A Biblical Study
Trickotomy: A Biblical Study. ARTICLE V. TRICHOTOMY: A BIBLICAL STUDY. BY THE REV. S. H. KELLOGG, D. D., TORONTO, CANADA. CONSCIOUSNESS and revelation alike bear witness that, to speak in a general way, man is it being with a dual nature. I have a body; I am also conscious that I have a soul, of which my body is but the instrument. This is the true Ego; an immaterial essence, which thinks and feels and wills; but a material body has been assumed into organic union with it. Thus I am body and soul. In a like general way, in the account of creation as given in the book of Genesis, we read of two different elements as entering into the constitu tion of man; the one, material, a body, made "of the dust of the ground," the other, immaterial, the c~~1J ~rf~, "the breath of life (lives)," breathed into man by God, in the day that he created him. On this point, then, consciousness and Script ure bear consentient testimony; there is a dichotomy in the nature of man. But this being granted, the question still re mains, whether a further analysis is possible. Philosophy, indeed, whether right or wrong, long ago insisted that a further distinction must be made in the immaterial part of man, as containing in the unity of the one person, first, the yvx7f, or "animal soul," and secondly, the JlO~, or "intel ligence." Whether these names were well chosen or not, or whether there was any sufficient ground for the distinction, we do not yet inquire.
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