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Georgia Southern University Digital Commons@Georgia Southern The George-Anne Student Media 3-3-1988 The George-Anne Georgia Southern University Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Higher Education Commons Recommended Citation Georgia Southern University, "The George-Anne" (1988). The George-Anne. 1093. This newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Media at Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. It has been accepted for inclusion in The George-Anne by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons@Georgia Southern. For more information, please contact [email protected]. See Sports Page 6 Geor Anne » 912/681-5246 Volume 60, Number 19 • March 3,1988 Since 1927, Georgia Southern's Official Student Newspaper Georgia Southern College • Statesboro, GA 30460 Vilas speaks on problems, successes of Sandinista revolt By Kathryn Denton Center last Thursday evening, Vilas for use by families. of the revolution is as positive as the Staff Writer discussed such topics as the Sandin- The land use makes up an impor- co-ops. Vilas stated that every family ista Revolution, the Nicaraguan tant institution in Nicaragua—the in Nicaragua has had at least one Carlos Vilas, a Nicaraguan resi- economy, and the possibility of peace co-op farm. According to Vilas, co-op victim of the revolution. He added dent and expert on that nation's in Central America. farms occupy 22 to 25%of the land that peace is not a present probabil- u. economy, said in a speech to students According to Vilas, Nicaragua is and are a symbol of the accomplish- ity in Central America because of and faculty last week, that he was a backward, impoverished country ments of the revolution. inner turmoil. not lecturing at GSC to add to his with a low literacy level and high Vilas, a professor of political sci- accomplishments, but rather to aid unemployment. Vilas added that co-ops were not ence at the University of Florida and in the students' understanding and The per capita income in Nicara- popular at first, but are now because author of a book entitled The Sandin- perception of the problems in Nicara- gua is $857, but Vilas added that the of the legal security over the land ista Revolution, was sponsored by that is now involved. gua. Sandinista Revolution has made CLEP as part of a two-day seminar At a meeting in the Conference 75% of the country's land available Unfortunately, not every result on Nicaragua. Arts 8c Sciences Dean 'Spike' .•'ffiiUMg to be skewered at roast. .. By Kelli T. McCoy Staff Writer "I don't mind at all being the goat &My name is Warren Jones and I am at the roast," said Warren F. "Spike" Jones, dean of the School of Arts and Dean of the World 99 Sciences. Jones was referring to the fun- draisingroast being sponsored by the Peace in Central America cannot be expected soon said Carlos Vilas to Public Relations Student Society of a group of listeners. (Photo by Jamey Edgarton) America on Friday, March 4, at 7:30 p.m. in the Williams Center Dining The name "Spike" originated name is Warren Jones and I am the Hall at which Jones will serve as the from a band. When Jones was a Dean of the World." roastee. teenager, a band named Spike Jones "Itfs a clowning around kind of This dubious honor is being be- and his City Slickers were popular. thing," he said. News Brtefs Jone's beliefs concerning educa- Compiled By Cathy McNamara stowed on Jones because of his repu- The band, a 1940 version of Wierd Al tion reveal a more serious side to his News Editor tation as a grand jokester. Yankovich, spoofed popular music or "That's exactly the kind of repu- songs of the time like "Tea for Two." personality. "I'm very happy being tation you're not supposed to have as So, how did Dean Jones come to an Arts and Sciences dean because a dean. You're supposed to be erudite be dubbed "Spike?" the undergraduate years should be and brilliant," he said with a look ""Warren' is not easy to holler on very enriching," he said. A "HOW TO PREVENT AIDS" Solidarity Movement" at R.J.'s Dean Warren (a.k.a. "Spike") Jones that could win a poker game with a a ballfield," Jones said with a laugh. Jones, who has been at GSC for LECTURE will be presented by Steakery. Those interested will be honored by many at a roast pair of deuces and then added, So, his teammates began calling him 15 years, asserts that education Dr. Joseph Vinci, Medical Direc- sponsored by PRSSA tomorrow. should contact Drs. Vernon Egger "which of course I am." Spike, a catchier name for the pur- must affect the student's perspective tor and physician at GSC's Health or Ron Finucane at 681-5693, or (File photo) According to PRSSA President pose. and judgement while teaching the Center, in the Blue Room of Clara Krug at 681-5695. Susan Bacon, "We asked Dean Jones The birth of the nickname student to enjoy life and be a respon- William's Center on Tuesday, Jones. "I'm sure they will all be "Spike" actually began one day when sible citizen. March 8 at 7:30 p.m. The presen- because he is so humorous and every- kind." DRIVE TO RAISE MONEY FOR Always supporting the students tation will include a videotaped one on campus knows that." She a fellow ballplayer called him Spike He then added in a tongue-in- DIABETES FOUNDATION Jones, after the popular band, and of GSC, Jones thinks that PRSSA is examination of the AIDS crisis added, "No one else even crossed our cheek manner, "I'm sure the roasters ON ITS WAY. Kappa Alpha Psi great for sponsoring the roast. and will entertain any questions minds." the rest as they say, is history. will take into account future employ- Fraternity will sponsor a Fund Jones has been on the receiving The spontaneous repartee is a posed in an answer session follow- Consistent with his comical na- ment." Drive for the Diabetes Association favorite for Jones. He is not prepar- ing the program. The program end of pranks for quite some time. ture, Jones has also given himself a Despite his quick rebuttal reac- on today at Landrum from 1-5 ing a rebuttal to the roaster's re- will serve as part of an ongoing In high school he was awarded nickname. tions and comical ways, Jones is a bit p.m. For more information, con- marks. effort at GSC to improve the qual- the nickname "Spike"—a nickname At meetings when he is asked to sheepish about being the goat. "The tact Michael King at 681-3263. "The main thing is what they ity of student life. that many people know him by even introduce himself, he likes to cut honoring part is the embarassing today. through the stuffiness by saying "My [the roasters] are going to say," said part —the fun part is great!" he said. CLEC SPONSORS ENLIGHTEN- THE POLITICAL SCIENCE ING LECTURE. The Campus CLUB GETS BACK ON ITS Life Enrichment Committee FEET. The Political Science Club (CLEC) fand the Department of is being renewed this quarter Biology are sponsoring a seminar with new president Amy Hen- entitled "Cytogenetic Effects of X- dricks. The club meets every Ray Exposure in Patients and 2nd political rally lights way for Super Tuesday Thursday at 8 p.m. in Bubba's Staff in Cardiac Catheterization Laboratories." The seminar will Lounge for its informal meetings By Ryan Blake 'Battle of the Bands' winner "Subject of GSC's fraternities and sororities sion stations bf WTOC and WSAV which include political discus- be conducted by Virginia Dunbar of the Department of Human Managing Editor to Change" will perform twice will be speaking. will be on -hand for coverage and sions. Those interested in politi- throughout the day. The rally begins "It's a big push because Georgia interviews. cal conversation and a good time Resources of the Georgia Mental A second political rally will take a turn to a festival setting in the at 11 a.m. and will end around 4 p.m. is the fourth most important state in are invited to attend. Health Institute in Atlanta. The Among the candidate represnta- presentation will be held on commons area between the Admini- with "Subject to Change" donating the south for delegates sent to the tives to appear at the rally will be; March 8 at 12 p.m. in the Biology stration Building, the Herty Build- their time between 11:15-12 and convention, and getting closer to Candice King (Al Gore), Glenn THE ANNUAL "MISS GSC PAG- Building, Room 218. ing and the Williams Center this 12:45 until 2 p.m. third most important," Wain an- Bahde (Pat Robertson), Bill EANT," sponsored by the Pi afternoon at 11 a.m. The desired speakers for the nounced. Forrest(George Bush), Jerret Tilton Kappa Phi Fraternity, will be held THE AFRO-AMERICAN CHOIR event will include Erk Russell, Tracy The potential vote of 8,000 plus Bob Dole) and Dave Dyer (Mike "It is going to be a gayla event Ham, GSC President Dr. Nicholas is important and the students access on Thursday, March 10 in the OF GSC will be presenting a con- with a goal to push for voter registra- Dukakis). There will also be a repre- Marvin Pittman Auditorium. The cert, "A Salute to Black Gospel Henry, V.P.