Distinguished English Divine on His Way to San
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¦ .v ... JT FRANCISCO CAI/L, WEDNESDAY, 14, 6 THE 'BA AUGUST 1901. KELLY IS THE BOSS. of the grog ration-in th'e navy. "The circumstances are quite different. The enlisted man in the navy is DISTINGUISHED ENGLISH DIVINE the primary elections yesterday it is made, off shore. Even in port he is under orders and may be evident that Martin Kelly is the boss of the restricted in shore leave. When his grog was taken ON HIS WAY TO SAN FRANCISCO AUGUST 14, WEDNESDAY.... 1901 BYvoting strength of the Republican party in this away it was/indeed, the: removal* of temptation, for city.- That thousands of Republicans who deem.them- the grog ration itself was 'two distinguished figure among Proprietor. not a choice between most JOHN D. SPRECKELS. selves good citizens are opposed to him counts for evils. , the remarkable men at the coming nothing. Most of such citizens were so indifferent The triennial convention of the Episco- Address All Conuaonicttioas to W. 8. LEASE, Miniger. Advocate admits that abolition of the canteen THE! ** politics and public affairs that they did not take willnot reduce, pal, church, which convenes In San MAJVAGEK'S OFFICE Telephone °?1 to to to any considerable extent, the drink- r^"" the trouble to vote. The supporters of Kelly did« ing in the army Francisco October 3,. will be the TUird, F. as it now is, but hopes that its abofi- Right Edgar Jacob, Lord Bishop of I'LliLlCATIO.YOFFICE... Mnrlcet and S. vote, it,happens Kelly shows up Rev. Telephone Press 201. and so that this tion^will in the near future bring a of men Newcastle, England, a Peer of Great Brit- class of highest attain- morning as "the real thing." sober lives into the military ranks. We sincerely join ain and a prelate of the EDITORIALROOMS 21T to 221 SteTenson St. the victorious ticket in the Twenty- ments, who comes as the personal repre- Telephone Press) 2O2. As the head of in that hope, but with grave doubts. sentative of his Grace the Archbishop of eighth District Kelly willhave the public*honors of Canterbury and of the whole English 15 Week. DelfTtred ?»y Cnrrlem. On<« Per the triumph. name willbe the"first called in the episcopate as the bearer pt greetings from £IncJ*> CopleH. 5 Cent*. His An Ohio clergyman, after a long and presumably the gTeat- church from which the Ameri- Including: He will be TrrniR ny Mall. Postnt?et convention. He will have affront seat. deliberate executive session with himself, has reached can Episcopal traces Its origin. Dr. Ja- DAILT CALL flBeltsdinr Sunday), ea* year S«.W conspicuous in every step in the, proceedings. He is / cob is regarded as one of the ablest pre- DAILY CALL- fJneltsdlcr 8unday). t months «-M the conclusion that heaven is excessively hot as a lates of the British "church and Is a 1-50 not to be the power behind the throne but the power acknowledged power. DAILT CALL (including Sunday). S months * place ofresidence. Ifthis be the fact, itseems to fol- preacher of As By Sing> Month » 5e as Bishop of a population largely Industrial, T>AILY CALL— — - on the throne, and willbe visible to all the master low „.............-..— 150 that there will not be such an advantage for us very efforts ftXDAT CALL. One Year. - of the convention. his Influence Is great. To his WEEKLY CALL. One Year 10D after allina choice of abodes. the final settlement of a desolating strike It is but fair to admit that Kellyis the author as among the coal men* of his diocese on a All postmaster* «re nnthorlxefl to receive parties in con- wellas the beneficiary of the victory. He planned the basis satisfactory to both wnlii«erIp<loT»n. SPANISH- AMERICAN WARS. troversy was due. The Bishop will be Gaxnpl* eopJe* tHI be forwarded when retraeetei. whole campaign from start to finish, and personally heard during the convention at several primary churches and at the great meeting in the Man rnnfierlbew In eraerta* char«r» of iiMr*«* «honld b» conducted it. It was he who had the elec- the disturbed ,condition . of affairs in Mechanics' Pavilion. The Lord Bishop r*rtlcnlsr to clv» both NEW AND OLD ADDRESS in orfler tion law amended so that he could bring in the State left England on Saturday last and will to Icrure prompt correct compliance with their request. Venezuela and it that our a and Central Committee to uphold him in any attempt FROM, Colombia appears reach New York, ItIs expected; on Thurs- case day of this week. O1KLAXD OFFICE. i.1118 Broaflvray was Government may have to interfere to protect the . made to deprive him of control of the party ma- The Right Jacob, Lord interests of foreigners, or give way and permit Rev. Edward C. GKORGE KROG\ESS. chine in this city. The event has shown how wisely else Bishop of Newcastle-on-Tyne, is the son ITuiget Foreign Adrtrtislng, Building. Chicago. Europe to do the Philip Jacob, Musette he planned at. that time, and he deserves credit for work. The latter alternative is of of the Venerable Arch- <Lcrc Dlrtance Telephone "Central 5«1»."