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l THE CONDOR Vol. 45 sp l .*. ,a. ,I*. .‘I : ..* .:*. . . . ._.. .’ .: *, ** .:.* - . ..,. -*.,, . yond reach. This also is conservation.-ALnEN aeb.‘Th’e &rd’ section. a full bibliography- _ of -ho California fossil birds, completesthe work. H. MILLER. To the specialistin the field of paleornithology Joseph Grinnell’s Philosophy of Nature (Uni- this paper is of exceptional value, supplying in versity of California Press, 1943) is a compila- one volume all essentialdata relative to the pub- tion of twenty-eight of the shorter papers of the lished work on the subject for the state of Cali- great California naturalist, with a four-page pref- fornia. As a matter of fact, information is not ace by Alden H. Miller. In this preface we are limited to this state, for in many instances,ref- told of Grinnell’s plan, that upon retirement he erence is made to similar occurrenceselsewhere. would write a book of generalscope which would Inclusion of all recorded avian fossil material present his outlook on geography and evolution, even if only generically or tentatively assigned the aspectsof natural history most related to his -with appropriate comments as to status-is own research.He had, in fact, outlined chapter welcomed. Such records, which may lead to im- headingsfor such a work, these headings,ten in portant future correlations, might otherwise be number, being listed by Miller. It was undoubt- easily overlooked. edly a great loss to sciencethat this plan was The paper is more than a check-list or bihli- ended by Grinnell’s untimely death. ography. It carries throughout its pagesinterest- ing and illuminating sidelights on avian habits, According to the Grinnell Club Newsletter of structure and the like, reflecting Dr. Miller’s February, 1943, Jean M. Linsdale was primarily long experience in ornithological research.- responsiblefor the idea underlying the present volume. After studying Grinnell’s lengthy bibli- HILDEGARDE HOWARD. ography, Linsdale submitted a tentative list of papers that might be used in the projected com- Inaugurating a new series of publications,the pilation. This list was carefully studied by Mrs. National Audubon Society has issued its Re- Joseph Grinnell, Alden H. Miller, E. Raymond search Report No. 1, “The Ivory-billed Wood- Hall and Seth B. Benson and suggestionswere *~Decker.” bv Tames T. Tanner (October, 1942; made which resulted in some titles being added. 111 pp., 25 figs., 20 pk., colored frontispiece). It was decided that the order of the papers The admirable plan of the Society for careful should be chronological,and that, instead of in- study of vanishing specieswith a view to ascer- cluding only those of definitely related subject taining underlying biologic causesfor their pre- matter, the selectionshould be illustrative of the cariousstates could have selectedno better sub- wide scope of Grinnell’s interest in and knowl- ject for the initial effort. Tanner evidently made edge of many different features connected with good use of his opportunity for field work sup the science of vertebrate . ported by the Society and he has rendered an The elapsed time between publication of the informative and worthy report; the only criti- first and last papers is thirty-three years, from cism that need be levied is that it is somewhat 1903 to 1936. As would be expected by those repetitious in places. familiar with Grinnell’s work, a majority of It turns out that the Ivory-billed Woodpecker titles (fifteen) and even greater preponderance has an extremely narrow ecologicniche, in that of subject matter pertain to geography, evolu- it is dependent for food on insects living just tion and kindred subjects. beneath the bark and these may be obtained in sufficient quantity by this large bird chiefly in Control of the range of a speciesby atmos- trees that are still standing but that have been pheric humidity, and variation within the species dead from two to four years. Maintenance of due to the same influence is demonstrated in the necessarysuccession of suitable dead trees “The origin and distribution of the chestnut- conflicts sharply with timber interests and with backed chickadee” (1904). In “Composition of customary practices in forestry. With this eco- the Prince William Sound avifauna; discussion nomic conflict, the Society and others interested of its origin” (1910) typical birds of the Hud- in saving the Ivory-bill face an exceedinglydif- sonian and Alpine-Arctic life-zones are listed, ficult problem in conservation.The prospect for and the afhnities of the avifauna with the Yukon the Ivory-bill is not good, especiallyin Louisiana. region to the north and the Sitkan district to the Apart from the applied aspect of the study, south are discussed.Two discussionspublished sight should not be lost of another serviceit per- in 1914, “The Colorado River as a highway of forms. A record of the natural history of this dispersaland center of differentiation of species,” specieshas been made which may never again be and “The Colorado River as a hindrance to the possible.More could have been found out about dispersal of species,” present many facts sub- the biology of a less rare specieswith the same stantiating the claims set forth in the titles. An expenditure of time and money, but there is a example cited in the latter paper is the case of real satisfaction here in having grasped a re- two speciesof ground squirrels (Ammospermo- search opportunity that may some day be be- philus), the ranges of which in one section are Mar., 1943 PUBLICATIONS REVIEWED 81

