The motif presented on the cover page is 'Sri It is difficult to surmise as to who exactly built Kodandaramaswamy Temple' of viiJage in this temple. But it is said that the single stone with the Sidlzout tal uk of Cuddapah district. images of Rama, Lakshmana and Sila have been installed by Jambavontha, one of the greatest devotees This ancient temple is most impressil'e and impos­ of Sri Rama. An inscription of S. 1477 (A.D. 1555) ing, known far and wide. Centuries ,back, the French ill the temple referring to Emperor Sadasiva Roya of traveller Tavernier described the shrine as 'ONE OF the Vijayanagar Dynasty records the gift of Pulapaturu THE GRANDEST PAGODAS IN THE WHOLE OF and BhogepalJe villages to this temp/e. Another inscrip­ INDIA'. The main diety in the temple is Lord Kodanda tion of S. 1480 (A.D. 1558) referring to the same Rama (Lord Rama with bow). In the main shrine, on Emperor records the grant of Vontimttta village to the ' a single stone, images of Rama, Lakshmana and Sila temple. have been carved. Since lhe dieties are carved on a .single stone, the village is also known as 'Ekasilq­ nagaram'. This ancient centre has been associated with great scholars and 'bhaktas' (devotees). Among them are The temple has three gopurams, of which the Potana - author of 'Srimadandhra Maha Bhaga­ central and loftiest is adorned with carved figures, vatamu', Ayyalaraju Tripurantaka, Ayyalaraju Rama­ others being plain. Within the court-yard are two stone bhadra and the early twentieth century poet Vavila­ mantapams, a large one with thirty two pillars and a kolanu Subba Rao who wrote 'Andhra Valmiki Rama­ . smaller one with fourteen. The former is the place yanamu' . where the Uthsava Vigrahams (procession idols) are decorated during festivals and the latter is the Kalyana­ Sri Kodandaramaswamy festival is celebrated from mantapam where, on the day preceding the car festival, Chaitra Suddha Navami to Bahula Panchami (April­ the ceremony of the God's marriage with Sita is per­ May) for 12 days. The festival is of ancient origin and formed. Opposite to fhe eastern entrance, there is the widely known. Hundreds of pilgrims perform abhishe_ stone 'dhwajastlzambham' (flagstaff)· There are two kams daily and thousands offer abhishekams during small ponds behind the temple towards the north called festival days. 'Ramatheertham' and 'Seethammatheer!ham'. Within the compound wall, to the north of the temple a Siva­ lingam (phallic emblem) is also installed. This lingam Vontimitta village is well connected both by road is said to be traced four feet below the earth within the and rail. Vontimitta Railway Station is the rail-head vicinity of the temple while digging a 'Yagagundam' practically for the entire taluk located in the South (sacrificial pit) for performi,zg 'Yagam' (sa,crifice) Central Railway jurisdiction on Madras - Dadar broad­ some two decades back. . gauge line.

Source:-l) Fairs and Festivals Volume of Cuddapah District 1961 Census. 2) Cuddapah District GaZt:tleers. FOREWORD

The district census handbook (DCH), compiled by the Census organisation on behalf of the State Governments, is one of the most valuable products of the Census. The DCH is constantly referred to by planners, administrators, academicians and researchers. It is inter alia used for delimitation of constitu­ encies, formulation of local level and regional plans and as an aid to district administration. The district census handbook is the only pUblication which provides Primary Census Abstract (PCA) data upto village level for the rural areas and wardwise for each city or town. It also provides data on infrastructure and amenities in villages and towns, etc.

The district census handbook series was initiated during the 1951 Census. It contained important census tables and PCA for each village and town of the district. During 1961 'Census the scope of the DCH was enlarged and it contained a descriptive account of the district, administrative statistics, census tables and a village and town directory, including PCA. The 1971 DCH series was planned in three parts. Part-A related to village and tOlVn directory, Part-B to village and town PCA and Part-C comprised analytkal report, administrative statistics, district census tables and certain analytical tables based on PCA and amenity data in respect of villages. However, ill some stat€s it 'was confined to district census tables and in a few cases altogether given up due to delay in compilation and printing.

While designing the format of 1981 DCH series some new features along with the restructuring of the formats of village and town directory have been attempted. At the same time, comparability with the 1971 data has also been kept in view. All the amenities except power supply in the village have been brought together in the village directory with the instruction that in case an amenity is not available in the referrent village the distance in broad ranges from the nearest place where the amenity is available may be given. The restructuring of the format of the village' directory and incorporating more exhaustive data on infrastructure aspect particularly in relation to amenities and land-use pattern is expected to further meet the need of micro level planning for rural areas. It is expected to help not only in the local area planning but in the reaulatin2 of the provision of goods and services as well as in minimising the regional j mbalances in the process of development. A few new items of information have also been introduced to meet some of the requirements of the Revised Minimum Needs Programme. Information on adult literacy centres, primary healtb subcentres and community health workers in the village have been introduced in the village directory with this objective in mind. The new item on approach to the village is to have an idea about the villages in the dis'trict which are inaccessible. A new column, "total population and number of households" has been introdu.;e.l to examine the correlation of the amenities with the popUlation and number of households they serve. Addition of two more appendices listing the villages where no amenities are available and according to the proportion of scheduled caste and scheduled tribe popUlation to the total population has also been made with this view in mind.

The formats of the town. directory have also been modified to meet. the requirements of the Minimum Needs Programme by providing information on a few new items. A new statement on civic and other amel1ities in slums in Class I and Class II towns (Statement IV-A) has been introduced with this objective in mind. It is expected that this will help the planners to chalk our programmes on provision of civic amenities for the improvement of slums. The columns on Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes population in Statement IV relating to civic and other amenities and adult literacy class/centres under educational facilities in Statement V are also added inter alia with this view. A significant addition is class of town in all the seven stateme.t:lts of the town directory, The infrastructure of amenities in urban areas of the country can be best analysed by taking the class of towns into consideration. The addition of the columns on civic administration status and population in a few statements also serves this purpose. ii

The format of the primary census abstract for the villages and towns has been formulated in the light of changes in the economic and other questions canvassed through the individual slip of 1981 Census.

In order to avoid delay in publication of 1981 DCH series it has been so designed that Section I &. II of the volume contains village and town directory and Section III, the PCA of villages and towns including the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes PCA up to Taluk/Town levels. At the beginning of the OCR a detailed analytical note supported by a number of inset tables .based on PCA and non-census data in relation to the infrastructure has been introduced to enhance its value. The district and taluk/town level maps depicting the boundaries and other important features have been inserted at appropriate places, to further enhance the value of the pUblication.

This publication is a joint venture of the State Government and the Census Organisation. The data have been collected and compiled in the State under the direction of Shri S. S. Jaya Rao, l.A.S., Director of Census Operations, Andhra Pradesh, Hyderabad, on behalf of the S~ate Government which has borne the cost of printing. The task of planning, designing and coordination of this publication was carried oufby Dr. N. G. Nag, Deputy Registrar General (Social Studies) of my office, Dr. B. K. Roy, Deputy Registrar General (Map) provided the technical guidance in the preparation of the maps. Data received from Census Directorates have been scrutinised in the Social Studies Division at the headquarters under the guidance of Shri M. M. Dua, Senior Research Officer. I am thankful to all who have contributed in this project.

New Delhi P. PADMANABHA the 26th April, 1982 Registrar General, India PREFACE

The District Census Handbook. a valuable publication containing census inf9rmation has' become a constant guide in the fields of planning and administration right fro'm the village to State level, besides serving the needs of academicians and researchers. This publication provides Primary Census Abstract data upto grass root level for both rural and urban areas. It also provides data on infrastructure and amenities available in villages and towns.

Sri P. Padmanabha, lAS, Registrar General, India, in his foreword has succinctly explained the scope and contents of District Census Handbook from 1951 to 1981. A review oUhis publication for the last three decades reveals tremendous improvement in the presentation of data. The District Census Handbook of 1981 Census comprises of two parts - Parts A - detailed analytical note supported by a number of inset tables based on census and non-census data in relation to infrastructure and Part B-VilJage and Town Directory as well as Primary Census Abstract of villages and towns, and these two parts are composed in a single volume. An attempt has been made to provide exhaustive data on infrastructure aspects to meet the Minimum Needs Programme of the Planning Commission. Certain new features like, location of adult literacy centre, availability of the services of community health worker and method of approach to village, in the village directory format and certain additional .features· like access to adult literacy programme, existence of working women's hostel and presentation of data on civic amenities On notified towns by size class of town in town directory, are sequel to the Minimum Needs Programme.

Analytical notes have been incorporated, explaining the history of the district with changes, if any, of the district or of the taluk or of tbe villages between 1971-81, besides the census concepts, codes used in various statements and places of tourist. interest. District and Taluk maps which are prepared in this office on the basis of maps certified by the competent authorities also have been incorporated. In the district map, just to avoid over crowding, the yiHages having more than 5,000 population alone have been shown by names. For the rest, one has to refer to the alphabetical list of villages of each tal uk, presented ill Part B of this publication.

This Publication is a joint venture of both Central and State Governments. The processing including compilation, tabulation and finalisation of the write up, is done in the Office of the Director of Census Operations, while the cost of the paper and printing required for this publication ,is being borne by the State Government. The Andhra Pradesh State Government have readily agreed to bear the cost of publication for 1981 District Census Handbooks. I am grateful to the A. P. State Government and in particular to the Chief Secretary, Sri S. R. Rama Murthy, lAS, for his co.operation and encouragement. I am thankful to the Director of Printing, Government of Andhra Pradesh for selecting good private presses to print t4ese Handbooks. The data presented in the village· and town directories are obtained from the State and Central Goveniment Departments, but for whose co-operation, Part A and B of the Handbooks could not have been compiled. J am thankful to all those departments which have provided the data Jequired.

I am extremely grateful to Sri P. Padmanabha. lAS, Registrar General and Census Commissioner for India and Dr. N. G. Nag, Deputy Registrar General for formulating the contents of the Handbook in detail. I have also been considerably assisted by Dr. B. K. Roy, Deputy Registrar General (Map) and M. M. Dua, Senior Research Officer (S.S.).

The arduous task of collection; compilation, scrutiny and preparation of analytical note of this voiume laid heavy burden on the staff of the District Census Handbook section. The credit goes chiefly to Sri B. Satyanarayana who worked as Assistant Director as well as Deputy Director of Census Operations IV while handling this subject. He took gr~at pains to tour the districts, contact various officers of the district and culled out information from various sources. Sri Ch. Purnachandra Rao, Deputy Director of Census Operations and Sri A. C. Reddy, Assistant Director of Census Operations of my office have also involved themselves in the processing of this most important census publication programme. Sri Shyam' Oeo, Research Officer ably guided the preparation of the maps included in this publication.

The following officials of my office worked on the present volume of Cuddapah District Census Handbook.

Smt. P. Lalitha, Investigator 1 I Drafting and Scrutiny and Sri N. C. Hanumantha Reddy, Tabulation Officer Supervision of Printing. Ir Smt. P. A. M. Tayaru, Tabulation Officer J

Sri V. Ananthasayana Rao, Statistical Assistant Supervision of Printing

'Sri T. B. Ramchand'er, Statistical Assistant Sri M. Narsing Rao, Statistical Assistant 1 Sri G. K. Yadagiri, Statistical Assistant 1 Sri Khamolal, Statistical Assistant I Smt. J. Sitamahalakshmi, Statistical Assistant I Sri Y. Gopala Krishna Murthy, Statistical Assistant I I Sri M. Ramprasad, Computor 1 Smt. B. Kusuma Kumari, Computor ! Collection, compilation, scrutiny Kum. Arifa Sultana, Computor ~ of maps and proof reading Smt. A. R. Vidyasri, Computor ! 1 Smt. S. Ambujam, Computor 1 Smt. N. Sita Kumari, Computor I I Smt. G. E. Rani, Computor I Sri K. Ramesh Reddy, Computor Sri B. Nadavaiah, Computor I Sri G. Venkateswara Rao, Computor J

Dr. (Kum.) Aqueela Begum, Cartographer "'I Sri M. N. Ram Mohan, Senior Artist ~ Supervision of Mapping Work Sri Syed Ahmed, Senior Artist J

Smt. Daya Saxena, Artist 1 Sri M. J. Sadiq, Senior Draugntsman I Mohinuddin Hasan, Senior Draughtsman 1 " \ B. Ragu Ram, Senior Draughtsaman I " K. Deva Dass, Senior Draughtsman 11 " M. A. Qadeer, Draughtsman Preparation of maps " B. Ramsheshu, Draughtsman " T. Trinadh, Draughtsman " I K. Shyam Prasad Reddy, Draughtsman I " I G. Marianna, Draughtsman I D. Chiranjeevi Raju, Draughtsman I " 1 Smt. R.R.S.N. Subba Lakshmi, Draughtsman I Sri M.K. Zahiruddin, Draughtsman J v

Sri N. V. Manohar Rao, Senior Steno ") Smt. P. V. D. Lakshmi, Junior Steno I I Smt. Ch. Lalitha Kumari, Junior Steno Preparation of fair copies Smt. J. Bharathi, L.D.C. Sri Md. Khaja Moinuddin, L. D.C. fI I Sri Md. Ismail, L.D.C. J

I am thankful to their services.

My endeavour has been to present data concerning each district as detailed as possible and I hope this volume will prove useful for all data users.

S. S. jAYA RAO Director of Census Operations


Part A Pages

1 Important statistics of the district ix-x 2 Map of the district Facing Page [i]

3 An~lytical note

(i) Brief history of the district [ 1-6]

(ii) General, physical aspects, hills, rivers, flora, fauna, climate, , rainfall, soils, history of district as an administrative unit and changes in its c0mponent parts in general and during the decade in particular [7-16]

(iii) Major characteristics of the district particularly in relation to the economil: resources namely forestry, minerals and mining, electricity and power, land and land-use pattern, tenancy, agricul­ ture, animal husbandry, fishery, industry, trade and commerce, transport, etc, [17-21]

(iv) Brief description of places of religious, historical or archaeological importance in villages and places of tourist interest in the towns of the district [ 22-24J

(v) Census concepts of rural and urban areas and other terms namely census house, household, ,scheduled castes/schedule~ tribes, literates, main worker, marginal worker, non-worker, etc. [25-27J

(vi) The history of district census handbook, scope of viliage directory, town directory statements and PCA [28-38]

(vii) Brief analysis of the village and town directory, PCA data based on inset tables and a note on physically handicapped persons [39-53]

Part B - Village and Town Directory and Primary Census Abstract


(i) Note e~plaitiing the codes used in the Village Directory 1-2 (ii) Village Directory with Taluk Map on facing page of alphabetical list

1 lammalamadugu Taluk· 3-9 2 Taluk 11-21 3 Taluk 23-41 4 Sidhout Taluk 43-53 " 5 Cuddapah Taluk 55-67 6 Kamalapuram Taluk 69-77 7 Taluk 79-87 8 Pulivendla Taluk 89-99 viii

9 Lakkireddipalle Taluk 101-109 10 Taluk 111-127 11 Taluk 129-137 12 Kodur Taluk 139-149 (iii) Appendices (I-IV) to the Village Directory 150-169 (iv) L. C. Nos. for three decade. (1961 to 1981) 170-257 SECTION. II - TOWN DIRECTORY (i) Note explaining the codes used in the Town Directory 261-262 (ii) Town Directory Statements (I to VI and IV A) 264-275


(i) District PCA 278-283 (ii) Taluk-wise PCA (a) 1 Taluk 285-2gS 2 Proddatur Taluk 297-305 3 Badvel Taluk 307-319 4 Sidhout Taluk 321-329 5 Cuddapah Taluk 331-341 6 Kamalapuram Taluk 343-351 7 Muddanur Taluk 353-361 8 Pulivendla Taluk 363-371 9 Lakkireddipalle Taluk 373-377 10 Rayachoti Taluk 379-389 11 Rajampet Taluk 391-401 12 Kodur Taluk 403-409

(b) Description of Urban Enumeration Blocks 410-427 (c) Appendix to Urban peA 428-446 (iii) Special PCA on SC and ST 448-455 IMPORTANT STATISTICS


Andhra Pradellh Cuddapah State District POPULATION TOTAL Persons 53,549,673 1,933,304 Males 27,108,922 986,705 Females ~6,440,751 946,599

RURAL Persons . 41,062,097 1,558,801 Males 20,697,627 794;652 Female~ 20,364,470 764,149

URBAN Persons 12,487,576 374,503 Males 6,411,295 192,053 Females 6,076,281 182,450


GEOGRAPHICAL AREA (Sq. Kms.) 275,068 15,359

DENSITY OF POPULATION (per Sq. Km.) 195 126

SEX-RATIO (Number of femah:s per 1,000 males) 975 959

LITERACY RATE Persons 29.94 31.11 Males 39.26 43.91 Females 20.39 17.77



0) MAIN WORKERS Persons 42.26 41.12 Males 57.12 57.15 Females 27.01 24.42

(ii) MAR.GINAL WORKERS Persons 3.50 3.73 Males 0.56 0.56 Females 6.53 7.03

(ii) NON-WORKERS Persons 54.24 55.15 Males 42;32 42.29 Females 66.46' 68.55 x



(i) CULTIVATORS Persons 32.74 '31.~ Males 36.86 38.14 Females 13.79 17.85 (ii) AGRICULTURAL LABOURERS Persons 36.79 38.06 Males 16.51 27.49 Females 59.07 63.86

(iii) HOUSEHOLD INDUSTRY Persons ".70 5.83 Males 4.50 5.73 Females 5.14 6.08

(iv) OTHER WORKERS Persons 25.77 23.87 Males 32.13 28.64 Females 12.00 12.21

PERCENTAGE· OF SCP!EDULED CASTES Persons 14.87 12.98 POPULATION TO TOTAL POPULATION Males 14.90 12.99 Females 14.84 12.97



NUMBER OF VILLAGES Total 29,281 968 Inhabited 27,379 896 Uninhabited 1,902 72




KILOMETRES L_,f 5 10 20 I I o L o o




o o




D;~tric' 8o~~dary f" Ta)uk Gou~dor~

Oislricl \-)eClcquartm j ( iOluk H~od~i,I{)rter5 @

Stole HiQhway ..it!....

Other Road (1 RI ~Qlh"oj Rrood Gouge ~

Ri ~cr ~ ~Iilloge IxlJing ~,OOO arl1l abov~ population wilh ~ Mtl~1i

UrbCrl Ar~Q whh populotio~ Sin ClOSS I , ClllssHI ,

Closs Ii • Clos, V •

Post an~, M~grnph offke: PTO O~gree CO\leg~ and lechnicQI inslilUlion _ill Rest House(Dok 8ungalolN,Tf(lvelier's Bung4lol', RH

Forest Bungalow, Conol 8ung~low ) o HISTORY

Cuddapah is considered one of the backward and The area comprising Cuddapab district and its perhaps also one of the most remotely situated dis­ neighbourhood was situated on the borders of several tricts of the State. One hardly realises that the tract great kingdoms of South India which often warred covered by the district carries the foot prints of some with each other. The tract was the victim of ravage of the most iJlustrious rulers of South India. Tipu 'of the victorious hordes of armies. The district was Sultan, Haidar AJi, Sivaji, Krishnadevaraya, Pratap only the tributary of the distant capitals. The local Rudra are some of the names ass~cil1ted with the chieftains that had established themselVes in the river' history of this tract. The holy names of the dvers valleys of the district owned their allegiance to the that cut across the d'f'Strict give the land a sanctity of changing rulers"at the top. "Almost without excep­ their own. The district is made up of a series of lion, each of the rivers bas a more or less broad belt beautiful valleys through which flow Papaghni (the of alluv'ial soil rising gradually from either bank; and destroyer of sin), Chitravati (a Hindu Goddess), each of these river basins has, in times gone by, been Mandavya (a Rishi), Pennar or Pinakini ("the sister the centre of a separate political unit - a little state of Pennaki another name for Siva meaning the skull­ restrained, as it was protected by' the line of the hills bearer, alluding to one of his incarnations during that hemmed it in on either side. Thus the level which be killed a Brahmin, and as a penalty, a skull lands of the Pennar round Cuddapah and east and was attached to his hand until the sin was removed by 'west of that town formed the dominions of the Sidh­ Penance"). Penneru which is the most important out Raja, and later the seat of the Nabob of river flowing right through the district has a legend Cuddapah; the valley of the Cheyyair was the Raj of which is incorporated in a Sasanam (inscription) at Chitwail; the broad plains of Kundairoo belonged to . Once subject to a cutse, Agastyamaha­ the Poligar of N ;)ssum; those near Gandikota to the muni was changed into a river and doomed to flow petty Raja of that place, and the narrow and the northwards from the foot of the God at Nandidurg, barren defile through which runs the Sagalair suppor­ and to furnish, on its way to the ocean, fresh water .ted the families of tbe Pullalo Cheruvoo' and for the innumereus Rishis or holy men who would Poremomillah; and this physical isolation of every settle on its banks, until at last,· in the course of separate nook and corner of this wild country is the countless centuries, the curse would be remo­ key that' unlocks its past history, the fact that explain'] ved. The Seshachalam range of hills that pass the successive uncontested conquest. and long conti­ through this district and crowned ultimately with the nuity of foreign occupations tha,t left the tenants holy shrine of Tirumala in is named undisturbed under every new master. The Hindu after the Serpent God who served as the bed of lord Poligars served the Mughal Ernper~rs, ViJayanagiu Vishnu. Thus, Cuddapah tract associated with such Princes, Hyderabad Nizams, Maharata Rulers and holy rivers and hills should, at one time, has been the Mysore Sultans, with the most perfect adapti­ considered as a truly holy lan1. . This tract has also veness to their own interests and the will of their been identified as the great forest of Dandaka temporary rulers". through which the God King Sri Rama and his consort Sita wandered in 'their 14 years of exile. The earliest known dynasty that held sway over Th~reafter. little is known of the history of this land what can be now roughly called the area comprising until about the 10th or the Ilt~ Century A 0, It has the .di'ltrict 0 f Cu Jdapab, was that belonging to the been observed that "each stream in this part of the Palla va Kings. They controlled an extensive territory country has its song to sing and every hill its story to which included the present and proba­ narrate" but it is the regret of the historians that bly aU the Telugu country on the East Coast as '''unfortunately they do not narrate them, or, if they Krishna. From Nellore they penetrated for a time do, do it in language unintelligible to the modern into the north of Cuddapah district, presumably historian, These streams and mountains being the following the course of the Pennar upstream, for, it 'only depositories of the chronicles of Cuddapah, the is in the neighbourhood of this river in the taluks of early history of the . district,' is, and is likely to Jammalamadugu and Proddatur, that the earliest remain, a sealed book". historical evidence, in the shape of lithic monuments,

Source: An extract from DCHD,' Cuddapah Dist. A. P. 1961 Pp. X-XVI [2] has been collected. In the latter part of the fifth of that name situated on the bank of the river century the growing power of the Palla vas seems to Cheyyer in Pullampet taluk. A rich harvest of infor­ have been checked by the Cholas in the souih; and in mation has been obtained from lithic records discove­ the north the Pallava King suffered defeat at the red in or near several villages on the banks of Cheyyer hands of a Chalukyan adventurer named Vijayaditya river in Pullampet taluk. such as , Lebaka, who claimed to have come from Oudh. This battle and Tangatur. During the reign of Rajarajadeva III is said to have taken place in Cuddapah district as (A. D. 1216 to 1243), the power of the Cholas seems the queen of Vijayaditya seems to have taken refuge to have suffered a temporary eclipse. chiefly due to at Peddamodium in Jammalamadugu taluk after the the aggression of the Pandyas in the south. But due death of her husband in battle. SUbsequently the to the prowess and .loyalty of the Viceroy of Pakanadu Cholas al so overran the PaHava territory and establi­ (what now roughly correspon~ to the district of shed themselves for a couple of centuries in the black Nellore and the eastern division of Cuddapah district) cotton country on the banks of Penner in this district. the Chola Kingdom, was once again firmly establi­ The rule of the Telugu Cholas appears to have lasted shed. till the later part of the 8th fentury. The next dynasty which established its authority for a considerable In the Jatter half of the 13th century A. D. it is period in these parts appears to be that of the Banas. found that the Pottapi country i. e., the tract This presumption is supported by the discovery of an corresponding to the taluks of Jammalamadugu, inscription at Pottipadu in Jammalamadugu taluk, Proddatur, Cuddapah, Kamalapuram and probably the date of which corresponds· to A. D. 884 in which Pulivendla had fallen into the hands of Ambadeva a grant was made by a Bana King. who had temporarily usurped the Kakatiya crown~ He ruled from Vallur, ten miles from Cuddapah, and With the retreat of the Banas, fertile plains of during his time he carried out land survey of Pottapi-;­ north-west Cuddapah came under the sway of a nadu under the direction of his subordinate Peddi­ dynasty of kings called the Rashtrakutas from the nayaka and a river channel was constructed at north and west. Kannada verses in praise of the Lebaka. Subsequently a Kakatiya King Prataparudra Generalof King Indra III (A. D. 915) have been succeeded to the throne at Warangal after the death found recorded at the Village of Danavulapad on the or the downfall of the usurper Ambadeva. Thus at north bank of the river Penner five miles south of the opening of the 14th century we find the whole of Jammalamadugu. A later King Krishna III seems to Cupdapah district, except Rayachoti taluk, under the have further extended his influence over this area and sway of the great northern kingdom whose capital the power. of Rashtrakutas had reached its zenith. was Warangal. But in A. D. 1309 came the invasion With his death, the power and influence of this ·dynasty declined. of the Deccan by the Muslims during the reign of the Khilji Emperor Allah-ud-din~ Warangal fell and About this time the Cholas began to establish with it the K.akatiya dynasty. The whole of the tbeir authority in these parts, for in the reign of Carnatic and the Coromandel was overrun by the Chola King Rajaraja I, who ascended the throne in invaders. who penetrated to the extreme south of the A. D. 982, a Vaidumba chief was his feudatory and Peninsula. The subjugation of the country was ruled over the "Inagallur-nadu" which corresponds completed about A. D. 1325 when Warangal was to a tract in Pulivendla tal uk, with the village of captured and King Prataparudra carried a prisoner to Inagalur as its headquarters. The whole of Cuddapah Delhi. But in A. D. 1336 the Vljayanagar Kingdom district might have been under their control, for the was founded by Harihara and Bukka, two Hindu 1aluks of Sidhout and Pullampet were under the refugees from Warangal and in A. D. 1344 a Hindu Telugu Chodas who were also feudatories of the confederation, consisting of the son of Prataparudra . Chotas and originally belonged to the same family. of WarangaI, Krishna Nayakkar of Vijayanagar, and .the Hoy~ala King from Mysore, with an immense The Telugu' Chodas claim the same ancestry and force drove the Muslims out of Warangal and rolled possess the same family titles as the Cholas. It is on back the tide of their advance. The outcome of this record that one Dasavarman. the grandfather of a was the establishment of the Vijayanagar Empire. Choda chieftain, cbnquered the Paka - Rashtra and During the two centuries of its ascendency it included ruled at Pothapi about A. D. 1000. This place has the whole of the present Cuddapah district. "During been ideatified with absolute certainty with the village this rule the natural resources of the country mus, [3)

have been greatly developed ... The rich Cuddapah Cuddapab district, and surveyed tile country for valley was highly cultivated and produced grain and revenue purposes. It is not clear as to how much of cotton. The districts above the ghats, though poorer revenue was collected from this" Kamil assessment". as far as soil and water are concerned. were most yet this assessment was utilised by later Governments carefully looked after. The rivers produced gold and do~n to the British occupation as a sort of a standard precious stones, and .... diamonds were found· in the by which to measure the tax-paying capacity of the valleys. So prolific were their diamond mines that district. Till the reduction of Golconda by Auranga­ even at the close of the last century, after having been zeb, the only representatives of the central authority worked for generations, the mines in the Cuddapah in Cuddapah district appear to have been the Nawabs valley yeilded an annual income of half a lakh of of Gandikota and Cuddapah, but as they had not the rupees. All this wealth poured into the neighbouring means of reducing the local chiefs who had rendered capital of Vijayanagar, and in the end proved source military service during the Vijayanagar period, their of its decay." political importance was almost negligible. Subsequ­ ently due to the continuous preoccupations of Within a few years of the founding of the Empire Aurangazeb with the Maharattas, the opening of the we find the whole of Cuddapah district and probably 18th century saw Deccan fall into little short of most of Nellore included in the province of Udaya­ anarchy. This led to the rise of power and influence giri (in Nellore district). This province was ruled of the local chiefs and poligars fostered by the absence over by a son of the Emperor Kampa I as early as of any effective central authority. These petty chief­ A.D. 1356, a fact which illustrates that close rela"lives tains who in fact exercised sovereign rights within (jf the reigning monarch w~re appointed as Viceroys their jurisdiction were finally reduced after about two of outlying provinces. During the reign of Bukka I hundred years by British troops and their allegiance" (A. D. 1352 to 1376) we learn that his son Bhaskara, won by the unflinching determination and never then Viceroy of Udayagiri province, constructed the failing tact of Sir Thomas Munro. great irrigation tank at in the Badvel taluk in the year A. D. 1,369. A long period elapsed between the battle of Talikota and the establishment of Muslim rule in Several inscriptions have been found in the Cuddapah district for the simple reason that the district in which mention is made of the Emperor Muslim kings of the Deccan were occupied during the Sadasiva of VijayanagQ.r. During his reign and that next century in the final annihilation of the Vijaya'na­ of his predecessor Achyuta, the decline of the Empire gar Empire and in continual wars with the Mahara­ began. The Empire was actually governed, while ttas. It is not untii the Nizam of Hyderabad began Sadasiva still occupied the throne, h3 his brother-in- to rule the Deccan as a practically independent . law Ramaraja. The latter was the only ruler of the monarch in the early part of the 18th century that the ". Empire who ever made any headway aglinst the Mus- Nawabs of Cuddaplh attained any political sigriifi~ lims. Finally at the famous battle of Talikota in cance. The first Nawab of Cuddapah to a,>sert his January, 1565. the Hindus and Muslims, with forces control of the district was Abdul Nabi Khan whose of almost fabulous strength. contested for the supre­ Governorship began in the" year A. D. 1714. He macy of the Deccan. In the result, the Raja was established garrisons at Gandikota in the north and totally defeated and killed in the battle. Gurramkonda in the south but did not seem to have made any rell attempt to reduce the country to order. Though the Hindu power in the south was irretrie­ In May. 1740, the Maharattas invaded the country, vably broken, the brother and successor of Ramaraja defeated the Nawab of Kandanur () and managed to conserve a part of his territory, which marched against Cuddapah with a big force, defeated still included tbe whole of Cuddapab district. He was the Nawab who made peace with them by giving them succeeded by his son Ranga who was followed by his a sum equivalent to a lakh and a half of rupees and brother Venkatapathi. The latter died in A. D. 1614. other presents. For thirty years afterwards his successors continued to rule the remnants of their territory with Chandragiri The rise of Haidar Ali constituted a new element as their capital~ but in A. D. 1646 this stronghold fell in tbe political forces which shaped the destinies 0 into the hands of the King of Golconda. However, it Cuddapah. Haidar Ali obtained possession of Gurram was not till the beginning of the 17th Century that the konda in 1766, temporarily lost it to the Maharatta Golconda kings turned their attention to the present in 1772, and regained it early in 1774 through his sc (4J

Tipu. In 1780 Haidar Ali, due to his ant10yance with At the opening of the 19th century we thus enter the Nawab of Cuddapah for a supposed disobedience on a last phase of the History of the Cuddapah district. of his orders in the previous year, himself took the viz., the subjugation of the Poligars, the establishJllent. field and effecting a junction" with Mir Saheb, gave of a well ordered Gllvernment and the inauguration of battle to the forces of the Nawab near the small forti­ the Revenue system which obtains at the present day. fied town of on the banks of the Kunder All this was the work of Munro, who was later knigh­ about ten miles north-east of Proddatur. The Nawab's ted and became the Governor of Madras. cavalry was defeated, and he himself escaped to the Mubro enumerates eighty different Poligars. of fort of Sidhout, which was immediately afterwards whom a large number were in the Cuddapah district. captured by Haidar Ali. The Nawab and his family Most of these were grouped round the more influen­ were then sent as prisoners to Seringapatnam tial Poligars to whom they paid their allegiance. A (Srirangapatnam) where the Nawab finally ~ied ~n peculiarity of these Poligars was that everyone, howe­ captivity. Haidar Ali then left for Mysore leavmg hIs ver petty his territory, kept up a mimic court; nominal b·rother-in··Jaw Mir Saheb in charge of the whole officers were appointed, holding the same title as district. Mir Saheb and his son Kamalud~in were similar officers did in the sovereign courts, and a small . the first rulers of the district who seriously grappled standing army was maintained of permanently appoin­ with the problem of the poligars, the importance of ted peons, aided by a militia of relatives of these which was fully recognised by Haidar Ali. In the peons, who were liable to be called out in times of words of Munro "The Cuddapah Nawabs expelled disturbance. These small standing armies were but some of them (Poligars), but neither they nor the seldom paid, and the greater put of their earnings Maharattas were ever able to reduce the rest, or even were gained by their depredations in time of war. enforce the regular payment of their Peshkash." During p!ace these bodies of peons continued their usual practices anq e~rned their livelihood by The whole of the Cuddapah district formed a ~art pillaging border villages. Where a village o'f tbe Ceded Countries which fell to th.e Nlzam by the was wealthy or populous enough to be able to defend treaties of Mysore and Seringapatnam. The officers itself against the attack of these border robbers, it of the Nizam for some reason or the oth.!r permitted advanced in the course of a few years from the defen­ the Poligars to return and in some C35es also invl!sted sive to the offen~ve, tbe village chief emerging as a them with th~ mlnagement of Sircar VilL1ge3 in addi­ petty poligar. As a result, the hilly areas became tion to their own. infested with bands of robbers an,d bandits, and the ryots and country people were to~m;!nted by a conti­ In the year 1800, the Hyderabad contingent was nual state of violence and rapine. Collection of reve­ increased to eight battalions, and the district (inclu­ nue had thus become almost an impossible problew. ding the whole of modern Cuddapab) yielding sixty­ One of the difficulties confronting Munro at the three lakhs a year was made over by the Nizam in outset was the presence of bodies of the Nizam's perpetual sovereignty to the East India Company troops who refused to leave the country until their . under ihe stipulation that. the British Government arrears of pay were settled. This Munro did at once, should guarantee all the remaining territories of the leaving the money to be recovered afterwards. At the Nizam from every attack. In their order dated same time the Poligars were kept in check by a procla­ October 24th, 1800 the Government of Madras acqu­ mation declaring that every chieftain who garrisoned ainted Major Thomas Munro, with the particulars of . a Fort, maintained an armed force, or lel'ied contribu­ this treaty, and posted him as the principal Collector tions, would be treated as a' rebel. This was not with four Sub-Collectors under his immediate autho­ a mere threat, as in May, 1801 Major-G~neral Camp­ rity. A small military detachment was placed under bell marched against VemuJa in the PuJivendJa laJuk his control for meeting unavoidable demand for miIit- and reduced the Poligar to obedience by demolishing ~ry ·aid. Less tlian a month after taking charge, his Fort. From there the General proceeded to Major Munro reported as follows:- "By every report Pullampet taluk and forcibly dispossessed the Matla which has reached me, it appears that almost every Raja of . For a time this policy did not meet Poligar, however, insignificant, who had been expelled the approval of the Board of. Directors who even since the beginning of Haidar's usurpation, has been threatened to remove Munro from his appointment within these few years permitted to resume the and never again to appoint him on revenue wor:lc. But management of his district." . later Munro by an unassailable defence of his position [5] convinced the Directors of his policy and the latter Revenue Administration never again qu;stioned tbe measures he adopted. , Munro's policy gave the district the first taste of Before the advent ,of the British rule in this area tranquility. Each delinquent was steadily followed to there was neither respect of the central authority nor the end.' All the Poligars one after anotber, were settled form of administration. And so without the subdued when finally after completing bis mission in necessary appendage of law and order, proper c(lllec­ 1807, Munro resigned his post of Principal Collector tion of revenue had become almost an impossible task. alld proceeded home on leave, baving first received Secondly there was no uniform land revenue system. the following band some acknowledgment of his servi­ Under the Vijayanagar rule, the Hindu systems of land ces from the Madras Government. "From disunited revenue never concerned themselves with definitions bordes of lawless plunderers and free-booters they of landed property or State rights. The ryots usually (the people) are now stated to be as far advanced in settled among themselves the exact proportion of the civilization, submission to the laws, and obedience to whole rent that each individual has to pay. Cultiva­ the Magistrates, ,as any of the subjects under this tion was in a sense 'coIle-ctive', as we understand to­ Government. The revenues are collected with facility; day, where there was no question of property in the everyone seems satisfied; with his situation, and the . land and the holdings were interchangeable or liable regret of the peojJle is univ.:!rsal on the departure of to redistribution. The really important thing was the the Principal Collector.'" division of produce which as far as the ryots were concerned was regulated by the contribution made to the com:non stock. The State, also asserted its right Before passing over Munro, an interesting story to a share, the extent of which the State itself deter­ but probably a true one, relating to an incident that min.::d. The State, b~wever, Ncognised no limitation occurred in this district may be recorded' here. A exc~pt such as arose from its own eltigencies and the short time before his death, whilst on his way to Bell­ ability of the ryot to pay. U.iUally the State's share' ary, Sir Thomas travelled through the district of was half the produce. Cuddapah. He passed from the upper table-land of the sub-division to the valley below the ghats by The Kamil assessment introduced under the Gol­ means of the narrow gorge where the Papaghni breaks conda kings about the beginning of the 17th century through the hilk Whilst riding, be suddenly looked was based on the same principle of the equal division up at the steep cliffs above, and remarkel to the nati­ ves riding behind him, "what a beautiful garland of of the crop between Government and the cultivator. flowers they have stretched across the valley". They This was based upon an actual survey which took four all looked, but said they could see nothing:" Why yeus to b.! completed. , As all rents were to be paid there it is; all made of gold." Again they looked, in money, the equivalent of half the produce in kind but saw nothing Sir Thomas made no further remark, was found by taking the estimated gross produce of but one of his old native servants quietly observed the diff~rent sorts of dry and wet land and then "Alas; a great and good man will soon die!" A few converting it to money at the average price of the da)'s afterwards, Sir Thomas Munro passed away. preceding ten years., This survey could not be effecti­ vely implemented due to the malpractices adopted by the Revenue authorities., Aurangazeb also adopted With the assimilation of Cuddapah district to the the Kamil, but had to make allowances for the loss. more orderly parts of the Madras Presidency, its This was doubtless due to the depredations of the political history remained uneventful except that after Poligars who took advantage of the decay of the Gol­ the thirties of the twentieth century the people of conda powe~ and the opportunities for the falsification Cuddapah district too responded to the call of the of accounts which the change of Governments afforded Nation and whole-heartedly p:uticipated in the free­ to the karnams (Village Accountants). Under Hajdar dom movement. Among the popular political leaders Ali and Tipu Sultan, the Kamil standard was gradua­ of the district who played a prominent part in the lly restored by rigorous measures adopted against ~oth freedom struggle a few names that can be mentioned the Poligars a'1 well as the fraudulent revenue officlal'1. an: those of Late Sri Koti Reddy, an ex-mi­ But once again under the Nizam (1792-1800) misgove­ nister of Composite Madras and Andhra States, his wife rnment resulted as usual in decreased cultivation and Smt. Ramasubbamma and Sri D. Rama Subba Reddy. loss of revenue. [61

Munro took charge of the Ceded Districts late in all rates with an additional 8 per cent on lands under the season of 1800:-01 . {Fasli 1210). The rough and wells and small tanks on condition that the ryots kept ready method adopted by. him for the settlement of them in repair. He believed that the initial loss of assessment was as follows:- He assembled all the revenue would soon be counterbalanced by the exten­ headmen and karnams and questioned them as to the sion of cultivation induced by these measures. value of their own and the adjoining villages. This After the departure of ~unro and Lord William done, these officers went made severally responsible Bentinck, the strongest supporters of ryotwari system, for the rent (assessment) of their own villages and it was ordered early in 1808 that village'! should be jointly for those of the taluk. leased out to the village headmen and chief cultivators for a term of three years on conditions stipulated by Ryotwari system was introduced in the follo'.ving the Government. The 'triennial lease was not a succ­ year, Fasli 1211 whereby each ryot h~ld his land ess. The headmen fearful of being ousted by new immediately from the Government under comers accepted higher conditions of rent than they a patta, and in Fasli 1212 the natural complement of could meet. The ryots were unduly oppressed and the a field survey and assessment was commensed and cultivation fell off. Th! failure was attributed to the completed in 1805. Munro then drew up a scale of shortnesj of the lease and hence in Fasli 1222 rates for the different classes under which the fields (1812-13) the decennial lease was introduced. It were classified. For the next seven years, the annual resulted in even a worse failure. Cultivation decrea­ . revenue was settled on the ryotwari principles thus sed and many villages reverted to the Government. inaugurated. Loans were freely given and lease Finally the results of a bad season in Fasli 1226 made (cowIe) granted for waste land. the abandonment of the renting system inevitable. When on his return in 1816 Munro was consulted, he In 1804, however, the desirability of a reversion advised that the ryotwari system should be re-establi­ from the rY9Jmari to a permanent settlement b!gan to shed after carrying out the reductions of 25 per cent be discussed. Munro. whi) was art on the and 33 per cent he had formerly proposed .. Final proposal to rent out the wh..>le villag'! at a fixed orders to this effect were passed by Munro himself as annual sum to Zamindars sent his reply defending the G..>vernor in 1820 and the new settlement was intro­ ryotwari settlement which he had with su:;h p:lins du~ed in 1821. The assessment thus arrived at remai­ introduced in the district. He indicated the evils that ned in force for upwards of fifty years which remained are likely to result from the proposed plan. He anti­ an uneventful perioj in the revenue history of the cipated mismanagement and oppression if a speculator district, being marked by the J1emoval of a few glaring or an adventurer was allowed to come between the inequalities of assessment and the reduction of some Government and the cultivator. A settlement direct exceptionally high rates. Remissions on waste lands with the cultivators appeared to him more suited to and on lands under ruined irrigation sources gradua­ the manners and prejudices of the inhabitants, more lly became more liberal. adopted to the narrowness of their circumstances in that it did not insist on the same am.Junt of revenue Tile Settlement Department started its operations being paid every year. but limite:! it by the a~tual in Jammalamadugu taluk in 1864. The settlement extent of cultivation, more likely to reclaim them mainly eff~cted for the administration, led to a simpli­ from their wandering habits and fix th~m to their fication of the accounts, and for the ryots a more fields by giving them an interest in the impr0vement equitable incid~nce of assessment. Its financial results of these, less liable to embarass the G;:,vernm!nt, and represented an increase in the land revenue of a little more calculated to promote the general prosperity of over 9 pe~ cent. Resettlement was carried out in the the country and the people, Munro also believed district between 1908-12. This resettlement. of the that a saleable value should be given to the land, for. district resulted in a net decrease of Revenue by 7 per the rYQtsto acquire proprietary interest in th!ir holdi­ cent which is almost entirely attributable to transfers ngs. Hence' he recommended' that ~the total assess­ of double ctop to single crop and wet to dry, as well ment should not exceed one-third of the gross oiltturn. as the more favourable~rates' allowed for the composi­ He, therefore, suggested a reduction of 25 per cent on tion of the double crop charge. PHYSICAL ASPECTS

General: The district of. Cuddapah is bounded The Cuddapah system of hill ranges forms part on the north by Kurr..ool district, on the east by of the central portion of Eastern Ghats. The Eastern Nellore, on the south by Chittoor and on the west Ghats do not possess structural continuity. The by . The earliest. inscriptional evidence Cuddapah system of hill ranges .part themselves from reveals that Cuddapah or more precisely'Kadapa' the oro graphical knot at what may be called the towards the close of tenth century A. D., was the Cuddapah outliers at the southern tip of the district principal station of a territorial division. It is a near Balapalle pass of Rajampet taluk through which popular· belief that 'Kadapa' meaning in Telugu passes the Madras-Bombay Railway line, dividing the 'Threshold' was a convenient camping place for the Settigunta Reserve Forest· and the Balapalle Reserve pilgrims visiting the Tirupati Tl!mple. It was Forest. Each of these ranges are described below. th:!refore regarded as threshold to it Qll the ancient highway. VellikaoJ.a Hills: The VeHikonda ~iIls of the Eastern ghats run northwards going through the eastern borders of Rajampet, Sidhout and Badvel Physical features: Cuddapah lies between 13 ° H' taluks, forming the boundary line between the 15° 14' of the northern latitude and 77· 55' and 79°29' Cuddaplh district and littoral district of Nellore of the eastern longitude, the district spreads north­ . almost crescent in shape.' The highest peak located wards beneath the western slopes of the eastern ghats at Thollipenta of Rajampet taluk is said to be about as a rough parallelogram dented deeply in its 2,710 fl!et high. Some of the hills are surrounded southern, western and northern boundaries. The by thick undergrowth consisting of primeval forests. district comprises of twelve taluks namely-Jammala­ madugu, Proddatur, Badvel, Sidhout, Cuddapah, Palabnda HHIs: The second hill range called the Kamalapuram, Muddanur, Pulivendla, Lakkireddi­ Palakonda hills or Seshachalam hills formed of massive palle, Rayachoti, Rajampet and Kodur. quartzites interbedded with slates and lavas also shoot forth into the district from the southern knot of the The Hill Ranges: The hills of Cuddapah district and run along thewestern border of Raja~pet District are of ancient crystalline [0.;k and are mostly tal uk; till this range forks itself into two - one fork run­ steep sided. The system of Cudddp;.th rocks is of ning northwards and the other westwards. The western great geological interest. They have been determined fork is called Palakonda . or Sesh~chalam hills. It is as belonging to the pre-cambrian era, pre3umably in this range near that we have the beautiful Alogonikan, when life did not exist in this world. gorge called the V<:mpalle Gandi of R~mayana fame They are folded and give rise to flat topped hills. where the river Papaghni cuts through the range. Nallamalais and Lankamalais: The northern One can only gaze in mute adoration upon these fork of the hill range now called Nallamalais and often bone rocks of the district which stand as the Lakkamalais run northwards along the boundary line pillers of the ages, proclaiming that the land compri­ dividing Cuddapah and Sidhout taluks and thence to sing the rock system is one of the most ancient ever Proddatur taluk to emerge into Kurnool district. land ma ses of the world that existed even before life The Nallamalais are covered by fairly thick forests itself had taken root en earth. These hills also find and abound in wild animals. Generally, the hill mention in the puranas and are called 'Kula Parvata' ranges average a height of 2,500 to 3,000 feet. with tbe rest of the eastern ghats and may be taken to start from Mahendragiri or MahendrllChala in the Yerramalais: The Cuddapah hill systems have Ganjam district and run on to the Kulakkal hills, also other subsidiary hill ranges. These are called als(j st)' led Mahendragiri, in the Tirunalvelly district Yerramalais. The red granite rocks b~reft of growth, of the Madras State. Under the name of Mahida present a desolate appearance of red in co.qtr,!-st to (Mahendra in Sanskrit), the Eastern Ghats find the black cotton fields that they overlook and because mention in the Nasik Eulogy of Gautamiputra of this they acquired the name of 'Yerra' meaning red Satakarni*. in Telugu.

Source: Andhra Pradesh District Gazetteers 1967 - Cuddapah pp. 2-5 District Census Handbook 1961 A. P. - Cuddapah District. • . vide 'The Early History of the Deccan' by Dr. C. Yazdani. [8]

Rivers: 'Cuddapah dist~t is drained by the Cbitravati: Rising in Dharmavaram of Ananta­ Penneru 8asin and its tributaries. This river rises in pur District this river joins -the Penneru near Gun­ the Mysore State and after passing through Ananta­ dlur. Across this river there is a railway bridge near pur district enters this district at the north-western Kondapuram railway station. corner near TaJlaproddatur in Muddanur' tal uk. Near Gundlur of Muddanur taluk it is joined Climate: The year may be divided into four by River Chitravati. Penneru then flows through seasons. The period from December to February is Jarnmalamadugu taluk and at the historic fort of the dry and comparatively cool season. The !.ummer Gandikota, it cuts through the Yerramalai hill ranges.' seasons starts from Man:h and lasts till May. May At , it is joined by KallamaIIivanka. Near is the hottest month of the year. This is followed by Kamalapuram, the river is joined by Papaghni and a the south-west monsoon from June to September. little further on by the Kunderu river and enters into October and November constitute the post monsoon Cuddapah taluk at Adinimayapalle, where there is the or the retreating moonsoon season. anicut for diverting the water of this river into the K. C. Canal. Flowing slightly eastwards, the river Rainfall: The average annual rainfall in the touches the holy hill of Pushpa~iri. Near Chennur district is 685.4mm*. The rainfall generally increases a bridge has been built over the river. The chief from the north-west to the south-west in the district. northern tributaries to Penneru are the Kunderu', The rainy season starts from June and lasts till Sep­ Sagileru and the southern tributaries - the Cheyyeru, tember. September is the month with the highest Papaghni and the Chitravati. \ rainfall. Kunderu: This river rises in Kuroool and enters Soil: The soil of the district has been classified Cuddapah district at the n-lrthern tip of Jam:nala­ into (I) red ferruginous soil and (2) black soil. These madugu taluk. There is a bridge across' Kunjeru in two classes can b~ subdivided into (I) clay (2) loam Proddatur taluk near Alladupalle. The Kunjeru (3) sand with finer distinctions, the soil can be sub­ joins Penneru just above Adinimayapalle. Kunderu divided into six subdivisions - (I) black clay, (2) river is a very fast flowing river and is known for the black loam, (3) black sand, (4) red clay, (5) red loam sudden floods that it brings down dl,Jring the r.liny and (6) red sand. season. As the river flows througll s~eep country, the flood waters attlin ferociJus vell)city until tlley reach Black clay: Black is the most superior soil of more even ground through which the PMneru fl"ws. the district. Black clay occupies about 23.7% of the district area. It retains moisture for a long period Sa&i1eru: The river Sagileru rises near Cumbum and when wet, it is very much miry and tenacious. in Bestavaripeta taluk of and enters . Its origin is stated to be largely an aqueous deposit of Badvel . taluk near Gangayapalle. In Badvel tal uk, lecustrine origin. there is a dam across this river to form the-lower Sagileru project, which feeds the big tank of B ld vel Black loam: Black loam is an alluvi.:tl soil, and also 13 other tanks on the way. The river. enters varying in colour anu texture and occurs throughout Sidhout taluk near Puttayapalle village of Badvel the district. It forms 18.2% of the soil of the district. taluk and runs along southwards and joins river This soil is not very deep and therefore subject to Penneru within Malemaripatnam village limits. a good deal of erosion by the Vankas (hill streams) in the taluks. Cheyyeru: joins Penneru at Gundlamada in Sidhout taluk Cheyyeru gathers Black sand: This soil is not of m\lch impor- . water from its three tributaries and runs through the tance. It occupies just 3 9" of the classified soils of Balarajupalle gorge. The river flows out of Rajam­ the district. pet taluk near Ellampeta of Sidhout taluk The rivulet flowing through Rajampet taluk joins it at Red clay: This soil which extends over very N ara singaraj upuram. small area i.e., 1.3" of the classified soils of the dis­ trict is not of much consequence. This soil suits Papa&bni: This river is another tributary of Sajja (bajra or pearl miIlet) Crops. > Penneru entering Cuddapah district near Rayachoti taluk and runs northwards. The Mogamurevu joins . Red loam: This variety of soil covers exactly Papaghni in Kamalapuram. There is a railway bridge quarter of tbe soil area of the district. 1bis is of across this river at Kamalapuram. high a,gricultuJal value and all varieties of crops and .: Statistical Supplement to Part IT of Andhra Pradesh Gazette, Hyderabad, dated 15-1-1981 Monthly and Annual Rainfall table for the year 1978 p 57. fruit trees can be grown in this soil: There is a great Changes in Administrative' units and its compcment possibility of developing crops in this soil by proper parts: Cuddapah district when constituted as a unit conservation and reclamation. It is suitable for wet of administration, extended from the Krishna in the cultivation and responds wed to the application of north to the Kaundinya in the south i. e, from the proper dosages of chemical fertilisers. old taluk of Dupadu to the former Zamindari of Punganuru. Its administrative history can be traced Red Sand: This type of soil in the district is of to the days of the Treaty of Srirangapatnam of 1792. the lowest prod\lctive type. The yield per acre of this soil is poor and value of these lands is very low. For the administration of the vast area ceded by However, the low lying lands of this type of soil are the Nizam under the Treaty of 1800, the Government slightly better being dark red in colour where paddy of Madras, appointed Major Munro as the Principal and ragi are grown under wells. Collector, with four sub-collectors under his imme­ diate authority. Tbe area was then divided into 37 Fh)ra: The forests of the district are of a dry taluks. Munro apportioned the taluks among his deciduous type. They vary considerably in their sub-collectors, . retaining some under his immediate condition and density and also in floristic distribution charge. He established his headquarters at Ananta­ due to natural factors and depradations of man. pur while those of the other sub-collectors were sot-up Natural factors include factors such as the altitude, at HarpanahaHi, Adoni, Cuddapah and Cumbum the soil conditions, the quantity and regularity of respectively. rainfall. The ravages ot man relate to fire, theft and grazing. The overall condition of the forests in the In 1807, Government directed the area to be . district is not very good. The only distinction of the formed into three divisions or cotloctorates, corres­ . forests of the district is that its most important ponding with the jurisdiction of the respective Zilla species is the famous pt"erocarpus santalinus or red Courts established by that time. Tbis led to the sanders. Since, this is the only district of the country constitution of three. collectorates or divisions with in which this species occurs, a policy to conserve and headquarters at BeHary, Cuddapah and Kodikonda. extend them has been evolved. The forests of The Kodikonda division was abolished and its area Cuddapah south division fall under three zones, viz., was absorbed in the other two, what was those of terai or fuel forests upto an elevation of subsequently known as the ceded districts of Bellary 800 feet, hiB forests or red sanders lying between the and Cuddapah which comprised the taluD of Badvel, elevation of 800 feet and 2.000 feet of the shorea­ Jammalamadugu, , Chitvel, Siddhavattam, eugenia occupying elevations about 2,000 ·feet. Chennuru, Chintakunta, Kamalapuram, Pulivendla. Rayachoti, Cumbum, Giddaluru, Dupadu, Koilkuntla, Fauna: The indiscriminate exploitation of wild­ Nossam, Gurramkonda and Punganuru with Sidhout life has reduced the game in this district considerably. (Siddhavattam) as headquarters. Sometime later, the The bonnet monkey (Macaca Radiata) the Madras taluks of Nossam, Giddaluru and Chintakunta were lengur are commonly. found -in this district. The merged with those of Koilkuntla, Cumbum and Jam­ tiger can still be seen in the interior areas of Nalla­ malamadugu taluks. About 1812,' the- district malas, Lankamalas, Palkonda-Seshachalam and headquarters was shifted from Siddhavattam to Velikonda. Panther or leopard occurs in appreciable Cuddapah. numbers in the reserved forests over the Nallamalas, Lankamalas, Palkonda-Seshachalams and Velikondas. About the middle of the nineteenth century, the The other animals found in this district are the district comprised the taluks of Jammalamadugu, mungoose, ja.;kal, fox, wolves, wild dogs, bear, the Duvvuru Koilkuntla, Chitvel, SidhavaUam, Malabar squirrel, porcupine, the Indian antelope,· Chennuru, Kamalapuram, Gurramkonda. Madana­ Indian Gazelle, blue bull, sambar, deer and spotted palle, Pulivendla, Rayachoti, Cumbum, Dupadu and deer and wild pigs, etc. Among the avifauna the grey Sadye!. In the same year Pulivendla, an extensive partridge (Kauj~) and the quail especially the jungle taluk of the district, was bifurcatcd into Pulivendla bush-quail and the button quail can be seen in the and Kadiri. In 1858, the taluks of Cumbum, KoiJ­ open forests and the countryside. The jungle kuntIa and Dupadu were taken away from Cuddapah fowl, the dove, pigeon, wild goose, etc., are the other district for being constituted separately along with common L1irds found in this district. certain other areas into the Kurnool district. Iii ·1860, [10] the taluks of' Cheilnuru' and Kamalapuram were Surabl1u, were transferred from PulivendJa to combined' and designated as Cuddapah' taluk. In Rayachoti. The Kamalapuram taluk wa'! once again 1861, Dupadu taluk was redesignated as Markapuram abolished as a measUre of retrenchment on the lst of and Duvvuru as Proddatur. July, 1932. Fiftythree of its villages were constituted into the dependent sub-taluk ,of Kamalapuram and In spite of baving been divested of three taluks attached to Cuddapah taluk, while the remaining and a big Zamindari, the district continued to be were transferred to Proddatur. Kamalapuram emer­ unwieldy in size. On October 1, 1910, the taluk of ged on July 1, 1939, as an independent sub-taluk. Kadiri was transferred to Anantapur. On April 11, 19H, the taluks of and Vayalpad were - Attempts were made in. the twenties of tbe cen­ also separated from Cuddapah to form part of tury to readjust the boundaries of this district. The Chittool' district. accent was on minimising ~he-,number of divisions or districts in the presidency as a measure of economy. In 1911, the taluk of Kamalapuram,was again constituted with 64 villages taken from the taluks of Both at 1961 and 1971 Censuses tbe district remai­ Cuddapaband Proddatur. In 1914, sixteen villages, ned unchanged. It cOlnprised of 3 Revenue Divisions stretching from Idupulapaya to Gottamitta including and 9 talub as detailed below: ..'

SI, No. Name of Revenue Division Taluks comprised in Revenue Division (I) (2) , (3) 1 Cuddapah ' Cuddapah Rayachoti Kamalapuram (Independent sub-Taluk) 2 Rajampet Rajampet Sidhout Badvel Jammalamadugu lammalamadugu Proddatur Pulivendla

The district at 19&1 Census consisted of 12 taluks ing three Revenue Divisions. IJ,nd 13 towns. The .district is divided into the follow-


SI, No. Name of the Revenue Division Name of tbe taluk Name of the town (M/P) (1) (2) (3) (4)

1 Cuddapah 1 Cuddapab 1 Cuddapab (M) 2 Kamalapuram 2 Kamalapuram (P) 3 (P) 3 Rayachoti 4 Rayachoti (P) :l Rajampet Rajampet Rajampet (P) 2 Nagireddipalle (P) 2 Badvel 3 Badvel (P) 3 Sidbout 4 Madhavaram (P) 4 Kodur ) lammalamadugu lammalamadugu 1 lammalamadugu (P) 2 Dommara Nandyal (P) 2 Proddatur 3 Proddatur (M) 3 Pulivendla 4 Pulivendla (P) 4 Lakkireddipalle S Muddanur S Veparala (P) The taluks in the district have undergone many of villages during the decade. For conveniedte, the jurisdictional changes between 1971 and 1981, though jurisdictional changes in the district durIng the decade thete has been not much variation in the total number have been presented in the following statement. (11]


Name of the No. of Name of the No. of Name of th'e transferred G. O. No. and Taluk in 1971 villages Taluk in 1981 villages Remarks villages/New villages and date under in 1971· in 1981· villages that have becom~ which the neW hamlets in 1981 Taluk came ioto existence (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) --~------~------Cuddapab 112 Cuddapab 112

Jlayacboti 118 Rayachoti 68 68 villages are now in Raya­ choti Tal uk after the trans­ fer of 50 villa­ ges to Lakki­ reddipalle taluk

Lakkireddipalle 50 Newly formed 1971 L. C. Nos. &: names of 50 G.O. Ms. No. from Raya- villages transferred to Lakki- 1419, Revenue choti Taluk reddipalie Taluk (U) dated 29th October '77 1 Idupulapaya 3 Anjaneyapuram 4 Addalamarri 5 Komarakalva 2 Marellamadaka 7 Gandikovur 6 Errabommanapalle 8 Chakrayapet 9 Chilekampalle 34 Brahmana Erragudi 35 Dinnepadu 36 Kalpanayunicheruvu 37 Gopagudiralle 38 Guvvalacheruvu 39 Neelakantaraopeta 75 Saraswatipalle 74 ~allaguttapallc 40 Suddamalla 41 Gudlavaripalle 73 Anantapuram 42 Lakkireddipalle. 33 DappepaUe 10 Surabhu 12 Kondappagaripalle 11 Nerusupalle 13 Mahadevapalle 17 Kuppam 18 Rajupalle 19 Katineni Yerragudi 20 Kalluripalle 16 Talamudipi 15 Korlakunta 14 Gotlamitta 32 pulikunta 47 Pandillapalle 45 SomabadapaUc 43 Maddirevula 72 Chitlur [121


Name of the No. of Name of the .No. of Name of the transferred G. b. No. and Taluk in 1971 Villages Taluk in 1981 Villages Remarks Villages/New Villages and date under in 1971 in 1-981 villages that have become which new hamlets in 1981 Taluk came into existence (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

Lakkireddipalle (Cone/d.) 44 KurnootaJa 46 Naraharibotlapalle 22 Pandikunta )]. NooJiveedu 30 Gundlacheruvu 23 Garugupalle 21 Thumukunta 25 Veligallu 24 Pyarampalle 29 Gopanapalle .26 Galiveedu 27 Araveedu

Puli... endla 97 Pulivendla fJ7

Kamalapuram 64 KamalaplJi'am The vifJage South Govin­ daraopal1e be­ aring 1971 L.C. No. 36 is mer­ .ed in village bearing 1971 L. C.No. 37 (VeJ­ durthi)and the ~iIlage Soutb Kandrika bea­ ring 1971 L. C. No. 64 is mer­ ged jn village bearing 197) L. C. No. 63- (Podadurthi}

JammaJamadusu 138 JammaYamadugu 60 60 villages are BOW in Jamma­ lamadugu taluk after the trans­ fer of 78 villages to Muddanur taJuk

Muddanur 78 Newly formed f971 L.C. Nos &; Names of 18 G.O.Ms. No. from JammaJa- villages of Jammalamadugu 1391 Revenue madulu Taluk Ta1uk transferred to Mudda· (U) dated 28th nur Taluk November ·79

26 Murugampalle 25 Kodur 28 Nagamalladinne 21 SanKepalle 29 Yerragudi 30 Chamalut 31 Koppolu [13]


Name of the No. of Name of the No. of .Name of the transferred G.O. No. and Taluk in 1971 Villages Taluk in 1981 Villages Remarks Villages/New villages and date under in 1971 in 1981 villages that have become which new hamlets in 1981 Talukcame into !,xistence (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

Muddanur (CQntd.) 37 Talla proddatur 32 Bukkapatnam 33 Fakirpeta 69 Kibile Bommepalle 67 Nekanampeta 70 Nelanuthala 71 Lingapuram 79 Khaderabad 78 Mylavaram 77 Veparala 82 Ponnathota 84 Gudemcheruvu 81 Dappalle 80 Diguvapatnam 66· Gandikota S9 Gandlur S8 Obannapeta 68 Chowtapalle 34 Gangapuram 35 Mutchumarri 36 Regadipalle 41 Kibile Venkatapuram 40 Kammavari BrahmanapaUe 39 Jogapuram 38 Kibile Sugamaochipallc 44 Konavaripalle 43 Burujupallc 45 Bedudur 46 Yenamalachintala 47 Sivapuram 52 Pottipadu . 48 Venkaiabkalva 49 Chennamanenipalle 54 Lavnoor 50 Lingamanenipalle 'H Donkupalie 134 Thimmapuram S3 Penuzuvvi 42 Yeturu 56 Ananthapuram 57 Kondapuram 60 Diguva Brahmanapallc 61 KibiIe Raghavapuram 62 Obulapuram 63 Korrapadu 64 Mangapatnam 65 Sanjeevipalle 83 Poorva Bommepalle 117 Vemaguntapalle 116 Ambavaram 118 Kothaguutapa!lc 119 Thugutlapalle [14J


Name of the No. of Name of the No. of Nam

Muddanur (ConCld.) 120 Sunnapurallapalle 121 l'eddadanlur 122 Sirigepalle 123 Kosinepalle· 124 Muddanur 125 Yamavaram 126 Chintakunta 127 Denepalle 128 Aravetipallc 129 Bondalakunta 130 Chinna Dudyala 131 Pedda DudYala 132 Velpucherla 138 Velpucherl~ Raghavapuram 133 Nallaballe 135 Rajulaguravaiahpalle 55 Thimmapuram 136 Kadasani Kothapalle 137 Penikalapadu

Proddatur 89 Proddatur 89

Badve) 140 Badvel 140

Sidhout 80 Sidhout 80

Rajaropet 144 Rajampet 70 70 villages are noW in Rajam· pet Taluk after the transfer of 74 villages to Kodur Taluk

Kodur 74 Newly formed 1971 L.C. Nos. &. Names of 74 G.O.Ms. No. from Rajampet villages transferred to Kodur 1391 Revenue Taluk Taluk (U) dated 28th November, 1979 21 Mallemadusu 26 Malemarpuram 107 Chintalachelika 108 Rajukunta 109 Mylapalle 106 Devamachupalle 105 Chitvel 113 Kampasamudram 112 Bhakarapuram III Thimmayapalem 110 Cberlopallc 114 Kampasamudram Agraharam [ 15)


---.--.~~~ ~.-'-~------Name of the No. of Name of th

Kodur (Collfd.) uS Nilgiripadu 98 Vallurupallc 97 DondJopalle 96 Ramasamudram 95 Utukuru Chalivendula 94 Utukur Venkatarupalle 92 A nan thaia hgaripalle 93 puthanavaripalle 99 Kommana vari palle 100 Kothapallc Agraharam 89 Pullampet 90 ]\11 ttameedapalle 75 Gopamambapuf2 m 74 Devasamudram 60 Srirangarajupalem 73 Thippayapalle 76 Vathalur 88 Yammanur 86 Daivaipalle 85 ~ppajahrajupel 101 Venkatesapuram 84 Ketharajupaile 102 G obburi varipalle 104 Pedda Orampadu 103 Rallachervupalle 117 Botimeedipalle 116 Nethivaripalle 118 Thummakonda 120 Maharajupuram 121 Kota Venkata Ramaraju- puram 119 Bommavaram 123' Nagavaram 122 KaJvavari Kandrika 127 Govindampalle 128 Mukkavaripalle 130 ldlelamadaka 129 Chinna Orampadu 80 Reddipalle 81 RangampalJe 83 Perayavaram. 87 ThiruvengaJanatharajapuram 82 GarJamadugu 78 A. Ch~nnamambapural1l 77 Ananthasamudram 79 Nookanapalle 132 Gadela 131 Korlakunta 126 Mangampcl 1::5 Vasudevapuram 124 Vellalavari Kandrika 137 Obanapalle (16J


_____ ------~------~.--~--~~-- Name of the No. of Namt of the No. of Name of the transferred G. O. No. and Taluk in 1971 villages. Taluk in 191H villages Remarks Village s New villages and date under. in 1971 in 1981 villages that have become which the new hamlets in 1981 Taluk came into existence (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

Kodur (Coneld.) 138 Kitchamambapuram Agraharam 136 Gangarajupuram 135 Raghavarajupuram 134 A nantharajupet 133 Yerraguntlakota .J39 K. Budugu~ltapaJ1e 141 Chiyyavararil ]42 Upparapalle 140 Kodur ]44 Srinivasapuranl 143 Settigunta , • Total villages of each Taluk given under columns 2 and 4 includes the villages which are fully included in urban areas also.

The following statement shows the present of villages and towns in each taluk of Cuddapah set up giving the details of the area and number District.


SI. Name of the Total No. of Total Total numb~f of NL). of vill

1 Jamnialamadugu 677.8 2 57 53 4 3 2 Proddatur ) ,130.5 ] 89 86 3 4 3 Badvel 1,959.1 1 139 118 21 4 Sldhout 1,584.0 1 79 77 2 5 Cuddapah 1,320.9 1 111 100 11 5 6 Kamalapuram 798.3 2 6\ 60 1 7 Muddanur 945.6 1 77 69 8 8 Pulivendla 1,417.8 96 90 6 9 Lakkireddipalle 1,152.3 50 48 2 10 Rayachoti 1,692.5 1 66 61 5 2 1 11 Rajampet ·1,179.5 2 69 62 1 ] 2 12 Kodur 1,514.7 74 72 2

Dis(rict Total 15,359.0 13 968 896 71. 12 13

Note: -1 The district "Geograrhical Area" figures are as supplied by the Surveyor General, India. 2 The total of the area figures of taluks will not tally with the district area figures because the former repre~ents land-use arCa and arc: derived fronl the figures supplied by the 'State Survey Depanmtont. 3 Villages ~hown under Col. 5 do not include the villages given und~r Col. 8 MAJOR CHARACTERISTICS

Ferestl'y: Cuddapab is one of the important Deposits of barytes occur in the Vempalle dolo­ districts in respect of forests. The total forest area of mites and associated basic igneous rocks in Pulivendla, tbe district is 4,776 sq. kms. The forest area forms Kamalapuram and Cuddapah taluka. The most about 31 per cent of the total land ar~a of the district. important deposits are situated in the belt between Velupula and Vempalle in tlie Pulivendla taluk. The For' administrativo convenience, the forelts are barytcs deposit of 70 million tonnes ill Rajampet grouped into three divisions viz., Cuddapab, Rajam­ taluk is said to be the best in the world. pet and Pr,oddatur divisions. The deposits of white clay are situated in Pullam­ Cuddapab division comprising forests in Sidhout, pet shales and Cum bum shales of Rajampet tal uk, Badvel, Porumamilla, Vontimitta and Cuddapah; Anantharajupeta, Chinna Orampadu and Hastavaram. Rajampet comprising Balapalle, Kodur, Rajampet, White clay which could be used as filler in paper, Chitvel and Sanipaya and Proddatur comprising textile industries, etc., occun in the depollits near Muddanur, Onipenta, Pcoddatur, Rayachoti and Rampalhadu in Cuddapah tal uk, in the Nandyal Vempalle. shales.

The forests of the district are of a dry deciduous There are several old workings for lead ore near type They vary considerably in their condition and Jangamrajupalle and Varikunta in Sadvcl taluk and density and also in floristic distribution due to natural Naga~anipalle in Cuddapah taluk. factors and depredations of man. The principal forests of the district lie on its important hill ranges, Limestones eminently suitable for cement manu­ the Velikondas; the Lankamalas, the Nallamalas and facture occur in thc Nacji stage in Jammalama'dugu the Palakonda - Seshachalams. and Kamalapuram taluks.· Cuddapah, lammala­ madugll and Mydukuc areas contain 4,000 million The Kodur red sanders is one of the most impor­ tonnel of limeltone. ,tant plantations in tbe state. It is located along the bend of the Gunjana to the immediate south of There arc txt,nsive outerops of limcstone!, dolo­ Kodur, in between tbe Ountakal - Madras railway mites, granites and quarzitcs in various parts of the line and the road from Cuddapah to Renigunta. It is district, which could be utilised as building Itones. spread over 0.17 sq. kms. Electricity and Pewer: Cuddapah district came Minerals and Mining: Cuddapah district is rich under tbe power supply from lst January, 1936 with in minerals. The high grade asbestos of chrysotile the electrification of Proddatur town. At present 610 variety, barytes and limestone suitable for tbe manu­ villages are electrified constituting 68.S" out of total facture of cement are the minerals present in the 896 inbabited vlllages in the district. district in large quantities. In addition to the above minerals the district possesses important deposits of The major irrigation sources in the district are white clay, small deposits of iron ore, ochre and stea­ Kurnool-Cuddapab canal. the and the tite and abounds in construction material. There are Chapadu Projects, the Upper Sagileru, the lower old working~ for diamond and lead in the district. Sagileru and th! Pin.::ha projects. In addition to these projects, tributaries of Penneru river, tanks, Asbestos of chrysotile variety occurs at the con­ well. and spring-beads constitute leneral irri&atioD tact of the Vempalle dolomite with the dolerite in the sources. The irrigated area at 1981 Census is 1,303 sq. Pulivendla taluk. It occur~ as veins, with the fibres kms., constituting 28.69" of the cultivable area of oriented across the veins, mostly in the serpentine zone 4,542 sq. kms. near the contact of Vempalle dolomite with the dolerite. The best developed zone stretches for about' The district has no heavy or large scale industries 11 kms. from near Lingala to Brahmanapalle. Puli­ except two cement factories run by Cement Corpora­ vendla tal uk bas 14,400 tonnes of superior asbestos. tion of India and Mis. Coromandal Fertilizer.. It is [18] also poor in small scale industries. Majority of its taken up by the Agency. The following table shows establishments are represented by ground nut decorti­ the sector-wise outlay and expenditure in Jakhs. cating factories, oil and rice mills, ginning factories, turmeric polishing mills, sawmills and barytes pulver­ Period Sector ~------_~ ______-To~ ising mills. 1969-71 to 1976-79 1979-80. 1980-81 1\175-76 At present there are 12 large ,and medium units I. Agriculture 5.02 0.37 0.50 5.89 with an investment of 61 crores and 983 small scale 2. Minor 105.67 units. Irrigation 100.20 4.34 1.08 0.05 3. Animal Husbandry 19.37 19.62 STATEMENT SHOWING CATEGORY-WISE UNITS, 0.25 4. Co-opera- INVESTMENT AND EMPLOYMENT IN MAJOR tion 20.25 . 1.42 21.84 AND MEDIUM UNITS 0.17 5. Establish- ment 9.96 3.80 0.52 0.53 14.82 Industrial Units Investment Employment Category (Rs. crores) Persons Total expenditure 154.80 9.93 2.52 0.58 167.84 Outlays Food and Agro- 5 9 11,000 sanctioned 15~.00 10.00 2.50 2.50 165.00 based Chemicals 3 2 5,000 Textiles 1 19 6,000 The Drought Prone Areas Programme was started

Minerals 2 30 1 12.000 in the district from 1974 in the Fifth Five Year Plan Electrical 'I 1 2,000 period. The programme covers all the ten blocks in the district except Sidhout which are identified as Total 12 61 36,000 chronically drought affected areas in the district. The programme aims at reducing the incidence of The Small Farmers Development Agency, Cudda­ drought and scarcity in the identified drought prone pab was registered in February, 1971 with the aim to areas through package of infrastructural and forms bring the benefits of modern technology to small developmental activities by constructive development farmers, marginal farmers and agricultural labourers ,,-nd utilisation. in an optimum manner of land, water, and raise their standard of living by improved agricul­ livestock and human resources· in the selected areas. ~ure, subSidiary . occupations and supplementary The Drought Prone Areas Programme is essentially are . employment offering a capital sul;>sidy of 25% to development programme but individual benefiCiary small farmers and 33 i% to Marginal Farmers and approach also was adopted and it helped small farmers Agricultural Labourers subject to a maximum of marginal farmers, and agricultural labourers by way of ,Rs. 3,000/- subsidy at 25% and 33i% on investment on economic activities to improve their IDcome subject to a maxi­ Later, from 1-4-'76, the activities of the Small mum of Rs. 4,000 each. The necessary funds for this Farmers Development Agency were restricted to programme are being met from Central and State SH:1hout Block only and the remaining blocks in the Governments at 50:50 basis. uIstncl tire covered under the Drought Prone Areas' ;.Programme. The Small Farmers Development The total outlay approved by the Government Al;\t:ncy was merged with Integrated Rural Develop­ for various schemes under this programme from ment Programme with effect from 2-10-'80 .. J 974-'75 to 1982-'83 accounted for Rs. 1,634 30 lakhs, while ~)le corr~sponding releases made by the Govern­ A total outlay of Rs. 165.00 lakhs was approved ment were Rs. 1,141.79 lakhs against which the expen­ and fulJy financed by the Government of India to the diture incurred was Rs. 1,140.74 lakhs, benefitting Small Farmers Development Programme since incep7 46,579 persons. The subsidy element of the pro­ tion till its merger with the Integrated Rural Deve­ grammes implemented was Rs. 138.19 lakhs, and the lopment Programme on 2-10-80, to spend in .the balance expenditure Rs. 1,002.55' lakhs was incurred district of which the Agency has spent Rs. 167.84 on creating infrastructual facilities in the district t"akhs forming 101'% of the outlay. During its period under various sectors .. Year':"wise outlays approved, of operation, it has identified 62,804 beneficiaries of ~eleases made and expenditure incurred are shown in whom 28,8:l9 were assisted under various programmes the following statement. [19]

STATEMENT SHOWING THE EXPENDITURE AND BENEFICIARIES ASSISTED UNDER DROUGHT PRONE AREAS PROGRAMME SINCE 1974-'75 TO MARCH, 1983. Name of the Approved Releases Expenditure in Number of SUl)sidy released Year outlay made by Rs. 0.000 lakhs beneficiaries (Rs. in lakhs) (Rs. in Govt. (Rs. ------~--- lakhs) in lakhs) To till Subsidy Total S.C. S.T. Total S.C. S.T.

1974-75 to 884.33 684.27 642.64 61.56 28,114 6,778 1,401 61.56 14.84 3.07 1978-79 1979-80 197.95 134.85 131.90 24.61 7,985 1,959 979 24.61 6.04 3.02 1980-81 196.82 120.17 152.63 37.37 9,908 1,003 256 37.37 3.78 0.98 1981-82 182.68 156.90 119.78 13.35 476 99 33 13.35 2.78 ·0.92 1982-83 172.52 45.60 93.79 1.30 96 11 1.30 0.24

Total 1,634.30 1,141. 79 1,140.74 138.19 46,579 9,850 2,669 138.19 27.68 7.99 The Chairman of the Task Force on Drought Initially the Integrated Rural Development Pro­ Prone Areas Programme have recommended to dis­ gramme was confined to only 10 of the 12 blocks in continue the Drought Prone Areas Programme in five the district excepting Jammalamadugu, Muddanur blocks in the district viz., Cuddapah, Proddatur, blocks with an outlay of Rs. 5 lakhs per block on subsi­ Kodur, Rajampet and porumamilla from 1982-83 as dies. The programme was later extended to all the 12 they attained the reasonable level of immunity from blocks in the district from 2-10-1980, with an annual drought and accordingly it was ordered by the outlay of 51akhs per block dur-ing 1980-81; Rs. 6lakhs Government of India in their reference I (1}/182- per block during 1981-'82; and Rs. 8 lakhs per DPAP Vol. I dated 8-6-1982. As such, the Drought block during the remaining three years of the Sixth Prone Areas Programme is at present, operative only plan period. An additional outlay of Rs. 5 lakhs per in six blocks viz., Rayachoti, Lakkireddipalle, year was made available to each of the five blocks viz.,· Kamalapuram, Jammalamadugu, Muddanur and Rajampet, Kodur, Sidhout, Rayachoti, and Prod­ Pulivendla. datur, selected under self employment programme The allocation under Drought Prone Areas Pro­ during 1978-'79. Against the allocated outlay of Rs 353 lakhs for the period from 1978-'79 to 1982-'83, gramme from 1983-8 ~ onwards is, therefore, Rs. 90 . lakhs at the rate of R§. 15 lakhs per block. the grants received from State and Central Govern­ ments a~ Rs. 303.98 lakhs and the total expenditure Integrated Rural Development Programme was incurred till 31-3-'83 is 297.42 lakhs which works out started by Government of India in 1978. The main to 97.8 per cent of the releases made. With the ex­ objectives of the programme are to improve the living penditure of Rs. 260.94 hlkhs as subsidy, an institu_ conditions of families in "Target Groups" thereby tional credit of the order of Rs. 656.06 lakhs wat raising them above the 'poverty line' and to create ade­ arranged for assistance to the beneficiaries under this quate employment opportunities in the rural sector. programme. Thus a total investment of Rs. 9 J7 laths The target groups consist of the poorest of the poor is made to benefit 39,830 persons who were below the small farmers, marginal farmers, agricultural labou­ poverty line; of whom the S. C. and S. T. families rers, artisans, scheduled castes and scheduled tribes. are 12,194 and 2,555 respectively.


Releases Number of beneficiaries Total Subsidy released m:\de by expenditure (Rs. in lakhs) Credit (Rs. in lakhs) Name of r-____assisted__J..______,-____--L ____---. the year Govt. (Rs. (Rs. in lakhs) r------_,__-----~ in lakhs) Total S. C. S. T •• Total S.C. S. T. Total s. C. S. T. 1978-79 33.75 3,524 1,408 264 J3.72 13.72 5.48 1.03 34.30 JO.96 2.06 1979-80 53.75 4,766 J,I71 367 32.61 32.61 5.08 2.52 97.83 15.24 7.56 . 1980-81 45.58 11,884 1,983 482 62-27 59.47 9.23 2.01 191.54 50.91 4.45 1981-82 69.89 10,684 3,950 800 89.45 75.11 26.78 4.01 164.61 61.24 10.25 1982-83 101.01 8,972 3,682 642 99.37 80.03 32.04 8.45 167.78 . 72.81 8.45 Grand total 303.98 39,830 12,194 2,555 297.42 260.94 78.62 18.02 656.06 211.16 32.77 [20J

A comprehensive programme known as TRYSEM non-local or local with reference to the place of trai­ i. e., Training Youths (18 to 35 years) for Self Emp­ ning and these rates are revised as Rs. 150 with free loyment was therefore taken up, as part of Integrated accommodation and Rs. 200 without accommodation Rural Development Programme, for .implementaiion or 75 per month from 1983-'84. After completion of iIi the district from the year 1979-80 onwards. The the training, the candidates will· be given a tool kit scheme aims at imparting training in engineering and suita ble to the trade in which he was trained to facili­ non-engineering trades to rural unemployed youth to tate him to set up his own economic ventures. The enable them to set up small but viable ventures of number of persons who have completed training till their own at the village level. Persons selected for 31-3--83 was 1,716 persons of whom 872 persons training will be given stipends of Rs. 125/- or Rs. 50/­ have been rehabilitated. per month according to the trainee happened to be


SI. Name of the Year-wise No. Trade r------'\..------... Total 79-80 80-81 81-82 82-83

1 Tractor repairs 26 26 2 Automobiles 20 .20 3 Steel Fabrication 7 7 .4 Printing &. Composing 6 2 8 17 5 Radio Repairs 20 15 35 6 Tailoring 165 236 252 174 827 "1 Carpentry 23 47 76 50 196 8 Servicing of Oil Engines 9 9 9 Agro Servi~ing 15 15 10 Sheet Metal works 32 32 11 Welding and Fabrication 30 36 I3 79 12 Painting 9 9 13 Foot-wear 13 28 41 14 :Rural Electrification 29 36 20 85 15 Mat Weaving 25 20 24 69 16 Match Industry 11 17 17 Stone Polishing 7 1 18 Screen Printing 7 7 19 Electric Moter Rewinding 21 21 42 20. Farm Equipment 14 14 21 Chalk Creyone Making 11 11 22 Typewriting & Stenography 43 43 2:3 Rural Technicians 22 22 ~4. Ambar ("hark a 5 5 25 Cycle Repairs &; Assembling 19 19 2k Silk Reeling 30 30 21 Scooter & Motorcycle repairs 10 10 ·28 Calle and Basket Weaving 19 19 29 Book binding and rulil'1g 3 3

Total 276 519 492 419 1,716 A special programme has been formulated in The programme covers all the blocks in the 1983-84 for the benefit of small farmers and marginal district and provide an outlay of Rs. 5lakhs per block Jarmers to increase their production by strengtheQing to be shared equally by the central and state Govern­ minor irrigation and water management, fuel and ments during 1983-84. An amount of Rs. 3.5 lakhs fruit plantations and to provide the needed inputs is intended to be spent as subsidy on wells/pumpsets particularly fertilizers and improved seeds of pulses to small farmers/marginal farmers; Rs. 0.5 lakhs on and oil seeds in the form of mini kits and land plantation of fuel and fruit trees on .the holdings of development. small farmers/marginal farmers and the remaining [21]

one lakh rupees for free distribution of mini kits of comes to the families of the members of the grOup. An seeds and fertilizers for oil seeds and pulses produc­ amount of Rs. 10,000 is made available to each group tion and development. under this scheme. In additian to the above, the Uni· ted National International Children's Fund (UNICEF) Under the "Development of women and children made available an amount of Rs. 5,000 per group to­ in Rural Areas" Programme all the blocks in the wards training/demonstration and Child Care facilities district are covered. On an average, 12 groups of wo­ equipment and another Rs. 5,000 per block for creating men of 15-20 each and each group is assisted to take temporary child care facilities at the National Rural . viable economic venture to generate additional in- Employment Programme work spots . PLACES OF INTEREST

Places of religious, historical en archaeological tance in the district are presented in the following importance: Places of religious IDstitutions (temples) statement for the convenience of the reader. and mutts and of historical or archaeological impor-

ST ATEMENT SHOWING THE MONUMENTS, TEMPLES AND MUTTS IN CUDtiAPAH DISTRICT SI. No. Taluk Name of the TownJViIlage Name of the Monuments/Temples/Mutts 2 3 4

1 Jammalamadugu Jangalapalle Sri Jangam Mutt 2 Proddatur Proddatur ·Sri Agasteswara Swamy Sri Narayanam Rangaiah Choultry Sri Krishna Geetashramam Sri Jagadguru Mahalingeswara Swamy Mutt 3 Badvel KandimalJayapallG Sri Kakkayyagari Mutt Sri Veerabrahmendra Swamy Mutt Sri Eswari Devi Mutt 2 MudumaJa Sri Siddaiah Swamy Mutt 4 Sidhout 1 Sidhout Bhogamdani Bhavi 2 Pennaperur Pennaperur Kona . 5 Cuddapab Cuddapah • Sri Venkateswara Swamy Sri Yadala Pitchaliah Charities Sri Chanda Muniswamy Mutt Nawabi's Tower I Muslim Architecture of Syed Ahmed Sahib's Tomb flate medieval period 2 Akkayapalle Sri Ananda Balamba Avadhuta Mutt 3 Vallur Siva Temple 6 Rayachoti Yerraguntla Yerraguntla Kota 2 DevagudipaJle Narasimha Swamy Temple 7 Rajampet Gundluru Sree Changaiahgari Mutt 2 Pothapi Mulastaneswara Temple (An ancient temple)

Source: Commissioner of Endowments, Andhra Pradesh The Director, Archaeology and Museums, Government of Andbra Pradesh ·These Temples have an income of Rs. 20,000 and above but less th~n Rs. one lakh.

Places gf tourist interest:

Animela (Kamalapuralll Taluk) This village· Parasurama. The carvings which include floral re­ lies at the foot of the Animela bills and is connected presentation, images of Vishnu, Parasurama, Rama. by a feeder road, two miles long, to its hamlet of Krishna, etc. The miniature cbaitya crowning the Virappanayanipalle lying on the Yerraguntla - Vem­ sanctum is still there. At the other end of the hall palle road. .The well known ancient temple of San­ facing tbe idol of Parasurama, an image of gamesvara has a 'Prakaram' and 'GJpurams' sculp­ Ekatatayya, a saint who lived during the days of tured 'Mandapams' the large idol of Siva and its MatH Rajas has been installed. Beyond a narrow pass­ ~arvings of lions, mounted on elephants, chiselled age, a manta pam, with seventy two square pillars exists. in quartzite sandstones. This place has a fort with The other temples here are that of Treiesvara and four bastions. A Jarge number of inscriptions reveal Gadadbara. There is also a Jyoti~tambbam higher . its antiquity. up the temple. It is lighted on special occassions. Athirala Agraharam (Rajampet Taluk): This is Cbilamakuru (Kamalapuram Taluk): The ancient now an inc.Jnspic'Jous hamlet of Poli village. It is a village lies on the Cuddapah - Tadpatri road. The place of considerable antiquity with a temple of temple of Agastevara is architecturally the most impos- [23] jng in the tal uk. Besides this, a temple of Vighneswara historical point of view. An inscription in the temple and to the east of this temple, a particularly impressive states that the Gopuram and compound wall were cons­ and well carved image of Anjaneya in a dilapidated tructed by an officer in Rakkasa Gangar~sa's service. condition are there. This image of Anjaneya is belie­ Another u~dated inscription in the temple refers to the ved to have been that of 1442 A.D. construction 'if steps l;),y Rayasam Kondamrasayya.

Cuddapah (Cuddapah Taluk): Cuddapah is the (Bad vel Taluk) : The village is situa­ headquarters of the district and is a municipality. The ted on the left bank of the Sagileru on the Badvel­ most prominent of the relic!! .of the rule of the Cudda­ Giddalur road. A large number of dilapidated chou 1- pah Nawabs are two towers. Near the fort, thert is a tries indicate that this was a ha hing place in the beautiful mosque called Masjid-e-Azam. A persian earlier days. An inscription belonging to the period inscription indicates that it has been built during the of Sadasiva (1550 A. D.) hints that this place was of reign of Aurangazeb in 1691 A.D. In the centre of the administrative importance in the past. Important town, Syed Shah Mohammad Hussain's dargah, popu­ shrines in this place are tbe one dedicated to Chenna­ larly known as the Chand Phira Gumbadh is situated. kesava and Narayana Brahmendraswami Mutt, popu­ It is a square building with walls about 35 feet in length larly known as the Muth of Induru Appayya, a saint surrounded by a large dome in the centre. The para­ of the 19th Century to whom many miracles are attri­ pets of the b.llilding contain some good arabesque buted. This place is noted for the activities of the panels in plaster. Apart from, this are the Hazarat S.P.G. Church. Apart from all these,' there are a Syed Shah Peeru!lah's dargah, three churches and a number of rural industries such as pottery, hand number of temples in the town. pounding of rice, carpentry, basket making, tailoring. etc. Gandik9ta (Muddanur Taluk) : Gandikota or the gorge fort is situated about 6 miles Kamalapuram (Kamalapuram Taluk) : This town to the west of Jammalamadugu. The width within lies about a mile to the southwest of tbe confluence of the fort is, at its broadest, about five and a half the Penneru with the Papaghni and the Pageru. The furlongs from west to east and almost a mile from local places of worship include two ancient shrines northwest to southwest. The area within is full of dedicated to Somesvara and Varadaraja with a num­ the debris of ages and many ancient structures in ber of inscriptions and a rich KanyakaparaItleswari varying stages of decay. The Jama Masjid has two temple, besides, the dargah of Hazarat Gaffar Shah majestic minarets. The large granary, with ~ vaulted Qadri and a church near the taIuk office. The dargah roof, is at present used as the travellers' bunglow. has a pretty dome and a spacious compound and Inside the fort there are two temples of Madhava and choultries. wells and a mosque. An Urs held in Raghunath~. March-April attracts a large number of devotees from Kamalapuram and surrounding villages. Apart from these, the fort has another large granary, an attractive 'Pigeon Tower' and an extensive Katheragandla (Badvel Taluk) : Katheragandla is . palace built of bricks with some plastered decorations. situated on the left bank of Sagileru, about two miles and some wells. The perenniel springs of Rayalache­ from Porumamilla. The old temple of Cbennakesava ruvu irrigate some gardens. Two miles to the south­ situated on the other bank of the Sagileru, exhibit west of the fort, there is a temple of Venkateswara. .good carvings on the pillars and on the roof of its This picturesque wooded hollow is known as 'Guri­ mandapam, which are a fine example of workman­ ginjakona'. Another interesting spot in this place is ship. This temple belonging to the period of Krishna­ the Agastyasram. . devaraya, presents a neglected appearance.

Gudipadu (Proddatur Taluk): Gudipadu village Pendlimarri i:Cuddapah Taluk) : The village is is situated on the Cuddapah-Kurnool highway about situated at a distance of 13 miles from Cuddapah on seven miles north-west of Mydukur. The temples the way to Vempalle. A dilapidated bastion, with dedicated to Chennakesava and Siva are noted for massive stones is a relic of an old fort. There is also their beautiful sculptures. a viragal with an inscription in characters of the 15th century at the Virabhadra temple bearing a well car­ Jygthi tSidhout Taluk) : This village is situated' ved image of a man attacking a tiger. about four miles to the west of Sidhout. The temple of J otisvara or Jotinatha, buili on the left bank of the Pennaperuru (Sidhout Taluk) Pennaperuru Penneru is one of the most important shrines from the lies some furlongs to the east of the road from Sidh- [24]

out t6 Vontimitta via Gangaperuru. There is a small as the Chennakesava temple. Its entrance is sur­ cave temple of Narasimhaswami, on hi1l to the east mounted by a lofty five storeyed Gopuram. The main of the village dose to the stream. At the foot of the temple in the yard within, has a few attendant temples hilI is a Kalyana Mandapam. made of stone, with a on either side.· The exterior walls containing the small Koneru and a banyan tree. Th~re is another sculptures are built of limestone. The sculptures temple nearby. In between these, water trickles out of depict scenes from Ramayana, Mahabharata, dancers, a rocky .crevice and falls about 30 ft. below, even in ·rows of warriors and other carvings with various scorching summer. One 'of the stories connected with animal and floral motifs and fancifully engraved this temple was the visit of Sir Thomas Munro. The piUers. The annual utsavam of Chennakesava lasts Collector, who had come to the village for examining for ten days from Chaitra Bahula Trayodasi (March­ the Inam tenures, refused to allow the Inam granted April) and attracts a large number of devotees. 'for the worship of Narasimhaswami. When the Kar­ Pushpagiri is the seat of one of the important Advaita nam made an earnest representation, he declared that Maths. It has a large following both within and be would confirm the Inam if he should see the God beyond . in person. In the evening Munro, hearing the sound of a galloping horse came out and saw the God Vontimitta (Sidhout Taluk): Vontimitta is about ride past on a white horse. He was so pleased at the nine miles from Sidhout via Bhakarapeta. Vontimitta sight that he at once confirmed the Inam. or Ontimitta is famous for its temple of Kodanda­ ramaswami. It is the most impressive and imposing Pushpagiri (Cuddapah Taluk): Pushpagiri, the temples of the district. The lofty gateway, the large hamlet of Kotluru is connected to the Cuddapah­ and beautifully sculptured Mandapam. with thirty­ Kurnool highway by a branch road, about five miles two pillars, called the Madhyarangamandapam, lead­ long. This place is known for its various temples. ing to the inner chamber and the sanctum are of Some of them are of considerably ancient and a few great architectural interest. The remains of bastion are of artistic importance. Many of the temples lie and fields near Vontimitta are indicative of some on or along a hill devoid of vegetation. The largest earlier fortifications. This place has been associated and the best known among them is situated on the with great scholars and bhaktas like Potana - author of lower slopes of the hill, overlooking the hamlet of Srimadhandra Bhagavatam. Ayyalaraju rripurantaka Pushpagiri on the other side of the river. It is known and Ayyalaraju Ramabhadra. CENSUS CONCEPTS

Rural and urban areas: It is customary to classify The towns are distributed into six classes as the pop:Jlation of every country at each census as detailed below : Rural and Urban. Such a classification has conside­ rable importance and is necessary from the point of assrssing the differentials in the social, economic, Classification gf towns Population size cultural and demographic characteristics of the popu­ lation .. Hence, at the beginning of each census, the Class I 100,000 and above criteria for treating a place as a town i.e., urban are Class II 50,000 - 99,999 evolved and the areas are then classified according to Class III 20,000 - 49.999 the definition so evolved. The census definition of a . Class IV 10,000 - 19,999 town in this counlry was more or less the.same from Class V 5,000 - 9,999 1891 to 1941. The to\\ns broadly comprised aU Class VI below 5.000 municipalities irrespective of .the population. size and every other continuous collection of houses permanently inhabited by not le~s than 5,000 persons The class I towns are termed as cities. . while provincial. Directors of Census Operations having regard to the character and relative density of Standard Urban Areas: Besides classification of population, their importaLce as centres of trade all places into rural and urban' areas, two more con­ decide them to be towns. In the application of this cepts viz., Urban Agglomeration and Standard Urban definition there· was some variation from State to . Area were evolved from the 1971 Census. One of the' Slate according to the local conditions. It was only difficulties in comparing the urban population and its at th~ 1951 census that a fairly strict definition was characteristics between one census and another, apart sought to be applied throughout the country in order from the chang~s in the list of certain units at each to determine a place as an urban unit. The same census, had been the change in the jurisdictions of definition was followed at the 1971 and 1981 Censuses the urban units from census to census. The concept also. The Director of Census operations, however, was of Standard Urban Area had been introduced at the ghen discretion to include places that had other dis­ 1971 census and same was followed in 1981 with a tinct urban characteristics and to exclude undeserving view to obviating this difficulty to some extent. The cases in consultation with the State Government. essentials of a Standard Urban Area are - (il that it The following criteria are adapted for treating a place should have a core town of a minimum population as urban at the 1981 Census. size of 50,000, (ii) that the contiguous areas made up of other urban as well as rural administrative units i) A minimum population of 5,000, should have close mutual socio-economic links with the core town and (iii) that there are probabilities of ii) Atleast 75" of the male working population this entire area getting fully urbanised in a period of is in non-agricultural pursuit, two or three-decades. The idea is that it should be possible to provide comparable data for a definite iii) A density of population of atleast 400 persons area of urbanisation continuously for three decades per sq. km. which would give a meaningful picture This replaced the concept of town-group which was introduced in The urban criterion of 1981 varies slightly from the 1961 Census. The town-group was made up of .that of 1961. and 1971 Censuses, in which the males independent urban units not necessarily contiguous to .working in activities such as fishing, logging, etc., one another but were to some extent inter-dependent. were treated· as engaged in non-agricultural and The data for such town groups become incomparable therefore contributed to the 75% criterion in 1961 and from census to census as the boundaries of towns 1971 Censuses, whereas in the 1981 Census th'ese themselves change and the intermediate areas are left activities are treated as on par with cultivation and out of account. Thus the concept of Standard Urban agricultural labour for the purpose of this criterion. Area came to be developed for adoption at the 1971 [26]

Census. In Andhra Pradesh, 31 units have been Scheduled Castell/Scheduled Tribes: Scheduled selected for demarcating Standard Urban Areas. The Casles and Scheduled Tribes are those notified 1,lDder necessary data will be compiled for these units also Article 341 of the constitution according to which during the next two or three successive censuses in the Presidl!nt may with respect to any State or Union order to study urbanisation around a large nuclei. Territory and where it is State after consultation with The Standard Urban Area is identified by the admini­ the Governor thereof, by public notification, specify strative units that it encompasses namely the city, the castes, races or tribes which shall for the purpose the town and the villages. The boundaries of the of the constitution be deemed to be Scheduled Castes! Standard Urban Area are the administrative bounda­ Tribes in relation to that State or Union Territory, as ries of the peripherial units. the case may be.

