Assembly Denies Fundinq to Gays
, Today's Weather Daily Today's weather will be cloudy nd cool with some likelihood of ~ain sh~wers, according to the National Weather Service In LeWIS- ton. The high today will be around 50 degrees Fahrehelt, and the low near J7. 'Ver reen Washington State University Vol.84 No. 122 Wednesday, May 24, 1978 }eftu,s It is as common a site as Bryan Tower-studying for books and pens, begins the vigil during closed week. The finals. This student, equipped with the traditional can of new Science Ubrary's concourse is a good spot to book it pop, bare feet, comfortable couches, high lighter and the as this woman foun,d out. Assembly denies fundinq to gays by Brent Siewert assemblymember Colleen Johnson, "We do need to educate persons on discrimina- printing of 300 more issues of the "Soul The assembly gave tentative approval Evergreen Slaff Writer Express" newsletter and $1,000 for equip- tion and hurting other people. But I feel to the budgets of General Overhead (Aetl- pmg and funding the "Coubabes," a group vi ties Cen te r : $ 33,979; Reerea tion : In a preliminary vote of 10 to 8, the funding and freedom of expression go together in this instance. By not funding of black cheerleaders. The request for a $4,217); Executive (SI2,247); Legislative ASWSU Assembly last night voted not to motion by assembly members from Tay- ($683); Election Board ($4,318); Political fund the Gay Awareness Committee as GAC, we (the assembly) are reducing its members' freedom of expression," she lor to add $1,492 to the BAC budget was Union ($8,789); International Relations deliberations on the 1978-79 ASWSU bud- not considered.
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