7 May 2021 Dancing her way to success

1 Principal’s Comment

the classroom. It’s refreshing to see the interviews and take video footage of a number of students involved in sports number of students and staff. This occurred teams as winter sport gets underway. because we have been identified as a Likewise on the Arts and Culture front with leading school nationally with respect to our rehearsals for our production Fiddler equitable outcomes for Maori and Pasifika on the Roof, Showquest, Kapa Haka and students in STEM (, , our various bands. I am a believer in the Engineering and Mathematic) at NCEA level. importance of extracurricular activities Our DP Mrs Anna McDowall presented at and all of the value it adds. A big thank you the recent national symposium to share the needs to go out to parents and staff that JHC journey and mahi behind this success. give up their time in these pursuits for our A small plea to parents; when dropping off students. or picking up your children from school can Next week, as you are aware, is the you please stop parking on the yellow lines second of a series of Teacher Only Days across our driveway. You are causing extra planned to unpack the proposed changes congestion for cars trying to get in and out of to NCEA. This is a big piece of work that the school at an already busy time. Mike Newell Principal sits alongside other proposals as to what All the best for another successful term! and how we deliver the curriculum. Kia ora koutou Please be assured we will communicate the key information when it becomes Noho ora mai It was great to welcome all of our students available. Implementation of the changes is Mike Newell back this week for the start of term. As scheduled for 2023. Principal in many busy schools, there is a lot for our students to be involved in outside of During the last week of Term 1 NZQA our core mahi of teaching and learning in visited Hargest to conduct a number of From the Boardroom

Tena koutou katoa! community of collaboration and Emma should be congratulated for the superb job It seems incredible that we already find she is doing. ourselves in May and beginning Term Two. At the last Board meeting in April, the Board The planned tramps for those students heard from the HOD of Music at James completing badges for Duke of Edinburgh Hargest College, Emma Jarman. Emma shared were discussed with some envy around a whakatauki with us at the beginning of her the table. What wonderful opportunities presentation, it was: for students both in Stewart Island and Te toi whakairo, ka ihiihi, ka wehiwehi, ka taking on the mighty Kepler. Term Two will aweawe te ao katoa. be another busy term at JHC. Make sure Artistic excellence makes the world sit up in you make the most of the opportunities wonder. offered at this special school. I speak for the board when I say that she certainly made us all sit up in wonder at the Chris O’Connor BOT Chairperson Chris O’Connor amazing work she is doing with our students. BOT Chairperson The Music Department is a thriving, vibrant Visit Arts at James Junior Campus Staff News - Welcome Hargest College: https://www.facebook.com/artsjhc Maree Smith We welcome Maree Smith to the Junior Campus whānau. Maree comes to us with vast experience working in school administration, finance and more. She is a ‘picture in pink’ and as she lives on a farm and breeds Angus cattle, we’re guessing Maree owns pink gumboots too. She enjoys scrapbooking and jet boating but says she hasn’t had time for these for a while, she does love to catch up with her two grown children who live out of town. We are thoroughly enjoying getting to know Maree and look forward to working with her on the team. 2 PTA AGM Report

Kia ora! walk-in starting at 8pm. A very exciting Welcome back to Term 2! I trust that occasion for our Year 13 students and staff, parents and students alike, all have I hope you have a fantastic night!! had a relaxing holiday break after a rather You are never too young to change the busy Term 1! world! I would like to extend a warm welcome to Ainslie Bruce anyone who would like to come to a PTA PTA Chairperson meeting. I can assure you that there is absolutely no fundraising involved! It is PTA Meeting Dates a wonderful opportunity to be an active part of our school community as well as The next PTA meeting will be held in getting to know other parents and staff. ’s Room at the Senior Campus, scheduled to start at 7.30pm. Please feel free to contact me at: 18th May [email protected] or on 0272014243 27th July if you wish to find out more. Ainslie Bruce 14th September Chairperson The Hargest School Ball is being held on 16th November 15th May at Transport World with the Whanau Report

Tēnei te mihi nūnui ki a Whaea Nicci. Thank you to Whaea Nicci Voice for looking after our whanau form class and te reo Māori last term. Her professionalism maintained the high standards expected of our students. We wish her all the best. Important dates this term include the /Southland Ngā Manu Kōrero Speech Competition on Thursday the 3rd and Friday the 4th of June, and the Otago/Southland Hautonga Secondary Schools Kapa Haka Competition. Both competitions will be held this year in the Town Hall. Kia kaha, Kia māia, Kia manawanui Be strong, be brave be resolute Matua Neitana Tane Mauri ora! Neitana (Nathan) Tane

TEACHER ONLY DAY Tuesday 11 May 2021

Netball Congratulations to Lucy Nind, Ella Yule and Hayley Van Beek (from left to right) who have been selected in the U18 INC team.