Urban Ag&iQJl1eration: Apart from town/city, For the purpose of 1981 Census, the Scheduled the 1971 concept of Urban Agglomeration has also Castes and Scheduled Tribes Orders (Amendment) been adopted for the 1981 Census: An urban agglo­ Act, 1976, notified under the Government of India, meration constitutes. Ministry of Home Affairs, Notification No. BC 120l6/34/16-SCT-V dated 27-7-.1977 was adopted. a) A city with continuous out growth (the part A copy of the list of Scheduled Castes and Scheduled of outgrowth being out of the statutory Tribes in Andhra Pradesh is given under the note on limits but falling within the boundaries of Primary Census Abstract. . adjoining village or villagd) ; Literates: A person who could both read and b) One town with similar outgrowth or two or write any language with understanding was treated as more adjoining towns with their outgrowths a literate at the 1931 Census. A person who could as in (a) ; merely read but could not write or vice versa was not treated a§ literate. The test for reading was ability c) A city and one or more adjoining towns with to read any simple letter either in print or in manu­ their outgrowths all of which. form a Con­ script. Children aged 4 years and below were treated tinuous spread. There are only 4 urban as illiterates. The test for education was that a per­ agglomerations in the State viz., Vishakha­ son should have passed a recognised written exami­ patnam, Rajahmundry, Vijayawada. and nation or examinations as proof of educational level Hyderabad. attained. The highest examination passed was taken as the level of education. Census House: A census house is a building or part of a building having a separate main entrance Worker: The definition of work adopted "in from the road or common court yard or staircase 1981 Census is as follows: etc, used or recognised as a separate unit. It may be inhabited or vacant. "Work may be defined as participation in any economically productive activity. Such part­ HeulOehold: A household is a group of persons icipation may be physical or mental in nature. who commonly live together and would take their Work involves not only actual work but also meals from a common kitchen unless· the exigencies of effective supervision and direction of work." work prevented any of them from dOing so. There may be one member household, two member house­ In the concept ·of work, a significant departure is hold or multi-member household. For census pur­ made at the 19iH Census. At the 1971 Census, the poses each one of these types is regarded as house­ main activity of a person was initially enquired accor­ hold. Again, there may be household of persons ding as he spent his time basically as a 'worker'. related by blood or household of unrelated persons or engaged in production of goods and services or as a even of mixed type. Examples of llnrelated house­ non-worker. For regular work in organised sector. holds are boarding houses. hestels, residential hotels, tbe refrence period was the week prior to enume­ orphanages, rescue houses, ashrams, etc. These are ration, and for seasonal work such as agriculture, etc., called institutional households. the last one year. Persons engaged alleast for a day [27]

in regular (non-seasonal) work during the preceding. 2. Students i.e., all full-time students or children week were treated as workers. The work of a person attending school; who was basically a non-worker, such as a student, or housewife but had made some marginal contribution 3. Retired persons Or a rentier i.e, a retired to work was classified as secondary work and this was person not employed again or rentit'r or recorded separately. royalty receiver or any other person of inde­ pendent means for securing which be does At the 1981 Census it was considered desirable to not have to work and who does no other have as detailed a profile of the _working population work; . as possible, maintaining the comparability with 1961 and 1971 data. An attempt was made to find out if 4. Dependent i. e , an infant or child not attend· a person had done· any work at all during the last ing school, a person permanently disabled year: It will thus be seen that the questions on from working due to illness or old age or if economic approach have been designed to distinguish able bodied who have no other activity and all the workers, regular or seasonal and non-workers who are not seeking any work either, but with reference to the last one year prior to the date of are purely dependent. enumeration. It was intended to find out how many had worked for 183 days or more i.e., 6 months or S. Beggars, etc., i.e., beggars, vagrants or an more and information regarding the secondary work independent woman without indication of done by regular workers and also the marginal work source of income and those of unspecified done by the non-workers "'as collected. It was felt in source of subsistence and who are not enga­ the present context that the usual status of worker ged in any economically productive work ,. was more appropriate when compared with the app­ roach oCcurrent status of worker followed earlieL. 6, Institutional inmates i.e., a convict in a jail The broad classification of workers is explained under or an inmate of penal, mental or charitable institution; and the note on the Primary Census Abstract.

NOD-Workers: All others who did not do any 7. Other non-workers - all non-workers who productive work irrespective of whether they derived may not come under any of the above six categories. some income such as through pension, rents, etc., or did not derive any income were classified under cate­ gory (X) non-workers. Marginal Workers: A significant feature of the 1981 Census was the collection of information on The non-workers are divided into the following marginal workers who had done some work for a per­ seven categories : iod of less than 6 months during the reference year prior to census taking. At the 1971 Census though 1.. Household duties ie, all those persons basic­ this concept ,was not introduced there was a compa­ ally engaged in unpaid home duties' doing no rable category called non-workers with secondary other work; work. HISTORY OF DISTRICT CENSUS HANDBOOK

District manuals compiled lind published prior the idea of compiling the District Census Handbooks to 1905 by the erstwhile composite Madras Govern­ for each district and introduced the same in 1951 ment contained not only particulars of items of more Census. This was envisaged as part of the plan or less a permanent character such as physical charac­ intended to secure an effective method of preserving teristics, history, religion and ethnography, but also the census records prepared for areas beJow the a few statistical tables including those relating to district level. He proposed that all the District population which became obsolete within a few years Census Tables and Census Abstracts prepared during of publication. Later the Madras Government re­ the process of sorting an<;l compilation, should be placed the District manuals by another publication bound together in a single manuscript volume .called viz., the District Gazetteer consisting of two volumes the 'District Census Handbook' and suggested to the A and B. Volume A contained descriptive and such State Governments that the Handbook with or with­ general tables as might be necessary to explain the out the addition of other useful information relating text and Volume B contained detailed statistics. to the District should be printed and published at It was decided that Volume B should be brought their own cost, in the same manner as the village out periodically after each Decennial Census so that statistics of the last censuses. This suggestion was they contain· the. latest statistics. Volume A was accepted by most of the State Governments. Both published for sOlVe districts between ~905 and 1927 the composite Madras State and the erstwhile Hyd­ in ~he composite Madras State. The 'publication of erabad State accepted this suggestion and published Volume A "as discontinued in 1927. Volume B was ,the District Census Handbooks for each district at published, for all the districts of the compJsite their own. cost. In the erstwhile Hyderabad State, Madr8JII.State between 1906 and 1915. The publica­ the District Census Handbooks were brought out in tion of Volume B was also stopped after 1931 C~nsu~. two parts, Part I containing the administrative statis­ Due to the world war II. tbey were not published tics and Part II the census tables whereas in compo­ after the 1941 Census. site Madras State, the Handbooks were brought out in one single volume for each district. Similarly in the erstwhile Hyderabad State also the Gazetteer volumes were brought out for some of Pattern of District Census Handbooks at 1961: the districts. At the 1961 Census, the scope of the District Census Handbooks was enlarged significantly by Sri Ashok The scheme of publication of revised District Mitra, I.C.S., the then Registrar General, India. Gazetteers was started in 195R by the State Govern­ District Census Handbooks of 1961 of Andhra ments and in this State, the Gazetteers of all the Pradesh included four parts. The first part contained districts except Hyderabad and Prakasam have been narrative description of the physical features, history, published. social, economic and demographic characteristics. the progress made in each field of administration over the The Village Statements: Apart from the past decades and a brief gazetteer of places. The District Manual an-i Gazetteers the Census data upto sccond part contained the administrative statistics of village level used to be published in a brochure called 'Village Statement' for each district immediately various departments, The tbird part contained tbe . 1961 Census tables v:z., G -!neral Population Tables, after every census from 1872 upto 1941. Economic Tables 011 Scheduled Castes and Scheduled The village statements presented only the number Tribes. The fourth part consisted of Village and Town of occupied houses and population by religion of each Directory which was tbe most vital part of the Hand­ village and town. From 1951 Census, the village book. giving the viIJagewise and town-wise primary statements were replaced by the District Census census abstract i.e., particulars of area, households, Handbooks. population, scheduled castes, scheduled tribes, literacy, broad categorisation of working population, District Census Handbooks: Sri R. A. Gopala etc. Important amenities such ~s educational, medi- ' Swamy, I.C.S , the then Registrar General, India and cal, public health and communication facilities avai­ . Ex-officio Census Commissioner of India pioneered lable were also indicated against each, viUa&e and [29] town. Nine such tables containing villagewise parti­ dropped in Andhra Pradesh State. Other reason for culars such as irrigation sources, important crops dropping the publication is that administrative sta­ raised, value of land, co-operative societies, industrial tistics, would be available to the data users in the esta blishments, police stations, list of skilled crafts­ publications of the State by Bureau of Economics and men, etc., were given after village and town directory. Statistics and the concerned departments. A statement on fairs and festivals in the district was given at the end of the volume .. All these four parts The formats of village directory and of seven were bound in a single volume and published at the statements on town directory are on the same pattern cost of the State Government. canvassed in 1971 Census except for a few additional columns. The~e additional columns are introduced Pattern at 1971 Census: At the 1971 Census it to throw more insight into the infrastructure of the was decided to enlarge the scope, in view of its use­ viUages and towns. A feature of 1981 pattern is the fulness to the official users of the census data and the restructuring of all the amenities except power supply increased demand among the public. There was in the villages and to bring them together, ~ith the some delay in the publication of District Census corollary that in case any amenity is not available in Handbooks at 1961 Census due to two reasons the village, the distance of the nearest place where 1) inadequate printing facilities and 2) delay in the facility is available is presented. Similar method the preparation of District Census Handbook which is followed in respect of towns where educational and contained four paris. In order to avoid delay in medical facilities are not available. While presenting the publication and to make available the more the additional columns of Town Directory, the Mini­ important data to the planners at the earliest, the mum Needs Programme of the Planning Commission Dish iet Census Handbook was prepared in 3 parts . is kept in view. The scope of viIJage directory, town viz., Part A, Part B and Part C as shown below. directory statements and primary census abstract Part - A Village and Town Directory along witb the codl!s used under each column are Part - B Village and Town Primary Census explained hereunder. Abstract SCQpe of Village Directory: As was done in the Part - C Administrative Statistics and Re­ past, the village directory has been prepared for all port. the villages in the State and these are presented taluk­ Parts A and B were bound in a' single volume and wise in the District Census Handbook (DCHI. For were published for all the districts as early as in 1974. convenience of ref.:rences, an alphabetical list of However, the printing of Part C was given up. villages inrespect of each taluk precede the village directory for that tal uk. This is done for easy loca­ Pattern at 1981 CeDlIU'i: At the 1981 Census. tion of any village in the directory since the informa­ the format of village directory and statements of tjon is arranged in ascending order of the location town directory are almost similar to those adopted cod.:s of the villages. for 1971. The District Census Handbook of 1981 Census comprises of the following two parts brought In the village directory, various amenities and ill single volume, the grouping of which would other data have been indicated by codes. These enhance the value of publication as the data given include, area of the village, total population with therein are closely interrelated. number of house holds at 1981 Census, availability of amenities such as educational, medical, drinking water Part - A AnaJ)'tical Note. and P&T facilities, communication facilities, type of Part - B Village and Town Directory and approach to village and the distance of nearest town, Village and Town-wise Primary power supply and land use particulars. There are 20 Census Abstract. columns in the village directory covering the above aspects. It has been decided not to go in for administrative sta tistics that is Part-C as it was our experience during Columns 1 to 3 relate to the location code num­ 1971 Census that there was inordinate delay in col­ ber, name and total area of the village. The area lecting the administrative statistics pertaining to given under column 3 is as per the data collected from various departments with the result that the pUblica­ the State Survey Department. Wherever the figures tion of thiS part of District Census Handbook was are not available from the Survey Department, the [30J figures furnished by the TahsiJdars have been adopted. not lllore than,five years. The reasons Cols. 4A and 4B provide the number of households for keeping such lands fallow may be and population of the village as per 1981 Census. either due to poverty of the cultivator, or inadequate supply of water or Columns 5 to 11 and 13 list out the basic amenities malarial climate or silting of canals available in the village such as educational, medical, or rivers or unremunerated nature of drinking water, postal, day of the market, communi­ fem,lanellt pastures and uther given in column 15 while in columns 16 and 17 the grazing lands: extent of cultivated area in the villa,_ge has been given. . These cover all grazing lands The extent of irrigated area together with different whether they are permanent pastures irrigational sources has been indicated in column 16. and meadows or not. Village common and grazing lands within forest areas The extent of culturable waste has been shown in are included under this head. column 18 while the area not available for cultivation such as village sjte, road and railways or underwater, (ii) Miscellaneous tree crops, groves etc, has been indicated under column 19. not included in the area SOWII :

The concepts of various types of land use given Under this class is included all culti­ vable land which is not included under under each of the columns 15 to 19 are explained net area sown but. is put 10 some below: agricultural use. Lands under casuarina trees, thatching grass, bamboo bushes 1. Forest,: (CuI. 15) The,.: include all actually fOfe,ted and other groves for fuel, etc., which areas and the lands classed or admi­ arc 110t included under 'Orchard~' are nistered as forest s under any legal classed under this category. enactment dealing with forests whether State owned or' private. If ( iii) Culturable waste: any portion of ~uch land is not actually wooded but put to some agri­ This includes lands availQble for cultural use, that portion is included cultivation but not taken up fo~ culti­ under the appropriate heading of vation or abandoned after a few years cultivat.:d:or uncultivated)and. for one reason or other. Such lands may be either fallow or covered with 2. Cultivated are a This _includes the land under tile , shrubs and jungles which are not put with break-up irri­ following three categories. to any use. They may be assessed or gated and unirriga­ not assessed and may lie in isolated ted: '( Columns J 6 blocks or within cultivated holdings. & 17) Land once cultivated but not cultiva­ (i) Net urea sown: ted for five years in succession is also included in this category. The net area sown represents the area sown to crops counting areas 4. Area not available This includes the land under the sow n more than once in the same year, for cultivation following two categories. only once. . (Column J9) (i) Landplit to 'non-agricultural uses: (ii) Other fallows: This includes all lands which were All lands occupied by buildings, taken up for cultivation but are roads and railways or underwaters temporarily out of cuitivation for a e. g., rivers and canals and other lands period of not less than one year and put to uses other than agricultural. [31]

(Ii) Barren and UlICultivable land: Statement I Status and growth history

This covers all barren and un-cult i­ Statement II Physical aspects and location vuble land like mountains, etc., i. e, of towns, 1979 which cannot be brought under culti­ vation unless at a high cost whether such _land is in isolated blocks or within Statement III Municipal Finance, 1978-1979 cultivated holdings. Statement IV Civic and other amenities, 1979 Column 20 is for recording remarks if any on matters Statement IVA Civic and other amenities III ~ike place of religious, historical or archaeological notified slums, 1979 mterest and for information on the number of copies of newspapers circulated in the village, and the num­ Statement V Medical, Educational, Recrea­ ber of motor cycles/scooters, cars/jeeps and tractors tional and Cultural facilities in available in the vi,llage. towns, 1979

All the above particulars are based on the data Statement VI Trade, Commerce, Industry and received from the concerned departments like Edu­ Banking, 1979 cation, Medical, Postal and Electricity and also from the Tahsildars concerned. With a view to facilitate analysis of data, a few new columns have been introduced. The columns - In the appendix to the village directory taluk class of town, in every statement is a significant addi­ level totals of the amenities have been furnished which tion. By taking the class of town into consideration, gives the picture for the district as a whole. At the 1981 the infrastructure of amenities and facilities available Census, additional items viz., total population and in urban areas can best be analysed. The addition of number of households and approach to village have civic administrative status in Statement III and IV been introduced. Information on population and and population in Statement IV and V also serve the number of households will be useful as ready refe­ same purpose. The formats of Town Directory have rence for analysing the data. been devised to suit the Minimum Needs Programme of the Planning Commission. As a sequel to this Item on communications has been singled out to . programme the columns, Scheduled Castes and Sche­ spell in terms of availability of the public transport duled Tribes population in statement IV and Adult system. This is intended to see whether the village is Literacy classes/centres in Statemement V are identi­ served by any mode of transport such as bus or rail or cal. waterway. It is against this background· that the In case such of the amenity as Fire Fighting ser­ item on approach to village has been listed separately. vice in Statement IV, the Educational Facility in State­ This refers to road, etc., leading to the village ment V is not available in the town, the name of the and is to indicate whether the village is ap­ nearest place if in the same district or the name of the proachable both in fair and foul weather and whe­ nearest district if in the same State or other State where ther it is inaccessible for all time or only some time available along with its distance from the referrent in the year. Adult literacy class/centre under item on town has been given. This is a new feature of 1981 'Education' and primary health centre and community census as it is necessary to identify the areas that have health worker under item 'Medical' of village direc­ no specific facility in the district. tory are included to indicate statistics on the Mini­ mum Needs Programme of the Planning Commission. Statement VII i. e., population by religion and scheduled castes/scheduled tribes in towns of 1971 Scepe af TewD Directory : There are seven state­ census was discontinued at the 1981 census and a new ments in the Town Directory which include several Statement IV A has been introduced to explore the particulars relating to the towns arranged as per the possibility of civic and other amenities available III alphabetical order of their names. These statements notified slums in Class I and II towns only. are almost similar to those adopted at 1971 census except for a few additional columns. The titles of The follo..ying thirteen places are the urban units the statements are as' follows: in Cuddapah district at the 1981 Census. {32]

1 Badvel 8 Proddatur ,of 20,000 to 49,999.' Badvel, Rajampet and Yerra­ 2 Cuddapab 9 Pulivendla guntla are class IV towns the population of which 3 Dommara Nandyal 10 Rajampet ranges from 10,000 to 19,999. Dommara Nandyal, 4 Jammalamadugu 11 Rayachoti Kamalapuram, Madhavaram, NagireddipafJe and 5 Kamalapuram 12 Veparala Veparala are class V towns the population of which 6 Madhavaram 13 Yerraguntla ranges from 5,000 to 9,999. There are no class VI 7 NagireddipaUe towns i.e., towns with a population less than 5,000. The urban populatio'n of the district is 374,503 out of Of tbese Cuddapah and Proddatur are municipali­ total population of 1,933,304 persons thus consisting ties. All others are panchayat towns. an urbanpopulation of 19.37" as against 14.2" at 1971. The increase in 'proportion of urban is partly Of these thirteen towns Dommara Nandyal, due to the addition of five new towns at 1981. Madhavaram, Nagireddipalle, Vepara)a and Yerra­ guntla are the places classified as towns for the first Statement I-Status aDd Grewth Histery: This time in the 1981 Census in consideration of the distinct statement provides basic information on civic status, urban featurei. Sadvel, Cuddapah, Jammalama;:lugu, population with decadal growth rate from 1901 to Proddatur, Rajampet and Rayachoti were classified 1981, density for 1981 census and sex ratio from 1961 as towns from 1901. Kamalapuram was classified as to 1981 Censuses of each town in columns 2 to 19. town from 1921 while Pulivendla was classified'as \ town from 1971. ' In this as well as in all other town directory statements columns 1 & 2 relate to serial number and None of the towns in this district has been trea­ class, name and civic administrative status of the ted as urban agglomeration. Cuddapah and Prodda­ town. Class of town has been introduced to facilitate tur, with the neighbouring villages as detailed below analysis of town dir.;ctory data at the state and aU are treated as standard urban areas. India levels. This is presented according to 1981 popUlation of the core town as per the population size Standard Urban Component Units classifiC'ation. Area ,------"-----, Urban Rural Pepulatien CIa.

(I) (2) (3) 100,000 and above I 50,000 - 99,999 II 1 Cuddapah Cuddapah (M) 1 Patha Cuddapah 20,000 - 49,999 III 2 Chinnachowk(R) 10,000 - 19,999 IV 3 Gudur (R) 5,000 - 9,999 V 4 Ankayapalle 5 Nagarajupet (R) Below 5,000 VI 6 Viswanatha- puram:(R) The civic administrative status of the town is 7 Puttampalle indicated in brackets by abbreviated letters like 'M' 8 Mamillapalle for Municipality and 'P' for Panchayat. The location 9 Utukur 10 Chemmumiah- code numbers under Col. 3 for the town was framed pet a (R)' to follow the alphabetical order of the towns in the district. This also facilitates easy location of the 2 Proddatur Proddatur (M) 1 Bollavaram (R) town in the map. The name of taluk where the town 2 Dorasanipalle is located is given to facilitate analysis of data at 3 Rameswaram (R) 4 KothapaJIe State and all India level. Area in sq. kms. and number of households including houseless households Among these thirteen towns, Cuddapah and. Pro­ for each town is included in the town directory for ddatur are cities with a population of one lakh and the first time in 1981 Census. The population of the more and therefore categorised as class I towns. town with decadal growth rate from 1901 census to There are no class II towns i.e., with a population of 1981 is given in cols. 7 to IS. The percentage growth SO,Ooo to 99,999. Jammalamadugu, Pulivendla and rate is indicated below the population in brackets. Rayachoti are class III towns with a population range Density for 1981 is a new column (Col. 16) intro- [33J duced to 'facilitate analysis of Town Directory data. Statement III-Municipal Finance, 1978-79: The It has been calculated taking into account the area data for inclusion in this statement were obtained and the population of 1981 Census of the town and from the respective statutory and non-statutory presented per sq. km. Sex ratio from 1961 to 1981' bodies from their budgets and accounts. censuses has been given in cols. 17 to 19. This is also a new addition to facilitate analysis of Town The statement shows that no town except Directory data. Sex ratio defined bere is number of Dommara Nandyal has an excess of expenditure over females per 1,000 males. income. Nearly 25 % of the total receipts is utilised for purposes of public health and conveniences in It is observed that Cuddapah and Proddatur Cuddapah town. For public institutions like schools towns kept up a steady growth in their population, and libraries except Cuddapah, the remaining towns while Badvel recorded a decline in its population have spent nothing from their incomes. growth during the decades 1921 & 1931, lammala­ madugu in 1921 and 1941, Kamalapuram and Rayac­ Statement IV-Civic and ether amenitielil, '1979·: hoti in 1931. Rajampet had recorded a deepfaU in its As the title itself reveals, this statement deals with population growth consequently for three decades the facilities provided to the people in urban areas of from 1911 to 1931. However; these towns have . the district. recouped in the subsequent decades by maintaining an upward trend in their population growth. The facility of sew~rage and open surface drains is available in Sadvel, Cuddapah and Jammalama­ Of the 13 towns in the district, Rayachoti is the dugu towns, while the facility of open surface drains only town having an area of 39.78 sq. km.s. Next to. and sylk drains are available in Kamalapuram and it comes Jammalamadugu with an area of 24.82 sq. Proddatur. Dommara Nandyal, Pulivcndla, Rajampet kms. The third important town as· far as area is and Rayachoti towns have the facility of open surface . concerned is Rajampet spread over an area of 20.60 drains, Madhavaram and Yerraguntla have sylk sq. kms. drains and Nagireddipalle and Veparala have the facility of Pit system. All the towns have protected Cuddapah, the district headquarters town with an water supply, Of the thirteen towns in the district, area of 6.84 sq. kins. recorded the highest density of Cuddapah,Iammalamadugu, Proddatur, PuJivendla 15,077 as against the district average density of 126 and Rajampet have the facility of fire fighting service. persons per sq. km. All the thirtee~ towns have electric supply for Statement II-PhYlical aspects and location of domestic as well as industrial purposes. TewDIi, 1979: This statement has 12 columns and depicts physical aspects and location of towns in the In Andhra Pradesh, Domestic Service includes district. Under cols. 3 to 5 in the statement data supply of energy for lighting, fans and domestic relating to the rainfall recorded in 1978 and· the purposes in domestic premises and supply in poultry maximum and minimum temperature recorded in 1971 farming units upto 100 birds. Industrial Service census were given. If this information was not avail­ means supply for purpos'es of manufacturing, proce­ able for any town then the particulars ~vailable for ssing and or preserving goods for sale, rice mills , that nearest town have been given against such town. oil mills, flour mills, ginning mills, decorticating mil1s, Cuddapah, Kamalapuram, Nagireddipalle, Rajampet dal and gram mills. stone crushers, water works and and Yerraguntla towns are directly connected by sewerage pumping stations operated by local authori­ railways. The remaining 8 towns are not directly ties or Government departments or Co-operative connected by railways. Four of these towns are hous.e building socie\ies and pumpsets of Railways for within a distance of 25 kms. While the remaining whatever purpose they may be used. Commercial 4 towns are within a distance of 26 to 50 kms. rang~. service includes the supply of energy for lights, fans for non-domestic and commercial purposes. Road All the towns except Dommara Nandyal in the lighting service includes supply of energy for lighting district have bus c~munication facility. ,Dommara on public roads, streets, thorough fares including Nandyal town is not directly connected by bus route parks, markets, cart stands, bridges and for traffic and it is at a distance 5 kms. from -the bus route. signalling. Supply of energy to places of worship like Five out of 13 towns have navigation facility, churches, temples, mosques, gurudwatas, educational 34


Total number of Amenities available (if not available within the village, the distance Loca­ Total area Households and in broad ranges viz., - 5 Kms., 5~ 10 Kms. and 10 + Kms. ',of the tion Name of village of the population nearest place where the facility available is given) village (in ,-___..A.. __ -, Code ,------"--- """"'I No. hectares) House- Popula- Educational Medical Drinking Post and Day or Communica- holds tion water Telegraph days of tions (Bus~ (Potable) the stoP. Railway market, station, if any water way) (I) (2) (3) (4A) (m) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

89 Godlaveedu . 818.27 242 J .247 P(2), M MH W,R PO 10+ -5

90 _£. Tsoudamivari- 1,644.64 179 915 P -5 W,HP PO 10+ BS palle

91 Somireddipalle 4,889.80 , 816 4,551 P(6) M.H D (A) W,HP PO,TO 10+ BS

92 Jangamarajupalle 4,480.67 644 3,285 P(4) 5-10 W,HP PO 10+ 5·10

93 Eguva Nelatur 1,574.63 81 407 P -5 W,Hp PO 10+ -5

94 Diguva Nelatur 1,768.88 111 972 P(2' RP W,HP,R PO 10+ BS

95 Gundapuram 660.45 66 354 P(2) -5 W,HP -5 10+ BS

96 G. Narasimha 251.3 1 34 168 -5 -5 W -5 10+ BS purum

97 Mekavaripalle 1,157.80 225 1,306 P(3) -5 W PO 10+ BS

98 M. Narasimha 172.80 16 102 P(2) -5 W -5 10+ -5 puram

99 Kamakunta 1,083.34 143 709 P 5-10 W.HP PO 10+ BS

100 Ganugapenta 4,651.45 351 1,832 P(4),M(2), D,H (A) W.HP PO 10+ -5 H

101 Chennakrishna. 46.13 Uninhabited puram 102 Lakkavaripalle 1,672.96 124 722 P -5 W -5 10+ 5-10 35



Land use (i. e., area under different types of land use Remarks in hectares rounded upto 2 decimal places) including ,------____..A..-- ______, any place of Loca- Approach Nearest town Power Staple Forest Irrigated Unirri- Culturable Area not religious, tion to village and distance supply food by source g'lted waste available historical or Code (in kms.) for culti- archaeological No. vation interest

(11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (1)

KR Badvel 16 Rice T (14D.43) 404.68 68.39 204.77 N2 89 Ragi TK (122.22) W (18.21) PR Badvel 17 Rice T (314.85) 404.69 305.54 579.10 N2:TI 90 Ragi W (193.44) TK (121.41)

PR Badvel20 ED Rice 1,759.16 T (401.04) 249.69 624.03 1,855.88 N5:C3:T3 91 Ragi WE (310.80) Sri Veerabrah- TK (46.54) mendra Swamy W (43.70) Mutt. Sri Kakka- yyagari Mutt. Sri Eswari Devi Mutt. PR Badvel 17 ED Rice 1,481.96 T (1l4.93) 47.75 923.49 1,912.54 N2:TI 92 EAG Ragi WE (102.79) W (6.47) TK (5.67) KR Badvel 12 Rice 306.35 T (33.99) 47.35 9~.91 1,091.03 93 Ragi W (31.16) TK (2.83) 94 PR Badvel 12 Rice 546.32 T (106.84) 32.38 288.14 795.20 Ragi W (76.89) TK (29.95) PR Badvel 13 Rice T (182.51) 123.43 55.45 299.06 N3 95 Ragi W (121.81) TK (60.70) 96 PR Badvel 14 Rice T (39.25) 16.19 0.41 195.46 Ragi W (24.68) TK (14.57)

N2 97 PR Badvel 13 Rice T (309.58) 74.87 686.75 86.60 Ragi TK (305.54) V:I (4.04) 98 KR Badvel 13 Rice T (18.21) 4.05 150.54 Ragi TK (17.00) W (1.21)

N2 99 PR Badvel 12 Rice T (29.95) 242.81 244.02 566.56 Ragi TK (26.71) W (3.24) KR Badvel 12 ED Rice 3,436.18 T (276.40) 69.20 599.34 270.33 N2 100 Ragi W (158.23) TK (118.17) Uninhabited 101

KR Badvel 10 Rice 1,026.69 T (91.05) 161.87 8.90 384.45 102 ~agi W (65.56) TK (25.49) [36] were assigned serial numbers in serpentine order. towns· from the total area of the district~ The area Unlike the districts, taluks and villages, the towns in figures of the districts in the State are those supplied each district were given numbers in alphabetical by the Surveyor General of Irtdia. Hence the total order. L.C. Nos. of viHages were given in Arabic area of all the taluks in a district put together may numerals while those of towns in Roman numerals. not tally with the district area figures.

Col. 3: This column shows the area of villages Col. 4: Number of occupied residential houses in hectares while the area of town is given in sq.kms. in a village/town includes partly residential houses based on the information furnished by the respective also. State agencies. Where the area of particular village/ town was not available, the fact was noted as N.A. Col. 5: This column includes houseless house­ against that village/town. The area of all the villages holds and institutional households as well. and towns put together may not be equal to the area Cob. 6 to 8: Total population includes house­ of the taluk since the area of the tal uk includes area less and institutional population with sex break up. of villages, reserve forests, rivers and hills within the taluk. Rural area of a taluk presented in P.C.A. is Cols. 9 to 12: Under these columns the popu­ obtained by deducting urban area from the total area lation of S. Cs. and. S. Ts. by sex is given. A copy of the taluk as furnished by the State Survey Depart­ of the list of S. Cs. and S. Ts. in Andhra Pradesh as ment. Similarly, the rural area of a district can be notified in Presidential Order No. BC 12016/34/76- obtained by deducting the total urban area of all the SCT V dated 27-7-1977 is appended hereunder.

Liit .r Scheduled C•• tes in Andhra Prade.h ,J 1 Adi Andhra 31 Madasi Kuruva, Madari Kurfa 2 Adi Dravida 32 Madiga' 3 Anamuk 33 Madiga Dasu, Mashteen 4 Aray Mala 34 Mahar 5 Arundhatiya 35 Mala 6 Arwa Mala 36 Mala Dasari 7 Bariki 37 Mala Dasu 8 Bavuri 38 Mala Hannai 9 Beda Jangam, Budga Jangam 39 Malajangam 10 Bindla 40 Mala Masti 11 Byagara 41 Mala Sale, Netkani 12 Chachati 42 Mala Sanyasi 43 Mang 13 Chalavadi 14 Chamar, Mochi, Muchi 44 Mang Garodi Manne 15 ChamlPhar 45 16 Chand ala 46 Mashti 17 Dakkal, Dokkalwar 41 Matangi 18 Dandasi 48 Mehtar 19 Dhor 49 Mitha AyyaJvar 20 Dom, Dombara, Paidi, Pano 50 Mundala 21 Ellamalawar, Yellammala Wandlu 51 Paky. Moti, Thoti 22 Ghasi, Haddi, Relli Chachandi 52 Pambada, Pambanda 23 Godagali 53 Pamidi 24 Godari 54 Panchama, Pariah ReIIi 25 Gosangi 55 26 Holeya 56 Samagara 27 Holeya Dasari 51 Samban 28 JaggaIi 58 Sapru 29 Jambuvulu 59 Sindhollu, Chindollu 30 Kolupulvandlu [37]

Lilt of Scheduled Tribes in Andbra Pradesh

1 Andh 19 Kulia 2 Bagata 20 Malis (excluding Adilabad, Hyderabad, 3 Bhil Karimnagar, Khammam, Mah.',bubnagar, 4 Chenchu, Chenchwar Nizamabad, Medak, Nalgonda and Waran­ 5 Gada bas gal districts) 6 ' Gond, Naikpod, Rajgond 21 Manna Dhora 7 Goudu (in the Agency tracts) 22 Mukha Dhora, Nooka Dhora 8 Hill Reddis 9 Jatapus 23 Nayaks (in the Agency tracts) 10 Kammara 24 Pardhan 11 Kattunayakan 25 Porja, Parangiperja, 1'2 KoIam, Mannervarlu 26 ReddL Dhoras 13 Konda Dboras 27 Rona, Rena 14 Konda Kapus 28 Savaras, Kapu Savaras, Maliya Savaras, 15 Kondareddis Khutoo Savaras 16 :Kondhs, Kodi, Kodhu, Desaya Kondhs, 29 Sugalis, Lambadis 'Dongria Kondbs, Kuttiya Kondbs, Tikiria Kondhs, Yenity Kondhs 30 Thoti (in Adilabad, 'Karimnagar, Kham­ 17 Kotia, Bentho Oriya, Bartika, Dhulia, Bulia, mam, Mah .~ubnaBar, Medak, Nalgonda, Holva, Paiko, Putiya, Sanrona, Sidhopaiko Nizamabad and Warangal Districts) 18 Koya, Goud, Rajah, Rasha Koya, Linga­ 31 Valmiki (in the Agency tracts) dhari Koya (ordinary), Kottu Koya, Bhine 32 i'tnadis Koya, Rajkoya 33 Yerukulas

Cols. 13 & 14: Literate persons are sbown under rence period is the one- year preceding the date of these columns. A person who can both read and enumeration. Persons who had worked f0r 183 days write with understanding in any language is taken as or more, in other words worked 6 months or more are literate. A person who can merely read but cannot classified under cultivator, agricultural labourer write is not a literate. AU children of the age of household industry and other workers according td 4 years or less are treated as illiterate even if the child the nature of work: one did. Such of those persons is going to school and may have picked up reading who had worked for less than 183 days or 6 months and writing a few odd words. are shown as marginal workers.

Cols. 15 to 28: At the 1981 Census, population Cultivator: For purposes of census, a person is has been broadly divided into three sections based on working as cultivator if he or she is engaged either as main activity viz., workers, marginal workers, non­ employer, single worker or family worker in cultiva­ workers. Their details are shown under these columns. tion of land owned or held from government or held from private persons or institutions for payment in The definitions and concepts adopted in the money, kind or share. Cultivation includes supervi­ economic classification of population at the 1981 sion or direction of cultivation. Census are given under item Analytical Note. Agricultural labourer: A person wbo works in Work: Work is defined as participation in any another persons, land for wages in money, kind or economically productive activity. Such participation share is regarded as agricultural labourer. An agricul­ may be physical or mental in nature. Work involves turallabourer has no rigbt of lease or contract on not only actual work bu~ also effective supervision land on which he/she worked. . and direction of work. A man or a woman who is doing only household duties or making something Household Industry: 'Household indu'stry is defi­ only for domestic consumption (and not for sale) is ned as an industry c.onducted by the head of tbe 110t doing any work in census terminology. Tbe refe- household himself/herself and or by the members of [38]

the household at home or within the village in rural 1,.577,267 in 1971 Census, thus recording an increase areas and only within the precincts of the bouse "here of 22.57% as against the State's growth rate of the household lives in urban areas. The large propo­ 23.10%. The proportions of rural and urban popula­ rtion of workers in a household industry should tion to the total population in the district works out consist of members of the household including the to 80.63% and 19.37% re~ptctivcly in 198) Census head. The industry shculd not be run on the ~cale of compared to 85.82% and 14.18% in 1971. There are registered factory which would qualify or has to be 959 females per every 1,000 males at 1981 census registered under the Indian Factories Act. when compared with State index of 975 females per 1,000 males. The ratio of 958 females per every . Other Workers: All workers who are not culti­ 1,000 males was recorded at 1971 Census. vators or agricultural labourers or in household industry are other workers. The type of workers that Cuddapah district returned 601,539 literates at come under this category include tactory workers, 1981 Census forming 31.11 % of the total population plantation workers, those in trade, commerce, business, of the district, compared with 390,091 literates transport, mining, construction, political or social constituting 24.73% at 1971 Census. The sex break work, all government servants, municipal employees, up of literacy rates during 1981 Census is 43.91 % telOchers, priests, entertainment artists, lawyers, among males and 17.77 % among females. Rural­ barbers, dhobis, etc. Urban break up of literacy rates indicate 26.86% of population are literates in rural while this is 48.84% According to the 1981 Census \here are 382,140 in urban population: The corresponding rural and occupied residential houses and 385,244 households in urban rates of literacy at 1971 are 21.33% and Cuddapah district compared to 308,677 residential 45.31 % respectively. houses 322,845 households in 1971 registering an increase of 23.80 % in number of re~idential houses In Cuddapah District there are 867,120 workers and 19.33 % in number of households. constituting 44.85% of tbe total population as against 632,245 workers forming 40.08% in 1971 Census. The total number of persons returned at the 1981 Among males the workers constituted 57.70% while Census in Cuddapab district is 1,933,304 as against among females only 31.45 % are workers. [39]

Brief AnalYlds 9f the Village & Town Directory and Primary CeDiDs Abitraet Data

There were 968 villages in the district at the 1981 tion of taluks by total/rural/urban with sex break-up. .Census as against 972 af 1971 *. Out of the 968 vill­ The number of villages and towns in each of the ages, 896 are inhabited while 72 villages are uninha­ taluks is also indicated in this table. bited. 13 inhabited villages are reported as partly Proddatur taluk has more urban population than included in different towns of the district. 12 villages other taluks, while Muddanur taluk has the least which are fully included in urban areas are not urban population as per 1981 Census. There are two considered in computing the total number of villages rural taluks which have no urban population in this in the district. The following table gives the popula- district. .


Population ~------~------~ ------:------, No. of Name of Total Rural Urban SI. ,--___ -..A.. _____, Villages No. Taluk ~----~---, ,----~---- ,-----, No. of p .. M F P M F P M F Total Inhabi- Towns ted 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14

Janimala- 96,459 48,832 47,627 62,730 31.794 30,936 33,729 17.038 16,69l 57 53 2 madugu 2 Proddatur 290,379 148,070 142,309 183,309 93,203 90,106 107,070 54,867 52,103 89 86 1 3 Badvel J7I ,069 87,548 83,521 159,609 81.787 77,822 11,460 5,761 5,699 139 118 1 4 Sidhout 111,774 56,712 55,062 104,364 52,932 51,432 7,410 - 3,780 3,630 79 77 1 5 Cuddapah 315,432 161.969 153.463 212,307 108,517 103,790 103,125 53,452 49,673 111 100 1 6 Kamala-' , 1I2,I90 57,121 55,069 90,533 46,035 44,498 21,657 1l,086 10,571 61 60 2 puram 7 Muddanur 75,348 38,684 36,664 70,154 36,073 34,081 5,194 2,611 2,583 77 69 1 -8 Pulivendla 174,428 88,973 85,455 153,324 78,192 75,132 21,104 10,781 10,323 96 90 1 9 Lakkireddi- 109,252 _ 55,937 53,315 109,252 55,937 53,315 SO 48 palle 10 Rayachoti 200,624 102,925 97,699 165,367 84,644 80,723 35,257 18,281 16,lJ76 66 61 1 11 Rajampet 116,170 58,788 57,382 87,673 44,392 43,281 28,497 14,396 14,101 69 62 2 12 Kodur 160,179 81,146 79,033 160,179 81,146 79,033 74 72

Total 1,933,304 986,705 946,599 1,558,801 794,652 764,149 374,503 192,053 182,450 968 896 13

Table 2 compares the tal uk-wise population from Muddanur taluk has recorded the lowest growth rate 1971 and 1981 Censuses for total, rural and urban of 5.28%. In the rural areas of Jammalamadugu areas. Cuddapah taluk has recorded' the highest and Muddanur taluks, negative growth rates 0f 4.32" growth rate of 41.27%during the decade 1971-81, while and 1.98% respe~tively have been registered.

• Decrease is due to the merger of two main revenue villages with other villages and five main rev.!nue viJIages are reported as fully' included in their respective urban areas by loosing their rural character during the decade. 3 viii ages which were in­ cluded fully in the proximate urban areas in lQ71 are reported as p:lftly included in 1931 and hence the variation over 1971. [40]

Table 1


Population _------Percentage decadal Taluk 1971 . 1981 (1971-81) variatio'l ~_._--..A..------. ~-----~---~--, r-----...A-----. Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ------~--~------1 Jammalamadugu 85,569 65,561 20,008 96,459 62,730 33,729 12.73 -4.32 68.58 2 Proddatur 221.772 150,950 70,822 290,379 183,309 107,070 30.94 21.44 51.18 3 Badvel 142,083 133,000 9,083 171,069 159,609 11,460 20.40 .20.01 26.17 4 Sidhout 95,815 95,815 111,774 104,364 7,410 16.66 8.92 5 Cuddapah 223,286 157,091 66,195 315,432 212,307 103,125 -11.27 35.15 55.79 6 Kamalapuram 94,779 86,346 8,433 112,190 90,533 21,657 18.37 4.85 156.81 7 Muddanur 71,569 71,569 75,348 70,154 5.194 5.28 -1.98 8 Pulivendla 148,515 136,811 11,704 174.428 153,324 21,104 17.45 12.07 80.31 9 Lakkireddipalle 94,356 94,356 109,252 109,252 15.79 15.79 10 Rayachoti 169,307 145,254 24,053 200,624 . 165,367 35,257 18.50 13.85 46.58 11 Rajampet 98,303 84.958 13,345 116,170 87,673 28,497 18.18 3.20 113.54 12 Kodur 131,913 131,913 160,179 160,179 . 21.43 21.43

T.tal 1,577,l67 1,353,624 2l3,643 1,933,304 1,558,101 374,503 21.57 15.16 67.46

Table 3 shows the tolal number of inhabited using the area figures corrccted upto two places of villages in the district classified by population into six decimal. The highest proportion of villages is obse- broad ranges. In computing the number of villages rved in the density range of 101-200. More than 63% in a tal uk, the villages which arc either completely of villages come und.r density group 101 and above. included in an urban unit or returned uninhabited This district has returned a density of 126 persons per are not taken into account. Maximum number of . square kilometre as against 195 persons for the State; villages are in the size group of 500-1,999 population and form 48.10% of total villages in this district. Table 4 DISTRIBUTION OF VILLAGES BY DENSITY Table 3 DISTRIBUTION OF VILLAGES BY Range of Total No. of Percentage of POPULA nON RANGES density villages in each villages in each (per sq. km.) ctensity range density range Range of No. of villages Percentage of 1 2 3 Population in each range villages in each range 10 13 2 3 1.45 11 20 13 1.45 ]99 56 6.25 21 50 90 10.05 200 - 499 151 16.85 51 -100 213 23.77 500 -'1,999 431 48.10 101 - 200 304 33.93 2,000 - 4,999 212 23.66 201 -300 125 13.95 5,000 - 9,999 40 4.47 301 -500 S2 9.15 10,000 + 6 0.67 501 + 56 6.25 Not known Total 896 100.00 Total 896 100.00 The following table 4 presents the distribution of .villages by density into nine ranges and also the perce­ According to 1981 Census the population of ntage of. villages in each range. The density figures scheduled castes in Cuddapah district is 250,943 per sq. km. of each village have been worked out by accounting for 12.98" of the total popUlation of the [41 ]

district. Scheduled Caste population in tbis district Table 6 forms 3.15" of the total Scheduled Caste population in the State. The proportion of Scheduled Caste PROPORTION OF SCHEDULED TRIBE POPULATION TO TOTAL POPULATION IN THE VILLAGES population to total population in the villages is calcu­ lated for all the villages in the district and arranged Percentage range of No, of villages Percentage of in seven ranges together with percentage of villages in Scheduled Tribe in each villages in each range, 43.75% of the villages have Scheduled population to total range each range Caste population in a percentage range below 15. Only Population 14.51" of villages are without Scheduled Castes popu­ 2 3 lation. Table 5 Nil 373 41.63 PROPORTION OF SCHEDULED CASTES POPULATION 5 or less 434 48.44 TO TOTAL POPULATION IN THE VILLAGES 6 - 15 58 6.47 16 - 25 12 1.34 26 - 35 11 1.23 Percentage range of No. of villages Percentage of Scheduled Castes in each villages in 36 - 50 2 0.22 . Population to total. range each range 51 and above 6 0.67 Population Total 896 100.00 2 3 Nil 130 14.51 Table 7 provides the total population, scheduled 5 or 'Iess 121 13.50 caste and scheduled tribe popUlation and the percent­ 125 13.95 6 - 10 age of scheduled caste and scheduled tribe popUlation 11 - 15 146 16.30 16 - 20 140 15.63 to total popUlation of the towns in the district. 21 - 30 . 158 17.63 31 and above 76 8.48 The total scheduled caste population in all the Total 896 . 100.00 urban areas of the district at 1981 census was 25,558 persons representing 6.82% of the total urban popu­ The Scheduled Tribes population in the district lation. Among the towns, proportions of scheduled is only 37,580 persons forming 1.94% of the total castes popUlation varies from 3.31% in Veparala town population of the district. 48.44% of the total villages to 24.:34" in NagireddipaUe panchayat town. in the district have returned the proportion of Sche­ duled Tribe population less than 5" range, and The scheduled tribe population in urban areas of 41.63" of the total number of villages have no Sche­ the district according to 1981 Census is 3,346 persons duled Tribe population. Among the taluks, highest constituting 0.89% of the total urban population. The proportion of Scheduled Tribe ,population is returned proportions of sGheduled tribes population vary from in Kodur taluk accounting for 17.29% of the total 0.01% in Dommara Nandyal town to 2.51% in Puli­ Scheduled Tribe population in the district. vendla panchayat town.

( Table 7 PROPORTION OF SCHEDULED CASTES/SCHEDULED TRIBES POPULATION IN TOWNS Percentage of Sche- Percentagge of Name of town To'tal Total Scheduled Total Scheduled duled Caste Popula. Scheduled Tribe Population Caste Population Tribe Population tion to total Popula- Population to total lation Population ~------1 9 3 4 5 6 Badvel 11,460 1,011 20 8.82 0.17 -=- Cuddapah 103,125 7,086 929 6.87 0.90 Dommara Nandyal 7,149 290 1 4.06 0.01 Jammalamadu~u 26,580 1,304 150 4.91 0.56 Kamalapuram 9,873 1,498 104 15.17 1.05 Madhavaram 7,410 689 119 9.30 1.61 Nagireddipalle 8,570 2,086 130 24.34 1.52 Proddatuf 107,070 5,215 647 4.87 0.60 Pulivendla 21.104 1,806 530 8.56 2.51 Rajampet 19,927 1,608 434 8.07 2.18 Rayachoti 35.257 1,557 155 4.42 0.44 Veparala 5,194 172 3.31 ~ erraguntla 11,784 i,235 127 10.49 1.08

~~---~-- -~--~--- All Tawns 374,503 25,558 3,346 6,&2 0.8' " [42]

"The following Table 8 gives" the literacy rates by Table 9 (Cone/d.) population ranges of villages in the District. CUddapah District occupies 12th rank in literacy amongst LITERACY RATES FOR TOWNS the districts in Andhra Pradesh State. The propor­ Name of the Town Literacy rate tion of literates of this district constitutes 3.75% of the Madhavaram 35.61 total Andhra Pradesh literates. " Nagireddipalle 59.59 Proddatur 49.02 Highest literacy rate of 41.89% is found in villages . Pulivcndla 49.57 with 10,000+ population. Rajampet 48.63 Rayachoti 43.\)3 Table 8 Veparala 30.36 Yerraguntlcl 42.11 LITERACY RATES BY POPULATION RANGES" OF VILLAGES Ail Towns 48.84

Range of No. of villages Literacy Table 10 presents the proportions of literates, Population in each range rate workers, non-workers, scheduled caste/scheduled 2 3 tribe population to the total population, giving break-up by taluk (total/rural/urban) and by sex. 199 56 21.31 200 - 499 151 23.43 There is a highest concentration of scheduled castes 500 - 1,999 431 24.42 and scheduled tribes populatiou ill the rural areas 2,000 - 4,999 212 25.83 than in the urban areas. The district has ret'Jrned 5,000- 9,999 40 29.78 31.11 % of the total popUlation of the district as 10,000 - 6 41.89 + literates. Cuddapah taluk has returned 38.25% of Total 896 26.86 literates and this is the highest in the district. Prodda­ tur taluk has returned the largest number of workers The table 9 shows the literacy rates for the towns 96,994 in its rural areas accounting for ,13 .09 % of the in the district as per 1981 Census. total rural workers of the district and 52.91 % of the The literates' in all the 13 urban areas in the total rural population of the taluk. LakkireddipalIe district together constitute 182,897 persons forming taluk stands first among the taluks in the district in 48.84% of the urban population. Among"the towns, the proportion of workers to total population. the literacy rate varies from 30.34% in Dommara Sidhout taluk has returned 22.38% of scheduled caste Nandyal town to 59.59% in Nagireddipalle town. The populatiou while the least is in Jammalama­ district headquarters town Cuddapah, recorded dugu, taluk with 6.70%. In rural areas of the 54.24 %literacy rate. talu~s also these two taluks only stand on " Table 9 either sides of the scale occupying the first and last LITERACY RATES FOR TOWNS places among the taluks in the district. The percentage of scheduled caste population ill urban areas range Name of the Town Literacy rate between 12.96% to 3.31 % among the taluks. Kodur Badvel 42.93 taluk has recorded highest proportion of scheduled Cuddapah 54.24 tribe population with 4.06% while Kamalapuram Dommara Nandyal 30.34 tal uk ha'> the least proportion of scheduled tribe J ammalamad ugu 50.83 Kamalapuram 39.95 population with only 0.82%.

Table 10 [43]

Table 10


Total Total Population ------S.C. Popu- S.T. Popu- Literates to total Population Name of Taluk Rural ,------, lation to lation to ,------, Urban P M F total total P M F Population Population

(I) (2) (3) (~) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

JammaJamadugu T 96,459 48,832 47,627 6.70 0.91 35.60 50.29 20.55 R 62,730 31,794 30,936 7.76 1.15 1.9.75 44.27 14.83 U 33,729 17,038 16,691 4.73 0.45 46.49 61.52 31.14

2 Proddatllr T 290,379 148,070 142,309 9.11 1.12 34.57 47.65 20.96 R 183,309 93,203 90,106 11.58 1.41 26.13 39.12 12.69 U 107,070 54,867 52,203 4.87 0.60 49.02· 62.13 35.25

3 Badvel T 171 ,069 87,548 83,521 14.01 1.11 25.06 38.16 11.32 R 159,609 81,787 17,822 14.38 1.18 23.77 36.78 10.10 U 11,460 5,761 5,699 8.82 0.17 42.93 57.15 27.95

5 Cuddapah T 315,432 161,969 153,463 13.08 1.76 38.25 50.23 25.66 R 212,307 108,517 103,790 16.09 2.18 30.52 43.44 17.02 U 103,125 53,452 49,673 6.87 ·0.90 54.24 64.02 43.73

6 Kamalapuram T 112,190 57,12l 55,069 13.12 0.82 32.10 45.89 17.80 R 90,533 46,035 44,498 13.24 0.76 29.94 44.19 15.20 U 21,657 11,086 10,571 12.62 1.07 41.12 52.94 28.73

7 Muddanur T 75,348 38,684 36,664 11.36 2.25 28.32 42.18 13.70 R 70,154 36,073· 34,08l 1l.96 2.42 28.17 41.66 13.90 U 5,_194 2,611 2,583 3.3l 30.36 49.37 11.15

8 Pulivendla- T 17-1-,428 88,973 85,455 . 10.49 1.62 34.29 47.72 20.31 R 153,324 78,192 75,132 10.76 1.50 32.19 45.64 18.19 U 21,104 10,781 10,323 8.56 2.51 49.57 62.84 35.71

9 Lakkireddipalle T 109,252 55,937 53,315 10.44 3.13 22.69 34.41 10.39 R 109,252 55,937 53.315 10.44 3.13 22.69 34.41 10.39 U

10 Rayachoti T 200,624 102,925 97,699 11.18 2.95 27.21 39.96 13,78 R 165,367 84,644 80,12., 12.62 3.49 23.65 36.21 10.48 U 35,257 18,2Bl 16,976 4.42 0.44 43.93 57.35 29.47

It Rajampet T 116,170 58,788 57,382 18.26 2.42 33.41 45.61 20.• 92 R 87,673 44,392 43,281 19.98 2.57 27.40 39.15 15.34 U 28,497 14,396 14,101 12,96 1.98 5!.92 65.53 38.04

12 Kodur T 160,179 81,146 79,033 19.48 4.06 25.51 37.01 13.71 R 160,179 81,146 , 79,033 19.48 4.06 25.51 37.01 13.71 U Total T 1,933,304 986,705 946,599 1l.98 1.94 31.11 43.91 17.77 R 1,558,801 . 794,652 764,149 14.46 2.20 26.86 39.68 13.52 U 374,503 192,053 182,450 6.82 0.89 48.14 61.41 35.60 [44]

T.'1e 10 (Cone/d.)


P E R C E N T A G E 0 F

------,...... ------~------Main workers to Marginal workers Total worlcers to Non-workers to Total total population to total population total population total population Name of Taluk Rural ------Urban P M F P M F ,P M F ------P M F . (1) (2) (11) (12) (13) (14) (IS) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22)

1 Jammala- T 42.47 56.98 27.58 3.33 0.77 5.94 45.79 57.76 33.53 54.21 42.24 66.47 madulu R 45.20 58.42 31.62 4.10 1.03 7.25 49.30 59.45 38.87 50.70 40.55 61.13 U 37.37 54.30 20.10 1.89 0.29 3.52 39.27 54.59 23.62 60.73' 45.41 76.38

2 Proddatur T 43.84 57.21 29.93 2.91 0.63 5.28 46.75 57.84 35.22 53.25 42.15 64.78 R 49.30 58.94 39.33 3.61 0.80 6.51 52.91 59.75 45.84 47.09 40.25' 54.16 u 34.49 54.27 13.71 J.7I 0.33 3.16 36.21 54.60 16.88 63.79 45.40 83.12

3 Badve1 T 40.29 56.30 23.51 3.37 0.31 6.58 43.66 56.61 30.09 56.34 43.39 69.91 R 41.01 56.59 24.64 3.52 0.33 6.87 44.53 56.92 31.51 55.47 43.08 68.49 U 30.19 52.14 8.00 1.37 0.09 2.67 31.56 52.23 10.67 68.44 47.77 89.33

4 Sidhout T 38.43 57.96 18.31 4.04 0.28 7.91 42.47 58.23 26.22 57.53 41.77 73.78 R 38.78 57.9B 19.01 3.84 0.27, 7.51 42.61 58.25 26.52 57.39 41.75 73.48 U 33.47 57.59 8.35 6.91 0.40 13.69 40.38 57.99 22.04 59.62 42.01 77.96

5 Cuddapah T 38.37 54.47 21.37 1.83 0.44 3.30 40.20 54.91 24.67 59.80 45.09 75.33 R 43.03 57.21 28.21 2.47 0.51 4.53 45.51 57.72 32.74 54.49 42.28 67.26 U 28.75 48.91 7.07 0.52 0.30 0.75 29.27 49.21 7.82 70.73 50.79 92.18

(; KallJalapuram T 43.35 57.26 28.93 6.09 0.95 11.42 49.44 58.21 40.35 50.56 41.79 59.65 R 45.19 57.98 31.96 6.79 1.05 12.73 51.98 59.03 44.69 48.02 4.0.97 55.31 U 35.64 54.23 16.15 3.18 0.56 5.93 38.83 54.79 22.08 61.18 45.21 77.92

7 Muddanur T 44.53 58.69 29.60 4.91 0.61 9.44 49.44 59.29 39.04 50.56 40;71 60.96 R 43.94 58.32 28.72 5.24 0.65 10.10 49.18 511.97 38.82 50.82 41.03 '1.19 U 52.54 63.73 41.23 0.42 0.85 52.96 63.73 ,42.08 47.84 36.27 57.92

8 Polivendla T 41.82 57.82 25.17 2.44 0.26 4.71 44.26 58.08 29.87 55.74 41.92 70.13 R 43.44 58.91 27.35 2.74 0.28 5.29 46.18 59.19 32.64 53.82 40.81 67.36 U 30.03 49.93 9.25 0.27 0.09 0.46 30.31 50.02 9.72 69.69 49.98 90.28

9 LakkireddipalleT 44.90 59.12 29.98 6.19 0.80 11.85 51.09 59.93 41.83 48.91 40.07 58.17 R 44.90 59.12 29.98 6.19 0.80 11.85 51.09 59.93 41.83 43.91 40.07 58.17 U

10 llayac:hoti T 40.48 58.99 20.98 6.06 0.63 11.79 46.54 59.61 32.77 53.46 40.39 67.23 R 42.86 60.90 23.94 7.02 0.69 13.65 4g.88 61.59 37.60 50.12 38.41 62.40 U 29.32 50.12 6.92 1.57 0.33 2.92 30.89 50.45 9.S3 69.11 49.55 90.17

II a.;ampet T 37.92 56.28 19.11 3.13 0.70 5.62 41.05 56.98 24.73 58.95 43.0.2 75.27 R 40.65 58.45 22.40 3.70 0.77 6.71 44'35 59.22 29.10 55.65 40.78 70.90 U 29.52 49.59 9.03 1.38 0.49 2.30 30.91 50.08 11.33 69.09 49.92 88.67

. .II Kodur T 40.18 58.20 21.68 4.41 0.71 8.20 44.59 58.91 29.88 55.41 41.09 70.12 R 40.18 58.20 21.68 4.41 0.71 8.20 44.59 58.91 2g.88 55.41 41.09 70.12 U ..

At"1 T 41.12 57.15 24.42 3,73 0.56 7.03 44.15 57.71 31.45 55.15 41.29 61.55 R 43.26 58.41 17.50 4.211 0.6% 1.09 47.54 59.03 35.59 SUi 40.97 64.41 t'&-". ' U 3%.21 51.91 11.49 1.44 0.3% 1.62 33.66 51.24 14.10 66.l

Distribution of villages according to the availa­ market facilities are inadequate and only a meagre bility of different amenities by taluks is presented in proportion of villages have these facilities viz., 23.88" the following table. As seen from the table, education of villages have medical facility and only 2.23" of (95.42%) and drinking water facilities (99.89%) are villages have market facilities. available in all the villages, while amenities of P & T, approach by pucca road, power supply and communi­ cations are available in 73.44%, 68.30% and 68.08% The table clearly sets out the taluk-wise position and 53.79% of villages respectively •. Medical and of various am;enities.

Table 11


No~ (with percentage) of villages having one or more of the following amenities ------~------, SI. Name of Taluk No. of Post Approach No. inhabited Educa- Medical Drinking & Market Communi~ by Pucca Power villages tion water Telegraph cations Road Supply 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

1 Jammalamadugu 53 53 12 53 37 31 34 26 100.00 22.64 100.00 69.81 58.49 64.15 49.06 2 Proddatur 86 81 11 85 64· 42 44 75 94.19 12.79 98.84 74.42 1.16 48.84 51.16 .87.21 3 Badvel 118 115 32 118 70 48 71 61 97.46 27.12 100.00 59.32 40.68 60.17 51.69 4 Sidhout 77 72 23 77 44 49 56 54 93.51 29.87 100.00 57.14 63.64 72.73 70.13 5 Cuddapah 100 93 11 100 90 34 56 74 93.00 11.00 100.00 90.00 34.00 56.00 74.00 6 Kamalapuram 60 56 12 60 45 . 33 35 40 93.33 20.00· 100.00 75.00 55.00 58.33 66.67 7 Muddanur 69 66 8 69 50 22 33 34 95.65 11.59 100.00 72.46 31.88 47.83 49.28 8 PuliveDdla 90 88 33 90 11 3 60 88 82 97.78 36.67 100.00 78.89 3.33 66.67 97.78 91.11 9 Lakkireddipalle . 48 46 14 48 43 6 29 29 27 95.83 29.17 100.00 89.58 12 •.50 60.42 60.42 56.25 10 Rayachoti 61 61 38 61 58 9 48 51 48 100.00 62.30 100.00 95.08 14.75 78.69 83.61 78.69 11 Rajampct 62 61 9 62 40 1 45 60 33 98.39 14.52 100.00. 64.52 1.61 72.58 96.77 .53.23 .56 12 Kodur 72 63 11 72 46 41 55 87.50 15.28 100.00 63.89 56.94 76.39 77.78

Total 8'6 855 214 895 658 10 482 612 610 95.42 23.1' 99.89 73.4" 2.13 53.79 68.31 68.08

Table 12 gives the proportion of rural population facilities while about 6.30" of the population bas served by the different amenities and also provides access to market facility. More tban 75.6" of the rural this information taluk~wise. population have P & T, communication, approach by pucca road and power supply, while almost all the population has access to education and drinking water. 42.56" of rural population only has medical [46]

Table 12


,.-______Proportion of RuralJ... ______Population served by the amenity of --.....:,

Total population of Post Approach 51. Name of Talulc inhabited villages Education Medical Drinking &: Market Communi. by Pucca Power No. in the Taluk Water Telegraph cations Road Supply

(1 ) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (R) (9) (10)

I lammalamadugu 62,730 100.00 33.14 100.00 90.94 68.55 71.06 72.24 2 Proddatur 183,309 99.91 29.82. 99.94 93.59 3.59 62.42 70.40 96.82 3 Badvel 159,609 99.85 55.92 100.00 84.66 47.90 71.65 79.48 4 Sidhout 104,364 99.14 56.17 100.00 80.24 75.30 . 93.70 76.17 5 Cuddapab 212,307 99.50 23.29 100.00 98.72 48.71 75.98 85.75 6 Kamalapuram 90,533 98.44 34.27 100.00 91.55 70.9.6 72.84 80.64 7 Muddanur 70,154 99.70 28.84 100.00 88.53 47.01 66.81 71.70 8 Pulivendla 153,324 99.79 54.98 100.00 94.06 10.41 78.61 99.65 93.29 9 Lakltireddipalle 109,252 99.48 43.90 100.00 96.69 22.~8 74.48 74.48 69.40 10 Rayachoti 165,367 100.00 78.33 100.00 99.53 30.55 81.45 85.99 87.04 11 Rajampet 87,673 94.14 27.21 100.00 78.70 0.50 82.94 98.08 70.46 12 Kodur 160,179 99.30 44.84 100.00 88.66 81.57 89.22 85.51 Total 1,558,801 99.11 41.56 9'.99 91.58 6.30 75.60 81.20 83.14

Table 13 gives the distribution of villages not Table 14 illustrates the distribution of villages having certain amenities arranged by three distance according to the distance from the nearest town and ranges from the places where these are available. availability of different amenities. There is one village in this district which do not have drinking water' facility. Over one-fourth of the 10.04" of the villages have towns within the range villages (26.56~) hav~ no Post and Telegraph facility in of 0-5 kms. About 39.40~ of the villages have towns the village. Only 41 villages do not have education within a range of 6-15 kms., while the balance' have facility within the village, but these are available at nearest tow~ located within 16-50 kms. and 51 + different distance ranges. Large number of villages kms. formmg 50.45~ and 0.11" of the villages respectively. As given in other tables on amenities do not have market, medical, communication facilities within the village, but are available at diffe· medical and market facilities are far below the level~ attained by other amenities. rent distance ranges. Table 13 DISTRIBUTION OF VILLAGES-;NOT HAVING CERTAIN AMENITIES, ARRANGED BY DISTANCE RANGES FROM THE PLACES WHERE THESE ARE AVAILABLE

Villages not having Number of villages where the ame­ the amenity of nity is not available and available at

,.--______distance-L ______of -

-5 kms. 5-10 kms. 10+ kms. Total (Cols.2-4) .2 3 4 ·s 1. Education 38 1 2 41 2. Medical 378 220 84 682 3. . Drinking Water 1 1 4. P&T 225 10 3 238 5. Market 93 210 573 876 6. Communication 318 91 5 414 (Table 14 overleaf) [47J

Table 14



(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

0-5 90 83 17 90 69 49 63 73 92.22 18.89 100.00 76.67 54.4-1 70.00 81.11 6-15 353 336 73 353 261 4 182 226 237 95.18 20.68 100.00 73.94 1.13 51.56 64.02 67.14 16-50 452 435 123 451 327 16 250 322 300 96.24 27.21 99.78 72.35 3.54 55.31 71.24 66.37 51 + 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100·00 100.00

Tetal 896 855 214 895 658 20 482 612 610 95.42 23.88 99.89 73.44 2.23 53.79 68.30 68.08

Table 15 sets out th~ amenities available in the 5" of the villages are in the category of 5,000+. It villages by distributing the villages according to the is interesting to note that as. the population range population range. The population ranges of less than increases, the amenities available in the villages falling 500, 500-1,999, 2,OOO·4,999,and 5,000+are considered in these ranges are also on the increase. As has been and the villages are distributed in these ranges. About observed earlier, only the medical and market faciIi~ 48% of the villages are in the range of 500-1,999, ties are not adequate in the villages falling in the while the villages less than 500 and those in the range ranges other than 5,000+. of 2,000-4,999 form 23% and 24" respectively. Only

Table 15


Number (with percentage) of villages having the amenity of ------No. of inhabited Post Approach Population villages in Education Medical Drinking & Market Communi- by Pucca Power range each ranle Water Telegraph cation Road Supply

.~.-----~--- (1) (2) (3) (4). (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (~ -499 208 171 8 207 64 2 67 102 85 82.21 3.85 99.52 30.77 0.96 32.21 49.04 40.87 500-1,999 431 428 70 431 342 3 233 295 293 99.30 16.24 100.00 79.35 0.70 54.06 68.45 67.98 2,000-4,999 2it 210 99 211 ·207 7 143 171 IIl8 99.53 46.92 100.00 98.10 3.32 67.77 81.04 89.10 5,000 + 46 46 37 46 45 8 39 44 44 100.00 80.43 100.00 97.83 17.39 84.78 95.65 95.65 Total 196 855 214 895 658 20 481 612 610 95.42 23.81 99.89 73.44 2.23 53.79 68.30 68.08 [48J

The staple food in the majority of villages in Table 16-(Concld.) each taluk is given in the following table 16. (1) (2) (3) Rice. Ragi and ]owar are the three stapJe foods 9 Lakkireddipalle Rice, Ragi in the villages in this district. 10 Rayachoti Rice, Ragi 11 Rajampet Rice, Ragi 12 Kodur Rice, Ragi Table 16

MAIN STAPLE FOOD IN THE MAJORITY OF Table 17 presents the land usc pattern giving the VILLAGES IN EACH T ALUK proportion of cultivable acea to the total area and the irrigated area to the cultivable area. It is seen from SI.No. Name of Taluk Main Staple food the table that 38.94,. of the total area is accounted (I) (2) (3) for as cultivable area of the district. Of the total . cultivable area of 454,204-60 hectares 130,286.72 1 Jammalamadugu Rice, Ragi hectares forming 28.68% is only tenable. lammala­ 2 Proddatur Rice, Jowar madugu taluk has the largest percentage of cultivable 3 Badvel Rice, Ragi area of 61.97" while the irrigated area is only about 4 Sidhout Rice, Ragi 2.16,. of cultivable area. Sidhout taluk which has 5 Cuddapah Rice, Ragi 6 KamaJapuram Rice, Jowar the least proportion.of cultivable area of 19.84". has 7 Muddanur , Rice. Rasi the highest percentage (79.75) of irrigated area to I Pulivendla Jowar, Korra total cultivable area of the taluk.

Table 17


SI. No. of inhabited Total Percentage cultivable Percentage of irrigated area No. Name of Taluk villages area area to total area to total cultivablf' area

2 3 4 5 6

Jammalallladugu 53 64,283.73 61.97 2.16 2 Proddatur 86 97,002.19 54.94 36.33 3 Badvel 118 183,015.53 22.00 40.63 4 Sidhout 77 83,855.34 19.84 79.75 5 Cuddapah 100 118,622.59 28.36 52.98 6 Kamalapuram 60 77,048.79 57.24 12.38 7 Muddanur 69 78,839.05 31.38 23.56 8 Pulivendla 90 131,064.38 54.18 H.Ol 9 Lakkireddipalle 48 86.827.'4 43.57 15.02 10 Rayachoti 61 107,139.08 53.53 27 •.52 11 Rajampet 62 58.585.18 . 27.61 55.19 12 Kodur 72 80,090.20 24.12 67.90

Total 896 1,166,374.00 38.94 21.68

The table 18 reveals the dccadal growth rate, district in relation to the state for four decades from . density and sex-ratio of urban population in the 1951 to 1981 censuses. [49j

Table 18


D I S T R I C T A Decadal percentage Density Sex ratio (No. Census Total Urban ~UrbaD variation in urban (population of females per Year population population population population per sq. km.) 1,000 males) 2 3 4 5 6 7 1951 1,162,888 134,229 11.54 758 963 1961 1,342.015 177,113 B.20 31.95 1,000 954 1971 1.577.267 223,643 14.18 26.27 1,755 944 1981 ],933,304 374,503 19.37 67.46 2,000 950

Table 18 (Concld) GROWTH, DENSITY AND SEX-RATIO OF URBAN POPULATION IN THE DISTRICT IN RELATION TO THE STATE S TAT E Decapal percen tage Density Sex ratio (No. C(!nsu, Total Urban ""Urb;\I1 variation in urban (population of fem:lles per Year population population populati·on population per sq. km.) . 1,000 males) 8 9 10 12 11 13 ._-- 1951 31,115,259 5,420,325 17.42 1,3d 987 1901 35.983,447 6,274,508 17.44 15.76 J,676 951 1971 43,S02.708 8,402,527 19.31 33.92 2,360 949 1981 53.549,673 12,487.576 23.32 48.62 3, J57 948

The following table· indicates the towns added/ per capita receipt is recorded in Dommara Nandya1 declassified at the 1981 Census with their population. panchayat {Rs. 3.41). Receipts through taxes is .highest in Pulivend1a panchayat (RI. 14.54) while Five towns have been added to the list of 1971 this is lowest in Dommara Nandyal panchayat Census and there is no ca,e of declassification at til.: 1981 Census. (Rs. 1.82). From all other sourcei together, the highest per capita receipt is seen in Cuddapah Munici­ Table 19 pality (Rs. 92.48) while this is lowest in Dommara Nandya1 panchayat (Rso 1.59). NEW TOWNS/TOWNS DECLASSIFIED IN 1981.CENSUS

Name of Town Population 1981 Census Cuddapah Municipality stands first among the

2 urban areas of the district with its per capita expendi­ ture of Rs. 91.62 followed by Proddatur Municipality (a) Added (i) Dommara Nandyal 7,149 (Rs. 38.46) and Pulivendla panchayat (Rs. 34.88). (ii) Madhavaram 7,410 Dommara Nandyal town ranks last in per capita (Iii) Nagireddipalle 8.570 expenditure (Rs. 3.7 I). The per 'capita expenditure (iv) Veparala 5.194 of Rs. 25.86 on public health and conveniences in (v) Yerraguntla 11,784 Cuddapah is the highest among the towns while (b) Declassified Dommara Nandyal has the minimum of Rs. 0 53. Nil The highest per capita expenditure of Rs. 19.38 on public institutions lIke schools and libraries. is Table 20 deals with the finances indicating the recorded by Cuddapah Municipality. No expendi­ receipt and expenditure in towns in the district as on ture is incurred by Badvel, Kamalapuram, Madhava­ 1919. ram, Nagireddipalle, Proddatur, Pulivendla, Rajampet, Rayachoti and Yerraguntla towns for this purpose. Of the thirteeu urban areas in the district, the . ., highest per capita receipt ii noticed in Cuddapah Municipality (Rs. 106.30) followed by Proddatur All the civic bodies are running on sound lines Municipality (Rs~ 50.30) and Pulivendla panchayat with surplus budget except Dommara Nandyal town town (Rs. 42.93) takes the third ran};:. The lowest which is fUDctioning with deficit budget. [50\


PER CAP I T A ------~------RECEIPT EXPENDITURE r------'------"""' r------'------"""' Receipt Expen4iture Recei,:H from all Total General on public Expenditure Class, name and civic Total through other expendi. adminis- he,i11h and Public on public Other status of the Town receipts taxes sources ture tration conveniences works institutions aspectS (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) ___(_6) _____ (7.::....) ___(8_)~. __(9_> _ ~ IV Badvel (P) 17.49 7.28 10.21 14.33 2.89 3.83 0.84 6.77 I Cuddapah (M) 106.30 13.82 92.48 91.62 2.44 25.86 13.44 19.38 30.50 V Dommara NaodyaJ (P) 3.41 1.82 1.59 3.61 1.61 0.53 0.09 0.11 1.27 III Jammalamadugu(P) 28.32 11.17 16.45 18.84 5.89 1.05 3.71 0.27 7.92 V Kamalapuram (P) 18.24 4.05 14.19 11.10 8.01 0.65 0.75 1.69 V Madhavaram (P) 6.46 2.71 3.75 5.52 1.38 0.70 0.27 3.17 V Nagireddipalle (P) 12.17 6.37 5.80 8.52 2.11 2.73 0.53 3.15 ) Proddatur (M) 50.30 9.33 40.97 38.46 2.79 8.80 5,51 21.36 III Pulivendla (P) 42.93 14.54 28.39 34.88 ) .95 3.76 12.82 16.35 IV Rajampet (P) 27.60 '12.55 15.05 17.56 3.26 4.26 10.04 III Rayachoti (P) 13.19 3.61 9.58 8.79 2.42 2.81 0.29 3.27 V Veparala (P) 6.43 4.45 1.98 6.10 2.25 0.67 2.60 . 0.19 .0.39 IV Ycrraguntla (P) 15.88 3.02 12.86 11.01 1.75 1.59 2.59 5.08 Total 51.87 9.87 43.00 41.13 1.89 1=-=-0--=.7:::-0---=7:-:.00:-::----5.-3-'--:16.88 ------~------The following table provides the data relating to conducted by the concerned Examination Boards the availability of educational facilities in different periodically. categories per 10,000 population. It may perhaps be mentioned here that data presented refers generally to There are 142 primary sch~l)ls. 43 upper primary the institutions that have been recognised by the State schools, 31 high schools and 10 junior colleges in all Government and are authorised to teach the students the urban areas of the district. for appearing the different grades of examination

Table 21


Number per ten thousand population Higher Secondary I Class, name and civic Inter IPUC/Junior Secondary I Junior Secondary/ -- status of Town Collele Matriculation Middle Primary 1 2 3 4 5 IV Badvel (P) 0.87 1.75 1.75 7.85 I Cuddapab (M) 0.19 0.58 0.68 3.39 V Dommara Nandyal (P) 1.40 5.60 5.60 III Jammalamadugu (P) 0.38 0.75 0.75 5.64 V Kamalapuram (P) 1.01 2.03 2.03 9.12 V Madhavaram (P) 1.35 1.35 1.35 5.40 V Na&ireddipalle (P) 1.17 1.17 5.83 ·1 Proddatur (M) 0.09 0.47 0.37 2.52 III Pulivendla (P) 0.47 0.95 1.~ 4.26 IV Rajampet (P) 0.50 1.00 1.51 . 3.51 III Rayachoti (P) 0.28 1.42 3.12 3.12 V Veparahl (P) 1.93 1.93 5.78 IV Yerraguntla (P) O.SS 0.85 3.39 Total 0.27 0.83 1.15 3.79 [511

From table 22 it can be seen that the number Table 23 which provides information on of beds available in urban areas of this district is proportion of slum population to total population in very low being 2.65 beds per every 1,000 popUlation. towns is limited to Class I and II towns as the magni­ Nearly 65" of the total bed strength in the urban tude of slum problem is greater in these categories ar~as of the district is concentrated in Cuddapah and of towns. Cuddapah and Proddatur are the Class I Jammalamadugu towns. The bed~population ratio towns and there is no Class II town in this district. is highest in Jammalamadugu town where there are 10.99 beds per 1,000 population. Cuddapah and Pulivendla towns have recorded the bed-population Table 23 ratio more than the district average. All other towns have this ratio less than the district index. PROPORTiON OF SLUMS POPULATION IN TOWNS

Table 22 Proportion of slums NUMBER OF BEDS IN MEDICAL INSTITUTIONS Class, name and Population to total IN TOWNS civic status population of Density in slums of the town the town (per sq. km.) No. of beds in medical Class, name and civic status institutions per 1,000 I Cuddapah (M) 3.34 1,374 of the town Population I Proddatur (M) 0,65 35.000 (I) (2) Total 1.97 1.640 ._ ------~---- IV Badvel (P) . 2.62 I Cuddapah (M) 3.41 Table 24 gives the details of most important V Dommara N:lndyal (P) III Jammalamadugu (P) 10.99 items manufactured, exported and imported in all the V Kamalapuram (P) 1.62 towns of the district. This table is self explanatory. V Madhavaram (P) 0.81 V Nagireddipalle (P) 2.10 I Proddatur (M) 0.92 III Pulivendla (P) 5.69 IV Rajampet (P) 1.61 III Rayachoti (P) 0.85 V Veparala (P) IV Yerraguntla (P) Total 2.65

Table 24


~,.------~------~ Most important commodity J r------, Class, name and civic status of the Town Manufactured Exported Imported ---_ 1 2 3 4

IV Badvel (P) Rice Dry chillies Fertilizers I Cuddapah (M) Groundnut oil RlIytes Redgrams V Dommara Nandyal (P) Handloom Sarees Handloom sarees Yarn III Jammalamadugu (P) Handloom Cloth Handloom cloth Yarn V Kamalapuram (P) Beedies Beedies Beedi leaves V Madhavaram (P) Handloom cloth Handloom cloth Yarn V Nagireddipalle (P) Lime Mangoes Dalls I Proddatur (M) Handloom cloth Handloom cloth Textiles 111 Pulivendla (P) Asbestos Asbestos Rice IV Rajampet (P) Potteries Onions Fertilizers III Rayachoti (P) Groundnut oil Groundnut Tabacco V Veparala (P) Dhoties Dhoties Cotton IV Yerragyntla (P) Groundtlut oil Groundnut oil Cement [52}

Physically Handicapped PerioDs : totally crippled. Loss of only one arm and/or'one leg will not classify a person as totally crippled. The Collection of data on physically handicapped loss here refers to the inability to use and Dot neces­ persons is a special feature of 1981 Census. Last sarily physical absence. Thus, a paralytic who has time this information was collected in the 1931 lost the use of both the legs or botb the arms. will be Census. After independence, the data for the physi­ cally handicapped persons in our country were collec­ totally crippled, though the legs or arms as such are still physically present." ' ted again for the first time along with the houselisting operations held in May, 1980 and as such, the physi­ In case when a person unfortunately suffered from cally handicapped persons who were avaHable in the more than one of the disabilities mentioned above, census houses were alone covered in the survey. The the person was recorded by the greater disability,. bouselesss do not, therefore, find a place in this For example, if a person was both blind and dumb survey. The physically handicapped persons covered or blind and crippled, etc., blindness Wls noted for are of three types of disabilities totally blind, totally him as blindness is c>lnsidered as greater disability crippled and totally dumb. The definition adopted than either dumbness or being crippled. Similarly, for physically handicapped is as follows: being crippled was considered a greater disability than being dumb. In an extreme case where a person "The term of totally crippled refers to such per­ suffered from aU the disabilities he was taken under sons who have lost their arms or lilt\bs. The loss of blind since tbis is certainly the most unfortunate arml or legs or all the fJur limbs r~fers to losl of disability. both the arms or loss of botb legs. It is not neces­ sary that the disabled should have lost b.:>th arms and A statement showing the distribution of physi­ legs. The loss of either of these i. e., both arms or cally handicapped perlons by taluks in' Cuddapab ·both legs would be sufficient for classification as diltrict is given below;


Total Sl. District /Taluk/Town Rural Houselist Totally Totally TotallY NO:-- Urban population Blind Crippled Dumb ~ (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

Cl1DDAPAH DISTRICT T 1.8'8,956 1,549 1,115 1.351 R 1,532,411 1,417 1,053 1.237 U 366,545 132 132 114

Jammalamadugu T 96,765 83 74 97 R 66.045 58 48 82 U 30.720 25 26 15 a) Jammalamadul~ (P) U 23,639 13 17 7 b) . Dommara Nandyal (P) U 7;081 12 9 8

l Proddatur T 282,543 157 165 148 R J 77,362 132 1<40 129 U 10S,181 25 25 19 Proddatur (M) U 105,181 25 25 19

1 Sadvel T 166.866 121 114 97 R 154,949 119 113 95 U . 11,917 2 1 2 Badvel (P) U 11,917 2 2

Sidhout T 109,344 104 81 86 " R 101,782 101 78 85 U 7.562 3 3 Madhll.varam (p) U 7,562 3 3 [53J


------~-~--.------Total SI. District /Taluk/Town Rural Houselist Totally Totally Totally No. Urban population Blind Crippled Dumb (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) -

5 Cuddapah T 292.776 216 113 129 R 193,851 200 92 108 U 98,925 16 21 21 Cuddapah (M) U 98,925 16 21 21

6 Kamalapuram T 110,746 90 74 77 R 90,.:24 75 62 67 U 20,522 15 12 10 a) Kamalapuram (P) U 9,410 S G 5 b) Yerraguntla (P) U 11,112 7 6 5

7 Muddanur T 75,858 57 31 74 R 70,1.97 54 30 67 U 5,561 3 1 7 Vepara\a (P) U 5.56\ 3 1 7

8 Pulivendla T 179.060 108 104 107 R 157,423 93 92 100 U 21,637 15 12 7 Pulivendla (P) U 21.637 15 12 7

9 Lakkireddipalle T 109,262 134 94 116 R 109,262 134 94 116 U

10 Rayachoti T 201,473 179 132 169 R 166,308 163 114 148 U 35.165 16 18 21 Rayachoti (P) U 35.165 16 18 21

11 Rajampet T 116,662 103 75 9. R 87,307 91 62 87 U 29,355 12 13 11 a) Rajampet (P) U 20,567 7 5 7 b) Nagireddipalle (P) U 8,788 5 8 4

\2 Kodur T 157,601 197 128 153 R 157,601 197 128 153 U

Physically handicapped form 0.22% of the total physically handicapped in the district 37.92~ are population in the district, comprising 0.24" of rural totally blind, 29.01" are totally crippled and 33.07" and 0.10" of urban population. Out of the total are totally dumb. The survey revealed that Kodur 4,085 persons recorded as physically handicapped, taluk has recorded the highest number of physicaily i. e., totally blind, totally crippled and totally dumb handicapped persons accounting for 478' persons, the' in the district, as many as 3,707 persons forming lowest being Muddanur taluk with 162 persons. 90.75~ are from rural areas only. Among the, total



SECTION I - Village Directory SECTION II - Town Directory SECTION III - Primary Census Abstract



Village Directory which provides village-wise TW Tube Well information about the amenities and land use pattern HP Hand Pump in the villages, consists of 20 columns. The data so R River collected from the Tahsildars and other officials F Fountain concerned were scrutinised and presented under C Canal certain columns in codes. Such codes will frequently L Lake be seen against column numbers 5 to 8, 10, (I, 13, 16 S Spring and 20. The following codes have been used against N Nallah the facilities available in the village. o Others NA Information not available Educational: (Column No.5) PQ§t and Telegraph: (Column NQ 8) Primary or Elementary School P PO Post Office (U pto Class IV) TO Telegraph Office Middle School or Junior Secondary M PTO Post and Telegraph Office (Class V to VIII) Phone Telephone Connection H Matriculation or Secondary School (Class IX and X) Communications: (Column No. 10) ]C Higher Secondary /P U C jIntermediate/ BS Bus Stop Junior College RS Railway Station College C NW Navigable Waterway I Industrial School Tr Training School Approach to village: (Column No. 11) AC Adult literacy class/Centre PR Pucca Road which o Other educational institutions KR Kaccha Road Basic include Sansknt Pathasala, Senior NR Navigable River School NC Navigable Canal NW Navigable Waterway Medical: (Column No.6) FP Foot Path H Hospital MeW Maternity and Child Welfare Centre or Pewer Supply: (Column No 13) Maternity and Child Health Centre ED Electricity for domestic purpose MH Maternity Home EAG Electricity for Agriculture CWC Child Welfare Centre EO Electricity for other purposes like indus­ HC Health Centre trial, Commercial etc. PHC Primary Health Centre EA Electricity for all purposes listed above PHS Primary Health Sub-Centre D Dispensary Irrigated by source: (Column No. 16) FPC Family Planning Centre GC Government Canal TB T. B. Clinic PC Private Canal NH Nursing Home W Well (without Electricity) RP Registered Private Practitioner WE Well (with Electricity) SMP Subsidised Medical Practitioner TW Tube Well (without Electricity) CHW Community Health Worker TWE Tube Well (with Electricity) o Others TK Tank R River Drinking Water: (CQlumn No 7) L Lake T Tap WF Water Fall W Well o Others TK Tank T Total 2

Remarb. etc. : (CeJuDlD Ne. 20) the village has two primary schools, two dispensaries, N Copies of the News Papers extent of total irrigated land in the village is 35.21 (Coming in the village) Hectares and extent of land irrigated by water from M Motor Cycles/Scooters tanks is 35.21 Hectares. C Cars/Jeeps T Tractors Where a facility is not available in the village. the distance at which the facility available is shown As an example an entry showing figures like P(2), in broad ranges viz. -5 kms; 5-10 kms. and 10+ kms. or D(2), or T(35.21). TK(35.21) would indicate that of the nearest place. JAMMALAMADUGU TALUK

• ~.-- . rI

~ w :;) ", I _, ':l . '" ;; ~ ~ l- : ill .... ! . .0 t, :r: u I '0 c Vl I.• 0 8, ~ u ~ 0:: u ~ ~ w :;) 0 I- ~. 0 (.!) 0 0 <{ lfl 0 ! i Vi e -0 a::: ::l ~ II~ 0 .~ 0 u 0 c Q. C ~ , ... oj .3 . " ~i ;; T . 0- <{ « :r: 1 ~ or. "''' Nt :_ F. -. , "" ~ ~ 'i w c:: l- ~ . ~ ~ ii E :r: 0... ~ c 0 ~ 'i . ~ 0 _,« " " " u J- 0 :z: G I ~8>. :2: ~ .. w • 0 x "- !!: i i~l © I~ll • .. ;;;~+ ...,« I LJ III •• ".. ..



