J Rehabil Med 2009; 41: 393–396 CASE REPORT COMMUNICATING USING THE EYES WITHOUT REMEMBERING IT: COGNITIVE REHABILITATION IN A severely BRAIN-INJURED PATIENT WITH AMNESIA, TETRAPLEGIA AND ANARTHRIA Luigi Trojano, MD1,2, Pasquale Moretta, PsyD2 and Anna Estraneo, MD2 From the 1Neuropsychology Laboratory, Department of Psychology, Second University of Naples, Caserta and 2Salvatore Maugeri Foundation, IRCCS, Scientific Institute of Telese Terme (BN), Telese Terme, Italy We describe here a case of cognitive rehabilitation in a young LIS (4), but they nonetheless experience extreme difficulties patient with closed head injury, who had dense anterograde in communicating. For this reason patients with LIS can ac- amnesia and such disabling neurological defects (tetraplegia tively interact with the environment only by means of complex and anarthria) that the condition evoked some features of communicative systems, based for instance on brain-computer an incomplete locked-in syndrome. After a prolonged period interface devices (6). of no communicative possibility, the patient underwent a Patients with TBI with extremely severe motor disturbances specific training, based on principles of errorless learning, (tetraplegia and anarthria) face the same difficulties as patients with the aim of using a computerized eye-tracker system. with complete or incomplete LIS, but, in contrast to patients Although, due to memory disturbances, the patient always with LIS, they show the typical cognitive defects observed after denied ever having used the eye-tracker system, learned to a TBI. Therefore, any rehabilitative treatment in such patients use the computerized device and improved interaction with will be difficult and discouraging, even when it is aimed only the environment.
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