divided by only 850 feet, the width of the river. as regardstheir origin, variation, range, and hab- Along similar lines is “Barriers to distribution as its, and reasons are advanced to account for regards birds and mammals” (1914). Here bar- many peculiar features of their distribution. riers are divided into two classes,tangible and “Presenceand absenceof animals” (1928) is a intangible. Under the former are land, to aqua- very comprehensiveand important contribution tic species,and bodies of water, to terrestrial to knowledge of the factors governing distribu- species. Intangible barriers are listed as zonal tion and control of animals. The continual at- (by temperature), fauna1 (by atmospheric hu- tempt of a species,due usually to overpopulation, midity), and associational (by food supply, to expand the boundariesof its habitat or “eco- breeding places, and temporary refuges). logic niche,” and the resulting destruction of In “Field tests of theories concerning distri- pioneering individuals, usually the young of the butional control” (1917) it is contended that year, is emphasized,as is the removing or ren- careful study at aU points of the periphery of an dering permeable of natural barriers through animal’s range is necessaryto demonstrate the the various activities of man. Introduction of factors responsible for range limitation, for, foreign birds and mammals, either fortuitously while temperature may often exert the greatest or otherwise,is regardedas usually dangerousto influence, other factors always appear at some our native fauna. Nine separate areas in Lower point. “The English sparrow has arrived in Death California, two of them insular, each possessing Valley: an experiment in nature” (1919) records speciesor subspeciesof birds peculiar to itself, the occupation,about 1914,by Passer domesticus are definedand mapped in “Differentiation areas” of a portion of Death Valley 178 feet below sea- (1928). Also, affinities of many Lower California level, and points out the opportunity for future birds and factors causingdifferentiation are dis- naturaliststo determine the length of time neces- cussed, together with such related subjects as sary to produce any perceptible physiological barriers to emigration and potency of differen- changesin these birds, which are isolated under tiating centers. a climate of extreme high temperature combined “Significanceof fauna1analysis for general bi- / with low relative humidity. “The role of the ac- ology” (1928) stressesthe value to the student cidental” (1922) is consideredby Grinnell to be of evolution of the barely discerniblesubspecies, that of the “pioneer,” crowded out of the normal because of its being in the critical, formative range of its speciesby overpopulation. In the stage, whereas the full speciesis no longer of great majority of casessuch individuals are fore- similar significance.After discussionof various doomed to early destruction,but in rare instances . factors that have been advanced as causes of two birds comprisinga pair may come together differentiation, the author concludes with the under such favorable conditionsthat a new out- opinion that the problem of speciationlies much post of the speciesis established.As a side light closer to the provinces of the geographer and on the occurrenceof “accidentals” in California, climatologist than to that of the geneticist. it is estimated that, on the basis of the rate of In the field of ecology, “The burrowing ro- recordedoccurrences in the state for the previous dents of California as agents in soil formation” 35 years, theoretically all the species of birds (1923) is, by far, the best exposition of its par- known to North America should be on the Cali- ticular subject that has come to the attention of fornia list by the year 2331. the reviewer. Illustrated by photographs show- In “The trend of avian- populations in Cali- ing soil disturbance by burrowing rodents, this fornia” (1922) it is contended that although a article points out clearly and convincingly the certain few speciesof birds have become extinct surprising effects of work of these animals in in the state during the past 75 years, these, so untilled sectionsof California. Among these ef- far as number of individual birds is concerned, fects are listed the hastening of the weathering have been compensatedfor by introduction of of the sub-stratum, the bringing to the surface foreign species;furthermore, though drainage of of the sub-soil,the piling up of looseearth which, swamp lands has reducedthe totals of somekinds moved by wind and water, fdls up depressions of birds, increasein other kinds through irriga- and createsmeadows, the conservationof water tion of previously barren regions has more than by retarding the spring run-off, and rendering offset such lossnumerically. The theme of “Geog- the soil more fertile by looseningas well as by raphy and evolution” (1924) is that evolution of burying accumulatedvegetable debris. And, ac- animal life is the direct result of evolution of cording to the geological record, this has been environments. “Geography and evolution in the going on for at least 200,000years! Study of this pocket gopher” (1926) is accompaniedby a dis- paper should be compulsory in every agricul- tributional map and a coloredplate showingeight tural school. different types in the genus Thomomys. The 33 “Tree surgery