2625 August 20092010 week 34 Interim results 2010 Withh EUR 537 million,milli RTL Group delivers best half-year result ever e plu s all th major news from the last four weeks Germany The Netherlands Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland RTL Nederland presents plans central platform for TV new season programming content North America Spain A young girl enchants Grupo Antena 3 launches America’s Got Talent third digital channel week 34 the RTL Group intranet 2625 August 20092010 week 34 Interim results 2010 Cover: Withh EUR 537 million,milli RTL Group delivers best half-year result ever Montage for the Interim Results 2010 e plu s all th major news from the last four weeks Germany The Netherlands Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland RTL Nederland presents 2 plans central platform for TV new season programming content North America Spain A young girl enchants Grupo Antena 3 launches America’s Got Talent third digital channel week 34 the RTL Group intranet RTL Group delivers best half-year result ever On 25 August, RTL Group announced its interim results to 30 June 2010. Backstage asked RTL Group CEO Gerhard Zeiler about the current status of the company. Gerhard Zeiler Luxembourg - 25 August 2010 With growing advertising revenue, many TV In Germany, total revenue increased 5 per cent companies reported significantly improved with EBITA rising to EUR 257 million reflecting financial results in recent weeks. How did the significantly higher advertising sales and the RTL Group perform in the first half of 2010? comprehensive cost saving measures initiated The advertising markets in the first half of 2010 last year. All of Groupe M6’s operating activities showed a strong recovery in Western Europe reported revenue and EBITA growth resulting in – much stronger than expected at the begin- an overall EBITA improvement of 20.7 per cent ning of the year. This is the result of the overall to EUR 134 million. And in the Netherlands, the economic recovery, but it also demonstrates total EBITA of the profit centre doubled to EUR the strength of television, as many advertisers 32 million Euros compared to last year, based have re-discovered its unique value for building on higher revenue generated by the TV activities brands and reaching mass audiences. and stable costs. For the first half of 2010, RTL Group reports a You already mentioned the significant cost strong set of results with significant growth in reductions realised in 2009. Is this still on the revenue and its best half-year EBITA and profit agenda? margin ever. This is also a benefit from our sig- Following significant savings in 2009, we’ve con- nificant cost reductions in 2009. tinued to apply strict cost control in 2010. If you look at our half-year figures, you can see that The Group’s EBITA margin increased 5.4 per- the Group’s operating costs remained broadly centage points to 20.2 per cent, and the net stable. Overall, we plan more or less with the result for RTL Group shareholders rose to EUR same cost base as in 2009. 257 million. However, we are and we will remain flexible: we Also from an audience ratings perspective can further cut costs or invest more on short no- almost all of our profit centres had an excellent tice − depending what the overall economic situ- first half year despite the fact that significant ation or the competition requires. This is done in sporting events such as the football World Cup close co-ordination with our local management and the Olympic Winter Games were broadcast teams in the various countries. on competing channels. What are RTL Group’s strategic priorities? Where did the EBITA improvement come RTL Group’s strategy will continue to pursue two from? main goals. First, to further optimise our core All our units improved their operating results with broadcasting business. This includes a variety especially strong performances coming from of measures such as strengthening our family Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland, Groupe M6 of channels and a cautious but flexible cost ap- and RTL Nederland. proach. 3 week 34 the RTL Group intranet The second main goal is to develop future growth However, you wouldn’t expect us to put a number by investing in content production, on-demand on our full-year result for 2010 – because this platforms and mobile services, leveraging our will solely depend on the development in the strong brands and creating a win-win-situation fourth quarter for which we have basically no with platform operators. We will also continue to visibility. This has to do with the strong fourth consider geographical expansion in high-growth quarter of last year when the lack of advertising regions. The digital world offers many business bookings in the first three quarters where partly opportunities, and we have the creativity, flex- compensated during the last three months. The ibility and financial strength to take