SCHEDULE OF EVENTS November 6 Executive Meeting - a p.m. at Allen's 1 8 Regular Meeting - End of term celebration December 4 Executive Meeting - 8 p.m. at Allen's 1 6 Installation a p.m.


MONTGOMERY FOREST No. 134 cHARTEREo TALL CEDARS OF LEBANON of NORTH AMERICA MAY 22. t94a FUN, FROLIC and FELLOWSHIP-WITH A PURPOSE MONTGOMERY CEDAR CLUB PHONE: 924-4375 OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF MONTGOMERY FOREST# 134 TALL CEDARS OF LEBANON Publishtd each month during the year except July and August. Subscription rates for non-member _$~00 per vear. (See nur Booster Chairman J

EDITOR ADVERTISING MANAGER Harry G. Annis, Jr., PGTC Ralph Tolley, SDGTC Copyright 1995, Montgomery Forest No. 134, T.C.L. PROCLAMATION By virtue of the power and authority in me vested by the Supreme Forest, Tall Cedars of Lebanon of North America, I hereby call a meeting of Montgomery Forest No. 134 to be held at the Montgomery Cedar Club Building, 4401 Muncaster Mill Rd., Rockville, MD, 20853, for the purpose of transacting such business as may come before the Forest on: SATURDAY Nov. 18 I Dec. 16, 1995 at 8:00 P.M. Attest: Norman L. Clark, P.G.T.C. Uwc W. Reiber SCRIBE GRANDTALL CEDAR SUPREME DIRECTOR REGION 2 James H. Dodson 221 Old Magothy Bridge Road Pasadena, Md. 21122 1-410-647-3673 DISTRICT DEPUTY SUPREME TALL CEDAR Dist. 20 G. Lee Ferguson 4821 Saul Road Kensington, Md. 20895 1-301-493-8694 Tall Cedar Foundation Chairman Robert W. Honecker 8344 Wagon Wheel Road Alexandria, Va. 22309 703-360-5335 T.C.F. TRUSTEE DISTRICT 20 Thomas Donnaud, P.G.T.C. 3401 Allison Street Brentwood, MD 20722 1-301-277-6015 EXECUTIVE BOARD Meets First Monday of Every Month at 7:30 pm 2200 Post Lane, Silver Spring, Md. Consists of all Elective Officers, Past Grand Tall Cedars, Past Scribes, Past Treasurers, Past Trustees, and the following representatives appointed by the Grand Tall Cedar: Phil Lumpkin, Earl Brown, Roy Trimmer. ELECTED OFFICIALS GRAND TALL CEDAR Uwe W. Reiber 4618 Tallahassee Ave. SENIOR DEPUTY Rockville, Md 20853 JUNIOR OEPUIY GRAND TALL CEDAR Res: 301-933-6271 GRAND TALL CEDAR Ralph M. Tolley, Jr. Marshall Gevinson 13807 Artie Ave 1 Rod

Preceptor F. William Scott, PTrus. 942·1241 Ch~ Harry G. Annis, Jr., PGTC 949-72\» Guide 434.3592 Sentinels Geor~~J~ ~'({;~;,jGM 5'.))-0785 William Edwards Historian 493-8694 Cheif Sidonian G. iJ!:h~~G~~7~:c~rc 871·t653 Tall Cedar Foundation Charles Ware, PGTC 871 ·8288 AIDES TO THE GRAND TALL CEDAR Personal Aides: Robert M. Thomson, PG TC 421-9301 Alexander DeSirnone, PGTC 9334960 Francis T. Lenahan, PGTC 942-6387 COMMITTEE CHAIRMEN Marshall H. Gevinson 871-1653 ~~·F~~ans Sol Zeidman Convention Chairman Robert 0. Allen, PGTC 4604646 Marshall H. Gevinson, JDGTC 871-1653 ~~~~urt Marshall H. Gevinson, JDGTC 871-1653 Finance & Budget Emile E. Joseph 946-3484 Sick & Wellare Harry G. Annis, Jr .. PGTC 949·72\» Cedar Beneln Fund J. Winston Blalock, P.G.T.C. 898-7203 Mermershp Harry G. Annis, Jr., PGTC 949·72\» Advertisic:'g Ralph M. Tolley, SDGTC 927·2535 Echo Ed1tot Harry G. Annis, Jr., PGTC 949-72\» By-Laws & Grievance James M. Wright, PGTC Auditing Marshall H. Armstrong. PS 840-0587 UNIFORMED UNIT OFFICERS

C~tain, Color Guard John Hutt 946~ 1707 Ch1aCklwn G. Edward Mortimer 948·5067 Cheif Greeter F. Wilham ScottPTrus 942· 1241 l IAISONS TO AEE!l IATED BODIES

Liaison to Blue Lodges Robert Thomson, PGTC 421-9301 Liaison to Dernolay 493·8694 Liaison to Cedarettes ~-e~~e :F~\1~~~~.pp~T~ 434-3592 Liaison to Cedar Club PauPA. Carroll, PGTC 946·5456 Liaison to Job's Daughters Harry G. Annis, Jr .. PGTC 949-72\» MONTGOMERY CEDARETTES CHARTERED NOVEMBER 2, 1978 ELECTED OFFICERS FOB 1995 Lieselotte H. Allen, President Linda Gevinson, 1st Vice-Pres. Barbara Ferguson, 2nd Vice-Pres. Yvonne Jerman, Sec. Son1a Lumpkin, Treas. Virginia Mullican Barbara Ware Kathryn Reiber Trustees ARE YOU BORED WATCHING THE SAME OLD THING ON TV? FOR A REAL FUN EVENING, COME OUT AND SEE YOUR MASONIC YOUTH IN ACTION! YOU'LL HAVE THE TIME OF YOUR LIFE, AND THEY'LL APPRECIATE YOUR SUPPORT.