Congratulations to Jacob Mika who made the 2021 Pre-Academy. 3 Art Department The Senior Campus Art Department was very busy over the last week of Term 1 designing and painting three panels that will be added to the art displayed as part of the CDB redevelopment (which already includes JHC artwork from other Junior and Senior Campus students. Students put in a lot of mahi to complete these panels and they are AMAZING! See if you can spot them next time you are in the CBD! These three panels were completed by the following students: Ella Wilson, Paige Spencer, Jaguar Band, Eden Coatsworth, Amelia Sutherland, George Shirley, Maya Blanks, Vicky Han, Shae McGearty (all Year 10), and Isabella Willis (Year 12).

Accord Teacher-Only Young Enterprise Days Success

Additional Teacher-Only Days were allocated in an Accord between the Ministry of , NZEI Te Riu Roa and PPTA Te Wehengarua – these days will not extend the school year. The first of these for 2021 is next week, Tuesday 11 May. We appreciate your support with making alternative arrangements for your children on this day.

The other accord days this year are: Thursday 5 August Wednesday 1 December Congratulations to Year 12 Business Studies students Yhell Morales, Nicole Lina and Sophia Kwong (from left to right) who have won $250 in the form of a These days are set aside to support the professional marketing package sponsored by “What’s on Invers” for their YES company AltoEco. The students had to prepare a video outlining the vision for their implementation of changes to NCEA, company and how they would use “seed funding” to start up their business. and wider strengthening of curriculum, Other students to receive seed funding included Jesse Gough and Emma Lamb, progress and achievement practice. PrintsCoNZ ($75) and Rebecca Kingma ($50) for her company Hydrangeabadges. 4 Junior Rock’n’Roll Champs

Here are the JHC students who participated in the Nationals held in :

Kiera Rogers: • Restricted (no assisted lifts or throws, 5-17 years) - 1st place • Same Sex (13-17 years) - 3rd place • Intermediate Triples (14-17 years) - 2nd place • Intermediate Triples (14-17 years)

Josh McNaughton • Senior (14-17 years) - 1st place • Intermediate Triples (14-17 years) - 1st place • Member of the club top team which received 1st place

Term Dates for 2021

Term 2: Tuesday 11 May: MOE Accord Day Monday 7 June: Queen’s Birthday Friday 9 July: End of Term 2 Values Awards Term 3: Monday 26 July: Start of Term 3 Sunday 1 August: Open Day Junior Campus Thursday 5 August: MOE Accord Day Congratulations to the following students who have received Friday 1 October: End of Term 3 Values Awards Ella Neylon, Theo Johnson, Izak McLean, Eric Feng, Isaac Elder, Carter Oliver, Skyla Carr, Lilah Jack, Emma Hodgetts, Samantha Term 4: Monday 18 October: Start of Term 4 Lemm, Ana McWilliam, Caitlyn Hunt Monday 25 October: Labour Day Wednesday 1 December: MOE Accord Day Congratulations to the following students who have received Wednesday 8 December: End of Term 4 Service Awards: Isaac Elder, Amelia Cameron, Julia Rodrigues, Maegan James, Alex Samson Orthographical Obstructions

In plain language, that means we entered a spelling bee, but it took two years for our prizes to arrive. Way back in 2019, we entered the Spelling Bee. Seven of our students made the semi-finals, but on the day there was a snowstorm. The road to Dunedin was closed and we couldn’t compete. We asked for our students to go straight through to the 2020 semis without needing to go through another heat. Then there was a lockdown. Picture our surprise when in Term 1 this year a box arrived at the school with certificates and prizes for the successful students. Ironically, all of these students are now too old to compete in this year’s competition. Luckily the school has some new contenders, Above, left to right: Benjamin Elder, Sewmi and hopefully this time we’ll Dissanayaka, Noah Fahey and Jess Page (seated) get the chance to compete nationally. Congratulations to Left, from left to right: Ashley Phillips, Kady Gill and the contestants pictured here. Nicole Lina 5 Photoboard Awards Worm Farm Term 1 Junior Campus Congratulations to the following students who were nominated for Outstanding Effort: Kaden Charlton has been helping with Year 7 Hannah Dick, Zoe Weatherall, Avril Kummer, Lily Tufui, Carter Oliver, Nesadhi the construction of the new worm farm Ranasinghe, James Shaw, Noah Hackett, Amalia Airey and Phuong Nhi Nguyen. at the Junior Campus. We have been kindly gifted a large worm farm which Year 8 Roisin Dyer, Aurora McKillop–Sycamore, Ella McEwan-Franks, Susan Lapana, we are very pleased to receive. Olivia Thomas, Emma Winder, Annie Tran, Emily Forbes and Alex Choi. This will be used in conjunction with our school gardens and food technology Congratulations to the following students who were nominated for their Positive classes. It’s an excellent teaching tool to Contribution: demonstrate to students the benefits of Year 7 Fletcher McDowall, Harris Lindsay, Emily Wheeler, Kaytlyn Fair, Dexter Mead, having worms in a composting system Emily Byrne, Elsie Turrell, Ella Neylon, Laura Davis and Mercedes Checketts. and using the both the casting and liquid gold which they produce. Year 8 Brock Smith, Lilah Jack, Saranya Sarisa, Apollyon Hall, Ethan Stark, Scarlet Rooney, Natalie Snoek, Peyton Jarvis and Mia Evans-Ronald.