advantage of only positive indicator we have so far is that TV them. advertising market growth in the UK will also continue in October. Finally, what is your outlook for the full year 2010? To sum it up: Our programme schedules for the We are confident that the positive trend – in next season are clear, our audience and adver- terms of EBITA improvement year-on-year – will tising performance is strong, costs are under also continue in the third quarter of 2010. Based control. The fourth quarter will decide whether on this and on our strong performance in key 2010 will be a good or a great year. markets, we will significantly outperform last year’s result. Best first half-year EBITA and profit margin ever Reported Group revenue up 7.5 per cent to EUR 2,661 million reflecting strong growth in Western European TV advertising markets in first half of 2010 First-half EBITA of EUR 537 million (up 46.3 per cent), mainly driven by significantly higher profit contributions from Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland, Groupe M6 and RTL Nederland Reported EBITA margin of 20.2 per cent (2009: 14.8 per cent) Net profit attributable to RTL Group shareholders comes to EUR 257 million (2009: net loss of EUR 105 million) Net cash from operating activities of EUR 523 million (2009: EUR 237 million), resulting in operating cash conversion of 118 per cent and net cash position at the end of June of EUR 894 million Following significant cost savings in 2009, operating costs remained broadly stable at EUR 2,168 million (2009: EUR 2,142 million) All profit centres improved their results Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland increased its clear audience leadership over main competitor ProSiebenSat1 to 5.2 percentage points and outperformed a significantly growing TV advertis- ing market; EBITA up 62.7 per cent to EUR 257 million Groupe M6 in France showed strong revenue and EBITA growth across all its activities; EBITA up 20.7 per cent to EUR 134 million Despite general pressure on margins and volumes, RTL Group’s worldwide production arm FremantleMedia continued its strong performance, thanks to its well-balanced stable of hit entertainment shows; EBITA up 3.4 per cent to EUR 90 million RTL Nederland doubled EBITA year on year to EUR 32 million RTL Radio in France reporting EBITA growth of 87.5 per cent, reaching EUR 15 million 4 week 34 the RTL Group intranet A disciplined approach to portfolio management, Five sold In July, RTL Group sold its UK broadcaster Five to the Northern & Shell company owned by British publisher Richard Desmond. The total cash consideration payable to RTL Group for its 100 per cent shareholding in Five was EUR 124 million. In March, FremantleMedia acquired the remaining 25 per cent of the production company Blu, the market leader in Denmark and Sweden, taking FremantleMedia’s ownership to 100 per cent; in April, FremantleMedia took over 100 per cent of the Netherlands-based independent produc- tion company Four One Media In January, RTL Nederland acquired Radio 10 Gold, expanding its family of radio stations, which also comprises market leader Radio 538 and digital station RTL Lounge Radio RTL Group’s new media activities show strong growth RTL Group’s online platforms and on-demand offers across Europe collectively generated more than 715 million video views of professionally produced content – up 50 per cent year-on-year Total online advertising revenue up 55 per cent year-on-year, driven by video advertising RTL Group companies have launched 40 mobile applications registering 5.5 million downloads to date; RTL Television became the first German channel to offer a mobile live stream app for its linear TV schedule Pay-TV channels in Germany, France and the Netherlands are operating at a profit For more information see: RTLGroup.com 5 week 34 the RTL Group intranet Revenue, EBITA, operating margin: all indicators significantly up End of July, Groupe M6 published its financial results for the first half of 2010. The group’s consolidated revenues grew by 9.4 per cent to EUR 742.1 million, while consolidated EBITA came to EUR 132.5 million, a 23.3 per cent increase. France - 28 July 2010 All activities contributed to the growth: the Revenues from the digital channels (advertising group’s advertising revenues (M6 channel, and distribution) rose by 15.8 per cent, mainly digital channels, Internet) increased by 10.0 driven by W9. The free DTT channel achieved per cent, while non-advertising revenues were a 2.9 per cent average national audience share up 8.7 per cent. On top of that, all activities over the period (audiences aged 4 and above; substantially increased their contribution in terms Source: Médiamétrie) and confirmed its position of current operating profit, thereby validating the as the most-invested-in DTT channel (advertis- group’s strategy of combining growth and profit- ing expenditures) over the period (gross ad data, ability.