Bethel 27 1st & 3rd Mondays , Germantown

Bethel 33 1st & 3rd Tuesdays Masonic Temple, Rockville

Bethel 63 1st & 3rd Thursdays Masonic Temple, Kensington


Montgomery Assembly #11 2nd & 4th Mondays Masonic Temple, Kensington


Provincial Chapter 1st & 3rd Wednesdays 7:30 p.m. Birmingham Lodge, Beltsville

Our Masonic Youth is our Future - PLEASE GiV,E THEM YOUR SUPPORT. :From 'Ifie Grand 'Ta{{ Cedar

3l:tfor 3Rribrr ~nmo


Thanks to all who are helping me out while I'm sick. Hopefully after all tests are completed they will know how to improve my health.

I understand all activities are under control and doing great.

Nov.18th Regular meeting 8 p.m. and elections.

Dec.16th Installation of Officers 7:30 P.m. also refreshments will be served. Mid-Winter Conference 1996 January 12, 13, & 14th at Hershey Lodge, Hershey, Pa. What a fantastic place to have it. Any new communications will come from the new elected Grand Tall Cedar.

GRAND TALL CEDAR cml'T PG. 16 :from 'The Senior rIJeputy

3Rmp~ Zfoll£u ~enior IDeputu


First let me say that if you did not make the dance in the October meeting, you really missed a great time. Good food, fellowship, fun and frolic were had by all. The music was great the whole show, as you all know, December is installation month and it would really be great to see some of our older members get out and come to the affair. I know it will be a good year next year with the help of the fine Tall Cedars of Montgomery Forest. Hope all are well, I understand the trip was a thing of beauty. Be quick to visit the sick, Ralph Mike Tolley ~rom 'Ifie Junior 'Deputy

Thought for today


..:ffiarsqrul Ci.eitinsan If you wislt TO succEEd, CONSULT TltREE PAST ~f Uf:ttar J!l.eputy ._ GRANd T All CEdARs ! ~ r BROTHER CEDARS:

Well, I got thru Jr. Deputy night, but not before both my Gavels __.aic:----were whisked away by P.G and Annapolis. ry happy to have representatives from Temple, Annapolis and Har-Ce, as my officers for the evening .. After closing we had a Horse race, with wooden horses that Phil and Sonja Lumpkin made. They didn't go exactly straight as the riders could attest to. The main thing is that fun and frolic was had by all., and that folks, is what it is all about.

October 21,was the Anniversary Dance, this is the only social event that Montgomery has for it's members. Why? Because there was a lack of interest and attendance for the New Years Dance and the Halloween Dance, both of which were very popular IN THE PAST. Well it appears based on MONTGOMERY'S attendance. that the membership wants to get rid of the last social gathering that we have in this Forest. Brothers, please think over you reasons for not attending our affairs, yard sales, Meetings, Picnics, Dinner dances. You are Phantom members of this Forest, we want to see you again, socialize with you again and see you at convention again. Most of all brothers, we need your presence to strengthen our Forest. I intend to push this Organization and this Forest into the Community, by getting involved with the Civic associations. Once the Community knows us we can draw from it's numbers and increase our membership. Ideas are solicited by all officers. LET'S MAKE IT HAPPEN BROTHERS, WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT

CON'T PG. 15 5 !From 'Ifie Scribe

Norman '31I. Qllarh, Jl.C©.

Cedarly, ~rom 'Ifie Cliap{ain

'Your cfiapfoin is avaifoMe, fiis scfieau[e pennitting, for any dergy auties. :funerafs, councifing or just ta[/(jng over 1la:rru Annis, J.~.OC.

I am asked more than anything else, "Am I sure there is a heaven?" I am not the one to ask, you should ask in prayer. Our beleief and faith are all we need. My faith leads me to look at the grass, the trees and yes animal life as we know ourselves. How could such things just happen and then there must be more to life than this world. All of us have problems. Don't you think there must be a happier place where our soul can rest. We will wear out our clothes, cars and even our houses in time will decay, but our soul will live on with our creator, this I truly believe. Mary had a very good life, she had more money than she could ever use. She suddenly became a widow. I knew her and her husband, so she came to me for comfort. She said "I can't go on, I'm all alone and it hurts, I miss him so." My first thought was to have her join in a bereavement class at a local hospital. I continued to minister to her explaining how we wear out everything we have. Our bodies are no exception. We must continue our faith and remember we are His only hands, we are His earthly decioles.