CI) c ~ $! c ~ '"" " 0 "E > 0 c o "0 c ~ 0 £ 0 c; E c E 0 u. \" ~ I:' ! i 1! ] .... ~ "v ;;; 'ii ~ c g ~ :;: . <:> 0 0 cr z U U" ~I _; _; ~ w0 ,', -g 1< £ .~

z o 0 u c..'-'"' '-8- ', ) :> ...... -; ~ M-~~m'0.~" ~ j '":>: w !\_,,,,,,,,,,.:y'" '"z <{ :r u



1981 Name of 1981 Name of 1981 Name of Location village Location village Location village Code No. Code No. Code No.

(1) (2) (1 ) (2) (I) (2)

24 Ayyavari Kambaladinne 12 Garisalur 59 Nakkavaripalle J2 Gollala Uppalapadu 37 Nawabpeta 13 Balapana Gudur 31 Gollapalle II Nemalladinne 26 Bestavemula 16 Gopalapuram 41 Nemalladinne Kottalapalle 27 Bestavemula Venkatapuram 49 Goriganur 22 Bheemagundam 21 Gundlakunta 15 Palur 23 Bhootamapuram 3 Papayapalle 51 J ammalamadugu 18 Bodithippanapadu 6 Pedda Mudiam 8 Jangalapalle B. Venkatapuram 44 Pedda Pasupula 17 Jangaiapalle Kottapalle 9 55 Pon nampalle 42 Jeereddi KOlhapalle 19 Chidipiralladione 45 Poorvapusugumanchipalle Chinna Komerla 38 25 Kallutla 57 Ramachandrayapalle 14 Chmna Mudiam 50 Kannelur Chinna Pasupula 40 33 Kona Anantapuram Chinnavenuthurl<. Salevari Uppalapadu 28 1 Kondasunkesula 39 7 Suddapalle 47 Danavalapadu 34 Madhavapuram 46 Devagudi 56 Malameedi Kambaladinne 35 Talamanchipatnam 29 Dhannavada 20 Medidinne 54 Thorrivemula 48 Dharmapuram 52 Moragudi 58 Dhodiam 60 Murapandi 43 Ulavapalle 2 Diguvakalvatala 10 Uppalur 53 Dommara Nandyal 5 Nagaraj upalle 36 Dugganapalle 4 Nagireddipalle 30 Vaddirala

3 4



Total number of Amenities available (if not available within the village, the distance Loca- Total area Households and in broad ranges viz., - 5 Kms., 5 - 10 Kms. and 10 + Kms. of the tion Name of village of the population nearest place where the facility available ig given) Code village (in, ___..A.. ___ ,,____ -.:. ______--..A.. ______. __ - __, NO. hectares) House- Popula- Educational Medical Drinking Post and Day or Communica- holds tion water Telegraph days of tions (Bus- (Potable) the stop, Railway market, station, if any water way) (I) (2) (3) (4A) (4B) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

Kondasunkesula 2,464.12 333 J,753 P,M,H 10+ W PO 10+ BS

2 Diguvakalvatala 1,960.29 214 1,230 P 10+ W PO 10+ BS

3 PapayapaUe 398.61 1'15 860 P,AC(2) 10+ W PO 5-10 BS

4 Nagireddipalle 563.32 Uninhabited 5 Nagaraj upalle 620.38 76 409 P,AC -5 W,R PO 10+ -s

6 Pedda Mudiam 1,998.33 468 2,319 P,M,H, D R PO,TO 10+ 5-10 AC(3) 7 Suddapalle 1,010.09 412 2,227 P,AC(3) 5-10 W PO 5-10 10+

8 hngllapalle 1,592.43 554 3,023 P,M,H, -5 W,R PO 10+ 5-10 AC(3) 9 Jangalapalle 416.42 263 1,248 P 5-10 W PO 10+ -5 Kottapalle 10 Uppalur 585.98 52 286 P.AC 5-10 W PO 10+ -5

11 Nemalladinne 987.84 271 1,325 P,AC(2) 5-10 W,TK,R PO 10+ BS

12 Garisalur 437.87 57 296 P 5-10 W,R ·5 10+ -5

13 Balapana Gudur 536.61 62 342 P,AC(2) 5-10 W,R PO 10+ -5

14 Chinna Mudiam 966.79 107 614 P,AC 5-10 R -5 10+ -5

15 Palur 1,449.18 405 1,904 P,AC(4) -5 R PO,TO,PTO 10+ BS

16 Gopalapuram 97.53 Uninhabited 17 B. Venkatapuram 383.24 Uninhabited 18 Bodithippanapadu 241.19 258 1,252 P(2), AC(2) -5 W PO 10+ BS

19 Chidipiralladinne 353.29 74 401 P,AC -5 R PO 10+ -5

20 Medidinne 603.79 81 486 P,AC -5 W -5 10+ -5

21 Gundlakunta 1,845.77 275 1,488 P,M,H, D W PO,TO 10+ BS AC(2) 22 Bheemagundam 789.54 237 1,176 P(2), M -s W PO ]0+ -5

23 Bhootamapuram 874.12 96 . 457 P D W.HP -5 ]0+ -5

24 Ayyavari 679.87 74 395 P -5 W -5 10+ 5-10 Kambaladinne 5



Land use (i. e., area under different types of land use Remarks in hectares rounded upto 2 decimal places) including c------...A------, any place of Loca- Approach Nearest town Power Staple Forest Irrig~lted Unirri- Culturable Area not religious, tion to village and distance supply food by source gated waste available historical or Code (in Kms.) for culti- archaeological No. vation interest

(11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (1)

PR Dornmara Nandyal 25 EA Rice T (13.35) 1,211.63 1,030.73 208.41 NA:CI:T2 Korra W (13.35) PR Dommara Nandyal 24 Rice 1,054.20 192.23 713.86 NA:T2 2 Korra PR Dommara Nandyal 24 Rice 357.33 13.76 27.52 NA 3 Korra Uninhabited 4 KR Jammalamadugu 23 ED Rice 270.73 135.98 213.67 5 Korra KR Jammalamadugu 24 ED Rice T (10.93) 1,750.26 2.02 235.12 NA:T2 6 Korra W (10.93) KR Allagadda 8 ED Rice T (13.35) 656.40 92.27 207.60 T4 7 Ragi W (13.35) KR Allagadda II ED Rice T(29.14) 1,445.53 24.28 93.48 NA: Sri Jangam 8 Ragi W (29.14) Mutt KR Allagadda 13 ED Rice 390.52 25.90 9 Ragi KR Allagadda 15 Rice T (15.78) 477.12 65.16 27.92 Tl ]0 Ragi W (15.78) PR Jammalamadugu i9 ED Rice 794.80 0.81 192.23 NA:Tl 11 Ragi KR Jammalamadugu 18 Rice 414.80 13.36 9.71 12 Ragi KR Allagadda 16 Rice 410.75 63.94 61.92 13 Ragi KR Jammalamadugu 18 Rice 900.42 5.67 60.70 NA 14 Ragi PR Jammalamadugu 18 EA Rice 1,229.84 138.00 81.34 NA:T2 15 Ragi Uninhabited 16 Uninhabited 17 PR Jammalamadugu 16 f ED Rice T (16.19) 214.48 8.90 Tl 18 Ragi W (16.19) KR Jammalamadugu 14 Rice 297.85 36.83 18.61 19 Ragi Ric~ T (0.81) KR Jammalamadugu 12 ED 499.79 78.91 24.28 20 Korra W (0.81) Rice PR Jammalamadugu 11 EA 1,124.21 28.33 693-23 CI:T2 21 Korra PR Jammalamadugu 13 EA Rice T (4.45) 740.57 44.52 Tl 22 Ragi W (4.45) KR Dommara Nandyal 13 EA Rice 4-13.94 T (44.51) 150.95 234.72 23 Ragi W (44.51) KR Dommara Nandyal 15 Rite 205.58 410.76 63.53 T1 24 Ragi 6



Total number of Amenities available (if not available within the village, the distance Loca- Total area Households and in broad ranges viz., - 5 Kms., 5 - 10 Kms. and 10 + Kms. of the tion Name of village of the population nearest place where the facility available ig given) Code village (in ,- ---..A.-__ , r------..A..______--____- __, No. hectares) House- Popula- Educational Medical Drinking Post and Day or Communica- holds tion water Telegraph days of tions (Bus- (Potable) the stop, Railway market, station, if any water way) (I) (2) (3) (4A) (4B) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

25 Kallutla 1,309.15 192 983 P(2) 5-10 W PO 10+ BS

26 Bestavemula 1,162.25 150 805 P(2) 5-10 W PO 10+ BS

27 Bestavemula 312.01 Uninhabited Venkatapuram 28 Chinnavenuthurla 1,473.46 115 581 P 5-10 W PO 10+ BS

29 Dhannavada 788.73 135 651 P -5 W,HP -5 10+ BS

30 Vaddirala 1,034.78 166 812 P,M,R PRC W,RP PO 10+ BS

31 Gollapalle 840.13 88 466 P -5 W -5 10+ BS

32 Gollala Uppalapadu 630.50 26 177 P -5 W -5 10+ BS

33 Kona Anantapuram 570.61 26 144 P -5 W,R -5 ,10+ -5

34 Madhavapuram 847.41 66 351 P 5-10 W -5 10+ BS

35 Talamanchipatnam 1,789.92 146 736 P(2), M 5 10 W PO 10+ BS

36 Dugganapalle 171.59 24 110 P 5-10 W -5 10+ BS

37 Nawabpeta 469.84 194 979 P -5 W,TK PO 10+ BS

38 Chinna Komerla 3,113.64 589 3,077 P(4), M,H 0 W,HP PO,TO 10+ BS BS 39 Salevari Uppala- 2,140.38 415 2,061 pel) D W PO,TO 5-10 padu 40 Chinna Pasupula 766.07 150 754 P, AC(2) -5 W PO 10+ -5

41 NemalJadinne 1,158.61 241 1,241 P D W PO 10+ . BS Kottalapalle 42 Jeereddi Kotha- 717.10 234 1,209 P 5-10 W PO . 10+ BS palle ·43 Ulavapalle 746.64 110 602 . P, AC(2) -5 W.TK -5 10+ BS

44 Pedda Pasupula 5,163.78 952 4,778 P(3). M,H D W PO,TO 10+ BS AC(5) 45 Poorvapu- 811.39 128 675 P -s W,R -5 5-JO BS sugumanchipalle 7


Land use (i. e., area under different types of land use Remarks in hectares rounded upto 2 decimal places) including r------.A.------, any place of Loca- Approach Nearest town Power Staple Forest Irrigated Unirri- Culturable Area not religious, tion to village and distance supply food by source gated waste available historical or Code (in Kms.) for culti- archaeological No. vation interest

(11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (1)

PR Dommara Nandyal 17, Rice r (38.85) 492.50 556.84 220.96 25 Ragi TK (38.85) PR Dommara Nandyal 18 Rice T (55.44) 611.48 4.85 490.48 26 Ragi TK (36.83) W (18.61) Uninhabited 27

PR Dommara Nandyal 22 Rice T (27.11) 770.93 622.81 52.61 28 Korra TK (27.11) PR Veparala 21 Rice T (4.05) 397.40 256.97 130.31 29 Ragi W (4.05) PR Veparala 19 Rice T (2.83) 575.46 20.24 436.25 30 Ragi W (2.83) PR Dommara Nandyal 17 Rice T (15.38) 396.59 97.13 331.03 31 Ragi W (15.38) PR Dommara Nandyal16 Rice 273.97 36.83 319.70 32 Ragi PR Veparala 13 Rice 66.77 174.02 329.82 33 Ragi PR Dommara Nandyal 14 Rice 594.08 86.20 167.13 34 Ragi PR Dommara Nandyal12 Rice T (125.45) 477.93 208.41 978.13 MI 35 Ragi W (125.45) PR Dommara Nandyall0 Rice T (44.52) 118.98 8.09 36 Ragi W (30.76) TK (13.76) PR Dommara Nandyal 11 Rice 442.32 8.50 19.02 37 Ragi PR Dommara NandyaJ 6 EA Rice 2,509.85 404.68 199.11 Tl 38 Ragi PR Jammalamadugu 7 EA Rice T (4.45) 1,910.11 176.85 48.97 39 Ragi W (4.45) KR Jammalamadugu 10 EA Rice T (4.86) 576.27 121.00 63.94 Ml:T2 40 Korra W (4.86) PR Jammalamadugu 15 ED Rice 1,080.91 77.70 T2 41 Ragi PR Jammalamadugu 14 ED Rice 703.34 13.76 T2 42 Ragi PR Jammalamadugu 12 EA Rice 712.25 3.23 31.16 T2: Temple of 43 Korra Lord Sri Rama PR Jammalamadugu 8 EA Rice 4,961.03 0.41 202.34 NA:T5 44 Korra PR Jammalamadugu 12 ED Rice T (4.05) 299.06 508.28 NA 45 Korra W (4.05) 8



Total number of Amenities available (if not available within the Village, the distance Loca- Total area Households and in broad ranges viz., - 5 Kms., 5 - 10 Kms. and 10 + Kms. of the tion Name of village of the population nearest place where the facility available is given) Code village (in ,..---..A.. ___ , r------..A..------1 No, hectares) House- Popula- Educational Medical Drinking Post and Day or Communica- holds tion water Telegraph days of tions (Bus- (Potable) the stoP. Railway market, station, if any waterway) (1) (2) (3) (4A) (4B) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

46 Devagudi 1,216.89 417 2,158 P(3),M,H, RP,D R,W PO,TO 10+ BS AC(3) 47 Danavalapadu 811.80 124 601 P(2), AC -5 R,W PO 5-10 BS

48 Dharmapuram 650.73 97 545 P, AC(3) -5 R,W -5 5-10 BS

49 Goriganur 1,122.19 297 1,545 p, AC(4) 5-10 R,W PO 5-10 BS

50 Kannelur 1,103.32 Urban Area (Included in Jammalamadugu Town) 51 J ammalamadugu 2,482.00 Urban Area (Jammalamadugu Town) 52 Moragudi 464.17 1,129 5,485 P(2),AC(6) -5 W PO 10+ BS

53 Dommara 1,269.00 Urban Area (Dommara Nandyal Town) Nandyala 54 Thorrivemula 1,539.42 427 2,114 P(3) -5 W PO 10+ -5

55 Ponnampalle 1,295.80 190 1,061 P -5 W PO 10+ 5-10

56 Malameedi 3,221.29 222 1,241 P(3) -5 W PO 10+ 5-10 Kambaladinne

57 Ramachandraya- 1,071.20 172 867 P(2) D W PO 10+ -5 paUe

58 Dhodiam 4,181.20 269 1,321 P(2),O 0 W PO 10+ BS

59 Nakkavari PaIle 205.98 35 207 P D W -5 10+ -5

60 Murapandi 2,026.66 156 902 P (2) -5 W 5-10 10+ 5-10 9


Land use (i. e., area under different types of land use Remarks in hectares rounded upto 2 decimal places) including ,------_____ ..A._____ ------, any place of Loca­ Approach Nearest town Power Staple Forest Irriagted Unirri- Culturable Area not religious, tion to village and distance suppiy food by source gated waste available historical or Code (in kms.) for culti archaeological No. vation interest

(ll) (12) (13) (14) (15) (i 6) (17) ( 18) (19) (20) (I)

PR Jammalamadugu 10 ED Rice 1,098.72 118.17 NA:T1 46 Korra PR Jammalamadugu 10 Rice T (1.21) 742.60 5.67 62.32 47 Korra W (1.21) PR Jammalamadugu 7 ED Rice 2.43 535.80 22.66 89.84 48 Korra PR Jammalamadugu 5 EA Rice 8.90 T (11.33) 895.97 82.96 123.03 NA:M2:T5, Temple 49 Korra W (11.33) of Chowdeswar Urban Area (Included in Jammalamadugu Town) 50 Urban Area (Jammalamadugu Town) 51 PR Dommara Nandyal 2 ED Rice 0.81 T (1.62) 417.23 3.23 41.28 NA:M2:Tl 52 Korra W (1.62) Urban Area (Dommara Nandyal Town) 53

PR Dommara Nandyal 5 EA Rice 807.35 133.54 598.53 NA:T2 54 Ragi KR Veparala 10 Rice T (61.11) 291.37 312.82 630.50 55 Ragi TK (61.11) Rice KR Veparala 12 T (72.03) 485.62 258.60 2,405.04 56 Korra TK (40.06) W (31.97) Rice T (101.17) KR Veparala 13 187.37 30.76 751.90 57 Korra TK (60.70) W (40.47) Rice 2,005.21 T (90.65) PR Veparala 17 455.27 359.77 1,270.30 58 Ragi 0(90.65) Rice T (23.88) KR Veparala 19 80.94 17.80 83.36 59 Ragi W (23.88) Rice 1,118.55 T (23.47) KR Veparala 21 404.68 44.11 435.85 60 Ragi TK (23.47)

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• .;1 '0 ... ~------~- ·;!I~_____ ---.--- ALPHABETICAL LIST OF VILLAGES


1981 Name of 1981 Name of 1981 Name of Location village Location village Location village Code No. Code No. Code No.

(1) (2) (1) (2) (I) (2)

81 AlladupaUe 15 Jillella 27 Pedda Jonnavaram 86 Anantapuram 43 Pedda Settipalle 79 Annalur 89 Kalluru 62 Pitchapadu 54 Annapusasthrulapalle 40 Kamanur 22 Pottipadu 19 Arakatavemula 8 Kanagudur 48 Proddatur 31 Audireddipalle 85 Katchupapa 74 Kethavaram 18 Rajupalem 38 Ballakkivaripalle 23 Korrapadu 36 Rajupalem 75 Bhadripalle 70 Kothapalle 9 Ramachandrapuram 42 Bollavaram 5 Kuluru 47 Rameswaram 84 Budidapadu 45 Rangasayapuram 57 Lingaladinne 88 Regulapalle 67 Chapad 83 Chint'a Ouruvalur 52 Machanapalle 50 Sarvireddipalle 24 Chinna Jonnavaram 29 Madirepalle 60 SettivaripaUe 21 Chinna Settipalle 51 Madur 80 Sivapuram 30 Chinna Singanapalle 35 Manerampalle 64 Somapuram 55 Chintakunta 59 Mittamanipalle 78 Somayajulapall e 66 Chiyyapadu 49 Modameedipalle 16 South Mydukur 44 Chowdur 63 Morraipalle 13 Mudireddipalle 4 Daddanala 16 Tangatur 10 Dasaripalle 72 Thallamapuram Nandyalampeta 46 Dorasanipalle 77 12 Thippireddipalle Nanganurpalle 28 Duvvur 71 17 Thondaladinne 14 Neelapuram 73 Thummalapadu 7 Edamadaka 39 Nelatur 34 Tsallabasayapalle 26 Eruvapalem 65 Nerrawada 61 North Mydukur 69 Upparapalle 56 Gaddamayapalle Onipenta 6 Gadegudur 58 25 Velavali 32 Ganjikunta 2 Vellala 33 Gollapalle 3 Paidala 53 Vengannagaripalle 41 68 Pallavolu 1 Gopayapalle 20 Parlapadu 11 Yakarlapalem 37 Gudipadu 82 Pedda Guruvalur 87 Yerraguntlapalle

I I 12



Total number of Amenities available (if not available within the village. the distance Loca~ Total area Households and in broad ranges viz., - 5 Kms., 5 - 10 Kms. and 10 + Kms. of the tion Name of village of the population nearest place where the facility available ig given) village (in ,-__-..A._ ___ , ,------______-..A.______--. Code NO. hectares) House~ Popula- Educational Medical Drinking Post and Day or Communica- holds tion water Telegraph days of tions (Bus- (Potable) the stop, Railway market, station, if any water way) (I) (2) (3) (4A) (4B) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (1(\)

1 Gopayapalle 547.13 174 963 P 5-10 R PO 10+ BS

2 Venala 2,256.12 159 854 P 5-10 W.R -5 10+ -5

3 Paidala 730.05 194 1,110 P -5 R PO 10+ -5 \

4 Daddanala 497.36 149 858 P 5-10 R -5 10+ 5-10

S Kuluru 1.181.68 170 884 P 5-.10 R PO 10+ -5

6 Gadeguduf 715.89 376 1,855 P,M ~5 TK PO 10+ -5

7 Edamadaka 973.67 468 2,326 P(3) -5 W PO 10+ BS

S Kanaguduf 1,135.55 755 3.926 Pl3) D w PO 10+ BS

9 Ramachandra- 111.29 Uninhabited llufam 10 Dasaripalle 4,046.44 89 486 P 5-10 W -5 10+ 5-10

11 Yakarlapalem 5,038.73 8 51 10+ 10+ W 10+ 10+ 10+

12 Thippireddipalle 1,379.97 180 1,012 P 5-l0 W PO 10+ -5

13 MudireddipaUe 516.38 151 890 P 5-10 W PO 10+ BS

14 Neelapuram 1,446.34 215 1,201 P 5-10 W PO 10+ 5-10

15 Jillella 1,553.99 209 1,146 P(2) -5 W PO 10+ BS

16 Tangatur 2,376.71 845 4,190 P(4),M MCW R PO 10+ -5

17 Thondaladinne 335.89 178 883 P -5 R PO 10+ -5

18 Rajupaiem 325.77 391 2,014 P -5 W .PO,TO 10+ BS

19 Arakatavemula 1,848.60 542 2,924 P(2),M,lI D w PO 10+ -5 13


Land use (i. e., area under different types of land use Remarks in hectares rounded upto 2 decimal places) including r------..A------~ any place of Loca- Approach Nearest town Power Staple Forest Irrigated Unirri- . Culturable Area not religious, tion to village and distance supply food by source gated waste available historical or Code (in Kms.) for culti- archaelogical No. vation interest

(11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (I)

PR Proddatur 25 ED Rice T (2.83) 474.69 23.88 45.73 N2:T2 Jowar W (2.83) KR Proddatur 22 Rice T (1.62) 1,981.34 71.63 201.53 T1 2 Jowar W (1.62) KR Proddatur 20 Rice T (59.08) 607.03 19.42 44.52 T2 3 Jowar GC (50.99) W (8.09) KR Proddatur 21 Rice T (3.64) 461.34 11.33 21.04 T1 4 Jowar GC (3.64) KR Proddatur 21 ED Rice T (391.74) 655.99 96.31 37.64 N2:T2 5 Jowar TK (195.87) GC (194.65) W (1.22) KR Proddatur 18 ED Rice T (93.48) 559.68 37.23 23.47 N2:T2 6 Jowar GC (93.48) PR Proddatur 24 ED Rice T (341.96) 497.36 40.06 94.29 N2 7 Jowar GC (194.25) W (147.71) PR Proddatur 20 ED Rice T (312.42) 198.70 624.43 N3:T6 8 Jowar GC (267.09) W (44.52) o (0.81) Uninhabited 9

KR Proddatur 25 ED Rice 3,305.87 T (16.59) 254.14 128.69 . 341.15 10 Jowar W (16.59) KR Proddatur 28 Rice 4,733.60 92.27 170.78 38.08 11 Jowar KR Proddatur 30 ED Rice 834.86 T (44.51) 500.60 12 Bajra W (38.85) GC (5.66) PR Proddatur 32 Rice 426.54 T (12.14) 77.70 13 Bajra W (12.14) KR Proddatur 21 ED Rice 743.00 T (70.82) 157.42 100.36 374.74 N2:T2 14 Jowar W (70.82) PR Proddatur 20 ED Rice T (348.03) 503.02 205.99 496.95 N3:T2 15 Jowar GC (295.83) W (52.20) KR Proddatur 17 ED Rice T (231.88) 1,704.94 148.11 291.78 N2:T3 16 Jowar GC (231.88) KR Proddatur 15 ED Rice T (157.02) 149.33 16.19 13.35 17 Jowar GC (157.02) PR Proddatur 14 ED Rice T (46.13) 233.91 45.73 N4:T2 18 Jowar GC (46.13) KR Proddatur 16 ED Rice T (13.76) 1,719.10 . 57.87 57.87 N2'T2 19 Jowar W (13.76) 14



Total number of Amenities available (if not available within the village, the distance Loca- Total area Households and in broad ranges viz., - 5 Kms., 5 - 10 Kms. and 10 + Kms. of the tion Name of village of the population nearest place where the facility available is given) ______A_ Code village (in , __..A.. ___ -, No. hectares) House- Popula- Educational Medical Drinking Post and Day or Communica- holdS tion water Telegraph days of tions (Bus- (Potable) the stop, Railway market, station. in any water way) (1) (2) (3) (4A) (4B) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

20 Parlapadu 1,407.09 509 2,719 P(2),M -5 W PO 10+ 5-10

21 Chinna Settipalle 1,561.68 261 1,555 P 5-10 TK PO 10+ 5-10

22 pottipadu 990.67 102 , 507 P 5-10 W -5 10+ -5 23 Korrapadu 2,342.31 669 3.466 P.M 5-10 TK PO,TO 10+ BS

24 Chinna Jonna- 140.43 184 877 P -5 R -5 10+ 5-10 varam

25 Ve1avali 2.164.25 729 3,558 P(3),M,H -5 R PO 10+ -5

26 Eruvapalem 345.20 211 1,035 P -5 R PO 10+ -5

21 Pedda Jonna- 1,851.84 339 1.724 P -5 W PO 10+ BS varam

28 Duvvur 2,747.81 1,632 8,191 P(7).M(2), H,PHC, w PO,TO, 10+ BS H,JC RP.CHW PTO

29 Madirepalle 877.36 262 1,446 P(3) 5-10 W PO,PTO 10+ -5

30 Chinna Singana- 484.41 238 1,293 P(3) 5-10 W PO 10+ -5 palle ,

31 Audireddipalle 672.99 77 378 P -5 W -5 10+ BS

32 Ganjikunta 3.483.93 568 3.115 P(5}.M(2),H -5 W PO 10+ BS

33 Gollapalle 550.78 108 565 P 5-10 W -5 10+ BS

34 Tsallabasayapalle 164.71 111 527 P,M 5-10 W PO 10+ -5

35 Manerampalle 154.18 122 532 P 5-10 W PO 10+ -5

36 . Rajupalem 226.62 3 111 -5 -5 -5 -5 10+ -5

37 Gudipadu 1,154.97 781 3,937 P(4}.M -5 W PO 10+ BS

38 Ballakkivari- 100.36 95 485 P -5 W -5 10+ -5 palle 15


Land use (i. e., area under different types of laud use Remarks in hectares rounded uptc 2 decimal places) including r------.A------, any place of Loca' Approach Nearest town Power Staple Forest Irrigated Unirri. Culturable Area not religious, tion to village and distance supply food by source gated waste available historical or Code (in Kms.) for culti- archaeological No. vation interest

(11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (1)

KR Proddatur 16 ED Rice T (3.24) 1,316.44 11.33 36.08 N2,T2 20 Jowar W (3.24) KR Proddatur 9 ED Rice 1,434.61 92.67 34.40 21 Jowar KR Proddatur 9 Rice 908.92 29.95 51.80 22 Jowar PR Proddatur 8 ED Rice T (372.71) 1,725.17 95.91 148.52 N2:T3 23 Iowar GC (372.71) KR Proddatur 15 ED Rice T (78.92) 61.51 24 Jowar GC (78.92)

KR Proddatur 13 ED Rice T (295.42) 1,492.48 182.51 193.84 N2;T2 25 .. Jowar GC (295.42) KR Proddatur 15 ED Rice T (207.60) 110.48 22.26 4.86 26 Jowar GC (207.60) PR Proddatur 15 ED Rice T (267.09) 643.45 484.00 457.30 N2:M2'Tl 27 Jowar GC (145.69) W (121.40)

PR Proddatur 16 EA Rice T (675.42) 702.13 606.62 763.64 N4:C2:M2:TlO 28 Jowar GC (532.57) W (J42.85) KR Proddatur 20 ED Rice T (150.54) 237.56 145.28 343.98 NZ,Tl 29 Jowar W (150.54) KR Proddatur 19 ED Rice T (94.29) 278.83 111.29 N2:Tl 30 Jowar W (94.29)

PR Proddatur 30 ED Rice 52.61 T (101.17) 519.21 31 Bajra W (101.17) PR Proddatur 23 ED Rice 1,171.56 T (32~.82) 661.25 1,116.93 204.37 32 Bajra W (242.81) TK (85.79) GC (1.22) PR Proddatur 20 ED Rice T (31.57) 263.04 247.67 8.50 N2:Tl 33 Jowar W (31.57) KR Proddatur 20 ED Rice T (3.64) 131.94 8.09 21.04 N2:T2 34 Jowar W (3.64) KR Proddatur 16 ED Rice T (19.83) 129.09 1.62 3.64 N2 35 Jowar W (19.83) KR Proddatur 16 ED Rice T (16.19) 152.57 5.66 52.20 36 Jowar W (16.19) PR Proddatur 17 ED Rice T (486.84) 464.98 203.15 N2:T1 37 Jowar W (399.02) GC (87.82) KR Proddatur 13 Rice T (82.96) 4.86 3.23 9.31 38 Jowar GC (82.96) 16



Total number of ~menities available (if not available within the village, the distance Loca- Total area Households and In broad ranges viz., - 5 Kms., 5 - 10 Kms. and 10 + Kms. of the tion Name of village of the population nearest place where the facility available is given) Code village (in ,---___-A. ___-, ,------_...A-______. ______--, No. hectares) House- Popula- Educational Medical Drinking Post and Day or Communica- holds tion water Telegraph days of tions (Bus- (Potable) the stop, Railway market, station, in any water way) (I) (2) (3) (4A) (4B) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

39 NeJatur 609.05 226 1,104 P -5 W PO 10+ -5

40 Kamanur 2,013.71 663 3,G31 P(3) 5-10 W PO,TO 5-10 -5

\ , 41 Gopavaram .591.65 288 1,271 P -5 W PO -5 BS

42 Bollavaram 1,165.90 167 819 P(2) -5 W PO,TO -5 BS

43 Pedda Settipalle 2,298.20 964 4,778 P(4) 5-10 W PO 5-10 BS

44 Chowdur 1,964.74 452 2,329 P(2) 5-10 W PO 5-10 BS

45 Rangasayapuram 79.32 57 233 P 5-10 W -5 5-10 -5

46 Dorasanipalle 150.14 474 2,287 P -5 W PO -5 -5

47 Rameswaram 1,393.73 151 630 P -5 W PO -5 -5 PO -5 48 Proddatur 1,561.27 115 569 P,M,H -5 W -s W -5 -5 49 Modameedipalle 89.94 231 827 ·5 -5 -s

50 Sarvireddipalle 266.69 Uninhabited P(6),M 5-10 W PO 5-10 BS 51 Madur 2,036.37 751 3,806 5-10 W PO 10+ -5 52 Machanapalle 1,438.25 949 4,662 P(4)

138 P 5-10 W PO 10+ 5-10 53 Vengannagaripalle 127.48 23 5-10 W PO 10+ -5 54 Annapusasthrula 364.22 141 813 P(2) palle

4.869 P(6) 5-10 W PO 5-10 BS 55 Chintakunta 2,086.55 1,017

5-10 W -5 10+ -5 56 Gaddamayapalle 344.39 47 266 P -5 W PO -5 BS 57 Lingaladinne 473.89 171 847 P H,D W PO.TO 10+ BS 58 Onipenta 2,166.68 1,196 6,315 P(9),M(2),H 17


Land use (i. e., area under different types of land use Remarks in hectares rounded upto 2 decimal places) including , ______...A..------, any place of Loca- Approach Nearest town Power Staple Forest Irrigated Unirri- CuIturable Area not religious, tion to village and distanc~ supply fooj by source g.ll~d waste available historical or Code (in Kms.) for culti- archaelogical No. vation interest

(11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (1)

KR Proddatur 14 ED Rice T (216.10) 222.98 91.46 78.51 N2:Tl 39 Jowar GC (195.46) W (20.64) KR Proddatur 8 ED Rice T (368.67) 1,167.51 148.52 329.01 40 Jowar GC (351.67) W (17.00) PR Proddatur 2 ED Rice T (167.54) 295.42 87.41 41.28 41 Jowar GC (167.54) PR Proddatur 2 ED Rice T (39.66) 984.60 79.32 62.32 42 Jowar W (39.66) PR Proddatur 5 ED Rice T (53.0J) 1,905.66 284.90 54.63 43 Jowar W (53.01) PR Proddatur 10 ED Rice T (87.82) 1,530.11 12.14 334.67 44 Jowar W (87.82) KR Proddatur 10 ED Rice T (10.52) 23.07 33.99 11.74 45 Jowar W (10.52) KR Proddatur 5 ED Rice T (53.01) 38.45 4.05 54.63 46 Jowar W (53.01) KR Proddatur 2 ED Rice T (39.66) 984.60 307.15 62.32 47 Jowar W (39.66) KR Proddatur 2 ED Rice N.A. 48 Jowar KR Proddatur 2 ED Rice N.A. 49 Jowar Uninhabited 50 PR Proddatur 11 ED Rice T (1,146.07) 628.47 261.83 N8:T13 51 EAG Jowar GC (1,146.07) KR Proddatur 12 ED Rice T p86.2Z) 213.27 191.41 47.35 N2:T2 52 Jowar GC (964.77) W (21.45) KR Proddatur 11 ED Rice T (86.60) 16.19 6.07 18.62 Nl 51 Jowar GC (86.60) KR Proddatur 14 ED Rice T (166.33) 82.55 92.27 23.07 Nl:T2 54 Jowar- GC (144.88) W (21.45)

PR Proddatur 18 ED Rice T (389.71) 851.05 442.32 403.47 N2:Tl 55 Jowar GC (224.60) W (164.71) TK (0.40) KR Proddatur 20 ED Rice T (23.07) 140.02 166.73 14.57 56 Bajra W (23.07) PR Proddatur 21 ED Rice T (53.02) 69.20 308.37 43.30 57 Bajra W (53.02) PR Proddatur 29 ED Rice T (426.13) 524.88 706.98 508.69 58 Bajra W (407.92) TK (18.21) 18


Total number of Amenities available (if not available within the village, the distance Loca- Total area Households and in broad ranges viz., - 5 Kms., 5 - 10 Kms. and 10 + Kms. of the ton Name of village of the population nearest place where the facility available is give~) Code village (in ,-----"----, ,------___-"- ______, No. hectares) House- Popula- Educational Medical Drinking Post and Day or Communica- holds tion water Telegraph days of tions (Bus- (potable) the stop, Railway market. station, if any waterway) (1) (2) (3) (4A) (4B) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

59 Mittamanipalle 3,413.52 571 3,253 P(3), M -5 W PO 10+ -5

60 Settivaripalle 2,337.91 1,073 5,872 P(6), M -5 W PO 10+ -5

61 North Mydukur 1,658.40 1',180 6,284 P(6) D W PO,TO, Saturday BS PTO

62 Pitchapadu 430.99 231 983 P -5 W PO 5-10 -5

63 Morraipalle 176.85 187 987 P -5 W -5 5-10 DS

64 Somapuram 283.68 195 1,1# P -5 W -5 5-10 BS

65 Nerrawada 266.28 146 649 P 5-10 W -5 5-10 BS

66 Chiyyapadu 1,436.63 897 4,277 P(5), M, H H (A), D, W PO 10+ BS MCW

67 Chapad 543.49 486 2,225 P(2), M 5-10 W PO 10+ BS

68 Pallavolu 1,140.81 747 3,745 P(4) 5-10 W PO, TO, 10+ BS Phone

69 Upparapalle 626.86 457 2,200 P(4) 5-10 W PO,TO 5-10 BS

70 Kothapalle 827.98 1,394 6,262 P(3) -5 W PO -5 BS

71 Nanganurpalle 534.59 143 829 P -5 W -5 -5 BS

72 Thallamapuram 1,255.33 762 3,555 P(3), M,H MCW W PO 5-10 DS

73 Thummalapadu 101.98 2 5 10+ 10+ W 10+ 10+ 10+ 74 Kethavaram 176.85 Uninhabited 75 Bhadripalle 668.94 489 2.235 P(2) -5 W PO -5 BS

76 South Mydukur 1,058.25 2,078 10,121 P.M.H NH W PO,TO, 5-10 BS PTO

77 Nandyalampeta 5,090.12 1,152 5,879 PCI0) D W PO 5-10 DS 19


Land use (i. e., area under different types of land use Remarks in hectares rounded upto 2 decimal places) including r-----..:--- ____..A- ______, any place of Loca- Approach Nearest town Pow.:r Staple Forest Irrigated Unirri- Culturable Area not religious. tion to village and distance supply food by source g'lted waste available historical or Code (in kms.) for culti· archaeological No vation interest

(11) (12) (13) (14) (IS) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (1)

PR Proddatur 32 ED Rice 1,383.62 T (148.52) 60.30 1.821.08 59 Bajra W (148.52) PR Proddatur 22 ED Rice T (478.34) 429.37 529.73 800.47 60 Bajra W (440.30) TK (38.04) PR Proddatur 21 ED Rice T (301.90) 290.97 778.21 287.32 61 Bajra W (151.35) GC (110.88) TK (39.67) KR Proddatur 18 ED Rice T (158.64) 16.59 32.37 223.39 62 GC (158.64) PR Proddatur 18 ED Rice T (67.18) 38.44 38.85 32.38 63 EAG GC (67.18) PR Proddatur 18 ED Rice T (222.17) 33.99 27.52 N2:T4 64 EAG GC (222.17) PR Proddatur 16 ED Rice T (202.75) 3.24 26.30 33.99 T2 65 EAG GC (202.75) PR Proddatur 14 EA Rice T (953.03) 138.00 261.02 84.58' N4:T12 66 GC (940.89) W (12.14) PR Proddatur 13 ED Rice T (240.79) 44.92 127.88 129.90 N3.T6 67 GC (240.79) Rice PR Proddatur 11 ED T (747.86) 392.95 N5:T6 68 EAG Jowar GC (744.62) W (3.24) Rice PR Proddatur 8 EA T (142.45) 79.72 404.69 N4:T8 69 Jowar GC (142.45) ED Rice PR Proddatur 2 T (282.47) 329.41 136.78 79.32 70 Jowar W (272.35) GC (10.12) 6 ED Rice PR Proddatur T (72.04) 82.15 293.80 86.60 71 Jowar W (72.04) ED Rice PR Proddatur 8 T (637.78) 361.79 163.09 92.67 72 lowar GC (401'44) W (236.34) Rice KR Proddatur 12 N.A. 73 Uninhabited 74 PR proddatur 18 EA Rice T (472.27) 23.06 108.86 64.75 N4:T6 75 GC{457.29) W (14.98) PR Proddatur 21 BA Rice T (762.02) 27.11 121.41 147.71 76 GC (753.52) W (8.50) PR Proddatur 30 ED Rice 1,543.70 T (477.93) 1.455.25 486.03 1,124.21 77 Bajra W (450Al) GC (21.45) TK (6.07) 20



Total number of Amenities available (if not available within the village, the distance Loca- Total area Households and in broad ranges viz., - 5 Kms., 5 - 10 Kms. and 10 + Kms. of the tion Name of village of the population nearest place where the facility available is given) Code village (in r- __ -..A..___ , r------__ --A..______~ NO. hectares) House- Popula- Educational Medical Drinking Post and Day or Communica- holds tion water Telegraph days of tions (Bus- (Potable) tbe stop, Railway market, station, if any water way) (1) (2) (3) (4A) (4B) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

18 Somayajuiapalle 168.35 100 515 P -5' W -5 5-10 -5

79 Annalur 1,236.72 418 1,993 P(3) -5 W PO 5-10 5-10 M,H

80 Sivapuram 585.98 ,243 1.289 P(3) -5 w PO 5-10 -5

81 Alladupalle 856.72 818 3,198 P(3) M,H 5-10 W PO 5-10 -5

82 Pedda Guruvalur 386.41 315 1,566 pel) 5-10 w PO 10+ BS

83 Chinna Guruvalur 315.95 282 1,486 P,M,H 5-10 W PO 10+ BS

84 Budidapadu 434.63 36 113 -5 5-10 W -5 10+ -5

85 Katchupapa 538.23 113 561 P 5-10 W -5 10+ BS

86 Anantapuram 1,739.33 929 4,430 P(9),M -5 W PO,TO, 10+ BS Phone 87 Yerraguntiapalle 166.73 183 868 P -5 W PO 5-10 BS

88 Regulapalle 112.91 76 382 P -5 W -5 5-10 BS

89 Kalluru 1,666.49 540 2,555· P(2) PHC W PO 5-10 BS 21


Land use (i. e •• area under different types of land use Remarks in hectares rounded upto 2 decimal places) including ,---______...A..-- ______--, any place of Loca- Approach Nearest town Power Staple Forest Irrigated Unirri- Culturable Area not religious, tion to village and distance supply fooj by source gated waste available historical or Code (in Kms.) for culti- archaeological No. vation interest

(11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (l8) (19) (20) (1)

KR Proddatur 29 Rice T (10.52) 47.35 74.87 35.61 78 Bajra W (10.52) KR Proddatur 27 ED Rice T (282.07) 212.46 405.90 336'29 79 GC (218.13) W (63.94) KR Proddatur 2S ED Rice T (283.28) 101.58 121.40 79.72 80 Bajra GC (241.60) W (41.68) KR Proddatur 15 EA Rice T (300.28) 267.50 160.25 128.69 N4;T8 81 GC (300.28) PR Proddatur 17 EA Rice T (3 16.87) 34.80 17.00 17.80 N4:T3 82 GC (316.87) PR Proddatur 17 EA Rice T (370.69) 5.26 N4:T6 83 GC (370.69) KR Proddatur 10 Rice T (305.94) 8.50 92.67 27.52 84 GC (305.94) PR Proddatur 16 EA ~ice T (3J .16) 298.25 155.40 53.42 85 GC (28.73) W (2.43) PR Proddatur 15 EQ Rice 53.01 T (1,088.60) 50.18 66.77 480.77 N5:T14 86 EAG GC (1,088.60) PR Proddatur 11 ED Rice T (80.53) 53.01 33.19 87 Jowar GC (55.85) W (24.68) PR Proddatur 8 Rice T (7.69) 62.73 38.85 3.64 88 Jowar W (7.69) PR Proddatur 11 ED Rice T (239.17) 787.52 70.01 569.79 89 Jowar W (239.17)

BADVEL TALUK. _____.;______- ---..-. 0

A s A

..,-:-.. D ANDHRA PRADESH ((' I s ,. }-._.__ .- BADVEl TAL"PIC .;' .+~ \ [' J!I, < • rwr). \ CUDDAPAH DISTRICT \ .. '- (I) ( n 0 ... 2 I G' , • .t .j i ""'toO, , .A t t = I"UIillE1III:S 0 ( rOPES? 0

~ \ a: { ::::> "" j ,...... -i,. .. ~ \.., IS \ o \. o o \ ~---""..... - ~'-) "\ o \ ". ( /--1. 102-~ --i \. • r...._/,O] \ . >. --,- '\ n \ J . ~ ~CH~EST .,. \ .. ,,\ " " \ \. 1 _ • - Ols1rict ebundlrJo • I \ _ .. _ 't.i!lluk Boundary F'ROM .Ip.r.u-',,:.. ... t..-:.' 11.')',Jr: J :::= ~ =~ Villa". Bounda!') witn Loeaiion Code Humoer © Talull Headqulrters ~ )' FOftESf • ... 0 :,./ ~ Urban Area with loc-atlotl Coos Numb" "V 0 . _( S H - Stat. Htg:h ..ay 'C~\ . --- OtherltoiJd .,. v ----. If. J .. \) ~R.v.t 0 ~ L_ -".,/ \,. Villagt!:. w:th Population $iu I 5,000 lind abow' ['_..' , lii- 1,000-4,m '" • _, l," • 5CO_ .. ~ 0 u • o o 1.11&$ th,n aao

X U.,lnhllbltnl Vln.~.1 PO/TO' Po.tOfticel TelegrllDh Office .S/RK Police Statton/Rut House S/J C H.gh.r SecondUY Schoo) I JU:l\or Co.Ue-g. $ (5 Hosplh.1. Prlmar)l H ...Ith c.nlr. + .. • Oi8~. Mlt.mlt)' em! Chltd We",,. Cl't~ .... Otft... A H...... "41~. ;: : :: : :: F.,.at Bo_"" ALPHABETICAL LIST OF VILLAGES


1981 Name of 1981 Name of 1981 Name of Location village Location village Location village Code No. Code No. Code No.

(1) (2) (I) (2) (1) (2)

134 Abbusahebpet 137 Imadapuram alias Peddakesam_ 21 Fatha Ramapuram 16 Akkalreddipalle palle 105 PedullapalJe 48 Akkamgundla 64 Itigullapadu 37 Pendlimarri 65 Akkampeta 61 Perammagaripalle 83 A. Kothapalle 92 Jangamrajupalle 36 Pittigunta 120 AnantharaJupuram 53 Porumamilla 85 Ankanagodugunuru 20 Kalsapadu 108 Prabhalaveedu 103 Appajipeta 104 Ka1vapalle 12 Pullareddipalle 22 Ayyavaripal1e 99 Kamakunta 60 Pulliveedu 51 Katheraga6dla 140 Puttayapalli 124 Badvel 41 26 Balayapalle 72 Kodur 10 135 BayyanapaUe 129 KOna3am'.ldram Rajupa1em 121 71 Bodugundupalle 106 Kon~palle Ramapuram 111 Booaavada 25 Kondapeta 46 Rampadu 58 Boppapuram 130 Kondugaripalle 52 Rangasamudram 9 Brahmanapalle 139 Kongalaveedu 4 Reddipalle 42 Buchempalle 40 Korrapatipalle 114 Rekalakunta 5 Kothakota 80 Routhupalle 77 Challagirigella 87 Chennakesapuram 17 Lachampalle 15 Sancherla 101 Chennakrishnapuram 102 Lakka var ipalle 44 Sankavaram 132 Chenoampalle 113 Lingampalle 49 Savisettipalle 59 Chennareddipeta 19 Siddamurthipalle 1 Chennupalle 122 MadakalavaripalIc, 38 Siddankitchayapalle 54 Cherlopalle 84 Madhavarayunipalle 73 Siddavaram 55 Chinna Erasala 18 Mahlnandipalle Chinnayapalle 8 Si ogarayapaUe 57 61) Mallep.111e Chintalacheruvu 74 S. Lingampalle 136 11- Malluvaripalle 133 C. KothapaJIe 91 Somireddipalle J .. Mamillapalle 75 S. Seshampalle 43 Dammanapalle 86 Maratipalle 115 Dharbhavari Agrah,.ram 45 Markapuram 94 Diguva Nelatur n Mekavaripalle 24 Tellapadu 7 Diguva Thamballapalle 8l Middepadu 110 Thangedupalle 116 Dirasavancha 98 M. Narasimhapuram 109 Thipparajupalle 112 D. Narasimhapuram 131 Mohideenpuram 118 Thiruvengalapuram 23 Dulamvarip:tlle 29 Moolapalle 76 T. Seshampalle 70 Mudumala 90 Tsoudamivaripalle 93 Eguva Nelatur 62 Munnelle 6 Eguva Thamballapalle 13 Musalreddipalle 33 Uppalur 119 Ethirajupalle 39 MusaJreddipalJe 31 Ganganapalle 126 Vanampula 3 Gangayapalle 117 Nagisettipalle 63 Vankamarri 100 Ganugapen ta 34 Narasapuram 27 Varikunta 96 0;. Narasimhapuram 28 Nayunip.1lle 32 Vasudevapuram 89 'Godlaveedu 128 Veerapalle 138! Godugunur 35 Obulapuram 56 Veerlapalle 30 Gont uvaripalle 82 Vemakunta 127 Gopalapuram 50 Pagadalapalle 47 Vengalampalle 123 Gopavaram 67 Palugurallapalle (Part-IV) 107 Venkatapuram 2 Gopavarampalle 69 Pal ugurallapall e 79 Venkataramapuram 95 Gundapuram 88 Papanapalle 125 Guntapalle 68 Papireddipalle 78 Yellapalle

23 24



Total number of Amenities available (if not available within the village, the distance L'oca- Total area Households and in broad ranges viz., - 5 Kms., 5 - 10 Kms. and 10 + Kms. of the tion Name of village of the population nearest place where the facility available is given) Code village (in r __--.A... ___ , ,------A..______, NO. hectares) House- Popula- Educational Medical Drinking Post and Day or Communica- holds tion water Telegraph days of tions (Bus- (Potable) the stoP. Railway market, station, if any water way) (I) (2) (3) (4A) (4B) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

Chennupalle 1,240.76 140 805 P 10+ W PO 10+ -5

2 Gopavarampalle 1,015.35 93 574 P 10+ W PO 10+ -s

3 Gangayapalle 3,646.61 42 237 P 10+ W -5 10+ BS

.( Reddipalle 691.61 74 431 P 10+ W -s 10+ BS

S Kothakota 7,718.15 406 2,247 P,M 5-10 W,HP PO 10+ BS

6 Eguva Thamballa- 181.30 236 1,292 P(2) 5-10 W -5 10+ BS palle

7 Diguva Thamballa- 188.99 78 301 P 5-10 W -5 10+ BS palle

8 Singarayapalle 199;51 91 393 P -s W,R -5 10+ -5

9 Brahmanapalle 114.53 130 709 P -5 W PO 10+ -s

10 Rajupalem 97J .24 174 952 P 5-10 W,HP -5 10+ -5

11 Malluvaripalle 823.53 41 223 P 5-10 W -5 10+ 5-10

12 Pullareddipalle 227.84 109 569 P -5 W -5 10+ -5

13 MusalreddipaUe 269.52 53 265 P -5 W,HP PO 10+ -5

J4 Mamillapalle 1,061.89 141 742 P -5 W PO 10+ -5

15 Sancherla 3,563.65 299 1,634 P(2) -5 W,HP PO 10+ BS

16 Akkalreddipalle 1,631.69 389 2,112 . P(4),M PHS W,HP PO,PTO 10+ BS

17 Lachampalle 82.96 Uninhabited 18 Mahanandipalle 354.91 156 813 P -5 W -5 10+ -s 25


Land use (i. e., area under different types of land use Remarks in hectares rounded up to 2 decimal places) including ,..------...A------"""'I any place of Loca- Approach Nearest town Power Staple Forest Irrigated Unirri- Culturable Area not religious, tion to village and distanc~ supply food by source gated waste available historical or Code (in Kms.) for culti- archaelogical No. vation interest

(11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (1)


KR Giddalur 24 Rice 817.87 T (97.12) 159.45 146.90 19.42 Ragi W (97.12) KR Giddalur 24 Rice 606.22 T (10.11) 78.10 38.85 282.07 2 Ragi W (10.11) PR Giddalur 27 Rice 2,681.03 T (10.93) 141.64 237.14 575.87 3 Ragi W (\'().93) PR Giddalur 27 Rice 357.74 T (26.30) 46.54 101.18 159.85 4 Ragi W (26.30) PR GiddaJur 29 ED Rice 6,001.88 T (91.06) 407.92 602.98 614.31 N4 5 Ragi W (84.99) TK (6.07) PR Giddalur 33 ED Rice T (24.28) 101.18 21.04 34.80 N2 6 EAG Ragi W (20.23) WE (4.05) PR Giddalur 33 ED Rice 36.42 T (10.12) 83.37 27.11 31.97 Nl 7 EAG Ragi W (6.07) WE (4.05) PR Giddalur 32 Rice T (12.14) 80.94 7.28 99.15 8 Ragi W (12.14) KR Giddalur 31 Rice T (52.61) 4.05 36·42 21.45 N3 9 Ragi TK (48.56) W (4.05) KR Giddalur 31 Rice 305.94 T (222.58) 59.08 99.15 284.49 10 Ragi TK (222.58) KR Giddalur 31 Rice 584.36 T (58.68) 12.14 124.24 44.11 11 Ragi TK (58.28) W (0.40) PR Giddalur 34 EGA Rice 41.28 T (77.30) 8.09 87.82 13.35 12 Ragi TK (74.87) W (2.43) KR Giddalur 34 Rice 85.39 T (44.51) 24.28 40.47 74.87 Nl 13 Ragi TK (28.33) W (16.18) PR Giddalur 35 Rice 890.71 T (51'40) 21.85 31.56 66.37 N2 14 • Ragi TK (30.35) W (21.05) PR Giddalur 29 Rice 2,308.73 T (38.85) 314.84 758.78 142.45 15 Ragi W(27.11) TK (11.74) PR Giddalur 32 ED Rice 206.39 T (191.01) 216.10 674.21 343.98 16 Ragi TK (97.93) W (67.58) , WE (25.50) Uninhabited 17 PR Giddalur 35 ED Rice T (89.03) 126.67 139.21 N2 18 EAG Ragi W (48.56) TK (39.25) WE (1.22) 26



Total number of Amenities available (if not available within the village, the distance Loca­ Total area Households and in broad ranges viz., - 5 Kms., 5 - 10 Kms. and 10 + Kins. of the tion Name of village of the population nearest place where the facility available is given) Code village (in ,-___...A- ___, ,------...A-______, No. hectares) House- Popula- Educational Medical Drinking Post and Day or Communica- holds tion water Telegraph days of tions (Bus- (Potable) the stop, Railway market, station, in any water way) (1 ) (2) (3) (4A) (4B) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

19 SiddamurthipalJe 377.98 54 310 P -5 W,HP PO 10+ BS

20 Kalsapadu 1,214.86 606 3.135 P(3). D,PHS, W. PTO 10+ BS M(2).H RP.O HP,R

21 Patha Ramapuram 414.40 83 411 P -5 W.R -5 10+ -5

22 Ayyavaripalle 106.43 Uninlulbited 23 Dulamvaripalli 183.73 110 579 P -5 W,HP -5 10+ -5

24 Tellapadu 4,155.71 115 585 P -5 W,HP PO 10+ -5

2S Kondapeta 919.44 81 485 P -5 W,HP -5 10+ -5

892 P 26 Balayapalle 4;439.39 150 -5 W,HP PO 10+ BS PO 27 Varikunta 4,607.74 259 1,38' P D.RP W 10+ BS 616 P SMP W PO 10+ 28 Nayunlpalle 6,008.76 100 BS -5 PO 29 Moolapalle 634.55 57 309 P W 10+ -5

P -5 W,HP 10+ BS 30 Gontuvaripalle 290.16 170 879 -s

953 P -5 W,HP PO 10+ -5 31 Oanganapalle 494-.52 172

32 Vasudevapura'm 79.72 Uninhabited 1,080 P CHW R.,W, 10+ BS 33 Uppalur 1,025.47 204 -s HP

34 Narasapuram 81'0.58 605 3,182 P(4). M.H PHC W,HP PO 10+ -5

BS 35 Obulapuram 497.36 82 ·U9 P CHW W,HP -5 10+ 27


Land use (i. e., area under different types of land use Remarks in hectares rounded upto 2 decimal places) including c------"------, any place of Loca. Approach Nearest town Power Staple Forest Irrigated Unirri- Culturable Area not religious, tion to village and distance supply food by source glted waste available historical or Code (in Kms.) for culti- archaeological No. vation interest

(11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (1)

I PR Giddalur 35 ED Rice T (34.40) 121.81 117.76 104.01 N1 19 EAG Ragi W (20.23) TK (8.10) WE (6.07) PR Giddalur 34 EAG Rice T (139.21) 97.12 267.09 711.44 20 Ragi TK (104.81) W (18.21) WE (16.19)

PR Giddalur 32 EAG Rice T (12.95) 48.97 324.15 28.33 21 Ragi W (12.95) Uninhabited 22 PR Giddalur 37 Rice T (40.47) 19.02 35.21 89.03 23 Ragi TK (32.38) W (8.09) PR Giddalur 37 Rice 2,277.57 T (97.12) 47.35 448.80 1,284.87 24 Ragi W (60.70) TK (36.42) KR Giddalur 37 Rice 126.66 T (62.73) 40.047 70.01 619.57 25 Ragi TK (38.45) W (24.28) PR Giddalur 45 Rice 3,151.28 T (161.87) 238.77 863.19 24.28 26 Ragi W (161.87) PR Badvel48 ED Rice 3,418.78 T (20.23) 547.54 257.78 363.41 N4:M2 27 W (20.23) PR Badvel52 Rice 5,037.11 233.10 126.26 610.67 N2:Tl 28 Ragi Badve! 45 ED PR Rice T(17.40) 126.26 188.59 302.30 29 Ragi W (12.14) TK (5.26) PR Giddalur 48 Rice T (79.72) 103.60 106.84 30 Ra&i W (65.96) 0(13.76) ED KR Giddalur 48 Rice T (123.43) 48.56 73.65 248.88 31 Ragi TK (80.94) W (42.49) Uninhabited 32 PR Giddalut 45 Rice T (74.87) 533.37 28.33 388'90 33 Ragi W (66.77) TK (8.10)

KR Badvel048 ED Rice T (1.39.62) 441.91 117.76 111.29 34 Ragi W (80.94) TK (58.68) PR. Badve140 ED Rice T (86.20) 311.61 17.81 81.74 35 Ragi TK (45.73) W (40.47) 28



Total number of Amenities available (if not available within the village, the distance Loca- Total area Households and in broad ranges viz., - 5 Kms •• 5 - 10 Kms. and 10 + Kms. of the tion Name of village of the population nearest place where the facility available is given) village (in r __-..A.. ___ ,'- ______--A.. ______~ Code No. hectares) House- Popula- Educational Medical Drinking Post and Day or Communica- holds tion water Telegraph days of tions (Bus- (Potable) the stop. Railway market, statio13. if any water way) (1) (2) (3) (4A) (4B) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

36 Pittigunta 124.24 70 424 P -s W.HP PO 10+ -5

37 Pendlimarri 339.13 213 1,288 P,M.H CHW W,HP -5 10+ BS

38 Siddanaki tchaya- 3J3.23 88 429 P -5 W -5 10+ 5-10 palJe

39 Musalreddipalie 862.38 151 715 P(2) SMP W,HP PO 10+ 5-10

40 Korrapatipalle 363.81 61 362 P(Z) -5 W,HP -5 10+ 5-10

41 Kavalakuntla 2,967.96 307 1,574 P(3},M CHW W,HP PO 10+ 5-10

42 Buchempalle 153.78 74 321 P -5 W -5 10+ 5-10

43 Dammanapalle '688.77 328 1,595 P(4) -5 W,HP PO 10+ -5

44 Sankavaram 5,104.69 1,211 6,508 P(13), M,O FPC W,HP PO,TO -5 -5 Phone 45 Markapuram 16~ .35 104 458 P -5 W.HP -s 10+ BS

46 Rampadu 523.26 133 643 P -s W,HP -s 10+ -s

47 Vengalampalle 106.03 Un(nhabited 48 Akkamguodla 1,131.90 Uninhabited 49 Savisettipalle 7,357.98 474 2,392 P(6) 5-10 W,HP PO 10+ BS

50 . Pagadalapalle 103.60 Uninhabited 51 Katheragandla 4;984.50 l,ll8 5,597 P(9) D,SMP W,HP,R PO 10+ -5

52 Rangasamudram 2,385.21 562 3,068 P(7) H,FPC W,HP PO 5-10 -s M.(2}H,O 29


Land use (i. e., area under different types of land use Remarks in hectares rounded upto 2 decimal places) including ,.------"------., any place of Loca_ Approach Nearest town Power Stapl<:! Forest Irriagted Unirri- . Culturable Area not religious, tion to village and distance suppiy food by source pted waste available historical or Code (in kms.) for culti· archaeological No. vation interest

(11) . (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (1) ,

PR Giddalur 43 ED Rice T (19.02) 45.73 19.02 40.47 36 Ragi W (10.93) TK (8.09) PR Giddalur 40 ED Rice T (92.27) 170.78 5.26 70.82 37 Ragi W (60.70) TK (31.57) KR Giddalur 38 Rice T (52.61) 39.66 135.17 85.79 38 Ragi TK (31.16) o (IS.2I) W (3.24) KR Giddalur 38 Rice 343.98 T(61.51) 46.54 101.58 308.77 Nt 39 Ragi TK (55.04) W (6.47) Giddalur 39 KR Rice T (46.13) 236.34 81.34 Nt 40 Ragi W (27.92) 0(18.21) KR Badvel40 ED Rice 2,165.47 T(166.'13) 233.09 399.02 N4 41 Ragi W (84.99) TK (69.20) GC (12.14) KR Badvel40 Rice T (35.21) 40.47 2.02 76.08 42 Ragi TK (25.50) W (9.71) Badvel38 PR ED Rice T (460.94) 3.64 58.68 165.51 NS:CI:Ml 43 Ragi TK (460.53) W (0.41) PR Badvel 38 ED Rice 1,718.6~ T (919.04) 922.68 223.79 1,320.49 N7:Ml:T2 44 Ragi TK (919.04) Badvel 35 PR ED Rice T (57.87) 24.28 86.20 N2 45 Ragi TK (54.63) W (3.24) KR Badve137 ED Rice T (76.89) 121.41 59.89 265.07 46 Ragi W (40.47) TK (20.23) WE (16.19) Uninhabited 47 Uninhabited 48 PR Badvel 34 ED Rice 249.29 T (91.05) 892.73 2,294.56 3,903.18 N5:Tl 49 BAG Ragi W (82.96) WE (8.10) Uninhabited 50 . KR Badve134 EA Rice 124.64 T (428.97) 2,862.74 732.07 836.08 N4 51 Ragi TK(254.14) W (174.83) PR Badve132 ED Rice T (901.23) 389.71 486.84 607.43 N9 52 Ragi W (683.51) TK (165.92) WE (51.80) 30



Total number of Amenities available (if not available within the village. the distance Loca- Total area Households and in broad ranges viz., - 5 Kms., 5 - 10 Kms. and 10 + Kms. of the tion Name of village of the population nearest place where the facility available is given) Code village (in ,--__...A- ___ , ,------...A- ...... No. hectares) House- Popula- Educational Medical Drinking Post and Day or Communica- holds tion Water Telegraph days of tions (Bus- (Potable) the stop, Railway market, station, if any waterway) (1) (2) (3) (4A) (4B) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

53 Porumamilla 911.75 1,894 9,637 P(7).M, H(5),RP(3). W.HP PTO 10+ BS H;JC CHW(2) Phone

54 Cherlopalle 3,631.24 1,066 5,446 P(ll).M,H CHW. W,HP PO,TO 10+ BS \ RP(2)

55 Chir,na Erasala 1,491.67 405 2,213 P(3) SMP W,HP PO 10+ -5

56 Veerlapalle 42.09 Uninhabited 57 Chinnayapalle 297.44 52 309 P -5 W,HP -5 10+ BS

58 Boppapnram 435.04 70 415 P -5 W PO 10+ BS

59 Chennareddipeta 261.02 76 490 P,M -5 W -5 10+ BS

60 pulliveedu 619.17 175 833 P -5 W -5 5-10 BS •

61 Perammagari- 153.78 52 300 P -5 W PO 10+ -5 palle

62 Munnelle 3,763.16 946 4,922 P(12),M(2).H H(A),RP W.HP, PO 10+ -5 R

63 Vankamarri 377.98 123 549 'P(2),M,H -5 W.R -5 10+ BS

64- ltigullapadu 8,012.42 514 2,741 P(6),M 5-10 W PO 10+ BS

65 Akkamp;!ta 272.76 58 301 P -5 W PO 10+ -5

66 Mallepalle 1,098.31 500 2,817 P(4) 5-10 W PO 10+ BS

67 Paluguralla 4,201.03 100 592 P(2) D W,HP -s 10+ BS paJle (Part-IV) 68 Papireddipalle 1,771.71 75 472 P -5 W -5 10+ BS

69 PalugurallapaUe 3,408.31 711 3,589 P(1);M,H SMP W,HP PO 10+ BS 31



.Land use (i. e., area under different types of land use Remarks in hectares rounded upto 2 decimal places) including 11 ~ r------..A..------., any place of Loca. Approach Nearest town Power Staple Forest _. - Irrigated Unirri~ Culturable Area not religious, tion to village and distance supply food by source g'\ted waste available historical or Code (in K,ms.) - -:' for culti- archaeological No. vation interest

(11) (12) . (13) (14) ;.: (15) (16)~ (11) (18) (19) (20) (1)

PR Badvel33 ED Rice, T (329.82) 68.79 138.81 374.33 NI56:C4:M7:T2 53 Ragi TK (325.77) W (4.05) PR Badve132 EA Rice 1,670.94 T (456.48) 84.99 1.62 1,417.21 N8:M1:T1 54 Ragi W (371.09)' TK (gs~}' KR Badvel28 ED Rice 193.44 T (134.36) 21.04 221.36 881.00 N3:Tl 5S Ragi TK (73.25) W (61.11) Uninhabited 56 PR Badvel25 Rice 93."8 T (63.54) 22.66 41.28 76.48 57 Ragi W (42.49) TK (21.05) T (88.22) 12.14 N4:T3 58 PR Badve125 ED Rice 63.54 271.14 Ragi W (64.'75) TK (23:47) T (1i.84) 40.47 N2 59 Pll Badvel26 Rice' 40.-47 107.24 Ragi WE (61).70) TK (12.14) N2 I'll Badvel27 Rice T (13.36) 351.27 133.14 121.40 60 Ragi TK (7.29) W (6.07) T (19.43) 71.22 Nl 61 KR Badvel25 R.ice 22.26 40.87 Ragi W (11.33) TK (8.10) PR Badvel24 ED Rice T (555.23) 1,435.01 486.02 1,286.90 NI0:Tl 62 .Ragi W (338.72) TK 4216.51) PR Badve! 27 Rice T (119.38) 119.38 13.36 125.86 Nl 63 Ragi TK (97.12) W (22.26) PIt . Badvel30 EA .Rice 337.51 T (300.28) 3,231.41 1,962.32 '1,980.93 N4 64 Ragi W (267.90) TK (23.88) WE (8.50) PR Badvel29 Rice T (32.38, 60.70 78.51 lCI.17 65 Ragi W (32.38) PR Badvel27 ED, Rice T (100.36) 249.69 57.06 691.20 N2 66 EAG Ragi W (100.36) PR .Badvel26 ED Rice 823.13 T (58.28) 53.01 1,825.13 1,360.55 Nl 67 Ragi W (58.28) PR Badvel 24 ED Rice 740.57 T (55.04) 140.43 133.14 662.06 NI 68 Ragi W (ss.04) Pl\ Badvel 20 ED, Rice T (550.37) 659.69 466.20· 1,732.05 N8 69 EAG Ragi WE (242.81) W (185.35) TK (122.21) 32



Total number of Amenities available (if not available within the village, the distance Loca- Total area Households and in broad ranges viz., - 5 Kms., 5 - 10 Kms. and 10 + Kms. of the tion Name of village of the population nearest place where the facility available is given) Code village (in ,-___.A.. ___ , ,------______--..A.______, ______- __, No. hectares) House- Popula- Educational Medical Drinking Post and Day or Communica- holds tion water , Telegraph days of tions (Bus- (Potable) the stop, Railway market, station, if any Water way) (I) (2) (3) (4A) (4B) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

70 Mudumala 1,411.54 258 1,185 P(4) MCW W,HP PO 10+ BS

71 Bodugundupalle 64.75 Uninhabited 72 Kodur 2,046.09 687 3,199 P(S),M' PHC W,HP PO 10+ 5-10

73 Siddavaram 2,137.54 303 1,635 P(3),M SMP, W,HP PO 10+ BS CHW, RP

74 S. Lingampalle 21.04 Uninhabited 75 S. SeshampaUe 792.37 Uninhabited 76 T. Seshampalle 109.67 Uninhabitf!d 77 Challagirigella ,3.095.03 368 1,965 peS) -5 W,HP PO 10+ BS

78 Yellapalle 784.68 62 302 P(5) 5-10 W -5 10+ BS

79 Venkatarama- 321.32 114 678 P(2) 5-10 W 'PO 10+ -5 puram

80 Routhupalle 290.16 17 89 P(2) 5-10 W -5 10+ -5

81 Middepadu 267.90 Uninhabited 82 Vemakunta 207.20 Uninhabited 83 A. Kothapalle 127.07 5 27 -5 5-10 W -5 10+ -5

84 Madhavarayuni- 354.91 35 234 P 5-10 W -5 10+ -5 palle 85 Ankanagodugunur 510.31 83 471 P -5 W,R PO 10+ -5

86 Maratipalle 168.35 72 34.7 P -5 W,R -5 10+ 5-10

87 Chennakesapuram 116.55 13 51 -5 -5 W,R PO 10+ -5

88 Papanapalle 178.06 34 214 P -5 W,HP -5 10+ -5 33


Land use (i. e., area under different types of land use Remarks in hectares rounded upto 2 decimal places) including ,--,------A.....-----~---, any place of Loca. Approach Nearest town Power Staple Forest Irrigated Unirri- Culturable Area not religious, tion to village and distance supply food by source gated waste available historical or Code (in kms.) for culti- archaeological No. vation interest

(11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (I)

PR Badve) 26 ED Rice T (248.88) 202.34 222.58 737.74 Sri Siddaiah 70 Ragi W (132.74) Swamy Mutt. N2 TK (86.19) 0(29.95) Uninhabited 71 KR Badvel18 ED Rice T (346.00) 222.58 41.28 1,436.23 NIO 72 Ragi TK (315.65") W (26.30) WE (4.05) PR Badve124 ED Rice 997.54 T (219.74) 93.08 10.12 817.06 N3:Ml 73 Ragi W (165.51) TK (54.23)

UninhabiUd 74 Uninhabited 75 Uninhabited 76 PR Badve120 Rice 1,618.74 T (208.4) 60.70 516.38 517.59 77 Ragi W (147.71) TK (60.70) PR Badyel 16 Rice 602.57 T (125.45) 41.28 15.38 78 Ragi W (70.82) TK (54.63) KR Badvel 16 Rice 114.93 T (103.60) 31.L6 45.73 25.90 . 79 R&gi W (44.52) 0(31.16) TK (27.92) KR Badye115 Rice T (28.33) 46.94 193.04 21.85 80 Ragi TK (14.17) W (14.16) Uninhabited 81 Uninhabited 82 89.03 19.02 PR BadYel 14 Rice T (6.48) 12.54 Nl 83 Ragi TK (4.86) W (1.62) PR Badvel 14 . Rice T (6~07) 18.62 250.50 79.72 Nl 84 Ragi TK (6.07) KR Badyel 14 Rice T (26.31) 91.46 2.83 389.71 85 Ragi TK (21.05) W (5.26) KR Badvel 17 Rice T (46.94) 37.23 7.29 76.89 86 Ragi TK (29.14) W (17.80) 87 KR Badvel 18 Rice .. TJ4.86) 7.29 39.25 65.15 Ragi W (4.86) 84.58 88 KR Badvel 17 Rice 59.89 33.59 Ragi 34



Total number of Amenities available (if not available within the village, the distance Loca- Total area Households and in broad ranges viz., - 5 Kms., 5-10 Kms. and 10 + Kms. ',of the tion Name of village of the population nearest place where the facility available is given) Code village (in ,-----"----., ,------~ No. - hectare~) .. House- Popula- Educational Medical Drinking Post and Day or Communica- holds tion water :rdegraph days of tions (Bus- (potable) the stop, Railway market, station, if any water way) (1 ) (2) (3) (4A) (tS) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

89 Godlaveedu ' 818.27 242 1,'247 P(2), M MH W,R PO 10+ -5

90 ~Tsoudamivari- 1,644.64 179 915 'P -5 W,HP PO 10+ BS palle

91 Somireddipalle 4,889.80 816 4,551 P(6} M,H D(A) W,HP PO,TO 10+ BS

92 Jangamarajupalle 4,480.67 644 3,285 P(4) 5-10 W,HP PO 10+ 5·10

93 Eguva Nelatur 1,574.63 81 407 P -5 W,SP PO 10+ -5

94 Diguva Nelatur 1,768.88 111 972 P(2) RP W,HP,R PO 10+ BS

95 Gundapuram 660.45 66 354 P(2) -5 W,HP -5 10+ BS

96 G. Narasimha 251.31 34 168 -5 -5 W -5 10+ BS purum

97 Mekavaripalle 1,157.80 225 1,306 P(3) -5 W PO 10+ BS

98 M. Narasimha 172.80 16 102 P(2) -5 W -5 10+ -5 puram

99 Kamakunta 1,083.34 143 709 P 5-10 W.HP PO 10+ BS

100 Ganug!lpent~ 4,651.45 351 1,832 P(4),M(2), D,H (A) W,HP PO 10+ -5 H

101 Chennakrishna- 46.13 Uninhabited puram 102 Lakkavaripalle 1,672.96 124 722 P -5 W -5 10+ 5-10 35



Land use (i. e., area under different types of land use Remarks in hectares rounded upto 2 decimal places) including ,------___..A.-- ______, any place of Loca- Approach Nearest town Power Staple Forest Irrigated Unirri- Culturable Area not religious, tion to villale and distance supply food by source g'lted waste available historical or Code (in kms.) for culti- archaeological No. vation interest

(11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (I)

KR Badvel16 Rice T (140.43) 404.68 68.39 204.77 N2 89 Ragi TK (122.22) W (18.21) PR Badvel 17 Rice T (314.85) 404.69 305.54 579.10 N2:T1 90 Ragi W (193.44) TK (121.41)

PR Badvel20 BD Rice 1,759.16 T (401.04) 249.69 624.03 1,855.88 N5:C3:T3 91 Ragi WE (310.80) Sri Veerabrab- TK (46.54) mendra Swamy W (43.70) Mutt. Sri Kakka- yyagari Mutt. Sri Eswari Devi Mutt. PR Badvel 17 ED Rice 1,481.96 T (114.93) 47.75 923.49 1,912.54 N2:TI 92 BAG Ragi WE (102.79) W (6.47) TK (5.67) KR BIl.dvel12 Rice 306.35 T (33.99) 47.35 9:.91 1,091.03 93 Ragi W (31.16) TK (2.83) PR Badvel 12 Rice 546.32 T (106.84) 32.38 288.14 795.20 94 Ragi W (76.89) TK (29.95) PR Badvel 13 Rice T (182.51) 123.43 55.45 299.06 N3 95 Ragi W (121.81) TK (60.70) PR Badvel 14 Rice T (39.25) 16.19 0.41 195.46 96 Ragi W (24.68) TK (14.57) 97 PR Badvel 13 Rice T (309.58) 74.87 686.75 86.60 N2 Ragi TK (305.54) V:I (4.04) 98 KR Badvel 13 Rice T (18.21) 4.05 150.54 Ragi TK(17.00) W (1.21)

PR Badvel 12 Rice T (29.95) 242.81 244.02 566.56 N2 99 Ragi TK (26.7J) W (3.24) KR Badvel 12 ED Rice 3,436.18 T (216.40) 69.20 599.34 270.33 N2 100 Ragi W (158.23) TK (118.17) Uninhabited 101 KR Badvel 10 Rice 1,026.69 T (91.05) 161.87 8.90 384.45 102 ~agi W (65.56) TK (25.49) 36


Total number of Amenities available (if not available within the village, the distance Loca- Total area Households and in broad ranges viz., - 5 Kms., 5 - 10 Kms. and 10 + Kms. of the tion Name of village of the population nearest place where the facility available is given) Code village (in ,-___"""""' ___ , ,------_-..A..______, No. hectares) House- Popula- Educational Medical Drinking Post and Day or .Communica- holds tion water Telegraph days of tions (Bus- (Potable) the stop, Railway market, statior-,' if any water way) (I) (2) (3) (4A) (4B) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

103 Appajipeta 857.25 Uninhabited 104 K'llvap~lle 816.25 300 1,577 peS) RP(2) W,HP PO 10+ -5

105 P;:dullap,l:le 522.45 135 670 P -5 W PO 10+ BS

106 KondampalJe 273.16 47 248 P -5 W PO 10+ BS

107 Venkatapuram 193.03 Uninhabited 108 Prabhalaveedu 1,276.78 328 1,555 P(4) 5-10 W,HP PO 10+ -5

109 Thipparajupalle 313.23 75 378 P 5-10 W,HP -5 10+ -5

110 Th::tng~duDalle 370.28 192 961 P -5 W,HP PO 10+ -5

111 Boodavada 49.37 44 244 P -5 W,HP -5 10+ -5

112 D. Narasimhapuram 36.02 Uninhabited 113 Lingampalle 6.88 Uninhabited 114 Rekalakunta 7,816.48 385 2,214 P(3) 5-10 W,HP PO 10+ 5-10

115 Dharbhavari 564.54- 50 230 P -5 W,HP PO 10+ 5-10 Agraharam

116 Dirasavaocha 2,351.62 425 2,175 P(6) SMP W,HP PO 10+ -5

117 Nagisettipalle 745'83 144 654 P(2) -5 W.HP -5 5-10 -5

118 Thiruvengala- 621.60 298 1,384 P(3) -5 W,HP PO 10+ -5 puram 119 Ethirajupalle 938.87 139 709' P(2) SMP W,HP PO 5-10 -5

120 Anantharaju- 2,602.93 654 3.042 P(4),M -5 W,HP PO -5 BS puram 37


Land use (i. e., area under different types of land use Remarks in hectares rounded upto 2 decimal places) including r------"'------, any place of Loca. Approach Nearest town Power Staple Forest Irrigated Unirri- Culturable Area not religious, tion to village and distance supply food by source glted waste available historical or Code (in Kms.) for culti- archaeological No. vation interest

(11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20)

Uninhahited 103 KR Badvel8 ED Rice 258.59 T (198.70) 80.94 69.20 208.82 N2 104 Ragi TK (93.48) 0(72.84) W (32.38) PR Badvel 11 Rice T {I 11.69) 14.57 41.28 354.91 N2 105 Ragi TK (107.24) W (4.45) PR Badvel 8 Rice T (24.28) 24.28 147.71 76.89 106 Ragi TK (12.95) W (11.33) Uninhabited 107 KR Badvel8 Rice T (179.27) 367.05 55.04 675.42 108 Ragi TK (179.27) KR Badvel9 Rice T (17.40) 103.60 3.64 188.59 109 Ragi TK (17.40) KR Badvel6 EA Rice T (97.93) 126.26 14.97 131.12 NS 110 Ragi TK (95.10) W (2.83) KR Badve19 Rice T (6.88) 26.30 7.69 8.50 111 Ragi W (6.88) Uninhabited 112 Uninhabited 113 KR Badvel 18 ED Rice 5,433.77 T (45.73) 137.59 484.81 1,708.58 Nl:TI 114 EAG Ragi WE (40.06) W (5.67) 21.45 KR Badve114 ED Rice T (12.14) 530.95 115 Ragi W (12.14)

376.76 696.87 KR Badvel 10 EA Rice 809.37 T (426.94) 41.68 Tl 116 Ragi W (263.34) TK (80.94) o (5o.s8) WE (12.38) KR Badve16 EA Rice T (153.78) 161.87 49.77 380.41 Tl 117 Ragi TK (61.51) W (65.97) 0(26.30) KR Badve15 EA Rice 77.70 T (188.99) 78.51 9.71 266.69 NS:Ml:T1 118 Ragi TK (188.99) 119 PR Badve16 Rice T (169.16) 218.53 252.12 299.06 NI Raei TK (127.88) W (41.28) N1S:CI:M2 110 PR Badvel4 ED Rice 1,383.62 T (239.57) 101.17 196.27 682.30 EO Raai TK (204.36) W (35.21) 38



Total number of Amenities available (if not available within the village, the distance Loca- Total area Households and in broad ranges viz., - 5 Kms., 5 - 10 Kms. and 10 + Kms. of the tion Name of village of the population nearest place where the facility available is given) Code village (in ,-----"----, ,-______.A.. ______, No. hectares) House- Popula- Educational Medical Drinking Post and Day or Communica- holds tion water Telegraph days of tions (Bus- (Potable) the . stoP. Railway market, station, if any waterway) (I) (2) (3) (4A) (4B) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

121 Ramapuram 383.24 83 448 P -5 W,HP -5 10+ -5

122 Madakalavari- 3,426.46 1,396 7,139 P(3) a W,HP PO -5 -5 palle

123 Goplvaram 4,221.67 664 3,476 P(8),M CHW, W,HP PO 5-10 BS SMP(2)

124 Badvel 630.00 Urban Area (Badvel Town) 125 Guntapalle 813.42 691 3,333 P(3),M,H -5 W,HP PO 10+ -5

126 VanJmpula 1,771.71 278 1,346 P(3) 5-10 W,HP PO 10+ BS

127 Gopalapuram 543.90 44 220 P 5-10 W -5 5-10 -5

128 Veerapalle 5,112.79 228 1,237 P(4) 5-10 W,HP -5 10+ BS

119 Konasamudram 375.55 199 1,081 P(2),M(2} 5-10 W,HP -5 10+ -5

130 Kondugaripalle 78.51 Uninhabited 131 Mohideenpuram 20.23 Uninhabited 132 Chennampalle 1,222.55 666 3,378 P(6) CHW, W,HP PO 5-10 BS RP, SMP

133 C. Kothapalle 489.67 Uninhabited 134 Abbusahebpet 303.11 58 310 P -5 W -5 5-10 -5

135 Bayyanapalle . 170.78 97 460 P -5 W,HP PO 5-10 -5

136 Chintalacheruvu 530.95 129 628 P(2) -5 W,HP PO 5-10 5-10 39


Land use (i. e., area under different types of land use Remarks in hectares rounded upto 2 decimal places) including ,------"--_:------, any place of Loca. Approach Nearest town Power Staple Forest Irrigated Unirri- Culturable Area not religious, tion to Yillaie and distancl! supply food by source gated waste available historical or Code (in kms.) for culti· archaeological No yation interest

(11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (1)

PR Badyel 5 Rice T (26.71) 152.57 10.52 193.44 121 Ragi W (14.57) TK (12.14) PR BadYel' ED Rice 1,430.16 T (254.95) 396.59 150.95 1,181.68 N40:C2:M2 122 Ragi TK (157.83) W (60.70) WE (32.,37) o (~.05) PR Badvel7 ED Rice 1,149.l31 T (352.48) 105.22 403.87 2,219.29 N5:C2:M2:T2 123 EAG Ragi TK (146.09) Sri Venugopal W (143.66) Swamy Temple WE (62.73) Urban Area (Badvel Town) 124 PR BadYel 1 EA Rice T (573.03) 184.13 47.76 8.50 N25 125 Ragi TK (451.63) W (121.40)

PR BadYel8 EA Rice 621.60 T (155.40) 161.06 304.32 529.33 126 Ragi TK (71.63) W (55.85) WE (14.97) R (12'95) KR Badvel 10 Rice T (4.05) 22.26 6.07 511.52 NI 127 Ragi W (2.02) TK (2.03) PR Badyel 12 EA Rice 4,239.13 T (178.87) 182.11 222.98 289.35 Nl :Cl:M I :T6 128 Ragi WE (101.17) W (69.20) TK (8.50) KR Badyel9 EO Rice T (33.S9) 128.29 44.92 168.75 N2 129 Ragi W (33.59) Uninhabited 130 Uninhabited 131 PR BadYe13 EA Rice T (426.94) 21.04 209.22 565.35 N20:M2:T4 132 Ragi TK (392.14) WE (24.28) W (lo.sZ) Uninhabited 133 KR BadYel6 Rice T (34.40) 68.39 36.02 164.30 Nl 134 Ragi W (25.50) TK (8.90) Nl 135 KR Badyel 5 ED Rice T (41.28) 14.98 53.82 60.70 EAG Ragi TK (27.52) W (13.76) N4 136 PR Badyel 8 ED Rice T (93.89) 18.62 108.86 309.58 EAG Ragi TK (76.89) W (17.00) 40



Total number of Amenities available (if not available within the village, the distance Loca­ Total area Households and in broad ranges viz., - 5 Kms., 5 - 10 Kms. and 10 + Kms. of the tion Name of village of the population nearest place where the facility available is given) Code village (in r----.A---,,------~------, 'No. hectares) House- Popula- Educational Medical Drinking Post and Day or Communica- holds tion water Telegraph days of tions (BUs- (Potable) the stop, Railway market. station, if any water way) (1) (2) (3) (4A) (4B) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

137 Imadapuram alias 310.80 S4 342 P -5 W,HP -5 5-10 5-10 Peddakesampalle

138 Godugunur 370.29 104 568 P 5-10 W,HP -5 5-10 5-10

139 Kongalaveedu 872.90 271 1,335 P(4) 5-10 W,HP PO 5-10 -S

140 Puttayapalle 526.90 122 618 P 5-10 W,HP -5 5-10 5-10 41


Land use (i. e., area under different types of land use Remarks in hectares rounded upto 2 decimal places) including r------..A..------, any place of Loca. Approach Nearest town Power Staple Forest Irrigated Unirri- Culturable Area not religious, tion to village and distance supply fooj by source gated waste available historical or Code (in Kms.) for culti- archaeological No. vation interest

(II) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (1)

KR Badvel8 ED Rice T (61.92) 24.28 100.36 124.24 N3 137 EAG Ragi TK (42.09) W (19.83) PR Badvel8 ED Rice T (67.99) 68.39 84.58 149.33 138 EAG Ragi TK (33.99) W (17.00) WE (17.00) KR Badvel8 ED Rice 183.32 T (123.02) 107.65 129.09 329.82 N2 139 EAG Ragi WE (101.17) W (21.85) PR Badvel 12 ED Rice T (69.60) 177.66 0.81 278.83 140 EAG Ragi TK (47.75) W (21.85)


..,_'" :..... -" 7 ,_ I '" (> '"~ 0 ~ A \ .. ) -l _.\



1981 Name of 1981 Name of 1981 Name of Location village Location village Location villaa:e Code No. Code No. Code No.

(I) (2) (I) (2) (I) (2)

23 Atlur 56 Kudumuluru 3 Rajupalem 14 Kumbhagiri 7 Ramapuram North 18 Boddecherla 69 Kuruguntapalle 8 Ramapuram South 17 Brahmanapalle 29 Rangampalle 67 Brahmanapalle (Shor.) 47 Lingampalle 57 Ravulakollu 58 Bukkayyapalle 20 Rekalakunta 44 Machupalle 33 Chenduvoy 9 Madapur ~ 64 Sarvappanayunipeta 78 Cbintharajupalle 26 Maddur 53 Shakarajupalle 70 Madhavaram 38 Sidhout alias Siddhavattam 37 Darjeepalle 31 Malinenipa tnam 50 Mandapalle 48 Takkolu 54 Gangaperur 77 Mangampeta 10 Thamballagondi 36 Gollapalle 79 Mantapampalle 1 Thippanapall e 11 Gujjulavaripalle 40 Mulapalle 28 Thudur 68 Gundlamada 21 Muthukur 39 Gundlamula 32 Uppatur 6 NalJayapalle 35 Jangalapalle 66 Namallagondi 65 Vakamada 76 Javukulapalle 74 Narayanaraj upet 24 Varikunta 25 Jonnavaram 52 Nekallapuram 34 Velugupalle 60 JuvvalapaUe Vemalur 30 Obulam 15 43 Jyothi 12 Venlcatapuram 62 Pat tapurayi 2 Venkatasettipalle 46 Kadapayapalle 51 Peddapalle 27 Viruru 5 Kamalakur 55 Pennaperur 19 Viswanathapuram 16 Kamasamudram 22 Pidatbalaveerayapalle 63 Vogur 49 KanumalopalJe 71 Ponnapalle 75 Vontimitta 10 Konarajupalle 45 Ponnavalu 42 Vontithatipalle 13 Kondur 72 Kotapadu 73 Rachagudipalle 59 YeppiraJa 61 Kothur 41 Rajarnpeta 4 YerrabalJe

43 44



Total number of Amenities available (if not available within the village, the distance Loca­ Total area Households and in broad ranges viz., - 5 Kms., 5-IO Kms. and 10 + Kms. of the tion Name of villag;! of the population nearest place where the _cility available is given) village (in ,----.A..__ , ,-______..A.. ___-- ______, Code No. hectares) House- Popula- Educational Medical Drinking Post and Day or Communica- holds tion water Telegraph days of tions (Bus- (Potable) the stop, Railway market, station, if any waterway) (I) (2) (3) (4A) (4B) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

Thippanapalle 619.17 137 740 P 5-10 w -5 10+ -5

2 Venkatasettipalle 339.13 155 775 P 5-10 w PO 10+ BS

3 It.ajupalem 813.02 138 666 P -5 w -5 10+ -5

4 Yerraballe 647.50 58 280 P(2) -5 W -5 10+ BS

5 K'lm:llakur 1,499.76 518 2,486 P(2).M,O H(A),D,O w PO 10+ BS

62 308 P W -5 6 Nallayapalle 903.66 -5 10+ -5

341 1,642 P(3),M 5-10 W,HP PO 7 Ramapuram 936.84 10+ BS North

P(4) W,HP 8 Ramapuram 1,203.94 476 2,430 RP PO 10+ BS South P(5) W 9 Madapur 1,696.44 374 1,917 -5 PO 10+ -5

10 Thlmballagondi 865.22 197 964 P(2~ MH W PO 10+ BS

II Gujjulavaripalle 699.30 96 518 P(2) -5 W -5 10+ -5

12 Venkatapuram 776.99 12 72 -5 -5 W -5 10+ -5 4S


Land use (i. e., area under different types of land use Remarks in hectares rounded up to 2 decimal places) including r------~------, any place of Loca- Approach Nearest town Power Staple Forest Irrigated Unirri- Culturable Area not religious, tion to village and distanc~ supply food by source glted waste available historical or Code (in Kms.) for culli- archaeological No. vation interest

(ll) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (I)

KR Badve! 10 ED, Rice 14.97 T (52.21) 17.81 75.27 458.91 EAG Ragi TK (25.90) W (21.45) WE (4.86) PR Badvel 11 ED. Rice T (28.33) 8.09 12.95 289.76 Tt 2 EAG Ragi WE (14.97) W (13.36) PR Badvel 12 EAG Rice T (16".30) 31.97 123.03 563.72 T2 3 Ragi 0(80.53) W (63.54) TK (12.14) WE (8.09) PR Badve! 16 ED, Jowar T (100.36) 23.88 21.45 501.81 Tl 4 EAG Rice WE (74.87) TK (18.21) 0(7.28) PR Badve! 10 EA Rice T (337.10) 34.40 60.70 1,067.56 5 Ragi TK (179.28) 0(89.03) W (56.66) WE (12.14) KR Badvell0 Rice T (9.31) 18.62 373.52 444.75 6 Ragi TK (5.67) W (3.64) PR Badve! 14 EA Rice 87.82 T (IS2.11) 142.S5 49.37 474.69 7 Ragi TK (113.31) W (60,70) o (S.lO) PR Badvel IS ED Rice 379.19 T (375.14) 10.12 36.42 403.07 N2 8 Ragi TK (294.20) W (SO.94) KR Badvel 18 Rice T (474,70) 10.12 19.02 1,192.60 9 Ragi TK (302.71) W (171.99) PR BadveI 16 ED, Rice T (94.29) 40.47 22.67 707.79 Tl 10 EAG Ragi WE (7S.91) o (9.31) TK (6.07) KR Badvel 17 EAG Rice T (['J,9.28) 61.92 49.78 40S.32 11 Ragi W (121'41) WE (40.47) TK (17.40) KR Badvel 19 Rice T (6.07) 19.42 751.50 12 Ragi W (6.07) 46



Total number of Amenities available (if not available within the village, the distance Loca­ Total area Households and in broad ranges viz., - S Kms., 5 - 10 Kms. and 10 + Kms. of the tion Name of village of the population nearest place where the facility available is given) Code village (in,- --..A..----"'I ,------..A..-----~------, NO. hectares) House- Popula- Educational Medical Drinking Post and Day or Communica- holds tion water Telegraph days of tions (Bus- (Potable) the stop, Railway market, station, if any water way) (1) (2) (3) (4A) (4B) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

13 Kondur 834.06 .195 1,079 P(3)· D W 10+ BS

14 Kumbha,iri 277.21 .169 8\5 P -5 W PO 10+ -5

15 Vemalur 336.70 151 741 P -5 W -5 10+ -5

16 K'lm'lsamudram 617.55 215 1,120 P(3),M,H -5 W -5 10+ -5

17 BrahmlnapaUe 754.74 238 1,237 P(2),M,H MeW W,HP PO 10+ BS

18 BJddecherla 1,180.87 203 1,080 P(Z) -5 W,HP -5 10+ -5

19 Vishwanathapufam 142.05 93 320 P -5 W -5 10+ BS

20 Rekalaltun ta 543.90 140 743 P -5 W,HP PO 10+ BS

21 Muthukur 2,072.39 278 1,3;7 P(3) -5 W PO 10+ -5

22 Pidathalaveeraya- 58.68 Uninhabited palle -. 23 Atlur 1,276.38 . 482 2.525 Pf2),M,H RP(2) W PO 10+ BS

24 Varikunta 683.51 I~ 987 P(2} -5 W PO 10+ -5

25 Jonnavaram 662.47 239 1,122 P(2) -5 W -5 10+ -5

26 Maddur 453.25 101 507 P -5 W -5 10+ -5.

27 Viruru 712.24 206 1,036 P(2) -5 W -5 10+ BS 47

DIRECTORY aod Laod use SIDHOUT TALUK -_'_- Land use (i. e., area under different types of land use Remarks in hectares rounded upto 2 decimal places) including r------"------, any place of Loca. Approach Nearest town Power Staple Forest Irrigated Unirri- Culturable Area not religious, tion to village and distance supply food by sourc~ gated waste available historical or Code (in kms.) for culti- archaeological No. vation interest

(11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) ( 17) (18) (19) (20) (1)

PR Badvel 19 ED, Rice T (164.30) 32.38 125.40 481.98 13 EAG Ragi TK (87.41) W (60.70) WE (16.19) PR Badvel 19 ED, Rice T (173.21) 31.97 40.47 31.56 14 EAG Ragi WE (80.94) TK (51.80) W (40.47) KR Bldvel 21 Rice T (162.68) '53.01 23.07 97.94 15 Ragi W (101.17) TK(61.51) KR Badvel 19 ED Rice T (249.29) S2.15 31.16 254.95 16 Ragi W (191.01) TK (52.61) 0(5.67) PR Badvel 25 ED Ric! 20~. 77 T ([41.64) 62.73 .53.01 292.59 N2:Tl 17 Ragi TK (8Q.94) W (60.70) KR Badve128 Rice 902.45 T (14.87) 48.15 44.92 110.48 18 Ragl TK (52.61) W (22.26) PR Badvel 30 Rice 66.77 T (49.78) 12.95 12.55 MaIlemkonda 19 Ragi W (43.30) Swamy Temple TK (6.48) PR Badvel 30 Rice 246.86 T (76.89) 22.66 17.00 180.49 Venugopala 20 Ragi W (40.47) Swamy Temple. TK (36.42) NI PR Madhavaram 20 EAG Rice 1,350.S4 T (311.20) SO.53 60.70 269.12 21 Ragi W (253.33) TK (57.87) Uninhabited 22 T (412.78) PI.. Madhavaram 20 ED, Rice 31.57 85.79 746.24 N6:T2 23 EAG Ragi W (263.05) TK (115.74, WE (33.23) PR Madhavaram 18 EA Rice T (ISS.lS) 8.90 76.0S 410.35 24 Ragi W (127.D1) TK (61.11) KR Madhavaram IS ED Rice 327.S0 T (172.80) 23.47 16.59 121.81 25 Ragi W (113.72) TK (59.0S) KR Madhavaram 15 Rice T(99.55) 58.2S 19.42 276.00 26 Ragi W (7S.51) TK (21.04) PR Madhavaram 16 ,ED, Rice T (320.91) 391.33 27 EAG Ragi W (312.01) TK (8.,90) 48



Total number of Amenities available (if not available within the village, the distance Loca­ Total area Households and in broad ranges viz., - 5 Kms., 5 - 10 Kms. and 10 + Kms. of the tion Name of village of the population nearest place where the facility available is given) Cod., village (in ,-___-A.. ___ ~ ,------"------_-__-. NO. hectares) House- Popula- Educational Medical Drinking Post and Day or Communica- holds tion water' Telegraph days of lions (Bus- (Potable) the stop, Railway market, station, if any water way) (I) (2) (3) (4A) (4B) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (1(1)

28 Thudur B49.84 98 465 P MCW W -5 JO+ -5

29 Rangampalle 341.96 93 462 -5 -5 W -5 10+ -5 \

30 Obulam 2,846.55 1,010 4,118 P(IO) D W,HP PO' 10+ BS

31 Malinenipltnam 1,419.23 453 2,144 P(4),M SMP W PO 10+ -5

32 Uppatur 595.70 20j 1,003 P(2) -5 W PO 10+ BS

1,845 P(3) W,HP 33 Chenduvoy 965.98 379 H PO 10+ BS

34 Velugupalle 719.93 67 342 P 5-10 W -5 5-10 BS

35 Jangalapalle 3,481.50 175 791 P(2) -5 W -5 -5 BS

W,O 36 GoUapall e 303.11 81 325 P -5 PO 10+ BS

37 Darjeepalle 303.11 52 242 P(2) -5 W -5 10+ BS

38 Sidhout alias 743.41 766 3,857 P(6),M.H H,D,FPC, W.TK PO,TO, 10+ BS Siddhavattam RP(2),0 PTO, Phone 3!.l Gundlamu1a 512.33 82 373 P -5 W PO 10+ -5

40 Mulapalle 370.29 75 387 P -5 R,W.HP -5 10+ BS

41 Rajampeta 1,169.54 84 451 P -5 W -5 10+ BS

42 vontithatipalle 602.17 222 1,124 P(2) -5 W PO 10+ BS

43 lyothi 4,563.63 303 1,462 P(3) 0 W PO 10+ BS

44 Machupalle 488.45 374 1.936 P(2) 0(2) W PTO, 5-10 BS ~Pho'ne 49


Land use (i. e., area under different types of land use Remarks in hectares rounded upto 2 decimal places) including r------____..A-- ______, any place of Loca- Approach Nearest town Power Staple Forest Irrigated Unirri- Culturable Area not religious, tion to village and distance supply food by source gated waste available historical or Code (in Kms.) for culti- archaeological No. vation interest

(11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (1)

KR Madhavaram 15 Rice 441.11 T (73.25) 48.97 23.47 263.04 28 Ragi W (40.87) TK (32.38) KR Madhavaram 14 Rice r(85.79) 4.86 245.64 5.67 29 Ragi W (85.79) PR 'Madhavaram 17 Rice 1,350.43 T (604.20) 210.84 44.11 636.97 MaJlemkondes- 30 Ragi W (370.69) wara Swamy TK (164.71) Temple, N6 0(68.80) PR Madhavaram 12 EAG Rice T (316.06) 12.55 228.24 862.38 31 Ragi W (310.8U, TK (5.26) PR Madhavaram 13 Rice 0.41 T (212.86) 42.49 6.07 331.87 32 Ragi W (156.21) TK (56.65) 525.28 PR Madhavaram 11 EAG Rice 18.21 T (277.21) 136.38 8.90 33 Ragi R (129.50) W (127.48) TK (20.23) 36(;.64 31.97 272.35 PR Madhavaram 14 ED Rice T (48.97) 34 Ragi TK (48.97) 49.37 232.1;9 PR Madhavaram 19 ED, Rice 3,124.17 T (67'18) 8.09 35 EAG Ragi WE (42.90) 0(24.28) PR Madhavaram 18 ED, Rice T (29.14) 1.21 16.19 256.57 36 EAG Ragi W (29.14) 14.97 262.64 PR Madhavaram 19 ED, Rice T (24.28) 1.22 37 EAG Ragi WE (24.28) PR Cuddapah 18 EA Rice T (56.66) 12.14 122.21 552.40 Fort (Protected 38 Ragi WE (30.35) Monument) W(26.31) KR Cuddapah 14 ED Rice 380.00 T (39.66) 6.07 8.90 '17 .70 39 Ragi W (39.66) PR Cuddapah 14 ED, Rice 168.35 T (17.40) 0.81 89.44 94.29 40 BAG Ragi W (17.40) PR Cuddapah 14 EA Rice 998.76 T (33.19) 1.62 53.S2 82.15 41 Ragi WE (24.28) W (8.91) PR Cuddapah 12 ED, Rice T (106.03) 3.24 166.73 326.17 42 EAG Ragi WE (106.03) 365.02 Cl 43 PR Cuddapah 10 ED, Rice 4.047.6fi T(llO.48) 32.38 8.09 EAG Ragi WE (110.48) PR Cuddapah 8 ED, Rice 0.81 T (190.20) 16.19 68.39 212.86 44 EAG Ragi WE (190.20) 50



Total number of Amenities available (if not available Within the Village, the distance Loca- Total area Households and in broad ranges viz., - 5 Kms., 5~1O Kms. and to + Kms. of rhe tion Name of village of the population nearest place where the facility available is given) Code village (in ,-----"-----, ,------"------, No. hectares) House- Popula- Educational Medical Drinking Post and Day or Communica- holds tion water Telegraph days of tions (Bus (Potable) . the stop, Railway market, station, if any water way) (I) (2) (3) (4A) (4B) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

45 Ponnavolu 572.22 322 1,647 P(2) -5 W PO 10+ -5

46 Kadapayapalle 210.44 261 1,125 P 0 W -5 10+ BS

47 Lingampalle 320.91 127 665 P -5 W PO 10+ BS

48 Takkolu 1,049.35 426 2,183 P(5),M D,H(A) W PO 5-10 BS

49 Kanbmalopalle 182.11 60 253 P 5-10 W PO 10+ BS,RS

50 MandapaUe 541.87 16 88 -5 -5 W -5 10+ -5

51 Peddapalle 2,076.44 696 3,555 P(4),M,H D(A),O W PO,TO 10+ BS

52 Nekanapuram 1,033.56 136 647 P RP W PO 10+ BS

53 Shakarajupalle 908.19 223 1,208 P(3) -5 W,HP PO 10+ -5

S4 Gangap~rur 736.53 368 1,815 P(3),M -5 W PO 10+ BS

55 Pennaperur 1,851.43 348 1,895 P(2) MCW W -5 10+ BS

S6 Kudumului'U 1,315.23 298 1,333 tP(2) ~5 W PO 5-10 BS

517.19 206 57 Ravulakollu 906 pel) io+ W,R PO 10+ ~5

58 BukkaYY.lpalle 375.55 70 293 P 10+ W -5 10+ BS

59 Yeppirala 1,235.91 409 J ,886 P(3) 5-[0 HP,W PO 10+ BS

60 JuvvalapaUe 1,,099.12 148 569 P -5 HP,W -5 10+ BS

61 Kothur 4,195.77 853 3,454 P(6) H(A),RP W,C PO 10+ -5 51


Land use (i. e., area under different types of land use Remarks in hectares rounded upto 2 decimal places) including ,------"------, any place .of Loca- Approach Nearest town Pow~r Staple Forest Irrigated Unirri- Culturable Area not religious, tion to village and distance supply fooj by SOUfC,! gated waste available historical or Code (in Kms.) for culti- archaeological No. vation interest

(11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (!9) (20) (1)

PR Cuddapah 8 ED, Rice T (265.07) 111.29 5.66 190.20 45 EAG Ragi WE (224.60) TWE (40.47) PR Cuddapah 5 EA Rice T (87.41) 17.00 106.03 46 Ragi W (87.<41) PR Cuddapah 5 EA Rice T (109.67) 31.56 179.68 47 Rali W (69.20) PC (40.47) PR Cuddapah 6 EA Rice T (163.90) 147.71 737.74 48 Raai W (163.90) PR Cuddapah 13 EAG Rice 2.43 179.68 49 Rali J:.R Cuddapah 18 EAG Rice 285.30 T (49.37) 0.41 62.32 144.47 50 Ragi W (49.37) PR CUddapah 20 EA Rice 736.93 T (289.35) 0.81 475.91 573.44 51 Ragi W (289.35) PR Cuddapah 20 EAG Rice 182.11 T (85.39) 50.58 23.07 692.41 52 Ragi W (85.39) PR Madhavaram 17 ED, Rice T(117.36) 3.64 27.11 751.90 53 EAG Ragi W (104.00) TK (13.36) PR Madhavaram 14 EA Rice T (263.86) ll7.76 165.11 186.56 N2 S4 Ragi TK (178.47) W (85.39) PR Madhavaram 14 ED, Rice T (334.27) 16.19 159.85 1,341.12 55 EAG Ragi WE (243.62) GC (90.65) 834.87 PR Madhavaram 8 EA Rice T (348.Q3) 38.04 94.29 56 Ragi W (267.09) 0(80.94) 25.50 191.0! N2 PR Madhavaram 14 Rice 174.01 T (96.32) 30.35 57 Ragi W (7S.11) T~ (12.95) 0(5.26) 105.22 PR Madhavaram 16 Rice 157.42 T (78.51) 10.12 24.28 Kodandarama 58 Ragi W (78.5!) Swamy Temple, Tl PR Madhavaram 18 Rice 439:49 T (148.52) 88.63 108.45 405.82 Chenakeswara 59 Ragi W (101.17) Swamy Temple TK (47.35) PR Madhavaram 19 Rice 675.01 T (33.59) 28.33 111.29 250.90 60 Ragi W (33.59) PR Madhavaram 23 Rice 2,40s,45 T (492.91) 320.10 323.75 653.56 Nl:Tl 61 Rali W (272.76) TW (217.72) TK (2.43) 52



Total number of Amenities available (if not available within the village, the distance Loca­ Total area Households and in broad ranges viz., - 5 Kms., 5-10 Kms. and 10 + Kms. of the tion Name of village of the population nearest place where the facility available is given) Code village (in ,---...A-__ , r------J\._------, No. hectares) House- Popula- Educational Medical Drinking Post and Day or Communica- holds tion water Telegraph days of lions (Bus- (Potable) the stop, Railway market, station, if any waterway) (I) (2) (3) (4A) (4B) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

62 Pattapurayi 557.65 291 1,287 P(2),M -5 W,R -5 10+ NW

63 Vogur 1,236.19 309 1,463 P(2) 5-10 W PO 10+ -5 \

64 Sarvappanayuni- 177.25 25 110 P 5-10 W -5 10+ NW peta

65 Vakamlda 955.45 291 1,255 P(2) ~-10 W -5 10+ BS

66 Namallagondi 600.96 57 293 P 5-10 W PO 10+ NW

67 Brahmana- 893.54 13 54 -5 -5 W -5 10+ -5 palle (Shor.) 68 Gundlamada 301.89 72 327 P -5 W,R -5 10+ -5

69 Kuruguntapalle 5,005.95 1,420 6,384 P(7) 0(2) W PO,TO 10+ BS

70 Madhavaram 1,446.00 Urban area (Madhavaram Town)

71 Ponnapalle 1,545.90 264 1,014 P,M -5 W PO 10+ -5

72 Kotapadu 1,401.42 881 4,217 P(3),M,R -5 W PO 10+ BS

73 Rachagudipalle 698.08 488 2,305 P(3),M MCW,D W PO 10+ BS

74 Narayanarajupet 36.02 Uninhabited 75 Vontimitta 1,964.34 1,573 " ,573 P(13),M(2), MCW,D, W PO,PTO, 10+ BS H SMP,FPC Phone

76 lavukulapalle 1,887.85 47 218 -5 -5 W -5 10+ -5

77 Mangampeta 277.61 64 324 P 5-10 W 5-10 10+ BS

78 Chintharajupalle 2,312.77 278 1,412 P,O -5 W PO 10+ BS

79 Mantapampallc 822.72 450 2,355 P(5),M,H PRC.n W PO.TO 10+ BS,RS

80 Konarajupalle 3,494.05 163 857 P(l) -5 W PO 10+ BS 53


and Land use SmHOUT TALUK

Land use (i. e., area under different types of land use Remarks in hectares rounded upto 2 decimal places) including ,---______.A. ______---, any place of Loca- Approach N~arest town Power St.lple Forest Irriglted Unirri- Culturable Area not religious, tion to village an;} distance supply fooj by sourc~ gated waste available historical or Code (in Kms.) for culti- archaeological No. vation interest

(11) (12) (13) (14) (IS) (16) (17) (\8) (19) (20) (I)

KR,NR Madhavaram 23 Rice 2.42 T (85.39) 80.94 54.23 334.67 N2 62 Ragi TK (59.08) 0(18.21) W (8.10) KR· Madhavaram 17 Rice 558.41 T (333.43) 27.11 12.'5 304.69 63 Ragi W (230.65) TK (102.78) KR,NR Mldhavaram 16 Rice T (47.75) 11.73 17.00 100.77 64 Ragi W (39.66) 0(8.09) PR Madhlvaram 15 Rice 414.22 T (182.11) 69.60 40.47 229.05 65 Ragi W (121.41) TK (60.70) PR,NR Mldhwaram 14 Ric! 37.6~ T (B.H) 40.97 104.41 371.50 66 Ragi W (22.66) TK (15.78) KR Madhavaram 8 EO Rico 651.14 T (52.61) 12.95 45.32 131.52 67 Ragi W (52.61) KR Madhavaram 6 BO, Rice 128.28 T (14.57) 12.14 17.00 129.90 68 BAG Ragi W (14.57) PR Madhavuam 2 EO, Ric~ T (3B.93) 126.26 757.57 3,773.14 N5:Tl 69 BAG Ragi TK (161.06) WB (130.71, TW (52.21) Urban Area (Madhavaram Town) 70

KR Madhavaram 4 Rice 478.74 T (227.43) 22.26 41.69 775.78 71 Ragi W (227.43) PR Madhavaram 2 BA Ric~ T (~42.32) 28.33 344.79 585.93 M3:T2 72 Ragi W (404.28) TK (38.04) PR Madhavaram 8 BA Rice T (222.58) 97.13 112.09 266.28 N5:MI 73 Ragi W (222.58) Uninhabited 74 PR Madhavaram 13 BA Rice T (876.14) 121.41 273.97 692.82 Kodandarama 75 Ragi TK (604.19) Swamy Temple, W (271.95) N50:M8:Tl KR Cuddapah .20 BA Rice 1,520.80 T (97.93) 0.81 23.88 244.43 76 Ragi W (97.93) PR Nagirec\dipaUe 20 BAG Rice T (33.18) 21.45 199.10 23.18 77 Ragi W (33.18) PR Nagireddipalle 10 BAG Rice 1,466.17 T (118.57) 149.74 542.68 35.61 78 Ragi W (118.57) . PR Nagireddipalle 10 BD, Rice 10.11 T ~174.42) 159.85 336.70 141.64 NIO:C3:T2 79 BAG Ragi W (119.38) TK (55.04) I'll NagireddipaUe 11- Be- Rice \931.35 T (118.57) 81.34 306.35 S5.4. 80 Jtaci W (85.79) TK (32.78)

CUDDAPAH TALUK r:::::::====~~.~ _ ------. , :! ~ '"Q) . ~ :J 0 <: IE A .!!' n. .. § .., ! ! i ~ ~ c c . 0 1-- ~ 2< I .. i:~~ .. I . 1 v :¥: ..... is ;; 0 ~ i :t u .E ::') , U ! i ~"' . ~ .!! • <::"" ::c ..J 0:: ~ . .!:!. 1-' ~ ! 3 ~ ;:u ;: c.n If) 0 0 i W ... '" 0 o .c ".. ~ .. .c ~ :r o '" ~ .c .. E 0 0 'j .. f ;; ~ . ~~ :: ~ .. ... ~ ~ ... ;; I- " ..... a.. 0- .. .. .c c E .. 0 :I: ~ .., ~ I ~ 0 .. ~ ! i ~ ;;. ".. III "~ ~~ 0 .. ~ III . .!? 0 ~ ::I: ~. ID :.:. 0 :. X a: ~ "'~ ; .>c . c .. .. a ~ ;! G 4: '" ::Ii , I ~ < .. ~ ! ~ .0 .c ... ~ .!! .. I g ;;; .Q .c. ; -;: a:: a... i ~ 0 ;; .. .. :t 0 l- .. ~ ;;: -: ~ I- :; ::J ~+ ::c « 4: ~ <5 0: Q. ... :1:::£ is :r '0 '" ' .. \ 0 0 0 I- ~ Z - a :r i 0 .... U~ • u I~, L:~1J I ~IxllVlI ••• '" ...... ,~ U IJ1 :;:; ;' i Z :0 ~ '"z (\ 0 H a ';; \.~ s 0 ~


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) f.l'II'OOO<:!d 01

?- '"r- '.~ f>. ..y .. z~ 1- ALPHABETICAL LIST OF VILLAGES


1981 Name of 1981 Name of 1981 Name of Location vi!lsic Location village Location villaie Code No. Code No. Code No.

(I) (2) (I) (2) (I) (2)