Elisabeth Moss as Peggy Olson Outstanding Lead Actor In A Drama Series Nashville • ABC • ABC Studios Connie Britton as Rayna James Breaking Bad • AMC • Sony Pictures Television Scandal • ABC • ABC Studios Bryan Cranston as Walter White Kerry Washington as Olivia Pope Downton Abbey • PBS • A Carnival / Masterpiece Co-Production Hugh Bonneville as Robert, Earl of Grantham Outstanding Lead Actor In A Homeland • Showtime • Showtime Presents, Miniseries Or A Movie Teakwood Lane Productions, Cherry Pie Behind The Candelabra • HBO • Jerry Productions, Keshet, Fox 21 Weintraub Productions in association with Damian Lewis as Nicholas Brody HBO Films House Of Cards • Netflix • Michael Douglas as Liberace Donen/Fincher/Roth and Trigger Street Behind The Candelabra • HBO • Jerry Productions, Inc. in association with Media Weintraub Productions in association with Rights Capital for Netflix HBO Films Kevin Spacey as Francis Underwood Matt Damon as Scott Thorson Mad Men • AMC • Lionsgate Television The Girl • HBO • Warner Bros. Jon Hamm as Don Draper Entertainment, GmbH/Moonlighting and BBC in association with HBO Films and Wall to The Newsroom • HBO • HBO Entertainment Wall Media Jeff Daniels as Will McAvoy Toby Jones as Alfred Hitchcock Parade's End • HBO • A Mammoth Screen Production, Trademark Films, BBC Outstanding Lead Actress In A Worldwide and Lookout Point in association Drama Series with HBO Miniseries and the BBC Benedict Cumberbatch as Christopher Tietjens Bates Motel • A&E • Universal Television, Carlton Cuse Productions and Kerry Ehrin
RTL Group continues to improve its profitability Luxembourg, 24 August 2011 − RTL Group, the leading European entertainment network, announces its interim results to 30 June 2011. Highlights In € million Half year to Half year to Per cent June 2011 June 2010 change Revenue 2,751 2,661 +3.4 Underlying revenue1 2,679 2,649 +1.1 Reported EBITA2 557 537 +3.7 Start-up losses3 − (10) Adjusted EBITA 557 547 Reported EBITA margin (%) 20.2 20.2 Reported EBITA 557 537 +3.7 Impairment of investment in associates and amortisation and impairment of fair value adjustments on acquisitions (20) (5) Loss from sale of subsidiaries, other investments and re-measurement to fair value of pre-existing interest in acquiree − (11) Net financial expense (3) (9) Income tax expense (151) (155) Profit for the period from continuing operations 383 357 Loss for the period from discontinued operations (1) (49) Profit for the period 382 308 +24.0 Attributable to: Non-controlling interests 58 51 RTL Group shareholders 324 257 +26.1 Basic EPS continuing operations (in €) 2.12 1.99 Basic EPS discontinued operations (in €) (0.01) (0.32) Adjusted EPS (in €)4 2.06 1.90 +8.4 1 Adjusted for Radical Media, Ludia and other minor scope changes and at constant exchange rates 2 EBITA (continuing operations) represents earnings before interest and taxes excluding impairment of investment in associates, impairment of goodwill and of disposal group, and amortisation and impairment of fair value adjustments on acquisitions, and gain or loss from sale of subsidiaries, other investments
ADDING VALUE a report by Northern Ireland Screen NORTHERN BOOSTING CELEBRATING ENHANCING CONTENTS THE THE THE IRELAND OUR OUR OUR CHILDREN'S ECONOMIC CULTURAL EDUCATIONAL SCREEN ECONOMY CULTURE EDUCATION VALUE VALUE VALUE 08 Large-scale Production 44 Writers 84 Creative Learning Centres 18 Independent Film 46 Short Film 90 Moving Image Arts (MIA) 22 Animation 48 ILBF / CCG 92 After School FilmClub 26 Factual / Entertainment 56 USBF 30 Television Drama 64 Film Culture 34 Gaming and Mobile 74 Heritage and Archive 38 Skills Development 78 Awards 04 05 INTROduCTION As the government-backed lead Of course certain activity intersects In a similar vein, the work of the agency in Northern Ireland for the film, more than one area and the inter- Education Department, with regard to television and digital content industry, connectivity of the agency’s work will its intervention through FilmClub, has Northern Ireland Screen is committed become apparent. For example, the value in both education and culture; as to maximising the economic, cultural development and production funding for children learn through film in a pure and educational value of the screen indigenous projects made in Northern educational sense as well as gain a wider industries for the benefit of Northern Ireland by Northern Ireland film-makers appreciation of film culture and of the Ireland. This goal is pursued through our and shown at a Northern Ireland festival, culture of Northern Ireland through mission to accelerate the development will have value in all areas. An obvious watching content-relevant films. of a dynamic and sustainable screen case in point is the feature film Good industry and culture in Northern Ireland.