Congratulations to the overall winners: Outstanding Effort Positive Contribution Year 7 Hannah Dick Year 8 Roisin Dyer Year 7 Mercedes Checketts Year 8 Brock Smith



Anna Morris deserves to be congratulated for her outstanding achievements in Dance lately. She has won the supreme award of Senior Ballet Champion at both the Mosgiel Ballet Society Competiton and the Southern Lights Dance Competition. Anna will also represent Southland at the PACANZ (National Young Performer Awards) in October this year.


Senior Campus Library Tuesdays 3.30 - 5.00pm

Get help with your school work

Teachers, Librarian and Peer Tutors available to help with homework, research, exam study, and classwork

6 Term 1 Celebration Ruma Tahi Junior Campus

Whanau came in at lunchtime to Room 1 for our end of term celebration. Students welcomed them with a song and haka. Students shared their pepeha slide show as well as work displayed on the wall such as our Ruma Tahi Treaty, our class feather kakahu, favourite things collage and student avatars. 40 Hour Famine Year 9, 10 & 11 Play Senior Campus This year’s 40 Hour Famine Mystery at weekend is 25- 27 June. The focus is on sub-Saharan Africa (46 of the 54 African countries) who are suffering a hunger pandemic due to the global rise in food prices due to flow on effects of Covid-19. MO O R The price of Maize, Kenya’s essential food, has gone up 60% since 2019. Sponsorship info for students is available from Student Admin. This year we encourage MA N O R students to join our page. https://www.worldvision.org.nz/ connect/40-hour-famine/

OuR gOal $


90% James Hargest College is proud to bring to you our 2021 80% Year 9 and 11 play, Mystery at Moor Manor. The cast have been loving 70% rehearsals so this promises to be a show not to be missed.

60% James Hargest College Senior Campus Hall 50% Wednesday 19 and Thursday 20 May at 7.00pm 40% Adults $10.00 Students $5.00

30% 7 20% !STOP the 10% Return all fundraising by 9th July hunger pandemic 40hour.org.nz @40hourfaminenz Duke of Edinburgh Southern Circuit tramp

