Ghana J. Sci. 54 (2014), 3 – 18


M. A. Lamptey* and P. K. Ofori-Danson Department of Marine and Fisheries Sciences, University of Ghana, Legon. *Corresponding author’s email: [email protected] or [email protected]

Abstract The fish and fisheries of three fish landing sites around the Keta lagoon in Ghana have been studied. A total of 18 fish species belonging to 13 families were encountered in the study. Four of the species were found to be commercially important notably, the cichlids (Tilapia guineensis and Sarotherodon melanotheron), the Bonga shad, (Ethmalosa fimbriata) and the blue-swimming crab, (Callinectes amnicola). The most important shell fish was the blue swimming crab (Callinectes amnicola). All the showed isometric growth values from 2.6 to 3.0. Mean monthly condition factor (K) was be- tween 0.3 ± 0.5 and 13.9 ± 1.8. Occurrence of fish species caught in commercial was 32.3 per cent for Callinectes amnicola, 18.5 per cent for Tilapia guineensis and 13.9 per cent for Sarotherodon melanothron. Total weight of fish caught in experimental fishing was 2.7 tonnes. From experimental fishing with cast nets, Ethmalosa fimbriata accounted for 41.8 per cent (percentage of occurrence) of the total catch, whilst T. guineensis accounted for 29.2 per cent, Sarotherodon melanotheron ac- counted for 23.3 per cent and Callinectes amnicola accounted for 5.7 per cent. Shannon-Wiener species diversity of fish species was highest in Woe (0.76), followed by (0.46) and least in Anyanui (0.14). The Keta lagoon was found to be an important nursery ground for some juvenile marine species including Clupeidae, Mugilidae, Lutjanidae, Peneidae, Carangidae, Sciaenidae and Pomadasyidae. The most occurred fishing gears were the brush parks (Acadja) (29.1 %) and basket traps (23.2 %), whilst the least occurred gear was the encircling net (1.8 %). There is the deployment of multiplicity of fishing gears which was highly pronounced at Anloga where fishing appeared to be a daily source of income. Fisheries in the Keta lagoon are threatened from irresponsible fishing and environmental degradation. Management strategies that could be applied to enhance fishery produc- tivity include re-establishment of estuarine conditions, preservation of vital habitats such as vegeta- tion cover around the lagoon, and the development of aquaculture.

