian Library) - Interim General - - 1749 1833 Manor of Park admissions (deposited by Sherrard) - Interim General - - 1845 1845 Marriage settlement of Lord Grimethorpe (deposited by Sherrard) - 17th to 17th to 20th 20th Interim General - - Cent. Cent. Deeds and correspondence -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 172 Cat. Start End Microfilm/ Page Category Cat. No. Date Year Year Description Book 19th & 19th & 20th 20th Interim General - - Cents Cents Papers concerning Lord Grimethorpe -

St Albans and Hertfordshire Architectural and Archaeological Society 173