On the first Monday of the school holidays a group of intrepid trampers left for the golden shores of Masons Bay on Stewart Island. The goal was to tramp through to Rakeahua on the Southern Circuit. This was a Duke of Edinburgh Gold qualifying tramp for Brianna Loan. She was accompanied on this tramp by Florence McKenzie, and Callum Stratford, Ella Dougherty and Natasha Lewis used this as Silver qualifying tramps. Tim Loan and Clint Brown also came on this epic adventure. The flight into Masons was windy so instead of landing by the Masons Bay Hut as we intended we landed down at Kilbride. The pilot did a low fly past of the beach and then came back to land. Poor Mrs Brown is not a good flyer and found this manoeuvre a little scary to say the least. Landing at this end of the beach worked in our favour as we had organised to camp on the lawn of the Kilbride Homestead so we were almost there. We were really lucky that 2 very kind hunters were using Kilbride and allowed us to access the house to heat water etc. Being able to cook inside was a bit of a blessing. We used this day to walk down to the Gutter. A few years ago a pod of Pilot Whales stranded on Masons so we saw a lot of whale bones scattered along the beach. It was a big reminder at the harshness and remoteness of the landscape we were in. The wind was pretty strong and walking to The Gutter felt like more of a sandblast. Potentially good for the skin, but hard on the eyes. Exploring this part of the Island was a highlight and even the wind and rain couldn’t put us off. We had an early night in our tents as we wanted to leave early the next day to arrive in Doughboy so we could spend time exploring the area. We were lucky that we heard kiwi calling outside our tents however we were too lazy to get up and have a look. Tuesday saw us backtrack along Masons Bay beach to the start of the Southern Circuit track to Doughboy Bay. This track started off beautifully meandering through beautiful native bush and over some sand dunes. Then we struck the mud. Stewart Island is notorious for mud and this track was no exception. Mud could inevitably waiting patiently, often with a phone out, to capture and be demoralising and soul destroying but when you are knee laugh at those behind them trying to navigate it. Many classic one deep and stuck in it, it actually becomes quite funny. You knew liners came about because of the mud. They are only funny to those when a good mud pile was coming because someone would be of us who were there, but many many hours of laughter came on the back of some of these mud puddles. The track up to Adams Hill was a mixture of a track, a goat track, a river, a swamp and a river track mud swamp. The top of Adams Hill gave us extensive views over Masons Bay and beyond and just made us appreciate how vast Stewart Island is. The tops are another kind of swamp. The kind that you could disappear in and never be seen again. We skillfully navigated the Loan Pass and the 2nd Loan Pass (named by the Loans funnily enough) The tramp down into Doughboy was quite challenging. Again we weren’t sure whether it was a swamp, a track, a goat track or a river, or a combination of these all. It took a lot longer to get to Doughboy than we anticipated so we didn’t get to explore the way we wanted. We did, however, visit the cave that was home to a Japanese lady for a year or so as she was hiding from authorities. She must have been one tough lady to live there for that amount of time. We had the hut to ourselves that night and again were lulled to sleep by the call of the Kiwi that again we were too lazy to go and see. We left early for our hike to Rakeahua and we knew it was going to be a long day. The first few hours was a gnarly up hill. We were often wading through mid calf deep water as we walked up the hill. 8 The views of Doughboy were stunning. I’d like to go back one mention that there was swamp and mud? Probably not. day and spend more time there. The tops were a mixture of We had a hut afternoon where we played cards, made wrap mud and swamp you could disappear in. Walking through this pizzas over the fire and just hung out. Again there were a lot definitely builds character. of laughs and by now the nicknames and the track banter had As we walked down into Rakeahua Valley we were able to enjoy really set in. some stunning untouched Rimu forest. We all felt very blessed The next morning we had a water taxi pick us up at 10.30 to that we could enjoy this environment. We had seen no other take us back to Oban. We had fish and chips for lunch and fish trampers so far and very much felt alone in the world. There and chips for dinner. Well earned in my opinion. That night we were several small river crossings that meant our boots would did take the time to go Kiwi spotting and were rewarded with get clean, however, in true Island style within 10m we would be seeing 3 Kiwi. This was awesome for those who have never in knee deep mud. The last few km of this day was relentless seen a Kiwi in the wild before. We camped at Stewart Island swamp. On tired legs it was a huge energy suck so we were very backpackers that night in the pouring rain but by then we were very glad to see the hut at Rakeahua. hardened intrepid trampers so took it in our stride. There were two other trampers in the hut that night so we Our adventure ended on Saturday when we caught the first arrived at a beautifully warm hut and company. The hut only has boat back to Bluff. Our Southern Circuit adventure was 6 beds so a few of us camped. Again we were lulled to sleep by epic. It was everything we wanted it to be and more. It was Kiwi and again we were too lazy to get up and have a look. stunningly beautiful and challenging. The mud gave us a lot The next day saw us attempt to summit Mt Rakeahua. Even of laughs. The wildlife was fantastic and the students and the though it’s not that high it is extremely dominated by the parents who came were exceptional. We loved this tramp. weather. Unfortunately for us we only got half way before This was a worthy epic adventure that will stay with us forever. we turned back. There was no visual on the top and the wind Many thanks to Clint Brown and Tim Loan for giving up their was picking up. Turning around is never fun, but not getting time to come on this adventure with us. hypothermia and or lost is probably less fun. Do I need to


COMPUTER ACCESS Students who have access to computers revoked can have their passwords reinstated during the period of assessment. It is the responsibility of the students to inform their class teacher in advance.


 Large research type Contact the school early assessments with a long lead on the day of the in time should be submitted For Senior Students, Term Assessment and explain via google classroom or the situation to the school email on the day. Two has a lot of internal Attendance . The  Alternative test day Presents student will be marked M arranged eg next class assessments. All students have period or Wednesday Period THE INVERCARGILL on Kamar 5. a copy of our JHC Student  Further Assessment A medical certificate opportunity offered. Handbook for assessment may be required  A grade could be awarded if prior evidence is available which details many important to base a judgement on. processes. Please chat to your child about assessments and make sure you are aware of important procedures such as what to do when absent 15th & 16th May 2021 from an assessments. If you Featuring have any queries. please don’t The World’s Tallest LEGO® Train Tower hesitate to get in touch. Here $2 entry per person • ILT Stadium Southland • 10am - 4pm Daily are a couple of key policies you Visit facebook.com/LUGSouthBrickEvents for more info! need to be aware of:

Appeals APPEALS Why?: If you feel you have been allocated a grade that you dispute or believe you have been treated unfairly. When?: Before you sign off your grade and within one week of assessment being returned. How?: Ask your teacher. Resolved? Sign off YES Auld OR Mrs

NO McDowall and

Appeal to HOD YES Sign off Resolved?


Appeal in writing to Assessment YES Sign off Co-ordinator Resolved?