Introduction parative study of fishery yields from Lagoons are a class of aquatic environment and other exploited marine and freshwater linked by the common characteristic of hav- ecosystems concluded that coastal lagoons ing a single (or more) restricted connection(s) are, overall, more productive than the ma- to the ocean (Hansen & Rattray, 1966; rine and freshwater ecosystems. The pro- Odum & Copeland, 1972; Fairbridge, 1980; ductivity of lagoons is variable (Ben-Tuvia, Day, Blaber & Wallace, 1981). The lagoons 1983; Ardizzone, 1984; Kapetsky, 1984). are of utmost importance as nursery grounds Fisheries yield may range from about two to for marine and freshwater fin and shellfish, over 800 kg ha-1 yr-1 and is 10-20 times high- which often sustain significant fisheries (Ka- er per unit primary production in lagoons petsky, 1984). Kapetsky (1984) in a com- than lakes (Nixon, 1982), suggesting either a 4 GHANA JOURNAL OF SCIENCE Vol. 54 greater conversion efficiency or greater har- , southeast Ghana (Sorensen et vest efficiency, or both. The low diversity of al., 2003; Armah et al., 1997). The lagoon is species and the relatively shallow water in connected to the open through a tributary lagoons could contribute to either. Much of of the Volta lake at Anyanui (Sorensen et al., the variability in yield among lagoons is due 2003). The lagoon is an extensive, brack- to varying intensity of harvest (Kapetsky, ish water-body situated to the east of the 1984). Large fraction of this variability is Volta river estuary, with an average depth 0 attributable to differences in hydrodynamics of 0.8 m and an average salinity of 1.87 /00 which may directly affect catchability (Corsi (18.7 PSU) (Sorensen et al., 2003; Anon., &Ardizzone, 1985; Chauvet, 1988) of which 1993). The surrounding flood-plain consists the Keta lagoon of Ghana is no exception. of marsh, scrub, farmland and substantial The coastal waters of Ghana comprise stands, which are heavily exploit- over 90 lagoon systems and estuarine flood- ed for fuelwood (Ofori-Danson, Entsua- plains of rivers (Ofori-Danson, Entsua-Men- Mensah & Biney, 1999). Keta lagoon was sah & Biney, 1999). These coastal lagoons designated a Ramsar site under the Ghana have historically supported artisanal fisher- Coastal Wetlands Management Project in ies, and comprise a significant proportion of 1999 (Ofori-Danson, Entsua-Mensah & the economic and dietary resources of the Biney, 1999). Inflow into the lagoon is from human populations clustered around the var- three main sources: from the Todzie river, ious lagoons. In such areas, fishing pressure the Aka and Belikpa streams and, to a lim- is usually very intense, and data on existing ited extent, from the Volta river itself at An- fish stocks suggest that over-exploitation yanui (Armah et al., 1997) with an unknown has had both direct and indirect impact on discharge rates. Currently, the commonest the population dynamics of the fishery (Ko- economic activities are agriculture, fish- ranteng, Ofori-Danson & Entsua-Mensah, eries/aquaculture, means of transport and 2000; Dankwa, et al., 2004). conservation, with fishing and farming be- The main objective of the study was to in- ing the main occupations of the population vestigate the current mode of fishing and the in the area (Ofori-Danson, Entsua-Mensah status of the Keta Lagoon fishery, over the & Biney, 1999). A major threat is coastal years in terms of species diversity, level of erosion (Piersma & Ntiamoa-Baidu, 1995; catches and sizes of landed fishes due to the Ofori-Danson, Entsua-Mensah & Biney, growing concern of dwindling catches. 1999) and urbanisation, therefore, conserva- tion efforts and management interventions Experimental have been suggested to concentrate on those Site description parts of the lagoon supporting artisanal fish- Keta lagoon (Fig.1) with co-ordinates 5° eries 55′N 0° 59′E lies in the far south-east of Fishing activities at the various sampling Ghana, east of the international frontier with sites were monitored to investigate the fish . The lagoon is about 140 km east- species composition, catch per unit effort northeast of Accra, on the south of the and the various fishing modes deployed at Vol. 54 GHANA JOURNAL OF SCIENCE 5

