SINGING! EDUCATION EXPERIENCE ­ O More Vocal Techniques Sections O More Wooclsllecl & Tag Singing NOW BETTER THAN EVER! O More Coaclling Time for Quartets

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SINGING! EDUCATION EXPERIENCE ­ O More Vocal Techniques Sections O More Wooclsllecl & Tag Singing NOW BETTER THAN EVER! O More Coaclling Time for Quartets TWO DOWN, THREE TO GO! /!~~~1J>< IS PROUD TO ANNOUNCE THE RELEASE OF: "The Complete WOI'I<s, Volume 1\\'0" Thanks to your fabulous response to the release of "The Complete Works, Volume Four", we can now otfer "The Complete Works, Volume Two" from your 1961 International Quartet Champions, the SUNTONES. This digitally re-mastered double album volume features the songs from "'''atch 'Vilat Happens" and "Somewhere". Three other volumes from six other albums have already been digitally re-mastered and can be released if we receive enough response to the two volumes now available. Now you can recapture more of the magic of a foursome that entertained audiences all over North America in a performance and recording career that spanned tbrcc decades. SONGS: Watch What Happens' By The Time J Get To Phoenix' Jean' Lollipops And Roses' If I Fell· Their Hearts Were Full Of Spring' Hospitality' Lida Rose' Jerome Kern Medley· Finian's Rainbow Medley' Old Folks' Sheik Of Araby' Bye, Bye, Blues' They Didn't Believe Me • Tennessee Waltz· No, No, Nora' My Buddy' I'm Going Back To Carolina' A Little Street Where Old Friends Meet· A Bundle Of Old Love Letters' West Side Story Medley. I : TITLE QTY TAPE TAPE PRICE QTYCD CD PRICE EXTENDED PRtCE l ACOUSTIX - Stars & Stripes $10 $15 t ACOUSTIX - The New Science or Sound $10 $15 SUNTONES - The Complete Works, Vol. II $15 $20 SUNTONES - The Complete Works, Vol. IV $15 $20 Vocal Majority - Best Of The Early Years $10 $15 Vocal iVlajority - I'll Be Seeing You $10 $15 Vocal ivlajority - Alleluia $10 $15 Vocal iVlajority - The Secret Of Christmas $10 $15 N. American shipping add $2.50 OFFICE USE ONLY SUB TOTAL Outside N. America add $5.00 SHIPPtNG Texas residents add 8.25% sales tax TAX (if applicabte)I---------- Allow 4 weeks for delivery ® TOTAL (US $) NAivlE ADDRESS _ CITY STATE, ZIP CODE COUNTRY _ I : VtSA 0 MC 0 AMEX 0 DISCOVER 0 EXP DATE ACCOUNT NUMBER I I SIGNArURE PHONE (_ ______ORDER DATE _ 1 am interested in these volumes, should they become available: Check out Ihe ACOUSTIX "home page" VOLUME l'HRE[( VOLUME ONE VOLUME FIVE World Wide Web t962-1966 t972 t977- t982 on the for more information TOliCh Of Gold Keep America Singing Wherc Is Lovc about the quartet and recordings available from Aftcrglow TOllch or Old My Fair Lady ACOUSTIX PRODUCTIONS: e http://time.pop.upenn.eel u/aeousl aeoustix.him 0 0 0 ixl Mail to ACOUSTIX PRODUCTIONS - t0455 N. Central Expressway, Ste 109-128 Dallas, Texas 75231-2211 USA Fax Credit Card orders to 214/265-9555 or call 214/265-STIX (7849) for Booking Information EMAIL: [email protected] ~ t~i~~b~~o~..:~:.~ '::~':!~~lg ~~u~~~c~: ~~~I~I!?S~~n~:.:~:p~c·~c~~t~o~ !..h=. :'O~I':~S_O! ~u':l~r:r~~~~s ~':: '::~~0l:r~?!,.C!~ ':~I~~ ~s.:. _ Novcmber/December 1995 The Volumc LV, No.6 The lI(/r/lwJliz~'r (USPS No. 577700) (155N 0017-7849) Is the oflicilll puhlication orill.. Socil.'ly for lIu" Prescn'atloll l'tIld Elll.'olll'agcJIll.'nt of Bllrbcr Shop Quartet Singing in '?Jlarmonizer ,\I1Il'ril':I. 111(', (SI'EIISQSA).II is Illlhlishcd illl!Jc l1Ionlhs ofJ:l11uary, 1\lal'('l1, "lay, J lily, Septcmher find NOH'1ll bl'r A BI·MONTHLY MAGAZINE PUBLISHED FOR AND ABOUT MEMBERS OF at 7930 Shcrid:1I1 Road, l(l.'llosha, Wisconsln5.l14J. Sec­ SPEBSQSA. INC. IN THE INTERESTS OF nARBERSHOP HARMONY ond-class postage Ilaid :It Kenoshn, Wisconsin, and at additional mailing ofl1ccs. Edilorirtl :md adHrlising of­ fices art' at the Society hcadqUllrlCfS. Adn-rlising niles :1\'llilahlc II pon r('(luesl. I'uhlisher f1SSUIIl('S no responsibil­ ity for return of ullsolidled manuscripts Ot' lIrlwork. Features Postmaster: send lIddrrss changes 10 edltorilll offites of Tilt' /lurmOI/;;'I", 79.10 Sheridall Road, Kenosha, Wiscon­ sin 531-l3:lt Il.'aslthirty d:lYs hefore the ne.