Decision and justification minuted Final decision and passed to Principal prior to 10 YOUR PRIVACY Grades are CONFIDENTIAL between you and your teacher and all efforts are made to keep

the information private. G:\Shared drives\Creative (R)\4_Systems\Staff_Documents\Intranet\Assessment\Google\NCEA Student Assessment Booklet 2021.doc

RESUBMISSION (CLARIFICATION) / FURTHER ASSESSMENT OPPORTUNITIES One resubmission may be offered if you need to correct a minor error that can be identified independently from the teacher and you are close to the Not Achieved/Achieved grade boundary only. NQF states students may be offered one further assessment opportunity for an assessment if it is feasible and practicable and they have made a genuine effort in the first assessment. This may take place out of class time. The full range of grades from (Not Achieved to Excellence) shall be available. Further assessment opportunities may not be available for all subjects and standards so refer to your subject course handbook for more details. Students who miss NQF assessments due to a stand down from school may be offered an opportunity to be assessed, where appropriate, at a later date.

G:\Shared drives\Creative (R)\4_Systems\Staff_Documents\Intranet\Assessment\Google\NCEA Student Assessment Booklet 2021.doc

COMPUTER ACCESS Students who have access to computers revoked can have their passwords reinstated during the period of assessment. It is the responsibility of the students to inform their class teacher in advance. Flowchart for absence from a test or absence for and assessment deadline

 Large research type Contact the school early assessments with a long lead on the day of the in time should be submitted Assessment and explain via google classroom or the situation to the school email on the day. Attendance Officer. The  Alternative test day student will be marked M arranged eg next class period or Wednesday Period on Kamar 5.  Further Assessment A medical certificate opportunity offered. may be required  A grade could be awarded if prior evidence is available to base a judgement on.

Auld OR Mrs McDowall and


G:\Shared drives\Creative (R)\4_Systems\Staff_Documents\Intranet\Assessment\Google\NCEA Student Assessment Booklet 2021.doc Qualifications


Are your blinders on?

The Are Your Blinders On? campaign is to support parents to talk with other parents, and help parents have those equally awkward conversations with their children about drinking. Southland has an alcohol problem. With the highest rate of alcohol-related harm in the country, many adolescents are among the people who are personally affected by this problem.

Please visit our facebook page or website for tips on supporting your children.

G:\Shared drives\Creative (R)\4_Systems\Staff_Documents\Intranet\Assessment\Google\NCEA Student Assessment Booklet 2021.doc 12 Marching NZ Championships

On the 17, 18, and 19th March, the New Zealand Marching Championships were held at the Edgar Centre in Dunedin. Teams from all over New Zealand attended this competition including four teams from Invercargill. Hargest students Jorja McIntosh, Meah Ayto, Lily Potter, Emma Gray, Paige King, Paityn Weller and Ella King make up part of the Southern Stars Marching Team, and they represented Southland for the first time as marchers in the Under 16 grade.

After a beautifully executed March on Friday’s qualifying day, they placed in the Championship Grade, which is made 21 up of the top 6 teams out of the 13 in their grade. The competition is made up of three phases - review and inspection, technical and display. On Saturday they placed 6th for their Technical March, 5th for their Display and overall, they were 5th in the New Zealand Championship.

ANZAC Dawn Service

Leaders from the Junior and Senior Campus attended the Dawn Service and laid a wreath on behalf of the JHC Community. “Lest we forget” From left: Meah Ayto, Lucy Nind, Lexie Caudwell, Benjamin Wyatt and Alex Sandiford.

G:\Shared drives\Creative (R)\4_Systems\Staff_Documents\Intranet\Assessment\Google\NCEA Student Assessment Booklet 2021.doc 13 Attendance

Consistent school attendance is very important. While attendance is excellent for many of our children, we also have many whose rate is below 80%. Obviously parents are making good choices when keeping children at home for justified reasons such as illness or bereavement. However, we do have children not attending for other or unexplained reasons, which impacts negatively on their learning. “Every day matters” is a phrase used by the Ministry of Education to reinforce the idea that the best thing for learning is to be at school every day, and they deem normal attendance to be anywhere over 90%, allowing days for children to be away from school for legitimate reasons. Children who attend school with this consistency are more likely to develop great social behaviours, pro-social skills, as well as learning skills. This table shows the impact of various attendance rates:

175 Non-School 175 days to spend on family time, holidays, visits, Days A Year shopping, appointments

9 days lost 19 days lost 29 days lost (half a term) 9 days lost 9 days lost (a full term) 190 days of 181 days of 171 days of 161 days of 152 days of 143 days of education education education education education education (maximum) 100% 95% 90% 85% 80% 75%

Good: best chance of success Worrying: more difficult Serious Concern: significant to make progress barrier to learning

Contacting the School It is vital that parents/caregivers contact the school to let us know before 9:30am if their child is absent, with explanation, so that we know every child’s whereabouts from a health and safety point of view. A reminder that we have multiple ways for parents and caregivers to contact us: School App; Email; Phone (03 2176129 extn 205.)

Foreseen Absences If you know that your child will not be attending school, please let us know details including date(s) and reasons, to help us keep our records accurate. If the absence is foreseen to be longer than 3 days, permission will need to be applied for. Your support in helping us ensure the best possible attendance for learning and success at school is greatly appreciated.

