Advancing Innovation in &

Presented by Heather Hall Postdoctoral Fellow Leslie Harris Centre of Regional Policy and Development & Department of Geography Memorial University [email protected] Outline

• AINL Overview

• Insights for Community Engaged Research Advancing Innovation in NL Project AINL Team

• Heather Hall • Rob Greenwood • Kelly Vodden • Jacqueline Walsh • Kyle White • Ken Carter AINL Project

The overall goal of the Advancing Innovation in NL project is to synthesize, share, and ground-truth knowledge related to innovation and ways it can be fostered AINL Project

• Advisory Board • Provide feedback on proposed workshop locations; • Provide advice and comments on the workshop reports; • Identify existing relevant data and resources; • Identify key local contacts in each of the workshop locations; • Highlight important local or stakeholder specific issues for consideration • Review emerging themes and lessons and providing advice to the Project and Research Teams on the final report (final content of the report will be the responsibility of the Project Team); and • Assist with publicity for all Advancing Innovation in NL events and reports. Newfoundland & Labrador


Nain QUEBEC Trans Canada Highway Major Highway Natuashish Ferry Route Hopedale 0 75 150 Makkovik Postville Kilometers Newfoundland & Labrador Innovation Cartwright Churchill Falls

r City Sheshatshiu ado br La Happy Valley - Workshops Legend Goose Bay

Nain QUEBEC Trans Canada Highway Major Highway Port Hope Simpson Natuashish Ferry Route Hopedale 0 75 150 Makkovik

Postville Kilometers Red Bay Blanc Sablon (Q ue .) Rigolet St. Anthony St. Barbe Cartwright Churchill Falls

r City Sheshatshiu ado br La Happy Valley - Goose Bay

Port Hope Simpson

Baie Verte

Blanc Sablo Red Bay n (Q Fogo Island ue .) St. Anthony St. Barbe Rocky Harbour

Deer Lake Gander Baie Verte Grand Falls- Fogo Island Bonavista Windsor QUEBEC Rocky Harbour lle Deer Lake Gander nvi Stephe Corner Brook Grand Falls- Bonavista QUEBEC Windsor Bay de Verde le nvil Stephe Clarenville Bay de Verde St. John's

St. John's

Burgeo Channel - Channel - Harbour Breton N.B. Port aux Basques Argentia Port aux Basques Argentia N.B. Marystown P.E . Trepassey .I. S Department of Finance . N . Newfoundland & Labrador Statistics Agency North Sydney P.E Trepassey .I. S Department of Finance . N Newfoundland & Labrador Statistics Agency North Sydney Deliverables

• Workshop Reports • Innovation Summit • Knowledge Synthesis • Final Report Insights for Community Engaged Research Challenges

• Demise of the REDBs • Business Engagement • Time • Funding • Personalities/Politics • Academic “value” Benefits

• “It’s like having a wedding after a funeral” • Bridging the disconnects • Reporting back and validating research findings • Student engagement • Inform Policy • Networking


• Pre-workshop meetings • Advisory Board • Holding workshops in conjunction with other events • Local partnerships Thank You! Questions???