WOODHOUSE GEOSCIENCES 1400 1st Avenue West, Unit 204 BRADENTON, FL 34205 941-773-8682
[email protected] EXPERIENCE SUMMARY David Woodhouse is a registered professional geologist currently retired and practicing as Woodhouse Geosciences which offers over 50 years of experience in hydrogeology, geotechnical engineering, and construction/geological forensics. He is a court recognized expert on groundwater and contaminant flow through fractured bedrock. In that capacity, he has provided consultation and technical expertise to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), major architectural/engineering (A/E) firms, municipalities, and expert witness services to attorneys on cases involving the fate and transport of chemicals in the environment. He has also worked for major A/E firms such as ENSR, Weston, GCA Technology/Alliance Technology, and Camp Dresser McKee. For the USEPA, assignments included the following: Superfund Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study (RI/FS) assignments; peer reviewer and consultant to develop siting criteria for landfills governed by the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act) (RCRA) and dioxin disposal at Times Beach; peer reviewer for EPA to develop time of travel criteria for fate and transport studies; and Department of Justice and EPA consultant on site remediation and cleanups including the Technical Assistance Team (TAT), Technical Environmental Support (TES), Alternative Remediation Contracting Strategy (ARCS), and Remediation Environmental Management (REM). For the US Military, consultant on investigations and remediation of military bases including contracts for the Corps of Engineers’ Formerly Utilized Sites Remedial Action Plan (FUSRAP),NAVY CLEAN; United States Army Toxic and Hazardous Materials Agency (USATHEMA); and the United States Air Force Center for Environmental Excellence(AFCEE) Installation Rehabilitation Program (IRP).