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TOWN PLANNING to BE DECIDED Irajorach T REDS BANNED by WORKERS at WORLD PARLEY HOLDS PRESENT FAMILY LIFE AS Besrmiltion t h e W E A T " ^ NET PRESS BUN1 AVERAGE DAILY CIRCULATION OP THE EVENING HERALD for tlie month of September, 1927 Probably ehoweib to n ij^ and 5,040 Tuesday. (TWELVE PAGES): PRICE THREE CENTS Claasifled AdTMtising on Pago Kh MANCHESTERi CONN., MONDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1927. VOL. XLU., NO. 2. PREDIOTS GOOD WEATHER TOWN PLANNING FOR THE WORLD’S SERIES When the Legion Elected Spaffprd HOLDS PRESENT SARLO Pittsburgh, Pa., Oct. 3.— ^The United States Weather Bureau today predicted fair weather for FAMILY LIFE AS TO BE DECIDED the first two games of the World’s Series here next Wed­ nesday and Thursday. BESrmilTION i r a j o r a c H T It rained lightly during the forenoon, interfering slightly <S> with batting practice at Forbes field, but the forecaster said In­ Professor at Conference, George Yarrow, Jersey Cab dications pointed to the disap­ M any Marriage Offers Annual Town Meeting to Be pearance of the low pressure area over Pittsburgh by tomor­ Condemns Polygamy, Driver Confesses He Mur­ Held In High School HaU row night. “ The sun should be shining Flood Prize Beauties and the weather cool, but not Temporary Families and dered 18-Year-Old Sun­ At 8 OXIock— The Is­ too cool, for the first two games,’’ the forecaster said. Other Radical Systems. Editor’s Note: This is the third had a grand time, and nobdy an- day School Teacher-i-Hls sues. of a series on beauty shows and<^ndyed my girl,”, said Mrs. Avan G. their effect upon the morals of Kennedy, of Yonkers, N; Y., today. Mother-in-Law Snspects Bu'^alo. N. Y., Oct. 3.--Radical young girls. She is the mother of pretty, dark- haired Catherine Kennedy who was The Board of Selectmen through propofeals for changing family life REDS BANNED By James li. Kllgallen. .“Miss Yonkers” last year. He Killed Her Daughter. their clerk, George H. Waddell, ware liissected by a famous biolo­ New York, Oct, 3.— Beauty pag­ Catherine herself Interjected this ) have been consulting various au­ gist, Herbert S. Jenning, professor eants— are they a menace to tho comment: >“The church women who thorities throughout the state on morals of the American girl, as are condemning beauty contests BY WORKERS AT of zoology at Johns Hopkins Uni­ Woodbury, N. J., Oct. 3.— Possi­ contended by the National Council must be old-fashioned. How old the advantages of town planning versity, Baltimore, at the confer­ as provided by the General Stat­ of Catholic Women are they? Men don’t annoy beau­ bility that the heretofore unidenti­ ence on family life In America to­ Mothers who have chaperoned ties simply because they are beau­ fied body of a woman found In thr utes, it was learned today. The ties. Its ajl up to the girl herself WORLD PARLEY day, and “ found wanting.” their attractive young daughters to thicket near Camden, N. J., twov Manchester Chamber of Commerce such contests do • not believe so. — nobody will annoy her If she Such proposals as a polygamous doesn’t want to he annoyed.” years ago, might be that of Mrs. has proposed that Manchester system of marriage, temporary They do admit, however, that their Mrs. Augusta Malcolmson, young Ruth Jones Yarrow, missing wife adopt this general law, and the Se­ families, and the care of children by daughters have afterward experi­ lectmen are unanimously opposed, enced unexpected annoyances such looking mother of Ruth Maltblm- of George. Yarrow, now under ar­ Delegates Gather at A. F. of the state Instead of by their parents son of Philadelphia, the 18-year-old not. to Town Plannin,s, but to the were ronsfdered by Professor .Jen­ as wholesale proposals of marriage rest charged with the murder of from wealthy men and difficulties girl who in 1924 was crowned commission which this statute nings. The conference it attended pretty youn^ Rose Sarlo, was being makes necessary and division of L. Convention at Los An­ over theatrical contracts. "Miss America” at Atlantic City, by social.workers from all parts of does admit, however, that when a investigated by police today. authority and responsibility which the United States, Canada and Mrs. Kennedy Speaks. “ I wouldn't have missed taking girl Is suddenly projected Into the The. new angle to the investiga­ they believe would result. The Edward E. Spafford (left) Just after his election as national com­ Europe. question will be threshed out at geles Today— Tentative my daughter to the Atlantic City tion followed the arrival here of mander of the American Legiorf, Is congratulated by Howard Savage, his Traces FamUy Life contest In 1926 for the world— we (Continued on Pago 2) tonight’s annual town meeting Prof. Jennings traced the family Mrs. Sylvia Jones Michaels, mother which will be called at eight Program. predecessor, in the Paris convention hall. And what a din the dough­ o’clock in the High school assem­ boys of 1927 raised as accompaniment for their handclasp!