65 Akkayapalle 70 Ippapenta 24 Pa tba Cuddapah 112 Amani Viswanathapuram 36 Isukapalle 6 Pathuru 54 Ambavaram 95 Pedda Dasaripalle 34 Ankayapalle 74 Jamaalpalle 72 Pedda Kampalle 83 Apparaj\lpalle 45 Jangampalle 43 Pedda Putba 98 A. Ramachandrapuram 97 Pendlimarri 88 Kammavaripalle 3 Pullur 85 Balupalle 21 Kanupartbi 39 Putha Chinnayapalle 20 BayanapaJle 7 Khajipet Sunkesula 68 Putlampalle 1 Bhumayapalle 49 Kodandaramapuram 28 Rachinnayapalle 103 Binduraopalle 32 Kokkarayapalle 30 Ramanapalle 2 Buddayapalle 73 KolumulapaJle 93 Ramapuram 76 Buggalapalle 40 Komarunipalle alias 77 BuggaletipaJle 12 Kommaluru Mittameedipalle 101 Konayapalle 64 Ramarajupalle 110 Kondur 91 Rampathadu 105 Chabali 87 Kopparthi 15 Ravulapalle 107 Cheemalapepta 48 Koppolu 59 Rayalapanthulapalle 79 Chemmumiahpeta 60 Rudrabharatipet 86 K. Ramachandrapuram 17 Chemullapalle 75 Rudrayagaripalle 104 Kothapeta 99 Chennalllrajupalle 14 Kotluru 18 Chennamukkapalle 100 Sankatipalle 57 Krishnapuram 31 Chennur 33 Sivalpalle 80 Cherlopalle 42 Lebaka 26 Chinnachowk 56 Thadigotla 96 Chinna Dasaripalle 102 Machanur 41 Thappetia 71 Chinna Kampalle 5 Machupalle 13 Thavvaripalle 61 Chinna Machupalle 69 Mamillapalle 90 Thippireddipalle 44 Chinna Putha 9 Miduthuru 53 ThollagangaDapalle 84 Chintakommadinne 92 Moillakalva 11 Thripura vararo 27 Cuddapah 29 Mundlapalle 8 Tbudumuladinne 108 Thummalur 19 Dowlathapuram 66 Nagarajupet 58 T. Ramachandrapuram 52 Dugganapalle 4 Nagasanipalle 16 Dumpalagattu 111 Nandimandalam 25 Ukkayapalle 22 Nazarbaigpalle ,51 Upparapallc 47 Eguvapalle 78 Utukur 10 Eturu 38 Obanasomayajulapalle 31 VafIuru 89 Ganganapalle 81 Pabbapuram 94 Vellatur 109 Gonditlalle 106 Pagadalapalle 35 Venkatesapuram 50 Goturu 46 Paidikalva 67 Viswanatbapuram 63 Gudur 62 PalampalJe 23 Gurrampadu 82 Papasabebpet S5 Yadavapuram

55 S6



Total number of Amenities available (if not available within the village, the distance Loca- Total area Households and in broad ranges viz., - 5 Kms., 5-10 Kms. and 10 + Kms. of the tion Name of village of the population nearest place where the facility available is given) village (in ,..--__..A. ___ -, Code ~~------..A.------, No. hectares) House- Popula- Bducaticmal Medical Drinking Post and Day or Communica- holds tion water Telegraph days of tions (Bus (Potable) . the stop, Railway market, station, if any water way) (1) (2) (3) (4A) (4B) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

Bhumayapalle 1,807.32. 921 4.738 peS) -5 w PO 5-10 BS

2 Buddayapalie 169.56 7 34 P -5 W PO 5-10 -5

\ 3 Pullur 1,356.10 790 3.787 P(5) -5 W PO 5 10 -5

4 Na.alanipalle 3,356.45 2.07 994 P 5-10 W PO 5-10 5-10

5 Machupalle 1.019.40 Uninhabit.d 6 Pathuru 6,116.00 1,230 5.823 P(6) -5 W PO -5 BS

7 Kbajipet 1,621.98 1,563 7,679 P(IO" H,D(U), W PO,TO, 10+ BS Sunkesula M(2). PHC, PTO H MeW 8 Thudumiliadinne 774.16 363 1,793 P(3) -s W PO 10+ 5-10

9 Miduthuru 1,120.17 413 2.176 P(4) Mew w PO 10+ 5-10

10 Eturu 756.36 171 996 P -s W PO 5-10 5-10

11 Thripuravaram 737.34 171 877 P 5-10 W PO 10+ 5-10

12 Kommaluru 501.81 169 801 P 5-10 W,K. PO 10+ 5-10

t3 Thavvaripalle 537.02 266 1,233 P -5 W PO 10+ -5

14 Kotlufu 1,927.92 660 2,991 P(8) -5 W PO,TO 5-10 -5

15 Ravulapalle 351.27 347 1.659 PC3) -5 w PO,TO -5 -5

J6 DumpaJagattu 802.89 .264 1,136 P -5 W PO 10+ -5

17 Cbemullapalle' 1,470.62 613 2.941 p(3) -5 W PO 10+ -5

18 Chennamukka- 1.158.61 353 1.707 P(3. MCW W PO 10+ -5 palle

19 Dowlathapuram 330.22 134 S44 P -5 W . PO, 5-10 BS P'l'O 57


Land u~e· (i •. e., area under different types of land use Remarks in hectares rounded upto 2 decimal places) including r-- -"------, any place of Loca_ Approach Nearest town Power ·Staple Foreit- Irrigated Unirri- Cult urable. Area not religious, tion to village and distance supply food. by source gated waste available historical or Code (in Kms.) for culti- archaeological No. vation interest

(11) (12) (13) (14) (IS) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (1 )

PR Proddatur 24 EAG Rice T (702.13) 229.86 701.32 174.01 NIO:T4 Ragi GC (661.66) w (40.47) PR Proddatur 25 EAG Rice T (89.44) 55.44 24.68 NI:T1 2 Ragi W (89.44) PR Cuddapah 24 EAG Rice T (483.60) 5.67 181.30 685.53 NI0:M3:T2 3 Ragi GC (460.13) W (23.47) PR Cuddapah 24 Rice T (43.71) 31.16 2,842.50 439.08 Naganatha 4 Jowar W (43.71) Swamy Temple, NI Uninhabited 5 PR Cuddapah 20 BAG Rice 2.547.09 T (518.81) 59.08 1.593.24 1,397.78 N4 6 GC (507.07) W (11.74) PR Kamalapuram 13 EAG Rice T (808.16) 216.51 456.08 141.23 NI20:CI:MI:T3 7 Jowar GC (808.16)

KR Kamalapuram 12 Rice T (220.15) 211.24 251.31 91.46 N2 8 Ragi GC (187.37) . TK (19.83) W (12.95) KR Kamalapuram \0 BAG Rice T (273.97) 140.43 544.71 161.06 N5:TI 9 Jowar - GC (227.43) W (46.54) EAG Rice T (51.80) KR Kamalapuram 5 84.13 404.00 136.78 N3:T2 10 Ragi W (28.33) GC (23.47) BAG Rice KR Kamalapuram 4 146.09 360.17 231.08 N3 Ragi II Kamalapuram 7 BAG Rice T (173.21) 108.86 KR 83.77 135.97 N2:TJ 12 Ragi W (173.21) Kamalapuram 8 Rice T (U8.17) 157.02 106.43 KR 155.40 N4:T1 13 Ragi GC (118.17) Kamalapuram 10 Rice T (274.38) 577.89 317.27 KR 758.38 Sri Chenna Kesa- 14 Ragi GC (274.38) va Swamy Temple. NIO:C2:Tl Kamalapuram 12 Rice T (191.82) 3.64 PR 80.94 74.87 N5:CI:T4 15 Ragi GC (191.82) Kamalapuram 12 Rice 78.51 T (226.22) 104.16 0423.30 PR 60.70 Gangamma 16 Ragi GC (226.22) Jathara, Nl PR Cuddapah 16 Rice 0480.36 T (334.27) 10.52 586.39 19.43 N2 17 Rflgi GC (334.27) PR Cuddapah 16 BAG Rice T (230.67) 29.95 255.76 642.23 N5 IS Ragi GC (165.92) w (64.75) PR Cuddapah 14 BAG 151.64 Ri.9~ T (38.85) 7.69 35.61 89.43 NIO:C5 19 i-Ii GC(38.85) 58



Total number of Amenities avaiJable (if not available within the village, the distance Loca- Total area Households and in broad ranges viz., - 5 Kms., S~1O Kms. and 10 + Kms. of the tion Name of village or the population nearest place where the facility available is given) Code village (in r----..A..----, ,----____-~-- __ ..A.. ---. No. hectares) House~ Popula- Educational Medical Drinking Post and Day or Communica- holds lion waler Tc:legraph days of tions (Bus (Potable) the SlOP. Railway market, station, if any water way) (1) (2) (3) (4A) (4B) (5) (6) , (7) (8) (9) (10)

20 Bayanapalle 280.85 708 3,298 P(2),M, -5 W PO, -5 -s H PTO

21 Kanuparlhi 2,853.43 261 1,146 P(2) 5-10 W PO -5 5-10

22 Nazarbaigpalle 100.77 270 1,136 P 5-10 W -5 -5 -5

23 Gurrampadu 1,452.82 278 1,270 P 5-10 W PO 5-10 5-10

24 Patha Cuddapah 740.98 786 3,765 P(2) -s W PO -5 -s

2S Ukkay;tpalle 945.34 682 3,251 P(5) -5 W PO -5 -5

26 Chinna Chowk(R) :,761.57 3,608 17,450 PCB), -5 T,W PO,TO 5-10 ~5 M.H

27 Cuddapah 683.92 Urban Area (Cuddapah Town) 28 Rachinnayapalle 271.14 198 798 P 5-10 W PO 5-10 5-10

29 MundlapaJle 358.55 258 1,226 P 5-10 W PO 5-10 5~1O

30 Ramanapalle 510.71 715 3,325 P(2) 5-10 W PO -5 5-10

31 Chennur 594.07 2,627 12,380 P(6),M(2), H,D(A) W PO, 5-10 BS H PTO

32 Kokkarayapalle 100.77 140 694 P -5 W PO -5 5-10

33 Sivalpalle 363.41 183 831 P -5 W PO 10+ -5

34 AnkayapaJle 32.78 Uninhabited 35 Venka tesapuram 26.71 106 432 P -5 W -5 10+ -s

36 bukapalle 36.83 32 208 P -s W PO 10+ -5

'37 Valluru ' 1,471.03 1,071 5,267 P(II),M(3), H(A),D(A), W,TW PO, S-IO BS.RS H(2) PHC TO

38 Obanasomayajulapalle 9.71 Uninhabited 39 Putha Chinnayapalle 29.95 76 375 -S -5 W -S 10+ -5

40 Komarunipalle 104.41 97, 477 P -S W PO 5-10 -S 59


lad Laad DIe CUDDAPAH TALt1~

Land use (i. e., area under different types of land use Remarks in hectares rounded upto 2 decimal places) including ,------__-...A--. ____ ------, any place of Loca. Approach Nearest town Power Staple Forest Irrigated Unirri- Culturable Area not reliaious, tion to village and distance supply food by sourc..: gated waste available historical or Code (in lems.) for cult i- archaeological No • vation interest

(11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (I)

PR Cuddllpah 14 EAG Rice T (140.42) 13.36 72.44 54.63 N5 20 Ragi GC (83.77) W (56.65) KR Cuddapah 14 EAG Rice 2,265.83 T (224.60) 57.46 99.96 205.58 N2:Ml:Tl 21 Ragi OC (172.80) W (51.80) KR Cuddapah 8 Rice T (21.85) 24.28 14.17 40.47 22 Ragi GC (21.85) KR Cuddapah 8 EAG Rice 740.57 T (112.10) 74.06 269.92 256.17 N2:M2:TI 23 Ragi GC (112.10) PR Cuddapah 4 EAG Rice T (417.23) 185.35 82.96 55.44 NIO:M2:Tl 24 Ragi GC (417.23) PR Cuddapah 3 EAG Rice T (633.33) 8.90 144.47 158.64 Venkateswara 25 Ragi GCJ633.33) Swamy Temple, NIO:Tl 26 PR Cuddapah 3 EA Rice T (196.27) 174.82 2,382.38 8.10 1'1100 Ragi GC (91.05) TK (65.96) W (39.26) Urban Area (Cuddapah Town) 27 28 KR Cuddapah 4 EAG Rice T (121.41) 92.67 17.81 39.25 NS Rali GC (121.41) KR Cuddapah 7 EAG Rice T (237.55) 31.56 59.09 30.35 N4 29 Ragi GC (237.55) KR Cuddapah 8 BAG Rice T (363.41) 2.02 78.91 66.37 N5 30 Raai GC (363.41) PR cuddapah 10 BAG Rice T (338.72) 4.45 33.18 217.72 N50 31 Ragi GC (328.60) W (10.12) KR Cuddapah 11 BAG Rice T (65.56) 34.40 O.tH 32 Ragi GC (53.42) W (12.14) KR Cuddapah 14 BAG Rice T (229.86) 7.29 47.75 78.51 N4 33 Ragi GC (229.86) Vninhabiud 34 KR Cuddapah 14 Rice T (4.05) 12.14 10.52 35 Ragi GC (4.05) KR Kamalapuram 9 Rice T (13.36) 2.43 21.04 Nt 36 Ragi GC (13.36) PR Kamalapuram 7 EAG Rice T (308.77) 526.50 347.22 288.54 NIO:MI 37 Ragi W (167.13) GC (141.64) Uninhabited 38 KR Kamalapuram 6 EAG Rice T (21.85) 1.10 39 Jl.aai W (11.85) KR Kamalapuram 6 EAG Rice T (27.12) 2.83 52.61 21.85 40 B.agi W (27.12) ~ 60



Total number of Amenities available (if not available within the village, the distance Loca- Total area Households and in broad ranges viz., - 5 Kms •• 5-10 Kms. and 10 + Kms. of the tion Name of village of the population nearest place where the facility available is given) Code village (in, ----"-----, ,------_____ -_--"-______- __, No. hectares) House- Popula- Educational Medical Drinking Post and Day or Communica- holds tion Water Telegraph days of lions (Bus- (Potable) the stop, Railway market, station, if any water way) (1 ) (2) (3) (4A) (4B) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (1(')

41 Thappetla 791.97 316 1,504 P(2) -5 W PO 5-10 BS

42 Lebaka 1,484.'38 642 3,147 P(2) -5 W PO 5-10 BS

43 Pedda Putha 253.74 259 1,248 P -5 W PO 5-10 BS

-44 Chinna Putha J59.85 129 624 P -5 W,T PO 5-10 5-]0

45 Jangalllpalle 375.55 28 168 P -5 W -5 5-10 5-10

46 Paidlkalva 1,821.08 397 2,018 P D W PO 10+ 5-10

47 Eguvapallc 446.37 93 483 P,M,H 5-10 W PO 10+ 5-10

48 Koppolu 1,125.83 376 1,726 P(4) 5-10 W PO 10+ -5

49 Kodandarama- 151.35 Uninhabited puram 50 Goturu 1,038.12 223 1,086 P -5 W PO 5-10 BS

51 Upparapalle 690.80 282 1,410 P(2) 5-10 W PO 10+ 5

52 Dugganapalle 596.51 113 552 P 5-10 W PO 10+ -5

53 Thollagangana- 726.00 136 683 P 5-10 W PO 5-10 5-10 palle 54 Ambavaram 1,795.18 747 3.692 P(04) 5-10 W PO 10+ 5-10

55 YadaVapuram 409.14 13 52 -5 5-10 W -5 5-10 -5

56 Thadi&otla 1,182.49 J75 837 P 5-10 W PO 5-10 -5

57 Krishnapuram 55.44 88 356 P -5 W PO 5-10 RS

58 T. Ramachandra- 106.84 10 61 -5 5-10 W,HP -5 5-10 -5 puram 59 Rayalapanthula- 98.34 66 298 P -5 W PO 5-10 -5 palJe 61


Land use (i. e •• area under different types of land use Remarks in hectares rounded upto 2 decimal places) including ,------"------, any place of Loca- Approach N::.H'::5t town PJw~r Staple PJr'::5t IrrigHed Unirri- Culturable Area not religious, tion to village ani distance supply foo:1 by soure! g'lted waste available historical or Code (in Kms.) for culti- archaeological No. vation interest

(11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (1)

PR Kamalapuram 5 BAG Rice T (263.86) 30.35 382.02 115.74 N4:T1 41 Ragi 0(210.44) W (53.42) PR Kamalapuram 3 EAG Rice 62.73 T (380.81) 705.77 178.46 156.61 N3 42 Ragi 0(265.47) W (115.34) PR Kamalapuram 3 EAG Rice T (122.21) 125.05 6.48 N4 43 Ragi 0(91.05) W (31.16) KR Kamalapuram 4 EAG Rice T (70.41) 89.44 N2 44 Ragi W (70.41) KR Kamalapuram 5 ED Riee T (15.78) 273.57 22.26 63.94 T1 45 Ragi W (15.78) KR Kamalapuram 7 BD Rice T (150.95) 1,023.04 301.71 343.98 N2 46 Ragi 0(84.58) W (66.37) KR Kamalapuram 8 ED Rice 403.47 42.90 N3 47 Jowar KR Kamalapuram 7 ED Rice T (239.17) 752.31 134.35 N4 -48 Ragi W (164.30) TK (74.87) Uninhabited 49

PR Cuddapah 14 EAG Rice T (178.06) 738.95 34.40 87.01 50 Ragi TK (121.81) GC (44.11)' W (12.14) KR Cuddapah 8 ED Rice T (304.32) 10.12 327.69 48.97 N4 51 Ragi GC (250.90) W (53.42) KR Cuddapah 7 Rice T (185.35) 97.12 276.40 37.64 52 Ragi GC (185.35) KR Cuddapah 9 EAG Rice T (LOS.05) 47.35 222.17 348.43 Tl 53 Ra,i TK (108.05) KR Cuddapah 14 Rice T (269.12) 781.04 511.11 233.91 54 Ragi W (200.32) TK (68.80) KR Cuddapah 9 Rice T (8.10) 58.68 123.83 218.53 55 Raai TK (8.10) KR Cuddapah 7 Rice T (117.36) 379.19 564.54 121.40 56 Bajra TK. (80.94) W (36.42) PR Cuddapah 4 Rice T (10.93) 26.30 11.33 6.88 57 Ragi W (10.93) PR Cuddapah 4 ED Rice T (53.83) 8.50 22.66 21.85 jS Bajra GC 53.83) PR Cuddapah 6 EAG Rice T (12.66) 19.43 19.42 36.83 59 !taai GC (21.66) 62



Total number of Amenities available (if not available within the village. the dista nee Loca­ Total area Households and in broad ranges viz., - 5 Kms., 5-10 Kms. and 10 + Kms. of the tion Name of village of the population nearest place where the facility available is given) Code village (in ,.---...A-. ___.. ,.______~...A.. __------.. No. hectares) House - Popula- Educational Medical Drinking Post and Day or Communiea- holds tion water Telegraph days of lions (Bus- (Potable) the stop, Railway market. stat jon, if any waterway) (I) (2) (3) (4A) (4B) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

60 Rudrabharatipet 162.68 Uninhabited 61 Chinna Machupalle 798.04 320 1,4[7 p 5.10 W PO 5-10 BS

62 Palampalle 728.03 674 2,930 P(3) -5 w PO 5-10 \ BS 63 Gudur (R) 661.25 728 3,141 P(4),M -5 W,TW PO 5-10 BS

64 Ramarajupalle 361.79 368 1,605 p -5 W PO -5 BS

65 Akkayapalle 112.50 1,373 6.987 P(4) -5 W PO -5 BS

66 Nagarajupet (R) 327.79 48 218 -5 -5 T PO -5 -5

67 Viswana:hapurarn(R)46.94 188 852 p -5 w PO -5 -5

68 Putlampalle 1,572.20 311 1,292 P 5-10 W PO 5-10 5-10

69 Mamillapalle 5,782.54 989 4,601 P(9) 5-10 w PO -5 5-10 6,192.08 70 Ippap~nta 401 ],994 P(3) 10+ w PO 10+ -5

71 Chinna K~IUPdlle 3,628.40 [[3 467 P(2) 10+ W PO 10+ BS

72 Pedda Kampalle 44.52 50 243 -5 10+ W PO 10+ -5 73 Kolurnulapalle 3,032.30 444 2,092 P(3) W PO 5-10 -5

74 Jamaalpalle 101.17 209 1,086 P 10+ W PO 10+ -5 75 RudrayagaripaJle 199.51 Uninhabited 76 BuggalapaUe 378.78 607 2.946 P(2) 5-10 w PO.TO 5-10 BS

77 Buggaletipalle 118.17 100 443 P 5-10 W PO 5-10 BS 78 Utukur 742.60 576 3,128 P(2),M,H 5-10 W PO -5 -5 63


Land use (i. e., area uader different types of land use Remarks in hectares rounded upto 2 decimal places) including r------..A------.. any place of Loca- Approach Nearest town Power Staple Forest Irrigated Unirri- Culturable Area not religious, tion to village and distance supply fo:)] by sourc ~ gated waste available historical or Code (in Kms.) for culti- archaeological No. vation interest

(11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (1)

Uninhabited 60 PR Cuddapah 6 BAG Rice T (254.95) 44.52 347.62 150.95 NIO 61 Ragi GC (254.95) PR Cuddapah 4 BAG Rice T (574.65) 7.29 21.04 125.05 NI0 62 Ragi GC (574-65) PR Cuddapah 2 EA Rice T (442.72) 2.43 67.99 148.11 N5:Ml:T2 63 Ragi GC (442.72) PR Cuddapah 4 EAG Rice T (32.37) 62.32 212.87 54.23 N3 64 Ragi GC (28.33) W (4.04) PR Cuddapah 2 EA Rice T (1.62) 0.40 110.48 Sri Ananda 65 Jowar W (1.62) 13alamba Ava- dhuta Mutt, NlSO:C7:M2 PR Cuddapah 2 ED Rice 198.29 129.50 66 Jowar PR Cuddapah 2 ,BAG Ri'ce T (0,40) 28.33 18.21 N4 67 Ragi W (0.40)

KR Cuddapah 3 ED Rice 1,039.63 T (81,34) 134.76 158.64 157.83 N2 68 JOWar TK (61.51) W (19.83) KR Cuddapah '3 ED Rice 4,896.68 T (110.08) 17.40 520.83 237.55 N4 69 Ragi W (110.08) KR Cuddapah 10 Rice 4,925.42 T (170.37) 88.22 809.77 198.30 70 Ragi W (94.70) TK (75.67) PR Cuddapah 14 Rice 3,213.60 T (42.49) 163.90 89.03 119.38 71 Ragi W (32.78) TK (6.47) 0(3-24) PR Cuddapah 14 Rice T (6.07) 28.73 5.67 4.05 72 Ragi TK (6.07) PR CUddapah 12 Rice 2,169.51 T.(199.91) 112.10 278.83 271.95 73 Ragi W (96.72) TK (70.82) 0(32.37) PR Cuddapah 14 BAG Rice T (29.14) 45.73 12.95 13.35 74 Ragi W (29.14) Uninhabited 7S PR Cuddllpah 8 BAG Rice T (1l5.34) 40.87 2.83 219.74 N2 76 Ragi TK (60.30) W (55.04) PR Cuddapah 9 ED Rice T (12.54) 82.56 23.07 Nt n Bajra W (12.54) PR Cuddapah 2 ED Rice T (140.02) 66.37 3$5.08 291.13 N3:Cl:Ml Rali W (140.02) 11 64



Total number of Amenities avaiJable (if not available within the village, the distance Loca- Total area Households and in broad ranges viz., - 5 Kms•• 5-10 Kms. and 10 + Kms. of the tion Name of village of the population nearest place where the facility available is given) .~ ____ ..A- Code village (in ,-----"---, No. hectares) House- Popula- Educational Medical Drinking Post and Day or Communica------holds tion water Telegraph days of tions (Bus (Potable) the stop, Railway market, station, if any water way) (1) (2) (3) (4A) (4B) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

79 Chemmumiahpeta(R)609.05 2,625 13,075 P(4) -5 W PO 5-10 BS

80 CherlopaUe 308.37 Uninhabited 81 Pabbapuram 435.04 162 795 P 5-10 W PO 5-10 -5

82 Papasahebpet 285.30 152 \ 805 P 5-10 W PO 10+ -s

83 Apparajupalle 388.09 77 416 P 10+ W PO 10+ -5

84 Chintakomma- 6,069.86 1.255 6,108 P(S),M D W PO 10+ -5 dintle

85 BalupaUe 200.32 85 478 P 5-10 W PO 10+ -5

86 K. Ramachandra- 61.51 .3 13 -5 5-10 W -5 5-10 -5 puram 87 Kopparthi 2,928.70 371 1,858 P(4) 5-10 w,rw PO 5-10 BS

88 Kammavaripalle 508.28 253 1,277 P 10+ w PO 10+ BS

89 Ganganapalle 6,OS~J.80 S~5 2,903 P(7),M,H 10+ W PO 10+ BS

90 Thippireddipalle 1,061.08 493 2,553 P(7),M,H 10+ W PO 10+ BS

91 Rampathadu 837.29 2~0 1,409 P(2) -5 W PO 10+ BS

92 Moillakalva 524.07 269 1,307 P -5 W PO 10+ -5

93 Ramapuram olios 47·75 79 443 . P MeW W PO 10+ -s Mittameedipalle 94 Vellatur 824.34 383 1,795 P.M,H D W PO.TO 10+ BS

95 Pedda Dasaripalle 8,005.47 Uninhabited 96 Chinn a Dasaripalle 676.63 43 243 P -s W -5 10+ BS

97 Pendlimarri 938.06 441 2,278 P(6) -5 W.TK PO.PTO 10+ BS

98 A. Ramachandra- . 32.00 Uninhabited puram P9 Chennamrajupalle 176.44 56 289 P -5 W -5 10+ -s 100 Sankatipalle 386.47 173 956 P -s W PO 10+ BS

lGl l{ollayapalle 416.94 2~ 109 -5 S-10 W -s 10+ -5

1~ 65


Land use (i. e., area under different types of land use Remarks in hectares rounded upto 2 decimal places) including r------..A------~ any place of Loca- ApproJch Ne.lfest town Pow.:r Snple For~st Irriglted Uoirri- Culturable Area not religious, tion to village anJ di,tanc! sU;l;>ly foo1 by SQJrc~ glld W.lste aV.lilahle historicli or Code (in Kms.) for culti- archaeological No. vation interest

(11) (12) (13) (14) (IS) (16) (J7) (18) (19) (20) (1)

PR Cuddapah 3 ED Rice T (83.37) 70.41 445.15 10.12 79 Jowar W (83.37) Uninhabited 80 KR Cuddapah 6 EAG Rice T (27.52) 320.91 37.64 48.97 Nl 81 Ragi W (27.52) KR Cuddapah 6 ED Rice T (25.90) 176.04 26.30 57.06 N3 82 Bajra W (25.90) PR Cuddapah 11 ED Rice 19.42 T (124.64) 22.66 170.78 50.59 83 Bajra W (124.64) PR Cuddapah 8 ED Rice 4,659.13 T (272.76) 209.22 671.37 257.38 Gangamma 84 Bajra W (174.42) Jathara,NIO TK (98.34) KR Cuddapah 8 Rice T (23.88) 127.88 30.35 18.21 Nt 85 Jowar W (23.88) KR Cuddapah 10 Rice T (4.05) 24.69 29.S4 3.23 86 Jowar W (4.05) PR Cuddapah 8 EAG Rice 537.42 T (200.72) 328.20 1,459.70 402.66 N2 87 Jowar TK (141.64) W (59.08) PR Cuddapah 13 Rice 50.59 T (121.40) 97.12 152.57 86.60 88 Ragi W(112.10) TK (9.30) PR Cuddapah 16 Rice 4,394.47 T (4,6.55) 727.22 404.68 46.54 Polathala 89 Ragi W (463.36) Eswara Temple, TK (33.19) N4 PR Cuddapah 14 EAG Rice T (668.13) 40.06 295.42 57.47 N2 90 Ragi W (668.13) PR Cuddapah 16 EAG Rice T (411.16) 292.99 11.74 121.40 N2 91 Ragi W (411.16) KR Cuddapah 16 ED Rice T (273.97) 67.99 80.94 10'.17 Nl 92 Ragi W (273.97) PR Cuddapah 18 ED Rice T (18.61) 1.62 21.85 5.67 N2 93 Ragi W (18.61) PR Cuddapab 20 ED Rice T (159.04) 108.05 491.69 65.56 N4 94 Ragi W (159.04) Uninhabited 95 PR Cuddapah 24 EAG Rice T (116.95) 63.13 179.28 317.27 96 Ragi W (116.95) PR Cuddapah 22 EAG Rice T (255.76) 311.20 129.50 241.60 N3 97 Ragi W (255.76) Uninhabited 98

KR Cuddapah 21 EAG Rice T (82.56) 38'85 36.42 18.61 99 Ragi W (82.56) PR Cuddapah 21 BAG Rice T (1.62) 277.2.1 73.65 33.99 1~ Ragi W (1.62) XR Kamalapuram 11i '1£9 T (2.43) 330.63 ~1.9f ~1.97 101 ~Ui W (2.43) 66



Total number of Amenities available (if not available within the village, the distance Loca- Total area Households and in broad ranges viz., - 5 Kms., 5-10 Kms. and 10 + Kms. of the tion Name of village of the population nearest place where the facility available is given) Code village (in ,.--__.A. __ -, ,.------...A..-----______~ No. hectares) House- Popula- Educational Medical Drinking Post and Day or Communica- holds tion water Telegraph days of tions (Bus (Potable) the stop, Railway market, station, if any water way) (1) (2) (3) (4A) (4B) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

102 Machanur 1,995.90 391 1,966 PC)~ 5-10 W PO 10+ BS

103 Binduraopalle 78.10 Uninhabited 104 Kothapeta 142.45 42 257 P 5-10 W PO 10+ -5

lOS Chabali 889.50 44 199 P 5-10 W PO 10+ -5

106 Pagadalapalle 654.38 86 474 P 5-10 W PO 10+ BS

107 Chcem:llapenta 5,954.98 423 1,918 P(3) 5-10 W PO 10+ BS

108 Thummalur 2,293.33 419 2,338 P(4) D w PO 10+ BS

1oo Gondipalle 2,072.39 3<» 1,491 P(2) 5-10 W PO 10+ 5-10

110 Kondur 1,716.67 474 2,3211 P(3),M 5-10 W PO 10+ 5-10

111 Nandimandalam 5,125.84 1,613 7,531 P«),M,H PHC,D W PO,TO 10+ BS

112 Amani Viswa­ 18.62 UninhDbited nathapuram (>7


Land use (i. e., area under different types of land use Remarks in hectares rounded upto 2 decimal places) including ,..------____..A.. ______, any place of Loca. Approach Nearest town Power Staple Forest Irrigated Unirri- Culturable Area not religious, tion to village and distance supply food by sonrce gated waste available historical or Code (in kms.) for culti- archaeological No. vation interest

(11) (12) (13) 14) (15) (i6) (17) (18) (19) (20) (1)

PR Kamalapuram 16 EAG Rice T (155.40) 561.70 762.83 515.97 Nl:Tt 102 Ragi W (93,89) 0(61.51) Uninhabited 103 KR Kamalapuram 14 ED Rice T (21.04) 30.35 61.52 29.54 104 Ragi 0(12.14) W (8.90) KR Kamalapuram 16 Rice T (47.35) 50.18 127.88 664.09 105 Ragi W (29.95) 0(17.40) PR Kamalapuram 18 Rice T (51.40) 53.01 80'94 469.03 106 Bajra W (51.40) PR Kamalapuram 23 EAG Rice 2,992.24 T (203.96) 191.42 318.08 249.28 107 Ragi W (203.96) PR Kamaiapuram 22 ED Rice T (217.31) 136.78 475.50 1,463.74 108 Ragi W (133.95) 0(83.36) KR Kamalapuram 25 ED Rice 1,190.99 T (271.54) 310.39 17.00 278.42 Venuthala Kona 109 Ragi W (271.54) Naraslmha Swamy Temple. KR Kamalapuram 25 ED Rice 14.16 T (182.51) 123.83 639.81 756.36 110 Ragi W (117.36) 0(65.15) PR Kamalapuram 30 ED Rice 2.326.53 T (328.60) 1,156.59 482.79 1,531.33 NI0:CI 111 Ragi 0(176.04) W (83.36) TW (69.20) Uninhabited 112


~. ~l: ; II z. IJ~CQ -g 0 & "; ~ ~ 'i



1981 Name of 1981 Name of 1981 Name of Location village Location village Location village Code No. Code No. Code No.

(1) (2) (1) (2)

53 Alidena 43 Keerthipalle 22 Ramachandrapuram 56 Animela 31 Koduru 37 Ankireddipalle II Kokatam 17 Sambatur 47 Apparaopalle 38 Kolavali 59 South Palagiri 42 Ayyavaripalle 40 Kommadi 34 Talapanur 15 C. Gopalapuram 52 Letapalle 62 Thangedupalle Chilamakuru 6 44 Lingala 30 Thurakapalle Chinna Cheppalle 46 28 Tippaluru Chinna Dandlur 2 4 MaJepadu 23 Tsadipirala 16 Mirapuram 29 T.Sunkesula 49 DadireddipaUe 58 Moillacheruvu 20 Oangavaram 39 Uppaluru 26 Nalliugayapalle 24 OoUapalle 61 U. Rajupalem 7 Niduzuvvi Gonumakulapalle 35 Urutur 60 57 North Palagiri 9 Hanumaniuthi 14 Paachikalapadu 32 Valasapalle 27 Pandillapalle 50 Vankamada 3 rllur 18 Vedurur 41 rndukuru 45 Payasampalle 48 Pedda Cheppalle 36 Veldurthi 19 Vibhrampuram 25 Jambapuram 33 Peddanapadu t P. Gopalapuram 5 Kalamalla 55 Pillivaripalle 51 Yellatcddipalle 21 Kamalapuram S4 Podadurthi 13 Yerragudipadu 10 Kattuiutha Vengannagaripalle 8 Potladurthi 12 Yerraguntla

'9 70

VILLAGE CUDDAPAH DISTRICT Amenities ---,------Total number of Amenities available (if not available within the village, the distance Loca­ Total area Households and in broad ranges viz., - 5 Kms., 5-10 Kms. and 10 + Kms. of the tion Name of village, of the population nearest place where the facility available is given) €ode Village (in r------"---. ,-______--"- ______• No. hectares) House- Popula- Educational Medical Drinking Post and Day or Communica- holds tion water Telegraph days of tions (Bus- (Potable) the stop, Railway market. station, if any waterway) (1) (2) (3) (4A) (4B) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

P. Gopalapuram 64.75 49 237 P 10+ R,S,W -5 5-10 5-10 2 Chinna Dandlur 2,206.75 376 1,851 P 10+ R,W PO 5-10 5-10

3 lllur 808.16 126 , 640 P(2), M 10+ R,W PO 5-10 -5 4 Ma\epadu l,4&\.15 36S 1,803 P 5-10 W PO 5-10 BS

S Kalamalla 2,476.27 509 2,662 P(4),M 5-10 R,S, W PO 10+ RS 6 Chilamakuru 3,810.66 224 4,537 P(5),M,H Mew W PO,TO 10+ BS

7 Niduzuvvi 1,801.66 399 1.861 P 10+ W PO 10+ BS 8 Potladurthi 2,252.47 838 4.139 P(2),M 5-10 R PO 5-10 BS

9 Hanurnlnzuthi 1,180.61 358 1,971 P(5),M 5-10 R PO 5-10 RS

10 KattulJutha- 150.54 39 260 P 5-10 R -5 10+ 5-10 VeniannazaripaUe 11 Kokatllm 2,339.26 645 3,234 P 5-10 R PO 5-10

12 Yerraluntla 114.14 Urban Area (Yerraguntla Town) 13 Yerra,udipadu 1,323.32 335 1,635 P,M,H -5 R.W PO 5-10 RS.BS

14 Paachikalapadu 452.84 65 352 p -5 w -5 -5 -5 15 C. Gopalapuram 108.86 125 624 P -5 W PO 5-10 -5

16 Mirapuram 365.43 92 393 p -5 w -5 -5 -5

17 Sambatur 120.70 323 1,764 P(3) 5-10 w PO 5-10 5-10

'13 Vedurur 904.07 579 2,992 P(3) 5-10 W PO 10+ 5-10 71



Land use (i. e., area under different types of land use Remarks in hectares rOlllllded upto 2 decimal places) including ,------___.A.. ______"""\ any place of Loca- Approach Nearest town Power Staple Forest Irriiated Unirri- Culturable Area not religious, tion to villaae and distance supply food by source gated waste available historical or Code (ill kms.) for culti- archaeological No. vation interest

(11) (12) (13) 14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (1)

KR Yerraguntla 15 Rice T (4.85) 27.52 8.91 23.47 Korra W ('U5) KR Yerraguntla 15 ED, Rice 704.lS T (20.24) 1,011.71 202.34 268.31 Tl 2 BAG Korra W (20.24) KR Yerraguntla 10 Rice T (37.64) 598.93 50.18 121.41 3 Korra W (37.64) PR Yerraguntla 8 BD, Rice T (8.09) 1,002.00 324.56 146.50 N5:T3 4 BAG Korra W (8.09) PR Yerraguntla IS BD, Rice T (2.83) 968.01 867.65 637.78 5 BAG Korra W (2.83) PR Yerra,untla 6 ED, Rice 230.67 'f (101.17) 2,899.57 114.02 404.68 NlO:Cl:T2 6 BAG Korra W (101.17) PR Yerraguntla 4 ED, Rice T (14.11) 1l!l.04 644.26 3'2.19 T2 7 EAG Korra W (14.17) PR Yerraguntla 8 ED, Rice T (71.22) 1,468.60 311.50 324.15 NI0:C2CM3:T2 8 BAG Korra W (71.22) PR Y crra,unda S ED Rice T (6.~8) 1,405.07 80.13 281.33 TS 9 Korra W (6.48) KR Y crraguDtla 5 Rice 121.41 4.85 24.28 10 Korra KR Yerra&untla 8 ED, R.ico T (34.80) 1,926.71 90.65 337.10 NI5:M2;Tl 11 EAG Korra W (34.80) Urban Ar.a (Y.rrQgunl!a Town) 12

PR Kamalapuram 7 ED Rice T (80.94) 4114.41 757.97 T2 13 Korra 0(38.45) WE (24.28) W (18.21) KR Kamalapuram 4 Korra 297.44 26.71 1l8.69 TI 14 Jowar KR Kamalapuram 4 ED Korra T (44.52) 11.21 35.21 10.92 15 Jowar W (34.40) GC (10.12) KR Kamalapuram 2 Korra T (105.22) 141.64 65.96 '2.61 16 lowar TK (84.99) W (15.78) R (4.45) KR Kamalapuram 5 Rice T (121.41) 323.75 213.67 161.87 T4 17 Korra WE (109.27) W (12.14) J(R Kamalapuram ~ ED Rice T (373.93) 219.74 27.12 283.28 Tl 18 Jowar GC (212.06) WE (121.40) 0(40.47) 72



Total number of Amenities available (if not available within the village, the distance Loca- Total area Households and in broad ranges viz., - 5 Kms., 5-10 Kms. and 10 + Kms. of the tion Name of village of the population nearest place where the facility available is given) Code village (in ,-__-..A.. ___ , ,..------__--..A. ______- __...... N0' hectares) House- Popula- Educational Medical Drinking Post and Day or Communica- holds tion water Telegraph days of tions (Bus- (Potable) the stop, Railway market, station, if any water way) (1) (2) (3) (4A) (4B) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

19 Vibhrampuram 455.67 165 779 P -5 W -5 -5 -5

20 Gangavaram 409.14 198 936 P -5 W PO -5 -5

21 K'lmaiapuram(R) 1,777.78 385 2,016 P(7),M(2), D(Hom.),H W PO,TO, -5 RS,BS H(2) PTO

22 Ramachandrapuram 38.85 42 171 -5 -5 W -5 -5 -5

23 Tsadipirala 1,224.98 343 .1,432 P(2) MCW W PO,TO -5 BS

24 Gollapalle 144.88 41 222 P -5 W -5 5-10 BS

2S Jambapuram 287.33 105 661 P -s W -s 5-10 BS

26 Nallingayapalle 536.21 125 724 P,M,H MCH W PO 10+ BS

27 Pandillapalle 448.39 226 1,130 P(2) D W PO,TO 10+ BS

28 Tippaluru 638.19 208 995 P(2) -5 W,R PO 5-10 BS

29 T. Sunkesula 933.20 138 642 P -S W,R PO 10+ -5

30 Thurakapalle 474.29 132 S03 -5 -S W -5 5-10 -5

31 Koduru 1,631.69 273 1.354 P -5 W,R PO,TO 10+ BS

32 Valasapalle 815.84 181 937 P -5 W PO -5 -5

33 Peddanapadu 1,431.37 244 1,272 P(2),M 5-10 R,W PO 10+ BS 73


Land use (i. e., area under different types of land use Remarks in hectares rounded upto 2 decimal places) including r------"------, any place of Loca- Approach Nearest town Power Staple Forest Irrigated Uoirri- Culturable Area oot religious, tion to village and distance supply food by sourc~ lpted W.lste aVlilable historical or Code (in Kms.) for culti- archaeological No. vation interellt

(11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (1)

KR Kamalapuram 3 ED Rice T (165.92) l74.01 14.57 jOl.17 19 Jowar WE (121.41) 0(44.51) KR Kamalapuraro 2 ED Rice T (161.88) 113.31 32.78 101.17 20 Jowar WE (121041) 0(40.47) PR Karoalapuram I ED Rice 32.37 T (727.22) 48.56 203.56 766.07 C3:M5:Tl 21 Jowar TK (307.56) WE (222.58) GC (197.08) KR Karoalapuraro 2 Rice T (12.55) 17040 6.47 2043 22 WE (12.55) PR Kamalapuram 3 ED Ricc T (251).91) 509.90 174.01 290.16 T2 23 WE (145.69) GC (64.75) W (20.24) 0(20.23) PR Karoalapuram 5 Rice T (25.09) 67.18 52.61 24 Korra GC (12.95) WE (12.14) PR Kamalapuram 6 Korra T (14.57) 121.41 29.95 121.40 T2 25 Jowar W (12.14) GC (1.22) 0(1.21) PR Kamalapuram 10 Korra T (50.18) 198.30 150.1.4 137.59 ern 26 Jowar W (33.99) TK (16.19) PR Kamalapuram 8 ED Rice T (24.28) 283.28 22.26 118.57 27 Korra WE (16.19) 0(8.09) PR Yerraguntla 6 ED, Korra 481.17 2.83 154.19 N5:T2 28 EAG Jowar KR Yerraauntla 6 ED Rice 565.304 27.11 340.75 29 Korra KR Yerraguntla 8 Rice T (14.56) 129.50 30.76 299.047 30 Korra TK (8.09) W (4.85) 0(1.62, PR Yerraguntla 04 ED Rice T (2.043) 999.98 161.47 0467.81 31 Jowar W (2.43) KR Yerraguntla 2 ED, Rice T (121.40) 404.68 119.79 169.97 32 EAG Jowar W (80.93) TK (40.047) PR Yerraluntla 5 Korra T (4.86) 968.41 101.98 356.12 33 Rice W (4.86) 74



Total number of Amenities available (if not available within the village, the distance Loca- Total area Households and in broad ranges viz., - 5 Kms., 5-10 Kms. and 10 + Kms. of the tion " Name of village . of tb~ population ,-______nearest place where the ..A..facility available is given) Code village (in , ___..A.. ____, , No. hectares) House- Popula- Educaticmal Medical Drinking Post. and Day or Communica- holds tion water Telegraph days of tions (Bus (Potable) the stop, Railway market, station, if any water way) (I) (2) (3) (4A) (4B) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

34 Talapanur 655.18 129 . 587 P 5-10 S,W PO 10+ -5

35 Urutur 2,983.74 533 2,657 P(6),M 5-10 W,S PO,TO 10+ BS

36 Veldurthi 1,413.16 171 1.,010 P 5-10 W,HP PO 10+ BS

37 Ankireddipalle 365.83 134 682 P -5 W,HP -5 10+ BS

38 Kolavali 2,281.21 188 1,047 P(3) -5 W -5 10+ BS

39 Uppaluru 3.812.53 446 2,401 P(2), H,D W PO 10+ BS M(2),H

40 Kommadi 3,555.96 487 2,791 P(4) -5 W PO 10+ BS

41 Indukuru 1,981.34 320 1,770 P(3),M MCW W PO 10+ BS

42 AyyavaripaJle 82.96 87 449 P -5 W -5 10+ BS

43 Keerthipalle 805.73 90 490 P -5 W PO 10+ BS

44 Lingala 1,545.90 90 424 -5 -5 W -5 10+ -5 : 45 PayasampaJle 343.98 386 2,215 P(2),M,H H,PHC W PO 10+ BS

46 Chinna Cheppalle 1,691.18 764 3,898 P(6),M 5-10 W PO 10+ BS

47 Apparaopalle 473.89 85 485 P(3) -5 W PO 5-10 BS

48 Pedda Cheppalle 865.22 813 4,040 P(8),M,H H(A), W PO,PTO 5-10 BS CHW

49 Dadireddipalle 476.72 119 545 P -5 W PO -5 -5

50 Vankamada 10.93 Uninhabited 75



Land use (i. e •• area under different types of land use Remarks in hectares rOllinded upto 2 decimal places) including ,------"------, any place of Loca· Approach Nearest town Power Staple Forest Irrigated Unirri- Culturable Area not religious. tion to village and distance supply food by source gated waste available historical or Code (in kms.) for culti· archaeological No. vation interest

(11) (12) (13) 14) (15) (i6) (17) (18) (19) (20) (1)

KR Yerraauntla 10 Rice T (17.40) 380.40 50.59 206.79 34 Korra TK (13.35) W (4.05) Pit Yerraiuntla 8 ED Korra 456.08 T (6.07) 2.073.16 218.94 127.48 N5 35 Jowar W (6.07) PR Yerraguntla 13 Korra T (23.47) 1,065.13 205.68 118.98 Nt 36 Jowar W (23.47) PR Yertaguntla 16 Korra T (1O.12) 165.92 92.67 97.12 37 J9war W (10.12) PR Yerraguntla 16 Korra T (20.23) 879.79 303.51 1,077.68 Nl 38 Jowar· W (20.23) PR Yerragllntla 19 ED, Korra T (ll.97) 1,120.98 420.46 2,239.12 NZ,Tl 39 EAG Jowar TK (20.24) W (11.73) PR Yerraaunlla 17 Korra 229.4' T (22.66) 1,873.28 197.49 1,233.07 N2 40 Jowar TK (17.81) W(U5) PR Yerraguntla 16 ED. KOHa T (121.41) 1.254.52 171.99 433.42 N3:T4 41 EAG Jowar W (121.41) PR Yerraluntla 15 ED, Korea T (4.05) 30.35 9.71 38.85 NZ 42 EAG Jowar W (4.05) PR Yeeraguntla 12 EAO Korea T (48.56) 647.50 60.30 49.37 43 Jowar W (48.56) KR Yerraguntla 15 EAG Korea T (lI3.31) 829.61 101.17 501.81 44 Jowar W (113.31) PR Kamalapuram 16 ED. Korra T (14.16) 250.90 59.90 19.02 N3 45 EAG Jowar W (l4.16) PR K'lmalapuram 12 ED Korra T (256.97) 908.52 199.92 325.77 Ml:T2 46 Jowar GC (101.17) 0(30.94) WE (74.86) PR Kamalapuram 8 Korra T (40.47) 283.28 89.44 60.70 47 Jowar GC (24.28) W (16.19) PR Kamalapuram 6 ED Korra T (428.16) 169.97 105.21 161.87 T2 48 Jowar WE (283.28) GC (121.41) 0(23.47) PR Kamalapuram 8 ED Rice T (258.19) 20.24 n.u 125.45 T2 49 WE (144.88) 0(60.70) GC (52.61) Uninhabited 50 76


CUDDAPAH DISTRICT Ameaitiel --_._------_ Total number of Amenities available (if not available within the village, the distance Loca­ Total area Households and in broad ranges viz., - 5 Kms., 5-10 Kms. and 10 + Kms. of the tioll Name of village of the population nearest place where the facility available is given) Code village (in .-___..A.. ___ , ,------"------, No. h~ctares) H.nse- P-lp3Ia- Educltionll Medical Drinking Post, and Day or Commllnica- holds tion water Telegraph days of tions (Bus- (Potable) the stop. RailWay market, station, if any waterway) ( I) (Z) (3) (4A) (4B) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (to)

51 Yellarcddipalle 1,753.50 223 1,155 P(3) -5 W -5 -5 -5

52 Letapalle 649.92 139 718 P 5-10 W PO 10+ -5 "

53 Alidena 1,668.11 247 1,443 P(3) -5 W PO 10+ -5

54 Podadurthi 1,323.32 269 1,300 P 5-10 R PO 10+ 5-10

S5 Pillivaripalle 167.54 2 12 -5 ·5 W -s 10+ -5 W,HP PO,PTO, 56 Animela 3,833.17 943 4,967 P(2),M(2), D(A), 10+ BS B,JC B,MB Phone

RP T,W PO 57 North Palagiri 3,040.80 936 4,577 P(4).M 10+ BS 5-10 W PO 10+ 58 Moillacherllvu 1,545.49 195 1,155 P 5-10 D W PO 59 South Palagiri 2,672.94 244 1,213 P(3) 10+ BS

60 Gonumakulavalle 870.88 207 992 P -5 W PO 10+ -5 PO 61 U. Rajllpalern 1,230.24 251 1,344 P(4).M 5-10 W 10+ 5-10

5-10 PO -5 62 Thangedupalle 518.00 218 1,137 P W BS 77


Land use (i. e •• area under different types of land use Remarks in hectares rounded upto 2 decimal places) including ,--- __,.___------~ any place of Loca- Approach Nearest town Power Staple Forest Irrigated Unirri- Culturable Area not religious, tion to village and distance supply food by source gated Waste available historical or Code (in KIns.) for culti- archaeological No. vation interest

(11) (12) (13) (14) (IS) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (1)

PR Kamalapuram 11 ED Rice T (420.87) 879.38 453.25 T2 51 WE (242.81) GC (117.36) 0(60.70) KR Kamalapuram 12 ED Rice T (109.26) 101.17 172.40 267.09 Tl 52 Korra 0(45.32) WE (42.90) TK (21.04) KR Kamalapuram 14 Korra T (35.61) 667.73 57.87 906.90 N2 53 Jowar W (t9.42) TK (1~.19) KR Kamalapuram 15 ED Rice T (195.06) 143.26 135.16 849.14 54 GC (113.31) W (52.61) WE (24.28) 0(4.86) Kit Kamalapuram 20 Korra 39.25 2.43 125.86 55 Jowar PR Kamalapuram 24 ED, Korra T (159.04) 1.748'24 369.88 1.556.01 N20;T1 56 EAG Jowar W (101.17) 0(57.87) PR Pulivendla 27 ED, Korra 2i4.50 T (242.81) 1,879.76 476.72 156.21 N4:M2:T6 57 BAG Jowar W (242.81) KR Pulivendla 21 EAG Korra T (122.62) 406.30 297.04 719.53 Nt 58 Jowar W (122.62) PR Pulivendla 28 ED Ko.ra 677.04 T (8.09) S.S9.10 22.26 1,006.45 59 Jowar W (8.09) KR Kamalapuram 26 ED. Korra 185.34 T (4.05) 275.19 10.12 396.18 60 EAG Jowar W (4.05) KIl. Kamalapuram 27 ED. Korra T (76.89) 521.23 48.97 583.15 Nl:Tl 61 BAG Jowar 0(40.47) W (36;4.l) PR Pulivendla ED, Korra T (66.78) 190.23 24.28 236.74 N2:Cl:Ml 62 BAG Jowar 1l (46.54) W (20.2.)

MUDDANUR TALUK . oj ~ I . ~ i I I .~ i 5 ! ~ I <'l ! u· ! l ~ · ~ ! h~ ! ~ ~ g ~ ~ I ~& ;; .3 S 1. :£ : ti . ~ ~ i j .9 t ; ~: ... i °i 5 . 'li ~ ~ .. ..! : ~ % i e ~ " ~ :z:: ::::l ~ K ~ ! , ::~gii! i (/l U " § l j ~ .... t .g e i i ~ -; ¥;f ~ w .. .. ;z:J « ... a:: « ir -11 ~ ~o~~1: 0 I- ~ :; · .2 "~ 1 ~ ~ ~~~j.ilIL. :t:c: 0 a:: ~ " '" e 0. a:: 0 In " 0 x I I- ~8 • ::::l . '1:<>10II 0 ...... :J: I VI • 0 " I I " " .. 9 ~ U t ~



1981 Name of 1981 Name of 1981 Name of ~tion village Location village Location village Co4eNo. Code No. Code No.

(1) (2) (1) (2) (I) (2)

57 Ambavaram 15 Khaderabad 78 Penikalapadu 47 Ananthapuram 11 Kibile Bommepalle 45 Penuzuvvi 68 Aravetipallc 50 Kibile Raghavapuram 18 Ponnathota 32 Kibile Sugamanchipalle 55 Poorva Bommepalle 35 Bedudur 29 Kibile Venkatapuram 38 Pottipadu 69 Bondalakunta 2 Kodur Bukkapatnam 33 Konavaripalle 9 75 Rajulaguravaiahpalle 34 Burujupalle 48 Kondapuram 28 Regadipalle 7 Koppoiu 6 Chamalur 52 Korrapadu 40 Chennamanenipalle 63 Kosinepalle S4 Sanjeevipalle 70 Chinna Dudyala 58 Kothaguntapalle 4 Sankepalle 66 Chintakunta 62 Sirigepalle 25 ChowtapalJe 41 Lavnoor 37 Sivapuram 42 Lingamanenipalle '0 Sunnapurallapalle 14 Lingapuram 20 Dappalle 67 Denepalle 8 Talla Proddatur 53 Mangapatnam 49 Diguva Brahmanapalle 44 Thimmapuram 64 Muddanur 21 Diguvapatnam 76 Thimmapuram 1 Murugampalle 43 Donkupalle 59 Thugutiapalle 27 Mutchumarri 10 Fakirpeta 16 Mylavaram 72 Velpucherla 3 Nagamalladinne 73 Velpucherla Raghavapuram 22 Gandikota 56 Vemagun tapalle 13 Gandlur 74 Nallaballe Nekanampeta Venkaiahkalva 26 Gangapuram 12 39 Nelanuthala 17 Veparala 19 Gudemcheruvu 13 24 Obannapeta 31 Jogapuram 51 Obulapuram 65 Yamavaram 36 Y enamalachin tala 77 Kadasani KothapaJle 61 Peddadanlur 5 Yerragudi 30 Kammavari Brahmanapalle 71 Pedda Dudyala 46 Yeturu

7' 80



Total number of Amenities available (if not available within the village, the distance Loca- Total area Households and in broad ranges viz., - 5 Kms., 5-10 Kms. and 10+ Kms .. of the tion Name of village orthe population nearest place where the facility available is given) ,.-______--..A..- Code village (in ,.-___..A.. ___, , 1\10. hectares) House- Popula- Educational Medical Drinking Post and Day or Communica- holds tion water Telegraph days of tions (Bus- (Potable) the stop, Railway market, station, if any waterway) (I) (2) (3) (4A) (4B) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

Murugampalle 220.15 27 158 P -5 W -5 10+ 5-10

2 Kodur 4,041.59 505 2,776 P(3),M,H D W PO 10+ 5-10

3 Nagamalladin ne 319.30 Uninhabited 4 Sankepalle 579.51 \ '116 717 P -5 W -5 10+ 5-10

5 Yerragudi 738.55 127 784 P 5-10 w PO 10+ 5-10

6 Chamalur 1,055.01 112 602 P 5-10 W -5 10+ -5

7 Koppolu 1,358.12 42 276 P -5 W PO 10+ -5

8 Tall a Proddatur 1,123.40 570 3,031 P(2),M(2), H(A),D W PO,TO 10+ BS H 9 Bukkapatnam 2,058.63 712 3,407 P(2) MCW W,R PO 10+ -5

10 Fakirpeta 224.20 21 116 -5 -5 W -5 10+ -5

11 Kibile Bomme- 1,802.06 JI? 704 P(2) 5-10 W -5 10+ 5-10 palle 12 Nekanampeta 881.00 Uninhabited 13 Nelanuthala 1,668.11 7 52 P 10+ W 5-10 10+ 5-10

14 Lingapuram 150.54 77 489 P 5-10 W 5-10 10+ 5-10

15 Khaderabad 1,903.64 Uninhabited 16 Mylavaram 745.02 543 2,751 P(3) H T,R PO,TO, 10+, BS Phone 17 Veparala 1,121.00 Urban area (Veparala Town) 18 Ponnathota I 1,452.40' 272 1,353 P -5 W PO 10+ .,5

19 Gudemcheruvu 624.02 194 976 P(2) 5-10 R,W PO 5-10 BS

20 Dappalle 251.31 47 186 P -5 W -5 -5 -5

21 Diguvapatnam 447.99 Uninhabited 22 Gandikota 4,277.92 302 1,610 P 5-10 W PO 10+ BS

23 Gandlur 2,444.30 190 997 P -5 W,R PO 10+ -5 L. C. No. 23 is partly submerged in Myillvaram Dam 81



Land use (i. e., area under different types of land use Remarks in hectares rounded upto 2 decimal places) including ,.-- -- ___-J.-- ______-.... any place of Loca. Approach Nearest town Power Staple Forest Irrigated Unirri- Culturable Area not religious, tion to village and distance supply food by source gated waste available his torical or Code (in kms.) for culti- archaeological No. vation interest

(11) (12) (13) (14) (IS) (16) (17) (18) '(19) (20) (1)

KR Tadpatri 19 Rice 110.88 4.05 105.22 Ragi KR Tadpatri 10 EA Rice 1,308.35 T (445.96) 1,731.65 9.31 546.32 NA:T2 2 Ragi W (445.96) Uninhabited 3 KR Tarlpatri 13 Rice T (80.94) 457.29 41.28 4 Ragi W (80.94) Tadpatri 15 EA Rice T (102.79) 254.14 274.78 66.37 NA PR I 5 Ragi W (102.79) KR Tadpatri 18 EA Rice T (223.79) 504.24 326.98 6 Ragi W (223.79) PR Tadpatri 19 Rice 251.71 74.46 1,031.95 7 Ragi PR Tadpatri 18 Rice T (283.28) 494.52 345.60 NA:M3 8 Ragi W (283.28) PR Tadpatri 21 EA Rice 1,364.60 T (254.95) 337.91 27.11 74.06 NA 9 Ragi W (254.95) KR Tadpatri 21 Rice 119.38 104.82 10 Ragi KR Veparala 16 Rice 0,81 124.24 68.39 1.608.62 11 Ragi Uninhabited 12 KR Veparala 12 Rice T (24.69) 80.53 33.99 1,528.90 13 Ragi' W (24.69) KR Veparala 8 . Rice T (53.01) 6.07 91.46 14 Ragi TK 53.01) Uninhabited 15 PR Veparala 1 ED Rice 186.96 558.06 NA:TJ 16 Ragi Urban Ar.a (Veparala Town) 17 PR Veparala 3 ED Rice T (179.27) 333.46 14.16 925.51 18 Ragi W (119.27) PR Dommara Nandyal 6 •• Rice T (93.08) 50.99 479.95 NA 19 Ragi TK (93.08) KR Jammalamadugu 4 Korra ".89 48.16 125.46 20 Jowar Uninhabited 21 PR Veparala S Rice 1,460.10 T (82.96) 167.95 2,566.91 Gandikota fort, 22 Ragi W (82.96) Ramaranganadha Swamy Temple, Madbavaswamy Temple. Jumma Mosque PR Veparala 19 ED :K.orra 23 Jowar 82



Total number of Amenities available (if not available within the village, the distance Loca- Total area Households and in broad ranges viz., - 5 Kms., 5-10 Kms. and 10 + Kms. of the tion Name of village of the population ' nearest place where the facility available is given) Code village (in r----"----, r------,.,.___------~ No. hectares) House- Popula- Educational Medical Drinking Post and Day or Communica- holds tion Water Telegraph days of tions (Bus (potable) , the stop, Railway market, station, if any water way) (1) (2) (3) (4A) (4B) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

24 Obannapeta 812.20 442 2,246 P -5 W,R -5 10+ -5

25 Chowtapalle 816.65 628 ' 2,811 P,M .:5 W,R PO 10+ BS

26 Gangapuram 413.18 29 153 P -5 BS \ W -5 10+ 27 Mutchumarri 820.70 169 879 P -5 W,R PO 10+ -5

28 Regadipalle 376.76 77 426 P -5 W PO 10+ RS,BS

29 Kibile Venkata. 403.47 78 45. P -5 F,W PO 5-10 -5 puram 30 Kammavari 205.18 38 2~ P -5 W -5 10+ -5 Brahmanapalle 31 Jogapuram 237.15 16 III P -5 HP,W -5 10+ -s

32 Kibile Suga- 929.97 187 1,006 P -5 W PO 10+ BS manchipalle 33 Konavaripalle 766.88 95 541 P 5-10 F,W PO 10+ 5-10

34 Burujupalle 721.96 80 411 P 5-10 W PO 10+ 5-10

35 Bedudur 1,912.13 366 1,881 P(4) 10+ W,R PO 10+ 5-10

36 Yenamalachintala 967.60 214 1,087 P 10+ R,W PO 10+ 5-10

37 Sivapuram 77.70 Unillhabit.d 38 Pottipadu 1,350.43 204 1.004 P(3),M D;H W PO . 10+ -5 39 Venkaiahkalva 1,521.61 229 1,279 P 10+ W PO -s BS

40 Chennamaneni- 316.87 37 228 P 10+ W PO 10+ -5 palle 41 Lavnoor 2,474.24 240 1,167 P,M,H 10+ W,TIC. PO 10+ BS

42 Linlamanenipalle %31.58 23 151 P 10+ W PO 10+ -5

43 Donkupalle 48.16 49 264 P 10+ W -5 5-10 -5 44 Thimmapuram 207.20 218 1,142 P 5-10 W PO -5 BS

45 Penuzuvvi 672.18 Uninhabited 46 Yeturu 1,401.42 367 2,011 P(3),M,H 5-10 W,R PO 10+ -5 83


Land use (i. e •• area under different types of land use Remarks in hectares rounded upto 2 decim~1 places) including r-- --A.------, any place of Loca- Approach Nearest town Power Staple Forest Irrigated Unirri- Culturable Area not religious, tion to village lind distance supply food by source gated wasty available historical or Code (in Kms.) for culti- archaeological No. vation interest

(11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (1&) (19) (20) (1)

PR Veparala 20 EA Rice 299.06 5.26 507.88 NA 24 Ragj' PR Veparala 20 EA Rice T (230.67) 161.87 129.50 294.61 NA:TI 25 Ragi W (230.67) PR Veparala 22 EA Rice T (106.03) 306.75 26 Ragi TK (106.03) KR Veparala 22 EA Rice T (141.64) 72.84 606.22 NA 27 Ragi W (141.64) PR Tadpatri 18 Rice 353.29 23.47 NA:Tl 28 Korra 1(R Tadpatri 17 Rice 389.71 13.76 NA 29 Ragi KR Tadpatri 17 Rice 178.87 26.31 NA 30 Korra KR Tadpatri 17 Rice 208.82 7.28 21.05 31 Korra PR Tadpatri 15 EA Rice T (80.94) 60~.20 5.26 239.57 NA 32 Korra W (80.94) KR Tadpatri 14 Rice T (404.68) 284.90 77.30 33 Korra GC (404.68) KR Tadpatri 15 Rice ,459.72 221.77 NA 34 Korra KR Tadpatri 18 EA Rice T (402.66) 404.68 163.09 941.70 NA 35 Ragi GC (402.66) KR Tadpatri 18 Rice T (404.68) 43.71 519.21 NA 36 Korra GC (404.68) Uninhabited 37 KR Tadpatri 26 EA Rice T (158.64) 445.15 746.64 NA:T1 38 Jowar W (158.64) PR Tadpatri 28 Rice T (286.92) 404.69 .-. 829.60 39 Korra GC (286.92) KR Tadpatri 31 Rice 238.36 78.51 NA 40 Ragi PR Tadpatri 31 EA Rice 369.48 T (80.94) 1,012.52 1,010.90 NA 41 Ragi TK (60'70) W (20.24) KR Tadpatri 28 Rice 163.09 68.79 42 Jowar KR Tadpatri 26 '.. Rice 40.06 8.10 43 Ragi PR Yerraluntla 15 EA Rice 87.41 119.79. NA:T2 44 Ragi Uninhabited 45 KR Tadpatri 20 EA Rice T (65.15) 809.37 526.90 NA 46 Korra GC (65.15) 84



Total number of Amenities available (if not available within the village, the distance Loca- Total area Households• and in broad ranges viz., - 5 Kms., 5-10 Kms. and 10 + Kms. of the tion Name of village of the population nearest place where the facility available is given) Code village (in r------"---"-'\ r------A------~ NO. hectares) House- Popula- Educational Medical Drinking Post and Day or Communica- holds tion water Telegraph days of tions (Bus- (Potable) the stop, Railway market, station, if any water way) (1) (2) (3) (4A) (4B) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

47 Ananthapuram 1,624.00 131 650 P 6-10 W -5 10+ BS

48 Kondapuram 485.22 219 1,054 P(2),M(2), PHC,H W,R PO, TO, 10+ RS.BS H PTO

49 Diguva Brahmana- 491.29 Uni"habited . palle 50 Kibile R.aghava- 70.42 14 75 -5 5-10 W -5 5-10 5-10 puram 51 Obulapuram 718.32 164 893 P 5-10 W PO 10+ 5-10

52 Korrapadu 2,059.44 421 2,233 P,M,H, 5-10 W PO 10+ 5-10 AC(4) 53 Mangapatnam 5.166.61 488 2.659 P(3) 10+ W PO 10+ as

54 Sanjeevipalle 543.49 Uninhabited 55 Poorva Bomme- 2,899.16 275 1,553 P(2) 5-10 W,R PO 10+ BS palle 56 V,maguntapalle 842.15 54 304 P 5-10 W -5 10+ -5

57 Ambavaram 855.91 78 408 P 5-10 R.,W PO 10+ -5

58 KothaiuntapaUe 579.10 27 169 P 10+ W PO 10+ -5

59 Thugutlapalle 1,871.67 4 19 -5 10+ W -5 10+ 5-10

60 S unnapuralla- 1,636.54 .232 1,097 P 10+ W.R PO 10+ 5-10 palle 61 Peddadanlur 1.229.84 181 971 P 10+ W,R. PO 10+ 10+

62 Sirigepalle 869.67 102 623 P 10+ W.R. PO 10+ 10+

63 KOlinepalle 1,631.28 124 663 P 5-10 W PO -5 -5

64 Muddanur 1,716.68 1,002 ,5.426 P(7).M(2), H.D W PO,PTO 5-10 RS,BS H 65 Yamavaram 1,533.75 292 1.358 P 10+ W.HP PO 5-10 RS,BS

66 Chintakunta 2.263.00 170 1.014 P 10+ W ;pO 5-10 RS

67 Denepalle 1,655.16 122 654 P 10+ W -5 10+ 5-10

68 Aravetipalle 1.294.99 100 533 P 10+ W PO 5-10 -5

69 Bondalakunta 2,308.73 245 1,393 p(2) 10+ W PO -5 BS 85



Land use (i. e •• area under different types of land use Remarks in hectares rounded upto 2 decimal places) including r---- __...A.- -. any place of Loca- Approach Nearest town Power Staple Forest Irrigated Unirri- Culturable Area not religious, tion to village and distance supply food by source gated waste ' available historical or Code (in Kms.) for culti- archaeological No. vation interest

(11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (1)

PR Veparala 26 EA Rice 887.88 119.79 616.33 41 Ragi PR Veparala 23 EA Rice 119.38 10.52 35!1.32 NA:C4:M4:T1 48 Ragi

U,dnhabit.d 49

KR Jammalamadugu 21 Rice 63.94 6.48 50 Korra ' KR Veparala 20 EA Rice 142.86 57'.46 NA !II Jowar KR Yeparala 19 EA Rice T (376.76) 883.02 799.66 NA:Ml:T1 52 Ragi W (376.76) PR Veparala 20 BA Rice 1.083.34 T (166.33) 714.27 3,202.67 NA 53 Korra W (166.33) Uninhabited 54 PR Veparala 6 Rice T (127.48) 2,771.68 NA:Ml:Tl 55 Korra TK (127.48) KR Veparala 5 Rice T (48.56) 793.S~ 56 Korra TK (48.56) KR Jammalamadugu 5 Rice T (77.70) 778.21 57 Jowar W (77.70) KR Jammalamadugu 8 Rice 29.54 549.56 58 Korra ~R Jammalamadu,u 4 Rice T (36.02) 112.50 12.14 1.710.61 59 Jowar TIC. (l6.02) ~ll Jammalamadu,u 10 EA Rice 985.00 T (126.67) 46.94 477.93 NA:T1 60 R~gi TK (126.67) 1t.R Jammalamadugtl 14 BAG Rice 82.15 T (80.94) 788.73 278.02 NA 61 Ragi TK (80.94) PR Jammalamadugu 15 " Rice 613.91 125.05 130.71 '2 Ragi PR. Yerraguntla 15 BA Rice 687.96 T (44.52) 138.40 760.40 NA 63 Ragi TK (44.52) PR Yerraguntla 19 EA Rice 460.94 456.08 121.40 748.26 NA:C4:M2.T2 64 Ragi PR. Veparala 19 EA Rice 439.49 T (87.00) 169.56 837.70 NA:Ml:T1 65 Ragi W (87.00) PR Veparala 19 Rice 247.26 T (161.88) 265.88 1,587.98 NA:Ml 66 'Rali TK (161.88) KR Veparala 21 ll.ice 1,857.04 T (36.42) 169.97 391.73 67 Ragi W (36.42) It.R. Veparala 22 Rice 8110.19 170.78 244.02 68 Ragi Pit Veparala 24 BA Rice 312.42 T (110.94) 400.:13 1,515.14 NA 69 Ilali W (80.94) 86



Total number of Amenities available (if not available within the village, the distance Loea- Total area Households and in broad ranges viz., - 5 Kms., 5-10 Kms. and 10 + Kms. of the tion Name of village of the population nearest place where the facility available is given) Code village (in r----.A----,r------J..... -, NO. hectares) House- Popula- Educational Medical Drinking Post and Day or Communica· holds tion water Telegraph days of tions (Bus- (Potable) the stop, Railway market, station, if any water way) (1) (2) (3) (4A) (4B) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

70 Chinna Dudyala 645.47 132 666 P 5-10 W PO 5-10 BS

71 Pedda Dudyala 840.53 44 230 P 5-10 W _'5 5-10 -5

72 Velpucherla 903.66 93 502 P 5-10 W PO 5-10 -5 \ 13 Velpucherla 28'3.68 S3 252 P -5 W PO -5 5-10 Raghavapuram 74 Nallaballe 1,159.42 315 1,558 P -5 W PO -5 -5

75 Rajulaguravaiah- 367.05 158 784 P(2),M D W PO 5-10 -s palle 76 Thimmapuram 400.23 92 542 P -5 W PO 10+ BS

71 :Kadasani Kotha- 564.94 63 310 P -5 W PO -s BS palle 78 Penikalapadu 1,069.59 205 1,076 P -5 W PO 5-10 -s 87


Land use (i. e •• area under different types of land use Remarks in hectares rounded upto 2 decimal places) including ,-- --__---A--.-:- ______, any place of Loca. Approach Nearest town Power Staple Forest Irrigated Unirri- Culturable Area not religious. tion to village and distance supply food by source gated waste available historical or Code (in kms.) for culti· archaeological No. vation interest

(11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (1)

PR Yerraguntla 21 BD Rice 77.73 223.79 343.98 70 ' Rap PR Yerraluntla 21 Rice 154.19 686.34 71 Ragi KR Yerraguntla 20 Rice T (60.70) 333.87 509.09 NA:Tl 72 Ra,i W (60.70) KIt Yerraguntla 19 Rice 216.10 67.58 73 Ragi PR Yerraguntla 20 EA Rice 500.19 T (48.56) 276.18 333.87 NA:Ml:Tl 74 Ragi W (48.56) PR Yerraguntla 19 BA Rice T (80.94) 231.48 54.63 NA 75 ~'Ragi W (80.94) PR Tadpatri 26 BA Rice 141.23 259.00 NA 76 Korra PR Yerraguntla IS BA R.ice 391.33 173.61 NA 77 Rali KR Yerraguntla 15 BA Riae 635.76 433.83 NA 78 Ragi


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1981 Name of 1981 Name of 1981 Name of Location village Location village Location village Code No. Code No. Code No.

(1) (2) (1) (2) (\) (2)

57 Agaduru 32 Inagaluru 83 Pendluru 27 Agraharam 46 Ippatia 84 Pernapadu 64 Ahobilapuram 71 Polepalle 32 Alavalapadu 61 Jalaparthi 66 Pulivendla 97 Alireddipallc 5 Jangamreddipalle 1 Pydipalem 39 Ambakapallc 26 Ankalammagudur (is Kachivaripalle 54 Rachumarripalle 62 Atchavelle 25 Kamasamudram 53 Ragimanipalle 69 Kanampalle 37 Ramanuthalapalle 35 Balapanuru 92 Kathaluru 80 RamireddipaUe 29 Bhadrampalle 20 Kommanuthala 10 Ravulakolanu 67 Bhakarapuram 45 Korrapadu 52 Rayalapuram 17 Bidinamcberla 12 Kosanur 71 Bokkudupalle K. Velamavaripalle Santbakovyur 24 Bonala 70 59 48 Brahmanapalle \3 7 Suokesula 9 Buchupalle 23 Lingala 2. Lomada 56 Syda.puram 91 Chagaleru 22 Lopatnuthula 2 Chavyavaripalle 94 Thallapalle 41 Chinna Kudala 8 Maddulapaya 33 Thelluru 49 Chinoa Rangapuram 34 Maduru 6 Theliki 74 Chintalajutur 30 Mallela 7' Thimmapurampeta 88 Meedipentla 31 Thonduru 4 Devathapuram 21 Murarichintala 95 T. Velamavaripalle 43 Dondlavagu 79 Muthukuru 11 Duddekunta 58 Udavagandla 81 Naguru 63 Ulimella 47 Erraballe 78 Nallacheruvupalle 3 Nandyalampalle « VadlamanipaUe 85 Gollalagud uru 42 Narasingaraopalle 90 V. Kothapalle 89 Gondipalle 14 Nidivelagala 18 Velidandla 77 Goturu 87 Velupula 38 Gunakanapalle 60 Paluru 96 Vempalle 55 Gundlamadugu 93 Pamuluru 86 Vemula 16 Gurijala 19 Parnapalle 51 Venkatampalle 73 Pedda Jutur 40 Herojipuram 36 Pedda Kudala 76 Yadavakunta 15 Himakuntla SO Pedda Rangapuram 6S Yerragudipalle

89 90



Total number of Amenities available (if not available within the village, the distance Loca- Total area Households and in broad ranges viz., - 5 Kms., 5-10 Kms. and 10.+ Kms. of the tion Name of village of the population nearest place where the facility available is given) village (in ,-___..A.. __, , ______-..A.. ______, G:ode No. hectares) House- Popula- Educational Medical Drinking Po~t and Day or Cornmunica- holds tion water Telegraph days of tions (Bus- (potable) the stoP! Railway market, station, if any waterway) (1) (2) (3) (4A) (4B) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

Pydipalem 2,279.18 216 1,066 P(2) SMP W PO 10+ -5

2 Chavvavaripalem 492.50 187 925 P -5 W PO 10+ BS

3 Nandyalampalle 622.00 102 581 P -5 W PO 5 10 -5

4 Devatbapuram 407.11 30 178 P -5 W -5 10+ -5

5 J angamreddipalle 445.56 71 469 P -5 W PO 10+ -5

6 Theliki 1,129.47 58 360 P -5 W -5 10+ -5

7 Sunkesula 971.65 177 889 P 5-10 W PO 10+ BS

8 Maddulapaya 1,950.18 47 208 P 5-10 W -5 10+ -s

9 Buchupalle 1,088.60' 289 1,428 PEl) 5-10 W PO 10+ BS

10 Ravulakolanu 1,505.02 146 886 P(2) 10+ W,HP PO 10+ BS

11 Duddekunta 971.24 166 868 P(3) MCW W,HP PO 5-10 -5

12 Kosanur 3,165.04 951 4,903 P(3) 5-10 W PO -5 -5

13 Simhadripuram 686.35 372 1,891 P(2),M.H H(2},O W PTO, Sunday • BS Phone 14 Nidivelacala 794.80 104 517 P -5 W -s 5-10 BS

15 Himakuntla 821.11 253 1,268 P.M -5 W,HP PO 5-10 BS

16 Gurijala 1,569.77 455 2,406 P -5 W,HP PO 5-10 BS

17 Bidinamcherla 2,478.69 510 2,832 P(2),M PHC, W,HP PO 5-10 BS FPC,TB

18 Velidandla 2,468.58 411 2,267 P(2),M,H RP,CHW W PO 10+ BS

19 Parnapallc 910.95 488 2,836 P,M,H RP,MCW W PO 10+ BS

20 Kommanuthala 3,110.81 718 3,788 P(4) SMP W PO 10+ BS

21 Murarichil1tala 1,764.83 347 1,797 P(2) CHW W PO 10+ BS 91



Land use (i. e., area under different types of land use Remarks in hectares rounded upto 2 decimal places) including r- --"------, any place of Loca- Approach N~arejt town Power Staple Forest Irrigated Unitri- Culturable Area not religious. tion to village a.nd distance supply food by s\?urce gated waste available historical or Code (in Kms.). for culti- archaeological No. vation interest

(11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (1)

, PR Pulivendla 37 EA Rice 103.30 T (65.96) 763.23 326.18 320.51 T2 Ragi W (65.96) PR Pulivendla 36 ED Korra 223.79 196.68 72.03 N2 2 Rali :~ PR Pulivendla 29 ED Korra T (4.86) 598.93 13.76 4.45 3 Ragi W (4.86) PR Pulivendla 36 ED Korea T (1.21) 244.02 66.37 95.51 Ragi W (1.21) • Pit Pulivendla 36 ED Korea 12.54 T (4.05) 283.28 32.78 112.91 5 Ragi W (4.05, PR Pulivendla 36 ED, Rice T (8.90) 314.44 41.28 764.85 6 EAG &ali W (8.90) PR PuJivendla 29 ED. Rice T (1.21) 799.66 33.19 137.59 Ml:T2 7 EAG Ragi W (1.21) PR Pulivendla 29 ED. Rice T (9.71) 731.67 202.75 1,006.05 8 EAG Ragi W (9.7J) Pit Pulivendla 23 ED, Jowar T (41.68) 585.58 67.18 394.16 9 EAG Korea WE (36.42) TK (5.26) Pll Pulivendla 26 ED, Rice T .(78.10) 764.85 372.72 289.35 N4:T2 10 EAG Ragi WE (78.10) PR Pulivcndla 26 ED. Rice T (13.76) 796.01 52.61 108.86 11 EAG Ragi W (13.76) PRo Pulivendla 25 Korea T (1.21) 2,9l5.06 71.63 167.14 M3:Tl 12 Ragi W (1.21) Plil PuJivcndla 35 EA Korra T (12.55) 601.77 36.02 36.01 N65:C3:M2:T3 13 Ragi WE (12.55) PR Pulivendla 24 ED, Korea T (34.80) 588.41 48.56 123.03 14 EAG Ragi WE (34.80) PR Pulivendla 24 EA Rice T (87.82) 677.04 38.44 17.81 N3:M3:T2 15 Ragi W (87.82) PR Pulivcudhl 26 BA Korea T (65.96) 1.326.15 23.88 153.78 M2:T2 16 Ragi W (65.96) PR Pulivcndla 25 EA Korea T (121.81) 1,440.63 3.23 912.97 Nl:M2:T2 17 Ragi WE (113.72) 0(8.09) PR Pulivendla 25 ED, Rice T (182.11) 1,011.71 239.98 1034.78 N2:T2 18 EAG Koera W (182.11) PR Dhaemavaram 36 EA Rice T (271.14) 497.76 85.80 56.25 N8:Cl:T1 19 Korra 0(161.87) W (109.27) PR Pulivcodla 27 ED Korea T (6.07J 1,740.95 88.22 1,275.57 N2 20 10wae W (6.07) PR Pulivcndla 17 EA Korra T (807.34) 157.83 192.63 607.03 21 Jowae W (807.34) 92


Total number of Amenities available (if not available within the village. the distance Loca- Total area Households and in broad ranges viz •• - 5 Kms •• 5-10 Kms. and 10 + Kms. of the tion Name of village of the population nearest place where the facility available is given) Code village (in r- __ ..._..A_.__ , r------__ --..A.. ______-_, NO. hectares) House- Popula- Educational Medical Drinking PQst and Day or Communica- holds tion water Telegraph days of tions (Bus- (Potable) the stoP. Railwa y market, station, if any water way) (1) (2) (3) (4A) (4B) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

22 Lopatnuthula 2,476.27 180 956 P -5 W PO 10+ -S

23 Linaala 1,919.42 402 2,205 P(2),M.H D.SMP. W PTO. 10+ BS cwe Phone 24 Bonala 2,046.09 387 1.980 P(2).M -S W,HP PO 10+ BS

25 Kamasamudram 2,678.20 364 2,022 P(4) -5 W,HP PO 10+ BS

16 Ankalamma- 2,154.54 356 1,697 P(2).M.H CHW(lO) W PO 5-10 BS gudur 27 Agraharam 422.49 126 652 P -5 W.HP PO 5-10 BS

28 Lomada ] ,383.21 356 1.964 P(4) -5 W PO 10+ -5

29 Bhadrampalle 1,359,74 210 1,092 P(2) -5 W.HP PO 10+ BS

30 Mallela 4,640.92 288 1.526 P(2) -5 W PO 10+ BS

31 ThOllduru 1.971.22 418 2,021 P(4),M.H D.SMP.H W PTO, 10+ BS Phone 32 I nagaluru 1,665.68 370 1.971 P(2),M CHW W,HP PO 10+ BS

33 Thelluru ·1.201.91 232 1,172 P(2) -5 W.HP PO 10+ -5

34 Maduru 800.47 24S 1,404 P(2) -5 W,HP PO 10+ -5

35 Balilpanuru .3,7011.93 1.128 5,955 P(6),M(3). D,PHS, W,HP PO.PTO, 10+ BS H SMP Phone 36 Pedda Kudala 1.629.26 521 2,835 P(3).M,H MCW W.HP PO 10+ BS

37 Raman'uthalapalle 910.95 164 876 P(2) 5-10 W 5-10 10+ BS

38 Gunakanapalle 1,585.15 147 715 P -5 W PO 10+ BS

39 Ambakapalle 994.71 218 1.270 P -5 W PO 10+ BS

40 Herojipuram 165.92 6 35 -5 -5 W -5 10+ -5

41 Chinn a Kudala 870.48 164 882 P -5 W.HP PO 10+ BS 93


Land use (i. e., area under different types of land use Remarks in hectares rounded upto 2 decimal places) including ,------"------, any pJac'e of Loca- Approach Nearest town Power Staple Forest Irrigated Unirri- Culturable Area not religious, tion to village and distance supply fooj by sourc ~ gated Waste available historical or Code (in Kms.) for culti- archaeological No. vation interest

(11) (12) (13) (14) , (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (1)

PR Pulivendla 17 ED, Korra T (24.28) 481.98 119.38 1,850.63 22 EAG Jowar WE (24.28) PR Pulivendla 15 EA Korra T (97.12) 1,123.00 267.09 432.21 N11:Tl 23 Jowar WE (97.12) PR Pulivendla 18 ED, Rice T (93.08) 1,001.59 112.51 838.91 NI0:T1 24 EAG Ragi WE (93.08) PR Pulivendla 16 ED, Rice T (178.06) 1,052.99 626.85 820.30 N6:T2 25 EAG Ragi WE (12].41) TK (56.65) PR Pulivendla 18 -.EA Rice T (40.87) 1,378.36 457.29 278.02 NI6:M2:T2 26 Ragi WE (40.87) PR Pulivendla 24 ED, Rice T (8.90) 358.95 36.02 18.62 T2 27 EAG Ragi WE (8.90) PR Pulivendla 26 ED, Rice T (156.61) 631.71 513.55 81.34 T1 28 EAG Ragi WE (09.03) TK (67.58) PR Pulivendla 23 ED, Jowar T (2.83) 1,075.65 83.37 197.89 Tl 29 EAG Korra WE (2.83) PR Pulivendla 24 ED, Jowar 27.52 T (68.80) 1,486.40 813.41 2,244.79 N1:T1 30 EAG Korra TK (40.47) WE (28.33) PR PuJivendla 19 EA Rice T (42.90) 1,006.04 553.61 368.67 NI9:Tl 31 Korra WE (42.90) PR Pulivendla 13 ED, Jowar T (42.09) 1,237.12 167.13 219.34 NlO:T1 32 EAG Korra WE (42.09) PR pulivendla 11 ED Korra T (30.35) 1,097.91 36.02 37.63 33 Jowar W (30.35) PR Pulivendla 9 EA Korra T (16.19) 708.20 48.16 27.92 N1:M2:TI 34 Jowar WE (16.19) PR Pulivendla 12 EA Korra T (161.87) 2,560.84 98.34 887.88 N2:Cl:T1 35 Jowar WE (161.87) PR Pulivendla 8 ED, Korra T (229.46) 675.01 688.37 36.42 NIO:MI:T2 36 EAG Jowar WE (229.46) PR Pulivendla 9 EA Korra ... T (80.94) 243.22 124.24 462.55 37 Jowar WE (58.68) 0(22.26) PR PuJivendla 13 ED, Korra T (80.94) 218.53 188.58 1,097.10 Nl:M2 38 EAG Jowar WE (40.47) TK (40.47) PR Pulivendla'14 ED Korra T (4.05)' 598.93 53.82 337.91 39 Jowar W (4.05) PR Pulivendla 9 Korra T (48.56) 50.59 40.06 26.71 40 Ragi ~WE (48.56) PR Pulivendla 8 ED, Korra T (64.75) 141.64 209.63 454.46 Ml:T1 41 EAG Jowar WE (64.75) 94



Total number of Amenities available (if not available within the village. the distance Loca- Total area Households and in broad rangc;s viz•• - 5 Kms •• 5-10 Kms. and 10 + Kms. of the tion Name of village of the population nearest place where the facility available is given) Code village (in ,-__--..A..- __-. ,.------"- ----, NO. hectares) House- Popula- EducatiO'nal Medical Drinking Post and Day or Communica- holds tion water Telegraph days of tions (Bus- (Potable) the stop, Railway market, station. if any water way) (1) (2) (3) (4A) (4B) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

42 Narasingaraopalle 70.01 Uninhabited 43 Dondlavagu 1,178.44 213 1.090 P(ll) -5 W PO 10+ -5

44 Vadlamanipalle 82.96 Uninhabited 45 Korrapadu 353.29 54\ 288 -5 5-10 W 5-10 10+ 5-10

46 Ippatla 1,150.11 276 1.375 P,2).M CHW W PO 5-10 BS

47 Erraballe 4.511.83 1.130 6.067 P(8).M.H D.CIlW. W PO 5-10 BS SMP

48 Brahmanapalle 647.50 365 2,164 P(2) CHW W PO -5 -5

49 Chinn a Rangapuram 437.87 226 1,227 P CHW W PO -5 BS

50 Pedda Ranlapuram 438.68 -l49 846 P CHW W PO -5 -5

51 Venkatampalle 67.99 Uninhabited 52 Rayalapuram 547.13 43 210 P CHW W -5 5-10 BS

S3 Ragimanipalle 430.18 210 1.028 P CHW W PO 5-10 BS

54 Rachumarripalle 455.67 24 125 P CHW W -5 5-10 -5

55 Gundlamadugu 1.499.76 181 901 P(2) -5 W -5 5-10 BS

56 Sydapuram 546.73 181 939 P -s W PO 5-10 BS

57 Agaduru 1.80S.13 458 2.470 P(3).M.H CHW W.HP PO 10+ BS

5S Udavalandla 1,365.00 225 1,191 P(2) -5 W.HP PO 10+ -5

S9 Santhakovvuf 3.506.59 425 2.707 peS) PHC.FPC. W PO 10+ BS TB

60 paluru 1.027.90 302 1.530 P -5 R.W PO 10+ BS

61 Jalapartbi 184.13 Uninlulbited 62' Atchayelle 1.463.34 331 1.560 P(4).M -s W PO 10+ -s

63 Ulimella 1.624.00 37S 2.220 p(2) -s W PO -5 BS

64 Ahobilapuram 366.64 47 250 P 5-10 W -5 -5 -5 9S DIBECTORY a•• Land .... PULIVENDLA TALUK

Land use (i. e., area under different types of land use Remarks in hectares rounded upto 2 decimal places) including

~ ~ a,ny place of Loca- Approach Nearest town Power Staple Forest Irrigated Unirri- Culturable Area Dot religious, tion to village and distance supply food by source gated waste available historical or Code (in Klns.) for culti- archaeological No. vation interest

(11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (1)

Uninhabited 42 PR Pulivendla 8 ED, Korra T (36.42) 496.55 325.77 319.70 N3 43 EAG Rice WE (36.42) Uninhabited 44 KR Pulivendla 5 EAG Korra T (92.27) 41.28 15.38 202.34 45 Rice W (92.27) PR Pulivendla 4 EA Korra T (191.82) 410.35 129.50 418.44 N5:Ml:T4 46 Jowar WE (191.82) PR Pulivendla 6 EA Korra T (318.49) 1,156.99 608.65 2,427.70 N4:M2:T4 47 Jowar WE (286.11) 0(32.38) PR Pulivendla .) EA Korra T (31.97) 337.91 114.53 163.09 N4:T2 48 Jowar WE (31.97) PR Pulivendla 2 EA Korra T (38.45) 229.05 151.76 18.61 Ml 49 Rice WE (38.45) PR Pulivendla 4 ED, Korra T (0.81) 238.36 171.18 28.33 50 BAG Jowar W (0.81) Uninhabited 51 PR Pulivendla 7 ED. Korra T (8.90) 344.39 '15.78 178.06 T1 52 EAG Jowar WE (8.90) PR Pulivendla 7 Korra T (44.52) 316.46 40.47 28.73 53 Jowar WE (44.52) PR Pulivendla 5 EAG Korra T (26.30) 229.46 16.59 183.32 54 Jowar WE (26.30) PR Pulivendla 8 Korra T (26.30) 747.05 655.59 70.82 N3:Ml:T1 55 Jowar WE (26.30) PR Pulivendla 9 ED, Korra T (6.07) 477.53 44.11 19.02 T1 56 EAG Jowar WE (6.07) PR Pulivendla J6 EA Korra T (76.89) 1,198.27 258.59 274.38 N6:Tl 57 Jowar WE (76.89) PR Pulivendla 19 Korra T (56.25) 531.76 210.43 566'56 Nl 58 Jowar W (40.47) TK (15.78) PR Pulivendla 19 ED, Korra , T (254.55) 1,063.51 500.59 1,687.94 N5:Ml:T2 59 EAG Jowar WE (202.34) TK (52.21) PR Pulivendla 18 EA Korra T (44.51) 670.16 112.10 201.13 N5 60 Jowar WE (44.51) Uninhabited 61 PR Pulivendla 8 ED, Korra T (40.47) 763.64 324.15 335.08 N4:Tl 62 EAG Jowar WE (40.47) PR Pulivendla 6 ED, Korra T (117.36) 1,072.82 374.74 59.08 Nl:Ml:T1 63 EAG Jowar WE (117.36) K'R PuIivendla 2 EAG Korra T (20.23) 133.55 181.70 31.16 64 Jowar WE (20.23) 96


Total number.of Amenities available (if not available within the village, the distance Loca- Total area Households and in broad ranges viz., - 5 KIns., 5-10 Kms. and 10 + Kms. of the tion Name of village of the population nearest place where the facility available is given) ~ode village (in r----..A..--, ( ~------...... No. hectares) House- Popula-· Educational Medical Drinking Post and Day or Communica- holds tion water Telegraph days of ~1ions (Bus- (potable) the stop. Railway market, station, if any waterway) (1) (2) (3) (4A) (4B) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

65 Kachivaripal)e 181.30 Uninhabit,d 66 Pulivendla 629.00 Urban Area (Pulivendla Town) 67 Bhakarapufam 168.35 Uninhabited 68 Yerragudipalle 88.22 257 1,423 P CHW W -5 5-10 . BS

69 Kanampalle 774.97 90 497 P -5 W -5 Sunday BS

70 K. Velamavari- 1,681.06 141 814 P(2) -5 W -5 -5 -5 palle

71 Bokkudupalle 300.68 33 202 P -5 W PTO,- 5-10 BS Phone

72 PolepaUe 507.88 86 501 P CHW W -5 -5 BS

73 Pedda Jutur 1,748.24 486 2.581 P(5) CHW W PO 5-10 BS

74 Chintalajutur 740.98 293 1.633 P -5 W,HP PO 5-10 -5

75 Thimmapurampeta 611.07 76 401 P 10+ W -5 5-10 BS

76 Yadavakunta 439.89 54 273 P 5-10 W -5 5-10 -5

77 Goturu 985.00 188 1,023 P(3).M 10+ W PO 10+ BS

78 Nallacheruvu- 3.325.70 547 2,977 P(3),M,H CHW W PO 10+ BS palle

79 Muthukuru 942.51 265 1,602 P -5 W.HP PO 10+ BS

80 Ramireddipalle 468.62 264 1,578 P(2),M PHS. W,TW. PO 10+ BS SMP TK 81 Naiuru 1,095.48 160 948 P(2) -5 W PO 10+ -5

82 Alavalapadu 1,085.35 401 2,095 P(3),M PHS W,HP PO 10+ BS

83 Pendluru 865.22 164 762 P -5 W PO 10+ -5

. 84 . Pernapadu 512.74 44 222 P -5 W,HP -5 10+ BS

85 Gollalaguduru 2,136.73 269 1.451 P(2). -5 W PO 10+ BS M(2),H 86 Vemula 2,315.61 716 3,431 P(4),M.H D.RP(4) W,HP PTO. 10+ BS Phone 97



Land use (i. e •• area under different types of land use Remarks in hectares rounded upto 2 decimal places) including ,..-______-_....--.A---______, any place of Loca- Approach Nearest town Power Staple Forest Irrigated Unirri- Culturable Area not religious. tion to village and distance supply food by source gated waste available historical or Cod" (in kms.) for cult i- archaeological No. vation interest

(11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (IS) (19) (20) (1)

Uninhabited 6S Urban Aria (Pulivlndla Town) 66 Uninhabited 67 PR Pulivendla 3 ED Korra T (52.61) 10.93 24.68 Tl 68 ]owar WE (28.33) 0(24.28) PR Pulivendla 9 Korra 283.28 292.99 198.70 69 Jowar PIt Pulivendla 3 ED. Korra T (IOS.46) 584.77 159.S5 827.98 N5:Tl 70 EAG Jowar WE (100.36) 0(8.10) PR PUliYelldla 5 ED. Korra T (57.87) 122.21 54.23 66.37 Tl 71 EAG . Jowar WE (57.87)

PR Pulivendla 3 ED. Korra T (45.32) 277.21 137.19 48.16 HI 72 EAG Jowar WE (45.32) PR Pulivendla 8 EA Korra T (134.36) 1,014.14 503.43 96.31 73 ]owar WE (134.36) PR Pulivendla 9 ED. Korra T (30.35) 556.44 35.62 118.57 T2 74 EAG Ragi WE (30.35) PR Pulivendla 8 Korra 53.01 318.49 239.57 75 ]owar PR Pulivendla 13 Korra T (8.09) 250.09 141.24 40.47 76 Jowar W (8.09) PR Pulivendla 14 ED Korra 79.32 654.37 251.31 N5:T2 77 Iowar PR Pulivendla 16 ED Korra T (162.28) 1.096.70 1,467.38 599.34 N3:Tl 78 Jowar W (121.81) TK (40.47) PR Pulivendla 20 ED. ]owar T (105.22) 485.62 157.42 194.25 T1 79 EAG Korra WE (105.22) PR Pulivendla 24 EA Korra T (24.28) 281.25 89.03 74.06 80 Jowar WE (24.28) PR Pulivendla 22 ED. Iowar T (20.23) 890.31 184.94 81 BAG Korra WB (20.23) Pit Pulivendla 16 EA Jowar T (SO.93) 728.43 148.92 fl27.07 N2:T2 82 Korra WE (80.93) Pit Pulivendla 16 EA Korra T (4.05) 704.15 142.48 14.51 T1 83 Iowar WE (4.05) Pit Pulivendla 15 EA Korra T (8.09) 293.40 32.38 178.87 T1 84 Jowar WE (8.09) PR Pulivendla 12 ED. Korra T (60.70) 1.375.93 407.11 292.99 N2:Tl 85 EAG Iowar WE (60.70) Pit Pulivendla 14 ED. Korra T (182.11) 961.13 157.02 1.015.35 NI9:Cl:T3 86 EAG Iowar WE (182.11) 98



Total number of Amenities available (if not available within the village. the distance Loca- Total area Households and in broad ranges viz., - 5 Kms •• 5-10 Kms. and 10 + Kms. of the tion Name of village of the population nearest place where the facility available is given) village (in ,-__-----"-- __ , ,..--______-A. ______-_, Code NO. hectares) House- Popula- Educational Medical Drinking Post and Day or Communica- holds tion water Telegraph days of tions (Bus- (Potable) the stop, Railway market. station. if any water way) (1) (2) (3) (4A) (4B) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

87 Velupula 3.330.15 698 3.553 P(6) -5 W PO 10+ BS .

88 Mcedipentla 3,203.89 342 1,997 P(3) 5-10 W PO 10+ BS

89 Gondipalle 1.038.02 2S3 1.416 P(2) -s W PO 10+ BS

90 V. Kothapalle 1.010.09 358 1.789 P(2) -5 W PO 10+ BS

91 Chagaleru 1.188.96 SI2 2.604 P(3).M -S W,HP PO 5-10 -S

92 Kathaluru 1,465.77 363 1,729 P -S W.HP PO 5-10 -5

93 Pamuluru 1,877.33 291 1,606 P(5).M 5-10 W.HP PO 5-10 -5

94 Thallapalle 1.673.37 348 1,939 P(4) 5-10 W.HP PO 10+ BS

95 T. Velamavari- 3,327.72 718 3.892 P(S).M PHS, W.HP PO 10+ ; BS palle SMP

96 Vempalle 3.341.08 2.672 13,568 P(6),M(2). D.RP(9). T.W.HP PTO, Friday BS H(2).r ewc Phone

97 Alireddipallc 1,406.28 234 1,036 P(2) -5 R,W -5 -5 -5 99



Land use (i. e., area under different types of land use Remarks in hectares rounded upto 2 decimal places) including

~ ~ any place of Loca- Approach Nearest town Power Staple Forest Irrigated Unirri- . CuIturable Area not religious, tion to village and distance supply food by source gated waste available historical or Code (in Kms.) for culd- archaeological No. vation interest

(11) (12) (1'3) (14) (15) (16) (17) (IS) (19) (20) (1)

PR Pulivendla 8 ED, Korra T (IS0.08) 979.34 528.52 1,642.21 N5 87 EAG Jowar WE (97.12) 0(82.96) PR Pulivendla 13 ED, Korra T (4.05) 1,129.07 405.90 1,664.87 T1 18 BAG Jowar WE (4.05) PR Pulivendla 16 ED. Korra T (218.53) 566.56 54.63 198.30 Nl:Tl 89 EAG Jowar WE (218.53) PR Pulivendla 17 ED, Jowar T (242.81) 261.43 4.45 501.40 Nl:Tl 90 EAG Korra WB (242.81) PR Pulivendla 16 BD, Korra T (137.59) 789.13 45.73 216.51 T2 91 EAG Jowar WE (137.59) PR Pulivendla 20 ED. Korra T (105.22) 874.12 56.25 430.18 Nl:T3 92 BAG Ragi WB (105.22) PR Pulivendla 22 BD, Jowar T (32.37. 981.36 358.55 505:05 N2:T3 93 EAG Korra WE (32.37) PR Pulivendla 19 ED. Jowar T (234.72) 526.09 7.28 905.2S N2:T2 94 EAG Korra WE (234.72) PR Pulivendla 17 ED. Korra T (91.05) 1,153.35 216.91 1,866.41 N2:Ml:T3 95 EAG Jowar WE (50.58) 0(40.47) PR Pulivendla 28 BA Jowar T (495.74) 1,153.35 41S.45 1,273.54 NI75:ClO: 96 Korra 0(303.51) M3:TlO WE (192.23) PR Pulivendla 33 ED, Jowar T (263.05) 74.87 266.28 S02.08 97 BAG Korra 0(182.1]) WE (80.94)


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1981 Name{)C 1981 Name of 1981 Name of Location village Location . village Location villaac Code No. Code No. Code No.