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I DONT MEAN TO BE RUDE, BUT...: THE TRUTH ABOUT FAME, FORTUNE AND MY LIFE IN MUSIC PDF, EPUB, EBOOK Simon Cowell | 336 pages | 29 Apr 2004 | Ebury Publishing | 9780091898281 | English | London, United Kingdom The untold truth of Billie Eilish I'm hardly judged by others Christians for not wanting kids, but if I do have children, I know I would be a bad mother! I don't ever want to do that because I know myself. If someone knows that they would do bad at something, is it better to never start? My fiance has a daughter already from a prior marriage, so he doesn't mind not having more children, but is contraception sinful? What if it's permanent? I've always been following my own conscience and relationship with God to take decisions, but based on some answers that I had the opportunity to read in your web site -- I don't know -- I decided to ask. Since I keep everything to myself, I've never been understood by other Christians! I go often but don't participate much. I'm 23 and my boyfriend I pray to God that you could help me to find the right direction according to what the Scripture say, and, of course, that I could apply it as well in my life because that is what I aim. One of the sad periods of Israel's history was the time of the Judges. The people went from bad to worse to horrible and the key is found at the end of the book: " In those days there was no king in Israel; everyone did what was right in his own eyes " Judges People were doing as you, deciding for themselves what was right or wrong.
P - Publizisten P - Publizisten Medienspektrum ABENTEUER JOURNALISMUS Martin Blach: Gefangenenlager, Psychiatrie und nun DSDS Martin Blach, 1975 in Frankfurt a. M. geboren, studierte nach Abitur und Wehrdienst kath. Theologie an Jesuiten- Hochschulen in Frankfurt a. M. und Boston/USA. Parallel eignete er sich studienbegleitend Expertise in Betriebs- wirtschaft und Marketing/PR an. Nach verschiedenen Stationen im Journalis- mus, in der Hessischen Staatskanzlei sowie der Hess. Landesvertretung in Berlin wurde er 2008 vom Kuratorium der Stiftung Kloster Eberbach zu deren Geschäftsführendem Vorstand berufen. Martin Blach „vermarktet“ Kloster Eberbach mithilfe einer Fernsehshow s ist besonderes Glück, an die- Ort. Es war bereits Gefangenlager, Psy- In meiner Zeit als Vorstand ha- sem 900 Jahre alten Ort arbeiten chiatrie und Waffenlager. Durch die ben wir noch nie eine solche mediale zu dürfen. Seit acht Jahren helfe Basilika führte zeitweise eine Straße. Aufmerksamkeit erfahren. Im No- Eich als Geschäftsführender Vorstand, Warum diesen Ort also nicht für ein vember 2015 sind wir vom Bundes- Kloster Eberbach zu erhalten und der Format öffnen, das dem Kloster einen verband Deutscher Stiftungen mit Öffentlichkeit zugänglich zu machen. so nie dagewesenen Werbeeffekt bieten dessen „Oscar“ für gutes Stiftungs- Ein Traumjob und zugleich ein Kampf, könnte? management ausgezeichnet worden. ohne in Betreib und Unterhalt staat- Legt man eine Werbeminute bei RTL Meist war dies nur eine kurze Notiz lich subventioniert zu sein täglich fast am Samstagabend in Höhe eines sechs- wert. Über Jahre haben wir Kloster 10.000 Euro an Kosten zu stemmen. stelligen Betrags zugrunde und verge- Eberbach zu einem erfolgreichen Ohne kreative Vermarkung geht da genwärtigt sich die Präsenz des Klosters Wirtschaftsunternehmen aufgebaut nichts.