14 International Education

International Sports Day: Songkran Festival - Thailand One of the highlights of our year is the annual International Student During form time on 13th April we acknowledged Songkran Secondary School Sports Day. This year, around 200 students from which is a celebration in Thai culture of Thai New Year. schools around the region participated in sports such as squash, badminton, volleyball, basketball, pickleball and futsal. This event is always a wonderful opportunity for students to meet other students, to strike up friendships and to enjoy trying sports available in our community. i

Easter Egg Hunt Many thanks to our International Friendship Club Leaders who organised the annual Easter Egg Hunt.

15 Softshell Jackets

Please see the advertisement on the next page for our new soft shell jacket. The Board of Trustees has approved this as an additional (optional) uniform item. Last year I received strong feedback from many students that our jersey wasn’t meeting their needs (they don’t like wearing it). Our jersey will, however, remain an optional uniform item for those that choose to purchase it.

The flyer also shows our school hoodie. The rules around when this can be worn has not changed Geography Trip We have full sizing samples at both senior and junior campuses which will Year 11 Geography had a fieldtrip to be ready for try ons at the beginning of Queenstown on the last Thursday of the Term 3. Enquire at the office. term. They worked hard gathering data about The flyer has additional information retail patterns in the different shopping but the key points are; centres in the area. • Orders are online - there is no physical shop. • Hoodie orders are closed off weekly. (Delivered the following week) • The first run of soft shell jackets will close off 22 May (delivery is

Free Software! expected in July).

• We will advise a second run later Windows 10 Education and in Term 2. Norton Security Deluxe Students can now access Windows 10 Education for free Winter Uniform for the lifetime of the device Update and buy Norton 360 Deluxe for up to 3 devices for a reduced Both Campuses price of $44.02 from the James Hargest website. Go to A reminder about the correct wearing e-Learning then go to Windows of James Hargest College uniform for 10 and Norton 360 Antivirus. the winter season. • Kilts or A-line skirt may be worn throughout the year at both the Junior and Senior Campus. Skirts Office 365 Education must be of a reasonable length, You get a complete version of the latest Microsoft Office free to use for as long as neither very short nor longer than you’re a student here. mid-calf. Office 365 includes full versions of Word, Excel, Powerpoint, etc. You can install these • Undergarment may be a plain on up to 5 PCs or Macs and on other mobile devices, including Windows tablets and white t-shirt, merino or polyprop iPads for free. The instructions on how to do this are on the James Hargest web - worn under the uniform tops General Info - e-Learning - Office 365. for extra warmth (should not be visible below blouse/shirt hems or sleeves). • Blazers may be worn at both the Junior and Senior Campus. • Scarves and beanies are optional but must be the school standard cardinal red with gold stripe. • Black or other coloured scarves Microsoft Minecraft Education are not to be worn. Students and staff get a complete version of Minecraft for Education free to use on • Gloves may be black. Chromebooks, Windows 10 and iPads. The instructions on how to do this are on the • Any plain black weatherproof James Hargest web - General Info - e-learning - Office 365. jacket (not cotton) may be worn to and from school. 16 SOFTSHELL JACKET $92 SELL PRICE INCL GST GO TO ONLINE SHOP SHOP NOW

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NOTE FOR HOODIE NOTE FOR JACKETS • Orders placed before 11:59 pm on a Sunday will be • Shop closes: 11.59 pm 22nd May delivered to the school the following Friday. • Bulk delivery to the school early July.


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17 Authenticity

For assessment to be fair to all by understanding how to summarize as authentic, another assessment students, you must be able to and paraphrase. Ask your teacher for opportunity may be provided. demonstrate that the work you submit assistance. is your own. Collaboration: Allowing another You will be asked to sign a declaration student to copy your work is We encourage you to have guidance that your work is authentic. complicit with cheating and may during the learning process - family, attract the same penalty as above. tutors inside and outside the school, If your teachers suspect work is peers. However, the final product must not authentic, that is it has been be your own. It is important that you plagiarised, they can: avoid plagiarism. Plagiarism occurs • Check your plans, drafts and when you deliberately use (or closely workings (so keep them in case). imitate) someone else’s language, • Ask you questions. ideas, or other original material • Notify your parents. without acknowledging its source. • Ask you to repeat part or all of Rewording another person’s work the assessment under without acknowledging its source, is supervised conditions. also plagiarism. • Use online plagiarism checkers to generate a report. Ensuring work can be authenticated as your own can be achieved by meeting GRADES can only be awarded for checkpoints set by the teacher, authentic work. Submitting work that careful note taking, using the correct you cannot authenticate will result in a referencing style for the subject, and grade of Not Achieved being awarded. Where work cannot be confirmed

MODEL AUDITIONS Sunday 23 May, 11am - 1pm Heartland Hotel Croydon, Gore

Key Dates that Models MUST be available for: • Model Auditions: 23 May • Fittings weekend: 3-4 July • Judging and tech rehearsal: 22-23 July • Show nights: 23-24 July

Audition requirements for models: • Models must be 15 years old and above. • Please wear tidy casual clothing. • Females asked to please wear heels. • Models must bring their IRD number. If you have any questions please contact: Katrina Bristow 022 135 5191 or Anna Balloch 027 210 4164

The organising team look forward to seeing you there I www.hokonuifashion.co.nz

18 ICAS English & Mathematics Competition 2021 At the Senior Campus

2021 International Competition and Assessment for Schools (ICAS) competitions are an excellent way for all students to take on a challenge and to gain valuable experience in an external testing situation. This test can help with preparation for exams and assessment activities.

