& Parish Council

A meeting was held on 18th February 2019 in Keysoe Village Hall at 7.30pm

Present: PCllr R Bellamy, PCllr R Heming, PCllr M Perry, PCllr S Bates, Mrs G Wiggs (Parish Clerk) BCllr T Wootton and 14 members of the public.


2. DECLARATIONS OF MEMBERS LOCAL & PECUNIARY INTERESTS IN THE BUSINESS TO BE TRANSACTED HEREUNDER PCllr Heming declared an interest in item 8, as he is a member of the Village Hall Management Committee. PCllr Bates declared an interest in item 13 as the owner of the Equestrian Centre.


4. MATTERS ARISING Triathlon event – Thanks have been sent for the information by The Clerk. NHW Meeting – The Clerk confirmed she has not heard about the meeting yet. Rural Businesses – PCllr Bellamy has written to the Borough Council about the difficulties facing rural businesses recruiting & retaining suitable staff. He has received a positive response and been asked to produce a more detailed report. Report of outstanding Highways work – PCllr Perry reported that this is in hand. Police Article for newsletter – PCllr Bellamy reported this had been completed. Police Matters raised at the last meeting – PCllr Bellamy had received a written reply from PC Kerry Jones. He summarised the key points in the meeting: Precept allocation- PC Jones has no personal involvement in setting budgets, determining the Precept, nor in allocating the Police Resource. Staffing – There is one Community Police Officer, PC Jones, who works closely with 2 PCSO’s dealing with issues that matter to local communities. Be they long term or developing issues, raising awareness or dealing with worries and concerns. If additional officer support is needed in the area the Community Team can call upon their Force colleagues from other teams e.g. Community Crime, Response, Specials, Dogs, Firearms, Traffic, CID, Missing Persons, Operation Boson, and Operation Sentinel for assistance. Interest in Rural Issues – PC Jones is based at Riseley and takes a personal interest in rural issues & the workload is based around rural issues. In addition, PC Jones holds Community engagement events such as Operation Beneke (the latest one in Keysoe on 16/2/19); there are 1/4ly meetings to establish neighbourhood policing priorities; Hare Coursing was identified at the last meeting and a lot of officer time has been spent on this issue resulting in a number of arrests. Recently the Response Team seized 2 vehicles, arrested 2 males and recovered 4 dogs. WHATS APP groups have proved to be very useful and PC Jones would like to see these developed more within the community. The Rural Crime Team-Operation Sentinel -specialises in rural crime issues. opsentinel.rural@.pnn.police.uk CCTV data not being collected – It is the responsibility of the investigating officer to decide what data is collected, and whether that information will assist the investigation. Please could the resident with this concern E mail [email protected] with detail and the matter will be followed up the issue with the case officer. Police visibility – PC Jones has visited on a number of specific occasions and drives through the Parish regularly when travelling across the area. Other Police officers also drive through the Parish doing HVP en route to other locations. Speed enforcement activities have also been 1

Bolnhurst & Keysoe Parish Council undertaken on a number of occasions. Unless residents are looking out of their windows all the time they will not know when the Police have been in the Parish. It should be remembered that Police also use unmarked vehicles when carrying out their business. Crime –In the past 12 months there have been 18 crimes in Bolnhurst & Keysoe. Beds Police Performance: PC Jones’ focus is to carry out responsibilities to the best of her ability. Stonely Crime – PC Jones cannot comment on Stonely as it is outside the area. PC Jones is meeting with Cambs police on 22nd February to discuss rural matters which will include working together on cross boundary crimes. Private Security Patrols – unable to comment. Bolnhurst Footpaths – PCllr Heming reported that he had not been able to proceed with the queries raised: no further information had been provided. It was hoped that residents had used the Report It app. Local Plan - PCllr Bellamy reported that the Inspector has been appointed & public hearings will be held between 27/5/19 & 24/6/19. Community Speed Van tickets – PCllr Bellamy is chasing a reply. Reinvestment of Speed Camera income - PCllr Bellamy is chasing a reply.