(1) (2) (1) (2) (1) (2)

3 Addalamarri 19 Oudlavaripalle 40 Nauharibotlapalle 20 Anan tapuram 43 Oundlacheruvu 15 Neelakantaraopeta 2 Anjaneyapuram 14 Guvvalacbcruvu 2S Ncrusupallc Aravecdu 42 Noolivccdu '0 Idupulapaya 10 Brahmana Brraludi 41 Pandikunta 30 Kalluripallc 35 PandillapalJc 8 Cbaltrayapet 12 Kalpanayunicberuvu 34 Pulikunta 9 Chilekampallc 29 Katineni Yerraaudi 47 Pyarampalle 31 Cbitlur 4 Komarakalva 24 Kondappagaripallc 28 Rajupallc 22 Dappcpallc 32 Korlakunta 11 DiDnepadu 27 Kuppam 39 Kurnodtala 16 Saraswatipalle 1 Brrabommanapalle 36 Somabatlapalle 21 Lakkireddipallc 18 Suddamalla 49 Galivecdu 23 Surabbu 6 Gandikovur 37 Maddirevula 44 GarUlupallc 26 Mabadcvapallc 31 Talamudipi 13 Gopagudipallc S Marellamadaka 4S Thumukunta 48 Gopanapallc 33 Gotlamitta 17 Nallaguttapalle 46 Velisallu

It)! 102



Total number of Amenities available (if not available within the village, the distance Loca- Total area Households and in broad ranges viz., - 5 Kms., 5-10 Kms. and lO + Kms. of the tion Name of village of the population nearest place where the facility available is given) Code village (in ,--__"'__--, ,------"-- , No. hectares) House- Popula- Educational Medical Drinking Post and Day or Communica- holds ' tion water Telegraph days of tions (Bus (Potable) the stop, Railway market. station, if any water way) (1) (2) (3) (4A) (4B) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

1 Idupulapaya 880.59 334 1,572 P(2) 10+ W PO. TO 5-10 BS

2 Anjaneyapuram 84.58 Uninhabited 3 Addalamarri 116.14 \ 79 417 P 5-10 W PO -5 5-10

4 Komarakalvil 604.60 378 1,738 P 5-10 W PO -5 5-10

5 Marellamadaka l,i81.7S 282 1,461 P(2) -s W PO -5 BS

6 Gandikovur 826.37 200 1,000 P -s W -5 -s -5

7 Errabommana- 2,061.0' 299 1,538 P -s W -5 -5 -5 palle

8 Chakrayapet 1.676.20 546 2,697 P(S).M.H D(U) W,HP PO. Sunday BS PTO

9 Chilekampalle 3,824.27 690 3,776 P(5) 5-10 W PO -5 5-10

10 Brahmana Erra- 4,96&.72 839 4,238 P(6) 5-10 W,HP PO Thursday BS ,udi

11 Dinnepadu 1,870.05 396 1,911 P(4) 5-10 ,W PO 5-10 BS

12 Kalpanayuni· 1,926.30 194 993 P(2) 5-10 w PO 5-10 -5 . cheruYu

13 Gopaludipalle 2,415.97 , 655 3,226 P(S) 10+ w PO . 5-10 BS

14 Guvvall.cheruvu '350.86 221 1,108 P(2) 10+ w PO 5-10 BS

15 Neclakantaraopeta 661.87 364 1,895 P(2),M(2). 10+ W pO,ro 5-10 BS H 103


Land use (i. e •• area under different types of land use Remarks in hectares rounded up to 2 ~ecimal places) including r-- --A----____-~ any place of Loca- Approach Nearest town Power Staple Forest Irrigated Unirri- Culturable Area not religious, tion to village and distance supply food by source gated waste available historical or Code (in Kms.) for culti- archaeological No. vation interest

(11) (12) (n) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (1)

PR Pulivendla 38 ED. Rice T (170.37) 93.48 85.39 531.35 N5 EAG Ragi 0(121.00) W (49.37) Uninhabited 2 KR Pulivendla 45 Rice T (59.89) 0.81 55.44 3 Ragi 0(59.89) KR Pulivendla 43 Rice T (114.93) 125.86 22.26 341.55 4 Ragi 0(96.74 W (15.78) TK (2.43) PR Pulivei:ldla 45 ED Rice T (102.38) 171.59 44.92 1.562.89 Sree Veeran- 5 Ragi 0(81.34) janeya Temple W (21.04) KR Pulivendia 45 Rice T (103.60) 231.07 58.28 433.42 6 Rali 0(76.08) W (25.09) TK (2.43) KR Pulivendla 42 EAG Rice 2.83 T (182.51) 450.01 59.09 1,366.62 7 Ragi 0(138.00) W (44.51) PR , Pulivendla 46 ED, Rice T (106.03) 439.89 60.70 1,069.58 NI0 8 EAG Ragi W (51.00) 0(39.25) TK (15.78) KR Rayachoti 34 ED. Rice 1.537.80 930.78 1,355.69 9 EAG Ragi PR Rayachoti 25 ED. Rice 22.26 T (176.85) 2.306.70 80.94 2,381.97 Sri Narsimha 10 EO Ragi TK (140.02) Swamy Temple. W (36.83) T1 PR Rayachoti 24 ED. Rice T (236.34) 1.023.85 20.23 589.63 M2 11 EO Ragi TK (131.74) W (87.01) GC (16.59) KR Rayachoti 24 Rice 290.97 T(99.55) 371.50 150.54 1,013.74 12 Ragi W (60.70) TK (38.85) PR Rayachoti 33 Rice T (80.94) 888.69 477.53 968.81 13 Rali TK (41).47) • W (30.35) GC (10.12) PR Rayachoti 35 Rice T (17.81) 110.48 36.82 185.75 Nl 14 Rali TK (10.12) W (7.28) GC (0.41) PR Rayachoti 24 ED Rice T (104.41) 181.30 183.32 193.84 15 Rali W (54.63) TK (49.78) 104


Total number of Amenities available (if not available within the village, the distance Loca- Total area Households and in broad rang~s viz •• - 5 Kms., 5-10 Kms. and 10.+ Kms. of the· lion Name of village of the population nearest place where the..__ facility available is given) Code village (in ,-----"---.:..... r- .. No. hectares) House- Popula- Educational Medical Drinking Post and Day or Communica- holds tion water Telegraph days of tions (Bus- (Potable) the stop, Railway market, station, if any wat,erway) (1) (2) (3) (4A) (4B) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

16 Saraswatipan. ~7.18 198 ,,2 P(2) 10+ W PO -5 5-10

17 Nallaguttapall. 1,423.21 535 2,599 P(3) 5-10 W,HP PO Sunday BS

\ 18 Suddamalla 1,541.53 437 2,0116 P(3, -5 W PO -5 -5

19 Oudlavaripalle 176.44 26 132 -5 -5 'It -5 -s -5

20 An_nt.purlm 934.41 3" 1,917 P(l~ -5 W PO Frida, -s

21 Lakkireddipallc 2,252.07 1,062 5,151 P(7),M,H D(A),H, W,HP PO,TO, 5-10 BS llP(2).l).tP PTO. Pilo •• II Dappepalle 2.789.90 643 3,267 P(S).M 10+ W,HP PO -s BS

23 S.rabhu 3,426.87 963 4,882 P(7).M,H PHC W PO,PTO Wednesday BS

14 Kondappaaaripalle 'T.87 92 468 P -s W PO '-10 -S 2' Nerlisupille 1,25'.16 310 1,6'1 'P(2) -5 W,HP PO 5-10 -s

16 WahadeYapall. 9ST.08 35' 1.163 P(2) -s W PO -5 -S

27 Ituppam 3.234.64 534 2,839 P(3) -I W,ll PO 5-10 -s

. 2. llajupalle 1,547.'2 146 102 P H R,W PO 5-10 BS

29 Itatineni Vern. 1.997.12 241 1,323 P D W PO 10+ BS ludi lOS



Land use (i. e., area under different types of land use Remarks in hectares rounded upto 2 decimal places) including r------"------, any place of Loca- Approach Nearest town Power Staple Forest Irrigated Unirri- Culturable Area not religious, tion to village and distance supply food by source gated waste available historical or Code (in kms.) for culti- archaeological No. vation interest

(11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (1)

KR Rayachoti 20 Rice T (17.40) 270.33 78.51 80.94 16 Ragi W (16.19) GC (1.21) PR Rayachoti 18 Rice T (68.80) 676.23 239.57 438.68 17 Ragi TK (52.61) W (16.19) KR Rayachoti 20 ED Rice T (137.59) 798.85 144.07 261.02 18 TK (65.15) W (60.70) GC (11.74) KR Rayachoti 17 ED Rice T (22.66) 85.79 6.07 61.92 19 Ragi W (20.64) TK (2.02) KR Rayachoti 20 ED Rice T (136.38) 601.36 108.46 88.22 Gangamma 20 Ragi W (121.41) Temple TK (14.97) PR Rayachoti 18 ED. Rice T (282.87) 993.50 636.57 339.13 N180:M2 21 EO Ragi W (242.81) TK (40.06) PR Rayachoti 24 ED Rice 8.09 T (182.11) 1,177.63 25.50 1,396.57 22 W (121.41) Ragi TK (60.70) PR Rayachoti 32 ED, Rice T (239.98) 938.46 85.79 2,162.64 N4 23 EAG Ragi o (149~33) W (82.56) TK 8.09) KR. Rayachoti 36 ED. Rice T (11.33) 26.31 4.05 15.78 24 EAG Ragi W (11.33) KR Rayachoti 36 ED, Rice T (160.66) 369.47 48.56 679.47 25 BAG Ragi W (135.97) 0(18.62) TK (6.07) KR Rayachoti 36 ED, Rice T (52.21) 296.63 33.59 574.65 N4 26 EAG Ragi W (40.47) 0(11.74) I KR Rayachoti 40 ED, Rice T (210.03) 618.76 101.17 2,304.68 27 EAG Ragi W (99.15) 0(84.98) TK (21.04) TW (4.86) PR Kadiri 41 EAG Rice T (78.51) 274.38 50.99 1,144.04 28 Rali 0(65.96) W (12.55) PR Kadiri 36 Rice T (14.16) 852.67 50.59 1,079.70 29 Ragi TK (8.09) W(6.07) 106


Total number of Amenities available (if not available within the village. tbe distance Loca­ Total area Households and in broad ranles viz., - S Kms., 5-10 Kms. and 10 + KIDs. of the tion Name of village of the population nearest place where the facility available is given) Code village (in ,..-__..A.--, ...A.- t No. hectares) House- Popula- Educational Medical Drinking 'Post and Day or Communica- holds tion . water Telegraph days of tions (Bus (potable) , the stop, Railway market. station. if any water way) (1) (2) . (3) (4A) f4B) (S) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

30 Kalluripalle 2.274.73 349 P(3) 5-10 W PO 10+ 5-10

31 Talamudipi 1,660.42 165 8SS P(2) -s W PO 10+ BS

J2 K:odakuDta 1,266.66 354 1.892 P(2) CHW W PO.TO, '-10 BS Phone

33 Gotlamitta 664.49 9S 521 P -5 W -s 5-10 -5

34 Pulikllnta 2,012.09 SIP 2.537 P(2) CHW(2) W.HP PO 10+ BS

J!! Pandillapalle 1.651.11 589 2.838 P(S) CHW(2) W,HP PO 10+ BS

36 Somab.tlapalle 17.81 U"t"IIobU,d 37 )4addirevula 1,673.7' 421 2,033 P(5) 5-10 W PO 10+ -5

38 Chitiur 2,0.57.82 677 1,223 P(S) 0 W PO 10+ BS

39 Kurooota!. 2.594.03 818 4,622 P(6),M.O 5-10 W,HP PO 10+ BS

40 Naraharibotlapalle 21.85 105 431 -5 5-10 W -5 10+ -s

41 PandikllDt. 1,2'5.6' 277 1,2OJ P(2) CHW(2) W,HP PO. 10+ BS Phone

42 Nooliveedu 4,081.65 1.430 6.434 P(7) PHS.D.RP. W,HP PTO, 10+ BS CHW(3) Pbone

43 GundlacheruYu 1,175.61 358 1.691 P(2) MH,MCW W.HP PO. ~-10 BS Phone 107



Land use (i. e., area under different types of land use Remarks in hectares rounded upto 2 decimal places) including -- ___--A--- ______, any place of r-- Loca_ Approach Nearest town Power Staple Forest Irrigated Unirri- Culturable Area not religious, tion to village and distance supply food by source gated waste available historical or Code (in kms.) for culti- archaeological No. vation interest

(11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (1)

KR Kadiri 35 Rice T (13.76) 1,012.93 39.25 1,208.79 30 Ragi W (7.28) TIC. (6.48) PR Rayachoti 32 Rice T (104.81) 343.17 58.18 1,154.16 Nl .31 Ragi W (60.70) TK (23~88) 0(20.23) PRo Ray.choti 30 Rice T (71.22, 515.99 208.41 401.04 Nl:TI 32 Ragi 0(40.47) . W (22.26) TIC. (8.49) ~R Rayachoti 30 ED Rice T (9.31) 232.69 12.95 409.54 33 Ragi W (9.31) PR Rayachotl 24 Rice T (119.38) 647.50 41.28 1,203.93 NI:Ml 34 ]lagi . TK (70.82) W (48.56) PR Rayachoti 20 Rice _ T (114.12) 607.03 60.70 869.26 35 Ragi TIC. (60.70) W (44.52) GC (8.90) UniNhabited 36 KR Rayachoti 12 ED Rice T (172.40) 502.21 149.33 849.84 37 Ragi W (161.88) TIC. (1M2) PR Rayachoti 14 BD Rice T (209.65) 1,223.36 48.16 574.65 38 Ragi W (113.31) T:K. (1$2.96) GC (13.38, PR Rayachoti 15 ED Rice T (I 17.36) 720.34 572.63 1,183.70 39 Ragi TIC. (80.94) OC (20.23, W (16.19) KR Rayachoti 16 R)ce T (1.21) 14.16 6.48 40 Ragi W (0.81, TIC. (0.40) PR Rayachoti 27 .Rice T (46.54) 594.89 60.70 583.55 41 R_li TIC. (40.47) W (6.07)

PR Rayachoti 26 EA Rice T (264.66) 1,978.91 60.70 1,777.38 N6;Ml 42 Ragi TK (224.19) W (40.47) PR llayachoti 27 Rice T (95.10) 511.93 80.94 487.64 Nl:T2 43 Rali TK (46.54) W (48.56) 108


Total number of Amenities available (if not available within tbe village, the distance Looa- Total area Households and in broad ranges viz., - 5 Kms., 5-10 Kms. and 10 + Kms. of the tion Name of village of the population nearest place where the facility available is given) Code village (in ,-__--A-- __, r---:....:.------~------_. No. hectares) House- Popula- Educational Medical Drinking, Post and Day or Communica- holds tion water 'Telegraph days of tions (Bus- (Potable)' the stoP. Railway market, station, if any water way) (1) (2) (3), (4A) (4B) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

44 Garugupallc 1,582.72 367 1,721 P(2) -5 W.HP PO 10+ -5

\ ..S Thumukulita 4,990.57 367 2,028 P(2) 10+ W,HP PO 10+ BS

46 Vel1lallu 1,939.25 269 1,223 P 5-10 W.HP PO 5-10 BS

47 Pyarampalle 1,455.25 273 1,'42 P(2) -5 W PO -5 BS

48 OopanapllU. 1,360.95 363 1,801 P(2) -5 W,HP PO 5-10 BS

<49 Galiveedu 4,368.57 1,817 8,668 P(ll),M,H D,RP(4) W,HP PTO, Wednesday BS Phone

SO Araveedu 2.802.85 889 4,518 P(lO) MH,MCW W,HP PO 5-10 BS 109 DIRECTORY and ~nd Dlie LAKKIREDDIPALLE TALUK

Land use (i. e., area under different types of land use Remarks in hectares rounded upto 2 decimal places) including .A--______~ any place of c-- Loc:a- Approach· Nearest town Power Staple Forest Irrigated Unirri- Culturable Area not religious, tion to village and distance supply food by source gated waste available historical or Code (in Kms.) for culti- archaeological No. vation interest

(11) (12) (13) (14) (IS) (16) (17) (18) . (19) (10) (I)

KR Rayachoti 28 llice T (101.17) 323.13 424.75 368.67 4" Ragi W (54.63) TK (34.40) GC (12.14) PR Kadiri 40 Rice T (40.47) 1,294.99 263.04 3,392.07 45 Ilagi TK (28.33) W (12.14) PR Kadiri 40 Rice T (28.33) 514.77 242.81 1,083.34 46 Raai TK(20.23) W (8.10) PR Rayachoti 28 BAG Rice T (70.82) 870.07 18.21 496.15 Ml:Tl 47 Ragi TK (41.68) W (29.14) PR Ilayachoti 26 Rice 60.70 T (84.98) 789.14 32.37 393.76 Nl 48 Ragi TK (47.75) W (27.11) 0(10.12) PR Rayachoti 30 BA Rice T (273.98) 2,150.49 150.14 1,793.96 N20:M3 49 Ragi TK (182.11) GC (50.59) W (41.28) PR Rayachoti 28 BA Rice T (572.63) 786.30 212.46 1,231.46 Nl:MI 50 Ragi W (387.28) TK (147.71) GC(3M4)

RAYACHOTI TALUK I..____ _ .~ 0 -'


'0 lu Q .§ :x: .~ ~ I/) w o

a: :x:"' ~




0)r .. 0- \,0 Lo I . J " ~ f " :"<1() '" \ ~ I~ <:> ( ~~ I § !: ~ 2~ <> i \. -". )~~ ~ C 2~ ~ ~ ~ r-- ~"" e _j ~e ~- ~~ l~ ~ ... 1 ALPHABETICAL LIST OF VILLAGES


1981 Name of 1981 Name of 1981 Name of Location village Location village Location village Code No. Code No. Code No. (1) (2) (1) (2) (1) (2)

20 Abbavaram 38 Guriginjakunta 42 Perumallaiahgaripalle 41 Akkampalle 67 Guttapalle 24 PoJimerapalle 10 Pothukurupalle 49 Bagampalle· 5 Hasanapuram 4 Rachapalle 11 Bandlapalle 21 Indukurpalle . 29 Rayachoti 65 Bonamala 43 Rayavaram 16 Botlacheruvu 12 Kakulavaram 61 Kalibanda 51 Reddivaripalle 56 Routhukunta 27 Chaamalavaripalle 19 Kasba Gollapalle 26 Chennamukkapalle 13 Katimayakunta 55 Sambepalle 34 Cherlopalle 8 Sanipaya 64 15 Madhavaram 53 Settipalle 46 Chinnayagaripalle 47 Madithadu 25 Sibyala 57 MaHur 6 Somavaram 63 Devagudipalle 18 Masapet 68 Somavaram 66 Devapatla 22 MatH 60 Diguvagottiveedu S4 Motakatla 48 Thimmasamudram 28 Doollavaripalle 44 Mudumpadu 59 Tsakibanda 39 40 Tsundupalle Dudyala 35 Narayanareddipalle . 58 Vandadi 32 Eguvagottiveedu 23 Odiveedu 7 Veeraballe 3 Vongimalla 1 Gadikota 62 Paramatikona 33 Gorlamudiveedu 17 Peddakalvapalle 2 Yadaballe SO Gundlapalle 45 Peddinenikalva 30 Yendapalle 37 Gunnikuntla 9 Peddiveedu 52 YerramaIienipalem 14 Guntimadugu 36 Pemmadupalle 31 Yerranagupalle

111 112



Total number of Amenities available (if not available within the Village, the distance Loca­ Total area Households and in broad ranges viz., - 5 Kms., 5-10 Kms. and 10 + Kms. of the tion Name of village of the population nearest place where the facility available is given) Code village (in r----..A---, r------..A-­ ---, No. hectares) House- Popula- Educational Medical Drinking Post and, Day or Communica­ holds tion water Telegraph days of tions (Bus­ (potable) the stop, Railway market. . station, if any waterway) (1) (2) (3) (4A) (4B) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

1 Oadikota 2,268.66 468 2,223 P(5) D, W PO 10+ -5 CHW(3)

2 Yadaballe 426.54 Uninhabited S Vongimalla 1.958.67 1.009 4,809 P(10) CHW(4) W PO -5

4 Rachapalle 1,380.38 592 3,072 P(2).M,H D(U) W PO 10+ BS

5 Hasanapuram 1.986.60 653 3,482 peS) D.SMP W PO 5-10 BS

6 Somavaram 1,336.27 342 1.659 P(3) CHW(2) W PO -5 -5

., VcerabaUe 3.745.76 1,469 6.698 P(12).M.H ewC.D. W,HP PO,TO. Saturday BS SMP, Phone CHW, FPC

8 Sanipaya 1.551.16 475 2.340 P(3, CHW(4) W PO -5 BS 113


Land use (i. e •• area under different types of land use Remarks in hectares rounded upto 2 decimal places) including r----_:,-:------A---.------, any place of Loca- Approach Nearest town Power Staple Forest Irrigated Unirri- Culturable Area not religious, tion to village lJnd distance supply food by source gated waste available historical or Code (in Kms.) for culti- archaeological No. vation interest

(11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (1)

KR Rayachoti 28 EA Rice T (596.51) 85.79 57.46 1.528.90 1 Ragi TWE (148.52) W (144.47) TW (129.50) WE (129.50) 0(44.52) Uninhabited 2 KR Rayachoti 20 ED. Rice T (664.49) 208.01 366.24 719.93 T1 3 EAG Rali TW (169.97) TWE (162.28) WE (130.71) 0(112.50) W (89.03) PR Rayachoti 18 ED; Rice T (662.87) 525.69 191.82 4 EAG Ragi TWE (IS3.73) WE (129.50) W (129.09) TW (125.45) TK (76.89) o (18.2!) PR Rayachoti 12 ED. Rice T (319.70) 1.352.05 92.27 222.58 5 EAG Rali TWE (103.20) TK (78.91) TW (56.65) WE (42.90) W (36.42) o (1.62) KR Rayachoti 17 ED. Rice T (288.94) 335.89 246.05 465.39 6 EAG Ragi TWE (97.93) 0(84.98) " TW (48.56) TK(28.33) W (16.19) WE (12.95) PR Itayachoti 20 EA Rice T (590.03) 1,297.42 25.49 1,832.82 Hariharajula 7 Raai TWE (163.49) Temple,NlO TW (129.50) WE (110.07) TK (93.89) W (48.56) . 0 (44.52) PR Rayachod 24 EAG Rice T (131.12) 772.14 124.64 523.26 8 Ragi TW (46.54) TK (45.73) TWE (19.02) W (14.16) WE (5.67) 114



Total number of Amcnities available (if not available within the village, the distance Loca­ Total area Households and . in broad ranges viz., - 5 Kms., 5-10 Kms. and 10 + Kms. of the tion Name of village of the population nearest place where the facility available is given) Code village (in ,--___-A--_-, r------..A.. ---"l No. hectares) House- Popula- Educational Medical Drinking Post and Day or Communica- holds tion water Telegraph days of tions (Bus (Potable) the stop, Railway market. station. if any water way) (1) (2) (3) (4A) (4B) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

9 Peddiveedu 2,273.92 655 3,211 P(7) CHW W,HP PO 5-10 BS

10 Pothukurupallc 271.95 69 303 P -5 W PO 5-10 -5

11 Bandlapalle 2,061.46 713 3,697 P(6}.AC PHS W PO 5-10 BS

12 Kakulavaram 934.82 161 868 P(3) 5-10 W PO 10+ 5-10

13 Katimayakunta 1,002.40 195 901 P 10+ W PO 10+ BS

14 Ountimadugu 784.68 154 734 P 10+ W PO 5-10 BS

.15 Madhavaram 3,117.30 820 4,086 P(7) 10+ W PO 10+ BS

16 Botlachcruvu ,753.93 141 673 P -5 W PO 10+ BS

17 Peddakalvapallc 37.82 47 227 P -5 W -5 -5 BS 115



Land use (i. e •• area under different types of land use Remarks in hectares rounded upto 2 decimal places) including ,--- ~ ~ any place of Loca- Approach Nearest town Power Staple Forest Irrigated Unirri- Culturable Area not religious, tion to village and distance supply food by source gated waste available historical or Code (in IUns.) for culti- archaeological No. vation interest

(11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (1)

PR Rayachoti 10 EA Rice T (426.94) 760.00 341.96 745.02 Ragi TWE (125.45) TW (89.03) WE (82.96) o (5o.s9) W (5o.s8) TK (28.33) KR Rayachoti 6 ED, Rice T (66.37) 197.41 4.05 4.05 10 EAG Ragi TK (17.81) TWE (17.00) W (16.19) WE (S.09) W (7.28) PR Rayachoti 8 ED. Rice T (173.20) 1.635.33 82.96 169.97 Tl 11 EAG ~ TW (84.58) TIC. (48.56) W (36.02) TWE (2.02) WE (2.02) PR Rayachoti 5 R.ice T (51.80) 431.80 83.77 367.45 12 Raai TW (25.90) TK (11.00) W (8.90) PRo Rayachoti 11 Rice T (58.68) 318.89 77.29 547.54 13 Ragi TW (29.95) TK (20.64) W (8.09) P'R RaY~hoti 16 Rice T (82.96) 274.78 50.58 376.36 14 Ragi TW (42.49) TK (26.30) W (14.17) PR Rayachoti 10 EA Rice T (280.04) 1,326.56 52.61 1.528.09 IS Ragi TW (131.93) TK(S7.01) W (40.87) TWE (18.61) WE (1.61) PR Rayachoti 6 EA Jlice T (80.94) 381.62 36.42 254.95 16 Ragi TW (43.71) TK (31.56) W (5.67) PR Rayachoti 2 EA ~ice T (19.43) 44.92 8.90 14.57 17 Ragi TW (6.07) W (5.67) WE (4.05) TWB (3.64) 116



Total number of Amenities available (if not available within the village, the distance Looa­ Total area Households and in broad ranges viz., - 5 Kms., 5-10 Kms. and 10 + Kms. of the tion Name of village of the population nearest place where the facility available is given) Code village (in r----..A----1 r------~ ~ No. hectares) House- Popula- Educational Medical Drinking Post and Day or Communica- holds tion water Telegraph days of tions .(Bus- (Potable) the stop, Railway market, station, if any water way) (1, (2) (3) (4A) (4B) (S) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

18 Masapet (R) 1,202.07 182 861 P(4) FPC,O W,HP,T· PO -5 BS 19 Kasba Gollapalle Urban Area (Included in Rayachoti Town) 20 Abbavarain 1,.059.46 367 1,794 P(2) -5 W,HP PO 5-10 BS


21 Indukurpalle 339.53 75 378 P CHW W PO 5-10 BS

22 Matli 4,107.55 1,008 5,057 P(8),M,H CHW(7) W PO 5-10 -5

23 Odiveedu 814.23 417 2,004 P(3) CHW(2) W PO 5-10 BS

24 Polimerapalle 2,836.84 841 3,914 P(S) 5·10 W PO 5-10

25 Sibyala 4,061.01 872 4,258 P(6) CHW(3), W PO 5-10 . BS FPC

26 Chennamukkapalle 305.13 213 1,330 P(2) -5 w PO -5 BS

27 Chaamalavaripalle 75.27 117



Land use (i. e •• area under different types of land use Remarks in hectares rounded upto 2 decimal places) including ____---A--- ______-. any place of r-- Loca- Approach Nearest town Power Staple Forest Irrigated Unirri- Culturable Area not religious. tion to village and distance supply food by source gated waste avai'lable historical or Code (in kms.) for culti- archaeological No. vation interest

(11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (1)

PR Rayachoti 2 BA ~.. .. NA NA NA 18 Urlitin rea (Included in Rayachoti Town) 19 PR Rayachoti 3 BA Rice T (89.44) 810.58 89.43 70.01 • 20 Ragi 0(30.35) TW (28.33) TWE (15.38) W (8.09) TK (4.05) WE (3.24) PR Rayachod 4 BA Rice T (6Q .20) 192.23 33.99 44.11 21 Ragi 0(28.33) TW (24.28) TWE (11.33) WE (3.24) W (2.02) KR Rayachoti 7 BA Rice T (377.16) 1,037.21 595.70 2,097.48 22 Raai TK (143.66) TWE (99.55) TW (89.03) WE (22.66) W (22.26) PR Rayachoti 8 BA Rice T (101.98) 585.58 37.23 89.44 23 Ragi TW (34.80) 0(29.54) . TWE (16.19) W (9.31) WE (8.09) TK (4.05) PR Rayachoti 18 Rice T (267.90) 1.896.76 123.02 549.16 24 Raai TW (133.95) TK (81.75) W (52.20) PR Rayachoti • BA Ra,i T (130.71) 1,615.91 301.49 2,012.90 25 Ragi TK (56.66) TWE (34.80) TW (24.28) W (5.66) 0(4.86) WE (4.45) PR Rayachoti 2 BA Rice T (67.li) 161.87 76.08 26 RlJgi TW (20.23) 0(16.19) TWE (12.14) W (12.\4) WE (6.48) Uninhabited 21 118



Total number of Amenities available (if not available within the village. the distance Loca­ Total area Households and in broad ranges viz•• - 5 Kms., 5-10 Kms. and 10 + Kms. of the tion Name of village of the population nearest place where the facility available is given) Code village (in ,..-__-..A..-, ,------~------'------. N •• hectares) House- Popula- Educational Medical Drinking Post and Day or Communica­ holds tion water Telegraph days of tions (Bus- ' (potable) the stoP. Railway market, station. if any waterway) (I) (2) (3) (4A) (4B) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

28 Doollavaripalle 248.48 99 531 P -5 PO -5 -5

29 Rayachoti 1.829.98 Urban Area (Rayachoti Town) 30 Yendapalle 968.82 452 P(4) MCW W.HP PO 5-10 BS

31 Yerranagupalle 42.90 Uninhabited 32 E,uvagotti~eedu 1.624.00 358 P.M.H 0 W,HP PO.TO 5-10 BS

33 Oorlamudiveedu 1.012.52 628 P(5),M -5 W.HP PO 5-10 BS

34 Chcrlopalle 589.63 104 476 P -5 w -5 5-10 BS

35 Narayanareddi- 1.680.13 560 2.542 P(4) -s w PO 5-10 BS palle

36 Pemmadupalle 694.03 307 1.364 P(2) o W.HP PO 5-10 -5 119


Land use (i. e., area under different types of land use Remarks in hectares rounded upto 2 decimal places) including r---- -..A------"""'I any place of Loca- Approach Nearest town Power Staple Forest Irrigated Unirri- Culturable Area not religious, tion to village and distance supply food by source. gated waste available historical or Code (in Kms.) for cuIti- archaeological No. vation interest

(11) (12) (13) (14) (IS) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (1)

KR Rayachoti 3 EA Rice T (30.35) 166.33 6.07 45.13 2& Raii TW (12.14) 0(8.09) W (6.48) TWE (2.43) WE (1.21) Urban J4rea (RayachQIi Town) 29 PR Rayachoti 5 SA Rice T (98'34) 449.60 68.80 352.08 30 Rali TW (36.42) TK (19.02) W (t6.19) TWE (11.73) 0(10.93) WE (4.05) Uninhabited 31 PR Rayachoti 20 EA Rice T (235.53) 437.46 93.08 857.93 32 Rali TK (105.62) TW (93.0S) TWE (24.69) WE (S.09) W (4.05) PR Rayachoti 8 SA Rice T (1.97.04) 296.63 41.28 377.57 Cl:Ml:T2 33 Ragi TWE (101.98) TK (66.77) WE (63.54) TW (48.56) W (16.19) PR Rayaehoti 3 EA Rice T (42.90) 344.39 8.09 194,25 34 TWE (12.95) WE (12.14) TW (7.28) TK (6.4S) W (4.05) PR Rayachoti 4 EA Rice T (135.17) 601.77 119.79 811.80 35 TW (52.61) TWE (43.30) TK (24.69) WE (14.57) KR Rayachoti 6 . EA Rice T (156.61) 359.36 64.75 113.31 .. 36 llagi TK (72.44) TW (68.S0) TWE(10.52) WE (4.85) 120



Total number of Amenities available (if not available within the village. the distance Leea~ Total area Households and in broad ranges viz., - SKIns., 5-10 Kms. and 10 + Kms. of the tion Name of village of the population nearest place where the facility available is given)

Code village (in ,..--_...A..__ -, ...A.. ~-----. No. hectares) House- Popula- Educational Medical Drinking Post and Day or Communica- holds tion water Telegraph, days of tions (Bus (Potable) the stop, Railway market, station, if any water way) (1) (2) (3) (4A) (4B) (5) (6) (7) . (8) (9) (10)

37 Gunnikuntla 1,372.69 345 1.652 P(3),M CHW W PO 5-10 BS

38 Ouriginjakunta 1,360.15 249 1,174 P(2) CHW W PO 5-10 BS

39 Dudyala 1,780.61 792 3,463 P(6) FPC, W,HP PO 10+ BS CHW

40 Tsundupallc 5.786.99 1,817 8,319 P(10),M RP,D, W.HP, PO. TO. Monday BS FPC. Il PTO, CHW(7) Phone

41 Akkampalle 87.82 18 78 P -5 W -5 -5 BS

42 Perumallaiahgari- 61.51 Uninhabited paIle 43 Rayavaram 2,947.32 1.427 6.182 P(ll), D(A). W.HP. PO, -5 BS M(2).H FPC. R.T Phone CHW(5)

44 Mudumpadu 1,815.82 711 3,401 P(4) CHW(3) W.HP PO Sunday BS

Peddinenikalva 934.85 966 4.Ul P(1) D(A), W,HP PO Thursday BS 4' FPC, . CHW(4)

46 Chinnayagaripallc 15.78 Uninhabited 121


Land use (i. e., area under different types of land use Remarks in hectares rounded upto 2 decimal places) including ,..-- ____--A--- ______...... any place of Loca- Approach Nearest town Power Staple Forest Irrigated Unirri- Culturable Area not religious, tion to village and distance supply food by source gated waste available historical or Code (in kms.) for culti- archaeological No. vation interest

(20) (1) (11) (12) (13) (14) (IS) > (16) (17) (18) (19)

PR Rayachoti 8 EA Rice T (221.77) 638.19 65.56 447.17 " 37 ltagi TW (101.17) TK (61.11) W (44.52) TWE (9.71) WE (5.26) PR Rayachoti 13 EA Rice T (200.72) 680.28 123.03 356.12 38 Ragi TW (84.98) W (80.94) TWE (17.40) WE (12.95) TK (4045) PR Rayachoti IS Rice T (175.63) 534.99 462.15 607.84 39 Rali TW (83.77) W (70.82) TK (21.04) PR Rayachoti 22 EA Rice T (859.55) 1,197.02 1,042.87 2,587.55 N55:C2: 40 Ragi TW (429.78) Ml:T4 W (223.38) 0(144.88) TK (61.51) PR Rayachoti 23 Rice T (4.05) 61.51 6.07 16.19 41 Ragi TW (4.05) Uninhabited 42

PR Rayachoti 30 EA Rice T (1,256,95) 368.67 319.70 1,002.00 Nl1:T2 43 Ragi TK (539.04) 'rwE (214.48) TW (205.58) W (125.45) 0(105.22) WE (67.18) PR Rayachoti .36 EA Rice T (480.36) 683.92 213.27 438.27 NIl 44 Raai TK (416.82) WE (19.42) TWE (17.00) TW (14.57) W (12.55) PR Rayachoti 32 EA Rice T (678.66) 71.22 41.28 143.66 N4:T2 4S Ragi TK (493.72) TWE (48.56) WE (41.69) W (38.85) TW (33.18) 0(22.66) Uninhabited 46 122



.Total number of Amenities available (if not available within the village, the distance Loca­ Total area Households and in broad ranges viz., - 5 Kms., 5-10 Kms. and 10 + Kms. of the tion Name of village of the population nearest place where the facility available is given) Code village (in r----...A--, r------"----~------____. No. hectares) House- Popula- Educational Medical Drinking, Post and Day Of Communica- holds tion water Telegraph days of tions (Bus- (Potable) the stop, Railway market, station, if any water way) (1) (2) (3) (4A) (4B) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

47 Madithadu 3,869.59 1,371 6,275 P(9) CHW(5) W,HP PO Thursday BS

\ 48 Thimmasamudram 2,395.73 823 4,033 P(S),M.AC 0, W,R PO -5 BS CHW(4)

049 Bagampalle 211.25 152 714 P CHW W PO 5-10 BS

50 Gundlapallc 2,486.73 513 2.723 P(2) CHW(2) W . PO 5-10 -s

S1 Reddivaripallc 1,159.42 488 2,311 P(2).AC CHW(2) W.HP 1'0 -s BS

-PO 52 Yerramaneni- 2,751.86 214 1,065 P(2),AC CHW W 5-10 BS palcm

53 Scttipalle 7,851.69 1,595 7,675 P(9),M D(Hom), W,HP PO Saturday BS MCW,O, CHW

54 Motakatla 2,756.71 617 2,991 P(5) FPC W,HP PO 5-10 BS 123



Land use (i. e., area under different types of land use Remarks in hectares rounded upto 2 decimal places) including ,--- --A.-______~ any place of Loca- Approach Nearest town Power Staple Forest Irrigated Unirri- Culturable Area not religious, tion to village and distance supply food by source gated waste available historical or Code (in Kms.) for culti- archaeological No. vation interest

(11) (12) (13) (14) (IS) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (1)

PR Rayachoti 27 EA Ric. T (278.83) 1,401.8:l 619.16 1,562.77 N7:T3 47 Rasi TK (89.84) TW (89.03) TWE (43.30) WE 34.40) W (22.26) PR Rayachoti 25 BA Rice T (451.63) 680.27 364.22 899.61 N5 48 Ragi TWE (l37.59) 0(114.53) TW (82.15) WE (56.66) TK (48.56) W (12.14) PR Rayachoti 25 Rice T (13.35) 133.95 3.24 60.71 49 Ragi TW (4.45) TK (4.05) 0(3.64) W (1.21) PR Rayachoti 31 EA Rice T (224.20) 652.76 25.30 1,583.53 SO Ragi TW (84.98) TK (44.52) W (41.2l?) TWE (25.09) WE (16.19) 0(12.14) PR Rayachoti 29 BA Rice T (247.67) 562.10 349.65 N2 51 Ragi TW (76.89) TWE (44.92) TK (44.51) 0(32.38) WE (28.33) . W (20.64) PR Rayachoti 22 Rice T (67.18) 582.34 238.36 1,863.98 Nl:T1 52 Rasi TW (33.19) TK (12.14) o (12.14) W (9.71) 886.66 3,122.55 PR Rayachoti 18 EA Rice T (501.00) 3,339.86 53 Ragi TW (250.50) TK(161.06) W (89.44) PR Rayachoti 8 EA Rice T (153.78) 1,004.02 139.62 1,459.29 54 Rasi TW (64.75) TK (44.51) . W (24.28) WE (10.12) TWE (10.12) 124



Total number of Amenities available (if not available within the village. the distance Loca­ Total area Households and in broad ranges viz •• - 5 Kms •• 5-10 Kms. and 10 + Kms. of the tion Name of village of the population nearest place where the facility available is given) Code village (in ,..-__--..A.. __, ,..------"-- '---, No. hectares) House- Popula- Educational Medical Drinking Post and Day or Communica­ holds tion water Telegraph days of tions (Bus­ (potable) the stoP. Railway market. station, if any waterway) (1) (2) (3) (4A) (4B) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

55 Sambepalle 634.55 266 1,316 P(2).M.H -5 W PO Sunday BS


56 Routhukunta 1.372.69 388 1.831 P(3) -5 W PO -5 BS

57 Mallur 1,951.79 745 3.981 P(5) FPC, W PO 5-10 BS CHW

58 Vandadi 942.92 440 2.042 P(3) -5 W PO 5-10 -5

S9 Tsakibanda 1.838.48 3.347 P(5).M,H CHW(3). W PO 10+ BS o

60 Diguvagottiveedu 2.023.02 510 2.629 P(3) CHW W PO 10+ BS

61 Kalibanda 693.63 181 841 P 5-10 W PO 10+ -5

62 Paramatiko~a 2.525.23 936 4;335 P(3) 5-10 W PO -5 -s 125'


Land use (i. e., area under different types of land use Remarks in hectares rounded upto 2 decimal places) including r------..A------., any place of Loca- Approach Nearest town Power Staple Forest Irrigated Unirri- Culturable Area not religious. tion o village and distance supply food by source gated waste available historical or Code (in Kms.) for culti- archaeological No. vation interest

(11) (12) (13) (14) (IS) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (1)

PR Rayachoti 14 ED Rice T;(93.89) 446.3Z 59.49 34.S0 55 Ragi TW (36.42) TK (30.35) W (16.19) TWE (8.50) WE (2.43) PR Rayachoti 17 ,Rice \ T (236.34) 666.92 46.54 422.S9 56 Ragi TW (liS.Ii) W (92.67) TK (25.5G) PR Rayachoti 10 EA Rice T (340.74) 641.02 243.62 726.41 57 RaSi TW (161.87) o (12S.69) W (24.68) TK (10.93) TWE (10.52) WE (4.05) IC.R Rayachoti 8 ED Rice T (228.24) 519.21 35.62 159.85 S. Ragi TW (84.98) o (53.S2) TWE (29.14) WE (28.33) TK (21.04) W (10.93) PR Rayachoti 16 EA Rice T (345.60) 569.80 359.76 563.32 59 Ragi TW (125.45) TIC. (119.38) TWE (67.58) W (21.05) WE fI2.14) PR Rayachoti 20 EA R.ice T (174.82) 777.81 l,07v.39 60 Raai TW (76.89) TIC. (74.46) TWE (10.52) W (8.90) WE (4.05) IC.R Rayachoti 28 Rice T (162.68) 254.96 276.00 61 Ragi TW (81.34) TK (44.92) W (36.42) KR Rayachoti 19 Rice . T (622.40) 940.49 142.85 819.49 Tl 62 Rali TW (313.22) TK (164.71) W (144.47) J26



Total number of Amenities available (if not available within the village. the distance Loca- Total area Households and in broad ranges viz., - 5 Kms •• 5-10 Kms. and 10 + Kms. of the tion Name of village of the population nearest place where the facility available is given) Code village (in ,-__---..A..- __...... r-:------..------.JI.------:------, No. hectares) House- Popula- Educational Medical Drinking Post and Day or Communica- holds tion water Telegraph days of dons (Bus- (potable) the stoP. Railway market, station. if any water way) (1) (2) (3) (4A) (4B) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

63 Devagudipalle 1,224.98 421 1,754 P(3) CHW W PO -5 BS

64 Cbinnamandem 2.830.79 1.690 7.963 P(8), CHW(2), W PO. Friday BS M(2), FPC, PTO. H RP,D Phone

65 Bonamala 627.26 288 1,522 P(2) -5 W PO 5-10 BS

66 DeYapatia 3,356.45 1,007 4,727 P(7),M,R PRC W,RP PO Thursday BS

67 Guttapalle 636.97 240 1,159 P(3) 5-10 w PO 5-10 BS

68 SomaVaram .. 997.14 340 1,716 P(2) 10+ w PO 5-10 BS 121



Land use (i. e •• area under different types of land use Remarks in hectares rounded upto 2 decimal places) including ~------A.------l any place of Loca- Approach Nearest town Power Staple Forest Irrigated Unirri- Culturable Area not religious, tion to village ond distance supply food by source gated waste available historical or Code (in Kms.) for culti- archaeological No. vation interest

(11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (IS) (19) (20) (1)

PR Rayachoti 14 ED Rice T (18S.58) 549.16 161.S7 325.37 63 Ragi TW (92.21) TK (70.01) W (17.80) 0(8.50) PR Rayachoti 16 EA Rice T (464.53) 1,596.08 99.16 670.97 Poleramma 64 Ra,i TWE (137.59) Temple, M4 TK (122.21) TW (92.67) W (48.97) WE (44.52) 0(18.62) PR Rayachoti 20 Rice T (182.11) 402.66 42.49 65 Ra.i TW (91.06) W (54.63) TK (36.42) PR Rayachoti 19 EA Rice T (143.92) 1,464.96 345.60 1,396.97 66 Ragi TW (60.70) WE (44.52) TK (21.85) W (12.14) TWE (9.71) PR Rayachoti 25 Rice T (77.70) 486.83 29.54 42.90 67 Ra.i TW (38.85) W (24.2S) 0(14.57) PR Rayachoti 24 EA Rice T (108.46) 659.64 225.00 4.04 68 Ragi TW (44.52) W (28.33) 0(17.40) TWE (9.71) WE (8.50)

RAJAMPET TALUK '"IU ;:.'" ~ ~'" => x I -J U <0 (f) -a::: w « 1--" 0 t- . (fl '" -~ a::« a .. .~ Q._ t- 'g: « LLJ I a:: Cl.. ~ '" I « <:> 0 ~ 0

z 0 ~ «..., :::> « o x u ... II: « v. o >< 0: w (J ;; •••• 'a. II. :>:


> r ) '0 o / '\

0 . ~ c ;; l J ;!. .f 0 := ! .. ..c ~ -0 .~ 0: ::.: "~ ~z .C t .. '""

, 0. \ " " ~: .- ., "02- E j.::_,.--, .f... .~ .... ." "' .. t cr~ ~ L~ \ f c "0 I;) 0 ~ c ~ --.- 31 111"1,'00 3~ 1>1 >I '111 ALPHABETICAL LIST OF VILLAGES


1981 Name of 1981 Name of 1981 Name of Location village Locati'on village Location village Code No. Code No. Code No.

(1) (2) (1) (2) (1) (2)

44 Adapur 62 Kothapalle 1 Rimgayapalle 63 Akepadu 20 Kunda Nellore 69 Rolla Buduiuntapalle 66 Anantharajupuram 70 RollamaduiU 60 Athiralla 22 Lebaka 41 Lebaka Mangamambapuram 50 Seshamambapuram 64 Bahirajupalle 18 Siddavaram 67 Brahmanapalle 53 Madana Gopalapuram 34 Singanamala 49 Mandapalle 27 Singanamala Chennaray lsamu- 7 Chintalakunta 65 Mannur dram 3Z Singallamala Vengamambapuram 29 Damanacherla 46 Nagireddipalle 25 Singareddipalle Nallapureddipalle 11 Siriavarllm 31 Girijamambapuram 39 Nalla Thimmayapalle 55 Sitarampl)ram 51 Gundlur 42 4S Nandalur 68 Srirangarajupurlm 61 Hastavaram 10 Narasimharajupuram 40 Narayana Nellore 21 Tangutur Nookinenipalle 23 Tangutur Vengamambapuram 26 Indlur 9 52 Thallapaka 33 Itimarpuram 37 Obili 13 Thimmamambapuram 4 Thimmarajupalle e 8 Jangalapall 24 Tbirumalarajupet 38 Jattivaripalle 47 Patur 17 Penagalur Agraharam 12 Thirunampalle 16 Kambalakunta 57 Poli 58 54 Kitchamambapuram 3S Pondalur Utukur 36 Komantharajupuram 56 Pondalur Venkatampalle 19 Komarunipalle 5 Pothapi 30 Yelagacherla 6 Kommuru 48 Pulaputhuru 28 Velagacherla Mangamambapu- 2 Konapuram ram 14 Konduru 59 Rajampet 15 Kopduru Chennarayasamudram 3 Ramamambapuram 43 Yellamrajupalle

129 130



_Total number of Amenities available (if not available within the village, the distance Loca- Total area Households and in broad ranges viz., - 5 Kms., 5-10 Kms. and 10 + Kms. of the tion Name of village of the population nearest place where the facility available is given) Code village (in ,-___....A-_~--, r------....A------, No. hectares) . House- Popula- Educational Medical Drinking Post 'and Day or Communica- holds tion water Telegraph days of tions (Bus (Potable) the stop, Railway market, station, if any water way) (1) (2) (3) (4A) (4B) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

Rangayapallc 406.71 227 816 P,M PHC W .PO 10+ BS

2 Konapuram 501.00 179 828 P -5 W PO 10+ -5

3 Ramamambapuram 116.55 118 447 P -5 W -5 10+ -5

4 Thimmarajupalle 323.75 33 196 P -5 W -5 10+ BS

5 Puthapi 1,371.69 499 2,351 P(2),M -5 W,R PO 10+ BS

6 Kommuru 795.21 129 682 P -5 W.R PO 10+ BS

BS 7 Chintalakunta 1,600.53 125 640 P 10+ W,R 5-10 10+ -5 8 Jangalapalle 94.29 37 ]65 P -5 W,R -5 10+ 10+ BS 9 Nookinenipalle 238.36 234 957 P(2),M -5 W PO BS 10 Narasimharaju- 134.36 138 677 P -5 W,HP,R PO 5-10 puram

10+ BS 11 Siriavaram ],274.35 142 651 P -5 W,HP -5

10+ BS 12 Thirunampalle 884.64 122 835 P -5 W,HP -5

13 Thimmamambapuram 559.27 Uninhabited PO 10+ BS 14 Kondufu 2,522;80 307 1,565 P(2) 10+ W,HP 10+ -5 15 Konduru Chenna- 57.06 92 397 P -5 W,HP -5 rayasamudram W,HP -5 10+ -5 16 Kambalakunta 16.59 4 17 P -5

W PO,TO 10+ BS 17 Penagalur Agra. 857.12 871 3,82l P(3},M,H D haram -5 W,HP,R PO 10+ -5 18 Siddavaram 227.84 197 953 P(2) 131


Land Ilse (i. e •• area under djfferent types of land use Remarks in hectares rounded upto 2 decimal places) including ,.------"------"""\ any place of Loca- Approach Nearest town Power Staple Forest Irrigated Unirri- Culturable Area not religious. tion to village and distance supply food by source gated waste available historical or Code (in kms.) for culti- archaeological No. vation interest

(II) (12) (13) (14) (IS) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (I)

PR Nagireddipalle 19 Rice 3.24 T (6\.92) 44.11 48.97 248.47 MI:T4 Ragi GC (61.92) PR Nagireddipalle 18 ED }tice T (53.42) 149.73 233.10 64.75 N2 2 Ragi TK (46.94) W (6.48) PR Nagireddipalle 18 Rice 18.21 T (13.35) 5.26 19.43 60.30 N3:M2 3 Ragi 0(12.14) W (1.21) PR Nagireddipalle 19 Rioe T (26.71) 21.45 189.80 85.79 4 Ragi GC (26.71) PR Nagireddipalle 18 Rice T (312.42) 446.17 38.44 575.06 N4:M2 5 Ragi 0(184.54) TK (101.58) W (26.30) PR Nagireddipalle 18 Rice 180.89 T (92.27) 97.94 280.04 144.07 N2 6 Ragi TK (86.20) W (6.07) PR Nagireddipalle 12 Rice 465.~9 T (8.90) 12.95 517.59 595.70 7 Ragi W (8.90) PR Nagireddipalle 16 Rice 19'83 T (4.04) 6.88 9.31 54.23 8 Ragi W (4.04) PR Nagireddipalle 12 Rice T (86.20) 64.75 1.62 85.79 N2 9 Ragi 0(86.20) PR NagireddipaUe 20 Rice T (43.71) 90.65 NI 10 Ragi W (24.28) !, GC (16.59) 0(2.84) PR NagireddipaJle 22 ED Rice T (132.33) 153.38 738.55 250.09 Nl 11 Ragi 0(122.22) TK (10.11) PR Nagireddipalle 21 ED Rice T (19.43) 90.24 370.29 404.68 Nl 12 Ragi W (12.14) TK (7.29) Uninhabited 13 PR Nagireddipalle 28 ED Rice 1,905.25 T (261.02) 144.07 121.81 90.65 N6:C8:MI5:Tl 14 Ragi GC (261.02) KR Nagireddipalle 23 Rice T (8.09) 18.62 29.95 IS Ragi TK (8.09) PR Nagireddipalle 19 Rice T (8.90) 4.45 3.24 Nj 16 Ragi TK (4.45) W (4.45) PR Nagireddipal1e 21 ED Rice T (521.23) 18.21 79.72 237.96 N4 17 Ragi TK (472.67) WE (48.56) PR Nagireddipalle 18 ED Rice T (111.69) 1i.90 41.69 65'56 Sivalayam 18 Ra8i W{IlI.69) Temple,N3:M5 132



Total number of Amenities available (if not available within the village, the distance Loca- Total area Households and in broad ranges viz•• - 5 Kms., 5-10 Kms. and 10 + Kms. of the tio:) Name of village of the population nearest place where the facility available is given' Code village (in ,..-___.A. ___ ' ,.------~-----;---.J.._.------, No. hectares) House- PopuLl- Educational Medical Drinking Post and Day or Communica- holds tion water Telegraph days of lions (Bus- (Potable) the stop, Railway markel, station. if any waterway) (1) (2) (3) (4A) (4B) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

19 Komarunipalle 455.67 31 113 P -5 C,W . PO 10+ -5 20 Kunda Nellore 237.95 65 324 P -5 C,W -5 10+ BS

21 Tangutur 1,795.59 496 2,336 P(3),M,H RP W,C,R PO 10+ BS \

22 Lebaka 1,538.61 427 2,000 P(4) PRC W PO 10+ BS

23 Tangutur Venga- 234.72 94 435 P(2) -5 W,C,R -5 Wednesday BS mambapuram

24 Thirumaiarajupet 191.12 77 317 P -5 W,HP -5 10+ BS

2S Singareddipalle 429.78 315 1,505 P -5 W,HP PO 10+ -5

26 Indlur 163.09 392 1,787 P -5 W -5 10+ BS

27 Singanamala Chenna- 62.32 Uninhabited rayasamudram 28 VeJagacberJa Manga- 471.46 49 234 P 10+ W,HP' PO 10+ 5-10 mambapuram

29 Damanacherla 634.55 12 37 P 10+ W,HP 10+ 10+ BS

30 V elagacher la 2,053.77 282 1,282 P(2) 10+ W,HP PO 10+ -5

31 Girijamambapuram 62.32 Uninhabited 32 Singanamala Venga- 67.18 Uninhabited mambapuram 33 I timarpuram .4,599.65 912 4,296 P(5),M 5-10 W,HP PO 10+ -5

34 Singanamala 253.74 180 818 P 5-10 W,HP ,.5 10+ -5

35 Pondalur 2,273.92 1,[73 6,031 P(6) JO+ W -5 10+ BS

36 ~omantharaju- 365.03 109 482 P 5-10 W.RP PO 10+ BS puram 133


Land use (i. e.," area under different types of land use Remarks in hectares rounded upto 2 decimal places) inclu~ing r---" ~------~ any place of Loca- Approach Nearest town Power Staple Forest Irrigated Unirri~ Culturable Area not religious, tion to village and distance supply food by source gated waste available historical or Code (in Kms.) for culti- archaeological No. vation interest

(11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) " (17) (18) (19) (20) (1) ---- PR Nagireddipalle 17 Rice T (24.28) 57.87 J .21 372.31 19 Ragi 0(24.28) PR Nagireddipalle 17 Rice T (94.29) 52.61 28.33 . 62.72 20 Ragi GC (94.29) PR· Na'gireddipalle IS ED Rice T (170.37) 306.75 0.41 1,318.06 Nl 21 Ragi GC (158.23) W (12.14) PR Nagireddipalle 11 ED Rice T (445.96) 98.74 27.52 966.39 T4 22 Ragi WE (240.30) TK (205.58) PR Nagireddipalle 13 Rice T (87.01) 40.06 6.07 101.58 23 Ragi GC (47.35) WE (30.35) TK (9.31) PR Nagireddipalle 17 Rice T (55.85) 84.17 50.99 0.81 24 Ragi W (55.85) PR Nagireddipalle 17 ED Rice T (150.54) 22.66 110.48 146.10 N3:M4 25 Ragi TK (65.56) GC (52.61) W (32.37) PR Nagireddipalle 21 ED Rice 22.26 T (16.19) 82.55 1.62 40.47 N2 26 Ragi W (16.19) Uninhabited 27

PR Rajampet 33 Rice 25o.s0 T (5.26) 50.59 121.41 23.07 28 Ragi TK (4.05) W (1.21) PR Rajampet 27 Ricc 439.49 T (0.40) 2.83 168.75 6.88 29 Ragi GC(O•. W) KR R'llampet 22 ED Rice 1,221.74 T (2.35.53) 12.95 498.57 84.98 N2:M6 30 Ragi W (181.70) TK (53.83) Uninhabited 31 Uninhabited 32

PR Rajampet 16 ED Rice 3,532.09 T (379.19) 486.03 202.34 N3:MI6:T2 33 Ragi W (321.72) TK (57.47) PR Rajampet 16 Rice T (82.15) 36.42 115.74 19.43 Nl:M2 34 Ragi" TK (53.82) W (28.33) PR Rajampet 13 ED Rice T (589.22) 145.68 221.77 1,317.25 N2 35 Ragi W (398.21) GC (191.01) PR Rajampet 12 ~j~e T (95.51) 10.93 131.93 126.66 N2:M4 36 Ragi W (55.04) GC (40.47) 134



Total Dumber. of Amenities available (if not available within the village, the distance Loca- Total area Households and in broad ranges viz., - 5 Kms., 5-10 Kms. and 10 + Kms. of the tion Name of village of the population nearest Dlace where the facility available is given) Code village (in r-__...... A- ___ '"'"\ ,------_-----__-.A. ______-----'---I No. heclares) House- Popula- Educational Medical Drinking Post .and Day or CommuniC2(· holds tion Water Telegraph days of tions (Bus- (Potable) tbe stoP. Railway market, station. jf any water way) (I) (2) (3) (4A) (4B) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

37 Obili 590.43 521 2.535 P(2) -5 W,~P.R PO 10+ BS

38 ]attivaripalle 31.16 ~2 75 P -5 W,HP -5 10+ -5

39 NaUapureddipalle 1,644.64 361 1,778 P(2),M 5-10 W.HP PO 10+ -5

40 Narayat1a Nellore .621.60 331 1,498 P(2) -s W,HP,R PO,TO 10+ BS

41 Lebaka Manga· 354.91 S4 229 P -5 W -S 10+ BS mambapuram

42 Nalla Thimmayapalle 284.09 149 S90 P -s W,HP -s 10+ -s

43 Yellamrajupalle 134.76 43 182 P -5 W,HP -5 10+ BS

44 Adapur 699.30 223 976 P -s W,HP PO 10+ -5

45 Nandalur 774.57 686 3,191 P(3),M.ll D W PO.TO 10+ BS,RS

46 Nagir.:ddipalle.(P) 582.74 Treated as Census Town 47 Patur 883.02 491 2,126 P(2),M,H 5-10 W,R PO,TO, 10+ BS Phone

48 Pulaputhuru 3,201.06 466 2,231 P(3) 5-10 W,R PO 10+ BS

49 Mandapalie 2,019.38 378 1.720 P(2) 5-10 W.R. PO,TO 10+ BS

50 Sesharoambapuram 576.68 212 1,038 P(3) -5 W,RP,R. PO 10+ BS

51 Gundlur 696.87 369 1,781 1:'(4) D W.HP,R PO 5~10 BS

52 Thallllpaka 1,243.19 672 3.103 P(S) 0 W PO,TO 5-10 BS 135


Land use (i. e •• area under different types of land use Remarks in hectares rounded upto 2 decimal places) including c------"------. any place of Loca- Approach Nearest town Power Staple Forest Irrigated . - - Unirri- Culturable Area not religious. tion to village and distance supply food by source gated waste available historical or Code (in Kms.) for culti- archaeological No. vation interest

(11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (1)

PR Nagireddipalle 15 ED Rice T (217.31) 51.40 89.43 232.29 N4:Cll 37 Ragi 0(112.50) w (69.20) TK (35.61) PR Rajampet 12 ED Rice 9.71 T (9.31) 0.81 8.09 3.24 N2 38 Ragi W (6.07) 0(3.24) PR Nagireddipalle .13 ED Rice 692.42 T (336.29) 48 ..]6 454.86 ]]2.91· N4:M]O 39 Ragi W (203.15) 0(133.14) PR Rajampet 8 ED Rice T (67.18) 93.89 149.33 311.20 N4:M8 40 Ragi W (67.18) PR Nagjreddipalle 10 ED Rice T (29.14) 206.39 71.63 47.75 41 Ragi W (20.23) 0(8.91). PR Nagireddipalle 10 Rice T (80.13) 2.02 21.85 180.09 Ml 42 Ragi GC (65.16) WE (14.97) PR Nagireddipalle 8 Rice T (36.42) 8.09 22.26 67.99 43 - Ragi GC (32.78) WE (3.64) PR . Nagireddipalle 6 ED Rice T (181.70) 59.49 279.64 178.47 44 Ragi W (181~70) PR Nagireddipalle 3 Rice T (226.6Z) 12.55 14.97 520.43 Archaeological 45 Ragi TK (163.49) Temple. Buddhist W (36.42) Stupas, N12:CI:M2 GC (26.71) Tr.ated as Census Town 46 PR Nagireddipalle 2 ED Rice T (209.22) 43.30 83.37 547.13 N4:M2:Tl 47 Ragi 0(114.12) W (68.39) TK (16.71) PR Nagireddipalle 8 ED Rice 2.120.55 T (187.37) 60.70 306.75 525.69 Nl 48 Ragi W (118.57) GC (68.80) PR Nagireddipalle 6 Rice 964.77 T (158.23) 11.33 216.51 668.54 Nl 49 Ragi GC (129.09) TK (16.59) WE (12.55) PR Nagireddipillle 2 Rice T (61.51) 36.02 46.94 432.21 50 Ragi WE (32.78) GC (28.73) PR Nagireddipalle 2 ED Rice 391.33 211.25 94.29 N3:M2 51 Ragi PR Nagireddipalle 6 Rice T (141.64) 227.03 88.62 785.90 N4 52 Ragi TK (96.72) W (44.92) 136



Total number of Amenities available (if not available within the village, the distance Loca- Total area Households and in broad ranges viz., - 5 Kms., 5-10 Kms. and 10 + Kms. of the tion Name of village of the population nearest place where the facility available is given) Code village (in r----A..---, ,.------__-..A.. ______--, No. hectares) House- Popula- Educational Medical Drinking Post and . Day or Communica- holds tion water Telegraph days of tions (Bus- (potable) the stop, Railway market, station, if any water way) (1) (2) (3) (4A) (4B) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

53 Madana Gopala- 308.37 61 272 P -5 W PO 5-10 BS puram

54 Kftchamambapuram 827.18 383 1,746 P(2) -5 W PO 5-10 BS

55 Sitarampuram 575.06 102 535 P(3) -5 W PO 10+ BS

56 Pondalur Venka- 1,167.92 Uninhabited tampalle 57 Poli 2,602.93 854 3,898 P(6) D W PO -5 BS

58 Utukur 1,636.95 925 4,359 P(6),M -5 W PO,TO -5 BS

59 Rajampet (R) 1,978.91 800 4,140 -5 -5 W -5 -5 BS

60 Athiralla 33.59 Uninhabited 61 Hastavaram 433.82 440 1,988 P(2),M -5 W,HP PO 5-10 BS,RS

62 Kothapalle 776.99 140 690 P(2) -5 W,HP PO 10+ BS

63 Akepadu 2,632.88 583 2,909 P(4),M,H PHC W,HP PO,TO 10+ BS

W -5 64 Bahirajupallc 184.25 39 174 P 5-10 10+ BS W PO,TO 10+ 65 Mannur (R) . 1.996.71 630 3,023 P(8) -5 BS

66 Anantharajupuram 222.58 Uninhabited P(3) 5-10 W PO 5-10 BS 67 Brahmanapalle 600.96 178 923 P -5 W -5 10+ BS 68 Srirangarajupuram 847.00 41 190

10+ W PO 10+ BS 6'9 Rolla Budugunta- 1,055:82 223 1,038 P(3) palle W,R PO 10+ BS ·70 RoJlamadugu 1,375.12 138 739 P 10+ 137


Land use (i. e., area under different types of land use Remarks in hectares rounded upto 2 decimal places) including ,-- _____--"-- ______., any place of Loca_. Approach Nearest town Power Staple Forest Irrigated Unirri- Culturable Area not religious, tion to village and distance supply food by sourc~ gated waste available historical or Code (in kms.) for culti- archaeological No. vation interest

(11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (I)

PR Nagireddipalle 5 Rice T (49.37) 33.59 37.64 187.77 NI0 53 Ragi W·(40.47) GC (8.90) PR Rajampet 6 Rice 80.94 T (168.75) 32.38 205.18 339.93 Tl 54 Ragi 0(110.48) TK (58.'27) PR Rajampet 5 ED Rice T (28.74) 172.80 99.55 273.97 55 Ragi W (28.74) Uninhabited 56

PR Rajampet :3 ED Rice T (452.03). 559.27 636.57 955.06 . T2 57 Ragi TK (286.92) W (165.11) PR Rajampet 4 ED Rice· T (152.97) 620.79 180.89 682.30 N3:Cl:M2:Tl 58 Ragi TK (132.74) 'W (20.23) PR Rajampet 2 ED Rice T (6tl.83) 446.77 168.75 721.56 Banjupalli GilD- 59 . Ragi W (465.39) gamma Temple, TK (176.44) N5:CI0:M50:T10 Uninhabited 60 PR Rajampet 6 ED Rice 181.70 T (125.05) 81.75 45.32 N2:M2 61 Ragi TK (64.35) W (60.70) PR Rajampet 6 ED Rice T (159.85) 60.70 377.17 179.27 . N3:MI:T2 62 Ragi W (159.85) PR Rajampet 10 Rice 427.35 T (264.66) 342.77 906.09 692.01 N4:C4:M22:T2 63 Ragi W (252.93) TK (11.73) PR Rajampet 6 ED Rice T (40.47) 35.61 2.83 115.34 64 Ragi W (40.47) PR Rajampet 5 ED Rice T (550.37) 485.62 53.82 906.90 NJ.,.C2 65 Ragi TK (297.44) W (252.93) Uninhabited 66 PR Rajampet 2 ED Rice T (50.59) 93.48 55.04 401.85 N2 67 Ragi W (5o.s9) PR Rajampet 6 ED Rice 308.37 T (20.23) 170.78 40.47 307.15 N2 68 Ragi W (14.57) TK (5.66) PR Rajampet 19 Rice 961.13 T (45.32) 2.83 2.02 44.52 Nl:Ml 69 Ragi W (35.61) GC (9.71) PR Rajampet 19 ED Rice 1,036.40 T (36.02) 199.91 67.99 34.80 N2 70 Ragi W (19.43) 0(16.59)

KODUR TALUK ~J ~~ d~ r------~------~:::------~---:.+'--___,u· ANOHRA PRADESH 'i'.. _' KODUR TALUK ...... ,x. CUOOAPAH DISTRICT _,.' \ ....£5 2 1 0 <' , lO .. \. \ 1 1 • \. ,,-( , \ . .J'-'~/. '.J _' ) ", / I, /' ,.. ../ A, '" / ) ... / '\--'"(Of..', ) ," \ a: 10

" \ \ FRo>' \ \ FOREST ( ) .... f c ...... ~ j \ ,,' '\.. .. ' ') a: I " o o I

, FORESt l,' \ ' i \ \ ,,' d 'z •• sr{ \ - .. - 01~rlcl Bovndary - • - T.luk Boundary \ ~ =- j§ =J YTnag. Boundary wit. L.. tto.. C,ul. N,*", 7'- ,_'

~ 11I:I'''.y Brud GIIu •• - St.t.Hfgh .... .,. --- Other Rn.4 o ---.;~ Rlvar o • ViU •••• with PeJtu"lklft Sin: 5,100 ...... , •• o , 5 • CHANGE IN JURISDICTION 1971-8' o X 11- PO/ T 0 Jlo8I: Ome. J T.,.".,-oa.r ,. PS/RH ".1fc.Statlon/ ...... _ S/J C Hia".t S.C&'I:cht" $cAool, JC'1tor Col",. $ '" H.'tP'4a'l.. Primar, "'•• lth C.nh. + ... • 01.,...... ,...... , .,., ClliiW_ W.".c. C ...... 00..... II H.,...... t:: :: :::~ ,.,." •• ~



1981 Name of 1981 Name-of­ - 1981 - Name of Location village Location village Location village Code No. Code No. Code No.

(1) (2) (I) (2) (I) (2)

55 A. Chennamambapuram 8 Kampasamudram 20 Puthanavaripalle 19 Ananthaiahgaripalle 12 Kampasamudram Agraharam 67 Anantharajupet 69 K. Buduguntapalle 66 Raghavarajupuram 56 Ananthasamudram 34 Ketharajupalle 4 Rajukunta 32 Appaiahrajupet '64 Kitchamambapuram 37 Rallach-ervupalle Agraharam 16 Ramasamudram 9 Bhakarapuram 72 Kodur ___ 51 RangampalIe· 43 Bommavaram 21" Kommanavaripalle 50 ReddipaHe 38 Botimeedipalle 59 Korlakunta 42 Kota Venkata Ramarajupuram 74 Settigunta 11 CherlopalJe 22 Kothapalle Agraharam 73 Srinivasapuram 49 Chinna Orampadu 27 Srirangarajupalem 3 Chintalachelika 41 Maharajupuram 7 Chitvel 2 Malemarpuram 10 ThimmaY3l)alem 70 Chiyyavaram Mallemadugu 28 Thippayapalle 60 Mangampet 53 Thiruvengalanatharajapuram 31 Dalvaipalle 24 MittameedapalJe 40 Thummakonda 6 DevamachupaIJe 47 Mukkavaripalle 26 Devasamudram 5 Mylapalle 71 Upparapalle 15 Dondlopalle 17 Utukuru Chalivendula 44 Nagavaram 58 Gadela 18 Utukur Venkatampalle 13 Nagiripadu 65 Gangarajupuram 39 Nethivaripalle 54 Garlamadugu 14 Vallurupalle 57 Nookanapalle 35 Gobburivaripalle 61 Vasudevapuram 25 Gopamambapuram 29 Vathalur 46 Govindampalle 63 Obanapalle 62 Vellalavari Kandrika 33 Venkatesapuram 48 Jellalamadaka 36 Pedda Orampadu 52 Perayavaram 30 Yammanur 45 Kalvavari Kandrikll 23 Pullampet 68 Yerraguntlakota

139 14.

VILLAGE CUDDAPAH DISTRICT Amealtletl ----- Total number of Amenities available (if not available within the village. the distance Loca- Total area Households and in broad ranges viz., - 5 KIDs., 5-10 Kms. and 10 + Kms. of the tion Name of village of the population nearest place where the facility available is given) Code village (in ,-__-..A. __ , ,------"-- , No. hectares) House- Popula- Educational- Medical Drinking Post and Day or Communica- holds tion water Telegraph days of tions (Bus- (Potable) the stop, Railway market, station, if any waterway) (1) (2) (3) _ (4A) (4B) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

MaJlemadugu 3,102.72 71 281 P 5-10 W 5-10 - -5 -5

2 Malemarpuram 3.562.41 1,151 5.485 P(6).M 5-10 W PO,TO 10+ BS

\ 3 Chintalachelika 810.58 70 368 -5 5-10 W -5 5-10 5-10

4 Rajukunta 660.45 162 757 P 5-10 W PO 5-10 BS

5 MylapaJle 2,2S5.31 448 2.047 P(4) 5-10 W,HP PO 10+ -5

6 Devamachupalle _ 1,027.09 179 913 P -5 W PO 5-10 -5

7 Chitvel 844.58 1.182 5;825 P(7).M,H PHC,D- W PO,TO, 5-10 BS PTO. Phone S Kampasamudram 973.67 521 2,353 P(3) -5 W PO -5 -5

9 Bhakarapuram 181.30 101 493 P 5-10 W -5 -5 BS

10 Thimmayapalem 274.38 106 535 P -5 W -5 10+ -5

11 Cberlopalle 1,543.47 lSI 836 P(2) 10+ W PO 5-10 -5

12 Kampasamudram 486.84 392 1,911 P -5 W PO -5 BS Agraharam

13 Nagiripadu 2;113.26 1,088 5,008 P(7),M D W PO.TO 5-10 BS

14 VallurupalJe 264.36 138 673 P -5 W.R PO -5 BS

15 DondlopaUe 360.57 99 458 P 5-10 W,HP PO 10+ -5

16 Ramasamudram 171.99 169 759 P 5-10 W,HP PO 5-10 BS

17 Utukuru Chalivendula 11.21 U"t"htlbit,d 141


Land use (i. e •• area under different types of land use Remarks in hectares rounded up to 2 decimal places) including ,-______--A.-- ______-, any place of Loca- Approach Nearest town Power Staple Forest Irrigated Unirri- Culturable Area not religious, tion to village and distance supply food by source gated waste available historical or Code (in Kms.) for culti- archaeological No. vation interest

(11) (12) (B) (14) (IS) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (1)

KR Rajampet 30 Rice 2,788.68 T (46'14) 42.09 15.78 210.03 Ragi TK (26.71) W (19.43) PR Rajampet 19 Rice 809.36 T (389.30) 696.05 906.90 760.80 12 2 Ragi TW (230.26) TK (159.04) KR Rajampet 29 Rice 161.87 T (0.41) 75.68 230.26 342.36 3 Ragi W (0.41) PR Rajampet 28 Jowar 294.61 T(130.31) 12.55 160.66 62.32 4 Rice W (69.61) TK (60.70) PR Rajampet 24 EAG Rice 349.24 T (286.1 1) 4.05 39.66 1,576.25 N2 5 Ragi TK (245.64) WE (40.47) KR Rajampet 23 Rice 318.89 T (154.59) 148.92 30.76 373.93 6 W (80.94) TK (73.65) PR Rajampo:t 20 ED, Rice 0.81 T (251.71) 159.85 149.74 282.47 NIO:MI 7 EAG Ragi W (182.92) TK (68.79) PR Rajampet 21 ED, Rice T (275.19) 504.24 2M3 174.01 Nl:T3 8 EAG Ragi TK (141.64) W (133.55) PR Rajampet 22 ED Rice T (76.49) 85.79 19.02 9 Ragi W (76.49) PR Rajampet 22 ED Rice T (29.14) 196.68 48.56 Nl 10 Ragi W (15.38) 0(13.76) PR Rajampet 30 Rice T (125.86) 768.50 242.81 406.30 NI 11 Ragi W (80'94) TK (44.92) PR Rajampet 24 EAG Rice T (95'51) 300.68 9.71 80.94 N2:C2:Tl 12 Ragi W (54.23) TK (41.28) PR Rajampet 27 ED Rice 82M3 T (209.63) 283.68 283.28 513.14 N2:Tl 13 Ragi W (209.63) PR Rajampet 13 ED Rice T (102.39) 14.97 10.52 136.38 14 Ragi W (87.41) TK (14.98) PR Rajampet 11 EA Rice T (33.99) 4.05 145.28 177.25 15 Ragi W (25.09) TK (8.90) PR Rajampet 8 ED, Rice T (80.94) 31.18 19.43 33.44 16 EAG . Ragi W (80.94) Uninhabited 17 142



Total number of Amenities available (if not ava,ilable within the village. the distance Loca- Total area Households and in broad ranges viz •• - 5 Kms., 5-10 Kms. and 10 + Kms. of the tion Name of village of the population nearest place where the facility available is given)

Code Village (in ,-----"---. ,-- ..A.. ~ No. hectares) House- Popula- Educational Medical Drinking Pos~ and Day or Communica- holds tion water Telegraph days of tions (Bus (potable) the stoP. Railway market. station. if any water way) (1) (2) (3) (4A) (4B) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

18 Utukur Venkatam· 106.03 77 432 P -5 W -5 10+ -5 palle 19 Ananthaiahgari. 1.390.90 ~ 2,896 P(3),'M MH W.HP PO,TO 5-10 BS palle

\ 20 Puthanavaripalle 195,44 191 825 P -5 W,O PO 5-10 BS

21 Kommanavaripalle 830.01 417 1.907 P(3).M MCW W,HP PO 10+ BS

22 Kothapalle Acra- 138.40 65 281 P -5 W -5 10+ -5 haram

23 Pullampet 1,142.42 927 4.534 P(S),M,H H,D. W PO.TO. 10+ BS,RS RP(2) PTO

24 Mittamsedapalle 1,384.02 699 3.452 P(IO),M(S) -s W.HP PO 5-10 -5

25 Oopa mambapuram 274.78 183 810 P(l) 5-10 W PO 5-10 BS

26 Devasamudram 458.10 335 1,473 P(2) 5-10 W -5 5-10 -5

27 Srirangarajupalem 767.69 24 100 5-10 5-10 W 5-10 5-10 5-10

28 Thippayapalle 3.050.51 491 2,505 P(3),M -5 W PO 5-to -$

29 Vathalur 1,609.&4 635 3,028 P(J).M,H 5-10 W,HP PO 10+ BS

30 Yammanur 111.30 21 99 -5 -5 W.ll -5 10+ as,RS

31 Dalvaipallc 310.81 161 720 P 10+ W.R. PO 10+ BS

'32 APpaiahrajupet . S!M9 80 447 P(l) 10+ W.HP PO 10+ BS.RJ

33 Venkatesapuram 157.83 Uninhabited 34 Ketharajupallc 1'9.51 124 566 P 5-10 W.R PO 10+ -5 143 DIRECTORY aDd LaDd Die KODUR TALUK

Land use (i. e., area under different types of land use Remarks in hectares rounded upto 2 decimal places) including ,....-- --A- --~ any place of Loca- Approach Nearest town Power Staple Forest Irrigated Unirri- Culturable Area not religious, tion to village and distance supply food by source gated waste available historical or Code (in Kms.) for culti- archaeological No. vation interest

(11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (\9) (20) (1)

PR Rajampet 8 ED. Rice T (39.66) 27.11 24.69 14.57 18 EAG Ragi W (39.66) PR Rajampet 6 EA Rice T (295.42) 303.92 548.75 242.41 19 Ragi W (238.76) GC (48.57) TK (8.09) PR Rajampet 8 ED Rice T (21.45) 127.07 25.90 19.02 N2:M8:T1 20 Ragi W (20.23) TK (1.22) PR Rajampet 10 EA Rice T (46.94) 74.87 332.25 375.95 21 Ragi TK (28.73) W (18.21) KR Rajampet 13 Ragi T (21.45) 84.98 22.66 9.31 22 Rice TK (15.38) W (6.07) PR Rajampet 8 EA Rice T (169.97) 896.78 46.54 29.13 N444:Cl:Ml 2~ Ragi W (127.48) GC (25.09) TK (17.4(i) KR Rajampet 4 ED, Rice T (99.15) 961.13 20.23 303.51 24 EAG W (53.82) 0(45.33) PR Rajampet 8 Rice T (129.50) 50.59 23.47 71.22 Nl 25 Ragi W (129.50) KR Rajampet 8 ED, Rice T (168.35) 259.00 20.23 10.52 26 EAG Ragi W (101.17) TK (67.18) PR Rajampet 11 Rice 12.55 T (4.05) 608.64 61.1I 81.34 27 Ragi W (4.05) KR Rajampet 10 ED, Rice 19.43 T (194.25) 570.60 242.81 2,023.42 28 EAG Ragi W (194.25) PR Rajampet 8 ED Rice 16.19 T (221.36) 20.24 28.73 1,323.32 N2:MJ 29 Ragi W (127.48) TK (93.88) PR Rajampet 11 ED Rice T (22.66) 95.51 37.64 25.49 30 Ragi W (22.66) PR Rajampet 12 ED Rice T (48.97) 8.09 10.93 312.82 31 Ragi W (43.30) GC (5.67) PR Rajampet 13 ED. Rice T (41.68) 8.90 4.05 4.86 CI:Tl 32 EAG Ragi TK (:18.04) W (3.64) Uninhabited 33 ·KR Rajampet 13 Rice T (59.08) 48.97 2.43 89.03 34 Ragi GC (57.87) W (1.21) 144



Total number of Amenities available (if not available within the village. the distance Loca- Total area Households and in broad ranges viz •• - 5 Kms •• 5-10 Kms.> and 10 + Kms. of the tion Name of village of the population nearest place where the facility available is given) Code village (in ,------"----, ,------..A------~ No. hectares) House- Popula- Educational Medical Drinking Post and Day or Communica- holds tion water Telegraph days of tions (Bus (Potable) the ' stop, Railway market. station, if any water way) (1) (2) (3) (4A) (4B) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

35 GobburivaripalJe 215.29 86 414 P -5 W,HP -5 10+ BS

36 Pedda Orampadu 3.875.66 990 4,463 P(7).M 10+ W.HP PO 10+ BS

37 Rallachervupalle 136.15 136 645 P -5 W.HP -5 10+ BS

38 Botimeedipalle 760.00 267 1,181 P(3) 10+ W PO 10+ -5

39 Nethivaripalle 372.31 224 1.056 P -5 W PO 5-10 BS .5 40 Thummakonda 483.19 257 1.145 P(2) -s W 10+ -5

-5 BS 41 Maharajupuram 1,921.85 170 786 P 10+ W 10+ -5 41 Kothavenkata 259.00 73 3fT P -5 W -s 10+ Ramarajupuram BS 43 Bommavaram 1,626.43 745 3.877 P(3) WH W.HP 5-10 10+

BS 44 Nalavaram 1,198.26 309 3.920 P(3) -5 W PO 10+

5-10 -5 45 Kalvavari 18.21 1 7 -s -s W S-1O Kandrika 5-10 -5 46 Govindampalle 745.83 327 1.511 P(2) 5-10 W.HP PO

BS 47 Mllkkavaripalle 913.37 464 1.910 P(6).M 5-10 W,HP PO.TO 10+

10+ BS.RS 48 JelJaJamadaka 181.30 161 683 -5 -5 W --S

10+ BS.RS 49 ChiunaOrampadu ],196.10 1,431 6,393 P(6).M.H He,H(2). W.HP PO.PTO. 0 Phone

-5 W PO 10+ BS,ItS 50 Iteddipalle 1.951.67 63S 3,005 P(5) ';'5 10+ _"i Sl Ran.ampalle I,OIl.31 332 1,430 P(4) W,HP. -5 145


Land use (i. e., area under different types of land use Remarks in hectares rounded upto 2 decimal places) including ,------..A------"l any place of Loca- Approach Nearest town Power Stapie Forest Irrigated Unirri- Culturable Area not religious, tion to village and distance supply food by source gated waste available hi s torical or Code (in kms.) for cult i- archaeological No. vation interest

(11' (12) (13) (14) (IS) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (I)

---~------~-- -_----- PR Rajllmpet 16 ED Rice T (37.23) 84.98 21.45 71.63 35 Ragi W (28.33) TK (8.90) PR Rajampet 18 ED. Rice 12.95 T (1,344.36) 356.53 12.14 2.149.68 Nl:T4 36 EAG Ragi W (1,122.60) TK (221.76) PR Rajampet 19 ED Rice T (87.82) 89.43 6.07 2.83 37 Ragi TK (69.61) W (18.21) PR Rajampet 24 ED Rice T (295.01) 44.52 292.18 128.29 Nt 38 Ragi W (202.34) TK (92.67) PR Rajampet 28 EA Rice T (39.25) 89.44 3.69 235.93 Nt 39 Ragi W (39.25) PR Rajampet 27 ED Rice T (S5.C4) 85.79 283.68 58.68 Nl 40 Ragi W (29.95) TK (25.09) 1,161.45 25.90 PR Rajampet 30 ED Rice 637.38 T (64.75) 32.37 41 Ragi W (64.75) 10.12 61.51 45.33 42 PR Rajampet 30 EA Rice T (142.04) Ragi W (104.00) TK (38.04) T (270.33) 53.83 168.75 1,133.52 M7:T5 43 PR Rnjampet 28 ED Rice Ilagi W (145.69) TK (124.64) T (305.13) 95.91 309.58 487.64 Nl:Cl:T1 44 PIt Rlljampet 33 EA Rice Ragi TK (221.77) W (83.36) T (13.76) 1.21 1.21 1.21 45 KR Rajampet 35 Rice Ragi TK (13.76) T (234.72) 205.17 305.94 NI 46 PR Rajampet 27 EA Rice Ragi W (141.64) TK (93.08) Rice T (193.03) 321.73 28.73 364.88 N2:T3 47 PR Rajampet 25 ED Ragi TK (\47.71) W (45.32) Rice T (155.40) 0.41 17.80 7.69 Nt 48 PR Rajampet 22 ED Ragi W (144.07) TK (11.33) T (345.20) 34.4\) 1,679.44 1,137.16 N2:CI:Ml:T2 49 PR Rajampet 19 ED, Rice EAG ltagi W (2 19.34) 1;K (125.86) T (356.53) 471.05 80.94 I,OSO.15 Tl SO PR. Rajampet 14 Rice R.agi TK (356.53) KR Rajampet 14 BD, Rice 4t8.04 T (95.50) 13S.17 130.31 232.29 51 BAG Ragi W (80.S3) TK (t4.97) 146



Total number of Amenities available (if not avaiJable within the village, the distance Loca- Total area Households and in broad ranges viz., - 5 KIns., 5-10 Kms. and 10 + Kms. of the tion Name of village of the population nearest place where the facility available is given) Code village (in ,..-----"----, r- A.-- .., No. hectares) House- Popula- Educational Medical Drinking ~ost and Day or Communica- holds tion water Telegraph days of tions (Bus- (Potable) the stoP. Railway market, station, if any waterway) (1) (2) (3) (4A) (4B) (S) (6) (7) (8) (9) . (10)

52 P.rayavaram 471.05 453 2,169 P(3),M -S W,HP -S 10+ BS,RS

53 Thiruvengalanatha- 99.15 105 609 P ·5 W -5 10+ RS rajapuram S4 Garlamadugu 307.97 III 572 P 5-10 W,R -5 10+ -5

55 A. Chennamam- 102.39 86 402 -5 5-10 W -5 10+ -5 bapuram

S6 Ananthasamudram 2.,056.61 430 2,112 P(5) 10+ W,HP PO 10+ -5

57 Nookanapalle 394.97 106 490 P 10+ W PO 10+ -5

58 Gadela 1,721.12 552 2,463 P(3) 5-10 W,HP PO 16+ -5

59 Korlakunta 1,963.13 974 4,799 P(5) HC W,HP PO 10+ BS

60 Mangampet 510.31 679 3,060 P(2) -5 W PO.TO 5-10 BS

61 Vasudevapuram 191.42 -6 29 -5 -5 W -5 5-10 -5

62 VeJlalavari Kan- 953.44 226 1.039 P 5-10 W PO 5-10 BS drika

63 Obanapalle 820.69 1,000 4,661 peS) -5 W PO -5 BS

64 Kitchamambapuram 54.23 56 309 P -5 W,HP -5 -5 -5 A,raharillm 65 Oangarajupuram 317.27 127 587 P 5-10 W -5 5-10 5-10

66 Raghavarajupuram 313.23 520 2,737 P(3) 5-10 W PO -5 BS

67 Anantharajupet 2,644.21 1,945 9,308 P(7),M.H HC,D W.HP PO.PTO 5-10 BS.RS

. 68 Yerraguntlakota 3,563.25 1,311 6,374 P(4),M HC.D W,HP PTO 10+ BS

69 It. Budugu-ntapalle 266.69 6 28 -5 -s W -5 5-10 -, J47


Land use (i. e., area under different types of land use Remarks in hectares rounded upto 2 decimal places) including r------A.. ---.. any place of Loca- Approach Nearest town Power Staple Forest Irrigated Unirri- Culturable Area not religious, tion to village and distance supply food by source gated waste available historical or Code (in Kms.) for culti- archaeological No. vation interest

(11) (12) (18) (19) (20) (1) , (13) (14) (15) (16) (17)

PR Rajampet 14 EA Rice T (133.55) 26.71 101.57 209.22 52 Ragi TK (116.96) W (16.59) PR Rajampet 12 ED, Rice T (18.62) 25.09 32.78 22.66 53 EAG Ragi W (18.62) PR Rajampet 14 ED Rice T (28.33) 9.31 232.69 37.64 Nl:T1 54 . Ragi W (28.33) KR Rajampel13 ED, Rice T (13.76) 31.57 25.90 31.16 55 EAG Ragi W (8.90) TK (4.86) KR Rafampet 13 EAG Rice 196.68 T (200.72) 521.64 615.93 521.64 56 Ragi TK (101.17) W (9~.55) KR Rajampet 22 ED Rice 8.09 T (2.4.28) 6.48 129.10 227.02 57 Ragi TK (24.28) KR Rajampet 24 ED Rice T (167.54) 75.27 906.49 511.82 Nl:T2 58 Ragi TK (167.54) PR Rajampet 25 ED, Rice T (433.82) 121.41 159.19 648.71 Nl:T2 59 EAG Ragi W (259.40) TK (174.42) PR Rajampet 21 ED Rice T (103.20) 99.55 48.16 ' 259.40 N2 60 Ragi W (103.20) PR Rajampet 33 EAG Rice T (15.38) 34.00 67.58 74.46 61 Ragi W (15.38) PR Rajampet 35 EA Rice T (177.25) 498.17 198.70 79.32 62 Ragi W (153.38) TK (23.87) PR Rajampet 35 ED Rice T (200.72) 74.06 193.03 352.88 N4:M4:T3 63 Ragi W (200.72) KR Rajampet 36 Rice 6.88 T (20.24) . 12.14 12.95 2.02 64 Ragi W (20.24) PR Rajampet 34 ED Rice T (31.16) 0.81 10.52 274.78 65 Ragi W (28.33) TK (2.83) PR Rajampet 36 ED, Rice T (1.50.10) 63.13 NI0:Ml 66 EAG Ragi W (250.10) PR Rajampet 33 EA Rice T (1,203.53) 76.89 471.46 892.33 NI0:C2:M5:TI 67 Ragi WE (882.21) GC (155.00) TK (105.62) W (60.70) PR Rajampet 30 Rice T (1,085.36) 404.69 380.81 1,692.39 Fort,N4:M3:T3 68 Ragi W (983.79) TK (101.57) X,R Rajampet 30 ED Rice T (6.48) 48.16 96.72 115.33 69 Ragi W (6.48) 148



Total number of Amenities available (if not available within the village, the distance Loca- Total area Households ano in broad ranges viz., - 5 Kms., 5-10 Kms. and 10 + Kms. of the tion Name of village of the population nearest place where the facility available is given) Code village (in ,-_--A.-___ , ,------______--..A- _____- __ - _____-_--, No. hectares) House- Popula- Educational Medical Drinking Post and Day or Communica- holds tion water Telegraph days of tions (Bus- (Potable) the stop, Railway market, station, if any water way) (1) (2) (3) (4A) (4B) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

70 Chiyyavaram 1,889.47 580 2,921 P(2) -5 W PO,TO 10+ BS

71 Upparapalle 3,289.28 1,022 4,901 P(2) -5 W PO 10+ BS

72 Kodur 4,724.29 4,1Q8 20,307 P(5).M. D(4).PHC. W PO. TO. 10+ BS,RS H.JC MCW PTO, Phone 73 Srinivasapuram 748.26 42 180 -5 -5 W PO 10+ -5

74 Settigunta 3,527.64 914 4,322 P(4) -5 w PO,TO 10+ BS,RS 149


Land use (i. e., area under different types of land use Remarks in hectares rounded upto 2 decimal places) including ,...-----:------"------'\ any place of Loca­ Approach Nearest town Power Staple Forest Irrigated Unirri- Culturable Area not religious, tion to village and distance supply food by source gated waste· available historical or Code (in Kms.) for culti- archaeological No. vation interest

(11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20)

PR Rajampet 40 Rice 454.06 T (64.75) 435.03 485.62 450.01 70 Ragi W (64.75) PR Rajampet 42 ED Rice 339.12 T (387.69) 366.65 801.68 1,394.14 N2 71 Ragi W (318.08) TK (69.61) PRo Rajampet 36 ED Rice 755.14 T (455.27) 1,528.49 1.162.26 823.13 N6:C4:MI5:T4 72 Ragi W (424.92) TK (30.35) KR Rajampet 44 Rice 331.84 T (7.69) 395.78 12.95 73 Bajra TK (7.69) PR Rajampet 48 ED Rice 209.22 T (181.30) 1,711.82 739.76 685.54 N2 74 Ragi W (153.38) TK (27.92) ISO



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Laud use (i.e., area under different types of land use in hectares rounded to the nearest unit) ~------~ -, Culturable waste st. Name of town and taluk Irrigated by (Including Area No. within brackets Total Area Forest ~ source Unirrigated gauchar and not available groves) for cultivation (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

1 Badvel 631.00 T (386.93) 99.15 4.30 140.62 (Badvel) .. GC (386.93) 2 Dommara Nandyal 1,269.00 T (46.13) 1.033.16 66.85 122.86 (Jammalamadugu) GC (39.66) WE (6.47) 3 J ammalamadugu 2,482.00 5.76 T (61.11) 1,125.83 1,105.88 183.37 (Jammalamadugu) GC (42.90) WE (18.21) 4 Kama\apuram '1,'750.00 32.M T (707.00) 308.01 702.35 (Kamalapuram) TK (258.98) WE (246.70) GC (152.~) o (48.72) 5 Madhavaram 1.446.00 T (131.52) 285.71 465.05 563.72 (Sidhout) W (93.89) TK (37.63) T (168.18) 9.12 6 Nagireddipalle 582.00 9.84 394.86 (Rajampet) GC (137.04) TK (20.77) WE (7.43) W (2.94) T (388.93) 87.40 7 pulivendla 629.00 152.67 (pulivendla) WE (301.07) 0(87.86) 8 Rajampet 2,060.00 T (551.28) 817.65 287.37 343.70 (Rajampet) WE (360.22) TK (176.69) W (14.37) T (553.60) 1.720.92 131.93 9 Rayachoti 3,978.00 1,571.55 (Rayachoti) GC (553.60) 63.80 10 Vepara.la 1,121.00 536.77 T (32.37) 61.87 426.19 (Muddanur) GC (32.37) 11 Yerraguntla 1,378.00 T (10.12) 91.13 1,276.59 0.16 (Kamalapuram) WE (10.12) 155



L.C. Name of Village L.C. Name of Village L.C. Name of Village No. No. No. (I) (2) (I) (2) (I) (2)

PRODDATUR TALUK 11 Yakarlapalem 73 Tummalapadu 84 Budidapadu BADVEL TALUK 83 A. Kothapallc SIDHOUT TALUK 12 Venkatapuram 29 Rangampalle CUDDAPAH TALUK 55 YadaYapuram 86 K. Ramachandrapuram 101 Konayapalle KAMALAPURAM T ALUK 22 Ram achandrap uram 30 Thurakapalle 55 Pillivaripalle MUDDANUR T ALUK 10 Fakirpeta SO Kibile Raghavapuram 59 ThugutJapalle PULIVENDLA TALUK 40 Herojipuram LAKKIREDDIPALLE TALUK 40 Naraharibotlapalle KODURTALUK 3 Chintalachelika 27 Srirangarajupait:m 45 Kalvavari Kaudrika 156




Range of Scheduled L.C. Name of the Village L.C. Name of the Village L.C. Name of the Village Castes Population No. No •. No •. (Percentages) (1) (2) (1) (2) . (1) (2)


0-5* 5 Nagarajupallc 6 Pedda Mudiam 7 Suddapalle 8 Jangalapalle 13 Balapana Gudur 15 Palur 18 Bodi thippanapadu 19 Ch idipi ralladi nne 21 Gundlaku nta 26 Bcsthavemula 28 Chinnavenuthurla 29 Dhannawada 34 Madhavapuram 37 Nawabpcta 40 Chinna l)asupula 41 Nemalladinne KottuJapalle 42 Jcereddi Kothapalle. 44 Pcdda Pasupula 47 Danavalapadu 52 Moragudi 54 Thorrivemula

6-lO 9 Jan'galapalle Kottapalle 11 Nemalladinne 25 Kallutla 30 Vaddirala 31 GoJIapalle 32 Gollala Uppalapadu 35 Talamanchipatnam 38 Chinna Komerla 49 Goriganur 55 Ponnampalle 56 Malameedi Kambala dinne 57 Ramachandrayapalle 58 Dhodiam

11-15 Kondasunkesula 21 Bheemagundam 16-20 10 Uppalur 20 Medidinne 24 Ayyavari Kambala dinne 45 Poorvapllf;ugumanchipalle 46 Devagudi 60 Murapandi

21-30 2 Diguvakalvatala 3 Papayapalle 14 Chinn a Mudiam 39 Salevari l.' ppalapadu 43 UJavapalle 31+ Nil PRODDATUR TALUK

0-5* 3 Paid ala 10 Dasaripalle 26 Eruvapalem 31 Audireddipalle 35 Manerampalle 37 Gudipadu 38 Ballakkivaripalle 42 Bollavaram 43 Pedda Settipalle 46 Dorasanipalle 48 Proddatur 49 Modameedipalle 52 Machanapalle S4 Annapusasthrulapal1e 65 Nerrawada 68 Pallavolu 7O, Kothapalle 84 Buddaipadu 8 Kanagudur 6-10 4 Daddanaht 7 Edamadaka 23 Korrapadu 25 Velavali 28 Duvvur 44 Chowdur 55 Chintakunta 58 Onipenta 61 North Mydukur 67 Chap ad 69 Upparapalle 76 South Mydukur 89 Kaliuru

19 Arakatavemula 11-15 12 Thippirc\~c1ipalJe 13 Mudircddipalle 21 Chinna Scttipalle 29 Madirepalle 32 Ganjikunta 39 NelatlJr 40 Kamanur 41 Gopavaram 47 P.ameswaram 51 Ma

... Excludes vilbges with no scheduled castes population 157

APPENDIX - IV (Contd.)