SOCIETY: ANTI-SEMITISM Debate on anti-Semitism lacks substance Long-term media analysis of coverage on anti-Semitism, Israel and religious communities 1999-2003 s there another topic that national media in Germany treat quite as Short-term sensationalism… I carelessly as real or purported anti- Presence of the topic anti-Semitism 01/02-11/03 Semitism? After ten years of continuous 100 media analysis, and against the backdrop number of stories of the debate on the speech by CDU par- liamentarian Hohmann, the observer is 80 hard pressed to see anything reassuring in media reporting. 60 Whether in the ARD or ZDF, BILD or SÜD- 40 DEUTSCHE ZEITUNG, SPIEGEL or STERN, journalists continue to exploit and sen- 20 sationalize their coverage on the historic responsibilities of Germans, on religious 0 communities in general and the Jewish 1234567891011121234567891011 community and Israel, in particular. Cli- 2002 2003 chés seem to play a far more important Source: MEDIA TENOR Basis: 328 stories abaut anti-Semitism; role in news selection and evaluation than 01/01/2002 - 11/15/2003 in 21 media a journalistic predilection for research, reporting the news and putting events into a clear context. The victims are once …leads at best to saturation again the very same people for whom the Assessment of selected religious communities 01-11/03 media hype was purportedly intended: Shares of negative and positive coverage the Jewish religious community. Catholic church negative Anti-Semitism as a pretext positive The above graph shows how shallow Protestant curch this debate really is: Journalists who paid such great attention to the topic in Jewish community May/June 2002 and in November 2003 should also put up with the question why they basically ignored it for the entire Muslim community time in between? Jewish graveyards are desecrated every week.
Page: 1 Redox D.A.S. Artist List for period: 01.03.2019 - 31.03.2019 Date time: Number: Title: Artist: Publisher Lang: 01.03.2019 00:00:58 HD 13773 GARBAGE (HIP HOP MED NOGAMI) BIG FOOT MAMA SLO 01.03.2019 00:04:18 HD 04945 LOVE IS IN THE AIR JOHN PAUL YOUNG ANG 01.03.2019 00:07:35 HD 12895 NOCEM VEC NAZAJ DAN D SLO 01.03.2019 00:11:22 HD 03566 I WANNA WAKE UP WITH YOU BORIS GARDINER ANG 01.03.2019 00:15:11 HD 18649 NOT THAT KIND ANASTACIA ANG 01.03.2019 00:18:39 HD 05240 BITTER MOON LOVEBOX ANG 01.03.2019 00:22:20 HD 40771 SI OK? JAN PLESTENJAK SLO 01.03.2019 00:26:17 HD 63193 PERU BQL SLO 01.03.2019 00:29:14 HD 25027 SWEET CHILD O' MINE GUNS N' ROSES ANG 01.03.2019 00:35:08 HD 59491 24K MAGIC BRUNO MARS ANG 01.03.2019 00:38:52 HD 60079 PLIMA ANIKA HORVAT SLO 01.03.2019 00:43:13 HD 07225 WOMAN NENEH CHERRY ANG 01.03.2019 00:47:31 HD 11637 ENKRAT SI NA VRSTI TI FARAONI SLO 01.03.2019 00:51:20 HD 14390 HIGH SOCIETY GIRL LAID BACK ANG 01.03.2019 00:55:00 HD 06368 QUEDATE SORAYA SPA 01.03.2019 00:59:11 HD 60153 SELLING THE DRAMA LIVE ANG 01.03.2019 01:02:30 HD 39198 VEDNO PRVI URSKA MAJDIC & ROK GOLOB SLO 01.03.2019 01:05:47 HD 63141 VSE SE DA VLADO KRESLIN SLO 01.03.2019 01:09:12 HD 04984 LAMBADA KAOMA SPA 01.03.2019 01:12:34 HD 59208 TA OBCUTEK (FEAT.