and the birds” (1927) voicesthe kinds of pocket gophersaccredited to California feeling of antagonismthat comesto all lovers of at the time this paper was written are discussed wild-life in its natural state when human ideas 82 THE CONDOR Vol. 45 of orderliness conflict with natural processes. An preserved material may be put, are listed and dis- oak tree just outside the author’s office window cussed. “The museum conscience” (1922) empha- has submitted to pruning of all dead limbs and sizes the need for absolute accuracy in labelling plugging of cavities with cement, resulting in and arrangement of museum materials, such to destruction of favorite nesting, feeding and roost- be obtained only through curatorial work of a ing places of several species of birds. “Linnets high standard. and dandelions” (1930) recounts the invasion of “Bird netting as a method in ornithology” a city lawn by the lowly dandelion, with result- (1925) relates the arrest of four “Italians” and ant disgust to the owner of the lawn and pleasure seizure of their nets illegally used in capture of to some of the neighbors, who delighted in the song birds for the pot; 133 birds of thirteen songs of linnets attracted by dandelion seeds. species were turned over to the Museum of Ver- The opening question ef this short paper, “Is it tebrate Zoology. A study of these having shown feasible to blend sentiment with natural history that, with one possible exception, no injuries had and at the same time maintain fairly high fac- been inflicted on them during the process of net- tual and rational standards?” is typical of Joseph ting, Grinnell applied to the Fish and Game Com- Grinnell, as his friends knew him, sentimental at mission for permission to use the nets for col- heart, but ever on the alert against any betrayal lecting and banding birds. This permission was of the fact. “Up-hill planters” (1936) propounds denied on the ground that it would set a bad a very logical theory in reforestation. As acorns ex:mple to “Italians,” and surprise was expressed falling from oak trees on steep hi&ides almost at the “audacity” of the request. invariably roll down hill, some agency is neces- “A conservationist’s creed as to wild-life ad- cary to prevent gradual altitudinal shifting of ministration” (1925) expresses belief that the the forest itself. This agency is believed to be fullest use should be made of our wild-life re- found in jays, squirrels, and other animals, sources; that game birds and mammals belong through their habit of carrying away acorns, no more to the sportsmen than to non-hunters; often up-slope, to be deposited in crevices or that collecting specimens of vertebrates for scien- buried in the ground for future use. tific purposes is right and necessary; that the “Call notes of the bush-tit!’ (1903) describes best known way to conserve animal life is to pre- several types of notes of these birds, that almost serve conditions favorable to our native species; invariably travel in flocks. The simple notes usu- that grazing by domestic stock, particularly ally heard are believed to be the means of keep- sheep, on the greater part of our national forests ing the group together, while what is called the should be discontinued, and that administration “confusion chorus,” a shrill, monotonous trill, of our wild life resources should be kept as far chanted continuously by all members of a flock as possible out of politics. Opposition is expressed in unison, is used only during the presence of to attempts to exterminate any native vertebrate avian enemies, and is thought to confuse a pre- species; to permitting the public to shoot crows dator as to the definite location of any individ- or other presumably injurious animals during ual. “Sequestration notes” (1920), used by birds the breeding season of our desirable species, and that forage singly, such as the Audubon warbler to introduction of alien species of either game or and kinglets, are believed to act to keep individ- non-game birds or mammals. uals apart, in such a manner as to avoid duplica- “Conserve the collector” (1915) is a sane and tion of territory already scrutinized. “The prin- logical argument against the fallacious reasoning ciple of rapid peering in birds” (1921) advances of some sentimentalists, game commissioners and the theory that birds that feed on small, station- others, that properly regulated scientific collect- ary objects find them more easily by frequently ing has any affect whatever on the permanent changing their angle of vision by movements of numbers of any species of bird or mammal. Fur- the head and body. “A possible function of the thermore, judicious collecting is considered ab- whiteness of the breast in-crevice-searching birds” solutely indispensible to serious ornithological (1924) calls attention to the white breast of the research along certain important lines, namely, canyon wren and other birds that search crevices faunistics, systematics, migration and food for much of their food, and suggests that reflec- studies. tion of light from white plumage may aid the A perusal of these carefully selected papers of vision of the searcher. the man who for many years was California’s Among the miscellaneous papers included in leading vertebrate zoologist leaves the reader this book are two on museum functions and eth- with no shred of doubt that Grinnell was not ics. “The methods and uses of a research mu- only in the front rank of keen observers of wild seum” (1910) sets forth rules for the field col- life in its natural habitat, but that he has had lector, particular stress being laid on the amount few equals in ability to correctly interpret the and character of data to be recorded; also many many widely different phases of natural history uses, both educational and economical, to which as seen in the field. Mar., 1943 MINUTES OF COOPER CLUB MEETINGS 83