Range of Scheduled L.C. Name of the Village L.C. Name of the Village L.C. Name of the Viliage Castes Population No. No. No. (Percentages) (I) (2) (I) (2) (I) (2)


21-30 1 GopayapaUe 5 Kuluru 14 Neelapurarn 15 JillelJa 20 Parlapadu 24 Chinna Jonnavaram 33 GollaJ)alJe 56 Gaddarnayapalle 63 Morraipalle 71 NanganurpaJle 72 Thallarnapurarn 83 Chinna duruvalur 86 Anantapurarn

31+ 2 Veil ala 27 Pedda Jonnavaram 36 Rajupalem 64 Somapuram


0-5- 10 Rajupalem 14 Mamillapalle 20 Kalsapadu 42 Buchempalle 53 Porumamilla 59 Chennareddipet 63 Vankarnarri 92 Jangamrajupalle 109 Thipparajupalle III Boodavada 119 Ethirajupalle 121 Gopalapuram 129 Konasamudram 138 Godugunur

6-10 33 Uppalur 37 Pendlimarri 69 PaluguraUapalle 77 Challagirigella 86 Maratipalle 93 Eguva Nelatur 114- Rekalakunta 118 Thiruvengalapurarn 126 Van ampul a 135 Bayyanapalle

11-15 7 Diguva ThamballapaHe . 18 Mahanandipalle 34 Narasapuram 44 Sankavaram 51 Katheragandla 66 MallepaUe 72 Kodur 79 Venkataramapuram 85 Ankanagodugunuru 94 Diguva Nelatur 100 Ganugapenta 104 KalvapaJ/e 108 Prabhalaveedu 110 Thangedupalle 120 Anantharajupuram 132 Chennampalle 140 Puttayapalle

16-20 45 Markapuram 49 Savisettipalle 54 Cherlopalle 60 Pulliveedu 62 Munnelle 64 Itigullapadu 70 Mudumala 89 Godlaveedu 91 Somireddipalle 102 Lakkavaripalle 105 Peddullapalle 116 Dirasavancha 123 Gopavaram

21-30 8 Singarayapalle 15 Sancherla 16 Akkalred!iipalle 27 Varikunta 28 Nayunipalle 38 SiddanakitchayapalJe 41 Kavalakuntla 52 Rangasamudram 55 Chinna Erasala 61 Perammagaripalle 73 Siddavaram 78 Yellapalle 91 Mekavaripalle 122 Madakalavaripalle 125 Guntapalle 139 Kongalaveedu

31+ 12 Pullareddipalle 35 • Obulapuram 43 Dammanapalle 57 Chinnayapalle 58 Boppapuram 67 Palugurallapalle (Part IV) 117 Nagisettipalle 121 Ramapuram 128 Veerapalle 158

APPENDIX - IV (Contd.)



Range of Scheduled L.C. Name of the Village L.C. Name of the Village L.C. Name of the Village Castes Population No. No. No. (Percentages) (1 ) (2) (I) (2) (I) (2)


0-51< 2 Venkatascttipalle 49 Kanumalopalle

6-10 6 Nallayapalle 44 Machupalle 47 Lingampalle 55 Pennaperur

11-15 9 Madapur 27 Viruru 57 Ravulakollu 72 Kotug_adu 73 Rachagudipalle

16-20 5 Kamalakur 10 Tharn ballagondi 13 Koodur 23 Atlur 24 Varikunta 30 Obuiam 31 Malinenipatnam 51 Peddapalle 62 Pattapurayi 69 Kuruguntapalle 79 Mantapampalle

21-30 1 Thippanapalle 3 Rajupaiem 4 Yerraballe 7 Ramapuram 11 Gujjulavaripalle 15 Vemalur 16 Kamasamudram 17 Brahmanapalle 20 Rekalakunta 21 Muthukur 25 Jonnavaram 32 Uppatur 33 Chenduvoy 37 Darjeepalle 38 Sidhout alias Siddhavattam 40 Mulapalle 43 Jyothi 46 Kadapayapalle 48 Takkolu 54 Gangaperur 59 Yeppiraia 61 Kothur 63 Vogur 71 Ponnapalle 75 Vontimitta 76 Javukulapalle 77 Mangampeta 78 Chintharajupalle 18 Boddecherla 31+ 8 Rarnapuram 14 Kurnbhagiri 26 Maddur 28 Thudur 29 Rangampalle 34 Velugupalle 35 Jangalapalle 36 Gollapalle 3() Gundlarnula 41 Rajampeta 42 Vontithatipalle 45 Ponnavolu 52 Nekanapuram 53 Shakarajupalle 56 Kudumulur 58 Bukkayyapalle 60 Juvvalapalle 65 Vakamada 66 Namallagondi 67 Brahmanapalle (Shor.) 68 Gundlamada 80 Konarajupalle

CUDDAPAH TALUK 39 Putha Chinnayapalle 0-5· 20 Bayanapalle 32 Kokkarayapalle 46 Paidikalva 59 RayalapantDulapalle 6S Akkayapalle 71 Chinna Kampalle 73 Kolumulapalle 79 Chemmumiahpeta 84 Chintakommadinne 85 Balupalle 87 Kopparthi 91 Rampatbadu 6-10 54 Ambavaram 67 Viswanatbapuram 96 Chinna Dasaripalle 108 Thummalur

Thavvaripalle 26 Chinnachowk 11-15 12 Kommaluru 13 30 Ramanapalle 31 ChennuT 66 Nagarajupet 69 Mamillapalle 70 Ippapenta 72 Pedda Kampalle 78 Utukur 82 Papasahebpet 89 Ganganapalle 90 Thippireddipalle 94 Vellatur 97 Pendlimarri 105 Chabali 111 Nandimandatftm 159

APPENDIX - IV (Con/d.)



Range of Scheduled L.C. Name of the Villag.: L.C. Name of the Village L.C. Name of the Village Castes Population J No. No. No. (percentages) (1) (2) (I) (2) (I) (2)


16-20 1 Bhumayapalle 3 Pullur 6 Pathuru 7 Khajipet Sunkesula 18 Chennamukkapalle 25 Ukkayapalle 28 Rachinnayapalle 51 Upparapallc 56 Thadigotla 61 Chinna Machupalle 64 RaPnarajupalle 74 Jamaalp3.11e 88 Kammavaripalle 107 Cheemalapenta 109 Goudipalle 110 Kondur

21-30 4 Nagasanipalle 8 Thudumuladinne 10 Bturu 11 Thripuravaram 14 Kotluru 15 Ravulapalle 16 Dumpalagattu 17 Chemullapalle 21 Kanuparthi 23 Gurrampadu 24 Patha Cuddapah 33 Sivalpalle 37 Valluru 40 Komarunipalle 41 Thappetla 42 Lebaka 43 Peddaputha 50 Goturu 53 ThollagaoganapaUe 62 Palampalle 76 Buggalapalle. 92 Moillakalva 100 Sankatipalle 102 Machanur

31+ 9 Miduthur 19 Dowla thapuram 22 Nazeerbaigpalle 35 Venkatesapuram 44 Chinn a Putha 48 Koppolu 52 Dugganapalle 55 Yadavapuram 63 Gudur 68 Putlampalle 81 Pabbapuram


3 Illur 30 ThurakapalJe 31 Koduru 39 Uppaluru 49 Dadireddipalle 58 Moillacheruvu

6-10 5 Kalamalla 6 . Chilamakuru 7 Niduzuvvi 8 Potladurthi 9 Hanumanguthi 11 Kokatam 14 Paachikalapadu 22 Ramachandrapuram 32 Valasapalle 33 Pcddanapadu 34 Talapanur 35 Urutur 43 Keerthipalle 53 Alidena

11-15 2. Chinna Dandlur 13 Yerragudipadu 15 C. Gopalapuram 2L Kamalapuram 41 Indukuru 45 Payasampalle 46 Chinn a Cheppalle 51 Yellareddipalle 54 Podadurthi 56 Animela 57 North Palagiri 60 Gonumakulapallc

16-20 16 Mirapuram 17 Sambatur 18 Vedurur 25 Jambapuram 26 NaJlingayapalle 27 Pandillapal1e 48 Pedda Cheppalle 52 Letapalle 61 U. Rajupalem

21-30 4 Mal epad u 28 Tippaluru 29 T. Sunkesula 36 Veldurthi 37 Ankireddipalle 38 Kolavali 40 Kommadi

31+ 19 Vibhrampuram 20 Gangavaram . 23 Tsadipirala 44 Liogala 62 Thangedupalle 160

APPENDIX - IV (Contd.)



Range of Scheduled L.C. Name of the Village L.C. N:lme of the Villag~ L.C. Name of the Village Castes Population No. No. No. (Percentages) (I ) (2) (I) (1) (I) (2)


0-5* 4 Sankepalle 5 Yerragudi . 16 Mylavaram 18 Ponnathota 19 Gudemcheruvu 22 Gandikota 28 Regadipalle 33 Konavanpalle 40 Chennamanenipall e 48 Kondapuram 56 Vemaguntapalle 62 Sirigepalle 63 Kosinepalle 71 Pedda Dudyala 75 Raj ulaguravaiahpalle

6-10 35 Bedudur 46 Ycturu 47 Al.anthapuram 52 ~rrapadu 53 Mangapatnam 55 Poorva Bommepalle 60 Sun"napurallapalle 61 Peddadanlur 66 Chintakunta

11-15 2 Kodur 11 Kibile Bommepalle 23 Gandlur 25 Chowtapalle 32 Kibile Sugamanchipalle 38 Pottipadu 57 Ambavaram 69 Bondalakunta 74 Nallaballe

16-20 8 Talla Proddatur 9 Bukkapatnam ~4 Obannapeta 39 Venkaiahkalva 41 Lavnoor 64 MuddaIJur 78 Penikalapadu

21-30 6 Chamalur 14 Lir,gapuram 27 Mutchumarri 36 Yenamalachintala 44 Thimmapuram 51 Obulapuram 65 Yamavaram 67 Denepalle 72 Velpucherla 77 Kadasani Kothapalle


0-5* 3 Nandyalampalle 14 Nidivelagala 18 Velidandla 22 Lopatnuthula 30 Mallela 37 Ramanuthalapalle 52 Rayalapuram 64 Ahobilapuram 72 Polepalle 73 Pcdda Jutur 74 Chintalajutur 77 Goturu 81 Naguru 82 Alavalapadu 88 Meedipentla

6-10 pydipalem 12 Kasanuru 20 Kommanuthala :H Murarichintala 36 Pedda Kudala 39 Ambakapalle 41 Chinna Kudala 43 Dondlavagu 45 Korrapadu 47 Erraballe 48 Brahmanapalle 55 Gundlamadugu 63 U1imella 85 Gollalaguduru 86 Vemula ~7 Velupula 95 T. Velamavarip3;lle 96 "Vempalle

11-15 7 Sunkesula 9 Buchupalle II Duddekunta 13 Simhadripuram 16 Gurijala" 17 Bidinamcher la 19 Parnapalle 23 Lingala 24 Bonala 28 Lomada 31 Thondur 34 Maduru 35 Balapanuru 53 Ragimanipallc 56 Sydapuram 57 Agaduru 58 Udavagandla 60 Paluru 62 Atchavelli 70 K. Velamavaripalle 71 Bokkudupalle 78 Nallacheruvupalle 79 Muthukuru 80 RamireddipaUe 89 Gondipalle 90 V. Kothapalle 161




Range of Scheduled L.C. Name of the Village L.C. Name of the Village L.(:,. Name of the Vi1Iaee Castes Population No. No. No. (Percentages) (I) (2) (1) (2) (I) (2)


16-20 25 Kamasamudram 32 Inagaluru 33 Thelluru 46 Ippatla 49 Chinna Rangapuram 50 Pedda Rangapuram S9 Santhakovvur 83 Pendluru 84 Parnapadu 91 Chagaleru 92 Kathaluru 93 Pamuluru 94 ThaJlapalJe 97 Alireddipalle

21-30 6 Theliki 10 Ravulako1anu 15 Himakuntla 26 Ankalammagud ur 68 YerragudipaJIe 75 Thimmapurampeta

31+ S J angamreddipalle 27 Agraharam


0-5 14 Guvvalacheruvu 15 Neelakantaraopeta 18 Suddamalla 24 Kondappagaripalle 30 Kalluripalle 32 Korlakunta 33 Gotlamitta 43 Gundlacheruvu 44 Garugupalle 45 Thumukunta

6-10 3 Addalamarn 7 Errabommanapalle 8 Chakrayapet 17 Nallaguttapalle 20 Anantapuram 22 Dappepalle 23 Surabhu 27 Kuppam 29 Katineni Yerragudi 31 Taiamudipi 34 Pulikunta 35 PandilJapalle 39 Kurnootala 41 Pandikunta 42 Nooliveedu 46 Veligallu 47 PyarampalJe 49 Galiveedu

11-15 1 Idupulapaya 6 Gandikovur 10 Brahmana Erragudi 11 Dinnepadu 13 Gopagudipalle 21 Lakkireddipalle 38 Chitlur 48 Gopanapalle 50 Araveedu

16-20 5 Marellamadaka 9 Chi1ekampalle 16 Saraswatipalle 25 Nerusupalle 26 Mahadevapalle 28 Rajupalle

21-30 4 Komarakalva 37 Maddirevufa

31+ 12 Kaipanayunicheruvu


0-5 16 Botlacheruvu 28 Dooilavaripalle S9 Tsakibanda 68 Somavaram

6-10 12 Kakulavaram 13 Katimayakunta 15 Madhavaram 22 Matli 23 Odiveedu 24 Polimerapalle 32 Eguvagottiveedu 35 Narayanareddipalle 43 Rayavaram 44 Mudumpadu 48 Thimmasamudram 51 Reddivaripalle 56 Routhukunta 57 Mallur 64 Chinnamandem 65 Boriamala l62




Range of SCheduled L.C. Name of the Village L.C. Name of the Village L.C. Name of the Village Castes Population No. No. No. (Percentages) (I) (2) (1) (2) {I) (2)


11-15 4 RachapaJle 5 Hasanapuram 6 Somavaram 9 Peddiveedu 11 BandlapaHe 14 Guntimadugu 25 Sibyala 34 Cherlopallc 37 Gunnikuntla 40 Tsundupalle 45 Peddinenikalva 47 Madithadu 49 Bagampalle 54 Motakatla 60 DiguVagottiveedu 62 Paramatikona 63 Devagudipa]]e 66 DevapatIa

16-20 7 VeerabaJle 8 Sanipaya 18 Masapet 20 Abb,tyaram 30 Ycndapalle 33 Gorlamudiveedu 36 Pemmadupalle 38 Gurigi njakunta 39 Dudyala 50 GundlapaJIe 53 Settipalle 58 Vandadi 67 Guttapalle

21-30 1 Gadikota 3 Vongimalla 52 Yerramanenipalem 55 Sambepalle 61 Kalibanda

3!+ 10 Pothukurupalle 26 Chennamukkapalle


0..5· Rangayapalle 34 Singanamala

6-.10 5 Pothapi 40 Narayana Nellore

11-15 17 Penugalur Agraharam 19 KomarunipaJle 47 Patur 50 S..:shamambapuram 70 RolJamadugu

16-20 7 Cbintalakunta 11 Siriavaram 21 Tangutur 30 Velagacherla 35 Pondalur 37 Obili 42 Nalla Thimmayapalle 45 Nandalur 52 Thallapaka 53 Madana Gopaiapuram 54 Kitchamambapuram 58 Utuk-ur 59 Rajampet 63 Akepadu 65 Mannur 67 Brahmanapalle 69 Rolla Buduguntapalle

21-30 9 Nookinenipalle 14 Konduru 18 Siddavaram 20 Kunda Nellore 22 Lebaka 25 SingareddipaUe 33 Itimarpuram 39 NaUapureddipalle 43 Yellamrajupalle 48 Pulaputhuru 49 Mandapalle 51 Guodlur 55 Sitharampuram 57 Poli 61 Hastavaram 62 Kothapalle

31+ 3 Ramamambapuram 6 Kommuru 10 Narasimharajupuram 12 Thirunampa\le 16 Kam balakun ta 24 Thirumalarajupct 26 Indlur 36 Komantharajupuram 44 Adapur 64 Bahirajupalle 68 Srirangarajupuram 163

APPENDIX - IV (Contd;)



Range of Scheduled L.C. Name of the Village L.C. Name of the Village L.C. Name of the Village Castes Population No. No. No. (Percentages) (1) (2) (I) (2) (I) (2)

KODUR TALUK 0-5- 20 Puthanavaripalle

6-10 10 Thimmayapalem 21 Kommanavaripalle 41 Maharajupuram 54 Garlamadugu

11-15 Mallemadugu 4 Rajukunta 8 Kampasamudram 11 Cheriopalle 29 Vathalur 31 Dalvaipalle 35 Gobburivaripalle 39 Nethivaripalle 70 Chiyyavaram 72 Kodur 74 Settigunta

16-20 2 Malemarpuram 7 Chitvel 9 Bha karapuraltl 13 Nagiripadu 23 Pullampet 28 Thippayapalle 40 Thummakonda 43 Bommavaram 46 GovindampaHe 47 Mukkavaripalle 53 Thiruvengalana tharaja- 59 Korlakunta puram 60 Mangarnpel 65 Gangarajupuram 68 Yerraguntlakota

21-30 5 Mylapalle 6 Devamachupalle 12 Kampasamudrarn Agraharam 16 Ramasamudram 19 Anan thaiahgaripall e 24 Mi ttameedapalle 25 Gopamambapuram 26 Devasamudlam. 34 Ketharajupalle 36 Pedda Orampadu 37 Rallachervupalle 38 Botimeedlpalle 44 Nagavaram 49 Chinna Orampadu 50 Reddipalle 51 Rangampalle 57 Nookanapalle 58 Gadela 62 VeJlalavari Kandrika 63 Obanapalle 66 Raghavarajupuram 67 Anantharajupet 69 K. Buduguntapalle 71 Upparapalle

31+ 3 Chintalachelika 14 Vall urupalle 15 Dondlopalle 30 Yammanur 42 Kota Venkata Ramaraju- 52 Perayavaraw puram 56 Ananthasamudram 61 Va sudevapuram 164

APPENDIX - IV (Contd.)



Range of Scheduled L.C. Name of the Village L.C. Name of the Village L.C. Name of the Village Tribes Population ~o. No. No. (Percentages) (I) (2) (I) (2) (I) (2)


1 Kondasunkesula 2 Diguvakalvatala 6 Pedda Mudiam 7 Suddapalle 8 Jangalapalle 13 Baiapana Gudur IS Palur 21 Gundlakunta 25 Kallutla 26 Bestavemula 29 Dhannavada 30 Vaddirala 35 Talamanchipa tnam 37 Nawabpeta 38 Chinna Komerla 39 Salevari UppaJapadu 40 Chinna Pasupu!a 42 Jeereddi Kothapa]J.e 44 Pedda Pasupula 46 Devagudi 47 Danavalapadu 49 Goriganur 52 Moragudi S4 Thorrivemula 55 Ponnampalle-. 56 Malameedi Kambaladinne 57 Ramachandrayapalle 58 Dhodiam

6-15 60 Murapandi

16-25 ) 26-35 ~ Nil 36-50) 51+ 33 Kona Anantapuram


2 Vellala 5 Kuluru 7 Edamadaka 8 Kanagudur 10 Dasaripalle 14 Neelapuram 16 Tangatur 18 Rajupalern 19 Arakatavemula 20 Parlapadu 24 Chinna Jonnavaram 25 Velavali 27 Pedda Jonnavaram 28 Duvvur 29 Madirepalle 32 Ganjikunta 36 Rajupalem 37 Gudipadu 40 Kamanur 41 Gopavaram 43 Pedda Settipalle 45 Rangasayapuram 46 Dorasanipalle 51 Madur 52 Machanapalle 5S Chintakunta 58 Onipenta 60 Settivaripalle 61 North Mydukur 62 Pitchapadu 64 Somapuram 65 Nerrawada 66 Chiyyapadu 67 Chapad 68 PalJavolu 69 Upparapalle 70 KothapalJe 72 Thallantapuram 76 South Mydukur 77 Nandyalampeta 80 Sivapuram 81 AlIadupaUe 82 Pedda Guruvaiur 86 Anantapuram 87 Yer~1.guntlapalle 88 RegulapaUe 89 Kalluru

6-15 35 Manerampalle

16-25 13 Mudireddipalle 49 Modameedip:llle

260-35 Nil . 36-50 'Nil

51+ 11 Yakarlapalem

*Excludes viJIages with no ST population 165

APPENDIX - IV (Contd.)



Range of Scheduled L.C. Name of the VilIag~ L.C. Name of the VilIag~ L.C. Name of the Village Tribes Population' No. No. No. (Percentages) (1) (2) (1) (2) (I) (2)


0-5- 5 Kothakota 7 Diguva Thamb:lllapalle 9 Brahmanapalle IS Sancherla 16 Akkal reddipalle 20 Kalsapadu 24 Tel1apadu 27 Varikunta 28 Nayunipal1e 34 Narasapuram 35 Obulapuram 44 Sankavaram 49 Savisettipalle 51 Katheragandla 52 Rangasamudram S3 Porumamilla 55 Chinna Erasala 62 Munn\!Ue 64 Itigullapadu 66 Mallepalle 69 Pal ugurallapalle 72 Kodur 73 Siddavaram 77 Challagirigella 79 Venkataramapuram 86 Maratipalle 91 Somireddipalle 92 Jangamrajupalle 97 Mekavaripalle )00 Ganugapenta 102 Lakkavaripalle 108 Prabhalaveedu 114 Rekalakunta 117 Nagisettipalle 120 Anantharajupuram 122 Madakalavaripalle 123 Gopavaram 125 GUJltapalie 127 Gopalapuram 132 Chennampalle 135 Bayyanapalle 138 Godugunur 140 Puttayapalle

6-15 45 Markapuram 61 Perammagaripalle 80 Routhupalle 1(19 ThipparajupalJe 115 Dharbhavari Agraharam 128 Veerapalle

16-25 3 Gangayapalle

26-35 I 36-50 l- Nil SH !


0-5-, I Thi ppanapalle 2 Venkatasettipalle 3 Rajupalem 7 Ramapuram North 8 Ramapuram South 9 Madapur 11 Gujjula'\oaripalle 15 Vemalur 16 Kamasamudram 18 Boddecherla 23 Atlur 24 Varikunta 25 JonnaVaram 26 Maddur' 27 Viruru 30 Obulam 33 Chenduvoy 3S JangalapaJle 38 Sidhout alias Siddhavatam 42 Vontithatipalle 45 Ponnavolu 46 Kadapayapalle: 47 Lingampalle 48 Takkolu 51 Peddapalle 52 N.:kanapuram 53 Sbakarajupalle S4 Gangaperur 55 Pennaperur 57 Ravulakollu 59 Yeppirala 60 Juvvalapalle 62 Pattapurayi 63 Vogur 65 Vakamada ' 66 Namallagondi 69 Kuruguntapalle 71 Ponnapalle 72 Kotapadu 73 Racbagud ipaUe 75 Vontimitta 77 Mangampeta 78 Chintharajupalle 79 Mantapampalle 80 Konarajupalle

6-15 32 Uppatur 43 Jyothi 61 Kothur

16-25 50 Mandapalle

26-35 76 Javukulapalle

36-50 Nil

51+ ]2 Venkatapuram 166

APPENDIX - IV (Contd.).



Range of Scheduled L.C. Name of the Village L.C. Name of th~ Village L.C. Name of the Village Tribes Population No. No. No. (Percentages) . (I) (2) (1) (2) (1) (2)


0-5* I Bhumayapalle 6 Pathuru 7 Khajiret Sunkesula 14 Kotluru 15 RavulapaUe 16 Dumpalagattu 17 Chemullapalle 20 Bayanapalle 21 Kanuparthi 22 Nazarbaigpalle 24 Patha Cuddapah 25 Ukkayapalle 26 Chinnachowk 28 Rachinnayapalle 29 Mundlapalle 30 Ramanapalle 31 Cbennllr 33 Sivalpalle 36 lsukapalle 37 Valluru 39 Putha Chinnayapalle 42 Lebaka 46 Paidikalva 47 Eguvapalle 51 U pparap'aJl e 56 Thadigotla 61 Chinna Machup.ll1e 65 Akkayapalle 69 MamilJapalle 72 Pedda Kampalle 74 JamaalpaUe 76 Buggalapalle 79 Chemmumiahpeta 88 Kammavaripalle 89 Ganganapalle 94 Vellatur 97 Pendlimarri 100 Sankatipalle 110 Kondur 111 Nandirnandalam

6-15 3 Pullur 4 Nagasanipalle 12 . Kommaluru 13 Thavvaripalle 18 Chennamukkapalle 40 Komarunipalle 63 Gudur 64 Ramarajupalle 68 Putlampalle 70 Ippapenta 73 Kol umulapa:le 77 Buggaletipalle .78 Utukur 92 Moil!akalva

16-25 Nil

26-35 Nil

36-50 71 Chinna Kampalle


0-5* I P. Gopalapuram 3 IlIur 5 KalamaIJa 6 Chilamakuru 7 Niduzuvvi 9 Hanumanguthi 10 Kattugutha Venganna- 13 Yerragudipadu 18 Vedurur garipalle 20 Gangavaram 21 Kama1apuram 22 Ramachandrapuram 23 Tsadipirala 27 Pandillapalle 28 Tippaluru 32 Vahisapalle 34 Talapanur 35 Urutur 37 Ankireddipalle 38 Kolavali 39 Uppaluru 41 Indukuru 42 Ayyavaripalle 45 Payasampalle 46 Chinna Cheppalle 48 Pedda Cheppalle 49 Dadireddipalle 51 Y ellareddipa II (' 56 Animela 57 North Palagiri 61 U. Rajupalem '62 Thangedupalle

6-15 2 Chinna Dandlur

16-25 I 26-35 '~ Nil 36-50, 51+ J 167

APPENDIX - IV (Contd.)



Range of Scheduled L.C. Name of the Vilbg~ LoC. Name of the Village LoC. Name of the ViIlage Tribes Population No. No. No. (Percentages) (1) (2) (I) (2) (1) (2)


0-5* 2 Kodur 4 Sankepalle 8 Talla Proddatur 9 Bukkapatnam 23 Gandlur 24 Obannapeta . 25 Chowtapalle 35 Bedudur 44 Thimmapuram 47 Ananthapuram 48 Kondapuram 51 Obulapuram 52 Korraradu. 53 Mangapatnam 60 Sunnapurallapalle 61 Peddadanlur 63 Kosinepalle 64 Muddanur 65 Yamavaram 66 Chintakunta 68 Ara vetipalle 69 Bondalakunta 73 VeJpucherla Raghavapuram 6-15 16 Mylavaram 55 Poorva Bommepalk

16-25 62 Sirigepalle

26-35 13 Nelanuthala 14 Lingapuram, 50 Kibile Raghavapuram 56 Vemaguntapalle 57 Ambavaram

36-50' Nil

51+ 59 ThugutlaI'alle


0-5* 2 Chavvavaripalem 9 Buchupalle II Duddekunta 12 Kosanur 14 Nidivelagala 16 Gurijala 17 Bidinamcherla 18 Velidandla 21 Murarichintala 23 Lingala 26 Ankalammagudur 30 Mallela 31 "I:,honduru 32 Inagaluru 35 Balapanutu 36 Pedda Kudala 43 Dondlavagu 46 Ippatla 48 Brahmanapalle 49 Chinna Rangapuram 56 Sydapuram 57 Agaduru 59 Santhakoyyur 64 Ahobilapuram 68 Yerragudipalle 78 Nallacheruvupalle 79 Muthukuru 80 Ramireddipalle 81 Naguru 85 Gollalagud uru 86 Vemula 87 Velupula 91 Chagaleru 92 Kathaluru 93 Pamuluru 94 Thallapalle' 96 Vempalle

6-15 1 Pydipalem 47 Erraballe 75 Thimmapurampeta 89 Gondipalle 95 T. Velamavaripalle

16- 25 l 26-35 ~ Nil 36-50 )

51+ 69 Kanampalle 168

APPENDIX - IV (Contd.)



Range of Scheduled L.C. Name of the Village L.C. Name of the Village L.C. Name of the Village Tribes Population No. No. No. (Percentages) (I) (2) (I) (2) (I) (2)


1 Jdupulapaya 5 Marellamadaka 7 Errabommanapalie 8 Chakrayapet 9 Chilekampalle 10 Brahmana Erragudi 12 Kalpanayunicheruvu 15 Neelakantaraopeta 16 Saraswatipalle 17 Nallaguttapalle 18 Suddamalla 20 Anantapuram 21 Lakkireddipalle 22 Dappepalle 23 Surabhu 24 Kondappagaripalle 25 Nerusupalle 26 Mahadevapalle 27 Kuppam 28 Rajupalle 32 Korlakunta 33 Gotlamitta 37 Maddirevula 38 Chitlur 39 Kurn,?otala . 42 Nooliveedu 43 Gundlacheruvu 44 Garugupalle 45 Thumukunta 47 Pyarampalle 48 Gopanapalle 49 Galiveedu 50 Araveedu

6-1:5 13 Gopagudipalle 14 Guvvalacheruvu 34 Pulikunta

1(j-25 30 Kalluripalle 46 Veligallu 26-35 29 Katineni Yerragudi 41 Pandikunta 36-50 Nil

51+ Nil


0-5· 1 Gadikota 3 Vongimalla 4 Racbapalle 5 Hasamipuram 7 Veeraballe 8 Sanipaya II Bandlapalle 12 Kakulavaram 16 Botlacheruvu 18 Masapet 22 Matli 24 Polimerapalle 25 Sibyala 26 Chennam ukkapalle 30 Yendapalle 32 Eguvagottiveedu 33 Gorlamudiveedu 35 Narayanareddipalle 37 Gunnikuntla 38 Guriginjakunta 39 Dudyala 40 Tsundupalle 45 Peddinenikalva 48 Thimmasamudram 51 ReddivaripaHe 52 . Yerramanenipalem 54 Motakatla 55 Sambepalle 56 Routhukunta 57 Mailur 58 Vandadi 59 Tsakibanda 60 Diguvagottivecdu 61 Kalibanda 64 Chinnamandem 66 Levapatla 67 Guttapalle 68 Somavaram 6-15 17 Peddakalvapalle 34 CherlopaUe 44 Mudumpadu 47 Madithadu SO Gundlapalle 53 Seltipalle 16-25 43 Rayavaram 26-35 1 36-50 )- Nil 51+ J 169

APPENDIX - IV (Cone/d.)



Range of Scheduled L.C. Name of th: Villag:: L.C. Name of th:: Village L.C. Name of the Village Tribes Population No. No. No. . (Percentages) (I) (2) (1) (2) (1) (2)


()..S· 1 Rangayapalle 4 Thimmarajupalle 7 Chin talakunta 9 Nookinenipalle 12 Thirunampalle 18 Siddavaram 21 Tangutur 22 Lebaka 30 VelagacherJa 35 Pondalur 36 Komantharajupuram 37 Obili 39 Nallapureddipalle 40 Narayana Nellore 42 Nalla Thimmayapalle 44 Adapur 45 Nandalur 47 Patur 48 Pula Pu th uru 49 Mandapalle SO Seshamam bapuram 51 Gundlur 52 Thallapaka 58 Utukur 59 Rajampet 61 Hastavaram 63 Akepadu 6S Mannur 67 Brahmanapall e 69 R. BuduguntapalJe 70 Rollamadugu

6-IS 14 Konduru 17 Penagalur Agraharam 19 Komarunipalle 33 Itimarpuram 57 Poli 64 Bahirajupaile

16-25 Nil 26-35 15 Konduru Chennaraya- samudram

36-50 29 Damanacherla 51+ Nil KODUR TALUK

0-5· 2 Malemarpuram 4 Rajukunta 5 MyJapalle 6 Devamachupall e 7 Chitvel 8 Kampasamudram 9 Bhakarapuram 12 Kampasamudram 13 Nagiripadu Agraharam 14 Vallurupalle 19 Ananthaiahgaripalle 20 Puthanavaripalle 21 Kommanavaripalle 23 Pullampet 24 Mittameedapalle 28 Thippayapalle 29 Vathalur 31 DaJvaipalle 36 Pedda Orampadu 38 Botimeedipalle 40 Thummakonda 43 Bommavaram 44 Nagavaram 47 Mukkavaripalle 49 Chinna Orampadu 50 Reddipalle 51 Rangampalle 53 Thiruvengalanatharajapuram 54 Garlamadugu 56 Ananthasamudram 57 Nookanapalle 58 Gadela 59 Korlakunta 60 Mangampet 65 Gangarajupuram . 66 Raghavarajupuram 67 Anantharaj upel 68 Yerraguntlakota 71 Upparapalle 72 Kodur

6-15 10 Thimmayapalem 11 Cherlopalle 41 Maharajupuram 55 A. Chennamambapuram 63 Obanapalle 70 Chiyyavaram 73 Srinivasapuram 74 Settigunta

16-25 1 Mallemadugu 3 Chin talachelika 39 Nethivaripalle 62 Vellalavari Kandrika 26-35 27 Srirangarajupalem

36-50 Nil 51+ 61 Vasudevapuram 170


Location Code No. Sl. Name of the Village Name of the Hamlets if any r------"----,---'"'"' Remarks No. (1981 Census) (1981 Census) ]98] 1971 1961

(I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)


I Ayyavari Kambaladinnc 24 9 9 2 Balapana Gudur 13 100 100 3 Besthavemula B. Jangalapalle 26 7 7 4 Bcsthav!lmula Venkatapuram 27 6 6 Uninlulbited 5 Bhf'~magundam 22 11 11 6 Bhootamapuram 23 10 10 7 Bodithippanapadu 18 90 90 8 B. Venkatapuram 17 91 91 Uninhabited 9 Chidipiralladinnc 19 105 lOS 10 Chinna Komerla 1 Pedda Komerla 38 12 12 2 C. Kothapalle 3 Anantharayanipeta 4 Bodupalle 11 Chinna Mudiam 14 101 101 12 Chinna Pasupula 40 107 107 13 Chinnavenuthurla 28 5 5 14 Danavulapadu Seshareddipalle 47 113 113 IS Devagudl 1 T. Salivcndala 46 112 112 16 Dhannavada 29 21 21 17 Dharmapuram 48 114 114 18 Dhodiam Mukkabavipalle 58 22 22 19 Diguvakalvatala 2 3 3 20 Dommara Nandyal Kaamalavaripalle 53 76 76 (F.U.llI) 21 Du&ganapalle 36 13 I3 22 Garisalur 12 102 10..! 23 Gollala Uppalapadu 32 18 18 24 Gollapalle 31 19 19 25 Gopalapuram 16 92 92 Uninlulbiled 26 Gori,anur 49 115 115 27 Gundlakunta 21 89 89 21 Jammalamadugu RamireddipaUe 51 86 86 (F.U IV) (F.U V) (FoU) 29 Jan,alapalle 8 97 97 30 Jangalapalle Kottapalle 9 98 98 31 Jeercddi Kothapalle 42 110 110 32 Kallutla Regadipalle 25 8 8 2 Kammavaripalle 33 Kannelur 50 85 85 .(F.U IV) (F.UV) (F.U) 34 Kana Anantapuram 33 17 17

Note: Remarks in Col. 7 denotes 1981 position 171


Location Code No. SI. Name of the Village Name of the Hamlets if any ,..------"------., Remarks No. (1981 Census) (1981 Census) 1981 1971 1961

(I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)


35 Kondasunkesula 4 4 36 Madhavapuram 34 16 16 37 Malameedi Kambaladinne 1 BuggaladasaripaI1 e 56 72 72 2 Bhogalakatta 38 Medidinne 20 106 106- 39 Moragudi 52 87 87 40 Murapandi Ramakrishnapuram 60 24 24 alias Buchampalle 2 B u buganipall e 41 Nagarajupalle 5 94 94 42 Nagireddipalle .~ 2 2 llninhabifld 43 Nakkavaripalle 59 23 23 44 Nawabpeta 37 15 15 45 Nemalladinne II 103 103 46 Nemalladinne Kottalapalle 41 104 104 47 Palur 15 93 93 48 Papayapalle 3 1 1 49 Pedda Mudiam 6 95 95 50 Pedda Pasupula 44 108 108 51 Ponnampalle Gangalanarayanapall~ 55 74 14 52 poorvapusugumanchipalle 45 111 III 53 Ramachandrayapalle Madireddipalle 57 73 13 54 Salevari Uppalapadu 39 88 88 55 Suddapalle 7 96 96 56 Talamanchipatoam 35 14 14 51 Thorrivemula Narjampalle 54 75 75 58 Ulavapalle 43 109 ]09 59 Uppalur 10 99 99 60 Vaddirala 30 20 20


1 Alladupalle Kothakottala 81 63 63 alias Harijanawada 2 Lakshmipeta 3 Kethavaram 4 Veerabhadrapuram 5 Alladupalle Devalalu 2 Anantapuram 1 Obayapalle 86 58 58 2 East Anantapuram 3 Nakkaladinne 4 Ayyavaripall e 5 Thippireddipalle 6 Rajuvaripalle 7 Thimmayapalle 8 Isakapalle LIST OF VILLAGES IN CUDDAPAH DISTRICT TOGETHER WITH THEIR HAMLETS IN 1981 CENSUS AND LOCATION CODE NUMBERS FROM 1961 "TO 1981 CENSUSES --__ .. _ ---" Location Code No. Sl. Name of the Village Name of the Hamlets if any r-----A------~ Remarks No. (1981 Census) (1981 Census) 1981 1971 1961

(I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

"---~~ PRODDATUR TALUK (Contd.)

3 Annalur Nadimpallc "79 86 86 2 Gollavandlapalle alias Eguvajangampalle 3 Choutapalle 4 Mutharayapalle 5 Dayankhanpallc 6 Nagireddipallc 7 Krishtampalle 8 Thurumalavaripalle 9 Mu tbyalanagaram m Harijanawada Annapusas thrulapalle 54 39 39 Somapuram '"5 Arakatavemula 19 26 26 1 6 Audireddipalle Musalanayanipalie 31 79 79 Muralinagar 7 8allakkivaripalle 1 38 40 40 8 Bhadripalle 1 Viswanadhap-uram 15 6& 68 2 Rajakota 3 Vadiarajulapet ChoutapalJe 42 \) Bollavaram 34 34 (P.U VIIl) (P.U VI) (P.U) Ramachandrapuram 84 62 10 Budidapadu 62 Seetharampuram 67 64 11 Chapad 64 Gandhinagaram 12 Chinna Guruvalur 83 60 60 24 21 21 13 Chinoa Joonavaram 21 28 28 14 Chinos Settipalle 30 12 15 Chinoa Singanapalie 12 Bayanapalle 55 72 16 Chintalmnta 1 72 2 Sangli ThimmayapaUe 3 Mirjakhanpal1e 4 Ramapuram 1 Cherukonip'li Ie 66 66 17 Chiyyapadu 66 2 Basireddipalle 3 RepaUe 4 Guntachiyyapadu 1 Kakirenipalle 18 Chowdur 44 30 30 4 19 Daddanala 4 4 20 Dasaripalle 1 Potugarillalle 10 9 9 21 Dorasanipallc 1 Ramapuram 46 32 32 12 Duvvur 1 Yekopalle 28 11 17 2 Chinnabhakarapuram 3 Mudindlapalle ' 4 VenkupalJe 5 SanjeevareddipaJle 6 Ramasayanagar 7 Pullareddipeta 8 Peerusahebpalle 9 Christianwada 173


,--______Location...A- Code____ No. -:-""""" 51. Name of the Village Name of the Hamlets if any Remarks No. (1981 Census) (1931 Ccpsus) 19301 1971 1961 (I) (2) P> (4) (5) (fl) -(7)


23 Edamadaka Bayanapalle 7 6 6 2 Narayanapalle 24 Eruvapalem 26 20 20 25 Gaddamayap311e 56 73 73 26 Gadegudur 6 24 24 27 Ganjikunta 1 Lekkalavaripallc 32 75 75 2 Utsalavar-am 3 Bonchanapalle 4 Nallapureddipalle 5 Harijanawada 28 Gollapalle 33 13 13 29 Gopavarum 41 46 46 30 Gopayapalle 1 1 31 Gudipadu 1 Bheemunipadu 37 74 74 2 K.atikapalle 32 Jillella Pedda Bakarapuram 15 18 18 33 Kalluru 80 52 52 34 Kamanur 1 Nagayapalle (Nagarajupallc) 40 45 45 2 Nakkaladillne 3 Chinnamarajupalle 4 Radhanagar 35 Kanagudur Kishtampalle 8 8 8 36 Katcbupapa 85 59 59 37 Kelhavaram 74 65 65 Uninhabited 38 Korrapadu 23. 36 36 39 Kothapa11e 1 Kothapa!lc 70 49 49 2 Lingapuram 3 Kanapalle 4 Kotha Khadarab:ld 40 Kuluru 1 UppaJapadu 5 5 5 2 Kottala 41 Lingaladinne Konayapallc 57 82 82 42 Machanapalle Erraballe 52 41 41 2 Gopalapuram 3 Bukkayapalle 4 Thurkapalle 43 Madirepalle Balayapalle 29 11 11 2 Pedda Singanapallc 44 Madur 1 Chenchupalle 51 43 43 2 Chinnavaradayapalle 3 Annavaram 4 Thappetaobayapallc 5 Chandlur 6 Madur Christian Quarters 45 Manerampalle 35 15 15 174


Location Code No. Sl. Name of the Village Name of the Hamlets if any ,-___-_..A..- __, Remarks No. (1981 Census) (1981 Census) ]981 1971 1961

(I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)


46 Mittamanipalle 1 Patimeedipalle 59 80 80 2 Papanapalle 3 CherlopalJe 4 Kesapuram 5 Obulapuram 6 Macbu,aripall e 7 Thummalapadu 8 Harijanawada 9 Christian Quart~rs of Papanapalle 47 Modameedipalle 1 Jamespet 49 48 48 2 N.G.O's Colony (P.U VIa) (F.U VI) (F.U) 3 Fisberman Col,Ony 4 Yanadi Colony 5 Prakashnagar Colony 41 Morraipalle NagayapaUe .63 71 71 77 49 Mudireddi~lle 13 77 50 Nandyalampeta Uppaguntapalle 77 89 89 2 Jandlavaram 3 Yerraballe 4 Lokayapalle 5 Varadayapalle 6 Sunkulugaripall e 7 Gandhinagar 8 Pidda Settipalle 9 ThuvvapaUe 10 Lakshmipalle II Kothapalle 12 Gangayapalle a/ias Sriramnagar 13 Mastbanaiahpalle 14 Basavapuram IS Gl?palapuram 16 Venkatasainag:tr 17 Kattakindapalle 71 SO .50 51 NanganurpaHe 14 10 10 52 Neelapuram 39 38 38 S3 Nelatur 65 67 67 54 Nerrawada 83 83 S5 North Mydukur 1 Venkatapuram_ 61 2 Pa thamami 11 apaUe 3 Kothamamillapalle 4 Krisbnapuram . 5 Y aparalapall e 6 MulathimmayapaHe 7 Gollapalle 8 Bhimayapalle 9 Srinagar 10 Nallaguntlapalle alias Bandivaripalle 11 ThimmayapaUe 175


Location Code No. SI. Name of the Village Name of the Hamlets if any r------.A-----...... Remarks No. (1981 Census) (1981 Census) 1981 1971 1961

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)


56 Onipenta 1 Gopireddipalle 58 81 81 2 Kotbaseetharamapuram 3 Jangampalle 4 Viswanathapuram 5 Venkatapuram 6 AkkulayapalJe 7 Potureddipalle 57 Paidala 3 3 3 S8 Palhivolu 1 Nagulapalle 68 56 56 2 Khadarapalle 3 Ramadaspuram 59 Parlapadu Ramachandrapuram altas 20 27 27 Pa timeedipalle 60 Pedda Guruvalur 1 Sreeram ulapeta 82 61 61 2 Obulareddipeta 61 Pedda Jonnavaram 27 IS 19 62 Pedda Settipalle 1 Sankarapuram 43 31 31 2 Narasimhakottala 3 Kothapeta 63 Pitchapadu 1 Siddareddipalle 62 70 70 1 Dwarakanagar 3 Judgekottala 64 Pottipadu 22 35 35 6S Proddaw BuddayapaUe 48 47 47 (P.U Vm) (FoU VI) (F.U) 66 Rajupalem IS 25 25 67 Rajupalem Christurajupuram 36 16 16 68 Ramachandrapuram 9 7 7 Uninhabited 69 Rameswaram Somuluvaripalle 47 33 33 (P.U VIII) (P.U VI) (P.U) 70 Rangasayapuram 45 29 29 71 Regu1apalle 88 51 51 72 Sarvireddipalle 50 44 44 Uninhabited 73 Settivaripalle 1 KesalingaYapalle 60 88 88 2 Chinnayagaripalle 3 YellampaLe 4 Thappetavaripalle 5 Rayappagaripalle (; Gaddamvaripalle 7 Kanubalapalle 8 Gopireddipalle 9 Thurakapallc 10 Thai upldavaripalle Ii Christianpalem 74 Sivapuram I Kothapalle 80 8S 85 2 Nellore Kottala 3 Thurkapalle 4 Dheemalineayapalle 5 Harlj'na~ada 176

LIST OF VILLAGES IN CUDDAPAH PISTRICT TOGETHER WITH THEIR HAMLETS AS IN 1981 CENSUS AND LOCATION CODE NUMBERS FROM 1961 TO 1981 CENSUSES ---_. Location Code No. SI. Name of the Village Name of the Hamlets if any r------"-----. Remarks No. (1981 Census) (1981 Census) 1981 1971 1961

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)


75 Somapuram 1 Upparakottala 64 69 69 2 Ailandasram 76 Somayajulapalle 78 87 87 77 South Mydukur 1 Sarvayapalle 76 84 84 2 Kothapalem 3 Gaddamalawada 4 Pathapalem S' Guntur Kothala 6 Saraswathipeta 7 Saina thapuram 7. Tangatur 1 VengalayapaJle 16 23 23 2 Ayyavaripalle 3 Kottala 79 Thallamapuram I Sa,iligoddupalle 71 54 S4 2 Mulavaripalle 80 Thippireddipalle 1 Kothapalle 12 78 78 2 Kondisettipalle 3 VaJlapureddipalle 4 Ramapuram 81 Thondailldinn~ 17 22 22 82 Thummalapadu 73 57 57 83 Ts.llabasayapalle 34 14 14 84 UpparapalJe 1 Bojjavaripalle '69 55 55 2 Baakacbinnaya,palle 37 85 Velavali Vasudevapuram 25 37 86 Venal. 1 Kummarapalle 2 2 2 2 Kotha VeJlala 42 87 Venlannalaripalle 53 42 76 8S Yakarlapalem 11 76 89 Yerraluntlapalle Seetampalle . 87 53 53


1 Abbusahebpeta 134 126 126 2 AkkalreddipaJ1e 1 Jilleia 16 87 87 2 Venka tapuram 3 Vas udevapuram 38 38 Uninlulbil,d 3 Akkamgundla 48 44 4 Akkampeta 6S 44 5 A. Kothapalle 83 69 69 6 Anantharajupuram Gundamrajupalle 120 121 121 2 Vijayarampuram 3 Thimmarajupalle 4 Boyanapalle 5 Eguva Boyanapalle 177


,-_____Location..A.- Code___ No. , SI. -Name of the Village Name of the Hamlets if any Remarks No. (1981 Census) (1981 Census) 1981 1971 1961

(l) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)


7 Ankanagodugunuru 85 70 70 8 Appajipeta 103 110 110 Uninhabited 9 Ayyavaripalle 22 17 17 Umonhabited 10 Badvel 1 Gudem 124 120 120 2 Cheetayaripalle (P.U 1) (P.U VII) (P.U) 3 Agraharam 11 Balayapalle 26 27 27 12 Bayyanapalle 13S 128 128 13 Dodugundupalle 71 75 75 Uninhabil.d 14 Boodayada 111 51 57 15 Boppapuram 58 79 79 16 Brahmanapall e 9 9 9 17 Buchempalle Vaddepalle 42 93 93 18 Cballagirigella Krishnapalle 77 101 102 2 Kotha KrishnapaUe 3 Dammanapalle 4 Managanapalle 87 73 73 19 Chennakesapuram 101 108 108 Uninhabited 20 Chennakrishnapuram 1 Bhakarapet 132 135 135 21 Chennampalle 2 BoyillaYaripalie 3 Chinnakeshampall e 4 Chemuduru 5 KothapaUe 6 Thottiaaripalle 59 80 80 22 CheDDareddipet 1 1 1 23 Chennupalle Chinnakakappapalle 54 94 94 24 Cherlopalle 1 2 PeddakappalapaJle 3 Kond uaaripall.-= 4 Balireddipalle 5 Rajasahebpet 6 Surisiddupalle 7 Tekurpeta 8 Thokalapalle 9 Thimmareddipalle 10 Kotha Tiru'Vengalapuram 11 Thiruvengalapuram 12 Gollapalle 95 2S Chinna Erasaia 1 Pedda Erasala S5 9S 2 Rajasabpeta 3 Kothapalle 97 26 Chin nayapalle 57 97 27 Chintal.cheruvu 1 Baya•• palle 136 125 125 178


Location Code No. SI. Namo of the Villale Name of the Hamlets if any ,----_...A._____ , R.emarks No. (1981 Census) (1981 Census) 1981 1971 1961

(I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)


28 C. Kothapalle 133 127 127 Uninhllbited 29 Dammaoapalle Sur.kesulapalle 43 83 83 Hanjanawada 2 Santhamala Indlu alial Harijanawada 3 Yeedullapalle 30 Dharbbari Agraharam 115 52 52 31 Diiuva Nelatur 1 Malugudipadu 94 58 58 32 Disuva Thamballapalle 7 7 7 33 Dirasavancha 1 Bodapadu 116 54 S4 2 Chavatapalle 3 Konarajupalle 4 Peddirajupll11e 5 Kammavaripalle 6 Rajupeta 7 Diguvakammavaripalle 34 D. Narasimhapuram 112 S5 55 Unlnhllbi.ed 35 DulamvaripalJe 23 19 ]9 36 Eguva Nelatur Kammavaripalle 93 56 56 37 Eguva Thamballapalle 6 6 6 38 Ethirajupalle 1 Gandla Thimmayapalle 119 113 113 2 Dumpalarachapalle 39 Gaolanapalle 31 29 29 40 Oangayapalle Neelapuram 3 3 3 41 Gaouaapenta 1 Enuma1annagaripalle 100 107 107 2 Ponnampalle 3 RepaHe 4 Kottapalle 5 . Harijanawada 42 G. Narasimnapuram 96 60 60 43 Godlaveedu 1 Poordlacnennupalle 89 62 62 44 Godugunur 138 131 131 45 Oontuvaripalle 30 28 28 46 Oopalapuram 127 138 138 47 Gopavaram 1 Chinnagopavaram 123 124 124 2 Sangasamudram 3 Bhoomireddipalle 4 PeddapoJupal1c 5 Rajupet 6 Bethayapalle 7 Narayanapuram alias Srinivasapuram 8 Dinnemeedipalle 48 Gopavarampalle 2 2 2 .., Gundapuram 9S 59 S9 179


Location Code No. Sl. Name of the Village Name of the Hamlets if any ,------"------. Remarks No. (1981 Census) (1981 Census) 1981 197J 1961

(I) P) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)


SO Guntapalle 1 Chin thaputtayapalle 125 119 119 2 Raghufladhapuram 3 Dudekulapalem. 4 Harijanawada 51 Imadapuram alias Peddakesampalle 137 133 133 52 I tigullapad u 1 Amagampalle 64 43 43 2 Pasampalle 3 KothalapaUe 4 Ambavarain S3 Jangamrajupalle 1 Gollapalle 92 SO SO 2 Kothapalle 3 Obularajupalle 4 RachagollapalJe 54 Kalsapadu I Akkivaripalle 20 15 IS S5 Kalvapalle 1 Gollapalle 104 III 111 2 Jamsbaraopet 3 Errichennayapalle S6 Kamakunta 1 Ramachandrapuram 99 66 66 2 Payalakunta 57 Kalheragandla 1 Narapureddikott ala 5J 35 3S 2 8alarajul'alle 3 Basanflapalle 4 Chennavaram 5 Kondapet 6 ReddikottaJa 7 Kothalachampalle 8 Kodigundlavadu 9 Kesavanayunikottala 10 Kondaraj upalle 11 Anuvaripal:e! 12 Akulanarayanapalle Dasaripaile 58 Kavalakuntla 1 41 92 92 1 Akkupalem 72 74 74 S9 Kodur 2 Annuvaripalle 3 Guntbapalle 4 Nallavagupalle 5 Ramasamudram 6 Varadhareddipalle Konasamudram 1 Jogi&aril'alle 129 140 140 1(60 2 Ellugaripalle 3 Bommalatapalle .. Ramaswamipalle 106 112 112 61 Kondampalle 25 20 20 62 Kondapeta 130 134 134 Uninhabited 63 Kondugaripalle 139 132 132 64 Kongalaveedu 1 Upplthivaripalle 2 Harijanawada 180


Location Code No. SI. Name of the Village Name of the Hamlels if any ,..------"------, Remarks No. (1981 Census) (1981 Census) 1981 1971 1961

(I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)


65 Korrapatipalle 40 91 91 66 KOlhakota Eguvaramapuram 5 5 5 67 Lachampalle 17 88 88 Uninhabited 68 Lakkavaripalle U ppathivaripalle 102 109 109 69 Lingampalle 113 S3 S3 Uninhabited 70 Madakalavaripalle 1 Vallela varipall e 122 123 123 2 Harijanawada 3 Anantharajupuram Harijanawada 4 Anj aneyanagar 5 Sumitranagar 6 Sastrinagar 7 Guptanagar 84 7l Madhavarayunipalle 67 67 18 22 72 Mahanandipalle Nallayapalle 22 73 Mallepalle I Chenchaiahgaripalle 66 45 45 2 Lingaladinnepalle 3 Eddulayapalle 74 Mall uvanpallc 11 11 11 75 Mamillapalle 14 14- 14 76 Maratipalle 86 11 71 45 77 Markapuram 84 84 71 Mekavaripalle 1 Pandiveedu 97 63 63 2 Mulavaripallc 3 Harijanawada 81 106 79 Middepadu 106 Uninhabited 98 65 65 80 M. Narasimhapuram 131 129 129 11 Mohideen))uram Uninhabited 82 Moolapalle Narasannapa11e 29 31 31 83 Muduma1a 1 Chinnayapa lie 70 42 42 2 Vankatapuram 3 Kesavapuram 76 84 Munnelle I Thuvvapalle 62 76 2 Rajupalem 3 Ammavaripeta 4 Govindayapalle 5 Reddivaripalle 6 Itharampeta 7 Danthalapalle 8 Sirigiripalle 9 Ayyavaripalle 10 Tamatamvaripalle II LoS.P. Dam 8S Musalreddipalle 13 13 13 86 Musalreddipalle 39 90 90 87 Nagiset Hpalle Gollapalle 117 316 136 18 J


,..--____Location.A. Code____ No. '"""\ SI. Name of the Village- Name of the Hamlets if any Remarks No. (1981 Census) (1981 Census) 1981 1971 1961

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)


88 Narasapuram Nliddela 34 32 32 89 Nayunipalle 28 37 37 90 Obulapuram 35 33 ~3 91 Pagadalapalle 50 4(J 40 Uninhabited 92 Palugurallapalle (Part-IV) 1 Thotlapalle 67 46 46 2 Narsireddipalle 93 Palugurallapalle I Bhakarapet 69 48 48 2 Boggulavaripalle 3 Jowkupalle 4 Kothapalle 5 Errampalle 94 Papanapalle 88 72 72 95 Papireddipalle Kothapaile 68 47 47 96 Patha Ramapuram 2J 16 16 97 Pedullapalle 105 64 64 98 Pendlimarri Chennareddipall e 37 23 23 2 Karvichennareddipalle 99 Perammaaaripalle 61 77 77 100 Pittigu!1ta 36 24 24 101 Porumamilla 1 Ramayapalle 53 82 82 102 Prabbalaveedu 1 Gangireddipalle 108 liS 115 2 Kummaravaripalle 3 Pathaprabhalaveedu 4 Siddugaripal\e '5 Tummalapalle 103 Pullareddipalle 12 12 12 104 Pulliv_eedu China Pulliveedu 60 78 78 105 Puttyapalle 140 130 130 106 Rajupalem 10 10 19 107 Ramapuram 121 122 122 108 Rampadu 46 34 34 1~ Rangasamudram 1 Gurrappagaripalle 52 81 81 2 NarasingupalJe 3 Kummaravaripalle 4 Malapalle 5 MadigapaUe 110 Reddipalle 4 4 4 111 llekalakunta I BogadipaHe 114 51 51 2 Basavapuram 3 Cheekativaripalle 112 Routhupalle 80 105 105 113 Sancherla 1 Rameswaram 15 86 86 2 Bhooragamanupalle 3 Nagalakuntla 4 Mittameedipalle 182


,..-_____Location..A-- Code___ No. , Sl. Name of the Vi1la!l~ Nam.: of lh<: Hamlets if any Remarks No. (1981 Census) (1981 Census) 1981 1971 1961

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)


114 Sankavaram 1 Balijapallc 44 !IS 85 2 Chint alapalle 3 Pidugupalle 4 JathivarthipaJIe 5 Muddamvaripalle 6 Nallagundupalle 7 Karnamvaripalle 8 LingareddipaJle 9 Kattakindapalle \ 10 Moodindlapa1Je alias Ondupaiem 11 Tatagaripalem 12 Akkisiddupalie 13 Mudireddipalle 115 Savisettipalle 1 Chinnayapalle 49 39 39 2 Siddayapalle 3 Vaddamanu 116 Siddamurthipalle 19 21 21 117 Siddan;.tkitchayapalle 38 89 89 llS Siddavaram Agraharam 73 98 98 119 Singarayapalle 8 8 8 120 S. Lingampalle 74 JOO 100 Uninhablt,d 121 Somireddipalle 1 G&ngireddipalle 91 49 49 2 Gol1apallc 3 Kandimallayapalle 4 Vaddamvaripalle S Mudireddipalle 6 Narasannapalle 122 S. SeshampaUc 7S 99 99 Unlnhobll,d 123 Tellapadu 24 18 18 124 Thangedupalle - ItO J17 117 125 Thipparajupalle 109 114 114 126 Thiruvengalapuram Patha Tiruvengalapuram 118 118 118 2 Papireddlpalle 3 PottigaripalJe 4 Gurrappagaripalle 5 Polugaripalle 127 T. Seshampalle 76 101 101 Uninhobilild 128 Tsoudamivaripalle 90 61 61 129 Uppalur 1 Kothauppa)ur 33 25 25 \30 Vanampula I Nandipalle 126 137 137 2 Kottalu 3 Balayapalle 131 Vankamarri 63 41 41 132 Varikunta 27 30 30 133 Vasudevapuram 32 26 26 Uninhabit,d 23


Location Code No. ,--___..A... _____~ Sl. Namo of the Village Name of the Hamlets if any Remarks No. (l981 Census) (1981 Census) 1981 1971 1961

(I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)


134 Veerapallc 1 Mallampalle 128 139 139 2 Siddugaripalle 3 Kothacheruvu 135 Veerlapalle 56 96 96 Uninhabited 136 Vemakunta 82 68 68 Uninhabited 137 Vengalampalle 47 36 36 Uninhabited 138 Venkatapuram 107 116 116 Uninhabited 139 Venkataramapuram Narasannapalle 79 104 104 140 Yellapalle Peddayellapalle 78 103 103


1 Atlur 1 Harijanawada 23 15 15 2 Patha Atloor 3 Chintavandlapalle 4 Akuthotapalle 5 Iswarabathupalle 6 Gandlapalle 7 Kylingayapalle 8 Reddipalle 2 Boddecherla 1 Surepalle 18 71 71 2 Vaddepalle 3 Malawada 4 GajulapaJle 3 Brahmimapalle I Adusuvarip:llle 17 68 68 2 Adusuvaripalle Malawada 4 'Brahmanapalle (Shor.) 67 63 63 Mailigawada 5 'Bukkayyapalle 58 73 73 6 Chenduvoy 1 Eguva Chenduvoy 33 26 26 2 Kothuru 3 Kummaronipalle .. 4 Bedusupalk 1 Boyapalle 78 54 54 7 Chintharajupalle 2 Katikavaripalle 3 ChaniVaripaJle 4 Gandlapalle 5 Batijapalle 6 Botimt'edapalle 7 Nagiri 8 Potrupalle 9 Komatipalle 10 Madigapalle 41 41 .8 Darjeepalle I Malawada 37 49 49 9 Gangaperur 1 Chinnakottapalle 54 2 lbrahimpeta 3 Mukulldapucam Malawada 36 42 42 10 Gollapalle I 2 Madigawada 184


Location Code No. Sl. Name of the Village Name of the Hamlets if any ,------"-----, Remarks No. (1981 Census) (1981 Census) 1981 1971 1961

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)


II Gujjulavaripalle Kothapalle 11 9 9 12 Gundlamada 68 62 62 13 Gundlamula Malawada 39 40 40 14 Jangalapalle 1 Malawada 35 28 28 2 Kammapalem 15 Jav ukulapall e 1 Malawada 76 46 46 2 Bhogipalle 3 Bhogipalle Harijanawada 16 Jounavaram 1 Patimeedipalle 25 18 18 2 Jaffarsahebpalle 3 NallagondugaripaJle 4 Harijanawada 5 Singanavaripallc 6 J onnavaramvenkagadda 7 Adi Andhmwada 17 Juvvalapalle Madigawada 60 78 78 18 Jyothi 1 Gollapalle 43 32 32 2 Malawada 3 Khaderbunglow 19 KadapayapaUe 1 Malawada 46 3S 3S 2 Mangalavandlapalle 20 Kamalakur Dinnemeedipalle alias 5 5 S Harijanawada 2 Katamavaripalle 3 Mannemvaripalle 4 Narayanarajupalle 11 Kamasam u·dram 1 Pitchigurellagaripalle 16 12 12 2 Madigawada 3 Malawada 4 Chinnakamasamudram 5 Bothindlu 6 Varadharaj up:111 e 22 Kanumalopalle Kanumalopalle 49 38 38 Railway Station 23 Konaraj upall e I Madigawada 10 56 !!6 2 MalapaUe 3 Guntikadipalle 24 Kondur Malawada 13 14 14 2 Mohammadayapalle 3 Gopinathpuram 4 Forest Quarters 5 Police Station 2S Kotapadu I Upparapalle 72 57 57 2 Vaddindlamitta 3 Harijanawada 4 Madigawada 5 Mittapalle 185


Location Code No • . SI. Name of the Village' Name of the Hamlets if any ,------./.....----:, Remarks No. (1981 Census) (1981 Census) 1981 1971 1961

(I) (2) (3) (4) (S) (ti) (7)


26 Kothur 1 Diguvakothur 61 80 80 2 Madigawada 3 Malawada 4 Vengalayapalle 5 Vengalayapalle Madigawada 6 Peddayapalle 7 Yanadi colony 8 Poornampalle 9 Perlakunta 10 PerJakunta Harijanawada 27 Kudumuluru 1 Kotha Kudumuluru S6 58 58 2 Besthapalle 3 Kotha Besthapalle 4 Halijanawada 5 Bandarlapall e 6 Bandarlapalle Harijanawada 28 Kumbhagin 1 Malawada 14 11 II 2 Eguva MalaJ;da 29 Kurugun tapalle I Kuruguntap e Malawada 69 61 62 2 Chinnapureddipalle 3 Kalikiri 4 Madduletigadda 5 Madduletigadda Harijanawad3 6 Dongalasani 7 Kondamach_upalle 8 Kondamachupal:e Harijanawada 9 Ellanpeta 10 Ellanpeta Harijanawada 11 Eguvapalle 12 Rachapalle 13 Kothurpalle 14 Chlnnayagaripalle 30 Lingampalle 1 Malawada 47 34 34 2 Yanadi colony 31 Machupalle 1 Malawada 44 37 37 2 Ukkayapalle 3 Madigawada 4 Chinna Madigawada 5 Turakapalle 32 Madapur Konarajupalle 9 7 7 2 Dumpaiavaripalle 3 SuryapaIle 4 Kumrl1aripallc· 5 Peddarachapallc 6 Chinnarachapalle 7 Madigawada 8 .Malawada 186


,.--Location___-..A..- Code___ No. , SI. Name of the Village Name of (he Hamlets jf any R.emarks No. (1981 Census) (1981 Census) 1981 1971 1961

(I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)


33 Maddur 1 Aduruvaripalle 26 20 20 34 Madhavaram 1 Mu


Location Code No. S1 •. Name of the Village Name of the Hamlets if any r------"------, Remarks No. (1981 Census) (1981 Census) 1981 1971 1961

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)


4S Obulam (Cone/d.) , 9 Podalivaripalle 10 Rajupalem 11 Gattupalle 12 Upparapalle 13 Isukapalle 14 Mittameedipalle 15 Isukapalle Harijanawada 46 Pattapurayi I Eguva Pattapurayi 62 79 79 2 Diguva Pattapurayi 3 Harijanawada 47 Peddapalle 1 Bhakarapet 51 44 44 2 New Malawada 3 Eguva Malawada 4 Diguva Malawada 5 Shambunipalle 6 Mittapalle 7 Buchannagaripalle alias Hanjanawada 8 Kamaranayunipalle 9 Papaiahgaripalle alias Perayaganpalle 10 .Paiakondarayunipalle 11 Boggidlvaripalle 12 (hamundeswaripeta 13 Akulovaripalle 14 Mallemvaripalle 48 Pennaperur 1 Downtarampalle 55 48 4i 2 Narsannagaripalle 3 Tappetavaripalle 4 Venkatayapalle 49 Pidathalavcerayapallc 22 17 17 Uninhabited 50 Ponnapalle 1 Konetipalle 71 59 59 2 Surayagaripalle 51 Ponnavolu 1 Kothapalle 45 33 33 2 Kothapalle Madigawada 3 Venkatayapalle 4 Venkatayapalle Malawada 52 Rachagudipallc I Pitchiguntlapalle 73 50 50 2 Rachapalle 3 Sitapuram S3 Rajampeta Malawada 41 30 30 54 Rajupalem Apparajupalem 3 3 3 5S Ramapuram North 1 Bcdusupalle 7 70 70 2 Bedusupalle Harijanawada 3 Chennavaram 4 Rachayapet 5 Vadde Agraharam 6 Ellareddipeta 188


---~. Location Code No. Sl. Name of the Villaae Name of the Hamlets if any r------"-----. R~marks No. (1981 Census) (1981 Census) ]981 1971 1961

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)


S6 Ramapuram South 1 Tsandarapalle 8 69 69 2 Tsandarapalle Harijanawada 3 Polireddipeta 4 Butchannapalle 5 Ramapuram Harijanawada 6 Mirabdullayapalle S7 Ranaampalle 29 22 22 SI Ravulakollu 1 Madigawada 57 6S 65 2 MaJawada 3 Oandlapalle 4 Chinnavaripalle 59 Rekalakunta Malawada 20 67 67 60 Sarvappanayunipeta 64 74 74 61 Sbakaraj upall e 1 Bapanapalle S3 47 47 2 Mohideensahebpalle 3 Mummadiguntapalle 62 Sidbollt "lias Siddbavattam 1 Diguvapet 38 29 29 2 Madigawada 3 Hanjanawada 63 Takkolu 1 Degalavandlapalle 48 36 36 2 Khajipalle 3 Malawada 4 Madigawada 5 Pathatakkolu 64 Tbamballalondi 1 Malawada 10 8 8 2 Madigawada 3 Bibisahebpeta 4 Devanagar 65 Tbippanapalle 1 T elagapuram 2 Kothur 3 Oopalapuram 66 Tiludur 1 Malawada 28 24 24 67 Uppatur 1 Bayakkagaripal1e 32 2S 2S 2 Eauvapalle 3 Chittayapalle 75 A Vakamadll~ 1 Kothavakamada 65 7S 2 Vaddepalem 3 MaJawada 4 Madigawada 5 Erraballe 69 Vilrikunta 1 MaJawada 24 19 19 2 Madigawada 3 Cherlopalle 4 Korivandlapalle 5 Kaluvoyivandlapalle 10 Velu.upalle 1 Malawada 34 27 27 189


Location Code No. 51. Name of the Village Name of the Hamlets if any r--....,-----"-----, Remarks No. (1981 Cens us) (1981 Census) 1981 1971 1961

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) .(7)


71 Vemalur 1 Madigawada 15 13 13 2 Malaw~da 3 Duthayagaripalle 4 NalligaripaJle 72 Venkatapuram 12 10 10 73 Venkatasettipalle 2 2 2 74 Viruru Yellugaripalle 27 21 21 2 Raghavareddipalle 3 Malawada 7S Viswanathapuram 19 72 72 76 Vogur 1 Diguvapalle 63 76 76 2 Nadimpalle 3 Madigawada 4 Pi tchig un tapali e 5 Govindampall e 6 Mal aw ada 71 Vontimitta 1 Madigawada 75 52 52 2 Malawada 3 Chenchugaripalle 4 Chenchugaripalle Malawada 5 Kothapalle 6 Kothapalle Malawada 7 Salabadpathuru 8 Salabad Kothuru 9 Salabad Mai:iiiawada 10 Malaka t ipall e 11 Malakatipalle Madigawada J2 Naravakatipalle 13 NaravakatipalJe Madigawada 14 Naravakatipalle MaJawada 15 NadimpaUe 16 NadimpaUe Malawada 17 Chcrlopalle 18 CberlopalJe Malawada 19 CberlopaUe Madigawada 20 Yontimitta Rly. Station 21 Salabad 22 Vontimitta Bus Station 23 Harijanawada 24 Sethudinlle 78 'Yontithatipalle 1 Harijanawada 42 31 31 2 Santhigaripalle 79 Yeppirala 1 Madigawada 59 77 77 2 Muthrachupalle 3 Malawada 4 Dandlapalle 80 Ycrraballe 4 4 4 i90


,...--Location___.A.- Code No. 51. Name of the Village Name of the HamJets if any ~ llemarks No. (1981 Census) (1981 Census) 1981 1971 1961

(I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)


Akkayapalle 1 Nabikota 65 65 63 2 Mariyapuram l Amani Viswanathapuram 112 112 110 Uninlulblt.d 3 Ambavaram I Nallapureddipalle 54 54 52 2 DiguvapaUe 3 Kothapalle 4 Harijanawada 4 Ankayapalle 34 34 32A UnlnhQbit.d \ S 'Apparajupalle Kothapalle 83 83 II 6 A. Ramacbandrapuram 98 98 96 Unllllulbit,d 7 Balupalle 85 85 83 8 Bayanapalle Kondapeta 20 20 20 9 Bbumayapalle 1 Muthalo.trpadu 2 Mutbalurpadu Harijanawada 3 Moolavaripalle 4 Krish tampall e 5 Santhinagaram 6 Dwarakanagaram 7 Krishnareddikottalu 8 Kothapalle 9 Bakkayapalle 10 Thippayapalle 11 Kummarakottalu 12 Syedmeerakottalu 13 Dasarikottalu 10 Binduraopalle 103 103 WI Unlnlulbll.d 11 Buddayapalle Madhavapuram 2 2 2 12 BUllalapalie I Nagireddipalle 76 76 ,,. 2 GudawandlapaIJe 3 Bairankhanpalle 4 Madigawada 5 Malawada 13 BUlJlaletipalle 77 77 75 14 Chabali Chinnachabali 105 105 103 2 ChabaJi Harijanawada IS Cheemalapenta 1 Boreddivandlapalle 107 107 105 2 Gurralachinthalapalle 3 Madigawada 4 Malawada 5 Minnayyagaripalle 16 Chemmumiahpeta 1 Chinna Choutapal1e 79 79 77 2 Khagi thalapen ta (P.U. II) (P.u. I) 3 Pedda Choutapalle 191



Location Code No. Sl. . . Name of the Villatic Name of the Hamlets if any ,------"------, Remarks No. (1981 Census) (1981 Census)· 1981 1971 1961

(I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)


17 Chemullapallc 1 Harijanawad'a 17 17 17 2 Kothapeta 3 Sanjeeva nagaram 4 Mulapaka S Kothanellore 6 Gatt umeedikott al u 7 Harijanawal!a 18 Chennamrajupalle I Madisawada 99 99 97 19 Chennamukkapalle 1 Jiarijanawada 18 18 18 2 Kothanellore 3 Ramireddikottalu 4 C. Kothapalle 5 Anjancyapuram 20 Chennur 1 Buddayapallc 31 31 30 21 Cberlopalle 80 SO 78 Un;nhllbll.d 22 Chinnachowk 1 MUlharachapalle 26 26 26 2 Buddayapalle (P.U. II) (P.U. I) (P.U.) 3 Kondayapalle 4 Pakkeerapalle 5 Ramanjaneyapuram 6 R.T.C. Work Shop 7 Sreeramnagar 8 Yanadi Colony 9 Sankarapuram 23 Chinn a Da'laripalle 96 96 94 24 Chinna Kampalle 1 Vepamanisa tram 71 71 69 2 Sugalithanda aJills Mallemparopula 3 Maddimadugu 25 Chinna Machupalle 1 Seshaiahgar i pall e 61 61 S9 2 Fathimapuram 3 Aerodram 4 Harijanawada 26 Chinna Putha 1 Machired


,..--Location____..J.... Code ____ No. -, SI. Name of the Village Name of the Hamlets if an)' &emal'kl No. (1981 Census) (1981 Census) 1981 1971 1961

(I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (1)


28 Cuddapah 27 27 27 (F.U. II) (F.D. I) (F.U.) 29 Dowlathapuram Sugar factory 19 19 19 30 Dugaanapalle 1 Narasareddipalle 52 52 50 2 Devarajupalle 3 Harijanawada 31 Dumpalagattu 1 Patemeedipalle 16 16 16 2 Harijanawada 3 Munireddikottalu 4 Dumpalagattukottalu 32 Eguvapalle 47 47 44 Kotha Eturu . 10 33 Eturu 1 10 10 2 Patha Eturu 3 Patha Eturu Harijanawada 4 Ranganayakulu Tuvvur 5 Malawada Malawada 89 &9 87 34 Ganganapalle 2 Vellurupadu 3 Mallayapalle 4 Vadlavandlapalle 5 Pasalavandlapallc' 6 Rachavaripallc 7 Madigawada 8 Poornapalle 9 Kothagiripallc 10 Pathagiripalle 11 Polathala 1 Balaiahgaripalle 109 109 107 Gondipallc 35 2 Mallaiahgaripalle 3 Malawada 4 Madigawada (Indira nagar) SO 50 48 36 Goturu AlamkhanpaUe 6J 63 61 Gudur 1 37 2 Dandu Harijanawada (P.U. II) (P.U.I) (P.U.) 3 Harijanawada (Ramart'jupalle) 1 Obulampalle 23 23 23 38 Gurrampadu 2 Madigawada 3 Kothamalawada 1 Malawada 70 70 611 39 Ippapcnta 2 Madigawada 3 Rajula Tathaiahgaripalle 4 Bodeddulapallc 5 Agraharam 6 Venkatrampalle 7 Vaddepalle 8 Madanapuram 36 34 40 lsukapalJe 36 193


Location Code No. Sl. Name of the Village Nam~ of th ~ Hamlets if any ,------./..._----, Remarks No. (1981 Census) (I91H Census) 1981 1971 1961

(I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)


41 Jamaalpalle 1 J. Kothapalle 14 74 72 2 Harijanawada 3 Narayanapuram 42 Jangampalle 45 45 42 43 Kammavaripalle 1 Gollapalle 88 88 86 2 Chinnapalle 3 Malawada 4 Eguvaturakapalle 5 DIguvaturakapalle 6 Mittameedapalle 7 Madigawada 44 Kanuparthi 1 Balasingupallc 2i 21 21 45 Khajipet Sunkesula J Sunkesula 7 7 7 2 Sunkesula Harijanawada 3 Siddantipuram 4 Khajipet Agraharam 5 KrishnareddikQttalu alias Engineer Kottalu 6 Cherlopalle 7 Nandipadu 8 Sankarayyakot talu 9 Beechuvaripalle 10 Perareddikottalu alias Satyanarayanapuram 11 Sunkesulamadigawada 12 Rahbatnagar 46 Kodandaramapuram 49 49 47 Uninhabited 47 Kokkarayapalle 32 32 31 48 Kolumulapallc 1 Lingareddipalle 73 73 71 2 Madigawada 3 Malawada 4 Krishnapuram 5 Lakkireddipalle 6 GurramgumpulapaUe 7 Sugalithandamaddimadugu 8 Sugalithanda 9 Sugalithanda alias Mallempampula 10 Mortampalle 49 Komarunipalle 40 40 37 50 Kommaluru 1 Malawada 12 12 12 2 Madigawada 51 Konayapalle 101 101 99 52 Kondur 1 Kondlal'alle 110 110 108 2 Harijanawada 3 Madigawada 4 Ulavalapalle 5 Ulavalapallemalawada 6 Ramacbandrapa\1e 194


Location Code No. SI. Name of the Village Nl;ne of {h~ Hlmlcts if ;lilY ,.------...A------"""'I Remarks No. (1981 Census) (1981 Census) 1981 1971 1961

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (€i) (7)


53 Kopparthi 1 Erramachupalle 87 87 85 2 Obulampalle 3 Bhakarapet 4 Tirangarajupalle 5 Prakasampalle 6 Sivajinagar 54 Koppolu ] Boreddipallc 48 48 46 2 Gollaobayapalle 3 Malamadlga wada 55 K. Ramachandrapuram 86 86 84 56 Kothapeta 104 104 102 57 Kotluru 1 Harijanawada 14 14 14 2 Beechuvaripalle 3 Bhakarap uram 4 Chintalapalle 5 Pushpagin 6 Mittapalle 7 Galivaripalle 8 Adinarayanapalle 58 Krishnapuram 1 Narasaramaiahgaripalle 57 57 55 59 Lebaka 1 Chinnalebaka 42 42 ,39 2 Bakkir .:ddipall e 3 Arundhalhiyawada alias Madigawada 4 DuggayapaHe 5 Ragimakulapalle 6 KothapaHe 7 Chinnagireddipalle 8 Malawada 60 Machanur 1 Buddayapalle 102 102 100 2 Buddayapalle Harijanawada 3 Ara veeupalle 4 Boreddipalle alias Appakondupalle 5 Choutpalle 6 Yecasupaile 7 Malawada 8 Madigawada 61 Machupalle 5 5 5 Uninhabited 62 Mamillapalle 1 Balijapalle 69 69 67 2 Angadiveedhi 3 PeddamLls J. 1areddipalle 4 Chinnamusalareddipalle 5 Thuvvakottalu 6 Subbannagaripalle 7 NarayanareddipaHematam 8 Konapal1e 9 Nayunipalle LIST 'Of ViLLAGES IN CUDDAPAH DIS fRIcr TOGE rHER WITH THElR HAMLE fS AS IN IgSl· CENSUS AND LOCA nON CODE NUMBERS FROM 1961 TO 1981 CENSUSES

Location Code No. Sl. ,·;Name .of the Village Name of th~ H3.mlets if any r------...A..----, Remarks No. (1981 Census) (1981 Census) 1981 1971 1961

(I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) '. ;


63 Miduthuru 1 AchannapaJle 9 9 9 2 Sannupalle 3 Miduthuru (Harijanawada) Malawada 4 Gangireddikottalu 5 Sreeramnagar 6 Madigawada 64 Moillakalva RaJlapalle 92 92 90 2 Ayyagaripalle 3 Gangulaiahgaripalle 4 Kondallapalle 5 Malawada 6 Madigawada 65 Mundlapalle 29 29 20 66 Nagarajupet 66 66 64 (P.U. II) (P.U. I) (P.U.) 67 Nagasanipalle Harijallawada 4 4 4 2 Sugalithanda 3 Jayarampet 4 MaJawaJa 68 Nandi mandalam 1 Tip~arajupalle 111 111 109 2 Malawada 3 Madigawada 4 Tuvvapalle 5 Malawada 6 Sugalipalle 7 Agraharam 8 Thuvvapalle Malawada 9 KOlhagongireddipalJe 69 Nazeerbaigpalle 1 Harijanawada 22 22 22 70 Obanasomayajulapalle 38 38 36 Uninhabited 71 Pabbapuram 1 Palhapabbapuram 81 81 79 2 Kothapabbapuram 72 PagadalapaUe 106 106 104 73 Paidikalva 1 Gosulavandlapallc 46 46 43 2 Seethoripalle 3 Harijanawada 74 Palampalle Bachumpalle 62 62 60 2 Rukavandhrpalle 3 Khadar Khan kottaJu 7S Papasahebpet Narasannapalle 82 82 80 76 Patha CUddapah I Modemeedipalle 24 24 24 2 Model Colony 3 Gandiwater works 77 Pathuru 1 Appanapalle 6 6 6 2 Bosireddipalle Harij~nawada 3 Kunavaripalle 4 Dayamkhanpalle )96


Location Code No. 51. Name of the Village Name of the Hamlets if any ,------"----, Remarks No. (1981 Census) (1981 Census) 1981 1971 1961

(I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)


77 Pathuru. (conc1d.) 5 Nagapatnam 6 Seethanagaram 7 Pathuru Malawada 8 Madigawada 9 Rangapuram 10 Mallayapal}e II BoyapalJe 12 H. Harijanawada 13 Pitchipatipalle 78 Pedda DasaripaUe 95 95 93 Uninhtlbiltld 79 Pedda Kampalle Harijanawada 72 72 70 Arundhatiyawada 80 Pedda putha 1 43 43 40 2 Malawada 1 Marrimakulapalle 97 81 pendlimarri 97 9.5 2 Chin (avandlapalle 3 KorravandlapalJe 4 Kothasangatipalle 5 Cherlopalle 6 Kothap:lIle 7 AdamkhanpaiJe 8 RepaUe 9 Yadavapuram 10 Malawada 11 Madigawada I Saramkhanpet 3 3 3 82 Pullur 2 Rahmathakhanpalle 3 Kottamguruvaiahpalle 4 Madigawada 5 Poosalakottalu 6 Venkatramapuram 7 Pullurukoltalu 8 Pulluruyanadi colony 9 PuUuru Malawada 10 Malawada 39 39 36A 83 Putha Chinnayapalle I Cheriopaile 68 68 66 84 Putlampaile 2 Nadimipal1e 3 Vaddipalle 4 Yanadicolony 5 Harijanawada alias Saroiini Devi Nagar 6 Puthanapalle New Houses 7 Sivanandipuram 8'5 Rachinnayapalle 28 28 28 29A 86 Ramanapalle J angareddipalle 30 30 93 91 87 Ramapuram alias Mittameedipalle 93 88 Ramarajupalle 1 Kothakottalu 64 64 62 2 Yanadi Colony 3 Lohianagar 197

LIST OF VILLAGES IN CUDDAPAH DISTRICT TOGETHER WITH THEIR HAMLETS AS IN 1981 CENSUS AND LOCATION CODE NUMBERS FROM 1961 TO 1981 CENSUSES ---- Location Code No. SI. Name of the Village Name of the Hamlets if any ,..------"------, Remarks No. (1981 Census) (1981 Census) 1981 1971 1961

(I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)


89 Rampathadu Kothapatle 91 91 89 2 Mumusiddipalle 3 Jangamreddipalle 4 Malawada 90 Ravlilapalle I Harijanawada 15 15 15 2 Kummararamanapalle 3 Reddinagaram 4 Gopalapuram 91 Rayalapanthulapalle 59 59 57 92 Rudrabharatipet 60 60 58 CTninhabit.d 93 Rudrayagaripalle 75 7S 73 Uninhabited !M Sankatipalle 1 Malawada 100 100 98 2 Madigawada 9S Sivalpalle 33 33 32 96 Thadigotla Harijanawada 56 56 54 2 Kondappa Satram 3 Railway Station 97 Thappetla 1 Cheruvukindapalle -41 41 38 2 Pullareddipalle 3 Kothapalle 98 Thavvaripal1e Harijanawada 13 13 13 2 Yerika1a Colony 99 Thippireddipalle J Sivasankarapuram 90 90 88 2 Thummachatlapadu 3 Kothapeta aUas Hawaldarpet 4 Enuguvaripalle 5 Kondareddipalle 6 Surathkhanpalle 7 Isukapalle 8 Venkatrampalle 9 Srinivasapuram 10 Thippireddipalle Harijanawada 100 Thollaganga napalle ] Ramireddikottalu 53 53 51 2 Harijanawada 101 Thirupuravaram I Harijanawada 11 11 11 2 Kotha Madigawada 3 Arundhathiyawada 102 Thudumuladinne 1 Harijanawada 8 8 8 2 Guthikottalu alias Thimmareddipalle 3 Sreeramnagar 4 Dommara Indlu 5 Patha Harijanawada 6 Kotha Madigawada 19i


Location Code No. Sl. Name of th~ Vilbg<~ Name of th~ H.llnlets if any r------"-----. Remarks No. (1981 Census) (1981 Census) 1981 1971 1961

(I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)


103 Thummalur 1 Nagayapalle 108 lOS 106 2 Kanipureddidalle 3 Goparajupalle 4 ErasapaJle S Harijanawada 6 Madigawada 104 T. Ramachandrapuram SS SS 56 lOS UkkayapaJle 1 Devuni Cuctdapah 25 25 25 2 Narupalle alias Narayanapalle 3 Harijanawada 4 Indrapuram Harijanawada 5 New Muslim Houses 6 Nagannasatram 7 yanadi Colony 8 Brahamamgarima tam 106 Upparapalle 1 Gopalapuram SI 51 49 2 Harijanawada 3 .Kasipuram 107 Utukur 1 Bayanapalle ,S 7. 76 2 Venkatagaripaile 3 Somavandlapalle 4 Bugga Agraharam 5 Potugaripalle 6 Kothapalle 7 Ditvalampalle 8 Hanjanawada 9 Professors Colony 108 Valluru 1 Gangayapalle 37 37 35 2 Obayapalle 3 Lingayapalle 4 Chilumurukothapalle 5 BalugaI ipalle 6 Siddaiahkottalu 7 Harijanawada 109 Vellatur 1 Reddipalle ~4 94 92 2 Savajkhanpallc 3 Gopalapuram 4



Location Code No. SI. Name of the Village Name of the Hamlets if any ,..------"------, Remarks No. (1981 Census) (1981 Census) 1981 1971 1961

(I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)


Alidena 1 Obayapalle 53 50 50 l Earlapalle 2 Animela 1 Veerapuoayanipallc 56 48 48 2 Sangalapalle 3 Gangireddipalle 3 Ankireddipalle 37 38 38 4 Apparaopalle 47 57 57 5 Ayyavaripalle 42 53 53 6 C. Gopalapuram 15 ]5 15 7 _:.Chilamakuru Chirrajupalle 6 6 6 2 Karsuguntapalle 3 Rangasuyapuram 4 Dandupalle Ed igapalJe 8 Chinna Cheppalle 1 46 56 56 2 Kondayapalle 3 Chinnareddipalle 4 C. Rajupalem 5 Bayanapalle 6 C. Ramapuram Mekala Balayapalle 9 Chinna Dar;dlur 2 2 2 10 Dadireddipalle 49 61 61 11 Gangavaram 20 20 20 12 Gollapalle 24 24 24 60 46 13 Gonumakulapalle 46 Bismllla KhadarpalJe 14 Hanumanguthi 9 9 9 15 Illur J 3 3 1 Gaddamvaripalle 40 52 16 Indukuru 52 2 Harijanawada 3 Kothapalle Kothapalle 17 Jambapuram 25 25 25 Sunnapurallapallc ]8 Kalamalla 1 5 5 5 2 Indlasiddayapallc 3 Karnativanikunta 1 AppayapalJe 21 19 Kamalapuram 21 21 2 Jangampalle (P.U. V) (P.U. IV) (P.U.) 3 Kothapalle 20 Kattugutha Vengannagaripalle 10 10 10 21 Keerthipalle 43 54 54 22 Koduru 31 31 31 23 Kokatam I Chinnapureddipalle 11 11 11 2 Kanchannagaripalle 24 Kolavali 1 Sompalle 38 39 39 2 Harijanawada 3 Ontiga nil'alle 2LO


Location Code No. SI. Name of the Village Name of the Hamlets if any ,--___ ~..A..-----, R.emarks No. (1981 Census) (1981 Census) 1981 1971 1961

(I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)


2; Kommadi 1 Sarwarajupeta 40 41 41 2 Basireddipalle 3 Adivicherlopalle 4 Christian Harijanawada 26 Letapalle 53 62 62 27 Lingala Miuapalle 44 51 51 28 Malepadu 4 4 4 29 Mirapuram 16 16 16 30 Moillacheruvu 58 42 42 31 Nallingayapalle 26 26 26 32 Niduzuvvi Kadirevaripalle 7 7 7 33 North Palagiri Busireddipalle 57 43 43 1- Pochamreddipalle 3 Yerramalapalle 14 14 34 Paachikalapad u 14 72 27 27 35 Pal'ldillapalle Buggalavandlapalle 55 55 36 PayasampaJIe 45 58 58 37 Pedda Chepalle 1 Sam udrampalle 48 2 Devarajupalle 3 Chinnaputha 4 Balreddipalle 5 Jeevampeta 6 GaddameedimalapaIIe 7 Haripuram 8 Devaraj upaII e 9 Harijana Colony 10 Edig-apaIIe 11 Pedda Cheppalle Malawada 33 33 38 Peddanapadu Thummalapalle 33 1 1 39 P. Gopalapuram 49 49 40 Pillivaripalle 55 63 63 South Kandrika L.C. 41 Podadurthi I Venkatapuram 54 2 KothapalJe No. 64 is clubbed in 3 Yerraballe Podadurthi after 1971 4 South Kandrika 8 8 42 Potladurthi Venkatapuram 8 22 22 22 43 R.amachandrapuram 17 17 44 Sambatur 1 Nadimpalle 17 2 Harijanawada 3 Chennampalle 59 44 44 45 South Palagiri . 1 Marripalle 2 Nela thi mmayapallc

/ 3 Obutareddipalle 34 34 34 46 Talapanur 62 45 45 47 Thangedupalle Harijanawada 20,


Location Code No. Sl. Name of the Village Name of the Hamlets if any ,------_..A,______, Remarks No. (1981 Census) (1981 Census) 1981 1971 1961

(I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)


48 ThurakapalJe Agasthalingayapalle 30 30 30 49 Tippaluru 28 28 28 50 TsadipiraJa ] Tsala thimmayapall e 23 23 23 2 Malawada 3 Madigawada 51 T. Sunkesula 29 29 29 52 Uppaluru l. Akutho tapalle 39 40 40 2 Chinnakatherapall e 3 KandlapaUe 4 Konapuram 5 Madannagaripalle 6 Uppalur Thogatipeta 7 Uppalur Peddur 53 U. Rajupalem 1 Thalimakulapalle 61 47 47 2 Kadircpalle 54 Urutur 1 Venkatapuram 35 3S 3S 2 Yelamakurpalle 3 Gariamittapalle 55 Valasapalle Dondapadu 32 32 32 56 Vankamada 50 59 59 Uninhabited 57 Vedurur 1 Rajupalem 18 18 18 2 Naraharipuram 5i Veldurthi Kothapalle 36 37 37 South Govindarao- palle L. C. No.36 is clubbed in Veldurthi after 1971 59 Vibhrampuram 19 19 19 60 Yellareddipalle I Chennareddipalle 51 60 60 2 Vasanthapuram 3 G. AppayapaUe 4 Agraharam 61 Yerragudipadu ) Rayunipela 13 13 13 2 Mala Madigawada 62 Yerraguntla 12 ]2 12 (F.U. XIII)

MUDDANUR TALUK· J. Ambavaram 1 Chitimitichintala 57 116 116 2 Kondapuram 2 Ananthapuram 47 56 56 3 Aravetipalle 68 128 128 .4 Bedudur 1 Kothalapalle 35 45 4~ 2 KothapaJle 3 U stikayalapalle 5 Bondalakunta 1 Baduguvaripalle 60 129 129 2 Ummareddipalle ·Formed from Jammalamadugu vide O. o. Ms. No. 1391 Revenue (U) dated 28th November. 1979 202


----,-. ._ ---~-----

Location Code No. SI. Name of the Village Name of the Hamlets if any ,..---.,.--..A..____ -'"""' Remarks No. (1981 Census) (1981 Census) 1981 1971 1961

(I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)


6 Bukkapatnam 1 Dathapuram 9 32 32 2 Chilwa VenkatapaIJe 7 BUfujupalle 3 .. 43 43 8 Chamalur 6 30 30 9 Chennamanen ipalle 40 49 49 10 Chinna Dudyala 70 130 130 11 Cbilltakunta Cheriopalle 66 126 126 12 Cbowtapalle 25 68 68 13 DappaIJe 20 81 81 14 Denepalle 67 127 127 15 Diguva Brahmanapalle 49 60 60 Uninlrabite_d 16 Diguvapatnam 21 80 80 Uninhabited 17 Donkupalle 43 51 51 18 Fakirpeta 10 33 33 19 Gandikota Kottalapalle 22 66 66 20 Gandlur Se-ethapuram 23 59 S9 21 Gangapuram 26 34 34 22 Gudemch.:ruvu Hanumaothgiri 19 84 84 31 39 39 23 Jogapuram j 24 Kadasani Kothapalle 77 136 136 2S Kammavari Brahmanapalle 30 40 40 26 Khaderabad 1 Diguvapalle 15 79 79 Uninhabited 2 Pathapeta 3 Bhakarapeta 27 Kibile Bommepalle 1 Dorrupalle 11 69 69 2 Ragikunta 28 Kibile Raghavapuram 50 61 61 29 Kibile Sugamancbipalle 32 38 38 30 Kibtle Venkatapuram 29 41 41 31 Kodur t Sirigepalle 2 25 2S 2 Dabbudupalk 32 Konavaripalle 33 44 44 33 Kondapuram 48 57 57 34 Koppolu' Thirumalayap'alle 7 31 31 3S Korrapadu Gangadevipalle 52 63 63 36 Kosinepalle Kothapalle 6~ 123 123 37 Kothaguntapalle 58 Its 118 38 Lavnoor 41 54 54 39 Lingamanenipalle 42 50 50 40 Lingapuram 14 71 7\ 41 Mangapatnam 1 Kodikandlapalle 53 64 64 2 Settivanipalle 3 Kammavanipalle 20.3


Location Code No. Sl. Name of the Village Name of the Hamlets if any ,...---~--...A..-----, Remarks No. (1981 Census) (1981 Census) 1981 1971 1961

(I) (2) p) (4) (5) (6) (7)



42 Muddanur 1 Chennareddipalle 64 124 124 2 Dudekulanarayapalle 43 Murugampalle 1 26 26 44 Mutchumarri 27 35 35 45 Mylavaram 16 78 78 46 Nagamalladinne 3 28 28 Uninhabited 47 Nallaballe 74 133 133 48 Nekanampeta 12 67 67 Uninhabited 49 Nelanuthala 13 70 70 50 Obannapeta 24 58 68 51 Obulapuram 51 62 62 52 Peddadanlur 61 121 121 53 Pedda Dudyala 71 131 131 54 Peni~alapadu Nossamvaripalle 78 137 137 55 Penuzuvvi 45 53 53 Uninhabited 56 Ponnathota Narasojtkottala 18 82 82 57 poorva Bommepalle 1 Bheemarayunikottala 55 83 83 2 On timiddepalie 58 Potlipadu Chinnapalle 38 52 52 59 Rujulaguravaiahpalle 75 135 135 60 Regadipalle 28 36 3(i 61 Sanjeevipalle 54 65 65 Uninhabitea 62 Sankepalle Kothapallc 4 27 27 63 Sirigepalle 62 122 122 64 Sivapuram 37 47 47 Uninhabited 65 Sunnapurallapal1e 60 120 120 66 Talla Proddatur 8 37 37 67 Thimmapuram 44 55 55 68 Thimmaruram 76 134 134 69 Thugutlapalle 59 J 19 119 70 VeJpucheria n 132 132 71 V (Velpucherla) Raghavapuram 73 138 133 72 Vemaguntapalle Mdl1ambavi 56 117 117 73 Venkaiahkalva Palur 39 48 48 74 Veparala 17 77 77 (F.U. XII) 75 Yamavaram 66 125 125 76 Yenamalachintala Chavvanagayapalle 36 46 46 77 Yerragudi 5 29 29 78 Yeturu 1 Ramireddipalle 46 42 42 2 Natherapeta 20 ..