Page: Redox D.A.S. Artist List for01.10.2020 period: - 31.10.2020 Date time: Title: Artist: min:sec 01.10.2020 00:01:07 A WALK IN THE PARK NICK STRAKER BAND 00:03:44 01.10.2020 00:04:58 GEORGY GIRL BOBBY VINTON 00:02:13 01.10.2020 00:07:11 BOOGIE WOOGIE DANCIN SHOES CLAUDIAMAXI BARRY 00:04:52 01.10.2020 00:12:03 GLEJ LJUBEZEN KINGSTON 00:03:45 01.10.2020 00:15:46 CUBA GIBSON BROTHERS 00:07:15 01.10.2020 00:22:59 BAD GIRLS RADIORAMA 00:04:18 01.10.2020 00:27:17 ČE NE BOŠ PROBU NIPKE 00:02:56 01.10.2020 00:30:14 TO LETO BO MOJE MAX FEAT JAN PLESTENJAK IN EVA BOTO00:03:56 01.10.2020 00:34:08 I WILL FOLLOW YOU BOYS NEXT DOOR 00:04:34 01.10.2020 00:38:37 FEELS CALVIN HARRIS FEAT PHARRELL WILLIAMS00:03:40 AND KATY PERRY AND BIG 01.10.2020 00:42:18 TATTOO BIG FOOT MAMA 00:05:21 01.10.2020 00:47:39 WHEN SANDRO SMILES JANETTE CRISCUOLI 00:03:16 01.10.2020 00:50:56 LITER CVIČKA MIRAN RUDAN 00:03:03 01.10.2020 00:54:00 CARELESS WHISPER WHAM FEAT GEORGE MICHAEL 00:04:53 01.10.2020 00:58:49 WATERMELON SUGAR HARRY STYLES 00:02:52 01.10.2020 01:01:41 ŠE IMAM TE RAD NUDE 00:03:56 01.10.2020 03:21:24 NO ORDINARY WORLD JOE COCKER 00:03:44 01.10.2020 03:25:07 VARAJ ME VARAJ SANJA GROHAR 00:02:44 01.10.2020 03:27:51 I LOVE YOU YOU LOVE ME ANTHONY QUINN 00:02:32 01.10.2020 03:30:22 KO LISTJE ODPADLO BO MIRAN RUDAN 00:03:02 01.10.2020 03:33:24 POROPOMPERO CRYSTAL GRASS 00:04:10 01.10.2020 03:37:31 MOJE ORGLICE JANKO ROPRET 00:03:22 01.10.2020 03:41:01 WARRIOR RADIORAMA 00:04:15 01.10.2020 03:45:16 LUNA POWER DANCERS 00:03:36 01.10.2020 03:48:52 HANDS UP /
BTE • Ancient Thunder Study Guide 2021 1 Ancient Thunder Study Guide In this study guide you will find all kinds of information to help you learn more about the myths that inspired BTE's original play Ancient Thunder, and about Ancient Greece and its infleunce on culture down to the present time. What is Mythology? ...................................................2 The stories the actors tell in Ancient Thunder are called myths. Learn what myths are and how they are associated with world cultures. When and where was Ancient Greece? ..................... 10 The myths in Ancient Thunder were created thousands of years ago by people who spoke Greek. Learn about where and when Ancient Greece was. What was Greek Art like? ..........................................12 Learn about what Greek art looked like and how it inspired artists who came after them. How did the Greeks make Theatre? .......................... 16 The ancient Greeks invented a form of theatre that has influenced storytelling for over two thousand years. Learn about what Greek theatre was like. What was Greek Music like? ..................................... 18 Music, chant, and song were important to Greek theatre and culture. Learn about how the Greeks made music. What are the Myths in Ancient Thunder? ................. 20 Learn more about the Greek stories that are told in Ancient Thunder. Actvities ........................................................................................................... 22 Sources ..............................................................................................................24 Meet the Cast .................................................................................................... 25 2 BTE • Ancient Thunder Study Guide 2021 What is Mythology? Myths are stories that people tell to explain and understand how things came to be and how the world works. The word myth comes from a Greek word that means story. Mythology is the study of myths.