_____________ life of living things from the sim­ of Mrs. Yarrow, from her home in bly hall. plest organisms up through Insects, Philadelphia. Mrs. Michaels told au­ Thi'ee Adopt It Los Angeles, Calif., Oct. 3.— The reptiles, birds and animals to man. LEVINE, IN ROME DOCTOR INTENDED thorities that she had suspected her Three towns in Connecticut have Then he said: daughter’s fate for some time. Interests of millions of earners FIVE PERSONS DEAD “ The monogamous family, with Held W’lthont Ball ' adopted the General Statute on centered here today as the forty- LOCAL BOY WINS town planning. They are Wind­ life-long union of mates, appears to Yarrow, held without bail today sor, population, 8,50G; Westport, seventh annual convention of the be the final term in a long evolu­ VISITS THE POPE TO BREAK UP HOME charged with the Sarlo murder, population 6,000 and East Hart­ American Federation of Labor YALE SCHOLARSHIP IN BOSTON BLAZE tionary series. The polygamous confessed his guilt, according to po­ ford, population 17,000. Several opened its session to consider the system is sometimes defended on lice, admitting that he drove tho young Sunday school teacher to a other towns and cities have adopt­ economic and social problems of or­ the ground that In it the stronger ed Town Planning, but under a become the parents of the next gen­ After Audience He Says Pon­ Suspected His Wife Was Too lonely spot last night, shot her, special , act which gives those par­ ganized workers throughout the eration, the weaker being excluded, trussed her up -with wire, and ticular towns and cities the kind world. WSliam S. McCormick, of Delay in Sending Alarm and that this results "In a steady threw her body over a bridge. of town planning best adapted to Committed to a policy of con­ raising of the level of the popula­ tiff Will Bless All His Fu­ Friendly With Willis Mrs. Michaels told police Yarrow their forms of government. This structive development and service tion. Whether this notion Is sour.d married her daughter in 1920, Our High School Gets Causes Tragedy— Many when the girl was only fourteen. bears out the Selectmen’s asser­ to Induatry, the world’s largest con­ or unsound, the tendencies of the Beach. tion that the general statute on vention will affect through its rul­ human race appear distinctly ture Flights. The couple lived in Philadelphia town planning W’as not Intended ings the welfare not only of the Award at New Haven. Thrilling Rescues. against this condition and It seems until two and a half years ago, for towns of Manchester’s size, nor American laborer, but of his fellow certain to disappear.” when a baby girl was born to Mrs. ■having Manchester’s form of gov­ workers in Canada, Mexico and the Temporary families Rome, Oct. 3.— All the future Hammontoh, N. J., Oct. 3.— In­ Yarrow. Six months later they sep-' ernment. countries of Europe. ' formation purporting to show that arated, the baby being left with Several town officers in East Boston, Mass., Oct. 3.— State and Temporary families, another sys­ flights of Charles A. Levine, of the The Delegates New Haven, Conn., Oct. 3.— tem proposed for man, and to some Dr. William Lllllendahl, 72-year- Mrs. Michaels, who said she had Hartford informed members of Delegates representing every Yale University today announced city police and fire officials today trans-Atlantic plane Columbia, will not seen her daughter since. Manchester’s Board of Selectmen extent practiced, was also found old physician who was mysterious­ branch and phase of organized la­ award of scholarships to graduates opened an Investigation into the wanting by the professor. be blessed by the Pope. and Clerk George H. Waddell that bor will be aided in their deliber­ ly slain l&A September 15, three MOST BRUTAL CRIME town planning in the neighboring of Coi^nectlcut high school stud­ Sunday fire which swept a four “ This system,” said < Prof. Jen­ This assurance was given to the ations by the counsel of their own New York flyer today by the pon­ months ago intended to leave hla Woodbury, N. J., Oct. 3.— Charg­ town was most unsatisfactory. members and the advice of state ents as follows: story brick dwelling house on Hud­ nings, “ we find It many birds and animals. Individuals are to become tiff himself when Levine was re­ wife because he suspected her of ed with one of the most brutal mur­ Though adopted but a year ago and national figures who are lend­ City of Bridgeport Murray son street, South End, taking a toll ders In New Jersey’s history, the commission and its work has mates for a longer or shorter ceived in audience at the Vatican.

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