CHAPLAIN CON'T PG; 15 Dear Cedarettes: One of the many splendors of life is the Season of Fall with the foliage bursting with every beautiful color imaginable. Fall is also the time of year that the plants and trees shed that foliage to make room for new buds for the next year. This cycle is one that is also followed by our fraternal organizations. This is the time of year that our present officers will be preparing to step aside to make way for the new officers you elect and install to lead the Montgomery Cedarettes next year. Our election of officers for next year will be held at our regular meeting on Saturday, November 18th, and our installation of officers will be held on Saturday, December 16th. We had plenty of activities to keep us busy this past October! On October 5th Montgomery Forest and the Montgomery Cedarettes participated in a 'Lock-Up' which was held in Germantown. We received a credit of $2,500.00 toward the Forest M. D. Fund. John Huff, Norm Clark and Al Spadin represented the Forest, and Janet Clark, Edna Speich, Barbara Ware, Carolyn Tolly and myself represented the Montgomery Cedarettes. This $2, 500. 00 along with the Star Trek in June and the Bay Bridge Walk in May totals $7,235.00 towards the M. D. Fund.

CEDARETTES CON'T PG. I • CEDARETTES: CONTINUED our bus trip to New England was wonderful, Everything went very well. The weather was unseasonably warm for New England this time of year. And the color of the foliage was absolutely beautiful. Nothing but sunshine. I am sure we all gained a few pounds with all that good food. I know I did. Our bus driver, Les Graham from Capitol Forest did an excellant job. Thank you Les. We reserved the back seat in the bus for our refreshments. My thanks to our stewardesses, Beryl Moyer and Pearl Hunt for seeing that everyone on the bus was well supplied with refreshments on the trip up as well as the return trip home. We had eight Tall Cedars and 11 Cedarettes on the trip. The Anniversary Dinner Dance went off especially well. The Chairman, Bob Thomson, did an excellent job of promotion. My guess would be that we had about 160 to 170 Cedars, Cedarettes, Supreme Forest Officers, family and friends in attendance. The dinner was a success thanks to Sonja Lumpkin, Carolyn Tolley and Yvonne Jerman for helping me out. I also want to thank those who brought the door prizes and the sweets for the desert table. On Sunday, October 22, we had a memorial service in The First Baptist Church of Rockville for our departed sister, Grace Armstrong. It was a very inspiring service. We had 16 Cedars and Cedarettes in attendance. Thank you all for coming. Our condolences to husband, Marshall. On December 2nd we will have our Holiday Luncheon at Phineas. Barbara Ware is in charge. She will give us further details. Ladies, do not forget our Executive and Regular Meeting on December 6th. After the meeting we will have our installation rehearsal. Please remember the date!

CEMIETTEI CON'TP N. 1I 9 <1Idmrdh~s '1Ion't The budget meeting, consisting of present and newly elected officers, will be in December. Linda will let me know the date. I will let you know the date in my November newsletter. George Moyer was feeling badly and was admitted to the Seventh-Day Adventists Hospital Sunday October 22nd. I just learned that he was operated on the following day for an Aneurism in his abdominal, a blocked bowel and an impaired circulation in his right leg. He is presently in I. c. u. Hopefully he will be by the time you receive this issue of the Echo. I also just heard that Judy Alexander's sister, Ellen, suddenly passed away in October. Keep the sick in your thoughts, and call on them when yo The look forward to hearing from you. Happy holid and their families. Robert W. Adee Duncan R. Jerman, Jr. Robert K. Alexander Ptreas Yvonne Jerman PP Judy Alexander Emile Joseph Bob Allen PGTC 1995 365 CLUB Edith Joseph Lisa Allen, Pres. Rev. Ernest Kavadas Harry G. Annis, Jr. PGTC Ida Kavadas Emily Annis Thomas Knaack Nathan I. Atwood PGTC Ronald Knight Jane A. Atwood Frank Lenahan PGTC Betty Bean Bima Lenahan Ivan Berry Jr. Maria Lenahan Wayne Blackbum, Trustee Daniel Lucas Ray C. Bodmer Ernest Mallette PT Bennie H. Brown Donald Mallorey PGM Paul Carroll PGTC Peggy Mallorey Alma Carroll Robert Marshall Janet L. Carroll Gin Masenheimer PP Al Chalk William A. McGrath, Jr. Pat Chalk Clare B. McGrath Janet Clark PP Lloyal C. Mcintire, Trustee Norman Clark PGTC Jack Mettee Richard Collins James M. Moores Helen Collins Thomas Morris Eddie Daniel Thurman Morris Florence Daniel Robert Morris PGM Alex Desimone PGTC Margaret Morris Janie Desimone George F. Moyer PGM Frank Dudley Beryl Moyer PP Lee Ferguson DDSTC Carlton E. Ohlheiser Barbi Ferguson, 2nd VP Jacoba S. Quinn W. McGordon Ferguson Oscar Quinn John C. Frick PGTC Sheldon B. Richman George E. Friedrich, Jr Walter Robinson Marshall Gevinson JDGTC Joanne Robinson Linda Gevinson 1st VP Robert F. Ruhl Wayne Gingrich Arlene Ruhl Richard Goehring F. William Scott PT William C. Gray Clara Scott Thomas J. Hardman Carl D. Sharpless The HOCKMAN Five Scott A. Sharpless PGTC Orville C. Hockman PGTC Albert R. Spadin PGTC Savilla Hockman. Edie Spadin PP Clifford Hubbard Harold Spangenberg Helen Hubbard Charles Stratton John Huff Robert Swindell Diane Huff Everett B. Terry, P Treas. Robert Thomson PGTC Mary Thomson PP Ralph M. Tolley SDGTC Carolyn Tolley Jack Voight Dick Whiting PT Madeline West 1995 BOOSTERS