Fig. 1. Map of Ghana showing the Keta lagoon and the sampling stations (Survey Department Ghana, 2010). the sites. These included 1) gear type and Weight of fish catch (Kg)per fisher CPUE = (1) mesh size, 2) key fish species landed com- Effort (duration of fishing)(hr) mercially by local fishermen at each land- ing site, 3) experimental fishing using a cast (Koranteng, Ofori-Danson & Entsua-Men- net (average diameter = 4 m, mesh size = sah, 2000). 25 mm) for Anloga, and 4) monofilament net The individual body weights and standard (mesh size = 10 mm) at both Woe and An- lengths (length-frequency data) (carapace yanui, deployed quarterly to compare catch length in the case of crabs) of the fish were composition to commercial catches, after measured and recorded. The estimated val- sorting the catch to species level using taxo- ues of the above indicators were compared nomic guides (Schneider, 1990; Dankwa, with similar results obtained from fisheries Abban & Teugels, 1999; Paugy, Leveque & monitoring studies, undertaken by Ofori- Teugels (2003). During the experimental Danson, Entsua-Mensah & Biney (1999) fishing, a was contracted to fish in the Keta lagoon under the Ghana Coastal for one hour at each of the sampling sites, Wetlands Management Project. The expo- and the number of throws per hour recorded. nential equation of fish length and weight The catch per unit effort (CPUE, equation relationship is; 1) of commercial fishers in each of the sam- W= aL ^ b (Roff, 1986) (2) pling months was calculated as catch/fisher/ where W = weight of fish in grams, L= hour, that is: standard length of fish in cm, b = exponent 6 GHANA JOURNAL OF SCIENCE Vol. 54 of growth and a = a constant determined em- Results pirically. The growth of the fishes were ana- Species composition lysed and identified as allometric growth (b Table 1 shows the species list of fish en- < 3) or isometric (b is equal to or close to 3) countered during the study. A total of 4,408 growth by plotting the logarithmic form of individual fish specimen comprising 18 fish equation 2 in order to get a linear relation- species belonging to 13 families were col- ship in the form: lected from commercial catches from Au- In W= In a + b In L (King, 1992) (3) gust 2010 to March 2012 at the three sam- where b (growth constant) = slope of the line pling sites (Table 1). Four of the species of best fit (Imam et al., 2010). The physi- Tilapia guineensis (763;17.3 %), Sarothero- ological well being of the key fish species don melanotheron (570;12.9 %), Ethmalosa was determined through estimation of their fimbriata (491; 11.1 %), Callinectes amni- monthly mean condition factor (K). cola (1,107, 25.1 %) were found to be com- mercially important in the Keta lagoon. Al- Body weight (g) K = though P. leonensis was abundant, it is not [Standard length (cm)]3 x 100 (4) of commercial importance in the Keta area and, therefore, was not considered in the (Sparre, Ursin & Venema, 1989). data analysis. The fish species biodiversity indices was Table 2 shows the diversity indices of determined using the Shannon-Wiener Di- fish species from the keta lagoon. The high- versity Index (H), Margalef species richness est number of species (11) was recorded in index (d) and Pielou’s evenness (J) which Woe, followed by Anyanui (8) and Anloga are defined as: (6). Total number of fishes recorded during H = - ∑_(i = 1) ^ (s ) pi In pi (5) the study period was highest in Woe (1,969), (Magurran, 1988; Zar, 1974) followed by Anloga (1,327) and Anyanui where H = Shannon-Wiener diversity index, (1,112). Shannon-Wiener diversity index s = number of species and pi = proportion followed the order 0.76 > 0.46 > 0.14 for of individuals of each species belonging to Woe, Anloga and Anyanui, respectively. The the ith species of the total number of indi- most even of species was recorded in An- viduals. d = ((S-1))/(In N) (6) loga, whereas the least even was recorded in (Magurran, 1988; Zar, 1974). Woe. where S = number of species recorded and N Fig. 2 shows the mean monthly percent- = total number of individuals summed over age compositions of dominant fish species all the S species. which varied across the months. The least J = H/(In S) (7) was recorded for S. melanotheron except for (Magurran, 1988; Zar, 1974). December 2011 and January 2012. where H = Shannon-Wiener’s species diver- Fig. 3 shows the length frequency anal- sity index, and S = the number of species ysis of the dominant fish species. Fig. 3a diversity. shows that 50 per cent of S. melanotheron and T. guineensis (Fig. 3b) specimens had Vol. 54 GHANA JOURNAL OF SCIENCE 7

., 1999 1999

+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +* 1999) (Shenker et al


+(1) +(1) +(47) +(28) +(65) +(63) +(17) +(57) +(32) 4,408 +(101) +(122) +(243) +*(570) +*(763) +*(491) + (800)” +*(1,107) Present study Present

490 +(5) +(23) +*(114) +*(143) +*(205) Exptal. Fishing

1 Common name a b l e Black-chin tilapia Red-chin tilapia Nile tilapia Red-belly tilapia Jewel fish Jewel cichlid Arican halfbeaks gobid Schlegel’s Grey mullet Sicklefin mullet Mojarra Pink Blue swimming crab Catfish Cassava fish Burrito Bonga Shad Flat Sardine West African Ilisha West Guinean sprat Tongue sole Tongue African threadfin Red snapper T