,.--Location____ .J\.. Code _____ No. , SI. Name of the Village Name of the Hamlets if any Remarks No. (1981 Census) (1981 Census) 1981 1971 1961

(I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)


Agaduru 1 Gangadevipalle 57 92 92 2 Yeddulavaripalle 2 Agraharam 27 82 82 3 Ahobilapuram 64 52 52 4 Alavalapadu A. Cherlopalle 82 36 36 5 Alireddipalle 1 Pltchiguntapalle 97 31 31 2 Eguvatuvval,al1e 6 Ambakapalle 39 5 5 7 Ankalammagudur 26 83 83 8 Atchavelle 1 Kanapalle 62 48 48 2 Putrayanipela 9 Balapanuru I Kovaramguttapalle 3S 87 87 2 Nakkalapalle 3 KothapaJle 4 Bojjayapalle 10 Bhadrampalle B. Kothapalle 29 95 95 11 Bhakarapuram 67 18 18 Un;nhabitld 12 Bidinamcherla B. Cherlopalle 17 66 66 13 Bokkudupalle 71 22 22 14 Bonala Ankevanipalle 24 85 85 15 Brahmanapalle 48 13 13 16 BuchupaJle 1 Bodivarip;tl!e 9 96 96 17 Chagaleru I Duggan'lagaripaUe 91 38 38 2 GundlapaHe 18 Chavvavaripalle 2 71 71 19 Chinna Kudala 41 7 7 20 Chinna. Rangapuram 49 58 58 21 Chintalajutur 74 SO 50 22 Devathapuram 4 74 74 23 Oondlavagu 43 61 61 24 Duddekunta 11 80 80 25 Erraball e 1 NaUapureddipaUe 47 12 12 2 Chandragiri 3 Kothapalle 4 Motunuthulapalle 5 Mallikarjunapuram 6 Sugali Thanda 7 Harijanawada 8 . Nallagonduvaripalle 26 Goltalaguduru 85 40 .040 27 Gondipllle Chinnagondipalle 89 26 26 2 Rangoripalle 28 Goturu 77 43 43 4 29 Gunakanapall{ 38 4 S3 53 30 Gundlamadugu Krishnamgaripalle S5 67 67 31 Gurijala l6 11 11 32 lIarojipuram 40 lOj


,---Location__ J.-- Code___ No...... SI. -: Name of the Village Name of the Hamlets if any ReInarks No. (1981 Census) (1981 Census) 1981 1971 1961

(I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)


33 Himakuntla 15 8-4 84 34 Inagaluru 32 93 93 35 Ippatla 46 10 10 36 Jalaparthi 61 91 91 UninhDbited 37 Jangamreddipalle 5 7S -YS 38 KacbivaripaUe 65 19 19 UninhDbited 39 Kamasamudram 1 Inti Obeyapalle 25 86 86 2 Ramapuram 3 Kammavaripalle 69 40 Kanarnpalle 16 16 Tatimakulapalle 41 Kathaluru 1 92 37 37 2 Nandipalle '3 Mittapalle 4 Mopurugaripalle 1 TolireddipaUe 20 2 42 Kommanuthala 2 2 Eguvapalle 3 K. CherJopalle Yerramreddipalle Korrapadu 45 60 60 43 2 Mosuvanipalle Musaireddipalle Kosanuru 1 12 70 70 44 1 Y. Kothapalle 3 Simhadripalle 70 17 45 K. Veillmavaripalle 17 23 46 Lingala 63 63 1 KadapanagayapaUe 28 81 47 Lornada 81 2 Ramagiri 3 Kamballi 22 48 LopatDuthula 64 64 49 Maddulapaya 8 77 _71 50 Maduru 34 88 88 51 Mallela 30 97 97 52 MeCdipentla 1 BhumayyagaripalJe 88 25 25 2 Rachakuntapalle 3 Sugalitanda 53 Murarichintala Disuvapalle 21 3 3 S4 Muthukuru 79 35 35 55 Naguru 81 33 33 56 Nallacheruvupalle J Narepalle 7S 42 42 2 Konreddipalle 57 Nandyalampalle 3 72 72 .. 58 -Narasinlaraopalle 42 8 8 Uninhllblled 59 Nidivelagala 14 69 69 60 Paluru 60 47 47 61 Pamuluru 1 Ayyagaripalle 93 32 32 2 Ammayagaripalle 62 Parnapalle 19 1 1 206


,.-______Location ..A.. Code ____ No. , SI. Name of the Village N.lme of th~ Hamlets if any Remarks No. (1981 Census) . (1981 Census) 1981 1971 1961

(1) (2) (3) .(4) (5) (6) (7)


63 Pedda Jutur 1 Siddamreddipalle 73 21 21 2 Kuppaguttapalle 3 Yeddulayeni 64 Pedda Kudala 1 Ternampalle 36 62 62 2 AkkuJugaripall e 6S Pedda Rangapuram .50 57 .57 66 Pendluru 83 41 41 67 Pernapadu 84 39 39 68 Polepalle 72 20 20 69 Pulivendla 66 14 14 (F.U. IX) (F.U. III) 70 Pydipalem Kummaravanipalle 1 73 73 71 Rachumarripalle 54 56 '6 72 RagimanipaUe . R. Thummalapalle 53 54 54 73 Ramanutlapalle 37 6 6 74 Ramireddipalle 80 34 34 7S Ravulako1anu Chinnakonduvaripalle· 10 79 79 76 Rayalapuram S2 55 SS 77 Santhakovvur 1 Balijapeta S9 45 45 2 S. CherJopalle 3 Ganianapalle 4 PothulapalJe 5 PasalapalJe 78 Simhadripuram 13 68 68 79 Sunkesula 7 78 78 80 Sydapuram S6 90 90 81 Thallapalh: 1 KuppalapalJe 94 28 28 2 Musalreddipalle 3 Yellapalle 82 Thelluru Thummalapall e 33 89 19 83 Theliki 6 76 76 84 Thimmapurampeta 75 49 49 85 Thollduru Koravanipalle 31 94 94 86 T. Velamavaripalle 1 Bakkannagaripalle 95 29 29 2 BoHagondicheruvu 3 Giddankipalle 17 Udavagandla 58 46 46 88 Ulimella YerripalJe 63 51 51 89 Vadlamanipalle 44 9 9 U"i"luIbilltl 90 v. Kothapalle Ammayagaripalle 90 27 27 91 Velidandla . \ KarnapapayapaJle 18 65 6S 92 Velupula 1 Modduchintalapalle 87 23 23 2 Kanamakindikottala 3 M. Tummalapalle 4 BestavaripaUe 207


Location Code No. SI. Name of the Village Name of the Hamlets if any ,------"-----. Remarks No. (1981 Census) (1981 Census) 1981 1971 J961

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)


93 VempaJle 1 Kummarampalle 96 30 30 2 Chintalamadugu (F.U) 3 Pakkerapalle 94 Vemula 1 B uchayagaripall e 86 24 24 2 Venkat eswarapuram- or Kothuru 3 Seshannagaripalle 95 Venkatampalle 5J S9 59 Uninhabit,d 96 Yadavakunta 76 44 44 97 Yerraaudipalle 68 15 15


Addalamarri 1 Vaddepalle 3 4 4 2 Malapalle 2 Anantapuram 1 Kasba Edigapalle 20 71 73 2 Eoa malavandlapalle 3 Vaddepalle 4 Choutapalle 5 Kothapalle 6 Gollapalle 7 Madigapalle 8 Pyaramvandlapalle 9 Ravindranagar 3 Anjaneyapuram 2 3 3 Uninhabit,d 4 Araveedu I Nadimpalle 50 27 27 2 Nagiri 3 Kasbamadigapalle 4 Mangalapalle 5 Kothapalle 6 Malasanivandlapalle 7 Batameedimalapalle 8 Kasireddigaripalle 9 Yellampalle 10 YaddepalJe 11 Kurmaiahgaripalle 12 Kurmaiahgaripalle Madigapalle 13 Nagireddipalle 14 Reddivaripalle 15 ReddivaripallcmadigapalJe 16 Gandlapalle 17 Lakkavandiapalle 18 Uyyalavandlapalle 19 Peddamalapalle 20 Singanavaripalle 21 Chinnanlalapalie 22 Maduguvandlapalle 23' Bandakindapalle 24 Gollapalle 25 Bukkapatnamjaddepalle -Formed from Rayachoti Taluk Vide G. O. Ms. No. 1419 Revenue (U) dated 29th October, 1977 208

LIST OF VILLAGES IN CUDn \.PAH DISTRICr TOJETHER WITH THEIR HA\fLETS AS IN 1931 CENSUS AND LOCATION CODE NUMBERS FROM '1961 TO 1981 CENSUSES - ,--______Location ..A- Code____ No. , Sl. Nam! of the Village Na'me of the Hlmlets if any Remarks No. (1981 Census) (1981 Census) 1981 .1971 1961

(I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)


4 Araveedu (;oDcld.) 26 Danamreddipalle madigapalle 27 Dinnl!meedipalle 28 Alankhanicheruvumadigapalle S Brahmana Erragudi 1 Kapupalle 10 34 34 2 Veeranagaripalle 3 Madigapalle 4 Vaddepalle S Kothavaddepalle 6 Kondavandlapalle 7 Yerrappagaripal1 e 8 Konasanivandlapal1e 9 Kaladivandlapalle 10 Konampet 11 Gollapalle ]2 Putakalavandlapalle 13 M udindlapalle 14 Chencherlapalle Madigapalle 15 Chencherlapalle· 16 Nallaguttapalle 17 Chencherlapalle Malapalle 18 Mamidigaripalle 19 Palemmadigapalle 20 Chinnapothulavandlapalle 21 Nadimpalle 22 Boggalavandlapalle 23 PalemgollapaJle 24 Burujupalle 6 Cbakrayapet 1 Isukachintalapalle S' S S 2 Thimmareddigaripalle 3 Uppalavandlapalle 4 Hari;anawada 5 Nagireddigaripalle 6 Police Line 7 Veeranarayanapalle 8 Yarlavandlapalle 9 Avulavandlapalle 7 Cbilekampalle 1 Narapare


Location Code No. Sl. Name of the Villaae Name of the Hamlets if any r------...A.--'---~ Remarks No. (1981 Census) (1981 Census) 1981 1971 1961

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (~) (7)

LAKKIREDDIPALLE TALUK (Conld.) a Chitlur (concld.) 3 Cheruvumundarapalle <4 Chenikkayalapalle 5 Majjigavandlapalle 6 Madigapalle 7 Raghavareddigaripalle 8 Narayanareddigaripalle 9 Malapalle 10 Pakkeerupal1e 11 Palannagaripalle 12 Ekilapalle 13 Mosigivandlapalle 9 Dappepalle 1 landrapalle 22 33 33 1 VaUutuvandlapalle " 3 Kondavandlapalle Vljayanagar am 4 Kondavaodlapalle Kothapalle 5 Gut takindamadigapalle 6 Malapalle 7 Chinnagireddigaripalle 8 Veerareddigaripall e 9 Ramapuram 10 Gollavaodlap.ille 11 Vemulavandlapalle 12 Gollapalle 13 Kov ... urivandlapalle 14 KOlhapalle 15 Madigapalle 16 ReddivaripalIe 17 Thurakapalle 10 Dinnepadu 1 P arvathareddigaripalle 11 3S 3S 2 Dudekulapalle 3 Pathadinnepalle 4 Kothadinnepalle 5 Krishnarajupalle 6 Narslmharajugaripalle 7 Vaddepalle 8 MaJapalie 9 Besthapalle JO Vasan thumadigapalle 11 Errabommanapalle 1 Voddepalle 7 6 2 Siddareddigaripall e 3 JogireddigaripalJe 4 Gaddamvaripalle 5 Madigapalle 6 Takkallapalle 12 Galiveedu 1 Pakeerureddigaripalle 49 26 26 2 Saladivandlapalle 3 Araveetivandlapalle 4 Thotikadamadigapalle S Nayunivaripalle 6 Settivaripalle 210


Location Code No. St. Name of the Village Name of the Hamlets if any. r------..A..------, Remarks No. (1981 Census) (1981 Census) 1981 1911 1961

(I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (1)


. 12 Galiveedu (concld.) 7 Chakkavandlapalle 8 Reddivaripalle 9 Buttigaripalle 10 Chukkamalapalle 11 Ethotivandlapalle 12 Dakshinagaddalllalapalle 13 VaddepaPe 14 Ganganaboina vaddepalle IS Burujupalle 16 Danamreddigaripalle 17 AraveetivandlapalJe 18 Kavilipalle 19 Kondareddigaripalle 20 Pathurivandlamalapalle 2) Nadempalle 22 Dakshinagaddamalapalle 23 Balijapal1e 24 Roddulopalle 2S Kummarapalle 26 Getukadapalle 27 A vulache t tigadapaIJe 28 Musalreddigaripalle 29 Ramulapalie 30 KarimreddigaripalJe 31 Besthapalle 32 Vadiselapalle 33 Kamsalapalle 34 Madigapalle 3S DasarivandJapalle 36 KummarapalJe 37 Buchevandlapalle 38 Peddapalle 39 UttaragaddamadigaplIte 40 Bodisanillandiapalle 41 Ba ndiva ndlapalle 13 Gandikovur 1 Harijanawada 6 7 7 2 BojjareddigaripalJe 3 Obulamanyanigaripalle

14 Garugupallc 1 Gorlavandlapal1e 4~ 23 23 2 Chavatapalle 3 Chinagorlavandlapalle 4 Tamatamvandlapalle 5 Cbintamreddigaripalle 6 Madigapalle 7 Chamakuruvandlapalle 8 Idupulachinnapalle 9 Peddapalle 10 Poojaiavandlapalle 11 MuddappagaripaJle 12 Nakkalavandlapalle 13 VaddepaUe 211


Location Code No. SI. Name of the Village N.lme of the Hamlets if aoy ,-----...A..~-;-l Remarks No. (1981 Census) (1981 Census) 1981 1971 1961

(I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (€i) (7)


15 Gopa,udipalle 1 Gajulapeta 13 37 37 2 GolIapalle 3 Nagarajupalle 4 Kothapalle 5 Kasireddipalle 6 Sivasank:arapuram 7 Guvvalachc:ruvumadigapalle 8 Suaalabidiki 9 Vaddepallll 10 MedarapaJle 11 Malapalle 12 Kampallemadigapalle 13 Suryanarayanapuram 29 29 16 Gopaoapallc 1 Poojarivandlapalle 48 2 Chinnapureddigaripallc 3 Bommireddiga[lpalle Nak:kalavandlapalle "5 GolJapalJe 6 Sldda vandlapalle 7 Medarapalle 8 Lankaravaripalle 9 N allaba lh unipalle 10 Sivapuramvandlapalle 11 Gurramvandlapalle 12 Baodanmadigapalle Yedd ulavaodlapaUe 33 14 14 17 Gotlamitta 19 41 41 Gudlavaripalle HI Mopurivandlapalle 43 30 30 19 Gundlachcruvu 2 Vaddepalle 3 Burujupalle 4 BandivalldJapaJ Ie 5 Ammagaripalle 6 Pasuvulavandlapalle 7 Dugganavand lapall e 8 Kadlyala vandlapaHe 9 RamireddigaripaUe 10 Madiaapalle alias Malawada Reddivaripalie 14 32 38 20 Guvvalacheruvu 1 Veerannagattupalle 1 1 1 21 Idllpulapaya 1 Katlaguntepalle 30 20 20 22 Kalluripallc· 2 Siddavandlapalle 3 Siddavandlapalle kothuru 4 Dudekulapalle 5 Sugalithanda .. Katlagantipalle kothuru 7 Chetlapalle S Harijanawada 9 Nayanivaripalle 10 Ukkusilavandlaplllle .. 11 Bayareddigaripalle 212


Location Code No. SI. Name of the Village Name of the Hamlets if any ,------"--'-----, Remarks No. (1981 Census) (1981 Census) ]981 1971 1961

(I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)


23 Kalpanayunicheruvu 1 Galamgund lapalle 12 36 36 2 Moogireddlgaripalle 3 Vooramadigapalle 4 Galamgundl"palle 5 Moolapalle 24 Ka tineni Yerragudi 1 Muddappagaripalle. 29 19 19 2 Penubandivand1apalle 3 Kothapalle 4 Madigapalle 5 Mangalavandlapalle Garuguthanda 6 Nayunivaripalle Sugalithanda 25 Komarakalva 1 Gollapalle 4 5 5 2 Madigapalle 3 Vaddepalle 4 Cheruvumundarapalle 26 KondappagaripalJe 24 12 12 27 Korlakunta 1 Pullareddigaripalle 32 15 15 2 Kummarapalle 3 Peddareddivaripalle 4 Diguvathoopalle 5 Eguva thoopa!le 6 Gudiselopalle 7 Reddimanyampallc 8 Nayunivaripalle 9 Bayyareddivaripalle 10 Chavidipalle 11 Mupurivandlapalle 12 Madigawada 13 Madigawada 28 Kuppam I Nadimpalle 21 17 17 2 VaddepaUe 3 Kondugaripalle 4 Mallappagaril)alle 5 Malapalle 6 Madigapalle 7 Sugalilhanda 8 Chi 11 11 appagaripaJJe 9 Koppalavandlapalle 10 BurugupalJe II Pogulavandlapalle 29 KurnootaJa 1 Kurnoothalagrabaram 39 44 44 2 Reddivaripalle 3 Moolapalle 4 Kothamatapalle 5 Deyyalavaripalle 6 Velpucberlavand1apalle 213


Location Code No. SI. Name of the Village Name of the Hamlets if any ,..------"------. Remarks No. (1981 Census) (1981 Census) 1981 1971 1961

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)


29 Kurnootala (concld.) 7 Bommepalle 8 Venkatarajuguipalle 9 MangalapaUe 10 Dasaripalle 11 Vayilapatevandlapalle 12 Diguvagollapalle 13 Eguvagollapa1le 14 Pathabathinavandlapalle 15 Kothabathinavandlapalle 16 Yathapuvandlapalle 17 SiddakavandJapaJle 18 Dinnemeedamalapalle 19 Pitchiguntlapalle 20 Thurakapalle 21 Guravaiahgaripalle 22 Kast"urirajugaripalle 23 Malapalle 24 Madigapalle 25 Devalampalle 26 Grandhamvandlapalle 27 ChagaJagattupalle 30 Lakkireddipalle 1 Gaddakindarachepalle 21 42 42 2 Gandlapalk 3 Batamadigapalle 4 MaJapalle 5 NandivandJapalle 6 Dakshanavatimadigapalle 7 Reddivaripalle S Chi ntakuntavandlapalle 9 Appakondaiahgari palle 10 Vetravatimadigapalle 11 GallganapaJle 12 Dwarakanagar . 31 Maddirevula 1 Singamvandlapalle 37 43 43 2 Reddivaripalle 3 Venkagaddarachapalle 4 Madigapalle 5 Edigapal1ekasba 6 Eiuvamadigapallc 7 Appaiarajugaripalle S Marlavandlapalle 9 Eguvabudidagun tapalle 10 Diguva Budigapalle 11 Batamadigapalle 12 Buildingmadigapalle 13 Kothamadigapalle 14 Diguvamadigapalle 15 Vankagaddamadigapalle 16 SomalavandlapaiIe 17 Nehrunagar 214


Location Code No. SI. Name of the Village Name of th~ H1mlets if any ,.------"------, RemaTl~s No. (1981 Census) (1931 Census) 1981 1971 1961

(I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)


32 Mabadevapalle 1 Bojjavandlapalle 26 13 13 2 Gangarapuvandlapalle 3 Batalopalle 4 Madigapalle 5 Malapalle 33 Marellamadaka I Malapalle 5 2 2 2 Kondavandlapalle 3 Gandi 34 Nallaguttapalle I Kothapalle 17 74 74 2 Utukurvandlapalle 3 Boyapalle 4 Masana boyanapalle 5 Ramapuram 6 KarnapuvandJapalle 7 Rachapalle 8 Madigapalle 3S Naraharibotlapalle 1 Eguvavaddepalle 40 46 46 2 Diguvavaddepalle 36 Neelakantaraopeta 1 MalapalJe 15 39 39 2 Gandlapalle 3 Mallikarjunapuram 37 NerusllpaIle 1 Siddareddigaripalle 25 11 11 2 Bondlapalle 3 Malapalle 4 Appireddigaripalle 5 Madigapalle 6 Devaragattupalle 7 Moolapalle 38 Nooliveedu 1 Avulareddigaripalle 42 31 31 2 Cherasanivandlapalle 3 MangaJapalJe 4 A vulavandlapal1e 5 Siddappagaripalle 6 VaddepalJe 7 Nagurivandlapalle 8 Kondreddigaripalle 9 S!iniv:lsapuram 10 Bodisanivandlapalle 11 Nallabathunivandlapane 12 Kummarapalle 13 Madigapalle 14 M usalreddigaripalle 15 KothabandivandlapaUe 16 Aluguntfvandlapalle 17 Jallavandlapalle 18 Nakkalavandlapalle 19 Diguvavaddepalle 20 Eguvavaddepalle 215


,---Location____ ..A.. Code ____ No. , Sl. Name of the Village N3me of the Hamlets if any Remarks NJ. (1981 Census) (1981 Census) 1981 1971 1961 (I) - (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)


38 Nooliveedu (coneld.) 21 1'hllagundlapalle 22 Grandamvandlapalle Mad;gapalle 23 Gurramvandlapalle 24 Kadap.avandlapalle 25 Kad apa v andlapaU e Madigapalle 26 Y crradoddipalle 2.1 Koppalavandlapalle 28 Checmalachcruvupalle Madigapalle 29 Cheemalacheruvupalle 30 Cheemalacheruvupalle Peddapalle 31 Kamalamarrimadigapalle 32 Kamalamarrireddivari Kothapalle 33 Kamalamarrireddivaripalle 34 Kam:llamarripeddapalle 35 Palem 36 lragappagaripalle 37 Ko·thapallc 39 Pandikunta 1 Chavidipalle 41 22 22 2 Madigapalle 3 Boyapalle 4 Malapalle 5 Balamrcddigaripalle 6 Bathinavandlapalle 7 Seetharampuram 8 Sugalithanda

40 Paodillapalle I Chalamakuntavandlapalle 35 47 47 2 Balcvandlapalle 3 Tatimakulapalle 4 MalapaUe 5 Madigapalle 6 Burujupalle 7 Rachepalle 8 Madigapalle 9 Pandikuntavandlapalle 10 Pamulavandlapalf e 11 Kothalagattupalle 12 NallagundlapaUe 13 Vaddepal:e 14 DommarapalJe 15 Kokkantevandlapalle 16 Kuppatpvandlapalle 17 Kothamadigapalle 18 Korlakuntavandlapalle 216



Location Code No. Sl. Name of the Village Nam~ of the Hamlets if any r----.-..A------, Remarks No. (1981 Census) (1981 Census) 1981 1971 J961

(I) (2) (3) (4) (5) {6) (7)

----_-_------LAKKIREDDJPALLE TALUK (Contd.)

41 Pulikunta 1 BodircddigaripalJe 34 32 ~2 2 Sugalithanda 3 Edlgapalle 4 Madigapalle 5 Guntakadapalle 6 Reddivaripalle 7 Bandameedapalle 8 Var Ikondapalle 9 Mangalapalle 10 GondipaHe 11 Vaddepalle 4l Pyarampalle 1 Kotakadapallekasba 47 24 24 2 Majjigavandlapalle 3 Reddivaripalle 4 Karanamvaripalle 5 Tatireddigaripalle 6 Madigapalle 7 Poolavandlapalle alias Sakavandlapalle 8 Malapallc 9 KOlhavaddepa\le 10 Avuhivandlapalle 11 Vaddepall


Location Code No. SI. Name of the Village Name of the Hamlets if any ,----_..A.. _____"'""\ Remarks No. (1981 Census) (1981 Census) 1981 1971 1961

(I) (2) (J) (4) (5) (6) (7)


47 Surabhu (coneld.) 6 Mahboobnagar 7 Kuppaga t tupalle 8 Vutukurivandlapalle 9 Bodugundupalle ]0 Payalopalle 1l Varikuntapalle ]2 Chinnamoravandlapalle 13 Bandlapalle ]4 Madigapalle 15 Reddivaripalle 16 Gajulapeta 17 Komatipeta 18 Polisettip~ta 19 Vaddepalle 20 Agraharam 16 16 48 Talamudipi Ramireddigaripalle 3L 2 Karnapuvandlapalle 3 Kothapalle 4 Madigawada 5 Madiga wada. 6 Kalankapalle 21 21 49 Thumukunta 1 Bathinagaripalle 45 2 Diguvamoola 3 Papireddigaripalle 4 Eguvamoola 5 Mangalapalle 6 Reddivari;>alle 7 Mamillavaripalle 8 Marrikuntavaripalle 9 A vulavandlapalle 10 Kothapalle II Madarsabgaripalle 12 Nayunivaripalle 13 Bal1japalle 14 Madigapalle 15 Vaddepalle 16 Prakashnagarcolony Harijanawada 46 25 25 SO Veliiallu 1 2 Indukuruvandlapalle 3 Pasupulavandlapalle 4 Sugalithanda 5 Krishnapuram ThaDda 218


Location Code No. Sl. Name of the Village Name of the Hamlets if any ,------"------, Remarks No. (1981 Census) (198\ Census) 1981 1971 1961

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)


1 Abbavaram 1 Madigapalle 20 89 89 2 Nakkalavandiapalle 3 Kummarapalle 4 Kammarapalle 5 Kothapalle 6 Gollapalle 2 ~kkampalle 41 107 107 3 Bagampalle I Maiapalle 49 114 114 2 Nallappagaripalle 4 Bandlapalle 1 Venkatareddigaripall e 11 71 71 2 Bainenivandiapalle 3 Diguvamadigapalle 4 Chintamreddigaripalle 5 Kondreddigaripalle 6 Nandaluruvandlapalle 7 .Basireddigaripalle 8 Nadigaddapalle 9 Madigapalle 10 Doodekuiapalie II Kummarapalle 12 MiddekadapaUe 13 Surakavandlapalle 14 Manneruvandiapalle 15 Chavatapalle ]6 NimmalapaJlevandlapaJle 5 Bonamala 1 Vaddepalle 6S 58 58 2 Nagirivandlapall.e 3 Malapaliekothapalie 4 KonakantivandlapalJe 5 NagirimadigapaJle 6 Gollapalle 6 Botiacheruvu 1 Venkagaddapalle 16 50 50 2 N agirimaduguvandlapalle 3 Diguvapalle 7 Chaamalavaripalle 27 92 92 Uninhabit.d 8 ChennamukkapaJle Poolathotamadigapalie 26 91 91 C) Cherlopalle 34 65 65 10 Chinnamaodem Malapalle 64 57 57 2 BalJjapalle 3 .Reddivadpalle 4 Bestapalle 5 Polimerapalle 6 Kavali vaodlapalle 7 Pedda Reddigaripalle 11 Madigapalle 219


Location Code No. SI. Name of the Village -­ Name of the Hamlets if any ,-~----..A_-----1 Remarks- No. (1981 Census) (1981 Census) 1981 1971 1961

(I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)


10 Chinnamandem (concld.) 9 Mundlavandlakunta 10 Gollapalle East II Kesapuram 12 MadigapaJle 1 ~ Saddalagattupalle 14 Reddivaripalle ]5 Devalampalle 16 MadigapaJle alias Kasabamadlgapalle 11 Chinnayagaripalle 46 111 112 Uninhabited 12 D.:vagudipalle 1 Kondamula 63 60 60 2 Jallivandlapalle 3 MadiglpaJle 4 Kurvap111e 5 Malapalle 13 Devapatla I Kattugutlapalle 66 97 97 2 Asanjipalle 3 Aravavandlapalle alias AVulavaildlapalle 4 Rodduvarikotha Indlu (PHC) 5 Vankakadamadigapalle 6 Yerrapalle 7 Eguva Rajuvaripalle 8 Nadimirajuvaripalle alias Nadimpalle 9 Sugalibidiki 10 Chamundlavandlapalle 11 Cheruvumundarakothapalle 12 Roadvaravaddepalle 13 Kondareddigaripalle 14 Malapalle IS Gavenapuvandlapalle alias Yedlapalle 16 Madigapalle 17 Challapallevandlapalle 18 MOlhukuvandlapalle 19 MothukuvandlapaJle Madilapalle 20 Bandakadamadigapalle 21 Bandakadapalle 22 Vankakadiremadigapallc 23 VattamvanJlapalle 24 Nagireddipalle 2S Kanchelavandlapalle 26 Annappavandlapalle 27 Pothuvandlapalle 28 Eraganenivandlapallc 29 Boyapalle 226


Location Code No. SI. Name of the Village Name of the Hamlets if any ,------_J.-_____ , Remarks No. (1981 Census) , (1981 Census) 1981 1971 1961

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)


13 Devapatla (coneld.) 30 Chinnapapireddigaripalle 3l Chintamareddigaripalle 32 Thimmappagaripalle 33 Gannevandlapalle 14 Diluvalottivecdu I Ramapuram 60 S3 53 2 Madigapalle 3 Kammapalle 4 Javaj;vandiapalle \ 5 DiguvabaJijapalle {) Eguvabalijapall aJigs Kasettivandlapalle 7 Eguvama1apalle 8 Diguvama]apalle 9 Jangampalle 10 Kundlavaripalle 11 Guttakindapalle alias Jaddepalle 12 Abbakkagaripalle 13 Dinnemeedapalle 14 Kottapalle 15 Doollavaripalle 28 93 93 16 Dudyala Ankamvandlapalle 39 101 10] 2 Peddakodivandlapalle :3 Jangampalle 4 Sadhuvandlapalle 5 Balireddigaripalle 6 MadigapalJe 7 Kotharallakadamadigapalle 8 Kotharallakadamalapalle 9 Chlnakodivandlapalle )0 Turakapallc II Sibya!a vandlapalle 12 VaddepaUe 13 Odiveedipalle 14 Baddivandlapallc 15 Pitchigumlapalle )6 Edigapalle 17 Pujarivandlap'alle 18 Dyananivandlapalle 19 Kothapalle 20 Mopurivandlapalle 21 Bandivandlapalle 22 Pallivandlapalle 23 Kondaobannagaripalle 24 Kothagaddapalle 25 Nayuni vandlapalle 26 Sudugapalle 27 U raga ttapalle 28 Kurvapalle 29 Potreddigaripalle 30 Vadlapalle 221


Location Code No. SI. Name of the Vil!age Name of the Hamlets if any r---.-~-..J'-_-----l. Remarks No. (1981 CensLs) (1981 Census) 1981 1971 1961

(I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)


17 Eguvagoltiveedu 1 DoreddulavandlapalJe 32 28 28 2 Mavillavad'apalle 3 EguvamachivandlapalIe 4 Neeiavandlapalle . 5 Yerragaripalle 6 Kummarapalle 7 Diguvamachivandlapaiic 8 Munadalagaripalle 9 N3g,tnnag:lttupaiem 10 Guruvaipalle J J GolJapalle 12 Madigapalle 13. ReddivaripaUe 14 Tamtamgaripalle 18 Gad;kota 1 Komatipalle 1 79 79 2 YadapaUe 3 Thuvvamadigar·alie 4 Madavalldlapalle S Krish rtamraj ugaripalle 6 Chinnareddigaripalle 7 Peddamadigapalle 8 PolrajugaripalJe 9 Bodarnraj ugaripalle 10 Peddareddivaripalle 11 Maiapalle· 12 Periahgaripa\ I e I3 Yerrapapireddigarimadigapalle 14 Yerrapapireddigaripalle 15 Ve1pulamitta 16 Velpuiamittamadigapalle 17 Jandrapenta 18 MadigavandiapalJe_ 19 Gadi'kotakasba 64 64 19 GJrlalIludiveedu I Chavatap111e 33 2 Madigapalle 3 Balreddigaripalle 4 Boyapalle alias Bandameedama1apallc S Kothapalle 6 Vallurvandiapalle 7 Epilavankapalie 8 Epilavankamadigapalle 9 Aravavandlapalle SO 117 117 20 Qundlapal1e 1 Uramadigapalle alias Madigapalle 2 Kethireddigaripal1c 3 Papannagaripalle 222


,.-_____Locatio'n ...A- Code____ No. • SI. Name of the Village Name of the Hamlets if any Remarks No. (198\ Census) (1981 Census) 1981 1911 1961

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)


20 Oundlapalle (concld.) 4 Cheepativandlapalle 5 Thimmareddivandlapallc 6 Oaddameedapalle 7 Erikalabidaru 8 Batameedipalle 9 Rachapalle 10 Kurvapalle 11 Ontillu 12 Kondathurupupallc 13 Santamvandlapalle 14 Nayunivanipalle 15 Dasarigudem 21 Ounnikuntla 1 Chavetepalle 37 103 103 2 Jalandhlgaripalle 3 Nallaguttapalle 4 Siddagaripalle 5 Danduvaripalle 6 DiguvarachapaJle 7 Avulavandlapalle alial Jaremgandiapalle 8 Madigapalle alias Vankakonavandiapalle 9 Kattavandlapalle IO Eguvarallapall e 11 Malapalle 12 Chintavandlapalle 13 Cheruvumundarapalle 22 Guntimadulu 1 Diguvavaddepalle alias 14 4& 4& Kothavaddepalle 2 Eauvavaddepalle alias Kasbavaddepalle 3 Madlgapalle alias Cheruvukindapalle 4 Nallagundlapalle 5 Pandavaraj upalle 6 Pottivaripalle 7 Nagreddipalle 8 Damerapalle 23 . Guriginjakunta 1 Reddivaripalle 38 102 102 2 Malluruvand lapa lie 3 Nayunivandlapalle 4 Papireddigaripalle 5 Madigapalle 6 Malapalle 7 Nallakalvavandlapalle i Moramkindapalle 9 Kalvavandlapalle 223


r- _____Location...A- Code___ --,No. Sl. Name of the Village Nnu of th! Hamlets if any Remarks No. (1981 Census) . (1981 Census) 1981 1911 1961

(1 ) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)


24 Guttapalle I Ankireddigaripalle 67 99 99 2 Malapalle 3 Vaddepalle 4 Gudigavandlapalle alias Kuravapalle Kummarapalle 5 Road 6 Ballu vandla palle 7 Mallareddivandlapalle 2S Hasanapuram 1 Zinkalakuntamadigapalle 5 84 84 2 Peddabalivandlapalle 3 Peddabalivandlapalle Malapalle 4 Vaddepalle 5 Yadamvaripalle 6 Cheekativandlapalle 7 Vasanthavandlapalle 8 Poluvandlapalle 9 Bandlavandlapalle alias Chintamreddigaripalle 10 U tukurivandlapalle II Kummarpalle 12 Reddivaripalle 13 Kattakindamadigapalle 14 Harijanawada 15 Kondavandlapallc 16 Gollapalle 17 Papireddigaripalle 18 Madigapalle 19 Chintai"vandiapalle 26 Indukurpalle EguvapaI!c 21 88 88 27 Kakulavaram 1 Pi tchigun tlapalle 12 70 70 2 MunireddigaripalJe 3 MaddelakadapaUe 4 Chilakalapativandiapalle 5 Madigapalle 6 Guntarachapalie 28 Kalibanda 1 Polimerapalle 61 55 55 2 Madigapalle 3 Muruguvandlapalle 4 Nathivandlapalie 5 Kolla vandlapalle 6 Malapal1c 7 Kothavandlamalapalle 29 Kasba Gollapalle 1 Pathapalle 19 90 90 2 Settivandlapalle (F.U. XI) (F.U. II) (F.U.) 3 Varigapapireddigaripalle 4 Baliiuvallc 5 Kuravapalle ' 6 Madigapalle 7 ReddigaripalJe 8 AnoolavandlapaJle 9 Malapalle 224


Location Code No. Sl. Name of the Village Name of the H3.mlets if any ,..------"------, , Remarks No. (1981 Census) (1981 Census) 1981 1971 1961

(I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)


30 Katimayakunta 1 Reddlvaripalle 13 49 49 2 Danduvaripalle 3 Kuravapalle 4 Rachapalle 5 Kura vamadigapalle 6 Thogatapalle 7 Mala~alle 8 Diguvapalle

31 Madhavaram 1 Maddalagunta IS 51 51 2 Malluvandlapalle 3 Guttakindapalle 4 Patha Sykamvandlapalle 5 Turakavandlapalle 6 Gunnaiahgaripalle 7 CherlavandlapalJe 8 Thummaginjavandlapalle 9 Vaddepalle 10 Aninabam 11 Diguvakancherla 12 Eguvakar;cberlapalle 13 KatinenivandlapaIIe 14 Palernvandlapalle 15 Tamtamvandlapalle 16 Gu ndlamvandlapalle 17 Kurrapalle 18 Ramireddigaripalle 19 Nagireddigaripalle 20 Kotha Indlu 21 Meda vandlapalle 22 Gurakanivandlapalle 23 Yerravandlapalle 24 Tumatamvandlapalle 25 Mallan.:nivandiapalle 26 Kalvavandlapalle 27 Chenchureddigaripalle 28 Paplreddigaripalle 29 Malapalle 30 Malluruvandlapalle 31 Polavandlapalle 32 Balanayunipalle 33 I risiddaiahgaripalle 32 Madithadu 1 Yeguvaberipalle 47 108 108 2 Chendrajugaripalle . 3 Kuravapalle 4 Yerikalabidaru 5 Balireddigaripalle 6 Suddagaddapalle 7 Beripalle 22S


Location Code No. SI. Name of the Village . Name of the Hamlets if any r------...A------. Remarks No. (1981 Census) (1981 Census) 1981 1971 1961

(I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)


32. Madithadu (coneld.) 8 Boyanenimztlapalle 9 Kadiyalavandlapalle JO Koneruvandlapalle II Edigapalle 12 Guttakindarachapalle 13 Nagaraj upalle 14 Cheruvu ki ndamaJa palle 15 Cheruvukindapalle 16 Upparapalle 17 Diguvasugalihidiki 18 Varanasiva ndlapalle 19 Jangampalle 20 Voi1chetlapalle 21 Bodeppagaripall e 22 Kothaharijanawada alias Mallappagaripall e 23 Sunkal avandlapal. e 24 Eguvanayunivandlapalle 25 Pathaharijanawada 26 Diguvanayunivandlapalle 27 Voddepalle 28 Kondareddigaripalle 29 Madigapal1e alias MaddalivandJapalle 30 Nidimit urakapalle alias Kothapalle 31 NayudivaripalJe 33 Mallur 1 EguvamadigapaUe 57 61 61 2 Kodidapalle 3 GangireddipaJle 4 Kothapalle 5 EguvamadigapaUe 6 Thimmareddigaripalle 7 Bell


,--Location____J...... Code _____ No. , SI. Name of the Village Name of th.: Hamlets if any . R.emarks No. (1981 Census) (19~1 Census) 1981 1971 1961

(I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)


34 Masapet I Beddivaripalle 18 69 69 2 Petlumalapalie (P.U. XI) (P.U. II) (P.U.) 3 Kavilivandlapalle 4 Set lipall evandlapalle 5 Pothapalle 6 Papireddipalle 7 Madigapalle 8 Akulavandlapalle 9 Kuravapalle 10 Buggagaddamalapalle 11 Mannappagaripalle 12 Chowdacherukothapalle 3S MatH 1 Vadaepalle 22 86 86 2 Krishnapuram 3 Yellampalle 4 Thogatapalle 5 Asadivandlapalle 6 Agraharam 7 Pathirajugaripalle alias ThummachetlapalJe 8 Pullamrajugaripalle 9 Bodimalareddlgaripalle 10 Bathmavandlapalle 11 Reddivaripalle 12 Mal apail e 13 Papireddigaripalle 14 Guttapadamara Madigapaile 15 Guttathurupumadigapalle 16 Nainorupalle 17 Pitchiguntlapalle 18 Nallakatavapalle 19 Seelhampeta 20 T\\tiguntlapalle 21 Cheruvumoravapalle 22 Kothapalle 23 Kummarapalle 24 Upparapalle 54 95 36 Motakatla Potreddig,uipalle • 95 2 Mallavandlapalle 3 Ketamreddigarip


,.-_--,.Location___ ...A.. Code _____ No. , 51. Name of the Village Name of the Hamlets if any Remarks No. (1981 Census) (1981 Census) 1981 1971 1961

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)


36 Motakatla (concid.) 11 Madigapalie 12 Utapalle 13 Chenchureddigaripalle 14 Regadi Kuntapalle 15 Bat tamadigapa lIe 16 RoddiV.:lripalie 17 Vangima lJavandlapalle 18 Cheruvuk indapalle 19 Kammavandlapalle 20 Gondireddiv.if ipalJe 37 Mudumpadu 1 Kandla vand Japall e 44 118 118 2 Madigapalle 3 Thimmareddigaripalle 4 SathanipalJe 5 Annemmagaripallc alias Ch eelamvandlapalle 6 Pmcha Project Colony 7 Kura vapalle 8 Thogurupalle 9 Malapalle 10 Peddapalle 11 Naglfl 12 Sugallbidlki 13 Gopalakrisilnapuram 14 DinneJapalJe 15 Kothab,daru 16 MaJapalle 17 Bariklbandabidaru J8 Arogyapuram 19 Madigapalle Reddivaripaile 38 Narayanareddipalle 1 Palemvandlapallc 35 62 62 2 Kondavandlapalem 3 Vaddepalle 4 Maddir ollavandlapaUe 5 Kothavandlaralle 6 Maddmenivandlapalle 7 Ponnurvandlapalle 8 Mddigapalle 9 Kayalavandlapalle 10 Suddala vandlapalle 11 Yerraguntla 39 Odiveedu 1 Gangarajupalle 23 87 87 2 Ramapuram 3 Kava1ipalle 4 Kummalapalle 5 Yerram raj upaUe 6 Pecdahar:janawada 7 Chendrajugaripalle 8 Dollaharijanawada 9 Bestapalle 10 Gudisevandlapalle 228


,--Location____ .A.._ Code ____ No. , SI. Name of the Village Name of the Hamlets if any Rcmarks No. (1981 Census) (1981 Census) 1981 1971 1961

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)


40 Paramatikona I MadigapaUe 62 S6 56 2 Nadigeddapalle altas Kasbamadigapalle 3 Vardireddigaripall e 4 Kummarapalle 5 Malapalle 6 Kaladivandlapalle 7 KothaVandlapalle 8 l'v1a~d uruvandl apall e 9 Ramanadhapuram 10 Bestapalle 1 ) Vaddepalle 12 NagurvandJapalle 13 Puli_karachinavandlapalle 14 Kotagaddapalle 15 Gandikotapalle 16 Balijapalle 17 Bodireddigaripalle 18 Malapalle 19 MadlgapaUe 20 Madigapalle 21 Kammapalle 22 Chinnarajupalle 23 Vaddepalle 24 Mattam alias Malavaddepalle 25 PuramvandlapaJle 41 Peddakalvapallc 17 67 61 42 Peddinenikalva 1 Budidetivandlapalle 4S 111 III 2 Reddivaripalle 3 Reddivaripalle malapalle 4 Thotimalapalle 5 Kothamalapalle 6 Cbuukuvandlapalle 7 Ontillu 8 Bhatrajugaripallc 9 Bhalrajugarivaddemadigapalle 10 Kuravapalle 11 Manyamvandlapalle 12 Baripalle 13 Bestapalle 14 Turakapalle 15 Yellampalle 16 Kothapallc' 17 Edigapalle 18 Madigapalle 19 Rachapall e . 229


Location Code No. Remarks Sl. Name of the Village Name'of th~ Hamlets if any ,------"-----. No. (1981 Census) (1981 Census) 1981 1971 1961

(I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)


43 Peddiveedu ] Ragimanidinnepalle 9 83 83 2 Neelavandlapalle 3 Pitchiguntlavandlapalle alias Naguruvandlap:l lle 4 Mangalapalle 5 Asadi va ndlapaI: e 6 Sangamvand lapalle 7 Yelakaichetlapalle 8 Madigapalle 9 Kothapalle 10 Rookavandlapallt: 11 Grandevandlapalle 12 Kothamalapalle 13 Puluguvandlapalie 14 Reddlvaripalle alias Peddapalle 44 Pemmadupalle 1 Madigapalle 36 94 94 2 Pemmadapalle Kothapalle 3 Mara va vaddapalle 4 Garuguvandlapalle 5 POlhagirivandlapalle 45 Perumallaiabgaripalle 42 109 109 Uninhabited 46 Polimerapalle 1 Bolluvandlapdlle 24 105 105 2 Sureddigaripalle 3 Jangamredd.palle 4 Appaiahgaripalle 5 Yaitimadinnepalle 6 P~ddagollapalle 7 Ramallapalle 8 Chinnagollapalle 9 Katikevandlapalie 10: Rachaiahgaripalle 11 Kothakuntamadigapalle 12· Poojarivandlapalle 13 Malia ppagaripaUe 14 Konutipalle 15 Malapalle 16 Ko tha vadapal i e 17 Yellareddigaripalle 18 Guntarachap.. dl.:: 19 Edigapalle 20 Enumugonduvalh:palle 21 Y.:rraguttamadigapalle 22 Nagiri 23 Peddapalle 24 PalemchinnapareJdigaripalle 25 Kadimimadigapalle 26 Yerrapugaripalle 27 Kummaripalle 28 Bestapalle 230


Location Code No. SI. Name of the Village Name of the Hamlets if any ,------...A..----...... , Remarks No. (1981 Census) (1981 Census) 1981 1971 1961

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)


46 Polimcrapalle (concJd.) 29 Turakapalle 30 Reddivaripalle 31 Maditatival1dlapalJc 32 Budida,unta Rachapalle 33 Naliaguttaturakapallc 34 Paparajugaripalle 35 BogampalJe 47 Pothukurupalle 1 Hanj.lnawada alias Madiaapallc 10 is as 2 Kondareddigaripalle 48 RachapaUc 1 Vaddepalle 4 76 76 2 Narravuladonka 3 Venkatapuram 4 Nayunivanipalle 5 Rallapalle 6 Polimerapalle 7 Upparapalle 8 Mangalapalle 9 Madigapalle 10 Chinnakondavandlapalle Jl Nadimpalle 12 KolimivaDdJapalle 13 ChirravandJapalle 14 ThurpukovurlvandJapalle 15 Padamarakov urlvaod1apalle 16 KommuruvandlapaUe 17 BalireddlgaripalJe 18 BeedavandlapalJe 19 Diguvamadigapalle 20 Dlguvamalapalle 49 llayachoti 1 Masapet 29 68 6S 2 Kothapalle (F.U. XI) (F.U.ll) (F.U.) 3 Trunk Road 4 Colony 5 Bosenagar 6 Kothapet 7 Haranadhaveedhi 8 Reddigafoorsaheb Street 9 Kamsa1apalle 10 Gandhi Bazar 11 Sukrimaya Street 12 Bapanibudam J3 Penta 14 Nayasab Street 1-5 Valmiki Street 16 Nadma Peerlamakhan Street 17 Post Office Street 18 MangaJi Street 19 Brahm-ana Street 20 Patharayachoti 231


Location Code No. ,.-_____..A.. _____~ SI. Name of the Village Name of the Hamlets if any Remarks No. (1981 Census) (1981 Census) 1981 1971 1961

(I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)


49 Rayachoti (coneld.) 21 Mittavandlapalle 22 Pitchigulltlapalle 23 Dudekulapalle 24 Podalapalle 2S MalapaUe 26 AbbavaramvandJapalle 27 Venka tareddigaripalle 28 Kurvapalle 29 Malapalle 30 Mittavandlap;:tlle 31 Pi tchikun tla vandla palle 32 Dudekulapalle 33 Madigapalle 34 Nadimpalle 35 Diguvamadigapalle 36 Reddivaripalle 37 Petl umalapalle 38 Kavetivandlapalle 39 Settipallevandlapalle 40 MadigapalJe 41 Baggegaddamalapalle 42 Eguvamalapalle 43 Kattakindavandlapalle 44 Papireddigarimadiiapalle 4S Papireddigaripalle 46 Kuravapalle 47 Avulavandlapalle 48 Settivandlapalle 49 Chowduchet uvukothapalle 50 Munneppagaripalle 51 Pathapalle 50 Rayavaram I Kurmavandlapalle 43 110 110 2 Eguvajangampalle 3 Gadirajugaripalle 4 Chilakapativandlapalle S Subbarajugaripalle 6 Guntarajupalle 7 Devandlapalle 8 Edigapalle 9 Devandlapalle Madi&apalle 10 Bandavandlapalle 11 Boramvandlapalle 12 Gubalavandlapalle 13 Madigapallc 14 Chin na vandla pall e 15 Kavilipalle 16 Kavilipalle madigapalle 17 Palcmgadda 18 Reddivaripalle 19 Thogatapalle 10 Machireddigaripalle 232



Location Code No. 81. Name of the Vil!age Nam'! of the Hamlets if any ,----_-.J.-_____ , Remarks No. (1981 Census) (1981 Census) 1981 1971 1961

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)


SO Rayavaram (concld.) 21 Vavillavoddumalapal1e 22 VaddepalJe 23 Sugalib1daru 24 Kasabamalapalle 25 Nandanayakabidaru 26 Peddabidaru 27 TaflkmdamalapalJe 28 Ragimanibidaru 29 Ayyalavandlapallc> '3D Rittabidaru 31 Sivarampuram 32 Moraruaklndapalle alias Kattakindapalle 33 Madigapalle 34 Kapapalle 35 Nallagu l tapa lie 36" Mittarueedapalle 51 Reddivaripalle 1 Padamalamalapalle 51 116 116 2 Konkivaripalle 3 Neelanwanolapalle 4 Sugalib1daru 5 Gangannagaripalle 6 Dinnemeedapa1le 7 Chappidivandlapalle 8 Thoorupumalapallc 9 Koravivandlapalle aUas Turkapalle 10 Thogalipalle 52 Roulhukunta 1 Dinnemeedapalle 56 59 59 2 Diguvaboyapalle 3 EguvaboyapaHe 4 Kuntakindapalle 5 Vanj imallavandlapalle 6 Gutlamadigapalle 7 Batavanimadigapalle 8 Batavaripalle 9 Kummarapalle JO Vankavatalamadigapalle 11 pothuvandJapalle 53 Sambepalle 1 Kethireddigaripalle 5S 96 96 2 Madavandlapallc alias Koth~palJe 3 Boggu1avandlallalle 4 MalapaUe 5 Madigapalle 54 Sanipaya 1 Atlavaripalle 8 80 80 2 P"eddamadigapalJe 3 RachapaJle alias Bandakadapalle 4 Kommumadigapalle 5 KammapalJe 233


,.-____Location--A..-. Code ____ No. , SI. Name of the VHlage Name of the Hamlets if any Remarks No. (1981 Census) (1981 Census) 1981 1971 ]961

(l) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)


S4 Sanipaya (concld.) 6 Mallappanayanigaripalle 7 Jogimalapalle 8 Vellaturuvandlapalle 9 NasinivandlapaJle 10 Siddannagaripalle alias Chintakunta 11 Anchaia vandlapalle 12 Moddamvandlapalle 13 Maddeiamalapalle 14 Nagisettivakatipalle alias Venkatapalle IS Krishnaihgaripalle 16 Bodesupalle 17 Zimkamadlgapalle 18 Edigapalle 19 Kothapeta 20 PokalavandlapaJle alias Polluvandlapalle 21 Kundellavandlapall e 22 Nethivandiapalle S5 Settipalle 1 Papileddigaripalle S3 100 100 2 Thurn makkagaripall e 3 Peddabidiki 4 Madanapallevari Indiu 5 Erikalavaribidiki 6 Madigapalle 7 Kadiyaluvandlupalle Madigapallc 8 KadiyalavandlapaUe 9 Bandakadarajuvuripalle 10 Digllvarachagaripalle 11 Rajuvaripalle 12 Tarikindama lapaJlc 13 Cheruvumeedapalle 14 Nagireddigaripalle 15 Dinnemeedlkothavaddepalle 16 KothapaJ1e 17 Burravandlapalk 18 Papannagaripall e 19 Palemgaddamadiga"alle 20 Adlvikammupalle 21 Gandlapalle 22 Kondravandlapalle 23 Bandakadam adigapalle 24 Chinnapapireddigaripalle 25 Vaddepal1e 26 Eguvamalapalle 27 EguvamadigapalJe 28 Diguvamadigapalle 29 Balijapalle 234


---"~----- "------

Location Code No. SI. N:lm~ of the Villag~ Name of the Hamlets if any r--i----.J>------, Remarks No. (1981 Census) (1981 Census) 1981 1971 1961

(I) (2) (3) (4) '(5) (6) (7)


5S Settipalle (';oncld.) 30 Vankagaddavonlillu 31 Kothapalle 32 Reddimalluvandlapalle 33 Yerramorarnpalle 3'1 Yerramadigupalle 35 Kundetarnadigapalle 36 Cha uv um undarapalle 37 Dinncmeedipalle 38 Yellaiahpalle 39 Marrirnaku1apalle 40 Nalabandapalle 41 Koudakindapalk 42 Doddi Siddaiahgaripalle 43 N 00 thanagaddapall e 44 NayunierrappapaJle 4S Vantillu 46 Cherukuv:lndlapaJle 47 Kothavoddepalle 48 ChinnabJdiki 49 Danduvaripalie 50 Sadipiral1avandlapalle 51 Dagg:uamalaDalle S6 Sibyala 1 Reddivaripalle 2S 104 104 2 Bahjapalle 3 N akkal amor ramra chapall e 4 Vaikuntarachapalle 5 Naravapalle 6 CherlovandlapaHe 7 Kothav3ndlapalle 8 A nnam raj ugaripalle 9 Kummarapalle 10 Malap~llle 11 Siddaredd igaripalle 11 Annumpalle 13 Potureddivandlapallc 14 Madigapalle 15 Papireddigaripalle 16 Kothapalle 17 Bhagyampalle 18 Gorl:wandlapalle alias Kothamalapallc 19 Mallaiahgaripalle 20 Turakapalle S7 Somavaram . 1 Pathavandlapalle 6 82 82 2 Malapalle 3 Boyasanivandlapalle 4 Kammapalle 235


Location Code No. SI. Name of she Village Name of the Hamlets if any ,------~-----~ Remarks No. (1981 Census) (1981 Census) 1981 1971 1961

, (1) \ {Z) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)


57 Somavaram (concld.) 5 Vaddepalle 6 Vadlamadivandlapalle 7 Chilakapativandlapalle 8 Togatapalle 9 Balreddigafipalle 10 Madigapalle 11 Veracherl avandlapalle 12 Kasbapedduru 13 Kalavakindim .llapal\e 58 Somavaram 1 EguvanaHaguttallalle 68 98 98 2 Diguvanallagut tapalle 3 Devalampeta 4 Agraharam 5 Bavulakadapalle 6 Madigapalle S9 Thimmasamudram 1 Bangivandlapalle 48 113 113 2 Bangivaodlapallemalapalle 3 Buddaiahpalle 4 V ddde'palle 5 Malapalle 6 Madigapalle 7 Reddigaripaile 8 Ramireddipalle 9 Kothapalle 10 Turakapalle 11 GOguttupalle 12 Konduruvandlapalle 13 Reddimall uvandla palle 14 Yellampalle 15 Kammapalle 16 Hagisettipalle i7 Edigapalle 18 Diguvapalle Chintalayyagaripalle 19 Kamireddicheruvu 60 Tsakibanda Cheruvukindabalijapalle 59 54 S4 2 Madigapalle 3 MalapalJe 4 Kummarapalle 5 NallapureddigaripaJle 6 Devara vandl apalle 7 AmbapathivandlapaJle 8 Sugalivandlapalle 9 Varadannagiripal Jc 10 Kuravapalle 11 Thippammagaripalle 6i TsundupaJle 1 Agraharam 40 106 106 2 Chennarse{tipalle 3 Etigaddarachapalle 236


Location Code No. Sl. Name of the Village Name of the Hamlets if any ,.------"------. Remarks No. (1981 Census) (1981 Census) 1981 1971 1961

(I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)


61 Tsundupallc (Coneld.) 4 Pedda Balijapalle 5 Gu t takadabahj apalJ e 6 Madigapalle 7 Baddepallevandlapalle 8 Yellareddigaripalle 9 Cheekatipalle 10 Chakalapalle alias Kummarapalle 11 Eguvamalapalle alias Chamaehe n upalle 12 Pochamvandlapalle I3 Kondareddigaripalle 14 Palhivaripalle 15 Rachamvandlapalle 16 Katavakindapalle 17 Yengamraj ugari pall e 18 Somalarajugaripalle 19 Edigapalle 20 Gullavandlapalle 21 Reddivaripalle 22 Reddinnagaripalle 23 Pullareddigaripalle aUal Gandlapalle 24 Bandakadaed igapalle 25 Bapanapalle 26 Peddamadigapalle 27 Kanehipativandlapalle 28 Karnmaguttapalle 29 Thaligundlapalle 30 Peddamadigapalle 31 Peddapalle 32 Vaddepalle 33 SugaJibidiki 34 Vayalp..ltivandlapalle 35 Madithativandlapalle 36 Burraladinnemadigapalle 37 GajulapalJe 38 Sayannagaripalle 39 Siddareddigaripalle 40 Sathapalle 41 Mallakkagaripalle 62 VaD4adi I Kuravapalle 51 63 '3 2 Erraguttapa1le 3 Maragaripalle 4 Malapalle 5 Upparapalle 6 Gandlapalle 7 Thunipupal1e 8 Kavalivandlapalle 237


,.-_____Location..A.. Code _____ No. , SI. Name of the Village Name of the Hamlets if any Remarks No. (1981 Census) (1981 Census) 1981 1971 1961

(I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)


62 Vandadi (Coneld.) 9 Thothukuravapalle 10 MadigapaUe 11 Kadirivandlapalle 63 Vceraballe PadamatipoJuvandlapalJe 7 81 81 2 Asadivandlapalle 3 Madigapalle 4 BalakkagaripaUe 5 Balasanivandlapalle 6 Gollavandlapalle alias Chintamanlgollapalle 7 DevaJamkada Harijanawada 8 Chitkethogatampalle 9 Chinnalhimmanimalapalle 10 Gurrappagaripalle 11 Thurakapalle 12 Kuravapalle l3 Beja wadamadigapalle 14 Madirajugaripall~ 15 Ayyalavaripalle 16 Maddireddigaripalle 17 MoothevandJapallC1 18 Sandigaripalle 19 Vang1puramvandlapalle 20 Nalikinivandlapalle 21 Dasigaripalle 22 Naglri 23 Bamenivandiapaile 24 Pasupuletivandlapalle 25 GollavaripalJe 26 Chitrajuvandlapalle 27 Kalvavandlapalle 28 Maddamalapalle 29 Diguvakonetivandlapalle 30 Eguvakonetivandiapallc 31 Chamantivandlapalle 32 Atchirajugaripalle 33 Muppalavandlapalle 34 Maddinenikunta 35 Kothavaddepalle 36 Thurpupoluvandlapalle 37 Eguvanayanipalle 38 Diguvanayanipalle 39 Thottikada Harijanawada 40 Bhathupalle 41 Edigapalle 42 Thurupupalle 43 Bangavandlapalle 44 BangavandJapalle Harijanawada 238


----~----~ --"_"

Location Code No. Sl. Name of the Vil!age Nam~ of the Hamlets if any r-----..A..-----, Remarks No. (1981 Census) (1981 Census) 1981 1971 1961

(I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)


63 Veeraballe (Coneld.) 45 Moogagundla Harijanawada 46 Cheruvumundaravaddepalle 47 Kothamalapalle 48 Likkavandlapalle 49 Dnugetapalle 64 Vongimalla 1 Poluchennareddipalle 3 77 77 2 Chinnamanchugiuipalle 3 Amurivandlapalle alias Nadigaddamalapalle 4 Eguvamalapalle 5 Vanamkadapalle 6 Upparapalle 7 Polimerapalle 8 Kavaligadda 9 Batamadigapalie 10 Asadivandlapalle- Bairoenivandlapalle 11 Kummarapalle 12 Kommurivandlapalle 13 Nalla parva thaiahgaripalle 14 Tenkayachetlapalle 15 Duggenapalie 16 Nagireddigaripalle 17 Madigapalle 18 R. M. Reddigaripalle 19 GollapaIle 20 NayanivaripalJe alias Chiuajuvandlapalle 21 Eguvarachapalle 22 Balijapaile 23 Kalevandlapalie alias Guttakindapalle 24 MadavandJapalie 25 Peddurkasba 26 Diguvarachapalle 2 78 78 Uninhabited 65 Yadaballe 30 66 66 Yendapallc 1 Jangamreddigaripalle 66 2 Boyapalle 3 Diguvamadigapaile 4 Polluvandlapalle 5 Malapa!le 6 Kuravapalle 7 Maramvandlapalle 8 Peddaramireddigaripalle 9 Musalreddigaripalle 10 Diguvamadigapalle 11 Yendapalle 12 Diguvakothapalle 13 Eguvakothapalle 2,39


Location Code No • . '$r; Name of the Village Name of the Hamlets if any ,-_____..A.. ___ ~-,. Remarks No. (1981 Census) (1981 Census) 1981 1971 1961

(I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

RAYACHOTl TALUK (Concld.) 67 Yerramahenipalem 1 Balijapalle 52 115 115 2 Malapalle 3 Madigapalle 4 KuppaguttapalJe Malapalle 5 Gangireddigaripalie 6 Kuravapalle alias Kothapalle 7 Nallamekulavandlapalle 8 Adavipalle 9 Palem 10 Kup\)aguttapalle 68 Yerranagupaile 31 52 52 Uninhabited


1 Adaprir Reddivanipalle 44 51 51 2 Rachapalle 3 Eguvamalapalle 4 DiguvamaJdpalle 5 Kondalapalle 6 Marripalle 7 Agrah3ram 2 Akepadu 1 N.uayanarajupJlle 63 61 61 2 Thipparajupdlle 3 p"ddur 4 Pedd urmadigapalle 5 Laxmaiahgaripalle 6 Ramireddlgaripalle 7 Yanadipalle 8 Gangarajupalle 9 Vaddikada palle 10 Muppalavandlapalle 11 Ayyaparajupalle 12 Peddamalawada 13 Kattakindipalle 14 Bud ugu vandlapalle 15 Lingammalawada 16 Atchanapalle 17 Chinaatchanapalle 18 Kammapalle 19 Gorillapalem 3 Anantharajupuram 66 72 72 Uninhabited 4 A.thiralla 60 42 42 Uninhabited 5 Bahirajupalle 1 Malawada 64 66 66 6 Brahmanapalle MalaWada 67 70 70 2 Madigawada 7 Chintalakunta 7 1 1 8 Damanacherla 29 22 22 24.


,.-_____Location...A- Code_____ No...... Sl. Nam.:: of tbe V\l1ag~ Name of the Hamlets if any Remarks No. (1981 Census) (1981 Census) 1981 1971 1961

(I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

RAJAMPET TALUK (Contd.) 9 Girijamambapuram 31 30 30 Uninhabitu 10 Gundlur 1 Sathirampalle 51 64 64 2 Diguvapeta 3 Eguvapeta 4 Annagaripalle 5 Gund urmalapalle 6 RachapalJe 7 Eguvamalawada 8 Madigapalle 9 Pampulapaile 10 Konarajupalle II Marameedimalapalle 12 Choppavaripalle 1l Hastavaram I Ayyapurajupalle 61 65 65 2 Chinnavenganagaripalle 3 Chenchurajupalle 4 Hastivaramharijanawada 5 H. Chertopalle 6 Ch in nay angannagar ipall e- madigawada 7 Cherlaharijanawada 8 Kondarajupalle 34 ; 12 Indlur 1 Indlur Harijanawada 26 34 2 Sathupalle Harijanawada 3 Sathupalle 13 Itimarpuram Rajupalem 33 25 25 2 Eguvaharijanawada 3 Diguvaharijanawada 4 Nayudupalleharijanawada 5 Mugavanipalleharijanawada 6 Appayarajupeta 7 Appayarajupeta Harijanawada 8 Thurupupalle 9 Thurupupallc Harijanawada 1.0 Rcguntapalle 11 Kattavatipalle 12 NayuduvanipaJle 13 Moogavanipalle 14 Madigawada 14 Jangalapalle ~ 9 9 IS Jattivaripalle 38 45 4, 16 Kambalakunta 16 33 33 17 Kitchamambapuram 1 Mandaram 54 43 43 2 Kothapalle 3 GoJlapalle 4 Rachapalle 5 Balijapalle 6 Mandaram Madigawada 7 Malawada 8 Nar?yanarajugaripalle 9 Kondareddipalle 241


Location Code No. Sl. Name of the Village Name of the Hamlets if any r------..A------., Remarks No. (1981 Census) (1981 Census) 1981 1971 1961

(J) (2) (3) (o:!) (5) (6) (7)


18 Komantharajupuram I Bestap.llle 36 38 38 2 Harijanawada 3 Rachapalle 19 Komarunipalle 19 II 12 20 Kommuru I Kommurumalawada 6 2 2 2 Kommurumadlgawada 3 Kothapalle 21 Konapuram 1 Venkataramarajul'eta 2 3 3 2 Chintakayalapalle 22 Konduru 1 Konduruharijanawada 14 19 19 2 Madlgawada. 3 Marlabayalu 4 Reddikrishnapalle 5 Eguvachin talakanchala Harijanawada 6 Eguvavuru 7 Diguvavuru 8 Upparapalle 9 Vaddepalle 10 Harijanawada 15 20 20 23 Konduru Chennarayasamudram 62 67 67 24 Kotbapalle 1 Maiapalle 2 Malawandlapalle 3 Cheruvurnundarachapalle 4 ]angarupalle 5 MedhavaripaUe 20 11 11 2' Kunda Nellore Maratipalle 22 47 47 26 Lebaka 1 2 Malapalle 3 Madigapalle 4 Edigapalle 5 Chennayagaripalle 6 Yeracheruvupalle 41 48 48 27 Lebaka Mangamarnbapuram 51 52 52 28 Madana Gopalapuram HarijaTlawada 49 62 62 29 Mandapalle 1 DiguvamandapaJle 2 Eguvamandapalle 3 Rachapalle 4 Malapalle 5 MadigapalJe 6 Vaddepalle 7 Cheyyuru Project Colony 65 69 69 ·30 Mannur 1 Yerrapalle 2 Goliapalle (P.U.X) (P.U. VUI) 3 Mannurrnadiga wad. 242



Location Code No. SI. Name of the Village Nam~ of :11) H:tmlets if any r------"------, Remarks No. (1981 Census)' (1981 Cen!'>us) 1981 1971 1961

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)


30 Mannur (concld.) 4 Naraparcddipalle Harijanawada 5 Mulakkayalapalle 6 Vetti Indlu Harijanawada 7 Chinnakaramp:tlle 8 Peddakarampalle 9 Peddakarampalle Madigawada 10 Haslivaripalle 11 Subbarajupalle 12 Lingarajupallc 13 Mittapalle 14 Cherlaharijanawada 15 Dommarajupalle 16 Gundalapalle 17 Avasanipalle Harijanawada 18 Alugumalawada 19 UpparapaUe 20 Yellagadda 31 Nalireddipalle I Aravapalle 46 S5 5S 2 Thurakapalle (P.U. VII) (P.U.) 3 Narayanarajupeta 4 Kummarapalle 5 • Isukaralle 6 Gollapalle 7 Rachapalle 8 Isukapalle Malapalle 32 Nallapureddipalle 1 Eguvavuru 39 39 39 2 Diguvavuru 3 Beslhapalle 4 Nadimpalle 5 Gundlavanipalle 6 Harijanawada 7 U ttireddigaripalle 8 Arundhati wada 33 Nalla Thimmayapalle Pathamalawada 42 4' 49 34 Nandalur 1 Edarapalle 45 54 54 2 Neetipalle (P·U.) 35 Narasimharajupuram 1 Malawada 10 15 15 2 Pullampadu 3 Madigawada 4 Malawada 36 Narayana Nellore Diguva Narayana Nellore 40 44 Harijanawada 2 Eguva Narayana Nellore 3 Isukapal1c 4 Diguva Narayana N~llore 243


Location Code No. Sl. Name of the Village Name of .the Hamlets if any ,..-----..A..--___--. Remarks No. (1981 Census) (1981 Census) 1981 1971 1961

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)


37 Nookinenipalle Harijanawada 9 8 8 2 Kumbunipuram 38 Obili 1 AlhagaripalJe 37 37 37 2 Racha vanipalle 3 Kadapamadigawada 4 Odetivanipalle 5 Diguvaharijanawada 6 Odetivaripalle Harijanawada 7 Jadavaripalle 39 Patur Nadimpalle 47 56 56 2 Thurakapalle 3 Eguvapalle 4 MadigapalJe 5 Errapapulapalle 6 Rachapalle 7 Errapapulagari Malawada 8 Balayyagarimalawada 9 Errapapulakumarapalle 10 Reddivaripalle 40 Penaaalur Aaraharam 1 Kodichennayagaripalle 17 14 14 2 Kodichennayagaripalle Harijanawada 3 Kothapalle 4 Nagireddipalle 5 Harijanawada . 6 Madigawada 41 Poli 1 Polimalawada 57 41 41 2 Apparajupeta 3 Apparajupeta Harijanawada 4 Kadiyalapalle Harijanawada 5 Indluvaripalle 6 Seshammagaripalle 7 Seshammagaripalle Madigawada 8 Chinnayellugaripalle 9 Chinnayellugaripalle Malawada 10 Anumalagunduvaripalle 11 Kuppuvaripalle 12 Kuppuvaripalle Harijana wada 13 Yellugaripalle 14 Pathapalle 15 Yellammavandlapalle 16 Yanadipalle 17 Athirala Agraharam 18 Parasuramapuram 19 Kadi):alapalle 42 Pondalur 1 Po nduredigapalle 35 28 28 2 Pondalur Harijanawada 3 Chakarampeta 244


Location Code No. SI. Name of the Village Name of the Hamlets if any r-----~..J>...-----, Remarks No. (1981 Census) (1981 Census) 1981 1971 1961

(I) (2) . (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

RAJAMPET TALUK (Contd.) 42 Pondalur (coneld.) 4 Chakarampeta Harijanawada 5 Kakarlavanipalle 6 Vaddepalle 7 Venkatanarayanapalle 8 Peramvanipalle 9 Chekuntapalle Govindapalle 10 Yapa tivanipalle 11 Yennampalk 12 Gundlavaripalle 13 Pathapalle 14 Rajupalem 15 Mudrapalle 16 M udrapalleharijanawada 17 KadiamvaripaJle 18 Peramvaripalle Harijanawada 43 pondalur Venkatampalle 56 27 27 Uninhabited 44 pothapi I Malawada 5 7 7 2 Rachapalle 3 Thallavaram 4 Kitchampeta 5 Gudiselamalawada 6 Chapalavanipalle

45 Pulaputhuru ) Malapalle 48 57 57 2 Madigapalle 3 Diguvapalle 4 Ramachandrapuram 5 Salipeta 6 Thogurpeta 7 Noothipalle 8 Chintalakona 9 Baggarapalle 10 EkarapalJe 11 BaggarapaUe madigawada 12 Musalimadugu 46 Rajampet 1 Kutchivaripalle 59 71 71 2 Thummala Agraharam (P.U. X) (P.U. VIII) (P.U.) 3 Eguvabasinaidugaripalle 4 Harijanawada 5 Dhanasupalle 6 Diguvabasinaidugaripatle 7 Madigawada 8 Venkatampalle Malawada 9 Venkatampallemadigawada 10 Varadaiabgaripalle 11 Kattavaripalle 12 Venkatampalle 2.45


,-_____Location ..A.. Code _____ No. , SI. Name of the Village Nam~ of the H_jmlels if any Remarks No. (1981 Census) (1981 Census) 1981 1971 1961

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

. RAJAMPET TALUK (Contd.) 47 Ramamam bapuram Upparapalle 3 6 6 2 Tlmmarachapplle 3 Malawada 4 Madigawada 48 Rangayapalle 1 Obulamp~t 4 4 2 Harijanawada 49 Rolla Buduguntapalie 1 Renuthala 69 58 58 2 Badanagadda 3 Rachapalle 4 Malapalle 5 Turakapalle 6 Madigawacla 50 Rollamadugu 1 Nadimpalle 70 59 59 2 GolJapalle 3 Peddur 4 Madigapalle 5 Balarajupalle 6 Vadisalagondi 7 G angaraj upu ram

51 Seshamambapuram Harijanawada 50 63 63 2 Si tharampuram 3 Balireddipalle 4 Somirajugaripalle 5 Kapurajupalle 6 Vaddapalle 7 Paparaj upalle 8 Madigapalle 1 13 52 Siddavaram Padmayagaripalle 18 13 2 Diguvaharijanawada 3 Eguvaharijanawada Harijanawada . 53 Singanamala 34 29 29 54 Singanamala Chennarayasamudram 27 31 31 Uninhabited 55 Singanamala Vengamambapuram 32 32 32 Uninhabited 56 Singareddipalle 1 Gattu Harijanawada 25 35 35 2 Kambalakunta 3 Abbanapalle 4 Gaddameedi Harijanawada 57 Siriavaram 1 Yarachapalle . 11 16 16 2 Harijanawada 58 Sitarampuram 1 Nadimpalle 55 40 40 2 Malawada 3 Madiga,wada 59 Srirangarajupuram 1 Malawada 68 68 68 2 Madigawada


EST OF VILLAGES IN CUDDAPAH DISTRICT TOGETHER WITH THEIR HAMLETS AS IN 1981 CENSUS AND LOCATION CODE NUMBERS FROM 1951 TO 1981 CENSUSES ------.------Location Code No. Remarks SI. Name of the Village Name of the Hamlets if any .------"------, No. (1981 Census) (1981 Census) 1981 1971 1961 (7) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)


2 Ananthaiahgaripalle RaJugaripalle 19 92 92 2 Thiruma1aiahgaripalle 3 Rampavaripalle 4 Gollapalle 5 KonayagaripaUe 6 Kumarunipalle 7 Malawada alias Konayapalle Harijanawada 8 Madlgawada 9 Balijapalle 10 Chen naYagaripalie 11 Thimmareddipalle 12 Bollavandlapalle 13 Degalavandlapal1 e 14 Poluruyengannagaripalle 15 Konalampalle 134 134 3 Anantharajupet Turpupalle 67 2 Urlagattupadu 3 Madig.Jpalle 4 Malapalle 5 Thuragapalle 6 Etigaddamalawada 7 Tamballavaripallc , i Eguvapalle 9 Thulagavaripalle 10 Mittameedipalle 11 Narayanarajupadu 12 Pi t tamvaripalle a lias Pi ttavanipalle 13 Vaddepalle 14 Eragamrajupadu 15 Timm isettipalle 16 Bojjavaripalle 17 Aravapalle 18 Erikalareddipalle 19 Sarimanipadu .l0· Kapulapalle 21 Asadimala wada 22 Pagadalapalle 23 Udumuvaripalle 24· Form 25 Dadevandlapalle 26 A. Madigawada 27 T. Harijanawada 28 V. Malawada 29 TammisettipaJle Harijanawada 30 Mittavandlapalle Harijanawada 248


,-___Location--A.. Code_____ l'Io. , SI. Name of the Vil:age _ Name of the Hamlets if any Remarks No. (1981 Census) (1981 Census) 1981 1971 1961 , (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) -----


4 Ananthasamudram 1 Botameedipalle 56 77 77 2 Puthanavaripalle 3 Dasaripalle 4 Madigapalle 5 Harijanawada 6 Ananthasamudram Harijanawada 7 PuJlareddipaJle 8 Pullareddipalle Malapalle 9 Nakkalapalle 10 Upparapalle 11 Papakkagaripalle 12 Papakkagaripalle Harijanawada 13 Peddulopalle 14 Peddulopalle Harijanawada 15 Vaddepalle 16 Gandhamuvipalle 5 Appaiahraj upet 32 85 85 6 Bhakarapuram 1 Kothapalle Harijanawada 9 112 112 2 Ga ttumeedipalle 7 Bommavaram 1 Mavavaripalle 43 119 119 2 Rachapalle 3 KothapalJe 4 Kammapalle 5 Seshakkagaripalle 6 Mangalapalle 7 Payyalavaripalle 8 Gaddalarevupalle 9 Bommavarammalawada 10 Kal vamalawada 11 B. Gollapalle 12 Payyalavaripalle Harijanawada 13 M. Harijanawada 14 Mangalapalle Harijanawada 117 8 Botimeedipalle 1 Kakarlapalle 38 117 2 Malawada 3 Madigawada Anumpalle 110 110 9 CherlopaJle 1 11 2 CherlopalJe Arundathiwada 49 129 129 10 Chinna Orampadu 1 Gollapalle 2 Kammapalle 3 Ayyalarajupalle 4 ObulavaripaJle 5 Balijapalle alias Pullanethivaripalle 6 Mudenipalle 7 GoUapalle Harijanawada 249


Location Code No. Sl. Name of the Village Name of tlie Hamlets if any r-----A..----, Remarks No. (1981 Census) (1931 Census) 1981 1971 1961·

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)


to Chinna Orampadu (concld.) 8 Kammapalle Harijanawada 9 Bondabandlapalle Malawada 10 Alasandupalle Harijanawada Jl Putikavandlapalle Harijanawada 12 Mudinenipalle Harijanawada 13 Mudinenipalle Madigawada 14 Nadimpallc 15 Diguvapalle 16 Adi Andhra site (Harijana colony) 17 Eguvavandlapalle alias Vaddepalle 18 AravapaJIe HarJjanawada 19 Katikamvaripalle 11 Chintalacheiika Kutalamarri (Forest area) 3 107 J07 12 Chitve) 1 Pathachitvel Harijanawada 7 105 105 2 K. Vaddepalle 3 Kandulavaripalle 4 Reddivaripalle 5 Thilmmachetlapalle 6 Pathachit"e} 7 Pathachitvel Arundhatiwada 8 Mittapallc Harijanawada 9 Sitarampuram 10 Yanadipalle 11 Rampavaripalle Harijanawada

13 Chiyyavaram I Chiyyavarammalawada 70 141 141 2 Chlyyavaramvaddepalle 3 Kamrnapalle 4 Konetiraj upalle Girijana colony 5 Muthrachapalle 6 Nadimpall.! 1 Gurumurthypalle 8 Malawada 9 Jangantivandlapalle 10 Mittameedipalle 11 Konetirajukhandriga 14 Dalvaipalle 1 Harijanawada 31 86 86 2 Adi Andhrawada 15 Devamachupalle 1 Rarnapuram 6 106 106 2 KandulavaripaJle 3 Kothamalawada 4 Ramapuram Arundhatiwada 250


,-____Location..A.-- Code No.__ , SI. Name of the Village Name of the Hamlets if any Remarks No. (1981 Census) (1981 Census) 1981 1971 1961

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)


16 Devasamudram 1 Mittamalawada 26 74 74 2 Lebakavaripalle 3 Moramutamalapalle 4 MalapaJIe 5 Madigawada 6 Mutharachepalle 7 Vaddepalle 17 Dondlopalle Malawada alias IS 97 97 Adi Andhrawada 2 Eguva Harijanawada 3 Diguva Harijanawada 18 Gadela I Thallamvaripalle 58 132 132 2 Venkataramapuram 3 Kothapalle 4 Chenchuvanipalle 5 Harijanawada 6 Madigawada 7 Gobburuvandlapalle 8 Malapalle 136 136 19 Gangarajupuram 65 20 Garlamaduau 1 Harijanawada S4 82 82 102 102 21 Gobburuvaripalle 1 Harijanawada 35 75 75 22 Gopamambapuram 1 ThammareddipalJe 25 2 Thammareddipalle Harijanawada 3 Vaddepalle Harijanawada 4 Upparapalle alias KummarapaUe 5 Upparapalle Malapalle 6 Eguvavaddepalle 7 Diguvavaddepalle 127 127 23 Govindampalle Kothapalle 46 2 Gollapalle Malawada 3 Peddur 4 Kadiyalavaripalle 5 Sirigirirachapalle (j Pohvandlapalle 7 Kummarapalle 8 NalJaguttapalle , Gollapalle 10 Kummarapalle Harijanawada 11 'PolivandlapaUe Harijanawada 48 130 130 24 J ellclamadaka 1 Harijanawada 45 122 122 25 Kalvavarikandrika 113 113 26 Kampasamudram 1 Gudlavaripalle 8 2 KandulavaripaIte :3 Chaparavaripalle 251


Location Code No. SI. Name of the Vil!age Name of the Hamlets if any ,..--_._----"------, Remarks No. (1981 Census) (1981 Census) 1981 1971 1961

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)


26 Kampasamudram (coneld.) 4 Vaddepalle 5 Mangavaripalle 6 Marugaripalle 27 Kampasamudram Agraharam 1 Sangadevip.l11e 12 114 114 2 Patha agraharam 3 Sangadevipalle Harijanawada 28 K. Buduguntapalle 69 139 139 29 Ketharajupalle Harijanawad.l 34 84 84 30 KitehamambapuramAgraharam 64 138 138 31 Kodur 1 Sunnapurallapalle 72 l40 140 2 Reddivaripalle Madigawada 3 Desettipalle 4 Venkatarajukhandriga S Kondaiahgaripalle 6 Apparajapalle madigawada 7 Ayyavaripalle madigawada 8 Ayya varipalle 9 GUlldalapalle 10 A. Malawada 11 Buduguntapalle 12 Buduguntapalle malawada 13 Paparajupalle H Reddivanpalle IS Yanadi colony 16 As.sylam 17 MysuriVdfipalle 18 Kothapalle malawada 19 Pandetirajupalle alIas Pothirajuvaripallc Harijanawada 20 Vaddepalle 21 Changalrajupalle 22 Kondareddipadu 23 Gangarajupadu 24 Jagadampalle 25 Chalapalem 26 Reddivaripalle Harijanawatla 27 Mysoorivaripailc Harijanawada 28 Diguvasurapurajupalle 29 Eguvasurapurajupalle 3(, Siddiraj ukhandriga 31 Thadivandla madigawada 32 Ayyavaril?alle Harijanawada 32 Kommanavaripalle 1 Choppavari palle 21 99 99 2 Racharalle alias Velpulavaripalle 3 Kothapeta 4 Kothuvaripalle 5 Malawada 6 Madigawada 25:


Location Code No. Sl. Name of [he Village Name of the H:tmlets if any r------...A------, - Remarks No. (1981 Census) (1981 Census) 1981 1971 1961

(I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)


33 Korlakunta Chinnarajupodu 59 131 131 2 Sonimakulapalle 3 GondivandlapaUe 4 Vaddepalle 5 Kothapalle (Safljeevapuram) 6 Dakshinapu malawada 7 Harijanawada 8 Madigawada 9 Chelampalem 10 ThadikaJabayalu 11 An'antharajupet R. S. 34 Kota Venkata Ramaraiupuram 42 121 121 35 Kothapalle Agraharam 22 100 100 36 Maharajupuram Siddareddipalle 41 120 120 37 Malemarp.uram 1 Nakkalapalle 2 26 26 2 Chillavandlapalle 3 Ramalingapuram alias Maratipalle 4 Thim mayyagaripaII e 5 Pollepalle 6 Boyapalle 7 Edigapalle 8 Kasturivaripalle 9 Pattiguntavaripalle alias Thimmarajupaile Harijanawada 10 Malapalle ali .. s Harijariawada 11 Madigapalle alias Arundhatiwada 12 Narapureddipalle 13 Jorepalle 14 Gollapalle 15 Thimmarayapalle Harijanawada 16 Garugupalle 17 Pollepalle Arundhatiwada 18 Pollepalle Harijanawada 19 Kasturivaripalle Harijanawada 20 Garugupalle Arundhatiwada 38 Mallemadugu 1 21 21 39 Mangampet AyyapureddipaUe 60 126 126 2 Kammapalle alias Kopampalle 3 Harijanawada 4 Mining Area 40 Mittameedapalle 1 Chavanavaripalle 24 90 90 2 Gondivaripalle 3 Kommanavaripalle' 4 T. Sundupalle alias Sunduvaripalle 5 Singanavaripalle 6 Lakshampalle 253


, _____Location..A.. Code____ No. , Sl. Name of the Village Name of the Hamlets if any Remarks No. (1981 Census) (193J Census) 1981 1971 1961

(I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)


40 Mittameedipalle (coneld.) 7 Kollavaripalle 8 Mekavaripalle 9 Kanchalavar ipalle alias KambavaripaJle 10 Mittameedipalle Harijanawada 11 Nadimp:llJe 12 Kollava ripal! e Harijanawada 13 Mekavaripalle Harijanawada 14 LakshampalJe Harijanawada 15 Chavanivari madigawada 16 Chavanivaripalle Harijanawada 41 Mukkavaripalle 1 Tura kapalle 47 128 128 2 Ba1ijapalle 3 Sanjeevapuram 4 Amruthalavaripalle 5 Vaddepalle 6 Harijanawada alias M. Malawada 7 Madigawada 42 MyJapalle I Rachapalle 5 109 109 2 Rachapalle Harijanawada J Gollapalle 4 Vaddcpallc 5 Vaddepalle Hartjanawada 6 Nadimpalle 7 Bha ttuVaripalic 8 Mylapalle madigavvada alias Harijana colony 9 Maharajupuram 10 Gollapalle Harijanawada 43 Nagavaram 1 Dcvarayapallc 44 123 123 2 Alivelumangapuram 3 Cheruv urn undurachapalle 4 C. Rachapalle 5 Thirumalasettipalle 6 Kondayagaripallc 7 Reddivaripalle 8 Choppavaripalle 9 Upparapalle 10 Sayyalavaripalle alias Rayala varipall e 11 Kaclivini malawada alias Kesani Harijanawada 12 Madigawada 13 Adisetti malawada Harijanawada 14 Rovvthigiui Harijanawada 15 Yethavam Harijanawada 254


,.---Location__-..Jo.- Code_____ No. , SI. Name of the Village Name of the Hamlets if any Remarks No. (1981 Census) (1981 Census) 1981 19TI 1961

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) ------


44 Nagiripadu 1 Venkatarajupalle 13 115 11S 2 Pedduruppapalle 3 Gollapalle 4 Kummarapalle 5 Thopulapalle 6 KamsalepaUe 7 Eguvapalle 8 Malhmpalle 9 Jattivaripalle 10 Chinthareddipalle 11 Upparapalle 12 Kand ulavaripalle 13 Nagiripadu madigawada 14 Mallampalle Harijanawada 15 Eguvapalle Harijanawada 16 Upparapalle Harijanawada 17 Venkatarajupalle Malawada 18 Vankatarajupalle Madigawada 45 Nethivaripalle 30 116 116 46 Nookanapalle 57 79 79 47 Obanapalle 1 Kothapalll:' 63 137 137 2 Singamvaripalle 3 Boyanapalle 4 GandhamvaripaIIe 5 Madigawada 6 Malawada 7 Yanadlpalle alias Yerrampallc 8 Vaddepalle 48 Pedda Orampadu 1 Papireddipalle malawada 36 104 104 2 Papi reddlpalle 3 Yellaiahpalle alias Yellampalle 4 Chinnampalle 5 Chinnampalle malawada 6 Chinnampalle madigawada 7 Perumalapalle 8 Kammapalle Harijanawada 9 Kammapalle 10 Besthapalle 11 Besthapalle madigawada 12 Appalaguntapalle 13 Kristaipalle 14 Y cJlampalle ma!awada 15 Alasandu Harijanawada 16 Peddaorampadu malawada 17 Edigapalle 18 Lingareddipalle Adi Andhrawada 19 VaddepaJle alias Papaiahpalle 20 Yanadiwada 21 Harijanawada 22 A. Harijanawada 23 Lingareddipalle 255


,--Location___--A--- Code____ No. """ SI. Name of the Vil!age Name of the Hamlets if any Remarks No. (1981 Census) (1981 Census) 1981 1971 1961

(I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)


49 Perayavaram Eguvaramakkapalle 52 83 83 2 Ramakkapalle maJawada 3 Ananthanpalle 4 Ananthanpalle malawada 5 Ananthanpalle madigawada 6 Ananthanpalle vantintimadigawada '] Diguva Ramakkapalle 50 Pullampet 1 Cheriopalle 23 89 89 2 Udumvaripalk 3 Sathuvaripalle 4 Jagavaripalle 5 Chcrlopal1e Harijanawada 6 Udumvaripalle Harijanawada alias Adi Andhrawada 7 Sethllvaripalle Harijanawada 8 Pullampet Adi Andhrawada 51 Puthanavaripalle 20 93 93 52 Raghavarajupuram 1 Kapapalle 66 135 135 2 Sathram 3 Rachapalle 4 Gattumeedipalle 5 Madigawada 6 Ma1awada '] A.P.S.E.B. quarters 8 A.P. Fruit Research Quarters 53 Rajukunta Ramasamudram 4 10S lOS 54 Rallachervupalle 1 KOlhapalle Harijanawada 37 103 103 2 Malawada 5S Ramasamudram 1 Madigapalle 16 96 96 2 Malawada 3 Madinenivaripalle 4 Kothapalle 56 Rangampalle 1 Rachapalle 51 81 81 2 Upparapalle 3 GolJapalle 4 Vaddepalle 5 Nadimagaddamalawada 6 Madigapalle 7 Malawada 57 Reddipalle 1 Reddipallepeta 50 80 80 2 T. Kammapalle 3 Mittakammapalle 4 Eguvartddipalle 5 Balijapalle 6 Kistam'palle 7 Balijapalle Harijanawada 8 T .K. Adi Andhrawada 9 Harijana Booth (Malawada) 256


,-____Location..A.. Code____ No. , SI. Name of the Village Name of the Hamlets if any Remarks No. (1981 Census) (1981 Census) 1981 1971 1961

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)


58 Settigunta 1 Balapalle 74 143 143 2 Thurakapalle 3 Peddapadu 4 Lakshmigaripalle 5 Karimgaripalle 6 Yanadipalle Madigapalle 7 Yanadipalle 8 AbbiIlaidupalle 9 Settigunta Harijanawada 10 Ramapuram 11 Kukkaladoddi 12 P. Madigapalle 13 Settigunta Railway Station 14 Leprosy colony 59 Srinivasapuram 73 144 144 60 Srirangarajupalem 27 60 60 61 Thimmayapalem 10 111 111 62 Thippayapalle 1 Bavikadapalle North 28 73 73 2 Pachavaripalle 3 Bavikadapalle South 4 Ramapuram 5 Thippayapalle Harijanawada 6 Ramapuram Madigawada alial Thurupumadigawada 7 Ramapuram Malawada 8 KovvuruvandlapaJle 9 Thurpumadigawada 10 Eguvamadigawada 11 Diguvamadigawada 63 Thiruvengalanatharajapuram 1 Seetarampeta 53 87 87 64 Thummakonda 1 Chinnarachapalle 40 118 118 2 Vaddepalle 3 D. Malawada 4 Madigawada 5 Mittameedipalle 6 Eguvamalawada 65 Upparapalle Diguvamadhavapadu 71 142 142 2 UpparapallekothapaUCI 3 Eguvamalawada 4 Madhavararnpadu 5 Madhavararnpadu- Diguvarnalawada 6 Madhavarampadu Madigawada 7 Janakammapurarn 8 Kothapallernalawada 9 Madavaripalle 10 Venkatareddipalle 11 Rachapallernalawada alias Upparapalle Eguvamalawada 257


.. Location Code No • Sl. Name of the Village Name of the Hamlets if any ,.------"------, Remarks No. (1981 Census) (1981 Census) 1981 1971 1961

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (1)


65 Upparapalle (concld.) 12 Eguvavurumadigawada 13 Eguvavenkatareddipalle 14 Eguvavuru Harijanawada 15 Diguvavari Harijanawada 16 Jyothinagar 17 Biliupatipalle 18 Madhavarampadu- Ha~ijanawada 66 Utukuru Chalivendula 17 95 95 Uninhabitea 67 Utukur Venkatampalle 1 Bollavandiapalle 18 94 94 2 Gadidavandi"palle 68 Vallurupalle I Kottakindipalle 14 98 98 2 Harijanawada 3 Adi-Andhrawada 69 Vasudevapuram 61 125 125 70 Vathalur 1 'Edigapalle 29 76 76 2 MallamvaripaEe 3 At:undhatiwada (Mad\ga-paHe) 4 Vataluru Harijanawada 5 Gopampalle 6 Vaddepalle 7 Gollavaripall e 8 Madigapalle 9 Thimmaiahgaripalle 10 Thimmareddipalle 11 Rachapalle 12 Malapalle 71 Vellalavari Kandrika 1 Rachapalle 62 124 124 2 Bailjapalle 3 Kapupalle 4 Y anadipall e 5 Y. Harijanawada 6 V. V. Harijanawada 72 Venkatesapuram 33 101 101 Uni"habited 73 Yammanur 30 88 88 74 Yerragun tlako ta . 1 Sunnapurallapalle 68 133 133 2 Yaddulavandlapalle 3 Balivaripal1e 4 Venkataraju khandriga 5 Veeruvaripalle Madigapalle 6 Y. Madigawada 7 BaIireddipalle 8 Ledugaripalle 9 Madigapalle 10 Indiranagar

SECTION Ii - Town Directory



Codes used in the seven statements are explai­ Under Cols. 12 & 13, the codes used to state ned in detail and the expressions for the abbreviations the SOurce of supply and system of storage of pro­ used in Statements are briefly explained herein. State­ tected water supply are as follows: ment I has been compiled in this Office and Overhr ad tank OHT Statements II to VI by obtaining the data from Service reservoir SR local authorities having administrative control over River infiltration the towns. gallery IG Borewell pumping System BWP In the Statement I Col. 2 to denote the civic Pressure tank PT status of town the codes used are : Tubewell Waterj Hand pump TW Municipal Corporation I Tap Water T Corporation M. Corp. Well Water W Municipality M Tank Water TK Cantonment Boardl Cantonment CB The first five codes relate to the system of Notified Area/Notified storage of water in the town and the remaining four Area Committee/Notified cudes represent the diff~rent sources of water supply Committee NAC to the inhabitants of a town. Gram PanchayatjVillage Panchayat p In Statement V under Col. 4 to indicate the type of medical facility available to the citizens, the following codes are used. In Statement IV Col. 6 to differentiate category Hospital H of road the following abbreviations are used. Dispensary D Pucca Road PR Health Centre HC Kuccha Road KR Family Planning Centre FC Under CoL 7 to specify the system,of sewerage T. B. Clinic TB the codes given are : Nursing Home NH Others 0 Sewer S {)pen surface drains OSD If there are more than one institutions of any Box surface drains BSO type, the number of such institutions is noted within Sylk drains SO brackets eg: D (2); NH (7) etc. Cesspool method CD Pit System Pt To distinguish the medical institutions as Allo­ pathic, or Ayurvedic or U nani or Homoeopathic the In Col. I I the various prevalent methods of following additional codes are used. disposal of night soil are given with the following Ayurvedic A codes. Unani U Homoeopathic Hom. Head loads HL Baskets B In case of allopathic no separate code is used. Wheel Barrows WB The information on medical facilities is presented Septic tank latrines ST horizontally in the same line as illustrated below: Sewerage S H (A-l,2), D (Hom. 2, U-l) 262

Here H (A-I, 2), represents one Ayurvedic Short-hand & and 2 Allopathic h()spitals and D (Hom-2, U-l) repre­ Typewriting Sb;Type sents 2 Homoeopathic and I Vnani Dispensaries. Others a

The Codes used for the Col. 6 are as follows; The vocational institutions like Applied Art/ Arts only A Painting College, Pharmacy College, B. Ed. College, Science only S Teacher's Training institutes, Music/Dancing School, Arts and Science only AS Nursing School etc., are covered under "Others". Commerce only C Arts and Commerce only AC Schools upto class IV are treated as Primary Arts, Science and or Elementary Schools.' These include Nursery Commerce Ase SchoolS, Kinder Garten Schools, Pre-basic Schools, Law L Pre~primary Schools. Schools upto Class VIII are treated as Junior Secondary or Middle Schools. If there are more than one institutions of each Schools upto Class X are treated as Matriculation or type the number is given against each in brackets. Secondary Schools. Schools or Colleges upto Class XI or XII are considered in the Group of Higher Under Col. 10 the following codes are used to Secondary / Intermediate / Pre - University / Junior specify the recognised short-hand, typewriting and College, etc .. other vocational training institutio~. If there are more than one institutio$f each type the number is Under Col. 20-the abbreviations given are as . given against each in brackets. follows: Short-hand SH Public Library PL Typewriting Type Reading Room RR TOWN DIRECTORY STATEMENTS 264


No. of house- holds including Population & growth rate· SI. Class. Name & Civic L.C. Name of Ta\uk Area (in houseless house------No. administration No. Sq. km,.) holds (in 1981 1901 1911 1921 1931 statu, of Town Census) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

IV Badvel (P) I Badvel 6.31 2.257 10,883 11,590 5,246 5,239 (6.50) (-54.74) (-0.13)

2 I CudJapah (M) II Cuddapah 6.84 18,073 16,432 17,807 19,517 22,602 (8.37) (9.60) (!5.81)

3 V Dommara (P) III Jammalamadugu 12.69 1,417 Notified as town for the first Nandyal

4 III Jammalarnadugu (P) IV Jammalamadugu 24.82 5,088 13,852 16,099 14,584 15,944 (16.22) (-9.41) (9.33)

5 V Kamalapuram (P} V Kamalapuram 17.50 1,990 6,902 5,809 (-15.84)

6 V Madhavaram {P} VI Sidhout 14.46 1,576 Notified as town for the first

7 V Nagiredd;palle (P) VII Rajampet 5.82 1,683 Notified as town for the first

8 I Proddatur (M) VIII Proddatur 7.12 20,933 14,370 15,156 15,906 20,124 (9.65) (0.95) (26.52)

9 III Pulivendla (P) IX Pulivendla• 6.29 4,078 -,

10 IV Rajampet (P) X Rajampet· 20.60 3,944 15,287 14,649 5,921 3,394 (-4.17) (-59.58) (-42.68)

11 III Rayachoti {P} XI Rayachoti 39.78 7,002 7,123 8,012 8,072 7,025 (12.48) (0.75) (-12.97)

12 V Veparala (P) XII Muddanur 11.21 1,026 Notified as town for the first

13 IV Yerraguntla (p)Xm Kamalapuram 13.78 2,472 Notified as town for the first 265


Sex Ratio oft h e town at the cenSUses of Density ~------~------~ 51. "------~ (1981 1961 1971 1981 No. 1941 1951 1961 1971 1981 Census) Census Census Census

(11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (J)

5,723 7,085 8.063 9,083 11,460 1,~16 1,004 997 989 1 (9.24) (23.80) (13.80) (12.65) (26.17)

28,246 . 37,438 49,027 66,195 103,125 15,077 1- 932 926 929 2 (24.97) (32.54) (30.96) (35.02) (55.79)

tlme in 1981 Census 7,149 563 967 3

9,653 12,524 16,616 20,008 26,580 1,071 993 986 983 4 (-39.46) (29.74) (32.67) (20.41) (32.85)

5,937 6,653 7,641 8,433 9,873 564 973 1,004 979 5 (2.20) (12.06) . (14.85) (10.37) (17.08)

time in 1981 Census 7,410 512 960 6

time in 1981 Census 8,570 1,473 958 7

26,961 36,624 50,616 70,822 107,070 15,038 '/. 952 939 951 8 (33.97) (35.84) (38.20) (39.92) (51.18)

11,704 21,104 3,355 927 958 9 .(80.31)

8,168 9,281 11,636 13,345 19,927 967 995 963 989 10 (140.66) (13.63) (25.37) (14.69) (49.32)

8,559 10,655 16.721 24,053 35,257 886 911 931 929 11 (21.84) (24.49) (56.93) (43.85) (46.58)

time in 1981 Census 5.194 463 989 12

time in 1981 Census Il.784 855 932 13 266


PHYSICAL ASPECTS NAME OF ~------~------, r----- Temperature (in Centigrade) SI. Class and Rainfall ,-__-,-_J... _____, State District No. Name of Town (in mm.) Maximum Minimum Headquarters Headquarters HYDERABAD CUDDAPAH (1 ) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

IV Badvel 702.0 40.0 21.0 422 50

2 I Cuddapah 747.6 40.0 21.0 420 0

3 V Dommara Nandyai 594.5 42.8 14.6 390 80

4 III Jammaiamadu&u 594.5 42.8 14.6 393 80

5 V Kamalapuram 613.5 44.0 19.0 424 24

6 V Madhavaram 747.6 40.0 21.0 460 40

7 V Nagireddipalle 773.4 40.0 21.0 425 48

8 I Proddatur 620.0 40.0 25.0 350 S5

9 III Pulivendla 563.9 3~.4 30.0 382 72

10 IV Rajampet 773.4 40.0 21.0 473 53

11 III Rayachoti 667.6 38.0 26.0 473 53

12 V Veparala 594.5 42.8 14.6 393 82

13 IV Yerraguntla 620.0 40.0 25.0 372 43 La 7


A ,N D R 0 ADD 1ST AN C E (IN Kms.) FRO M ------..