All students receive a certificate and an individual student report indicating which questions they answered correctly and their score compared with the rest of the students tested. The student report is useful for highlighting strengths and weaknesses and indicating areas to work on. The ICAS certificate provides a valuable addition to a student’s CV.

• English: entries close Friday 2 July, cost of each assessment: $18.40 • Mathematics: entries close Friday 9 July, cost of each assessment: $16.00

Enter at the Main Office. Outdoor Recreation Term 1

Term one was all about Kayaking. Our final sign off for Kayaking for the year journey began at the pool where students was an awesome adventure, based at began getting used to the initially daunting Mavora Lakes. This is where students get task of flipping upside down underwater. to put into practise all the skills they have Once conquering those fears, we headed acquired on some smaller rapids and out to the Oreti River, focussing on tick off all the key competencies for their making moves while on moving water. assessment. It wasn’t all about kayaking The last training session before camp was though, other highlights included catching an awesome paddle from Branxholme a massive eel, morning swims, manus to Wallacetown. Everyone challenged off the bank and enjoying spinning yarns themselves and definitely got wet. Our around the campfire. 19 6+6 Maxis Adventure Race

A team of four boys (three from JHC) completed the 6+6 Maxis Adventure Race in the weekend. They came 1st in the School Team section and 11th overall out of 47 teams. The race was a gruelling two day event and included twelve hours of running, trekking, biking, orienteering and kayaking in weather that ranged from sun, wind, rain and hail at times.

From left to right - Spencer Cunliffe, Liam Tait, Ryder Mikkelsen Rugby Cycling Training for the 2021 Rugby Season NZ Age Group Road Championships is well under way and we are pleased to have Boys U14, U15 & U18 and Girls 10 a side and 7 a side teams entered: Thanks to the following coaches and managers for their commitment to the year ahead: U14 Boys Manager Bex Murdoch Coach Daniel Iosefo Asst Coach Alistar Whyte

U15 Boys Congratulations to Marshall Erwood – Coach John Seeler placed 3rd in U17 Boys Time Trial at NZ Age Asst Coach Geoff Gray Group Road Champs in Rotorua and 11th Asst Coach Jonathon (JJ) Morgan in the road race (0.80 of a second from 1st place, large group sprint finish with 22 U15 Girls riders). Coach Dennis Hika Asst Coach Keiron O’Connell

U18 Girls 7’s Coach Andrew Rowland Asst Coach Chris Jackson

1st XV U18 Coach Mark Tinnock Coach Josh Sutherland Coach Dave Innes Manager Johnny Allen Asst Manager Martin Holder

20 Southland Primary Schools Athletics

The Southland Primary Schools Athletics Day was held on Saturday 27th March at Surrey Park Athletics Stadium. James Hargest Junior Campus had a number of successful competitors participating in both track and field events. The following students received placings in their events:

Laura Davis - 3rd equal in High Jump, and 3rd in Long Jump Will Brown - 1st in High Jump, 2nd in 200m, 1st in 800m, 2nd in Relay, and 1st in 1500m Kyra Savory - 3rd in 200m, 1st in 800m, 3rd in Relay, and 2nd in 1500m Cora O’Rourke - 2nd in Shot Put, and 2nd in Discus Samuel Walker - 1st in 100m, and 2nd in 200m Kaden Charlton - 1st in AWD 60m Will Fleming - 1st in Long Jump, and 2nd in Relay Lily Keast - 1st in Long Jump Jayden Dawson - 2nd in 800m Hayden Archer - 2nd in Nerf Throw Jamie Riwhi - 2nd in Nerf Throw Aurora McKillop-Sycamore - 3rd in Nerf Throw Jaylen-Blaze Daane - 2nd in Relay Zac Gillies - 2nd in Relay Southland Lilah Jack - 3rd in Relay School Surfing Latoya Wise - 3rd in Relay Estella Grieve - 3rd in Relay Championships

Congratulations to all students who participated in their events, and a big thank you to all the staff and parents who assisted on the day. Carter Oliver was 2nd in the U12 and U14 Boys Triathlon

On Friday 26th February James Hargest Junior Campus had 34 students competing at the Southland Secondary Schools Triathlon in Winton.