Daniel W Miller SDSTC #139 Bryan C. Troutman Maurice Minner, Jr. Trustee #104 Jack Voight Jack Mettee Robert Walters Nancy Monroe Chuck Ware PGTC James M . .\1oores Barbara J. Ware, PP Thomas Morris Terry Weaver GTC #139 Thurman .\1orris Madeline West Robert Morris PGM Dick Whiting PT Margaret .\1orris Ray Whitney PGTC #163 Skinny Morris PGTC #I 04 Harold T. \\'hitlock., Jr. George Moyer PGM Charles L. Wood Beryl Moyer PP Donald Zitsch Carlton E. Ohlheiser Dr. F.J. Pepper MD GTC #136 Hon. Del Pepper Murphy Pepper Irv Petschke PT #I 04 Stanley Pittelkow PGTC #I 04 Jacoba S. Quinn Oscar Quinn Mary Jean Potts PP #104 Sheldon Richman Walter Robinson Joanne Robinson Robert F. Ruhl Arlene Ruhl F. William Scott PT 1995 IN MEMORIAM Clara Scott Anne Braun, PP Carl D. Sharpless Clifton H. Buhrmaster, PGTC Scott A. Sharpless PGTC Fobert C. Garland, PGTC Harry Hanlein, PGTC Gladys Sipe Hazel Hanlein Albert R. Spadin PGTC Welby French Edie Spadin PP Eduard lmwold Martha lmwold Harold Spangenberg J. Myron Jones, PGTC William T. Spencer PGTC $13E Jose Jusino Stewart H. "Bud" Masenheimer, PSTC Tony Stabinsky PGTC #139 Walter Mullican, PGTC Karl Stadler PT #139 Stanley T. Powers, Ptreas Jim Stephens William R. Seibert, Ptreas John Speich, PS Eleanor Stephens Eugene Terry, PT John Suckling Trustee #104 Arthur Ware, PT Robert Swindell Betty Mallette Everett B. Terry, Ptreas Robert Thomson PGTC Mary Thomson PP Ralph M. Tolley SDGTC Carolyn Tolley 1995 BOOSTERS

Robert Adee Linda Gevinson 1st VP Dutch Albert PT # 104 George Gilbreath GTC # 163 Jack Albertson PGTC #104 Mary Gilbreath Robert K. Alexander Ptreas. Wayne Gingrich Judy Alexander Emma Gingrich Bob Allen PGTC Richard Goehring Lisa Allen, Pres. Adie Goldberg Mickey Ander JDGTC # 163 lfonzo Gonnella #139 Harry G. Annis, Jr. PGTC Les Graham PT # 104 Emily Annis William C. Gray Samuel T. Atkinson PSTC Matthew Haley Helen Atkinson PP # 136 Barbara Hayden Nathan J. Atwood PGTC John Higgason Guide # 104 Jane A. Atwood Michael J. Hlatke III STC Bill Bair Orville C. Hockman PGTC Harold Barrick PGTC # 104 Savilla Hockman Betty J. Beane Bob Hollinger PDDSTC Ivan L Berry, Jr. Cliff Hubbard Wayne Blackburn, Trustee Helen Hubbard Jim Carrick PT #45 John Huff Paul Carroll PGTC Diane Huff Alma Carroll Robert Hughes Janet L Carroll Duncan R. Jerman, Jr. Al Chalk Yvonne Jerman Pat Chalk Emile Joseph Janet Clark PP Edith Joseph Norman Clark PGTC Rev. Ernest Kavadas Olga Coats Ida Kavadas Richard Collins Joe Kirby PGTC # 104 Helen Collins Ronald Knight Eddie Daniel Herbert Koehne Guide # 163 Florence Daniel Hiley Koontz JDGTC #142 Alex Desimone PGTC Bruce Kosian Janie Desimone Frank Lenahan PGTC James Dodson SD Reg. 2 Birna Lenahan Tom Donnaud TCF Trustee Maria Lenahan Frank Dudley Daniel Lucas Joe Edwards PGTC #139 Ernie Mallette PT Bill Edwards PGTC #139 Donald Mallorey PGM William M. Edwards Peggy Mallorey Lee Ferguson DDSTC Thomas E. Marlow PSD #139 Barbi Ferguson, 2nd VP Robert Marshall W. Mc Gordon Ferguson Gin Masenheimer PP John Frick PGTC Howard Matthews PGTC #142 Ray Fridley PGTC #163 William A. McGrath, Jr. Marshall Gevinson JDGTC Lloyal C. Mcintire, Trustee TALL CEDARS OF LEBANO"'' OF NORTH AMERICA Masonic Harmony - 'Nill Mix in "96" MIDWINTER CONFERENCE JANUARY 12. 13. and 14. 1996 THE HERSHEY Lodge & Convention Center Hershey, PA 17033



