.i l9f']3 :4 ' f,'ot f„g" r tj s I I4I'g ' their Van- lday, orra] j]e in the cond !: ently sand .I r Is ' - The'aro Hpw . ','..,T.he Qu'een, b,gll'ila'"ll l 'kg gil hSPng li pf NO 11 Iarjgelfty VOL 58, THE IDAHO ARGONAUT, Official Publica tion of the ASUI F<RIDAY, OCTOBER 23, 3.954 Htwer arty, '" 'lder- '"4>/pe."';.;: ';,", '",".".lI, for, the':Homecoming pfj'~de nde] "~.:'-',"„':::.-,;::j+j'.. ',::„-",'.>4 come:9:30 Saturday, Begins Bud!tet Comlllttee'|sin morning,'>y~>'y,"'" 'p Sup- I', Receives Criticism Kinsey COjC ''.'"~';;..; "The, par'ade will 'consist f ii Pl 0th. s, Third Book -@A'~;.",':::- ..'::,jaPProximateiy 40'floats, Was Appointed, fi. i Research " "one Foreign Stlldcnts "9.":t4",'".",;~'~ig canlpus polltlcal parties, not to By Dr. Alfred Kinsey's third book Exec Boird III4 p .f jude By omit; dignitarriejjp: the Univer- group of foreign studen ts observed United on the sex'ife of Arflerjce will be ',! '. ~ the A Nations day Stufjentsv fffcjljtjesr.fees were dis', "I; sity band and guest banda Tuesday in the SUB by givi ng a short talk on what he felt based on !nformation gathered the s in cussed. at .l:secutiye, Boarti ";;;':~>-,',@ from Kellogg, Coeur''AIfine the United Nations has accomplished in regard to his par- from a group of sex offenders of meeting which eras held on Oc- ~'IOmCCOlmng med and ticular country to countr'he ies the world 'over. San Quentin prison. nger tober 20. It was suggfcsted that i Jan Co]e was voted Homecom- ,, The. parade, which wfll be diYjd. individual speeches ln th'e 'panel discussion were fol- Volunteers from the .500 sex of- ther the money'e 'used. for any of the fng queen for 1953 m an e]'ectiorg into four divisions, will st'art on -lowed by a question and answ- fenders of San Quentin are being -— corner er following facilities. ''y male voters Wednesday at din- Main street and end at the period. interviewed by Dr. Kinsey and an fn'er. thea 'Deakjn qnd University.. Judging ping Countries ,1; Picnic area jp the Arboretum. So Idaho reseryes age of represented were associate, Dr. W. B. Pomeroy, for wiH'be route nary Air condjhonjng unit m the old nursery rhyrne and trades in of the'floats done en Greece, Venezuela, Iran, India, the three hours to n full day each. >fr akes Old King Cole for a brand new dnly.. Each division will . co'ntain Palow islands, China and Holland, "Sex Laws and the Sex Offend- Borah theatre. are Gmj KEK young Queen Cole. approxjnjate]y the safne type and Each student expressed a view er" ', is Dr. Kinsey's third book, '. Wjjiter sPorts area that can Jan wiH preside over the entire number'of elonts and will. be led the s]anted by the needs and condi- the others dealt with the sex life accommodate skiers.. will 'P~,";>.," and f ~ be used to Homecoming ce]ebrstjon and .', by a dignitary. tions of his own country. There and habits of American. men and 4 Sjvjmmingippp] ''eceive her crown during the half- gp,,'".'.":,:::,"".:.,'.'.i Judges for floats will be Mrs. J. were some strong sentiments elf- wpmten. No publication date has i time -ceremonies tomorrow: She J.";."::.::.'.::::::::::::.::;::;:B. Haffner of Kellogg, Tom Mc- each e people say that the grads pressed about the inadequacy and 5 Skatin rink been set for this book, but it re- vigil]'be.attended by'he fiv'e other Pherson, secretary of Chamber of each pave ajl the fun at Homecoming. inefficiency of the United Nations. Rich Arme, Del Naser, Ljz Wi- promises to be very informational fjnaHsts Nancy Ly]e Susie Oberg, ,".«+Pi,".,,'l',',:,::,,',:",.:','Commerce, Moscow, and'ept.. hree say the students have a time. i Some With one or twp exceptions of ac- and interesting. negar and Don McCabe were ap- Iforna,Hpbney and Betty Ruth nine freshmen don't even know King of the army ROTC. Judges Sctme claim by students, the United Na- pointed . to the budget planning'jan'estburg, Homecoming is. -"::-::.':,':,::.".:;;:.':::::;::,:I,':::All be on a semi truck in front hvhat tions took quite a beating. committee. They will plan next, The new, queen is really just - ''-';.'"::::i':::::: '; Jan- '.' = of the Hotel Moscow. '':,':.'::.:::;.':::')~""b'S"''"""::i::i'':,.;"::"';:~P', Tp the grads, it is a day or that; Cheerful Outlook year's budget. Pew, She .transferred here Lineup for the parade is as fol- maybe even a weekend of nos- froln'San Jose Statercoflege this In the general discussion, a more Dolores Ape]erson was appoint- lows in Sectio!i'A: fajgja with visits among the old jn sebretarial Chest s0mekter to,major — new fraternity brothers, cheerful outloojc was presented by ed chairrllan of Campus i;, ~ 4ye:: . Air Force color, guard; Tribe of ancj the studies. Jan is a brown