It was great to see so many students competing as individuals or in the team sections. Congratulations to our teams that were placed in the top 3 for their section.

Results Year 8 Girls Teams - 2nd - Caitlin Crawford and Kyra Savory Year 7 Girls Teams - 1st - Ruby Kite, Lily Keast and Emily Wheeler Year 7 Boys Teams - 1st - Isaac Elder, Max Savory and Will Brown

21 Change of Details Have you shifted house, changed internet service provider or phone provider lately? Please ensure that your details are up to date. You can easily check what details we have by logging into https://kamarportal. jameshargest.school.nz Sick Bay Senior Campus If you are feeling sick and need to go home, you must go through sick bay. The ladies will contact your parents to arrange to have you picked up or will seek permission for you to walk home. You must not just sign yourself out. Otago/ Southland Medical Certificates Secondary Schools Senior Campus Road Cycling If your child is absent for more than three Southland days due to illness, we would appreciate Nine students from Junior Campus a medical certificate. There is a high level competed at the Otago/ Southland Secondary of correlation between attendance and Secondary Schools Road Cycling. For academic achievement. We need students some of these students this was the first Schools Softball to be in class whenever possible. time that they competed at a road event. To have an overall placing you had to James Hargest had a team of compete in both the Time Trial and Road Softballers that competed in the Health Nurse Race. Southland Secondary Schools Year 7 Junior Campus Results and 8 section. In term 2 the Health Nurse, Miss Emma Lily Keast 1st Overall U13 Girls Peterson, will be available at the Junior Addison Robertson 3rd Overall U13 Girls Challenge Campus by appointment. If you have any Lewis Blay 3rd Overall U13 Boy Wanaka concerns please phone the school office and we will arrange for Miss Peterson to Southland Schools Congratulations to Addison Robertson contact you. If students wish to see the Swimming and Samuel Dawson who competed at Health Nurse they are able to make an Challenge Wanaka. Addison was placed appointment by placing a request in the Championships 4th in her age group. red post box in the office foyer.

James Hargest Junior Campus had 15 swimmers who competed at the Southland Schools Swimming Championships on Sunday 11 April. Congratulations to our relay teams that Advertise took out the honours in 100m Mixed Medley and 100m Girls Freestyle. 100m Mixed Medley Team - Olivia here Johnson, Elise Turrell, Caitlin Crawford and Isaac Elder. 10 issues - enquiries to: 100m Girls Free Team - Olivia Johnson, [email protected] Elsie Turrell, Caitlin Crawford and Addison Robertson. 22 Parent, Caregiver, Coming Events for 2021 Whanau and Community Engagement Senior Campus At James Hargest College we are May always interested in engaging with our Tue 11 MOE Teacher Only Day community and listening to parents, Thu 13 BOT meeting in the Brig at 5:15pm whanau and the wider community. If you Sat 15 School Ball have any good ideas or there is something Tue 18 PTA meeting in the Brig at 7:30pm special that has happened regarding Hargest, or there are issues, concerns or Wed 19 Year 9-11 Play complaints we should be aware of, Thu 20 Year 9-11 Play please contact the school office Fri 21 ShowQuest Senior Campus (2176129) or Mon 24 Dunedin Tertiary Day Junior Campus (2179250) or via email, [email protected] June You will be put in contact with an Mon 7 Queen’s Birthday appropriate staff member Fri 11 House Haka & Waiata Competition Sun 13 Secondary Schools Netball Championships Mon 14 Secondary Schools Netball Championships Tue 22 House Haka & Waiata Competition Information Mon 28 Major Production Dress Rehearsal Updates Tue 29 Celebrating Excellence Awards Major Production If you have any changes to your details Wed 30 Major Production (e.g. address, phone numbers, medical details, emergency contacts, etc), please let the school know as soon as possible in order to keep our records up-to-date. Please email Mrs Breen (Senior Campus) Junior Campus with any changes at May [email protected] Fri 7 Sport & Rec sign up or phone 2176129 Sun 9 Mother’s Day Tue 11 MOE Teacher Only Day or Mrs Cribb (Junior Campus) at Fri 21 Sport & Rec starts [email protected] Showquest or phone 2179250 Thu 27 Cross Country

June E-mail Newsletters Mon 7 Queen’s Birthday The next newsletter will be issued via Sun 13 Secondary Schools Netball Championships email on Friday 4 June 2021. Mon 14 Secondary Schools Netball Championships Hard copies of the newsletter will be Tue 15 Big Sing available from either the Junior or Fri 25 Sport & Rec ends Senior Campus office. Fri-Sun 25-27 Kids Lit National Finals You can view the newsletter on the Hargest web site www.jameshargest.school.nz

Junior Campus Website 6 Layard Street, Invercargill www.jameshargest.school.nz Email: [email protected]

Senior Campus Phone 288 Layard Street, Invercargill Email: [email protected] 03 217 6129

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