VA Vol 18 No 6 June 1990
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GHT AND LEVEL f of these people to see if you could be w, "" trying of help. Uto register these ~people" " in advance of A/C Parking & Flight Line Safety Art the fly-in this year. Morgan 414/442-3631 As we will not be having the River A/C Forums John Berendt 507/263 boat Cruise this year (because the boat 2414 has been sold), Steve and Jeannie are Antique Judging Dale Gustafson 3171 planning something special for our AI 293-4430 C Picnic this year. This event will be ,. Classic Judging George York 419/529 held on Sunday night of the conven € 4378 o tion. This is a good opportunity to have ~ A/C Manpower Gloria Beecroft 2131 a good meal without the hassle and the ~ 427-1880 traffic and lines at different restaurants o Q Parade of Flight Phil Coulson 617/624 on this busy night. 6490 Our A/C Parking area is once again by Espie uButchu Joyce Headquarters Staff Kate Morgan 4141 being expanded with the movement of 442-3613 the Ultralight area to west of the air A/C Security Jim Mahoney port. The showplace camping will Q{lJt AlC Press Larry D'Attilio 4141784 have a new portable shower located in It seem possible but soon 0318 the south tree line. Also, we have been it will be time for EAA Oshkosh '90. A/C Maintenance Stan Gomoll 6121 promised that the present showers will It is difficult for a person (unless they 784-1172 be improved. have been involved as a volunteer) to Interview Circle Charles Harris 9181 As you can see, we are working hard imagine how much planning goes into 742-7311 to make your visit to Oshkosh 1990 in putting on this event. Type Club Headquartes Joe Dickey the A/C area a good one. Please drop In the Antique/Classic area of the 812/342-6878 by A/C Headquarters and meet convention alone, we have the follow A/C Picnic Steve Nesse 507/373-1674 everyone. Sit on the porch and make ing: A/C Flyout Bob Lumley 4141782-2633 yourself at home. I . A/C Headquarters building Hall of Fame Union Dean Richardson This month you will find the Offic 2. Three tents , including the 608/833-1291 ers and Directors running for election. type clubs, OX-5 Aviation Pioneers Welcoming Committee Jack Copeland Please mail in your ballot or proxy. and workshop tent. 617/366-2745 These people are willing to put forth a 3. One judges' trailer Membership & Chapter Booth Bob good deal of work to make your A/C 4. The volunteer building Brauer 3121779-2105 Division the best. One of your Direc 5. Four parking posts for air Photo Contest Jack McCarthy 3171 tors, Dan Neuman , has decided to re craft 371-1290 tire as a Director of the A/C Division. 6. One manpower post A/C Flight Safety Buck Hilbert 8151 Dan has served your Division with de 7. One membership & chapter 923-4591 dication and loyalty. Dan's input to our post AlC Pioneer Video Jeannie Hill 8151 activities will be missed. Dan, we all 8. Fifteen golf carts 943-7205 wish you the best. Bob Lickteig, the 9. Forty tables & 130 chairs OX-5 Pioneers Bob Wallace 301/686 past president of your Division, was This list can go on and on . These are 9242 selected to fill the unexpired term of only the material things. Volunteer Host Judith Wyrembeck Dan Neuman. I would like to welcome In my mind, the high quality of our Data Process Thomas Auger 715/287 Bob aboard. His knowledge and ex Chairmen and volunteer staff make the 4262 perience will be most welcome. A/C area of the convention the best. AlC Workshop George Meade 4141 Should any of you have any input We have over the past years been trend 926-2428 for the good of the A/C Division, setters. To keep this trend going, the please contact me and I will get back Chairmen need the help of volunteers. I need to make you aware of some with you as soon as possible. Volunteers like you. details related to these activities. If you Let's all pull in the same direction I would like to list these Chairmen wish to participate in the Parade of for the good of aviation. Join us and so you might, if interested, contact one Flight, you need to contact Phil Coul- have it all!!. 2 JUNE 1990 PUBLICATION STAFF PUBLISHER Tom Poberezny VICE-PRESIDENT MARKETING & COMMUNICATIONS Dick Mall EDITOR Mark Phelps MANAGING EDITOR Golda Cox JUNE 1990 • Vol. 18, No.6 ART DIRECTOR Mike Drucks Copyright © 1990 by the EAA AntiquelClassic Division. Inc. All rights reserved. ADVERnSING Mary Jones ASSOCIATE EDITORS Norman Petersen Dick Cavin Contents FEAnJRE WRITERS George A Hardie. Jr. Dennis Parks EDITORIAl ASSISTANT 2 Straight and Level!by Espie "Butch" Joyce Isabelle Wiske STAFF PHOTOGRAPHERS 4 A/C