Crime for Everyone Launching the Digital Channel RTL Crime, RTL Nederland Creates a New Brand for Those Who Love the Thrill
1 September 2011 week 35 Crime for everyone Launching the digital channel RTL Crime, RTL Nederland creates a new brand for those who love the thrill Germany Netherlands IP Deutschland introduces RTL Nederland presents a common ‘convergence’ currency new season line-up France Belgium M6 and CBS Studios International Consistency is the key word extend partnership for the new season the RTL Group intranet week 35 Cover: Montage with RTL Crime’s TV programmes such as CSI and 24 2 the RTL Group intranet week 35 Thrills by the score Dutch crime lovers have a reason to cheer, when RTL Nederland launches its second digital channel. Nicolas Eglau explains how RTL Crime takes viewers into custody. The RTL Crime logo was designed bright and friendly The Netherlands - 1 September 2011 Starting 1 September, RTL Nederland watch crime series like the CSI franchise.” The extends its family of channels with a second RTL Crime channel design reflects this insight. digital thematic channel: RTL Crime. The new Nicolas Eglau says “its logo and optics are channel offers the best of domestic and US brighter and more friendly than one would expect crime series as well as documentaries on true from a crime-themed channel, as we target both stories behind high-profile criminal cases. women and men.” Nicolas Eglau, Director RTL Ventures, explains: “RTL Crime gives all fans of crime stories an alibi. We are expanding our range of digital broadcasts by launching a new channel that fits perfectly into our existing family. We are launching RTL Crime not just as an entertainment channel, but as a new brand for all crime story fans”.
Ofcom broadcast bulletin Issue number 64 10 July 2006 Ofcom broadcast bulletin 64 10 July 2006 Contents Introduction 3 Standards cases In Breach 4 Resolved 7 Fairness & Privacy cases Not Upheld 11 Other programmes not in breach/outside remit 21 2 Ofcom broadcast bulletin 64 10 July 2006 Introduction Ofcom’s Broadcasting Code took effect on 25 July 2005 (with the exception of Rule 10.17 which came into effect on 1 July 2005). This Code is used to assess the compliance of all programmes broadcast on or after 25 July 2005. The Broadcasting Code can be found at http://www.ofcom.org.uk/tv/ifi/codes/bcode/ The Rules on the Amount and Distribution of Advertising (RADA) apply to advertising issues within Ofcom’s remit from 25 July 2005. The Rules can be found at http://www.ofcom.org.uk/tv/ifi/codes/advertising/#content The Communications Act 2003 allowed for the codes of the legacy regulators to remain in force until such time as Ofcom developed its own Code. While Ofcom has now published its Broadcasting Code, the following legacy Codes apply to content broadcast before 25 July 2005. • Advertising and Sponsorship Code (Radio Authority) • News & Current Affairs Code and Programme Code (Radio Authority) • Code on Standards (Broadcasting Standards Commission) • Code on Fairness and Privacy (Broadcasting Standards Commission) • Programme Code (Independent Television Commission) • Programme Sponsorship Code (Independent Television Commission) • Rules on the Amount and Distribution of Advertising From time to time adjudications relating to advertising content may appear in the bulletin in relation to areas of advertising regulation which remain with Ofcom (including the application of statutory sanctions by Ofcom).