5. OPEN FORUM FOR MEMBERS AND THE PUBLIC TO SPEAK Black Cat – Caxton Gibbet – PCllr Bellamy reported that the chosen route has now been published. That being the orange route to the north which was the most popular. Parish Council meetings – PCllr Heming has received feedback that some Councillors could not be heard at the last meeting. He is looking into using a PA system. Ian George – PCllr Bellamy reported that Ian George passed away recently. His funeral will be held at 2.30pm on 8/3/19. Local Signage – A resident asked if the Parish Council was aware that Bolnhurst Old School had been asked by the Borough Council to improve directional signage & were seeking help from the community to do this. PCllr Bellamy confirmed the Parish Council was not aware of this, but it is understood the Borough Council do occasionally do this, in order to ensure emergency services can easily find locations. Blue Line Security – A resident explained he had sent in information about Blue Line Security & enquired why it is not on the agenda tonight. PCllr Bellamy explained that there is only limited information available yet, & the Parish Council would only be in a position to consider such a matter, once there is a clearly scoped & costed proposal available for consideration. He also referred to recent posted information which indicated this was intended to be villager funded. The resident added that he understood the member of the public driving this forward will be holding a public meeting in early March, at which information will be available about the nature of the proposals & likely costs. PCllr Bellamy suggested a Parish Councillor could attend that meeting if possible. The resident added he understood that funding support would be sought from both Borough Council & Bedfordshire PCC and possibly one other group with the idea that Parish Councils would share the remaining costs. PCllr Bates added he understood from a Kimbolton Parish Councillor that an early indication of the costs had been excessive. They hope to discuss it at their meeting on 24/2/19. On a positive note, the Police investigation into the crimes Kimbolton experienced in Easton Rd have already resulted in arrests. Neighbourhood Watch – The Neighbourhood Watch representative said that the group now had 56 members. He confirmed his intention to hold a group meeting (see January minutes) at some future date and this would be attended by the Police. A resident commented that in his view based on personal experience whilst working on various village photographic assignments that people in general do not take a great deal of interest in unusual activities. He had never been challenged about his photograph activity. He also noted that a number of properties were obviously empty and little, or no attempt made by residents to disguise this fact. BCllr Wootton – The Council has received an increase in funding from central government. Winter highways maintenance is going very well this winter. The Black Cat changes are due to take place in 2022. The East/West Rail link consultation between Bedford & Cambridge is now open, with 5 route options. Two come north of Bedford using the existing Midland Road station. The precise route is 2

Bolnhurst & Keysoe Parish Council unclear, but he suggested it may be near to Bolnhurst. It is a very rural route & likely to be expensive & unpopular. The Ward Forum is next week & will be attended by PC Kerry Jones & Andrew Prigmore.

6. PLANNING DECISIONS: 18/03016/FUL – Permission granted for single storey front, side & rear extensions & remodelling of existing dwelling – Silver Birches, Kimbolton Rd, Bolnhurst 18/01704/FUL – Permission granted for erection of stable block & storage barn (revised) – College Farm Equestrian Centre Church Rd

APPLICATIONS WITHDRAWN: 18/02603/FUL – Application withdrawn for a new building to accommodate cats on a short-term basis with additional planting planned. Permission for 2 new sets of gates – Sherwood Cottage, Kimbolton Rd, Bolnhurst

APPLICATIONS GONE TO APPEAL: 18/01275/FUL – Appeal submitted against refusal for conversion of redundant chicken shed into a four- bedroom family dwelling including access, parking & landscaping (resubmission of 17/02798/FUL). Appeal reference APP/K0235/W/19/3219714 – Wychtree Farm, West

Planning Decision Letters – In the past the Parish Council has received a letter from Planning Officers explaining the rationale behind their decision, in cases where objections or suggested conditions by the Parish Council have not been taken on board. These letters have not been received in recent months. The Clerk will make enquiries about this – Action The Clerk

7. TO APPROVE THE FOLLOWING PAYMENTS Bank Account Reconciled 24/12/18 - £23,472.02 The following payments were approved: BATPC – subs £164.00 Keysoe Village Hall – hire £160.00 G Wiggs – Clerks account £431.66 S Woodward – odd jobber £30.00 Beds Pension Fund £147.28 HMRC – Income Tax £81.40

8. REQUEST FROM VILLAGE HALL FOR CONTRIBUTION TOWARDS COST OF REPLACEMENT CONCRETE APRON (TOTAL COST £6K) PCllr Heming declared an interest & did not take part in this agenda item. A request has been received for the Village Hall for a contribution to the cost of replacing the concrete apron, which will cost £6k in total. It was suggested at January’s meeting that this project may qualify for a Rural Grant. This view had not changed, and no further information had been provided. Such grant applications if successful involve match funding. The Parish Council would usually be required to make a contribution. The application will require full details about the scope of the project & financial details about the Village Hall accounts. It was suggested a representative from the Village Hall could meet with a Parish Councillor to move this forward.