1 ( Pérez-Farfante, 1967) 1 (Valenciennes, 1832) 1 (Valenciennes, Species (Linnaeus, 1758) (Günther, 1861) (Günther, 1 (Rochebrun, 1883) 1 (Bleeker, 1863) 1 (Bleeker, 1 (Saint Hilaire, 1817) (Boulenger, 1916) (Boulenger, (Günther, 1862) (Günther, (Cuvier & Valenciennes, 1836) Valenciennes, (Cuvier & (Linnaeus, 1758) 1 (Bloch, 1795) (Gervais, 1848) Fish species encountered during the study from August 2010 to March 2012 compared to previous study to previous 2012 compared August 2010 to March during the study from Fish species encountered (Ruppell, 1852) melanotheron Sarotherodon Tilapia guineensis Tilapia niloticus Oreochromis zillii Tilapia fasciatus (Peters, 1857) Hemichromis bimaculatus (Gill, 1862) Hemichromis 1847) picarti (Valenciennes, Hyporhamphus schlegelii Porogobius Mugil cephalus Liza falcipinnis 1863) Eucinostomus melanopterus 1 (Bleeker, Farfantepenaeus notialis Callinectes amnicola Clarias gariepinus (Burchell, 1882) Pseudotolithus typus Brachydeuterus auritus Ethmalosa fimbriata 1 (Bowdich, 1825) 1 (Lowe, 1838) maderensis Sardinella Ilisha africana Pellonula leonensis Cynoglossus spp.1 (Hamilton, 1822) Alectis alexandrines 1 (Valenciennes, 1830) Lutjanus fulgens 1 (Valenciennes,

Family Cichlidae Gobidae Mugilidae Gerreidae Peneidae Callinectidae Clariidae Sciaenidae Pomadasyidae Clupeidae

Cynoglossidae Carangidae + = species found; * Most dominant species; “= not of commercial importance; 1= marine fishes using lagoon for breeding or as nursery grounds. Lutjanidae Total 8 GHANA JOURNAL OF SCIENCE Vol.54

Table 2 whereas length ranges of 25 to 157 mm

Diversity indices of fish encountered during the study period were recorded in previous studies. Similarly, higher weights were recorded in the study as Diversity Anyanui Anloga Woe Total compared to earlier studies. indices Fig. 4 shows the length-weight relation- N 1,112 1,327 1,969 4,408 ship of the dominant fish species.Ethmalosa S 8 6 11 17 fimbriata and C. amnicola showed isomet- H’ 0.14 0.46 0.76 - ric growth (Fig. 4ad) pattern of value close J’ 0.60 0.73 0.15 - d’ 1.00 0.70 1.32 - to 3.0, whereas these same species showed allometric growth during the GCWMP in S = species; N = number; H =Shannon-Wiener diversity 1999. S. melanotheron and T. guineensis index; J = Pielou’s species evenness; d = Margalef species index; showed allometric growth in the study as well as in the previous study. This could be standard lengths ranging from 75 to 85 mm, attaributed to the poor water quality of the whilst 50 per cent of E. fimbriata (Fig. 3c) Keta lagoon (Lamptey et al., 2013). had standard lengths ranging from 55 to 65 Fig. 5 shows the mean Condition factor mm and 50 per cent of C. amnicola (Fig. 3d) (K) of fish specimen which was similarly had carapace lengths ranging from 85 to 95 higher in the present study with 13.4 record- mm. Lots of dead shells of molluscs, Tym- ed for E. fimbriata, 3.9 for T. guineensis, 3.6 panotonus fuscatus and bivalves were found for S. melanotheron and 6.9 for C. amnicola. mostly at Anyanui and Anloga. This could be attributed to a change in gear Table 3 shows the length ranges of the selectivity. Smaller mesh size (< 25 mm ) four dominant species. Length ranges for the gears are being used currently, therefore, dominant fish species showed larger sizes in both juvenile and adult fishes are caught to- terms of length and weight as compared to gether. earlier studies. In the study, standard length ranges recorded were from 48 to 170 mm, % Composition

Month Fig. 2. Percentage composition of dominant fish species of Keta lagoon fromAugust 2010 to March 2012. Vol. 54 GHANA JOURNAL OF SCIENCE 9

Mean % Frequency

Standard length (mm)

Fig. 3a. Length frequency distribution of S. melanotheron from August 2010 to March 2012

Mean % Frequency

Standard length (mm)

Fig. 3b. Length frequency distribution of T. guineensis from August 2010 to March 2012

Mean % Frequency

Standard length (mm)

Fig. 3c. Length frequency distribution of E. fimbriata from August 2010 to March 2012


Mean % Frequency

Carapace length (mm) Fig. 3d. Length frequency distribution of C. amnicola from August 2010 to March 2012.

