Articles 279 by Clifford M. Nelson* The Fifth International Geological Congress, Washington, 1891 US Geological Survey, 950 National Center, Reston, VA 20192-0001, USA. E-mail:
[email protected] The 5th International Geological Congress (IGC), the initial meeting in North America, was the first of the Prologue: invitations in 1888 for the 5th IGC three IGCs that have been held in the United States of America (USA). Of the 538 registrants alive when the When meeting in London during 17–22 September 1888, the 4th International Geological Congress (IGC) received three invitations 5th IGC convened in Washington, 251 persons, repre- to hold the next triennial congress at cities in the United States and a senting fifteen countries, actually attended the meeting. fourth to convene the 6th IGC in Vienna in 1894. On 19 September, These participants included 173 people from the USA, Persifor Frazer (Franklin Institute), the Secretary of the American of whom forty-two represented the US Geological Sur- Association for the Advancement of Science's (AAAS) Special vey (USGS). Fourteen of the US State geological sur- Committee on the International Congress of Geologists, introduced a veys sent representatives to Washington. Eight partici- multi-party offer from Philadelphia to host the 5th IGC. The invita- pants came from other countries in the Western Hemi- tions to meet in the United States (US) had been expected ever since sphere — Canada (3), Chile (1), Mexico (3), and Peru the AAAS reestablished its 'American Committee' in 1882, with James Hall (State Geologist of New York) as Chairman and Thomas (1). The sixty-six European geologists and naturalists at Hunt (New York City) as Secretary (Saunders, 1883: 634).