SINGLE $258.00 $129.00 • • • Following the trend in the industry and DOUBLE $192.00 $96.00 preferences of the majority of our guests, TRIPLE $166.00 $83.00 68% of the rooms at THE HERSHEY Lodge are QUAD $154.00 $77.00 non-smoking.••• CHILDREN UNDER 9 $70.00 $35.00 (Children in room with parents are free. Price includes breakfast, dinner, tax and gratuity each day) Saturday Dinner Only: $30.00 per person (includes tax and gratuity) Two Nrght Package Plan Includes: Friday's Lodging, Dmner, After Dinner Social and Dance, Saturday's Breakfast, Omner, Lodging, Sunday's Breakfast and all raxes gratu1t1es. One Night Package Plan Includes: Saturday's Dinner, lodging, Sunday's Breakfast and all taxes and gratuities. 1ckage includes a rebate paid to the Tall Cedars of Lebanon. tlephone calls and other incidentals are not included in package. DTE: For your convenience, most major credit cards accepted at check-out. Check-in Time: 4:00PM Check-Out nme: 12:00 Noon PLEASE USE THIS FORM FOR RESERVATIONS - DO NOT PHONE IN YOUR RESERVATIONS. COMPLETE THIS FORM AND RETURN TO YOUR FOREST HOUSING CHAIRMAN

NOTE: Reservations will be accepted up to DECEMBER 11. 1995 and must be accompanied by a $50.00 deposit per room. This deposit will gaarantee your reservation at THE HERSHEY Lodge & Convention Center and will be applied only for the confirmed day of arrival. Credit cards are not acceptable for deposit. Reservation requests without deposits will be returned without action. Make checks payable to your Forest. Deposits will be returned if a cancellation is received no later than 48 hours prior to arrival. Please mail your reservation early.

:uT ALONG THIS LINE) (CUT ALONG THIS Lii ROOM RESERVATION REQUEST FORM THE HERSHEY Lodge & Convention Center eservation received less than 30 days prior to group arrival. Group Co cepted on space available basis.) TAL01 Arrival Date: _ _,_ _ _,___ Departure Date: Sharing With (if applicable) uest Name------Name :reet ------­ Street------­ ty ------City------ate ____ Zip _____ Phone------State _____ Zip ------Phone------

Room Occupancy: (circle one) single double triple quad >. of Rooms------Forest Name and Number:_,------>. of Guests ••*Smoking Room (if available) ) check here Courtesy Car Service from Harrisburg International Airport (with prior arrangements ONL V) Arrival Date: Air1ine Flight If ____ Time

LADIES LUNCHEON RESERVATION 1me: ------Forest Name & Number------($15.00 per person inclusive of tax and gratuity)

ITEMIZED DEPOSIT FOR ABOVE RESERVATIONS INOTE: Make check payable to YOUR FOREST) Room Reservations x $50.00 deposit per room. $____ _ Ladies Lunch Reservations @ $15.00 per person. $ _____ Total Deposit Enclosed = $ _____ )UN/OR DEPUTY - Continued

Happenings in the future; OAPOA /Oct 30, Temple Installation/ Nov. 24, Seminole Forest gets charted /Nov. 25 (congrats Al), Mid Winter at Hershey /Jan 12, 13 and start planning to attend the Convention at Wildwood in May 1996 Sorry for all the Bitching brothers, but it had to be said ! CJ3e more active in visiting otfter forests. tftat's wftere brotfterftood bell_ins.

OuR dtouGltTs ANd Good wisltEs GO OUT TO you bRoTltER fRANcis T., iN youR fiGltT TO hEAT youR illNEss. You ltAvE buT TO CALl, wltEN you ARE iN NEEd!

Cedarly, r\J1...Jl -~ _. n " (I ~'>~&_~ '-~~~ww~www~~www~ww~~wwww~www~wwww .:rc1w.1aci.s111:1r.ur.:.:w.:4C1te:ar.1_.,.,.,,.,.,11r.11e11C1tr.14C1/iC1ilr.1/ilC1-=1w.11e1-.i1e1w~


It took this lady over a year to regain herself to a more normal life. She has heen a widow for over five years and today she is the leader of a bereavement class. She is a true believer today. Before her husbands death I don't think she ever read a bible or knew much about God. What a change.

"We only see a little of the ocean, a few miles distance from the rocky shore. But, oh, out there beyond the eye's horizon there's more, there's more. We only see a little of God's love, a few rich treasures from His mighty store. But, oh, out there beyond, beyond the fifes horizon there's more, there's more."