\t public:ltion 4 Marquis made attitude payoff d:llc. A portioll ofcacl1 member's tlues is allocated to conr meet your 1995 international quartet champion Ihe llI:lgazine's subscription price. SlIbscrilllion pl'lce to nOll-members is Sl8 ~'e:lrly or S3 pcr issue; forrigll sub­ 6 Harmonizers used wake-up call for focus scriptions arc 527 ~'e:lrlr or S-I,50 pcr iuuc (U. S. funds meet your 1995 international chorus champion only), UI995 by thl.' Society for thl.' I'reSel'nltioll alld Encouragclllcnt of Darbrr Shop Qual·tet Singing in Amcl'ira, Inc. 8 Understanding our Society's budget details about where the money comes from and where it goes Society Headquarters 11 Kicking off "Operation Harold Hill" SPEBSQSA all about an exciting new recruitment tool 6315 Third Avenue Kenosha, WI 53143-5199 12 Management Study Report-Part 2 Telephone (414) 653-8440 second in a series on Society restructuring Toll-rree (800) 876-SING (7464) 14 1995 Buckeye Invitational another success FAX (414) 654-4048",654-5552 Ann,,"t August barbershop bosh gets better every year Office Hours: RlUll. - 5 p.m, i\lol\day·Fl'ida~' (Crlltral Timr) 20 Empowering your members Part seven in a series on chapter craft Headquarters Office Stoff JOE LILES. Executive Director DAN NAUMANN, Director orr..lusic Education & Services DN:l\[email protected] Special center section F1«ANK SANTARELLI, Din."'CtoroITin:l1lcc & Administmtion GAHY S"I'..\1'0II\1. DirectorofL\larketing alUi TOM DAlm, II:mnony Foundation Progmm Coordinator SingAmerica/SingCanada RUTH BLAZINA-JOYCE, ;>'luscum Cumtorlt\rchivist nAN nAlLY, Publications Editor Harmony CollegelDirectors College 1996 [email protected] JIi\1 DEDUSi\IAN, r..lusic Sp\C"C"ialisVCOTS/Qlwrtets JimDi'[email protected] LANIIJIETER, C8.:J Coordin.1!or;Quartct Registry Also in this issue RUSS FOUlS. L\1anag\C"r of~1edia Production and Sen'iees WARREN LEISEi\lANN, r..lanager oflnfOnllation Systems BRIAN LYNCH, Public Relations I\l:rnagcr 16 Marketing the Society brian.l)'nch@genie_.eom DETTY i\IAIJSEN, L\krch:llldise Ord.. rs ~'\; Shipping 18 Services EV NAU, J\1:lIlagcr ofL\kmbcrship Development &. Outreach BILL RASH lEIGH, r..lusic S!X"'CialistlYouth Ol11n.';lCh 22 From Society Archives GHEG nISi\lOEN, Computer Network J\lanagcr PATIUCK TUCK EH-KELLY, World HanllOn)'fr..1cmlxfShip 22 In Memory [email protected] DEE VESEVICK, Assistant to the Executive Dirl'l'tor KEN BUCKNER, J\lanager ofCorm,'ntions & J\lectings 24 The Way I See It ... Louisville. K)'. (502) 893-728R FAX: R93·669.i 26 Letters to the Editor CH,\RlIE GREEN, Director ofO.::vclopmcnt r..linnea]1olis. ;>'1inn. (612) 929-00-.l1 FAX: 929-0552 27 Barbershop Around the World 28 Chapters in Action SOCIETY VISION STATEMENT The Society is to be a widely recognized, ever­ 30 News About Quartets growing, singing fraternity ot men, drawn together 32 Swipes 'n' Swaps-bargains for barbershoppers by t11eir love of the four-part, acappella, close­ harmony style of music known as barbershop, whose mission is to perpetuate that style by shar­ ing it and their love tor il with people of all ages througl10ut the world; and to be a leader in the On the cover caUSe of preserving and encouraging vocal mu­ sic, in our education systems and in our commu­ Scholarship support of The Tucson Boys Chorus, shown here, by the Tucson, Ariz., nities, as a litelong recreational activity and an Chapter, exemplifies the very best in Society outreach efforts_ See the complete story ",seatial element in one's cultural \'Iell-being. in the special section of this issue. November/December 1995 8fmflJonizer SPEBSQSA Officers Execllt;I'C COlllmittee President: Dick Shaw, 35 Vllgabond Lane, Winler Haven, FL 33SS1 by Joe Liles, Executive