The compilers of this book are to be congrat- Daniel F. Tillotson, Museum of Vertebrate Zo- ulated for having rendered more available by ology, Berkeley, Calif., by Frank A. Pitelka. putting into compact form a well chosen group Mr. Miller reviewed “Wildlife Portfolio of of publications of very high scientific and edu- the Western National Parks” by Joseph S. Dixon, cational value.-G. WILLETT. a recent publication of the U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. He commented MINUTES OF COOPER CLUB MEETINGS on its pleasing form, and its usefulness in pre- NORTHERNDIvISION senting to the park visitor the birds and mam- OcroBER.-The regular monthly meeting of mals he would be most likely to see. the Northern Division of the Cooper Ornitho- Mr. Dixon brought a heartening report from logical Club was held on Thursday, October 22, among his field observations. In one region of 194.2, at 8:00 p.m., in Room 2503, Life Sciences California there was a great increase in the num- Building, University of California, Berkeley, ber of White-tailed Kites, two pairs present in with Alden H. Miller presiding and about 125 April apparently having been able to rear two members and guests present. Minutes of the broods each. This was correlated with an abun- Northern Division for September were read and dant population of Microtus. Mr. Cove1 spoke of approved. There were four proposals for mem- the annual duck banding at Lake Merritt on No- bership: Grace Irene Crowe, 1420 Henry St., vember 5, and Mrs. Austin noted that 1105 birds Berkeley, by May Titus; Marjorie Lillian Peter- were handled, 600 of these being banded for the son, 2725 Ridge Rd., Berkeley, by Winifred M. first. time. Smith; and Donald Lynn McKevnan, 810 24th The speaker of the evening, Mr. Joseph Dixon, Ave., Seattle, and Albert Wolfson, Museum of entitled his talk, “Fading Trails,” from the book Vertebrate Zoology, Berkeley, both by Alden H. of that name, dealing with diminishing wildlife Miller. forms. Reproductions of the colored plates origi- A letter from George Willett to Mrs. Hilda W. nally planned for the book were shown as lan- Grinnell was read, which expressed appreciation tern slides. to members of the Cooper Club for his election Adjourned.-FanNcEs CARTER, Recording Sec- to Honorary Membership. retary. Mr. Follett reported a Mockingbird from Mo- D?zcEMBxx.-The regular monthly meeting of dot County on September 12. Mrs. Allen report- the Northern Division of the Cooper Ornitho- ed recent arrival dates of several migrants and logical Club was held on Thursday, December 17, winter residents in Berkeley, and Dr. Miller con- 1942, at 8:OO p.m., in Room 2503 Life Sciences trasted these, in general terms, with earlier ar- Building, University of California, Berkeley, with rival dates along the coast of Humboldt County. Alden H. Miller in the chair and 55 members Mrs. Dorothy Dean Sheldon, speaker of the and guests present. Minutes of the Northern Di- evening, presented five excellent colored motion vision for November were read and approved. picture films. The major subjects were (1) shear- Names proposed for membership were: Florence waters and other Pacific Coast birds, (2) Ameri- Anne Henderson (Mrs. R. N.) , 3922 Broadway, can egrets in the , (3) marsh Sacramento, Calif., by E. L. Sumner; Mrs. birds in the Carson River Valley, Nevada, (4) Blanche Wallace. 750 Pine Street. San Francisco. common garden birds, and (5) desert birds in the California, by Junea W. Kelly. A standing order Imperial Valley of California. of business calls for the appointment of a nom- Adjourned.-FRANK A. PITELKA, Acting Sec- inating committee at the December meeting. A retary. telegram from the president, E. Lowell Sumner, NovnMnxx.-The regular monthly meeting of named Jean M. Linsdale, John T. Emlen, and the Northern Division of the Cooper Ornitho- Mrs. J. T. Allen, chairman. logical Club was held on Thursday, November A letter was read from Dr. T. Eric Reynolds 19, 1942, at 8:CO p.m., in Room 2503 Life Sci- who finds opportunities to study birds of south ences Building, University of California, Berke- Pacific islands in spite of his naval duties. ley, with Alden H. Miller in the chair and 37 As speaker of the evening, B. C. Cain de- members and guests present. Minutes of the scribed his summer’s field work at Camp Phill- Northern Division for October were read and mont, in the Sangre de Cristo range of New Mex- corrected. Minutes of the Southern Division for ico, illustrating his talk with Kodachrome slides September were read. Names proposed for mem- of exceptional beauty. This camp, the largest in bership were: Mr. Dean Amadon, American Mu- the world devoted to youth, comprising some seum of Natural History, New York City, N. Y., 127,COO acres, was presented to the Boy Scouts by W. Lee Chambers; Warren Fischer. 106 Man- of America, together with the means for main- nblia Avenue, Piedmont, Calif., by Brighton C. taining it, by Waite Phillips. Cain; William V. Mayer, Route 2, Box 3125, Adjourned.-FaArrcxs CARTER, Recording Sec- Del Paso Heights, Calif., by Alden H. Miller; retary.