Cedarly, 9iarry 'Emi{y ana myself wisli a{{ a very liavvy liofiaay 15 :From 'Ifie (jrancf 'Ia[[ Cedar

Oct. 21, 1995 Saturday, Anniversary Dinner Dance was superb. To top it all we had the honor and pleasure to have the Supreme Tall Cedar Michael J. Hlatke III and his wife Marie be with us on this magnificence occasion.

The table arrangement and decorations were very attractive, especially the Grand Tall Cedar's and guests table. The food was outstanding and very tasty. Thanks to Bob Thomson the MC for the evening for a job well done. And thanks to all the cedarettes and cedars for putting it all together so gracious.

The Singing Cedars and their band did a marvelous performance, honoring PGTC 1958 Alexander Desimone. Everyone present enjoyed The Band's music and danced.

We had a fantastic turn-out. A memorable evening to remember.

All those who coordinated and helped to make this a special evening deserved a lot of credit for their hard diligent work.

This is what it is all about Fun Frolic and Fellowship.

To those who were unable to attend they missed a lot.


Uwe Reiber BE NOT SLOW TO VISIT THE SICK: FOR THAT SHALL MAKE THEE TO BE BELOVED UWE W. REIBER, GTC 4618 Tallahassee Avenue Rockville, Md. 20853 933-6271 CYIL L. BROUGHTON c/o Medlantic Manor at Layhill 2601 Bel Pre Road Silver Spring, MD 20906 RICHARD WHITING, P. Tres. Autumn Arces Pers. Care Center Rte 3, Box 277B Berkeley Springs, W.Va. 25411 CLARENCE BINNIX, P. Trust. 11 05 Ruatan St. Silver Spring Maryland, 20903 301-434-4876 WILLIAM GRAY 713 Shetland St. Rockville, Maryland 20851 301-340-1 080 FRANCIS T. LENAHAN, PGTC 4626 Wissahican Ave. Rockville, Md. 20853 942-6387 GEARGE MOYER, PGM 11 04 Ruatan Street Silver Spring, Md. 20903 434-3592 C. ALVIN THADEN 9609 Garwood Street Silver Spring, Md. 20901 585-6119 -·-·-·-·- H.lVL' y Oll Vi,ired .1 nluc Lo(h~c Larclv' -·-·-·-·-

Hiram Takoma No 10, D.C. 2nd and 4th Thursdays

Petworth No. 47, D.C. 1st and 3rd Thursdays Mt. Hermon No. 179 1st and 3rd Tuesdays 1Except ~by and :\memh<'r. !st & 2nd Tuesdays) Chillum Castle No. 186 1st and 3rd Thursdays Pentalpha ~;o. 194 2nd and 4th Thursdays ,. Montgomerv No. 195 2nd and 4th Mondays Kensington No. 198 2nd and 4th Tuesdays \I ii. Silver Spring No. 215 2nd and 4th Mondays Cornerstone No. 224 1st and 3rd Tuesdays Wheaton No. 228 1st and 3rd Thursdays Samuel Gompers~ Benjamin Franklin No 45, D.C. Attend Lodge Hegularly - That's Where Tall Cedars Come ~ram -·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-Q-

FLORIST 330 Hungerford Drive Rockville, Md 20850 Baskets and Flowers for All Occasions Credit Cards Accepted Via Phone (,...... • PHONE: 762-9029.

Founded By: J, Arthur Walters(Member TCL #134) and Maude J. Walters

254 CARROLL STREET, NW 726-5200

18 ACTIVE LIVING PAST OFFICERS OF MONTGOMERY FOREST 1958 Alexander DeSimone, PGTC 10820 Georgia Ave., #115, Wheaton, MD 20902 933-4960 1959 Virgil II. Cain, PGTC 12702 Ilclen Rd., Silver Spring, MD 20906 946-5570 1960 Robert T. Jones,PGTC, PST 5099 S.E. Pineridge Way, Port Salemo, Fl 34992 407-287-6449 1964 Morton B. Burness, PGTC 11406 Nairn Road, Silver Spring, MD 20902 649-1140 1965 Orville C. Hockman 9220 Glenville Rd., Silver Spring, MD 20903 439-4370 1968 James E. Forder, Jr., l'GTC 13115 Burlwood Dr., Silver Spring, MD 20853 949-7762 1969 Edward L. Berardi, PGTC 23278 Weatherrnan Ave., Port Charlotte, Fl.A 33954 8 I 3-764-8780 1970 Albert A. Fleisher, PGTC, PDDSTC 1219 Palmetto Dr., Lady Lake, Fl. 32159 904-753-9317 1973 J. Winston lllalock, Sr., PGTC Union Bridge, MD 21791 301-898-7203 1974 John C. Frick, PGTC Rt 12, P.O. Box DI 11 Lake City, 1-1. 32025 1-904-758-6963 1975 Donald J. Bartel, PGTC 313 Magellan Dr., New Bern, NC 28560 919-637-7862 1976 Paul R. Carruthers, PGTC 12031 Coldstream Dr., Potomac, MD 20854 299-5202 1977 Paul A. Carroll, PGTC 12611 Atherton Dr., Wheaton, MD 20906 946-5456 1978 Nathan J. Atwood, PGTC 11 Peach Tree La., Boiling Springs, PA 17007 717-258-5111 1979 Francis T. Lenahan, PGTC 4626 Wissahican Ave., Rockville, MD 20853 942-6387 1981 Robert 0. Allen, PGTC 2200 Post Lane, Silver Spring, MD 20906 460-4646 1982 Robert M. Thomson, PGTC, PSD 900 Cliftonbrook La., Silver Spring, MD 20904 421-9301 1983 G. Lee Ferguson, PGTC 4621 Saul Rd., Kensington, MD 20895 493-8694 1985 Nicholas A. Kendros, PGTC 102 West Road, Mt. Airy, Md 21771-5116 301-774-5190 1987 James M. Wright, PGTC 25714 Ridge Rd., Damascus, MD 20872-1852 301-607-6175 1988 Charles Ware, PGTC 14423 Brad Drive, Rockville, MD 20853 871-8288 1990 David A. Holley, PGTC 27 Deepchanel Dr., Berlin, Md. 21811 1991 Scott A. Sharpless, PGTC 24 Quarter Staff Pl, 6607 Oc. Pines, Berlin Md 2181 I 410-208-0449 1992 Harry G. Annis, Jr., PGTC 3928 Wendy Lane, Silver Spring, Md 20906 949-7294 1993 Nonnan L. Clark, PGTC 1009 Neal Drive, Rockville, MD 20850 762-6374 1994 Albert Spadin, PGTC 1126 Viers Mill Rd., Rockville, MD 20851 340-879 I

