Amb-CF] Ambrose of Milan, on the Christian Faith
Bibliography Ancient Sources/Dogmatic Works [Ale-LAT] Alexander of Alexandria, Letter to Alexander of Thessalonica [Amb-CF] Ambrose of Milan, On the Christian Faith [ANPF] Ante-Nicene Fathers, Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers (38 vols.), Roberts, Alexander, Donaldson, James (eds.), 1885, Hendrickson Publishers [Aqu-SCG] Thomas Aquinas, Summa Contra Gentes [Ar-LAA] Arius, Letter to Alexander of Alexandria [Ar-LC] Arius, Letter to the Emperor Constantine [Ar-LEN] Arius, Letter to Eusebius of Nicomedia [Ar-TH] Arius, Thalia [Ari-BW] Aristotle, The Basic Works of Aristotle (Ed. Richard McKeon), The Modern Library, 2001 (1941) [Aris-APOL] Aristides, The Apology of Aristides [Ath-AS] Athanasius, Letters to Serapion Concerning the Holy Spirit [Ath-CG] Athanasius of Alexandria, Contra Gentes [Ath-DI] Athanasius of Alexandria, De Incarnatione Verbi Dei [Ath-DS] Athanasius of Alexandria, De Synodis [Ath-OCA] Athanasius of Alexandria, Orationes contra Arianos [Athen-PC] Athenagoras of Athens, A Plea for the Christians [Athen-RD] Athenagoras of Athens, The Resurrection of the Dead [Aug-DFC] Augustine of Hippo, On the Faith and the Creed [Aug-DT] Augustine of Hippo, De Trinitate 1 [BAR] The Epistle of Barnabas [Bas-DSS] Basil of Caesarea, De Spiritu Sancto [Bas-EP] Basil of Caesarea, Select Epistles [Bon-DQT] Bonaventure, Disputed Questions on the Mystery of the Trinity [Bon-SJG] Bonaventure, The Soul’s Journey into God [CCC] Catechism of the Catholic Church, Image, 1997 [CleRom-COR] Clement of Rome, First Epistle to the Corinthians [CF] The Christian Faith in the Doctrinal Documents of the Catholic Church, J. Neuner, S.J., J. Dupuis, S.J., Jacques Dupuis (ed.), Alba House, 2001 (seventh revised and enlarged edition) [Cyr-CL] Cyril of Jerusalem, Catechetical Lectures [DID] The Didache [DIOG] The Epistle to Diognetus [ECW] Early Christian Writings, Staniforth, Maxwell (tr.), Louth, Andrew (ed.), Penguin, 1987 [GPTA] Greek Philosophy: Thales to Aristotle, Allen, R.
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