32 CFR Ch. V (7–1–03 Edition)
§ 578.43 32 CFR Ch. V (7–1–03 Edition) (d) Service star—(1) Requirements Pos- pended by a ring from a silk moire rib- session of a foreign service clasp is de- bon 13⁄8 inches in length and 13⁄8 inches noted by the wearing of a bronze serv- in width composed of a blue stripe ice star on the service ribbon. (3⁄16 inch), white stripe (1⁄16 inch), black (2) Description. See § 578.40(d)(2). stripe (1⁄16 inch), red stripe (1⁄16 inch), 1 [13 FR 6800, Nov. 19, 1948, as amended at 17 white stripe ( ⁄16 inch), blue stripe 3 1 FR 912, Jan. 31, 1952] ( ⁄16 inch), dark blue stripe ( ⁄24 inch), white stripe (1⁄24 inch), red stripe § 578.43 Women’s Army Corps Service (1⁄24 inch), blue stripe (3⁄16 inch), white Medal. stripe (1⁄16 inch), red stripe (1⁄16 inch), Established by Executive Order 9365 black stripe (1⁄16 inch), white stripe (3 CFR, 1943 Cum. Supp.) (1⁄16 inch), and blue stripe (3⁄16 inch). (a) Description. The medal of bronze is (b) Requirements. Service within the 11⁄4 inches in diameter. On the obverse American Theater between December 7, is the head of Pallas Athene in profile 1941, and March 2, 1946, under any of facing dexter, superimposed on a the following conditions: sheathed sword crossed with oak leaves (1) On permanent assignment outside and a palm branch within a circle com- the continental limits of the United posed of the words ‘‘Women’s’’ in the States.
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