eyed, brown '' individuals in the audience. Refer- drive. University Band; Gov. sorority sisters and farmer bud- haired soPhomore from San ean- , ".:'ffff'andals, ence was made to the splendid t was a]so announced that the - Len Jordan, Sen. Herman Welker, dies. It is a 'day when the hand- dro, 'alifornia. work done in countries by the tech- book of memoirs, which was pre- shake and the slap on the back are .The queen committee deserves nica] assistance missions of the sented to Dean Lattlg, will be ltegjstratjon for 'lnms 'ill in demand. I"or some of the grads ci bouquet or something for their ~ Friday from 44 p.m. it is a day to be waited for when United Nations. displayed in the University li- take place fine work. Maizie CoHett was chair- and'rom 8-9 p.m. at the Moscow they return again to the scene of In discussing the failures and HomccollllHg brary. man assisted by Ralph 'Townsend NSA dues were not discussed. Hotel and the former zany escapades. faults of the U.N. undertakings. ahd Jane SUB.'aps. ygi The annual pajamjff parade and Quela l The. discussion has been postponed of Moscow, car stickers, For other alums, it meanls a tpc consideration was given to the fact pep rally will open the homecoming until reports ere received from student and faculty directories brief visit to a second home where that the UN is a comparatively festivities tonight. congresional members ancj the re- and information about Moscow some solid friendships were weld- new organization and is still in an Freshmen women from the fol- gg ent convention held!ot:Bead cbl; ed together. For still other old experiments] stage; that there are lowing living wiH'meet groups at lege.' .aimpnSlt!ICp old grads it is a pilgrimage to the still many a:jministrative prob- the women's Gym at 5:45: Forney, Open house. will be held in all place where they began en'du- lems to be worked out and that Take s good long look, mene She's Jan Cole; 'voted'In'as Idaho s Steel house, Alpha Phi, Tri Delt, living groups after the game. cation that they rpw recognfze a. the tremendous size and scope of 1953 Homecoming Queen., Delta Gamma, and Kappa. These ljoor mats or welcoming signs invaluable. Many will point tp the organization necessarily makes worn,en will go through the Soon Cam-'us .„;;,".;";„;„;.„;:„"..„„,CommIg their college days as the begin- it inefficient. club, Idaho club, Chrfsman left home economics depar™ent f'The annum: pubflcatlpn of th . ten dollars l. placed ori them. ning of a successful life. And moderator hall, Willis Sweet Prof. Toin Hopkins, hall, Lindley hall, Thursday f r Boise where she WH] Kampus Key is now scheduled for OQOI g QCblltel,s:I Qmfg some of the old guard may re- summarized the fol- and the Si'gma Delt of, the panel Chi, and Beta beg estspeeker at thestate Home W'ednesday or Thursday of this Congresswoman GrAcie ., Pfoyt; turn just to wander again where points: first, the United Na- houses. council meeting. Buchcfnan'and.the lowing Demonstrators reming week. The Kampus Key President J. E. the first gushing .romance bloom- tions is a necessary body to pro- Under the Ad clock is the meet- ',. IIO,,'s.:.',.QnS+er,: slum i p enid nt, Advt 'President ed. mote world peace, and second, ing place for Hays Gamma'hi fgtljS Bill Parsons" end executive'oard greater understanding of social Theta, Alpha Chi; and Pi Phi freSh- 'itferf'fbers, --queen's flofht.. (Btaho- Like we say, Homecoming t, is a preaidsnfn': it also;. conrre'nts't tmmb" gve 'cthing-froin "'an analogy f;omparing England..to ajj something that's tough to pin customs, 'ackground and philos- men. They w]H visit the TKE; Kap- slgC adulterous, pbWerlesa island joined with the continnent by an Club) 'hamber. 'f Commerce before the UN Sigma, Delta QCC/(SSg clown. We'e aH been working like ophies is necessary pa Chi, Fiji, SAE, schedule, and student government insignificant ditch" to remarks of genuine diplomacy and float, and Tri Delta, Delta Tau -- ypu said it!-. aH v.cek. Some can succeed. LDS, Delta Sig, Phi Tau, ATO, Phi information. sincere tact, were heard at the Oxford debate Wednesday Delta, Figi; Fprney,land,B]ue Key I Delt and of us think of Homerorning in Sigma Nu houses. Blue Key, lu'ni r men'onor- eve'ning. Hoots. Directly following this serpen- SLslI ijh terms of flo"ts. Others m terms ary, will distribute them to aH 'Typical Britishers, Patrick Mayhew and John Peters, in Section B: of sjx-page newspapers and still tine, the rally will begin at the Kellogg band, Navy drill team, A change has been made in the .camPus living,'rouPs where-they dress, speech and mannerisms,.gave Idaho students.
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