APPENDIX 17 AQUATIC ECOLOGY AND WETLANDS REPORT FRESHWATER ECOLOGICAL ASSESSMENT AS PART OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL AUTHORISATION AND WATER USE LICENSE APPLICATION PROCESS FOR THE PROPOSED ERPM EXPANSION AREA 2 MINE, BRAKPAN SOUTH, GAUTENG PROVINCE Prepared for Prime Resources Environmental Consultants June 2019 Prepared by: Scientific Aquatic Services Report author: L. Robson (Cand. Sci. Nat) Report reviewers: K. Marais (Pr. Sci. Nat) S. van Staden (Pr. Sci. Nat) Report reference: SAS 219104 Date: June 2019 Scientific Aquatic Services CC CC Reg No 2003/078943/23 Vat Reg. No. 4020235273 PO Box 751779 Gardenview 2047 Tel: 011 616 7893 Fax: 086 724 3132 E-mail:
[email protected] SAS 219104 June 2019 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Based on the findings of the freshwater ecological assessment and the results of the risk assessment it is the opinion of the ecologist that the proposed East Rand Proprietary Mines (ERPM) expansion poses a moderate risk to the integrity of the wetlands associated with the Windmill and Witpoortjie Vent Shafts. Adherence to cogent, well-conceived and ecologically sensitive site development plans, the mitigation measures provided in this report as well as general good construction practice and ongoing management, maintenance and monitoring, are essential if the significance of perceived impacts is to be reduced to limit further degradation of the freshwater environment. It is the opinion of the freshwater specialist that the proposed ERPM expansion, from a freshwater resource management perspective, is considered acceptable, with the proviso that no development takes place within the wetlands or the associated 100m GN704 Zone of Regulation and that strict adherence to mitigation measures is enforced to ensure that the ecological integrity of the freshwater environment is not further compromised.