9. PLAYING FIELD TO INCLUDE: TO CONSIDER PERMISSION FOR USE REQUESTED AS FOLLOWS: VILLAGE SHOW 07/09/2019 & CHURCH FETE 06/07/2019. TO CONSIDER MERITS OF ROLLING AUTHORITY. It was RESOLVED to grant permission for both of these annual events on a rolling basis, so that the organisers do not need to seek permission each year. They will be asked to advise the date of the event 3

Bolnhurst & Keysoe Parish Council each year & advise the Parish Council if they intend to do anything unusual as part of the event that the Parish Council ought to be aware of – Action The Clerk

10. HIGHWAYS Nothing reported.

11. COMMUNITY SAFETY Letter from PCC regarding the funding of a PCSO – This letter had been sent to all Parish Councils exploring the principle of Parish Councils using their reserves to fund a PCSO, which would cost £31,200 per annum. Bolnhurst & Keysoe Parish Council is a small Parish, & as such does not have large reserves. This is not something that is feasible at the moment, but it may be worthy of consideration in the future, although it would need a considerable Precept increase to raise the necessary funds. The Clerk will reply accordingly – Action The Clerk

Community Safety Report from PCllr Bellamy: Police Staffing Levels – PCllr Bellamy had established that PC Max Dalton has now left. The additional £2 per household increase in Police Precept this year will fund the recruitment of a net additional 60 Officers this year to the Force numbers, and a further 120 each year for the next 2 years. 24 of this year’s increase will join the existing Neighbourhood policing team. Neighbourhood Intervention Team – This is a new Police team being introduced to target specific issues in communities; it will offer enhanced visibility in those areas. Beds Alert – The Police are trying to raise awareness of this communication system, which automatically sends out local crime information to anyone registered. The Neighbourhood Watch Representative added that if residents register with NHW they automatically receive Beds Alert, as well as NHW information & Fire Service information. Local Community Policing – The Police attended Kymbrook School on 7/2/19, & on 16/2/19 held a very successful Operation Beneke event in Keysoe Village Hall. 21 people attended this. There will be a drop-in surgery at Frosts Garden Centre, Willington on 10/3/19. There is a surgery scheduled for Keysoe in September, venue tbc. Recent Activities – There have been 2 more arrests associated with hare coursing arrests in . A brothel has been closed down in Goldington, & a cannabis factory closed down in Putnoe. A number of illegal vehicles, mostly cars with no MOT or tax or insurance etc have been seized and drivers prosecuted using powers from new legislation. Herbert Protocol/safe & sound – This is a national scheme designed not only to prevent people living with memory problems going missing, but to improve the responses for locating them if they do. Referrals can come from anyone. Under this scheme the Police will conduct an interview to gather information such as birth town, schools attended, upbringing, important places, current photo etc. This information is then placed on file. In the event that the person does become lost, the Police should be notified via 999 and they treat the search as a priority; the additional information can focus their search where they are most likely to find that person. For more information ring 101 or e mail [email protected]

Streetlink app: Homelessness and rough sleeping affects a number of people many of whom we see out on our travels. PCllr Bellamy was concerned about the number of incidents and sought advice on best practice to deal with such situations if encountered by residents in a positive helpful way. At the Lime street Hub, he learnt about Bedford Police’s innovative model (now being copied by other forces). Existing Police powers are deployed effectively and sensitively to help those in genuine need whilst targeting the criminal elements. By working closely with other services and the Council, there have been significant successes in not only providing safe overnight accommodation for those in need, but also finding permanent accommodation opportunities too. They recommended using the Streetlink app which is a national scheme and linked up with the local support services. Once used a message is received by


Bolnhurst & Keysoe Parish Council the support services who then attend to offer help and support to that person. It is a more effective solution than giving cash to individuals.

See also item 5 for additional Community Safety matters raised.