> deacon . of Winchester, and was born in his foresight course not to be thought of,.and consequently our CORRESPONDENT* even when he is condemned for the 1S44. He was educated at Winchester and KEW YORK Government willdoubtless be forced "to prepare to graduate Oxford, C. C CARLTOX Herald Square unscrupulous means by which his policy was carried is a of where he ob- act vigorously at any/point in the vicinity of .the tained a,first class in classics and an A. out. B. degree, taking a third class in the final !CEW YORK REPRESENTATIVE: Isthmus disturbances are likely to STEPHEN B. SMITH 3O Trfbnne Balldlnir Having thus planned the campaign and fought the of Panama where classical school in 1867. In1870 the degree be injurious to foreign ,of M. was conferred, by diploma battle, Kelly is entitled to the spoils. It willbe use- property' and to trade.. A. and NEW YORK NEWS STAXD3: The trouble is the of the seemingly inter- D. D. in 1895. In1896 the honorary degree Wiiaorf-AFtoria Hotel; A. Brentano, SI Union Square: less forhis allies to come in and attempt to take away outcome of D. D. was conferred by Durham Uni- minable conflicts versity. Ucrrar Hill HoteL from him the honors or the profits. Itis his victory tHat go on in those countries be- He was ordained deacon In 1868 tween the men are" in office those and priest In 1869. From 1868 to 1869 ho CHICAGO TfEWS STANDS: and not theirs. It will be his convention and not who" and who are was Taynlow, Co.; Hotel; curate of in the diocese of Chermaa House; P. O. News Great Northern out. Diaz Guerrajflthe representative in New York Oxford; curate of Witney 1871,,curate Fremont House; Auditorium Hotel. theirs. It is to him the Republicans of San Fran- to of the Colombian revolutionists, is,reported to have of Bermondsey In1872 and domestic chap- cisco must look for a party ticket. lain of Bishop Mllman of Calcutta from BHAXCn OFFICES— 527 Montgomery. «t»rnT of Clay. op*n said recently: ,'The t For this condition cf affairs no one is ex- revolution has lasted since 1872 to 1876; commissary cnttl t:30 o'clock. 300 Hayes, open until 9:50 o'clock. 633 to blame 1899, of the Bishop of McAllister, cpen until 9:30 o'clock. 615 Larkin, open until cept the good citizens who were too busily engaged and there have been killed or, wounded during Calcutta from 1876 to 1888, and until 1896 Mission, open until examining chaplain to the famous Harold l.Mo'clock. 19U 10 o'clock. 2281 Market that time about 40,000 men. Only as recently as May Browne, vcrser Sixteenth, open until 9 o'clock. K4S -Valencia, open in private affairs to attend to their public duties even Lord Bishop of Winchester. He there was fought-at PalosNegros honorary cctll S o'clock. 1M Eleventh, cpen until 9 o'clock. NW. when such duty entailed no further energy than that a bloody battle that was canon of Winchester for rcmer Twenty-second and Kentucky, open until 9 twenty years, honorary chaplain to o'clock. of going to the polls and casting a ballot.- Those continued for seventeen days. At the end of that pe- the KP0 Flllmore. open until 9 p. m. riod Queen from 1884 to 1896, chaplain in or- who stayed away from the polls virtually voted for the revolutionists had to retreat for want of am- dinary to the Queen from 1890 to 1895, AMUSEMENTS. Kelly. munition, and the Government soldiers were too ex- chaplain to Bishop Davidson of Winches- The situation was made clearly known to them ter in 1895-96, rural dean of Landport hausted to followthem. present regulars and for weeks before the election took place. They were At the chaplain to her Majesty's prison in King- Central— "The Great Diamond Robbery," (Government ston, 1892 1896; Favorita," again Kelly carry troops) number some 20,000, and the Portsmouth, from to proctor Tivoll—"La warned over and over that would in convocation for Hampshire Royal Liberals (revolutionists) outnumber and the NOTED PRELATE DUE IN NEW YORK "WHO BEARS California—— "The Box." to the polls nearly the whole predatory vote of the them." . Isle of Wight from 1895 to 1896, honorable TO-MORROW Orpheum Vaudeville. From the figures given contending ap- GREETING FROM ENGLAND TO THE TRIENNIAL CONVENTION Columbia—"Mrs.