Newslby Mark Phelps Jim Koepnlck Carl Schuppel Jefflsom 5 Letters to the Editor EAA ANTIQUE/CLASSIC DIVISION, INC. 6 Members' Projectslby Norm Petersen OFFICERS Page 5 President Vice President Espie ' Butch' Joyce Arthur R. Morgan 8 Vintage Seaplaneslby Norm Petersen 604 Highway SI. 3744 North 51st Blvd. Madison. NC 27025 Milwaukee. WI 53216 10 Vintage Literaturelby Dennis Parks 919/427-0216 414/442-3631 Secretary Treasurer George S. Yo rk E. E. "Buck" Hilbe rt 14 Interesting Memberlby Charlie Harris 181 Sloboda Ave. P.O. Box 424 Mansfield. OH 44906 Union. IL 60180 419/529-4378 815/923-4591 16 Build a Flying Toboggan Iby Paul H . Keating, E.M. DIRECTORS Robert C. ' Bob" Brauer John S. Copeland 18 Father & Son Cessnalby Mark Phelps 9345 S. Hoyne 9 Joanne Drive Page 6 Chicago. IL 60620 Westborough. MA 01581 312/779-2105 508/366-7245 22 Photos by Kostonlby Ted Koston Philip Coulson William A Eickhoff 28415 Springbrook Dr. 41515th Ave. N.E. Lawton. M149065 St. Petersburg. FL 33704 24 The Ferris Wheellby Jim Damron 616/624-6490 813/823-2339 Charles Harris Stan Gomoll 26 Notice of Annual Meeting 3933 South Peoria 1042 90th Lane. NE P.o. Box 904038 Minneapolis. MN 55434 Tulsa. OK 74105 6121784-1172 28 Pass It To Bucklby E. E. "Buck" Hil bert 9181742-7311 Robert D. ' Bob" Lumley Dale A Gustafson 1265 South 124th St. 30 Calendar 7724 Shady Hill Drive Brookfield. WI 53005 Page 22 Indianapolis. IN 46278 4141782-2633 31 Vintage Trader 317/293-4430 Gene Morris Steven C. Nesse 115C Steve Court. R.R. 2 2009 Highland Ave. 34 Mystery Planelby George Hardie, Jr. Roanoke. TX 76262 Albert Lea. MN 56007 817/491-9110 507/373-1674 S.H. oWes' Schmid FRONT COVER .. Leon Seale. Jr. and son "Scoote(' (Leon III) close in 2359 Lefeber Avenue on the photo p la ne for a good look. Wauwatosa. WI 53213 (Photo by Jim Koepnick. Photo plane flown by Jim Dorman) 414m1-1545 DIRECTOR EMERITUS REAR COVER . .. Longtime EAAer. Ted Businger liked the old magazine S.J. Willman covers on the rear covers of recent Issues of II1NTAGE AIRPLANE so he 7200 S.E. 85th Lane sent along a collection of his favorites. one of which is featured here. Ocala. FL 32672 904/245-7768 Thanks Ted! ADVISORS John Berendt Gene Chase The words EM, ULTRALIGHT, FLY WITH THE FIRST TEAM, SPORT AVIATION, ard!he logos 01 EXPERIMENTAL AIRCRAFT ASSOCIATION INC.. EM INTERNA· 7645 Echo Point Rd. 2159 Carlton Rd. TIONAL CONVENTION , EM ANTIOUE/CLASSIC DIVISION INC , INTERNATIONAL AEROBATIC CLUB INC , WARBIRDS OF AMERICA INC., are regslered Cannon Falls. MN 55009 Oshkosh. WI 54904 trademar1<s. THE EM SKY SHOPP£ aM logos 01 !he EM AVIATION FOUNDATION INC. and EM ULTRALIGHT CONVENTION are trademar1<s 01 !he above 507/263-2414 414/231 -5002 assodalions aM Iheir use by aIrf person oIher /han !he above assodaIions is sIr'dIy prohilited. EcItOOal Policy: Readers are encouraged to submrt stories and phot<qaphs. Policy opirjons expressed in articles are solely those 01 !he authors. Respoosilility lor George Daubner John A Fogerty acruracy in repor1ilg rests entirely with !he oontrilutor. Material should be sent to: Em, The VINTAGE AIRPLANE, Wntrnoo Regional Airport, 3000 Poberezny Rd. , 2448 Lough Lane 479 Highway 65 OOosh, WI 549Q3.3086. Pt1ooo:4t4l4264800. Hartford. WI 53027 Roberts. WI 54023 The VINTAGE AIRPLANE (ISSN OO9t·6943) ~ published and owred exdusive~ by EM Antiq ueJC~ DMsioo. I"". 01 !he ExperirrentaJ AirCfait Association, If'<. and 414/673-5885 715/425-2455 ~ pu~ished monthly at Willman Regional Airport, 3000 Poberezny Rd., OOosh, WI 549Q3.3086. Second Class Postage paid at Oshkosh, WI 54901 and additional mailng oiflCeS. Merrbership rates lor EM Antique!C~ Divisioo, lnc. are $t8.00 lor ourrent EM IOOr11bers lor t2 month period 01 I>Ilich $t2.00 ~ lor !he publication Jeannie Hili Dean Richardson 01 The VINTAGE AIRPLANE. Membership ~ open to all who are nterested in aviation. 6701 Colony Drive P.o. Box 328 ADVERTISING - Antique/Classic Division does not guarantee or endorse any product offered through our advertising. We invite constructive cfiticism ard welcome Harvard. IL 60033 Madison. WI 53717 aIrf report 01 inferior merchandise oIJIained through our advertiSing so that corrective measures can be taken. 815/943-7205 608/833-1291 POSTMASTER : Send address changes to EM Antique/Classic Division, I"".. P.O. Box 3086, Oshkosh, WI 54903·3086. Compiled by Mark Phelps John Lafferty, 1914·1990 It is with deep regret that we report the passing of John Lafferty (EAA 35501, AIC 8308) of Austin, Min nesota on April 22, 1990. John's life story was chronicled in the February 1990 issue of VINTAGE AIRPLANE.