Table 3 Length range, modal length and maximum weight of fish recorded during the study compared to earlier study

Present study GCWMP, 1999

Species Length Modal Maximum Length Modal (mm) Maximum range (mm) length (mm) weight (g) range (mm) length (mm) weight (g)

S. melanotheron 78 - 140 75 131.4 38 - 121 70 73.0 T. guineensis 69 - 170 85 190.8 25 - 157 60 147.0 E. fimbriata 48 - 85 55 83.8 30 - 90 75 15.0 C. amnicola 50 - 140 85 200.7 30 - 127 80 143.0

Fishing gears, catch rates and catch per unit gaged in handpicking. The most preferred effort fishing method was the Brush park system Table 4 shows fishing gears found in use or ‘Acadja’ for fishes followed by the basket during the study. The importance of each traps for crabs. gear or fishing method, in terms of contribu- tion to estimated catches made at the vari- Catch, effort and catch per unit effort ous sampling sites were as follows: ‘Acadja’ Table 5 shows the characteristics of the 29.1 per cent, basket traps 23.2 per cent, Keta lagoon fishery from August 2010 to monofilament gill net 18.4 per cent, drag net March 2012. The mean number of fishers 10.2 per cent and the rest 19.1 per cent. En- per day for all the sampling stations was es- circling net was not in use as at 1999, but timated as 87, with mean hours fished per was found in use during the current study, fisher per day as 13 h, and estimated total and also rope fishing, barrier fishing and catch/fisher/day of 477.0 kg. Total catch bottle traps were not found in use during during the study was 267.1 t and CPUE was the study, although fishers affirmed their use 96.1 kg/fisher/h. Total weight of fish record- in previous years. Mostly, women were en- ed in the experimental fishing was 2700 kg Vol. 54 GHANA JOURNAL OF SCIENCE 11

Ethmalosa fimbriata showing isometric growth Log W

Log L Sarotherodon melanotheron showing allometric growth Log W

Log L Tilapia guineensis showing allometric growth Log W

Log L Callinectes amnicola showing isometric growth Log W

Log L Fig. 4. Length-weight relationship of a) S. melanotheron, b) T. guineensis, c) E. fimbriata and d) C. amnicola in the Keta lagoon during the study 12 GHANA JOURNAL OF SCIENCE Vol.54

a) )* 100 3 K = (BW/L

b) )* 100 3 K = (BW/L

c) )* 100 3 K = (BW/L

d) )* 100 3 K = (BW/L

Fig. 5. Mean monthly condition factor (K) for dominant fish species (all gears) fromAugust 2010 to March 2012. Vol. 54 GHANA JOURNAL OF SCIENCE 13

Table 4 Total number of fishing gears deployed during the study compared to previous study

Fishing gears Present study GCWMP, 1999 Abundance % Composition (Shenker et al., 1999)

Anloga Woe Anyanui

Drag net + + +* + 420 10.2 Brush parks (“Acadja”) +* +* - + 1200 29.1 Basket trap + + +* + 954 23.2 Encircling net + + + - 76 1.9 Cast net + + + + 269 6.5 Monofilament net +* +* + + 757 18.4 Hook-and-line + + + + 121 2.9 Mosquito net - + - + 199 4.8 Handpicking + - - + 122 3 Bottle trap - - - + 0 0 Rope fishing (“Tekali”) - - - + 0 0 Barrier fishing - - - + 0 0

Total 4118 100

Table 5 Characteristics of the fishery from August 2010 to March 2012 during the study period

Stations Mean nos. Mean hrs Mean Catch/ Estimation Estimation Estimation CPUE Total catch for of fishers/ fished/ fisher/day of total of total catch/ of total catch (kg/fisher/hr) experimental day (a) fisher/ (kg) (c) catch/fisher/ fisher/month during the study (d/b) fishing (t) day (Hrs) (b) day (kg) (d x 28 days) (20 months) (d = a × c) (kg) (t)

Woe 31 5 7 217 6,076 121.5 43.4 0.8 Anloga 51 5 5 255 7,140 142.8 51.0 1.7 Anyanui 5 3 1 5 140 2.8 1.7 0.2 Total 87 13 13 477 13,356 267.1 96.1 2.7

