Guidance for visitors:

Coronavirus (COVID-19)

In view of the current guidance on minimising the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19), individuals who fall into the following categories must not visit our campus at this time.

Anyone who has returned recently from any of the following Anyone who has returned from the following areas in the past 14 days, and who is areas even if they do not have any symptoms of illness: showing any symptoms consistent with coronavirus (cough, fever, or shortness of breath) even if the symptoms are mild:

 Hubei Province  Mainland China outside of Hubei  Taiwan  Iran province  Thailand  Special care zones in South Korea  South Korea outside of the special  Cambodia  Daegu care zones  Laos  Cheongdo  (outside of the lockdown areas)  Myanmar  Lockdown areas in nothern Italy  Hong Kong  Vietnam  in : , Castiglione d’Adda,  Japan , , Maleo, ,  Macau , ,  Malaysia and  Singapore  in Veneto: Vo’ Euganeo

In accordance with PHE advice on hand washing, all visitors to the site are asked to clean their hands before arrival.

We have reinforced some basic hygiene principles at our schools and introduced a number of additional measures so please do not take offence if you are asked to use hand gel or if we don’t shake hands on meeting. Sensible precautions for everyone seem appropriate at this time.

We would also remind visitors of the hygiene message, “catch it, bin it, kill it” in the event of coughing and sneezing.

These restrictions are in place to protect our community. We are grateful to your support in following the most up to date advice from the Government which can be found here

This is accurate as of 6/3/20