Journal of the GRACE Evangelical Society “Faith Alone In Christ Alone” Journal of the GRACE Evangelical Society Volume 16 Autumn 2003 Number 31 Journal of the GRACE EVANGELICAL SOCIETY “Faith Alone in Christ Alone” VOLUME 16 AUTUMN 2003 NUMBER 31 A Response to Robert Sungenis’s Not by Faith Alone EDITOR 3-16 TULIP: A Free Grace Perspective Part 2: Unconditional Election ANTHONY B. BADGER 17-42 The Gospel Under Siege JEREMY D. MYERS 43-48 Old Testament Salvation—From What? RENÉ A. LOPEZ 49-64 The Marrow Controversy MICHAEL D. MAKIDON 65-77 Book Reviews 79-88 Periodical Reviews 89-95 Journal of the GRACE EVANGELICAL SOCIETY Published Semiannually by GES Editor Robert N. Wilkin Production Michael Makidon Cathy Beach Manuscripts, periodical and book reviews, and other communications should be addressed to Michael Makidon, GES, P.O. Box 155018, Irving TX 75015-5018. Journal subscriptions, renewals, and changes of address should be sent to the Grace Evangelical Society, P.O. Box 155018, Irving, TX 75015-5018. You may call us at (972) 257-1160, fax to (972) 255-3884, or E-mail to
[email protected]. Subscription Rates: single copy, $7.50 (U.S.); 1 year, $15.00; 2 years, $28.00; 3 years, $39.00; 4 years, $48.00 ($10.00 for active full- time student members). Please include $3.50 per year for shipping ($10 per year for international orders). Members of GES receive the Journal at no additional charge beyond the membership dues of $15.00 plus shipping. Purpose: The Grace Evangelical Society was formed “to promote the clear proclamation of God’s free salvation through faith alone in Christ alone, which is properly correlated with and distinguished from issues related to disciple- ship.” Statement of Faith: “Jesus Christ, God incarnate, paid the full penalty for man’s sin when He died on the Cross of Calvary.