13. COLLEGE FARM EQUESTRIAN CENTRE – TO RECEIVE REPORT FROM COUNCILLOR(S) WHO HAVE MET WITH EQUESTRIAN CENTRE TO DISCUSS POINTS RAISED AT THE LAST PARISH COUNCIL MEETING. PCllr Bates did not take part in this agenda item & left the meeting. PCllr Heming had met with the owner of College Farm Equestrian Centre on 15/2/19 to go through matters raised at the last Parish Council meeting as follows: Concern about the high volume of traffic going to the EC on 12th January for the cross-country running event. The main concern was the speeding by some drivers and their choice of route via Row West. Mr Bates explained that the competitors’ joining instructions advised traffic coming from the South on the B660 to proceed to Church Road and turn left to the EQ. It is acknowledged that Sat Navs will route vehicles via the shortest route. As Row West is a public highway, any vehicle has the right to use this road. The Parish Council concluded no further action could be taken, other than potentially asking the Police to monitor speeding traffic in Row West at the next event. Concern about riders wandering across Church Road with their mounts oblivious of traffic. Mr Bates was not aware of this & concerned to hear about it. He would brief his Marshalls accordingly. The Parish Council considered that no further action was considered necessary. Concern about floodlights being left on all night. Mr Bates reported he was unaware of this. Most evening activity ends around 9pm and lights are turned off around this time by timers or manually. It is not in his interests to keep lights on any longer than necessary. On big two-day events (weekends) some stabling and camping areas are illuminated overnight for safety and security reasons. The Parish Council considered that no further action was considered necessary. Residents were reminded at the January meeting how to report any concerns about light pollution. Damage to verges along Church Road - This appears to be exacerbated by the increasing size of horseboxes and the increasing numbers of events. Mr Bates reported that Highways had planned road improvements on Church Road but that seems to have been cancelled. He was also concerned that the central white line was not in the centre, which causes some confusion when two large horseboxes meet. Passing place laybys were not considered likely to be effective. There have been heavy aggregate lorries supplying the drainage operation which should be completed by the end of the month (weather permitting). The Parish Council considered that Church Road in its current condition is not suitable for the current volumes of traffic, & size of vehicles. There was a perception that the volume of traffic has increased, as has the number of larger horse boxes, which appear to be associated with the growth of the business. The success of this local business is to be commended but the road infrastructure appears unsuitable. BCllr Wootton suggested he would be happy to arrange a meeting with Jon Shortland to review the overall suitability of the infrastructure provision in relation to the volume associated with the growth of the business – Action BCllr Wootton


Bolnhurst & Keysoe Parish Council 14. ANNUAL PARISH MEETING This will be held on 18/3/19 at 7.30pm & village groups will be invited. Refreshments will be served from 7pm.

15. PARISH COUNCIL ELECTIONS 2019 The Clerk had sent a report outlining the procedure. There are 5 seats on Keysoe Ward & 2 on Bolnhurst Ward. Nomination packs are available from The Clerk or from Bedford Borough Council. The nomination period will be between 26/3/19 & 3/4/19. The forms will need to be delivered to the Returning Officer at Bedford Borough Council by hand. Where the number of nominations for each Ward is equal or less than the number of seats, each candidate will be declared elected. If there are more nominations than seats in either Ward, an election will take place for that Ward on 2/5/19. The current Parish Council term ends on 7/5/19, & the new Parish Council starts its four-year term that day, commencing with the Annual General Meeting on 16/5/19.

16. CORRESPONDENCE BBC – Road closure notice – Keysoe Row West 20/2/19 (emailed 29/1/19) BBC – Rural skip draft dates 8/6/19 8.30am – 12.30pm (tbc) (emailed 29/1/19) Resident 1 – comments on the PCC letter below (emailed 29/1/19 & 30/1/19) PCC – update on financial position & request for contribution from Parish Council reserves (emailed 30/1/19) Keysoe Village Hall – request for contribution towards cost of replacement concrete apron (total cost £6k) (emailed 31/1/19) Roxton PC – Ward Forum 28/2/19 (emailed 31/1/19) Police – crime stats: 2 x possession of cannabis Row West, one burglary non-dwelling Kimbolton Rd Bolnhurst, one burglary Mill Hill (emailed 31/1/19) Resident 1 – Query about a third-party message posted on social media (emailed 1/2/19). This was discussed under item 5. PCC – Reply to email regarding letter regarding the financial position of Beds Police (emailed 1/2/19) Resident 1 – information about BLEVEP - Bedfordshire & Luton Emergency Volunteers Executive Partnership (emailed 1/2/19) Resident 1 – Information about security service being used in Kimbolton (emailed 1/2/19 & 4/2/19 x 2) OPCC – newsletter (emailed 4/2/19). This was discussed under item 5. Alistair Burt MP – Broadband meeting 1/3/19 (emailed 5/2/19). PCllr Bates will attend this meeting. BATPC – Training programme (emailed 5/2/19) BBC – update on gulley clearance schedule (emailed 6/2/19) Resident 1 – interest in Parish Council elections (emailed 8/2/19) Biogen – spreading update (emailed 8/2/19) Beds Police – invitation to Priority setting meeting 13/3/19 (emailed 11/2/19) Resident 2 – interest in Parish Council elections (emailed 8/2/19) Beds Police – crime stats first half of February – none for this Parish (emailed 14/2/19). These are now being issued fortnightly. Beds Borough Council – Local Plan update, Inspectors appointed to carry out examination (emailed 15/2/19)

17. CLOSE OF BUSINESS - NEXT MEETING 18/03/19, 7.30pm, commencing with Annual Parish Meeting – Keysoe Village Hall

Signed……………………….………… Date……………………