1948-52 Everett B. Terry, !'Treas 9900 Sutherland Rd., Stlver Spnng, MD 20901 593-9563 1958-63 Ernest G. Mallette, !'Trust 1525 Foreat Glen Rd., Silver Spring, MD 20910 681-5222 1963-68 Robert K. Alexander, Pl'reas 13479 Newcastle Ave, Spring llill, 1-1 34609 1-904-683-8283 1965-70 Clarence W. Binnix, J>Trust 1105 Ruatan St., Silver Spring, MD 20903 434-4876 1969-73 Paul R. Carruthers, l'l'reas 12031 Coldstream Dr., Potomac, MD 20854 299-5202 1971-76 Richard G. Whiting, !'Trust Rte 3, Box 175E, Berkley Springs, W.Va. 25411 1971-76 Ivan L. Berry, Jr., !'!'rust 616 Prado Dr. Lady Lake, l·l. 32156 1-903-753-3605 1974-79 Charles Ware, Pl'rust 14423 Brad Drive, Rockville, MD 20853 871-8288 1977-81 Nelson W. Stalker, l'frust 2008 Ilenry Road, Rockville, MD 20851 770-3078 1979-83 Marshall H. Annstrong, PS 915 Clopper Road, A-4, Gaithersburg, MD 20877 840-0587 1980-84 Harry G. Annis, Jr., !'Trust 3928 Wendy Lane, Silver Spring, MD 20906 949-7294 1980-84 Douglas L. Louia, !'Trust 11013 Brandywine St., Kensington, MD 20895 949-0252 1981-85 Kenneth A. Elsner, l'l'rcas 3003 Parker Ave., Wheaton, MD 20902 933-4929 1982-86 Robert Q. Hiser, !'!'rust 5690 Fam1house Dr. Frederick, MD 21701 301-663-1008 1985-89 Ronnie G. Louia Pl'rust 4513 Funnan Rd., Silver Spring, MD 2090(, 949-2557 1987-91 F. William Scott, !'Trust 2605 Parker Ave. Wheaton. MD 20902 942-1241 1992- Robert K. Alexander, Musical Dm.:ctor Emeritus 1-904-683-8283 Affil: Charles J. Carroll, PGTC 3106 Redwood St, Brnnsw1ck, Ga. 31520-4319 ? \ (__

l,.-) l t }\ 5 t, cSC '( /-/ f 5 f ( ' )'::. l'- \ }~\ 1-- Descrij>_tion To Be Worn B_y_ Letter in_g_ Green FeTt Yellow Letters Members in Forest Name Green Trim General & Number Green Tassel Yellow Felt Royal Rangers Red Letters Members of Units Forest Name Green Trim Bandsmen & Number Green Tassel White Felt Green Letters Elected Officers Forest Name Black Trim of_ Constituent & Number Black Tassel Forests Red Felt Yellow Letters Grand Tall Cedars Forest Name Green Trim & Number Yellow Tassel Red Felt Yellow Letters Past Forest Name Green Trim Grand Tall Cedars & Number Green Tassel White Felt Appo1nteCf Ott1cers Green Letters & Unit Heads of Forest Name Black Trim Constituent Forest & Number Yellow Tassel Purple Felt White Letters Forest Chaplain Forest Name White Trim & Number White Tassel Reef Felt Past Scribe/Treas. Yellow Letters w/Syrs. service; Forest Name Yellow Trim Trustee w/Syrs. & Number White Tassel consecutive service White Felt Red Letters Appointed Supreme Supreme Red Trim Forest Officers Forest Red Tassel Officer White Felt Past Sup. For. Appt. Red Letters Off./Past or present Supreme Green Trim SF Committeeman with Forest Green Tassel 3 _y_rs. service White Felt Red Letters supreme Chaplain Supreme Purple Trim Chaplain Pur_E_le Tassel White Felt Gray Letters TCF Trustee Tall Cedar Gray Trim Foundation Gra_y_ Tassel Trustee White Felt TCF Chairman (Title) Silver Met. Lt rs or Silver Met. Trim TCF Director Tassel wn1te Felt STC, PSTC, SDSTC, (Tl tle-) Red Letters JDS TC, SS, ST, SD, Gold Met. Trim Past Sup. Forest Tassel Elected Officer 19-----