Director Vice PresidelltITrl':ISUfcr: Tim Hanrahan, 215 Hedgecoc~ Court Satellite Brach, FL 32937 Vice President: Ed Waesche, 6 Visla lane, Melville, NY 11747 Vice President: Chuck Watson, 784 ~..lcCall Court, Columbus, OH 43235 Immediate Past President: Emil' Nickoson, 1702 Cameron 0., Lexington, KY 40505 Executive Director: Joe Lite-s ex ofJicio SPEBSQSA Board Members Cardinal: William Campbell, S~ 10 South East St., Indianapoli~, IN 46227 Centml Stal,'S: Fred Telkr, 1520 Crestmoor Dr., Hastings, NE 68901 Di\ie: Ch.1Jlie Ro><" P.O. Box 18$5, Rod.)' Mount, NC 27$().t E\'ergr~n: Ken Fletcher, 4241 21st West, /1100, SeJltle. \\'A 98199 Far We>lem: Did;, 3~8SS L)lI Ave.. Hemet, CA 920545 llIinois: Gene McNish, 120$ Wakefield Dr., Springfield, IL 627G4 Johnny Apl'!e;..'\.-.i G>:nc Court>, 25-t-t ~IJ<fuon Rd, Cindruuti, OH 45203 L3nd 0' l.a~e~: Duane Hulton, Rt. I, Box 146, Rollingstone, MN 55969 There's a lot in this issue Mid·AtlJntie: Merritt Allman. 2400 \\'as,nerDr., Westl31\TI, PA 19609 Northeastern: Uill Ferrigno, 140 Sea View AYe., Wakefield, RI 02879 Onurio: Ric~ Snouhen, 23 Bmdenton Dr., \\'illqll'dak, ON M2H IY4 CANADA PionNr. Roger le\\is, 20125 12 "Iile Rd., Batlle Credo., MI 49017 eptember began my 21 st year as Furthering the vitalization process is Rod:)' Mountain: II-;lll]ensen, 4tH G West Rockrimmon Blvd, Colorado Springs. CO 80919 an employee of the Society. Operation Harold Hill, possibly the most SenNa land: Dick Renner. 3795 l.yell Rd., Rochester, NY 14606 Working with thousands of vol­ innovative approach to membership South\\"<."stem: Bruce Clark, 2469 Osford A"e., San Angelo, TX 1690-1 S Sumhinc: Ned Fogkr, 14928 Fl."athl."r Co\"<: Rd., Clearwater, FL 3~622 unteers and talented, dedicated head­ growth your Society has ever initiated. alld Dil'('ctorS-al-Lmge D;lll B:ika, 525 Beh'ed~re Dr./llO, Hot Springs, AR 71901 quarters staff members has been a life­ What's in it for you? How can you be­ Rob Hop~ins, 163 Arro\\head Way, Clinton, NY 13323 enrichening experience.
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    (j ( ) "announC!f;ng• THE INTERNATIONAL CHAMPIONS FOR 1964 ('J onlyon \' ................I THE TOP TEH BARBERSHOP QUARTETS Of 1964 Official S. P. E. B. S. Q. S. A. Recording Sidewinders: Riverside, California· Four Renegades: Skokie, Oak Park, Illinois and Gary, Indiana • The Nighthawks: london, Ontario· Four Rascals: Marblehead, Massachusetts 1964 INTERNATiONAL BARBERSHOP CHORUS WINNERS • Impostors: Skokie, County line, Illinois' Auto Towners: Official S. P. E. B. S. Q. S. A. Recording Dearborn, Michigan' Golden Staters: Arcadia, California' Border Chorders: EI Paso, Texas' Miamians: Miami, Florida Journeymen: Cascade, Oregon • Four-Do-Mallcs: Seattle, • Chorus Of The Dunes: Gary, Indiana' Smokeyland Chorus: Washington • BayTown Four: Berkeley and Marin, California. Knoxville, Tennessee· Riverside Chorus: Riverside, Cali· Ol4512·0l745121SI fornia. Ol4513' Ol 745131S) '.- .. now IlVllilllble! ~ ~I THE BEST Of BARBERSHOP-25 Years of Barbershop auar, {[h.'ilesf of 'ilarb.rshoP} let Champions. An attractive two·record set, including an annotated, illustrated history of 25 years of Barbershop "r - Quartet Champions. A Classic Collection! 1~~T -- OX·1BO YEAJlSOF ....... 1 I ~NNI\YS l@ I I I-~~l}f vI_ I OECC:Iil :',I';C~AO• u ~, j ..,' Ii> " All Decca Bafbefshop ,ecoId.. may be purchased !10m: Your local record dealer or by contacting S.P.LB.S.Q.S.A., Incorporated. 6315 Third Avenue. Kenosha. Wisconsin 53141. ( March-April VOL. xxv 1965 No.2 International Board of Directors In/emational Officers President, Albtl[ L. Smith, Jr., P.O. Box 111~H. POIt WOr/h. Tuas - 76110 THE HARMONIZER is tht official publication of Ihe Sociely for lhe Pft'strvalion and Immedialc PJS( Prnidenr. D,ln \'\'astlchuk, \·\14 Biem· Encouragtmtnr of DJrbcr Shop Quarlt't Singing in America, Inc.
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