Nearest city with Navigable river! population of one canal (If withi'1 Sl. Sub-divisiontTaluk lakh and more Railway Station Bus Route 10 Kms.) No. (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (I)

Rajampet /Badvel Cuddapah Cuddapah Badvel (80) (0) (50) (50) (0)

Cuddapah/Cuddapah Proddatur Cuddapah Cuddapah 2 (0) (0) (55) (0) (0)

Jammalamadugu/Jammalamadugu proddatur Muddanur Jammalamadugu 3 (5) (5) (23) (25) (5)

Jammalamadugu/Jammalamadugu Proddatur Muddanur Jammalamadugu PennelU (R) 4 (0) (0) (20) (20) (0)

Cuddapahl Kamalapuram Cuddapah Kamalapuram Kamalapuram 5 (24) (0) (24) (0) (0)

RajampetjSidhout Cuddapah Vontimitta Madhavaram Penneru (R) , 6 (40) (32) (40) (\5) (0)

Rajampet/Rajampet Cuddapah Nagireddipalle Nagireddipalle Cheyyeru (R) 7 (5) (5) (48) (0) (0)

Jammalamadugu/proddatur Cuddapah Yerraguntla Proddatur 8 (20) (0) (55) (14) (0)

JammaiamaduguJPulivendla Proddatur Muddanur Pulivendla 9 . (57) (0) (70) (37) (0)

Rajampet/Rajampet Cuddapah Rajampet Rajampet 10 (0) (0) (53) (0) (0)

Cuddapah/Rayachoti Cuddapah Rajampet Rayachoti 11 (53) (0) (53) (50) (0)

JammalamaduguJMuddanur Proddatur Muddlnur V ~parala Penneru (R) 12 (6) (32) (26) (32) (0)

Cuddapah/Kamalapuram Proddatur Yaraguntla Y erragun tla Penneru (R) 13 (43. (15) (15) (0) (0) 268


RECEIPT (1 n R s. '00) ,------______..A.. ______-_____ Revenue de- rived from Muoi- Civic admini- cipal properties stration Receipt and power Government SI. Class aod Name of Town status through apart from gr~nt Loan Advance No. (In 1980) taxes, etc. taxation (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

IV Badvel P 834 120 218 ... .<. I Cuddapah M 14,258 5,443 25,744

3 V Dommara Naodyal P 130 10 79

4 III Jammalamadugu P 3.156 1,179 218 426 \ 5 V Kamalapuram P 400 95 18

6 V Madhavaram P 201 23

7 V Nagireddipalle* P 546 42 '17

8 I Proddatur M 9,996 18,583 21,652 3,630

9 dI Pulivendla P 3,069 510 46

10 IV Rajampet P 2,500 3.000

11 III Rayachoti P 1,272 72 94 55

12 V Veparala P 231 20

13 IV Yerraguntla P 356 75 79 17

·Information is related to 1979-80 since the Panchayat was Constituted in 1979. 269


E X PEN D I T U R E (In Rs. -00) ,----_.J.._-.,...... ----"'-I ,------'------,

Other General Public Total sources Total I Adminis-_ Public health and Public Public Others Expen- SI. (specify) Receipt tratlon safety conveniences works Institution (specify) diture No. (9) (IC) (II) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (I)

832 2,004 331 665 439 • 96 111 1.642

64,181 109,626 2,515 2,253 26.674 13,859 19,989 29,198 94,488 2

25 244 115 52 38 6 8 39 258 3

2,548 7.527 1,567 1,274 278 987 72 830 5,008 4

1,288 1,801 791 167 64 74 1,096 S

255 479 102 68 52 20 167 409 6

438 1,043 181 219 234 45 51 730 7

53,861 2,986 9,418 5,~96 22,876 41.176 8

5,435 9,060 412 297 793 2,705 3,155 7,362 9

5,500 650 850 2,000 3,50n 10

3,158 4,651 852 567 992 100 587 3,098 11

83 334 117 35 135 10 20 317 12

1,344 1.871 207 334 187 305 265 1.298 13 21u


Number of Latrines Civic ad. Scheduled System ,..-----_.j...----'1 SI. Class and Name ministra- Caste and Road of Water No. of Town tion Sta- Population Scheduled length Sewer- borne Service Others tus (In Tribe po- (In Kms.) age 1980) pulation ------.~-.-. -~ ---- .. ~~---- (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) ·(7) (8) (9) (10)

IV Badvel P 11,460 1,031 Pit :2.00 OSO,S 14 71 • KR:2.oo 2 I Cuddapah M 103,125 8,015 PR:loo.31 OSO,S 2,962 6,806 KR:2.09 3 V Oommara Nandyal P 7,J49 291 PR :12.00 OSO 11 KR:20.00 4 ill ]ammalamadugu P 26,580 1,455 Pit :3.80 OSO.S 500 74 KR;0.42 5 V Kamalapuram \ P 9,873 1,602 3.00 SO,OSO SO 75

6 V Madhavaram P 7,410 808 PR :1.40 SO 25 1 KR:- 7 V Nagireddipalle P 8,570 2,216 4.85 PT 24 10

8 I Proddatur M 107,070 5,862 PR:49.27 SD,OSD 505 8,656 44 KR:5.64 9 III Pulivendla P 21,104 2,336 PR:7.00 OSO 17 136 KR:3.00 10 IV Rajampet P 19,927 2,042 PR:45.02 OSO 1,500 226 KR:- 11 III Rayachoti P 35,257 1,712 PR:6.50 OSO 147 KR:7.42 12 V Veparala P 5,194 [72 10.00 PT 4 14 3

13 IV Yerragun tla P 11,784 1,363 PR:O.62 SO 5 14 7 KR:-


SI. Class and Name Area of Slum Population Paved Roads System of No. of town Name of Slum (In Sq. Kms.) of Slum (In Kms.) Sewerage

(I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

1. 1 Cuddapah Alnaspeta 2.51 3,448 16.04 OSO Gundlagadda Kandipalem Mochampeta 2. I Proddatur Scavengers Colony 0.02 700 8.85 OSO 271 DIRECTORY IV OTHER AMENITIES, 1979 --_----.--_ .. _------Protected water supply Electrification (Number af Connections) ,------'- , ,------'------~ Method of Source System of Fire Domestic Indus- Com mer. Road Others disposal of storage with fighting trial cial Lightir·g of night supply Capacity (in 1,000 service (Points): SI. soil Litres) No. (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (I)

ST.WB TK,W N.A Cuddapah 1,200 7 250 159 1 (50 Kms) ST,WB T IG (5,200) Yes 11,343 234 2,542 1,588 166 2

WB W NA Jammalamadugu 500 4 10 123 3 (5 Km) WB,ST W 10 (91) Yes 1,521 33 432 450 '" ST,B W NA Cuddapah 695 12 216 152 100 5 (24 Kms) ST TK NA Rajampet 450 3 50 18 10 6 (40 Kms) WB T,W ORT (11-t) Rajampet 1,000 6 84 153 35 7 (5 Kms) WB,ST T 10 (3,lli2) Yes 6,434 J67 1,538 1.183 159 8

WB W 10 (182) Y~s 1,257 20 425 175 70 9

WB,ST TK BWP (7) Yes 3,700 36 424 255 76 10

B,WS TK 10 (272) Rajampet 4,495 130 150 336 11 (50 Kms) ST W NA Jammalamadugu 500 10 10 60 12 (6Km) ST.B W,TW NA Proddatur 580 28 130 ISO 21 13 (15 Kms)


Number of Lat[lnes No. of tap points/ Eiectrification (Number of connections) -----, public hydrants ,-----~ , ,------'------.Private Method of instaUed for Road ,------'------, disposal of supply of protec­ Lighting SI. Water borne Service Others Community night soil ted water Domestic (points) Others No. (8) (9) (10) (ll) (12) (13) (14) (15) (\6) (1)

NA NA NA NA WB 14 66 1.

1 s 3 3 ~72


Medical Facilities E d u c a t i 0 n a I r----J...----, ,-- Beds in Arts/Science I Hospitals! Medical Commerce Dispensa- Institutions Colle'ges (of Enginee- SI. Class and Name Population ries/T.B. noted in degree level Medical ring Poly- No. of Town clinics etc. Col. No.4 and above) Colleges Colleges technic

(I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)

1. IV Badvel 11,460 H(I) 30 ASC(I) Tirupati Tirupati 1 (165) (16)

2. I Cuddapah 103,125 H(2) 352 ASC(2) Tirupati Tirupati Badvel D(A-l.U-l) (ISO) (ISO) (50) +0(1)

3. V Dommara 7,149 ' D(I) Proddatur Kurnool Anantapur Proddatur Nandyal (23) (140) (llS) (23)

4. III Jammalamadugu 26,580 H(2) 286 Proddatur Kurnool Anantapur Proddatur D(2) 6 (20) (157) (110) (20)

5. V Kamalapuram 9,873 H(I) 16 Cuddapah Tirupati Anantapur Proddatur D(A-l,4) (24) (ISS) (145) (30)

6. V Madhavaram 7,410 HC(I) 6 Rajampet TirupHi Tirupati Badvel (40) (130) (130) (60)

7. V Nagireddip:llle 8,570 H(I) 18 Rajlmpet Tirupati Tir:upati Proddatur D(S) (5) (120) (120) (100)

8. I Proddatur 107,070 H(I) 36 ASC(2) Tirupati An1ntapur 2 D(I) (185) (14S) +0(1) 6 NH(S) 56

9. JII Pulivendla 21,104 H(6) 120 A(I) Tirupati Anantapur Proddatur D(4) (ISS) (90) (70)

10. IV Rajampet 19,9271 H(I) 32 AS(I) Tirupati Tirupati Tirupati D(25) (100) (100) (100) ++0(1) FC(I)

11. III Rayachoti 35,257 H(l) 30 A() Tirupati Tirupati Tirupati +0(1) (105) (105) (105) NH(5) FC(I)

12. V Veparala 5,194 D(4) Proddatur Kurnool Anantapur Proddatur (26) (163) (116) (26)

13. IV Yerraguntla 11,784 D(I) Proddatur Tirupati Anantapur Proddatur (15) (200) (105) (15)

+Maternity and Child Welfare Centre ++ Leprosy Unit 273


______F a c i ..A...-- i t e s ,-______Recreational and..A.. Cultural ______Facilities -.

Recognised Adult Number of Shorthand, Higher Literacy working Public Typewriting secondary/ Secon- Junior Classes{ Women's Auditorial Libraries and Voca- Intert daryl Secondary Centres, hostels with Drama' including tional train- Junior Matricu- & Middle Primary Others number of Commu- Reading Sl. ing Institutes College lation Schools Schools (specify) seats Stadia Cinema nity Halls Rooms No. (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (1)

MadakalavaripaUe 1 2 2 9 1 PL:1 1 (0.5)

Type:21 2 6 7 35 1 9 1 PL:2 2 SH:9

Jammala- Jammala- 1 4 4 7 1 RR:2 3 madugu madugu (5) (5)

Type:3 1 2 2 15 7 4 1 PL:l 4

Type:1 1 2 2 9 1 PL:l 5

Rajampet 1 4 1 PL:l 6 (40)

Rajampet Rajampet 1 1 5 1 RR:l 7 (5) (5)

Type:3 1 5 4 27 7 2 PL:2 8 SH:3 RR:1 +0:1

Type:2 1 2 4 9 4 1 PL:1 9 RR:1

Type:3 1 2 3 7 3 PL:l 10 RR:1

Type:4 1 5 11 11 11 3 1 PL:l 11 ·0(1)

Jammala- jammala 1 1 3 1 1 PL:l 12 madugu(6) madugu(6)

Proddatur Proddatur 1 1 4 1 PL:l 13

• Teachers Training Centre +Oriental College 274


Name of three most important commodities imported Name of three most important r------'------, ,-- ..A.___ SI. Class and No. Name of Town 1st 2nd 3rd 1st 2nd (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

1 IV Badvel Fertilizers Wheat Cement Dry Chillies Onions

2 I Cuddapah R!dgrams Jaggery Coconuts Barytes Groundnut Oil

3 V Dommara Yarn Chemicals Silk Handloom Shirting Nandyal Sarees Cloth

4 III Jammala- YaTn Manures Sugar Handloom Oils madugu Cloth

S V Kamalapuram Beedi Leaves Tobacco Oil Beedies Betel Sticks Cakes

6 V Madha'laram Yarn Dyes Acids Handloom Sarees Cloth

7 V Nagireddipalle Dalls Kerosene Coconut Mangoes Lime Oil

8 I Proddatur Textiles Pulses Yarn Handloom Groundnut Cloth Oil

9 III Pulivendla Rice Jaggery Tamarind Asbestos Barytes

10 IV Rajampet Fertilizers Steel Cement Onions Turmeric

11 III Rayachoti Tobacco Tobacco All Varieties of Groundnut Cotton Leaves eatables

12 V Veparala Cotton Rice Colours & Dhoties Sarees Acids

13 IV Yerraguntla Cement Sugar Iron Groundnut Polished Oil Slabs 275

DIRECTORY VI INDUSTRY AND BANKING, 1979 commodities exported Name of three most important commodities manufactured Number of Number of ------, ,---__--_------y------Number agricllltu- non-agricul- of ral credit tural credit SI. 3rd . 1st 2nd 3rd Banks soci~ties societies No. (8) (9) (10) (I I) (12) (13) (14) (I)

Turmeric Rice Dry Chillies 2 2 13 1

Turmeric Groundnut Turmeric Rice 13 56 2 Oil Powder

Printed Handloom Shirting Printed 1 3 Sarees Sarees Cloth Sarees

Jowar Handloom Cuddapah Lemon 3 4 4 Cloth Slabs

Groundnut Beedies Groundnut Stone 3 1 2 5 Oil Slabs

Dhoties Handloom Sarees Dhoties 1 3 6 Cloth

Lemons Lime Bricks Groundnut 1 7 Oil

Polythene Handloom Groundnut Polythene 9 3 18 8 bags Cloth Oil bags

Cotton Asbestos Barytes Groundnut 3 2 9 Oil

Plantains Potteries Mat making Basket 4 2 20 10 making

Paddy Groundnut Beedies Safety 3 1 2 11 Oil matches

Handloom Dhoties Sarees Handloom 12 Cloth Cloth

Cotton Groundnut Polished 1 1 1 13 Oil Slabs


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, 1981 Name of village 1981 Name of village 1981 Name of village Location Location Location Code No. Code No. Code No. (1) (2) (I) (2) (1) (2)

24 Ayyavari Kambaladinne 12 Garisalur 4 Nagireddipalle 32 Gollala Uppalapadu 59 Nakkavaripalle 13 Balapana Gudur 31 Gollapalle 37 Nawabpeta 26 Bestavemula 16 Gopalapuram 11 Nemalladinne 27 Bestavemula Venkatapuram 49 Goriganur 41 Nemalladinne Ko t talapalle 22 Bheemagundam 21 Gundlakunta 23 Bhootamapuram 15 Palur 18 Bodi thippanapadu 51 Jammalamadugu 3 Papayapalle 17 B. Venkatapuram 8 JangaJapalle 6 Pedda Mudiam 9 Jangaiapalle Kottapalle 44 Pedda Pasupula 19 Chidipiralladinne 42 Jeereddi Kothapalle 55 Ponnampalle 38 Chinna Komerla 45 Poorvapusugumanchipalle 14 ,Chinna Mudiam 25 Kallutla 40 Chinna Pasupula 50 Kannelur 57 Ramachandraya palle 28 Chinna Venuthurla 33 Kona Anantapuram 1 Kondasunkesula 39 Salevati Uppalapadu 47 Danavalapadu 7 Suddapalle 46 Devagudi 34 Madhavapuram 29 Dhannavada 56 Malameedi Kambaladinne 35 Talamanchipa tnam 48 Dharamapuram 54 20 Medidinne Thorrivemula 58 Dhodiam 52 Moragudi 43 Ulavapalle 2 Diguvakalvatala 60 Murapandi 10 Uppalur 51 Dommara Nandyala 36 Dugganapalle 5 Nagaraj upalle 30 Vaddirala

~8S 286

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1981 Name of village 1981 Name of village 1981 Name of village Location Location Location Code No. Code No. Code No. (1) (2) (1) (2) (1) (2)

81 AUadupalle 15 JilleUa 27 Pedda Jonnavaram 86 Anantapuram 43 Pedda SettipaUe 79 Annalur 89 Kalluru 62 Pitchapadu 54 Annapusasthrulapalle 40 Kamanur 22 Pottipadu 19 Arakatavemula 8 Kanagudur 48 Proddatur 31 Audireddipalle 85 Katchupapa 74 Kethavaram 18 Rajupalem 38 Ballakkivaripalle 23 Korrapadu 36 Rajupalem 75 Bhadripalle 70 Kothapalle 9 Ramachandrapuram 42 Bollavaram 5 Kuluru 47 Rameswaram 84 Budidapadu 45 Rangasayapuram 57 Lingaladinne 88 Regulapallo 67 Chapad 83 Chinna Guruvalur 50 Sarvireddipalle 24 Chinna Jonnavaram 52 Machanapalle 29 Madjrepalle 60 Settivaripalle 21 Chinna Settipalle 80 Sivapuram 30 Chinna Singanapallc 51 Madur 35 Manerampalle 64 Somapuram 55 Chintakunta 78 Somayajulapalle 59 Mittamanipalle 66 Chiyyapadu 76 South Mydukur 44 Chowdur 49 Modameedipalle 63 Morraipalle 16 Tangatur 4 Daddanala 13 Mudireddipalle 72 Thallamapuram Dasaripalle 10 12 Thippireddipalle 46 Dorasanipalle 77 Nandyalampeta 17 Thondaladinne 28 Duvvur 71 Nanganurpalle Thummalapadll 14 Neelapuram 73 Tsallabasayapallc 7 Edamadaka 39 Nelatur 34 26 Eruvapalem 65 Nerrawada 61 North Mydukur (fJ Upparapalle 56 Gaddamayapalle 6 Gadegudur 58 Onipenta 2S Velavali 32 Ganjikunta 2 Vellala 33 Gol1apalle 3 Paidala S3 Vengaoltagaripalle 41 Gopavaram 68 Pallavolu 1 Gopayapalle 20 Parlapadu 11 Yakarlapalem 37 Gudipadu 82 Pedda GuruValur 87 Yerraguntlallalle

297 298 r M ....N

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1981 1981 1981 Location Name of village Location Name of village Location Name of village Code No. Code No. CodeNo. (1) (2) (1) (2) el) (2)

134 Abbusahebpet 9S Gundapuram 88 PapanapaUe 16 Akkaireddipalle 125 Guntapalle 68 Papireddipalle 48 Akkamgundla 2J Patha Ramapuram 137 Imadapuram alias Pedda- 65 Akkampeta 105 Pedullapalle kesampalle 83 A. Kothapalle 37 Pendlimarri 64 Itigullapadu 120 Anantharajupuram 61 Perammagaripalle 85 Ankanagodugunuru 92 JangamrajupaJle 36 Pittigun ta 103 Appajipeta 53 Porumamilla 22 Ayyavaripalle 20 Kalsapadu 108 Prabhalaveedu 104 Kalvapalle 12 Pullareddipalle 124 Badvel 99 Kamakunta Pulliveedu 26 Balayapalle 60 51 Katheragandla 140 Puttayapalle 135 . Bayyanapalle 41 Kavalakuntla 71 Bodugundupalle 72 Kodur 10 Rajupalem 111 Boodavada 129 Konasamudram 121 Ramapuram 58 Boppapuram 106 KondampalJe 46 Rampadu 9 Brahmanapalle 25 Kondapeta 52 Rangasamudram 42 Buchempalle 130 Kondugaripalle 4 Reddipalle 77 ChallagirigeJla 139 Kongalaveedu 114 Rekalakunta 87 Chennakesapuram 40 Korrapatipalle 80 Routhupalle S Kothakota 101 Chennakrishnapuram 15 Sancherla 132 Chennampalle 17 Lachampalle 44 Sankavaram 59 Chennareddipeta 102 Lakkavaripalle 49 Savisettipalle I Ch'ennupalle 113 Lingampalle 19 Slddamurth ipalle 54 Cherlopalle 38 SiddaIiaki tchayapalle 122 Madakalavaripalle 55 Chinna Erasala 13 Siddavaram 84 Madhavarayunipalle· 57 Chinnayapalle 8 Singarayapalle 18 Mahanandipalle 136 Chin tala CheTuvu 74 S. Lingampalle 66 MaUepalle 133 C. Kothapalle Somireddipalle 11 MalluvaripaUe 91 43 Dammanapalle 14 MamillapaUe 75 S. SeshampaIJe 115 Dharbhavari Agraharam 86 Maratipalle 24 Tellapadu 94 Diguva Nelatur 45 Markapuram 110 Thangedupalle 7 Diguva Thamballapalle 97 Mekavaripalle 109 Thipparajupalle 116 Dirasavancha 81 Middepadu 118 Thiruvengalapuram 112 D. Narasimhapuram 98 M. Narasimhapuram 76 T. Seshampalle 23 Dulamvaripalle 131 Mohiddeenpuram 90 Tsoudamivaripalle 29 Moolapalle 93 Eguva Nelatur 70 Mudumala 33 Uppalur Eguva Thamballapalle 6 62 Munnelic 119 Ethirajupalle 126 Vanampula 13 Musalreddipalle 63 Vankamarri 31 Ganganapalle 39 Musa)reddipalle 27 Varikunta 3 Gangayapalle 117 Nagisettipalle 32 Vasudevapuram 100 Ganugapenta 128 Veerapalle 96 G. Narasimhapuram 34 Narasapuram 28 Nayunipalle 56 Veerlapalle 89 Godlaveedu 82 Vemakunta 138 Godugunur 3S Obulapuqm 47 Vengalampalle 30 Gontuvaripalle SO Pagadalapalle \07 Venkatapuram 127 Gopalapuram 79 Venka taramapuram 123 Gopavaram 67 Palugurallapalle (Part-IV) 2 Gopavarampalle 69 Palugurallapalle 78 Yellapalle

307 308 r

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1981 1981 1981 Location Name of village Location Name of village Location Name of village Code No. Code No. Code No. (I) (2) (I) (2) (1) (2)

23 Atlur 56 Kudumuluru 3 Rajupalem 14 Kumbhagiri 7 Ramapuram (North) 18 Boddecherla 69 Kurugun tapalle 8 Ramapuram (South) 17 Brahmanapalle 29 Rangampalle 67 Brahmanapalle (Shor.) 47 Lingampalle 57 Ravulakollu 58 Bukkayapalle 20 Rekalakunta Machupalle 13 Chenduvoy ~ Madapur 64 Sarvappanayunipe ta 78 Chin tharaj upalle 26 Maddur S3 Shakarajupalle 70 Madhavaram 38 Sidhout a/ills Siddhavattam 37 Darjeepalle 31 Malinenipatnam 50 Mandapalle 48 Takkolu 54 Gangaperur 77 Mangampeta 10 Thamballagondi 36 Gollaoalle 79 Mantapampalle 1 Thi ppanapalle 11 Gujjulavaripalle 40 Mulapalle 28 Thudur 68 Gundiam3da 21 Muthukur 39 Gundlamula 32 Uppatur 6 Nallayapalle 66 Namallagondi Jangalapalle 65 Vakamada 35 74 Narayanarajupet 76 JavukulapalJe 24 Varikunta 52 Nekanapuram 25 Jonnavaram 34 VelugupaUe J uvvalapalle 15 Vemalur 60 30 Obulam 43 Jyothi 12 Venkatapuram 2 Venkatasettipalle 62 Pattapurayi 27 Viruru Kadapayapalle 46 51 Peddapalle 19 Viswanathapuram Kamalakur 5 55 Pennaperur 63 Vogur 16 Kamasamudram 22 Pidatbalaveerayapalle 75 Vontimitta Kanumalopalle 49 71 Ponnapalle 42 Vontithatipalle 80 Konarajupalle 45 Ponnavolu 13 Kondur 59 Yeppirala 72 Kotapadu 73 Rachagudipalle Yerraballe 61 Kothur 4) Rajampeta 4

321 322

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1981 1981 1981 Location Name of village Location Name of village Location Name of village Code No. Code No. Code No. (I) (2) (1) (2) (1) (2)

65 Akkayapalle 70 Ippapenta 24 Patha Cuddapah 112 Amani Viswanathapuram 36 IsukapaUe 6 Pathuru 54 Ambav!lram 95 Pedda Dasaripalle 34 Ankayapalle 74 Jamaalpalle 72 Pedda Kampalle 83 Apparajupalle 45 Jangampalle 43 Pedda Putha 98 A. Ramachandrapuram 97 Pendlimarri 88 Kamma varipalle 3 Pullur 85 Balupalle 21 Kanuparthi 39 PUlha Chinnayapalle 20 Bayanapalle 7 Khajipet Sunke.sula 68 Putlampa1l6 1 Bhumayapalle 49 Kodandaramapuram 103 Binduraopalle 32 Kokkarayapalle 28 Rachinnayapalle 2 Buddayapalle 73 Kolumulapalle 30 Ramanapalle 76 Buggalapalle 40 Komarunipalle 93 Ramapuram alias 77 BuggaletipalJe 12 Kommaluru Mittameedipalle 101 KooayapalJe 64 Ramarajupalle 91 . 105 Chabali llO Kondur Rampathadu 107 Cheemalapenta 87 Kopparthi 15 Ravulapalle 79 Chemmumiahpeta 48 Koppolu 59 Rayalapanthulapalle 17 Chemullapalle 86 K. Ramachandrapuram 60 Rudrabharatipet 99 Chennamraj llpalle 104 Kochapeta 75 RUdrayagaripalle 18 Chennamukkapalle 14 Kotluru 31 Chennur 57 Krishnapuram 100 Sankatipalle 80 Cherlopalle 33 Sivalpalle 26 Chinnachowk 42 Lebaka 96 Chinna Dasari,Jalle 56 ThadigotJa 71 Chinna Kampalle 102 Machanur 41 Thappetla 61 Chinna Machupalle 5 Machupalle 13 Thav varipalle 44 Chinna Putha 69 Mamillapalle 90 Thippireddipalle 84 Chintakommadinne 9 Miduthuru 53 Thollaganganapalle 27 Cuddapah 92 MoiIlakalva 11 Thripuravaram 29 Mundlapalle 8 Thudumuladinne 19 Dowlathapuram 108 Thummalur 52 DugganapaUe 66 Nagarajupet 58 T. Ramachandrapuram ]6 Dumpalagattu 4 Nagasanipalle ill Nandimandalam 25 Ukkayapalle 51 Upparapalle 47 Eguvapalle 22 Nazarbaigpalle 78 Utukur 10 Eturu 38 Obanasomayajulapalle 37 Valluru 89 Gangl'lnapalle 81 Pabbapuram 94 Vellatur 109 Gondipalle 106 Pagadalapall e 35 Venkatesapuram 50 Goturu 46 Paidikalva 67 Viswanathapuram 63 Gudur 62 PalampaUe 23 Gurrampadu 82 Papasahebpet 55 Yadavapuram

331 332

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1981 1981 1981 Location Name of village Location Name of village Location Name, of village Code No. Code No. Code No. (I) (2) (I) (2) (I) (2)

53 Alidena 10 Ka Hugu ,ha Vengannagaripalle 54 Podadurthi 56 Animela 43 Keer.h'palle 8 Po:ladur ,hi 37 AnkireddipalJe 31 Koduru 22 Ramach:lndrapuram 47 Apparaopalk II Kok.!:am 42 Ayyavaripalle 38 Kolavali 17 SambalUr 40 Kommadi 59 South Palagiri 15 C. Gopalapuram 34 Tah;.panul 6 Chilamakuru 52 Letapalle 62 Thangedupa!lc 46 Chinna Cheppalle 44 Lingala 30 ThurakapaJle 2 Cbinna Dandlur 28 TipP.lluru 4 M~lepadu 23 Tsad;pirala 49 Dadireddipalle 16 Mirapuram 29 T. Sunkcsula 53 M0illacher.uvu 20 Gangavaram 39 Uppaluru 24 Gollap'a lie 61 U. Rajup.tlem Ndlling lyap~lle 60 Gonumakulapalle 26 7 Niduzuvvi 35 Urutur North Pal::Jgiri 9 Hamimangulhi 57 32 Valasapall ;:: 50 Vankamad I 3 lIlur . 14 Pnchlk_dapadu J~ Vcdurur 41 Indukuru 27 Pandillapalle 36 Vddurthi 45 Payasampalie 19 Vlbhrampuram 25 Jamb~pur,jm 48 Pedda Ch.:ppal\c 33 Peddanapadu 51 y .. Jlareddipallc 5 KaLlmalia I P. Gop:llapuram 13 Yerragudipadu 21 Kamalapuram 55 Pjllivaripallc 12 Ycrraguntla

143 344 ---$

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1981 1981 1981 Location Name of village Location Name of village Location Name of village Code No. Code No. Code No. (1) (2) (1) (2) (1) (2)

57 Ambavaram 15 Khaderabad 61 Peddadanlur 47 Ananthapuram II Kibile Bommepalle 71 Pedda Dudyala 68 Aravetipalie 50 Kibile Raghavapuram 78 Penikalapadu 32 Kibile Sugamanchipallc 45 Penuzuvvi 35 Bedudur 29 Kibile Venkatapuram 18 Ponnathota 69 Bondalakunta 2 Kodur 55 Poorva Bommepalle 9 Bukkapatnarn 33 Konavaripalle 38 .Pottipadu 34 Burujupalle 48 Kondapuram 7 Koppolu 75 Rajulaguravaiahpalle 6 Chamalur 52 Korrapadu 28 RegadipaUe 40 Ch ennaman enipalJ e 63 Kosinepalle 70 Cbinna Dudyala 58 Kothaguntapalle 54 Sanjeevipalle '6 Cbiotakunta 4 Sankepalle 25 Chowtapalle 62 Sirigepalle 41 Lavnoor 37 Sivapuram Lingarnaflenipalle 20 Dappalle 42 60 Sur ,napurallapallc 67 Denepalle 14 Lingapuram 49 Diguva Brahmanapalle 8 Talla Proddatur 21 Diguvapatnam 53 Mangapatnam 44 Thimmapurarn 43 Donkupalle 6-t Muddanur 76 Thimmapuram 1 Murugampalle 59 Thugu tlapalle 10 Fakirpeta 27 Mutchumarri 72 Velpucherla . \6 Mylavaram 73 Velpucherla Raghavapuram Gandikota 22 56 Vemaguntapalle 23 Gandlur 3 Nagamalladinne 39 Venkaiahkalva 26 Gangapuram 74 Nallaballe 17 .Veparala 19 Gudemcheruvu 12 Nekanampeta Nelanuthala 65 Yamavaram Jogapuram 13 31 36 Yenamalachintala 5 Yerragudi ·77 Kadasani Kothapalle 24 Obimnapeta 46 Yeturu :'0 Kammavari Brahmanal?alle 51 Obulapuram

353 354

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1981 1981 1981 Location Name of village Location Name of village Location Name of village Code No. Code No. Code No.• (1) (2) (I) (2) (I) (2)

57 Agaduru 32 Inagaluru 84 Pernapadu 27 Agraharam 46 Ippatla 72 Polepalle 64 Ahobilapuram 66 Pulivendla 82 Alavalapadu 61 Jalaparthi 1 Pydipalem 97 Alireddipalle 5 Jangamreddipalle 39 AmbakapaUe 54 Rachumarripallc 26 Ankalam magudur 6S Kachivaripalle 53 Ragimanipalle 62 Atchavelle 2S Kamasamudram 37 Ramanuthalapalle 69 Kanampalle 80 'Ramireddipalle 35 Balapanuru 92 Kathaluru 10 Ravulakolanu 29 Bhadrampalle 20 Kommanutbala 52 Rayalapuram 67 Bhakarapuram 45 Korrapadu 17 Bidinamcherla 12 Kosanuru 71 Bokkudupalle 70 K. Velamavaripalle S9 Santhakovvur 13 24 Bonala Simhadripuram 7 Sunkesula 48 Brahmanapalle 23 Lingala 56 Sydapuram 9 Buchupalle 28 Lomada 22 Lopatnuthula 91 Chagaleru 94 ThaUapalle 2 Chavvavaripalle 8 Maddulapaya 33 Thelluru 4t Chinna Kudala 34 Maduru 6 Theliki 49 Chinna Rangapuram 30 Mallela 75 Thimmapurampeta 74 Chin talajutur 88 Meedipentla 31 Thonduru 21 Murarichintala 9S T. Velamavaripalle 4 Devathapuram 79 Muthukuru 43 Dondlavagu 58 Udavagandla 11 Duddekunta 81 Naguru 63 Ulimella 78 NallacheruVupalle 3 Nandyalampalle 47 Erraballe 44 Vadlamanipalle 42 Narasingaraopalle 90 V. Kothapalle 14 N id i v elagala 85 Gollalagud uru 18 Velidandla 89 GondipaJle 87 Velupula 77 Goturu 60 Paluru 93 Pamuluru 96 Vempalle 38 GunakanapaUc 86 Vemula o'undlamadugu ]9 Parnapalle 55 51 Venkatampalle 16 Gurijala 73 Pedda Jutur 36 Pedda Kudala 76 Yadavakunta 40 Herojipuram SO Pedda Rangapuram IS Himakuntla 83 Pendluru 68 Ycrragudipalle

363 364

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1981 1981 ]981 Location Name of village Location Name of village Location Name of village Code No. . Code No. Code No. (1) (2) (1) (2) (1) (2)

3 Addalamarri 33 Gotlamitta 17 NaIJaguttapalle 20 Anantapuram 19 Gudlavaripalle 40 Naraharibotlapalle 2 Anjaneyapuram 43 Gundlacheruvu 15 Neelakantaraopeta SO Araveedu 14 Guvvalacberuvu 25 Nerusupalle 42 Nooliveedu 10 Brahmana Erragudi 1 ldupulapaya 41 Pandikunta 8 Chakrayapet 30 KalluripaUe 35 Pandillapallo 9 Chilekampalle 12 Kalpanayunicberuvu 34 Pulikunta 38 Chitlur 29 Katineni Yerragudi 47 Pyarampallc 4 Komarakalva 28 Rajupalle 22 Dappepalle 24· Kondappagaripalle 11 Dinnepadu 32 Korlalcunta 16 Saraswatipalle 27 Kuppam 36 Somabatlapallo 7 Errabommanapalle 39 Kurnootala 18 Suddamcllla 23 Surabhu 49 G3.liveedu 21 Lakkireddipalle 6 Gandikovur 31 Talamudipi 44 Garugupalle 37 Maddirevula 45 Thumukunta 13 Gopagudipalle 26 Mabadevapalle 48 Gopanapalle 5 Marellamadaka 46 Vcligallu

373 374

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1981 1981 1981 Location Name of village Location Name of village Location Name of village Code No. Code No. Code No. (1) (2) (1) (2) (1) (2)

20 Abbavaram 38 Guriginjakunta 42 Perumallaiahgaripalle 41 Akkampallc 67 Guttapallo 24 Polimerapalle .10 Pothukurupalle 49 DagampaJle 5 Hasanapuram 4 Rachapalle 11 Dandlapalle 21 Indukurpalle 29 Rayachoti 65 Donamala Rayavaram 16 Dotlacheruvu 43 12 Kakulavaram 51 ReddivaripaUe 61 Kalibanda 56 Routhukunta 27 Chaamalavaripalle 19 Kasba GoUapalle 26 Chennamukkapalle 13 Katimayakunta 55 Sambepalle 34 Cherlopalle 8 Sanipaya 64 Chinnamandem IS Madhavaram 53 Settipalle 46 ChinnayagaripaUe 47 Madithadu 25 Sibyala 57 Mallur 6 Soinavaram 63 Devagudipalle 18 Masapet 68 Somavaram 66 Devapatla 22 MatH 48 Thimmasamudram 60 Diguvagottive~u 54 Motakatla 28 Doollavaripalle 44 Mudumpadu 59 Tsakibanda 40 Tsundupalle 39 Dudyala 35 Narayanareddipalle 58 Vandadi Eguvagottiveedu 23 Odivoedu 32 7 Veeraballe 3 Vongimalla 1 Gadikota 62 Paramatikona 33 Gorlamudiveedu 17 Peddakalyapallo 2 Yadaballa 50 Gundlapalle 45 Peddinenikalva 30 Yendapalle 37 Gunnikuntla 9 Peddiveedu 52 Yerramanenipalem 14 GuntimaduBU 36 Pemmadupalle 31 Yerranagupalie

i79 380

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1981 1981 1981 Location Name of village Location Name of village Location Name of village Code No. Code No. Code No. (I) (2) (I) (2) (I) (2)

44 Adapur 62 Kothapalle 69 Rona Buduguntapalle 63 Akepadu 20 Kunda Nellore 70 Rollamadugu 66 Anantharajupuram 60 Athiral1a 22 Lebaka 50 Seshamambapuram 41 Lebaka Mangamambapuram 18 Siddavaram 64 Bahirajupalle 34 Singanamala 61 Brahmanapalle 53 Madana Gopalapuram 27 Singanamala Chenna,raya­ 49 Mandapalle samudram 7 Chintalakunta 65 Mannur 32 Singanamala Vengamamba- puram 29 Damanacherla 46 Nagireddipalle 25 Singareddipalle 39 Nallapureddipallc 11 Siriavaram 31 Girijamambapuram 42 Nalla Thimmayapallc 55 Sitarampuram 51 Gundlur 45 Nandalur 68 Srirangarajupuram 10 Narasimharajupuram 61 Hastavaram 40 Narayana.Nellore 21 Tangutur . 9 Nookinenipalle 23 Tangutur Vcngamambapuram 26 Indlur 52 Thallapaka 33 I timarpuram 37 Obili 13 Thimmamambapuram 4 Thimmarajupalle 8 JangaJapalle 47 Patur 24 Thirumalarajupet 38 Jattivaripalle 17 Penagalur Agraharam 12 Thirunampalle 57 Poli 16 Kambalakunta 35 Pondalur 58 Utukur 54 Kitchamambapuram 56 Pondalur Venkatampalle 36 Komantharajupuram 5 Pothapi 30' Velagacherla 19 Komarunipalle 48 Pulaputhuru 28 Velagacherla Mangamamba­ 6 Kommuru puram 2 Konapuram 59 Rajampet 14 Konduru 3 Ramamambapuram 43 Yellamrajupallc 15 Konduru Chennarayasamudram 1 Rangayapalle

391 392


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1981 198J 1981 Location Name of village Location Name of viltage Location Name of village Code No. Code No. Code No. (1) (2) (1) (2) (1) (2)

S5 A. Chennamambapuram 45 Kalvavari Kandrika 66 Raghavarajupuram 19 Ananthaiahgaripalle 8 Kampasam ud ram 4 RajukuDta 67 Anantharajupet 12 Kampasamudram Agr~haram 37 Rallachervupalle 56 Ananthasamudram 69 K. Buduguntapalle 16 Ramasamudram ~2 Appaiahrajupet 34 Ke tharaj upalle 51 Rangampalle 64 Kitchamambapuram Agrabaram 50 ReddipaUe 9 Bhakarapuram 72 Kodur f 43 Bommavaram 21 Kommanavaripalle 7lf Settigunta 38 Botimeedipalle 59 Korlakunta 73 Srinivasapuram 42 Kota Venkata Ramarajupuram 27 Srirangarajupalem 11 Cherlopalle 22 Kothapalle Agraharam 49 Chinna Orampadu 41 Maharajupuram 10 Thimmayapalem 3 Chintalachelika Malemarpuram 28 Thippayilpalle 7 Chitvel 2 Mallemadugu 53 Thiruvengalanatbarajapuram 70 Chiyyavaram 1 60 Mangampet 40 Thummakonda 31 Dalvaipalle 24 ' Mittameedapalle Mukkavaripal1e 71 Upparapalle 6 Devamachupallc 47 5 Mylapalle 17 Utakuru Chalivendula 26 Devasamudram 1& Utukur Venkatampalle IS Dondlopalle 44 Nagavaram 13 Nagiripadu 58 Gadela 39 Nethivaripalle 14 Vallurupatle Vasudevapuram . 65 Gangarajupuram 57 Nookanapalle 61 54 Garlam:ldugu 29 Vathalur Obanapalle 3S Gobburivaripalle 63 62 Vellalavari Kandrika 2S Gopamambapuram 36 pedda Orampadu 33 Venkatesapuram 46 Govindampalle 52 Perayavaram 23 Pullampet 30 Yammanur 48 Jellalamadaka 20 Puthanavaripalle 68 Y erragun tlakota

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House Nos. Description of Ward or Block/ E. B. No.·· .------"------, the area covered Locality From To in each Enumeration No. Block


Kannelur Block J21 1-1 1-112(2) Kapu Street 122 1-112(3) 1-139 2 123 2-1 2-93 Gadda Veedhi 3 124 3-1 3-113 Reddigari Street 4 125 4-1 4-142 Harijanawada

Jammalamadugu Office Block 1 126 1-1- 1-113 Saw mills, Circle Inspector of Police 127 1-114 1-189 Patha Bus Stand, R.T.C. Depot Manager's Office and Fire Station 2 128 2-1 2-21(1) P·W.D. Colony, Water tank, Junior College 129 2-22(2) 2-142 T.N.R. Picture Palace, Panchayat Samithi, U.P. School, State Bank of India 3 130 3-1 3-83 Bellalavari Street, Christian Quarters 4 131 '4-1 4-128 Nehru Nagar 132 4-129 4-247 P.K. Ramaiah Street 133 4-248 4-387 Buruju S 134 5-1 5-113 Kamalapurivari Street 6 135 6-1 6-123 Head-Post Office, Sivalayam Temple 7 136 7-1 7-78 Kota Street, Flour mill~ Carpentry I 137 8-1 8-\15 U.P. School 138 8-116 8-207 River Pennar Gadda 9 139 9-1 9-82 Sivalayam, Ramaswamy Temple 140 9-83 9-175 10 141 10-1 10-117 Mosque 142 10-118 10-141 Gadda Street 11 143 11-1 11-132 Sreerama Temple, T.V.S. Lorry Service 12 144 12-1 12-119 Marwadi Street 13 145 13-1 13-90 Mosque, Chakala Street, Kummara Street 146 13-91 11-169 Telephone Exchange, AmbabhavanL Temple 14 147 14-1 14-120 Kanyakaparameswari Temple 15 148 15-1 15-88 Match Industry It. 149 16-1 16-116 Mosque 11 150 17-1 17-73 ISl 17-74 17-158 Venkataramaiah Elementary School lS 15-2 18-l 18-86 Girls High School, Post Office East 153- 18-87 18-169 Z. P. Local Library, Mosque l!l) 154 19-1 19-104 Agricultural Office, Alankar Picture Palace. 15S. ]9':'105 19-171 Shri Narapuraswamy Temple. 15>6 19-172 19-245 Yetigadda 411


House Nos. Description of Ward or Block/ E. B. No. - _ - - - -.A.. ______the area covered Locality From To in each Enumeration No. Block (I) (2) (3) (4) (5)


Jammalamadugu Block 20 157 20-1 20-11S Tajmahal Picture Palace 21 158 21-1 21-80 District Medical &. Health Office 159 21-81 21-139 Police Line 22 160 22-1 22-94 Agricultural Market Committee Office 23 161 23-1 23-11Q(2) WeavinlJ Industry

162 23~1ll(1) 23-212(1) do 163 23-212(2) 23-267 School 24 164 24-1 24·102(3) Hospital, Taluk Office Hi5 24-103 24-168 Mission Compound ]66 24-169 ·24-235(2) R.T.C. Bus. Stand C.A.D. Office 25 167 25-21 25-95 Kapu Street PRODDATUR CITY (Class 1) PRODDATUR TALUK

Ward 1 1 1-1 1-138 Naralavari Street &. Gopireddivari Street 2 1-139 1-280 Gouramma Chavidi Street· 3 1-281 1-396 J.N.F. Road and Madur Cbannel 2 4 2-1 2-1.24 Bollavaram Harijanawada 5 2-125 2-233 GanguJavandla Strcelt 6 2-234 2-296 J.N.F. Road and Kasannsatbram 7 2-297 2-341 do 8 2-342/1 2-342/784 Opposite to St. Joseph Convent 9 2-342/185 . 2-441 Pottipadu Road &. Kacbanavandla Street 3 10 3-1 3-75 Saikuteer Road &. Kasana Sathavanu 11 3-76 3-148 Prakash nagar 12 . 3-149 3-2]1 Prakashnagar. Saikuteer Road 13 3-212 3-229 Prakashnagar &. Co-Op. Colony 14 3-230 3-276 Co-Op. Colony Main R.oad 15 3-277 3-306 do 16 3-307 3-316 Cross Roads Opposite to Aravindashramam 17 3-317 3-329 do 18 3-330 3-386 Harijanawada 19 3-387 3·453 Subbireddy Kottala 20 3-454 3-526 Holmespeta and Gandhi Road 21 3-S27 3-569 Sreeramulapeta 'F' Road &. Azad R.oad 412


House Nos. Description of Ward or Blockl E. B. No. ~------~------~ the area covered Locality From To in each Enumeration No. Block (I) (2) (3) (4) (5)'


Ward 4 22 4-1 4-42 Gandhi Road & Central Store Road 23 4-43 4-77 Gandhi Road &Dattathreya Road 24 4-78 4-137 North of the Dattathreya Road 25 4-138 4-195 North of Kummara Kottala 26 4-196 4-211 Burrasadhu Mattam 27 4-212 4-264A Southern side of Dattathreya Road

28 4-265 4-337 Gandhi Road and Gitashramam Road 29 4-338 4-400 Gitashramam Road and Cross Lane 30 4-401 4-462 Dattathreya Road· 31 4-463 4-521 do 32 5-1 5-68 Gandhi Road & Vijayahagaram Road 33 5-69 5-85 Vijayanagaram Road 34 5-86 5-126 do 35 5-127 5- 181 do 36 5-182 5-229 Sambaiahgari Road 31 5-230 5-290 do 38 5-291 5-358 Venkateswara Kottala 39 5-359 5-417 Dorasanipalle Road Cross Lanes 4'() 5-418 5-471 do 41 5-472 5-531 do 42 5-532 5-548 do 43 5-549 5-563 Gitashramam Extension Road 5-601 5-615 5-718 5-723 4'4 5-564 5-600 Dorasanipalle Road 5-616 5-650 do 4s. 5-651 5-717 North side of DorasanipalJe Road

46 6-1 6-59 Gandhi Road & College Road 4'1 6-60 6-135 do 48 6-136 6-188 do 4!) 6-189- 6-210 do 51) 6-211 6-283 do 51 6-284 6-356 do S~ 6-357' 6-429 do 413


House Nos. Description of Ward or Blockl E. B. No. ~------~------~ the area covered Locality Prom To in each Enumeration No. Block (I) (2) (3) (4) (5)


Ward 7 53 7-1 7-88 J.N.P. Road 54 7-89 7-170 do 55 7-171 7-311 Korrapadu Road 56 7-312 7-389 Indiranagar Harijanawada 57 7-390 7-402 Polytechnic College area 58 7-403 7-431Z46 Sanjeeva'iahnagar 59 7-433Z 47 7-433Z134 do 60 7-433Z135 7-433Z225 do 61 7-433Z226 7-433Z306 do 62 7-433Z307 7-433Z389, do 434 & 435 63 7-436 7-492Z Srinivasanagar 64 7-492Z1 7-522 do 65 7-523 7-568 do 66 7-569 7-570 do 67 7-571 7-572 do 68 7-573 7-672 do 69 8-1 8-79 Sriramut"apeta 'P' Road 70 8-80 8-159 Maternity Centre Road 71 8-160 8-224 Sriramulupeta main Road 72 8-225 8-299 Swayam Sevak Road & Azad Road 73 8-300 8-373 do 74 8-374 8-446 Godown Street and Gandhi Road 9 75 9-1 . 9-89 Azad Road 76 9-90 9-149 Sriramulupeta Main Road 77 9·150 9-236 do 78 9-237 . 9-326 Azad Road and Sankar Rao Street 79 9-327 9-412 J.N.P. Road 80 9-413 9-488 Srinivasanagac 10 81 10-1 10-57 Gandhi Road 82 10-58 10-141 Gajulavandla Street 83 10-142 10-214 Gandhi Road 84 10-215 10-301 Sundaracharla Street 85 10-302 10-439 J.N.F. Road 86 10-440 10-515 Azam Road eastern side 414


-' _____House ..A.. Nos. ______Description of Ward or Blockl E. B. No. the area covered Locality From To in each Enumeration No. Block (I) (2) (3) (4) (5)


Ward 11 87 11-1 11-83 Sundaracharla Street 88 11-8t 11-172 Darga Bazar Lane 89 11-173 11-281 Jadalagiri Street Lane 90 11-282 11-424 Kanyakaparameswari Temple Street 12 91 12-1 12-242 Konetikalva Street 92 12-243 ]2-358 Kota Street 93 12-359 12-425 do 94 12-426 12-520 do 13 95 13-1 13-106 Tirumalanayuni Street 96 13-107 13-230 MaIigaJi Veedhi 97 13-231 13-317 Anjaneyaswamy Temple Street 98 13-3J8 13-451 Sivalayam Slreet 14 99 14-1 14-92 J. N. F. Road 100 14-93 14-169 S. P. G. Compound area 101 14-170 14-244 Vengalareddypeta Harijanawada 102 14-245 14-297 Tirumalanayunipeta 103 14-298 14-398 Dastagiripeta Mosque lane 15 104 15-1 15-106 do 105 15-107 15-161 J. N. F. Road ,106 15-162 15-215 do 101 15-216 15-248 do 108 15-249 15-305 do 109 15-306 15-375 Zinna Road lilO 15-376 15-468 do 111 15-469 15-571 Modampalle 112 .15-572 15-674 do 16 113 16-1 16-72 Tirumalanayunipeta Road 114 16-73 16-142 do liS 16-143 16-200 Nadimpalle Road 116 16-201 16-268 do 117 16-269 16-350 do 11 11& 17-1 17-94 Gourammakatta Street 119 17-95 17-170 Reddigari Street 121.) 17-171 17-243 Nadimpalle Road 121 .17-244 17-299 do 122 17-300 17-373 do 415


House Nos. Description of Ward or Blockl E. B. No. r- _ - - -- _...A------~, the area covered Locality From To in each Enumeration No. Block (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)


Ward 18 123 18-1 18-149 Market Street 124 18-150 18-257 Gourammakatta Street 125 18-258 18-359 do 126 18-360 18_490 Rangaiah Choultry Street 19 127 19-1 19-79 Rajaji Road 128 19-80 19-156 Uppuli Quader Modin Street 129 19-157 19-245 Khaderbad Syedsab lane 130 19-246 19-351 Balabigari Street 20 131 20-1 20-72 Yerraguntla Road 132 20-73 20-168 Harijanawada 133 20-169 20-226 Modampalle Road 134 20-227 20-279 do 135 20-280 20-338 Modampalle Harijanawada 21 136 21-1 21-89 Rajaji Road 137 21-90 21-179 Quader Hussain Mosque lane 138 21-1110 21-276 do 139 21-277 21-338 Jogpalem & Police quarters 140 21-339 21-407 Police quarters 22 141 22-1 22-95 Quader Hussain Mosque Road 142 22-96 22-155 Prakasam lane No.2 143 22-156 22-230 Khaja Hussain Saheb Jane 144 22-231 22-315 do 145 22-316 22-368 Ahmad Sab lane 23 146 23-1 23-112A Sundaracharlu, Street 147 23-113 23-240 Muslimpura 148 23-241 23-261 Azad Lane No.2 & 3 149 23-262 23-330 Azad Road Street 150 23-331 23-395 Konetikalva Street 24 151 24-1 24-89 Gandhi Road 152 24-90 24-154A Power House Road lane Nos. 4. 5 & 6 153 24-155 24-227 do 154 24-228 24-304 Prakasam Road Lane No.1 155 24-305 24-374 Gandhi Road & Prakasam Road 156 24-375 24-441 Ananda Rao Road lane No.2 416


House Nos. Description of , Ward or Block/ E. B. No. r-- - '- - -...A- __ -- __, the area covered Locality From To in each Enumeration No. Block (I) (2) (3) (4) (5)


Ward 25 157 25-1 25-81 Poiice quart'ers area 158 25-82 25-155 . Opposi te to' Gandhi Road 159 25-156 25-244 Opposite to Prakasam Road 160 25-245 25-:-330 Opposit~ to Ananda Rao Road 161 25-331 25-421 Near side o.f the Dr. Kulasekhar Ho.spital 162 25-422 25-46i do. 163 25-469 25-493 Ragbavendraswamy Colo.ny 26 164 26-1 26-54 Rajaji Road & Krishna Rao. Road 165 26-55 26-90 Vasanthapeta 166 26-91 26-139 do. , 167 26-140 26-222 Bangaraiah Kottala 168 26-223 26-259 do 169 26-260 26-331 do 170 26-332 26-368 do 171 26-369 26-445 Rameswaram to Bollavaram Road 27 172 27-1 27-64 Rajaji Road 173 27-65 27-151 do. 174 27-152 27-254 Southern side o.f Kothapalle

175 27-255 27-301 Kot~apalle spring channel 28 176 28-1 28-106 Rajaji Road 177 28-107 28-176 Agraharam Road 178 28-177 28-289 Ramaswamy Temple Street 179 28-290 28-389 Rajaji Road & Agraharam Road


Ward 1 1-1 1-11 Trunk Road 1·83 1-87-A(4) Dwarakanagar 1-159 1-163 Trunk Road 1-186 1-198 2 1-122 1-125H Trunk Road and Kandipalem Road 1-136 1-152H 3 .1-88 1-94 1-99 1-117&122 Trunk Road 1-280 1-285C (4) 417


House Nos. Description of ,______..A.. ______~ Ward or Blockt E. B. No. the area covered Locality From To in each Enumeration No. Block (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)


Ward I (coneld.) 4 l-285C(S) 1-306 & 1-329 Yerramukkapalle 5 1-360A 1-332A Yerramukkapalle l!Iugga lIt.oad 6 1-345 1-403 Tippireddipalle Road area 7 1-336 1-344 do 8 1-80 1-83A Trunk Road 1-226 1-260 do 1-473 1-507 do 9 1-210 1-228 Railway Station 1-262 1-280 • Kandipalem area \ 1-463 1-476 Yerramukkapalle 10 1-70 1-79B Bugga RQad 1-414 1-427 11 1-380 1-413A Smith Road 1-429 1-456 12 1-600 1-683 Housing Board area 13 1-30 1-35A Smith Road 1-508 1-543 14 1-11A 1-29 Dobhigbat Road 1-544 1-546B 15 1-37 1-58 Sunnapurallapalle 1-524 1-527-A(4) 16 1-586 1-595(T) Dobhighat 17 1-60 1-73 Dwaraka Nagar area 1-281 1-285 1-547A 1-580(18) 2 18 2-40 2-56U(1) Trunk Road, United Club Road 19 2-56A(2) 2-56U(46) Road Lakshmi Nagar 20 2-1 2-97 Bodi Reddi Street, Trunk Road 21 2-99 2-172A Eswara Singh Road 22 2-173 2-247(2) Nagarajupeta 2-300 2-304B 23 2-248 2-290A Sri Hari Rao Street 24 2-326 2-364 do 25 2-365 2-380 Nagarajupeta 26 2-433 2-447 Sri Hari Rao Street 27 2-448 2-478 do 418


House Nos. Description of Ward or Block! E.B.No. - - - - - __ ..A.._ ------the area covered Locality From To in each Enumeration No. Block (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)


Ward 3 28 3-1 3-49 Trunk Road, 3-236 3-270 Christian Line 1-309 3-320 Government Hospital 29 3-77 3-126 Raja Reddy Street 3-156 3-165 30 3-207 3-210 Raja Reddy Street 31 3-206Q,B(3) 3-207C(4) Sionpuram area 32 3-206A(5) 3-21OE(2) Raja Reddy Street 33 3-180 3-183 Police Line area ~-206A 3-208L(4) 34 3-184 3-200B Police Line area near Cooperative Colony 35 3-127 3-209 ,do 36 3-208 3-209Y(6) Sionpuram area 37 3-195Z(I) 3-195Z(2'S)(B) Raja Reddy Street 38 3-700 3-739 Police Line area 39 3-740 3-784 do 40 3-548 3-686 Police lines 41 3-478 3-547 do 3-63\l 3-641 do 3-687 3-699 do 42 3-50 3-76 Office of the Superintendent of Police 3-221 3-235 3-333 3-359 43 3-360 3-477 Police Li'1e and Police Officers and Guard 3-600 3-619 4 44 4-1 4-88E(2) Ayyaswamy Pillai Street. Womc'J's College Road 45 4-88C(3) 4-88M(18} Nagarajupeta Road 46 4-89 4-109 do 47 4-109A 4-122 Bader Khan Makhan Street 48 4-123 4-134(10) do 49 4-179 4-261 AYYllswamy Pillai Street 50 4-262 4-343 Sri Hari Rao;Street 51 4-344 4-351 Nagarajupeta area 5 52 5-12 5-18 Jagirdhar Jagannadha Rao Street 5-45 '5-58 5-222 5-308 K. Subba Rao Lane 41'


House Nos. Description of Ward or Block! E. B. No. ,-__ --- -.J--- ___ -_~ the area covered Locality From To in each Enumeration No. Block (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) ----_------


Ward 5 (concld.) 53 5-1 5-12 Jagirdhar Jagannatha Rao Street 5-19 5-44 5-82 5-98J(2) LK. Subba Rao Street 54 5-98(1) 5-98G(:l) Butche Rao Street 5-162 5-285 Anjaneyaswamy Temple Street 55 5-59 5-61 Venkoba Rao Street 5-176 5-213 5-324 5-332 B. Sethu Rao Street ,5-362 5-378 Bhujanga Rao Street 56 5-61A 5-14 Duvvuru Venkoba Rao Street 5-101 5-107 5-151 5-161 Butche Rao Street 57 5-75 5-77(2) do 5-108 5-149A 5-345 5-361 6 58 6-242 6-339 Jyothi Goyindappa Street 59 6-154 6-189A Burandeen Street & Gandholla Chalamaiah 6-340 6-361C Street, Sali Rangaiah Street 60 6-118 6-133 6-149 6-152 Burandeen Street 6-202 6-206 6-211 6-230A 61 6-227 6-236 Gandholla Chalamaiah Street 6-217 6-218C 6-234 6-241B 62 6-51 6-98A Gadicherla Rama Rao Street, Maloni 6-134 6-142 Street, Chalamaiah Street 6-190 6-201 63 6-62 6·104 Gadicherla Rama Rao Street 6-143 6-148D Trunk Road and Gandholla Chalamaiah Street 6-190 6-196 64 6-35A 6-50 Gadicherla Rama Rao Street 6-105 6-117(14) 7 65 7-3 A 7-20 Trunk Road .66 7-21 7-48A Trunk Road and Simhadri Panthulu Street 7-106 7-126 Narasararnaiah Street 67 7-121 1-162 Narasaramaiah Street 420


House Nos. Description of Ward or Blockt E. B.No. ------...A..- - ____ - the area covered Locality From To in each Enumeration No. Block (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

------" ----~------~-----


Ward 7 (caneJd.) 68 7-68 7-105 Simhadri Panthulu Street 7-162 7-167E K.C. Canal Bund 69 7-58G 7-67B Simhadri Panthulu Street 7-167 7-187 Narasaramaiah Street 70 7-249 7-285 Subrahmanyaswamy Temple Street 71 7-286 7-315 do 72 7-51 7-53 Bugga Vanka Area 7-190 7-226

73 7~53A 7-54 Bugga Vanka area 7-289 7-324B Dasthagiripeta area 74 7-335 7-384B(l) do 75 7-385A 7-4160(2) do 8 76 8-160 8-168 Hayath Khan Street 8-205 8-231- Savai Khan Street 8-300 8-325 do 77 8-94 8-96G(I) Trunk Road and Lane 78 8-265 8-297A • Vakkalapeta Road 8-312 8-317 Almaspeta 79 8-105A(I) 8-125C Bellary Road 8-174 8-192 Hayath Khan Street 80 8-168B 8-173 Agadi Area 8-252 8-265A Saipeta Sl 8-8 8-11 Trunk Road 8-120 8-160A do 8-195 8-204 Agadi Area. 82 8-1 8-7 Trunk Road 8-12 8-83(3) do 83 8-84 8-174 84 8-175 8-290 Saipeta. Bellary.Road 9 8S 9-1 9-56 Sri S. Venkataswamy Street 9-128 .9-141(1) Saipeta area 86 9-57 9-63 Saipeta Road 9-91A 9-124 do 87 9-78 9-90 do 9-142 9-171 Amareswara Sastry Slreet 88 9-172 9-22~ Pottipati Chalamaiah Street 89 9-89 9-91 Saipeta Road 9-231 9-286 do 42J


HO'use Nos. Description of 0·. ______...A- _ - ____ -. Ward or Blockl E.B.No. the area covered Locality From To in each Enumeration No. Block (1 ) (2) (3) (4) (5)


. Ward 9 (Conclrl.) 90 9-315 9-334 Pottipati Chalamaiah Street 9i 9-293 9-313 Pottipati Chalamaiah lands 9-334 9-361 do 92 9-289 9-291 do 9-362 9-402 (E) 10 93 10-1 10-17 (2I) Bellary Road 94 10-17 (23) lO-35B do 95 10-65 10-68 do 10-175 lO-2ilA Jagannatha Pillai Street 10-255 10-258B do 96 10-327 10-355A Habibullah Road 97 10-304 10-326 do 10-362 10-391 TlUnk Road 10-406 10-419 do 98 10-56 to-64 BelJary Road 10-139 10-174 Jagannacha Pillai Street 10-212 10·221 do 10-262 10-266 99 \0-250 10-405 Habibul!ah Street and Trunk Road ]00 10-36 10-138 Bellary Road and Channal Bund 101 10-105 10-121 Ballemmandy Street JO-222 lO-249A 11 102 lJ-51 11-78 BelJary Road 103 11-24 11-51-B Kummarakuma Road 104 11-90 11-136 M. Ramabhadrappa Street 11-396 11-4IIA Rabibullah Road 105 11-81 11-90 M. Ramabhadrappa Street 11-1l4 I1-127 Peera Sahib Street 11-381 11-395 Habibullah Street 106 11-6 11-25 Madar Sahib Street 11-144 11-188 Chinna Bestha Street 107 11-189 11-378 Manchala Ramaiah Street 108 11-139 11-144 Peer Sahib Street 11-244 11-28SB Chinna Bestha Street 109 11-254 11-270 Abdul Nabi Street 11-331 11-373 Giddangi Dadesahib Street 422


House Nos. Description of ,-___ - -..A.. ______Ward or Blockl .E. B. No. the area covered Locality From To in each Enumeration No. Block (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)


Ward 12 110 12-194 12-293A Potti Sreeramulu Street 111 12-8 12-45 Madara Street 12-116 12-120A Ammavarisala.Street 12-152 12-158 Kasimsetty Narasanna Street 112 12-124 12-151A Manchalaramaiah Street 12-177 12-193 113 12-1 12-7 Potti Sreeramulu Street 12-47 12-83A Madara Street 12-107 12-1l4A Ammavarisala Street 114 12-121 12-122B Hunumappa Street

\ 12-159 12-176B Potti Sreeramulu Street 12-316 12-327 Uruturu Gangaiuh Street 115 12-84 12-106 Ammavarisala Street 12-213 12-227 Hanumappa Street 12-248 12-251 do 12-294 12-31SA Hanumappa Street lane 12-328A 12-337 Uruturu Gangaiah Street Bader Khan Mazid Street 13 116 13-1 13-75 117 13-76 13-84 do 13-134 13-229 do 118 13-85 13-133 do 13-202 13-285 Darga Bazaar 13-416 13-443 Rahmathulla Street 119 13-240 13-261 Y~dalla Venkatachalam Street 13-315 13-501 do 120 13-291 13-374 Muni Rao Street & Rahmalhulla Street 14 121 14-1 14-19 14-32· 14-62 14-95 14-118 122 14-23 14-31 14-63 14-94 14-119 14-146 14-159 14-167(4) 123 14-l48 14-171A (36) (2) 124 14-152 14-158 Sarkajipuram 14-171A (27) 14-171A (27) (4) Mahaboob Nagar Street 14-177 14-199 125 14-205C (3) 14-205Z (2) Nakash Area 126 14-199A (I) 14-205C (2) do 14-207 14-236A do 127 14-241 14-289 do J28 14-290 14-338 do 15 129 15-1 15-18 Pedda Bestha Street 15-32 15-61 Pedda Bestha Street lane 130 15-62 15-86 Kasaivandla Street 15-118 15-126 Bellary Road 423


House Nos. Description of ______...A... ___ - - - --, Ward or Blockl B.B. No. the area covered Locality From To in each Enumeration No. Block: (I) (2) (3) (4) (5)


Ward 15 (coneld.) 131 15-21 15-30 Kasaivandla Street 15-87 15-168 do 132 15-94 15-118 Bandia mitta Street lane 15-173 15-200 Bandlamitta Street 133 15-200A 15-248 do 134 IS-208B 15-215A do 135 15-248A 15-342 Habibullah Street 16 136 16-1 16-49&183 Sunnapuralla Mitta area 137 16-50 16-72 do 16-182 16-186 do 138 ' 16-73 16-113 Devuni Cuddapah Road 16-419 16-424D Habibullah Street 139 16-158 16-183 Devuni Cuddapah Road 140 16-114 16-213A Masapeta Harijanawada area 141 16-14 16-137 Sunnapuralla Mitta area 142 16-21 16-86 do 143 16-211 ' 16-211C Road 16-248 16-273 do ]44 16-318 16-352 Akula'Malawada Street 145 16-216 16-223 Siddavatam Road area 16-225 16-249 Siddavatam Road area, Devuni Cuddapah Road 16-274 16-307 Murthi Venkata SUbbaiah Street 16-348 16-373 O"vuni Cuddapah Road 146 16-374 16-419 Habibullah Street 17 147 17-1 17..,219 Yadalla Venkatachalam Street & Badar Khan Mazid Street. Mandi Bazar 148 17-220 17-324 Bader Khan, Mazid Street, Sathu Chenganna Street 149 .17-325 17-384 Sathu Chengaiah Street & lane 17·385 17-437 do 150 l 151 17-438 17-539B (I) Sathu Chenganna Street & Habibullah Street 18 152 18-1 18-6 Habibullah Street 18-21 IS-72A Habibullah Street & Meah Sahib Street 153 18-7 18-20 Meah Sahib Street 18-73 18-98 do 18-124 18-137 Meah Sahib Street, Uppu Chennaiah Street 154 18-99 18-123 Gurram Chcnnaiah Street 18-138 18-181 Gurram Chcnnaiah Street, Mandy Sydu Meah Street 155 18-182 18-213 (4) Bader Khan Mazid Street 156 18-235 18-288 do 19 157 19-1 19-30 Madras Road 19-190 19-216 Ahmed Sahib Street 19-245 19-312 do 158 19-31 19-37 Madras, Road 19-77G 19-85 do 424


House Nos. Description of Ward or Block! E.B. No. ------"------the area covered Locality From To in each Enumeration No. Block (1) (2) (3) (4) (5)


Ward 19 (coneld.) 158 19-129 19-136 Haji Oaffoor Sahib Street 19-151 19-169A Ahmed Sahib Stieet lY-217 19-244 159 19-38 19-59 Madras Road 19-70 19-77F do 19-115 19-128 Varas Meah Street 19-!70 19-189 Sowkar Fakecr Sahib Street 160 19-59A 19-72 Madras Road 19-86 19-114B Varas Meah street 19-137 19-150 Jumma Mosque Street , 19-313 19-323 do 20 161 20-174 20-234H Madras Road. Jumma Mazid Street 20-391 20-400 162 20-143 20-173D Bader Khan Mazid Street 20-235 20-259 163 20-119 20-133 Akulavari Street Line 20-152 20-166A Bader Khan Mazid Street 164 20-134 20-151 Bader Khan Mazid Street 165 20-1 20-67 Murthy Venkata Subbaiah Street 20-96 20-101Z Akulavari Street, Mp!. L.I.O.H. Quarters 166 20-260 20-2780(1) Municipal High School & Mpl. L.LG.H. Quarters Street 167 20-279 20-279E(I) Muthyalavandla Choultr1 area and backside 20-3l4Z (44) 20-314Z(56)(4) 168 20-314Z(56) (5) 20-314Z(64) (8) Radha Krishna Nagar 169 20-314Z(21) 20-314 H(I) do 170 20-315 20-364 Cooperative Colony. Radha Krishna Nagar 171 20-38lD(l) 20-390 H(47) do 172 20-365 20-381 D Cooperative Colony. Radha Krishna Nagar Road 21 173 21-1 21-30 B Trunk Road 21-50(1) 21-15eA do 174 21-31 21-49 do 21~150E(I) 21-199 E. Sowcar Fakeer Sahib Street 175 21-200 21-245 Veeraswamy Mundy Street 176 21-246 21-297 Palempapaiah Street 177 21-280 21-352 Salfelt Road 178 21-354 21-377 Seven Roads


Ward 309 1-1 1-102. Cuddapah Road. Ankalammapet 310 1-103 1-163(1) Ankalammapet 1-1 1-40 Cuddapah Road 425


House Nos. Description of the area covered Ward or Blockl E. B. No. ~-_ ---- -...A-_ ------in each Enumeration Locality From To Block No. .------.------~~------~-----.-----~--~---- (I) (2) (3) (4) (5)


Ward 1 (concld.) 311 1-41 ):..171 A nkalammapeta 312 1-1 1-111 Cuddapah Road, Ankalammapeta 313 1-112 1-150 Ankalammapeta 1-1 1-93 Cuddapah Road, Ankalammapeta 314 1-94 1-231 Ankalammapeta 315 1-232 1-356(2) Ankalammapeta Ankalammapet a 316 1-357 1-404 1-1 1-64 Cuddapah Road 317 1-65 1:-240 Ankalammapeta 318 1-7S1 1:'802(5) Gopivihar Street 319 1-803 1-888(1) Nagarigutta 320 1-888(2) 1-900 Nagarigutta 1-901 1 ~954(2) Nagarigutta Nagarigutta 321 1-954(3) 1-995(5) Nagarigutta 322 1-996 1-1050 1-1051 1-1088 Gopivihar Street Jublee Road 323 1-1089 1-1190 Chinnana Rooms Street 324 1-1190(1) 1-1200(1) 1-1201 1-1282 Jublee Road 1-1323 Bulla Veerappa 325 1-1283 Bulla Vcerappa Street.,Main Road. Akula 326 2-1(1) 2-90 2 Street V.M. S.T. Sadhumallappa Street, Main 327 2-91 2-229 Road Christian Lane, Harijanawada, Bhajana 328 2-230 2-267 Z-I'JO 2-243 MandlIam Street Main Road Christian Lane 329 2-244 2-349(2) Christian LatIe, Nagi Reddy Cuttin, Machine 330 2-349(3) '2-443 Centre 3-49(9) Muthyala Ramaiah Street 3 331 3-1 3-113(3) Jandamanu Street, Muthyala Ramaiah Street 332 3-49(10) Jandamanu Street 333 3-114(1) 3-175 3-176 3-237(5) do do 334 3-'237(6) 3-313 3-346(8) do 335 3-314 4-1(1) . 4-46 Jumma Masid Street 4 336 Muthyaia Ramaiah Street, Gadicherla Rama 337 4-47 4-122 Rao Street Reading Room Street. Gadicherla Rama 338 5-1 5-104 5 Rao Street 6-80 Andrews Street, Main Road. Brahmin Street 6 339 6-1 Kanugovavari Street, Ammavari sala Street 340 6-81 6-100 7-112 Kanugovavari Street. Main Road 7 341 7-J(I) 426


House Nos. Description of --- _____ ..A.. ______-_ Ward or Blockl E.B. No. the area covered Locality From To in each Enumeration No. Block ( I) (2) (3) (4) (5)


Ward 8 342 8-1 8-50 Ammavari Sala' Street 343 8-51 8-109(2} Ammavari Sala Street 344 8-110 8-230(1} Gunta Bazar, Edigavari Street 345 8-230(2) 8-261 Pedda Masid .Street 9 346 9-1 9-&9 Gunta Bazar, Raja Reddy Street 347 9-90 9-195 Gunta Bazar 34& 9-1 9-135 Gunta Bazar, Raja Reddy Stred 349 9-136 9-276 Gunta Bazar, Tslanapuram

RA-Y ACHOTl TOWN (Class III) RAY ACHOTl T ALUK Block I 993 1-1 1-165 Reddigaripalle part 994 2-1 2-82 do 2 995 2-83 2-116 Kartagollapalle Mosapet 3 996 3-1 3-144 Mosapet 4 997 4-1 4-99 do ., 5 998 5-100 5-191 do 999 5-1 5-132 do 6 1000 6-1 6-97 do 1001 6-104 One only Kothapalle 1002 6-104 6-119 do 1003 6-1 6-140 do 1004 6-141 6-266 do 7 1005 7-1 7-117 do 1006 1-118 .1-227 do 8 1007 8-1 8-91 do 1008 8-91 8-209 do 9 1009 9-1 9-84 do 1010 9-1 9-70 do 10 lOll 10-1 10-64 do 1012 10-1 10-78 do 11 1013 11-1 11-95 Kothapalle part 1014 11-1 11-106 do 12 1015 12-1 12-175 Trunk Road 1016 12-176 12-254 do 1017 12-1 12-78 do 1018 12-79 12-195 do 13 1019 13-1 13-97 Co-operative colony 1020 13-98 13-116 do 14 1021 14-1 14-167 Bose Nagar 1022 14-163 14-175 do 427


House Nos. Description of - ______...A.. ______~ Ward or Blockl E.B. No. the area covered Locality From To in each Enumeration No. Block (3) (4) (5) (1) (2) _---


Block 15 1023 15-1 15-179 Bose Nagar 1024 15-180 15-212 do 1025 15-114 15-317 do 16 1026 16-1 16-100 Kothapeta 1027 16-101 16-186 do 1028 16-1 16-113 do 17 1029 17-1 17-61 Harinadha Street 1030 17-62 17-128 do 18 1031 18-1 18-154 Rcddi Gafoor Street 19 £032 19-1• 19-116 do 1033 19-117 19-158 do 20 1034 20-1 ?0-135 do 21 1035 21-1 21-129 Kamsala Street 22 1036 22-1 n-112 Gandhi Bazar 23 & 24 1037 23-1 23-97 . do 24-1 24-146 Shukurmeiah Street 25 1038 25-1 25-116 Bepari Buddan Sab Street 26 1039 26-1 26-104 Ponta 27 1040 27-1 27-107 Nayak Sab Street 1041 27-108 27-228. do 28 1042 28-1 28-83 Valmiki Street 29 1043 29-84 29-168 Veerabhadra Swamy Temple Street 30 1044 30-1 30-123 Nadama Peerlu Mekan Street 31 1045 31-1 31-142 Post Office Street, Mangala Street 32 1046 32-1 32-135 do 33 1047 33-1 33-130 Patlia Rayachoti 34 11)48 34-1 34-137A do 35 1049 35-1 35-122 do 36 1050 36-1 36-660 Mittavandlapalle 37 1051 37-67 37-81 Pitchiguntlavandlapalle 38 1052 38-82 38-100 Dudekulapalle 39 1053 39-1 39-78 fodalapalle 40 1054 40-79 40-80 Diguva Madigapalle 41 1055 41-1 41-85 Abbavaramvandlapalle 42 1056 42-86 42-145 Venkata Reddigaripalle 43 1057 43-102 43-137 Kuravapalle 44 1058 44-58 44-101 MaJapalle 45 1059 45-1 45-57 Madigapalle 46 1060 46-140 46-159 Kat takindavandlapalle 47 1061 47-97 47-139 Muneppagaripalle 48 1062 48-1 48-92 Pathapalle 428



Location. Name of E.B. Total Scheduled Scheduled Code Town/Ward/Urban No. Population Castes Tribes No. Block 2 .3 4 5 6


1113/1 BADVEL (P) Total 11,460 1,011 20

Block 1 380 586 2 381 515 3 382 490 3 4 385 409 5 383 570 6 384 579 7 387 662

Total 733 2 6 8 386 154 388 579 2 6 9 389 496 487 10 390 839 6 Ii ~91 404 12 393 531 13 394 573 4 14 395 526 15 396 501 16 397 374 11 398 671 IS 399 598 19 400 485 .. 20 401 326 326 2J 402 400 11 22 39.l 186 186


11/5/11 CUDDAPAH (M) 1'3,125 1,086 929

Ward 1 Total 10,336 1,114 169 1 880 221 11 2 514 112 3 518 12 4 645 10 5 643 6 536 7 637 3 8 798 229 13 9 621 144 10 645 5 18 11 594 6 3 12 741 183 10 13 448 7 14 394 14 7 15 S6S 90 16 539 42 10 17 611 3' 27 429



Location Name of E.B. Total Scheduled Scheduled Code Town/Ward/Urban No. Populat·ion Castes Tribes No. Block 2 3 4 5 6


Ward 2 Total 6,197 186 17 18 730 3 19 647 51 20 550 7 21 690 22 758 6 23 .500 3 6 24 751 55 25 630 18 4 26 468 13 27 473 37

3 Total 9,741 734 97 28 997 28 2 29 605 35 9 30 647 36 25 3i 400 35. 32 508 72 33 604 18 34 647 54 35 701 36 4 36 629 48 2 37 678 62 3 38 510 75 39 471 44 11 40 546 70 41 507 14 42 645 4 43 653 107 37

4 Total 4,349 77 15 44 678 45 695 15 46 351 8 47 492 48 527 49 54t 62 50 545 51 520 7

5 Total 3,142 19 4 52 664 53 436 54 383 55 543 '56 487 57 629 19 4 430



Location Name of E. B. Total Scheduled Scheduled Code Town/Ward/Urban No. Population Castes Tribes No. Block 2 3 4 5 6 .---- CUDDAPAH T ALUK 11/5/11 CUDDAPAH (M) (Contd.)

Ward· 6 Total 3,717 58 776 59 724 60 438 61 383 62 416 63 615 64 435

7 Total 6,093 71 37 65 436 66 480 67 562 68 807 5 69 669 21 17 70 470 '71 456 72 381 5 73 679 7 20 74 541 33 75 612

8 Total 5,80. 403 255 76 525 77 581 30· 78 567 245 79 691 6S 80 743 81 905 3 82 690 6 83 595 84 503 63 246

9 Total ..,611 .. 64 11 85 561 86 379 77 11 87 541 86 88 361 301 89 623 90 700 91 689 92 757

10 Total 4,930 1. 68 93 4S0 7 94 370 S6 9S 433 ·431 APPENDIX TO URBAN PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT


Location Name of B.B. Total Scheduled Scheduled Code Town/Ward/Urban No. Population Castes Tribes No. Block 1 2 3 4 5 6


11/5/11 CUDDAPAH (M) (Con/d.)

Ward 10 (Concld.) 96 455 97 489 98 642 99 640 100 796 10 5 101 655

11 Total 4,134 102 693 !O3 441 104 510 105 305 )06 549 107 588 108 446 109 602

12 Total 3,124 .of 110 623 111 490 112 501 113 451 I J4 369 115 690 ·4

13 Total 2,697 16 116 516 117 521 118 689 16 119 451 120 520

14 Total 5,498 25 16 121 762 122 847 j 5 123 815 6 124 716 I,G 125 647 1.Q 126 690 127 522 5 128 499

15 Total 3,611 ~5 129 426 130 309 131 749 ~S 132 626 133 484 134 543 135 474 • 432 APPENDIX TO URBAN PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT


Location Name of ~ E. B. Total Scheduled Scheduled Code Town/Ward/Urban No. Population Castes Tribes No. Block 2 3 4 5 6


11/5/11 CUDDAPAH (M) (Contd.)

Ward 16 Teta) 6.670 3.315 107 136 768 8 14 137 534 Ito. 138 482 446 139 488 68 4 )40 508 232 141 . 623 135 78 142 596 225 4 143 843 746 144 583 506 145 454 446 7 146 '791 403

17 Teta) 2.648 45 8 147 499 2 148 540 14 8 149 415 150 514 151 680 29

)S Tlltal 3.089 10 152 533 153 827 10 154 190 15S 513 156 406

I~ Teta) 2,034 6 1 157 541 6 158 638 15' 476 160 379

T.ta) 1,041 586 25 161 743 10 15 16Z 76J 21 16); 676. 15 164 649 42 165i 557 6 J66 841 265 3 Jl67 486 1'68: 643 64 1 169' 685 19 1m 108 :; 6 1'71 489 10 l1Z 802 129

Teta) 2,5&5 5 ]73 712 114 353 433



Location Name of E. B. Total Scheduled Scheduled Code Town/Ward/Urban No. Population Castes Tribes No. Block 2 3 4 5 6


1115/11 CUDDAPAH (M) (Concld.)

Ward 21 (Concld) 175 374 176 380 177 362 178 404 5


11/1/111 DOMMARA NANDY AL (P) 7,149 290 I

Block 1 168 519 5 2 169 619 279 3 170 646 4 171 745 5 172 451 6 173 513 2 7 174 713 8 175 612 9 176 687 10 177 704

Karamalavaripalle Total 940 4 t 11 ]78 519 4 1 179 421

11/1/IV JAMMALAMADUGU (P) 26,580 1,30" 15e

Kaimelur Block Total 92.1 9 121 759 9 122 162 2 123 537 i 3 124 689 II 4 125 773 509 i4

Jammalamadugu Block 1 Total 1,195 49 3S 125 706 127 489 49 35

2 Total 845 20 128 154 129 691 20

3 130 536 17 5 434



Location Name of E. B. Total Scheduled Scheduled Code Town/Ward/Urban No. Population Castes Tribes No. Block 1 2 3 4 5 6


Jammalamadugu (Contd.)

Block 4 Total 2.029 41 131 662 132 588 3 133 779 38 S 134 523 6 135 570 1 136 505 6 8 T ..tal 1,109 ,4 137 627 138 482 4

To-tal 9116 139 388 140 598 LG Total 852 2 141 709 2 142 143

1'1, 143 536 12 144 660 B Teta. 146 145 492 146 354

1'4 147 607 S 15 148 522 1'6 149 543 5 9 17 Teta) 785 150 393 151 392

1~ Teta) 893 20 152 489 5 153 404 15

1~ Tetal 1,924 154 691 155 610 156 623

28 157 811 30 21 Totd 1.352 109 18 158 806 91 10 159 546 18 8 435 APPENDIX TO URBAN PRIMARY CENSUS 'ABSTRACT


Location Name of· E. B. Total Scheduled Scheduled . Code Town/Ward/Urban No. Population Castes Tribes No. Block 2 3 4 5 6


Jammalamadugu (Concld.)

Block 22 160 810 27

23 Total 1.989 117 1 161 947 103 1 162 654 14 163 388

24 Total 1,831 359 30 164 575 3 165 793 322 166 464 34 30

25 167 400 I


1l/6/V KAMALAPURAM (P) 9,873 1,498 1.04

Block 195 454 247 2 Total 891 6 196 508 6 197 383 3 198 611 56 4 199 481 -5 200 582 6 201 714

7 202 540 8 203 583 9 2M 730 133 10 205 491 3 Jl 206 460 11 8 12 20-7 531 74 13 Total 94{; 444 3 208 359 359 209 587 85 3 :93 14 Total 1,851 Sit 210 935 189 4 211 923 330 89 436



Location Name of E.B. Total Scheduled Scheduled Code Town/Ward/Urban No. Population Castes Tribes No. Block 2 3 4 5 6


U/4/Vl MADHAVARAM (P) Tetal 7,410 689 119

Block 1 T.tal 1.045 201 313 671 314 374 20)

2 T.tal 928 314 277 315 651

3 T.ta' 1.034 4 26 316 683 4 317 351 26

.. T.tal 1,609 174 84 317 400 318 4~9 6 319 750 168 84

Tela' 1,122 I 9 320 393 -t. 321 729 9

7! T.aa.J 9 •• 322 380 323 601

S 324 fi91 309


JJIIl/Va NAGIREDDWALLE (P) Te-taJ .1,570 2,086 130

Block 1() 191 517 23

III 19Z 759 130 15

lZ T.tllll 136 206 20 193 576 205 20 1~4 26() 1

J3: '95 398 28 2 )41 "17 664 110 4 J5 1"7 662 160 J6 1~ 372 151 17 l~ 480 149 IS 20() 651 587 J~ 201 685 52 12 2{J 202 4% 16 437



Location Name of E. B. Total Scheduled Schedule d Code Town/Ward/Urban No. Population Castes Tribes No. Block 2 3 4 5 6



Block 21 203 465 12 22 204 488 17 54 23 205 490 266 24 206 408 13 25 207 200 122 7


ll/2/VIII PRODDATUR (M) 107,070 5,215 647

Ward 1 Total 2,094 Z 1 673 2 751 2 3 670

2 Total 4,030 311 6 4 139 206 5 625 19 2 6 568 3 7 665 11 8 757 9 676 12 4

3 Total 7,470 154 If 10 844 22 11 879 4 12 758 13 624 42 14 517 15 548 8 16 665 2 17 480 4 18 604 66 19 501 20 571 11 21 479 6

4 Total 5,988 223 5'1 22 723 30 23 551 7 24 665 25 687 202 13 26 559 27 625 OS 28 712 29 658 21 3 30 371 31 437 438



Location Name of E. B. Total Scheduled Scheduled Code Town/Ward/Urban No. Population Castes Tribes No. Block 1 2 3 4 5 6


ll/l/VIII PRODDATVR (M) (Con/d.)

Ward 5 Total 8,989 243 80 32 731 33 641 12 34 665 35 597 () 2 36 Ci85 37 (i39 7 38 (i20 39 557 40 548 41 (i15 42 702 32 43 649 2 12 44 712 23 45 628 ] 61 66

T.tal 4,153 14 46 563 41 55<) 48 498 49' 597 m ST7 ]4 5.1i 'rot 52 658

., Total )0.194 2.559 240 53 494 20 54 534 28 55 589 508 56 542 193 8 51 756 75 9 58 643 66 59 787 fi20 47 6() 757 383 6-.1 752 534 23 e.2 777 7 68 6~ 51)5 45 36 64 588 22 28 65 9(}1 40 1 66 5660 36 67 369 2 68 634

T.tat 3.335 1 37 69 608 70 490 7t 699 16 72 585 16 73 452 1 5 74- 501 439



Location Name of E.B. Total Scheduled Scheduled Code Town/Ward/Urban No. Population Castes Tribes No. Block 2 3 4 5 6


Ward 9 Total 3,479 . 40 36 75 610 76 503 77 550 11 78 653 79 623 20 36 80 540 9 10 Total 2,916 9 49 81 459 82 563 83 360 S 84 627 8 , R5 437 1 4(l R6 470 11 Total 2,494 87 608 88 585 89 610 90 691 12 Total 1,905 91 551 92 474 93 440 94 440 13 Total 2,283 95 628 96 712 97 536 98 407 14 Total 2,684 253 99 513 100 575 242 101 582 11 102 447 103 567 15 Total 5,342 (j 104 522 105 642 106 665 107 758 b 108 624 109 575 110 617 III 484 112 455 16 Total 2,545 a 113 420 114 440 115 504 6 116 623 2 117 558 440



Location Name of E.B. Total Scheduled Scheduled Code Town/Ward/Urban No. Population Castes Tribes No. Block 2 3 4 5 6


Ward 17 Tetal 3,032 235 3 118. 617 119 767 235 3 120 678 121 537 122 433

1. Teta) 2,400 12 123 603 124 598· 12 ]25 590 126 609

19 Teta) 2,124 127 528 128 569 129 593 .. 130 534

20 T.ta. 2,618 815 6 131 573 217 6 132 576 281 133 443 134 590 135 436 317

Total 2,98. 36 136 667 4 137 645 138 580 6 139 576 140 520 26

22 Total 3,655 S3 88 ]41 908 24· 69 142 764 20 19 143 684 144 660 9 145 639

23 Tot•• 2,692 5 146 555 147 565 148 547 5 149 517 )5() 508 . 441 APPENDIX TO URBAN PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT

TOTAL. SCHEDULED CASTES AND SCHEDULED TRIBES POPULAl'ION- URBAN BLOCK-WISE • Location Name of E.B. Total Scheduled Scheduled Code Town/Ward/Urban No. Population Castes Tribes No. Block 2 3 4 5 6


1l/2jVIII PRODDATUR (M) (Concld.)

Ward 24 Total 3,380 19 S 151 613 3 152 611 8 S 153 582 154 549 155 498 156 527 8

25 Total 4.484 51 11 J57 692 20 158 613 159 637 .. 160 576 161 671 37 162 780 '3 ]63 SIS

26 Total 5,010 150 .5 164 601 165 655 165 626 4 167 610 168 634 46 J 169 670 104 170 661 171 .541 27 Total 2,211 11 .. 172 586 11 4 ]73 588 174 556 175 481

28 Total 2,415 1 176 605 " 177 712 178 572 179 586 Ii


II/S/IX PULIVENDLA (P) 21,104 J;806 53.

Ward 1 Total 9,532 291 351 309 621 23 310 590 4 311 575 3l.l 579 4 313 519 35 442



Location Name of E. B. Total Scheduled Scheduled Code Town/Ward/Urban No. Population Castes Tribes No. Block 1 2 3 4 5 6


1l/8JIX PULlVENDLA (P) (Ct~ncld.)

War" 1 (ColtCld.) 314 521 315 551 6 J16 481 317 604 2 39 318 655 8 78 319 633 24 32() 776 lS 36 nr 588 32 10 122 452 112 109 3'23 601 95 4 324 590 11 325 190 110 . Z Tota' 2,934 1,048 326 454 8 }6 327 639 150 94 328' 617 472 329' 492 409 330' 732 9 Tet., 3,121 364 12 331 862 283 12 332 664 52 333 756 334 635 8 335 204 2\ Tota·J 551 23 336 189 10 331 362 1'3 5 338 537 6 Total 461J 319 395 340 65 7 341 491 s: Tetd 1,27!J 342 196 343' 328' 344' 654 345 IO!

Tetllll' 2.199' 79 50 346 377 S9 341 437 4 10 348" 793 16 8 149- 59Z 32 443



Location Name of E.B. Total Scheduled Scheduled Code Town/Ward/Urban No. Population Castes Tribes No. Block 2 3 4 5 6


ll/ll/X RAJAMPET (P) 19,927 1,608 434

Ward 1 Total 1,756 167 33 345 704 167 16 346 559 17 347 493 2 Total 3,266 40 7:75 348 526 14 85 350 626 20 54 349 587 4 135 351 433 1 352 516 2 353 578 3 Total 1,169 354 598 355 571 4 Total 1,838 26 4S 356 610 26 4 357 816 41 358 412 .. 5 Total 2,128 24 359 537 10 •2 360 578 361 458 8 1 362 555 6 6 Tetal 4,940 523 .31 363 553 3 8 364 576 62 365 617 22 4 366 466 278 367 464 368 666 103 1& 369 586 18 t4 370 578 35 371 434 2 7 Total 1,646 ()36 372 528 373 584 336 , 374 534 300 8 Total' 1,174 149 26 375 565 143 26 376 609 6 9 Total 2,010 43 16 377 505 2 378 458 379 420 380 627 41 Hi 444 APPENDIX TO URBAN PRIMARY CENSUS ABSTRACT


Location Name of E.B.-- Total Scheduled Scheduled Code Town/Ward/Urban No. Population Castes Tribes No. Block 1 2 3 4 5 6


U/10JXI RAYACHOTI (P) 35,257 1,557 155

Block 1 Total 1,179 149 993 755 146 994 424 3 2 99S 404 7 3 996 767 4 997 482 S Total 1,023 998 436 999 587 6 Total 1,719 216 1000 548 216 1001 680 1002 96 )003 395 "1 1004 636 , T.ta' 1,147 1005 334 ]006 525 ]007 398 1008 590 Tetal 1.170 1009 597, 1010 573

Teta) 1.083 57 1011 519 .' 1012 564 57

n Tota.• 1,631 126 8 1013 748 1014 883 126 8 T.tal 2,464 83 17 1015 879 72 1016 SOl 1017 584 11 17 ]018 550 liJ Tetllll 1,108 6 9 1019 553 6 1020 555 9 ll4 Total 1,507 28 24 ]021 747 27 6 1022 760 1 18 44S



Location Name of E.B. Total Scheduled Scheduled Code Town/Ward/Urban No. Population Castes Tribes No. Block 2 3 4 5 6


lillO/XI RAYACHOTI (P) (Contd.)

Block IS Total 2,140 24 18 1023 728 3 3 . 1024 748 21 15 1025 664 16 Total 1,681 40 33 1026 406 1027 493 6 1028 782 34 .31 17 Total 814 Jl 1029 403 IS 1030 411 18 18 Total 845 7 1031 405 1032 440 7 19 1033 529 20 1034 660 21 1035 424 22&23 1036 625 , 24 1037 778 .. 2S 1038 590 26 1039 502 27 Total 1,015 1040 534 1041 551 28 1042 498 29 1043 395 30 1044 623 31 1045 630 32 1046 726 :I ~ 33 1047 S88 34 1048 7M 35 1049 595 1'84 36 1050 295 13 II 37 1051 31 38 lO52 137 2; 39 1053 301 40 1054 36 36 41 1055 422 l'i ~! 42 1056 257 8S 43 1057 137 9 13 44 1058 162 162 446



Location Name of E.B. Total Scheduled Scheduled Code Town/Ward/Urban No. Population Castes Tribes No. Block 2 3 4 5 6


Block 45 1059 213 213 46 1060 90 41 1061 249 48 1062 418 28 MUDDANUR T ALUK ll",XII VEPARALA (P) 5.194 172 Block 1 165 498 2 l(i6 240 172 3 168 SSt ]70 539 5" 171 669 6 Tela. 854 167 323 169 531 1 Teta. 839 172 597 173 242 J 1J5 616 91 114 388 KAMALAPURAM TALUK 1116tXm YERRAGUNTLA. (1") 11.714 ],236 127 Block 1 T.W 1.265 243 212 554 6 213 711 237 Tela} 1,,401 100 6 214 761 100 6 215 640 T.ta.l ].794 ]65 72 216 663 7 217 668 132 58 218 463 26 14 4 Totu 3,567 ]92 45 219 622 ]5 220 700 18 221 543 20 26 222 739 53 13 223 963 86 6 5 'fetal 1,063 49 224 465 45 225 598 4 'Ieta.1 1.091 270 4 226 392 7 227 699 263 4 7 T.tat 1.603 217 228 519 ZIZ 229 134 23


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Page Column No. No. Reference For Read

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)


[44] 21 Table 10 - Proddatuf (T) 42.15 42.16 [50] 3 Table 20 - Jammalamadugu (P) 11.17 11.87


18 3 60 Set ti varipalle 2,337.91 2,237.91 - 18 8 76 South Mydukur PO,TO.PTO PO.TO,PTO, Phone 25 13 12 Pullareddipal1e EGA EAG 27 11 29 Moolapalle PR KR 27 14 27 Varikunta Rice Rice Ragi 28 6 44 Sankavaram FPC FPC.CHW 28 13 44 Sankavaram ED ED,EAG 29 16 49 Savisettipalle T (91.05) T (91.06) 29 17 49 Saviset tipalle 892.73 819.89 37 15 114 Rekalakunta 5.433.77 5,439.77 37 16 116 Dirasavancha W (263.34) W (263.04) 45 16 5 Kamalakur W (56.66) W (56.65) 47 18 13 Kondur 125.40 J 55.40 47 16 23 Atlur WE (33.29) WE (33.99) 51 13 52 Nekanapuram EAG ED.EAG 51 13 53 Shaka raj upaUe ED,EAG EAG 51 13 54 Gangaperur EA ED,EAG 53 19 77 Mangampeta 23.18 23.88 61 18 51 U pparapalle 327.69 327.39 70 3 6 Chilamakurru 3,8lO.66 3.810.11 70 3 12 Yerraguntla 114.14 1,378.00 75 17 35 Urutur 2,073.16 2.173.16 75 18 36 Veldurthi 205.68 205.58 77 19 54 Podadurthi 849.14 849.84 87 15 70 Chinna Dudyala 77.73 77.70 87 17 74 Nallaballe 276.18 276.80 96 7 80 Ramireddipalle W,TW,TK W.T.TK 97 20 72 Polepalle W.TW.TK Ml 97 18 83 Pendluru 142.48 142.45 98 9 87 Velupula 10+ 5-10 109 17 44 GarugupalJe 323.13 789.13 109 18 44 Garugupalle 424.75 323.75 114 3 15 Madhavaram 3,117.30 3,187.30 118 3 2«) Rayachoti 1.829.98 3,978.00 118 3 35 Narayanareddipalle 1,680.13 1.687.13 120 3 45 Peddinenikal va 934.85 934.82 122 3 50 . Gundlapalle 2.486.73 2,486.79 123 19 47 Madithadu 1,562.77 1,569.77 123 18 50 Gundlapalle 25.30 26.30 125 17 61 Kalibanda 254.96 254.95 130 7 6 Kommuru W.R W.F 132 3 24 Thirumalarajupet 191.12 191.82 134 3 46 Nagireddipalle 582.74 582.00 136 3 64 Bahirajupalle 18<4.25 194.25 141 19 16 Ramasamudram 33.44 38.44 145 18 39 Nethivaripalle 3.69 7.69 2

Pa,e Column No. No. Reference For Read

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

ISS 21-30 Range Sidhout Taluk 7 Ramapuram 7 Ramapurarn (North) 158 31+ Range Sidhout Taluk 8 Ramapuram 8 Ramapuram (South) 168 0-5 Range Rayachoti TaJuk 66 Levapatla 66 Devapatla 173 3 39 KothapaHe hamlet 1 Kothapalle 1 Meenapuram 173 4 33 KaJluru 80 89 175 5 61 Pedda Jonnavaram 18 19 176 4 79 Thallamapuram 71 72 180 5 87 Nagisettipalle 31(') 136 181 6 106 Rajuralem 19 10 185 6 29 Kurugun tapalle 62 61 195 6 65 Mundlapalle 20 29 199 4 16 Indukuru 40 41 200 4 26 Letapalle 53 52 200 4 35 Pandillapalle 72 27 201 4 5 'Bondalakunta 60 69 203 6 50 Obannapeta 68 5S 203 4 75 Yamavaram 66 65 270 5 4 HI Jammalamadugu (p) 1,455 1,454 271 13 10 IV Rajampet (P) BWP (7) BWP (70) 272 8 IV Badvel Tirupati Tirupati (16) (165) 273 10 & 11 13 IV Yerragunt!a Proddatur Proddatur (15) 279 5 10 Rayachoti Taluk R 34,731 34,357 279 9 7 Muddanur Taluk R 44,0&1 34,031 279 5 11 Rajampet Taluk T 23,931 23,938 280 20 20 Dommara Nandya! (P) 2,251 2,258 210 27 3 Badve! Taluk R 13,630 14,630 281 26 6 Kamalapuram Taluk U 1,416 1,316 281 26 11 Rajampet Taluk T 9,109 9,107 282 28 CUDDAP AH DISTRICT T 46,544 46,344 282 34 CUDDAPAH DISTRICT U 4,392 5.392 283 38 Rajampet (P) U 4,344 4,841 286 8 Jammalamadugu Taluk U 6.691 16,691 322 3 11 Gujj ulavaripalle 699.33 699.30 333 3 55 yadavapuram 409.16 409.14 356 21 Muddanur Taluk U 1.265 1,266 374 15 21 Lakkireddipalle 1,362 1.363 1981 CENSUS PUBLICATIONS


Series-2 Andhra Pradesh

Part I-A Administration Report - Enumeration Part I-B Administration Report - Tabulation Part II-A General PopUlation Tables - A Series Part II-B Primary Census Abstract III-A Part ~ General Economic Tables-B Series lII-B J IV-A 1 Part >- Social and Cultural Tables-C Series IV-B J V-A Part ~' Migration Tables-D Series V-B J VI-A 1 Part >- Fertility TabJes-F Series VI-B J Part VlI Tables on Houses and Disabled population Part VIII-A HH'Series Tables covering material of construction of Housel Part VIII-B Tables HH-17. HH-17 SC and HH-17 ST Part IX Special Tables on SC & ST Part X-A Town Directory Part X-B Survey Reports on Selected Towns Part X-C Survey Reports on Selected Villages Part XI Ethnographic studies on SC & ST Part XII Census Atlas


District Census Handbooks

:part XIlI-A Village & Town Directory & ~ B J Village & Town Primary Census Abstract (One Volume for each district)

* Available for sale at the Publication Bureau, Government Central Press, Chenchalguda, Hyderabad-SOO 659