To the Grand Tall Cedar a'ld Brother Tall Cedars of Lebanon of MONTGOMERY FOREST No. 1 34 I. the undersigned. hereby declare that f am a member 1n qood standing of ------Lodge No ___ located at ______State of ______vouched for as having the necessary Qualifications and being desirous of resting under the shades ot the Tall Cedars of Lebanon, hereby offer myself as a candidate for the mysteries of this order. f furthermore declare that f have never previously applied for the degree of Tall Cedar. nor have f to my khowfedge, been elected or rejected by any Forest of Tait Cedars of Lebanon If found eligible. f promise lo cheerfully conform to all the established usages. customs. regulations and the Constitution. By-Laws and edicts of the Supreme Forest together with those of this Forest

Signature ______Full Name: Do not UM lnltlala.

PRINT Name Here------

Birth Date ______Occupation __ . ------

Mailing Address ___ ------Strfft

City Zip ------

Phone No. __ __

Recommended and vouched for by Bro.

Seconded by Bro. ______.

Initiation Fee...... $40 .00

Payment should accompany tne .,~t1t1on and checks should he made payat.Jle to MONTGOMERY FOREST No.-134, T.C L GIVE TO YOUR SPONSOR OH MAIL TO SCRIBE

22 f '°'°''::,:·::::::~:F TALL CEDARISM ••·><·>••••••••·>••<••••~ n 1. To provide social entertainment and clean, wholesome recreation; n U promote a wider acquaintance and a more sincere friendship LJ among Master Masons; perpetuate itself as a fraternal, charitable ~ and social organization. ~ 2. To bind Master Masons more closely together and cooperate fully with all in upholding the Ancient Landmarks of ~ , and by precept and example to hold aloft and ~ further the tenets of the Craft. ~ 3. To create and maintain cooperation, peace and harmony among ~ Master Masons and to discountenance jealousy, rivalry and ill feeling among Master Masons and Masonic bodies. ~ 4. To emphasize that a Master Mason is not only a member of the ~ Blue Lodge to which he belongs, but an integral part of the Ma- n sonic fraternity as a whole. n LJ 5. To teach that a Master Mason should not be judged by his world- LJ n ly wealth or honors, his social status, or the manner in which he n 1 0 1 u 6. ~~~sr;~sa /,v;~~ ;ed~a~~::r::e:huep~~:p;~:;:~r~::e~ua: ~1~ .times, u to practice true peace and harmony' and to be ever mindful of a n 7. ~~o:::·~dw:illf;:i·, Cedars that they were first Master Masons and U ~ should refrain from saying or doing anything which would bring ~ discredit upon the White Lambskin, which is the badge of a Mason; ~ or upon the Pyramid, which is the badge of a Tall Cedar. ~ 8. To teach that Tall Cedars, as Master Masons, are brothers upon the street as well as in the Lodge Room or the meeting place of ~ the Forest, and thus should practice true brotherly love and af- ~ fection towards one another. ~ 9. To scatter sunshine, afford surcease from the cares and labors of the day, provide entertainment and refreshment without excess; ~ and adhere to the cardinal principles of Cedarism: HOSPITALITY, ~ ~ SOCIABILITY and GOOD FELLOWSHIP. 10. To establish and maintain Research Laboratories in assisting in the combatting of the "Killer Disease"-MUSCULAR DYS- ~n TROPHY, which activity has been adopted as the National Ob- n U jective of Cedarism. LJ bci=ci=ci=ci=ci=ci=ci=ci=ci=cid


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1]!§1 1 (~olHr ~Greeters ~Guard CHRIS HONDROS INSURANCE ASSOC. FRANCISJ. 2410 University Blvd, West COLLINS Wheaton, MD 20902 (301) 949-5264 & (301) 949-9000 We Sell & Service All Lines of Insurance Auto Homeowner-Rent~rs Apartment Hosp1talizau?n commer~i~I LiabtJe (301) 593-9500 Condommmms Theft D1sabihty 1' k 500 University Blvd. West Fire rue s Silver Spring, MD 20901 High Risk Auto Workmen's Compensation FAMILY OWNED AND OPERATED-'::' t '(//A MONTGOMERY FOREST No. 134 Non-Profit Organization TALL CEDARS OF LEBANON U.S. Postage Norman L. Clark, P.G.T.C., Scribe PAID Fleisher Jewellers 1009 Neal Drive Permit No. 1589 Rockville, MD 20850 Belleview Center Rockville, Md. DATED MATERIAL-TIME VALUE

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