Total fish catch per fisher per annum (all sites together) 3,205.2 tons

(2.7 t). The estimated total catch per fisher Keta lagoon have evidently changed over per annum was estimated to be 3,205.2 t. time compared with the records of the Gha- na Coastal Wetlands Management Project Discussion which was undertaken in 1999 (Shenker et Despite the close geographical proxim- al., 1999; Ofori-Danson et al., 1999). For ity, and the fact that all the three sites are instance, the current dominant species in- located within the Keta lagoon, they sup- cluded T. guineensis and S. melanotheron, ported different assemblages of fish species Porogobius schlegeli, (C. amnicola, Mugil and fisheries. The most abundant species in spp., Ethmalosa fimbriata and Chrysichthys 14 GHANA JOURNAL OF SCIENCE Vol.54 spp.) have become very rare (Dankwa et al., brought in a lot of C. amnicola during high 2004). Fishers blamed the decreased species tide. Cast nets were also preferred in Anloga diversity in the Keta lagoon on the limited and Woe possibly due to the shallow water fresh and sea water inflow, which inhibits of the lagoon at these two sites. the free movement of marine and fresh water The mesh size of most of the fishing gears fish species to restock the lagoon (Allan & used was far below the minimum recom- Flecker, 1993). The fluctuations in the con- mended size of 25 mm (stretched mesh) by dition factors of the dominant species cal- the Fisheries Commission of Ghana. In addi- culated from monthly samples, for instance, tion, unapproved gears such as the drag net may be due to seasonal variations in food were also used. This apparently permitted abundance, and the average reproductive the capture of very large numbers of juvenile stage of the fish stocks. fishes, and the possible destruction of the In addition, fish catches were generally epi-benthic substrates and fauna (in the case very low in Anyanui because, fishing activi- of the drag net). The relative lack of large ties were usually low and were mostly car- adult fishes in the catches demonstrates that ried out at night when transport activities the intense fishing effort could create an ev- had ceased. During the day most activities olutionary pressure that selects for reproduc- revolved around transporting people and tion between smaller fishes. The ultimate goods from Ada Foah and surrounding vil- response to this heavy fishing pressure is lages to Anyanui. Even though the second the generation of a population of small, low- highest number of fish species was recorded value fishes. Allowing fish to attain a large at Anyanui, fishes were generally of biggest body size before capture may allow a large sizes and the least abundant. The possi- number of eggs to be carried, or the pro- ble increase in population and intense fish- duction of large eggs, with corresponding- ing pressure in Anloga and Woe, presum- ly higher chances of larval survival before ably contributed to the small sizes of fishes they are recruited into the fishery, thereby, caught, since most of the fishers use unap- reducing growth and recruitment overfish- proved gears and mesh sizes, relative to the ing (King, 1992). From a fisheries point of sparsely-populated Anyanui township. view, growth and recruitment influence the The preference for ‘Acadja’ and gill net at sustainable catch weight that could be taken Anloga and Woe (Table 4) was possibly at- from a stock (King, 1992). Thus, the present tributed to the fact that the catch levels were harvest levels and fishing gears if allowed higher as compared to the other gears. Seine to continue would apparently contribute to a nets were preferred in Woe possibly due to long-term reduction in the fishery potential the fact that they caught Pellonula leonensis of the Keta lagoon. in very large quantities, and only the seine The use of drag nets is not permitted at all net made of mosquito netting could capture the various sites, yet fishers still use them. them due to their very small sizes. Also the Fishing goes on throughout the week and preference for basket traps in Anyanui was throughout the year except during floods possibly attributed to the fact that the sea and for a few days during the annual ‘Hog- Vol. 54 GHANA JOURNAL OF SCIENCE 15 betsotso’ festival of the Anlo people. In An- species have either become rare or gone ex- yanui, fishing is not done during the day on tinct from the Keta lagoon, due to the con- Wednesdays because it is their market day. struction of the Akosombo dam on the Volta Activities are centered on transportation river (Shenker et al., 1999). This was at- during the day. However, fishing is done tributed to the limited influx of fresh and sea every day at Anloga and Woe. water, which has inhibited the free move- ment of both marine and fresh