Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-13504-8 — Insurgencies and Counterinsurgencies Edited by Beatrice Heuser , Eitan Shamir Index More Information
Cambridge University Press 978-1-107-13504-8 — Insurgencies and Counterinsurgencies Edited by Beatrice Heuser , Eitan Shamir Index More Information Index 9/11 Attacks, 45, 148, 360 Al-Dawla al-Islamiyya fi al-`Iraq, 299 Abbas, Ferhat, 196 Alderson, Alexander, 29, 41 Abbas, Mahmoud, 242 Aleppo, 289, 294–6, 300–1, 303–4, 307 Aberystwyth University, 10 Algeria, 20, 47–54, 57–73, 126–7, 136, Abu Ghraib prison, 144 193–9, 202, 204–5, 207–9, 211, 226–7, Abu Marzuq, Mousa, 238 285, 326, 328, 337–9, 347–8, 354, Abu-Mazen. See Abbas, Mahmoud 356–8, 365 Adams, Gerry, 218 Autonomous Zone of Algiers, 205 Aden, 26, 30, 38 Nationalist uprisings 1945, 197 Acheson, Dean, 322 Palestro, 199 Aerial Rocket Artillery, 132 Tribal uprisings of 1845, 1871, 1864, Aeschylus, 2 1881 and 1916, 196 Afghan National Army, 261–2 Algerian Front de Libération nationale. Afghan war, 89 See FLN Afghanistan, 20, 25–6, 30, 41, 46, 74, 76, 81, Algerian National Liberation Army. 88, 136–44, 146–8, 246–8, 251–2, 254– See ALN 6, 259–61, 263–5, 306, 348, 354, 356–7, Algerian National Movement. See MNA 359, 362, 365–6, 370 Algerian People’s Party, 198 Herat, 262 Algerian War 1954–1962, 19, 126, 193–5, Soviet withdrawal 1989, 261 211, 314, 330, 336, 349, 361 Africa, 28, 47, 51, 53, 73, 223, 334, 341, Algerian wars, 366 346, 364 Algiers, 65–7, 193, 199, 204–5 African slave trade, 114 Al-Haraka al-Tashihiyya, 294 Afrika Korps, 171 Allard, General Robert, 66 Age of Battles, 10 Alloush, Zahran, 305 Agent Orange, 131 ALN, 49, 63, 65–6, 194–211, 354 Agitprop, 229 Alon, Yigal, 170 AGM-114 Hellfire, 145 Al-Qaeda, 45, 88, 141, 147, 240–1, 264 Aguinaldo, Emilio, 119–20 Al-Qaeda in the Sinai Peninsula, 240 Air France, 176 Al-Qaeda, 299 AirLand Battle, 135 Al-Qaeda in Iraq, 299 Aït Ahmed, Hocine, 198–9 Al-Quds Brigades, 235 AKP, 306 American Civil War, 5, 114–15, 120–2, Al Aqsa Martyrs’ Brigades, 218 223, 337 Al Qaeda, 221, 338 American Revolution, 113–16, 145 Kidnapping Manual 2004, 344 Amir ul Moomineen.
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