water fishes Conclusion and recommendations into the lagoon (Allan & Flecker, 1993). A Commercial catches recorded higher species wide variety of fishing methods and gears diversity compared to experimental fishing were employed to catch the different fish probably because, the experimental fish- species available. Brush parks (‘Acadja’), ing had a shorter duration and limited gears basket traps, monofilament gill nets and drag compared to commercial fishing. Moreover, nets were the most dominant gears. most of the fishers moved to nearby lagoons, Over-fishing, use of under-size mesh (< floodplains, and streams to fish overnight 25 mm), use of unapproved gears and lim- and land finally at their respective landing ited exchange of fresh and sea water, were sites, whilst experimental fishing was done some of the factors limiting fish productivity within the catchment (a few meters radius) at the various sites. Moreover, the spawning of the landing site in question. For instance, and nursery grounds of these fishes could in Woe, some of the fishers through infor- possibly be degraded through the use of drag mal interviews claimed they went to nearby nets, encircling nets and the brush parks streams and floodplains to fish. The red-chin (‘Acadja’) which are generally destructive. tilapia (T. guineensis) and the black-chin tila- This perhaps explains why they have been pia (S. melanotheron) were the most domi- banned in the case of lagoon fishery under nant species in Anloga, whilst the Guinean the Fisheries Act 625 of Ghana. Also, the sprat (P. leonensis) and the blue swimming ‘acadja’ stumps decay and contribute to nu- crab (C. amnicola) were the most important trient loads in the lagoon when they stand in fishery at Woe and Anyanui, respectively. the water over years, thus, forcing the fishes Although H. picarti, Sardinella maderensis, that cannot adjust to move away to more fa- Ilisha africana, Liza spp., and Cynoglossus vourable environments. spp. were recorded in 1999 during the Gha- For sustainable exploitation of the fishery, na Coastal Wetlands Management Project it is necessary to regulate fishing methods (Shenker et al., 1999), they were completely such as mesh size, net size, type of net or absent during the study. gear, limit access to the fishery by prohibit- Also, Alectis alexandrinus and Lutjanus ing fishing on certain days or during certain spp. recorded during the study, were com- periods (closed seasons), and limiting the ef- pletely absent during the GCWMP in 1999. ficiency of certain gears in order to facilitate Despite the lack of catch statistics, fishers at- recruitment of juvenile and immature fishes tested to the trend that catches have declined to the stocks, in order to produce abundant over the years, to the extent that some of the progeny each year. This is critical since the 16 GHANA JOURNAL OF SCIENCE Vol.54 fisheries depend on the successful recruit- Young, E. M. (1997) Coping responses and ment of juvenile fishes. Also, management strategies in the coastal zone of south-eastern strategies that could be applied to enhance Ghana. A case study in the Anloga area. In fishery productivity including re-establish- the coastal zone of West Africa - problems and ment of estuarine conditions, preservation management. Proceedings of an internation- al seminar 23-28 March 1996 (S.M. Evans, of vital habitats such as mangrove afforesta- C.T. Vaqnderpuye and A. K. Armah eds), Ac- tion, and engaging in alternative livelihoods cra, Ghana. Penshaw Press, UK. such as the development of aquaculture, Ben-Tuvia, A. (1983) An Indo-Pacific goby Ox- livestock farming and craftsmanship are rec- yurichthys papuensis in the eastern Mediter- ommended. ranean. Isr. J. Zool. 32(1), 37 – 43. Chauvet, C. (1988) Manuel sur l’amênagement Acknowledgements des pêches dans les lagunes côtieres: la bor- The authors are most grateful to DANIDA digue mediterranéenne. FAO Document for funding the study through the SIFA Technique sur Les Pêches 290. FAO, Rome. Project which forms part of a research 77 pp. Corsi, F. & G. D. Ardizzone (1985) Some en- project carried out in collaboration with vironmental conditions affecting yellow eels University of Ghana and the University of catchability. Oebalia IX 2, 561 – 571. Copenhagen, Denmark. They are also grate- Dankwa, H. R., Abban, F. K. & Tuegels, F. ful to the Head of Department of Marine and (1999) Freshwater fishes of Ghana: Identifi- Fisheries Science, University of Ghana for cation, distribution, ecological and economic facilitating the study. Also, the authors wish importance. Royal Museum for central Af- to thank technicians of the Department of rica, Tervuren. 53 pp. Marine and Fisheries Sciences for helping Dankwa, H. R., Shenker, J. 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